Plan of drawing lessons for the senior group of dows by month. Long-term plan for drawing (senior group) fgos Planning for plot drawing in the senior group

Elena Zubanova
Long-term work plan for drawing in the senior group. (corresponds to Federal State Educational Standards)


Week Lesson topic Program content Methodological techniques Materials and equipment Literature

1 "Fun"

summer" Create conditions for reflecting summer impressions in the drawing. Learn draw simple stories, conveying human movements. Involve children in collective conversation, playful and verbal interaction with peers. Describe the images in the pictures. White sheets of paper of the same size for compiling a general album of drawings "Happy Summer"; colored pencils and markers

(optional); simple pencils, erasers. The teacher has the basis for the future album "Happy Summer". I. A. Lykova, p. 20

2 "The red summer has passed" Teach children to create a harmonious composition, conveying impressions of summer. Introduce a new way of creating an abstract composition - free, continuous movement of a pencil or felt-tip pen on paper (exercise "lines on a walk"). Improve technique drawing watercolor paints(rinse and wet the brush frequently, move it freely in all directions). White sheets of paper of various formats and sizes, watercolor paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, brushes different sizes, palettes, jars of water. Four abstract color compositions: summer (green-lime-red-yellow-blue, autumn (yellow-orange-brown-gray-blue), winter (white-blue-violet-blue, spring (soft green-white-pink-blue). I. A. Lykova, p. 26


3 "Riddles from the garden" Learn to convey form and characteristic features according to their description in riddles; create expressive and fantasy images; mix paints yourself to obtain the desired shade; clarify the idea of ​​well-known subject objects. Gouache paints, brushes of 2 sizes, jars of water, palettes for mixing paints, wet and dry napkins; vegetables (real and dummies) to clarify ideas about appearance. I. A. Lykova, p. 44

4 "Trees in our park"

Learn draw deciduous trees, conveying the characteristic features of the structure of the trunk and crown (birch, oak, willow, aspen, colors; develop technical skills in drawing with pencils, paints and other materials. Improve visual skills and develop the ability to create expressive images using various media.

Sheets of paper in white, blue and gray colors; gouache paints, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, cloth and paper napkins, easel, unfinished drawings made by the teacher to demonstrate the technique drawing(birch, oak, willow, aspen). Reproduction of the painting “Birch Tree” by I. Levitan

grove". I. A. Lykova, p. 32

1 “This street, this house...”

Introduce children to concepts "architecture", "architect", "facade"; learn to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing; consolidate knowledge about the main parts of a building (wall, roof, door, balcony, etc. expand the understanding of various rectangles - wide and narrow; learn to create a simple composition of a modern city street; consolidate techniques painting with paint, learn to prepare shades of color by diluting with water on the palette. Paper, paints, brushes, water, napkins, photographs of various buildings. V. N. Volchkova, p. 28

2 "Golden Khokhloma and Golden Forest". Continue to introduce children to different types of folk arts and crafts. Learn to notice artistic elements "Golden Khokhloma": material, technology, color, pattern. Learn paint patterns of plant elements on paper (grass, curls, berries, flowers) based on Khokhloma painting, use decorative elements when decorating homemade books. Develop technical skills - skillfully use a brush ( paint with the tip of a brush, with the whole brush, move it in different directions). To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards everyday culture. Examination of items painted with Khokhloma painting, teacher's story about Khokhloma, showing ways of drawing elements of Khokhloma painting, examination of the golden forest, drawn by children. Album for children's creativity "Golden Khokhloma", a guide to familiarize yourself with characteristic elements and color combinations different types folk arts and crafts.

I. A. Lykova, p. 66

3 “The services will please everyone and invite everyone to tea”

Give children the concept of stylistic unity; develop a sense of style and color; learn to place pattern elements on the surface of an object; develop your imagination and come up with your own service and a name for it.

Paper, paints, water, gouache, watercolors, palette, pencil, illustrations depicting dishes and sets.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 85

4 "Cheerful Clown"

Learn paint human figure in motion, showing changes appearance (shape and proportions) in connection with the transmission of simple movements. To arouse interest in searching and conveying, using accessible graphic means, characteristic details that make the image expressive and imaginative. Choose a contrasting color combination compliance with the content and character of the image.

Gouache paints, brushes of 2 - 3 sizes, sheets of white and tinted paper (of different sizes, jars of water, palettes.

Color models "Rainbow" And "Color Wheel" to demonstrate to children the patterns of color combinations and familiarize themselves with the phenomenon of color contrast.

I. A. Lykova, p. 120

1 "My family"

Continue to introduce children to the portrait genre ( group, learn to portray group of people - family, strive to discover in its members attractive qualities known only to the artist, continue to teach draw a human figure, achieve a clear image of proportions, expressiveness of posture, cultivate love for the family and care for it.

Paper - landscape sheet, wax crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens, frames for portraits.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 71

2 “Don’t offend the ant!”

Introduce children to a fairy tale "Mura-way and Dandelion", suggest I’ll come and draw other ending options; teach paint Three-piece ant; learn to respond emotionally to the beauty of wildflowers, reflect your impressions in a drawing, conveying the shape and structure of the petals, corolla, stem, and their color; cultivate kindness. Compassion, empathy, desire to help in difficult times.

Paper, pencils, paints, napkins, water, signets, stampings.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 40

3 « Autumn leaves»

Teach children draw from life, conveying the shape and color of autumn leaves. Improve visual techniques (mix paints to obtain complex shades and convey autumn color). Introduce a new way of obtaining an image - applying paint, and "print" them on paper. Encourage children to embody artistic form your ideas, experiences, feelings; evoke a desire to convey the characteristic features of objects and natural phenomena. Clarification of their color and shape, exhibition children's work.

Watercolor paints, white sheets of paper, palettes, brushes, jars of water, pencils or charcoal, erasers. Autumn leaves collected by children on a walk. Reproductions of paintings by Russian landscape painters. Package (box) with leaves. I. A. Lykova, p. 50

4 "Fantastic Flowers" Arouse interest in drawing fantasy flowers based on exotic plants. Show the technique of modifying and decorating petals to create original images. Develop creative imagination and sense of color (contrast, nuance) and compositions. Activate adjectives in children’s speech (qualitative and comparative). Arouse interest in flowering plants, the desire to admire them, examine and transfer the received ideas into artistic activity. V. White and colored paper (tinted) for the background, art materials for children to choose from - gouache and watercolor paints. I. A. Lykova, p. 132

1 "White birch tree under my window"

Arouse interest in creating an expressive image based on a lyric poem. Learn to combine different fine arts to convey the characteristic features of the snow-covered crown (applique) and a slender trunk with thin flexible branches (drawing) . Improve technical skills (proficiently use brush: paint wide lines with the entire bristle of the brush and thin lines with the end). Develop a sense of color (find beautiful combinations of colors and shades depending on the background).

Sheets of paper in blue, pink and bright blue, turquoise, lilac, gouache paints, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, cloth and paper napkins, an easel, unfinished drawings made by the teacher to demonstrate technology drawing.

I. A. Lykova, p. 92

2 “A cloud of dust mixes with the smoke, fire trucks are rushing”

Teach children to create a story picture "Fire"; establish fire safety rules; cultivate respect for brave people - firefighters who come to the rescue at any moment; learn draw fire, smoke, figures of people in motion.

