How to become cheerful and witty. Wit - books and exercises for developing wit

The How to Be Witty course far exceeded my expectations. When purchasing the course, I had no doubts, since this is not the first course by Konstantin Sheremetyev that I have purchased.

I would definitely recommend it to my friends, but not as the first course from Konstantin, it is quite unusual and difficult to understand. I would suggest starting with books and more simple courses. This will at least help you get more out of the course.

I purchased the course not long ago, and I plan to take it more than once and study the materials in more detail. But I got the effect literally from the very beginning. Having understood how wit works, I was able to cheer myself up and immediately brought into my arsenal several techniques that allow me to get rid of bad thoughts and see the pleasant sides of life.

I myself love to joke since childhood, but it often happens that my jokes cheer me up more than those around me. And now I know why this happens and what can be done about it. Wit brings a lot of benefits to communicating with people.

The therapeutic effect is phenomenal, both in terms of getting rid of unpleasant thoughts And depressive states, and in terms of relaxation, increased tone. A good mood became my companion. For the first time in many years I avoided the “New Year’s depression.”

Pleasant bonuses were: improved sleep, faster thinking, and the release of many muscle tensions. And I especially want to mention the effect when the “imposed” desires simply began to fall away, and I began to understand what exactly I wanted!

I began to receive bodily pleasure from food and movement much more acutely, sexual pleasure became indescribable.

Many thanks to Konstantin Petrovich for this course!

- Svetozar,

An excellent course, as are all of Konstantin’s courses. I always want to gain new knowledge so I can immediately apply it.

While listening and using it, I had a lot of wonderful moments, I laughed out loud, something I had never experienced before. The tasks were interesting, it’s a pity that they weren’t enough.

The level of the storytellers was so high that I really couldn’t find the same level in my life. It was great to escape the mire of survival and enjoy life with ease. It turns out that it’s so fun to turn your sad stories with the help of the Happy Bunny into a reason to laugh. This was perhaps the most valuable thing: I learned it and applied it, and got into a great mood.

I am sure that the course will help anyone feel the joy of life.

- Irina Pyreskina, reader of the course “How to become witty”

Thank you very much for this great course! There were no doubts when ordering, since this is not Konstantin’s first course, and I am familiar with the quality of his courses firsthand.
The course itself is a treasure trove of valuable information, especially the “Funny Rabbit” algorithm, which allows you to generate jokes at the speed of a machine gun.
If someone does not fully understand the information presented in the course, it means that they have not fully engaged their intellect.
Konstantin's courses usually contain concentrated, high-quality information, so when listening, you need to turn on your brain to the fullest in order to fully assimilate it.
I recommend this course to everyone who has an intellect, as it will be useful in many areas of life.
Once again I thank the author for the invaluable information.

- Victor, reader of the course “How to become witty”

I took several courses on humor. But after each there was some kind of understatement. Or the courses were focused on only one specific topic.

This course by Konstantin Sheremetyev also cannot be called completely exhaustive; wit still has many directions, but for starters, it provides all the necessary knowledge, diversifiedly aimed at various aspects the use of humor - and this is its undeniable advantage.

Then you can improve, strengthen, deepen and expand your existing talents and knowledge.
I can confidently recommend it to everyone starting and continuing the delicate business of jokes and humor. More colors, friends!

- Vitaly Pikilin, reader of the course “How to become witty”

Thanks a lot per course. And it amused me, and made me think, and feel. The most important was the last day, which put everything in its place, brought humor to the most important psychological problems. I figured out some things intuitively, the people closest to me told me: “Life is easy,” not suspecting what storms were raging and icebergs colliding in my soul. The lifestyle that Konstantin proposed is my style, and most importantly, I managed to understand some of my psychological problems. I won’t say that it’s easy and pleasant, but it’s important and useful to see them in reality and get a tool for solving them.

When I ordered this course, I had no doubts; I received more than I expected. The only thing that was inconvenient for me was the pace of classes: two days were not enough for me to understand and feel the topic and complete homework. If I tried to meet the given time, I flew by superficially, missed half of it, and misunderstood. Now I’m repeating what I’ve learned and I’m surprised how I managed to really let some things pass by. It's good that there is an opportunity to repeat it!

- Nina Konyukhova, reader of the course “How to become witty”

While studying earlier courses by Konstantin Sheremetyev, I drew attention to his attitude to wit as an integral part of intelligence. And even then this aspect seemed interesting. After completing the course, I received the most valuable theoretical knowledge for self-improvement and, most importantly, step by step instructions in order to actually become a more cheerful person. Literally from the first lessons, it became clear that I take unimportant events in life too seriously, and this makes it very difficult to experience positive feelings, think freely. Completing the tasks was a lot of fun and, surprisingly, lifted my spirits for a long time. I think that characteristic feature This course is that you receive confirmation of the acquired knowledge, as they say, “without leaving the cash register.” If you form the habit of making jokes correctly and at the right time, which is what this unique course actually teaches, then life will become much more joyful and interesting. Thank you, Konstantin, for your desire to give people real tools to improve their quality of life!

