Do I want to be a leader? Diagnosis: leader - what should I do, what should I do?

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If you remember, in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, there is a fragment when a girl asks Gosha – why aren’t you studying? You could be a leader. To which he answers her - do you think that everyone wants to be a leader? She, of course, answers: yes, of course.

The problem is that many people, no matter what they do or get involved in, first of all think about the opportunities opening up to them, but rarely think about responsibility. It's even worse in leadership positions. After all, what does the average employee think? When I become a boss, I’ll start coming later, leaving earlier, of course the pay is higher, there are more opportunities, new acquaintances, new connections... and off we go. But no one thinks that something else inevitably follows from this: sleepless nights, nervous clients, always missed deadlines, a regular lack of resources and much more.

In this article I will try to consider the main aspects that a manager REGULARLY faces.

So, what problems befall you as soon as you move from an ordinary employee to a rank of managers (it doesn’t matter what level, the problems are approximately the same, except that the scale changes).

The leader is always right.

Many people perceive this thesis as a joke. Not the leaders. The point is that being always right does not mean showing others that they are fools, but on the contrary, proving again and again that you are indeed right. Not on paper, but in reality. Having made any decision, you must strictly follow it, showing everyone else that you sincerely believe that you are right and are going towards it, and not just said and forgotten. To be right is to believe in success and be able to convey this belief to others.

Be able to make decisions quickly.

Quite often it happens that ANYTHING quickly decision much better and more effective than a deliberate, informed decision made later. And unfortunately, this happens much more often than you might think. Of course, this does not mean that you should always carry the first thing that comes to mind. Many decisions really need to be seriously thought through and calculated. possible options, explore alternatives. But there are situations when the answer must be given here and now. And here only your experience and speed of thinking can help you. And the responsibility is entirely yours

See distant goals.

A lot has been written about strategic planning and vision, including by me. But it’s still worth paying attention to this, because sometimes the temptation is extremely great. Sometimes you really want it here and now, and not in a year and who knows whether it will be. A sort of voice of a seducer who whispers to you that you don’t know what will happen next... You must fight it mercilessly, otherwise the goal will turn into ghostly smoke in the distance. And without a goal you cannot move.

In addition, not only you but also your employees need a distant goal. But unlike you, they don’t think about it all the time, but quite the opposite - they always forget, and don’t understand why you act this way and not otherwise. This is where you remind that you are not interested in 100 rubles now, but in a million in a year.

Ability to seek compromises and agree to them.

Everyone knows about the options for cooperation (win-lose, lose-win, win-win and lose-lose). And of course, you should always strive for a win-win situation. But, alas, there are stalemate situations when this is impossible to achieve. Well, for example, an employee wants a double increase in pay. You can give him a raise (you lose), fire him (both lose), or put him in his place with some kind of reprimand (he lost, but rest assured, he will take revenge).

Therefore, the ability to find a compromise is simply a necessary skill. But there is also the other side of the coin, when you yourself have to give in and settle for something less than you want or, as you think, deserve. This increases dissatisfaction and psychological stress. And this is not so easy to deal with.

The ability to get over yourself.

Continuing the theme of compromises, sometimes a manager has to sacrifice something, much more than an ordinary employee. This can manifest itself in various ways, such as working overtime instead of going to the movies, or refusing a bonus when the company is in financial trouble (even if you really counted on the money). There may be more difficult moments, for example, if the entire team does not agree with you on some issue, you can change the decision, although in your heart you are sure that you are right. Of course, this does not apply to important work issues. And from here comes the next skill.

Insist on.

Let me remind you that a leader always has a distant goal before his eyes. In addition, he has much more information about the company and the market as a whole. Therefore, many things seem simple and obvious to him, while to other employees they seem unnatural. In such situations there are conflicts, because employees think that you are wrong and do not know what you are doing. Of course, first you must try to convince them, explain why this is so and not otherwise. But if this doesn’t help, just use your formal power and set a task, even if no one but you likes it. In general, in practice we have to make unpopular decisions more often than we would like. But there is no other way. It's quite difficult to go against everyone. But sometimes you have to.

Presence of internal battery.

