Presentation on the topic “Research project “Snow Maiden””

Methodological material for the regional competition "Miss Snow Maiden"

Snow Maiden - fairy-tale and New Year's character, granddaughter of Santa Claus, his constant companion and assistant. During the holidays he acts as an intermediary between children and Santa Claus.

And if some semblance of Santa Claus is under different names exist in many countries, then Snegurochka is our pure Russian heritage, the product of the great and generous truly Russian spirit.

The history of the appearance of the image of the Snow Maiden.

There are several versions regarding the origin of the Snow Maiden:

How literary character- image of the daughter of Frost

Image of Kostroma

Symbol of frozen waters.

The image of a fairy-tale heroine Snow Maidens formed in popular consciousness gradually over the centuries.

1. Initially The image of the Snow Maiden arose in Russian folk tales as the image of an ice girl - a granddaughter, who was molded from snow by a childless old man and old woman as a consolation for themselves, and for the joy of people. (V. Dahl in the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden Girl”) This plot was processed and published in 1869 by A. N. Afanasyev in the second volume of his work “Poetic views of the Slavs on nature” (1867).

In 1873, A. N. Ostrovsky, under the influence of Afanasyev’s ideas, wrote the play “The Snow Maiden”. In it, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of Father Frost and Spring-Red, who dies during summer ritual veneration of the sun god Yarila. She looks like a beautiful pale blonde girl. Dressed in blue and white clothes with fur trim (fur coat, fur hat, mittens). Initially the play was not a success with the public. But in 1882 N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov staged an opera of the same name based on the play, which was a huge success.

Under the influence of the fairy tale by A. N. Ostrovsky, the image of the Snow Maiden takes on a new coloring. From a little girl, the heroine turns into a beautiful girl, capable of lighting the hearts of young Berendeys with a warm feeling of love. It is no coincidence that A. N. Ostrovsky has her as the daughter of Frost and Spring. The compromise inherent in this contradiction makes the image of the Snow Maiden tragic, evokes sympathy, interest, makes it possible to compare it with other fairy-tale heroes of Russian folk tales, as well as draw analogies with the heroes of Russian and foreign literature.

Further development image The Snow Maidens appeared in the works of teachers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, who prepared scripts for children's Christmas trees. Even before the revolution, figures of the Snow Maiden were hung on the Christmas tree, girls dressed up in Snow Maiden costumes, fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky’s plays or operas were staged. True, from the daughter of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden transformed into a granddaughter.

Mine modern look The image of the Snow Maiden was received in 1935 in the Soviet Union, after the official permission to celebrate the New Year. In books on organizing New Year trees of this period, the Snow Maiden appears on a par with Father Frost, as his granddaughter, assistant and mediator in communication between him and children. At the beginning of 1937, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appeared together for the first time at the Christmas tree celebration at the Moscow House of Unions.

2. There is also an assumption that that the fairy tale about the Snow Maiden arose on the basis of the ancient Slavic funeral rite of Kostroma. And many argue that Kostroma is not just the birthplace of the Snow Maiden - she is that same Snow Maiden. Kostroma is buried in different ways. A straw effigy depicting the girl Kostroma is either drowned in the river or burned, like Maslenitsa at the stake. The word Kostroma itself has the same root as the word bonfire. The burning of Kostroma is also a farewell to winter. The ritual is designed to ensure the fertility of the land. Likewise, the Snow Maiden lived until spring and died at the stake.

3. Another version. Since the image of Father Frost originates in the ancient mythological Varuna - the god of the night sky and waters, then the source of the image of the Snow Maiden, who constantly accompanies Father Frost, must be sought next to Varuna. Apparently, this is a mythologized image of the winter state of the waters of the sacred river of the Aryans, the Dvina (Ardvi of the ancient Iranians). Thus, the Snow Maiden is the embodiment of frozen waters in general and the waters of the Northern Dvina in particular. She is dressed only in white clothes. No other color is allowed in traditional symbolism. The ornament is made only with silver threads. The headdress is an eight-rayed crown, embroidered with silver and pearls.

Snow Maiden - clean Russian phenomenon and nowhere else in the world does such a character appear during the New Year and Christmas holidays. It would be in vain to look for its analogues in Western New Year and Christmas mythology. Neither Malanka (participating in Galicia, Podolia and Bessarabia on December 31 in the ritual action), nor St. Katherine and St. Lucius, on the day of their namesakes performing at some European peoples in the role of givers, neither the Italian Befana, who throws gifts into children’s shoes on the night of Epiphany, in any way resemble the Russian Snow Maiden, and not one of them has a male “partner.” There are no female characters associated with the New Year and the Christmas tree in the West...

Officially the birthplace of the Snow Maiden Kostroma is recognized, where she has her own tower, where the granddaughter of Father Frost receives and entertains guests throughout the year. In her two-story house anyone will be able to get acquainted with the possessions of the granddaughter of Santa Claus and plunge into the atmosphere of magic. This project arose after the creation of the brand “Veliky Ustyug - the birthplace of Father Frost,” which quickly attracted tourists. Since then, Kostroma has traditionally celebrated the Snow Maiden’s birthday in early April.

