Logical and mathematical games in working with preschoolers. Math games for preschoolers




TARGET. Develop the ability to compare objects in the surrounding world by size, auditory-motor coordination of movements.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. The teacher names subjects and objects: elephant, soccer ball, bicycle, tennis ball, wood, skittles, etc. If the named object is larger than the previous one, then the children stand on their toes, hands up. If the named object is smaller than the previous one, they squat. The one who never makes a mistake wins.

OPTION. In the same way, knowledge about the concepts of higher - lower, wider - narrower, thicker - thinner, longer - shorter, etc. is consolidated.


TARGET. Learn comparison operations, improve coordination abilities.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. The children walk at a normal pace. When given a signal, perform the appropriate movements.

Signals: “High gate” (normal walking), “Low gate” (walking in a half-squat), “Heavy bags” (arms down, tense, fists clenched); “Light bag” (walking, swinging your arms); “We’re going skiing”, “Running a marathon”, “Catching up with someone running away”; “We play Hopscotch, etc.”

TARGET. Strengthen the skill of ordinal counting within 10, develop coordination of movements, auditory attention


PROGRESS OF THE GAME. Children stand in a circle. The leader is in the center of the circle with the ball. In accordance with the leader’s commands, players count in order to 10.

Complication: the leader takes the ball before the player counts to 10, throws it to the next one with the words “Count on”

OPTION. The host throws the ball and says “Until five.” The child names numbers up to 5. If the command “After five” is given, children name numbers after five.


TARGET. Develop the ability to solve mathematical examples, improve coordination and speed abilities.

MATERIAL: dummies or pictures depicting berries and mushrooms with examples and baskets with numbers

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. There are 2 teams of boys and girls playing. The teacher gives the command: “Boys, get mushrooms!” (“Girls, go get some berries!”). Children put 2 or 3 objects in baskets so that the total numbers on the objects correspond to the number on the basket. On the command “Stop!” the collection stops. The team that collects the most mushrooms or berries wins.


TARGET. Develop auditory attention, thinking, coordination of movements

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands and repeating loudly magic words: "It's blowing strong wind, one two Three!" Then one child, to whom the presenter points, says: “Those who like to change places... (ride a bike, swim in the pool, jump rope, etc.). Everyone who enjoys doing this runs to another place in the circle.

After this, the children join hands again and the game continues.

OPTION: “Those who know how to change places...”


TARGET. Teach children to act alone and together with others; develop children's organizational skills; develop children’s attention, their spatial orientation, and speed of reactions; practice counting and basic movements.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. To the music, children move around the room in different directions, using energetic walking, running, and jumping, depending on the nature of the music. When the music ends, the teacher calls out the first number. Children should line up in pairs, threes, etc., in accordance with the named number, standing in a circle or line and raising their hands up.


TARGET. Improve tactile sensations and the ability to navigate in space.

MATERIAL: blindfold

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. The driver is selected and blindfolded. The rest stand in a circle. The driver calls any number. The teacher follows the children and, touching each one on the shoulder, counts together with the children the number indicated by the leader. The driver must find the one they settled on, one by one feeling the children’s hair and clothes.

OPTION. The driver names numbers greater than 5, less than 8, greater than 10, but less than 15, etc.


TARGET. Develop reaction speed, improve spatial orientation. Clarify the names of colors, geometric shapes, numbers.

MATERIAL: multi-colored flags, colored houses. For version 1 of the game, various objects or pictures depicting objects. There are geometric shapes on the houses. For version 2 of the game - number cards, on the houses - numbers.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. Models of houses with symbols (color) are located in various places. At the signal “Occupy your house,” children approach the houses. The one who makes a mistake receives a penalty point.

OPTION 1. Children approach the house if the object looks like this geometric figure.

OPTION 2. Occupy the house according to the number card.


TARGET. Develop visual and motor memory and the relationship between them.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. The presenter shows various gymnastic exercises. The participants of the game repeat after the leader all the exercises, except for the secret one – the one agreed upon in advance. Instead of this exercise, children must perform another one, also agreed upon in advance. For example, hop on your right leg 3 times.

Children who completed the exercises without errors are noted.