A good leader is, first of all, a leader. He must not only tell whom to do what, but also lead. People themselves must want to work, understand why, and why it is so important. But first of all, they should be turned on by the leader’s energy, his confidence in tomorrow and in general, in a bright future. And even if you haven’t gotten enough sleep for two days, you have problems at home, a cold, a headache and a client is threatening to sue you, you shouldn’t come to the office upset and start pissing everyone off and saying that we’ll close soon and you’ll end up on street. Quite the contrary, it is at such moments that the presence of internal energy is extremely important. You must show your employees that everything is going as it should, everything will be fine, there is no reason to worry and, most importantly, they are still confidently moving towards a distant but important goal.

Relax when you have time, not when you want.

Another myth that looks completely different in practice. People think that all managers have completely free schedules and can come and go as they please. On the one hand, indeed, there are such periods. But it also happens that you have to be in several places at the same time, a certain amount of work must be completed tomorrow by lunch, and the completed order must be delivered to the client by Friday. And if we take into account globalization and the Internet, where people work in different time zones, then the concept of time is completely different. For example, holidays in Russia and Ukraine are different and celebrated differently. Working with clients here and there, you have to somehow get out of it in order to communicate with both. And when to sleep and go for a walk - in general, no one cares.

Ability to support a colleague.

There are people who think that all a manager does is command, shout, and bully employees. In fact, employees should be treated like children. Well, or for younger brothers and sisters - not to spoil them too much, otherwise they will dissolve, but also to be able to support them in difficult times. It happens that you need to meet halfway, for example, let him go earlier, or give an advance. Sometimes it’s just to support or advise something. It also happens that an employee did something wrong or made a mistake somewhere. And your task in such a situation is not to make him a laughing stock in front of others or smear him on the wall, but, on the contrary, to help find out what the reason is and support him. Unless, of course, the mistake is critical and the customer base is not being sold to competitors.

Bad mood and depressed spirit of employees directly affects the quality of work.

No friends at work.

AND last moment, to which I would like to draw your attention: a leader cannot be good friend subordinates. However, just like with your boss or partners. Of course, it is desirable that you have friendly relations, but nothing more. Otherwise, at some point, if you tell an employee to do something, but he doesn’t do it. When you call him “on the carpet”, he will tell you – oh well, what are you doing, I’ll do it later…. This is in best case scenario. Or he'll just send it. Therefore, you need to be friendly, but still abstract yourself. People should feel a barrier between you. Because the boss is still endowed with power and a “touch from above,” so to speak. You simply must stand higher, otherwise there will be no progress in the company.

If you immediately join a campaign with a new team and become the boss, everything is simple. It is much more difficult if you worked together, and then you were promoted, and your colleagues are now your subordinates. This is where we need to be tough and stop the “familiarity.” Unfortunately, you will face enormous resentment from your colleagues. After all, just yesterday you were on equal terms, and now you are ordering them. This must be overcome, endured... There is no other way.

I hope this small list did not cast too much of a shadow on the work of the manager. But you must understand that he is constantly under various “psychological pressures.” And remember, if you are the boss, then the responsibility is on you! And if someone doesn’t do something, the demand is still on you!

According to the famous folk wisdom, then you can be smarter than everyone around you by one very in a clear way- become a boss. We found out how and why people are promoted now, and why they even want to become bosses.

They don't know how to move their hands

A considerable number of tales about the shortcomings of management in Russian companies have a basis. Now this is not so noticeable, but 5-6 years ago the vast majority of managers simply did not know how to lead, that is, they did not have the knowledge and skills of management - how to set tasks and delegate authority, how to plan and motivate, how to resolve conflict situations. The rapid growth of business in the early 2000s created a tremendous demand for leaders, for those who create and lead teams and entire companies. The fever of such growth often forced the appointment of capable employees to positions who had barely achieved their first results. Such people, having received the tools to lead others, essentially remained executors. Yes, professional, but performers who would rather do something themselves than entrust it to someone else.

From this we can draw a conclusion that is paradoxical for many ordinary workers - there is a shortage of managers in the labor market. They are looking for managers and are ready to promote ordinary specialists. However, two problems arise here: the performers do not know how to become bosses (they do not understand technology), and if they do know, they want it not in order to achieve something in life, but in order to “work less.”

In our country, a boss is a person who does nothing. This mass stereotype dominates the majority of performers, says recruiter Irina Zykina. - According to my experience and that of my colleagues, approximately seven out of ten specialists, when you ask them about career or the content of the manager’s work demonstrate a lack of understanding of the subject. And at the same time, in the resume they write that they were project managers and even were in the personnel reserve.

