A purulent wound in a dream. Pus comes out according to the dream book

In most cases, a dream with pus, regardless of the circumstances, represents bad sign. It portends an event that will affect both mental and physical state. If you go by Miller's dream book, pus coming out of a wound is a manifestation of old grievances.

Pus can mean dissatisfaction with your intimate life. accumulates in a person large number sexual energy that has nowhere to throw out, even if there is a partner.

In the dream book of dream interpreter Zhou-Gong, pus with blood symbolizes grace. The dreamer expects great luck and, possibly, winnings. It may seem like the wrong step, but any action will bring success.

Location of pus on the body

Pus in front of an adult foreshadows a crime or an unpleasant act. It will not be possible to tell anyone about it, since this will be done by a loved one. But there is also a positive interpretation of such a dream. Pus flowing from the eyes symbolizes favorable changes that will occur in the near future. Pus covering the eyes is sometimes interpreted as a person being unable to see something important to them.

If you dream of pus from your chest, then in the near future you will have to pay off old debts. The most interesting thing is that the number of allocations will correspond to the number of repaid debts. Breastfeeding women often dream that pus comes out of their breasts instead of milk, but this does not bode well.

Suppuration on the leg symbolizes a journey or a tempting offer that will change your life. This foreshadows new project, which, despite its imperfections, will bring good profits.

If pus is squeezed out on the face in a dream, the dream book says that someone is trying to drag the dreamer into a bad deed, perhaps pushing him to commit a crime. For a young girl, this means that she needs to be very careful and not take steps that are not fully thought through. This could undermine her authority.

Seeing boils, abscesses and pimples all over the body signifies for girls dissatisfaction with their work. In the future, this can lead to depression, which can seriously affect your health. It might be worth looking for a job that you like. For representatives of the stronger sex, a dream with many purulent pimples on the body marks someone’s psychological pressure.

Pus on a finger or hand indicates that the dreamer is tired and he no longer has a goal, he has nothing to strive for. He wants to give responsibility to someone.

If you dream of suppuration in the ear, this foreshadows a disease of the ears, this is how the subconscious gives a sign of alarm. It can be deciphered as a deception of loved ones. Also, pus from the ears indicates that the dreamer knows many secrets that will have to be told.

What happened in a dream with pus or an abscess

Of great importance in the interpretation of sleep is further action with a pimple or abscess. So, if the abscess bursts on its own without outside help, therefore, all problems and issues will be resolved on their own. If the boil is not squeezed out, it is a symbol of the appearance of serious problems in the future.

If the dreamer helps someone in a night vision to squeeze out an abscess, it means that he will or is already helping this person in life. Feeling severe pain when suppuration breaks through, portends that old grievances will come to light. A dream in which a lot of pus flows out of a wound interprets a profitable business.

Most often, the dreamer independently tries to solve problems with abscesses and suppuration, namely:

  • if you ask someone to help you squeeze out a purulent pimple or blackheads, you need the help of relatives or friends;
  • usage medicines to kill acne says that life experience will be able to help turn the current situation to his advantage, to benefit from a business that most likely will not bring success;
  • If you dream that you are wrapping a wound after a boil or abscess with a bandage, this indicates an unexpected profit from a long-forgotten project.

Sometimes a dream is multi-layered, and every detail in it has its own meaning. Decipher similar dream not easy. An example of such a dream is a night vision in which a child with festering eyes appears. A child always dreams of problems, troubles, and a hectic life.

Eyes are a symbol state of mind person. If they are sick, it indicates unhappiness or concern for loved ones. Pus - soon all problems will be a thing of the past. Thus, pus in the eyes of children portends the occurrence of difficult situation, because of which there will be great excitement, but everything will end well.

A dream in which suppuration is present often indicates unexpected wealth and good luck. And although many perceive pus as an unpleasant, cloudy discharge, in fact it is an indicator of struggle, the removal of everything unnecessary and dangerous from life. From this point of view, such a dream should instill confidence in a positive outcome of the matter.

