Seeing a large needle in a dream. What does it mean to see a Needle in a dream in Tsvetkov’s Dream Book? Meaning of sleep Needle

Needles are often perceived by us as an attribute that is used in various magical rituals. Therefore, if you see a needle in a dream, then a person certainly wants to know why such an object is dreamed of. You should know that a needle seen in a dream has nothing to do with magic. And to find out what this sewing attribute means in a dream, it is advisable to remember the smallest details of night dreams.

Why do you dream about a lot of needles?

The needle can appear in a wide variety of storylines night dreams. The question often arises as to why there are many needles in dreams. If you see a lot of scattered needles around you in a dream or scatter them yourself, then this indicates your strong resentment towards another person in real life.

I dreamed of a needle in my hand

And if you dreamed that you were holding a needle in your hands, then this indicates that you can deal with any problem that arises with cunning. A knitting needle in a dream is always a symbol of happiness in reality. Thus, the plots of night dreams in which needles were seen can carry both negative and positive loads.

Broken needle - interpretation of sleep

Quite often the need arises to decipher the question of what a broken needle means in a dream. Most often, a sewing attribute in this form is dreamed of when a person is worried about something or is worried that in reality there are unresolved issues. But if you dream that you broke a needle with your own hands, then this indicates that you are worried about your own health, and there are good reasons for this. And when a friend breaks a needle in your dream, then you worry about your friends or relatives. Other actions with a broken needle can be interpreted as follows:
    Collecting broken needles means constantly thinking about work problems; Finding a broken needle in bed means it’s time to plan a vacation; Trying to restore a broken needle means dreaming of restoring ties with a former partner; Finding a broken needle in food means regretting the cancellation of a holiday event.
If in a dream you see a lot of broken needles, then this predicts that thanks to your efforts, you will definitely become a successful person in life. If, according to the plot of the dream, you have to step on broken parts of needles on the floor or on the ground, then in the near future you will receive a promotion or you will successfully pass an interview for a new job. If in a dream you hold small parts of broken needles in the palm of your hand, then we should expect rapid development in reality romantic relationships. And when you took broken needles in a dream in order to throw them out in the trash bin, this portends that you will soon begin to experience more interesting life, full of various pleasant events.

When a blunt needle appears in a dream, with which it is impossible not only to prick, but even to pierce the thinnest tissue, then this is, in general, a very good sign. If you dream of a dull needle from a sewing machine, then this portends new experiences in life. You need to try to remember where the dull needle was found and what you tried to do with it in the dream:
    A needle found in a pocket foreshadows making a profit in reality; When a needle is found in a wallet, you should expect news from old friends; If you see a needle in your mouth, then this portends an intimate conversation with a friend; When you still try to prick someone with a dull needle, it means that in life you will be able to make the right, thoughtful decision; If you are presented with a needle as a gift, then soon your debtor will return your old debt; If you have to collect blunt needles from the floor, then you should wait for an influential person to visit.
When you dreamed of a blunt needle with a thread tucked into it, this indicates that in the near future you will have to participate in a grand feast. And if you see in a dream that the eye of a needle has been broken off, then get ready for a romantic date in reality.

Prick with a needle

Night dreams in which you accidentally prick yourself with a needle are a good sign. This means that the dreamer will have to successfully solve everything in reality financial questions. And if after being pricked with a needle a drop of blood appears on the finger, this indicates that relatives will help in this situation.

Prick your finger with a needle

If you dream that you not only pierced your own finger with a needle, but that the needle got stuck in it, then this foreshadows discord and conflicts with loved ones. In addition, dream books present other interpretations of different dream plots:
    Injecting yourself with a needle in your own bed means quarreling with your loved one in reality, but the conflict will be short-lived; To sit on a needle and feel pain - the person you are in love with is thinking about you; If there is no pain when pricked with a needle, it is possible love affair at work; Crying from a needle prick - traveling with your best friend.

If according to the plot of your dream you have to sew something, then such a dream is a harbinger of life’s difficulties. And if you see that you succeed in the sewing process, and it does not cause discomfort, and the seam turns out smooth and beautiful, then this means that in real life you will easily overcome the obstacles that arise in front of you. For sick people, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery.