TARGET. Develop motor and visual memory, voluntary self-control, stability of attention.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. The driver first determines the number of “I will remember 4 (3) poses.” 4 (3) people come out and take poses corresponding a certain type sports. After looking at them, the driver must remember, reproduce and comment after all the children return to their starting position.

If all poses are reproduced, the driver receives the same number of points. Each error is -1.


TARGET. Strengthen mathematical calculations, improve memory, develop coordination abilities.

MATERIAL: cards with numbers on a carpet or mat.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. Children are told its magic number. At the signal, all participants run to the mat and find their number, then run around the mat to the right and return to the starting point.

Children who quickly and correctly completed the task and ended up in the Land of Knowledge are celebrated.


TARGET. Improve the perception of the number of objects. Develop attention and speed of movement.

MATERIAL: various number cards

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. Children take one number card at a time and walk around. At the command “Find a pair!” players quickly find a pair of number cards with the same number of items, join hands and form a column.

The first couple to complete the task wins


TARGET. Development of skills to identify and abstract the properties of objects. Improve motor skills.

MATERIAL: Dienesh logic blocks, large panel with a labyrinth.

RULES OF THE GAME. Go to the house, take the object and perform the appropriate number of movements. Signs at forks in the road indicate which path to take.


TARGET. Develop auditory attention, speed of motor reaction

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. While moving around the room, the players perform the tasks of the leader:

One whistle - jump up, two whistles - turn around, three whistles - walking with a high hip lift, etc.;

Performing movements in a certain sequence: - two jumps up, two jumps forward;

Three steps - balance on the right leg, three steps - balance on the left leg.


TARGET. Improve your decision making skills arithmetic examples. Develop coordination abilities and motor freedom.

MATERIAL: cubes with numbers on the opposite side of the cards with arithmetic examples.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME. A presenter is selected. He shows one of the example cards. Children, having solved it, run to the cubes with numbers and return to the presenter, who checks the correctness of the solution. Whoever completed the task first becomes the leader.

OPTION. Examples with an unknown term.

Natalia Shulzhenko
Card index of gaming technologies, games, exercises, tasks for the development of logical and mathematical thinking in older preschoolers

Card index of gaming technologies, games, exercises, tasks

By development of logical and mathematical thinking.

Teacher Shulzhenko N.V.

Gaming technology"Cuisenaire's Sticks"

Belgian teacher primary school George Cuisenaire (1891-1976) developed universal didactic material for development in children mathematical abilities. In 1952 he published a book "Numbers and Colors" dedicated to his benefit.

"Cuisenaire's Sticks"- these are counting sticks, which are also called "numbers in color", colored sticks, colored numbers, colored rulers.


1. Form a concept number sequence, composition of the number.

2. Bring to awareness of relationships "more less", "right left", "between", "longer", "higher" and many more etc.

3. Teach to divide a whole into parts and measure objects using conventional standards, master in the process practical activities some simplest types of functional dependence.

4. Get close to adding, multiplying, subtracting and dividing numbers.

5. Develop mental processes: perception, thinking(analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, logical actions, encoding and decoding, visual and auditory memory, attention, imagination, speech.

6. Contribute development children's creativity , development fantasy and imagination, cognitive activity.

7. Develop ability to work in a team.

The set consists of plastic prisms in 10 different colors and shapes. The smallest prism has a length of 10 mm and is a cube.

The kit includes:

white - number 1 - 25 pieces,

pink - number 2 - 20 pieces,

blue – number 3 - 16 pieces,

red – number 4 - 12 pieces,

yellow – number 5 - 10 pieces,

purple – number 6 - 9 pieces,

black – number 7 - 8 pieces,

burgundy – number 8 - 7 pieces,

blue – number 9 - 5 pieces,

orange – number 10 - 4 pieces.

