Critical assessment of the work Scarlet Sails. Analysis of the work "Scarlet Sails". Essay Image Assol

“Scarlet Sails Lesson” - Gray. The fairytale country of Greenland. Lessons from A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails". Who sewed the scarlet sails? A. Green “Scarlet Sails”. Feature film. Why did A. Grinevsky become A. Green? The roles were performed by: Assol - A. Vertinskaya Gray - V. Lanovoy. Scarlet sails. Assol. a story about the love of Assol and Gray. USSR, 1961

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“Green Scarlet Sails” - “...Arthur Gray was born with a living soul...”. What is the meaning of the title of the story? Egle. Why are the sails scarlet and the ship white? ASSOL (Spanish: al sol) – “towards the sun.” Guys, you have to believe in miracles! Illustrations by Dudin. K.G. Paustovsky. Assol. D. Granin. S.G. Brodsky. Coat of arms of love, grade 6A. “...the scarlet sail will sparkle. This is how the windows in the house are cleaned in the spring.

Analysis of the work. A. Green Scarlet Sails

  1. htyjuj
  2. Alexander Stepanovich Green
    Main characters: Assol, Arthur Gray.
    A. Green's story “Scarlet Sails” is filled with dreams of a dazzling event and the joy of the little girl Assol.
    Longren, a former sailor, lived with his daughter Assol on funds from the sale of sailboats and boats he made. His fellow countrymen did not like him. They considered Longren guilty of the death of the innkeeper Menners. He once did not help Longren’s wife, who was trying to save little Assol from hunger. Mary had to go to the city in bad weather to pawn the ring, after which she fell ill and died. This was the reason that Longren, who was on the shore, did not help the drowning innkeeper. This incident deepened the alienation of those around him and created a lasting mutual hatred between him and his daughter. The girl grew up without friends. Indoctrinated by adults, the children chased Assol, threw dirt at her and teased her that her father ate human flesh and was now making counterfeit money. E attempts to get closer ended in bitter crying, bruises and scratches. Finally, she stopped paying attention to slander and insults.
    One day, Assol’s father sent her to the city with goods. While playing, the girl launched a yacht with scarlet sails. The stream picked up the toy and carried it downstream. The little girl ran for a long time, not losing sight of the yacht, but she couldn’t catch up.
    A meeting on the seashore with a collector of legends, songs, fairy tales and traditions miraculously changed Assol’s life. The wizard, as Egle called himself, told her that after a while a prince would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails. The girl believed it and told her father about it.

    Arthur Gray was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one. He is kind, self-willed and fair. At the age of 20, Arthur fulfilled his dream by purchasing a schooner called Secret. Gray's ship passed through the ocean and ended up not far from Kaperna, the town where Assol lived. One day Gray, walking along the shore, saw a sleeping girl who struck him with her beauty. He put the ring on his finger.
    In the tavern of the deceased Menners, where his son was in charge of business, Gray heard a story about a madwoman who was waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails. The coal miner, kicked out of the tavern, told Gray that Assol was not crazy at all. This girl has a rich and interesting inner world. Amazed by the story, the young captain bought scarlet silk and hired musicians. The secret went around the cape off the coast of Kaperna. All the residents gathered on the shore to look at the wonderful ship with scarlet sails. Assol also ran there. Gray met her in a boat moored to the shore. He took the girl, shocked by the fulfillment of the prediction, to the Secret. The next day they were already far from Kaperna.

    What I liked most was the moment when Assol and Gray met.
    But the oar splashed sharply near her; she raised her head. Gray bent down...
    After reading Scarlet Sails, I realized that a fairy tale is needed not only for children, but also for adults. It causes excitement, does not allow you to calm down and always shows new sparkling distances, a different life, it disturbs and makes you passionately desire this life. This captivating book by A. Green is shone through, like the morning sun, with love for life, for spiritual youth and the belief that a person, in a rush to happiness, is capable of performing miracles with his own hands. In this I see the value of this work and the fascination that it had on me. main character Assol, who managed to carry through a painful existence the gift of a powerful imagination, purity of feelings and a shy smile.