Numerous dream books explain differently the dream in which there was pus. In order to correctly recognize what this dream warns about, it is necessary to remember and consider all the details: the actions performed with the abscess, the condition and color of the wound, the pain of the abscess, the presence or absence of blood.

Opinions of interpreters and psychologists

Often, pus in a dream is interpreted as a bad omen that will negatively affect the dreamer’s health. According to Freud, pus in a dream represents a person’s sexual dissatisfaction, accumulated energy that has no outlet, even if there is a regular sexual partner.

By Zhou's dream book Guna pus with blood dreams of good luck, big win. Do not be afraid of making the wrong decision - any step will bring success.

Miller has a purulent wound or abscess - the consequences of long-standing grievances will appear. Squeezing a large pimple means resolution controversial issues. If you dream of pus with blood, it means winning or soon material well-being. A bloody ichor seen in a dream also promises good luck.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

Abscess in a dream

A purulent abscess is a symbol of what prevents you from enjoying life. A dream about an abscess is an old, unresolved problem.

If you dreamed that pus appeared all over your body, there is a possibility of receiving financial assistance or easy money. Dream books explain positively night vision with the removal of pus from a pimple: life will improve, it will be calm and harmonious, minor problems will go away.

Dreaming of squeezing a pimple symbolizes a disease that is present in the body, but will be cured. If, in the absence of a real illness, pain is felt in a dream, a painful breakup with a loved one or a good acquaintance awaits.

A bursting abscess is a sign of a positive resolution of cases. Soon difficult situation, stretching long time, will disappear forever.

Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

Breakout pimples

The interpretation of a dream with a purulent pimple depends on its location on the body. If in a dream your whole body is covered with small ulcers, this is an indication of dissatisfaction with the results of your work: many useless actions that do not bring a positive effect.

Pimples on a girl’s face warn against rash actions that will lead to condemnation and loss of authority. A man who has had such a dream should be wary - he will be disappointed in life, which will have a bad effect on his mental health.

Squeezing out a purulent pimple on your own is a warning about a possible criminal case. You should not contact strangers or accept help from them. An abscess with a large amount of pus symbolizes possible betrayal on the part of business partners or those in whom a person has deep trust.

Pus on different parts of the body

Dream books indicate that pus emanating from the eyes warns of positive changes in the financial sector. According to another interpretation, there is a high probability of being present at an unlawful act committed by a loved one.

If a nursing woman dreams of pus in the breast, then it is empty, nothing meaningful dream. This is a consequence of physiological inconvenience associated with the pressure of milk on the mammary glands.

For a woman, a dream predicts a quick settlement with creditors. The more pus you dream about, the more debts you can pay off or cancel.

Pus coming from the nose indicates a confusing situation in life that has arisen due to false information. This will lead to loss of property and misunderstandings on the part of the immediate environment.

There are several explanations for dreaming of pus near the ear:

  • you will have to reveal secret information that a person possesses. This will be a forced measure necessary to preserve life;
  • there is false information spread by people you know;
  • there is a real ear disease, which the subconscious mind warns the sleeper about.

Pus flowing from the finger warns of a serious illness. Need to pay attention to sleep special attention if the abscess is painful and there is a lot of pus.

In the mouth

In dream books you can find a warning about a dream in which the dreamer saw pus in the oral cavity. This is a possible quarrel due to misunderstandings that have arisen in the family environment. If you start to sort things out in front of strangers, there is likely to be a threat of a protracted conflict with ongoing scandals.

A dream with a purulent abscess in the mouth indicates the dreamer’s existing oratory talent. According to another dream book, this is interpreted as a warning: do not speak badly about other people, do not spread defamatory information.

The warning is especially relevant if a purulent substance is spit out in a dream: a thoughtless response to someone else’s proposal will lead to a major conflict and changes in fate. For a married person, this dream is a harbinger of the dissolution of family ties.

Seeing a purulent throat in a dream is good sign: a really existing negative situation will be easily resolved. Old problems may come back to haunt you, but this can be avoided if everything is resolved calmly, without aggression. A positive sign will be a dream of a purulent sore throat: it will happen soon fateful meeting.

