How to draw a birthday. What and how to draw for a birthday: the best ideas with photos. How to draw a birthday card for a boy

Everyone wants to give their beloved mother a gift that will make her happy. Sometimes you really need to prepare a drawing for her. This article will tell you how to draw a gift for mom.

Drawing “Me and Mom”

Very young children really want to express their boundless love and affection for their mother in a drawing. Therefore, they usually do not face the question of giving it as a gift for their mother. Of course, this will be the picture where the most beautiful woman in the world smiles joyfully and tightly holds the hand of the best child in the world, that is, the author of this masterpiece.

But you should not limit this topic to age limits. And old enough children may well turn to this topic. And they might even end up with a pretty good drawing. And if the situation with artistic talents is, to put it mildly, not very good, then the picture will come out with humor, since you can draw a gift for your mother in the style of a “kalak-kalyak”, imitating the kids.

Mommy will be happy with flowers, that’s a fact!

But don’t be too zealous in showing your humor. Perhaps the child still has some rudiments of the talent for drawing on paper, since to draw a gift beautifully means to do something nice for a loved one. Moreover, you can not just hand your mother a sheet of paper with a drawing, but paint, for example, a glass or tray, a wall plate or a kitchen board.

Since drawing a gift is all about flowers, here is a master class on how to draw a rose. If desired, the donor can make a postcard with his own design.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a rose

Anyone who does not know how to draw a gift will cope with the task easily if he strictly follows the instructions.

  1. At the top of the sheet there is a slightly inclined oval with horizontal elongation.
  2. From the edges at the widest point of the oval, two asymmetrical arcs are drawn down, which are parts of a circle of large diameter.
  3. From below, the ends of the arcs smoothly connect - the lower part of the flower is formed.
  4. Below are two open rose petals.
  5. The center of the flower can be made in the form of a rolled up roll. It is depicted like a snail curl.
  6. Several small leaves of the peduncle will decorate the lower part of the bud.
  7. Since it is best to draw a gift for mom in the form of a rose in a naturalistic way, you should depict the stem of the flower.
  8. A few thorns and leaves on the stem - and it’s almost ready.
  9. Now everyone understands how to draw a gift for mom step by step. You need to color the rose with pencils or felt-tip pens, but you can also use paints.

Cute little animals will delight mommy!

If the question of what gift to draw for your mother has not yet been decided, experts advise: there is nothing more pleasant than receiving a picture of a cute animal as a gift. It could be anyone - a bunny or a fox, a puppy or a kitten, a squirrel or a bear cub. It’s great if the animal holds a flower, a heart, a cake or a box with a gift beautifully tied with a bow in its front paws. Since you can draw a gift for mom not only on paper, but also on fabric, you can use acrylic paints or specially designed for matter.

as a gift for mom

  1. The head is depicted in a circle.
  2. An oval is placed horizontally at the bottom of the circle.
  3. Inside the oval, another smaller oval is inscribed. They should touch with their upper parts. This will be the tip of the nose.
  4. The eyes are drawn in small circles, painted black, leaving small areas - highlights - unpainted.
  5. The bear's ears are semicircles. They are drawn at the top of the head.
  6. The body of the bear is drawn with an oval slightly larger in size than the head.
  7. Two small ovals are inscribed inside it on opposite sides - the front paws of the animal.
  8. The hind legs are depicted as segments of straight parallel lines. The feet are also oval.
  9. The section of the mouth and claws on the paws are depicted with smooth lines.
  10. The bear cub can hold any symbol of a gift in its hands.
  11. You can paint the animal as the artist’s imagination dictates.

Wonderful handmade card

It is appropriate to draw a birthday gift on thick cardboard, make a bright congratulatory inscription and fold the sheet in half. This will make an excellent card. Inside you should write warm words of congratulations and wishes.

Mothers are touched when they see funny ones. Why not draw a cute baby elephant with a trusting look and naively raised eyebrows?

Sketch of the head and legs of a baby elephant

Not everyone can make a beautiful drawing. But I really want to please my mother! But how to draw a gift step by step? Simple and detailed master class images of a baby elephant will help you cope with the task.

  1. A circle is drawn at the top of the sheet.
  2. They make “dents” in it on the sides, highlighting the baby elephant’s cheeks.
  3. On the top of the head - in the upper part of the circle - swirls are drawn.
  4. Mark the direction of the back of the sitting animal with a line from the head down.
  5. It is quite simple to depict the front leg of a baby elephant.
  6. The second front leg is located slightly obliquely to the first, they seem to cross, with the first protruding slightly forward in relation to the second.
  7. The baby's plump tummy is outlined with an arc from below.
  8. The hind legs are spread out in different directions, the baby elephant seems to be doing the splits. For the leg whose foot is slightly turned towards the viewer, there is no need to draw the foot itself.

Full outline of the baby elephant without drawing out the features of his “face”

  1. The animal's foot is depicted as an oval. The artist paints nails on everyone with arcs four legs baby elephant
  2. A baby elephant's ear is shaped like an egg with its pointed end pointing down. The line of the head near the ear that is closer and in full visibility should be erased at the junction with an eraser.
  3. In each ear, an internal contour should be drawn that follows the external one.
  4. You should mentally divide your head vertically into four parts. In the lower part is the base of the trunk, and the upper line falls exactly on the division point.
  5. Along the trunk there are small arcs representing skin folds.
  6. Near the end of the bottom line of the trunk, a smile is indicated by a small arc.
  7. An oval is drawn at the end of the trunk - the nasal opening.

The final stage of working on the drawing

  1. Two ovals, slightly inclined in opposite directions with their upper parts, represent eyes.
  2. Inside them are the same ovals, but smaller.
  3. In each eye, a small circle is drawn in the upper part. These circles should be slightly shifted to the side, and in both eyes to the same one.
  4. Eyebrows are drawn in arcs above the eyes.
  5. Eyelashes in the corners of the eyes look charming. And even though in reality elephants do not have eyebrows or eyelashes, people often transfer features of their appearance onto animals.
  6. Since it is best to draw a gift in color, the picture should be colored. The inside of the ears is painted pink, the pupils (inner oval) are painted black. The circles in the eyes will act as reflections, so you should leave them without color. But the baby elephant itself can be painted in any color, because it is not a real animal, but a symbolic one. Therefore, it can even be polka dots or stripes, like in a real fairy tale.

Mom is the closest and dearest person in every child’s life. Indeed, the role of the mother in education and development little man It’s hard to overestimate, because she’s the one for many years is nearby, protects and supports. Looking closely at children's drawings, most often you can recognize the mother in the touching angular female figure - children with special love and diligence depict small “identifying” details of hairstyle or clothing. So, how to draw a mother? We have selected the simplest step-by-step master classes with photos and videos of depicting a mother with pencils or paints - with a child, as well as a “family” drawing with a father, daughter and son. With the help of our lessons for children 8 - 10 years old, you can beautifully draw a mother’s portrait or a postcard with your own hands as a gift for a birthday, Mother’s Day, March 8th - from your beloved daughter or son. Inspired by our ideas, you can easily decide what to draw for your mother for any significant date or just because. Happy drawing!

