How does a child perceive his mother? Moon in a child's horoscope. Lunar horoscope: who is your mother and what image of the mother will remain with your child forever

Children with the Moon in Virgo have emotional ups and downs very rarely, less often than other children. They are by nature disciplined and conservative. They are literal and often give too much great value little things. Their analytical perception of the world clearly prevails over the sensory. They often look at life too critically and one-sidedly. Try to expand their perception of the world. It is very useful for them to find themselves in new situations, communicate with new people, listen to other people's views and opinions.
Children born with this position of the Moon place very high demands not only on themselves, but also on those around them, especially their loved ones. It is often difficult for them to understand that all people are different, everyone has their own views on life and everyone acts as they see fit. Teach your child to be less critical of himself and others - none of us are perfect.
Children with the Moon in Virgo take care of their health. They love cleanliness very much and will restore it wherever possible. Teach them to stop and relax, not to fuss every minute, and most importantly - not to bother those around them all the time. Perhaps they personally have an internal need to be busy all the time, to do something all the time, but others do not have such a need! Explain to your child that the best is the enemy of the good, and the golden mean is the key to success.
Children with this sign love to set goals for themselves, otherwise they simply cannot live. But they don’t need to demand the same from others. Such children are good workers who conscientiously carry out the task assigned to them. The type of activity that is optimal for them is one where both hands and head are occupied. They have pronounced intellectual abilities, and they learn everything very quickly. Excellent memory is one of the main advantages of such children. Your main task when raising such a child is to add feelings to these wonderful qualities. This will help him in the future.

Astrological forecast - relationships in love and everyday life.

By nature, these children always want to be useful, they want to see meaning in everything and they want to bring everything to perfection. They are impartial and, perhaps, even cold-blooded; they may not notice the feelings and emotions of others. You need to pay attention to this special attention, as well as an exorbitant desire for perfection. Explain to your child that this will damage the health he cares about so much and lead to a nervous breakdown. Tell him that the whole world and the people in it are not blameless. And this is not so bad: against the backdrop of everyday life, the ideal looks even more beautiful. And, besides, if everything in life were perfect, what would we do then, except die of boredom?
Children with the Moon in Virgo will feel happy when engaged in intellectual work, especially if there is some kind of work in front of them. high goal. They are capable of self-sacrifice and admire people who are dedicated to their work. Tell your child that all this, of course, is wonderful and wonderful, but if everyone achieves the ideal, then life will become insipid and dreary and there will be no room left for struggle and romance.
Such children do not show their love and tenderness to the extent that you would like, but this does not mean that you cannot establish relationships with them. They are excellent conversationalists, love to talk and will be happy to share your ideas and views on life. Try studying with your child - it will help you become good friends. Such a baby may be shy and withdrawn - so the first step is yours. Perhaps a child with the Moon in Virgo needs not so much your crazy love as your support. Show him how much you appreciate him and he will appreciate you.

These children tend to express their emotions aggressively and impulsively. They rush headlong into the whirlpool of events, they do not have enough time to look around and think about the state of affairs. Someone should stop them, at least ask them to count to ten so that they have at least a minute to think. Otherwise they will end up in difficult situation before they realize what's going on. In Aries, emotions simply bubble, the degree of their manifestation is extraordinary.
The goals of these children are selfish because they subconsciously believe that their feelings are more important than the feelings of others. You will have to explain to your child that he is not alone, that there are other people with their own desires and emotions. This will help him control himself. At the very least, you need to teach your baby to think before speaking or acting, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.
Those born under the combination of Moon in Aries are courageous and willingly join the fight for what is right (from their point of view). They will protect not only themselves, but also others. The main thing that they need to realize is that their actions are the result of emotions, and if they do not stop and think, they will inevitably make many mistakes.
Such children have a very strong desire to know the truth. They constantly think about what should be and therefore are never satisfied with it. what is. Teach your child to work on himself, and first of all, to change his attitude towards life from time to time, then, perhaps, there will be no need to rebuild the world around him. Teach them to stop, just sit down and read about the lives and work of great people. This will give them the opportunity to expand their concepts of what is true.
They love new things simply because they are new. They are interested in absolutely everything. They are very inventive. And besides, they are fearless, they can do what others are afraid to even think about.

