A project to introduce preschoolers to reading fiction. Project in the preparatory group on the topic “Fiction in the education of preschoolers

Type of project: educational and creative, group.

Project type: short-term

Integration of educational areas in various activities: speech development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Project participants: children 4-5 years old, teacher, physical education instructor, music director, children's staff central library, parents.

Books are of great importance in a child’s life. The book is a necessary element of his spiritual life. A child’s strong interest in reading and reading habit are formed in the family. As a result of reading books, a child acquires not only new knowledge, but also, most importantly, new emotional attitude to the environment.

But in our time, children and their parents have begun to more often replace children's literature with television and computers, while the fiction book remains untouched and loses its importance in the formation of artistic taste. Most parents don't have time to sit down with their child and read a book. Child psychologists consider this a big omission of adults in raising their children.

A survey of parents and a survey of children in our group showed that very little time is devoted to reading children's books at home, and some parents cannot even name the works of children's writers. But in fact, children's literature is one of the most ancient means of moral and aesthetic education, and also forms behavioral stereotypes of future members of adult society. Therefore, we decided to devote a little more time to children's literature in the development and upbringing of our children.

The goal of the project: to develop among preschoolers a sustainable interest in books as a source new information, a work of art.


  • Promote the formation of interest in books and works of children's literature;
  • Develop the ability to listen and understand works of different genres, express emotions;
  • Nurture love and careful attitude to the book, contribute to the revival, maintenance and preservation of traditions family reading.
  • Develop elements of creativity, develop the ability to use what you read in different types of activities;
  • Involving parents in the pedagogical process, strengthening interest in cooperation with preschool educational institutions.
  • Develop creative abilities by constantly handling a book. IN role playing games By literary subjects, in dramatizations and dramatizations, in expressive reading of poetry.

Expected results:

  • Children have developed an interest in books and the ability to use what they read in playful, productive and artistic activities.
  • Developed creative abilities, communication skills, coherent speech, significantly expand the vocabulary;
  • Children’s ability to recognize and name read children’s works, their authors, texts, characters, morals has been developed;
  • Developed the ability to independently plan, produce and design "Little books" ;
  • The ability to expressively retell a literary text, to compose stories independently or according to a plan has been developed. (based on plot pictures, from personal experience, fantastic stories, fairy tales, fables).

Interaction with parents:

  • Consultation for parents
  • Manufacturing "Book Babies" together with children;
  • Participation in a photo exhibition "My favorite book" ;
  • Solving the crossword puzzle “Books by K.I. Chukovsky" together with children.

Project activity products:

  • Replenishment of the book center in the group;
  • Photo exhibition "My favorite book" ;
  • Exhibition "Book Babies"
  • Productive activity in organized educational activities;
  • Exhibition “Bookmarks for my favorite book” ;
  • Recommendations “How and what kind of literature to read to children 4-5 years old” ;
  • Crossword based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky;
  • Interactive presentation for the final event "Journey to Knigograd" .

Project implementation

Stage I. Preparatory.


  • Creating a subject-development environment in the group
  • Selection of children's and methodological literature, illustrations, portraits of writers and poets, for the implementation of the project.
  • Selection of information for the design of the parent corner.
  • An agreement on creative cooperation with the Voznesensk Central Library Children's Library.
  • Discussion at the parent meeting about the beginning of the project, the goals and objectives of the project.
  • Consultations “Which books are best for preschoolers to be friends with?” ;
  • Questioning parents about the availability and preferences of fiction at home.
  • Joint production of parents and children "Little books" ;
  • Participation in a photo exhibition "My favorite book" .

Stage II. Basic.

Day 1. “Tili-tili-tili-bom, the cat’s house is on fire.” (Day of S.Ya. Marshak)


  • Introduce children to the works of S.Ya. Marshak, to arouse interest in his work, a desire to memorize texts and analyze the actions of the heroes;
  • In various types of activities, invite children to use literary material based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak.

Social and communicative development Travel through the exhibition "Funny Poems" (based on poems by S.Ya. Marshak);

Excursion to the kindergarten library

Speech development Reading the work of S.Ya. Marshak "Cat house" , "Fire" , "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" , "Mustachioed - Striped" , "Abstracted from Baseyannaya Street" in kindergarten and at home.

A game "Smart Men and Women" based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak

Physical development Morning exercises "About how the cat's house caught fire"

Outdoor game "Find your house"

Cognitive development Integrated lesson "Cat house"

Didactic game "Find the heroes of the fairy tale"

Didactic game "It's possible - it's not possible"

Artistic and aesthetic development Music game "The mice dance in circles" , modeling "Cat house" .

Day 2. "Funny pictures for children" (Day of V.G. Suteev)


  • Introduce children to the author and artist V.G. Suteev;
  • In didactic, outdoor games, in creative activities, in theatrical activities, consolidate children's knowledge of the plots and characters of V.G. fairy tales. Suteeva.

Social and communicative development Theater activities “Dramatization of a fairy tale by V.G. Suteeva “Under the mushroom”

Examination of illustrations to the works of V.G. Suteeva.

Speech development Reading works by V.G. Suteeva "Under the mushroom" , "Lifesaver" , “Who said meow?” , "Three kittens" , "Chick and Duckling" in kindergarten and at home.

"Who gets the fungus faster" , outdoor game "Affectionate kittens"

“Recognize the hero by description” , educational game "Sequential Pictures" by series "Funny Pictures" V.G. Suteeva, didactic game "Recognize by voice"

Artistic and aesthetic development Organized educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development "Magic brush" (based on the works of V. Suteev)

Music game “The gray bunny washes himself”

Day 3. "Dr. Aibolit" (Day of K.I. Chukovsky)


  • Introduce children to the works of K.I. Chukovsky, to arouse interest in the literary word, in communication with books.
  • Contribute to the formation of the ability to express your opinion about what you read, evaluate the characters, promote the activation of coherent speech;
  • Train memory, expand horizons, develop attention, imagination, perception.

Social and communicative development Examination of illustrations to the works of K.I. Chukovsky.

Theater activities “Staging of the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "The Cluttering Fly"

Repair "sick" books "Knizhkina Hospital"

Speech development Reading works by K.I. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit" , "Telephone" , "Stolen Sun" , "Cockroach" , "Barmaley" , "Confusion" , "Fly Tsokotukha" , "Fedorino Gore" in kindergarten and at home.

Physical development Outdoor game "Confusion" , outdoor game "Who is faster"

Cognitive development Didactic game “How to behave with a sick person” , educational game "Help Fedora" , organized educational activities "Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky and his tales"

Crossword “Tales of K.I. Chukovsky"

Artistic and aesthetic development Organized educational activities in visual arts “Let’s help Doctor Aibolit cure the cubs”

Day 4. “Dunno visiting the guys” (N. Nosov Day)


  • To introduce children to the works of N. Nosov, to create conditions for children to create creative works based on reading;
  • Develop creative imagination, thinking, memory, and develop children’s ability to follow the rules of outdoor, board and didactic games.
  • Nurture partnerships between children, communication skills, create a joyful emotional mood, and encourage creative initiative.

Social and communicative development Consideration of illustrations to the works of N. Nosov.

Board-print game "Dunno in the Sunny City" .

Speech development Reading works by N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon" , "Patch" , "Cucumbers" , "Mishkina porridge" , "The Adventures of Dunno" in kindergarten and at home

Physical development Outdoor game "Find yourself a mate" , sports entertainment “Dunno visiting the guys” , outdoor game "Cat and Mouse"

Cognitive development Math game "Let's help Dunno"

Organized educational activities "Nikolai Nosov and his works" .

Didactic game "Dunno in the Land of Geometric Shapes"

Artistic and aesthetic development Organized educational activities "Boat for Dunno"

Day 5. “A fairy tale has come to visit us” (Fairy tale day)


  • Introduce children to different species fairy tales, develop the ability to recognize the heroes of fairy tales, know the names and author, retell the content, express your attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales;
  • Strengthen the ability to use expressive means (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, movements) and different types of theaters (finger, picture theater, puppet, magnetic)
  • Improve your skills in independently choosing a fairy tale for production, dramatization, preparing the necessary attributes and scenery for a future performance, distributing responsibilities and roles among yourself.

Social and communicative development Consideration of illustrations of different types of fairy tales.

Journey through the exhibition « Fairy tales» - examination of books that differ in content, design, and focus.

Dramatization of a Russian folk tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats" - puppet show.

Conversation "Tell your favorite story" - children's stories.

Speech development Reading fairy tales "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed" , "Fox with a rolling pin" , "Three piglets" , "Teremok" , "Kolobok" , "Masha and the Bear" in kindergarten and at home.

Physical development Outdoor game "Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell" , outdoor game "Tag" .

Cognitive development Conversation "What is a library?"

Event "Our Favorite Fairy Tales" - conducted by employees of the children's central library.

Didactic game "Say the word" - riddles about fairy tale heroes.

Artistic and aesthetic development Drawing on the topic "My favorite fairy tale hero"

Stage III. Final.

  • Summing up the results of project activities;
  • Conducting the final event - children's quiz "Journey to the country of Knigograd"
  • Design of a finger theater based on fairy tales;
  • Photo exhibition "My favorite book" ;
  • Exhibition "Baby Book" , made by children together with their parents;
  • Drawing up recommendations for parents on reading fiction to children 4-5 years old.