The costume took quite a long time to create Snow Maidens. As you know, in Russian traditions there is a lot symbolic meaning, and scientists also tend to interpret the image of Santa Claus’s companion from the standpoint of traditional symbolism. We are used to seeing her in a blue outfit, since we associate this color with bluish ice. In fact, in Russian symbolism the color of ice is white, and the “correct” clothes of the Snow Maiden have historically always been white. On her head she should wear an eight-pointed crown, richly embroidered with pearls and silver threads. However, no matter what color her suit is, few can restrain a smile at the sight of this slender, slightly sad girl who comes to us only once a year.

The image of the Snow Maiden in art. The Snow Maiden is one of the most interesting and famous heroines of all times. She is the heroine of not one or even two, but dozens the most interesting fairy tales, stories, plays, operas, paintings, songs of the Russian people.

The image of the Snow Maiden in music. The image of the Snow Maiden is revealed most vividly thanks to the greatest Russian composers P.I. Tchaikovsky and N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
In 1873 music for the play by the joint troupe of the Maly and Bolshoi Theaters was commissioned by 33-year-old P.I. Tchaikovsky, a young professor at the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote: “The Snow Maiden” is not one of my first compositions. It was written by order of the theater directorate and at the request of Ostrovsky in the spring of 1873 and was given at the same time. This is one of my favorite creations." From a letter to N.F. von Meck. November 1874

And A.N. Ostrovsky, and P.I. Tchaikovsky worked with great enthusiasm and passion, exchanged what they had written, and discussed what they had done. Ostrovsky constantly offered the composer certain Russians to use. folk songs, tunes.

"Snow Maiden" stood on creative path P. I. Tchaikovsky is a bridge from the first composer's experiments and brilliant insights to " Swan Lake", "To Eugene Onegin". As P.I. Tchaikovsky himself admitted, he liked the play “The Snow Maiden” so much that he composed all the music in three weeks without any effort.

The grandiose stage of the Kremlin Palace, dazzling costumes, powerful scenery, and talented soloists expressive in their dramatic quality create an unforgettable, fantastic impression on both the adult and young audience. The language of wondrous music and magnificent dance is accessible to everyone without translation.

The image of the Snow Maiden in Russian painting. Lyrical, beautiful story Many people liked about the Snow Maiden. Famous philanthropist Savva Ivanovich Mamontov wanted to stage it on the home stage of the Abramtsevo circle in Moscow. The premiere took place on January 6, 1882.
Back in the early 80s of the 19th century, Vasnetsov began designing the play “The Snow Maiden,” staged based on the work of the same name by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky by the Abramtsevo circle. In 1885, he took part in the design of the production of the opera by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
Unexpectedly for the artist, “The Snow Maiden” became not only his most sincere work, but also the discovery of a new direction in Russian theatrical and decorative art. V.M. Vasnetsov said: “And this poem “The Snow Maiden” is the best there is. Russian prayer and wisdom, the wisdom of the prophet.”

Under New Year- a unique phenomenon. In no other New Year's mythology, except Russian, is there female character. In Japanese folklore, there is a snow woman - Yuki-Onna, but this is a different type - a demonic character who personifies a snow storm.

Snow Maiden "primitive"

Snow idols were sculpted in Rus' back in pre-Christian times. Adults and children made figures from snow and ice to ward off evil spirits. According to legend, such a snow figure could come to life in the form of a beautiful girl.

Today, snow figures are real works of art. Exhibitions and competitions for sculptures made of snow and ice are held.

Fairytale Snow Maiden

In Russian folk tales, the Snow Maiden is in no way connected with Father Frost. This is a fairy-tale snow girl, sculpted by childless old men and melted by fire. This fairy tale reflects the myth of natural spirits dying when the season changes (a creature born from snow in winter melts when summer comes, turning into a cloud). Is there an author's version of this tale? "Girl Snow Maiden". Wrote it V. I. Dal. In this fairy tale, the Snow Maiden is lost in the forest and is rescued by the dog Zhuchka, who was kicked out by her owner.

Literary Snow Maiden

All the tales about the Snow Maiden were collected, recorded and studied by a folklore collector A. N. Afanasyev. His book inspired the writer A. N. Ostrovsky, who wrote the famous play in 1873 "Snow Maiden". In this work, the Snow Maiden appears as the daughter of Father Frost and Spring-Red. She looks like a beautiful pale blonde girl. Dressed in blue and white clothes with fur trim (fur coat, fur hat, mittens).

Musical Snow Maiden

In 1873, the composer wrote music for the play based on the play by A. N. Ostrovsky. The music turned out to be bright and joyful. It is still used in modern productions of The Snow Maiden. In 1882 N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov staged an opera of the same name based on the play, which was a great success.