Find a needle in a dream

Very often in dreams a person sees a plot in which he finds a needle. Most often, such night dreams symbolize unreasonable experiences in real life. But if you find a sewing item on the street, you should be wary of being deceived by your colleagues. When a dreamer accidentally finds a needle in a garden in a dream, he can count on help strangers in a difficult situation. There are other interpretations of dream plots in which a sleeping person finds a needle:
    Finding a needle in your own bed means making peace with your loved one; Finding a needle under a sofa or under an armchair means receiving a present from your boss; Finding a needle on the carpet means finding out the secret of a distant relative.

Looking for a needle - the meaning of sleep

If you had to look for needles in your night dreams, then this foreshadows empty household chores. But if other people do this in your dream, then this indicates that it is not you who will have to do the meaningless work.

What should a person think if he dreams of needles? The dream book will help answer this question. Just to give more full interpretation, you should carefully study the several meanings of this symbol.

Meaning according to a modern book of interpretations

So, why do you dream about needles? The 21st century dream book says that this sign means trouble. In most cases they relate to scandals and quarrels, usually family character. As a rule, they usually occur without any reason. Quite often, needles are a symbol of envy, and black envy at that. It is possible that someone wishes harm to the dreamer. And in many cases, the sources of envy are close friends. Usually these are the situations that promise needles.

In a dream, seeing yourself and embroidering something means grief. And to a large extent. And trouble may appear from where the dreamer did not expect it at all. As, in fact, this usually happens. Perhaps the other half admits that her feelings have faded away. Or a close friend will commit betrayal. In general, it is better to prepare in advance for the onset of a dark streak in life. It would be better if it were in vain, and the trouble would pass by, than to suddenly cover the dreamer with a wave.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Seeing needles in a dream means that soon a person will have to take care of other people. And it is possible that in connection with this the dreamer will have other problems. The most important thing when helping others is not to forget about yourself. And even more important - do not stop solving your own problems. Otherwise, forgetting about it, you can only complicate your life.

But good sign is if you found needles. The dream book claims that this means the appearance of new friends in life, very devoted and faithful. You can be sure that they will not let you down difficult situation and will provide help and support. But losing a needle in a dream is an unkind sign. This means that soon in reality a person will be overtaken by useless troubles and worries. And a broken needle even promises loneliness and financial trouble. It is worth preparing for this unfavorable period and, most importantly, not giving up.

Why do you dream of small needles?

Vanga's dream book claims that this is a sign from above. Soon a person will have to make full use of all his abilities to overcome the difficulties that will soon arise on his way. It will be difficult, but this is the only way to cope with the surging problems.

Collecting needles in a dream means betrayal or treason. Moreover, this will shock and shake the dreamer so much that it will take a long time to recover from what happened. But seeing a lot of needles in a dream is already a hint from the subconscious. Perhaps the dreamer seriously offended someone. And you shouldn’t be surprised if that person decides to take revenge. So if you want to avoid retribution, you should ask for forgiveness.

It will not be very pleasant to see yourself swallowing sewing needles in a dream. This is a sign of serious diseases, which will most likely be associated with the cardiovascular system. To be pricked barely noticeably and imperceptibly - to car accident. So in the near future you should refrain from anything too extreme. But injecting someone means good news for the person who had to endure it. Moreover, the dreamer will bring him the news.

Dream book of the 20th century

According to this book, the interpretation of dreams in which needles are scattered on the floor is not particularly pleasant. This is a symbol of anxiety. And there will be a lot of it. And mostly it will be associated with quarrels with friends or relatives.

Embroidering - to the emergence of love and true joy. If the dreamer still produces beautiful patterns, this means the onset of a bright streak in life. In general, this is a good sign. But if the dreamer injects himself, he will have to prepare for a not entirely successful period in life; there is a possibility of encountering conflicts that can drag on for a long time. And if there was a black thread in the needle, this means problems associated not with the dreamer, but with someone else. But he will have to take part in their decision. And the longer the thread, the more time it will take.

Meaning according to the Italian dream book

What does it mean to see such a dream? A needle and thread can mean many things. If a person has lost it, this means work-related problems. But finding it means family troubles. If the dreamer breaks the needle into two parts, then he should expect real obstacles on the way to achieving a long-set goal. The Italian dream book warns that a person may soon feel a loss of strength. He may become depressed because there are too many problems in his life. Well, in this case, it is recommended to take a break and rest. There is no need to make pointless attempts to improve situations, because they will still end in failure. You need to rest and recuperate - then you will definitely be able to achieve what you want.

