“Humanity has always been one of the most important phenomena of literature - large and small” (D.S. Likhachev). (Based on one or more works of Russian literature of the 20th century). Humanity is the most important phenomenon of literature - an essay based on the stories of V. Shukshin

(According to the text by B. Vasiliev)


I think B. Vasiliev, saying that

meant that Anna Fedotovna, struck by the cruel, inhuman act of the children, as a result of which she lost her only material connection with her dead son, died spiritually.
As proof of this idea, we will give examples from the text. Thus, the author writes about how the old woman did not like the girl’s tone, “defiant, full of pretension that was incomprehensible to her,” and also that the girl’s voice was so “officially inhuman.” The insult inflicted on Anna Fedotovna by the children was very rude, cruel and insulting, so the old woman’s soul could not bear it.
And in the continuation of the text B. Vasiliev says:

To summarize, it can be argued that when B. Vasiliev wrote how the soul became blind and deaf main character, he wanted to say that this happened not only because of the loss of precious letters, but, first of all, because of the behavior of the guys, whose unacceptable act so wounded Anna Fedotovna’s soul.

Humanity is a set of traits that defines a person as an individual and distinguishes him from a beast, combining such concepts as kindness, compassion, sincerity, empathy. Humanity, or humanity, is the most important component of human essence. Lack of humanity entails selfishness and cruelty. The very definition of “humanity” carries a fairly clear meaning: a quality that is inherent in a person, in other words, human quality. That is why he is brought up in children: from the very early age we learn not to offend kittens, empathize with a friend, learn to be kind and sincere towards people.
As evidence of what has been said, we can cite an excerpt from the text of B. Vasiliev, where we see an example of inhumanity:

The children, showing such heartlessness, hurt the old woman very much. For the grandmother, these letters were too precious, but the guys did not understand her grief and stole them, depriving her of the only opportunity to experience the death of her dear son, who died in the war. Her soul became blind and deaf, as the author says. The pain that a loving mother experienced for the second time is difficult to describe in words, and even more difficult to survive.
Another example, but an example of true humanity, can be the hero of the story L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball". Ivan Vasilyevich, after seeing violence against a guilty soldier, refuses to succeed civil service, so as not to take part in the physical and spiritual humiliation of other people, even by accident. This is deeply human and brave act- give up a successful career, money, lover for the sake of your principles, in order to live according to your conscience.
To sum up all that has been said, we can say that humanity is a gift that not everyone has. Kindness and sincerity are instilled from childhood; without these qualities, the world would have collapsed long ago. Intelligence is given not for destruction, but for creation, and understanding of this is achieved thanks to the humanity in each of us.

Remaining human in any situation is perhaps the main, primary task of each of us. This allows you to move on in any troubles in life, move forward and hope for the best. That is why the formation of humanity is one of the most important educational goals for teachers, teachers, parents and every member of society as a whole. In our article today we will look at this topic in detail.

Such a simple, deep word

Ideas about the norms of etiquette and morality are constantly dynamic, changing and improving. What was wild several centuries ago seems quite commonplace to us today, and vice versa.

Each of us can recall certain examples of humanity from life that can console us in difficult times and instill confidence even in the most difficult situation. This could be a memory of a little kitten taken from a tree by a neighbor's boy, or a grandmother's stories about a terrible war time, when many could not save their faces.

Getting out of hopeless situations

In conditions of eternal haste, as a rule, he is guided exclusively by the present day, looking little back at the past. he finds in his own actions, the actions of his friends, or Sometimes we don’t even pay attention to the greatness, correctness and beauty of this or that act, which is performed with our participation or without it at all.

We find examples of humanity from life in animals saved during a flood or alms given to a homeless person from his last savings. We are amazed at the courage and kindness of motorists who pick up people voting on the roads and allow them into their homes, families and lives.

We retell to our friends examples of humanity from life, seeing how firefighters carry a child out of a burning house, and military men bandage the wounds of enemy wives. We notice something good every day, and perhaps this is what allows the world to continue to exist smoothly.

Humanity in inhuman conditions

What is Edith Piaf worth, who gave concerts to German soldiers and helped with the production of fake documents? Or the feat of carrying Jewish children out of concentration camps organized by the Nazis?