Relationships and compatibility if you are an article and horoscope for you.

When these children become upset or upset, they may develop headaches. This is characteristic feature Aries. (Remember? Mars and Aries influence primarily the head.) There’s nothing you can do about it - you’ll have to come to terms with it. There are two ways to relieve this tension. The first is vigorous activity. The second is the opportunity to express your experiences.
The Moon in Aries is a sign of a frantic temperament. Such people are like fire; they light up quickly, but cool down just as quickly. Unlike other signs, they are not vindictive. But they definitely need to learn to control themselves, since they can, without thinking, offend others. Then, of course, they will regret it, but it will be too late. They need to be told again and again that other people can be just as sensitive as they are.
These kids are idealists. They will always try to find their own way in everything. Teach them to look more closely at the past - this will help in the future.
When you challenge your child's thoughts or feelings, you can create a storm of emotions. He begins to act with truly frantic energy, and it is good if this energy is directed in the right direction. Teach your baby to restrain himself, otherwise, in a fit of irrepressible passion, he can sweep away everything in his path.
Children whose Moon was in the sign of Aries at the time of birth will inevitably conflict with their parents and teachers. Any restriction of freedom will lead to indignation and rebellion. They have a very strong need for independence and will fight for it. The wisest thing to do is, if possible, to give them freedom. Try to teach your child to consciously limit his need for independence, otherwise he may become a real rebel.

“How does your child perceive his mother?”
looks neat in the eyes of a child, but picky, always preoccupied
health issues, proper nutrition and behavior. Everything she does
is a model of perfection!
“What does he need to feel confident?
and reliability?
Your child needs to feel useful. One of the best
ways to educate him is to patiently give him your
time, teach him the skill of helping. Make it a game but teach him
how to deal with the little daily things you can't help but do, and
let him know that by doing this he is helping you.
For your child there will be
emotional distress of living in an unsettled environment or being dirty, he
will avoid sloppy or soiled clothing. You don't have to drive him into
shower - he will enthusiastically do it himself. If possible, give him a separate
a room where he can keep his things in the order he likes. AND
although his order may seem like chaos to someone else, your child knows
place for every thing and is very dissatisfied when this order is violated.
development of the skill so necessary for your child’s senses, provide it
space and material so that he can tinker with models, crafts, etc. He loves
do things with your own hands and will work very carefully. He's a little shy and

Your child will
care more about health than others. It is easy to teach him personal hygiene and good
eating habits. But he may have a heightened “sense of unwellness”
(dirt, disorder) and even worries about it.

(Various sources for child's horoscope)

Children with the Moon in Virgo have emotional upheavals and
recessions occur very rarely, less often than in other children. They are by nature
disciplined and conservative. They are literal and often give too much
meaning to little things. Their analytical perception of the world clearly prevails over
sensual. They often look at life too critically and one-sidedly.
Try to expand their perception of the world. It is very useful for them to get into new
situations, communicate with new people, listen to other people's views and opinions.
those born under this position of the Moon have very high demands
not only to yourself, but also to others, especially your loved ones. They often find it difficult
understand that all people are different, everyone has their own views on life and everyone acts
as he sees fit. Teach your child to be less critical of themselves
and to those around us - none of us are perfect.
Children with Moon in Virgo take care of
your health. They love cleanliness very much and will bring it everywhere
Can. Teach them to stop and relax, not to fuss every minute, but
The main thing is not to bother those around you all the time. Perhaps they personally have
internal need to be busy all the time, to do something all the time, but
others have no such need! Explain to your child that the best is the enemy of the good, and
the golden mean is the key to success.
Children with this sign like to put in front
goals, otherwise they simply cannot live. But they don't need to demand it
from others. Such children are good workers who conscientiously perform
the task assigned to them. The type of activity that is optimal for them is where
both hands and head are busy. They have pronounced intellectual abilities, and they
They learn everything very quickly. Excellent memory is one of the main advantages
such children. Your main task when raising such a child is to add to these
wonderful qualities of feeling. This will help him in the future.
By their nature these
children always want to be useful, they want to see meaning in everything and they want everything
bring to perfection. They are impartial and, perhaps, even cold-blooded, they
may not notice the feelings and emotions of others. You need to pay special attention to this
attention, as well as the exorbitant desire for perfection. Explain to your child that
this would damage the health he cares so much about and lead to a nervous breakdown.
Tell him that the whole world and the people in it are not blameless. And it's not that bad:
against the backdrop of everyday life, the ideal looks even more beautiful. And besides, if
everything in life was perfect, what did we do then - except die from
Children with Moon in Virgo will feel happy while doing
intellectual work, especially if they are faced with some high
target. They are capable of self-sacrifice and admire people who are dedicated to their
business. Tell your child that all this, of course, is wonderful and wonderful, but if
everyone will achieve the ideal, then life will become insipid and dreary and there will be no
places for fight and romance.
Such children demonstrate their love and tenderness
not to the extent you would like, but that doesn't mean you can't
establish relationships with them. They are excellent conversationalists, love to talk and
will be happy to share your ideas and views on life. Try learning with
with your child - this will help you become good friends. This baby could be
shy and reserved - so the first step is yours. Perhaps a child with the moon in
Virgo needs not so much your crazy love as your support.
Show him how much you appreciate him and he will appreciate you.