  3. Almost a hundred years ago, Alexander Green wrote a wonderful book, Scarlet Sails. The time was difficult then: the revolution, Civil war, devastation and hunger. But Scarlet Sails - romantic poem, after all, in hard times people need faith in a dream, in the fact that dreams come true. There is nothing fabulous about Scarlet Sails, real people, real difficulties. The secret of magic is in the “strange flying souls” of the author and his heroes. The dull world remains outside when you know how to love and create a miracle yourself, whether you are a galliot captain, or a writer, or a sensitive reader.
    Check how well you know this book by answering our questions and comparing with our answers and your world will become brighter.
  4. Almost a hundred years ago, Alexander Green wrote a wonderful book, Scarlet Sails. It was a difficult time then: revolution, civil war, devastation and famine. But Scarlet Sails is a romantic poem, because even in difficult times, people need faith in a dream, in the fact that dreams come true. There is nothing fabulous about Scarlet Sails, real people, real difficulties. The secret of magic is in the “strange flying souls” of the author and his heroes. The dull world remains outside when you know how to love and create a miracle yourself, whether you are a galliot captain, or a writer, or a sensitive reader.
    Check how well you know this book by answering our questions and comparing with our answers and your world will become brighter.
  5. Arthur Gray was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one. He is kind, self-willed and fair. At the age of 20, Arthur fulfilled his dream by purchasing a schooner called Secret. Gray's ship passed through the ocean and ended up not far from Kaperna, the town where Assol lived. One day Gray, walking along the shore, saw a sleeping girl who struck him with her beauty. The wizard, as Egle called himself, told her that after a while a prince would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails. The girl believed it and told her father about it. He once did not help Longren’s wife, who was trying to save little Assol from hunger. Mary had to go to the city in bad weather to pawn the ring, after which she fell ill and died. This was the reason that Longren, who was on the shore, did not help the drowning innkeeper. This incident deepened the alienation of those around him and created a lasting mutual hatred between him and his daughter. The girl grew up without friends. Indoctrinated by adults, the children chased Assol, threw dirt at her and teased her that her father ate human flesh and was now making counterfeit money.

Green wrote a work where the little outcast Assol was ready for a miracle, and the miracle found her. Assol was raised by her kind and loving father Longren. The girl lost her mother very early, and her father began to make a living by making and selling toys. The world of toys in which Assol lived naturally shaped her rather weak character, although in life she had to face gossip and evil. The world she had to face scared her. Running away from all her problems, Assol tried to keep in her heart a beautiful fairy tale about scarlet sails, which a kind man told her. I felt sincerely sorry for Assol, because she was an outcast. No one understood her rich inner world, her magical dream. The children called her the village fool, and the adults avoided her. I think all these people are deeply unhappy. A person who does not have a heart, a soul, does not know how to dream. And it is not their crime, but their misfortune that these people have become coarse in soul, and do not see or notice the beauty in thoughts and feelings. One day, little Assol began to understand that you couldn’t live by dreams alone and that reality was more important than dreams. Very often life and circumstances break the dreams of fragile and weak people, but Assol did not break.

Where is our hero? And is he a hero, Arthur Gray, living not in a hut, but in a family castle, in luxury and complete prosperity, the only son of a noble and wealthy family? With a sinking heart, I flip through page after page. It turns out that he is also a dreamer. What's surprising here?! After all, the main thing in a person is his inner world, his soul. You can hide behind money, you need it, modern world they play a significant role, but when a person has something high in his soul, money and wealth are not the goal of life.

The boy dreams of sunset, of the sea, of ships, he was born a captain, his parents supported his aspirations in every possible way. Communication with people?! Gray had an easier time in this regard than Assol. He was not an outcast, but his thoughts were full of fantasies and imagination. Most likely, this is what helped them find each other.

