I dreamed of an old broken TV or buying a new one: what is this for? “Why do you dream about TV in a dream? If you see a TV in a dream, what does it mean?

TV in our life is a wide window to the world. A huge plasma on the wall, capable of containing the veld and jungle from a channel about animals and travel, a tiny screen on the refrigerator, droning news and TV series - all this gives a special touch to life.

And we can choose which of this variety will enter our consciousness, change our lives, and influence our choice in the supermarket. TV in a dream is a sign of the relevance of consciousness, a possible protest against an imposed opinion, a polemic that becomes an internal dialogue due to the absence of a real interlocutor. Let's look at what dreams of TV mean according to dream books.

Basic values

A dream shows dreams, fears and aspirations. In fact, as an object, a good TV can be a dream object. For example, if you dream of playing FIFA on a huge plasma. But such dreams are typical of children and teenagers; this is a sign of immaturity.

For children, such desires are permissible, because they cannot afford such expensive purchases, and accordingly, the dream has development - to grow up, earn a lot of money, buy a huge TV, play games as much as you want. By the time work and money appear, the dream loses relevance.

In other cases, TV acts as a substitute for reality, displacing interlocutors, hobbies, and hobbies. Seeing a TV in a dream is a sign of excessive attachment to this object. It sounds like you are wasting an inordinate amount of time at the expense of communication and life itself.

  • A non-working antique television box reveals an ironic attitude towards life, especially if it is made of mahogany with carved decorations.
  • A fairly common plot is a TV instead of a fireplace, where a family has gathered, everyone is silent and looking at the screen. The allusion is simple - your life is burning in the invisible fire of advertising and meaningless information.
  • Black and white image - you are trying to find an excuse for some actions in the past.
  • The noise of the TV in your sleep is disturbing and annoying, but in reality you are dreaming about this noise - get ready to repel serious attacks of gossip. You will need self-confidence, a healthy complexion and a charming smile. A guilty or sick look will convince others that the most ridiculous rumors are true.
  • The old antenna does not pick up a signal and has to be corrected - in real life There is no normal communication between management and employees. Perhaps the lack of normal communication and understanding relates to the family. You don't hear each other.
  • If you see your nice and cozy home, the usual evening before blue screen, while on a business trip or on vacation, you miss home and dream of returning. Take care of your family and still find time to relax so you have time to get bored.
  • A broken screen indicates an ambition that has been thwarted.
  • Switching channels means experiencing boredom and inability to concentrate.
  • Watching a sports match in a cafe or club - the atmosphere is really important to you. You would go to the stadium, but the championship is not always held in your city. Success will definitely await you, regardless of the team's win.
  • If you dream about news, especially frightening ones, you have extraordinary creative abilities. You are quite capable of coming up with continuations of news stories on your own, simply by grasping the general style and tone of the messages. Nothing prophetic is happening, but I would like to recommend a more worthy role model. For example, you could be great at writing stories for TV series.

Interpretation of authorities

The great dreamers of the past did not have time to leave interpretations about such a controversial device as a television. Let's turn to modern dream books.

  • The modern dream book interprets watching TV shows in a dream as dependence on outside opinions.
  • The family dream book states that you are too immersed in current experiences and try not to look into tomorrow, do not make serious plans, do not think about a career, you are stuck in the current moment in time, like a fly in.
  • Men's dream book Paradoxically, it assures that if you dream of a house with several huge televisions, you have a penchant for same-sex relationships. The dream book explains this by saying that household appliances demonstrates masculinity. Excessive demonstration is characteristic of non-traditional inclinations.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Book interprets dreams in two ways. On the one hand, it may be laziness, unwillingness to change, huge amount minor obstacles and insignificant difficulties that you don’t want to take on. On the other hand, in rare cases, a television may become a channel for transmitting important information, akin to clairvoyance. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to distinguish an important message from ordinary nonsense and advertising.


If you dream about TV, you watch it too much. As a result, you get the illusion of a life filled with events; it seems to you that you are in the epicenter of the most important and interesting things.

