Nakhimov School (Peter the Great School House). The construction of the new building of the Nakhimov School on Penkova has been completed Nakhimov Naval Schools

Military builders began active construction on February 1, 2018. In 181 days, a new building was erected - 31,441 m2, the old one - 9696 m2 was reconstructed, the facades and roof were restored historical building- 11436, “Nakhimovsky Park” was created - 1500 m2.

On a site located in the area of ​​the historical center of St. Petersburg, on Penkova Street, building 3-5, a multifunctional building of the Nakhimov Naval School was built for 560 people, with a total area of ​​more than 40 thousand square meters. The new six-story school building with a small dome in the center is attached on the flanks to the old educational and barracks building. In parallel with the main construction, a deep reconstruction was carried out: walls and ceilings were replaced, load-bearing structures were strengthened, the number of classes, offices and auditoriums was increased, and new engineering systems were installed.

Since its formation in 1944, the Nakhimov School has not had its own, separate territory. Some of the Nakhimov students’ classes took place in buildings located at a considerable distance from each other.

After the implementation of the project, the legendary Nakhimovka for the first time in its history received a single architectural ensemble: a building in the shape of a classic square with a parade ground for formations and “Nakhimovsky Park” with open sports grounds.

At the same time, the area of ​​the school increased 3 times to 54,000 m2. This allows us to create all the conditions for high-quality education for students in accordance with the standards of full boarding institutions. The park adjoins the courtyard of the famous Peter the Great City School House, built in 1912 on Petrogradskaya Embankment (opposite the cruiser Aurora). It was handed over to the Nakhimovites 74 years ago. A thorough restoration of window fillings, facades, copper roofing, decorative elements of chimneys and the flagpole tower of the historical building - now the administrative and educational building of the Nakhimov School - was carried out.

Inside the “red lines” of the construction site there was another historical engineering structure(built in 1910). Tank clean water(RFV) with two pavilions on the surface and an underground tank. Two small houses - portals of the ground part - have been preserved. They were restored with the restoration of the lost decorative elements of the facades. Especially for such “delicate” work, military builders attracted experienced restorers from St. Petersburg. Restoration of the pavilions of the clean water reservoir is part of the project for the improvement and reconstruction of the entire Penkova Street (from Michurinskaya Street to Petrogradskaya Embankment). Its updated appearance will be combined with the appearance of the historical center of St. Petersburg. 14 lanterns similar to those on Petrogradskaya embankment, 10 stylized benches, and trash cans will be installed on Penkova. How Nakhimov students will live and study In the new multifunctional building, students of each course will live on a separate floor, in block cubicles for 10 people with cozy rooms for 2 and 3 beds, two bathrooms, two dressing rooms and a common living room (relaxation room).

Meals are organized in two canteens: for 560 Nakhimov students and 80 teachers per shift. Each hall has two prepared food distribution lines with salad bars. Located on the 5th floor of the building sports complex with 3 halls: gymnastics, games and martial arts. The renovation of the swimming pool and multi-purpose gym on the 1st floor has been completed. The area of ​​the school’s internal sports area has been increased fourfold from 400 to 1,600 m2, and sevenfold, taking into account basketball and football courts, running tracks and outdoor exercise equipment. During the repair and reconstruction, the school was equipped with computer science classes, foreign languages, as well as laboratories of physics, chemistry, biology with modern equipment.

The number of classrooms increased from 29 to 43, excluding teacher premises. Previously, teachers conducted classes in two separate buildings and did not have their own workplaces. On the first and second floors there is a medical center with a hospital with 15 beds, physiotherapeutic and dental offices. A special pride of Nakhimovka was the high-tech cultural and educational complex, specially designed for sailors in the under-dome space. It houses an interactive classroom, a library and a modern ultra-high-resolution digital dome projection system for classes in astronomy, celestial navigation and other natural sciences. The possibilities for studying geography, history and physics using educational films have been significantly expanded.

Nakhimov Naval Schools

Nakhimov naval schools (closed secondary educational institutions) were formed in accordance with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Russian Communist Party of Belarus) dated August 21, 1943 and were intended to prepare young men for study in higher naval educational institutions, and subsequent service in Navy as officers. They received the name “Nakhimovsky” in honor of the great Russian naval commander Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, Hero Crimean War 1853-1856 He is especially dear to our people because he devoted the maximum of his intellectual and moral strength to serving Russia, was a progressive military leader, a recognized authority in various fields of naval affairs, and a talented teacher of sailors. “Of the three ways to influence subordinates: rewards, fear and example, the last is the surest,” he said.