Black paper, red, yellow, black and white gouache, thin white cardboard, cotton wool, scissors, glue, transparent film, pencils.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 39

3 "Drawing with a stroke"

Arouse interest in this method of depiction as a stroke; show the features of line movements, the expressive capabilities of the stroke when creating an image; practice in drawing this way; develop imagination, observation, emotional responsiveness, creative abilities.

Dry materials, pencils, markers, pens, white paper, pictures of animals.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 50

4 "Fir branches"

Teach children paint from life a spruce branch, conveying the features of its mood, coloring and placement in space. Show methods of examining nature. Explain the need for compliance general conditions when performing collective work. Develop coordination in the system "eye-hand". Cultivate interest in folk art (paper folklore).

Two or three compositions with spruce branches to choose from (With New Year's toy, pine cones, tinsel); greeting cards with the image of Christmas trees, spruce branches, Christmas wreaths; sheets of paper white, simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons.

V. N. Volchkova, p. 52

2 “January begins, open the calendar”

Teach children to make harmonious color compositions, conveying impressions of different seasons. Create an expressive image of a tree, in compliance with seasonal changes in nature. Practice technique painting with gouache paints: mix different colors to get "winter", "summer", "autumn", "spring" colors and shades (blue, pink and lilac, move the brush freely in different directions, paint the tip of the brush and all the bristles. Arouse interest in work in pairs, the desire to create a homemade calendar. Develop a sense of color and composition.

For the calendar - 12 sheets of paper of the same format and size, but different colors (3 sheets of winter - blue, lilac, purple; 3 sheets of spring - light green, pink, pale blue, bright yellow; 3 sheets of summer - green, red , crimson; 3 autumn leaves – yellow, orange, blue-gray); 12 identical tree silhouettes (trunk and branches without foliage); gouache paints, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes of different sizes, palettes, jars of water.

I. A. Lykova, p. 106

3 "Lace fish"

Continue to acquaint children with the graphic representation of objects, teach them to convey signs of unusualness, fabulousness of images using various means of expression - lines, colors, spots, decor. Learn draw with a pen(in ink).

Paper, ink, pen, watercolors, thin brush.

I. A. Lykova, p. 100

4 "Magic Snowflakes"

Learn to build a circular pattern from the center, symmetrically arranging elements on radial axes or by symmetrically building up elements in concentric circles. Arrange the pattern symmetrically depending on the shape of the sheet of paper or three-dimensional object. Use a variety of techniques in the pattern, rounded lines of shape, plant elements. Skillfully use a brush ( draw with the end, with the whole brush, move freely in different directions). To arouse in children the desire to create a collective composition from painted snowflakes, cut out stars for interior decoration groups.

Paper squares of the same size, but different colors - dark blue, purple, lilac, crimson, black; white gouache paints, thin brushes, jars of water, napkins. Vologda lace for viewing, crochet hooks (for showing to children). Basis for composition "Winter window" (large leaf paper on which to place (like a patchwork quilt) children's drawings.

I. A. Lykova, p. 94.

1 “I’m happily rolling downhill into a snowdrift...”

Learn to convey the story using accessible means. Show plot image means (semantic) connections between objects; highlighting the main and secondary, conveying interaction, changing shape in connection with the nature of movement (arms raised, bent, torso tilted, etc.). Expand the possibilities of using the cut-off appliqué technique. Develop compositional skills ( paint across the entire sheet of paper, drawing the horizon line, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).

White or lightly tinted paper (landscape format, colored and simple pencils, felt-tip pens; colored paper, glue, napkins, oilcloths.

I. A. Lykova, p. 116

2 "I paint the sea" Arouse interest in creating an image of the sea using different non-traditional techniques. Create conditions for experimenting with different art materials and tools. Develop imagination, sense of rhythm and composition; create conditions for the creative use of acquired skills; teach children to negotiate and plan teamwork. Sheets of white paper of different sizes (elongated rectangles or stripes); brushes of different sizes, foam sponges, brushes, posters "Color", coloring pages nautical theme. I. A. Lykova, p. 172

3 « Dad's portrait» Learn draw a man's portrait, trying convey the appearance, character and mood of a particular person (father, grandfather, brother, uncle). Arouse interest in the search for visual and expressive means that allow the image to be revealed more fully, accurately, and individually. Continue to get acquainted with types of genres fine arts (portrait).

White and tinted paper of various formats, gouache paints, palettes, brushes, jars of water, family photographs, painting reproductions famous artists, reference drawings to show the steps work, a color model demonstrating the production of skin tones. I. A. Lykova, p. 136

4 "Waterbearers are dandy" Initiate the decorative design of sculpted figures - decorate with elements of decorative painting (circles, spots, dots, straight lines and strokes) based on the Dymkovo toy. Pay attention to the dependence of the pattern on the shape of the product. Improve technique drawing gouache paints - paint tip of the brush on volumetric form, turning and examining it from all sides. To cultivate interest and aesthetic attitude towards folk art. Water carriers sculpted from clay, gouache paints. Diamonds made of gold foil, tassels, cotton swabs, jars of water, napkins, tables with elements of Dymkovo painting, drawings - variants of patterns on ladies and water carriers.

I. A. Lykova, p. 164

1 “Dear Mommy Portrait”

Learn paint woman portrait . Initiate an independent search for visual means to convey the appearance, character and mood of a particular person (mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts). Continue to get acquainted with the types and genres of fine art (portrait).

White and tinted paper of various formats, gouache paints, palettes, brushes, jars of water, family photographs, reproductions of paintings by famous portrait artists, supporting drawings for showing stages work.

I. A. Lykova, p. 142

2 "Wonderful transformations of a blot"

Create conditions for free experimentation with different materials and tools (artistic and household). Show new ways of obtaining abstract images (blot). Arouse interest in objectification and "revival" unusual shapes (blot). Develop creative imagination.

Paints – watercolor, gouache, colored ink, soft brushes of different sizes, old toothbrushes, cuts of vegetables (potatoes, beets, rags, sponges, newspapers for crumpling and stamping; jars of water, cocktail tubes.

I. A. Lykova, p. 80

3 "Spring Sky"

Create conditions for free experimentation with watercolors and various art materials. Learn to depict the sky using color stretching "in the wet". Create conditions for reflecting spring impressions in the drawing. Develop creative imagination.

White sheets of paper of the same size for compiling a general album of drawings "Spring is red", watercolor paints, jars of water, colored pencils, felt-tip pens (optional).

I. A. Lykova, p. 168

4 "Fox - ku-mushka and little fox - darling"

Learn paint, revealing the theme of a literary work, conveying the character and mood of the characters. Arouse interest in illustrating familiar fairy tales in accessible ways visual means. Introduce transfer techniques plot: highlight the main thing by depicting it larger in the front plan. Develop compositional skills (show location characters and items) .

Books - homemade products, illustrated during the lesson on drawing"Bunnies - the coward and the brave", art materials for children to choose from - colored pencils, felt-tip pens, gouache paints; brushes, jars of water. Illustrations for fairy tales.