Snow Maiden of Kostroma

April 2 is celebrated in Kostroma Snow Maiden's birthday. Kostroma is considered the birthplace of the Snow Maiden for three reasons. Firstly, according to one version, the fairy tale about the Snow Maiden arose on the basis of the ancient Slavic myth about Kostroma, a straw ritual doll that is burned in the spring. Secondly, A.N. Ostrovsky wrote the play “The Snow Maiden” on Kostroma land. And thirdly, the children's film “The Snow Maiden” was filmed here in 1968.

By the way, the coat of arms of the Ostrovsky district of the Kostroma region depicts the Snow Maiden - a girl in an azure dress, a silver fur coat lined with gold fur and the same hat.

Pre-revolutionary Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden began to appear on greeting cards and at children's New Year's parties. The girls dressed up as Snow Maidens and staged performances using fragments from fairy tales. At the end of the 19th century, figures of Snow Maidens began to be hung on the Christmas tree as decorations. After the revolution, the fight against prejudice began, and new year holidays with Father Frost and Snow Maiden were cancelled.

Modern Snow Maiden

The Christmas tree holiday was allowed again only in 1935. The custom of celebrating the New Year with the Snow Maiden appeared in 1937, when for the first time his granddaughter and assistant came to the children's Christmas tree at the Moscow House of Unions along with Father Frost. Since then the Snow Maiden? obligatory companion of Santa Claus on all holidays. She asks questions to Santa Claus, leads round dances with the children, and helps distribute gifts. The Snow Maiden is traditionally dressed in white or blue clothes, and has a headdress - a fur cap, a crown or a crown.

Snow Maiden in fine art

Make sketches for theatrical production famous artist V. M. Vasnetsova asked by the patron Savva Mamontov. His daughter - Alexandra Mamontova- served as a “model” for Vasnetsov’s Snow Maiden. The artist liked the smart and nimble girl Sasha, who most of all loved to ride a sleigh with the breeze. So she was captured in the image of the Snow Maiden by V. M. Vasnetsov. fairytale beauty Other artists also painted. In sketches and paintings Mikhail Vrubel in the image of the Snow Maiden his wife - N.I.Zabela-Vrubel, famous Russian singer, performer of the role of the Snow Maiden in the opera of the same name. Contacted four times Nicholas Roerich to the design of “The Snow Maiden” for the opera and dramatic stages.

That's how it turned out appearance Snow Maiden thanks to three great artists: V.M. Vasnetsov, M.A. Vrubel and N.K. Roerich.

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Topic: “Images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in fine art”


The image of the Snow Maiden is unique to Russian culture. There are no female characters in the New Year and Christmas mythology of other peoples of the world. Snow Maiden - this is what the Russian Snow Maiden is called abroad.

There is a version about the connection of the image of the Snow Maiden with pagan spring rituals, when they called for spring and burned (or drowned in the river) a symbolic effigy of Kostroma. But, most likely, the Snow Maiden is not a ritual, but a purely folklore character. Found in legends in the form of a girl - a granddaughter, made from snow by a childless old man and an old woman and revived.

Tales of the Snow Maiden were studied by the famous ethnographer, publisher and editor of Russian fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev in the second volume of his work “Poetic views of the Slavs on nature” (1867). Most of the names of the authors of the published tales are not known. But among them there are also famous collectors folklore, such as P. I. Yakushkin, Voronezh local historian N. I. Vtorov, V. I. Dal.

Afanasyev's research inspired N.A. Ostrovsky to write the play “The Snow Maiden” in 1873. In the spring fairy tale by A. N. Ostrovsky, the image of the Snow Maiden takes on a new coloring. Now she is no longer a little girl, but a beautiful blonde girl.

She is the daughter of Frost and Spring. This contradiction contains a certain compromise, and it makes the image of the Snow Maiden tragic, arouses sympathy and interest. There is no way they can accept her in the sunny Berendey kingdom - she is a stranger to everyone. She is attracted to “people’s songs,” passionate and sad melodies about love. The Snow Maiden dreams of experiencing this wonderful feeling, but there is no one to awaken in her the “desire for love.” The Snow Maiden is disappointed when shepherd Lel betrays her, easily exchanging her for Kupava. The heroine turns to Mother Spring with a request for the “gift of love.” A complex wreath given in the spring awakens the “slumber of the soul” and reveals to the Snow Maiden the true beauty of the world. The “proud in spirit” Mizgir becomes the chosen one of her soul. The “Frozen Heart” of the Snow Maiden, having known love, turns into an ordinary, living, human heart, and she dies with the words: “I love and melt, I melt from the sweet feelings of love.” The “wonderful death” of the Snow Maiden restores the epic balance of the kingdom of the Berendeys, as an atoning sacrifice designed to appease the formidable Yarila.

The play was published in Vestnik Evropy and then staged at the Bolshoi Theater. All three troupes of the Imperial Moscow theaters took part in the performance - drama, opera and ballet. The music for the play, at the personal request of playwright Ostrovsky, was commissioned from 33-year-old Tchaikovsky, a young professor at the Moscow Conservatory.