(Samantha Davis. Children's astrology. The key to understanding psychology

Let me serve you:
I'm a master
Pleasant with useful
We will combine.

A child with the Moon in Virgo really needs
feel useful. One of the best ways his upbringing is
to give him your time and patience, even when he is still very
small to teach him the skill of helping. Teach him how to deal with
small daily things that you can’t help but do. Turn it into a game
but let him know that he is helping you, even when the matter is that he is learning
do, it will also benefit him - for example, preparing his own
breakfast, making the crib, etc.
It will be emotional for this child
sadness to live in an unsettled environment or to be dirty. He will avoid
sloppy or stained clothes. You don't have to force him into the shower - he's with
enthusiastically will do it himself. If possible, give him a separate
a room where he can keep his things in the order he likes. To him
order and organization are needed. Even if its order may seem like chaos
to someone else, this child knows the place of every thing and is very unhappy when
this order is violated. He will appreciate it if he is given something that can help in
organizing his “collections” - for example, a tool box or any
another drawer with small compartments.
To develop skills, so
necessary for your child's sense of well-being, provide him with a place and
materials so he can tinker with models, crafts, etc. He loves to make
things with your own hands and will work very carefully. He's a little shy and
is shy and strives for perfection in business, so give him the opportunity
work at your own pace, with minimal interference.
Your Virgo will be bigger
take care of your health than middle child, He is easy to teach personal hygiene and
good eating habits. But he may have a heightened sense of
troubles” and even worries because of this. Clutter or dirt -
sufficient reason to feel unwell. However, it is much more
practical than emotional child, and a common-sense, realistic approach to
problems will be optimal for him. Even with disorder, illness or something
broken or dirty can be dealt with calmly and effectively by approaching
trouble with the “let’s fix this!” attitude. (Maria Kay Simms. Your magical child.)

Taurus for the Moon is a place of exaltation. This means that emotions and personality will be fully expressed from birth. Such children are emotionally stable. They have a great idea of ​​what they want in this life. From childhood they strive for comfort, luxury, wealth and all kinds of material benefits. You will have to explain that there are other kinds of values ​​in life. They have a developed desire for security, which they realize by accumulating things or becoming attached to people. Let your child know that the world of things is unstable and material possessions are easy to lose, and excessive attachment to others can lead to tears and heartbreak.
Children with the Moon in Taurus are quite stubborn and do not like change, especially if it affects their immediate environment. If you want to change anything in the life of such a child, it may be perceived as a challenge, and therefore will be met with due resistance. Try to show the baby his own benefit, then you will have a chance. Just don’t forget that such children cannot stand familiarity.
The presence of the Moon in Taurus makes your baby’s character rather decisive, which is certainly an advantage (if you use this quality for its intended purpose). Children with this sign have endurance and endurance, their energy does not weaken. They can become formidable opponents. Teach your child to properly use the advantages of his character. Explain that excessive persistence is very similar to stubbornness, that the world is constantly changing and it is simply stupid to resist it. Such a child’s horizons need to be expanded, and you must tactfully encourage him to do this. Help him develop positive self-esteem, this is really important to him.