It’s so wonderful to realize that there is another person in the world who thinks the same way as you. The acquaintance of two people was destined by fate. One day, by chance, the ship washed ashore near the village where Assol lived. Walking through the forest, the young man saw a sleeping girl, and she immediately awakened exciting feelings in his soul. He looked at her not only with his eyes, but also with his heart, waiting for love: “Everything moved, everything smiled in him.” Later, in a tavern, he asked who this girl was, and was mockingly told the story of a madwoman who was waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails. What happened next? “It was as if two strings sounded together. “The young man decided that the dream of the beautiful stranger must certainly come true. And he must help this. Moreover, he had already decided for himself that this girl would certainly become his wife. Gray ordered sails made of scarlet silk for his ship. In addition, he gathered musicians who could play in such a way as to make hearts cry. After all, “the sea and love do not tolerate pedants.” And when everything was ready, he set off towards his dream.

Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Assol looked at the sea, outlined with a golden thread on the horizon and throwing scarlet reflections at the girl’s feet. There, at the end of the world, what she had dreamed of for so long was happening. And then the morning came when a beautiful ship with sails blazing with crimson fire approached the shore. And there he was - the one for whom she had been waiting for a long time. “He looked at her with a smile that warmed and hurried,” my heart is ready to jump out, I’m so worried about my heroes. And Assol, shouting: “I’m here! I'm here! It’s me!” she rushed towards him straight across the water. So in the morning summer day Gray and Assol found each other. So magical power dreams made two kind and loving people happy.

What a pity that the story of love and the fact that even the most unrealizable dreams can come true ended so quickly. I strongly recommend reading this story about honor and dishonor, cowardice and courage, about achieving a set goal to everyone who knows how to dream, who has faith in goodness in their hearts. This romantic story works miracles with people's souls, after it you want to believe in miracles. The realism of the work allows you to see beautiful world, surrounding us. And no matter how bad your soul is, in life, no matter how the people around you are, faith in something bright saves you. And that's just one side. The other side contains good human relationships, a feeling of love, hope for the future. “Scarlet Sails” is a romantic world of human happiness, a cordial attitude, compassion, and most importantly – the boundless love of two people. And if you still believe in your dream, at dawn look beyond the horizon, maybe there is already a beautiful ship with scarlet sails standing there. Just believe it! Each of you has your own Scarlet Sails waiting for you.

Class: 6

Objective of the lesson: to outline the role and significance of conducting non-standard literature lessons, their impact on increasing the effectiveness of teaching and education, and the development of creative self-expression of the individual.

Lesson objectives.

Expand and deepen knowledge about the features of the works of A.S. Green, improve the ability to analyze the work read, find answers to the questions posed; generalize, draw conclusions, develop the ability to evaluate characters and their actions, improve the skill of expressive and conscious reading.

Develop oral speech, memory, ability to express one's own opinion.

Cultivate responsibility for one’s actions, a sense of responsiveness, caring and caring attitude towards each other.

Equipment: portrait of A. Green, portraits of the heroes of the work, fragments of the film “Scarlet Sails”, V. Lanzberg’s song “Scarlet Sails”, printouts of tasks for working in pairs, a white sailboat (the reverse side of the sails is red), on the side of which the words N are written Tikhonova: “... he loved a living, beautiful, strong life; his heroes seek justice, freedom, believe in heights human feats, quest, height of spirit”, texts of poems by S. Narovchatov, N. Matveeva and N. Varley, biography of A. Green in pictures (presentation for the lesson), E. Grieg “Morning” from the First Suite to the drama “Peer Gynt”.

Lesson Plan

1. Musical accompaniment(performance of V. Lanzberg’s song “Scarlet Sails”).

2. Opening remarks teacher (biography of A. Green in pictures (lesson presentation).

3. Vocabulary work.

4. Conversation on the work (completing tasks).

5. Verbal portrait heroes by imagination.

6. Watching a video clip from the movie “Scarlet Sails”.

7. Analysis of the poems by N. Matveeva “The Prediction of Aigle”, S. Narovchatova “Scarlet Sails”, N. Varley “Assol” (music accompaniment by E. Grieg “Morning” from the First Suite to the drama “Peer Gynt”.

8. Conversation on issues.

9. Completing a crossword puzzle based on the “Scarlet Sails” extravaganza.

10. Lesson summary.

Lesson progress

Organizational moment.

The lesson begins with the creative group of children performing the song “Scarlet Sails”.