If a person saw in a dream how he was buying needles in a store, one should be prepared for severe financial difficulties.

French dream book

What is the interpretation of dreams here? Needles into which a person threads usually dream of increased enmity with ill-wishers and enemies. But if he sees himself sewing something up, this means a successful resolution of all the troubles that bothered him before.

Choosing needles means gossip, rumors and a damaged reputation. Moreover, as is usually the case, all the words spoken by enemies will be false. And it is possible that enemies are using what the dreamer once talked about to spread gossip. They will simply present what is said in their own way. Therefore, a person should be prepared to live up to his reputation. If he pricks himself with a needle - to major quarrels. To prove that you are right, you will, again, have to make excuses.

If you find a needle, what is it for?

So, the first meaning is to establish excellent relationships with a good man. This will be a new acquaintance with whom the dreamer will communicate quite closely. In the future he can become his best friend. But if a young girl had such a vision, it means starting a new romantic relationship, which will then develop into something more. Perhaps it is Fate itself.

But the broken one sewing needle- on the contrary, to separation. With a friend, girlfriend or boyfriend - it doesn't matter. One thing can be said with certainty - the dreamer will come face to face with loneliness, and perhaps this will drag on for a long time. But you shouldn’t give up, it’s better to recover from what happened and start looking for a new relationship.

Strange circumstances

Sometimes people dream of something unusual. For example, needles in the body of a close friend of the dreamer. What is this for? To the point that one should be wary of duplicity. It is possible that this same person will soon commit betrayal. And in general, you should trust others less.

Pulling needles out of your own body means difficulties that will soon arise in real life. But they can be overcome quickly. Peace and complete calm will follow. By the way, it is very important to consider from which part of the body the person removed the needle. If from a finger or from a leg, this means a difficult and rather emotional period. Quarrels, disputes, conflicts - you will have to go through all this. And the most difficult thing is that it is unlikely that anyone will want to support a person during this difficult period.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus

The golden needle is a symbol of deceit, wounding and insult. In general, according to Nostradamus’s dream book, it does not mean anything good. Especially if there are traces of blood on the needle. This indicates that perhaps the person’s close people are planning something unkind towards him.

A dream about a lot of needles usually means that soon someone from the dreamer’s circle will begin to spread unpleasant rumors and gossip about him. Seeing them sticking out of the body of some animal means acquiring an enemy. Moreover, this person will be the one from whom it could not have come at all. And the fight against him will be difficult and unpredictable. A golden needle that a person stuck into himself with his own hand means that a volunteer will appear in his life who can help him. But taking it out of the heart of another means committing good deed, for which the saved one will thank the dreamer for a long time.

Important Details

To give more correct interpretation dream, it is necessary to remember under what specific circumstances a person dreamed of a needle. If he saw them in his mouth, this meant a failure of expectations. You shouldn't hope too much for something because it might end badly in the end. Collecting them from the floor means that you will soon have to face your problems alone. It is unlikely that anyone will help in solving them, so you need to be prepared for this. Seeing yourself pricked with a pin - bad sign. Or to be more precise, a warning. It says that a person needs to be more restrained in terms of communication and talk less about himself. Excessive gullibility and the habit of opening up to anyone you meet will not work in your favor.

Holding a needle in your hands at a level below your eyes means great trouble and grief. If there was a white thread in it, this is a signal that it is time to mind your own business and think less about other people. Only in this way will you be able to solve your problems and finally begin to live to the fullest. But if a person saw large and long needles in his dream, this means troubles that will arise in the family. It is advised to forget about work and other matters for a while and concentrate on communicating with your family. This will only be beneficial.

Signs to listen to

If a person saw needles scattering on his bed in a dream, then he must prepare for the onset of a dark period in life. Troubles will appear like mushrooms after rain, in all areas of life. And it will happen unexpectedly. Seeing spruce needles means that it’s time to think about your future and start building it up. You should forget about the carefree time, otherwise it will be difficult in the future.