This state of affairs gives rise to a lot of conflict situations. Here are descriptions of just a few of them - they were sent to the author of this article during a survey of users of the E1.RU portal:

Olga, logistician, writes:

Our team held a competition to fill the position of department head. Candidates were applied for three months in advance, the company management carried out an assessment in several stages, but after a long wait and a series of tests that the candidates went through, they didn’t really explain anything to us and appointed a person who did not achieve any particular results in his work. Why, if there are more successful candidates in the team, and this can be proven by numbers, do they choose another person?

Excerpts from the text of a letter from Anna, head of the procurement department:

I became a manager at the age of 25, because of my experience in my field - I have been working in trade almost since my first year. I changed companies three times and was constantly faced with the fact that my subordinates did not understand why one person was appointed as a manager and another was not. Constant negativity towards management.

Oleg, development department employee:

I’m 34 years old, according to my bosses, I’m simply “irreplaceable” in the company, they ask me to work 25 hours a day, and they undermined me at night, but they still won’t give me a promotion. To a couple of my attempts to understand why, the only answers were that there was not enough experience. How little if I have been in the profession for more than 10 years, and in this company for almost seven?

There are a lot of similar stories, they are all similar to each other. In an effort to avoid conflicts, employers try to systematize the process and manage career growth.

Growth programs

Large companies quickly drew conclusions about the consequences of hectic appointments and began to try to prepare promising employees for career growth in advance - in order to have a choice, and also to give candidates time to improve their qualifications, gain knowledge and skills that are useful specifically for managers. Such programs are called “personnel reserve”. Reservists were sent for additional training, given new tasks, and efforts were invested in developing their skills in managing people, financial descendants, and information. According to the Association of Managers and Specialists in Human Resource Management (ARS HRM), about employers (47%) in Yekaterinburg are ready to independently “grow” management personnel.

But the boom in “personnel reserve” projects showed one serious flaw - companies actively invested in reservists during the period of “personnel shortage”, and now it is not clear what to do with the extra “potential bosses”. Because good specialists were trained for the role of managers, but the need for managers has decreased - and those who have completed the training turned out to be no longer interested in working in this company in their previous position. They developed an interest in career growth, which they went to pursue in other companies. Thus, in an effort to solve one problem, large employers created another - they stimulated staff turnover. Personnel reserve programs have not become a panacea, but they have not been abandoned and they work in many large organizations.

Why do they make bosses?

We surveyed a number of companies to find out what qualities these organizations are willing to promote people for. In total, about 190 companies of various markets and business levels took part in the survey.

And we got the following results (the frequency of mentions of the seven most popular qualities is given):

  • Initiative (92%)
  • Organization and ability to plan (86%)
  • Discipline (82%)
  • Ability to take responsibility (74%)
  • Loyalty (73%)
  • Knowledge of more than just your subject area (49%)
  • Authority in the team (45%)

It is worth noting that the larger the organization, the more often its representatives noted organization and professionalism as important qualities for career advancement. And representatives of small-sized companies surveyed focused on the leadership qualities and emotional characteristics of candidates.

But the conversation about becoming a boss would be incomplete without one very important detail.

Let's be honest - there is a considerable amount of mistrust between performers interested in career growth (for any reason) and the current bosses, says Irina Zotova, HR manager at the PromVEST production company. - The bosses themselves don’t let new people move up, because in many companies “up” means taking the place of the same boss. So a very popular reason for the lack of career growth of a responsible employee is the lack of growth in the organization itself. If the company stands still, all management positions are occupied, and the employee will not get a promotion, no matter how hard he tries. We also need to know where people are raised.

The editors of E1.RU will follow the advice of Irina Zotova. We will conduct a separate study and prepare an article about which companies in Yekaterinburg are most actively developing the practice of systematic and regular promotion of employees.

Leaders are not born. They become them after a long journey. Which not everyone is able to complete. Many people get stuck in the middle. And someone breaks and retreats. Only a few make it to the top. And they are the ones who create this world.

"Rookie" in training

I usually don’t allow people to take part in management training if they haven’t spent at least three months in a management position. But sometimes exceptions happen.

A young man enrolled in the personnel reserve comes to the training. HR, who formed the group, assures that this employee is already a manager. That he takes upon himself the organization of many events in the team, trains newcomers and generally proves himself the best way. I reluctantly agree to his participation.

After a while problems begin. More precisely, they begin almost immediately after I begin discussing the leader's focus.