How much spiritual strength did it take for a young eighteen-year-old black woman, Cashier Thomas, to cover up a racist at a demonstration? Or the priest who calmed a soldier under bullets during the uprising in Venezuela?

All these examples are just a small, insignificant part of those wonderful deeds that people with huge hearts did.

Literature and reality

It is not at all surprising that such feats were and are reflected in art. Examples of humanity in literature are found in almost every work. Finding them is not at all difficult if you think about this topic.

This is Bulgakov's Margarita, who spared Frida, who was sobbing at her feet during the ball. dark forces. This is Sonya, who took pity and tried to correct Rodion Raskolnikov, story by A. S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter", who gave a hare sheepskin coat for help in fighting a blizzard. This is a huge gallery of characters demonstrating examples of humanity in literature.

Children's books

Such cases are not uncommon, both in the author’s work and in those presented by recorded oral folk art. Helping heroes in fairy tales tell us from childhood about how to preserve human face in the worst, most difficult situations when there seems to be no hope left.

Examples of humanity in Russian literature for children are also found quite often. What is the goodwill and willingness to help of Doctor Aibolit worth? Or, for example, heroic deeds The Little Humpbacked Horse, who constantly helps the main character out of trouble?

Does not lag behind domestic and foreign literature. The series of novels about Harry Potter, on which more than one generation has grown up, in itself becomes an example of humanity, self-sacrifice and love of life.

Fostering quality in schoolchildren

It is quite obvious that the formation of morals should begin in early childhood when the greatest influence on the individual is the family in general and parents in particular. However, it is no less important to continue this great work within the walls of the school, which is what the efforts of teachers have been aimed at from time immemorial.

In addition to reading the literature provided for in the curriculum, children are usually offered other tasks designed not only to improve writing and reasoning skills, but also to form ideas about moral and aesthetic values.

Every teacher faces, first of all, the task of instilling humanity in a child. Essay "Example from life" or any other creative work on similar topics are best suited for this.

At every lesson, every day, students should be presented with one or another problem, the solution of which would help children at least one step closer to understanding the ideals of truth, goodness and beauty.

A person must always remain a person, no matter what happens to him, no matter what surprises life has in store for him. The foundation for this should be laid in early childhood: during heart-to-heart conversations with parents, while watching films and listening to songs, when writing essays and participating in problem discussions. It doesn’t matter how this happens, only the result matters. What is important are actions that will constantly make the world a better place and will be passed on to friends, acquaintances and complete strangers as an example of behavior worthy of admiration and imitation.

What is humanity? This is a quality due to which a person treats other living beings with kindness, compassion and mercy. Without humanity, people would become cruel and evil. To prove my statement, I will give a couple of examples from the text.

In the text offered to us by S.T. Ernest, I find a manifestation of humanity. In sentences 14-34, the author describes the action of a hunter who was chasing a deer, but when he saw it, he did not kill it, but released it. The hunter treated the deer with kindness and humanity.

And in life there are examples of manifestations of humanity. For example, volunteers who help the poor and sick, the disabled and the elderly. They do this for free. By offering their help, these people show humanity.

Therefore, we can say that humanity is one of the most important qualities of a person, thanks to which he helps and supports many.

Updated: 2017-05-21

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Humanity has always been one of the most important phenomena of literature - an essay based on the stories of V. Shukshin.

