What was the name of the witch from Pirates of the Caribbean. Capt. Jack Sparrow

How I love Pirates of the Caribbean! Great music, bright images, juicy pictures! Fights, chases, mysticism, intrigue... This franchise made me take a fresh look at Hollywood cinema, made me fall in love with myself and still doesn’t let go. Of the blockbuster series, my favorite is probably the X-Men. “The Curse of the Black Pearl was a great tale for all ages with lots of funny, scary and intense moments. “Dead Man's Chest” turned out to be incredibly eventful, dynamic and significantly expanded the universe. “At the End of the World,” although it came out a little chaotic, was a worthy conclusion to the trilogy. Well, five years later, everyone’s favorite heroes returned in the “On Stranger Tides” part.
The fifth film in the franchise is coming out in May, Dead Men Tell No Tales, which I’m looking forward to with great anticipation. But you already understood from the title that not everything is so simple. So, the top 11 annoying moments of Pirates of the Caribbean!

In I deliberately did not mention the time turner, I ignored the eagles. There will be no deduction from brackets here, because there are simply no such well-known plot holes in the plot. It's a pity.
11. Undead Monkey

A funny monkey named Jack - the clearest example how you can make a character for comedic relief, but not annoying. In the post-credits scene of the first part, she steals a coin from a chest and turns into walking dead and makes a final jump scare into the camera. Of course, Verbinski and the company did not abandon such a funny hero and included him in subsequent films, and in the third part they also endowed him with incredible intelligence. But... in subsequent parts she repeatedly appears in the frame at night! By the light of the moon! And there is no trace of her “corpse-likeness”! That is, the creators initially neglected this detail. It seems like a small thing, but it really catches your eye!

10. Pintel and Ragetti became good

Another hello from the first part. Most of Barbossa's immortal team from The Curse of the Black Pearl were completely unmemorable thugs. But there was a pleasant exception. A charming couple, Pintel and Ragetti, who somehow reminded me of the robber duo from Home Alone. And in the sequel they decided not to abandon them and made them good. They even made fun of this moment a little, making one of them a devout person who reads the Bible. As often happens, bandits decide to take the right path and find their salvation in the holy books. But damn it, I couldn’t just forget the sins of the first part! At their first appearance, Pintel, without a twinge of conscience, shoots the innocent butler with the cynical phrase “It took a long time!” It is clear that a pirate is, in principle, a lawbreaker. But this scene is very jarring, especially when watching subsequent parts.

9. Davy Jones' Stash

In general, everything that happened with Davy Jones' Stash was just one drug trip. As is customary to write in such cases: “So many questions and so few answers.” Why, after being eaten by the Kraken, did “Pearl” and Jack end up safe somewhere incomprehensible? What kind of crabs are these? Why did he “swim” to the seashore with their help? Do other ships that the Kraken eats also end up in this “cache”? If yes, what size is it? And how did it happen that the pirates who came to the rescue immediately found Jack? Although, of course, this cannot be called a strong jamb. Because the answer to everything is: “It’s magic, shut up and watch!”

8. Stupid blackmail from Elizabeth that worked

One of the strangest scenes of the first part. When you first watch it, it doesn’t raise any questions at all, but it’s worth rewatching the film, and you’re already thinking: pirates, what’s wrong with you? So, Barbossa’s team finds the last coin of the cursed gold and, as it seems to them, Bill Bootstrap’s daughter (why they didn’t know that Bootstrap had a son and not a daughter is another conversation). And Elizabeth begins to dictate terms to the pirates. How did she do it? She began to threaten to throw the medallion overboard. But... But... But this is completely pointless! A little earlier, the pirates themselves say that gold attracts them, especially in the water! In fact, they found the coin when Elizabeth carelessly fell into the sea with it. And further footage showed that they were calmly walking along seabed. So what stopped them from going down and calmly picking up the medallion? Moreover, in the blackmail scene they were standing in a bay, which means there would be absolutely no problems with this!

7. Physics went out to smoke and did not return

I don’t understand complaints in the spirit of “the fact that Sparrow’s wound moves from the left side of his face to the right one confuses you, but the fact that the living dead walk in the film does not.” Because any fairy tale, any fantasy initially sets some laws of the genre, some conventions. But at the same time, a number of things should not differ from her real world, otherwise there would be zero meaning in the fairy tale and you could do whatever you want. The only fairy tales that are initially set up to break any laws are "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass". And yes, I am not embarrassed by the living dead pirates, but I will be embarrassed by banal movie bloopers and just stupidity. And what really confuses me is the endless violations of the laws of physics in the franchise. As far as we are given to understand, Jack and Will are two ordinary person like you and me. They weigh like ordinary adult men. SO HOW THE HELL DO THEY MANAGE TO WALK ON THE BOTTOM AND CARRY AN INVERTED BOAT LIKE A DIVING DOME?! This is completely unrealistic, if only they didn’t weigh 200 kg. And how does Jack in the second part, running away from the natives, manage to fall from a gigantic height (albeit with a slightly slow fall) and not break anything? How do the heroes in the third part manage to turn over an entire ship, even if they rock it back and forth? Yes, even the scene of meeting Jack has no physical meaning - he swims up to the pier on an almost sunken boat, which, having gone under the water, does not stop, but continues to move, as if it does not have a sail, but a motor.