Both Ostrovsky and Tchaikovsky worked with great enthusiasm and passion, exchanged what they had written, and discussed what they had done. Ostrovsky constantly offered the composer certain Russian folk songs and tunes to use. The orchestra at the premiere was conducted by N.G. Rubinstein.

In 1882, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote an opera of the same name based on Ostrovsky’s play. The success was instant, loud and unconditional.

The image of the Snow Maiden was further developed in the works of teachers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who prepared scenarios for children's New Year trees. Even before the revolution, Snow Maiden figurines were hung on the Christmas tree, girls dressed up in Snow Maiden costumes, fragments from fairy tales, Ostrovsky’s plays or operas were staged.

Over time, the image of the heroine in the popular consciousness transformed: the Snow Maiden became the granddaughter of Father Frost, her image is firmly associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays.

1. Images of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden” in Russian fine arts and scenography.

The image of the Snow Maiden attracted many artists, and each found their own unique features in this image.

Many of Ostrovsky’s contemporaries did not accept the play, reproaching him for “deviating from social problems" But there were also opposing opinions. I.S. liked the fairy tale extremely. Turgenev and A.I. Goncharov. The Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist Savva Mamontov, who staged a performance of the play on his home stage in Abramtsevo, and then, in 1885, staged the opera in his “Private Russian Opera”, was also partial to it. Sketches of costumes and scenery for the play, and then for the opera, were made by V. M. Vasnetsov in collaboration with I. I. Levintan and K.A. Korovin. (Appendix: Fig. 1, 2, 3, 4).

In his memoirs, Korovin writes how, after meeting with Ostrovsky, V.M. Vasnetsov said: “He told the truth, the truth - no one will understand. It’s hard, sad, that’s what it is, people live differently. This art is not needed. And this poem “The Snow Maiden” is the best there is. Russian prayer and wisdom, the wisdom of the prophet...".

In the process of creating the scenery of the fabulous royal chambers, Vasnetsov used architectural details of ancient Russian architecture, motifs of Russian folk embroidery, carving and wood painting. The scenery, created during the general preparation of the performance, determined many of the mise-en-scenes and provided artistic solutions for entire paintings. As well as costume sketches, future images of the performance were outlined.

The basis for all costumes was white homespun canvas, in combination with which various color schemes of ornaments created expressive characteristics of the characters and a bright decorative effect. For the first time, it was Vasnetsov who portrayed the Snow Maiden in a sundress and with a hoop on her head. The artist delved with pleasure into the details of the smallest pattern on a girl’s sundress and independently, without any technical assistants, painted huge panels of scenery, depicting pictures of a protected forest or a royal palace. Many years later, admiring art critics will say that it was Vasnetsov, in the design of “The Snow Maiden,” who turned out to be the first Russian artist who, on the theatrical stage, became an equal co-author of the play, in fact, the first real theater artist.

Vasnetsov, following the author, created an amazing gallery of the ancient Russian people, in all its wonderful and beautiful appearance. Half a century later, the artist Grabar will say: “The drawings for “The Snow Maiden”, located in Tretyakov Gallery, in the sense of the penetration and flair of the Russian spirit, have not yet been surpassed, despite the fact that half a century separates them from our days.”

Almost twenty years later, Vasnetsov painted a portrait of the Snow Maiden, capturing her at the edge of the forest. The Snow Maiden's fur coat in the picture is one-piece, slightly flared, going back to the fashionable late XIX centuries to the “princess” silhouette. The brocade on the fur coat is embroidered in an amazing way. It would seem that snowflakes would be appropriate here, and Vasnetsov drew strawberries. (Appendix: Fig. 4)

Alexander Benois said that it was in this painting that the artist managed to discover “the law of ancient Russian beauty.” Another contemporary was even more categorical: “There is no other artist for the Snow Maiden except Vasnetsov.” This statement can be disputed.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the production of "The Snow Maiden" - both an opera and a dramatic performance - was a significant event. As if competing with each other, many serious artists were looking for their own image of an image that was already loved by everyone.

Composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote many operas in fairy tales, but he considered “The Snow Maiden” the most successful. And Vrubel recognized Nadezhda Ivanovna Zabela as the best performer of this operatic role. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote to her husband, the artist Mikhail Vrubel: “I have never heard the Snow Maiden so sung as Nadezhda Ivanovna.”

The Vrubels were infinitely devoted to each other, and from the day of their wedding, Nadezhda Zabela never turned to another theater artist to create her stage images. And Vrubel painted her tirelessly, turning her either into a modest model for a realistic portrait or into the Swan Princess. His costume sketches for Rimsky-Korsakov's opera are also portraits of his wife. (Appendix: Fig. 5)

The charm of the opera and the fairy tale itself was so great that Vrubel did not stop at designing the performance. He created a whole series of sculptures using the majolica technique. There are Mizgir and Lel there. And Tsar Berendey, according to many experts, is simply a stylized portrait of Rimsky-Korsakov, with whom Vrubel was friends and whom he respected immensely.