How to beautifully and easily draw a mother with paints - a step-by-step master class with photos for children 8 - 9 years old

Children's drawings always convey the feelings, thoughts, emotions of the young artist - everything that, due to age, is difficult to express in words. How to beautifully draw your mother with gouache? For children 8 – 9, we offer a step-by-step master class with photos on creating a colorful portrait of their mother. Following the instructions of the lesson, each child can easily paint his mother’s portrait and present a surprise on Mother’s Day or March 8th. Undoubtedly, every mother will love such a touching gift from her daughter or son, lovingly made with her own hands.

Necessary materials for drawing a mother’s portrait with paints:

  • paints – gouache
  • sheet of paper
  • squirrel tassels of different thicknesses
  • glass of water

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on creating a beautiful drawing of a mother by an 8-9 year old child, with photo:

  1. First you need to mix white paint with red and yellow you get a nice flesh color.

  2. On a white sheet of paper we depict an oval-shaped face and a neck.

  3. Using red paint, draw the outline of the clothing and paint over it.

  4. It is better to make the background light - in our case it is yellow.

  5. When the paint dries, we begin drawing the hairstyle - we direct the strokes from the place of the “parting” down, along the hair growth.

  6. To depict the eyes, you will need a thin brush, which we dip in white paint and make a base. We draw blue circles on top - our mother’s eyes will be of this beautiful color.

  7. We make the lips red.

  8. We highlight the cheeks with pink color.

  9. Using a thin brush, draw the line of the nose and eyebrows.

  10. Using the same thin brush, paint individual strands of the hairstyle with a light shade.

  11. Make the neck color darker to highlight the face.

  12. For expressiveness, we outline the eyes with a thin black line, and also draw pupils and eyelashes.

  13. We draw a thin line-smile on the lips.

  14. We complement the portrait with small details - white earrings and beads.

  15. The finishing touch to the picture will be a bouquet of daisies in mom’s hands. First we draw the yellow center, and then the white petals.

  16. We paint the leaves and stems of flowers green and shade them with turquoise paint.

  17. All that remains is to decorate the background with small details in the form of flowers or leaves and that’s it – our mother’s portrait is ready! Such a beautiful drawing can easily be drawn by a child of 8 - 9 years old as a gift to mom for any holiday or just to please or cheer up.

How to draw a mother, father, daughter and son with a pencil - master class step by step on video for children

For children of any age, family is loving and dear people, real support and support. In addition to himself, in his first drawings the baby usually depicts his mother, father, sister or brother. Over time, the drawings become more meaningful, but the essence remains the same - with the help of a pencil or paints, the child expresses his feelings for the close people around him and life events. With the help of our video master class, we will learn how to draw a mother, father, daughter and son step by step - this pencil drawing is easy for even the smallest painter to master.

Video tutorial on creating a family drawing - mother, father, daughter and son:

How to draw a mother and child with a pencil - a master class for beginning artists

Mom's hands are gentle, caring and kind. The child receives the first hugs in his life from his mother, and as he grows older, the need for a warm touch also grows. loved one. The most famous artists painted a mother with a child in her arms - many of these paintings can be found in galleries different countries peace. How to draw a mother and child with a pencil? Take our master class for beginners, and soon you will be able to draw a mother with a child in her arms with a pencil - a wonderful gift for the upcoming Mother's Day.

List of materials for a master class on pencil drawing of mother and child:

  • sheet of white paper
  • simple pencil
  • colored pencils or paints for coloring

The procedure for drawing a mother with a child in her arms - step by step:

  1. We start the drawing with a sketch of the head of the mother and child - with horizontal and vertical lines to mark the location of the eyes, nose and mouth. We outline the contour of the mother’s torso, marking the line of the shoulders, arms and back. We outline with strokes the child’s hand on the mother’s shoulder, as well as the line of the body. Then we give the faces an oval shape, and add an ear to the child.

  2. We make a parting on mom’s head, from which we draw wavy strands of hair. We depict a short hairstyle with bangs for the boy.

  3. We place the eyes on the upper horizontal line of the face, outlining the contours of the eyelids and drawing eyeballs, pupils and eyelashes. We complement the eyes with arched eyebrow lines. We draw noses and lips stretched in a smile - along the previously outlined vertical and horizontal lines.

  4. We draw the child’s torso – shoulder, back, chest, as well as the arm and sleeve of the shirt. The fingers of the hand hugging the mother need to be outlined more clearly.

  5. Now we outline the mother’s back and chest, not forgetting to outline the sleeve of the dress. We finish drawing the hands hugging the child.

  6. That's it, ours black and white drawing Moms with a baby in her arms are ready!

  7. All that remains is to color the image with colored pencils or paints. For the hair of mother and child, you can take different shades of chestnut color, make the dress orange, and the shirt blue. A beautiful and touching drawing!

What to draw for a mother’s birthday from her 8-10 year old daughter – original ideas with photos

Every mother is pleased to receive a gift from her beloved daughter or son on her main holiday - a drawing or craft made with her own hands. So, what should you draw for your mom on her birthday? We have selected the most interesting ideas with photos of hand-drawn gifts for mom - any of the proposed options is quite within the capabilities of a girl of 8 - 10 years old. Complete the drawing with warm touching poems - with best wishes!

Photo ideas for children's drawings for mom's birthday

What to draw for mom just like that - a selection of beautiful drawings in the photo

The best drawings for moms - from children just like that, from the bottom of their hearts

How to draw a card for mom for Mother’s Day with your own hands - step-by-step master class with photos

On the eve of various holidays, children draw wonderful picture cards for their mothers with paints or pencils - the most “universal” gift and sign of attention from a loving child. So, how to draw a card for mom on Mother’s Day with your own hands? In 2017, we celebrate this wonderful holiday on November 26, so you can start studying our step-by-step master class with photos now. A little perseverance and diligence, and you will get a beautiful hand-drawn card for your mother - for Mother's Day or another special event.

List of materials for a master class on creating a card for mom for Mother’s Day:

  • thick white paper or double-sided cardboard
  • acrylic – white, ivory
  • brushes - spatula, thin
  • simple pencil
  • watercolor paints
  • thin felt-tip pen

Step-by-step description of the master class “Hand-drawn postcard for mom” - as a gift for Mother’s Day:

  1. Paint the base of the card with acrylic paint light color using a spatula brush.

  2. On the surface of the sheet we apply with a simple pencil the individual details of the design - flowers, leaves, stems.

  3. Mix yellow and orange watercolors and make a background for the flowers.

  4. We color the poppies red.

  5. For the centers of the daisies we use yellow paint.

  6. We paint the “core” of the poppies black.

  7. We outline the outline of the poppies with a thin black brush with black paint or a felt-tip pen.

  8. We paint the contours of the chamomile petals with white acrylic, shading each element. Complete this postcard congratulatory inscription and - the gift for Mother's Day is ready!

How to draw mom? Here you will find master classes with photos and videos for children aged 8 - 10 on drawing with pencil and paint a portrait of a mother and child, as well as a family drawing with a father, daughter, son. If you haven’t yet decided what to draw for your mom’s birthday, March 8, Mother’s Day, or just because, use our ideas and lessons. Following step-by-step instructions, you will beautifully and easily make a touching gift-card with your own hands. Undoubtedly, every mother will be happy with such a creative surprise from her beloved daughter or son.

If you want to make your congratulations creative and unlike any other, then it’s best to think about how to draw a postcard yourself. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

What to draw on a postcard

When thinking about the plot of a postcard, many are inclined to depict a cute baby animal. These can be bear cubs, squirrels, hares, even frogs.

