The theme of tragic love in Kuprin’s works (“Olesya”, “Garnet Bracelet”). Love in the works of A.I. Kuprina (Olesya) (School essays) What kind of love is in Olesya’s story

(342 words) The theme of love in the story “Olesya” is the main one. It is this feeling that awakens in a person all those qualities that Kuprin writes about in his work. Main character meets a Polesie witch named Olesya, who lives with her grandmother, also a witch, in the thicket of the forest. She appears as an unspoiled, naive, but selfless woman with the soul of a child, who won Ivan’s heart.

Far from civilization, in the thicket of Polesie, where Manuilikha and Olesya live, time has stopped. Her upbringing convinced the girl that she had supernatural abilities and strengthened her belief in legends and conspiracies. The heroine is absolutely not like the girls from the village, so the writer with a passionate imagination falls in love with her. The author devotes Special attention describing the emergence of the characters’ feelings after the first meeting, the hardships of long separations and the acceptance of falling in love. Their union is being built in the lap of nature, in the silence of the forests, so Ivan Timofeevich finds it difficult to believe Olesya’s predictions. He is seriously thinking about getting married, naively ignoring obvious obstacles. This need for self-deception also appears in the girl: she goes against fate, surrendering to Ivan. These sweet illusions are a characteristic, but not obvious, feature of love, which Kuprin subtly notices.

The true character traits of the heroes are hidden behind their initially restrained behavior. The lovers are complete opposites. In Oles, Kuprin embodies his own vision ideal woman and her feelings. The girl’s emotionality does not appear in the work as a well-known cliché. She is open, sensual, capable of self-denial and breaking generally accepted rules. Kuprin shows in the image of Olesya the gratuitous woman's love, when the heroine is ready to take with her the bitterness of loss, without burdening her loved one, but only blessing him for the moments given. The only thing she regrets is not having a child with Ivan. But her chosen one is not like that. Passion could not wash away prejudices from his consciousness. He says, for example, that men can laugh at faith, but women must be devout. Because of this secular stupidity, he loses his love, because the bigots from the village beat Olesya, contrary to all Christian virtues.

Kuprin depicted a real test of love, which the man did not pass, but the woman passed with honor. The writer admires the girls’ ability to live by feeling alone. For his sake, they are ready to change for the better and reject the misconceptions of the past. But their chosen ones strive to curb passion with reason, which makes a monstrous mistake.

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We quite often hear these antonyms in life: fidelity and betrayal. And everyone understands these words in their own way. Why? Loyalty is defined as constancy in feelings, affections, and beliefs. But rarely does anyone remember the meaning of the root word - faith. Faith is a belief in something that is unshakable in your ideas and understanding. But betrayal is nothing more than a violation of fidelity to someone or something. According to Christian ethics, adultery is a particularly serious sin. But betrayal does not have to be in the area of ​​faith. There is such a thing as adultery, betrayal of the Motherland, betrayal of convictions. All these are variations of this all-encompassing concept.

I want to appeal to understanding adultery and loyalty. And in this regard, remember the works of our literature. In A.N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” this problem is raised. The main character of the drama, Katerina Kabanova, cheated on her husband with a young man who came from the capital. Unusual, unlike the residents of the city of Kalinov, Boris in his particular dress seems so bright and unique to Katerina. She falls in love with him literally at first sight. His delicacy and tact do not at all fit with the darkness, lack of education, rudeness and rudeness of the local residents. However, Katerina, who has never loved anyone before, chooses Boris as her betrothed, a man sent by God. She, once taking a step towards her chosen one, decides that he is her destiny. Cheating on her husband, in her understanding, is not cheating at all. She never loved Boris, although she tried to be faithful to him. In fact, he changed it because he left her alone in this evil world. But she is tormented by the fact of the oath during the wedding ceremony. However, Tikhon does not accept Katerina’s betrayal, she is his beloved wife, the main thing is that no one knows anything. He beats his wife at the insistence of his mother. So Katerina’s betrayal becomes a symbol of her faith in God, in his blessing. She decides to commit suicide only so as not to change her convictions, her faith.

In the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus',” Matryona Korchagina remains faithful to her husband in the most difficult times life situations. When her husband Philip is recruited, and she remains pregnant, expecting a child, without a husband, she decides to go to the governor for help, in an effort to find protection. She was lucky: labor began, and the governor’s wife became godmother to her child. She helped in releasing her husband from conscription duty. A rare woman is capable of such self-sacrifice in the name of her beloved husband, of such fidelity to her wedding vow.

Cheating and fidelity are mutually exclusive concepts, but in Lately no one gives them credit special significance. No one especially tries to be faithful, no one considers treason terrible sin. The boundaries have been erased. It’s all about human morality, about how to evaluate your own and other people’s actions.

The story "Olesya" (Kuprin) is based on the author's autobiographical memories of 1897, when he lived in Polesie. At that time, disillusioned with his reporting career, Kuprin left Kyiv. Here he was involved in the management of an estate located in the Rivne district, and became interested in the Church Slavonic language. However, Kuprin's greatest passion was hunting. Among the vast swamps and forests, he spent whole days with peasant hunters.