  1. Gerbova V.V. Speech development in kindergarten. Middle group. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.
  2. Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten: middle group. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.
  3. Comprehensive classes according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksy, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova. Middle group / auto. -composition T.V. Kovrigina, M.V. Kosyanenko, O.V. Pavlova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2015
  4. Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten: planning, lesson notes, guidelines. Middle group. – M.: "KARAPUZ-DIDACTICS" , 2007
  5. Ponomareva I.A., Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: Middle group. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.
  6. Developmental activities with children 4-5 years old / ed. L.A. Paramonova. – M.: OLMA Media Group, 2012.

Project “Introducing Children and Parents to Reading”

Project type: research and creative.

Project duration: long-term.

Project participants: children of preschool groups, teachers, parents of pupils.

Educational areas covered: communication, cognition, reading fiction, socialization, work, artistic creativity, music, Physical Culture, health, safety.

Relevance of the project: It is known that the reading experience begins from the very early childhood.

By instilling a love for books, we help the child to understand the world around him and himself in it, form moral feelings and assessments, and develop the perception of the literary word.

It is necessary from early childhood to teach a child, first of all, to find interesting things in the text, and not in various additions to it (games, quizzes, competitions that replace the art of words and often devalue it.

Family reading is very important for a child’s reading destiny. Listening to an adult read, looking at book illustrations with him, the child actively thinks, worries about the characters, anticipates events, and establishes connections between his experience and the experience of others. Reading together brings adults and children together, stimulates and fills the rare and joyful moments of spiritual communication between parents and child, and fosters a kind and loving heart in the child.

Family reading is a very important part of the system family education. Family reading is the most important and The best way communication and unobtrusive education, which is the most effective. Through family reading, parents help instill an interest in reading in children.

The project systematizes the work of a kindergarten with a library to create a reading culture for a child and his family.

Objective of the project: develop a sustainable interest in fiction, help parents realize the value of children's reading as effective remedy education and upbringing of preschool children, the intellectual resource of their personal development, as the key to their success in life; to intensify the work of parents to promote and develop children's reading in the family, to involve every parent in solving the problem of children's reading and development.

Project objectives:

To introduce children and parents to book culture, to educate literate readers;

Develop children's listening skills;

Ability to know;

Ability to compare and contrast

Ability to think in words;

Coherent speech;




Improve the speech culture of teachers, parents, children;

Contribute to maintaining family reading traditions;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

Forms and methods of project organization:


Solving problem situations.

Pedagogical observations.

Consultations for parents.


Joint organized activities.

Registration of information for parents in the reception area.

Creative workshops.

Surprise moments.

Expected Result

1. Increasing the interest of children and parents in fiction.

2. Revival of the tradition of home reading.

3. Generalization and dissemination of family education experience in introducing children to fiction.

4. Increasing the competence of family members in raising a literate reader.

Project implementation plan:

Preparatory stage

Collection of information and required material for project implementation;

Involving children and parents in the process of solving assigned tasks;

Development of an action plan;

Main stage

Implementation of the project in different types of activities, taking into account the integration of educational areas:

Educational field. Cooperative activity

Physical development. Performing movements to the poem "Twisted Song"

Finger gymnastics

Outdoor games "Cobweb", "Confusion", etc.

Health. Emotional saturation of children, promoting mental health (social games). Rules for using the book Conversations on the fairy tale "Moidodyr", "Fedorino's grief"

Cognitive and speech development. Cognition Games “Guess which fairy tale the illustration is for”, “Recognize the hero of the fairy tale by the description”, “Mixed up books” Guessing riddles. Videos, presentations based on the works of children's writers; quiz "On the roads of Russian folk tales"

Communication. Looking at illustrations for fairy tales Game “Tell me what you see in the picture”, “Say a word” Memorizing excerpts from Chukovsky’s fairy tales Conversation based on fairy tales Game “Broken telephone”

Reading fiction. Reading poems, stories and fairy tales by children's writers Dramatizing plots of familiar fairy tales Memorizing poems

Social and personal development. Socialization Games based on the plots of fairy tales, stories and poems Role-playing game "Veterinary hospital"

Work. Let's put things in order in the book corner and wash the doll dishes. Introduction to the veterinary profession.

Safety Rules for safe behavior based on the example of Chukovsky's fairy tales Drawing up instructions: How to work with scissors; How to work with waste material, etc.

Artistic and aesthetic development Artistic creativity Collage "Miracle Tree" Modeling heroes of your favorite fairy tale (team work) from plasticine Drawing on the theme "Book" Creative drawing "Zakalyak" Artistic work"Butterfly" (natural material)

Interaction with families of pupils

1. Library organization;

2. Joint creativity “My favorite fairy-tale hero”;

3. Joint work activity on the production of attributes for playing out works;

4. Drawing up instructions for parents “How to teach a child to love and take care of books?”, “What questions to ask a child while reading books?”.

5. Quiz "Adults and I are a reading family"

6. Advisory and educational work

7. Organizing a photo exhibition “We are getting acquainted with the work of a children's writer.”

The final stage

Analysis of project activities.

Presentation of the project in the form of a theatrical and literary performance based on favorite fairy tales.


Long-term plan for working with children and parents


1. Survey of children on the topics “My favorite book” and “My favorite hero”

2. Questioning of parents “Reading fiction at home”

3. Speech at the teachers' council in order to attract kindergarten teachers and students from their groups to the project.

4. Watch books with children in a group. Conversation on the topic “Careful storage of books.” Carrying out the game “Book Hospital”.


1. Introduction to the history of the creation of fairy tales by “Auntie the Storyteller”

2. Computer presentation “Museum of Russian Fairy Tales in Moscow”

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “Teremok”, “Wolf and Fox”, “Hare and Hedgehog” by the Brothers Grimm

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Mouse, Fox, Baba Yaga, Hedgehog


1. Parent meeting “The role of books in a child’s life”

2. Literary lounge “The Work of Alexander Pushkin”

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “The Braggart Hare”, Ukrainian folk “Rukavichka”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A. Pushkin

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Hare, Bear, fisherman


1. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”

2. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tales “Turnip”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, English fairy tale“The Three Little Pigs”, “Thumbelina” by H. -K. Andersen

3. Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Grandmother, Hare, Piglet, Thumbelina

1. Literary lounge “Creativity of K. Chukovsky”

2. KVN with parents “My favorite fairy tales”

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, “Masha and the Bear”, fairy tales by K. Chukovsky

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Wolf, Masha, Fedora.


1. Physical education “Journey through fairy tales”

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

3. Making “Baby Books with Fairy Tales”

4. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tales “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Kolobok”

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Alyonushka, Ryaba Hen, Rooster, Kolobok


1. Holding a competition and designing an exhibition of joint drawings by children and parents “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

2. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tales “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “ By magic", "Koschei the Immortal", "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by P. Ershov

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with heroes (by week): Wolf, Emelya, Koschey, Ivan


1. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” with the participation of parents

2. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tale “The Cockerel and the Beanstalk”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Puss in Boots” by Ch. Perrault

Morning exercises and direct educational activities with characters (by week): Rooster, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Cat


1. Awarding the winners of the drawing competition “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

2. Presentation of the project for parents

3. Final event “Journey through fairy tales”

Key events (road map) of the Project for 2014-2015.

1. Organizing thematic exhibitions in the book corner once a month

2. Conducting consultations for parents, workshops on organizing children’s reading at home: “How to choose a book for a preschool child,” “Baby’s book,” etc. throughout the year.

3. Presentation of children's books for parents “Books from my home library” throughout the year.

4. Pedagogical council “Cultivating a love of books in preschoolers”, January 2016.

5. Consultation “Organizing a book corner in a group” throughout the year.

6. Children's drawing competition “My Favorite Fairy Tale” throughout the year.

7. Campaign “Reading at home with children” throughout the year Educators

8. Publication of the booklet “How to Help Your Child Love Reading” within a year.

9. Competition of poetry reciters “Lines scorched by war”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (May).

10. Creation of a web page “Educating the Reader” on the preschool educational institution website (May 2015).

11. Presentation of children's books for parents “Books from my home library” throughout the year.

12. Posting information about the progress of the project on the Internet (on the preschool educational institution website) throughout the year.


1.1. Name of the project


1.2. Executor

Project coordinator: Kulyakhtina Lyubov Vasilievna

Project manager: Rakova Elena Evgenievna

Project executor: Tatyana Nikolaevna Zubanova, Larisa Viktorovna Kuritsina, Marina Nikolaevna Kopylova, Elena Nikolaevna Ermolaeva, Elena Aleksandrovna Filippova

1.3. Targeting (target group of the Project)

preschool children, teachers of the Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution and parents of pupils of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, combined kindergarten 139, Penza

1.4. Timing and stages of the Project implementation


2.1. Relevance of the Project

The “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading” notes that “the increasing deficit of knowledge and constructive ideas in Russian society(against the background of other existing acute system-wide problems) is largely due to a decrease in interest in reading among the population. The current situation in this regard is characterized as systemic crisis of reading culture when the country approached critical limit of neglect of reading". The trend of declining interest in reading in Russia is an alarming phenomenon for a country in which reading has always been an extremely significant activity.