In fact, your life is empty and absolutely nothing happens in it. And it can't happen. What can happen to a person who sits on a chair for hours and doesn’t even talk to anyone?

Absolutely nothing. Find time to walk, take up photography, go on a tour of interesting places, get acquainted with interesting people, spend time in good and different companies and communication.

In this case, you can count on the fact that your life will move forward. You will find new opportunities, interesting offers. You may have new ideas. Many people give up television altogether to live their own lives.

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about TV” from professionals for people.

Did you dream about TV? In a dream, this means that you are wasting valuable time indulging in meaningless pleasures. Dream books will help you find out exactly. Why do we dream about modern technology?

Why do you dream about TV according to Miller’s dream book?

If a person has an unpleasant impression after watching a program or movie on TV, this means that the opinions of others are too important to him.

Seeing yourself on a TV screen is a sign of narcissism or pettiness. Watching an exciting film or program on TV in a dream signals that one’s own carelessness may cause plans to become unfeasible.

I dream about TV. Interpretation according to Freud

All household appliances, according to Freud, symbolize male dignity. TV is no exception. Any owner of a properly working “zombie box” can boast of excellent health and complete order in sexual relations.

What if this is the owner of the latest model TV? famous brand, then he can safely be called a sexual giant. He himself feels this, and is proud of his sexual capabilities and unquenchable love fervor.

If the dreamer has several televisions in his apartment, this means that he has had several homosexual relationships. Broken equipment is always a sign of problems in the area of ​​intimate life. For a woman who sees a TV in a dream, such a vision foreshadows a slight love flirtation. And the larger the apparatus, the longer the relationship will be, but they cannot be called serious. Thus, making far-reaching plans is pointless.

I dreamed about TV. Vanga's Dream Book

If a husband and wife are sitting at home and peacefully watching TV, this means that their family boat is confidently sailing the ocean of life and is unlikely to leak or break on the rocks. That is, such a dream foreshadows family happiness, complete mutual understanding and peace. But when you dream of a TV screen, without a housing, then this bad sign. The dreamer is waiting major quarrels, scenes of jealousy and other “delights” of family squabbles.

In general, a working TV represents a channel of information, and for more accurate interpretation dreams, you need to remember what program was broadcast at that moment. If the image was cluttered, this means that someone is trying to disrupt the family idyll or interfere with the sleeper’s plans.

Why do you dream about TV? Esoteric dream book

Seeing a clear image on the screen in a dream means that someone is trying to impose their opinion. Fuzzy image - all the efforts of the ill-wisher will be in vain.

Watching TV but seeing nothing but a blank screen means not seeing your problems. Disassembling and assembling such complex equipment in a dream, and even with knowledge of the matter, is a sign that when developing plans you will have to realistically assess your strengths.

Buying a new TV always foreshadows the emergence of new ideas that may well be brilliant. Being the owner of an expensive TV from a prestigious brand in a dream means the emergence of prospects that it would be a shame not to take advantage of.

Why do you dream about TV according to the Family Dream Book?

To see a popular talk show in a dream with the participation of your loved one is to experience in reality those pleasures that you had previously only dreamed of. When you dream that the dreamer is rushing home in order to quickly turn on the TV, this is a sure sign that you will have to do work that the dreamer strongly dislikes.

To be the owner of an expensive plasma panel in a dream means that you will have to spend a large sum money for entertainment that will not bring joy and moral satisfaction.

Why do you dream about TV according to the Modern Dream Book?

Only those who are used to living in the present, and who do not care about their own future, dream of television. It should be taken into account that tomorrow is not something distant and ephemeral, but what will happen tomorrow.

An expensive TV is a dream of a quick meeting with your best friends, and a vision of an old and broken device foreshadows an acquaintance with a person who can become a close friend. Excessively loud sounds coming from the device foreshadow the appearance of gossip and incorrect information about the sleeper, but all the efforts of gossipers and envious people will go to waste - the dreamer’s reputation will not suffer.