I. A. Lykova, p. 74

1 "I paint the sea"

Consistently and creatively reflect your ideas about the sea using different visual means. Arouse interest in drawing marine plants and animals. Introduce the concept "ABC", "alphabet". Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Paper squares or rectangles with printed letters in the corners (from A to Z, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, base - a sheet of tinted paper (blue, pictures with sea ​​creatures. I. A. Lykova, p. 178

2 "Sunny color" (experienced) mastering color. Expand color palette– show ways to get "sunny shades" (yellow, gold, amber, copper, fiery, red). Develop imagination. Activate your vocabulary with qualitative adjectives denoting colors and shades. Foster independence and initiative. Gouache and watercolor paints, palettes, brushes of various sizes, brushes, swabs. Cotton swabs, napkins, jars of water. Covers for a collective album "Sunny Pictures". I. A. Lykova, p. 154

3 "Rainbow - Arc"

Continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about beautiful natural phenomena using various visual and expressive means. Arouse interest in the image of a rainbow. Provide basic information on color science. Develop a sense of color. Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Large sheets of white and blue paper (same size, watercolor paints, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, napkins

I. A. Lykova, p. 202

4 “Sunny, dress up!”

Induce in children a desire to create an image of the sun based on arts and crafts and book graphics (based on illustrations for folk nursery rhymes and songs); pay attention to decorative elements (dot, circle, wavy line, curl, leaf, trefoil, wave, etc., explain the symbolism; develop imagination, cultivate interest in folk art. Use a variety of straight, rounded lines, shapes, and plant elements in the pattern. Skillfully use a brush (draw with the end, whole brush).

Gouache paints, brushes of 2-3 sizes, sheets of white and tinted paper (different sizes, jars of water, palettes, color models "Rainbow".

I. A. Lykova, p. 152

2 "Green May" Arouse interest in experimental (experienced) mastering color. Develop a sense of color. Foster independence and initiative. Gouache and watercolor paints, palettes, jars of water, brushes of various sizes, brushes, napkins, cotton swabs. I. A. Lykova, p. 196

3 "Bouquet of daisies, ladybug and bird" Continue introducing children to still lifes. Learn to convey the characteristic features of daisy flowers, their shape and structure, size, location on the stem, and convey the color of nature. Paint ladybug and birds using stencils and templates. Cultivate a love for nature. Tinted sheets of paper. Gouache, palette, jars of water, napkins, fake birds, ladybug, bird patterns, simple pencils. V. N. Volchkova, p. 12

4 “What does summer smell like?” Arouse interest in creating expressive images of nature. Initiate a search for adequate visual and expressive means. Enrich intersensory connections (color – shape – smell). Preparing your hand for writing - learning to draw wavy lines- graphic symbols of smells. Cultivate an interest in nature, a desire to learn, explore and reflect the impressions received in one’s own creativity. Empty bottles, jars, components for aromatic compositions: dried fruits, lemon, orange, mint, rose, seasonings, herbs, resin, pine cones, candies, chocolate; colored pencils, markers, tinted paper. I. A. Lykova, p. 206

I am pleased to present to you an improved and expanded manual abouthow to learn to draw. I hope that it will cover most of the questions that I am regularly asked in the VKontakte group. For example, such as:

  • how to learn to draw on a computer?
  • What drawing books are worth studying?
  • How can I learn to paint with acrylic, oil, and other materials?

I have collected the most useful tips from artists from the site , and it turned out great step by step guide, thanks to which no one will be able to hide behind excuses like “I don’t know where to start, I can’t do it, I’m mediocre, etc.”, believe me,
you will finally find out how to learn to drawb!

Just follow this manual step by step and dedicate enough time to practice, and you can come from this drawing level

to this

Some lyrics

Drawingis a skill that develops with practice. You're not alone when you think you're terrible at drawing! All great artists started by drawing stick figures like this:

The reason they moved on from these so-called "stick figures"to something much greater, is that they had insatiable desire to draw getting better and better with every new touch of pencil to paper. This desire separated them from the rest, and this the only reason which is why they became successful.

First of all, the fact that you decided to dedicate your time to improving your drawing skills is already a great achievement. Why you ask? This is really important because in art and creativity there must be passion, interest, curiosity and dedication, without which the learning process will not be as effective.

So in your case, the biggest obstacle is already behind you and you can start drawing by observing the things around you! That's how simple it is!

The following steps that I am going to suggest should help you gain the drawing skills you want and will also show you the path that you will have to go through to become an artist.

But before you blindly follow the path below, always remember that you are free to choose your own unique path—the path that is right for you. The real challenge is to practice regularly with the intention of learning., so it doesn’t matter where you start your drawing journey.

note that each step mentioned below may take weeks, months or even years to achieve perfection in it. It all depends on how much you really want to improve your skills and how much effort you are willing to put in.

There is plenty of material available online for each step below, including YouTube. I recommend checking various sources, studying different styles and practice the style that suits you best.

Let's get started!

Step 1. Learning simple shapes

First, take a paper and pencil (or pen), sit in a comfortable position, clear your mind of thoughts and just focus on the task at hand.

Now try creating a simple form. For example, draw a circle and then continue to practice it.

Try to draw a perfect circle every time. If you really take this task seriously, it could take us several days or even months. Drawing a perfect circle using only your hands is more difficult than you imagine.

Just start drawing circles and keep practicing these circles until you reach a stage where you can draw a perfect circle without using any assistance tools.

Your attempts will start with something like this:

After regular practice, your hand-eye coordination will improve and you will begin to draw better:

This is a pretty good result. Now move on!

Likewise, start working with other basic shapes, such as triangle, square, cube, octagon, etc.

This should keep you busy for a while again. Remember, this is a herculean task if your first drawing was the circle from this tutorial.

But after you devote some amount of time (say 6 months or one year), once you go through this rigorous exercise, and once you become a champion at drawing any of the simple shapes at will, another interesting facet will appear.

At this point there are two approaches you can follow:

Approach 1 - self-learning

You can learn to draw on your own using free articles on the Internet, YouTube videos, books and tutorials.

I find Mark Kistler's lessons from the book the easiest to learn.

After completing all the lessons, you will achieve significant success. However, although the author stated a period of 1 month, I would advise you to take your time and devote at least 1-2 hours to each lesson, completing all the practical exercises.

Approach 2 - Enroll in an art school or online course

If you don’t like self-study, then I advise you to sign up for paid courses, where they will tell you everything in detail and show you, and also force you to work practically.

The highest quality and most interesting I consider courses and master classes at Veronica Kalacheva’s drawing school.

This school offers both in-studio and online training. There are also useful free materials, which .

This school often hosts free webinars or lessons are opened for study for a while.

Register so you don't miss them!

Veronica Kalacheva's drawing school

Another site with paid but cheaper drawing courses that I like is You can also take some courses for free on this site. There are one-time classes that take place in Moscow.

Arttsapko Drawing School

Further advice will be more suitable for those who chose the first approach and decided to study artistic art on one's own. But your creative path can contain both approaches.

Step 2: Shadows and Shades

Now that you know how to draw simple shapes perfectly, let's Let's start shading these shapes.

I will continue with the example of a circle.

So, yours first attempt at circle shading, without understanding how to do it correctly, would look something like this:

Notice that even though your image didn't turn out very realistic, you were already subconsciously aware of the imaginary light source and placed it in the upper left corner and, given this source, you drew a shadow on the opposite side in the lower right corner.

That is, in order to shade objects you need common sense and nothing more.

Now continue practicing shading. It may take several months before you get something like this:

Now this circle looks like a volumetric sphere.

