Who invented the Internet: the history of the Network. Who invented the first computer and in what year

The Internet can be compared to a global information space; it is like a unified system of computer networks. An incredible number of computers all over the world are connected to the Internet. And who was able to create such a basis for a certain “information society”? Who invented the Internet?

Who invented the Internet

It all started with Soviet Union in 1957 launched an artificial Earth satellite. As a result, America decided to protect itself in case of war and find a reliable information transmission system. There was a proposal to develop a computer network. Its development was immediately entrusted to the University of California at Los Angeles, the University of Utah, the University of California at Santa Barbara and the Stanford Research Center. That's who invented the Internet, it turns out. The created computer network was called ARPANET. This abbreviation in English means Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. And already in 1969, these 4 scientific institutions. Funding for the project came from the US Department of Defense. The first communication session was conducted between the University of California, Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute, which were located 640 km from each other. The first attempt was not completely successful, but after the connection was restored on the same day, the second attempt was successful! If you are ever asked in what year the Internet was invented. You can safely name his date of birth: October 29, 1969. The time of the first attempt was at 21:00, and the second at 22:30.

The development of the ARPANET computer network has already extended to scientists in various fields of science. And in 1971, the first program for transmitting email over the network was created. The popularity of such a program immediately increased. In 1973, ARPANET became international. 1983 was a significant year. The ARPANET transitioned from NCP to TCP/IP. This protocol is still used to connect networks. And it was in 1983 that the Internet was invented as the name of the ARPANT network. Domain names came into use in 1984. Communicating in real time on the Internet in the form of a chat became possible in 1988, when the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol was invented.

It was only in 1989 that the idea of ​​creating the World Wide Web appeared in Europe. We should be grateful to the scientist Tim Berners-Lee, who later created the HTTP protocol, developed the HTML language and URIs. Researcher Robert Kaillialu worked with this scientist, the World Wide Web project was in development. The Internet became publicly accessible in 1991. The famous NCSA Mosaic browser appeared in 1993. Open technical standards The Internet made it independent of commercial companies and businesses. In 1997, there were about 10 million computers connected to the Internet. The exchange of information via the Internet has become very popular.

Did those who invented the Internet think that by now it would be possible to connect to the network through communication satellites, cell phones, televisions, radio channels, and electrical wires? Now many people simply cannot imagine life without the Internet. On at the moment You can hear the term Runet, which is the Russian-language part of the World Wide Web. That is, there are national domains su, ru and рф. Modern Russian networks were given birth to by programmers and physicists in 1990. The first Russian domain ru was registered on April 7, 1994. The Cyrillic alphabet, namely the RF domain, first appeared quite recently on May 12, 2010. To date, there are many browsers, that is, web programs with which we access the Internet. Today's network, of course, cannot be compared with what came before, but many of us are grateful to those who invented the Internet.

I can no longer imagine my existence without communicating via the Internet. Social media, chats, forums, instant messaging programs, email, video calling and much more - all this is united by a single network. But not everyone knows when the Internet appeared.

Meaning of WAN

The World Wide Web has spread throughout the world, connecting even the most remote parts of the world and providing people with the opportunity to communicate despite distances, as well as overcoming language barriers and other difficulties that arise in real world. The global network has taken root in our lives and has become necessary for each of us. But not everyone thinks about where and when the Internet appeared and what contributed to its emergence. It is developing and spreading at tremendous speed, and now we have the opportunity to use it at work, at home, on the street, in ground transport and even in the subway.

When did the first Internet appear?

In order to be able to urgently transmit information in the event of war, an international system was developed that runs on IP protocols and their routing. It was then that this system received the name “Internet”. The global network quickly entered people's lives. And the day when the Internet appeared marked a new revolution in the world and was etched in the history of the World Wide Web.

At a meeting of several universities of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and DARPA, which took place in 1979, it was decided to create the Computer Science Research Network (CSnet for short).

How the Internet developed

A year after that meeting, the interconnection of CSnet with the ARPANET occurred, allowing CSnet networks to access the ARPANET gateway through the use of TCP/IP protocols. ARPANET became the first global network within the framework of military technologies. The best scientists worked on it, investing only modern technologies. Subsequently, others began to join this network. This is how the Commonwealth of Independent Networks emerged, which came to an agreement on a method of internetwork communication.

