Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic: Sea fish. Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

Type of lesson: Generalization and consolidation of knowledge and skills.

Kind of activity: Thematic lesson.


  • Creating the image of an aquarium with unique fish.
  • Creating conditions for the creative use of previously mastered techniques for working with art materials and means of figurative expression.
  • Creation of a collective aquarium.


  • Educational: consolidation and generalization of knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes; teach children to independently find methods of depiction, artistic materials and means of figurative expression to reveal this topic; improve artistic and graphic skills; continue to develop artistic needs, the ability to analyze their own work and the work of other children.
  • Developmental: develop creative initiative and imagination, using a variety of art materials in your work;
  • develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition; develop aesthetic perception of the world around us, the ability to see beauty; development of interest in the surrounding world.


  1. : to cultivate aesthetic and moral feelings, the desire to sympathize, empathize and help, caring for the surrounding nature and pets.
  2. Preliminary work:
  3. Reading the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, looking at the illustrations for this work.
  4. Examination of pictures and photographs, illustrations and postcards depicting sea, river and aquarium fish to enrich children’s artistic impressions.
  5. Conversations about the life of sea and river fish.
  6. Outdoor game “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two...”. Aquarium care: washing plants, stones. Consideration of aquatic plants and comparing them with terrestrial ones (how they are similar, how they are different). Sketches of algae and fish from nature, drawing from imagination; preparation and tasting
  7. fish dishes

and seaweed dishes. Decoration of fish figures cut out of colored paper.

Methodical techniques: T.G. Kazakova, Lesson for preschoolers in visual arts: A book for kindergarten teachers and parents. I.A. Lykova, Visual activity in kindergarten. Preparatory group. I.A. Lykova, Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group. I. A. Lykova, Program artistic education, education and development of children 2-7 years old “Colored palms”.

Music:"Aquarium" Saint-Saens.

Materials and equipment:

  • For the teacher: an aquarium, illustrations with images of fish, children’s work with aquariums made with various art materials, multi-media equipment, a selection of slides of strange fish and aquatic inhabitants, a magnetic board, a music center.
  • For children: easels, tablets, blanks of a round aquarium in A4 or A3 format attached to the tablet with tape, gouache, watercolors, brushes, rags, simple pencils, wax crayons, black markers, fish decorated by children in advance different colors, glue stick.


1. Organizing time- 2 minutes.
2. Heuristic conversation – 6 min.
3. Creative search and experimental work – 10 min.
4. Dynamic pause – 2 min.
5. Lesson summary:
a) exhibition and analysis of children’s works – 2 min.
b) self-analysis – 3 min.


1. Organizational moment

Everyone is here!
Adults and children!
We can begin!
But first,
You need to say “Hello”!

D.: Hello.

P.: Today, near the kindergarten, I met the sun, which came to visit us. But the sun is not simple, but magical. Whoever takes it in his hands will become the most affectionate and kind child in the world. Let's check! (We transmit balloon- darling, saying a kind word to each other). It's true, we have become the kindest and most affectionate.

2. Heuristic conversation

P.: Children, come to me. Look how big and beautiful the aquarium is. What kind of fish swim in it?
What parts does a fish consist of? What geometric shapes do they resemble? (scales, body - oval, tail - triangle, fins, eyes). Invite the children to show the body parts of the fish and explain their purpose. The fins serve as a rudder and brake, the tail serves as the engine of the fish.

P.: Children, now look here. The teacher takes the children to the TV and shows slides with strange fish. Draws attention to their bright scales.
Who will try to draw a fish? The child draws a fish on a magnetic or chalk board.

3. Practical work

P.:(brings the children to a magnetic board on which aquariums made with various art materials are attached).

P.: What materials and techniques did the artist use to create such beautiful aquariums? What other materials can be used? (Children's answers)
But you can also draw a fish with your own hands.

4. Finger gymnastics:

My fish is silent all the time
Doesn't sing, doesn't growl, doesn't purr.
I don’t understand why, that’s the problem.
Maybe water got into her mouth?

Please come to the easels; aquarium blanks are attached to them. You have gouache, watercolor, wax pencils and black markers. Let's try to create an image of an aquarium with the help of these materials, but so that for each of you it will be different and different from

5. Physical exercise

The fish are playing happily
In blue sunny water,
They will shrink, they will unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand.