6. Useless Calypso

The writers of the third part decided to surprise us with several unexpected moves. And one of them was that the scary sorceress Tia Dalma actually turned out to be locked by the mistress of the sea Calypso. And so Barbossa had a long argument with the pirate barons about whether she should be released or not. It seems like everyone decided not to do this, but Geoffrey Rush’s hero did his own thing and still released her. Hoping for some good things. And what did Calypso end up doing? Maybe she took revenge on Davy Jones? Or, on the contrary, did she help her former lover? Took revenge on the pirates who captured her? Or did she help the pirates who freed her? What did she do? She stupidly turned into a whirlpool. And what? And for what? And why? She is such a powerful goddess! Was that all she could do? An absolutely pointless and ridiculous scene that was needed solely to show a cool battle scene in a crater.

5. Some kind of game with the Aztec curse

As we remember, the pirates in the first part stole the cursed Aztec gold and turned into the living dead. IN moonlight we saw their true essence - skeletons covered with decayed rags. They became immortal, but in return they lost the joy of food and feminine warmth. Their task was to collect all the lost coins and return them to their original place... And this whole curse raises many questions. Why didn’t the other coin bearers—Will, Elizabeth—become cursed? They don't count because they didn't want to get rich from them? But the monkey also hardly thought about buying bananas with these coins, then why did he become cursed? And why then were all the pirates cursed? Did they all steal these coins? Surely someone remained on duty on the ship while the others climbed into this cave.
The clothes of the dead raise no less questions. Here it was becoming decayed in the moonlight. And if they changed clothes, would the curse spread to the new clothes or would it remain on the old ones?
Well, the main question: the pirates clearly did not lead a peaceful lifestyle - even in pursuit of one coin, they slaughtered half a fort. And it’s scary to imagine how many people they put in collecting the previous ones. And was it really true that not a single limb was cut off from them? Watch the scene with Governor Swan and the severed hand. It turns out that half of the Caribbean must be in animated limbs!
And when Will lifted the curse, Barbossa immediately died from a bullet fired by Jack. Why then did the other pirates who fought with the soldiers not die from their wounds? And they were probably there, and not alone.

4. The Curse of Will Turner

The ending of the third part was very dramatic. It seems like everything ended with a happy ending: the bad guys were defeated, the good guys won, but... Everything is not so rosy. Will dies in Elizabeth's arms, but Jack saves him and makes him captain of the Flying Dutchman. This seems good, but the hero suffers a heavy curse: he can only go to land one day every ten years. “The main thing is what kind of day it will be,” Will says beautifully. And at the very end, we are first shown that he and Elizabeth are spending time in a film with a children's rating, and 10 years later the long-haired boy runs to meet the folder.
But no one put a curse on Elizabeth! Nothing prevents her, for example, from joining Jack on the ship, taking a ride to the Flying Dutchman and having mercy with her beloved Will before his polyps and tentacles grow! Of course, he is a busy man, but he can find an evening for his sweetheart! Even sea captains and their wives see each other more often than once every ten years!
Moreover, this entire ten-year curse is completely negated by one scene of negotiations on the island. On one side are Jack, Barbossa and Elizabeth. On the other - Lord Beckett, Will and... Davy Jones with their feet in a tub! So, trees and sticks, then put Will in a barrel and at least take him to the Gobi Desert! Or you can also make a bucket for each leg - and let him walk wherever he wants, the main thing is not to spill it! The negotiation scene is really interesting, but this Jones in a barrel completely deprives the curse of any meaning.

3. Pirate Baron Barbossa

The epic trilogy had to end epically. And one of brightest moments the third part is a massive congress of pirate barons from all over the world. At a large meeting there are barons from China, France, Turkey, Africa and other walking stereotypes. There is also Jack among them, which in itself is strange, given his “isolation” from the pirate fraternity, and - here’s a surprise! - Barbossa! This really really hurt my eyes the first time I watched it. I somehow didn’t pay much attention to the larger mistakes and inconsistencies that are lower in the rating. And this raises questions from the very first second. On what basis did Barbossa become a pirate baron? In the first part we were told in plain text: “He was a cook on Jack’s team and started a riot.” Kokom, Karl! Why on earth did the pirate baron go to work as a cook? You say: was this his plan to take possession of the high-speed “Pearl”? Let us suppose. But why didn’t Jack recognize him then?! After all, he should have crossed paths with him at least once, when all the pirate barons locked Calypso together! It’s immediately obvious: the creators of the third part didn’t even bother to review the first, saying the legendary bad comedy “SHAAAAVAYUT!”