The artist Nicholas Roerich fell in love with “The Snow Maiden” in his youth. In their worldview, Roerich and Rimsky-Korsakov had much in common: they both found true values ​​in nature, Russian antiquity, history, and folklore. “The Snow Maiden, like all the works of Rimsky-Korsakov, is close to me,” Roerich admitted.

Four times (in 1908, 1912, 1919 and 1921) Nicholas Roerich turned to the design of “The Snow Maiden” for the opera and dramatic stage. The performances were performed in theaters in St. Petersburg, London and Chicago. The appearance of the Snow Maiden changed, but each time she was beautiful in a new way.

The first production, although not realized, was Roerich’s work on Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera for the Paris Opera Comique theater. (Appendix: Fig.6)

In 1920, Roerich accepted an offer to stage the opera “The Snow Maiden” for the Chicago Opera Compani theater. The artist created dozens of sketches and drawings for this production.

Previous stage versions in 1908 and 1912 transported audiences to fairy world pagan Rus'. (Appendix: Fig. 8)

The works of 1921 were distinguished by a completely new, somewhat unexpected approach to dramatic material and different characteristics of the characters.

The new interpretation of “The Snow Maiden” mixes “all the elements of influence on Russia”: Byzantium (Tsar Berendey and his court life), the East (trading guest Mizgir and Spring, arriving from warm countries), the North (Frost, the Snow Maiden, goblin). The artist found a lot in common with the legendary shepherd Lel and the Hindu Krishna. “Beyond excessive historicity, without far-fetchedness, The Snow Maiden reveals so much of the real meaning of Russia that all its elements become part of a universal legend and understandable to every heart,” Roerich explained his interpretation. That is why the appearance of the characters in the opera is so diverse. The sketch “Berendey and the Snow Maiden” is stylized by the author as an ancient Russian icon. In the works “Lel and the Snow Maiden” and “Kupava” a very specific Asian ethnic type was created. (Appendix: Fig. 8)

The design of the opera was such a success with the American public that the lines and ornaments of the costumes based on Roerich’s drawings were introduced into the household fashion of the current season. Roerich recalled how in “Chicago during the production of The Snow Maiden,” Marshall Field’s workshops produced interesting experience, having built modern costumes on the ornaments of prehistoric Slavic robes." "It was instructive to see," the artist noted, "how many modern forms naturally merged with the most ancient ornaments."

Currently theater scenery artist K.A. Most of Korovin have already been lost. Most of Korovin's surviving works are located in St. Petersburg in the academic Maly Opera and Ballet Theater. Four operas currently performing in the theater are associated with the name of Korovin. These are “The Snow Maiden” and “May Night” by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, “La Boheme” and “Cio-Cio-San” by G. Puccini.

In 1910, the management of the imperial theaters had a question about reviving The Snow Maiden, which had not been in the repertoire for several years. At first, the design of the opera was entrusted to D.S. Stelletsky - an artist passionately in love with Ancient Rus'. However, his sketches, consistent with the traditions of icon painting, were not at all suitable for “The Snow Maiden” by Ostrovsky - Rimsky-Korsakov. After much wrangling with Stelletsky, who defended his plan, the order was transferred to Konstantin Korovin. At the same time, it was decided to resume the opera not in St. Petersburg, but in Moscow. Bolshoi Theater.

Unfortunately, in the spring of 1914, almost all the scenery burned down during a fire. In April 1915, Korovin, together with his assistants G.I. Golov and N.A. Klodtom began resuming the design of The Snow Maiden. But only the costumes were left unchanged; the artists, apparently, thoroughly reworked the sketches of the scenery. From these originals in 1916 the sets and costumes were made for Mariinsky Theater, and then transferred to Maly Opera theatre. (Appendix: Fig. 9)

The years that have passed since the production of the opera, of course, have left their mark on its design. However, mainly only the decorative canvas itself and especially the fragile nets combined with it have aged. The painting and colors, as in Korovin’s easel works, still amaze with their amazing freshness. Despite the long-term use of the decorations, there are no craquelures or screes on them. The theater restorers repeatedly changed the decorative meshes, torn places on the panels were glued back with back side, but all the painting remained untouched.

Of course, Korovin’s perfect knowledge of painting technology also played a huge role in preserving Korovin’s theatrical painting.

Other artists also designed the performance.

For example, a talented writer of everyday life, a master of psychological portraiture, an author book illustrations and theater decorator B.M. Kustodiev.

In 1911, Kustodiev first began working in the theater. The artist was captivated by the work of creating the scenery. Kustodiev’s talent as a decorator was manifested with particular brightness in the design of A.N.’s plays. Ostrovsky: “Our people - we will be numbered”, “Wolves and sheep”, “Thunderstorm” and others. He demonstrated deep insight into the essence of the author's intention. Kustodiev painted the scenery easily and quickly.