“A manager should be focused on solving the problems of the organization,” I say. “If he gets too involved in the personal problems of employees, he loses efficiency and spends his nerves in the wrong direction.” You always need to maintain a balance.

“What are you saying?” the “recruit” immediately reacts. “We don’t even think about people at all, but you propose to completely isolate yourself from them.”

“It’s impossible to isolate yourself from people.” No leader can do this. The question is that as long as the personal does not affect production efficiency, the manager should not interfere there. - I answer. – And if a manager, instead of managing a person, began to work as a psychotherapist, then there will be no need to talk about production efficiency.

— What about the “psychological support” management style? – the young man retorts. And I make a note to myself that he has read enough literature. Apparently he really wants to become a leader.

— This management style, since we have touched on this topic, prescribes a motivational conversation, rather than an analysis of the employee’s personal troubles.

One of the training participants, who appears to be about fifty years old, says

- Eh, youth. I was once so naive too. Vladimir, tell us how to conduct such conversations? I want to make sure I did the right thing. Or suddenly I did something wrong.

After this, the young man stops arguing for a while and listens carefully. Until we start talking about motivation.

— You say that you need to use negative motivation too! - he exclaims - But you yourself said that it is built on fear. Is it possible to scare people? We need to inspire them to achieve.

I make a note to myself that the candidate for leadership has read enough leadership literature and begin to explain the difference between the book reality and the real one. And at the same time I curse myself for succumbing to HR’s persuasion. There are special programs for the personnel reserve, where everything is much softer. Where I slowly train people to think in a “leadership” style. There is time to show the reality of a leader through special exercises, instead of starting arguments and taking up time from already established bosses.

I continue with the explanation. Most of the leaders in the group nod contentedly and at the same time insert rather caustic statements regarding “the young and the early ones, who still have problems to eat and eat.” The young man squirms uncomfortably.

After the training, he comes up to me and says:

- I want to lead. I do everything in my power for this. I have good organizational skills. Tell me, will I succeed? I don't want to be a bad boss.

- Most likely, it will work out. - I answer. – But only after you yourself go through the problems with people that we discussed at the training. What you now know about them will help you overcome them. But it won't cancel. Unfortunately, leaders do not appear with the wave of a magic wand.

Organizational skills and other aptitudes

Looking at some people, I think that they will one day make excellent leaders. And to be honest, I feel a little sorry for them. After all, they will have to go all the way. Despite his brilliant abilities.

Organizational skills are not the same as being a leader. Until the attitude towards people and problems has changed, he is not yet a leader. The ability to make decisions quickly is great. But this is not enough. Ability to find mutual language with any person - wonderful. But this won't be enough.

A leader must combine all these qualities and at the same time be able to find the strength to treat both people and tasks correctly. You need to be able to find that balance in which neither one nor the other will suffer. And at the same time remain a thinking and feeling person. Don't get embittered. Don't become callous. And this is precisely the most difficult thing in a profession that has not yet been officially recognized. In the profession "leader".

The Leader's Path

The path of a true leader is a serious test. There's a lot to learn. And understand a lot. You need to educate yourself right attitude to the world and others. You need to evaluate yourself correctly. And rethink a lot.

Come to terms with reality

I have seen many young talented guys who, having achieved a leadership position, were euphoric from the opportunities that opened up. Yes, now, with the wave of a magic wand, people will begin to listen to their orders and carry them out with pleasure. Now they will be able to build an ideal system in which there is no place for sad faces. After all, they will do everything they recommend. smart people, who wrote all these wonderful books on leadership and management. They will inspire a team of successful people, and they will look into the mouth of their leader and rush after him into fire and water.

But the reality turns out to be different. In it, people do not always follow the orders of the leader. They laugh at the fiery speeches. And many of the boss’s comments simply fall on deaf ears. As one experienced leader shared with me: “One day I realized that 80% of my words were simply not being heard. Then it dawned on me how important it is to be able to speak correctly. And after I began to learn to speak, I realized how important it is to be able to ask questions. But then it turned out that this was not enough. We still need to teach people how to answer these questions.”

When the realization of reality comes, the young boss begins to rethink his values. The view of people begins to change. This is the first stage of becoming a leader. Which not everyone can withstand. Many break down.