The animals in the picture are usually stylized either like cartoon characters or children's drawings. Usually the artist gives hearts, bouquets, boxes of candy or cakes to the paws of the heroes of the postcards.

A smiling baby elephant with a flower in its trunk might be a good option.

Drawing a baby elephant

Since you need to draw a postcard with an animal step by step, you should first consider the stages of depicting a baby elephant.

1. Work begins with additional construction. These will be two circles, some parts superimposed on each other. They should differ in size.

2. In the middle of the smaller circle, a trunk is depicted; the width of its base occupies a third of the diameter of the circle. A little above the base of the trunk, on both sides, the artist draws eyes - large ovals, and eyebrows - arches.

3. Under the trunk, you should draw an open mouth, and then use curved lines to change the outline of the baby elephant’s cheeks.

4. The animal’s ears are depicted as large, using smooth lines at the top and wavy lines at the bottom.

5. At the bottom of the large circle, draw columns-legs.

6. On the legs, the artist sketches the folds - knees and nail plates.

7. The baby elephant’s tail is drawn with two winding lines; a tassel should be drawn at the end.

8. Use an eraser to remove additional constructions and thoroughly outline the main lines.

Postcard in color

Since it is best to draw using bright colors, you should start coloring it with the main character - the baby elephant. You can use the most unexpected colors: blue or green, lilac or yellow.

The most creative artists use options for elephants with polka dots or stripes, checkered or floral.

In this master class it is proposed to paint a baby elephant in pink. Eyebrows and nails can be painted in a different shade, less bright. And it is best to make the inside of the mouth red.

Since the artist wants to draw a postcard as bright as possible, it is worth taking care of its background. It is supposed to be done in warm colors to awaken warm feelings and an optimistic mood in the recipient. You can paint over the background with paints, such as watercolors or gouache. But since you can draw a postcard with a pencil just as beautifully as with paints, designers usually use the following method to apply the background. Using a razor, finely trim the pencil core onto the surface where the drawing is placed, then rub the colored coloring pollen with a piece of paper. In this case, the background lies smoothly, without pencil marks.

Finishing touches

Since drawing a postcard with only a baby elephant is not the best option, the artist must “reward” his main character with some distinctive feature indicating a holiday gift, flowers, butterflies, candies, streamers, confetti, bright congratulatory letter or by telegram.

You can put a purple tulip in the trunk of a cool pink elephant. It is not at all necessary to maintain real proportions when designing a postcard, so the flower can be quite large, especially since this detail is the leading, semantic one, which is worth paying attention to.

Cards with a surprise

How to draw a surprise card will be discussed here. The principle of designing such a congratulation is practically no different from that described above - you need to depict a plot picture on cardboard.

Then the card is decorated with a congratulatory inscription. And then one of the characters in the story is given a surprise - real candy, a small envelope with a banknote, a bag or box with a small gift. The latter may contain, for example, earrings or a ring, a key to a car or an apartment - it depends on the capabilities of the donor. Although you can put a note there, indicating the place where the real gift is hidden.

Having pierced the card with a needle with a thick thread, you need to tie the latter from the inside out with a knot so that it does not slip through. You can glue a small piece of paper at the back of the drawing where the tip of the thread is or secure it with tape.

On the front side, the gift itself is tied to the thread: a bag, box, envelope or candy.

The recipient, having received such a congratulation, will be pleasantly surprised: together with a postcard drawn by the donor himself, he will receive a surprise. Having untied the bag with surprise, or opened the box, or unwrapped the candy, a person will undoubtedly be glad to receive a souvenir or even money - it will be original and creatively designed, so it will bring unexpected joy.

Sometimes, in a handicraft impulse, you want to make something beautiful with your own hands, but as luck would have it, nothing comes to mind, and so as not to suffer in once again I decided to put together a selection of examples of how to make a postcard with your own hands. Here are different examples of postcards and small descriptions of how to make this or that postcard.

I tried to select as many different images as possible, both in style and theme, so that there was plenty to choose from. Of course, each postcard is just an example of how you can make postcards with your own hands.

How to make a card for mom? It’s clear that it should be the most beautiful and touching, but I want some specifics, right? The first thing you need to do is focus on the reason, it could be:

  • an unplanned card for no reason;
  • Mother's Day or March 8;
  • New Year and Christmas;
  • birthday or name day;
  • professional holidays.

Original version of the butterfly postcard:

If it’s not clear from the pictures, see more details here:

And here is a version of a cute postcard with birds:

Of course, no one can stop you from making and giving your mom a postcard dedicated to the first snow or even the release of your favorite TV series, but in general, the main reasons are indicated quite clearly.

A New Year's card for mom can be ordinary (from the point of view of New Year's greetings, of course), it is not necessary to somehow emphasize the special relationship. But a birthday or Mother’s Day are special holidays on which it is worth presenting a personal card with the signature “To my beloved mother.”

How to make a birthday card for mom? Sketch out a sketch with a simple pencil, add a little color to get an idea of ​​the color scheme and understand what shades you will need during the work process. So, you need to buy or find in the bins:

  • a blank for your needlework (thick and thin cardboard is suitable);
  • background image - this can be scrap paper, colored paper, any sheet that you like with an ornament, or you can simply artistically spray paint on a sheet of white thick paper or even use the monotype and marbling technique;
  • chipboard for inscription - it is better to purchase a ready-made one or use a special stapler to decorate the edge;
  • a couple of decorative elements - flowers, butterflies, beads and leaves;
  • one or two large decorative elements - flowers or bows;
  • decorative tape;
  • good glue;
  • scalloped ribbon or lace.

First you need to glue the background image to the blank, then arrange large flowers, and only then complement the resulting composition with small decor and lace. Dry well finished work, decorate with small decor and sparkles, and then sign - mom will be happy with such a sign of attention.

Now you know how to make a card for Mother's Day, and you can easily figure out what a card for an anniversary or angel's day should be like.

Another original option: the essence is that you need to cut out circles from colored paper, and then cut each circle in a spiral and twist it into a bud, you will get cute flowers with which you can decorate a postcard.

To dad

A DIY birthday card for dad is always very touching and sweet. Choosing a particular “papal” theme is not too easy, but there is a wonderful straw to grab onto: style. If you make a stylish card, then the father will undoubtedly be happy to receive it, even if it does not contain the usual symbols of “masculinity,” which in our country often include cars, weapons and fishing.

Naturally, if the father is celebrating the anniversary of his driving experience, then a car on a postcard is quite appropriate, but on dad’s birthday it is better to present a neutral and beautiful greeting card.

What kind of cards do men like:

  • not too colorful;
  • in a calm, slightly muted palette;
  • with clean lines;
  • in which a lot of effort has been visually invested.

I would like to say especially about the last point. If your mom liked a card made from a piece of lace, a bow and a beautiful chipboard, then dad will appreciate a hand-made poster from paper with an elegant, lacy cutout - painstaking and graceful.

Men admire the process, so before you make a nice card using the scrapbooking technique, think about how you can put your work into the card? This can be working with threads or embroidery, spirography and paper cutting, pyrography and much more.

Incorporate a few elements of hard work and love into your work and your dad's birthday card will be stunning.