Song “Scarlet Sails” (phonogram of the song in audio recording).

The words and music of Vladimir Lanzberg sound.

Guys, you have to believe in miracles!
Someday early in the spring morning
Scarlet sails will rise above the ocean,
And the violin will sing over the ocean...

2. Introductory speech by the teacher. (Biography of A. Green in pictures. Presentation for the lesson).

Today we continue to work on A. Green’s work “Scarlet Sails”. The author created a book about a dream that transforms the lives of two people, about a fairy tale that has become life. During the lesson, we will summarize what we have read, talk about the amazing heroes of the work, and follow them on the path to realizing their dreams. A. Green himself called his work an extravaganza (a magical fairy-tale spectacle). Let's think and answer the question: “What is a dream? Does a person need a dream?”

3. Vocabulary work. (On the desks is S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary)

Remember what word Greene associates with the concept "dream"? (Dream - Fairy Tale - Miracle).

What do these concepts have in common? Which of these words do you think is unambiguous and why? (Miracle)


1. Something created by the imagination, mentally imagined.

2. Object of desires, aspirations.

Fairy tale

1. A narrative based on fiction, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces.

2. Same as a miracle.

A miracle is something astounding, surprising in its extraordinaryness.

Which of these words is closest to you and why?

Anatole France once said: “ Dreams give the world interest and meaning. Dreams, if they are consistent and reasonable, become even more beautiful when they create real world in your own image and likeness.”

How can one comment on the words of the French writer if they are transferred to A. Green’s work “Scarlet Sails?”

Indeed, dreams are the most valuable thing a person has; they light a fire in his soul. Dreams make a person perform miracles.

4. Conversation based on the story(work on the perception of the work).

1. What is unusual about the story?

2. What mood are you in?

3. What impression does it leave after reading?

Assignment: distribute excerpts from the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” in sequential order (work in groups), explain your choice.

The groups are given sheets of paper with printed extracts from different parts excerpt.

4. What does the color scarlet mean to you? (Color of dreams, miracles, love). Three main themes are revealed in the story: pure and bright love, a dream come true, a miracle come true)

Teacher's word:

The scarlet color of the sails carrying on their wings a dream come true is a symbol of reflection spiritual world Assol and Gray. Let's discover this world for ourselves and walk the path to dreams and happiness that the heroes of the story Assol and Gray took. Green's "Scarlet Sails" personifies the magical power of human dreams. To sail in life under a scarlet sail means to set high goals for yourself, to dream, to strive to fulfill your plans.

5. Verbal portrait of heroes according to imagination. (Work on options)

Why were Longren and Assol not liked in Kapern?

What was Assol like for the residents of Kaperna? (Different, strange, not like them, but even these people felt that she was better than them.)

Why couldn’t Assol play with her peers?

Who helped Assol not to become embittered against people, to stay kind girl? (Longren, her father, big and strong man. He taught her how to love, he told her peculiar fantastic stories about life and people, so her head was full of wonderful dreams. She lived more in a dream world.)

How did Assol grow up? (She grew up reading fairy tales, walking through the forest, along the seashore, making friends with animals and birds, with trees.)

How did Longren treat her? (He loved her. But the people from Kaperna did not know how to love.)

What do you think love is?

Does Assol know how to love? (Yes. She feels sorry for people. She loves all living things on earth. In the forest she “felt at home; she greeted the trees as if they were people, that is, shaking their wide leaves...” “I’m coming, brothers, I’m in a hurry, let me go, I recognize you all, remember and honor you all...”)

How did Kaperna react to this fairy tale?

If you found yourself in this crowd, how would you behave? (Would have protected)

In the story there is a hero who wants to protect the weak and defenseless. This is Gray. Remember the actions of the little count, which speak of him as a knight, a defender of the weak: 1) he covered up the wounds of Christ in the picture with paint; 2) in order to survive the suffering of others, he deliberately scalded his hand; 3) gave money to Betsy on behalf of Robin Hood.

How are the fates of Assol and Gray similar? (Loneliness. Dream. Strangeness, difference. Desire for miracles. Expectation of a miracle. Thirst for adventure. Love of nature. Kindness and selflessness.)