Sewing up holes in old clothes (or any other things) means that soon a person will be faced with problems associated with elderly members of his family. He will probably have to look after them, show concern. Hold a handful of needles in your hands and suddenly scatter them, and at will, and not by chance - to strong love and affection. The same is true if a person injects himself, but does not feel pain or any other unpleasant sensations.

There are many interpretations. And, unfortunately, most of them do not bode well. But it’s better to be warned about troubles than to encounter them unexpectedly later.

It is not always possible to immediately understand why needles are seen in dreams. Since interpretations of dream books are different, and here a lot depends on many details. Generally, general interpretation negative. However, you must always remember that a dream is only a warning, and it may not always come true. After all, the future has many options for the development of events. And it depends only on the choice of the person himself which path he will take further in his life.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Different dream books interpret each image of a needle in their own way. His interpretations are somewhat similar.

To get your own idea of ​​what this means, you should turn to several sources at once:

  1. Miller's Dream Book. In his interpretation, a needle in a dream means impending disaster. When you dream of a needle and thread, it’s not quite auspicious symbol. Other people's problems will be more important than your own. At the same time, your own important affairs will remain idle, accumulating negativity.
  2. Eastern dream book. It contains information not about the image of the needle itself, but about the meaning of those manipulations that are performed with its help in a dream. Collecting randomly scattered needles is a waste of time and a waste of time. A broken needle is a harbinger of loneliness and poverty. Threading a thread means problems with loved ones, concern for their well-being.
  3. Dream book of health. Interprets the image of a needle negatively. Seeing a needle in a dream is always a conflict, stress, which will definitely affect the dreamer’s well-being. In the case where a needle was accidentally found stuck in the clothes worn by a sleeping person, you should be more careful. Perhaps someone is up to something bad and is ready to throw out all their accumulated energy over the years. negative energy. Sewing with a needle is a hint from your own subconscious, indicating the occurrence of problems with memory and thinking.
  4. Love dream book. Needle in love magic always accompanies in a dream an emerging acute conflict with a loved one. A quarrel, and even separation from the chosen one, is possible.
  5. The ABC of a dream interpreter. The needle, in the interpretation of the author of this book, is a symbol of a weapon that can be used to wound, and not only with words. This is enmity, conflicts, quarrels, loneliness.

Sewing with a needle in a dream

A good symbol is to sew in a dream with a needle into which a thread is pulled. It denotes comfort, quiet family joy, marital happiness. In fact, such a plot means finding harmony in life. Symbolizes victory over difficulties and problems.

If you dream about someone else sewing or embroidering, then this is a warning. There will be a conflict, misfortune, scandal in this person’s family.

Much depends on what exactly the dreamer is sewing:

  1. New clothes- to renewal in life;.
  2. Holiday dress- to joy, wonderful changes that will significantly improve relationships with people and well-being.
  3. Work clothes– you will have to work hard to maintain your financial situation.
  4. Darning holes– conflicts, squabbles, gossip, intrigue. Don't focus on the negative. You should think over your line of behavior in order to get out of this unfavorable period as quickly as possible and without losses.
  5. The thread used to sew does not match the fabric either in color or texture- the dreamer will safely avoid an impending conflict at work or at home only because he will not be present.

Lots of sewing needles

Many needles stuck into pads lying peacefully in boxes represent many possibilities in life. They should not be missed; you should try to use those that promise the greatest luck or benefit.

However, if a lot of sewing needles spilled out of the box, and especially in the presence of some familiar person, then this is a negative trend. Perhaps this person was very offended by the sleeping person, harbored negative feelings. Although everything may look good on the outside. We urgently need to ask him for forgiveness.

Why do you dream about a needle and thread?

Thread is very often used in witchcraft. This is a symbol of time. In relation to deciphering dreams, one can interpret those events, affairs, problems that should be resolved in a certain period of time.

The length of the thread in this case will indicate how long certain events in life will take place.

  1. Short thread in the needle- this is a quick completion of all matters, quite possibly with a successful result.
  2. Long thread– an event that spreads over a fairly long period of time and has a successful completion.
  3. The thread got tangled– chaos reigns in your life, you need to put your thoughts and affairs in order.
  4. The thread didn’t just get tangled, but went into knots– insurmountable obstacles arise that interfere with the implementation of the plan. You need to think well, because obstacles can always be circumvented.
  5. Rotten, thin thread that breaks easily- the plan will not come true, because the actions that need to be carried out in order to get what you want are poorly thought out.