The impressions received from meetings and conversations, local legends and “tales” provided rich food for the writer’s mind and heart, suggested the specifics and form of his early stories - a description of “local” history,

Love in the works of Kuprin

Alexander Ivanovich was always interested in the topic of love, believing that it contained the most exciting mystery of man. He believed that individuality is expressed not in colors, not in voice, not in creativity, not in gait, but precisely in love.

“He and she in Kuprin’s story “Olesya” is the most important theme of the work. Love as the highest measure of a person’s personality, ennobling and elevating him above life’s circumstances, was revealed with great skill in this story. In it, Alexander Ivanovich poetizes the nobility of the soul, the ability to enjoy beauty and the harmony of nature. The lovingly and generously described landscapes of Polesie in the story give a major, bright tone to the story of the fate of Ivan Timofeevich and Olesya - the main characters.

Image of Olesya

The content of Kuprin's story "Olesya" is based on the story of a young girl's bright feelings for an aspiring writer. From the very first phrase about “hungry finches,” the heroine wins over readers. She amazed Ivan Timofeevich with her original beauty. The girl was a brunette, about twenty to twenty-five years old, tall and slender. Pure curiosity brought Ivan Timofeevich together with her and her grandmother Manuilikha. The village treated these two women unkindly, sending them away to live because Manuilikha was considered a witch. The main character, accustomed to being wary of people, did not immediately open up to the writer. Her fate is determined by exclusivity and loneliness.

The narration is told on behalf of Ivan Timofeevich, a city intellectual. All other characters (uncommunicative peasants, Yarmola, the narrator himself, Manuilikha) are connected with the environment, constrained by its laws and way of life, and therefore are very far from harmony. And only Olesya, brought up by nature itself, its mighty strength, managed to preserve her innate talents. The author idealizes her image, but Olesya’s feelings, behavior, and thoughts are embodied real abilities, therefore the story is psychologically truthful. For the first time in Alexander Ivanovich’s character, Olesya’s selflessness and pride, sophistication of feelings and effectiveness of actions merged together. Her gifted soul amazes with the flight of feelings, devotion to her lover, attitude towards nature and people.

Did Ivan Timofeevich love Olesya?

The heroine fell in love with the writer, a “kind, but only weak” person. Her fate was sealed. Superstitious and suspicious Olesya believes what the cards told her. She knew in advance how the relationship between them would end. Mutual love did not work out. Ivan Timofeevich experienced only an attraction to Olesya, which he mistakenly took for love. This interest arose due to the originality and spontaneity of the main character. The opinion of society meant a lot to the weak-willed hero. He could not imagine life outside of it.

He and she in Kuprin's story "Olesya"

Oles embodied the image of Mother Nature. She treats finches, hares, starlings with care and love, takes pity on her grandmother, the thief Trofim, forgives even the brutal crowd that beat her. Olesya is a serious, deep, integral person. There is a lot of spontaneity and sincerity in her. Kuprin's hero, under the influence of this forest girl, experiences, albeit temporarily, a special enlightened state of soul. Kuprin (the story "Olesya") analyzes the characters of the characters by contrast, based on contrast. This is very different people belonging to different strata of society: the hero is a writer, an educated person who came to Polesie to “observe morals.” Olesya is an illiterate girl who grew up in the forest. She was aware of all the shortcomings of Ivan Timofeevich and understood that their love would not be happy, but, despite this, she loved the hero with all her soul. For his sake, she went to church, which was a difficult test for the girl, since she had to overcome fear not only of the villagers, but also of God. Ivan Timofeevich, despite the fact that he loved Olesya (as it seemed to him), was at the same time afraid of his feelings. This fear ultimately prevented Ivan Timofeevich from marrying her. As can be seen from the comparison of the images of the two heroes, he and she in Kuprin’s story “Olesya” are completely different people.

Dream of a wonderful person

The story "Olesya" (Kuprin) is the embodiment of the dream of wonderful person, healthy and free life in harmony with nature. It is no coincidence that the development of love took place against its background. The main idea of ​​the work: only far from an indifferent city, from civilization, can you meet a person who has retained the ability to love faithfully, unselfishly. Only in harmony with nature can we achieve nobility and moral purity.

The true meaning of love

He and she in Kuprin's story "Olesya" are completely different people, so they are not destined to be together. What is the meaning of this love, for the sake of which Olesya, knowing that their relationship was doomed, still did not push the hero away from the very beginning?

Alexander Ivanovich sees the true meaning of love in the desire to give the beloved the fullness of feelings. Man is imperfect, but great power this feeling can, at least temporarily, return to him the naturalness and sharpness of sensations that people like Olesya managed to preserve. This heroine is able to bring harmony into such contradictory relationships as those described by Kuprin (the story "Olesya"). Analysis of this work allows us to conclude that her love is contempt for human suffering and even death. It is a pity that only a select few are capable of such a feeling. Love in Kuprin's story "Olesya" is a special gift, as rare as it was possessed main character. This is something mysterious, mysterious, inexplicable.