Nakhimov schools were created: in Tbilisi - 1943, Leningrad - 1944 and Riga - 1945. The first students of the schools were children of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, sons of regiments, cabin boys of fleet ships, partisans who had military awards. They were twelve to fifteen years old at that time. The schools created conditions for classes that allowed Nakhimov students, while studying theory, to develop seamanship skills, instill a love for the romance of naval service, and provide deep and comprehensive general educational knowledge. Much attention was paid to drill training, which achieved smartness, alignment, a sense of a comrade’s elbow and other skills necessary for the life of each student. Special role certainly played educational practice, which included naval, combined arms and general physical training. Pupils of all schools acquired practical skills and physical training in summer camps on the Black Sea in the village of False Gelendzhik, on the Baltic, and in one of the picturesque corners on the Karelian Isthmus. During sea voyages on boats and ships, the moral and physical qualities of everyone were tested.

In 1953, the Riga School was closed, and in 1955, the Tbilisi School, whose students who did not complete their studies were transferred to the Leningrad Nakhimov Naval School, where they continued their studies.

History of the Leningrad Nakhimov Naval School

The school was created in accordance with the resolution of the Council People's Commissars USSR dated June 21, 1944 No. 745, and formed by order of the People's Commissar Navy USSR dated June 23, 1944 No. 280. The date of publication of the order of the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy on the formation of the school, June 23, was established as the annual holiday of the school. The school is located in the building of the College House named after Emperor Peter the Great, built in 1912 and located at Petrogradskaya embankment, building 2 - 4 lit. A.

The construction of the building was carried out in 1909-1910, the author of the project was the outstanding domestic architect A.I. Dmitriev, the sculptural decor is made according to the drawings of the famous Russian artist A.N. Benoit. Grand opening and the consecration of the building took place on May 12, 1912. Since its opening, educational institutions have been located in the School House. Initially, junior specialists for the Russian commercial fleet were trained here; in the post-revolutionary period, the secondary secondary school, and from 1944 to this day - the Nakhimov Naval School.

Captain 1st Rank Nikolai Georgievich Izachik was appointed the first head of the school. On November 7, 1944, the first 408 boys aged 8–13 years (grades 5–7) began their studies in the school building on Petrogradskaya Embankment.

By order of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated November 4, 1945 No. 15959-r, for the organization of a training camp and subsidiary farming, the school was allocated a plot of land in the Konnelyarsky district with a total area of ​​300 hectares. (southern shore of Lake Nakhimovskoye in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region).

On March 31, 1945, the Leningrad NVMU was awarded the Red Banner of the naval units of the USSR Navy, as “... a sign of unification and internal cohesion..., a symbol of military honor, valor and glory..., a reminder to the Nakhimovites of their sacred duty to faithfully serve the Motherland, to defend it courageously and skillfully defend every inch of our native land from the enemy...”

On November 18, 1945, the Red Banner cruiser "Aurora" was moored near the Petrogradskaya side, and on November 17, 1948, the cruiser was transferred to its final mooring location on Bolshaya Nevka, at Petrogradskaya embankment 2/4 and became a training base for school students.

On May 1, 1946, the combined regiment of Nakhimov high school students took part in the May Day parade on Red Square in Moscow for the first time. On June 30, 1948, the first graduation of 68 Nakhimov students from the 1944 class took place, among whom there were 2 gold and 3 silver medalists. By order of the Minister of Defense USSR dated September 24, 1958 No. 179 established a badge for a graduate of the Leningrad Nakhimov Naval School.

On June 25 - July 25, 1960, the first long-distance voyage of Nakhimovites (1st company, graduation) took place on the training cruiser "Komsomolets", along the route Baltiysk - Severomorsk - Baltiysk. Based on the results of the campaign, for the first time, Nakhimovites were awarded the badge “For a long journey.”

On July 10, 2001, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 527 “On the list of historical and cultural heritage federal (all-Russian) significance, located in St. Petersburg", the main building of the school has been given the status of a historical and cultural object Federal significance— “Schoolhouse named after Emperor Peter the Great,” architect A.I. Dmitriev, artist A.N. Benois, sculptor V.V. Kuznetsov.

On May 29, 2004, on the initiative of the Nakhimov Club, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Leningrad NVMU, a bust of Admiral P.S. was erected near the school building on Petrogradskaya Embankment. Nakhimov, author E.A. Fazilov, sculptor L.V. Aristov.