So, we make paper cards with our own hands for our beloved daddy. Start by choosing a plot - it could be some element male portrait- a stylish beard and glasses in the spirit of hipsters, or the silhouette of dad’s favorite pipe, you can also make some kind of heraldic flag or symbol.

Choose colors - they should be calm and beautiful, and also look good in harmony with each other.

Make a pattern for the future postcard and get to work - if this is a regular applique, then cut out all the elements and carefully lay out the future composition. And in the case of artistic cutting, it is better to spend time on the pattern and drawing. By the way, for this work you will need a good breadboard knife.

After all the main elements have been cut out, assemble the card - if you planned it using the scrapbooking technique, then you can simply glue the composition, and if you are trying to create a thin openwork product from cardboard and paper, then select shading colors for each layer - so that the work looked really delicate, you will need to choose shades that will highlight all the slits.

Make a central element on your card, and then put it under a press - this will help prevent the paper from deforming from the moisture contained in the glue.

In honor of the wedding

Making beautiful cards with your own hands for a wedding is not an easy task, and here it is better to watch master classes.


A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a young family, and therefore it is not enough just to draw a card, you need to carefully design and package it, and perhaps supplement it with some other elements.

How to make a beautiful card for congratulations on your wedding day:

  • come up with an idea;
  • find out from the bride and groom the main color of the wedding, or the main theme of the celebration;
  • look various options postcards - using scrapbooking techniques, with embroidery, ribbons, and so on;
  • choose several interesting lessons;
  • make a rough postcard from paper and cardboard (and if you are not sure of your result, then it is better to do this step several times);
  • make original cards with your own hands;
  • choose packaging and make it a little more unique;
  • sign the envelope and postcard.

Other occasions and recipients

Rest assured, handmade cards for a birthday or New Year will delight the recipients - after all, this is not just a DIY postcard according to a master class, it is the real thing man-made miracle, which holds a piece of the soul.

You can make cards for mom and dad with your own hands, or you can delight your friends before every holiday with an original greeting - all you need is free time, good master classes and a little patience.

3D postcards look especially impressive. How to make a three-dimensional postcard? Come up with (or look at experienced authors) an idea on how you can shape it so that you get voluminous postcards. You may want to use more decorative elements, or you may decide to make a simple DIY birthday card with 3D elements.

By the way, if you are wondering how to make a postcard for your mother or friend with voluminous paper elements, take a closer look at children's books. Surely you still have several copies, when opened, carriages and castles, trees and horses appeared between the pages.

Take a close look at how these elements are made and glued together - you may be able to reproduce this in your sketch.

Or try to do something in the style of shabby chic and scrapbooking with your own hands - it’s not as difficult as it seems, the entire main effect of volume is created by layering elements. By the way, flat cards are also good. 🙂

I think now you have enough ideas for creating greeting cards, postcards and tags - have fun with handicrafts and bring joy to your loved ones!

Sometimes, in a handicraft impulse, you want to make something beautiful with your own hands, but as luck would have it, nothing comes to mind, and so as not to suffer again, I decided to put together a selection of examples of how to make a postcard with your own hands. Here are different examples of postcards and small descriptions of how to make this or that postcard.

I tried to select as many different images as possible, both in style and theme, so that there was plenty to choose from. Of course, each postcard is just an example of how you can make postcards with your own hands.

To mom

How to make a card for mom? It’s clear that it should be the most beautiful and touching, but I want some specifics, right? The first thing you need to do is focus on the reason, it could be:
  • an unplanned card for no reason;
  • Mother's Day or March 8;
  • New Year and Christmas;
  • birthday or name day;
  • professional holidays.

Butterfly postcard option:

And here is a version of a cute postcard with birds:

Of course, no one can stop you from making and giving your mom a postcard dedicated to the first snow or even the release of your favorite TV series, but in general, the main reasons are indicated quite clearly.

A New Year's card for mom can be ordinary (from the point of view of New Year's greetings, of course), it is not necessary to somehow emphasize the special relationship. But a birthday or Mother's Day are special holidays on which it is worth presenting a personal card with the signature “To my beloved mother.”

How to make a birthday card for mom? Sketch out a sketch with a simple pencil, add a little color to get an idea of ​​the color scheme and understand what shades you will need during the work process. So, you need to buy or find in the bins:

  • a blank for your needlework (thick and thin cardboard is suitable);
  • background image - it can be scrap paper, colored paper, any sheet that you like with its ornament, or you can simply artistically splash paint on a sheet of white thick paper or even use monotype and marbling techniques;
  • chipboard for inscription - it is better to purchase a ready-made one or use a special stapler to decorate the edge;
  • a couple of decorative elements - flowers, butterflies, beads and leaves;
  • one or two large decorative elements - flowers or bows;
  • decorative tape;
  • good glue;
  • scalloped ribbon or lace.

First you need to glue the background image to the blank, then arrange large flowers, and only then complement the resulting composition with small decor and lace. Dry the finished work well, decorate it with small decorations and sparkles, and then sign it - mom will be happy with such a sign of attention.

Now you know how to make a card for Mother's Day, and you can easily figure out what a card for an anniversary or angel's day should be like.

Another original option: the essence is that you need to cut out circles from colored paper, and then cut each circle in a spiral and twist it into a bud, you will get cute flowers with which you can decorate a postcard.

To dad

A DIY birthday card for dad is always very touching and sweet. Choosing a particular "papal" theme is not too easy, but there is a wonderful straw to grab onto - style. If you make a stylish card, then the father will undoubtedly be happy to receive it, even if it does not contain the usual symbols of “masculinity,” which in our country often include cars, weapons and fishing.

Naturally, if the father is celebrating the anniversary of his driving experience, then a car on a postcard is quite appropriate, but on dad’s birthday it is better to present a neutral and beautiful greeting card.

What kind of cards do men like:
  • not too colorful;
  • in a calm, slightly muted palette;
  • with clean lines;
  • in which a lot of effort has been visually invested.
I would like to say especially about the last point. If your mom liked a card made from a piece of lace, a bow and a beautiful chipboard, then dad will appreciate a hand-made poster from paper with an elegant, lacy cutout - painstaking and graceful.

Men admire the process, so before you make a nice card using the scrapbooking technique, think about how you can put your work into the card? This can be working with threads or embroidery, spirography and paper cutting, pyrography and much more.

Incorporate a few elements of hard work and love into your work and your dad's birthday card will be stunning.

So, we make paper cards with our own hands for our beloved daddy. Start by choosing a subject - this could be some element of a male portrait - a stylish beard and glasses in the spirit of hipsters, or the silhouette of dad's favorite pipe, you can also make some kind of heraldic flag or symbol.

Choose colors - they should be calm and beautiful, and also look good in harmony with each other.

Make a pattern for the future postcard and get to work - if this is a regular applique, then cut out all the elements and carefully lay out the future composition. And in the case of artistic cutting, it is better to spend time on the pattern and drawing. By the way, for this work you will need a good breadboard knife.

After all the main elements have been cut out, assemble the card - if you planned it using the scrapbooking technique, then you can simply glue the composition, and if you are trying to create a thin openwork product from cardboard and paper, then select shading colors for each layer - so that the work looked really delicate, you will need to choose shades that will highlight all the slits.

Make a central element on your card, and then put it under a press - this will help prevent the paper from deforming from the moisture contained in the glue.