Cuisenaire rods are a multifunctional mathematical tool that allows "through hands" lead to an understanding of various abstract concepts. From a mathematical point of view, sticks are a set on which correspondence and order relations are easily detected numbers: 1, 2, 3... Numerous mathematical situations are hidden in this set. The color and size of the sticks, simulating a number, lead children to understand various abstract concepts that naturally arise in child's thinking. In addition, children master spatial relationships (left, right, left, along, higher than, etc., concepts "between", "every", "one of.", "some", "to be the same color" etc. Sticks, as a didactic tool, are fully consistent with the specifics and features of mathematical concepts preschoolers, level development of children's thinking. As children gain experience gaming actions with chopsticks, the role of the adult in development they have numerical concepts. Children master the ability to correlate color and number, and vice versa, number and color

The choice of color is intended to make the kit easier to use. Sticks 2, 4, 8 form the “red family”; 3,6,9 "blue family". The "yellow family" are 5 and 10.

Selection of sticks into one “family” (Class) does not occur by chance, but is associated with a certain ratio of their magnitude. For example, the “red family” includes numbers that are multiples of two, the “blue family” consists of numbers that are multiples of three; numbers that are multiples of five are indicated by shades yellow color. Cube white ("white family") an integer, times laid along the length of any stick, and the number 7 is indicated in black, forming a separate “family”.

Each set includes rule: the longer the stick, the more value the number it expresses. The colors in which the sticks are painted depend on the numerical ratios determined by the prime numbers of the first ten natural series numbers.

Each stick is a number expressed in color and size.

Stages of training

At the first stage, the sticks are used simply as game material. Children play with them as with ordinary cubes and sticks and create various configurations. They are attracted to specific images, as well as the quality characteristics of the material - color, size, shape

At the second stage, the sticks already act as a tool for little mathematicians. And here children learn to comprehend the laws mysterious world numbers and other mathematical concepts.

Gaming technology Dienesha blocks.

“Dyenesha blocks are a universal didactic material that allows you to successfully implement tasks cognitive development children. Didactic material is based on the method of replacing an object with symbols and signs (the modeling method, the material is of course difficult to begin with, but very interesting and necessary, because when working with blocks you need to think, compare, analyze, draw conclusions - develop thinking skills, logical thinking.

Zoltan Dienes - Hungarian psychologist and mathematician, theorist and practitioner, creator of a progressive author's methodology - "new mathematics" developed « Logic blocks» .

Zoltan Dienes created a simple, but at the same time unique toy. Working with Dienesh Blocks is based on the principle - from simple to complex.

brain teaser blocks is a set of 48 logical blocks, differing in four properties:

Shape - round, square, triangular, rectangular

Color - red, yellow, blue

Size - large and small

Thickness - thick and thin.

Target: Development of cognitive, mental and creative abilities in preschoolers


- Develop thinking skills: comparison, analysis, classification, generalization, abstraction, encoding and decoding of information (decipher)

Introducing children to geometric shapes, shapes and sizes

- Develop spatial representations.

Introduce the shape, color, size, thickness of objects.

- Develop cognitive processes perception of memory, attention, thinking

- Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design abilities.

Forms of working with blocks:

Organized educational activities, additional educational program "Fun Math")

Independent activities of children in the math center ( educational games, logic-mathematical games, didactic games, logic exercises)

Joint and independent children's play activities: Role-playing games, outdoor games, board and printed games;

In outdoor games: (subject landmarks, designations of houses, paths, labyrinths);

In role-playing games: “Shop” – money; “Mail” is the address on the house; “Train” - tickets, seats;

Methods and techniques for working with blocks:


Explanations, clarifications, instructions


Children's verbal reports on performance tasks

Control, assessment

Working conditions

Encourage children's best efforts and desire to learn new things

Avoid negative performance evaluations

Compare the child’s work results only with his own achievements

Children playing with Dienesha blocks study:

1. Perform thought processes (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization)

2. Identify various properties in objects, name them, and use words to indicate their absence

3. Abstract and retain in memory one, two or three properties at the same time

4. Generalize objects according to one, two or three properties, taking into account the presence or absence of each.

Conclusion: Games and exercises with blocks allow you to model important concepts not only mathematics, but also computer science.

Work on cards:

On cards properties are conventionally designated blocks:

Color - spot

Shape – geometric figure

Size – silhouette of the house (big small)

Thickness - contours of figures (round, square, rectangular, triangular)

Picking up cards children who “tell” about the color, shape, size or thickness of blocks exercise in substitution and property encoding.