Next you need to show that the sphere is not dangling in the air, but is on some surface, and you will begin to depict the shadows that the object casts on other surfaces. In this case, the drawing should already look something like this:

Always remember one simple rule, which has been demonstrated in the figure below:

Also, continue to practice shading and other shapes you've learned.

As you practice, notice how the shades vary depending on the availability of light. Look at the tonal scale with shading from light to dark below. You can use it as a guide when you draw a figure.

Keep practicing. It's an endless process!

Step 3. Perspective

The basic law of perspective says:when an object is closer it looks larger and if it needs to be shown further away it will need to be drawn smaller. If you understand this, you understand the basic law of perspective.

Now let's look at the so-calledvanishing point.

I will explain this concept using the example of a cube.

When we draw a cube, why do the length and width of that cube taper towards the end or slope towards the inside of the paper? Look at this picture below for reference and ask yourself why is this happening?

As you can see, the ribs taper both to the right and to the left, as if they are going into the inside of a sheet of paper. This is what gives the cube the illusion of “3D” on two-dimensional paper. And this is possible, based on the basics of perspective and such a concept asvanishing point.

Now let's look at the same cube again.

In the cube, we took the vanishing point somewhere far from our eyes to the right and left of the cube. That's why the sides narrowed to inside papers on the right and left. The figure below clearly shows how the edges of a cube, if extended, will converge at one point on both sides. These two points are called vanishing points:

Now look at the green dot in the following cube drawing:

This green dot is alsovanishing point.

Imagine what a cube would look like without this vanishing point concept. It will look more like a square in 2-D.When we draw a cube, we should always remember the vanishing point, since it is this that gives us the opportunity to depict a three-dimensional figure.

So, I hope that the concept of vanishing point has become clearer to you, because for any good drawing that is drawn keeping in mind the space and distance between each object, the concept of vanishing point should be followed by default.

Here are some more examples of the vanishing point concept for your understanding.

  • Top view (or bird's eye view):

  • Linear perspective (landscape):

  • View with many vanishing points (any real scene):

Thus, as depicted in the third example, in real scenes there are usually several vanishing points, and these points give the drawing the desired depth or 3-D effect, and a sense of space that separates it from 2-D.

Too difficult? Just don't panic now, okay? At this stage, it is enough just to understand the concept of a vanishing point. Just try to show the vanishing point in your drawings without any drawings or measurements.

This "step 3" was just a prerequisite for learning the laws of perspective, just to make you aware of its importance in drawing. Mark Kistler's "Learn to Draw in 30 Days" course has several step by step lessons to build perspective, you can start with them.

Step 4. Draw complex shapes

Now using your confidence in drawing and shading simple shapes and your knowledge of shadow and vanishing point effects, move on to the next level, which is drawing various complex shapes.

The rules of the game remain the same:

  1. Keep practicing.
  1. Observe the nuances.
  2. Try to surpass yourself every time and not repeat previous mistakes.

So first, how about an egg? It's not that different from a circle, right?

Let's just get started. Practice until you get it perfect!

Okay, it looks like an egg. Now try different fruits. For example, strawberries.

Great! These are really good strawberries. And look at this detail.The strawberry in the last picture looks quite difficult to draw, but we already have experience with shading from “step 3”. This is the same thing, only at the micro level. Believe in yourself and everything will work out!

Likewise, continue drawing different random shapes with shading. Place shadows on these drawings, taking into account effects such as reflection, refraction, transparency, etc. And just keep practicing.

There are many different objects around. Learn to draw what you see. This is one of the most important steps to become a professional artist. Don't worry if you don't do it very well at first. Sometimes when you start drawing what you see, the beginning of the sketch can look pretty terrible, but the end result can be amazing. So start doing it!

Try drawing two random objects a day. The drawing must be complete: drawing + shading + drop shadow + any other special effect.

Something like below:

Just repeat this process every day. You are on the right track!

Step 5. Draw living creatures

Since we now know how to draw and shade various objects with relative accuracy, it's time to draw moving objects and living organisms. Now it is necessary to include the movement of objects, their pose and facial expressions in the drawing, this is a real challenge!

The most important advice is to keep your eyes and mind wide open. You have to watch everything around you.

So observe all the nuances - people walking, a bird flying, a dog's posture, etc. And, when possible, create a quick sketch this specific position, movement, expression, etc. And work on the details later in your own free time.

You should end up with something like this:

This is a quick sketch that can be completed in minutes. Go to a park or cafe and just sketch the people you come across. IN in this case The main thing is not quality, but quantity. You need to see and convey the subject's pose.

Study anatomy.Yes, anatomy is the same as in biology class. You need to study the bones of the skeleton and the location of the muscles. This may seem weird and creepy, but on the other hand, it means you can draw a skeleton and skull for Halloween decorations :) This will also help in learning about human proportions and body movements. The same goes for animals - read books on animal anatomy. Almost all art books on drawing animals will have an anatomy section.

Try starting with my article:

Then try quickly drawing a few different facial expressions:

Observe and remember the differences between facial lines. Later, keep adding shadows and make them look even more realistic, like this:

Do the same with trees, flowers, animals, birds, etc.

Now that you know quite a bit, using your acquired skills you should be able to draw something like this:

Persistence, difficulty and pain will then lead you here:

And in the case of people (a little better or worse):

Now it's time to pause and take a look at the image below, this beautiful woman. She really looks very beautiful, doesn't she?

And if you ask yourself, can you be confident enough to draw her as beautiful as she is? Chances are the answer is a big “No,” right? If so, then you still have some way to go!

So your drawing is still in its infancy and there is a lot of room for improvement.For example, you will have to work on detail human eye and his movements, human hair, its shine, etc. I think you understand what I'm trying to say, don't you?

So basically, at this stage, you have to surround yourself with these complexities all the time in order to move forward and not get stuck in the middle.No one will help you with this except yourself!

Step 6. Trying different tools and materials

It's great if you can draw with a pencil, but it will be much more interesting and useful if you also learn how to use ink, paint, markers, pastels, etc. You should try different materials, if only because you may come across something that you especially like. Add color to your sketches!

Of course, art supplies are not cheap now, so you shouldn’t buy professional materials right away, in case you don’t like them and want something else? For starters, tools from the mid-price category will be enough. Nowadays a very large selection of inexpensive art materials can be found on AliExpress.

Don't use fancy art boards or moleskines. Buy a large notebook or album with white sheets. Your goal is to make as many sketches as quickly as possible without worrying about wasting expensive paper.

Also, if you decide to try yourself in digital art, you don’t have to immediately take up licensed Photoshop, when you can start with free editors, for example MyPaint, SAI, GIMP.

Step 7. Landscapes

Now put everything together. You should start drawing landscapes with people, plants and many animals. In this step you will have an excellent opportunity to practice your knowledge laws of perspective.

To start, you can try drawing panoramas, such as the view from your window.Try to first draw landscapes more “roughly”, for example like this:

After that, detail the objects.

After extensive training, your drawings will look something like this:

Step 8. Draw from imagination

Start with something simple, like an apple. Simply move your pencil onto the paper, only imagining that you are drawing an apple before you draw it. Then do a quick preliminary sketch to get its shape and the shape of its shadow in proportion to the page. Then start shading and detailing.