Transformation into seagulls.

We are seagulls, we have spread our wings and are circling over the river, looking for prey. They saw a fish, went down to the water, (bent down) caught the fish and flew to the shore.
Children perform actions expressing their attitude towards artistic expression through movements, facial expressions.

6. Analysis and exhibition of children's works

P.: Let's see what you got. Did we complete the task (draw an aquarium)? Who got the most colorful fish? What's their name? Which one has the most fun? Who has the most interesting, fun, beautiful, transparent, magical aquarium? Why? etc. (As work progresses)

7. Introspection

P.: Children, look how big and beautiful the aquarium is. But it's empty. Let's fill it with fish. And here are the fish that we decorated earlier. If you did a good job, then take a red or yellow fish. If you think that you haven’t quite completed the task, you can take a green or blue fish.
Children glue fish onto a large aquarium.

P.: You all did a great job today. Our lesson has come to an end. We still have some fish left, let's give them to our guests as a souvenir of our lesson. See you at the next lesson.

Name: Drawing lesson “Fish”, presentation for the lesson
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, visual activities, Middle group

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: Kindergarten No. 30
Location: Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk

Summary of a lesson in visual arts for middle group children

Theme "Fish"

Program content:

  1. Reinforce knowledge about the structure of fish by completing the task “Collect a fish.”
  2. To develop children’s ability to convey characteristics fish: fins, tail, eyes, different colors (vertical or horizontal stripes, specks, spots).
  3. Strengthen the ability to paint with a brush and paints: carefully pick up paint on the brush, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar with a light touch of the bristles, paint without going beyond the outline.
  4. Develop color perception and orientation on the screen surface when completing the “Find the Fish” task.
  5. Encourage creativity and imagination.
  6. Foster a sense of community and mutual assistance in carrying out a common cause.

Materials and equipment:

Projector, laptop, presentation for class, fish made from individual parts for the task “Assemble a fish.”

Gouache paints, brushes, sheets of paper, tinted blue or cyan.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, today we are going on an extraordinary journey. We will take an underwater walk in a submersible. Are you ready for adventure?

Sit up straight, straighten your shoulders and look carefully at the screen. We're going underwater! (video 1, at the end of the phrase of the Underwater King, pause in the video).

Underwater king:

Oh-ho-ho. Who dared to invade my domain and disturb me?


Hello, Underwater King. Sea expanses, sovereign. Please don't be angry with us. We admired the underwater beauty and didn’t want to disturb you at all.

Underwater king:

But I will take it and will not let you go back to earth until you complete my tasks.


Sea king, we will try to fulfill your tasks. Really, guys? (children's approval)

Underwater king:

Here's my first task. Find the fish that I will name and help them swim to the seaweed.

(video 2, at the end of the phrase of the Underwater King, pause in the video).

— A yellow fish with a green tail and green fins.

Pink fish with a yellow tail and red fins.

— An orange fish with a blue tail and blue fins.

(Children complete the task by pointing at the named fish on the screen, and the teacher moves them using a computer mouse in a presentation on a laptop).

Underwater king:

Well done. You have completed one task. Second task. Collect fish from individual parts.


Guys, look carefully and tell me what parts of the fish are there? (torso, fins, tail, eyes)

- What is the shape of the body?

- What is the shape of the tail? fins?

- Who wants to collect fish? (call 1-2 children to assemble a fish on an easel from separate parts cut out of paper)

Underwater king:

Fine. And you completed this task. My third task. Draw the fish so that they are all different.


Fish drawing demonstration.

How can we draw a fish? (children's answers) Discuss the sequence of drawing a fish.

- Look at the pictures and tell me what color the fish can be made? (vertical or horizontal stripes, specks, spots).

Before we start drawing, let's play. Repeat the movements after me.

Five little fish were diving in the river

(imitation fish).

A large log lay on the sand

(spread your arms to the sides).

The first fish said: “It’s easy to dive here.”

(imitation diving).

The second one said: “It’s deep here.”

(they shake their index finger).

The third said: - I want to sleep

(hands cupped under the ear).

