Patron in simple words. Patron - it sounds proud

Providing them with financial assistance from personal funds.

The name comes from the name of the noble Roman Gaius Cilnius Maecenas (Mecenata; Latin: Gaius Cilnius Maecenas), who was a patron of the arts under Emperor Augustus. As a confidant of the Emperor Octavian Augustus, he conducted state affairs without holding any official position, but being, together with Agrippa, the most influential assistant of Augustus and taking the most active part in all the actions of the emperor to organize the state and consolidate power. In his relations with Augustus, he was free from servility and ingratiation and expressed his views with complete freedom, often completely opposite to the plans of the emperor.

His name became a household name for a reason - for the first time in history, a powerful state policy was implemented, the conductor of which was Maecenas. With the support of the emperor, Maecenas directed a significant portion of the finances accumulated by the Roman Empire to encourage and support the creative industries. This is how the state system was created financial support culture or the world of art. With the help of investments in art, the political problems of great Rome were solved, strengthening the position and power of the Roman Empire and its power. Therefore, one cannot assume that a philanthropist is a disinterested person who does good to people for free. A philanthropist is someone who, by supporting art, develops the spirituality of society as a necessary condition for the implementation of the tasks facing it.

Over time, wealthy patrons of culture, art and science began to be called patrons of the arts. Many of them entered the history of culture along with outstanding artists, writers, actors, because they contributed to the development of their creativity, the prosperity of art, and the introduction of the broad masses to the best cultural achievements. As a shining example patronage of the arts can be cited by the Medici family, whose representatives from the 13th to the 18th centuries repeatedly became the rulers of Florence. They gained the greatest fame as sponsors of the most outstanding geniuses of the Renaissance.

As another example, [ ] bring a dynasty of bankers and public figures Rothschilds, who throughout the 20th century had the greatest fortune in modern world history. They began their ascent to upper strata society at the end of the 18th century and eventually entangled almost all European courts with their financial network. Story financial success began with the antique shop of the founder of the Rothschild dynasty - Mayer Amschel. Having saved money, Mayer opened the first Rothschild bank, where it was possible to exchange the money of some German principalities for others, exchange and sell coins and medals, antiques. Over time, this trend has only strengthened - to mid-19th century century, the Rothschilds invested half of their assets in works of art. On the one hand, these investments provided a good fund for the family in case of shock, and on the other hand, they characterized the Rothschilds not so much as accumulators of wealth, but also as people capable of appreciating beauty. [ ]

The development of philanthropy in Russia began in the 18th century, and in the second half of the 19th century it flourished. Wonderful collections of Russian and Russian monuments were collected in country noble estates and city palaces. Western European art, extensive libraries. [ ] Among the famous Russian patrons of the arts are Mamontov, Morozov, Ryabushinsky, Bakhrushin, Smetskoy, Tretyakov and many others. [ ]

How did the word "philanthropist" appear? August 20th, 2013

You see, the first of famous history patrons were called... Maecenas. This was his name - Gaius Cilnius Maecenas. Maybe art had other patrons, but it was he who became so famous in this field that this name later became a household name.

Maecenas was born between 74-64. BC. in a wealthy aristocratic family from the privileged class of horsemen. He was proud of his Etruscan roots (his family came from the nobility of Arretium - present-day Arezzo, a city in Central Italy, by the way, the birthplace of Petrarch). Actually, he received the name Tsilnius from his mother, since this was customary among the Etruscans.

A convinced monarchist, Gaius Cilnius early entered the inner circle of Octavian, the future Emperor Augustus. Considering it closest to ideal image the ruler, helped him ascend the throne, supported him in every possible way, showing talent and energy, helped solve problems: he made peace with Anthony, for example, calmed popular unrest, and prevented conspiracies. When Augustus left Rome, he left Maecenas in his place (either alone or together with Agrippa).

For the first time on the historical stage, Maecenas appears in 42 BC, participating in the Battle of Philippi. And after 2 years he helps Octavian arrange his marriage with Scribonia. Having successfully negotiated with Antony, who left his Cleopatra for a short period of time and intended to march with an army against Octavian, Maecenas convinced him and Octavian to make peace, and the campaign was cancelled. The allies in the struggle for the Roman throne constantly quarreled, and in the most tense moments Maecenas again and again provided invaluable services to Octavian. Maecenas twice had to calm the popular uprising in Rome; after the Battle of Actium, he destroyed the plans of the young Lepidus. Over time, when Augustus Octavian happened to go to the provinces on business, Maecenas replaced him in Rome, in fact, as a vice-ruler.