In honor of the wedding

Making beautiful cards with your own hands for a wedding is not an easy task, and here it is better to watch master classes.

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a young family, and therefore it is not enough just to draw a card, you need to carefully design and package it, and perhaps supplement it with some other elements.

How to make a beautiful card for congratulations on your wedding day:
  • come up with an idea;
  • find out from the bride and groom the main color of the wedding, or the main theme of the celebration;
  • look at various options for postcards - using scrapbooking techniques, with embroidery, ribbons, and so on;
  • choose several interesting lessons;
  • make a rough postcard from paper and cardboard (and if you are not sure of your result, then it is better to do this step several times);
  • make original cards with your own hands;
  • choose packaging and make it a little more unique;
  • label the envelope and postcard.

Other occasions and recipients

Rest assured, handmade birthday cards will delight the recipients - after all, this is not just a DIY postcard made in a master class, it is a real man-made miracle that keeps a piece of the soul.

You can make cards for mom and dad with your own hands, or you can delight your friends before each holiday with an original greeting - all you need is free time, good master classes and a little patience.

3D postcards look especially impressive. How to make a three-dimensional postcard? Come up with (or look at experienced authors) an idea on how you can shape it so that you get voluminous postcards. You may want to use more decorative elements, or you may decide to make a simple DIY birthday card with 3D elements.

By the way, if you are wondering how to make a postcard for your mother or friend with voluminous paper elements, take a closer look at children's books. Surely you still have several copies, when opened, carriages and castles, trees and horses appeared between the pages.

Take a close look at how these elements are made and glued together - you may be able to reproduce this in your sketch.

Or try to do something in the shabby chic style and scrapbooking with your own hands - it’s not as difficult as it seems, the entire main volume effect is created by layering elements. By the way, flat cards are also good. :)

I think now you have enough ideas for creating greeting cards, postcards and tags - craft for your own pleasure and bring joy to your loved ones!

Some more ideas for inspiration:

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Every child and teenager wants to give a beautiful drawing to their mother on Mother's Day. Exhibitions of such paintings are often held, and competitions are created in schools and kindergartens. Try your hand and learn to draw original paintings It’s now easier than ever for beginning artists to make their own. From the proposed master classes with photos and video tips, you can create a real work of art. You can draw images with paints or pencils. How to draw a picture for mom on Mother's Day is described step by step in the proposed master classes for kids, students in grades 3-5 and high school.

Beautiful drawing for Mother's Day in pencil - step by step with photos and videos for beginners

Making an original drawing for Mother's Day with a pencil is usually difficult for beginners. Therefore, the most simple solution will be a redrawing of the photograph. Need to prepare beautiful image bouquet, including diverse elements. It is easier to depict them without first applying a “frame” with a simple pencil; the work is carried out using only colored pencils.

Materials for the master class "Beautiful bouquet": drawing for Mother's Day for beginners

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • set of colored pencils for 18 colors;
  • photo of the bouquet.

Step-by-step pencil drawing "Beautiful bouquet" for Mother's Day for beginners

This master class will tell you step by step how to draw a rose with a simple pencil and how to correctly add shadows:

Step-by-step drawing for Mother's Day - step by step drawing a card with flowers (for high school)

An original drawing for Mother's Day with paints can be turned into an unusual card. For example, draw flowers on the inside spread and put a beautiful signature on the outside. Such a craft can also be entered into a drawing competition for Mother’s Day: an unusual piece will help you win.

Materials for a master class on drawing on a postcard "Poppies and daisies"

  • thick paper or double-sided white cardboard;
  • acrylic white, ivory;
  • spatula brush, thin brush;
  • regular pencil;
  • watercolor paints;
  • thin felt-tip pen.

Bright card "Poppies and daisies" for Mother's Day to school in stages

A simple do-it-yourself drawing for Mother's Day with a photo - for students in grades 3-5

The standard theme for Mother's Day designs is floral arrangements. But for students in grades 3-5, creating large image is a problem. Therefore, a small flower branch will be an excellent alternative to a lush bouquet. This work can be used to display drawings for Mother’s Day or to give to your beloved mother for her holiday.

Materials for DIY work according to the master class "Red Flowers"

  • thick A4 paper;
  • pearlescent acrylic paints: green and red;
  • thin brush.

Unusual drawing "Red flowers" for Mother's Day with your own hands - step by step with photos

You can paint beautiful flowers using paint in another master class. The attached video will allow you to depict bright poppies in just 10 minutes:

Step-by-step children's drawing for Mother's Day with detailed photos - draw bells

You need to select a master class for drawing for Mother’s Day in kindergarten according to the following criteria: simplicity, brightness, unusualness. Small bell flowers will be an excellent basis for the image. They can be a decoration for a postcard or just a nice gift picture. Even children from the primary or secondary group of kindergarten can draw small flowers with their own hands.

Materials for the master class "Bells" - children's drawing for Mother's Day with their own hands

  • a thick sheet of A4 paper (preferably with a textured surface);
  • pastel pencils;
  • regular pencil;
  • eraser;
  • hairspray.

Original painting "Bells" for Mother's Day with your own hands - step by step for kindergarten

Even a novice artist can create a bright and colorful drawing for Mother’s Day with photos and videos. Master classes on creating images with flowers are optimal for both school and kindergarten. They describe how to work correctly with pencils and paints, how to make blanks step by step and paint images. Every child and teenager can create a drawing for Mother's Day with their own hands. Such works can be submitted to children's competitions and exhibitions: original works will certainly earn praise and, possibly, lead the author to a prize.

Creating cards for loved ones for various holidays.

For any person, regardless of age, a birthday means the beginning of something new, where cherished desires and, of course, your deepest dreams come true. On this wonderful day, the birthday person eagerly awaits gifts and congratulations from his loved ones. After all, they are the ones who make the recipient smile and rejoice.

Each of us, without exception, loves surprises. Therefore, if you are going to celebrate a birthday, you need to prepare for this celebration in advance. Let's look together at several options for postcards that you can make yourself and give to your loved one.

How to draw a birthday card for mom?

Of course, the card should look beautiful and touching. Perhaps you want to do something specific? Then we advise you to write the usual, but very pleasant inscription on the product itself: “To my beloved mother.” To make it, take scissors and glue, and also stock up on the following items:

  • A blank for needlework (you can take thick cardboard).
  • A background image (you can take regular colored paper, a piece of scrap paper, and so on).
  • Chipboard for inscriptions (buy a ready-made one in advance or use a stapler that forms the edges).
  • Decorative elements (flowers, butterflies, beads, leaves) – 2 pcs.
  • Large decorative elements (bow, flower) – 2 pcs.
  • Decorative tape.
  • Lace or scalloped ribbon.

Manufacturing process:

  • To begin, make a sketch using a regular pencil. Add colors that will give you the opportunity to understand what shades you will use while working.
  • Glue the background to the card blank. Arrange large flowers. Complete the overall composition with decorative elements.
  • Dry your work thoroughly.
  • When it dries, decorate it with glitter.
  • After that, write wishes to dear mommy on the card.
  • Inside the card you can draw beautiful flowers or bows and write a wish to your loved one.

How to draw a birthday card for dad?