Then try to draw something more complex, for example, flowers, trees, a glass, a pen, etc. Each time try to choose more difficult objects. At this point I can give no further advice other than Practice regularly.

Step 9. Forming your own style

Now you know everything. At least enough to start developing your own artistic style.Your style should be unique, and you must continue to develop it with intense practice.

Please note that I can't add anything more to this step because I don't know what your own unique style will be. I can only advise

The internet is full of resources to help you with inspiration and ideas, such as Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube. I recommend checking these sources regularly, learning about different styles, and practicing the style that suits you best.

Step 10. Getting better

This step is about improving to the point where your drawing is indistinguishable from a photograph or real picture. Of course, it is optional. But if you still If you want to develop your skills to drawing in the style of hyperrealism, this will also require a lot of practice.

While drawings that are indistinguishable from photographs are signs of the amazing skill of the artists who put in a lot of effort, there are equal examples of stunning work that Not similar to the photos. So you should also keep this in mind.

Here is an example of a hyperrealistic drawing:

Every time when you have free time, sit down and draw something, or practice your shading, tone, etc. There are so many things to master - you always need to practice. Draw easy objects and complex ones. Draw people in detail or rough lines. Master everything as much as you can, constantly improve your skills.

Moreover, it is desirable that practice be accompanied by feedback. It’s just imperative that these viewers tell you the truth, so mom and dad are not suitable for this role.Alternatively, you can post your work in some art community or forum. Ours could serve as such a place.

A long-term plan for drawing with non-traditional techniques in preschool educational institutions. Preparatory group

Teacher Kharchikova Lyudmila Nikolaevna
MDOU "CRR "Zorka" - Kindergarten No. 16" Zheleznogorsk, Kursk region
Description of material: This material will be useful for teachers preparatory group. It contains all the accessible and interesting non-traditional drawing techniques.

Long-term plan for drawing with non-traditional techniques in the preparatory group

1 Memories of Summer (Wax crayons + watercolor)
Introduce the wax technique. crayons + watercolor." Contribute to the most expressive reflection of impressions of summer. Develop a sense of composition and color perception.
2 Butterflies in the meadow (Blotography)
Introduce the technique of “blotography”, with its expressive features. Develop interest in creativity, imagination, fantasy.
3 The apples are ripe in the orchards (Poke with a dry, hard brush)
Improve the ability to depict fruit trees. Learn to draw apples using the “poke with a hard brush” technique. Generate interest in creative activities.
4 Autumn bouquet (Plasticine + spray + print with leaves)
Learn to combine several techniques in your work. Develop attention, perseverance, accuracy.
1 What autumn gave us (Drawing from life. Still life)
Introduce the genre of still life. Learn to analyze nature. Use a palette in your work, mix paints. Develop a sense of composition and color perception.
2 Autumn on the edge of the paint spread (Print with leaves)
Continue introducing leaf printing. Cultivate an interest in nature. Develop the ability to mix paints directly on leaves, the desire to most fully realize your idea.
3 Hedgehogs (Print with crumpled paper)
Learn how to make a drawing using the “printing with crumpled paper” technique, supplement the image with details, including dry leaves.
4 Animals that I invented myself (Blotography)
Introduce children to the “blotography” technique. Learn to supplement the drawing with new elements. Develop interest in creativity and imagination.
1 Semyonovskaya matryoshka (Drawing on a three-dimensional figure)
Learn to draw patterns based on Dymkovo toys, combine various previously mastered elements in new combinations, develop the ability to convey the color of Dymkovo patterns
2 First snow (Painting with a brush + cotton swab)
Learn to use several techniques in your work. Show the possibilities of plasticine, cultivate interest in depicting natural phenomena, the desire to create something unusual.
3 Bullfinches on a branch (Poke with a dry brush)
Expand children's understanding of birds, the ability to convey the image of a “bullfinch” in a drawing using the “poke” technique. Develop creative abilities, fine motor skills hands
4 Gift for mom (Drawing with palm, fingers)
Learn to draw flowers using your palm and fingers. Cultivate love for loved ones, the desire to do something nice for them.
1 Winter has come (Print with leaves on a colored background)
Learn to mix paints to obtain shades: lilac, blue. Develop the ability to create a finished look by drawing details. Develop an interest in creativity and your own work.
2 Winter landscape (Drawing with PVA glue + salt)
Introduce drawing with PVA glue and salt. Develop an interest in depicting winter nature, a desire to draw it. Learn to work carefully and clean your workplace.
3 New Year is coming (Media and equipment of children’s choice)
Improve the ability to conceive a plot and choose the means to depict it. Help children realize their vision more fully on paper. Develop a sense of composition and color perception.
4 Decorative Christmas tree (Applique from torn paper + fingers)
Learn to make a Christmas tree using the “break applique” technique. Draw toys on the Christmas tree using finger painting
1 Hello New Year!!! (Techniques of children's choice)
Develop children's ability to use different techniques in your work.
2 Snow family (Crumpled paper + PV glue)
Learn to draw snowmen without first drawing with a pencil, using crumpled paper and glue. Promote positive emotions.
3 Northern Lights (Spray)
Develop color perception, the ability to select appropriate color combinations for your composition. Develop imagination and creative thinking.
4 Bears can be white (Poke with a hard brush)
Improve your poke drawing technique. Expand knowledge about wild animals. Develop a sense of composition and fine motor skills.
1 Wonderful scarves (Drawing with gouache)
Introduce the Pavlo Posad shawl. Learn to highlight color and pattern elements, and draw simple patterns. Develop a sense of rhythm and color perception.
2 Postcard for dad (Media and equipment of the children’s choice)
Teach children to be independent when making their own work. Achieve an emotionally vivid implementation of the plan. Encourage fuller use known means and technician.
3 Portrait of Dad (Colored pencils + felt-tip pen)
Improve the ability to sketch with a simple pencil, color in color and highlight the outline with a felt-tip pen. Evoke an emotional response to creative activity. Encourage to show attention and care to loved ones.
4 Draw what you want (Techniques at the request of children)
Develop the ability to work on a plan and present the content of your drawing. Continue to develop spatial imagination, the ability to convey the character of the object being drawn using color, movement, and facial expressions
1 Early spring(On a wet layer)
Learn to draw on wet paper. Develop an interest in depicting natural phenomena. Create a sense of beauty.
2 Portrait of a mother (Colored pencils + markers)
Improve the ability to sketch with a simple pencil, color in color and highlight the outline with a felt-tip pen. Call positive emotions. Develop perseverance and the desire to bring your work to completion
3 Mimosa branch (Poke with a hard brush + finishing with the end of the brush)
Practice the ability to paint flowers with a hard brush. To form an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world. Learn to show attention to loved ones.
4 Magic patterns (Nitkography)
Develop color perception, the ability to select appropriate color combinations for your composition. Form aesthetic taste.
1 Fairytale fish (Mosaic)
Introduce children to the new mosaic technique. Expand children's understanding of the inhabitants of water spaces. Practice drawing fish using mosaics. Develop your imagination.
2 Easter gift (Painting with a foam sponge)
Help to master new way images with a foam sponge. Learn to complement the drawing with details. Develop creative abilities.
3 Flight into space (Spray)
Learn to draw an image of the night sky using spray paint. Develop cognitive interest, the ability to realize your plan.
4 Starlings have arrived (Watercolor + markers)
Introduce the technique of “watercolor + felt-tip pens” and carry out the work in stages. Develop attention and will.
1 Victory Day (Felt pens + crumpled paper)
To form ideas in children about the feat of the Russian people. Foster a sense of pride in your homeland. The desire to express this in your drawing.
2 Spring bouquet (Plasticine + drawing with crumpled paper)
Practice in combination of two techniques. Develop a sense of composition and color perception. Generate interest in creative activities.
3 Golden Khokhloma (Use of techniques: flat and with the end of the brush)
Introduce children to Khokhloma painting. Generate interest in folk art. Learn to draw a background for Khokhloma painting. Make decorative patterns. Cultivate accuracy when working. Drawing with paint on paint.
4 Hello summer! (Wax crayons + watercolor)
Strengthen the ability to draw with wax crayons and paint over with watercolor paint. Teaches you to portray your mood, your impressions. Improve the components

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Long-term planning for drawing in the senior group

Senior group


1. Lesson topic: "We draw summer".

Topic of the week: .