G. Batista Tiepolo. The patron introduces the free Arts to Emperor Augustus. Hermitage collection

In fact, occupying the position of the second person in the state, being an adviser and confidant of the emperor, he never had any public position. At the same time, he did not curry favor with the monarch and did not hide his views, even if they differed or completely contradicted the latter’s intentions. It’s hard to believe, but it was... a matter of friendship, which turned out to be so strong and strong that it even made it possible for Gaius Tsilnius, without ceremony, to extinguish outbursts of august anger, to which the ruler was prone.

For example, interesting historical evidence has been preserved about how Maecenas prevented Augustus from signing death warrants. He stopped him with the words: “Surge tandem, carnifex!” (That's enough for you, butcher!). And even after he warned his wife’s brother, a participant in a conspiracy against the government, in a kindred manner that the secret intent had been revealed, Gaius Tsilnius Maecenas did not lose the friendship of the emperor, although he was removed from participation in state affairs.

He had a luxurious palace on the Esquiline Hill, surrounded by equally luxurious gardens. During excavations, a lot was found there artistic values, on Merulana Street there is still a “Maecenas Hall” to this day. There he indulged in pleasures, without hiding his epicurean passions for pleasure: this man was sincere everywhere and in everything.

When Octavian defeated Antony, became the sole ruler of the state and took the name Augustus, Maecenas left politics. He lives in Rome, in a luxurious house with a huge park, keeps a crowd of servants, flaunts his effeminacy and quirks, and in response to ridicule, writes the book “This is How I Live.” Like all his other works, it has not survived; and he wrote about carved stones, and about aquatic plants and animals, and poems, and dialogues about everything in the world. His style was pretentious and aroused ridicule. But this did not stop him from becoming acquainted with all the young poets and writers and becoming their friend and patron.

There were three main figures in this “circle of Patrons”. One is Varius Rufus, his epic collections of poems - “Odes”, and “Epodes”, and “Satires”, and “Epistle”. The patron really wanted one of his poets to write about the victories of Augustus, he suggested this to both Virgil and the young Propertius - but Virgil wrote the Aeneid instead, and Propertius only love elegies. And the smart Maecenas did not insist. We know the names of a dozen other writers who can be considered members of his circle, but they tell us little. The relationship that connected Maecenas with them was called “friendship” in Rome, and often - as with Horace - it was friendship without any quotation marks. But descendants confidently saw in this “friendship” primarily patronage and material assistance. A hundred years later, the poet Martial, ironically explaining the beginning of literary decline, uttered a catchy line:

If we had patrons of the arts, Virgils would immediately be found!

(It seems that here for the first time the name of Maecenas “becomes a household name”).

The heyday of the “circle” lasted about fifteen years, then the Maecenas’s star set. It turned out that his wife was Augustus’s mistress, and her brother was a conspirator against Augustus; relations with the emperor began to cool. Virgil died, Augustus enticed Horace into his own service; he evaded, but Maecenas was nervous, and Horace had to write to him in verse: “If your gifts constrain my freedom, take them back!” My health was getting worse: fevers, nervous breakdown, insomnia that lasted for years - he dozed off only to the splash of fountains in the garden. The Epicurean “do not fear death” was not given to him: half a century later, the stern Seneca reproached him for his unmanly verse:

Just to live! Even on spicy cola, all life is precious!

Fedor Bronnikov

And how Guy Tsilniy Maecenas cared for his charges! He supported and protected them in every possible way. He helped Virgil in a lawsuit with one centurion, and worked for the return of the taken away estate. He gave his estate to Horace... By the way, about Virgil. He wrote his “Aeneid” for 10 years, without showing a single line even at the urgent request of Augustus, and all this time he was on state support. Without the participation of the Patron, this would have been impossible.

It must be said that the writers whom he gathered around him turned out to be grateful (which once again confirms the characterization of the atmosphere of this circle); apparently, the spirit of nobility that distinguished their benefactor was inherent in them. Both Virgil and Horace (and not only them) praised Maecenas in their works. And he himself composed (although he was criticized in later times), but, carried away by the care of the talents of Rome, did not ensure the safety of his own works, of which only fragments have survived.

Guy Tsilnius Maecenas died exactly two thousand years ago, in the eighth year BC. His death was preceded by a serious illness. His will provided for the transfer of all property (and this was a very rich fortune) to Augustus and contained the last will of the deceased: for the emperor to take care of Horace (however, Horace at that time also had only two months to live).

And his name lives to this day, denoting what Maecenas was most famous for in life: patronage of talents.