The problem of reading is recognized in the modern world as a national and state problem.

According to the results of a survey of students in grades 5-8 of Penza schools, over 50% of respondents look at the book as a source of entertainment and pleasure; Encyclopedic books are read by 3.6% of respondents, and no one reads non-fiction books at all.

This explains the need to create educational organizations areas of the reading environment, i.e. an atmosphere conducive to the formation of reading interests, the need for reading, and the involvement of the family in the reading process.

2.2. Reasons for initiating the project

Increasing the level of reading competence of children, increasing the reading activity of the region's population

2.3. Objective of the project

1. Monitor the reading activity of preschoolers in the family.

2. Develop family and leisure reading programs for parents of students.

3. Conduct activities aimed at promoting reading, supporting and developing reading competence.

4. Provide informational and scientific-methodological support for the project.

2.4. Project Objectives

For students and parents

Creation of a Web page “Educating the Reader” on the MBDOU website

Conducting consultations and workshops on organizing children’s reading at home: “How to choose a book for a preschool child,” “Baby’s book,” etc.

Creation of a literary and artistic children's magazine (works for home reading)

Publication of the booklet “How to Help Your Child Love Reading”

Conducting a regional consultation seminar on the topic “Effective mechanisms for introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: educational field“Development of speech in preschool children” (introducing preschool children to fiction)

Participation in the flash mob “Read before bed”

Conducting a “Family Reading Hour”

Participation in the regional marathon relay race “50 books read with parents”

Organization of meetings in the literary lounge: “Book of the month: read and discuss - together”, presentation “Books of my home library”

Participation in regional events aimed at supporting and developing reading

Development of family and leisure reading programs:

Maternal universal education « Book in mother's hands » within the framework of a socio-cultural project to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the national strategy of action in the interests of children for 2012/2017.” (creating a corner for mothers, meeting mothers with writers, publishers of children's literature, attracting psychologists, teachers, librarians)

Preparing and conducting master classes “Reading with Dad is Cool!”

Development of the activities of the family reading club at the MBDOU “Book Lovers”,

Organization of literary quizzes for preschool children

Conducting literary matinees:

"Russians folk tales», « Funny book in kindergarten”, “Our favorite poems”, etc.

Carrying out Book Day in preschool groups of MBDOU (according to the regional program “Child and the whole world”)

Participation in the regional children's drawing competition “My Favorite Fairy Tale”

For teachers

- Pedagogical advice “Cultivating a love of books in preschoolers”

Consultation “Organizing a book corner in a group”

Conducting a regional consultation seminar

Ivashchenko Valentina Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 10 "Smile"
Locality: h.Aleksandrovka
Name of material: project
Subject: Project for children middle group on reading fiction in the family and preschool educational institutions.
Publication date: 25.05.2017
Chapter: additional education

Project for children of the middle group on reading fiction

literature in the family and preschool educational institutions.

Educator: Ivashchenko V.N.

Project type: short-term, creative pedagogical, artistic

Topic: “Children's Book Week.”

Project duration: 1 week (from 01/23 to 01/27/2017)

Children's age: middle group (children 4-5 years old).

Goal and objectives of the project:

Introduction to practice of various forms and methods of working with

literary works that contribute to the inclusion of children

to the book for the development of cognitive, creative and emotional

children's activity;

Reveal knowledge of children's fairy tales through different kinds games;

Involve parents in joint creativity, show the need

reading fiction in the family.

To cultivate a desire for constant communication with books and careful

towards her.

Preliminary work with


Questioning parents to identify the level of children’s involvement in

thin literature in the family.

Thematic design of a group room,

Exhibition of books for reading to children 4-5 years old

Drawing together with parents the characters of your favorite fairy tales,

Reading children's fairy tales, stories, poems,

Selecting poems and preparing expressive reading for memorization,

Selection of portraits of poets and writers.

Attributes and inventory:

Portraits of children's writers,

Portraits of writers - storytellers,

Cut-out pictures, “My favorite fairy tales”,

Illustrations with heroes of your favorite fairy tales, stories, poems.

Implementation stages


Before the project, a developmental environment was created in the group.

Book exhibitions have been organized on the following topics: “Smart

books”, “Little books”, “Magic tales”, “My favorite book”,

Children and parents were given homemade

Draw your favorite characters

Collect books at home and from friends that require repair.

Project implementation

Days of the week

Activities during

1 half

2 half day

The first day

bom, tili -

caught fire

cat house"

(Day S. Ya.





at the exhibition

* movable

game "Mice"

They dance in a round dance."

poems by S.

Marshak "Fire"

* OBZH “Fire.


1. Introduce children to

creativity of S. Ya.

Marshak, call

interest in creativity,

desire to memorize texts

and analyze actions

heroes. 2. In various

types of activities

offer to children

apply literary

material on the work of S.


poems" (by

poems by S. Ya.



game "Find

* didactic

game "Can -

* examination

books by S. Ya.

Ya. Marshak.

second "Zaba"

pictures for

(V.G. Day



Getting to know




V. G. Suteeva

to fairy tales;

fairy tales "Under

* modeling “My

fairy tales "Under


game "Find out

description" (h

guessing about


* movable

game "Who

faster under

fairy tales "Wand"

- lifesaver";

* didactic

game "Tell Me"

little word";

* movable

game "Bunny"


* “Knizhkina

hospital" (repair

children's book by V. G.


2. In didactic and

outdoor games, in

creative types

activities to consolidate

children's knowledge of plots and

heroes of fairy tales by V.G.

3. Show the children the techniques

book repair.

third "Doc"


(Day of K.I.

Getting to know



* didactic

game "How to Lead"


* movable

1. Introduce children to

creativity of the writer,

arouse interest in

literary word, to

communication with a book.



I am doctor


drawing "B"

hospital for

game "Confusion".

dramatization of "M"

ear - clatter";

2. Learn to express yourself

opinion about what you read,

evaluate the heroes

promote action5.

Arouse children's interest in

works of K. Chukovsky

with help

visual media;

express your attitude

to fairy tale characters.

visualization of coherent speech.

fourth "

Dunno in


game "Helped"

and Dunno";

* “Dunno

Moon" (sports


* "Home for

Dunno and

friends" (cons.


* movable

game "Find yourself

* Conversation on

topic "What is


* didactic

game "Add"


1. Introduce children to

creativity of N. Nosov. 3.

Develop creativity

imagination, thinking,

2. Teach children to create

creative works on

based on what you read


3. Teach children to perform

mobile rules,

desktop, sports,

didactic games.


exhibition "In

fairy tales" -


different from






fairy tales "Teremok"

for parents.



plans for



1. Introduce

various types

fairy tale works.

2. Learn to recognize

fairy tale characters, know


your attitude towards the heroes

3. Strengthen skills

use funds


game "Board"

a word" (for


y game “From

what a fairy tale

expressiveness (postures,

gestures, facial expressions,

intonation, movements)

Activities with parents:

1. Drawing your favorite literary characters.

2. Individual conversation “What books do they read at home”

3. Book exhibition.

4. Replenishment of the group library.

5. Printed information for parents

(“How to teach a child to love books”, “How to teach a child

6. Making baby books.

Result of the project:

1. As a result of the project, children got acquainted with the creativity of children's


2. Children learned to recognize writers and

3. The children met the illustrators of a children's book.

4. Thematic exhibitions were organized for children.

5. The children learned how to repair books.

6. The children created creative works based on the works they read.

7.. Parents of pupils got acquainted with information on education

love of reading, took an active creative part in the project.


Shaykhlislamova Liana Rimovna,

MBDOU "Child Development Center -

kindergarten No. 8 "Sun",


Brief summary of the project

“If a child has not been raised since childhood

love for a book, if reading is not it

spiritual need for life -

in the years of adolescence the soul of a teenager

will be empty, crawling into the light of day, like

It’s like something bad came from nowhere.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

IN preschool age the little reader takes his first steps into the world great literature. Parents and educators become guides for children. Do we often ask ourselves the question: “What will a book bring to a child? What will it teach? What will be imprinted in his vast, open, vulnerable soul. Who will you meet on the way? From an adult to to a greater extent It also depends on whether the child will become a real reader or whether meeting a book in preschool will become a random, meaningless episode in his life.

The new social situation forces us to look for new approaches to the problem “Preschooler and the book,” which are as follows:

The book and the world of video technology exist in parallel in the life of a preschooler, without canceling or replacing each other. We must deeply understand what the Russian writer N. Leskov said: “Truly I say to you: it is given to the printed word to remain not only in time, but also above time” - and starting from early age introduce the child to the book, to the process of reading and thinking about it, not to consider this process unnecessary in the life of a modern person.

It is necessary to change the existing attitude towards children's literature and children's reading as material for solving psychological and pedagogical problems, and perceive children's literature as an independent, specific type of art, specially created for the child, having its own artistic system impact on the reader and does not require other means, techniques and methods with the text other than thoughtful, expressive reading of a literary work and its analysis. It is necessary from early childhood to teach a child, first of all, to find interesting things in the text, and not in various additions to it (games, quizzes, competitions), which replace the art of words and often devalue it.