On January 27, 2009, the President visited the school Russian Federation— Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev.

On July 6, 2012, Nakhimov residents took part in the grand opening of the first monument to Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov in St. Petersburg and the Russian Federation on Vasilyevsky Island, in the “Little Havanese” park, sculptor G.V. Lukyanov.

July 6 – 17, 2012, in the year of the 210th anniversary of the birth of Admiral P.S. Nakhimov 12 Nakhimov students of the 10th class took part in a historical and patriotic yacht expedition called “Baltic miles of 15-year-old midshipman Pavel Nakhimov,” which took place along the route: St. Petersburg - Kotka - Helsinki - Tallinn - Stockholm - Kotka - St. Petersburg.

On July 6, 2012, the Nakhimov Military Medical University was presented with a new type of banner, as a particularly honorable official military symbol and military relic, personifying honor, valor, glory and traditions. The banner indicates the purpose of the school and its affiliation with the Navy of the Russian Federation.

On May 9, 2013, by decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General S.K. Shoigu, the tradition of participation of Nakhimov and Suvorov soldiers in Victory parades on Red Square in Moscow has been revived. The combined regiment of the Nakhimovsky Military Medical University took part in the military parade dedicated to the 68th anniversary of the Victory Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.

On May 29 - 30, 2014, ceremonial events were held dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Leningrad NVMU, in which the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral V.V., took part. Chirkov, Governor of St. Petersburg G.S. Poltavchenko, Deputy Chairman State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation S.V. Zheleznyak, as well as about 4 thousand veterans - graduates of the Tbilisi, Leningrad and Riga Nakhimov Naval Schools. Among the guests were graduates of the Nakhimov School of Bulgaria (Varna).

By order of the head of the Nakhimovsky VMU dated June 8, 2015 No. 141, the Regulations on badges Nakhimov Naval School "For excellence in studies" and "For diligence in studies", which are awarded to Nakhimov students who have achieved high levels of mastery educational program and exemplary discipline.

On November 13, 2015, Order No. 687 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation was issued “On the inclusion of the Hero of the Russian Federation, Major General Timur Avtandilovich Apakidze, forever in the lists of the 2nd training company of the Nakhimov Military Medical School.”

On December 5, 2015, the school held a Courage lesson “Eagerness for heroism”, dedicated to the Day Heroes of the Fatherland and the enlistment of Hero of the Russian Federation, Major General T.A. Apakidze is forever on the list of the 2nd company of the school. The lesson of courage was attended by 2 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 7 Heroes of the Russian Federation, 6 colleagues of Timur Avtandilovich in naval aviation, the mother and widow of the Hero.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 8, 2016 No. 496 “On the reorganization of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation,” Sevastopol and Vladivostok PKU were transformed into branches of the Federal State Educational Institution “Nakhimov Naval School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.”

On August 26, 2016, by order of the head of the Nakhimovsky VMU No. 204, the Regulations on the challenge pennant “To the best training course (company) based on the results academic year" On September 1, 2016, for the first time, the pennant was awarded to the 7th training course (5th company), senior educator (head of the course) S.V. Borshchev.

On September 2, 2016, on Petrogradskaya Embankment, at the entrance to the school, a solemn opening ceremony of the sculpture “We Serve the Motherland since Childhood” took place. The sculpture is dedicated to the students of the first (military) intake at the Nakhimov School in 1944. It is intended to perpetuate the memory of those Nakhimov boys whose fathers gave their lives defending the Motherland, of the cabin boys of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, of all those who actually served Homeland since childhood.

On April 4, 2017, Order No. 209 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation was issued “On the creation of a branch of the federal state government educational institution “Nakhimov Naval School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” in Murmansk.” The grand opening of the branch took place on September 1, 2017, in which the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral V.I., took part. Korolev. The first bell rang at the branch for students admitted to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd educational courses (240 people).

