Types of broadband Internet connection. Broadband Internet - application in modern reality

Broadband is common name for technologies that provide a permanent (non-session) connection to the Internet. For example, via a telephone line (ADSL); cable television (DOCSIS). In addition, there is Fast Ethernet technology (information transfer speed reaches 100 Mbit/s).

Until recently, one of the main methods of connecting to the Internet was dial-up access, which was carried out over a telephone line, completely occupying it for the duration of the connection. Broadband Internet provides data exchange speeds many times greater than with dial-up access and does not “hijack” the telephone line. That is, the concept of broadband Internet is directly related to the speed of data transmission and therefore it is often called high-speed.

In addition to the high speed of information transfer, it provides a stable, continuous connection to the network, and also provides the so-called “two-way” communication, which consists in the ability to receive and upload data at equally high speeds.

Thanks to broadband Internet access, the user can receive services digital television over the Internet, voice data services (IP telephony) over any distance at cheap rates or even free, as well as the possibility of remote storage of large volumes of data.

There are two types of connection

  • Fixed (wired).
    Based on wired connection technologies such as Ethernet.
  • Mobile (wireless).
    Based on wireless access, such as Radio-Ethernet.

Broadband Internet in Russia has excellent prospects for distribution, since an increasing number of users over time come to the need for high-speed access to the network. For its distribution, cable television networks and telephone networks are used. In the Russian market, a more promising way to distribute broadband Internet is ADSL technology through regular telephone networks. Using ADSL technology, the user gains access to the Internet, and the phone remains available for voice communication.

Another common scheme for providing this type of Internet is the so-called ETTH (Ethernet To The Home) home networks, which occupy a large share market. A fiber-optic backbone is brought directly to consumers (home, office) and Ethernet switches are installed. Next, individual users are connected via standard twisted pair cable. Unlike ADSL, this connection method takes additional time and costs for wiring inside the building, but in comparison with ADSL technology or cable channels it provides the best connection speed.

One of the serious advantages that broadband Internet provides today is the ability to watch digital television. Specifications necessary for the functioning of television cast doubt on the ability of ADSL technology to remain competitive in the field of providing broadband Internet for a long time. One thing is clear: broadband Internet significantly expands the boundaries of consumer capabilities, and for providers this means a battle of technologies and a fight for users.

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With the development of IT technologies, Internet access has become increasingly in demand, thus creating a need for new connection methods, which is broadband Internet access. With the advent of high-speed Internet, users have more opportunities at minimal cost.

What is broadband internet access?

Many network users, of course, needed high-speed and high-quality communications, and best of all, unlimited ones. Every avid Internet visitor dreams of unlimited traffic and the opportunity to receive the necessary information for a small fee.

Broadband access will help satisfy all the needs of Internet users; it is designed to organize access to the network and is actively used by service providers, IP telephony operators, mobile communications and other organizations.

Broadband Internet access implies the ability not only to access the network at high speed, but also to transfer data from a computer. This is a fundamental difference from the Internet using a modem. The latter operates on the subscriber line principle and is limited to 56 kbit/s transmission. Broadband access is 40 times more efficient - up to 2 Mbit/s.

Benefits of broadband access

More recently, dial-up access using a modem and telephone line was the main one. But modem access is already outdated because it blocks the telephone line, and this is not always convenient. High-speed Internet does not have this drawback, since it does not affect the line.

The main advantage of broadband access, in addition to high-speed data transmission, is a stable connection to the network and the possibility of “two-way communication”, which allows you to receive and send data at high speed in both directions.

Providers may also offer DSL as broadband access using digital telephone communication; although this method can improve Internet speed, it is based on the use of the same telephone lines with copper wires. Its advantage lies only in the parallel operation of telephone communications and the Internet.

Broadband Internet access technologies are based on the use of satellite communications, which performs a huge number of other functions. At the moment this is the most promising and reliable way data transfer.

Convenience of high-speed Internet

The ability of an Internet user to receive and transmit data of various contents at high speed makes life much more convenient. It is impossible to list all the possibilities of broadband access; the main ones are online shopping, applications, ticket booking, online maps and much more.

Broadband access services include digital television services, voice data transmission, and remote data storage.

Broadband access, without a doubt, can transform the entire Internet. The applications of this access that will help unlock its full potential have yet to be explored.

Types of broadband access connection

  • Wired access - based on wired access technologies such as Ethernet.
  • Wireless broadband access is based on wireless technology like Radio-Ethernet.

Types of broadband Internet access

In hard-to-reach places, this type of Internet is almost the only way to communicate with the world.

2. Broadband Internet access using 3G/4G technology.

4G Internet is cheaper than the previous connection, so it is more logical to choose it, if, of course, such a choice is available. If there is either the first option or the second, then you need to be content with the access that is available.