Then the Bitnet network arose, which made it possible to exchange news and messages through the mechanization of Listsery mailings. In action it looked like this: the user selected suitable mailing lists from the lists received and subscribed to them, after which the messages and news that he selected were sent to him.

Propagation of the global network

The popularity enjoyed by the Internet contributed to the emergence of new developments and technologies for convenience and greater user acquisition. Thus, in San Francisco, the FidoNet network, which appeared in 1984, acquired no less importance. Its origin is due to the fact that in 1983, Tom Jennings, using his own program, was able to implement a BBS system on a personal computer. He called this system FidoBBS. Before the Internet appeared, FidoBBS had already gained its popularity and spread throughout the world. The invention of the FidoNet network package made it possible to link two FidoBBS networks together using a telephone line and modem, after which users could create discussion groups and send messages to each other.

In 1987, the UUCP package was bundled with the IBM PC, which was originally developed for use in the UNIX environment. This made it possible to combine FidoNet and Usenet.

Today, one of the large-scale networks in the Internet community is NSFNET, developed by American scientists. This high-speed network supports standards requirements for communication quality.

Later, a document was released according to which anyone could use the NFS backbone high-speed backbone system as long as this use was not aimed at personal or commercial purposes.

The history of the emergence of the Internet in Russia

Computer communications and all developments related to it were used in the USSR only within the framework of the military-industrial complex to strengthen the country's defense capability. The main mention of this dates back to 1952.

In 1990, they developed the first union-scale network, which was given the name “Relcom”. When the Internet appeared, it was used only scientific organizations Leningrad, Kyiv, Moscow and Novosibirsk. In the same year, scientists made the first communication session via a modem, connecting a Soviet computer with a foreign one. The purpose for this was the need to organize a channel through which users could regularly transmit messages over the Internet.

In 1991, in the Soviet Union, when browsers had not yet been invented, the first network with the .su domain appeared. It was used mainly only by technicians. But when the Internet appeared, the idea of ​​​​creating a browser arose. The first was the WorldWideWeb, which made the network more convenient to use thanks to its colorfulness and clarity.

Creation of domain.ru

In 1992, the Relcom network was officially registered in the large organization of commercial networks EUnet, which made it possible to access Internet services. And in 1993, the administrative zone RU was registered, after which domain.ru was created. Russian-language websites began to appear.

When the Internet appeared, in Russia the number of users was limited to a narrow circle of scientists and military personnel. But after IP addresses were allocated to computer networks, the number of ordinary users began to increase exponentially. Massive use of the network began, which gave impetus to its subsequent development.

The era of the Russian Internet began in 1994. It was then that domain.ru was officially registered with InterNIC, and administration rights were transferred to RosNIIROS.

Spread of the Russian Internet

Here is a chronology of events from the moment when the Internet appeared in Russia and became available to most users:

1994 - the first hackers appeared;

1995 - the first web design studio opened;

1997 - the first online magazines appeared, the Yandex search system began working, and natural language searches for the Russian language were carried out for the first time;

1998 - free Russian service Mail.ru, which literally took a leading position in the number of users in just a few months and managed to maintain this position to this day;

2002 - a law came into force according to which an electronic digital signature in electronic documents is considered equivalent to a signature on paper;

2003 - opening of the .su domain, which was closed after the collapse of the USSR;

2006 - an office of the American company Google Inc, which is the owner of the famous Google search engine, opened in Moscow;

2007 - recognition of the GoldenWiFi project as the largest wireless network in the world, which provided wireless Internet services to Moscow residents;

2011 - more than 3.447 million names were registered in the .ru domain, and more than 894 thousand in the ".рф" domain.

Nowadays, almost every family has the Internet. We use it for entertainment, work, communication, online shopping and much more. Therefore, the story telling about when the Internet appeared has great value for each of us. And we are obliged to preserve this information for our descendants.

Modern schoolchildren and students cannot imagine their life without computer technology: electronic assistants will instantly find the necessary information for an essay or course work, will help you relax and have fun new game, instantly connect with friends from anywhere in the world.

But just 15-20 years ago, computers were used mainly by professionals to perform various calculations, and computers half a century ago occupied entire huge halls. Do you know who invented the first computer and in what year it happened? The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Computers of the 17th century

Word "computer" is by no means an invention of the current era. The first “computers” appeared at the beginning of the 17th century - however, in those days this was by no means what they called computers. In England, this word meant people who knew how to count well and, for a fee, performed complex calculations for everyone. Indeed, in an exact translation from English language "to compute" means "to count" , A "computer", respectively - "calculator" .