Captain 1st Rank FILIPIEV Yuri Petrovich

Captain 1st Rank SOKOLOV Valentin Evgenievich

Major General APAKIDZE Timur Avtandilovich

Rear Admiral BERZIN Alexander Alexandrovich

Captain 1st Rank SPRAVTSEV Sergey Valentinovich

Rear Admiral KHMYROV Vsevolod Leonidovich

Captain 1st Rank OPARIN Alexander Ivanovich

Rear Admiral VARFOLOMEEV Valery Vladimirovich

Of the graduates, 65 became admirals, including the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy (2007-2012) Admiral V.S. Vysotsky, head of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy named after N.G. Kuznetsov" (2012-2016) Admiral N.M. Maksimov, Chief of the Main Staff of the Navy - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy (2016-present) Vice Admiral A.O. Volozhinsky, as well as vice admirals Yu.S. Alekseev, L.I. Zhdanov, V.L. Kasatonov, O.V. Burtsev, M.M. Popov, A.F. Shlemov and many others.

14 graduates of the school became generals, including the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces, Lieutenant General V.M. Ivanushkin, head of one of the departments of the USSR Ministry of Defense, corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization, Major General A.I. Demin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense, Major General V.V. Safronov and others.

The vast majority of school graduates devoted themselves to military service on surface ships, submarines, in naval aviation and marine corps of the Russian Navy, of which more than 9 thousand were awarded government awards for exemplary performance of military duty in defense of the Fatherland.

And currently, graduates of the school command ships, formations and formations Russian fleet, perform difficult but honorable military service.

Many of the graduates distinguished themselves in the political, diplomatic, scientific, pedagogical fields, as well as in the field of literature, culture, art, and were awarded government awards and honorary titles. Among them: academician Russian Academy Education, Minister of Education of Russia (1990-1992) E.D. Dnieper; Professor, Head of the Department of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute V.A. Kozlovsky, ship designers, State Prize laureates I.P. Bogachenko and V.P. Gorbachev; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician, honorary member many academies S.P. Nikolaev; Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor E.M. Gubachev, V.V. Krishtal and S.I. Kuznetsov; diplomat, military attaché in the Republic of Cuba and Romania G.A. Mikhailov; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Engineering B.S. Markitantov and many others.

During the summer practice period, Nakhimov senior students improved their practical skills in the basics of naval training on long sea voyages on training ships of the Baltic Fleet, with visits to Finland, Holland, Denmark, England, the USA, France, Greece and other countries, based on the results of which they were awarded the distinctive sign “For a long voyage”, which at the age of 15-16 is a worthy and honorable award for future naval officers.

From 1946 to 2008 Traditionally, school students took part in military parades in Moscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad). This proud tradition was revived in 2013 and continues every year.

Currently, the Nakhimov Naval School is located in three separate buildings. The main building of the School House named after Emperor Peter the Great is included in the list of objects of historical and cultural heritage of federal (all-Russian) significance and is under state protection.

1963 - 1971 BAKARDZHIEV Vyacheslav Georgievich

  • 1971 - 1976 BELYAEV Pavel Grigorievich

  • 1976 - 1979 FYODOROV Nikolai Konstantinovich

  • 1979 - 1990 STOLYAROV Lev Nikolaevich

  • 1990 - 2001 MALOVOV Nikolay Nikolaevich

  • 2001 - 2007 BUKIN Alexander Nikolaevich

  • 2008 YURCHENKO Andrey Yakovlevich

  • 2008 - 2013 ANDREEV Nikolay Nikolaevich

  • 2013 - 2018 SUROV Alexey Borisovich

  • In connection with the need to further improve the infrastructure, educational and material base, and improve the social and living conditions of students, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General S.K. Shoigu made a decision to reconstruct the fixed assets of the Nakhimov Naval School, which involves the construction of a new multifunctional building, reconstruction of the educational barracks building, restoration of the educational and administrative building, as well as the creation of a park area, an area of ​​flat sports facilities and other facilities.

    Heraldic emblems of the school

    Large emblem - coat of arms of the Nakhimov Military Medical University. The main heraldic design official symbol, reflecting general, particular and special features of the functional purpose and methods of operation of the institution. In a large emblem, through heraldic elements, it should reflect as much as possible full information on an institution of a certain level and functional purpose.

    Middle emblem. A heraldically designed official symbol that reflects the private and special features of the functional purpose of the institution and methods of activity. The middle emblem is created to expand the possibilities when constructing heraldic signs.

    Small emblem. A heraldically designed official symbol that reflects the special features of the functional purpose of the institution and methods of activity. The small emblem is strictly individual for a specific institution and represents a united symbolic meaning artistic composition heraldic elements.

    Medallion. A heraldically designed official symbol, reflecting the special features of the functional purpose of the institution and methods of activity, placed in the center of the blue cross on the reverse side of the banner. On the red background of the medallion there is a small emblem of the institution.