Astrological love horoscope relationships.

By nature, children with the Moon in Taurus are very conservative and cautious. They love good food, music, art - that is, everything that makes life more enjoyable. In this they always indulge their weaknesses. They are tender in love, want to love and be loved. And of course, they cannot be denied charm, which they use quite skillfully.
It's true - such children are difficult to lift, but if you motivate them to do something, there will be no further problems. They are kind, patient and, as a rule, very pleasant to talk to. But for the time being. If you piss them off, they become terrible monsters.
It is not always possible to act directly with them; sometimes it is useful to take a roundabout route. But be careful, you must be attentive and gentle - they feel too much both physical and heartache. And one more thing. Logical reasoning does not always work on them, especially if they get some idea into their head. It is difficult, almost impossible, to dissuade them. This especially applies to young children - they will still be proud of their stubbornness. If you decide to resort to punishment, deprive your child of pleasure, this will work best.
In their assessments, children whose Moon was in Taurus at the time of birth are too categorical; they always go to one extreme or the other: they see things either white or black. Try to explain to your child that you cannot limit your world to artificially created boundaries.
It is very useful for them to read, especially about culture different nations, this will help them change their value system. Such children are often a little lazy, so it is worth pushing the child into action from time to time. Don't forget to explain to your baby that confidence must come from within, and help him believe in himself. Teach him to love himself and love life as it is.

25.06.2016 10:21

Why is it so important to know the position of the Moon in a child’s horoscope?

Moon in natal chart- a symbol of the leading need of our personality, an indicator of emotionality and intuitiveness. This is one of the properties of our psyche that we possess from birth.

We are all born with a set of certain qualities, we have innate properties - temperament. As we grow and develop, in the process of interaction with the outside world, a model is created of how our qualities manifest themselves in outside world. This is how our character is formed.

How fully a person’s leading need is satisfied in childhood will determine his emotional health in adulthood.

In addition, the Moon in the horoscope describes the image of the mother. This is precisely the “image”, that is, how a child sees his mother. In the horoscopes of children from the same family, the Moon may be in different signs Zodiac. This does not mean that children have different mothers, but indicates how the same person is perceived by different children.

In order for the child’s experience to be positive, it is important to pay special attention to the position of the Moon in the child’s chart. Satisfying the needs described by the Moon is very important for the development of the child. As the child grows, this need, like a core, is strung with the rest of human needs, which are indicated by other horoscope indicators - Mercury (how the child will learn and remember information), Mars (how the child will act in a given situation, etc.). d.).

Moon in Aries

Moon in Aries - the need for personal significance. It can manifest itself openly or hide behind fantasies and secret disappointments. A child with the Moon in Aries needs to feel that his opinion is taken into account, his initiatives are accepted and respected as an individual. This is a pioneer child who always wants to be the first and the best in everything.

Try not to oppress the child’s freedom, give him the opportunity to express his “I myself!”, which will sound to him earlier and more often than to other children. If your child is busy with something, then he will perceive any distractions, even your most tender hugs, negatively and will become very angry. Encourage him to be physically active, do not force him to do anything. If his actions are unacceptable to you or do not lead to anything good, then distract your child, switch his attention to something new and interesting. Always strive to offer him an alternative to his activities, to redirect his violent energy in another direction.

Moon in Taurus

Moon in Taurus is a deep need for reliability and security, even to the point of resistance to change as a threat to security.

A child needs to feel stability and security in everything - in people, surroundings, objects and things. He resists any change. Such children are usually in no hurry and do not make decisions quickly. Any rush or pressure is perceived by the child as severe discomfort. But if such a child wants something, he will do it slowly and confidently, like an asphalt roller.

Child with Moon in Taurus early age loves to accumulate - toys, things, loves to collect entire collections of toys. He will not part with them under any pretext, even if the toys have long been out of order. Do not force your child to share toys and things with other children if he does not want to. Try, if possible, not to disturb his usual way of life, do not rush him to do something very quickly or make an instant decision. Slow sequence - keyword in the life of such a child. Prepare him for any changes slowly and gradually. And make any changes in the regime, be sure to take into account the needs and desires of the child.

Moon in Gemini

Moon in Gemini - the need for variety, for communication, the need to be heard.