The color of the thread can also matter.

  • white thread denotes a bright, prosperous life in which the dreamer makes his own decisions;
  • black thread usually dreams of a serious illness;
  • red- will happen significant events in the sphere of love;
  • green– important changes are coming in the field of finance.

I dreamed of a sewing needle with silk thread - this is wealth and luxury, especially for a woman who wants to get married. Multi-colored floss promises joy and fun, all sorrows will go away, only loved ones and wonderful people will be around.

I dreamed about a sewing needle

From time immemorial, a sewing needle has been considered a magical object. Many secret rituals and ceremonies are associated with it. Therefore, her image in a dream is almost magic, if you interpret what you saw correctly.

  1. Just hold the needle in your hand- a symbol of trouble and misfortune that can happen unexpectedly. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the cause, since there is no specific direction from which problems can arise. similar dream usually doesn't.
  2. Embroider– a completely different development of events, with a plus sign. It is a symbol of joy, peace and prosperity. If a young woman sees such a dream unmarried girl, then it’s time for her to find her soul mate, a groom, possibly a rich one.
  3. Prick yourself with a needle in a dream- to quarrels, conflicts with loved ones, empty unpleasant troubles.
  4. Break a needle accidentally or intentionally– poverty, loneliness, financial problems. However, remember that all this is only temporary. This is why sleep comes so that you can always prevent trouble.
  5. Buy one needle or a whole pack– things are moving towards reconciliation with those who were previously considered enemies. If there seem to be no enemies in life, then you should again turn your attention to the financial sphere. Because serious problems are possible here.
  6. Find an igloo- to receive a gift from fate in the form of good and reliable friends who will go through fire and water, will always save and help.
  7. Lost sewing needle– don’t worry too much, all your worries will be in vain and your worries will be empty.

Collect needles and pins

All dream books clearly interpret visions when a sleeping person dreams of needles and pins scattered on the floor. This subconscious symbol means that all efforts will be empty. They only lead to useless fuss.

Collecting needles in a dream means a deeply hidden feeling of guilt. Introspection is required, you need to deal with your problems on your own so that you no longer experience mental anguish.

When you dream of another person collecting needles, you need to be wary. Very soon an urgent matter will arise in which it will be necessary to act very quickly.

Needle in the mouth, in the body

Sometimes I have a nightmare when own body is stuck with needles or pins. This is a subconscious signal that indicates that a person lacks love, he needs additional attention from loved ones. Hence all the problems in relationships.

If you dreamed a friend who has a needle stuck in his body- in reality, this is a symbol of betrayal or betrayal on his part.

When the dreamer tries remove needles from your own body yourself, this is a warning that a difficult period will soon begin in life. You will have to spend a lot of effort to overcome it. At the same time, traces of blood noticed on a removed needle always symbolize negative emotions on the part of relatives.

A terrible dream in which another person sticks needles into himself, on the contrary, it means good. Someone will appear in life who will take upon himself the solution to all problems. Will help with advice and action.

Needles in the heart, oddly enough, they are seen to make very important discoveries, both in their lives and in the field of knowledge. Will be received new information, which will dramatically change fate.

Needles in the mouth- such a dream is usually associated with the emergence of family problems, far from smooth relationships with family and friends. This means that you need to be careful what you say out loud can make the situation even worse. Moreover, it is also a warning. Someone wants to seriously harm the sleeping person. Accordingly, such a dream may well be a psychological expression of a hidden illness, which is about to manifest itself as poor health.

, Thorn, needle, peak, Top, Awl

Needle in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Find it - you will get into a dispute
  • To receive as a gift means to part with a friend.
  • Coniferous needles are a profitable and profitable enterprise.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita sleep needle:

    Needle - discover an enemy in a friend - find - get into an argument - receive as a gift - part with a friend - coniferous needles - a profitable, profitable enterprise

    Why do you dream about Needle? Esoteric dream book?