- Elena Dubnova, reader of the course “How to become witty”

I have always been interested in the topic of wit. I really like witty people when what they say is “straight to the point, to the point”!

The most valuable thing for me was that, without noticing it myself, I began to laugh very little, just laugh, from the heart, like children laugh. During the course, I only completed the first assignment on working week, and I did all the other tasks on the weekend, after I got at least a little sleep. It would seem so difficult: view humorous skits and then answer the questions. View something that is joyful, fun, and uplifting. BUT - I didn't get the jokes, and I didn't have much fun. As it turned out, perceiving humor, much less creating it, requires a lot of energy, which I didn’t have.

Humor is another tool with which to measure my energy scale. This is incredible!

This course helped me understand that humor is important! This is joy, laughter, great mood! It all came back to me little by little, and I started telling jokes - I, who had never done this - and I liked it! I also understood my reaction to situations in the past, when the issue at hand was important to me, but the interlocutor laughed it off. And I didn’t understand why it was painful and unpleasant for me. Now these situations only make me smile!))

I highly recommend everyone to take this course!) Thank you!))

- Natalia Milyutina, reader of the course “How to become witty”

I signed up for this webinar to spend two weeks in a pleasant positive company, get a boost of vivacity, energy, Have a good mood. I'm not disappointed! I looked forward to each lesson and completed the tasks with pleasure. In addition to this, which in itself is already a lot, I received specific new knowledge regarding the theoretical part. It is always pleasant and useful to receive a clear structure in some form of knowledge, in in this case wit.

I considered and still consider myself a person capable of making jokes, but now I have begun to monitor my jokes and understand that I can significantly, significantly improve them and make them more enjoyable for myself and others.
"Happy Bunny" - respect! The exercise on perceiving the range of humor had the greatest impact on me. Here, as I already noted, I faced my ego and successfully, it seems to me, pushed it aside - let him know his place! This is not the first course that I took in the Intellectics project, and over the past two weeks I have repeatedly found associations with other trainings, turned to them, found the right places, refreshed my memory, and this is in addition to those mentioned in the course.

I have new facets of looking at the world, in addition to a new view of humor, and the most important and new facet for me is a look at what is happening not from the point of view of tragedy, but, on the contrary, an attempt at optimistic perception. Simply put, I began to automatically notice a sign of a reaction to what was happening. I understood what a playful mood is, why it is needed, how it helps! It seems that he expressed the main thing he wanted. I can write more, but brevity is sister, and for some it’s daughter-in-law, so thank you again, it was wonderful, see you again!

- Evgeniy Boboshin, reader of the course “How to become witty”

The How to Be Witty course was one of the most interesting because it was fun to take. I plunged into such a wave of pleasant emotions that I really felt that life is a simple and cheerful thing. Any situation that seems unpleasant can be looked at from a completely different angle. Know a lot interesting videos, and the atmosphere of jokes and humor continued in homework.

When ordering Konstantin’s courses, there is never any doubt, all the courses are very educational, but with such a topic related to the fun side of life, there was no hesitation at all whether to buy the course or not. For me, the most surprising thing was that, it turns out, there are algorithms for jokes, with their help anyone can joke. Of course, when taking courses, questions arise, but course participants ask similar questions, and in the process of studying, unclear points become clearer. I would recommend taking the course to anyone who takes life too seriously and who wants to learn how to joke themselves.

- Elena Azarova, reader of the course “How to become witty”


It is worth distinguishing a person who tells jokes and laughs boisterously from. A witty person has a creative streak, and he will not retell everything, laughing merrily, but will calmly say one selected wit, which will produce the effect of a bomb exploding.

The fact is that acuity is not found in the environment, but is created by oneself, using the intellect. It follows that in order to be witty, it is necessary to develop intellectual abilities and learn to critically perceive reality. Try to keep your brain in good shape, even if you go on vacation with your friends.

The ability to create witticisms is the ability to find suitable ones. Try to look for associations in everything that surrounds you in everyday life. And they can be not only from the world of objects of the same type, but also, at first glance, completely distant, and therefore the association will be more subtle.

Instant Critical Assessment- this is what was required of us in literature lessons. The ability to use your intellectual and mental baggage, create a series of associations and draw a conclusion. What does it take to be a critical thinker? Read more good classical literature.

Pay attention to the English sense of humor - it can be called a model of wit. These are those jokes whose meaning is not immediately clear to uninitiated people. And the point here is not so much about cultural characteristics, but about the characteristics of critical thinking. Read English humorous books, watch comedy shows, and you will understand what amazing English witticisms are based on.