The dream of a miracle and the expectation of love are the main things in the character of both heroes.

Did they meet by chance in life? (Both by chance and not by chance. They were looking for each other - two kindred spirits.)

Fate itself brought them together. Remember Gray’s anxious feeling on the eve of his first meeting with Assol in the evening and his joyful awakening in the morning: “With amazement he saw the happy sparkle of the morning, the cliff of the shore among the bright branches and the flaming blue distance...”

What did Assol experience the night before the meeting? (“There was no sleep, as if she had not fallen asleep at all. A feeling of novelty, joy and the desire to do something warmed her... Suddenly something like a distant call shook her inside and outside, and she seemed to wake up once again from obvious reality to something that is clearer and more certain. From that moment on, the jubilant wealth of consciousness did not leave her.”)

How did she see the scarlet sails? Read this passage. (“She shuddered,

This speaks of the kinship of their souls. Why didn’t Assol tell anyone about the ring? (Taught by the bitter experience of life... I was afraid to scare away happiness...)

How did she see the scarlet sails? Read this passage. (“She shuddered, leaned back, froze; then she jumped up sharply, with her heart falling dizzily, breaking into uncontrollable tears of inspired shock.”)

How did people in Kaperna react to the appearance of scarlet sails? (With anxiety, angry fear; “stunned women sobbed like a snake hiss”)

So, Assol found her happiness. What helped her achieve her dream? (Sincerity, openness, sincerity, dreaminess, kindness...)

6. Watch the video. (Fragment of the film “Scarlet Sails”)

1. Watch a video clip in which old man Egl prophesied the fate of Assol. What fate did old man Egle predict for Assol? Why does Egle give Assol her fairy tale? (“Involuntary expectation of beauty” Egle saw in the girl’s face)

2. What especially stands out in Assol’s description? (“Dark eyes, tinged with a sad question”, “serious eyes, cheerful, shone with confidence”)

3. Why did Assol believe in this fairy tale? (“A dangerous wizard, of course, would not talk like that.”)

7. Analysis of the poems by N. Matveeva “Prediction of Egle”, S. Narovchatov “Scarlet Sails” by N. Varley “Assol”.

(After answering, the student reads the poem by heart Novels by Matveeva “Aigle’s Prediction” .)

Come to me, I see drops of tears in your eyes.
There is a lot of evil in the world, but you don’t have to take everything seriously.
Don't trust the earth, callous and dry, trust the wave of the seas.
Let it slide, tease and threaten - there is more truth in it.

The years will pass in quick succession, like water in a stream.
You see that cliff and the expanse of the sea - look there.
There, in the distance of the sea, you will see the shine of scarlet sails.
From the steep banks exactly at five o'clock you will see them.

This will be a brig from distant countries, from other latitudes.
Exactly at five o'clock the boat will depart from its sides,
And a handsome prince fairy tale hero, your betrothed,
Cheerful and smart, slim and tall, he will step on the sand.

Listen, he will only come to save you.
If he doesn’t find you right away, forgive him!
Steps onto the sand - the joy on his face is as strong as pain -
He will say: “Good afternoon!” He will ask: “Where does Assol live here?”

Don't be sad, don't cry. Don’t hide your clear eyes, wipe away the tears from them.
Believe my words, look at the sea more often in the morning.
Trust the wave of the seas. Believe in your destiny. Your time will come.
You will see the shine of scarlet sails - it’s behind you.

In 1984, at the Central Children's Theater in Moscow, N. Matveeva's play “Egle's Prediction” was staged - a fantasy based on the works of Alexander Green, containing 33 songs by Novella Nikolaevna.

Teacher's word:

- “Scarlet Sails” by Green can be confidently classified as a “modern classic”, because this work, like Arthur Gray’s ship under scarlet sails, triumphantly passed through all the storms of the events of the last century and retained the love and interest of readers, almost 100 years after it was written .