Someone withdraws into himself, disappointed in people and his abilities. Someone is getting bitter. Someone is trying to learn to be indifferent. And only a few begin long and difficult work on themselves, changing their ideas about themselves and others. They learn patience. They learn to forgive other people's emotions and manage their own. They are looking for their own relationship model. And they begin to accept this world as it is. Without rainbow illusions. But also without black spots. Without despair.

Learn objectivity

One of the important milestones in becoming a leader is the cultivation of objectivity. And this is much easier said than done. Because starting to objectively evaluate your subordinates and colleagues is only half the battle. If not less. The most important thing is to learn to evaluate yourself correctly. That not everyone succeeds in this.

I know several fairly high-ranking executives who are forced to make tough decisions at work and go to a psychologist in the evenings to calm their feelings of guilt. To my question about what they were to blame for, I received the following answers: “It’s that business and sincerity are difficult to combine. Some decisions have a negative impact on people. And nothing can be done about it.” So, every time they choose business interests, they get hurt. And sooner or later they break. I know former leaders who left companies and began to look for themselves in art, travel, and charity. These are smart good people. But they could not bear this burden. This is a difficult profession in which only those who have managed to learn to objectively relate to reality and themselves survive.

In this respect, the profession of a manager is similar to medical practice. A doctor must love people enough to feel the desire to help them. However, one should not be afraid to cause them the necessary pain. But no more than necessary. If he is not capable of this, then his ceiling is to conduct an appointment at the clinic. Just like the real ceiling of a manager who has not learned to build objective relationships - managing a small department.

Get rid of perfectionism in yourself

A perfect result is great. But unattainable. After all, it only exists in your head. And others are always capable of doing something wrong. At least a little bit. But not like that.

As a result, a leader who strives for ideals can only exhaust himself and his employees.

Those who cannot give up perfectionism end up with broken nerves and a broken career. Those who advance are those who have learned to come to terms with reality without losing the desire for an ideal result. And adjust your expectations. To make this easier, I recommend forming three images of the result: ideal (where would we be without it), good and acceptable. Then you will have a head start - having learned to get acceptable results from people, you can begin to strive for good. Well, leave the ideal one as a guide.

Learn to react correctly to others

We are all, to some extent, dependent on the opinions of others. We want to please others. However, when you agreed to become a leader, you immediately became a creep to someone. Or else you will. After all, one day you will have to make your first unpopular decision. So, another stage that needs to be passed is to understand that there are no good leaders. There are some that are effective. As for “goodness,” for one employee you will be an ideal, and for another, the devil in the flesh. Humble yourself.

Understand what people can think

Having received power, it is difficult to resist the illusion that there is only one thinking person living on Earth. And there is only one person who knows how to do something.

Of course, this does not happen immediately. Before this comes a period of endless faith in people. When they begin to make mistakes, forget about assignments, misunderstand tasks and do other things that do not coincide with the leader’s picture of the world, he begins to become convinced of his exclusivity. Without even noticing that the same unique person is sitting at the next table, single-handedly doing the work of the entire department.

To dispel this belief and turn from the busiest performer finishing the work for the entire department into a real leader, you need, firstly, to lower expectations, and secondly, learn to listen to people. Learn to ask questions. And listen to the answers, no matter how much you want to interrupt them to insert your opinion.

Treat time correctly

Time is the only non-renewable resource. You need to learn how to spend it correctly. And I'm not talking about making to-do lists (although some people might want to). What I am saying is that you need to clearly understand what it is spent on effectively and what it is not spent on very well. Moreover, both your own time and that of your employees. For example, if you set a task in such a way that a person brings you a result that needs to be corrected or redone, this means that time is wasted. If you yell at a person, then most often, instead of increasing his efficiency, you will achieve a decrease in it. Which again means that you simply lost your time.

I estimate that about 80 percent of the time of leaders who don't learn how to manage is wasted. It's a shame. After all, for the most part, talented and responsible people end up as bosses. Which could be much more useful.

When I negotiate contracts for external management of companies, owners sometimes look at me with wide eyes when I tell them that I will participate in the organization's work 3-4 days a month. However, in reality, most often no more is required. After all, the manager’s task is to start the mechanism, and not to admire its work. The ideal leader is the one who managed to ensure that everything worked in his absence.