But even then, many people who knew mathematics well were captivated by the dream of creating a special device that could perform various calculations, saving time for designers, accountants and other specialists whose duties included working with numbers. The first attempt of this kind, preserved in history, was the “Pascalina” - a mechanical device invented by the famous physicist and mathematician from France Blaise Pascal.

The scientist created more than a dozen calculating machines, and the latest models could handle 8-digit numbers, which was more than enough for that time.

Babbage and his calculator

Most often, when talking about the first computer, people remember the computer of the Englishman Charles Babbage. He developed and published the concept of his calculator back in 1822, and his machine could not only perform primitive arithmetic operations, but independently perform entire blocks of sequential calculations, i.e. was programmable.

In 1837, Babbage made the first machine for calculations using a simplified scheme: it performed several sequential operations and printed the results on a sheet of paper, which in itself was an incredible curiosity in those days.

Having achieved his first successes, Babbage began building a full-fledged computer. According to his project, it consisted of a logical-arithmetic calculating device, a block for storing intermediate results and a control device. What is most surprising is that all these units had to function exclusively on a mechanical basis, because electrical, and even more so, electronic elements did not yet exist.

Unfortunately, Babbage did not have enough funds to complete his calculator, and soon the scientist fell ill and died, leaving the work unfinished. However, the theoretical developments he made helped subsequent generations of scientists create a real computer.

Turing and Zuse - who owns the palm?

In the twentieth century, the task of creating a computer became more than urgent: the ongoing in full swing Throughout the world, industrialization required the performance of many complex calculations in a variety of areas of the economy. In Britain, by 1936, a computer was created, which became the prototype for all subsequent generations of computers. Its creator was the mathematician Alan Turing, who simultaneously laid the foundations of computer science and programming, becoming the founder of the whole tree of computer science. The Turing computer was called ACE (Automatic Computing Engine).

Almost simultaneously, in 1936-38, a device similar in design and principles embedded in it was created by the German inventor Konrad Zuse. His computer, which used binary coding, was called Z3, and a few years earlier the slightly simpler Z1 and Z2 were assembled. Like the Turing machine, the Zuse apparatus was electromechanical in principle. Both vehicles were subsequently actively used for army calculations: as we remember, the biggest war in the history of mankind was then approaching Europe.

It should be said that Turing was significantly to a greater extent, than Zuse, can be considered the author of the first computer. He was a brilliant theorist and developed the creation of computers that were implemented in the future. His ideas about storing computer programs in machine memory, a voice speech encoder and other talented developments were subsequently embodied in modern computers.

American ENIAC

A computer operating on electronic components was created in the USA in 1946. It was called ENIACElectronic Numerical Integrator And Computer , worked on electronic vacuum tubes and weighed almost 50 tons.

To create it, 18,000 lamps were used, and energy consumption reached 140 kW. The creators of ENIAC were J.P. Eckert and J. Mauchly. In its architecture and functions, it became the first computer in modern meaning this word.

Who invented the Internet?

We have all been accustomed to the Internet for a long time.

And today it has become for us one of the daily needs in human daily life.

Have you ever thought about Is that what the Internet came up with?So I became interested in finding out who I should say a big thank you to.

We use the Internet almost every day. There are people who, due to their work or activities, have been captured by the Internet more than others, and there is a category of people for whom the Internet is indifferent.

But, you must admit that now you rarely meet someone who does not need the Internet at all.

We spend a lot of time on the Internet, it makes our life easier in certain matters. daily life, it gives us the opportunity to earn money without leaving home.

He gives us a new and useful information V as soon as possible. We can also make payments and shop online while sitting on the couch with a mug of aromatic coffee.

The Internet is now available in any public place. Nowadays, for our convenience, there is huge amount Internet cafe.

And then, one day, you still thought,

Who invented the Internet?

Meet this man's name: Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee.

It was he who gave us a sea of ​​​​happiness in the form information services at a distance.

A little historical facts from the biography of the man who invented the Internet.

His parents studied mathematics. At the same time, they took part in the research and development of one of the first Personal Computers - the Manchester Mark I.

The early origins of the Internet can be found in attempts to create the telegraph and other means of communication. After all, all this was united by one goal - to create the ability to transmit information at a distance. The telegraph was followed by the telephone.