At this stage of the lesson we will try to unite all those who have ever been inspired by A.S. Green’s fairy tale. Wonderful love poem Narovchatov Sergei , which leaves an indelible mark on the soul and heart of people in love. (The reading of the poem is accompanied by the music of E. Grieg, we take a fragment of “Morning” from the first suite to the drama “Peer Gynt”, at first the music sounds quietly, then the volume gradually increases)

Scarlet Sails

I tell my daughter and I with fairy tales
Every day the evening dawn:
I braid the horses' manes in the stalls,
I give rings to red girls.

And from the feathers of a caught firebird
My fingers are burning,
And the star in the forehead of the Tsar Maiden
Shines at night brighter than the light day.

But my daughter looks straight into my eyes:
- Tell me the story again,
A fairy tale that once you and mom
They fell in love in their youth.

Oh, how I don’t like these requests!...
Still, I have to tell you. Please,
Well, that's it. Once upon a time there lived
A girl named Assol.

She was a strange girl -
She only directed her gaze to the sea,
Taking every boat
For the crimson-sailed frigate.

The dress is a patch on a patch.
But the insolent mouth was stubbornly clenched;
"The captain will arrive on a frigate,
And he’ll take me with him!”

How difficult life was for this girl,
Life was easier even for Cinderella!
But what a deep dream!
And in dreams there is both joy and anger.

Anger towards friends, towards petty neighbors,
For whom a fairy tale is just a deception,
Who says: "He will never come
Your great captain."

Envy didn’t even need an answer!..
The wind brought sea salt,
And, having inhaled it, at dawn
Assol ran ashore.

The sea kissed her feet,
And she, easily running into the surf,
She even drowned out the cry of the seagulls,
And the helmsman heard her.

The splashes of the waves wet her skirt,
The morning fog was cold...
But the boat was already rushing towards,
And the captain stood on the boat.

He only asked Assol her name,
And then, blinding my eyes,
The cursed tale is upon them
Scarlet sails fluttered!

This is how I entertain my daughter at night...
Let them talk about us with a smile,
What remains of the sails are shreds
And a frigate ran into the stones.

And on these scraps there are only holes,
Yes, and those, they say, were carved by moths,
What are rugs for an apartment?
Assol threw them at her feet.

What, they say, the captain is now retired,
His path is not really, but at random...
Daughter! We will make our own amendments:
People are telling lies!

The daughter answers: - What’s the point!
We will disperse them in half an hour.
I can do it myself without a needle,
Sew such sails again,

That the ship will immediately run aground,
Will fly into the blue sea...-
If only we wanted to together
Remember this fairy tale in reality!

Natalya Varley , a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, was also inspired by A. Green’s work “Scarlet Sails”, she wrote the poem “Assol”. That's what she said N.Varley about myself: “We actors are terrible bores. No matter how an actor’s fate turns out, we will always find an excuse to complain about it. I starred in 61 films, all the roles are very different. But after “Prisoner of the Caucasus” I was treated like a circus performer for a very long time. This role was a barrier that prevented many directors, and most importantly, the audience from seeing me as an actress of a different type. In real life they began to associate me with Nina, although I am not at all like my “captive” ”, by nature I am more of a lyricist, a kind of romantic Assol. But I’ve gotten used to the name Nina, I’m proud and I’m not offended. When I was 9 years old, I read “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Greene and forever fell in love with this author, the book and its characters. Green proved that there is nothing more important in the world than the “life of the heart,” the human soul; that selflessness, honesty, kindness, love endow a person with a powerful, all-conquering force of moral perfection. A few years later I watched the film “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Ptushko. And the image of Assol was forever united in my mind with the image created by the most charming Anastasia Vertinskaya. And one more meeting with Assol is a pastel reproduction of a portrait work by Yuri Masyutin.

The artist depicted a tanned woman girl With hair bleached by the southern sun and the not childishly serious look of big blue eyes. What is in this “sparkle of fresh eyes”: sadness, thoughtfulness, dreaminess? Her adolescent soul is filled with trust in people and the world. Her feelings are as light as cirrus clouds, which, having risen high into the sky, never foreshadow storms and bad weather. Everything, good and bad, lies ahead in her life. In the meantime, the girl captivates with the naive charm of childhood and faith in the feasibility of dreams. She is Assol by state of mind. Always close to Green’s “eyes and soul” were his beloved Crimean cities - Feodosia, Gurzuf, Sevastopol. After all, in the end, it is not so important where a person was born - in Vyatka or Saratov. It is much more important that he has a place on the vast... earth with which he is connected by a special spiritual kinship, to which he feels a constant attraction.”