Of particular importance for the reading fate of a child is family reading

Family reading traditions are a very important part of the family education system. And you shouldn’t think that it will become a thing of the past because, that is, television, computer and other sources of information. Family reading is not a way to get information, it is the most important and best way of communication and unobtrusive education, which is the most effective. Parents, through family reading, help to instill an interest in reading in children.

A successful find in working with parents is the project method. Today, it is becoming increasingly widely used in the pedagogical practice of our institution. The project method is teaching and raising a child through activities, and when working with families, through joint activities children and parents.

The project systematizes the work of the Center for Children's Education and Library with the library to create a reading culture for children and their families.

One of the features of the various activities carried out is that children are engaged together with their parents. This allows:

Parents gain a deeper understanding of their child.

Bring your family together through reading fiction.

News individual work with every child and his family.

This project makes it possible to implement one of the four priority areas of work of the Child Development Center - cognitive and speech development of pupils in excess of Federal state requirements.

By composition of participants: group

By target installation: practical and indicative

Project goal, main tasks



  1. To introduce children and parents to book culture, to educate literate readers.
  2. To increase the efficiency of introducing children to books in the interaction of all participants in the educational process: teachers, children, parents.

Expected Result

  1. Increasing the interest of children and parents in fiction.
  2. Revival of the tradition of home reading.
  3. Generalization and dissemination of family education experience in introducing children to fiction.
  4. Increasing the competence of family members in raising a literate reader.

Main content of the project

The modern preschool education system uses a large number of variable and alternative programs for teaching and raising children. Approaches to the process of education and upbringing of preschoolers are very diverse, but the main goal of these programs is to educate kind, smart, creative person capable of being sensitive to people and the world around them, that is, to lay the foundations of a real person.

The provisions on the formation of a reader in a preschooler became leading in the comprehensive program of continuous education “From childhood to adolescence” by T.I. Doronova, according to which the CRR operates. The program provides an opportunity to interact with the family on the basis of modern, scientific, psychological and pedagogical requirements for the development, upbringing and education of a preschool child.

Development of the child’s personality, his creative abilities;

Introducing children to universal human values;

Formation of creative imagination;

Development of curiosity as the basis of cognitive activity.

For the successful implementation of the project, there are certain tasks that need to be solved in the family and kindergarten.

In family

In kindergarten

daily reading of works of fiction to children;

daily reading of works of fiction, holding conversations on the content of the work, developing in the child the ability to express his own opinion about what he read;

use handwritten books and magazines created by children in the process of home reading;

introduce children's periodicals into the reading circle;

introduce children's periodicals into the reading circle;

control the family reading process. Provide recommendations to parents on organizing family reading;

monitor the selection of children's literature, talk about what they read, about literature, about the benefits of reading;

develop children's individual literary preferences;

to interest children in continued reading, to encourage them to retain the content of what they read in their memory;

involve children in creating their own books, handwritten journals, and use them in group reading;

teach the child how to properly handle a book, concentrate his attention on who created the book, what it is called, who illustrated it;

intensify the work of the kindergarten library (discussion of individual literary works, exhibitions of books with illustrations different artists one literary work each);

create a children's home library, teach how to use the book and magazine collections of the public children's library;

develop the need for daily communication with fiction, teach children to respect the book, to understand its role in human life;

The project provides for the introduction of classical and textbook works.

The range of reading for children is expanding and becoming more complex, as such a type of work as reading “with continuation” is constantly introduced, periodicals are introduced: children's magazines, children's pages of individual newspapers. The “publishing” of your own magazine, group or home, is organized. The magazine will include children's poems and drawings, joint works of adults and children, and favorite literary works.

The project offers a variety of forms, methods and techniques for working with children: preparation for perception by telling individual episodes from the writer’s biography; retelling of an entertaining episode, interrupted in fact interesting place; expressive reading by the teacher (parent); a “letter” allegedly addressed to children by the author of the work; word drawing– the purpose of which is to bring the images of the work closer to the child, to include the child’s imagination, to construct the ideas that arise.

Children are offered a wide range of games:

Plot-role-playing games “Library”, “Bookstore”, “Bindery”;

Games based on books read, quizzes, crosswords;

Games - dramatization - a child, playing a role as an “artist”, independently creates an image using a set of means of verbal and non-verbal expressiveness. The word is associated with the actions of the characters. In these games, ready-made texts are played;

Theatrical games - dramatizations develop children's expressiveness of movements and speech, imagination, fantasy, creative independence, improve children's attention, visual perception, imitation as the basis of independence.

In addition, children reflect their impressions of the books they read in productive activities: modeling and drawing.

A well-founded selection of the necessary techniques, methods, and games largely decides the matter. Thanks to this selection, the closest communication between the teacher, parent and child occurs, whom adults encourage to perform speech actions, and also increase interest in fiction.

The implementation of the project involves:

Joint activities of parents and children;

Interaction between the teacher and parents;

Interaction between the teacher and children;

Interaction of all subjects of the educational process: teachers – children – parents.


Forms of interaction


direct educational activities;

organizing a book corner in a group;

morning conversations “A story about a book read at home” (daily);

dramatization games, theatrical dramatization games; didactic games;

afternoon literary readings;

creation of homemade books, book exhibitions;

trainings, situational training;

workshop for the production of creative works;


presentation of family education experience;

visual information, questionnaires, practical consultations, parent meetings

tradition "Group Guest"

parents, pupils

open events with the participation of parents;

family competition handwritten book;

art exhibitions “Together with a book I grow”;

exhibitions of children's drawings and crafts based on the works they have read;

excursion to the city children's library;

book exhibitions “Book Parade for Preschool Children”;

group traditions: “Group Guest”, “Book for Rent”, “Book Tree”;

literary KVN, competition “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family”

Materials for events include original developments, best practices in working with children, accumulated by domestic scientists and practical teachers at the present stage.

Information about the implementation of the project is published on the kindergarten’s website on the Internet.

Project resource support:



Development Center Library;

Spacious, easily ventilated music room;

Costume shop with a wide variety of costumes for boys and girls;

Audio library: audio cassettes with recordings of children's works “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Cipollino”, “Tales of Uncle Remus”, “The Flying Ship”, etc.

Video library: videos of Russian fairy tales and foreign writers“The Three Little Pigs”, “The Flower of Seven Flowers”, “ The Snow Queen", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", etc., educational films about their native land;

Book corner in group room.

Methodological support:

Demonstration material: a series of narrative paintings;

Thematic card indexes “poems”, “riddles”, “fairy tales”;

Biographies of children's writers, portraits, methodological recommendations for organizing various forms of work with children based on the works of writers;

Abstracts of educational activities from the experience of teachers;

Scenarios literary holidays, quizzes, KVN, tournaments;

Children's fiction;

Children's educational literature.

Technical training aids:

Music center – SAMSUNG;


Computer – LG;

Printer – LaserJet 3015;

Processor - SKAT, Pentyum(R) Dual-Core;

Monitor – LG;

Multimedia installation.



Forms of interaction

Department of Education of the Khanty-Mansiysk City Administration

Bus for transporting children “Schoolboy”

Children's city library

A series of thematic excursions for preschoolers;

Joint excursions for children and parents;

Consultation for parents “Which book to choose for a child”;

Participation of the librarian in educational activities;

Memos for parents: “Organization of reading fiction”; “Recommendation list for shared reading with children of senior preschool and primary school age”; Public Access Center guidebook; booklet “Choose your library” (information about city children's libraries).

Khanty-Mansiysk Technological and Pedagogical College

Open Day;

Open events for students educational

activities for the ChHL “On a visit to Vasilisa the Wise”;

Presentation of the project: “Dad, Mom, I – a reading family.”

The target audience:

Participants in the project “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family” are: senior teacher, educators, librarian, music director, students, parents (legal representatives).

Functional responsibilities of project participants.

Job title

Functional responsibilities

Senior teacher

Develops local acts;

Conducts on-the-job training for teachers;

Controls educational activities;

Interacts with parents;

Interacts with the public;

Posts information about the implementation of the project on the kindergarten website on the Internet.


Interacts with parents;

Organizes educational activities;

Introduces new forms of work with children and parents;

Designs a developing space.


Interacts with parents;

Organizes book thematic exhibitions;

Conducts a cycle educational activities: “For children about writers”

Provides software and methodological support;

Develops scripts for literary KVN, tournaments, holidays;

Conducts on-the-job training for teachers.

Musical director

Interacts with specialists;

Interacts with parents;

Picks up musical repertoire for literary festivals, quizzes, KVN;

Develops scripts for theatrical productions.

Action plan for project implementation.

Organizational stage.

(October – November 2011)

  1. Study methodological and pedagogical literature on this topic.
  2. Make notes on educational activities, scripts for literary festivals, quizzes, tournaments, KVN.
  3. Develop long-term planning for working with children in educational activities and routine aspects.
  4. Conduct a survey of parents.
  5. Develop long-term planning for interaction with parents.
  6. Update the developmental environment. Conduct pedagogical diagnostics with children at the initial stage.

Practical stage.

  1. Introduce long-term planning for working with children in educational activities and routine aspects
  2. Introduce new forms of working with children.
  3. Implement a forward-looking parent engagement plan.
  4. Conduct workshops and consultations for teachers to improve professional competence in introducing children to fiction.
  5. Conduct workshops and consultations for parents in order to improve psychological and pedagogical competence in raising a literate reader.
  6. Monitor the implementation of the project.