2. Merged Kraken

The Kraken is one of the brightest monsters in world cinema in general. In the second part we were shown all its inevitability and indestructibility. Severed tentacles grow back, cannon shots are not taken, and if this beast rushes at you, then you can only hope that a devoted team will find you in Davy Jones' chest. And the creators did everything right: they didn’t show us the whole thing almost until the very end and built up suspense before his next attack. And what will happen to the Kraken in the third part? But it’s okay, he’ll be lying dead on the shore, and Pintel and Ragetti will be jumping all over him! At the same time, he was killed by Davy Jones himself on Beckett's orders. All that remains is to ask: “Why, was it possible?” Moreover, we were not even shown the murder process itself, because it must have been very epic. But the most incomprehensible thing is why did Beckett need to kill the Kraken? This is the most powerful weapon that obeys Davy Jones, who obeys you! It's like voluntarily destroying a nuclear warhead. I somehow did not notice any nobility in Lord Beckett to deprive myself of such an advantage! The only explanation is that the writers stupidly didn’t know what to do next with the Kraken and how to get him out of the final battle.

As a bonus today, I'd like to mention an issue that doesn't apply specifically to this series, but has spread to other films. Namely, the image of Captain Jack Sparrow. Johnny Depp was a perfect fit for this image in 2003. They say that many people auditioned for this role, including Jim Carrey, but Gore Verbinski managed to find someone who would play the extravagant hero, but within certain boundaries, and not like Jim Carrey. Unfortunately, because of this role, the previously versatile actor Johnny Depp began to play the same character over and over again: “Willy Wonka”, “Alice in Wonderland”, “The Lone Ranger”... And even in serious roles like Sweeney Todd had “sparrow” notes. Although it seems like Lately the actor is corrected.

1. The entire film "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"

There are successful sequels - for example, Back to the Future 2 and 3. There are sequels that are even better than the original (Terminator 2). There are bad continuations. There are even terrible ones. But On Stranger Tides is even worse. He's just... no good. This is an empty, unattractive film that evokes ABSOLUTELY no emotions from watching it. After watching it, the only question left is: why is it needed? No, of course, to make money on the franchise, but still. The original trilogy came out with a brilliant, complete story, with amazing humor, great dialogue and phrases that have become popular among the people. Can you remember at least one phrase from the fourth part? The fourth part turned out to be absolutely useless and unnecessary. It doesn't develop the plot of the trilogy in any way, doesn't expand the universe in any way, and doesn't try to start new story. That is, it seems that in the post-credits scene we were shown Penelope Cruz with a Jack voodoo doll, but even at the first viewing it became obvious: there is no development of the story here and there will not be.
“On Stranger Tides” is memorable only for the fact that it constantly slips into quoting old phrases. There's not even new music here. Still the same theme of “He’s a pirate” and a couple more unattractive compositions.
Love line? God, she's pointless and pathetic. Will and Elizabeth annoyed me in the trilogy, but at least their relationship was interesting. There is also a missionary and a mermaid, who do not have even a billionth of charisma, committing senseless acts (why, for example, did the mermaid want to help the sailors who were hunting her sisters?).
The villain? Seriously, why on earth would I be afraid of some guy, even if he controls the ropes of his ship? In the previous parts I saw animated skeletons, the terrifying Kraken and the team of Davy Jones! This is who brought real fear - a crowd of immortal monsters from the depths of the sea! And here... well, just another pirate who doesn’t even hold a candle to Barbossa from the first part, let alone Davy Jones. It’s unclear why Jack was suddenly so afraid of him.
You remember that the post is called “top 11 most annoying moments”? And what irritates me most about the fourth part is that... there’s simply nothing to hate about it! As a separate story, it looks quite tolerable, although a little clichéd. But I don't see any reason to love her (well, except for Penelope Cruz's breasts heaving above her corset)! And I'm damn offended that such a great franchise contains such an empty film.

As I wrote above, in May we will see the fifth part of the adventures of Jack Sparrow... Sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow. Orlando Bloom will return to the franchise, they seem to promise a cameo by Keira Knightley... Well, the colorful Geoffrey Rush is in place. And although I look forward to it in my heart, I understand with my mind that I shouldn’t expect any discoveries from her. And the reason for this is the useless fourth part. However, we should not forget that no one will take away from us the three excellent first films. And thanks to Gore Verbinski and company for this! Do you dare?

Disney films about the adventures of pirates quickly became popular. The captain of the Black Pearl won the sympathy of the audience and became one of the most influential fictional characters.

But the film “Pirates of the Caribbean” is not the only one that can boast of it. Davy Jones, the permanent captain of the ghost ship, appeared in the sequel. His target was the Black Pearl and Jack Sparrow.

Davy Jones "Pirates of the Caribbean" - who is it?

The character was first introduced in the second film of the franchise. Frightening, ugly and bloodthirsty. He killed everyone who stood in his way. To achieve his goals, he used any methods. And the ability to quickly move underwater made him and his team invulnerable. In the Pirates of the Caribbean films, Davy Jones plays the captain of a ghost ship. He is immortal, his ship moves at incredible speed, and he is hunting Jack Sparrow.