Discipline your thinking

What we do is determined by how we think. But we think differently. Someone is structured. He spends detailed analysis each factor, builds schemes, makes decisions slowly and thoroughly. Some are intuitive and chaotic. His solutions just appear. So that he himself does not understand what they are based on. And he announces them like this: “I just feel like it’s right.” Someone moves towards the goal consistently. Some spontaneously. We are all different. But none of these qualities can be a contraindication to leadership activities. In one case: if you have learned the discipline of thinking. Structurers need to learn to go beyond their thinking model. Intuitives, on the contrary, put themselves in limits. This is done with the help of questions addressed to oneself. But this is a topic for a separate long article. Or chapters of the book “Leader’s Tools,” which, by the way, will be on sale very soon.

Be a leader

In general, being an effective leader is good. I would not like the discussion of this article to turn into a discussion of my person, however, as an example of why it is good to be a leader not only by position, but also in essence, I will give my life (although this science was quite difficult for me). I manage several companies and at the same time manage to pursue my hobbies - conducting consultations and trainings. And I spend at least two months a year on vacation.

So, becoming a leader is not easy. It’s difficult for good people. To do this, you need to work on yourself. Over your belief system. Over the quality of your thinking. Over ways to communicate with people. Make a lot of effort and go through a lot of rethinking of your values. However, it is well rewarded. Healthy nerves, and therefore health. Freedom of action. Respect from others. And most importantly, enjoy the results.

And it’s never too late to start becoming a leader. You can trust me.

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Why do I want to achieve a management position? This is the most important question, which you should ask yourself at the very beginning.

Why do I want to achieve a management position? This is the most important question you should ask yourself at the very beginning. For a big salary? High position or connections? Or to achieve greater freedom? To stop obeying management? In order to become a top manager and head a key division, first of all, learn to manage yourself. Building your own career is your first project.

Project "I am the top"

The development and implementation of your own promotion should be carefully thought out:

- Assess available resources - knowledge and skills.

Analyze your own strengths and weaknesses.

Set goals and objectives.

Think over tactics and strategy, determine implementation deadlines.

Many companies train their employees to become middle and middle managers. senior management. This is always better than inviting specialists from other companies to leadership positions. But the demand for highly qualified managers in many industries today significantly exceeds supply. And they are needed here and now!

That is why young ambitious managers can reach the top of their careers much faster in such conditions. Sometimes it is enough to complete the first project, and recruiters will begin hunting for your knowledge and skills.

A top manager becomes one who once received a challenge and accepted it. This is a person who knows how to take risks. Of course, there is also luck here. But it also depends on the person’s personality. Every company employs many talented middle managers, but not all become bosses.

What do successful managers have that those who remain in middle positions do not?

Dream big and take action

Set big plans for yourself from the very beginning of your career. Actively implement them. See challenges as opportunities. They are a chance for further development and growth. Then you will achieve what you want. This is exactly what successful people do in life and at work.

When career growth in a company is not as rapid as you would like, change employer. The secret of success is quite simple: have a strong motivation to achieve a goal, putting maximum effort into it.

Learn to communicate

A higher education diploma is not enough to occupy a top manager position. A sociable person will rise faster career ladder. Even has the ability to build relationships with management, employees, clients, and partners higher value than others professional quality. It is communications and relationship building that occupy up to 90% of a top manager’s working time.

Build character

For a top manager, it is necessary to develop certain character qualities:

Assertiveness, the ability to break through in any situation and insist on one’s own.

Independence is the ability to make and implement independent decisions without prompting.

Reliability. Ask yourself, would you trust yourself to run a company or a large department? The ability to keep your word and do everything efficiently and on time is what distinguishes outstanding managers.

Resistance to stress, and there will be a lot of it, is necessary to maintain composure and clarity of thinking. Don't be afraid of stress.

And, of course, optimism! Think about pleasant things, look for the good always and in everything. Do you have a lot of problems? Decide how they can help you or how to successfully overcome them. Think about overcoming problems, not about them.

All these character traits are the most important properties of a good leader. They will give you a career, and without them you are unlikely to become a good leader, because the work of a leader consists almost entirely of communication.

Learn and develop

Constantly grow and develop. For example, get the second one higher education. To successfully move up the career ladder, you may not have enough knowledge. Therefore, it is quite possible that you will have to go to a higher educational institution for them again.

Improve your professional skills and abilities. If a manager wants to take the position of director, he must go from bottom to top throughout the entire department that he plans to head.

One or more degrees will, of course, shorten the path to the top of the organization. But there are many companies where top managers have a technical education, but more than compensate for this with practical experience and self-education.

If you want to get into a Western company, then an MBA degree will serve as your additional competitive advantage. In companies of this type they look up to this diploma.