Humanity was taking the first steps towards what is now considered to be the World Wide Web or the Network - the Internet.

Humanity was moving towards the creation of the Internet for many years, inventing new and new means of communication.

Thus, the invention of the telegraph in 1836, the intercontinental Atlantic cable in 1858, and the telephone in 1876 were the first steps to create the Internet.

Ted Nelson once proposed creating such a thing as a “documentary universe.”

It would combine all the texts that were written at that time.

This would be done by interweaving the text together in some specific way.

Thus, everything was leading to the fact that the Internet would appear sooner or later.

Timothy Berners - Lee was 12 years old when he began to become interested in the exact sciences.

At this time he studied at the private Emanuel School in Wandsworth.

Immediately after graduating from school, he entered Oxford University. Timothy Berners-Lee studied quite diligently, and he especially liked working on computers.

One day, he and his friends were accused of a hacker attack and banned from using school computers.

This event upset him, but at the same time it made him think about why not build his own computer.

And here is the result - his assembled computer served as a monitor old TV, and the keyboard was a calculator.

Berners-Lee graduated from Oxford in 1976 with a degree in physics.

He went to work at Plessey Telecommunications Ltd., where he had to deal with distributed transactions.

After some time, he began working for DG Nash Ltd, where his task was to develop Software for printers.

So, it was at this place of work that he came up with and created something like an operating system that could work in the mode of executing many tasks.

Soon Timothy Berners-Lee began working at the European Nuclear Research Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland.

There he began serving as a software consultant.

Finally, he writes the Enquire program. Translated from English this means “reference” or “ notebook" It was based on the principle of random associations. It was already something like a prototype of the global information space.

He worked for three years as a system architect, while also working scientific activities at CERN, where he developed several new systems needed to collect information.

In 1989, a project was introduced that was based on the principle of hypertext. This project can safely be called the father modern Internet. Soon it was given the name “World Wide Web”.

The principle of its operation was reduced to the simplest operations: publishing large texts linked through hyperlinks.

This all greatly facilitated and simplified the search for various data, and also allowed them to be systematized and stored in a certain way.

From 1991 to 1993, work was carried out on the project, which consisted of a user survey.

And finally, in 1991, the world's first website was opened with the address info.cern.ch.

This site contains information about the World Wide Web. There you could learn how to install web servers, how to connect to the Internet, and how to use a browser. In addition to all this, there was a directory that contained addresses of other sites.

In 1994, the man who invented the Internet was appointed head of the department of the Laboratory of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence. In the same year, the MIT World Wide Web Consortium was formed. This structure is still developing and implementing standards for the Internet.

In 1999, Timothy Berners-Lee’s book “Weaving the Web: The Results and Future of the World Wide Web” was published.

In 2004, he began teaching at the University of Southampton and in 2005 Berners-Lee's second book, Crossing the Semantic Web: Unlocking the Full Potential of the World Wide Web, was published.

The Queen of England awards Timothy Berners-Lee the title of Knight Commander, and he is also called a Distinguished Member of the British Computer Society.

But there is one unique difference in the life of Berners-Lee from other geniuses of our time - Jobs, Gates and Zuckerberg - he never sought to make billions with the help of his invention.

By the way, there are many opinions about who exactly invented the Internet.

Even several people are called the creators of the World Wide Web. This is probably a controversial issue for now.

Therefore, it is worth mentioning another version of the history of the creation of the Internet. The Americans insist on it.

We also owe the advent of the Internet to the first satellite of the earth.

Why, you ask?

In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first satellite into space.

The US government, deciding to protect itself in case of war, proposed the development of a computer network. In 1969, such a network was created.

With its help, information was transferred between the University of California, the University of Utah, the Stanford Research Center and the University of California.

The network was called ARPANET, and began to actively develop in various fields of science. And United States President Eisenhower issued an executive order creating the Advanced Development Agency Research Projects(ARPA), which brought together the brightest US scientists.

It was this Agency that, a few years later, focused its activities on the use of computers for military communications.

It is believed that this research was started by Dr. Licklider in 1962, when he was appointed head of a project on the use of computer technology in military affairs. He even attracts private firms that were not involved in military projects and universities to cooperate.

And so, in 1969, the first conversation on the Internet finally took place.

The University of Los Angeles, Stanford Research Institute, and the Universities of Santa Barbara and Utah participated in the long-distance conversation.