A dream in which a cloudy, thick liquid flows from your gums is a good harbinger: relationships with many people will improve, and reconciliation with loved ones will occur.

A painful tooth is a warning about a disease. Suppuration around such a tooth symbolizes the appearance of complications of an existing disease. It is worth paying attention to your health: get tested and get cured.

Why do you dream about pus coming out?

The accumulated contents of the wound represent long-standing grievances and issues that were not resolved in time. The pus coming out means that the person’s soul is freed from accumulated negativity, and things will gradually begin to be resolved. If the person who had the dream felt severe pain, and blood came out of the wound along with pus, then he will have to conflict with relatives, sort things out and speak out sharply on some issue.

Some interpreters interpret a dream in which pus flows from an open wound as making a profit. If the dreamer makes an effort to cleanse it, then in reality he will try hard to achieve his goals. You may have to seek someone's help.

Why do you dream about pus coming out of your finger?

An abscess in this place promises a well-paid job. But pus flowing from the finger also has a less favorable interpretation. In some interpreters, the image indicates that the dreamer no longer has the strength to resist emerging circumstances and that he is ready to surrender to the mercy of fate. Watching the purulent contents leave a wound on your finger means suffering from old grievances that have surfaced. A dream in which an abscess is opened is deciphered as a conspiracy hatched against the dreamer.

Why do you dream of pus on your face?

  • - a repulsive-looking pimple on the nose promises a new business for a man, and a pleasant acquaintance for a woman;
  • - pus on the face personifies the dreamer’s prudence and self-confidence;
  • - if in a dream cloudy exudate flowed from the ears, then in reality the dreamer will share it with someone important information, although he will reproach himself for revealing someone else’s secret;
  • - pus in the throat is a warning. The dreamer needs to watch his words, as they can hurt loved ones. Did you spit it out in your sleep? This means that you still won’t be able to keep your mouth shut, and this will provoke a conflict.

Squeeze out pus

If you did this with the help of someone, then in reality you will need the support of loved ones. Squeeze out pus using pharmaceutical drugs- means in reality using all possible means to achieve your goals and gain benefits. If, after completing all the necessary manipulations, you bandage the wound, then you will have to return to old projects and affairs that you have already forgotten about. But this time you will successfully complete what you started. To observe inflammation in another person means to become seriously ill in reality.

Why do you dream about a lot of pus?

Purulent contents flowing abundantly from the gums promise changes for the better. This applies to interpersonal relationships, so if you ever had a quarrel with a loved one, then you will definitely make peace with him. Seeing a lot of pus flowing from the chest means giving out numerous debts in reality. If the dreamer observed cloudy discharge coming out of a painful wound in an endless stream, then in reality he should take care of his health. Pus leaving a tooth has an unfavorable interpretation: such a dream indicates the presence of a serious illness that requires immediate treatment.

Dreams are a reflection of our internal state: what worries us during the day is embodied in dreams by the subconscious at night. Such an unpleasant phenomenon as pus has different interpretations, both positive and negative.

To correctly interpret this image, it is necessary to take into account whether you were in pain, whether it was present, on what part of the body the pus was located and what your actions were.

Positive interpretation

In the old days it was believed that pus portends wealth and prosperity. Getting dirty with this liquid in a dream means getting it in reality and improving your well-being. A burst abscess has the same meaning, which can also predict the resolution of a haunting problem.

And now most dream books are unanimous in the opinion that pus in dreams is a harbinger of imminent profit. However, this interpretation has its limitations. It is correct if there is no blood in the pus. Otherwise, the dream will have a negative meaning (this is discussed in detail below).

If you dreamed of an abscess on another person's body, it means that you will help someone solve a problem.

Negative value

A negative interpretation of the dream is given from the point of view of psychoanalysis. Since pus is not a pleasant phenomenon, the reconstruction of its image by our subconscious indicates about some mental trauma of the dreamer, with which he cannot part with.

It is possible that a pain, shock or strong resentment experienced long ago still weighs on you and haunts you. Such a dream should be taken as a sign transmitted by the subconscious: there is something that should be gotten rid of in order to make life easier for yourself. And it’s up to you to decide: take measures to eliminate the cause of anxiety and worry, or leave everything as it is.