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Find out more about the history of a few words: and The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

These are not the easiest times in our country. The level of culture is in a difficult situation. Most theaters, museums, and libraries, especially in provincial cities, are in dire need of support.

Previously, libraries and museums were visited by a considerable number of people different ages, but now there are fewer and fewer of them every year. And this is terrible, because with the advent of the global Internet, many forgot the way to the library, and with the advent of gadgets, what it looks like Old book. And how many museums across the country were closed due to unnecessary use!

If you conduct a social survey among the population on the topic of patronage, the percentage of intelligible answers is not high. The word is familiar to many, but not everyone can give an interpretation, regardless of age. Realizing this, it becomes sad, because our great country was known for its charity and philanthropy.

Art requires donation.
Donat Mechik

The term "Patron"

A philanthropist is a person who leaves a significant mark on the life of the state. It is no secret that there are wealthy people, businessmen, entrepreneurs who finance orphanages, cancer centers, children's sports, musicians, masters of painting, young writers, etc. Charity is generosity for certain things, medications and other sources.

A philanthropist is a person who has donated assistance in the formation of science and art and provides financial assistance from personal funds. Maecenas in simple words he is a benefactor, an altruist.

Patronage is a domestic tradition that reflects a spiritual opportunity Russian society. If we look back to the origins cultural development our country, it is worth remembering Russian patrons of the arts, thanks to them Russian culture has risen to the highest level of development. It was with the help of patrons that the Shchukin School was opened, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow Theater of Artists.

The restoration of intellectuality helped Russia emerge from the economic crisis. Thanks to the funding of patrons, memorials of our culture were created. The monuments still do not leave the residents of our huge state indifferent.

Chronicles of the origin of Patronage in Russia

The name Maecenas originated from the ancient Roman ascetic Gaius Cilnius Maecenas. He was a benefactor of the arts under Emperor Augustus. The roots of philanthropy in our state go back to ancient times. Sovereigns and kings helped in the construction of temples, palaces, as well as icon painters, writers, artists, etc. There was a significant rise in the participation of patrons of the arts during the time of Catherine II. This period can be called the period of collecting. For example, Count Orlov created a castle in which a huge library was located.

A.A. Bezborodko was a serious collector and philanthropist. He owned an art gallery, and later everything was transferred to the Academy of Arts. The Demidov family were also philanthropists; they donated an outstanding collection of minerals to Moscow University. A descendant of the great commander Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky collected a large collection of rare manuscripts, books, medals, and coins.

It should be noted that the Sheremetyev family also provided assistance to theaters, choirs, and ensembles. Benefactors formed special rules for social benefit. Aristocrats were awarded the highest state awards, merchants were awarded titles of nobility. Rising and strengthening, the values ​​have survived to this day.

If a person who has alienated several million rubles in his favor later even becomes a philanthropist and builds a marble palazzo in which he will concentrate all the wonders of science and art, then he still cannot be called a skillful public figure, but should only be called a skillful swindler .
Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. The story of one city<.cite>

Patrons of the XIX-XX centuries

The Russian people overwhelmingly differed from the Europeans in their approach to the issue of providing assistance to representatives of culture and the arts. In our country, patronage is material assistance, which does not carry any interest for itself.

In Europe, it was not due to charity that taxes for philanthropists were reduced or they were completely eliminated. Therefore, judge for yourself whether their help was selfless.

  1. The first merchant who reached out to philanthropy in the second half of the 19th century was V.A. Kokorev. The merchant was a wine farmer and a railway contractor. Kokorev was the first to establish and invest a considerable amount of money in the first repository of works of art. It contained about 600 paintings that he himself collected. His name also became famous thanks to the opening of a home for young talents in the Tver region.
  2. An incredibly bright person was a businessman from Moscow, a shareholder in textile factories, a bank and a brewing company - Soldatenkov K.T. Being a book publisher, he, without mastering primary school, read poorly, not counting Old Believer books. He published them, thereby trying to replenish Russian culture. Engaged in translations from French, collected about 8 thousand books and 15 thousand copies of magazines; he owned a painting gallery containing about 270 works of art. All this Soldatenkov K.T. sent to the museum by M. Rumyantsev. This businessman did not spare money both for culture and for the needs of society. He tried to help with education and treatment of the population, and was the founder of the Botkin Hospital.
  3. The sons of the Shchukin dynasty, in particular the second son Peter (and there were 4 of them: Sergei, Dmitry, Peter. Ivan) bought books during his internship in Lyon French writers, engravings. Buying junk at the Sukharevsky bazaar in the capital, he long time plunged into bags filled with purchases and selected all the best. After his father's death, his opportunities increased significantly. Finance appeared, and he took on the construction of a two-story house to house his collection. In the fall of 1893, his own museum opened, in which one-of-a-kind documents - 13th century Gospels, ancient weapons, domestic porcelain, monuments - applied arts. In 1896, the museum became free to everyone without exception.
  4. Sergei Shchukin (Peter's brother) collected a collection of paintings famous artists such as Gauguin, Van Gogh, Matisse, Renoir. There were approximately 221 paintings. Dmitry Shchukin loved collecting paintings; his collection included 604 paintings; they were works of Western life of the 16th and 17th centuries. In the future, part of the Shchukin brothers’ collection was donated to the museum fine arts A. S. Pushkin.
  5. Among the patrons of the arts were those who donated cash out of love for Russian culture, but they did not boast about it. The Tretyakov dynasty is considered to be patrons of the arts without excesses. They own the Tretyakov Gallery.