Why do you dream about TV - dream options

  • broken TV - loss of job or position;
  • broken TV - troubles at work;
  • a new TV means a fun party;
  • watching TV is good news;
  • buying a TV - new friends;
  • a lot of TV - promiscuity;
  • color TV - rich life;
  • the gift of a TV is a long-awaited purchase;
  • repairing a TV - an influential person will offer help and patronage;
  • theft of a TV - possible charges of dishonesty;
  • TV screen - a message from the Higher Powers;
  • black and white TV - mistakes of the past can hinder the future;
  • giving a TV means you need to devote more time to your family;
  • stealing a TV from a store means a desire to start over;
  • buy a huge plasma panel - pride and vanity;
  • buying an old, faulty TV is an unnecessary purchase;
  • selling a TV is a bad investment;
  • there are a lot of broken TVs in the trash heap - no need to waste your money on trifles;
  • breaking a TV means trouble.

TV has long become an integral part of our lives. It is in every family, and not alone. We watch programs, films, and concerts on it.

And very often you can dream about TV. He accepts different meanings depending on the dream you had. Let's look at why you dream about TV.

What did you dream?

Seeing or watching TV promises you a calm family life and home comfort. Sometimes a dream suggests that someone interested is watching you. This could be a manager, a colleague at work, influential person. You should show yourself with the best side to attract attention.

Perhaps this person will be able to radically change your life and offer you a new job that will bring financial stability. As the dream book says, a color TV foretells a meeting with friends, and a black and white TV means that someone or something from the past will try to penetrate your present.

Watching TV may also mean that you will be leading a rather solitary life in the near future. Do not regard this as a negative sign - perhaps right now you need to be alone for a while, think about problems, resolve some issues, or simply understand yourself. Once you achieve your goal, your life will become bright and rich again.

Don't forget that sometimes seeing TV is a symbol of wasting time. Perhaps you are spending it aimlessly instead of solving pressing problems. Plan your time correctly and schedule things hourly so that you don’t accumulate too many unresolved issues later.

A dream in which the spouses are busy watching programs together is favorable. This good sign: the couple’s family life is very prosperous, harmony and homeliness flourish in the family, and nothing can destroy this idyll. The relationship between the spouses will be filled with mutual understanding and trust.

Decoding some dream options

The following options from the dream book will help you understand why you dream about TV.

TV condition:

  • New - you will relax at a party that will bring a lot of fun and positive mood.
  • Old or broken - promises you to meet a new person who in the future may become your close friend.

Watch the program - some good news will soon reach you. Seeing a color TV in a dream means your life is rich and bright, there is no place for dullness and routine in it.

Buying a TV - you will meet new people who will become your friends. Buying a huge plasma panel or large screen TV shows that you are filled with pride. But don’t overdo it so that pride doesn’t develop into vanity.

If the purchased equipment turns out to be faulty, such a dream warns you against wasting waste on useless goods. Think about whether all the things you want will be useful to you. The dream also reflects new ideas that you are considering - they will probably turn out to be very promising in the future.

Receiving a TV as a gift means you will finally be able to make a purchase that you have long dreamed of or have saved money for. If you are giving a TV, the dream indicates that you need to devote more time to your family. Put everything aside and spend the day with your loved ones.

If the TV breaks down in a dream, this is a sign that you should mind your own business and not let it take its course. Then clearing them out will be more difficult and will take more time.

Repair - someone influential will offer you help and even patronage. You should not refuse such an offer; it will help you solve problems and issues, as well as improve your financial situation. If you dreamed of a TV that you expertly disassemble and assemble, this is a sign that in your plans and projects you should soberly and adequately assess your own capabilities.

A large and expensive TV portends a quick meeting with friends. And watching a film based on it portends receiving good news. If you saw yourself on the TV screen, then you should control your own emotions, since you perceive criticism from others quite keenly. If in a dream you participate in some famous program or talk show, then in reality you will receive opportunities that were there before are not available to you.

Pay attention to the quality of the image you see on the screen. A clear and bright picture means that someone is trying to impose their opinion on you. You shouldn’t be led astray; someone else’s opinion is not always correct.