The final stage.

(May – June 2012)

  1. Conduct pedagogical diagnostics of children at the final stage.
  2. Process the results of the project implementation.
  3. Prepare methodological recommendations “Family reading as one of the aspects of preparing a child for school.”
  4. Conduct a presentation of the project as part of the intra-garden competition “Best Educational Project”
  5. Design an exhibition teaching aids and teaching materials.

Project implementation schedule

Expected results and social effect:

  1. I. Expected results of the project
  1. 1. Methodical products

The project “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family” was created, aimed at families raising preschool children;

A long-term plan for interaction with parents on raising a literate reader has been developed;

A long-term plan for working with children in educational institutions has been developed; activities and routine moments to introduce children to fiction;

The experience of family education in introducing children to fiction is generalized.

2. Information and practical products

A video film was created: “Child. Book. Reader."

Posting information (photos, videos, reports) on the kindergarten website on the Internet;

Creative report on the implementation of the project “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family”;

Publication of work experience in the monthly scientific and methodological journal “Preschool Education”

  1. II. Social effect


Family reading traditions are supported daily;

Increase the child's interest in fiction;

Expanding the range of children's reading through the introduction of new thematic headings;

They show respect for reading and treat it as a serious, very important and necessary activity.


Ability to independently select works of fiction for family reading;

They know how to handle a book correctly, have conversations about what they have read, and analyze the text at an accessible level;

An interest in literature as an art form has been formed;

Formed moral qualities child;

The need for daily communication with fiction has been developed;

  1. III. Perspective

Based on the educational project “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family,” develop a project to introduce a child of primary preschool age to fiction in the family circle, “Growing with a Book.”


  1. Alieva T.N., Antonova T.V. Program “Origins” - M.: Education, 2003.
  2. Gritsenko Z.A. Place your heart on reading - M.: Enlightenment, 2000.
  3. Gurovich L.M., Beregovaya L.B., Loginova V.I. Child and book. – M.: Education, 1992.
  4. Doronova T.N. A program for parents and educators to promote the health and development of children aged 4-7 years. “From childhood to adolescence.” - M.: Education, 2002.
  5. Zhukova G.D. Parents' meeting on children's reading. - M: Russian School Library Association, 2007.
  6. Zhukova G.D. Family reading in the year of the family. - M: Russian School Association, 2007
  7. Kanavina G. A. Features of the library’s activities in support of the social “family” and in preserving the tradition of family reading in conditions orphanage, organized according to family type. - M.: Education, 2000
  8. International Children's Book Day.- J.: Preschool education, 2010. - №6.
  9. Nezhdanova L. I., Kichenko E. A. Working with the family and promoting family reading - M.: Education, 1996.

10. Holiday of books and reading. A collection of scenarios to attract children to reading and the ability to work with information. Russian State Children's Library.-M: School Library Reading Support Program.

11. Pimenova I. P., Slastnikova L. A. Family reading: Target program for 2008-2010.

12. Rudenko T., Melik - Pashaeva M. Books are good, books are bad. J.: Preschool education. 2010. - No. 6.

13. Ruban N., Semyonova V., Smolyak AS happy birthday, writer! Compiled by: employees of the Russian State Children's Library. J.: Preschool education. 2010. - No. 1

14. Pushkin A.S. Fairy tales.-M.: Children's literature, 2007.

15. Ushakova O.S. “Introducing literature to children 5-7 years old” -M.: -2010


Appendix No. 1


for preschool children and parents

"Family Handwritten Book"


about holding a competition for preschool children and parents

"Family Handwritten Book"

about holding a competition for preschool children and parents

"Family Handwritten Book"


Parents and teachers of the Center for Children's Responsibility took a responsible and creative approach to holding a competition for preschool children and parents “Family Handwritten Book”. The contents of all books corresponded age characteristics preschool children, many books have educational character and completeness of coverage of the chosen topic.


1. Post information about the competition for preschool children and parents “Family Handwritten Book” on the Development Center website on the Internet.

Organize an exhibition of family handwritten books in the library of the Development Center

Scenario for the final event on family handwritten books

Preliminary work:

1. Decoration of the hall with posters with statements from writers about the value of home reading;

2.Design of the museum of handwritten books;

3.Creating a layout of a large “Book of Fairy Tales”;

4. Instructions for parents: “Organization of reading fiction”, “Recommendation list for joint reading with children of senior preschool and primary school age”; booklet “Choose your library”; Public Access Center guidebook.


Presenter, Dunno, Malvina, Baba Yaga, children of preparatory group No. 4 “Stars”: storyteller, mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf, bear.

Equipment: Large layout of a book, chest, alphabet, cap, slipper, half a walnut, blue hat, apple, nets, rose, mirror, book.

Leading: Hello, girls and boys, dear adults! We are very glad to see you all visiting us. It is no coincidence that we have gathered here today. Today we have an unusual event, today we will talk about the book. (melody sounds)

A book comes into life from early childhood, and we get used to it, like the air we breathe, the sun that illuminates everything around us. She talks about fabulous heroes, and about life, and about distant countries. The book tells about everything in the world. You open a page - another - the walls of the room move apart, you will see far, far away, you will hear the voices of those who lived a long time ago or who are now distant lands from you, beyond the forests, beyond the seas...

Children come out and recite poems:

1 child

I've been friends with books since childhood,

I run my fingers along the lines,

And the whole world for it

Gives me secrets

2 child

My first book

I take care of it and love it.

Even if only in syllables,

I read it myself -

And from the end and from the middle,

It has beautiful pictures,

There are poems, stories, songs.

Life is more interesting for me with a book.

3 child

Mom reads a book to me

About the bunny and the little fox...

I'd like to hear about the war.

Only mom is a girl!

She'll probably be bored

So he even gapes.

Okay, tomorrow about the war

Dad reads at night.

And today about the bunny

And about the teddy bear.

At least about a mouse, at least about a cone -

All the same, if only there was a book!

4 child

In the library for the kids

There are books in a row on the shelves

Take it, read it and know a lot,

But don't insult the book.

She will open up the big world,

What if you make me sick?

You are a book - forever

The pages will be silent then

5 child

I am appealing to you, adults, children!

There is nothing more useful than a book in the world!

Let books come into homes as friends,

Read for the rest of your life, gain your mind!

Presenter: The first books were handwritten and were created by monks in monasteries. They wrote goose feathers, and the finished sheets were put into bindings made of wooden boards covered with leather. The cover was decorated precious stones, gold, silver clasps. People valued these books more than any other decorations.

And now I want to draw your attention to the exhibition of your works, made by your own hands. These books are more valuable to you than any other, because you have invested your skill, imagination and desire into them.

And now comes the moment of summing up the results of our competition (opens the envelope)

Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Guys, there is some kind of message here!

Message: “You will not have any holiday, no awards, no gifts” signature “Fairy-tale hero”

Guys, who do you think could do this?

Children's answers .(Leshy, dragon, Baba Yaga)

Presenter: It seems to me that a fairy-tale book can help us.( There is a large book of fairy tales in the hall)

Opens a book music sounds, Dunno comes out.

Dunno: Hello Hello! There are so many of you! Why are you sitting here? What kind of holiday?

Leading: Guys, did you find out who this is? And from which fairy tale?( Children answer)

We have Dunno book holiday!

Dunno: Books? Does such a holiday even exist? So you really like to read?

Ugh! Books! It's so boring! Well, since you are so smart, maybe you can help me find the owners of these items ( takes out the chest). The game “Fairytale Pantry” is being played

Plays the game “Fairytale Pantry” with children and parents.

ABC, cap (Pinocchio. A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”)

Shoe. (Cinderella. Ch. Perrault. “Cinderella”)

Apple (Old Woman. A. Pushkin."The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes")

Big blue hat. (Dunno. N. Nosov “Dunno in the Sunny City”)

Rose (Kai and Gerda, H. C. Andersen “The Snow Queen”)

Networks (Old Man. A. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

Half a walnut (Thumbelina. H.K. Andersen. “Thumbelina”)

Mirror (Tsarina. A. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”)

Leading asks: Do you know who could have taken our envelope with the names of the winners?

Dunno a: No, I don’t know, I’ll look - in my chest, I still have a lot of things left here (he searches, throwing various objects in different directions). I think I found it! This is him ( shows the envelope to the presenter).

Leading: It seems he is. Thank you Dunno!

The presenter opens it, there is the word “Souls”

Leading:"Souls?" It’s a strange word, let’s leave it at home for now, maybe it will be useful to us later. ( hangs the word “Souls” on the easel.) No, this is not what we are looking for (opens the large book again, Malvina appears.

Malvina: “Hello kids, girls and boys! Hello dear adults!

I am so glad to see you all!! And how many books!( looking through books in the museum) How I love to read. You all probably also like to read fairy tales? Do you want to play with me? (children answer) My game is called “Who’s Who?”...

Game "Who's Who?"