Such a child definitely needs to say out loud everything he feels. In the same way, he needs to hear and know how you feel. Therefore, you need to talk a lot with a child with the Moon in Gemini. The child needs certainty in emotions and feelings. If there is any uncertainty, he will begin to rush around and fall into a nervous state.

For such a child, it is very important to get variety in contacts and always receive new information. It's like a sip for him fresh air. He needs interaction with his peers, so invite his friends home so they can chat to their heart's content. Talk to your child as much as possible, read books together, walk a lot, and while walking, don’t forget to share your impressions of what you see. Avoid any ambiguous and unclear situations. Your child should feel that his parents are confident in what they are doing. Then this will provide him with inner peace and comfort.

Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer - a huge need for personal security, very great value for a person - a house where he and his family live.

A child with the Moon in Cancer is very sensitive, emotional and touchy. It is important for him to feel that home is a place where he is safe, where he is loved and needed. It is very important to show tenderness towards such a child, to which he will respond to you with his tenderness and affection. But avoid any falsehood in your emotions and feelings. He will immediately notice this, step aside and withdraw into himself for a long time. The child becomes very attached to any negative experience, he remembers it for a long time and experiences these feelings for a long time. Attachment to the past distinguishes such a child. Sincerity – main principle communication with such a child.

Moon in Leo

Moon in Leo - the need to shine and reign generously.

A child with the Moon in Leo loves to be the center of attention. He constantly wants to demonstrate his skills so that others will admire him. Praise is a powerful incentive for such a child. Such children are artistic and love the stage. This is the kind of child who will be happy to recite a poem or sing a song.

The most important thing in raising such a child is not to demand more from the child than he can for his age. Any failure and lack of success can greatly traumatize the child, and later life this will affect you as a ban on the manifestation of your creative abilities.

For such a child, play is very important. He loves to play when he plays and play when he doesn't play. Such children can make excellent actors if you do not let them doubt their talents.

Moon in Virgo

Moon in Virgo - the need to observe correctness and rules of decency, accuracy of perceptions and assessments.

A child with the Moon in Virgo needs a clear routine in everything - in affairs, events. This way he will feel that everything is calm in his world. Such children really like everything to be in its place, so encourage the child’s desire for order in every possible way, do not mock his desire to put everything in boxes and drawers. From the very early childhood Such children analyze everything that happens around them. They learn easily, they are especially good at everything related to logic - mathematics, chess.

Children with the Moon in Virgo can be strongly drawn to crafts - embroidery, knitting, carpentry. They can become real masters of their craft. Organize a workshop for your child, where there will be everything necessary for the development of his talents, and craft together with him.

The child may have increased anxiety regarding cleanliness and their health. Teach him to relax in time so that there is no mental overstrain. Accuracy, clarity, understandability, order - these are the main principles of such a child.

Moon in Libra

Moon in Libra - the need to achieve personal significance through position in society, the need for popularity and recognition.

A child with the Moon in Libra needs to feel recognized and popular among family and peers. In addition, such a child needs beauty and harmony in everything that surrounds him. It could be a beautiful, tastefully furnished room, flowering plants. Involve your child when discussing how to furnish his room so that he can make his own choices. Let him make his own choice when it comes to outfits or purchases. A child with the Moon in Libra tends to hesitate when it comes to making a choice. “Either-or” - this can drive parents into a frenzy. In this case, help your child make a choice taking into account his desires and interests, discussing the pros and cons of each option.

Such a child cannot always distinguish his own feelings from the models that society shows him. Therefore, talk and communicate more with your child, especially about his feelings. Feelings and relationships are the main driving needs of such a child. It is unlikely that such a child will like being alone; he will be more attracted to activities in pairs. Invite him to visit best friend or a friend, or play with your child yourself. And when he gets older, talk to him about his romantic interests and how he feels.

Moon in Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio - the need for others to understand who they are dealing with; the need to be perceived as a deeply significant person who has control over others and who should even be feared.