  • Finding, collecting - means an “injection” in the heart. A loved one or friend will betray you.
  • Hold - the trick will help you.
  • Scatter - you offended someone casually. Now wait for the consequences. It’s better to ask for forgiveness once again.
  • If they prick you, you will run into trouble, don’t get into trouble.
  • Injecting yourself means a danger of getting hurt or having an accident.
  • You injected someone - you will bring joy to someone.
  • Swallow - to heart disease, possibly a heart attack.
  • IN Ukrainian dream book, if you dream about the Needle:

  • If you dream of needles (needle), then this is a sign that you will fall in love with someone.
  • If you dream about Needle? IN Azar's Dream Book:

  • find a needle - you will get into an argument
  • receiving a needle as a gift - breaking up with a friend
  • Interpretation of the dream Needle in Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus:

    The needle is a symbol of vulnerability, insult, secret revenge, deceit, witchcraft, and hard work. Seeing a needle with traces of fresh blood - this dream warns of the bad intentions of a relative. Seeing a needle with a very long thread is a symbol of the fact that a person who comes to power without elections will dictate his will for a long time and will be able to inspire respect for himself in his subjects. Seeing a lot of scattered needles is a harbinger of treachery, gossip and intrigue that will overwhelm everyone and lead to the death of some unwanted persons. Seeing an animal with steel needles sticking out of its skin means that humanity will acquire an enemy that it did not even suspect; the fight against it will be difficult and unpredictable, because outwardly the enemy will be difficult to distinguish from the usual appearance of earthly inhabitants. Seeing a person sticking needles into himself is a symbol of the fact that in the future a volunteer will appear among people who will sacrifice himself in order to atone with his death for all the bad things done on earth. Seeing the letter "x" written with needles sticking out pointing up is a sign that suggests that for ten years people can try to become better and thereby deserve better life, avoid the fate of guinea pigs for more developed civilizations. To remove a needle from a person’s heart means to take a direct part in scientific discovery, which will move humanity much forward. Getting caught in the rain of needles is a symbol of the activation of black forces that Once again eager to subject humanity to serious tests.

    Seeing Needle in a dream The newest dream book:

  • Portnovskaya - a warning about an imminent illness associated with poor circulation and unreliable functioning of the lymphatic system; I. medical - to a disease for which injections cannot be avoided.
  • What does it mean to see a needle in a dream? Tsvetkov's Dream Book?

  • trouble;
  • dispute.
  • What does a needle mean in a dream? Noble dream book?

  • Thread a thread into it - the enmity will increase.
  • Injecting yourself with it means a quarrel with loved ones.
  • A needle, seeing it is a quarrel, separation, a small reason for a big enmity.
  • Needle in a dream Old Russian dream book:

  • trouble.
  • In a dream, see the Needle. IN Mayan dream book:

    What does Needle mean? Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong:

  • You buy a needle and thread. - All things will be completed successfully.
  • Seeing Needle in a dream. IN Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor:

  • Elements - dryness, humidity.
  • Emotions - sadness, calmness.
  • The thread and stitches with it are a dreamy image clear understanding those connecting steps that need to be completed in reality to achieve the desired goal (the thread is an image of the connection between the needle, desire and the resulting form). Wanting to sew something new is a reflection of your desire to create new relationships, and not reshape old ones. The more carefully and with more pleasure something is sewn in a dream, the more luck it will bring. If the dreamer got irritated while sewing in a dream, the needle got lost, the thread got tangled, then this symbolizes haste, ambition and lack of understanding of the course of action. The dream does not bode well.
  • Planets - Venus, Saturn.
  • Organs: lungs, spleen.
  • Primary elements - metal (needle), earth (fabric, matter).
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Sewing with a needle - establishing order, creating something new (yin and yang harmony). Sewing in a dream and in reality - giving the desired shape to shapeless matter (creating a suit from shapeless fabric). The symbolism of a needle and the process of sewing in a dream is the creation of a certain state in yourself, with the help of which you gain a real opportunity to reshape previous existing relationships as you yourself see fit. As the needle penetrates the fabric, so decision will help you overcome a seemingly insurmountable (shapeless, like fabric) obstacle. The state is calm, tranquility.
  • What does Needle mean? Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • The needle is a symbol of a conflict, stressful situation that will bring a lot of grief and affect in a negative way to your health. Finding a needle in your clothes means possible damage and the evil eye; Sewing with a needle means memory problems; Getting pricked with a needle is a sign of a dangerous situation and possible injury; Feeling needle pricks is a sign of various manifestations of neurological and other diseases, depending on the nature of the pain and the location of its manifestation.
  • A needle in a dream is one of those images that have ambiguous meaning. It can symbolize either a certain type of activity or angry chatter. It all depends on the details that are remembered most.