Matroskin (cat)

Moydodyr (washbasin)

Boniface (lion)

Gena (crocodile)

Uncle Fedor (boy)

Leopold (cat)

Rikki-Tiki-Tavi (mongoose from the work of R. Kipling)

Kaa (boa constrictor from the work of R. Kipling)

Scarecrow (Straw Scarecrow from Volkov's work)

Tutta Carlson (chicken)

Artemon (poodle from the fairy tale “Pinocchio”)

Presenters y: Malvina, do you happen to know who could have taken our envelope?

Malvina: No, of course not! Why was it stolen from you?

Leading: Yes, we have lost an envelope with the names of participants and winners of the family handwritten book competition.

Malvina: God, God, what a nightmare? Among my books I saw something similar to an envelope ( looking for). Here he is! Hooray! Found it! I hope this is what you are looking for!( hands over an envelope)

The presenter opens the envelope with the word “For” - This is not what we need... (attaches next to the word “Souls”)

(magical music sounds)

The book opens and children appear.

Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Teremok”

At the end of the fairy tale, the storyteller - the child hands over another envelope.

Leading: You and I found ourselves in a real fairy tale.

The presenter thanks the children and opens the envelope, it contains the word “Pharmacy”

The presenter connects all these three words and asks parents and children: Don’t you know what this means? “A pharmacy for the soul (from the audience, a children’s library employee answers: It seems I can explain to you what this phrase means.”

The presenter introduces this person: Svetlana Valerievna Chebotaeva, employee of the first city children's library.

The librarian tells a short story.

During excavations in Egypt, above the entrance to one of the rooms of the pharaoh's palace, archaeologists discovered the inscription: “Pharmacy for the soul.” This entrance, decorated with gold, led to a library founded more than three thousand years ago. According to the Egyptians, books can be compared to a medicine that makes a person’s mind strong and ennobles his soul.

People have always valued books and treasured them as the most precious treasures. Life is impossible without books. This means that it is impossible without libraries. A library is a repository not only of books, but also of human memory. This is the center of knowledge. This has always been the case. Therefore, I suggest you visit the libraries of our city. I would like to give you, dear parents and children, leaflets that indicate the telephone numbers, addresses and opening hours of the city’s libraries .(distributes memos)

Here unexpectedly......inBaba Yaga crawls out and pulls a red bag

Leading: Where did you come from? I didn't even pick up the book, did I?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I’ve come to return your gifts to you.

Leading: Why did you steal them then?

Baba Yaga: I thought they were edible, but it turned out not at all... Some kind of pieces of paper, envelopes (he throws the sheets out of the bag and the envelope flies out with them)

Baba Yaga: I’m offended by you all, I’ll go to another holiday, maybe they’ll have something delicious! (leaves)

Leading: Let's see what's in this envelope.

Leading: Yes, this is what we were looking for! The names of our participants and winners! Svetlana Valerievna, I ask you to take part in awarding our winners.

Awarding the participants and winners of the competition!

Appendix No. 2

for the project “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family”


“How to organize family reading?”

(for parents of pupils of senior preschool age)

Purpose of the meeting: To help parents realize the value of children's reading as a means of education and upbringing of preschoolers, as a guarantee of their destiny in life.


To study the reading situation in families, the circle of children's reading;

Expand social partnership, attract parents to reading;

Provide informational assistance to the family.

Preliminary work:

1. Consultation “How to organize home reading”

2. Parent survey “Reading at home”

3. Drawing up and designing a memo for parents “Family and Books”

4.Designing an exhibition of fiction for reading to children and independent reading by children.

Presenter: Dear parents! We are pleased to welcome you to our cozy library. I will begin our meeting with an epigraph:

“Reading is a window through which children

see and understand the world and themselves"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Every family dreams of raising a child who reads. It is important to focus your parental efforts on developing children’s interest in reading and books.

Meeting agenda.

Report “On family reading, its role in raising a child”
librarian Palatkina S.P.
Introduction to the project “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family” -
teacher Zh.Z. Omarova
Message “Tradition of the Book Tree group”
teacher A.V. Sizykh
Game break “Continue the proverb”
teacher Zh.Z. Omarova
Summing up the meeting.

We offer you a short warm-up called “Collect a square.” Rules: you have pieces of a square on your tables. Take one piece each and assemble a square without talking to each other. You cannot suggest with hand movements, gaze, or facial expressions (putting together a square).

Dear parents, please answer, what difficulties did you experience while completing this task? (parents' statement).

Our librarian Svetlana Pavlovna Palatkina will tell you why it was difficult for you to complete this task.

Report “On family reading, its role in raising a child”

The role of communication in human life is great. Communication is the main condition for human development and life. How do you see communication with your children? Are there any difficulties? The child's sensitivity to artistic expression is amazing, and with good guidance, he gradually, even before the ability to read, begins to develop erudition; he comes to school with extensive literary baggage and the ability to perceive poetry and prose.

Preschool age is favorable for developing thoughtful reading, because there is still no race for the plot, typical of teenagers, but there is attention to details and words.

The culture of handling books is established in the family. There are families where there is no problem of how to instill an interest in reading.

In such families, there is a tradition of family reading, when every day, for as long as the child can remember, the family reads aloud a book that is interesting for the whole family. When the child grows up, he also joins this process. In such families, a child from a very early age sees how books are revered in the family, feels the respect of family members for everyone’s reading interest; therefore, his love of reading manifests itself as a natural necessity, as a need for food and sleep. If this is not in the family, then it is not too late to start, although this will require a lot of strength and patience.

Reading should take place in a calm environment where nothing distracts the child. It’s even better if the environment enhances the perception. For example, in the evening, when it is dark outside the window and the twilight sets you in a fabulous, fantastic mood, you can read fairy tales. You should never overtire your child. They should read for no more than 15-20 minutes, because then their attention wanders. But how joyful a new meeting with the same book will be, and how intently he will listen to it and look at it. But we should not forget that a child cannot be a passive listener, therefore, while reading, his attention must be activated. Conduct reading-conversations “Question and answer”; tell stories together (in chorus).

A reading conversation is more interesting if the child alternates between answering and asking questions.

Children love repeated reading. Repeated reading trains memory and develops speech. After repeated readings, the child will remember the book and will be able to show independence: read poems by heart, retell stories and fairy tales, and make drawings for them. Loving parents are the first listeners and interlocutors of their children.

But it also happens: a preschooler loves books, but when he becomes a schoolchild, he doesn’t want to read.

How and why does the interest and habit of books, cultivated in early childhood, fade away? The trouble is that as soon as a child masters literacy, they stop reading to him, mistakenly believing that they are thereby encouraging him to read independently. It's a delusion. The child still has a weak reading technique, and he cannot read books that are interesting to him. Children need to read aloud not only throughout their preschool childhood, but also when they become schoolchildren.

It is necessary to determine the interests of your child: what he likes, what he is interested in.

Together with your child, try to choose a colorful, large-print book that matches the child’s interests so that he can read it easily, without stumbling, and enjoy it. Feel the success. These are books with short text and in capital letters. Children who are weak in reading love poetry, comics - poetry is easier to read, but comics have a lot of pictures and little text.

You definitely need to listen to how the child reads, and after reading, talk to the child about what he read, let him feel interested - he will be pleased. When talking with a child, you must try to avoid critical comments regarding the reading itself and not ask questions like: “What is the main thing here?”, “What is the main idea of ​​the story?” With these questions, parents step over the fragile moment of personal perception, immediately pressing for understanding. It is better to ask the child: “What or who did you like or dislike and why?”, “What color or smell might this fairy tale or poem have?”, “What kind of music did you hear here?” The child will reveal his feelings to you, and you will try to respond too.

Introduction to the project “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family”

At preschool age, the little reader takes his first steps into the world of great literature. Parents and educators become guides for children. Do we often ask ourselves the question: “What will a book bring to a child? What will it teach? What will be imprinted in his vast, open, vulnerable soul. Who will you meet on the way? The decline in interest in reading is causing concern around the world. Although reading is now even more in demand than before, when there was no computer invented. With the development of electronic media and technology, our children will study and work in more difficult time. Science requires non-linear, creative thinking. And only reading can give it. The fact is that cinema and theater, as well as any other sources of information where we are offered a “picture,” put a ready-made image into our consciousness. We only perceive it, without participating in its creation. And only reading forces us to complete what we need to have an idea about. And this is the basis of imagination. Imagination, in turn, is the basis of creativity. When they talk about switching to innovative development, it is obvious that innovation needs innovators, creative people, that is, with a developed imagination, and this means that you need to read more and more.

Introducing children to reading has enormous social significance, ensuring an equal start in life for girls and boys, for poor and rich, for healthy and sick. Of particular importance for the reading fate of a child is family reading. Listening to an adult read, looking at book illustrations with him, the child actively thinks, worries about the characters, anticipates events, and establishes connections between his experience and the experience of others. Reading together brings adults and children together, stimulates and fills rare and joyful moments of spiritual communication with content, and fosters a kind and loving heart in a child.

Today, it is considered important to involve parents in participating in the work of a kindergarten, but in the real relationship between educators and parents there is a certain disharmony. Both personal and professional factors can hinder the development of these relationships: lack of time, feelings of inadequacy, ethnic stereotypes, feelings of resentment - all of these can lead to the formation of personal and professional biases that prevent families from becoming active participants in the upbringing of their children. Therefore, educators need to take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child.