A fuzzy and blurry image on the screen means that someone is trying to intrigue you, but all their efforts will be in vain, and you should not worry about such a dream. Look, but not see the image - you need to focus on the problems and matters that are in at the moment most relevant in your life.

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Television is a wonderful invention of the 20th century. At the beginning of his life path“It was a very expensive pleasure, and many could not afford it. Today, a “box with a blue screen” is unlikely to surprise anyone. It is in every home, and even more than one. They watch movies with them, have conversations with them, and fall asleep to them. And sometimes they don’t stand aside. Some people continue to watch it even in their sleep. I don’t know why such a dream occurs, but I know who knows it down to the smallest detail. Dream Interpretation! Let's look into it to find out what we can expect from such dreams.

Black and white retrospective

If you dreamed that you were watching an old black and white TV, the mistakes of the past will make themselves felt soon.

Seeing in a dream a fuzzy image on the screen of an outdated broadcaster - your plans for some event are not clearly formulated, so it will be difficult for you to bring them to life. Put your thoughts in order, this will help you achieve what you want.

Watching a program on a broken box - the envy of your colleagues is preventing you from realizing your professional ambitions. The Dream Interpretation recommends not sharing your plans with anyone other than your friends.

I dreamed of a large black and white TV with a clear beautiful image And good sound- to a pleasant meeting with an old school friend or childhood friend, Miller’s dream book promises.

Seven wonders of color

If you dream that there is a large plasma TV in the room that you are listening to, in real life you will hear a lot of good things about yourself, but the dream book warns that these laudatory speeches will be nothing more than flattery and fawning.

Watching movies on a large screen color TV means hearing good news.

Seeing yourself on a color TV screen in a dream means that in real life you are overreacting to the criticism of others. Learn to control your emotions.

Watching news on a new TV and being dissatisfied with what you hear means you are paying too much attention to everything material.

Garbage, rubbish and other troubles

I had a dream that you were taking an old TV to a landfill - in reality you live only for today, easily getting rid of the old one. Don’t forget that tomorrow you may need something from the past, Vanga’s dream book recommends.

Seeing a lot of broken TVs near trash cans means you are wasting a lot of your time on nonsense.

If you dreamed that you broke the TV, you will have troubles at work.

I had a dream in which you are trying to fix a broken TV - in reality, some influential person is watching you. The dream book recommends showing your best side, so that the observer has a good impression, perhaps he will influence your future career or financial stability.

Buy and sell

If you dream that you bought a new color TV, a pleasant evening awaits you with friends and family, the dream book promises.

Buying an old retro TV broadcaster foreshadows the resumption of old, long-forgotten connections.

If you dreamed that you were forced to sell your equipment, including your TV, because of loan debts, you would lose money due to your shortsightedness. The dream book warns you: think a hundred times or consult with your friends before investing your money somewhere.

Buying a tube broadcaster with a broken picture tube in a dream, in real life the dream foreshadows almost the same thing - you will buy something that you absolutely do not need.

Buy a large plasma panel in a dream - stop putting yourself above others, you will earn the envy and hostility of others.

“I’ll steal you from everyone...”

You dream that you stole a TV from a store - in reality you want to start new life. But the dream book does not advise doing this, since after a while you will return to past habits and will only waste your time and energy.

If you dreamed that you were given a TV, this means that you will buy something you really need, predicts Spring dream book.

You dream that you are giving a TV to one of your friends - interpretation of this dream This is: you pay very little attention to your family.

To dream of a TV being stolen from someone's apartment - watch what you say. You may be accused of spreading gossip.

Quite often it happens that you have a completely unusual dream. Its main feature is that it is very difficult to remember any details. The whole dream passes as if in a fog, and only one feature of it is especially memorable. In this case, you should not try to remember absolutely everything. Even one seemingly insignificant detail can be given good interpretation your sleep. The dream book will help us with this. TV - why can you dream about it and what does such a vision mean?