While searching for blocks with the properties specified on cards, children master the ability to decode information about them. Laying out cards, which “tell” about all the properties of the block, the kids create its unique model.

Conclusion: Cards- properties help children move from visual - figurative thinking to visually schematic, and cards with denial of properties bridge - to verbal - logical thinking.

Stage 1 of work "Introduction to Blocks":

Age: 34 years


Introduce children to geometric shapes, shapes of objects, size, thickness

Children play with blocks, construct various buildings, create images in albums, superimposing figures on models

Stage 2 of working with blocks "Identification and abstraction of properties":

Age: 45 years

Tasks: - Develop the ability to identify from one to four different properties in objects (color, shape, size, thickness) and abstract one of them from the others

-Develop a stable connection between the image of properties and the word that denotes it

Create an algorithm for simple actions yourself (linear algorithm)


"Find the same figure"

“Find a figure that is not the same”

"Get things in order"

"Who will assemble faster blocks"

"Magic bag"

"Collect the beads"


Stage 3 of work "Comparison, classification, generalization"

Age 5 – 6 years


- Develop comparison skills, classify and generalize objects according to one, two and three properties

- Develop ability to compare objects given properties


"Second row"

"Build a path"

"What changed"

“Which figure is the odd one out?”

"Hoop Games"

Stage 4 of work « Logical actions and operations»

Age: 6 – 7 years


-Develop the ability to perform logical operations"Not", "And", "or"

- Develop ability to decipher (decode) information about the presence and absence of certain properties, about objects according to their symbolic designations

- Develop logical thinking, the ability to encode information about the properties of objects using symbols and decode it

- Develop ability to analyze, compare, generalize

- Develop the ability to split sets based on one property into two subsets to produce logical operation"Not"



« Logical train»

"Mosaic of numbers"

Results of work:

Children can use entertaining material both in educational activities, also in games of an independent nature

Sensory standards have been formed; orientation in space

Formed logical thinking: ability to analyze, draw conclusions, generalize, compare, classify

These two gaming technology are perceived by children as a separate activity and complement each other well. Therefore, it is recommended to use them in combination.

Gaming technology B. Voskobovich "Geocont"

People call it "plate with carnations". Indeed, on plywood gaming Studs are attached to the field, multi-colored elastic bands - cobwebs - are pulled onto the studs and the contours of geometric shapes and object silhouettes are obtained. Kids create silhouettes based on an adult’s demonstration, their own design, older preschoolers– according to the sample diagram and verbal model. As a result of games with "Geocontom" in children develops motor skills of the hands and fingers, sensory abilities (mastering color, shape, size, mental processes (designing according to a verbal model, constructing symmetrical and asymmetrical figures, searching for establishing patterns, creativity.

In the early stages of the game, in the first younger group, the children and I learned to simply pull rubber bands onto nails, I invited the children to walk with their fingers along the red, blue, etc. paths. Then we built long and short paths, wide and narrow, stretched large and small squares, and built houses. In the second younger group, I offered the children the simplest diagrams, which depicted paths, a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a house, etc. The children were asked to come up with a pattern themselves. Required condition When playing, you need to name the shape and size of the objects being created.

Gaming technology B. P. Nikitina "Fold the pattern"

The game consists of 16 identical cubes, all 6 faces of each cube are colored differently in 4 colors. This allows you to create patterns in a huge number of options. These patterns resemble the contours of various objects, paintings, which children love to give names to. Children first learn from patterns - tasks fold exactly the same pattern of cubes. Then they put the reverse task: Looking at the cubes, draw the pattern they form. And finally, the third thing is to come up with new patterns from cubes. Using different number cubes and different not only in color, but also in shape (squares and triangles) the color of the cubes, you can change the difficulty tasks over an unusually wide range. This game is good develops children's ability to analyze and synthesize, these important mental operations used in almost all intellectual activities.

In the first junior group, I brought multi-colored cubes to the children, the children and I looked at them, named the color of each side, then I invited them to build a long road, a tower, a gate, but with sides of a certain color. The children and I also built furniture with patterns for dolls, houses with windows, etc. Next, I offer the children the simplest patterns for constructing patterns, and the children also come up with and create patterns on their own.