    We are all so accustomed to the fact that sailors live in the beautiful blue and white building at the intersection of Petrovskaya and Petrogradskaya embankments that it seems to us that it was created for them. But it turns out not. The Nakhimov School moved into this house in 1944. And the house was built in 1911. And it was built to memorable date- 200th anniversary of St. Petersburg. A few years before the anniversary of 1903, a special Anniversary Commission was formed, which was developing a program of celebrations and considered numerous projects and proposals, selecting the best of them for inclusion in the program. In 1902, the idea was submitted to build a School House in memory of the founder of the city. The idea was in tune with the educational sentiments of the era, and the proposal was accepted. But they no longer had time to build it - the anniversary was just around the corner. Therefore, they decided to lay the first stone of the School House on the days of the celebrations, and build it later, to coincide with some other date. The ceremonial laying of the Peter the Great School House took place on the second day of the anniversary celebrations on Petrovskaya Embankment not far from the Peter the Great House. In the same year, a competition was announced for the presentation best project School house. According to the terms of the competition, the main building of the school house was to house twelve classes of an elementary school, male and female four-year schools, and a city free reading room. Vocational schools, male and female, for 150 people each, had to be housed in a separate building for reasons of hygiene. All schools included in the complex must have separate entrances, restrooms, changing rooms, and an elevator for staff. It was also planned to create a large courtyard for children to play and a small service yard. One of the indispensable conditions of the competition was the installation of a monument or bust to Peter the Great on the facade of the building. The winner of the competition was a young, 27-year-old architect Alexander Ivanovich Dmitriev. In the project The architect, against the backdrop of modern neoclassical forms, used features of Peter the Great's architecture, visually helping to revive the memory of days long past, of the birth of St. Petersburg, of its founder.
    Due to funding problems, in 1907 another site on Bolshaya Nevka, along the Petrogradskaya Embankment, was offered for the construction of the School House. Here it was built and took on the role of an architectural dominant. Finally, in April 1909, all approvals and approvals were completed, and on the eve of the anniversary of the Battle of Poltava, on June 26, 1909, the building was laid for the second time at a new location. Main celebrations dedicated to the anniversary The Battle of Poltava took place in Poltava, so the royal court was there, and members royal family were not present at the new foundation of the School House. (It is interesting that in Poltava at that time, in the presence of the royal court, a monument to the dead Swedes was unveiled. mass grave in the vicinity of the city a cross was erected with the inscription: “To the brave Swedish soldiers who fell in the battle near Poltava on June 27, 1709”). The building was completed in a surprisingly short time, especially compared to the long preparation period. It took only a year and a half to build, and by the fall of 1910, construction was almost complete. The school complex consisted of a main building standing along the Bolshaya Nevka and two buildings perpendicularly adjacent to it. In one of them there was an assembly hall with a service wing; in the other there is a crafts building connected to the main building by a three-story passage above the gate. In 1910, even before graduation finishing works classes began in 37 classes in the building of the School House. The consecration of the building took place on the 240th birthday of the city’s founder, Emperor Peter the Great, on May 30, 1912. The building was equipped with central steam heating, ventilation, electricity was installed, and the streets adjacent to it were paved.
    The main façade of the building faces the Bolshaya Nevka. The façade is distinctly asymmetrical. Its semantic center is strongly shifted to the right. In the center of the main composition at the third floor level is a cartouche with a bronze bust of Peter in a cuirass and ermine robe based on sketches by A. N. Benois. Below it are two baby figures holding a blanket with the inscription: “TO THE FATHER OF THE FATHERLAND.” The sculptural decoration of the façade is crowned by a huge relief, in the center of which are two crossed Latin letters “P” - the emperor’s monogram: Peter Prime. To the right and left of the image are young athletes holding a heavy lion skin, on which a clock from the famous Winter company is installed below, at the level of the fifth floor. The clocks of this company are installed on the Admiralty Tower, on the tower of the Moscow Station, and also on the Duma Tower. Above the raised gable roof is a thin spire with a boat on top.
    The facade of the Crafts building of the School House, facing the Neva, is decorated with a high relief by the sculptor A.A. Kudinova. The high relief depicts the goddess Minerva approving the actions of Peter. The image of the Roman goddess Minerva (Greek Athena) on the facade of the Crafts Building represents her here as the patroness of arts and crafts, surrounded by objects related to various types of human activity: painting, sculpture, theater, navigation, shipbuilding. In the vocational school of the school house they turned special attention to acquire drawing and sketching skills by students, and therefore the building had drawing rooms, large classrooms and workshops. The library was also located here.
    The northern wing of the School House is for service purposes. It goes out onto Penkovaya Street. Together with the assembly hall building, the four-story outbuilding forms a small, cozy service courtyard. The main halls of the School House were called “Petrovsky”. Little has been preserved from their former magnificent decoration. The reception room, which is now divided into two parts, in its decoration resembled the gallery of the Monplaisir Palace in Peterhof. The main entrance vestibule with cross vaults, tiles and a two-tier fireplace has been preserved to some extent. On the two staircases leading from the lobby to the top, lanterns resembling the lanterns of sailing ships hung on chains in the stairwells. By some miracle, the railing bars with the monogram of Peter I and Menshikov (letter “M”) and the railings themselves survived.
    The Assembly Hall, located on the second floor, was very decorated with chandeliers and chandeliers. Wooden models of ships were hung from the ceiling, and sconces and mirrors alternated in the walls. The hall was given a special solemnity by blue tiles with drawings depicting the era of Peter the Great, and the sayings of Peter I were repeatedly repeated. Paintings and two maps of Russia hung in the hall.
    After the revolution, the rich decoration of the Assembly Hall was lost. In 1944, the Nakhimov School was located in the building of the former Peter the Great School House.