A bit of reasoning

In order to learn to interpret dreams, you do not have to be a psychologist or esotericist. Each object in a dream has its own meaning, and one way or another, it is connected with its essence. Let's take TV, for example. As a rule, people spend quite a lot of time on it, of course, if there is any. Being near the screen, a person begins to lose track of time, becomes fixated on certain films or programs and stops thinking about his life. What does the dream book say about this? TV can easily be called another dimension, a world in which a person is not his own master.

General value

As we found out earlier, a TV is an object that takes a lot of time and effort from a person. If you dream about it, it means that a lot of time has already been lost. Perhaps a person lives only for today and does not think at all about what awaits him tomorrow.

A dream in which you can clearly see the TV turned on indicates that you have lost the goal in your life and are not thinking about the future at all.

What else does the dream book say about this? TV can also mean comfort, home environment, family matters. As a rule, this device is found in almost every home, and for this reason it can be associated specifically with household chores or chores.

Esoteric dream book

TV, depending on other various factors, can be interpreted in different ways in a dream. There are a huge number of dream books, and each of them offers its own interpretation.

For example, the esoteric dream book we are considering. TV (large) in in this case means that certain kinds of problems will arise in your life. They are worth paying attention to special attention. They are not at all like a movie or TV show, but rather the opposite. You need to make every effort to solve them. If the TV you dream about is broken, then this means that you are not thinking about what is happening at all and risk finding yourself in big trouble.

Actions with TV in a dream

Certain actions with this device in a dream have their own meaning. What does the dream book say about this? Breaking a TV means that you may miss a very important chance in your life. This could be either certain job prospects or a relationship with a loved one. Before interpreting a dream, it is worth thinking about what is happening in your life at this stage of life.

Perhaps you are in a quarrel with your loved one? Then the dream means that it is necessary to give him a second chance. Buying a new TV in a dream promises great opportunities and prospects in the future. The dream means that you have already taken all the necessary steps and now all you have to do is reap the benefits.

Selling a TV may mean that, most likely, luck will pass you by. You risk losing your usual comfort and tranquility, and the events that occur will depend on your decision. If the TV was stolen in a dream, then you will not be able to do anything about the current situation. What happens in life is absolutely not the result of your actions. You must humbly accept the gifts of fate, even if they are not entirely good.

What kind of TV was it?

A general description of the TV can also help in interpreting the dream. To do this, it is enough to remember what kind of TV it was in the dream. If it was new and turned off, this means that you are far from the problems that actually surround you. You need to understand in more detail what is happening around you. An old black and white TV may indicate that it's time to reconsider your point of view. Perhaps at the moment your views are a little outdated, and it’s time to look at the world with “new eyes”.

What else can a dream book say about such dreams? An old TV can dream of sadness and separation. Perhaps someone close to you will leave soon, and you will miss you very much. Of course, it is difficult to take any action in such a situation, but now you will be prepared for such an event in advance. A scratched TV can dream of financial losses and troubles. Perhaps your friends are gossiping about you or want to do some kind of trouble. Any scratches in a dream should be treated especially carefully, because they can be interpreted as grievances that will leave an imprint on your heart.

What other secrets can the dream book tell about this device? A broken TV in a dream may indicate that all your hopes and plans may collapse. In addition, any problems with this device promise problems at home or in the family. In this case, the dream gives advice that you need to devote more time to household chores. Perhaps you have let things take their course and are not doing them at all.

Freud's Dream Book

Most interesting interpretation dreams can be read in Freud's dream book. The scientist believed that any complex device, including a television, is a symbol of male dignity. A dream in which you see a new and working TV indicates that everything is in order with your health, you are full of strength and energy. Personally, for a man such a dream promises romantic relationship and a good darling. If you dream of more than one such device, then perhaps soon you will have a very important choice. Most likely, you will need to make a very important decision quickly.

A broken TV has absolutely reciprocal value– the man has obvious problems with sexual health. For this reason, he should get more rest. If a girl dreams of a TV, then according to Freud’s dream book, such a vision can be a symbol of great love or a faithful partner. A broken or broken device indicates that the girl will soon break up with her lover or that a major quarrel will occur.

The meaning of sleep according to the Children's Dream Book

TV - Lies, gossip, slander, this is how you decipher what you are dreaming about.