The fourth one began to freeze a little

(Rub shoulders with brushes).

The fifth one shouted: “there’s a crocodile here.”

(hands imitate the mouth of a crocodile).

Swim quickly so you don't swallow it

(with palms they show how the fish swim away).

Carrying out work by children.

The teacher provides assistance with advice, guiding questions, and “hand in hand” techniques.

The teacher after the children have completed their work:

Shall we show the Sea King what we have done? (children's consent)

Underwater king:

Beautiful! You made me happy. I'm letting you go to earth. Bon Voyage!


Thank you! Goodbye! We rise to the surface (video cutscene).

-Where did we go today?

—Who did we see in the underwater kingdom?

— Shall we take another trip?

Lesson summary for older children using non-traditional drawing techniques

"Gold fish"

Software tasks:

To develop the ability to create an expressive image of a goldfish using unconventional techniques drawings - pointillism, stained glass.

Develop artistic perception, imagination, creative thinking, fine motor skills hands.

Cultivate accuracy and perseverance in work.

Preliminary work:

A conversation about the inhabitants of the sea and the aquarium, reading A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, looking at illustrations on the topic “Sea Inhabitants”

Materials and equipment:

Presentation “Extraordinary Fishes”, multimedia equipment, musical accompaniment, aquarium with fish, materials needed to create the composition

(plastic treated with tape in the form of an aquarium, fish coloring, gouache paints with added glue).

Progress of the lesson

Music is playing. ( Listen to the sound of the sea)

Q. Guys, tell me, what does this music remind you of?

Why do they say that the sea is alive? (Children's answers.)

Q. Then who lives in the aquarium and why? (Children's answers.)

Show multimedia presentation slides

Q. A long time ago, travelers noticed the beauty of small fish in warm countries and brought them to us for breeding in aquariums.

Look how different the fish are in color and shape.

Who knows what the body of a fish is covered with? What is the body shape of fish?

How do you think the fish see us? (fish have eyes)

Fish loves to live in water, this is its home. (Children's answers.)

Show me what shape the body of the fish has. ( children trace the outline with a gesture fish)

What helps the fish when swimming? (tail, fins)

Let's show how they swim.

Physical exercise "Fish"

A fish swims in the water (children stand in a circle)

The fish have fun playing. (wave-like movements with hands)

Fish, fish, mischief, (running in a circle)

We want to catch you.

The fish arched its back (movements according to the text)

I took a bread crumb,

The fish waved its tail

The fish quickly swam away.

Q. Remember what fairy tale we read about fish? (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

Here it is in our aquarium gold fish.

Examining the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Is it possible to draw a goldfish? (Children's answers.)

Today I want to show you how to draw a fish in an aquarium. First, we will place the already drawn alien fish in our aquarium and trace the outline with paint from a tube. Then we will decorate her body with dots. You have already drawn using this technique: using a pencil at the end with an eraser, you drew a sailing boat. Let me remind you that this technique is called pointillism. And today, in a pointillist style, depict a goldfish with multi-colored dots using a tube of paint. Repeat, what is the name of the technique you will use? ( Children's answers).

Q. Please note that the aquarium is not empty, there are algae, pebbles, grass in it, and we will also draw them using the pointillism technique - with dots.

Finger gymnastics “Fish”.

The fish swam and dived
In clean, warm water.
They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

The teacher reminds you of the rules of drawing.

Independent work of children (musical accompaniment, help from a teacher if necessary).

The finished aquariums are collected on one table and the children look at them.

Q. How many beautiful, magical fish we got, and in a transparent aquarium they are very clearly visible.

Reading the poem "Pisces".

Fish move with their fins. They muddy clean water.

Let's have lunch - thank you. They don't tell anyone.

They live like this for centuries. And wherever you look, -

The fish only move their fins gratefully.

Why such fish? Yes, they have water in their mouths!

And they will never be able to say thank you.

Q. And our fish are not simple, but golden. They can not only talk, but also make wishes come true. Make a wish and quietly whisper to your fish. (Children make a wish)

Relaxation exercise “In clear, gentle water, a string of fish swims.”

MBDOU No. 8 kindergarten "Yolochka" of the Urensky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Summary of organized educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development


Topic: “Fish swim in an aquarium” .