In a witty joke, it is very important to choose the right time to pronounce the key phrase, that is, not to rattle it out after the entire text, but also not to prolong the pause. The effect that will be produced on the listeners depends on this. You can only understand how long it costs to wait through practice.

To be witty means to see the world not as flat, but to identify endless connections. The ability to express yourself metaphorically is a valuable quality. Look around more often, peer into everything that surrounds you. Look at people's faces, their characteristic reactions - all this is useful for creating a variety of associative chains necessary in constructing wit.

Need to be enough strong man so that instead of showing negative emotions, make a subtle joke. To do this, it is necessary to go beyond oneself and examine the situation from different sides: from the side of the offender, observers, the public, and also one’s own. When you combine these views on what happened, something versatile will be born in your head

In fact, almost all people experience communication problems. At least I don’t know of a single person who would be completely satisfied with communication with all others. There will still be someone who is difficult to approach. But this is a slightly different matter. In this article we will talk about the problem of sociability. This includes many phenomena:

- acquaintance;

- maintaining a conversation;

- conversations in the company;

— defending one’s own beliefs, etc.

I hope the tips below will help you understand how to become sociable. I'll try to bring maximum amount useful recommendations that you can actually apply. Some of them will be more useful, others less. Try to try everything, and only then draw conclusions about its effectiveness.

Stay on top of things

The problem with most conversations is that the topic is not fully understood. Each microgroup has some interests that allow them to unite and identify themselves with other people. But this is the smart way, and to put it simply, you should be on the same wavelength with your interlocutors.

Let's say a group of students is discussing their schedule, a recent lecture, or a difficult assignment. At work they can discuss projects, salary and boss. Housewives - their husbands, new wallpapers and events in the series. There is always some topic that characterizes certain people, and if you understand it, the dialogue will go by itself.

For example, I can talk a lot about psychology, business, SEO, copywriting and some other areas. If in a new team people start talking about these topics, then I will immediately be able to carry on the conversation and tell a lot of interesting things. Likewise, you need to understand the main problems and interests of the people with whom you want to establish relationships.

But this applies if we are talking about a group conversation, but what about dialogue? in this case? Everything is simple here too. Start the conversation with standard phrases and try to understand the person's main hobbies. The easiest option is to ask what he did over the weekend, since free time most people prefer to spend on things they love.

Be helpful

People rarely do anything for no reason. This is one of the basic psychology. In order for there to be a reaction, a stimulus is needed. So it is with conversation. If you can't bring anything useful to people, then why should they come to you? Let's say in the case of students discussing a schedule. If you have no idea where the classroom is or what the teacher's name is, then you will be much less likely to be contacted.

This problem is easily solved if you have any profile. For example, professional doctors rarely suffer from a lack of communication, since many people are trying to find out how they can cope with a particular disease. You also have to become someone useful if you want to communicate more. It is unlikely, of course, that a specialist in the development of nanotechnological materials will be able to tell something useful to the average person, but it is easy for people close to his work.

And in general, the more useful you are as a person, in principle, the less you will suffer from lack of communication. Therefore, try to develop whenever you can. By the way, to understand how to become a sociable person, you could be taking on a ton of debt. Believe me, then people will be drawn to you :)

Of course, if your social circle consists of gopniks with a bottle of beer, then this advice is unlikely to be useful to you (although it will still help to some extent). But in this case you would hardly read this material. Think for yourself which interlocutor is more interesting for you to communicate with:

  • Knows a lot, talks Interesting Facts, can be of interest and will easily answer any questions that arise;
  • He barely ties two words together and his area of ​​knowledge ends with events that happened in his immediate environment.

I think your answer will be obvious. WITH smart people It’s interesting to communicate, they can always carry on a conversation, and you will always understand what they are talking about.

Besides, you can just be interesting person. Even if you don't have higher education, but you have traveled a lot, then you probably have something to tell people. Some interesting facts, incidents, events, stories, etc.

Let's say you want to find out how to become more sociable. To find the answer to this question, you probably entered a query into a search engine and found this article. Written communication is also communication. And, if you have read up to this point, then you were probably interested, otherwise you would have simply closed the page.

You need to achieve the same. Try to make people want to bring the dialogue with you to its logical conclusion, and for this you will have to arm yourself with some kind of set of knowledge. Not necessarily scientific, but still educational and interesting.

Be witty

Nobody likes bores and nerds. No matter how much you want to deny this fact, it is true. People love to communicate with cheerful and interesting interlocutors. If in response to the banal “How are you?” you talk about studying quantum physics is not capable of raising your average mood, because according to your research, each page you read takes away a certain percentage of your subjective mood scale, and in order to change this indicator you had to evaluate the influence of other sciences on changes in your psychological state.

Did you fully read what I wrote above? Most likely no. Likewise, a person will not listen to you if you answer in a boring way. Another body, if you are witty and can somehow hilariously comment on his statements and questions. What am I talking about, even girls prefer guys who are able to engage in conversation. And no muscles are needed here. Pushkin was not the most handsome guy in the village, but the young ladies were crazy about him, and it was all about eloquence.