Seeing TV, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Seeing TV - If you dreamed of a TV, it means that you live only for today. Don't forget that tomorrow will come. If you dreamed of a color TV, then a pleasant meeting with friends awaits you. If the TV breaks down in a dream, then you need to mind your own business and not let it take its course. If you buy a TV in a dream, it means that you will soon meet a person who can become very important to you. good friend. If the sound of the TV disturbs you in a dream, then someone will spread gossip about you, but they will not affect you.

TV - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

TV – Watching TV in a dream means that a calm awaits you. family comfort. Seeing a broken TV in a dream means losing your position.

Interpretation of TVs from the Wanderer's dream dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

TV – On – information channel; aimless pastime; laziness; minor interference. Sometimes a dream uses a television screen to show a certain image, message, message to the sleeper, which enhances the meaning of the latter when comprehending it and is regarded as an element of clarity.

TV in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

TV - Broken, your thoughts are far from the problems that really confront you. Seeing an image, if it is clear enough, then this is an image of the ideas that they are trying to impose on you; if it is not clear, then suggestion does not threaten you, but it does not hurt to know about it. You are shopping, considering new ideas that you have to think about; if in a dream this is your TV, then it is advisable not to miss the new prospects that open up before you. Collect to constructive plans. Disassemble to a detailed logical consideration of ideas. Without this, they will die on the vine.

We analyze the vision in which we dreamed of Television (interpretation by psychologist A. Meneghetti)

Television - The symbol of a device that controls any deviations from a predetermined program means maternal negativity.

What does a TV show symbolize in a dream (Psychotherapeutic dream book)

Television – Maternal controlling negativity, dramatization, following the program. Turn off the TV (radio). Become free from the opinions of others. Watch TV constantly. Focus on sociality.

Why do you dream about TV (dream book of Catherine the Great)

TV - Your TV seems to be broken - in reality, you are facing resignation.

Seeing TV in a dream (according to the Housewife's dream book)

TV - relaxation; something new inside you.

The meaning of the dream image (according to Artemidorus of Daldian)

I dreamed about TV - Watching TV A dream I had on Monday night - to listening to gossip and rumors; a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to vanity and troubles; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to unpleasant news. Falling asleep in front of the TV means disappointment, fatigue, indifference to everything in the world. Seeing yourself on a TV screen means being exposed to the evil eye. An exploding TV means the danger has passed you.

Meet the TV in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

TV - You are too susceptible to other people's influence. Imagine turning off the TV, or better yet, throwing it away.

What does it mean to sleep with a TV, taking into account your date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why do you dream of a TV in a dream - To increase tension in some matter related to your name.

In the summer, why did you dream about TV? - To waste precious time on all sorts of nonsense.

In the fall, why did you dream about TV - To watch you from interested people.

In winter, why do you dream about TV - To be dependent on the opinions of others.

It is clear that dreams about TV can only be more or less realistically “deciphered” modern dream books, since at the time of the most popular of them - Miller, Freud, Nostradamus - the image of such a device could most likely be described by purely science fiction writers.

Although many “dream” sites are filled with “interpretations” as if from these dream books!

Seeing a TV in a dream: what does it mean?

A TV that appears in a dream or a plot involving watching it, especially if spouses watch it together, according to many dream books - symbol of calm family life and home comfort.

Some interpreters believe that the dreamer is in the sight of some influential person, thanks to whom his whole life can change for the better.

Some dream books (Children's, Newest) interpret the vision with a TV unambiguously: deception, gossip, squabbles, gossip, and Slavyansky states a craving for solitude.

If you try to answer the question: why do you dream about watching TV? - (however, just like just seeing it), then it’s worth listening to this opinion: this symbolizes loss of time, which could have been better spent.

Many or one?

Television receiver in the singular has, by different dream books, And various options values. Everything will depend on the appearance, condition, color characteristics and age of the main character in the dream. But more on that below.

But when there are a lot of televisions, the interpretation acquires a completely immoral accent - it “delights” the dreamer with promiscuous sexual relations.