Educator: Smirnova N. A


Program content:

Teach children to pretend to be fish swimming in different directions: correctly convey the shape, tail, fins. Instill the ability to draw with a brush and paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, using strokes of different nature. Develop the ability to define your own goal and realize it, celebrate it own achievements and the achievements of other children. To foster independence, creativity, and determination.

EducationalConversation “Where do the fish live?”, sculpting fish, drawing with stencils, looking at the album “Aquarium Fish,” placing patterns for drawing fish in an iso-corner and attracting children’s attention to them, reading works of art: A.S. Pushkin “Golden Fish”, Permyak “First Fish”, N. Nosov “Karasik”, poem by I. Tokmakova “Where the Fish Sleeps”. Consideration of aquarium fish in a presentation, video film in order to introduce the names of fish, features appearance, help me remember them.

Talking with children about having an aquarium at home. Involving families with an aquarium at home in the photo exhibition “My Aquarium,” and the child in writing a story and telling peers “How I care for the fish at home.”

Used Books:T.S. Komarova “Art activities in kindergarten/middle group/.

Material: Aquarium, toy fish different shapes, sheets of paper in the shape of aquariums (round, rectangular and square), watercolor paints, jars of water, brushes, rags, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, pencils, audio recording of the music of San Sena "Aquarium", the sound of the sea.

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Children, do you like surprises? (children's answers) I have prepared an interesting surprise for you today. Close your eyes and don’t open them (I turn on the music of San Sen “Aquarium”) What did you imagine when you listened to the music? (I listen to the children’s suggestions with reasoning, then I suggest they pay attention to the table (the children identify the object under the napkin and express their opinions, I propose to check the assumptions by solving the riddle).

Educator: (telling a riddle)

The grass and grottoes are crumbs,

Clear water…

playing there are fish in it -

There's a fish mess there.

I look - one of the fish

He waves his fin at me -

Apparently he says

About life behind glass

What it is? Who guessed? Why?

(children's answers) If, even after the riddle, the children find it difficult to answer correctly, I partially open the napkin and then take it off completely.

Educator: That's right, it's an aquarium. To get a better look at it, I suggest you sit down at the tables(looking at an aquarium) My aquarium is glass and empty, you also have aquariums on your tables and they are also empty, there is no one there. What can you do to get fish in your aquariums (children’s answers)? What else could be in the aquarium?(with pebbles, algae, sand, you can also depict a grotto).

Before we start drawing, let's remember what kind of fish come in shape (I post pictures of aquarium fish and some diagrams for drawing fish). I generalize the children's answers that fish come in different shapes: round, oval and triangular, and they all have different colors too. . Show how to draw these shapes with your hand in the air. What else do fish have? (fins, scales, eyes, mouth).

Think about what kind of fish you want to put in the aquarium, what else you want to put in it.Choose any shape of the aquarium and what you will use to draw with and start depicting the fish in the aquarium. In order for the fish to turn out bright and beautiful, think about what color is best to paint them. I turn on the music, the children begin to draw (If the child cannot realize his plan and goal, I help with advice or share my experience, I encourage the children, paying attention to their achievements)

Educator : Guys, what beautiful fish you have in your aquariums, all different in shape and size. What can we do with our aquariums? (children's answers - Give as a gift, make a book, an exhibition)

You can still play with our aquariums. Shall we play? Tell me where I can buy aquarium fish?(children's answers: At the pet store.)

Educator : The pet store sells different fish: goldfish, swordtail, guppies, catfish. Sales consultants tell customers about them.

A pet store is opening in our group,Anyone can add their own aquarium with fish, turn into a sales consultant and tell customers about their aquarium or a friend’s aquarium. (the teacher can himself or ask another child to talk about the aquarium, the author of which, due to personal characteristics, cannot characterize his own work) When examining and telling the story, the teacher participates in a conversation with the sales consultant, noting the achievements of each child)

Educator: You each succeeded interesting story about fish. I wanted to buy all the beautiful fish. Our pet store is closed for lunch break. We can invite Nina Ivanovna and Olga Nikolaevna, your parents, and tell them about aquarium fish; I think they will be happy to visit our pet store.