By the way, speaking of that, how to become sociable and interesting, at this point one cannot fail to mention going too far. Many people notice that their jokes are well received and begin to make them left and right. As a result, he may develop a reputation as a clown, that is, they will also simply joke with him, but at the same time, hardly anyone will want to adequately perceive his other words. Therefore, do not go too far and try to use this recommendation in conjunction with the others.

Be mindful of your behavior

For example, you may constantly sniffle, rub the back of your head, wave your arms, or talk very loudly. It seems like a small thing, but it can actually be off-putting. a large number of of people. Therefore, before asking a question about how to become cheerful and sociable, think about whether your behavior irritates other people.

In order to get rid of such ailments, try to copy the behavior model of some famous actor or speaker. Just imitate his way of speaking and gesticulating and very soon you will notice incredible results. In general, modeling is an extremely useful thing. It can even be used to understand...

Be confident in yourself

Uncertainty will not only kill your desire to meet or talk with other people, but in general it can bring a lot of inconvenience. I will devote an entire article (or maybe even more than one) to this issue, so if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to my blog updates. This can be done by clicking on this link or using the form at the bottom of the page.

Communication is a voluntary process. Moreover, most often, people feel good in the process of exchanging information. But for this to happen, the interlocutors must feel on the same wavelength and seem to be at the same levels. Agree that when a boss communicates with a subordinate, this can hardly be called a full-fledged conversation. But when two colleagues are talking, it’s a completely different matter.

Therefore, you must have good self-awareness. You must understand what exactly you are, what level you are at, and be sure to show it to the other person. This is probably one of the most important points regarding the question of how to become a sociable girl or a guy.

If you pretend to be someone you don’t know, then very soon your circle of contacts will narrow down to the same egoists. At the same time, if you constantly become poor, then the attitude towards you will be appropriate. Try to be on the same level as your interlocutor and don’t be afraid to speak, even if you haven’t communicated much before – you will succeed.

Be consistent

Even if you are afraid to talk to other people, you will still have to do it. Without this you simply cannot understand how to become open and sociable. But the adaptation process can be significantly easier if you act according to the plan.

  1. First, just get to know the person. Shake hands or simply say hello, introduce yourself and ask for a name. This will be enough to establish first contact. But remember that you must behave confidently so that your interlocutor understands that you are not a sycophant or a hypocrite;
  2. Start chatting on common topics. This does not have to happen at the time of acquaintance, but you need to talk again. You must determine the topic yourself, I talked about this in the first paragraph. Therefore, if you immediately scrolled down, do not be lazy and re-read this subparagraph;
  3. Talk about more in-depth topics. To proceed to this step, you must already know each other well enough. At this point you can start discussing, for example, or ;
  4. Only after this can you move on to closer topics. For example, family relationships and so on. This will allow you to understand how to become a more sociable person.

There is no need to shape events. If you have just met a person, then you should not ask related questions. Understand that this will take some time. A person cannot open up right away and just like that.

Be a good listener

Along with self-confidence, this is also one of the most important points. To be a good communicator you must not only speak well, but also listen well. In one of the books (honestly, I don’t remember which one) I read one interesting case:

Once a famous business coach flew on a plane to another country and met another famous person. They struck up a conversation that continued throughout the flight. Landing famous person said it was the best interesting dialogue, which he has ever led. The highlight was that the business coach practically did not speak, but only listened.

People love to be listened to. Moreover, almost everyone suffers from the fact that they cannot fully speak out. So, if they see that they are being understood, they begin to open up as quickly as possible. There is no point in describing this issue in detail now, because entire books are devoted to this topic, but I will most likely write an article. If you don't want to miss it, subscribe to updates.

How to become sociable - be good

Whatever they say, it is always more pleasant to communicate with kind and good people. Therefore, always try to do good, sow the reasonable and eternal, and in general try to be a good man. You will need this not only to understand how to become talkative and sociable, but in general it will be useful in life.

That's all. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. There you can express your point of view on this issue. Dispute my statements in any way or, on the contrary, agree with them. And don't forget to subscribe to new articles. There will be many more interesting things to come. Bye!