Learn to reflect in a drawing the impressions received in the summer; draw different trees, bushes, flowers; evaluate your own drawings and the drawings of your comrades;

Strengthen the ability to place images on a strip at the bottom of the sheet and throughout leaf: closer to the bottom of the sheet and further than it;

Develop imaginative perception, imaginative ideas, creative activity.

2. Topic of the lesson: "Apple tree with golden apples in a magical garden".

Topic of the week: “Day of Knowledge. Goodbye summer. Hello, kindergarten".

paint spreading trees , conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; portray a lot "golden" apples; place the image on the sheet;

Strengthen the skill paint with paints paint on wet paint);

3. Lesson topic: "Miracle Bird".

Topic of the week: “You are Kuban, you are our Motherland”.

Introduce children to the folk and applied arts of Kuban;

View photos of clay toys - birds;

Cultivate interest in works of folk art of Kuban.

4. Lesson topic: "Colors of the native land".

Topic of the week: “You are Kuban, you are our Motherland”.

Contribute to the expansion and consolidation of children’s knowledge about their native land;

Instill a love for the artistic word;

Strengthen skills drawing colors of Kuban patterns.

5. Lesson topic:"Human"

Topic of the week: "Our body and health"

(drawing with a simple pencil)

Learn paint

6. Lesson topic: "Children on exercise"

(colored pencils)

Topic of the week: "Our body and health"

Learn draw people, observing the ratio of head and body in size;

Learn to convey in a drawing the position of the arms and legs when children perform exercises;

Develop creativity.

7. Lesson topic: "Matryoshka dolls from Sergiev Posad"


Topic of the week: "My family"

Introduce children to the history of the creation of the Russian wooden nesting doll, show the characteristic features of the Sergiev Posad nesting doll;

Develop the ability to paint the silhouette of a nesting doll with patterns and flowers;

Form aesthetic taste.

8. Lesson topic:"Family of Semenov's nesting dolls"

(colored pencils)

Topic of the week: "My family"

Introduce children to the Semenov matryoshka doll;

Learn paint a simple pencil silhouette from life;

Practice conveying the characteristic features of Semenov’s nesting dolls using appropriate colors and patterns.

9. Lesson topic: "Fruit Trees".

Topic of the week: "Fruits, vegetables"

Learn to create a fairy tale image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of fruits;

Place the image on the sheet;

Strengthen the skill paint with paints(blot the brush well on a napkin, do not paint on wet paint);

Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition.

10. Lesson topic: "We draw vegetables"

Topic of the week: "Fruits, vegetables"

Teach children to design decorative work on a square using leaves, arches and vegetables;

Keep learning paint with paints;

Learn to use successfully combined colors, create shades of color on a palette;

Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition.

11. Lesson topic:"Pine"

(gouache painting)

Topic of the week: "Trees, bushes»

Learn draw a tree, conveying its structure (trunk, branches, needles, first with a simple pencil, and then draw up the work in color;

Learn to mix paints to obtain different shades of the same color;

Keep learning paint wide lines with the entire bristle and fine lines with the tip of the brush;

Strengthen the ability to use the dipping method.

12. Lesson topic:"Birch"

(gouache painting)

Topic of the week: "Trees, bushes»

Teach children draw a tree passing it on

Strengthen the ability to create plot composition, enter the drawing into the sheet;

13. Lesson topic:"Magic Leaves and Berries"

Topic of the week: "Berries and Mushrooms"

Introduce children to the patterns on modern printed fabrics and discuss their beauty;

Practice the simplest techniques drawing with a brush of decorative leaves and berries (with the end of the brush - poking and with the whole brush by applying or dipping);

Develop aesthetic perception and sense of rhythm.

14. Lesson topic:"Mushroom Glade"

Topic of the week: "Berries and Mushrooms"

Introduce children to the variety of mushrooms;

Learn copy from a picture, correctly convey the shape of the leaves, the location and color of the mushrooms;

15. Lesson topic:"Autumn"

Topic of the week: "Autumn"

Introduce children to the painting by I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn";

Teach children to reflect autumn impressions in drawings, paint various trees;

Learn to depict trees, grass, leaves in different ways;

Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints;

Develop activity and creativity;

Continue to develop the ability to enjoy beautiful drawings.

16. Lesson topic:"Branch with Berries"

Topic of the week: "Autumn"

Continue to introduce children to the variety of berries;

Learn copy from a picture, correctly convey the shape of the leaves, the location and color of the berries;

Strengthen the ability to fill out a sheet compositionally.

17. Lesson topic:"Still life "Gifts of Autumn"

(getting started with a simple pencil).

Topic of the week: "Autumn"

Introduce the genre of painting - still life;

Develop the ability to beautifully arrange a drawing on a sheet of paper.

18. Lesson topic:"Still life "Gifts of Autumn"

(continuation of paint work).

Topic of the week: "Autumn"

Show the role of the color background for a still life;

Strengthen the ability to work with a brush and paints.

Bring up .

19. Lesson topic:"Hedgehog"

(drawing colored pencils)

Topic of the week: "Wild Animals"

Teach children paint use a simple pencil without pressing the outline and paint over it with colored pencils, without going beyond the contour lines;

Develop imaginative thinking when solving riddles.

20. Lesson topic:"Squirrel"

(hatching "loop", felt-tip pens)

Topic of the week: "Wild Animals"

Teach children draw a squirrel, conveying its characteristic peculiarities: oval body, elongated muzzle, short legs;

To practice the ability to reflect in a drawing impressions of natural phenomena in the autumn period, to convey a simple perspective: on the front plan depict objects large, in the background - small;

Learn to convey the texture of fur using continuous shading "loop";

Develop observation skills and aesthetic taste;

Bring up careful attitude to animals.

21. Lesson topic:"Mustachioed - Striped".

Topic of the week: "Pets"

Learn to convey the image of a kitten in a drawing;

Strengthen the ability to depict animals using skills painting with brush and paints;

Develop imaginative perception and imagination;

Invoke joy from the created image.

22. Lesson topic:"Kid"

(hatching "loop", felt-tip pens)

Topic of the week: "Pets"

Continue to teach children to outline the silhouette of an animal on four legs, conveying its pose and structure;

Continue to introduce the method of image transmission - stroke- "loop";

Show the features and possibilities of continuous circular movements when conveying the texture of the curly fur of a kid;

Practice in drawing"loop".