A greeting card to your beloved daddy for his birthday is, to say the least, touching. It is difficult to choose a theme for such a postcard, but there is one detail that you simply must apply - this is the style. If you get a stylish card, believe me, your dad will definitely be delighted with such a gift. Even if the postcard itself does not contain symbols of “masculinity,” for example, an image of a car, a weapon, or fishing.

You can make a card for daddy with embroidery, threads, and so on. Try to bring all the patience and love into your own creativity. To begin with, select the theme of the postcard; for example, any element of a man’s portrait can be suitable, for example, a beard, a smoking pipe, hipster-style glasses. Choose the shades you want. Calm and beautiful people who will harmonize with each other are considered ideal.

Manufacturing process:

  • Take the card base. Cut out a “shirt” for her.
  • Cut out a triangle in the center of the shirt.
  • Glue a rectangle under the “shirt”.
  • Take a satin ribbon. Tie a tie from it in the form of a knot and glue it to the base.
  • Glue the “shirt” on top of the tie.
  • Using a special outline, make “stitches”.
  • Glue buttons onto the card.
  • Write congratulatory wishes inside the card, add small drawings, for example, balloons.

How to draw a greeting card for your grandfather's birthday?

You can give your grandfather a beautiful card that you make with your own hands. To create this craft, you will need to spend a minimum of free time, plus a lot of imagination, and also take scissors with glue, and stock up on the following:

  • Colored cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • Paper strips for quilling
  • Buttons
  • Double-sided tape

Manufacturing process:

  • To create a blank for a postcard, take cardboard. You can use double-sided or single-sided cardboard. Fold it into two equal parts.
  • Carefully press down the line where the card will fold.
  • Then make a small cut at the top of the card, approximately 2 centimeters.
  • Fold the edges of the card so that you get a collar.
  • Make a “vest” from colored stripes. Carefully glue the strips to the outside of the product, alternating colors at your own discretion. Instead of paper strips, you can draw stripes using pencils or paints.
  • Take a strip brown. Glue it in the center of the card.
  • Also, cover the edges of the vest with this strip.
  • Make a bow. Attach it to the collar using tape or glue.
  • To the right and left side glue small pockets. And glue a button in the center (you can have one or several at once).
  • Next, design the inside of the card as you wish.

How to draw a greeting card for your grandmother's birthday?

Grandma is exactly the person who is always ready to feed you delicious pies and pies, listen and give useful advice. If you want to surprise your grandmother with a unique gift on her birthday, give her a beautiful card. But not the one you can buy in a store, but one made with your own hands.

To make a postcard, take the following materials and tools:

  • Cardboard colored and white with black
  • Lace - approximately 12 cm, but no less
  • White ribbon – 30 cm
  • Artificial flowers – 3 pcs.
  • Buttons matching the color of the paper – 3 pcs.
  • Scissors
  • Ruler with glue
  • Pencils

Manufacturing process:

  • Cut out a 16 cm * 20 cm rectangle from white cardboard. Bend this rectangle into two equal parts. This will give you the base of the postcard.
  • Take black cardboard. Cut 2 rectangles from it (15.6 cm * 9.6 cm and 8 cm * 3.2 cm).
  • Take colored cardboard. Cut out rectangles from it (15.2 cm * 9.2 cm and 7.7 cm * 2.9 cm).
  • Glue the colored cardstock over the black to create a black frame.

  • Assemble the backing.
  • Glue the smaller rectangle and "Happy Birthday" onto the smaller rectangle.
  • Then glue the lace. Cut a 12 cm strip from the white ribbon. Glue it on top of the lace.

  • Make a bow from the ribbon and glue it to the backing. Also glue flowers and buttons onto a small rectangle.
  • Glue the backing to the base of the product.
  • Next, decorate the card as you wish using colored pencils. Don't forget to write a congratulations.

How to draw a greeting card for your friend's birthday?

What can you give to your beloved friend? Habitual gifts, sometimes, are no longer able to please the birthday person. But a postcard made by yourself can really surprise any person. Moreover, you will spend only 30 minutes for production, maybe a little more. So, you should have the following materials in stock:

  • A piece of double-sided cardboard
  • A piece of snow-white cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Blade or knife
  • Double sided adhesive
  • Measuring accessories (ruler with pencil)
  • Ribbon
  • Decorating elements
  • Hole puncher

Manufacturing process:

  • Take colored cardboard. Cut out a rectangle and bend it into 3 equal parts. Mark the outline of the handbag on the cardboard.
  • Cut out the postcard shape.
  • Take a blade or knife. Cut out the handle of the bag. Fold it inside the product.
  • Using tape, stick a rectangle cut out of snow-white cardboard into the inside of the bag. You can use a hole punch to cut out the edges of the rectangle.
  • Decorate the product - tie a bow and glue it to the clasp. Glue the decorative elements.

Please your beloved friend with this card!

How to draw a birthday card for a friend?

If you have a very close friend whom you have known almost since birth, you can draw him an unusual and bright card for his birthday. Try to imagine what exactly your friend likes and depict it on your postcard. We suggest you make the following postcard. Take:

  • Snow-white paper (landscape sheet)
  • Ordinary pencil
  • Multi-colored pencils
  • Scissors with ruler

Manufacturing process:

  • Take the paper. Fold it in the center.
  • On inside paper using a simple pencil, draw whatever you want, for example, balloons.
  • Then write wishes for the birthday boy in multi-colored letters. Place the inscription on balloons or write nice words at the bottom of the card.
  • Once you have decided on the design of the card, paint it.
  • You can use multi-colored pencils, or watercolors. It all depends on what you can work with best.
  • If you want to draw on a postcard beautiful nature, then it is advisable for you to use paints for this. With them you can more naturally convey the shades of nature and its violence.

How to draw a birthday card for your sister?

Do you have a younger sister? Is it her birthday very soon? Then you should worry about the gift in advance. To make the final result very colorful and beautiful, then take the following elements:

  • High density colored paper – 1 set
  • Markers or felt-tip pens
  • Multi-colored pencils
  • Colored pens
  • A simple pencil, well sharpened
  • Scissors with glue

Manufacturing process:

  • Take the paper. Bend it in half.
  • On the outside, draw an image, on the inside, write a wish for the birthday girl.
  • Now start drawing. Take a simple pencil. Draw an oval on the card. Draw a curved stripe in the center of the oval (this will be the center of the teddy bear's face). Then draw the muzzle and nose itself.
  • Sketch the nose, leave a small highlight.
  • Next, draw the eyes, mouth, eyebrows and ears of the bear. Color them with colored pencils.
  • Draw the torso. Draw 2 parallel rounded stripes from the head (this is how you get the body of the bear).

  • Draw 2 lower legs for the bear.
  • Then draw a cake in the drawing and decorate it. Add one top paw.
  • Then draw another upper paw.

  • Design the background of the postcard. You can draw balloons, and on each balloon write the letters that spell out the phrase “Happy Birthday.”
  • Finish the card - simply color it with different colored pencils.

As a result, you will receive a beautiful postcard that your sister will definitely be delighted with.

How to draw a birthday card for your brother?

If you want to give your little brother an unusual gift, then make him a card yourself. You can draw an elephant on a postcard. Read below how to do this.