Description of work

Tales of the Snow Maiden were studied by the famous ethnographer, publisher and editor of Russian fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev in the second volume of his work “Poetic views of the Slavs on nature” (1867). Most of the names of the authors of the published tales are not known. But among them there are also famous collectors of folklore, such as P. I. Yakushkin, Voronezh local historian N. I. Vtorov, V. I. Dal.

Slide 2

The origins of the image of the Snow Maiden in the pagan culture of the Slavs; Play for the theater by A.N. Ostrovsky “The Snow Maiden”; Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky for the play of the same name; Opera-fairy tale by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov; Fairy tale images in fine arts; Movies and cartoons;

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The origins of the image of the Snow Maiden in the pagan culture of the Slavs

The Snow Maiden is a Russian New Year's character, the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost. But the ancient Slavs considered her the daughter of Frost and the Ancient Snow Queen. The image of the Snow Maiden itself is amazing and unique for Russian culture, and the history of the image of the Snow Maiden in the pagan culture of the Slavs begins in pre-Christian mythology, when the Slavs believed in polytheism. In the north of Rus' there was a custom in winter to build figures from ice and snow. In ancient legends there is very often a mention of one animated ice sculpture of a young beautiful girl. In winter, this girl goes from house to house and joyfully congratulates everyone, and in the spring she goes into the forest with her friends to pick berries and gets lost, or jumps over bones and melts. This is how the Snow Maiden appeared in our folklore. Last option more plausible, since in ancient mythology There is a myth that says that many spirits die when the seasons change, both evil and good. The Snow Maiden, as one of the seasonal characters, decides to bend him over the fire, but she is made of ice and therefore melts. So the icy beauty disappears with the arrival of summer.

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Play for the theater by A.N. Ostrovsky “The Snow Maiden”

The appearance of the poetic play “The Snow Maiden” was caused by a random circumstance. In 1873, the Maly Theater was closed for major renovation, and his troupe moved to the Bolshoi Theater building. The management commission of the Imperial Moscow Theaters decided to stage an extravaganza performance in which all three troupes would participate: drama, opera and ballet. With the proposal to write such a play in a very short term turned to A. N. Ostrovsky, who willingly agreed to this, deciding to use the plot from the folk tale “The Snow Maiden Girl”. The music for the play, at Ostrovsky's request, was commissioned from the young P. I. Tchaikovsky. Both the playwright and the composer worked on the play with great passion, very quickly, in close creative contact. On March 31, on his fiftieth birthday, Ostrovsky finished The Snow Maiden.

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Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky for the performance of the same name

Among the few works by Tchaikovsky for drama theater A special place is occupied by the music for Ostrovsky’s The Snow Maiden, staged at the Bolshoi Theater in the spring of 1873. “A Spring Tale” by his beloved playwright captivated the composer with the poetry of its images, deep and subtle penetration into the spirit of Russian folk customs and beliefs, and he enthusiastically took up the work offered to him. Famous role This could have been due to the closeness of the plot to the opera “Ondine” written by Tchaikovsky shortly before, the unfortunate fate of which caused him great grief. Some fragments of the music of The Snow Maiden were taken from this failed opera.

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Images of the fairy tale “Snow Maiden” in fine art

The philanthropist Savva Mamontov asked the famous artist V.M. Vasnetsov to make sketches for a theatrical production. His daughter, Alexandra Mamontova, served as the “model” for Vasnetsov’s Snow Maiden. The artist liked the smart and nimble girl Sasha, who most of all loved to ride a sleigh with the breeze. So she was captured in the image of the Snow Maiden by V.M. Vasnetsov. Other artists also painted the fairy-tale beauty. In the sketches and paintings of Mikhail Vrubel in the image of the Snow Maiden, his wife is N.I. Zabela-Vrubel, a famous Russian singer, performer of the role of the Snow Maiden in the opera of the same name. Nicholas Roerich turned to the design of “The Snow Maiden” four times for the opera and dramatic scenes. This is how the appearance of the Snow Maiden developed thanks to three great artists: V. M. Vasnetsov, M. A. Vrubel and N. K. Roerich. V.M.Vasnetsov M.Vrubel N.K. Roerich

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Movies and cartoons “The Snow Maiden”

"Snow Maiden" (1952) - cartoon based on the play of the same name by A. N. Ostrovsky to the music of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, arranged by L. A. Schwartz. Winter is ending and Santa Claus is going north. What to do with your daughter Snegurochka? Her icy heart never knew simple human joys or love, but one day she heard Lel’s songs and wanted to stay in Berendey’s kingdom. And ask your mother - the beautiful Spring - to melt her heart... “Snow Maiden. Easter Tale" (2010) - the first feature film directed by Tatyana Petrova based on the script by Olga and Oleg Davydov. In an ancient Russian village, a girl named Snegurochka appears, descended from heaven on Christmas night through the prayers of childless old people. Struck by the miraculous appearance of a beautiful girl with in a magical voice, her fellow villagers initially accept her as God’s gift with sincere joy, and surround her with care and love. Headman: “We decided with the whole village: - Come to our every house. In every house at any time you will be a dear guest!” But the Snow Maiden does not enjoy communicating with people for long. Already at Easter, people's envy surrounds her with gossip and pushes her to the fire.