A child with the Moon in Scorpio has a very rich and intense, emotional inner world. Such a child needs the atmosphere around him to be filled with love and unconditional acceptance of him for who he is. From time to time, a child can cultivate his own inadequacy and imperfection, biting himself and those around him. He may be tormented by doubts about love and whether those around him truly love and accept him. Therefore, he can hide his true feelings and emotions under the guise of self-sufficiency and confidence. The accumulation of emotionally stable, positive and repeated experiences will help such a child overcome psychological crises. Unconditional acceptance and love is what your child, who is always suspicious, doubting himself and others, needs.

Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Sagittarius is the need to be seen as open-minded, educated, philosophical, optimistic, and a generous opener of opportunity for other people.

A child with the Moon in Sagittarius needs to feel that his opinion is taken into account and his ideas and suggestions are respected. The behavior of such a child can be authoritarian, as if superior, and not only with peers, but also with adults. With all his appearance he will show that he knows everything better than you. Do not laugh or make fun of your child, as this will only cause his resistance and rejection of you. Teach him not only to dictate his opinion to others, but also to listen to himself, to other people and compare them with each other. Your child may be constantly overwhelmed by new ideas, while being in a state of flux. pink glasses, looking at the world through the prism of your idea. Teach your child to relate his ideas to the reality of the world, but do not encourage him to describe everything down to the smallest detail and details, leave him room for breadth of scope.

Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Capricorn is the need for strategic efficiency, planning of actions and life, discipline and removing everything unnecessary from one's life.

A. Podvodny: “A person with the Moon in Capricorn is characterized by the unswerving pursuit of a certain subconscious goal, which during life must necessarily be brought into consciousness (this is the karmic task of this position) and the means by which it is achieved must be coordinated with it. Characteristic internal rigidity is given for something and this something can well be expressed in words.”

A child with the Moon has a very strongly developed sense of duty and responsibility for every emotion and reaction manifested externally, which can lead to a feeling of emotional constriction and constraint. He feels the desire to control those around him and events, so he must be sure to verify this in practice. For such a child, preliminary planning of events and a clear daily routine are very important. Tell him in advance about your plans for the next day, and it is especially important to warn him if anything changes in these plans. If a child feels unable to control the events in which he needs to take part, then low self-esteem and a desire to assert himself at the expense of others are possible.

Moon in Aquarius

Moon in Aquarius - the need for others to appreciate and enjoy the personal uniqueness of a person with the Moon in Aquarius, and his care for others.

Children with the Moon in Aquarius need to ensure that they are in a group of peers. Usually they very easily join a team, where they provide various joint games and communication. Such children have a very strongly developed need for novelty, which causes a constant flight of new ideas in almost everything and always. Try not to limit your child’s creative expression. Remember his inner love of freedom and need for independence. Without a team and constant innovations, lunar Aquarians wither away and become bored. And then their wild imagination may invite them to throw out some number in order to feel the spirit of freedom. These are children who know how to lead a team by offering them new ideas. Satisfaction of the leading need will have a positive impact on emotional development in the future. If the baby is fussy, be prepared to offer the child something new, and he will come out of this state if you do not put pressure on him.

Moon in Pisces

Moon in Pisces - the need to express one's sensitivity, deep emotionality, as well as the desire to find understanding of one's sensitivity in other people.

Moon Pisces are very sensitive to their surroundings. They have a very rich inner world. Such children experience very deeply everything that happens to them. However, they cannot always express everything that is happening inside them. That is why there are so many artists, musicians and poets among lunar Pisces - this is a way to express their inner experiences.

It is often impossible to determine from external signs what such a child is feeling. For the most part, this tendency to hide one’s true feelings continues in lunar Pisces into adulthood.

These children love various secrets, fairy tales and mysticism. They will not be them if they do not stick their curious nose into the world of secrets. A child with the Moon in Pisces is very sensitive to the demands of strict discipline and refusals of all kinds, when his dream is suddenly destroyed by “rude external forces" - for example, by parents. Therefore, parents need to be extremely attentive to the emotional depth of the child and protect the fragile world of their fairy-tale little princes and princesses. At the same time, it is necessary to teach the child not to constantly have his head in the clouds, in the world of fairy tales and secrets, but to compare his dreams with the realities of life.


On how much the child finds understanding of his inner world in childhood will depend on his emotional health in adulthood.

Having understood the child’s leading needs, one can foresee forms of behavior that serve to satisfy these needs in adult life, using for analysis the sign where the Sun is located.