  • On clean slate On paper, draw a couple of circles that should be superimposed on each other. Just keep in mind that these parts must be different in size.
  • Draw an elephant's trunk in the center of a smaller circle. Above the trunk, draw eyes and eyebrows.
  • Draw the elephant's ears big. Apply smooth stripes at the top and wavy ones at the bottom.
  • Draw legs at the bottom of the larger circle.
  • Make folds on them (knees and claws).
  • Draw a tail for the elephant and a tassel at its tip.
  • Use an eraser to remove additional lines, and carefully outline the main ones.
  • Color the elephant as you wish. Write your wishes.

How to draw a birthday card for a teacher?

A handmade greeting card is the most best gift for the teacher from the student. There are a large number of options, but we suggest you use ours. To create such a card, stock up on materials:

  • Cardboard (you will use it to make the base)
  • Gouache paints or watercolors
  • Napkin

Manufacturing process:

  • Make the base for your card. Take snow-white cardboard.
  • Then take the prepared paints. Dip your fingertips into the paint.
  • Use this method to draw a flower in the central part of the card.
  • Wait for the card to dry completely.
  • Write inside the card beautiful poem. You can even come up with it yourself.

How to draw a birthday card for your aunt, godmother, or woman?

Flowers must be depicted on a card for aunt and godmother. After all, all women, without exception, adore them. We suggest you make the following version of a postcard, which you can give not only to a loved one, but also to a neighbor, mother, friend, and so on.

Manufacturing process:

  • First, draw a vase on the card. Mark the places where the flowers will occupy.
  • Then draw the flowers themselves, for example, roses. The quantity is not that important. The most important thing is that it is odd.
  • Finish drawing the rose petals. Then draw a beautiful bow on the vase.
  • Draw rose leaves.
  • At the very end, add all the elements. Color the drawing with red or burgundy paints. You can paint the vase blue.

How to draw a birthday card for a man?

For a man, for example, for a boss, you can make an interesting postcard in an antique style. You can look at the drawings in advance, which are very suitable for that time. After you select a drawing, print it on a printer or draw it. Especially if you love to draw.

To make it, take:

  • Base paper (cardboard paper, colored or white).
  • Scissors.
  • Knife.
  • Elements for fastening.
  • Decorating elements.
  • Pencils or paints.

Manufacturing process:

  • First, decide on the color scheme and the main pattern.
  • Make a base for a card of any shape. If you want the card to open, then fold it in half.
  • On the postcard, paste a photo, pieces of material and other decorative elements. Make sure they fit the overall theme.
  • Glue these elements one by one onto the base.
  • Draw congratulatory words on the inside and outside of the product with bright pencils.
  • If you want to make the card more interesting, tie a thin ribbon around it and then tie it with a bow.

How to draw a birthday card for a boy?

Every child dreams of having all his cherished desires come true. And who can fulfill them? Of course, a goldfish. You can make a greeting card, decorating it with a goldfish. The baby will definitely believe that she will make his dreams come true. To do this, take:

  • Blue cardboard (the size of a landscape sheet).
  • Gold nail polish or gold jewelry is also gold in color.
  • Glue.
  • Gel pen (preferably several different colors).
  • An ordinary pencil.
  • Eyes (beads).
  • Scissors with a ruler, plus double-sided tape.

Manufacturing process:

  • Fold the cardboard in half. The blue side should face outward. Draw an outline of the fish in the center. Circle it with a pen. Draw the crown and fins.
  • Draw an eye with a simple pencil or stick on a prepared eye (bead).
  • Lubricate the fish with glue. Sprinkle gold jewelry in the form of small balls on the fish.
  • Then draw air bubbles.
  • Write “Happy Birthday” at the bottom of the card.

How to draw a birthday card for a girl?

Girls, as a rule, unlike boys, love it when they are given unusual and bright gifts. If you give a card that you make with your own hands, you will definitely be able to bring a lot of joy to the girl positive emotions. For your own creativity, take:

  • Colored paper.
  • Snow-white paper.
  • Glue with scissors.
  • Cardboard.
  • Paints or colored pencils.

Manufacturing process:

  • Draw hedgehogs on snow-white paper using pencils or paints. Glue different sized mugs onto the card.
  • If you want some of the balls to be voluminous, stick balls of similar size onto the drawing, but fold them in advance in the form of a book. Write a beautiful wish on the inside of each balloon.

Isn't it a wonderful card? You can also make it for a nephew or niece, for a goddaughter or godson, and so on.

How to draw a birthday card for kindergarten?

Now let's try together to make a postcard for the youngest children who are still in kindergarten. Draw a cute cat with a cake in its paws.

  • First, make a blank for the postcard.
  • On the outside, draw a ball, a muzzle, eyes, a nose and a mouth of a cat. If you wish, you can draw whiskers for the cat.
  • Draw the cat a festive cap, ears and tail.
  • Draw a cake with candles in front of the cat.
  • Add stripes to the animal on the body and tail.
  • Behind the cat, draw wrapped gifts.
  • Write “Congratulations” inside the card.

A beautiful mother’s portrait is usually difficult to draw even for schoolchildren. But if you choose simple lessons for children that show in detail all the stages of its creation, then there will be no problems in the work. For example, the following master classes will help you learn how 8-9 year old children can draw their mother beautifully and easily with a pencil or paints.

Step-by-step master classes on creating a beautiful mother's portrait easily and simply for children

Using the proposed videos, you can easily draw your mother’s porter with paints or pencils. Such master classes are suitable for children 8-9 years old and older children.

How to draw mom and dad, daughter and son - master class with photos

One of the most beautiful and sweet gifts for every mother can be a portrait of the whole family. And to make it easy for a child to draw each member, it is recommended to make special templates for faces in advance. They will help you draw faces for adults and children step by step and arrange the figures of people in the drawing step by step. The next master class will help children learn more about how to draw a mother and father with a daughter and son. It is suitable for all primary school students.

Materials for creating a simple family drawing

  • colored and white paper;
  • regular pencil;
  • colored pencils or paints;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step master class on drawing a family portrait with mom, dad and children

How to beautifully draw a mother and child - master class with video

With the help of a simple master class, you can learn how to draw portraits of both adults and children step by step. For example, the following instructions will help you learn how to draw a mother and child easily and beautifully, without using special tools. Children will be able to draw these drawings with both pencil and paints.

Master class with video of creating a drawing of a mother and child

The following master class video is great for children learning to paint. Step-by-step instructions will help them create original pictures without much difficulty.

What to draw for mom's birthday from her daughter - step-by-step lesson for children

Every child can please his mother with a cool birthday drawing. And if it is easier for the boys to draw a mother’s portrait, then the daughters can choose other drawings. For example, a girl can give her mom an original drawing of a cake or pastry. Therefore, when choosing what to draw for a mother’s birthday from her daughter, the baby should pay attention to simple and cool pictures. These include the following master class, which is great for school and preschool children.

Materials for creating a cool drawing for mom for her birthday

  • a simple pencil;
  • colored pencils or markers;
  • eraser;
  • sheet of paper;
  • ruler.

Step-by-step lesson in drawing a funny picture for a mother from her daughter for her birthday

What can you draw for mom just like that - step-by-step master class with photos

Creating an unusual and cute drawing will help you give mommy a nice gift and simply make her happy. For example, a child can draw a funny animal for this, beautiful house or a bright bouquet. Therefore, when choosing what to draw for mom just like that, you can not limit your imagination and create any original pictures. For example, with the help of the following master class you can learn how to easily and simply draw a cute cartoon cat.