    On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of St. Petersburg, a special anniversary commission was created in the city, where various projects were developed. Considering various ideas, the commission chose the construction of the Peter the Great School House. A site was chosen for construction on the territory of the Hemp Buyan, near the house of Peter I. On an area of ​​1800 sq. m. fathoms, it was planned to build a whole complex of educational houses.

    However, on April 16, 1903, the City Duma denied the commission the allotted place due to the too high cost of the site (220 rubles per square fathom - very large amount for that time). Another location for the school house was proposed - on the corner of Penkova Street and Malaya Dvoryanskaya. However, on May 12, the Duma still agreed to provide a plot of land on the territory of Penkovy Buyan. According to the decision of the City Duma, lighting was to be carried out at this place during the anniversary celebrations. On the day of the 200th anniversary of St. Petersburg, the Trinity Bridge and Petrovskaya Embankment, dressed in granite, were solemnly opened. The next day, the ceremonial laying of the School House took place, which was attended by many important guests, for example, mayors of French cities, mayors of Berlin, Munich, Danzig and Königsberg, the head of Sofia, the mayor of Bucharest, etc.

    After the celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the city, a competition was held for the construction of the School House. According to the plan, the main building was to house twelve classes of a primary school, male and female four-year schools and a city free reading room.

    In addition, a separate building was provided for men's and women's vocational schools for 150 people each. Large educational complex was supposed to become both a school and a monument at the same time. Only three architects took part in the design competition, which took place in 1905: A.I. Dmitriev, A.L. Lishnevsky and N.A. Vitashevsky. The jury chose the project of Alexander Ivanovich Dmitriev. A plot of land on the banks of the Bolshaya Nevka was allocated for the construction of the School House.

    The final design of the house was approved by the City Duma only on October 10, 1908. The second ceremonial laying of the building was “tied” to another date - to the 200th anniversary of the victory in Battle of Poltava. Construction of the school building was completed in the fall of 1910. Architect A.E. helped Dmitriev in working on the project. Belogrud, famous for the construction of the “house with towers” ​​on Leo Tolstoy Square. Classes at the Schoolhouse began in November 1910. In 1912, vocational schools also opened here. The future famous politician studied in the classes of the Educational House Soviet Union A.N. Kosygin. In 1944, the building of the School House was transferred to the Nakhimov School. His students undergo internships on the nearby memorial cruiser Aurora.

    “And the needle of the spire, directed towards the sky, and the proximity to the Neva, and the bust of Peter, the Tsar-Seafarer, the founder of the Russian fleet, many other details coincide so exactly that even to me, an architect, it seems as if I was designing this house for the Nakhimovites” A. AND. Dmitriev

    A few days ago we celebrated our 140th birthday. famous architect Russia A.I. Dmitrieva. The work of this prominent architect covers the entire first half of the 20th century. The master's diverse and multi-genre heritage includes about a hundred major projects and buildings, many of which are included in the annals of Russian architecture.