Learn from witty people. The easiest way to improve your wit is to learn from other people who have a great sense of humor. There are many ideas where you can learn this, from films to your close, cheerful friends. Here's how to learn wit from others:

  • Spend more time with people you find especially witty, whether they're your relatives, close friends, or just acquaintances you'd like to get to know better. Write down what they say when they make people laugh. Watch their facial expressions, their delivery, their choice of the right moment.
  • Read literature written by witty people such as Shakespeare, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, or even comedians such as Garfield or Dilbert. You can learn a lot from witty people (or animals) of any generation.
  • Look television shows or films that show witty people. Woody Allen's films always have witty characters.
  • Be confident. Before you start impressing people with your intelligence, you need to convey a confident feeling that you feel comfortable telling jokes. If you have confidence in yourself, people will have more faith in your abilities, including your ability to charm people with your intelligence. Namely like this:

    • When telling a joke, gestures should be positive. While you don't have to put on a show in front of an audience, simply standing tall, speaking clearly, and making eye contact when finishing a joke will help your outcome.
    • Be confident in who you are. If you love yourself for who you are and what you do, people will appreciate you and your sense of humor.
    • Show confidence in your jokes. Tell your jokes clearly and show that you find what you say funny. If you show confidence in your sense of humor, people will be more inclined to agree with it. This doesn't mean you have to laugh at your own jokes, but you should just show them that you care what people think because you know it's funny.
  • Be an original thinker. Part of being witty is being able to think outside the box and look at the world differently than others do. Being a thoughtful and intelligent person will improve your chances of seeing the world differently. Here are tips on how to be original:

    • Read as much as you can. The more you know about the world, the more likely you are to have an objective and unique perspective on the things around you.
    • Don't be afraid to be corny. If you are free and open, your sense of humor will make people laugh. For example, if your girlfriend asks you to go shopping for pears, you can answer, “I’ll do it in my mind.”
    • Come up with new words. For example, if you and your friends are always gossiping about a girl named Emily, and you are already tired of it, you can say, “I’ll show you Emily-Bemily now!” Although people may roll their eyes, they will appreciate this silly concert of yours.
    • Find new uses for traditional phrases. For example, if you are leaving a public restroom and a person of the opposite sex approaches you and asks, “Is this the girls' restroom?” And you can answer, “How much of a girl’s toilet do you need?”
      • For example, the question "How would you spend one million dollars?" implies all possible creative thinking responses. Answering "Happily enough" is a humorous form of answer.
  • Get in touch with your audience. Understanding your audience is the key to success. While you need to work on developing your humor, you should always be aware of the type of people who surround you and the specific things they find funny or offensive. Here's how:

    • Never forget to listen. By listening to the people around you, you can understand what they find funny, what they find pure insult because it is a sensitive topic, or how to comment on something a little later in a humorous way.
    • Be sensitive. If you are surrounded by people who are very sensitive to religion, for example, then try to avoid jokes on this topic. Not only may they not appreciate your wit, but they may also not want to communicate with you anymore.
    • Tailor your jokes to your audience. Tell dirty jokes to the hipper, younger crowd, and save the innocent jokes for the grandparents unless they can laugh at anything.
    • Feel when people are not in the mood for humor. While wit should be appreciated in any circumstance, if you are around someone who is very upset or sick, telling a joke can lift their spirits, or the person may become even more upset. Be carefull.
  • Know how to present it correctly. Even the best joke can fall flat if you deliver it incorrectly. The delivery is something you can practice in front of a mirror, or even a tape recorder, before performing your joke in front of an audience. But even if your jokes are spontaneous, there are a few tips that can help improve your delivery.

    • Speak clearly. Deliver jokes clearly and confidently. If you mumble, people may ask you to repeat yourself and the humor will be lost.
    • Remember - timing is everything. Part of being witty is being sharp and quick, so don't hesitate too long or people won't understand how your comment relates to the conversation.
    • Try a deadpan delivery. If you're really confident, tell the joke in a flat tone and wait for people to start laughing. You shouldn't speak as if you think you said something incredibly funny. Part of being witty is being an “I don’t care if you’re funny” person.
    • Don't shout over everyone. There shouldn't be any nonsense, many good jokes lose their meaning if a person tells them when someone else is talking. Wait for the right moment and engage in general conversation.
  • Do not overdo it. By going through all the steps you have taken, you can become a witty person and increase your chances of being funny. However, you shouldn't overdo it in making people laugh, or they'll feel sorry for you instead of finding you funny. Here's how to avoid overdoing it:

    • Relax. Even if you are demonstrating a new edge, be relaxed. Stay calm when telling your jokes, and don't raise your voice unnaturally or look around to check the audience's reaction.
    • Don't tell many jokes in one sitting. Being funny several times a day is more effective than trying to tell a joke every five minutes and expecting nine out of ten jokes to be funny.
    • Be calm if your jokes fail. If no one laughs at the jokes, just buck up and say, “I'll cut them out next time,” or “Oops—wrong audience.” If it's too obvious that you're upset or quiet for the entire evening, people will see that you're too concerned that they weren't laughing.
    • Take a break. If you've already told a few jokes, relax for the rest of the evening and pay attention to the funny people around you. If you're too focused on being funny, you might miss out on something important that could help you in the future.
  • Wit can be bluntly called a special and rare gift, but one should not think that only a select few have access to it. In fact, this ability, like many other abilities, can be completely developed, and this can be done without special effort, although, of course, with a certain amount of persistence and determination.