Listen to him, please.. (Reads by heart by a previously prepared student)


Life passes like a dream, like pain.
Dreams give up and grow old.
And the aged Assol
He leaves without waiting for Gray.

Just a glimpse of scarlet sails
It seems like a bitter tear,
When broken pride
Will answer the call again.

And again she will run into the wave,
With outstretched mournful arms,
The inevitable hour of separation
As if trying to push away...

A moment of happiness will spin you around,
Will make you believe patiently...
While the dry reality of the ebb
The bottom will not reveal hope...

And, deceived by the silence,
The mirage creaking of masts and oars,
Saying goodbye to the sea and to myself,
She goes into the night - without springs.

8. Conversation on issues

What do all these verses have in common?

What heroes are found in them?

What means of expression does the author use to show the idea of ​​his work?

What characterizes the dream here? (Willingness to act for the sake of achievement, inherent feelings of passionate desire, believes in its realization, and believes that he can realize it, a person feels the need to make a dream come true)

What would happen to the main characters if they didn't have a dream?

2. The history of the creation of the poem / when it was written, for what reason, to whom it is dedicated/.

3. Theme, idea, main idea / what the poem is about /. Quotes from the text to support conclusions.

4. By what artistic means is the author’s main idea, theme and idea of ​​the poem revealed:

1) Select “key” words and examples in the text that reveal main idea poet, create “chains” of keywords.

2) Analyze the artistic techniques that he uses

9. Completing a crossword puzzle on the extravaganza “Scarlet Sails” (mutual check)

1. How did people in Kaperna react to the appearance of scarlet sails? (Anxiety)

2. Who helped Assol not to become embittered against people, to remain a good girl? (Longren)

3. How are the fates of Assol and Gray similar? (Loneliness)

4. One of the main characters of the work. (Gray)

5. Assol lived more in peace…. (Dreams)

6. What helped her achieve her dream? (Sincerity, openness, sincerity, dreaminess, kindness...)

10. Lesson summary.

What do Assol’s portrait, extravaganza, poetry, and Grieg’s music have in common? (They are united by faith in dreams, love, miracles, friendship).

To be able to dream is a wonderful spiritual quality, and to be able to turn a dream into reality is the greatest human talent.

Let’s read the key lines of the story: “...I understood one simple truth. It is about doing so-called miracles with your own hands. When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle, if you are able. New soul he will have it and you will have it... But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness and - the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything.”

Here's what the famous guy said Russian writer Daniil Granin : “When the days begin to gather dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it on any page. This is how the windows in the house are cleaned in the spring. Everything becomes light, bright, everything again mysteriously excites, as in childhood.”

Let the scarlet sails remain a symbol of a dream come true for you forever.