It is irrational to install networks with 3G/4G access at a distance of more than 20-30 km from residential areas, so areas that are sparsely populated are forced to make do with VSAT.

3. High-speed Internet with access via fiber-optic communication lines.

Access through a fiber-optic communication line uses e/m radiation of the optical range as a signal carrier, and optically transparent fiber as guide systems.

The main advantage of fiber-optic communication lines is that the lines are not subject to electronic interference and are inaccessible for unauthorized use.

Prospects for broadband access

Broadband Internet access certainly has exciting prospects because Internet users are increasingly in need of high-speed access. Cable and telephone networks are used for this purpose. On the market Russian Federation The most common and promising method of broadband access is ADSL technology, for which telephone networks are used. By turning to this technology, the user can use the Internet while having an unoccupied telephone line.

However, the largest share of the high-speed access market is occupied by ETTH home networks. A fiber-optic backbone is supplied to the user, and Ethernet switches are installed. Compared to ADSL, this method requires more time and money to install indoors, but it provides users with the highest speed.

Broadband access as a corporate connection

Why is broadband access essential for solving business problems? Because it provides guaranteed high speed, which saves time. And this is very important point in the modern world.

Not only speed is an indicator for which you should choose broadband access. It is very important to pay attention to quality. Broadband access is not subject to absolutely any connection interruptions, and other problems that users of other types of network connections had to face are also eliminated. This also preserves nerve cells.

High-speed Internet is indispensable in the work of companies; it will help organize the uninterrupted work of not only everyone individual employee, but also the company as a whole, and this is a really important plus.

Thus, we can conclude that broadband access plays an irreplaceable role in the issue of organizing high-speed Internet access. Whether used by individual subscribers or corporations, broadband is the future, and it's hard to argue with that.

11. 09.2017

Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

Broadband Internet - application in modern reality

Hi all.

Nowadays, broadband Internet is ubiquitous - few people know this in practice, although millions of residents of our country use it every day. You also don’t quite understand what we’re talking about? Read this article - and you will find out what wide bands hide behind them, why such Internet is popular now, at what speed it works and what types there are.

The emergence of broadband (a little history)

You may remember a time when you could only connect to the Internet through a phone and a modem. It wasn’t that long ago - 10-15 years ago. The speed was painfully slow - a maximum of 256 Kbps. But we didn't know that it could be different, so we didn't complain.

Moreover, this is not the only inconvenience - the Internet also occupied the telephone line, so at a certain moment it was possible to use either one or another benefit of humanity. This happiness was called dial-up or

Further, the Internet evolved with the xDSL family of technologies, which also involved the use of a modem and a telephone, but with one caveat: you can surf the Internet and talk on the phone at the same time. The latter operates at the lowest frequencies, and the rest of the bandwidth is occupied by the Internet.

This type of connection has received the right to be called broadband.

In general, any Internet whose speed exceeds 256 Kb/s can be considered not only broadband, but also high-speed. The most common technology from the described family (ADSL2++) also meets this criterion. Its maximum speed is 48 Mbit/s.

It is quite possible that in the offices of enterprises and government agencies, where it is impossible to do without a landline telephone, they still use this type of communication. Be that as it may, it is already outliving its usefulness. What replaced it? Read on.

Types of broadband Internet

There are quite a lot of varieties. I won’t spam, but I’ll tell you about the most popular ones. Let's start with the highest speed.

Cable connection

This means that the provider runs a cable to your computer or router. It happens different types: obsolete - coaxial; more modern, still in use today - twisted pair; the highest quality - .

The latter has several advantages over the previous two:

  • Firstly, it can transmit a signal over long distances without the use of amplifiers.
  • Secondly, such communication lines are not susceptible to electromagnetic interference.
  • Thirdly, the channels are protected from unauthorized access, because it is almost impossible to undetectably intercept a signal traveling along an optical fiber.

Among cable Internet technologies, the most widespread one is operating at a speed of 1-5 Gbit/s. There are also faster subtypes, but not all equipment is capable of operating at such speeds.


Which modern man doesn't know these names? These are mobile wireless technologies. Such communications are offered mainly by mobile operators, as well as by individual providers specializing in this.

You can either order the appropriate service and surf from your phone or tablet using your phone SIM card, or get a special modem, also with a SIM card, and be able to access the Internet from your PC as well. Only in in this case the speed will be higher than with dial-up modem access.
The situation is this:

  • with high mobility (up to 120 km/h), a maximum speed of 144 kbit/s will be provided;
  • for slow movements (up to 3 km/h) - 384 kbit/s;
  • if your device stays put - 2048 Kbps.