Using a personalized approach to parent involvement, a variety of ways can be developed to involve the majority of families. The way we work with parents is constantly changing.

The most interesting form of working with parents is involving parents in the educational process through project activities.

Family creative projects broaden the horizons of children and adults, fill them with creative energy, promote positive changes in the family, help build interaction and cooperation between the family and the educational institution. Therefore, we decided to create the project “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family.”

Objective of the project:

To help parents realize the value of children's reading as an effective means of education and upbringing of preschoolers, an intellectual resource for their personal development, as the key to their success in life; to intensify the work of parents to promote and develop children's reading in the family, to involve every parent in solving the problem of children's reading and development.


  1. To introduce children and parents to book culture, to educate literate


  1. Increase the effectiveness of introducing children to books through interaction

all participants in the educational process: teachers, children, parents.

  1. Help maintain family reading traditions.
  2. To improve the speech culture of teachers, parents, and children.
  3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

The project includes the following activities:

An open lesson on familiarization with fiction “Journey to a Fairy Tale” - together with parents.

Art exhibitions of family photographs:

“I grow with the book.”

"My home library."

Joint drawings “Colors of a read book.”

Excursion with parents to the city children's library.

Competition "Reading Family"

Introduction of group traditions: “Book tree”, “Book for rent”, “Group guest”, “Book for a visit”

Promotions: “A day without TV”, “A book for every home”.

Message “Tradition of the Book Tree group”

A survey conducted with children in the group showed that many of our students have little knowledge of children's fiction. When asked whether parents often read books to them, the answer was no. It is not right. You should not only read to children as often as possible, but also talk with them about the content of what you read: ask questions, discuss the actions of the characters, make notes artistic media expressiveness (epithets, comparisons, etc.),

Pay attention to careful handling of books. We asked you to fill out forms. To summarize, we have obtained results that concern us. And we came to this conclusion: A READING PARENT IS A READING CHILD. Modern children do not like to read; they read little and reluctantly. Every year there are fewer and fewer children who love to read. How to interest a child in a book? I think reading should become a habit that you enjoy and learn something new. I would like to offer some tips on how to form this habit. After all, our children will go to school in the fall. And they will need this to be successful in school.

We want to help solve these problems now. And our “Book Tree” will help us with this.

To overcome these obstacles and barriers, an effective family reading model must include the following:

Parents and educators should make time to read with their children

The value of reading for pleasure should be recognized by kindergarten and family as an important part of the family reading process

Children should feel free to show that they enjoy reading. Listen and talk about the book

Reading at home should be supported and encouraged by the kindergarten, library and parents.

A successful model will be when all families consider reading an important part of Everyday life and part of the culture of their home. Children and adults love reading for the joy it can bring. They regard reading as the most important source of information and pleasure...

As part of the project “Dad, Mom, Me – a Reading Family,” my children and I invite you to introduce the group’s tradition: “Book Tree.”

Conversations were held with the children about unusual trees in nature and “Book Trees” were drawn (drawings are demonstrated). The “Book Tree” was made from waste material together with the children. Here it is our “Book Tree” (demonstration).

Our “book” tree will be overgrown with leaves that you will bring after reading a book to your child. On a piece of paper you write the author, the title of the book, the questions the child asked, the child’s explanation of unclear words, why this book is interesting, i.e. express your opinion about the book. In no case should you chase the number of written reviews or allow negligence in their design (especially spelling errors!)!

The “Reader Screen” will help you observe how other families are reading, on which emoticons will periodically appear: a cheerful emoticon means you have read the book, a sad emoticon means you have stopped reading.

Game “Continue the Proverb”

1. The bird rejoices in spring, and the mother - ...... (to children)

2. There is no such friend... (like my own mother)

3. The son’s finger hurts, and the mother…….(heart)

4. There’s no better friend than mother…..(you’ll find)

5. Mother’s love…….(limitless)

6. Mother is a shrine, with her……(do not argue)

7. Best friend- …..(mother)

8. Best Country- …..(Motherland)

9. In the sun it’s warm, in the mother’s presence it’s…..(good)

Dear fathers, mothers, grandparents! Give your child a good children's book and you will see what good light will light up in the eyes of your boy or girl. Don’t rush to leave your children alone with a book, let it be more interesting for the three of you, the four of you – the whole family, big or small, to read books together and then a miracle will await you:

See the happy eyes of a child while reading.

This is a miracle!

Return to the world of childhood together again.

This is a miracle - two!

Travel into the mysterious world of writers' creativity.

This is a miracle - three!

I would like to end my speech with the words of V. A. Sukhomlinsky “If a child has not been instilled with a love for books since childhood, if reading has not become his spiritual need for the rest of his life, during his adolescence the soul of a teenager will be empty, and bad things will crawl out into the light of day, as if from nowhere.”

Parent meeting decision

  1. Considering the important role of parents in instilling a love for books and developing an interest in reading, direct the efforts of the kindergarten and family to solve the following task: read children's books with the child every day, discuss what they read, help compose stories based on what they read.

Include poems, stories, proverbs, and sayings in children's family reading circles.

Visit the city library monthly.

Hold a “Reading Family” competition

At the end school year sum up the results and present prizes to the winners.

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents!

Please answer the questions in this questionnaire. Your opinion is very important to us.

1. Do you have a library at home, and what is it like?

Several bookshelves;


Shelves with books;

2. Does your child have his own bookshelf or corner with books?

3. Do you often read books to your child?

Every day;

Every evening before bed;

When asked;

4. Please name your child’s favorite books

5. Please name a few works you have recently read to your child:

6. Do you talk with your child about what you read?

7. Can your child name the books he recently read with you?

Don't know;

8. What names of poets and writers does your child know?

9. Can your child retell an excerpt from his favorite fairy tale or work?

Don't know;

10. Do you subscribe to children's magazines? Which?

11. At what age do you think a child should learn to read?

13. Does your child read children's books independently?

Memo for parents


Family forms the basis of a person’s worldview, his lifestyle and value guidelines.

Family– this is special social institution, introducing the child to the world of culture, including reading. The first meeting of a person with a book occurs in the family.

Family reading initially introduces a child into the world of book culture, is the most ancient, proven way of educating a person, including as a reader, who begins to develop long before he learns the alphabet.

Family reading prepares a person for a relationship with a book, awakens and deepens attention, and forms the need for reading. The lack of need for reading in adults is a consequence of its lack of development from early childhood.

Family reading promotes early and correct mastery of native speech. The types and methods of human learning are largely determined by the environment, depend on communication and its main means - the degree of mastery of speech.

  • Regular reading aloud from early childhood, introduces the child to the process of reading and promotes the acquisition of independent reading, determines the quality and preferences of future readers.
  • Family reading shapes the emotional and aesthetic acceptance of the book. Listening is a powerful influence sounding word, which allows you to convey triumph, joy, sadness, sadness, joke, ridicule.
  • Family reading develops abilities that are the basis for perception artistic images. Such perception is impossible without imagination, visual representations,
  • the ability to experience the joys and sorrows of characters in works of art.
  • Reading aloud important not only for babies, but also for older children, as well as for older people. In the process of family reading, children learn to listen carefully, assimilate and retell what they read, and older people feel less loneliness and in a natural form, without moralizing or lectures, I convey: to the younger ones life experience. In addition, adults have the opportunity to observe and manage the spiritual development of the child.
  • Family reading - effective method socialization of the younger generation. Such communication creates the basis for the exchange of opinions; it is also necessary for adults, who become emotionally enriched through communication with children.
  • Family reading can serve to prevent aging since, according to some experts, aging is the result of living without a book, without reading, which stimulates active mental activity.

Do you want your child to read?

Take these good tips into account and your wishes will come true.

  • Instill in children an interest in reading from an early age.
  • When buying books, choose bright ones in design and interesting content. If possible, buy books by your child’s favorite authors and create a personal library for your son or daughter.
  • Read regularly yourself - this forms the child’s habit of always seeing a book in the house.
  • Discuss the book you read with your family, even if you didn’t like the book. This helps your and your baby's speech development.
  • Recommend your child a book from your childhood, share your childhood impressions of reading a particular book, compare your impressions with his.
  • Reading aloud helps expand lexicon children, as well as develop their listening and focusing skills. Reading aloud brings parents and children closer together.
  • Instill the skills of cultural and careful handling of books.
  • Shared reading is the easiest way to develop children's reading skills. Looking at, discussing and reading books - the most important moment, with the help of which parents can instill in their children an interest in reading.
  • Drawings based on favorite books are one of the ways for a child to express his impressions of the works.
  • Try to come up with your own ending to the work together with your child. The advantage of such stories is a deeper understanding of the book read.
  • Give to your child good books with a dedicatory inscription, good and warm wishes. Years later, this will become a kind and bright reminder of home, about its traditions, about dear and close people.

How to organize home reading

“A book for children is really good food - tasty, nutritious, light, conducive to their spiritual growth”

K.I. Chukovsky

Prepare the child for a meeting with a new book or talk about an already read fairy tale or story (returning from kindergarten, doing household chores, etc.).

It is necessary to allocate a certain time in the daily routine so that by this hour the baby is tuned in to the perception of the book.

Reading should take place in a calm environment, when nothing distracts the child, and those around him treat his activities with “respect.”