    Wit is a “muscle” of the sense of humor, and if it is poorly developed, it is too early to talk about yourself as a joker, humorist, and especially a comedian. To be witty means to be able to break patterns, play with associations, observe people and what is happening and see the comical in it, change the perspective of situations. In addition, a witty person almost always has a quick, almost instantaneous reaction, because a good joke is one that is told at the right place and on time. If there is no such reaction, even the most funny jokes lose their strength and sharpness.

    In addition, wit makes a person more interesting to other people, turns him into the life of the party and a magnet for others, and makes him more attractive to the opposite sex. So the development of wit carries many positive aspects regarding humor and more. And the fourth lesson of our course is devoted to this very topic.

    • To always have the opportunity to show off your intelligence, expand your horizons, learn to joke by watching other people, read more useful subject literature, for example, books by such masters of words as Bernard Shaw, Mark Twain, Gilbert Chesterton, Pelham Woodhouse and, of course, domestic wits - Garik Guberman, Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, Sergei Dovlatov, Mikhail Zoshchenko and others. By the way, the English sense of humor is considered the standard of wit, and is distinguished by the fact that the jokes in it may be incomprehensible to uninitiated people. Therefore, pay more attention to English humorous literature (as well as films and television shows).
    • Try to joke accurately and tersely, because wit, like a great joke, works precisely because of its surprise.
    • Don't neglect self-irony. If you constantly make fun of others, you will gain fame as an evil wit, but if you regularly make fun of yourself, you will be able to.
    • To develop wit, it is useful to look for hidden properties of phenomena, objects, people and situations that are not obvious. Having learned to compare the incomparable, you will learn to make great jokes.
    • Try to avoid trivial phenomena. Remember that wit presupposes the absence of cliches and cliches. Be in search of new words and associations, mix heterogeneous terms, low and high, official and familiar, bureaucratic and romantic, etc.
    • To enhance the effect of comparisons, bring concepts and phrases to the point of absurdity, because in wit, as, for example, in caricatures, it is quite possible to use exaggeration (hyperbole).
    • Don't trust spontaneous improvisations. Professional and experienced comedians say that high-quality and effective impromptu must be prepared. Therefore, save up phrases, sayings, jokes and comparisons and repeat them regularly so that you can always apply them in conversation.
    • Cultivate a humorous attitude towards life. Even the most difficult problems and situations can be perceived with a smile. Humor helps you avoid troubles and resolve them much faster and better. Excessive seriousness, on the contrary, makes you ossified and makes it difficult to solve problems.
    • Do not burst out with jokes and jokes when interacting with other people. It’s best to calmly insert a cool one-liner at the right moment in order to evoke the strongest possible positive reaction, rather than bore the listener with an endless stream of fun. Be tactful and creative.
    • Keep your intellect sharp and critically perceive reality and look for what goes beyond the ordinary. Never allow the mind to remain idle.
    • The skill of creating witticisms is the skill of finding interesting and unusual associations. Strive to search for associations in everything that is in your field of vision. Moreover, associations can relate to anything, even something that has absolutely nothing to do with the original object.
    • Learn to choose jokes for the main phrase right time. This means that there is no need to make unnecessary pauses, and there is no need to pronounce the text like a tongue twister. Only by making a joke at the right time can you achieve the desired result.
    • Identify all kinds of connections between people, situations, objects and phenomena of the world. Learn to express yourself in metaphors, make comparisons, build the most unexpected associative chains.
    • Become such a strong person that in negative situations, quarrels and conflicts you are able to joke and not show negative emotions. To learn this, you need to look at situations more often and characters from different sides: from one’s own side, from another person’s side, from society, from vital importance. This will allow you to perceive what is happening differently, which will make it possible to react more objectively, including humorously.
    • Try to keep your feelings and emotional state in a positive mood. Depression, sadness, melancholy, melancholy, anger - all this reduces the potential of a sense of humor to zero, and it can be quite difficult to get out of this. You should be in such a mood when you are able to joke and joke, even when you are out of sorts.

    These recommendations should become constant companions of your behavior in Everyday life. If you always adhere to them, you yourself will not notice how your mind has become sharper, and your attitude towards everything that happens to you and around you has changed in such a way that it allows you to stay in good shape, joke and perceive life with ease and positivity.

    How to develop wit: techniques

    Humor and wit seem spontaneous only at first glance. But if we look at them more carefully, then, as has already been noted, it turns out that there are special mechanisms that cause smiles and laughter in people. Therefore, next we want to introduce you to several simple techniques with which you can make anyone laugh and become known as a joker. They, of course, cannot be called new, but this is where their effectiveness lies, because professional comedians and humorists have been using them for many years.

    We bring to your attention five cool humorous techniques.