However, if you see an open abscess, you can interpret this as a sudden resolution of some problem that has been tormenting you for a long time.

The image of a doctor opening an abscess has a similar meaning.

If an abscess does not hurt in a dream, this may be a warning that you should be more observant of the state of your affairs. Perhaps there are some problems that you do not notice due to inattention. But all “ulcers” break out sooner or later, so be prepared.

It is believed that such a dream indicates the presence disagreements with loved ones, colleagues. Seeing pus with blood in a dream means becoming an object of someone’s cunning or deception.

A festering and bleeding wound with unpleasant smell portends the possible appearance of a disease or illness that will last a long time and be difficult.

If another person in your dream is bleeding, this indicates that you need to be more careful: perhaps someone you know will soon find themselves in a difficult and unpleasant situation and will need your support.

Clothes stained with pus, means that in reality the difficulties you experience will also affect your loved ones. Try to be sympathetic towards them and do not refuse outside help yourself.

Pus in the ears

This dream predicts a lie. If you see a purulent wound in your ear, be prepared: you may be deceived. Accordingly, if the abscess was strong and painful, the lie would be big. You should not be overly trusting of people. Be careful, follow folk wisdom"Trust, but verify."

In the mouth

This unpleasant sign warns: talk less. Try to be reserved and polite when dealing with people. Think several times before you say anything! Otherwise, by saying negative words to someone, you can become the initiator of a quarrel. Isn’t it better to remain silent, even if something doesn’t suit you, than to reap the fruits of discord later?

In the eyes

This image symbolizes old conflict. Such a dream suggests that you will have to delve into old grievances.

Perhaps you are already dealing with old problems, and this is what is occupying you most now. Get rid of the subject of anxiety as soon as possible.

On the hand

This image in a dream of pus means the disclosure of internal potential, the manifestation of hidden talent.

A dream in which the dreamer's hands were covered with sores or pimples predicts disappointment, sadness.

On the leg

If you dreamed of a festering pimple on your leg, it means that a long-term problem awaits you soon. road. This image promises something new and interesting. Perhaps it will be an exciting adventure.

Abscess on the face

This dream is a harbinger illness of someone. If pus comes from the abscess, this is an indicator of self-confidence and self-esteem.

Wound with pus on the chest

Such a dream marks debt recovery. The more money you get, the more debt obligations you will be able to pay off. It doesn’t have to be a monetary amount; perhaps you have unfulfilled promises or obligations?
If this image was dreamed of by a nursing woman, then it only reflects a state of discomfort.

Pus from finger

The dream could be a harbinger well paid job(if we recall the interpretation of pus as an image of wealth) or serious illness.

If the abscess on the finger hurts and abscesses, this is an alarming sign. You should pay more attention to your health.

From tooth

Such dreams often signal the presence or emergence of diseases. They are usually dreamed of by those who are negligent about their health. Therefore, if you dreamed of such an image, you should carefully monitor your health and take therapeutic measures in a timely manner.

Purulent acne

  • on your back - you are wasting time on unnecessary things
  • on the nose - a love adventure awaits you
  • on your stomach - you are rushing things too much
  • on the neck - someone will give you a good rating

Remove pus- a harbinger of a quick resolution of problems, finding answers to pressing questions.

But if someone else removed your pus, then in reality you will not be able to cope with the problems that have piled up on your own, without outside help.

If you tried to get rid from an abscess that appeared on the body, but you didn’t succeed - this is a harbinger of difficult, futile work. And if the liquid was still extracted, but with difficulty, then in reality, having made good efforts to complete some task, you will definitely achieve a good result and your efforts will be rewarded.

If you removed pus from another person’s body, then you are in danger of facing a problem when you have to make a choice between compassion and a sense of duty.

Another interpretation says that squeezing pus on the body of another person foreshadows an imminent meeting with him.

Wipe away pus. Performing this action in a dream suggests that you will be able to avoid the dangerous consequences of illness or disease if you are attentive to your health.