A large number of TVs, broken and lying in the trash, contain a warning: do not waste precious time on trifles!

Did you dream about an old or a new “box”?

If the “box” is broken, but you still look at it, keep in mind that there are envious people around who can harm your professional growth, so it is better not to share your plans with anyone other than close friends.

Just the sight of a broken TV set promises difficult times at work.

An old or even broken device, contrary to assumptions, can predict that the dreamer will soon meet a person who can become a true friend. Another option is to lose your job or be fired from your position.

New "box" predicts a party, which will charge you with fun and positive mood.

And if the picture is not clearly displayed on an old television receiver, this is a sign that the dreamer’s plans are also vaguely defined - how can one expect easy implementation from them? In this case, the Dream Interpretation recommends that you start putting your thoughts in order and planning the necessary actions. This will help bring what you want to life.

Another interpretation is more optimistic: if you have an ill-wisher, then such a dream suggests that all his attempts to annoy you will be in vain.

Black and white or color?

Do you still remember the times when TVs were exclusively black and white? And then one day you dreamed about this. Why would this be? It is logical to assume that this will be somehow connected with the past. The dream book also speaks about this: the mistakes of the past will soon come back to haunt you.

If there is good sound and a very clear image on a large, albeit black and white, TV:

  1. a pleasant meeting with a classmate or childhood friend is possible;
  2. according to another interpretation, the same quality of the picture indicates that a certain person is trying to force you to share her opinion. The dream book advises to be alert: it is not always correct.

The color version of the device, according to the Dream Book for the whole family, promises a warm meeting with friends. Watching a film on a color TV is good news.

There is also this interpretation: the dreamer’s life is eventful, filled with bright events and meetings, he has no right to complain about dullness and routine.

The newest dream book predicts the appearance of a love affair on the side.

What if suddenly the dreamer himself appeared on the color screen, this characterizes him in a certain way.

  1. Some interpreters believe that he simply reacts too sharply to the critical remarks of outsiders, and recommend learning to manage his emotions.
  2. Others accuse him of narcissism and pettiness.
  3. A Online dream book I am sure that the dreamer should delve deeper into the essence of phenomena and not engage in superficiality.
  4. There is also such an interpretation - this is a warning about an envious person who is capable of crossing the path of a person who has seen such a dream.

A large, expensive TV, according to the Esoteric Dream Book, is a symbol of the emergence of new life prospects that simply need to be taken advantage of.

Huge a plasma panel in a dream will expose the dreamer’s pride and vanity, which he may not even admit to himself.

News heard from a large plasma TV in a dream can seem to reassure the dreamer: in reality he will hear a lot of flattering reviews about himself. However, the dream book is cautious, warning that most likely these praises are nothing more than flattery and sycophancy.

What did you do: turn it on, repair it, or give it as a gift?

Dream books, as always, give great value not only the type and quantity of what they saw, but also what actions the dreamers performed in relation to them.

A TV that turns on, according to the Wanderer’s Dream Book, speaks of aimless pastime, laziness, and minor interference.

To switch off means to free yourself from the influence of others.

If in a dream you decided to get rid of your old TV and drag it towards the trash heap, then this may mean that you are used to living in the present day, easily saying goodbye to the old one.

But there is also an important warning from the interpreter: do not forget that something from the past may unexpectedly be needed in the future.

Why do you dream of breaking a TV? A “box” broken in a dream indicates impending business troubles.

An attempt fixing a damaged device is a good sign: it promises a meeting with a person who, if you manage to impress him, can change your life. We can talk about new job, O higher salary providing financial stability.

Buying a TV - regardless of its quality - in general does not threaten anything unpleasant. If you buy a new device, expect a pleasant time in a warm, friendly circle. And if you decide to buy an “antique” version, then it is possible that old connections will be renewed.

Buying a large plasma panel reveals the dreamer's secret weakness - the desire and ability to put oneself above others, which, of course, causes their hostility.

Video on the topic

We have collected the main plots of dreams with TV in this video:

Actions performed in a dream are unpredictable. So, it may turn out that you are buying an old “box” from the tube era, and even with a damaged picture tube. This means that in reality you are capable of making the same completely unnecessary purchase.