About thirty years ago, the man who glorified life with all its sounds, colors, and smells passed away.
This is Vasily Makarovich Shukshin.
Shukshin made 5 films, published 7 books, played two dozen roles - in general, enough to go down in the history of Russian culture.
But he didn't know this. He knew one thing - work. They talked about him as a “village” writer, critics looked for the origins of the power of his talent and forgot about Shukshin the man, about his heart - nervous, filled with blood and truly suffering, which could not bear its burden... Shukshin did not stop fighting for a minute with evil - neither in literature nor in cinema. “We shouldn’t forget about the soul,” he said. The characters in his books often talk about the soul. What is the soul in Shukshin’s understanding? Kindness, humanity, mercy, understanding of one's neighbor, conscience, thinking about the meaning of life. Analyzing traditional conflicts - poverty and wealth, good and evil, Shukshin resolves them based on the laws of morality: he rejects evil, regardless of who is its bearer. The writer sees that the main test today is not poverty, but wealth and satiety. In one of best stories Shukshina - “The Hunt to Live” - good and evil are shown in direct combat. The old hunter Nikitich, a man of extraordinary kindness, an open soul, sheltered a criminal, actually saved his life and received a bullet from him in the back. In a story filled with terrible dramatic power, the old hunter says to the fugitive criminal: “The great hunger drove you to steal? Are you mad, you damned ones.” In these in simple words both the source of evil and its uncompromising denial are shown. Your indignation, your denial of evil, your hatred for terrible vices people - selfishness, selfishness, consumerist attitude towards life, demagoguery - with extraordinary artistic power Shukshin expressed it in the story “Wolves”. When reading Shukshin, you need to immediately understand that in his works there is no “high style” and pompous phrases that touch the soul with their floweriness.
Shukshin did not like to repeat common truths, but each story has its own zest, its own philosophical lesson. What philosophical lesson does the story "Boots" contain? At first glance, we have before us an ordinary everyday story, a history of family relationships. But it is written in such a kind and warm language that one remembers folk tales with their melodiousness and melody. It seems that there are no major events or moral upheavals in this work, but a small episode from the life of driver Sergei Dukhanin (buying his wife new, unusual boots) changed the internal state of not only Sergei, but also his wife. A rude person at first, Sergei becomes kind and sensitive. He realized that it was not about the gift, but about the attitude towards himself. to a loved one- to my wife.
It is no coincidence that Sergei Dukhanin is 45 years old. At this point in life, many people reassess their values, rethink the world around them and their place in it. Sergei felt that the small good he did resonated with great happiness and warmth in the house. He came to the idea that trying to understand a person and do something bright for him is the greatest happiness. The meaning of this story is contained in the following lines: “You live like this, you think that someday you will live better...” But this is a manifestation of the moral strength of the individual! Vasily Makarovich calls on us to love Man, to love the “weirdness” in people, not to measure everyone with the same yardstick. The truth, Shukshin believed, is a manifestation of the human soul, it cannot be ostentatious. Shukshin writes in a very original, interesting way, he has his own Shukshin style, his own composition. Love for the Motherland, father, mother... The writer does not speak loud words about it, fearing to disturb something very trembling in our hearts. Love for old people - highest manifestation moral strength. So main character the story “How the Old Man Died” - old man Stepan, who lived a long, difficult life. The writer tells us about last day and the death of Stepan and touches on many common human issues. For example, we see how Stepan’s wife, who at first glance seemed unkind and even grumpy, becomes sensitive and kind, her true soul is revealed, the old woman’s heart “thaws.” She asks her husband for forgiveness: “Well, then forgive me, old man, if I’m guilty of anything.” Fear of being alone, of losing yourself dear person, with whom she has lived her whole life, does not leave her. The old woman understands that she loves the old man and that her life without her husband will lose all meaning. The old man also becomes softer and kinder. He says: “Agnusha... forgive me... I was a little worried... And the bread is so rich!..” Two thoughts haunt Stepan before his death: the thought of his wife and the thought of bread. What more can be said about this? A person who grew up on the land, loved and worked on it, eventually goes to the same land. The old man is not thinking about himself in his last minutes; he bequeaths bread to us, that is, native land, favorite thing. In simple, awkward words, he tries to say about the meaning of life, about how beautiful it is... But there is short story and others, less global, but no less current problems. In particular, the problem of relationships between children and parents. The old man dies alone, only his wife remains with him until the end. Where are the children? Mishka abandoned them, Manka is far away, Petka “barely makes ends meet.” Everyone is loved and understood by their father and mother, everyone is forgiven and pitied by the elderly. But do children feel sorry for their parents? Morality is also an attitude towards old people, especially those who raised you and gave you their soul and heart. Parents always make excuses for their children and see only good traits in them. But should children abuse it? Black ingratitude grows from the slightest inattention, the slightest insensitivity. You must have a lot of strength and patience to fulfill your filial duty. But that’s why we are people, not only to take, but also to repay debts. In 1967, Shukshin wrote an amazing article “Morality is Truth.” It contains the following lines: “I have a cultured aunt in my village, she’s always indignant: “Just swearing! Writer... “There are women in pants: “rude man.” But little do they know: if my men weren’t rude, they wouldn’t be gentle...”
The heroes of Shukshin's stories, however, sometimes shock us with their outward rudeness and uncouthness.
But the reader’s talent lies in seeing a spark of kindness and light in the most unattractive person.
Shukshin said: “As an artist, I cannot deceive my people - show life only as happy, for example.
The truth can also be bitter... I believe in the strength of my people, I love my Motherland very much - and I do not despair. Against".
The writer does not for a moment separate himself from Russia, the Russian village, its nature. His characters are looking for the foundations of life in native land. In particular, in the story “Alyosha Beskonvoyny” the main character found himself in love for everything that surrounds him. He found “peace in his soul,” but by no means complacency. The greatest Russian writers were worried about the mysterious relationship between the earth and human conscience. It is not without reason that in “Crime and Punishment” Raskolnikov kisses the ground, the hero of “War and Peace” Andrei Bolkonsky comes to a philosophical understanding of life, looking into the bottomless sky of Austerlitz. Egor Prokudin (the hero of "Red Kalina" by V. Shukshin) in the scene after a meeting with his mother falls to the ground, wants to stay on it, looks for support and support in it, the highest moral court. Art should teach goodness.
V. Shukshin sees the most precious wealth in the ability of a pure human heart to do good.
“If we are strong and truly smart in anything, it is in doing a good deed,” he said.
Vasily Makarovich Shukshin lived with this, believed in it.