Last name, first name, patronymic; school; city: Rudakova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category; Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary secondary school No. 21 named after Hero Soviet Union Yudin Alexander Dmitrievich"; city ​​of Severodvinsk.
Subject: literature.
Grade: 7th grade
Lesson topic: “Composition of images in the romantic story “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green as a means of revealing an idea” (2nd lesson).
Lesson type: learning new material.
Development results:
Regulatory: organization educational activities students (defining a problem, setting a goal, formulating tasks, solving educational problems, reflecting on activities);
Cognitive: ensuring effective mental activity, working with information (reasoning, generalization; understanding, finding and storing information);
Communicative: developing skills to interact in a team, participate in educational dialogue, and work with text.
Subject: improving the skill of text analysis at the level of content and form.
Lesson progress
Watching a fragment of the film “Scarlet Sails” (58 min.-1.03 min.). What feelings and thoughts do you have while watching the episode?
Student answers: Assol talks to the trees in the forest. The girl is confident that the trees listen and understand her. Assol calls them “brothers.” She is happy because no one will hurt her in the forest.
Arthur Gray, seeing Assol, is captivated by her beauty and naturalness. The hero looks intently at the girl. Gray is afraid to disturb her serene sleep.) The teacher's word. The episode ends with Assol's phrase "Prince". Let us, following Assol, plunge into the world of a fairy tale, into the world of the romantic story “Scarlet Sails,” which Alexander Stepanovich Green (Grinevsky) pondered in Petrograd in 1920, when, after typhus, he wandered around the icy city and every night looked for a new place to stay with random and unfamiliar people people.
- Look at the topic of the lesson “Composition of images in the romantic story “Scarlet Sail” by Alexander Greene as a means of revealing an idea.”
I know
I can
Students' answers:
I know
Composition is the construction of a text, a system of images. Romantic story- a work in which romantic hero- a strong personality, acting in exceptional circumstances, striving for an ideal and challenging society. The idea of ​​the text is the main idea that reflects the intention.) I can
look at the images
define an idea
Goal setting.
The goal is to interpret the system of images by determining the writer’s intention (the goal is formulated by the students).
- What “steps” need to be taken to achieve the goal?
Students formulate tasks (back side of the board):
re-read fragments of text,
characterize the characters according to plan,
find the definition of the term “symbol”,
determine the role of the image-symbol,
formulate the idea of ​​the story.
- What tasks have not been voiced by you? Why are they important? (back side of the board).
Student answers: We don’t know the meaning of the term “symbol”.
Solving educational problems.
Addressing homework.
Answer plan (interpretation of the image based on the text, search for key phrases):
life story,
actions of the hero, character traits,
attitude of other heroes,
reader's position
author's position.
Teacher's word: Reading a fragment of the text (from the words “I was in the village where you must be coming from...” to the words “short quatrains with a terrible motive”).
- Who owns these words? How do you understand them?
Student answers: Egle is a storyteller who travels around the world. He didn’t see Kaperna as cheerful, good people who believe in fairy tales, miracles, magic.
Recording information about the characters in a notebook as the lesson progresses.
System of images.
-believes in fairy tales, dreams,
- a kind, sympathetic person,
- gives a dream to Assol Longren:
- knows how to love,
-capable of protecting
- lives by honest labor, raises his daughter.
-believes in a dream,
-sees beauty in nature and in the human soul,
-loves life.
-sympathizes with people
- bravely accepts the blows of fate,
-ready to make Assol happy.
Menners (father, son):
-loves money
-lives at the expense of others,
-capable of slander,
-doesn’t know how to love or dream.
Coal miner:
-Assol supports,
-protects the girl from Menners,
understands her wishes.
-Which task(s) have not been solved?
Students' answers:
the image-symbol is not considered,
idea not defined.
Pair work and recording new information in a notebook (literary article in the textbook “Literature. 7th grade”, edited by Merkin).
Symbol and philosophical meaning- an image that has a specific and philosophical meaning.
Additional information (information card “Nominative and symbolic meaning»).
Students' answers: I learned the nominative meaning - lexical meaning, symbolic meaning - a complex of additional meanings (the volume of the word, its depth).
Teacher's word: Before us is an image that is important for understanding the content, put by the author in the title, which has a specific and philosophical meaning. What does it mean?
Students' answers:
- a dream that helps a person live,
-a miracle created by man,
- a fairy tale that you want to believe in,
- happiness that a person strives for.
-Which of the heroes of the story is the owner of the “scarlet sails”? (name the characters, justify your point of view).
Teacher's word: The ship Gray sailed on was called the Secret. This is no coincidence. What does a romantic story teach?
Students' answers: A person, in the pursuit of happiness, is able to create a miracle with his own hands and make another person happy. A person who knows how to dream, who believes in the purity of people’s thoughts, who does not live for himself - happy man. Arthur's words: “Smile, fun, forgiveness and what was said in time the right word. To own this is to own everything.” These words are the idea of ​​the text.
Have all the problems been solved?
Were you able to achieve your goal?
Which part of the lesson was the most interesting?
Select a fragment of text from the story and find in it keywords, determine the idea of ​​the fragment.