23. Lesson topic:"Bullfinch".


Topic of the week: "Wintering Birds"

Learn to convey the characteristic features of a bullfinch in a drawing, observing proportions to convey the shape of the bird’s body structure;

Strengthen the ability to work with a simple pencil, brush and paints;

24. Lesson topic:"Owl in the Tree"

(wax crayons)

Topic of the week: "Wintering Birds"

Keep learning draw birds, conveying their characteristic features;

Learn to make a sketch with a simple pencil, and then decorate the work with wax crayons;

Instill love and respect for feathered friends.

25. Lesson topic:"Cockerel with his family" start of work.

Topic of the week: "Poultry"

Teach children to convey in a drawing one of the episodes of the story;

Strengthen the skill draw a rooster

Exercise in drawing with a simple pencil;

26. Lesson topic:"Cockerel with his family" (based on the story by K. D. Ushinsky) end of work.

Topic of the week: "Poultry"

Teach children to finish what they start;

Strengthen the skill draw a rooster, hens, chicks; achieve accuracy in conveying the basic shape and characteristic details;

Practice coloring with colored pencils;

Develop creative imagination.

27. Lesson topic: "Fairytale houses"

Topic of the week: "House, its parts"

Learn to create the image of a fairy-tale house; convey in a drawing its shape, structure, parts;

Strengthen the skill paint various familiar materials, choosing them at will;

Develop a desire to look at your drawings and evaluate them.

28. Lesson topic:"Houses for the Three Little Pigs"(wax crayons)

Topic of the week: "House, its parts"

Expand knowledge of the main parts of a building (wall, roof, window, door, etc.);

Practice the guys in drawing rectangular objects (wide, narrow, high, low);

To develop the ability to create a simple composition based on the plot of a fairy tale;

Reinforce techniques drawing with wax crayons;

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

29. Lesson topic:"My favorite room" (colored pencils)

Topic of the week: "Furniture" (getting started)

Keep learning draw with a simple pencil

30. Lesson topic: "My favorite room"

(colored pencils)

Topic of the week: "Furniture" (end of work)

Develop the ability to conceive the content of a drawing;

Keep learning draw with a simple pencil, and paint over with colored pencils;

Develop creativity and imaginative ideas;

Continue to develop the ability to examine your work, highlight images that are interesting in design, and evaluate your work.

31. Lesson topic:"TV"


Topic of the week: "Household electrical appliances"

Expand your understanding of the shape of familiar objects;

Learn to convey the characteristic features of household appliances;

Develop skill paint with brush and paints;

Build skill paint any image on the TV screen.

32. Lesson topic:"Computer"

(colored pencils and wax crayons)

Topic of the week: "Household electrical appliances"

Learn to convey the characteristic features of a computer;

Teach children to make sketches with a simple pencil and then paint over them with colored pencils;

Form figurative perception.

33. Lesson topic:"Snowman"

(watercolor, wax crayons)

Topic of the week: "Winter. New Year"

Continue to teach how to convey the features of the depicted object;

Improve your ability to work with watercolors and wax crayons;

Develop imaginative ideas and creativity;

Bring up diligence and accuracy.

34. Lesson topic:"Snow Maiden or Father Frost"


Topic of the week: "Winter. New Year"

Continue to introduce children to the concept "cool colors";

Learn paint fairy tale character , respecting the proportions of the body;

Strengthen the skill paint contour with a simple pencil without pressure;

Develop creativity.

35. Lesson topic: "Apron"

(drawing colored pencils and markers)

Topic of the week: "Cloth"

Introduce children to the features of Russian folk costume;

Show the beauty of embroidered products, patterns from plant elements;

Learn draw an apron, conveying its characteristic features, decorate it with plant patterns (flowers, leaves, stems, herbs).

36. Lesson topic: “Alyonushka in a sundress”

(decorative drawing colored pencils)

Topic of the week: "Cloth"

Continue to introduce children to the history of decorating clothes and linen with embroidery;

Show the beauty of embroidered products;

Learn to convey the characteristic features of Russian folk clothing - sundress and shirt;

Develop respect for folk culture.

37. Lesson topic: "Hat and mittens"

(decorative gouache painting)

Topic of the week: "Shoes. Hats"

Teach children draw items of clothing;

Continue to teach yourself how to come up with patterns and decorate clothes in the same style and color;

Develop a sense of composition and rhythm.

38. Lesson topic: "Fairytale Shoes"

(wax crayons, gouache)

Topic of the week: "Shoes. Hats"

Learn to create the look of fabulous shoes; convey its shape, structure, parts in a drawing;

Strengthen the skill paint wax crayons and gouache;

Practice painting over drawings, using them as you wish;

Develop a desire to look at your drawings and evaluate them;

Develop fantasy and imagination.

39. Lesson topic: "Gzhel Cup"

(painted in gouache)

Topic of the week: "Cookware and food"

Introduce children to Gzhel;

Learn to highlight the characteristic features of Gzhel painting, decorate with simple elements of painting;

Continue learning how to mix blue and white paint to create a blue color.

40. Lesson topic: "Tea service"

(gouache painting)

Topic of the week: "Cookware and food"

Learn draw dishes, independently come up with patterns and decorate dishes in the same style;

Strengthen the ability to place pattern elements on the surface of an object;

Develop aesthetic perception, fantasy, imagination, sense of color;

Cultivate compassion and kindness.

41. Lesson topic: "Houses on our street"

Topic of the week:

Clarify ideas about the street, that houses are different;

Learn to determine what all houses have in common and how they differ;

Reinforce knowledge about the shape of roofs (trapezoid, triangle);

Learn to place an image across the entire sheet, determine the location of individual objects; - strengthen technical skills and abilities.

42. Lesson topic: "By design"

Topic of the week: “What I see in the city. What kind of stores are there?”

Teach children to think about the content of their drawing based on the impressions they receive, to select materials in accordance with the content of the image;

Develop imagination and creative activity;

Strengthen technical skills drawing with different materials;

Develop the ability to notice interesting topics.

43. Lesson topic: "Steamboat"

(wax crayons and watercolor)

Topic of the week: "Transport"

Learn paint objects with a simple pencil, conveying the shape of the main parts, their location and size;

Continue to strengthen the ability to write an image on a sheet of paper;

Continue learning how to paint over a silhouette with wax crayons and tint a wet sheet of paper with watercolors.

44. Lesson topic: "Truck"

(free choice of material)

Topic of the week: "Transport"

Learn to depict objects from different geometric shapes, correctly position parts of the object;

Develop a sense of composition;

Teach children to use different materials to create expressive drawings.

45. Lesson topic: "Portrait of Dad"


Topic of the week:

Give children an idea of ​​the portrait genre;

Learn paint portrait of father from memory (head, shoulders);

46. ​​Lesson topic: "Flying Planes"

(wax crayons and watercolor)

Topic of the week: "Russia. Defenders of the Fatherland"

Learn paint silhouettes of airplanes with a simple pencil, conveying the shape;

Strengthen the ability to paint over an object with wax crayons and tint a sheet with watercolors so that one color smoothly transitions into another;

Develop creativity and imagination.

47. Lesson topic: "Where does the bread come from"

(colored pencils)

Topic of the week: "Bread and Cereals"

Expand children's knowledge about artists;

Introduce reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin "Rye", I. Mashkova "Food Moscow: breads";

Develop the ability to portray people and cars;

Develop skills drawing colored pencils.