A decade and a half ago, Jones made a deal with Jack Sparrow: he returned from the bottom legendary ship- “The Black Pearl” - and gave it to Jack for thirteen long years. “Sparrow” agreed, after the expiration of the term, to board the “Flying Dutchman” and serve Jones forever.

But at the end of the contract, Jack did not want to repay the debt. Instead, he stole the chest containing the immortal captain's heart. Jones did not tolerate such betrayal and set himself one goal: to find the one who deceived him and stole the chest with the heart. In Jack's wake, he sent his best creation: the Kraken.

Jack constantly manages to hide from Jones. There is a high probability that it was Calypso who helped him find out about the chest and the trick with the bottle of sand. But it is impossible to run forever from the storm of the seas, the pirates and Jones enter into battle. After a long struggle, the captain of the ghost ship dies, and Turner takes his place.

The Legend of the Ghost Ship

But the real legend of the ship does not quite coincide with the story told in the film "Pirates of the Caribbean". Davy Jones had nothing to do with this ship. According to legend, the captain was appointed

One day he went on a long voyage. In addition to the crew, there were also passengers on board. Among them, he closely followed only one: a beautiful young girl. He wanted to marry married girl. To achieve his goal, he killed the girl's husband. But the young maiden did not want to associate herself with the killer and drowned herself.

The girl's rage and hatred brought a curse on the ship. Soon the Dutchman ran into a storm. The ship's crew rebelled, wanting to wait out the bad weather in a safe bay. But Phillip was not in the mood for this. He shot the leader of the riot and told the others that no one would set foot on land again until the ship rounded the cape.

However, due to the curse, the ship's crew was no longer destined to set foot on land. According to legend, the “Dutchman” still plows the ocean and terrifies passing ships.

The creators of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean” turned to another legend. Davy Jones is the evil spirit of the ocean, who keeps a locker into which all those who die during voyages end up.

The story of a character from pirate films

Davy Jones lived long before the events of the film Dead Man's Chest. As a young pirate, he fell in love with someone who loved him back. In order not to be separated from her beloved, she turned Davey into the captain of the Flying Dutchman, who was supposed to become a guide for souls drowned at sea.

The reward for eternal life was one day every ten years when Jones could set foot on land and be with his beloved. But Calypso had a difficult character, and after ten years she did not come to the meeting. Seized with anger, Davey cut the heart out of his chest and locked it in the chest. He soon told the Brotherhood Council how to capture Calypso.

After this, Jones no longer wanted to carry out Calypso’s instructions, and the souls of those who died in the seas remained in the water surface. Some were adjacent to the ghost ship.

But due to the fact that Jones broke the oath given to Calypso - to transport the souls of those killed in the seas to the other side - the captain and his crew fell under a curse. The appearance of everyone on the ship began to change. From ordinary people they turned into monsters. And those who tried to resist became part of the ship itself.

Character appearance

The crew of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean” worked on the appearance of Captain Jones. Davy Jones turned out to be terrifying and incredible.

Jones' image was built on three components: sea ​​creatures, Blackbeard and Bartholomew Roberts. Jones's head was the body of an octopus, and his beard was a tangle of tentacles. Left hand he was replaced by a claw, and his right leg was replaced by a crab.

Before the curse, Jones looked like a middle-aged man with a white beard. Such a “human” appearance could be seen during a conversation between Davy Jones and the goddess Calypso.

The gloomy image of the captain was complemented by the music of Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean, written by Hans Zimmer. The unique charisma of Bill Nighy made the audience empathize even with such a seemingly negative hero.

But if you dig deeper, all of Jones’ actions become clear. For the sake of his beloved, he gave up the opportunity to live a simple life. human life. He can return to land only once every ten years, and until the end of time he must serve the ocean and Calypso, who betrayed him. It is not surprising that the captain became angry with the whole world and instilled fear and terror even among the pirates.

"Pirates of the Caribbean" - famous movie, which owes its success to the brilliant performance of Johnny Depp and the exploitation of the extremely popular pirate theme. The creators of this epic quite deliberately did not pay attention to historical nuances. Because these nuances would greatly complicate the work on a pirate fairy tale. Alexey Durnovo has collected three of the largest historical schools of Pirates of the Caribbean.

If you ask historians about Pirates of the Caribbean, they will most likely answer that it simply makes no sense to seriously discuss any historicity of this film. That there is an error on an error and so on. In fact, there are a lot of them there, even in small things. For example, Commander Norrington appears at one point with the Order of the Bath around his neck. And a self-respecting falerist will immediately point out several mistakes. For example, that this order was established only in 1725, that it would not have been given to any commander, and certainly not to anyone would have been allowed to put it on their neck in the same way as the character in the film did. Therefore, let's not talk about trifles. Let's focus on the global.

Sea robbers or privateers?