In the story “The Captain's Daughter” Pushkin gives an example of humanity. Young Grinev, trying to thank the guide who saved them during a snowstorm, gives him a hare sheepskin coat. The sheepskin coat is bursting at the seams on the counselor, but this is not important for Grinev. He returns good for good. The counselor later turns out to be the leader of the uprising, Pugachev. During their last meeting, when Pugachev releases Grinev with Masha, Grinev tells Pugachev that he will pray for his sinful soul. And this is also an example of humanity. Grinev knows that Pugachev is doomed, and humanly worries about him.

Taras Bulba in the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol denies his son Andriy humanity. Andriy betrayed his brothers, his homeland and went over to the side of the enemy. The father deals with him as justice requires. And even Ostap Taras does not allow his brother’s body to be buried, since he is sure that a traitor is not worthy of humane treatment even after death.

Pechorin’s actions in the novel by M.Yu. are inhumane. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". Pechorin steals Bela only out of pride, to annoy Kazbich. He plays with the feelings of Princess Mary and Vera, he is driven by vanity and selfishness. He unceremoniously interferes in the lives of honest smugglers, after which they are forced to leave their homes. Lermontov creates a selfish and cynical character who does not know humanity and respect for the individual. At the end of the work we learn about the death of Pechorin, who dies in battle. But there is no one to even mourn him, because no one is waiting for him.

The Second Ended World War. Throughout its territory there are graves of soldiers who fought on both sides. It is customary to look after the graves of the dead, paying tribute to the courage and heroism of the defenders. In Holland there is a cemetery where German soldiers are buried. They were the ones who came to conquer the world. Every year, schoolchildren come from Germany to care for the graves. For what? After all, these are modern children, they grew up in the post-war period, they understand that those buried in Holland are not victors. Not liberators, but invaders. By caring for the graves, these children learn to understand that war is terrible, first of all, because of the meaninglessness of the victims; this is a crime against humanity. Children who come to Holland every year are an example of humanity and respect for the memory of the past, even if it is so terrible.

Nowadays, it is not so difficult to find an example of humanity and kind attitude towards people. In the south-east of Ukraine there is real war. With bombings, casualties, hunger and refugees. Russia helps the residents of Donbass. Humanitarian convoys are constantly sent with medical supplies, food and everything necessary. It would seem that the state does everything necessary for us. But within the means mass media They constantly talk about people volunteering to help. Everyone helps in different ways. Some give shelter to entire families of refugees, some take in an orphaned child, and others send a whole truckload of heating devices.