Reverse process - selling a TV - trying to keep the dreamer from short-sighted actions threatening to lose money. The interpreter strongly recommends measuring seven times before investing in anything, succumbing to the thought of quick profit.

The spring dream book considers a TV as a gift as a harbinger that you will buy some very necessary thing.

An unexpected solution is offered by a dream in which the dreamer himself gives someone a TV. It follows from this that the family of such a person is deprived of his attention.

Dreams with a “criminal” slant do not bode well. The TV you stole from the store is a symbol of the fact that you are always striving for a new start in life. But the dream book is cautious: is it worth doing? After all, a little time will pass and past habits will still win, and so much time and effort will be wasted.

And if a person saw someone stealing a TV set from someone else’s home, then he is advised watch your words more carefully in reality so as not to be accused of spreading rumors and gossip.

Each “television” dream seems to invite people who watch it to understand themselves and their plans and desires and sets them up for real steps. After all, just imagine that in a dream a fragile woman is fixing a broken TV - this alone hints that she is capable of solving difficult problems in reality. So signs of this kind must be approached adequately.

Television is a wonderful invention of the 20th century. At the beginning of one’s “life journey” it was a very expensive pleasure, and many could not afford it. Today, a “box with a blue screen” is unlikely to surprise anyone. It is in every home, and even more than one. They watch movies with them, have conversations with them, and fall asleep to them. And here they sometimes do not stand aside. Some people continue to watch it even in their sleep. I don’t know why such a dream occurs, but I know who knows it down to the smallest detail. Dream Interpretation! Let's look into it to find out what we can expect from such dreams.

Black and white retrospective

If you dreamed that you were watching an old black and white TV, the mistakes of the past will make themselves felt soon.

Seeing in a dream a fuzzy image on the screen of an outdated broadcaster - your plans for some event are not clearly formulated, so it will be difficult for you to bring them to life. Put your thoughts in order, this will help you achieve what you want.

Watching a program on a broken box - the envy of your colleagues is preventing you from realizing your professional ambitions. The Dream Interpretation recommends not sharing your plans with anyone other than your friends.

I dreamed of a large black and white TV with a clear, beautiful image and good sound - a pleasant meeting with an old school friend or childhood friend, Miller’s dream book promises.

Seven wonders of color

If you dream that there is a large plasma TV in the room that you are listening to, in real life you will hear a lot of good things about yourself, but the dream book warns that these laudatory speeches will be nothing more than flattery and fawning.

Watching movies on a large screen color TV means hearing good news.

Seeing yourself on a color TV screen in a dream means that in real life you are overreacting to the criticism of others. Learn to control your emotions.

Watching news on a new TV and being dissatisfied with what you hear means you are paying too much attention to everything material.

Garbage, rubbish and other troubles

I had a dream that you were taking an old TV to a landfill - in reality you live only for today, easily getting rid of the old one. Don’t forget that tomorrow you may need something from the past, Vanga’s dream book recommends.

Seeing a lot of broken TVs near trash cans means you are wasting a lot of your time on nonsense.

If you dreamed that you broke the TV, you will have troubles at work.

I had a dream in which you are trying to fix a broken TV - in reality, some influential person is watching you. The Dream Interpretation recommends showing your best side so that the observer gets a good impression; perhaps it will have an impact on your future career or financial stability.

Buy and sell

If you dream that you bought a new color TV, a pleasant evening awaits you with friends and family, the dream book promises.

Buying an old retro TV broadcaster foreshadows the resumption of old, long-forgotten connections.

If you dreamed that you were forced to sell your equipment, including your TV, because of loan debts, you would lose money due to your shortsightedness. The dream book warns you: think a hundred times or consult with your friends before investing your money somewhere.

Buying a tube broadcaster with a broken picture tube in a dream, in real life the dream foreshadows almost the same thing - you will buy something that you absolutely do not need.

Buy a large plasma panel in a dream - stop putting yourself above others, you will earn the envy and hostility of others.