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Completed by a 2nd grade student

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 76", municipal municipality "Kotlas", Arkhangelsk region

Usacheva Polina Igorevna

Head: teacher primary classes

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 76", municipal municipality "Kotlas",

Arkhangelsk region

Marieva Natalya Valerievna

Kotlas, 2015

1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

2 Main part

2.1 Fairy tales, myths and legends about the Snow Maiden……………………………………………………4
2.2 The image of the Snow Maiden in literature…………………………………………………. 4
2.3 The Snow Maiden in music…………………………………………………………………………………5
2.4 The Snow Maiden in fine arts……………………………………………………….. 6
2.5 Sociological survey………………………………………………………………………………6
3 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….8

4 Bibliography………………………………………………………… 9


Covered in snowflakes, the ice sparkles
On her eyelashes
Rushing through the snow on a sleigh,
Horses are like birds!
She's flying to visit us,
Hey, don't get in the way!
In a white fur coat, like a princess,
In warm mittens,
Past the fairy forest
He's rushing towards our Christmas tree!
And beautiful and slim,
So tell me - who is she?

E. Blaginina

The Russian people have a lot of holidays. One of the brightest and most beloved is New Year. And the main characters of this holiday are Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Not far from our city is the residence of Father Frost. There we can learn a lot about his life. The assistants will show you all the rooms of the fairy-tale house, tell you what the white-bearded wizard does, what he dreams about, what holidays he honors, what sports he prefers to play. Children and adults can visit workplace Santa Claus, see the amazing collection of his gifts, visit the Pantry of Fairy Tales, the library and the observatory.

And we wanted to know about his assistant and constant companion, Snegurochka. Who is she, Snegurochka, who are her parents, where does she disappear after the holidays - this became interesting to us, and we decided to start researching this issue.

Target research: find out where the Snow Maiden comes to us from, who her parents are

Tasks : - study the history of the origin of the Snow Maiden

Get acquainted with the works different types art related to the Snow Maiden

Object of study: Snow Maiden

Subject of study: the story of the Snow Maiden

Research methods: - student survey

Search (working with literature, Internet resources)

We can apply the acquired knowledge and research results in the classroom. literary reading, music, iso, during cool hours.

During the research, we turned to folk and original literary works - 3-


2.1 Fairy tales, myths and legends about the Snow Maiden

Everyone has it fairy tale hero There are legends that explain its origin, place of residence, and character traits. And Snegurochka has several of them.

That was a long time ago. Once upon a time there lived a powerful goddess Kostroma. People worshiped her, asking for the speedy arrival of spring, fertile land, and a rich harvest.

While she was cajoled and adored, she fulfilled requests, but gradually people began to forget about the power of Kostroma. And over time, she herself turned from a wise goddess into a cold snow maiden who frightens people. And she began to appear only in winter, when cold, blizzards and frozen rivers destroyed the people. For this, people nicknamed her the Snow Maiden. Then the people asked Spring for protection. But Spring, kind and affectionate, thought differently. She gave the Snow Maiden a warm heart, a kind soul, and a gentle look, and called her her daughter. And since then, the Snow Maiden has become the embodiment of the spirit of vegetation, the forgotten goddess of Kostroma. She lives for the joy of adults and children all year round in Fairytale Kostroma, where her Tower is located.

Another legend says that a large Spruce gave birth to her. A fair girl suddenly appeared from under a fluffy spruce branch and was met with stormy greetings from all the forest inhabitants.

But the editors of the Super Cook website conducted their own scientific and historical research and clarified this great ancient secret. One day, the great Father Frost and Blizzard-Snowstorm had a son, Snowman. And at one fine moment, the winter Son of the Snowman and Spring, Krasna, gave birth to a daughter, Snegurochka.

2.2 Snow Maiden in literature

The famous collector of Russian folk tales Afanasyev Alexander Nikolaevich wrote in the fairy tale about the Snow Maiden that she was fashioned from snow by the peasant Ivan and his wife Marya. They were childless and, looking at the children who were sculpting a snow woman out of snow, they also got down to business. When they sculpted a nose, made two holes in the forehead instead of eyes, a warm spirit breathed from the doll on them, blue eyes looked at them and lips smiled , but Spring came and the Snow Maiden melted, jumping over the fire, and was carried away by a white cloud. This form shows people’s ideas about when snow mounds melt from the burning rays of the sun and, evaporating, gather into clouds. In winter, when clouds turn from rain to snow, a beautiful cloud maiden descends to earth. This corresponds to ideas about nature spirits who die when changing

a certain season and are resurrected with the arrival of this season again.