4G is a promising technology, and therefore the requirements for it are higher: the minimum speed for mobile objects should be 100 Mbit/s, and for stationary objects - 1 Gbit/s. But in reality, we have not yet received such luxury.


This is a method of connecting through a small satellite earth station. This type The Internet has been used since the 90s and will not become a thing of the past, because in our country there are still settlements remote from civilization where laying cables and expanding mobile networks is not profitable.

The approximate speed of such a connection is 4 Mbit/s.

Benefits of wide stripes

In conclusion, let's look at how modern broadband Internet differs from modem Internet:

  • As you already understood, mainly due to significantly increased speed;
  • Does not occupy a telephone line;
  • Provides continuous connection: you can go online at any time, but in the case of dial-up access you had to establish a new connection every time;
  • Assumes two-way communication, that is, data can be sent and received simultaneously;
  • Allows you to watch digital television.

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Broadband Internet Access(abbreviated broadband) is also called high-speed access, which reflects the essence of this term - access to the Network at high speed - from 128 kbit/s and above. Today, when 100 Mbit/s is available to home subscribers, the concept of “high speed” has become subjective, depending on the needs of the user. But the term broadband access was introduced at a time of widespread dial-up access, when a connection is established using a modem connected to the public telephone network. This technology supports speeds of about a maximum of 56 kbit/s. Broadband involves the use of other technologies that provide significantly higher speeds. However, a connection, for example, using ADSL technology with a data transfer rate of 128 kbit/s also applies to broadband access.

From the history of broadband technology development

Around the beginning of the 2000s. dial-up technology has actively begun to be replaced by xDSL technologies (ADSL, HDSL, etc.), providing significantly higher access speeds. For example, ADSL2+ technology allows you to download data from maximum speed 24 Mbit/s, and upload at a speed of 3.5 Mbit/s. To obtain access using xDSL technology, a modem and a telephone line are also used, however, unlike dial-up access, the line is not completely occupied, that is, it remains possible to use both the telephone and the Internet at the same time.

Broadband today

Today, broadband Internet access is provided using various technologies - both wired and wireless. The first include the xDSL family of technologies, DOCSIS technology (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications - data transmission over a television cable), (data transmission in computer networks using twisted pair, optical cable or coaxial cable), the FTTx (fiber to the x) family of technologies - optical fiber to point X) and PLC (Power line communication - data transmission using power lines). As for FTTx, there are two basic varieties, although essentially they differ little from each other - (fiber to the building) and FTTH (fiber to the home).

Today, wireless Internet access technologies, especially mobile ones, are being actively introduced and developed. Fixed wireless access is provided through satellite Internet, technology and fixed line. However, many operators have already cellular communications and wireless providers offer . They are developing “third generation” () and higher technologies, which include communication standards such as , etc. Mobile WiMAX competes with these technologies. Technology-based services can be expected to appear in the near future newest generation- and (3GPP Long Term Evolution), which provides data transmission up to 173 Mbit/s for reception and 58 Mbit/s for upload.

Broadband operators

The largest broadband access operator in Russia is the company "", represented in all regions of the country. Rostelecom, through the acquisition of a number of RTOs (interregional communications companies), provides broadband access services using various technologies. According to the analytical agency iKS-Consulting at the end of the first quarter of 2011, Rostelecom occupies 36.1% of the Russian broadband access market in the segment of private users. The top three also includes “” (“”), with market shares of 9.5% and 8.3%, respectively. These operators provide Internet access via both wired and wireless “third generation” technologies. For example, MTS, having acquired the company "", became a large operator of Internet access services using ADSL and ADSL2+ technologies, and. Beeline, in addition to wireless access and mobile communications services, provides the Home Internet service using FTTB (fiber to the building) technology.

In fourth place with a broadband market share of 7.7% is the operator "", which provides Internet access services under the Dom.ru brand using FTTB technology. The Akado company closes the top five leaders in the Russian broadband market with a share of 3.8%. The operator provides Internet access using DOCSIS and Fast Ethernet technologies.

The remaining Russian broadband providers occupy less than half of the market - their share is 34.6%.

Penetration of broadband services

According to iKS-Consulting, in the first quarter of 2011, the penetration of broadband Internet access services in Russia reached 36%, the number of subscribers in the private segment amounted to 19 million users. But it should be taken into account that in local markets local players - for example, providers in St. Petersburg or providers in Moscow - can occupy significant shares, surpassing the indicated large players in the total subscriber base. In St. Petersburg, among such players: “” (InterZet), “” (the “” brand, which, however, is now part of Rostelecom), (“SkyNet”), etc. In Moscow, such companies can be mentioned.