If you want to work in Russian business, then experience is more valued here or additional education in a specific area.

Be active

A rolling stone gathers no moss. If you want to become a top manager, act actively in this direction. Meet with recruiters, go through interviews, assess your weaknesses and strengths proposals from potential employers.

Management experience

This is the most important quality of a candidate for a top manager position for an employer. Work experience and achieved results will help you more accurately assess your capabilities and potential in the new company.

Where is the best place to build a career?

Depends on what you want. It is easier to build a successful career in a small and medium-sized company than in a large one. There are fewer employees and internal competition.

It is better to be first in a small company than second in a large one. And let the scale of its activities be small for you. Management experience and new entries in your resume will help you later rise to the very top level in a large corporation.

Try to look for a project where it will be comfortable and pleasant to work. Individual results are more visible than team results, and therefore you will have more opportunities to open up to management. Even from the position of a manager, you can declare yourself as a highly qualified specialist.

Learn to be an independent and organized person. And also take initiative in the affairs of the company and achieve your and its goals.

Are you ready to become a top manager if:

You are attracted by the opportunity to work exclusively for yourself;

You strive to control all processes in the company and make fateful decisions regarding its development strategy;

You are ready to take responsibility for your own enterprise.

Having these qualities, it is worth thinking about your own business. Many people do this. If independent business doesn’t attract you, and you prefer the option of a highly paid employee, then build your career vertically.

By occupying increasingly senior positions within one company or by moving from one company to another, you have a chance to reach the position of top manager.

A successful career begins within a person and depends entirely on working on oneself and constant professional growth.

I am a person who looks to the future. This is quite important for every person and leader, because the time that we are given tends to end, and I want to use it as productively as possible in my profession.



Essay on the topic: “I WANT TO BE A MANAGER!”

“If you want to be a good leader, strive, first of all, to become a good teacher, a good teacher of children.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

IN kindergarten I came to work as a young girl. It was the 90s.I came to work in the village kindergarten. While preparing for classes, I kept remembering the words of A.P. Chekhov “If you knew how much the Russian village needs a good, smart, educated teacher... Without broad education of the people, the state will fall apart, like a house built from poorly baked brick.” And I tried, carefully prepared for educational activities, selected methods and techniques that increase motivation and effectiveness of the educational process, found additional material, tried to make every lesson interesting, unusual, etc.

In general, as Confucius said, “teacher and student grow together.” As time went. I gained invaluable teaching experience, and my colleagues helped me with this. A lot of time passed, and I myself became the deputy head of educational and methodological work in MBDOU No. 3 in Vladivostok. And then for the first time I thought about what a leader should be like. preschool. Exactly how, not by whom. At this stage, the answer was unequivocal - Teacher. And I tried to become a friend, a mentor for the kindergarten team. In order for people to believe in you and follow you, you need to know the main thing: where to lead and how. Therefore, one of the main components of a modern leader is his education, continuous, permanent: courses, seminars, open nodes, self-development...

Understanding the need to constantly comprehend new things, and satisfying my need, I learned to compose annual plans, conduct pedagogical councils in a non-traditional form, help colleagues with certification for category and compliance with the position held.

Knowing my active position In terms of self-education, our teachers have also become more active. I felt that I was becoming, perhaps, a leader for them. I believe that a leader must necessarily be a teacher, mentor, and psychologist. If the leader is a bad teacher, then the team simply will not accept him. Therefore, I constantly strive to adhere to the five basic principles in my work that form the basis of my leadership psychology: passion, responsibility, creativity, desire for action and self-confidence. Working As a deputy manager, I am gaining invaluable leadership experience. Yes, it is difficult to manage people of different views, opinions, and characters. But it makes your heart feel good when you see the faces of teachers beaming with their first victories, when not only teachers, but also parents rejoice with the children in the successes of the team.

The main thing in the life of any team, any organization is constant development, constant movement.

“Whoever stops pedaling falls! “This is the formula for success. The role of a leader in education is to contribute to the maximum realization of the potential of his organization to improve the quality of education. It is my firm belief that the success of any business lies in cooperation, in relying on the team. Teachers are the cement on which all activities rest. educational institution. Stability and teaching experience are the main features of the teaching staff of the Tiger Cub kindergarten. Motivate teachers to present this valuable experience educational community, to feel the satisfaction of recognition of their professional competence, I consider one of my most important tasks. Among the kindergarten teachers is a finalist of the “Teacher of the Year 2015” competition. Kindergarten teachers are regular participants in municipal professional competitions, exhibitions, and conferences.