    I dreamed about a needle - Miller's interpretation

    Sewing with a needle in a dream means a sad event. You will probably lose the affection of someone you care about. Did you dream about a needle and thread? You have to take care of others more than yourself.

    Have you ever looked for a needle in your dreams? You will worry and worry without much reason. Finding it means finding like-minded people who will appreciate you. Breaking an object is bad. This is an omen of the coming period complete loneliness, poverty and hopelessness.

    Interpretations of the dream book of the witch Medea

    Seeing a needle in a night adventure is literally a sign that you can be “pricked” by word or deed. It is also an omen of minor physical injury or injury.

    Did you dream about a needle and thread? There will be a quarrel, the hostility will drag on, and the resentment will leave a tangible mark. However, sewing in a dream for a woman means a new lover, while for a man this activity promises loneliness.

    What does a needle mean according to Freud's dream book?

    Mr. Freud believes that if you were sewing, stitching or embroidering in a dream, then you are clearly inclined to frequently change partners and search for forbidden pleasures. The vision, in which there were many needles, has approximately the same interpretation.

    Did you dream that you injected yourself? You are attracted to short-term relationships and fleeting encounters. Sticking a sharp object into something means that you have a tendency towards spiritual or physical sadism.

    Sitting on a needle in a dream is a sign that you are at risk of becoming a victim of sexual harassment. Moreover, this is true for dreamers of both sexes. A broken needle is a symbol of problems in sex and diseases related to this.

    Interpretation of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    Did you dream about a needle? You will worry and fuss. Did you have a chance to embroider or see how other characters do it? There is a complicated problem to be solved. You can judge the outcome by the appearance of the resulting embroidery. If it is beautiful and of high quality, everything will go well. Confused and scary? There will be difficulties.

    A needle and thread is a symbol that caring about others will cross out your own plans. Moreover, the longer the thread, the longer this period will last. A broken needle represents the impossibility of solving or fixing something. This is a sign of loss of strength, uncertainty, need.

    Pricking yourself with a needle in a dream means conflict. Losing it means vain hopes. Find - to gain wisdom, what you want.

    A needle in a dream according to the dream book from A to Z

    If you dreamed of a sewing needle, then you will suffer losses or lose a friend. Most likely because of his betrayal. Threading a thread into the eye of a needle means worries and worries about others.

    Did you happen to lose a needle? In reality, people will appear who will be able to evaluate you correctly. Searching and not finding an object means that you will be overcome by groundless anxieties and worries. Did you manage to find it? To a useless argument about nothing. If in a dream you were given a set of needles, then separation from a good person is coming.

    Watching someone sew with a needle means loss loved one or cooling in relationships. To sew yourself literally means to find peace of mind and defeat your enemies. Injecting yourself in a dream means a quarrel with loved ones; breaking a needle means poverty and loneliness.

    Did you dream about pine needles? Try to use common sense rather than emotions. Moderate your ambitions and everything will work out.

    Interpretation according to the general dream book

    Pricking yourself with a needle in a dream means family squabbles. Sewing something with a handmade needle also means a scandal at home. See how a friend sews? A quarrel will happen in his house. Did you dream that the needle tip broke? Find an unexpected way out complicated story. Buying needles means quick and fairly large expenses. Selling them is a hassle.

    Christmas tree or pine needles in a dream are a symbol of reconciliation with old enemies. Injecting yourself with them means that you will be repaid a debt that you have already forgotten about. Sweeping a lot of needles out of an apartment is a good warning: a period that is favorable in all respects has arrived.

    Opinion of the universal dream book

    Did you dream about an acupuncture procedure? Either you will succeed without difficulty, or your own gullibility will become an obstacle. It all depends on emotions.

    If in a dream you felt fear, then in reality someone is very annoying to you. If you feel a surge of strength, then some event will be beneficial.

    Severe pain in a dream is a sign of failure, moderate pain is a sign of success valuable experience. Its absence indicates that you are not noticing something important. If you yourself were an acupuncture specialist, then you are ready to do anything to attract someone’s attention.

    Why do you dream about a sewing needle?