    The Tretyakov brothers Pavel and Sergei were born into a native merchant family, they had an excellent education (they were frequent visitors to Maly and Bolshoi Theater). Having received an education, they successfully developed their parent’s business – trading in linen. Both brothers were partial to art.

    Over the course of his sixty years of life, Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov collected 84 works, 52 of which belonged to foreign painters. After his death, everything was inherited by his brother Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. Subsequently, he donated all the works to the keepers of paintings. Pavel Mikhailovich spent quite a fortune on buying paintings. He was very diligent in his spending, did not celebrate luxury, but provided financial assistance to artists in dire straits. Pavel Mikhailovich was surprisingly considered a very modest person; he rarely went to the gallery he owned in the presence of visitors.

  6. In the 19th century, not only wealthy people made a living in philanthropy, but also ordinary people. Of course, their contribution was not huge, but it is noted that such people gave a lot to the country. Considerable investments were made by S.I. Mamontov. He made his fortune from the construction railways. He helped artists and theater actors create the Moscow Private Opera, and later such celebrities as Rachmaninov and Chaliapin drank there. S.I. Mamontov had great respect for opera and financed it with great pleasure. The Moscow Private Opera, which he owned, successfully exceeded all expectations in 1896, after which the opera became a significant event cultural page in the country.
The list of philanthropists in Russia is huge, all the people who invested their funds in art, culture, and science free of charge, without thinking about income. Don’t forget that people were passionate about patronage different types and financial situation.

There are no more reliable patrons than our own abilities.

What now?

In the modern world, charity exists, but the means mass media it is consecrated extremely rarely. There are charitable foundations and sponsors, but they are rarely known about.

The millionaire Vladimir Potanin is well-known to many; this businessman proactively participates in aid campaigns and announced that he will bequeath his entire million-dollar fortune to charity. The Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation is involved in quite a few projects in the field of culture and education.

We also note O.V. Deripaska, he owns the Volnoe Delo foundation, he is involved in education, culture, sports and science. In addition, the foundation finances monasteries, the Hermitage, and quite a few theaters throughout Russia.

Uralsib Corporation Nikola Tsvetkov founded the Victoria Foundation, which helps orphans.

The following companies also engage in charity work:

  • Gazprom;
  • "LUKOIL";
  • "Bank Alfa";
  • Channel One’s “Gift of Life” fund, which helps children with developmental defects and pays for the treatment of complex, expensive operations, and others.


Classes, voluntary, free assistance that was aimed at developing scientific activity, arts, culture, health, education and other areas that have helped our country flourish were considered a sacred responsibility.

The charity did not pursue mercantile goals and was not aimed at generating income. With the help of patrons, numerous transformations were carried out in the city. Clinics, universities, theaters, art galleries, history museums, libraries, etc. Both in the center and in the provinces of our not small country it is possible to find a considerable number of acts of charity and patronage.

Let's ask ourselves, can every entrepreneur and millionaire become a patron of art? I haven’t heard of any modern millionaire opening art gallery, or would donate exclusive books to the library. To summarize, we can say that philanthropists are not born. They become people throughout their lives, and it would be right for modern patrons to direct their finances to restore what was created by their predecessors centuries ago.

And you, dear reader, can you give someone, for example, a rare painting, a book, a coin that is in your possession?

The issue of patronage interests many. And first of all, this applies to those who want to help people. At this stage, the division of activities into sponsorship and patronage begins.

The most famous patrons of the arts

The first philanthropist in history was Guy Tsilniy Maecenas. It was his name that eventually became a household name and provided the basis for the emergence of the term “philanthropy.” He became famous for his unshakable faith in people of art. When others turned away from the poets out of fear of the emperor, Maecenas continued to protect them and provide all possible support. The patron was not the only one who provided support creative people, but he was the first who remained faithful to the end.