Another fairy tale, told by V.I. Dahl, a collector of the living Russian language, explains the appearance of the Snow Maiden from a lump of snow that an old man brought home from the street, the snow melted, and from this melted water a living girl appeared, “white as a snowball, and round as lump."

From these fairy tales it is clear that the Snow Maiden is a symbol of water, but in winter: snowy, icy, cold on the outside, but warm and alive inside.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky in 1873, having read in a collection of fairy tales

A. N. Afanasyev, “planned” to write a fairy tale about a snow girl in his words “ spring fairy tale" He wrote the play “The Snow Maiden”, in which the Snow Maiden turns from a little girl-granddaughter into a girl. From Ostrovsky's work we learn for the first time that the Snow Maiden is the daughter of Frost and Spring. Her appearance corresponds to her birth: a beautiful pale blonde girl, dressed in blue and white clothes with fur trim. This Snow Maiden also melts and dies, but from ardent human feelings. It's sad, but not forever. Winter will come - it will bring snow, frost, frozen water, then spring - warmth, sun, joy from the fact that people have survived the cold Hard times, and again the Snow Maiden will want to love and be loved, and again she will fly away like a cloud into bright sky, taking with him the sorrows of winter, it is not for nothing that Tsar Berendey says: “The Snow Maiden’s sad death and the terrible death of Mizgir cannot disturb us!” Life goes on in Berendeyevka.

Nowadays, works are being created about the Snow Maiden, such as the story told by Tatyana Kudryavina “How little Baba Yaga became the Snow Maiden.” In it we learned that Baba Yaga wanted to become kind and, climbing onto a cloud, turned into the Snow Maiden.

2.3 Snow Maiden in music

The story of the Snow Maiden, told by A.N. Ostrovsky, the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, the author of the famous “Seasons,” really liked it, and in 1873 P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote the music for the play based on the play by A.N. Ostrovsky. The music turned out to be bright and joyful, and to this day the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky is used in productions of The Snow Maiden.

A few years later, composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov created an opera with the same name. As Rimsky-Korsakov himself said, first the kingdom

Berendey seemed strange to him, but then, after reading the fairy tale again, he understood all the beauty and poetry of the image of the Snow Maiden. Decoration the operas on stage, the Snow Maiden and other characters were performed by Viktor Vasnetsov.

2.4 The Snow Maiden in fine art

Artist V.M. Vasnetsov drew sketches for the theatrical production of Ostrovsky's The Snow Maiden. The image of the Snow Maiden was drawn from the daughter of a rich man, a patron of the arts, Savva Mamontov.

The fairy-tale beauty was also painted by other artists, such as Mikhail Vrubel and Nicholas Roerich, who also designed the performance for the opera and dramatic production of “The Snow Maiden”.

The modern appearance of the Snow Maiden has absorbed individual features of the artistic versions of all three master artists. She can come to the Christmas tree in a light sundress with a hoop or headband - that’s how V.M. saw her. Vasnetsov; in white clothes woven from down and snow, lined with ermine fur, as depicted by M.A. Vrubel; in a fur coat that N.K. put on her. Roerich

2.5. Sociological survey

At the beginning of the study, a sociological survey of students at our school was conducted, during which they were asked to answer the questions:

Where does the Snow Maiden live?

Where does the Snow Maiden go after the holidays?

Who are her parents?

What does the Snow Maiden look like?

The students answered the first question:

· In Veliky Ustyug – 12 people

· At the North Pole -9 people

· In the forest - 6 people

Opinions were divided on the second question:

· I don’t know - 19 people

· There are 16 people in the house

· Flying home - 14

The answers to the third question were:

· I don't know - 19 people

· Santa Claus - 17 people

The guys answered the fourth question like this:

· In blue outfit - 21 people

· Other children have different answers

According to the survey, we found that most children know very little about the Snow Maiden.


From all of the above, we draw the following conclusions:

For a long time in the life of our people, the girl Snegurochka existed, lived and brought joy and created a sad but bright mood, who was presented as:

· granddaughter of Frost and Blizzard-Metelitsa

· daughters of Snowman and Spring-Krasna

The Snow Maiden lives on the picturesque bank of the Volga River, where her fabulous Terem is located.

But we want Snegurochka to be in our children’s lives as a beautiful and festive friend who has a friendly and cheerful family, each member of which does his own work, which is very necessary for nature.

In the course of work, we learned the story of our New Year's guest and gained new knowledge. We met works of art about the Snow Maiden, with musical works and paintings famous artists.

The story of the Snow Maiden interested us very much, we would like to continue our research and find out how the Snow Maiden and The Snow Queen(after all, they are made from “the same dough”), and visit Kostroma, where her Terem is located.


1. A. N. Afanasyev “Russians folk tales" M.: Olma Media Group, 2013

2. V.I. Dahl "Girl Snow Maiden". M.: Soviet Russia, 1985

3. A. Ostrovsky “Snow Maiden”. M.: Children's literature, 2012