48. Lesson topic: "Khokhloma patterns"


Topic of the week: "Bread and Cereals"

Continue to introduce children to products decorated with Khokhloma painting;

Learn to highlight the composition of a pattern, name its elements, highlight their rhythmic arrangement, determine the color of Khokhloma;

Practice a variety of brush techniques;

Develop the ability to admire Khokhloma products and created patterns.

49. Lesson topic: "Portrait of a Mother"


Topic of the week: "Spring. Mom's holiday"

Strengthen the ability to draw a portrait;

Develop artistic perception image of a person;

Learn paint portrait of mother from memory

(head, shoulders);

Practice mixing paints to create a complexion.

50. Lesson topic: “Bouquet as a gift to mom”


Topic of the week: "Spring. Mom's holiday"

Teach children draw flowers, combine colors, correctly position the drawing on the sheet;

gouache painting;

Develop skills drawing outline of the bouquet with a simple pencil"

Keep learning paint with a brush in different ways;

Cultivate a sense of respect for parents

51. Lesson topic: "We draw spring flowers"

(gouache painting)

Topic of the week: "Flowers"

Introduce children to spring flowers;

Teach children to carefully paint flowers with gouache, allowing the paint to dry;

Strengthen the ability to convey different colors and shades by mixing paints with white;

Cultivate aesthetic taste.

52. Lesson topic: "Lilac in a vase"

(drawing from life)

Topic of the week: "Flowers"

Teach children draw from life;

Develop the ability to observe, peer;

Learn to convey the characteristic features of nature in a drawing;

Improve the ability to mix paints to obtain new shades.

53. Lesson topic: "Bee on a Flower"

(drawing with wax crayons)

Topic of the week: "Insects"

Develop the ability to observe natural phenomena;

Learn to convey the basic properties of objects, characteristic details, the relationship of objects and their parts in size, height, location relative to each other.

54. Lesson topic: "Insects of the meadow"

(watercolor and gouache)

Topic of the week: "Insects"

Learn to reflect a simple plot in a drawing, conveying pictures of the surrounding life;

To develop the ability to convey the contours of insects with a continuous line;

Learn to combine watercolor and gouache, cook required colors, mixing watercolor and whitewash;

To develop aesthetic perception, the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, the desire to reflect it in one’s creativity.

55. Lesson topic: "Lark"

(drawing colored pencils)

Topic of the week: "Birds of Passage"

Learn to sketch with a graphite pencil and paint over with colored pencils;

Teach children draw birds, building an image from its component parts;

Develop observation and imagination;

Cultivate a love for birds.

56. Lesson topic: "Swallow on the Nest"

(watercolor painting)

Topic of the week: "Birds of Passage"

Continue to teach children to first make a sketch with a graphite pencil and then color the drawing with paints;

Develop observation and imagination;

Cultivate a love for birds.

57. Lesson topic: "Bottom of the Sea"


Topic of the week: "Fish"

Teach children to create an underwater landscape;

To form a generalized idea of ​​the external appearance of sea inhabitants, conveying in the drawing not only the shape, but also the plasticity of the object, its character, with the help of small details;

Develop imagination.

58. Lesson topic: "Aquarium"


Topic of the week: "Fish"

Teach children to portray aquarium inhabitants (fish, snails) and vegetation;

Practice children in independently tinting a sheet of paper, depicting small details with the end of a brush;

Develop visual skills.

59. Lesson topic: “Illustration for a fairy tale "Tops and Roots"

(colored pencils)

Topic of the week:

Continue to teach how to create and write a plot composition into a sheet of paper;

Improve technique drawing with a simple pencil;

Practice zigzag shading.

60. Lesson topic: “Illustration for a fairy tale "Turnip"


Topic of the week: "Spring. Its signs. Spring work in the garden, field, vegetable garden"

Learn to convey the content of a fairy tale episode in a drawing;

Strengthen the ability to arrange a drawing on a sheet of paper in accordance with the content;

Reinforce methods and techniques watercolor painting;

Develop a sense of form, color, composition.

61. Lesson topic: "Path to the Stars"

(wax crayons)

Topic of the week: "Space"

Learn paint colored wax crayons on a white sheet of paper;

Learn to depict a rocket in flight, the characteristic features of a spaceship;

Learn to come up with the composition and content of a drawing;

Develop creative imagination and imaginative thinking. Job.

62. Lesson topic: "Space"


Topic of the week: "Space".

Clarify children's knowledge about space: O planets solar system , nearby stars, the first cosmonaut;

To develop in children an artistic perception of outer space, a desire to convey their impressions, and the ability to independently compose the plot of a drawing on a given topic;

Continue learning to create multifaceted plot composition ( draw on the entire sheet, conveying the depth of space, highlight the main thing with size and color;

Develop children's imagination, creativity, and fine motor skills.

63. Lesson topic: "My future profession"

(colored pencils)

Topic of the week: "Professions"

Learn paint schematically the figures of people, observing the proportions and movements of people;

Form imaginative perception;

Learn to convey the main details of clothing in a drawing.

64. Lesson topic: "My Parent's Profession"

(watercolor and wax crayons)

Topic of the week: "Professions"

Keep learning paint schematically the figures of people, observing the proportions and movements of people;

Reinforce methods and techniques painting with watercolors and brush;

Foster a sense of respect for the professions of adults.

65. Lesson topic: “A toy as a gift for future


(getting started)

Topic of the week: "School"

To develop in children the ability to depict their favorite toy and convey its characteristic features;

Strengthen the skill draw with a simple pencil;

Improve the ability to write a drawing on a sheet of paper;

Cultivate love for peers.

66. Lesson topic: “A toy as a gift for future


(end of work)

Topic of the week: "School"

Teach children to finish what they start;

Learn to color a drawing with gouache;

Improve your ability to use a brush;

Bring up diligence and accuracy.

67. Lesson topic: "Rainbow - Arc"

Topic of the week:

Continue to teach children to independently reflect in drawings their ideas about natural phenomena using various visual and expressive means;

To develop interest in the image of a rainbow;

Develop a sense of color;

Foster an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

68. Lesson topic: "Storm".

Topic of the week: “Signs of summer. Summer Games and fun"

Strengthen the ability to depict pictures of nature, convey the features of spring weather in a drawing (storm clouds, lightning, rain);

Teach children how to wash;

Develop independence, initiative, sense of composition;

Encourage individual style of performance;

Show the means of expression in artists’ landscapes;

Generate interest in drawing.

69. Lesson topic: "Sea"

Topic of the week: "Summer".

70. Lesson topic: "Butterflies are flying over the meadow".

Topic of the week: "Summer".

Teach children to reflect a simple plot in drawings, conveying pictures of the life around them;

Place images on a wide strip;

Convey the flavor of a particular phenomenon based on observations;

To develop color and aesthetic perceptions, the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, the desire to reflect it in one’s creativity.

71. Lesson topic: "Patterns on the kitchen board".

Teach children to paint a template based on Gorodets or Khokhloma painting;

Learn to highlight decorative elements of painting, their compositional arrangement, color;

Develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition.

72. Lesson topic: "Tree".

(blowing with a straw)

Teach children draw in a new technique;

Develop interest in drawing, fantasy;

Bring up diligence, neatness.