A one and a half to two year old child can be focused on a book for 1-2 minutes; older children are read for no more than 15-20 minutes, because then their attention wanders. We are talking about active communication with the book. Let your child repeat the words after you, answer questions, and look at the illustrations.

A child can listen passively for much longer (he switches off and then listens again). Remember: a child cannot be a passive listener all the time, so while reading you need to activate his attention.

One should remember children's love for repeated readings. Children crave them in order to experience the joyful excitement again and with greater force. Repeated readings train memory and develop speech.

The setting of the family reading ritual enhances perception (evening, darkened room, table lamp). The twilight puts you in a fabulous, fantastic mood.

Family reading has truly unique properties that can create a warm family atmosphere and successful soil for the development of a child’s personality.

v If you are able to give children such attention, they know that you love them.

v Reading to children makes them readers in the future.

v Children's books are so well written that they will be interesting even for adults.

v Illustrations in books enrich children and contribute to their creative development.

v Books will help your children learn to think and imagine.

v Reading aloud helps develop your child's attention span.

v You create amazing memories of wonderful family evenings and warm treatment of your child.

v Books can instill in children values ​​that they will carry throughout their lives.

v Sooner or later they will definitely thank you for your smart and well-mannered child.

  • Instill in your child an interest in reading from early childhood.
  • When buying books, choose bright ones in design and interesting content.
  • Read to your child systematically. This will form the habit of daily communication with a book.
  • Discuss the children's book you read among your family members.
  • Tell your child about the author of the book you read.
  • If you are reading a book to your child, try to stop reading at the most exciting episode.
  • When recalling the content of what you previously read with your child, deliberately distort it to check how he remembers the text he read.
  • Recommend books from your childhood to your child, share your childhood impressions of reading this or that book, compare your impressions with his.
  • Have discussions at home about the books you read.
  • If possible, buy books by your child’s favorite authors and collect his personal library.
  • Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.
  • Give your child good books with a dedicatory inscription, kind and warm wishes. Years later, this will become a happy reminder of your home, its traditions, dear and close people.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"TsRR -kindergarten"Sun" p. Chernyanka, Belgorod region."


« Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales"

Project manager: Zakharova E.V.

Project type: research-creative, long-term

Project participants: children of the middle group “Mischievous Rays”, parents, teacher, employees of the regional children's library.

Relevance :

The importance of fiction in raising children is determined by its social, as well as educational role in the life of our entire people.

The art of words helps a child learn about life and shapes his attitude towards the environment. Works of art, revealing inner world heroes, make children worry, experience, as if they were their own, the joys and sorrows of the heroes.

Every child’s acquaintance with literature begins with fairy tales, which accompany his entire childhood and remain with him for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately, at present there is a problem - children do not really like to listen to and read fiction; they are passionate about computer games.

Therefore, I decided to combine the problem with my hobby by developing the project “Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales.”


1. Develop a sustainable interest in fiction as a source of knowledge.

2.Create conditions for the active introduction of literary experience into creative activity children.

3. To promote the formation of sustainable interest in books through the creation of a unified system of work between the Solnyshko Children's Educational Institution, the children's district library and parents .

Project implementation objectives:

Work with children: 1. Contribute to the accumulation of aesthetic experience by reading and discussing literary works.

2. cultivate a culture of speech, teach children to reason, develop the ability to apply their knowledge in conversation, and achieve coherent statements;

enrich and expand children's vocabulary.

3. Encourage creative expression in role-playing games based on the plots of works, in dramatizations.

4. develop the ability to read poetry expressively and dramatize episodes of fairy tales;

5.develop artistic abilities;

6.develop in children creative thinking, imagination, creativity;

7. To foster a caring attitude in preschoolers towards books as the result of the work of many people.

8.Ensure the expansion of social connections between families and children’s library staff, develop communication skills and the ability to communicate with adults in different situations.

Methodological work with personnel:

1. to formulate the needs for the study of children's literature, motivation for self-education in matters of literary education of preschool children;

2.increase the professional level in the field of methods for introducing preschool children to fiction;

3.develop the ability for self-analysis of one’s own teaching activities;

4. introduce new forms of organizing children's activities, build the educational process on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Interaction with parents:

1. introduce children to the history of the creation of a book, types of books, ways to find the necessary information,

2.participate in the creation of handwritten books, preparing an exhibition of handwritten books in a group, developing projects for book corners;

3.assist the preschool institution in organizing the book corner opening party and excursions to the library.

4..Promote the emergence of a tradition of family reading.

Main forms of project implementation:

with kids: conversations, targeted walks, excursions, reading fiction, role-playing, didactic, board-printing, dramatization games, leisure and entertainment, exhibitions, album design, presentations;

with teachers: consultations, seminars, pedagogical readings, recommendations;

with parents: questionnaires, consultations, oral journals, parent meetings, participation in exhibitions, excursions;

with society: t thematic excursions, exhibitions, children's interactive programs.

Subject-spatial environment: screen, projector, library of fairy tales, children's fiction, book corner, didactic and educational aids, various types of puppet theaters, hall of the regional children's library.

Project implementation stages

  • 1.Preparatory stage
  • Setting a goal, determining the relevance and significance of the project
  • Conclusion of an agreement with the district library
  • R development of an interaction planCRR d/s "Solnyshko"with children's library staff
  • Organization of a developmental environment in a group.

Long-term work plan


1. Survey of children on the topics “My favorite fairy tale” and “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

2. Questioning of parents “Reading fiction at home”

3 View books with fairy tales in a group with children. Conversation on the topic “Careful storage of books.” Carrying out the game “Book Hospital”.


1. Introduction to the history of the creation of fairy tales by “Auntie the Storyteller”

2.Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tales “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

3.Conclusion of an agreement with the district library.


1. Consultation for parents “The role of fairy tales in a child’s life”

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tale “The Braggart Hare”, Ukrainian folk tale “The Mitten”, German fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Hare and the Hedgehog” by the Brothers Grimm, “Little Baba Yaga” by O. Preusler

4. Decorating a book corner in a group.


1. Development and approval of a plan for interaction between the Chernyansk regional library and the Central Regional Regional Library “Solnyshko”.

2. Master class for preschool teachers on the topic “Development of speech and introducing children to fiction through fairy tales.”

3. Reading fairy tales: Russian folk tales “Turnip”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, English fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”, “Thumbelina” by H.-K. Andersen


1. “Christmas gatherings” - entertainment (together with library employees)

2. Acquaintance with the work of K.I. Chukovsky (selection of literature, illustrations)

3. Didactic games based on fairy tales.


1.Consultation for educators.

2. Leisure “Journey through fairy tales”

3. Parents’ production of “Baby Fairytale Books”


1. Literary lounge “Creativity of S. Mikhalkov”

2. Holding a competition and designing an exhibition of joint drawings by children and parents “My favorite fairy-tale hero”

3.Creation of the “Knizhkina Hospital”


1. Literary lounge “Let's get acquainted with the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin"

2. Quiz “My favorite fairy tales”

3.Creation of homemade books.


1. Participation in a fairy tale dramatization competition.

3. Report-presentation on the project “Journey through Fairy Tales”

2. Main stage

1.Reading different fairy tales.

2. Children’s drawing of fairy tale heroes.

3.Learning sayings, sayings, proverbs about fairy tales and fairy-tale characters.

4.P looking at pictures, talking about their content.

5.Excursion to the children's library

6..Riddles about fairy tales, fairy tale heroes.

7. Retelling fairy tales read.

8. Consideration of illustrations by different artists for fairy tales.

9. Organization exhibitions of works by children's writers together with employees of the regional library.

10..Performing creative work independently and together with parents.

11.Staging fairy tales.

12. Questioning parents

13. Conversation with parents “Introduction to the project.”

14.Homework for parents and children (drawing illustrations for fairy tales).

15.Reading fairy tales with children.

16. Design of moving folders on the topic of the project. Approximate directions: “What did we read today”, “Learn with us”

17.Help in replenishing the book corner with fairy tales.

18.Making baby books.

19. Consultations: memo “Educate the future reader”;

Interaction with teachers of the Solnyshko Children's Education Center and with employees of the regional children's library.

1.Pedagogical council “Development of children’s speech»- master class “Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales”

  1. Consultation for teachers at the teaching hour “Designing a book corner in a group”
  2. Presentation of the project “Introducing children to fiction through reading fairy tales” within the framework of the teachers’ council.

4. Plan for working with children's library staff.

3. Final stage:

  1. Analysis of project results, generalization.
  2. Exhibition of creative works of parents and children: children's books, drawings based on fairy tales.

3. Dramatization of a fairy tale.

4. Presentation of the project within the framework of the teachers' council.

Expected results:

  1. 1. Equipping the development environment in the group: .selection of a library of fairy tales, design of a book corner and library; exhibition of creative drawings based on fairy tales.

2. Formation of the ability to perceive a book not only as entertainment, but also as a source of knowledge.

3. Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.

4. Popularization of family reading.

5.Development of interest in literature and the works of Russian writers.

6. Formation of the ability to expressively read by heart and dramatize a work or an excerpt from it.

7.Development of children’s communication abilities, the ability to negotiate, and help each other.

8. Formation of a system of work to familiarize children with fiction.