A training game with lacing – for children from 3 to 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: development in children sensorimotor coordination, spatial imagination, eye, attention, memory, visual-figurative thinking, perseverance, fine motor skills hands, as well as replenishment and enrichment of vocabulary.

Material: the game includes developmental framework, lacing, ropes, ribbons different color, length and thickness.

Game content (brief summary): the child chooses the one he likes developmental framework. Using ropes, laces, and ribbons of different colors and thicknesses, he ties them, unleashes, threading the lace into the eye of the ring. Senior preschoolers can not only thread laces through the rings sequentially, but also perform more complex species lacing (criss-cross, braid, learning to tie bows (for example, game exercise“Collect a butterfly for the holiday”). Additionally, you can make objects or parts that the baby will tie (for example, apples for a hedgehog). As the game progresses, you can fix the score.

Funny colorful characters decorated with applique (snail, spider, ladybug, butterfly, hedgehog) Easily make your child's learning fun and enjoyable.

During the game try to ask ask the child as many questions as possible to stimulate his speech activity. Can be accompanied artistic words (riddles, poems).

Riddles about a ladybug for young children begin with the first acquaintance with her. rhyme: “Ladybug fly to heaven, where your children eat sweets.” Sometimes also add: “One for everyone, but not one for you.” A for older preschoolers you can ask a riddle or learn a poem.

Games that encourage the child to manipulate thin strings and laces: tie, untie, tying actively train fine motor skills of the hands, which is the most important component of his physical and intellectual development.

Developmental multifunctional game "Magic Circle".

For children from 3 to 7 years old.

Purpose of the game: Reinforcing math and sensory concepts (size, shape, color, quantity) And sound-letter analysis. Development of attention, visual perception, intelligence, mental operation, fine motor skills.

Material for the game: circle and liners with set cards(V in this case numbers and geometric shapes).

Recommendations: Sets cards can be used for games "Find the odd one out", "Match the letter with picture» , “Match quantity with number”, “What object has the same color?”, “Find an object of the same shape”.

Depending on the purpose of the game and the age of the children, the set cards may change.

Didactic game "Mathematical Flowers".

The game is intended for children senior preschool age.

Purpose of the game: Improving quantitative and ordinal counting skills; fixing the composition of the number within 10; development of intelligence, logical thinking ; fixing the colors of the spectrum.

Materials for the game: Many multi-colored petals with numbers from 1 to 10 pasted on them, flower centers with numbers, colored circles with numbers from 0 to 10 to add to the petals to get the desired amount.

Game actions:

You need to make a flower from individual petals so that their number corresponds to the number written on the circle (middle) future flower. Place the petals around the center in order, starting with number 1.

The color of the center and the numbers on the petals are painted in the same color so that children can cope with tasks faster and more correctly. task. Then you need to add the missing number to each petal so that the sum on the petal equals the number written in the middle of the flower.

During the game, children strengthen their counting skills within 10, learn to name numbers in forward and reverse order, determine the missing number, and decompose the number into two smaller ones.

A game "Mathematical Fishing".

The game is intended for children in the preparatory group.

Purpose of the game:

1. Strengthen in children the ability to perform simple arithmetic operations for addition and subtraction. Develop attention and concentration.

2. Vocabulary work: learn to answer the presenter’s questions with an accurate answer, using personal pronouns.

Progress of the game:

Children are given mock-ups of buckets with numbers. The presenter takes out of the box a fish with an arithmetic operation written on its side and asking questions. Answers should be structured accordingly to the question asked.

For example:

Question: Whose fish is this?

Answer: This is my fish.

Question: Who will get this fish?

Answer: This fish will go to me.

Question: Whose bucket will this fish go into?

Answer: This fish will end up in my bucket.

Question: Whose bucket is this fish from?

Answer: This fish is from my bucket.

Children must mentally formulate the answer to the arithmetic operation on the side of the fish with the number on the bucket. The one who has the most fish at the end of the game wins. You can make a game in the same way"Collect apples in a basket" or “One, fungus, two, fungus, get into the box.”.