We must understand that turbulent history The Caribbean of the 16th-18th centuries is divided into two periods. In the first of them, maritime robbery was legalized by a number of major powers (England, France, Spain), in the second, piracy was a criminal act, and pirates were hunted. None of the first three films in the series specify the year in which the events take place. The problem is that it is impossible to even approximately determine it. And that's why. Jack Sparrow is being hunted like a pirate. This kind of hunt began only in the 18th century, and specifically after 1719, when many filibusters refused the royal amnesty.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Port Royal was a small village

It is logical to assume that the action of the first film takes place after 1719... But that was not the case. The opening scenes of The Curse of the Black Pearl take place in Port Royal. Port Royal is the unofficial capital of the English possessions in the New World, The largest city, administrative center. But he had all this only until 1692, when a monstrous earthquake occurred in Jamaica. Port Royal was completely destroyed. Hardworking residents partially restored it, but in 1703 there was a fire, after which many decided that the place was cursed. The entire administration had moved to new town— Kingston, and Port Royal has become a small village. In general, in 1719, in this settlement it was impossible to find a governor, a shipyard, an impregnable fort and a regiment of English soldiers. But we see all this in the film. Jack Sparrow could have arrived in such a magnificent Port Royal in May 1692 at the latest. But then there wouldn’t be a hunt for him all over the city. And he would not bear any mark of the West India Company. Most likely, Jack would have had a letter of marque, because all the sea robbers of that time had one. By that time, of course, several edicts had been issued condemning and prohibiting piracy, but there was no fight against maritime robbery as a phenomenon.

This is how Port Royal could look only until June 1692

Go ahead. From Port Royal, Jack flees to Tortuga in the company of Will Turner. Let’s not talk about the fact that it’s almost impossible for two people to travel such a distance in a brig. The point is different. There was no longer any Tortuga in 1719. That is, the island still exists today, but the settlement with the fort and brothels disappeared at the beginning of the 18th century. Brothels on Torgtug ceased to exist altogether back in the 80s of the 17th century. The idea of ​​their creation belonged to the local governor Bertrand d'Ogeron. This was a kind of marketing ploy to attract potential French privateers to the island. But Ogeron died in 1676, and soon the brothels disappeared from Torgtuga’s life. In general, it would be logical for Jack and Will to go to the island of New Providence (modern Bahamas), where the last pirates were found. Those who did not accept the amnesty, those who wanted to rob and kill in the new world, where robbery and murder suddenly became prohibited.

Pirate Lords, the Army and the Code

Jack Sparrow

We hear about the pirate code throughout all three films. In the third film, “At the End of the World,” pirate barons also appear. Next we learn that the sea robbers have their own fortress and intend to create a republic to resist the pressure of the West India Company. The Republican views of pirates are generally a mainstream accordion. It is necessary for one simple reason: without it, it is extremely difficult to turn drunken criminals into freedom fighters. To put it simply, those pirates who remained sea robbers after 1719 were not even close to creating a republic. No, they had a fort in Nassau, but this fort was taken over by the new British governor Woods Rogers, and in this he was helped by those local inhabitants who decided to accept the amnesty.

Charles Wayne. The only person who thought about creating a pirate state, but quickly abandoned these plans.

The rest scattered across the seas in search of happiness, or rather, the future gallows. Jack Sparrow obviously belongs to this group. And when in the second film England begins a large-scale anti-piracy operation, it becomes clear that Jack, of course, is not a privateer, but an outlaw pirate. So, these pirates had no general organization. Each gang was on its own; organizations existed only within individual ships. Not to mention the fact that there could be no trace of connections between the sea robbers of Madagascar and Singapore. These pirates did not sail on brigs (at most, on sloops), did not storm forts and did not hang black flags on the masts. They were afraid of the royal fleet like fire, because they understood perfectly well that they had no chance in a battle with it. And the code... The code also existed only inside the ship, and, most likely, only one specific ship.

Pirates dreaming of their own republic - a mainstream accordion

The only one pirate captain The one who actually implemented the rules and made the team follow them was Bartholomew Roberts. And this code was valid only on his ship and only during the period of his command. In all other cases, the so-called code was, at most, a collection of recommendations, but not rules that must be followed. Captain Barbossa speaks about this, quite rightly, in the first film.

Davy Jones and the Flying Dutchman

The second and third films, Dead Man's Chest and At World's End, tell the story of the heroes' struggle with the Flying Dutchman and its captain Davy Jones. For those who have not seen the films, let us clarify: Davy Jones is the guardian of the underworld, who must take care of the souls of sailors. Sailors can serve on his ship and thus remain immortal. At the same time, they cannot set foot on land; this happiness is available only to Jones, and even then only once every ten years. This storyline was based on pirate legends, but Davy Jones, even in pirate myths, had nothing to do with the Flying Dutchman. Because if the ship is “Dutch”, then why is its captain English?

Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean

Let's restore justice. The captain of the Flying Dutchman, according to legend, was named Philip van der Decken. He supposedly killed his passenger in order to marry his lover, but she refused him, threw herself overboard and brought a curse on the ship. At the Cape good hope the ship was caught in a storm, the crew rebelled, demanding to wait out the storm in the bay, but the captain shot the main rebel and swore that his crew would not go ashore until they rounded the cape.

Davy Jones and the Flying Dutchman - different stories

But the ship is cursed, and therefore Decken and his people are not destined to go ashore. So these living dead have been walking the seas ever since, instilling fear and horror in all oncoming ships. But Decken’s team is not replenished with new dead ones. "Dutch" is a closed community.

Davy Jones in an 1892 illustration

Sailors who die at sea, on the contrary, end up in a locker (not in a chest, but in a locker) with Davy Jones. Who Davy Jones is is unknown. Apparently some kind of evil spirit. And his locker is, in fact, the ocean. Therefore, the expression “getting into Davy Jones’s locker” meant dying, drowning in the sea, playing at the box. The expression itself appeared already in the 18th century, somewhat earlier than the legend of the “Flying Dutchman”, the first mention of which dates back to 1791.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Davy Jones- the audience loved it. The hero appeared in two parts, “Dead Man's Chest” (2006), “At the End of the World” (2007). During his presence in the plot, he did a lot of things. The viewer managed to hate the cruel Davey, love him, condemn him, and sympathize with him. The character is called an “antagonist.” I will call him a poor man who was destroyed by love...
Let's sort it out in order. Let's analyze the theory. Davy Jones is played by actor Bill Nighy.

Film information:
Bill Nighy, 66, English actor. He received a Golden Globe in 2007 for his work in the film Gideon's Daughter. During his time in Hollywood, Nighy managed to star in 153 films. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”, “I, Frankenstein”, “Total Recall”, “How to Marry a Billionaire”.

Jones appears before the viewer in a terrible form. The Lord of the Deep Sea has tentacles on his face that move. Davey personifies the other world into which the souls of sailors find themselves after physiological death. Jones cannot be conquered (read the legend). The hero’s task is to command the elements of the sea and punish those who violate the order. His personal story is sad. Do you think it's good to be a Sea Devil? Davy Jones is trapped in circumstances from which there is no escape. His place is a real curse.

Who was Davy Jones during his lifetime?

Remember the heroine named Calypso? A reclusive witch with black teeth, an unwashed head, who knows how to revive people. Calypso became heartache legendary pirate Davy Jones. The latter fell in love with the once beautiful goddess who gave her beloved man a huge gift. The sorceress immortalized their lives, for which she demanded a payment: to send the souls of the dead into the sea to the next world. For ten years, Davy's ship promised to serve at sea. At the end of his debt, Jones had the right to go ashore and see Calypso. After one of the ten years, the girl did not show up for the meeting...

The contract has been broken. Immortal Davy learned that the Union of Captain-Barons had announced a search for the sorceress. He himself surrendered his lady of his heart into captivity. Calypso was punished by being imprisoned in a mortal female form. In revenge, the girl cursed her lover. Jones made no mistake: he cut out his own heart, put it in a chest, and hid it. The ship that transported the souls of the deceased to the other side of the world was called the “Flying Dutchman”. Jones became its captain forever. The punishment that began to manifest itself after Calypso's curse - appearance ship's crew. They turned into something between animals, evil spirits and humans. No one could look at the crew calmly, without fear. Feeling ex-lovers turned into hatred.

Captain Davey John became known as the "Sea Devil".

Where does the actor end and where does the hero begin?

Devoted fans of the Pirates sequel Caribbean Sea“, they don’t know who played which role among the actors. The make-up artists did the impossible. Special effects specialists helped them. During the two episodes in which Bill Nighy plays, he appears in his human form for only 20 seconds. Everything else was created using 3D technology and costume. But, I managed to find out that the actor’s lips and eyes did not undergo changes. The same applies to his gestures, movements, and behavior.

What can Davy Jones do besides summon the Kraken and destroy ships? The pirate has the ability to teleport, revive severed tentacles, and use them when the “fingers” are chopped off. Jones skillfully handles chablés, knows how to cry, and remove black marks. Davey's character is cruel and unshakable. The pirate scolds his subordinates, is angry at the living and otherworldly world.

The sea devil is sure: life is unfair. Why should the world of the dead be different? The pirate does not like to be promised and not delivered. At the same time, I mean: Davey often breaks his own word.

The hero's appearance is collective. Script writers, make-up artists, and costume designers collected the pirate's head piece by piece. Part of the appearance belongs to the octopus, which has only one breathing hole. The body of the lobster, in particular the claw, is also present. A crab leg is present.

Davy Jones Locker

The locker was the name given to the place where the souls of the sailors of the unshakable Sea Devil were kept. IN real life There was a love story of an “otherworldly captain” in maritime folklore, which the cunning screenwriters of “Pirates...” took advantage of. Despite the fact that Davey’s image is negative, Jim Broadburnt, Iain Glen, and Richard E. Grant wanted to play him. Let me emphasize: the role did not promise much fame. Few viewers recognize their favorite actor in his makeup. The roles of those who were diligently “recast” were considered not kosher. But the image of the Sea Devil attracted many casting participants.