Already in 1971, a network already existed, which included 23 users in different cities in the United States. In 1973 it was joined by University College London and Civil service Norway.

Ideas in the field of creating the Internet began to develop rapidly, and the e-mail address for sending letters was invented.

In 1977, the number of Internet users reached 100 people, in 1984 - 1000 people. In 1973, countries such as Norway and Great Britain were connected to the American network.

It was only in 1983 that the ARPANET began to be called the Internet. 1984 was marked by the Domain Name System, as well as the emergence of a competitor to ARPANET, NSFNet, to which 10 thousand computers connected.

And so, in 1989, at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the idea of ​​​​creating a World Wide Web appeared, which was proposed by Timothy John Berners-Lee.

He developed the HTTP protocol, the HTML language, and URIs.

In 1991, the Internet became accessible to many and by 1997, 19.5 million people were using it. Today this figure has reached 2 billion.

So, we found out who invented the Internet . I hope that you found the information interesting and useful.

Watch an interesting video about the HISTORY OF THE INTERNET:

Today the Internet has become an integral part of our lives; almost everyone has it at home or on their phone. But many people don’t even know when the Internet appeared. And you need to know this, because at any moment your child can ask about what the Internet is and the date of its appearance.

Today, the term Internet refers to an international system of computer networks based on IP protocols and their routing. If you look at Wikipedia, you can see that at the end of 2015, 2.4 billion users were connected to the Internet. This is 34.5% of the inhabitants of the entire earth. Russia ranks 4th in terms of the number of Internet users, after China, the USA and India. Today, the Internet is used to solve various tasks: sending email, watching movies, reading books, listening to music. In business: transfer of proprietary information, etc. So let's find out when the Internet appeared in the world, and when it arose in Russia.

ARPANET is the first version of the Internet.

No matter what anyone says, the Cold War between the USSR and the USA served as a strong impetus for the development of new technologies. Nuclear weapons, space flights, the development of new technologies are all consequences of the Cold War.

The emerging threat from the USSR and its intercontinental missiles forced the US government to think about creating reliable communication channels in the event of war. As a result of discussions, the DARPA agency (US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) proposed organizing a computer communication network. Four universities undertook its creation:

  • California State University;
  • University of Utah;
  • University of California, Los Angeles;
  • Stanford Research Center.

Funding fell on the shoulders of the US Department of Defense.

In 1961 Leonard Kleinrock (American engineer and scientist in the field information technology and computer networks) publishes scientific work about the possibility of splitting files into parts and transmitting them in batches over the network. It forms the basis for the development of DARPA specialists.

After 8 years, October 29, 1969 years, for the first time two servers were connected to each other. The servers were located at a distance of 640 kilometers from each other. Thanks to the successful transfer of files at the time of communication, this date is considered to be the date when the Internet appeared. The network was called ARPANET.

1971 gives to the world new technology in the form of email. This year, Ray Tomlison is developing the first program that allows you to send email messages over the network. It was he who suggested using the @ (dog) sign in postal addresses.

1972 marked by the first international connections between England and Norway. The first satellite communications were also launched. And this year the FTP protocol (File Transfer Protocol) appears.

1983 was marked by a new significant event, the emergence of the current TCP/IP data transfer protocol. Currently, we are all connected by this protocol. Thanks to the transition to this communication protocol, the ARPANET computer network changed its name to the name we know: “Internet”.

1984, a competing network NSFNet (National Science Foundation Network) appears with higher throughput.

1988, the emergence of another IRC protocol, thanks to it we today have the opportunity to communicate in real time.

1989, a new concept for creating the World Wide Web is proposed, based on hypertext language (HTML), HTTP protocols and URL identifiers. In 1991, the World Wide Web (WWW) service appeared, working on the proposed concept. Englishman Tim Berners-Lee is considered the inventor of the World Wide Web.

Thanks to the advent of the World Wide Web, the first MOSAIC browser appears. The ease of use of www leads to an increase in the popularity of the Internet among users and in 1996 the concept of the World Wide Web changed to the one we use every day - the Internet.

When did the Internet appear in Russia?

The Russian Internet appears much later than in the United States. The first connection to the network is fixed August 22, 1990 Institute of Tomorrow Energy and IPK of the Ministry of Automotive Industry.

September 19, 1990— the first Soviet domain SU was registered in the international domain database.