    Comic exaggerations

    The technique of comic exaggeration is one of the simplest and most common in humor. At one time, American comedian Bill Cosby noted that in mathematics 1 + 1 always equals 2, but in humor 1 + 1 is 11. People themselves often lie, and it seems funny. So why not try to lie to absurd proportions?


    - How long have you been waiting for me?

    - Yeah, since the Neolithic era


    - The films were so scary that even my cat turned grey!


    - The hangover was so strong that even the traffic cops understandingly let my car go ahead

    New words

    People tend to use the same words and expressions in their speech, which is why even funny phraseological units have already become covered with dust and no longer seem comical. To fix this, it’s enough to update them a little, inserting unexpected words instead of boring ones. The interesting thing is that the more appropriate the new word is, the funnier the joke will seem.

    EXAMPLE: Glue fins - glue flip flops

    EXAMPLE: Carrot and stick - hammer and cookie

    EXAMPLE: Sunstroke- solar kick

    Changing the places of words and letters

    Changing the places of words and letters can be done automatically if you practice a little. You can swap letters in words and phrases, you can swap words in sentences. The main trick here is surprise and speed - the sooner the replacement is made, the funnier the result will be. You shouldn’t pay attention to the semantic load of what happens, because the main thing in this case is not the essence, but the challenge positive emotions.

    EXAMPLE: Deputy - teacher

    EXAMPLE: Sweaty hands - mouth farts

    EXAMPLE: Battleship Potemkin - armored carrier


    - Warm the kettle and wash the dishes

    - Fine! I'll wash the kettle and warm the dishes!

    Direct meaning

    When people say something, you can simply pay attention to the direct meaning of their words, discarding the circumstances and context. Listen to everyday speech and focus on one detail, even if it seems unimportant. The simplest thing in the words of others can be an excellent reason for a cool and witty joke.


    - Got up like a cucumber today!

    - What, turned green and covered with pimples?


    - Support me!

    - Are you falling?


    -You have completely lost your conscience! What is this even called?

    - Listen, I've never heard such a riddle before.


    - Yes, you have a complete madhouse here!

    - Exactly! I - chief physician. What are you coming to us with?

    Inverted pattern

    You can make cool jokes by simply turning speech patterns on their head, for example, proverbs, some quotes, sayings, etc. The method is not very simple, because... To use it, you also need to strain your imagination. At the beginning of a joke, you need to take some kind of template, build on it and unexpectedly end the statement.


    - I bet my head - why do I need it?


    - I'm ready to give up my right learn to write with my left!


    - For dear ladies! I'll pick it up the day after tomorrow


    - If you love to ride downhill, you also love to repair sleds!

    Use these techniques as often as possible - when communicating with colleagues, family, friends, and even strangers. Over time, the habit of “being witty” will firmly take root in your mind, and you will be able to invent all sorts of jokes and jokes in the blink of an eye, causing others to laugh or just a kind smile. To make your thinking more pliable and flexible, take note of several exercises to train your creativity and wit.

    How to develop wit: exercises

    The construction of jokes, even the funniest, most ridiculous and witty ones, should be approached with all seriousness. And special exercises can provide good support in this. There are eight of them in total.

    "Linguistic pyramids"

    Linguistic pyramids are the connections between individual words and their classes and subtypes. For example, you look around you and see an ordinary pen. Individually, it does not represent anything special, but it can be classified as more high class- writing instruments. Having thought about it, we understand that the pen can be plastic, metal, with several refills, ballpoint, gel, etc. In other words, we have divided the pen into varieties.

    This can be called the initial model of the linguistic pyramid, i.e. Almost every object is a subspecies of something, and can have varieties. Among other things, there may be similar objects within the same class. In the case of a pen, these are pencils, felt-tip pens, markers and other writing utensils. The first exercise is based on this idea.

    Goal: determining the features of your thinking, developing the skills of generalization, dissociation and transition by analogy.

    Fulfillment: Find an assistant for yourself. Let the assistant name some object that his gaze fell on. Your task is to show what can be done with this subject, find an analogy for it, generalize to large group or divided into subspecies. It is best to complete the task silently, for which you should use sign language: thumb raised up - generalize, thumb down - separate, thumb points to the side - give an analogy. The exercise is performed with one object for at least 5 minutes. After this, you can switch roles with your assistant.

    “What I see, I sing”

    Goal: development of associativity and ease of speech.

    Fulfillment: find an assistant for yourself. Let him point to some object in his field of vision, and you must provide as much information as possible about this object within 5 minutes. This could be its history, purpose, functions, application features, etc. To add some humor to your story, tell your assistant about why humanity cannot do without the subject being discussed.

    "The Raven and the Table"

    The third exercise came from famous riddle British writer and the philosopher Lewis Carroll, which goes like this: “How is a raven like a table?” The author, unfortunately, did not provide an answer to the riddle, but even today inquisitive minds and admirers of his work provide more and more new answers.

    Goal: developing the skill of creating unusual analogies.