    The appearance of this image actually promises spiritual or material damage, loss and loss. Did you dream about needles? Get ready for hassle and numerous minor problems.

    Don't forget, a regular sewing needle is often used in magical rituals, therefore in a dream she can hint at negative interference from the outside through witchcraft (love spell, curse, evil eye, etc.).

    Why do you dream about a needle and thread?

    Did you dream that you personally thread a needle? The problems of others will make you forget about your own affairs. Moreover, the duration and nature of this period can be judged by the color of the thread. A black thread symbolizes troubles, losses, difficulties, a white thread symbolizes something good, a colored thread symbolizes something joyful, pleasant, etc.

    Seeing a needle and thread in a fabric signifies the completion of a current undertaking or event. If the thread was very long, then a certain person will influence your destiny and dictate his own conditions.

    Why do you dream of sewing with a needle?

    Embroidering in a dream is good. This is a sign that you will overcome the enemy and gain peace of mind. Watching others is worse. You should expect sad news or a breakup with a loved one.

    Did you dream that you were sewing, sewing or patching something? Get ready for scandals, conflicts and disagreements. It is best to sew some product yourself literally from scratch. This is a symbol that you will create something beautiful with your own efforts. Moreover, the interpretation is not necessarily literal. It could be anything - renovation, a successful project, raising a child or yourself.

    Looking for a needle in a dream

    The image is symbolic, it reflects any search that does not bring success in this moment. Perhaps this is a spiritual quest, solving certain problems, searching for a decent income, etc.

    If you accidentally drop a needle, an unexpected obstacle will arise. Looking for a needle means empty troubles and minor losses. Find - you will find something that will make you stronger.

    Why do you dream about a syringe needle?

    A medical needle is a symbol of danger, difficulty, anxiety. If you dreamed of a syringe needle, then at the right moment you will receive what will be most useful. This can be either information or spiritual support, or completely material assistance.

    The needle and the syringe itself are a sign that you are trying to attract someone else's attention in the most extraordinary way. Sometimes they indicate that you made a mistake and are now getting what you deserve.

    Why do you dream of a needle in your body, arm, leg? The subject reflects problems that will arise in one or another area of ​​life, or will be associated with diseases of a certain part of the body.

    Why do you dream about being pricked with a needle?

    Feeling injections in a dream means that in reality health problems will appear in the very part of the body where you felt pain. Did you dream that you were injected? Someone is trying to harm you by word or deed. A slight prick is a sign of harmless friendly banter.

    If you are deliberately injected very strongly, then a period of trouble begins. Try to control yourself - you have clearly annoyed someone. To inject yourself literally means to fall in love. This same dream indicates the possibility of an accident, an accident. Did you happen to prick someone else? Bring this person joy in reality.

    If a needle is stuck in your leg, then someone is trying to “survive” you, in your arm - there will be an obstacle on the way, in your body - expect meanness. If you were stabbed in a dream, but you did not feel anything, then the danger will pass by, and the mines of enemies will not cause damage.

    Needle in a dream - specific transcripts

    When decoding an image, it is necessary to take into account both direct and symbolic meaning. Correct interpretation details will help establish a true picture of the future.

    • buying one needle means a gift, reconciliation
    • a lot (packaging) – to expenses
    • choosing in a store - to gossip, untrue rumors
    • to receive as a gift - to parting
    • lose - to worthy friends
    • searching is a waste of time and effort
    • find (by chance) – troubles, quarrels
    • scattered - to gossip
    • collecting them - to a mental wound
    • scatter it yourself - you offended someone and didn’t notice
    • found in clothes - a symbol of the evil eye, damage
    • inject yourself - to danger, injury
    • swallow - to an attack, heart disease
    • threading a thread - to enmity
    • sewing for a sick person - to recovery
    • healthy - to difficulties
    • stick needles into yourself - to the victim
    • take out - to open
    • break - there is a way out
    • "Gypsy" needle - danger
    • common - trouble
    • very thin – increased sensitivity
    • stupid - to a stupid act
    • broken - to search for a new friend/lover
    • rusty - to loneliness
    • Christmas tree needles - will return the debt
    • sweep them away - put things and home in order

    If you dreamed that you were caught in a real rain of needles, then in real life the forces of evil and magic are used against you. Sometimes this is a sign of a friendly prank that will not bring joyful emotions.