During the Middle Ages, the tradition of patronage was continued by many famous houses. For example, the Medici family patronized artists, musicians and poets of the Renaissance. Perhaps thanks to the help of the Cornaro family, Venice became so beautiful, because they provided all kinds of assistance to writers, artists and sculptors. The house of Cornaro ordered numerous statues from them.

The manifestation of philanthropy in Russia was interesting. Prince Vladimir the Great was at the origins of philanthropy.

A.S. is considered the first recognized philanthropist in Russia. Stroganov. The count was one of the largest landowners and, moreover, a traveler. This is what allowed him to collect large collection coins and stones. Thanks to his support, I. Krylov and G. Derzhavin created.

The Demidov family became famous, among other things, for its patronage of Moscow University and the establishment of special scholarships for children from low-income families.

Among the scandalous patrons of art in Russia, Count Sheremetyev can be distinguished. His marriage to his own serf was able to glorify the count no worse than other actions. The hospice house in Moscow was founded thanks to Count Sheremetyev.

The 19th century was a bright period of philanthropy. It was at this time that the most famous modern collections came together.

One of the outstanding patrons of the arts was P.M. Tretyakov and his brother S.M. Tretyakov. Thanks to them, one of the most unique collections of paintings was created in the 19th century. The Tretyakov merchants were not very rich by the standards of that time, but their love of painting and frugality bore fruit. P.M. Tretyakov spent about a million rubles on works of art, a fabulous sum of that time. It is with light hand Tretyakov brothers, the famous Tretyakov Gallery appeared.

A relative of the Tretyakovs (S.I. Mamontov) was one of the philanthropists of that time, he invested money in the development of theater and painting.

Today, patronage of the arts is only being revived after the events of the revolution and time Soviet Union. However, we can say with confidence that this fashionable hobby is returning. Examples include the companies OJSC Gazprom, JSC Lukoil, CB Alfa Bank, as well as the president of Interross V. Potanin or O.V. Deripaska, founder charitable foundation"Free business."

Difference between patron and sponsor

A philanthropist is a person who completely selflessly helps people creative professions. Sponsors perform the same actions, but adjusted for interest. As a rule, the names of sponsors are quite well known, while patrons often remain unknown to the general public.

  • A philanthropist is a person who contributes on a voluntary and free basis to the development of science and art, providing them with material assistance from personal funds.

    The name comes from the name of the nobleman Gaius Cilnius Maecenas (Mekenata; lat. Gaius Cilnius Maecenas), who was a patron of the arts under Emperor Augustus. As a confidant of the Emperor Octavian Augustus, he conducted state affairs without holding any official position, but being, together with Agrippa, the most influential assistant of Augustus and taking the most active part in all the actions of the emperor to organize the state and consolidate power. In his relations with Augustus, he was free from servility and ingratiation and expressed his views with complete freedom, often completely opposite to the plans of the emperor.

    Magazine "World of Arts"

    Over time, wealthy patrons of culture, art and science began to be called patrons of the arts. Many of them went down in cultural history on a par with outstanding artists, writers, and actors, because they contributed to the development of their creativity, the prosperity of art, and the introduction of the broad masses to the best cultural achievements. As a striking example of philanthropy, we can cite the Medici family, whose representatives from the 13th to the 18th centuries repeatedly became the rulers of Florence. They gained the greatest fame as sponsors of the most outstanding geniuses of the Renaissance.

    As another example, we can cite the Rothschild dynasty of bankers and public figures, who throughout the 20th century had the greatest fortune in modern world history. They began their ascent to the highest strata of society at the end of the 18th century and eventually entangled almost all European courts with their financial network. The story of financial success began with the antique shop of the founder of the Rothschild dynasty, Mayer Amschel. Having saved money, Mayer opened the first Rothschild bank, where it was possible to exchange the money of some German principalities for others, exchange and sell coins and medals, antiques. Over time, this trend only strengthened - by the middle of the 19th century, the Rothschilds invested half of their assets in works of art. On the one hand, these investments provided a good fund for the family in case of shock, and on the other hand, they characterized the Rothschilds not so much as accumulators of wealth, but also as people capable of appreciating beauty.

    The development of philanthropy in Russia began in the 18th century, and in the second half of the 19th century it flourished. Wonderful collections of monuments of Russian and Western European art and extensive libraries were collected in country noble estates and city palaces. Among the famous Russian philanthropists are Mamontov, Morozov, Ryabushinsky, Bakhrushin and the Tretyakovs.