    Alexander Ivanovich Dmitriev was born on October 2 (14), 1878 in the family of a photographer, assigned to the petty bourgeois class of the city of Pskov. From childhood he was fond of drawing. The boy was left without a father early on, and Yu.A.’s widowed mother. Dmitrieva continued to run a photographic establishment and made every effort to provide a full education to Alexander and his younger brother Nikolai. Thanks to his mother's care, he mastered French, German and English languages, which were so useful on business trips abroad.

    In the summer of 1895, a sixteen-year-old young man came to the capital and, having successfully passed the exams, entered the Institute of Civil Engineers. Student Dmitriev completed his first drawing work in his first year on the topic “Antiquities of Pskov.” The graduate’s wonderful watercolor drawings were rated “excellent.” Many years later, he recalled his first work: “I recently re-read “Some Antiquities of Pskov” and saw that I could sign this youthful study even now, half a century later, without changing anything.” Dmitriev graduated from the Institute of Civil Engineers with a gold medal - second on the list of 59 graduates. The talented graduate was actively involved in the architectural life of the capital and was elected a member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Society of Architects. At the same time, he entered the architectural department of the Academy of Arts in the class of the then popular professor L.N. Benoit. In 1904, Dmitriev traveled abroad for scientific purposes. A trip to the USA and Canada broadened his horizons.
    In their scientific works the architect considered the issues techniques and features of construction, economics, construction legislation, strength and fire safety. Alexander Ivanovich actively takes part in architectural competitions. His design for the State Duma building for St. Petersburg received a gold medal in 1908.

    But the greatest fame was brought to Dmitriev by participation in the competition in 1903 for the design of the building of the Peter the Great School House (Nakhimov Naval School), erected on the south-eastern spit of the Petrograd side, at the source of the Bolshaya Nevka. At the time of the competition, he and von Gauguin were working on the interiors of M.F.’s mansion. Kshesinskaya. The architect dedicated his main work to the 200th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg. He completed the project in the spirit of the architecture of Peter the Great's times, and the reward for a successful project was the first prize in the competition. In the decoration and design of ceremonial interiors, he collaborated with great masters, many of whom were members of creative organization“World of Art”: A.N. Benoit, B.M. Kustodiev, M.V. Dobuzhinsky, D.N. Kardovsky, V.V. Kuznetsov, A.A. Kudinov, S.V. Chekhonin and others.

    It is known that the architect himself, when choosing a building for training and education of students of the Nakhimov Naval School in 1944, advised Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov building on Petrogradskaya embankment. Alexander Ivanovich loved to visit Nakhimov residents. Dmitriev's building is still the most remarkable and notable among educational buildings in St. Petersburg. For more than 100 years, the main building of the architect A.I. Dmitrieva does not change her happy destiny - raising worthy citizens of Great Russia.

    Chief architect of St. Petersburg, academician of architecture throughout his long career creative life designed and built residential buildings, industrial buildings, shipyards and bridges in Tallinn, Taganrog, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Kharkov and other cities, conducted scientific, teaching and legislative activities. Under these conditions, A.I. Dmitriev maintained his belief in the value of creative work. “...My happiness lies in the fact that all my life I remained faithful to the highest calling of man - I created,” said the 80-year-old master. “This is the main beauty of human life...”