List of materials for drawing pictures for mom as a gift just like that

  • simple and colored pencils;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step lesson with photos of creating a simple drawing to give to your mother

How to draw a card for mom for Mother's Day with your own hands - lesson with photo

To make an interesting and beautiful card for your mother, you don’t have to make appliqués or complex crafts. For example, it can be created using only a pencil and an eraser. All the child has to do is color the picture beautifully and write in congratulations. The next lesson will tell you in detail how to draw a DIY card for your mother for Mother’s Day, easily and simply.

List of materials for drawing a Mother's Day card

  • white sheet of paper A3 (A4 is also possible);
  • simple and colored pencils;
  • eraser.

Photo lesson on making cards for mom in honor of Mother's Day

The master classes with photos and videos offered above will help every child find out what to draw for their mother for Mother’s Day, Birthday, or just because. For example, they will be able to depict a mother’s portrait or draw a mother with a father, daughter or son. No less beautiful and easy with simple instructions You can also create funny cards, drawings of a mother and child. Kids and schoolchildren will only have to choose how to draw their mother and what materials they want to use. Original drawings can be drawn step by step, either with simple pencils or with felt-tip pens or paints.

In the fall, Mother's Day is celebrated in all corners of our planet. Children big and small express love and gratitude to their parents. A homemade gift for Mother's Day will be a good complement to tender words. Potholders, a frame made of whatman paper for a joint photo... Even if you buy a ready-made gift, you can’t do without a DIY Mother’s Day card - this product will warm your mother’s soul for many years.

How to make a postcard

Sons and daughters of any age can make cards with their own hands. Do not choose complex techniques - the mother will be pleased with the fact that the child tried hard when trying to give her a gift. However, if you have experience working with your own hands, take up postcard design using 3D techniques or scrapbooking - very interesting directions for creativity.

From paper

Scary and incomprehensible word“Scrapbooking” is the name given to making postcards using various little things – drawings, buttons, “assorted” threads, elegant lace, clothespins. Often, when creating crafts, they use some kind of memorable elements: newspaper clippings on a specific topic, tickets, labels, notes, a tag from the maternity hospital, a lock of hair, a wedding invitation.

Find out what other scrapbooking ideas you can use to design a card.

From colored paper

Cardmaking is another “scary” word from the handmade world. Although in fact this pretentious term just refers to the process of creating postcards with your own hands. Connoisseurs of handmade art never cease to argue about whether cardmaking is a direction of scrapbooking or is it separate species creativity. Let them argue, but in the meantime, look at what cards you can make for Mother’s Day with your own hands.


If you want to make a card using one of these directions, the question “What to give your mom for Mother’s Day with your own hands” will disappear by itself:

  1. Origami is a popular art form that refers to a product made from folded paper. Crafts for Mother's Day created using this technique can be in the form of a dress, a flower, a heart, or even ladybug.
  2. Kirigami - even if you haven’t heard this word, you definitely made a craft using this technique! The simplest representative of kirigami is a snowflake, which both preschoolers and adults diligently cut out on New Year's Eve. The difference between the kirigami technique and its “brother”, the origami technique, is that here you are allowed to use improvised means, for example, scissors or glue.
  3. Quilling is the making of various crafts using paper strips twisted into a spiral. Interesting activity.
  4. Pop-up is the creation of crafts with three-dimensional elements that “fall out” when the product is opened (be it a postcard or a book). Combines kirigami techniques and artistic carving.

Crafts for Mother's Day in kindergarten

Children's cards were made by all the kids attending the preschool. So a child of any age can handle the application. If problems arise, a caring teacher will guide him in the right direction, telling him step by step about the technique for making the souvenir. A DIY postcard for mom will also be an excellent educational activity for the baby himself.


A master class on how to make paper crafts for children, for boys and girls of any age. Teach them how to "grow" paper flowers for a homemade Mother's Day card. To create a postcard “Chamomile Field”:

  1. Prepare one sheet of yellow cardboard, white and green thick paper, glue, a piece of wallpaper with summer motifs, a simple pencil, and a stationery knife.
  2. Draw a template of a Compositae petal and transfer it to white paper, cut out 45 identical leaves.
  3. Curl the edges of the petals outward using a pencil.
  4. Prepare the flower cores. They can be plain buttons or small paper circles.
  5. Divide the petals into 15 pieces. Sew them together using a thread and a needle, and attach a button on top. The second option is to glue the petals in a circle to the core. It turned out to be three flowers.
  6. Fold the cardboard sheet in half. In the center of the front side, cut out a flower with contours similar to a daisy.
  7. Cut a rectangle from the wallpaper and paste it inside the postcard page.
  8. Cut 12 thin strips from green paper and twist them using scissors. Glue the “curls” in the lower corner of the card on the right, in three places, onto which glue ready-made daisies on top.
  9. It turned out to be a beautiful handmade card for mom.


The original postcard “Sun” will become a good gift little “suns” for their mothers:

  1. It will be useful: a thick white sheet of A4, multi-colored A4 paper, a sheet of yellow paper, glue.
  2. Prepare a template for the “Sunshine” postcard from a white A4 sheet. Cut out the shape along the solid strip, and bend along the dotted strip.
  3. Prepare rays for the sun - glue the strips together at the ends to create many colored loops.
  4. Cut out a circle from yellow paper (according to the layout), draw a line with a pencil dividing it in half. Glue loops on top, draw eyes and a smiling mouth.
  5. Cut the sun in half and stick it on a postcard.
  6. Draw a greeting inside the card.


Help the kids express their love to their mothers by making this cute and easy-to-make craft with them.

  1. To create a Valentine's card for Mother's Day with your own hands you will need: white cardboard, colored paper in red, pink and purple for hearts, pencil, felt-tip pens, scissors, plain and curly, glue.
  2. Fold the white paper in half and trim the edges around the perimeter with curly scissors.
  3. Cut out small hearts from colored paper, preferably one size at a time.
  4. Inside the card, draw two lines and glue the prepared hearts to them.
  5. Have the kids sign their cards. If they don’t know the letters, let them copy your congratulations: “To my beloved mother!”

Video master classes on DIY postcards

For those who can't boast imaginative thinking, master classes posted on YouTube are suitable. You don't have to scour the World Wide Web looking for original idea crafts for mom. Video bloggers will tell you in an easy and accessible way and, most importantly, show you how to make a craft for your mother. The information will be useful for both inexperienced needlewomen and scrapbooking sharks.

Simple postcard

A green or yellow cardboard card folded in half is a field of flowers. On the title side is your paper palm holding a beautiful bouquet. for a gift? Your mother will definitely appreciate such a touching declaration of love, whether you are at least 10 or 40 years old. So, trace your palm on a piece of white paper, cut it out... Although - all the details are here.

DIY gift for mom

The author will tell and show how to make an interesting notebook-postcard. To create this heartfelt greeting you need very few “ingredients”: white and colored paper, glue, scissors and various decorations type of sequin beads.

3D postcard

You won’t surprise anyone with 3D films anymore. Three-dimensional graphics, which allow you to view pictures in three-dimensional images, have long been working for the benefit of cinema. Progress has moved beyond cinema - 3D technology has appeared in the world of handicrafts! How to make an amazing card for loved one, see here. Prepare scissors, glue, pencil, markers, colorful cardboard and colored slips of paper for office notes.