Receptivity to innovation – required condition success. This is the requirement of our time - renewed, rapidly changing. And that's great! Research activities, projects? Need to try! Communication technologies, trainings? This suits us! Many of the “highlights” were invented independently. Effective interaction with parents is another condition for the success of an educational institution.

The main thing in kindergarten at all times has been and will be children and teachers.

I believe that a real leader always in the shadows, he invisibly directs his subordinates in the direction he needs, always in the know all events.

I believe that a leader should be creative personality capable of overcoming stereotypes and finding unconventional ways to solve the problems facing preschool educational institutions, creating and using innovative management technologies. For me, a leader is, first of all, a strategist who sees the prospects for the development of his organization for several years ahead, based on existing social conditions and resources. A leader is a carrier of organizational change, developing new approaches to solving problems, promoting new values ​​among employees, obsessed with an idea, and ready to overcome difficulties in order to bring it to life. And of course, a manager is a leader who strives to listen to his colleagues, is psychologically inclined to approve proposals, is an enthusiast who supports enthusiasts.

The main professional purpose of the head of a preschool educational institution, in my opinion, is the ability to work with people. Skillful mastery of means and methods of communication is a necessary professional and personal quality of a modern manager. Not only the effectiveness of interaction with other people, the constructiveness of decisions made, but also the career of the head of a preschool educational institution as a specialist, his reputation and professional image depend on this skill. All this is reflected in public opinion about the team and social status preschool institution as a whole.

I feel that I am able to bear responsibility for ensuring a favorable microclimate in the team, personal and professional self-realization of all specialists. Naturally, the organization and creation of conditions for the cohesive work of the institution’s staff, the successful development of interaction with the students’ parents and with society will depend on me. In other words, solving socio-psychological management problems is for the manager the key to stability and successful functioning of a preschool educational institution in the development mode.

Preschool educational institution - one of the types social institutions, the control system of which is always a process of active interaction between subjects implementing various tasks. There are always events happening at preschool educational institutions. various shapes human-human interaction (children, employees, parents.) for the implementation of various tasks organizational structure institutions that are considered by the manager as objects from the standpoint of the socio-psychological theory of management.

Yes, today the head of the preschool educational institution is in market economy To a greater extent, he still has to be a manager!

Management is special kind professional activity leader, the result of which is directly related to the personal effectiveness of the person himself. A leader, first of all, must be able to manage himself, because all people have different abilities to manage, but those who know how to manage themselves, their actions and decisions successfully manage others. But the question arises: can a leader without teaching experience be a leader in a team, even if he is a successful manager? In order to be a leader, to lead the teaching staff, in addition to management theory, one must understand modern educational paradigms and promising educational technologies, as well as have teaching experience.

A good manager, but a bad teacher, in search of additional financial resources, can disrupt that necessary touching connection between all members of the educational process, and the result of the institution’s activities will be zero. Consequently, only an experienced, competent, sensitive head of an educational institution with a subtle sense of humor should first of all be a Teacher, a person who knows all the secret and emergency exits from unpredictable situations, and then a manager. The psychological climate is one of the decisive factors for the success of a preschool educational institution.

The leader is a psychologist because he is always focused on the human soul and stands guard over spirituality. To help a confused teacher, an indignant parent - this is the task of the head of an educational institution - a teacher, a psychologist. And if he has a team of like-minded people next to him: experienced, competent and caring teachers who love their kindergarten, creatively working, success in the development of the preschool educational institution is guaranteed. In my understanding, today the head of a preschool educational institution must necessarily be a teacher, psychologist and manager all rolled into one.

Today, a successful leader is one who knows how to inspire other people, lead them to achieve their goals and is able to convince his team members to accept their values ​​​​in life without hesitation.

I want to create and create. Yes, I like to do something new and unusual, multiply and plan.

I enjoy planning my work and the work of my colleagues, people listen to me and this is one of the greatest rewards for me as a leader.

I am a person who looks to the future. This is quite important for every person and leader, because the time that we are given tends to end, and I want to use it as productively as possible in my profession.

Henry Ford said: “When I work 16 hours a day, I get amazingly lucky! " Apparently, for success there is no other way. Well, great! Let's roll up our sleeves and go!