  • in an animal - you will act intuitively
  • na - search for a new partner
  • accidentally damaging an abscess means finding yourself in an absurd situation.

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    See in dream abscess, Squeeze pus from it - the old problem will be solved. This forecast is also based on physiology - Abscess(Abscess) symbolizes something that has long darkened your life. And the burst one Abscess- a sign that your problem will finally be solved, and everything will work out well for you. If dreamed abscess didn’t cause you any trouble, which means in reality you are too... ¬ more. Read more

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    Pus in dream– Profit, this is how the dream book interprets this dream. Ukrainian dream book. What does it mean when dreaming Pus: Pus – Pus in dream- trouble, some losses. Throw pus on the cart - there will be money; pus on the pile is good, sniffing is an inheritance, pus in the house is poor. Why dreaming Pus Wed January 13, 2016, 10:11:31. squeezed out at his son's abscess on the forehead. Vladimir.Read more

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    See in dream ulcers on your body - illness, illness of a loved one. Dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. Purulent wound in dream- means some old conflict that can painfully remind itself again. dreamed about it that it hurt me to walk, I looked at my foot and saw an abscess and began to press and there was a lot pus I him squeezed out into her palm and said look how much there is pus. But the pus did not end and press it was painful.Read more

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    Press insects in dream, Press beetles or flies Press in dream worms or spider, Press in dream larvae, Press cockroaches or ants - trouble. The Insects you saw are everyday troubles, problems and hitches in business. Dream gives a forecast that in reality you will have to actively fight them. Hello! From Sunday to Monday dreamed as if a boil had come out on my leg and I squeezed out. There was a lot pus.AND squeezed out like in the toilet. What does this mean? Read more

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    If in dream You squeezed out pimple on your face, then you should pay attention to your appearance. Perhaps you can achieve inner harmony if you understand what exactly you don’t like about your own appearance and correct it. Dream in which you squeezed out a pimple on your body indicates that you negatively evaluate your own actions in real life. Read more

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    See in dream an abscess from which blood and pus flow: a prediction of unpleasant events that will happen to you in the near future. Perhaps the insincerity of your friends will cause your disappointment. If you dreamed that you have an abscess on your forehead: this is a sign of an approaching illness of one of your loved ones. If squeeze out pus from an abscess on your face - you will meet a boorish attitude in a public place and demand a book of complaints. Read more

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    Dream interpretation - when dreamed many pus in dream, or even a bunch pus, in most cases this is a warning dream. Dream with Pus can warn about special life events, as well as about upcoming negative ones. Pus- Modern dream book. Dreamed To you abscess, which does not hurt - often like this dream is a warning that you are actually too careless, and it is precisely because of this that there can be quite serious troubles. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Why dreaming purulent Acne in dream according to the dream book? Had a dream that pus is coming out of a pimple - some negative situations and emotions from the past will make themselves felt again and cause you a lot of trouble. I was standing near the mirror squeezed out cheek, small. And a big green one came out abscess. And there was a hole left on the face, there was loose skin, there was no blood. Reply.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    Press in dream big purulent pimple - improve your financial situation. Doing this in front of strangers means overcoming complexes. Squeeze from someone else - to meet this person. If dreamed about it purulent pimples you had press on your face, this means that you are on the verge of a new relationship. And when dreaming what are you trying to get rid of pustule on your neck, this means that you will soon be able to realize your plans. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Just like that dream encourages you to take the first step towards getting rid of what in reality prevents you from living. If you dreamed about it acne on the body, the dream book advises you to seriously think about whether you are doing your own business. Dream reminds you that you need to work in order to live, but not vice versa. If you succeed in dream squeeze out purulent pimple, yours dream means that you have finally stopped clinging to the past, are discovering new horizons for yourself and intend to move towards them. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "dreaming"

    If a woman dreaming that she presses a pimple on the tip of your own nose, similar to dream promises a quick acquaintance with a short gentleman and a possible romantic relationship. If during squeezing out pimples on the body, a lot of them come out pus- the sleeper should prepare for a series of good events, prosperity and sudden wealth. Dream Interpretation Pus squeeze dreamed, why dreaming Pus...