    Main works of A.I. Dmitrieva

    • Professor Popov Street, ? 1900-1901 - G.V. Ash's mansion. (Not preserved).
    • Simbirsk provincial council on the corner of B. Saratovskaya and Pokrovskaya streets. in Simbirsk (1902; competition; 1st prize)
    • Petrovskaya embankment, no. 2-4 - Penkovaya street - The building of the city School House named after Peter I (Nakhimov Naval School), 1909-1911.
    • Kronverksky Avenue, No. 1-3 - Kuibysheva Street, No. 2 - 4, left side. Decoration of the hall and living room in the mansion of M. F. Kshesinskaya. 1905-1906 (Not preserved. The hall was restored in 1987).
    • English Avenue, No. 1/Moika Embankment, No. 124 - residential building for employees of the New Admiralty. 1908-1909 Now - VNIIOkeangeology.
    • Embankment of the Fontanka River, No. 203 - buildings of the Admiralty Shipyard. 1908-1912. Together with N.I. Dmitriev.
    • Ship bridge across the Moika against Matisov Island (1912).
    • Shipyards, shipbuilding and mechanical plants of the Russian-Baltic Society in Reval (1913-1917)
    • House of management of the Southern Railway in Kharkov (1908-1910)
    • Beekeeping school for peasant children in the village of Butlerovka, Spassky district, Kazan province. (1907)
    • Working quarters at the Russian-Baltic Society plant in Taganrog (1917)
    • House of Cooperation on Sq. Dzerzhinsky in Kharkov (1927-1930, together with O. R. Muntz)
    • Palace of Culture of Metallurgists in Donetsk (1929)
    • Worker's Palace (Railway Workers' Club) in Kharkov (project 1927; 1931-1932; design calculations by civil engineer Aistov N.N.)
    • State Kramatorsk plants (new foundry and boiler workshops; with the participation of Miturich N. A., Smorgonsky L. I.; engineers: Dmitriev P. I., Popov I. O., Ivanov V. F., Nikitin P. I. )
    • Power plant of the north-eastern region of Donbass using open-hearth furnace gases
    • Theater-club in Kramatorsk (built in 1928-1930; destroyed in 1941-1943; rebuilt during restoration in 1945-1946)
    • Projects standard buildings for permafrost areas (since 1948).
    • Second competition for the monument to Skobelev // Architect. 1903, No. 33, P.395;
    • City school house named after Peter the Great // Architect. 1908, No. 29, No. 33, P. 354;
    • The abandonment of Peter's relics//Old Years. May, 1912;
    • From foreign architectural magazines//Zodchiy. 1902, No. 12, P.143-145;
    • Historical exhibition of art objects in Moscow // Architect. 1904, No. 4;
    • On the issue of the St. Petersburg City Duma awarding the best facades // Architect. 1903, No. 52;
    • Sewage wells//Zodchiy. 1899, no. 11;
    • Sewage absorption wells//Zodchiy. 1899, No. 2, P.137-141;
    • Competition of monuments to Wagner and Bismarck // Architect. 1902, No. 35, P.398-401;
    • To the project of a beekeeping school in memory of academician A.M. Butlerov // Architect. 1907, No. 46, P.475-476;
    • Some antiquities of Pskov//Zodchiy. 1897, Issue 5, pp. 35-38;
    • XI Congress of Naturalists in Moscow // Zodchiy. 1902, Issue 8, P.97-98; Issue 9, pp. 109-110;
    • Monument to C. Garnier in front of the building Grand Opera in Paris//Architect. 1903, No. 32, P.376-378;
    • The results of two competitions: the museum in Barmen and the monument to the emperor. Elizabeth in Vienna//Architect. 1903, No. 28, P.341-343;
    • Contemporary decorative art//Architect. 1903, No. 39, P.453-456; No. 40, pp. 469-471;
    • Paramedic School for the Black Sea Fleet//Zodchiy. 1913, Issue 10, pp. 119-120;
    • French artistic architectural print for 1903 // Architect. 1904, Issue 6, P.68-69;
    • Dmitriev A., Krivoshein G. Non-competitive bridge project for Stockholm // Zodchiy. 1908, Issue 28, pp. 259-261;
    • Dmitriev A.I., Rakitin D.S. To the project of the Southern Administration House railways//Architect. 1913, Issue 5, P.52;
    • Dmitriev A.I., Rakitin D.S. Construction of the Southern Railways Administration House in Kharkov // Zodchiy. 1912, Issue 32, S.; Issue 34, p.
    • Artistic and architectural impressions of the day // Architect. 1904, No. 8, S.; No. 9, pp. 106-108; No. 11, pp. 135-137; No. 15, pp. 182-185;
    • Kirikov B.M. Search for something new in the work of architect A.I. Dmitriev // Architectural Heritage. 1979, No. 27, pp. 180-189.


    • Architects and builders of St. Petersburg-Petrograd at the beginning of the 20th century. Exhibition catalogue. L., 1982;
    • Kondakov S. Uk.soch. T.2, P.325;
    • Kirikov B. Architect A.I. Dmitriev: To the 100th anniversary of his birth // ASSR. 1979, no. 2;
    • Kirikov B.M. An example of Art Nouveau style. New materials about the interiors of an architectural monument//SAL, 1976. No. 6. P.38-41;
    • Kirikov B.M. Searches for something new in the work of architect A.I. Dmitriev, period 1900-1917 // Architectural Heritage, 1979, No. 27, pp. 180-189. Kondakov S. - vol. 2, p. 325.

    All information is taken from open sources

    Ilyushina Irina Vasilievna, teacher-organizer of the 3rd year of NVMU