The principle of the pirate’s “work” was reduced to banal deception. Davey, knowing how to find an approach to anyone, appeared where a sea vessel was sinking. The sailors who had already said goodbye to life, according to the logic of their activities, did not go to heaven. The pirate tried to “hire” souls for service. The Flying Dutchman required constant replenishment of its headquarters. The agreement was as follows: 100 years of work on the ship, then complete freedom, immortality. The naive dead agreed. Still would! You can scrub the deck for a hundred years.

Working on a ship “in the next world” was not much different from working on a real ship. It was necessary to scrub, clean, stay on course, follow orders. It was noticed: the more time passed, the more the consciousness of the sailors was destroyed. The hostages slowly turned into immoral monsters, only wish which will destroy as many new souls as possible. None of those who agreed to 100 services achieved the promised liberation.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Davy Jones and Jack Sparrow

The relationship between the main devil and the main character cannot be called cloudless. Considering the unbridled nature of both, get ready to expect a lot of deception, betrayal, and intrigue. It turned out as expected. Pirate Jones offered to raise the Black Pearl (after sinking in the previous part) and give it to Sparrow. Sentence lines – 13 years. In revenge, Jack must, after 13 years of captaincy, serve a legal 100 years on the deck of the Flying Dutchman. Predictably, enterprising Jack agreed.

When 13 years had passed (of which Jack was captain for only 2 years), Davey returned for payback. Sparrow, not burning with the desire to serve in the next world, made a new deal: in 3 days he will bring 100 new souls to the Sea Devil, instead of his one. As collateral, Captain Jack Sparrow (a famous joke) gave Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) into service.

While the matter was arguing, Turner found out where the key to the pirate's chest was kept, where the heart was kept. Adventures raged. The heart fell into the hands of third parties, and Jack Sparrow (sorry, Captain Jack Sparrow) was safely eaten by the Reverend Kraken.

A war with the owner of the Sea Devil's heart led to Davey agreeing to kill the Kraken upon request. But this was not enough. A huge battle was being prepared, which Davey was supposed to win. All the pirates cooperated with each other, taking the devil’s former lover, Calypso, as an assistant. In honor of his past feelings, the sorceress wanted to help Jones. But the secret of who once handed over the goddess to the council was revealed, after which she was confined to the human body. Calypso went wild. In a huge vortex of confrontations, the result was to pierce the heart of the legendary captain of the Flying Dutchman. Captain Jack Sparrow dreamed of winning the lame heart, but during the battle Will Turner was wounded. To save him by controlling his hand, Sparrow created a new immortal captain other world. This is how the hero Davy Jones died.

His life should have had a beautiful ending. Dying, the pirate uttered the only word dear to him. The name of my beloved Calypso.

Confession of Davy Jones

Don't think that audiences love Johnny Depp as the only character in Pirates of the Caribbean. Davy Jones became so popular and recognizable that many elevated the hero in the ratings and promised huge fees to the actor after filming. Women found “.. something terribly cute” in his appearance. Entertainment Weekly called the pirate's appearance the most convincing in 3D graphics, since the appearance of King Kong drawn in a similar way.

Did you know, my dear reader, that the character Davy Jones described brought the sequel the legendary Oscar statuette in 2007 for the nomination “Best Visual Effects”? Did you know that Bill Nighy took the stage at the MTV Awards for Best Villain? Do you require another explanation of the demand among actors for working in a disgusting costume, makeup, and appearance?

Scene with music box began to be called the most touching among all existing parts of “Pirates..”. They say that it was the crazy fame of the hero Davy Jones that ruined the charm of the heroine Keira Knightley. The actress was jealous of success negative character, whom they wanted to see at all premieres and presentations. The captain of the Flying Dutchman stole the show.

Except, of course, the captain of the Black Pearl.

The continuation of the favorite film is expected next year. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales will be released worldwide on May 24, 2017.