    Execution: Find two helpers for yourself. The first one names some living creature, for example, the same raven, the second one names an inanimate object - in our case it is a table, and the third one must explain what these objects have in common. For example, the raven is black, like the table, the raven folds its wings, and the table has boxes, the raven screams, and the table may seem to creak, etc. After discussing the first subject, you can switch roles. In just one approach, you need to discuss at least 3 objects per person.

    There is also a more complicated version: the first participant voices a state or emotion, the second - an inanimate object, and the third names their common characteristics. After a dozen more repetitions of this exercise, you will easily be able to create funny analogies and compare anything.

    "Continuation of the topic"

    Goal: developing the ability to communicate on any topic.

    Completion: collect small company friends - about six. One plays the role of leader. At the leader’s sign, the first player begins a monologue on free topic. Then the presenter gives new sign, after which the second player continues the story. All participants must speak in this way. One round of such a game lasts 5 minutes, after which a new leader is chosen.


    Goal: to develop the skill of conducting a conversation on any topic and from any place.

    Execution: stand in front of the mirror. Take 5 seconds to look at yourself and notice your thoughts. Then start saying out loud everything you think about for 10 minutes. To complicate the task, accompany your speech with jokes, funny remarks, and comparisons. Do the exercise 3 times a week, and after 1-2 months you will be able to maintain any conversation and skillfully make jokes.

    "Sour Hat"

    Goal: development of a creative view of things and the ability to consider what is happening under different angles. Thanks to this, you will learn to talk about banal things in unusual shape.

    Fulfillment: Find an assistant for yourself. Let the assistant tell you one noun, and you select five adjectives for it that are suitable in sound, but do not fit with it in meaning. Adjectives should give the noun new properties and characteristics, for example: boring soup, pale glass, cheerful hat, red mood, quick pills, screaming sofa, etc. The exercise should be performed daily at least 20 times a day.

    "Solution to the problem"

    Goal: development of abstract, creative and extraordinary thinking.

    Execution: Find one assistant for yourself. Let him tell you in detail about some of his problems or difficult situation. Your job is to offer possible options developments and problem solving. But the trick is this: for the first stage of the exercise, it is enough to select non-existent objects or creatures to solve your assistant’s problem. The second step is to figure out how the chosen object or creature solves the problem in a physically impossible way. And finally, at the third stage, it is necessary to supplement the actions performed with words in a non-existent language, but so that they obey all the laws of language (remember Lewis Carroll’s poem “Jabberwocky” from the fairy tale “Alice through the Looking Glass”, where there are the lines: “It was barking. Flimsy blinkers they were poking around on the nave, and the zelyuks were grunting like mumziks in a movie" - you should get something similar).

    "Alternative reality"

    The eighth exercise can be called the result of all the previous ones.

    Goal: training the skill of generating unusual thoughts of the “highest grade”.

    Execution: imagine that you are in your own alternative reality, similar to the usual one with one exception: everything in it is created not from molecules and atoms, but from other elements, for example, from hamsters. Everything that is around consists of a variety of hamsters of all sizes and their derivatives, obtained at hamster processing plants, hamster production plants, hamster smelting shops, etc.

    Now you need an assistant - a psychiatrist. Joke J

    Now you need a partner. You must blindfold him and then walk him around the room, leading his hand to any object and explaining exactly how it is made of hamsters. After 10 minutes, switch roles.

    Naturally, hamsters are just an example. In the same way, an alternative reality could consist of pasta, foil, pine cones, raccoons, tomatoes, etc. The task is to learn to logically connect your feelings, fantasies and thoughts. The exercise can be repeated an infinite number of times.

    On this hamster note, we summarize the fourth lesson, but finally, a few more tips for developing wit:

    • Always to be able to see the humorous side of any event
    • - this promotes adequate self-esteem, healthy self-irony and normal perception of jokes addressed to oneself
    • Participate in creative activities as often as possible, where you need to overcome uncertainty and fears and reveal your inner potential.
    • Find a few artists whose jokes you like the most, watch and analyze their performances
    • Keep a “Joke Diary” and write down in it the jokes that you liked, including your own
    • Hang out with positive people with a good sense of humor
    • Read jokes and literature on humor

    By the way, about literature: in addition to everything said above, we offer you a small few books and articles recommended by the famous Russian TV presenter, showman and wit - Ivan Urgant:

    • Feofan Kaluzhsky “What people laugh at in Rus'”
    • Olga Dermacheva “Laughing Women”
    • Ravil Gulyamov “There, under the mustache”

    And, of course, along with the ability to joke, it is very important to be able to avoid the so-called taboo topics- topics about which it is not customary to joke for one reason or another. And in the fifth lesson we will talk about just this, so that your sense of humor does not play a cruel joke on you.

    Test your knowledge

    If you want to test your knowledge on a topic this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on completion. Please note that the questions are different each time and the options are mixed.