Didactic game "Number series"

Target: consolidate knowledge of the sequence of numbers in the natural series.

Progress of the game: two children sitting at the same table lay out face down in front of them cards with numbers up to 10. Some of them appear twice in the set. Each player in order takes card with a number, opens it and places it in front of him. Then, the first player opens another card. If the number indicated on it is less than the number opened by him, then he returns it to its place, and transfers the right to move to his neighbor. The first person to post their number line wins.

Didactic game "Sweet Tea Party"

Target: learning to count to 10.

The teacher prepares from colored cardboard tea cups of different colors, shapes and sizes, on which numbers are glued, as well as "sugar lumps" size 1x1 cm made of white cardboard, lying on small doll plates.

The child chooses a cup for himself without seeing the number, names the number and puts the corresponding amount into it "sugar lumps".

Every time in this game we change plot: give tea to the dolls, tea party in a forest clearing, birthday in kindergarten etc.


...What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from? (Out of empty)

A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken weigh standing on two legs? (2 kg)

One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How many minutes should you boil 6 eggs? (4 min)

There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples)

Merry problems in verse,

1. A puppy is sitting on the porch, warming his fluffy side.

Another one came running and sat down next to him.

(How many puppies are there)

2. A squirrel sits on a cart, fingers clenched into fists, hitting fist against fist.

She sells nuts: To the fox-sister, Extending the thumb

Sparrow, titmouse, Extend the index and middle fingers

For the fat-fifted bear, we straighten the ring finger

And the mustachioed bunny. We bend the little finger.

Complete the phrase:

If the sand is wet, then...

The boy washes his hands because...

If it rains…

Today is Saturday, which means...

Sets educational cards"Smart cards» "Learning to compare", “learning geometric shapes”

How to work with your child cards

Set contains 32 cards: 10 cards contain images of objects with opposite characteristics and questions on the characteristic being studied, 20 cards with images of items for comparison and 2 instruction cards. Featured in cards the opposite characteristics of objects are understandable to children and can be transferred to real objects.

To make the assimilation of opposite signs more effective, draw the child’s attention to Everyday life on the properties of objects. For example, tell him So: "This house is high, and that one is low", "It's light in the morning and dark at night" etc.

A game "Compare"

Take card, which depicts two objects with opposite properties. Ask your child to compare these items: find how objects are similar and how they differ. If a child is having difficulty, help him questions: “What kind of ball is this?”, "What happened to this machine" etc. State the opposing properties clearly.

Then flip it over card and ask suggested questions.

Ask your child to find others cards exactly the same items as on yours card, and tell, looking at them, where each object is and how these objects differ.

At the next stage, offer to find cards with other objects, but with the same opposite property.

A game "Pick a Pair"

Put everything in front of the child cards with one item on each side. Take card, ask what the child sees on it. Read the inscription on card. Ask to choose a pair based on the opposite characteristic, looking at cards on both sides.

Pay attention to your child's speech. In case of difficulty, help with your own wording: "This is a big ball and this is a small ball", “Here is a thin brush, and here is a thick one”.

At the next stage, invite the child to make pairs himself and name the opposite signs.

Try so that the child’s speech contains not only "big" And "small" objects, but teach him to compare on different bases - thickness, length, height, etc.

Lego mosaic by V. P. Novikov. L. I. Tikhonova games based on geometric mosaics

Using geometric mosaic preschoolers can lay out various items, combining them into a plot picture. Methods of laying out objects can be very diverse, as they depend on the mental child development, his creative activity and, accordingly, interest in activity.

Children explain what the shape is, what it looks like, and what shapes it is made of. For example, the result is a white diamond. It may be: "cookie", "piece of pie", "flashlight", "Christmas tree toy" (if you turn the figure over). Senior preschoolers can count triangles (6 pcs., identify large and small triangles; can count the number of polygons (9 pcs.) and quadrangles.

Possible different variants attracting juniors preschoolers to a game with geometric mosaics. The figure itself is a finished image of the object. You just have to strain your imagination and see an object or part of an object in a square or circle of a certain color. For example, for older preschoolers the triangle is the cat's ear, the bird's nose or part of it, and for kids the red triangle is the tongue, roof, skirt.