Jack heard the screams, that was his heart. Just pierce it and the sea will be his... Forever... Eternal life... He decided to finally anger Davey, and grinned, holding the stump of a saber over this bubbling and slippery heart: - Are you afraid of death? And then Jones pierced Will with his sword, turning it a couple of times to be sure. Jack didn’t immediately understand what had happened; after all, after falling and flying, his head wasn’t very clear. But looking at the boy, he felt pain. Will was dying... Yes, he annoyed him sometimes, but he didn’t deserve to die. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Prikhlop and Jones fighting. Thoughts were confused in my head. The rain poured and poured. Eternal life or the life of a boy... Elizabeth ran up to Will. It was clear that she was in severe shock. Jack sighed. “Forgive me, friends,” a thought flashed. In order not to see his friend's death, he closed his eyes and pierced his heart... Jones flew into the sea. Jack felt his own heart stop. Swann's screams and Will's death rattles could be heard. Sparrow wanted to cry, he was in incredible pain. But then everything stopped. He caught a glimpse of Elizabeth escaping the ship with Barbossa's vile monkey in tow. After that, he fell dead, former members of Jones' team began to approach him. And all together they fell into the abyss, the whirlpool captured the ship and took it to the bottom. But not even five minutes had passed before they surfaced. Jack stood at the helm, and the seaweed fell from the ship, the crew was transformed. Only there was no joy in the captain's eyes. He looked at his old lady “Pearl”. A wet Swann stood on the deck, an irritated Hector shouted something to the crew, and some of the dead sailors were wrapped in sheets. A thought flashed through Jack's head: “Will...”. Jack met Liz's gaze. There was shock and grief in her eyes. In a few minutes she aged a hundred years. Jack shuddered and turned away. There was no time to think, and he gave the order to fire salvos at Beckett’s ship. The "Pearl" side by side with the "Dutchman" fired all their guns at the ship. In a matter of minutes, he turned into a pile of wood chips. Everything was a blur for Jack. Tears filled my eyes. The defeated East India Company squadron sailed away, realizing that their leader was dead. Sparrow took the helm of the Dutchman. Then I heard footsteps. Bootstrap approached him. - Your torment has only just begun, captain. - he whispered quietly. Jack shuddered. He touched the scar and looked at the chest... - Can I say goodbye to the team? - he asked involuntarily. But no one answered. Silence could be considered a positive answer. When everything calmed down, he sailed to the “Pearl” on the “Dutchman” and, throwing a bridge, crossed to it. There was a gloomy atmosphere on the ship. TO former captain Gibbs approached and silently looked at him with a contemptuous look. Barbossa pretended that Jack was not there at all. Everyone went to their places. And then he saw Elizabeth crying and bodies wrapped in sheets. He seemed to have fallen into a stupor. She ran up and started shouting something, saying how bad and terrible he was. But that wasn’t what killed, it was the silence. The team, his own team, was silent and this made him scared. He couldn't stand it. Instead of a calm voice, he almost fell into hysterics. - Shut up, Miss Swann! I sincerely sympathize with you, but I advise you to mourn your fiance a little more quietly. Be healthy, Hector! If I find out that you are mistreating my ship, I will set a flock of aggressive and hungry whales - cannibals - on you. Enjoy the power, red face! - Jack turned to Barbossa, but he just rolled his eyes. - Goodbye my dear team. - He ran his hand along the Pearl’s tree. - See you, “Pearl”! With these words, he disappeared from the ship... Several months passed. His heart stood in the cabin, every night he heard its beating. Just a team, not friends or enemies. They simply followed his orders. He transported souls to the next world. Prikhlop went to the “Pearl”, the rest remained. But what were the others like! Living dead... No friends, no enemies, just emptiness. Will came to him every night, reminding him that he was the reason he was dead. In his dreams there was a “Black Pearl”, because he lost it forever, becoming the captain of the “Flying Dutchman”. He dreamed that someone would pierce his heart, relieving him of the heavy burden and pain. His "Pearl", his ship. Now he is without it. And Elizabeth, as Jack heard, with difficulty but recovered from mourning, runs a tavern in Barbados. The sparrow was overcome with a feeling of envy. Those whom he knew before are living full lives, and he himself was not alive, but he was not dead either. Yes, he, in fact, didn’t care anymore. Will may be a troublesome boy, but if he were alive, it would be easier for him. And “Pearl”... The captain involuntarily let out a sigh. How painful it is without the ship into which he put his soul! One year later. Jack saw the sunken ship and sighed. The dead again. Once again someone will have tears in their eyes. But then he saw some guy barely holding on to a floating board, and immediately gave the command to lift him on board. The boy was breathing. Sparrow smiled - here it is, his salvation... Soon the guy opened his eyes. Jack did not let the team near him, seeing how the guy came to his senses. - Where I am? - he asked quietly. “On the Flying Dutchman, and I’m Captain Jack Sparrow,” and Jack smiled, flashing gold on his teeth. The guy almost choked, he was very surprised that he was alive and no one was bothering him. - What's your name, kid? - Jack asked the guy. His enthusiasm was returning. He knew that soon, maybe very soon, he would be free. “Alex,” he said. Jack gave the order to bring water to the guy, and he drank greedily. - I have an interesting offer for you. “Let’s go to my cabin,” Jack said when the guy completely came to his senses. Slightly surprised, Alex followed him into the cabin. Jack opened the chest where his heart beat and stood in front of the guy. - You immortal life, I have freedom. Do you dare? - Jack smiled. - Just stab him. The guy was shocked, but then smiled. - Okay, captain. You don’t need to ask me a hundred times. - and, taking a knife, he pierced the heart. Jack felt a sharp pain, and then fell like a cut down ear. Death was quick, but he felt happy. At last he is free from the burden and will become the sea himself. There was only the sea and its noise in his head... He was free...