True love is pure, sublime, all-consuming love.
Such love is depicted in many works by A. I. Kuprin: “ Garnet bracelet", "Sulamith", "Olesya". All three stories end tragically: “The Pomegranate Bracelet” and “Shulamith” are resolved by the death of the main characters, in “Oles” the plot action ends with the separation of Olesya and the narrator. According to Kuprin, true love doomed because she has no place in this world - she will always be condemned in a vicious social environment.
In “Oles”, the obstacles to the love of the heroes were their social differences and prejudices of society. Olesya is a girl who was born and spent her entire youth in the Polesie thickets, wild, uneducated, alienated from people. Locals they considered her a witch, despised her, hated her (the cruel reception she received at the church fence is indicative). Olesya did not respond to them with mutual hatred, she was simply afraid of them and preferred solitude. However, she gained confidence in the narrator from the first meeting; their mutual attraction grew rapidly and gradually developed into a real feeling.
The narrator (Ivan) was struck by her combination of naturalness, “forest soul,” and nobility, “of course, in in the best sense this is a rather vulgar word.” Olesya never studied, did not even know how to read, but she spoke eloquently and fluently, “no worse than a real young lady.” And the main thing that attracted him to the Polesie witch was her attraction to folk traditions, her strong, strong-willed character and freedom-loving, sensitive and capable of sincerely loving soul. Olesya did not know how to pretend, so her love could not be a base impulse or a mask. And the hero had genuine feelings for her, so sincere: he found a kindred spirit in the girl, they understood each other without words. A real love, as you know, is built on mutual understanding.
Olesya loved Ivan selflessly, sacrificially. Fearing that society would judge him, the girl left him, abandoned her happiness, preferring his happiness. Each of the heroes chose the well-being of the other. But their personal happiness turned out to be impossible without mutual love. This confirms the ending of the story: “Lord! What happened?" - Ivan whispered, “entering the entryway with a sinking heart.” This was the apogee of the hero's misfortune.
Love united them forever and separated them forever: only strong feelings prompted Olesya to leave Ivan, and Ivan to allow her to do so. They were not afraid for themselves, but they were afraid for each other. Olesya went to church for Ivan, realizing that danger awaited her there. But she did not reveal her fears to Ivan, so as not to upset him. In the scene of their last date, she also did not want to upset her lover, disappoint him, so she did not turn her face to him until he “with tender emotion took her head away from the pillow.” She cried out: “Don’t look at me... I beg you... I’m disgusting now...” But Ivan was not embarrassed by the long red abrasions that furrowed her forehead, cheeks and neck - he accepted her as she was, he did not he turned away from her, wounded, for him even then she was the most beautiful. He loved her unconditionally and did not give up his intention to marry her. But in a cruel society, ossified in prejudices, this was impossible.
Olesya was an outcast from society. People believed that Olesya was causing trouble, casting spells, they despised and feared her, but Ivan believed her. Even when she herself began to assure him that she had witchcraft powers, he had no doubt that she was kind and incapable of harming anyone, that the power contained in her was light, and gossip about her was a superstitious fiction. He could not suspect Olesya of anything bad, he trusted her, which means he experienced true love, love based on faith, hope and forgiveness.
Olesya was also ready to forgive Ivan in any situation, to blame herself, but to shield him (although it was because of Ivan that she went to church, she only blamed herself for the misfortune that happened to her). Tears and an inexorable trembling in the reader’s heart are caused by Olesya’s answer to the hero’s request to forgive him: “What are you doing!.. What are you doing, dear?.. Aren’t you ashamed to even think about it? What is your fault here? I'm all alone, stupid... Well, why did I really bother? No, honey, don’t blame yourself...” The girl placed all the blame and all responsibility for what had happened on herself. And for subsequent actions too. Olesya, who had never been afraid of anything, suddenly became afraid... for Ivan. Ivan repeatedly invited Olesya to marry him, expressed assurances to her about their future, happy and together, but the girl was afraid to expose him to the law and rumors, and to cast a shadow on his reputation. And Ivan, in turn, neglected his reputation in the name of love.
Their feeling did not bring them happiness, nor did sacrifices in the name of each other. Society had too much pressure on them. But no prejudices could overcome their love. After Olesya’s disappearance, the narrator says: “With a constricted heart overflowing with tears, I was about to leave the hut, when suddenly my attention was attracted by a bright object, apparently deliberately hung on the corner of the window frame. It was a string of cheap red beads, known in Polesie as “corals,” - the only thing that remained to me as a memory of Olesya and her tender, generous love.” This unforgettable thing symbolized for Ivan Olesya’s love, which she, even after breaking up, tried to convey to him.
The concepts of “soul” and “love” for both heroes were inseparable, therefore their love is pure and immaculate, sublime and sincere, just like their souls are pure and bright. Love for them is a creation of the soul. A feeling devoid of mistrust and jealousy: “Were you jealous of me?” - “Never, Olesya! Never!" How could one be jealous of her, pure and bright Olesya?! Theirs was too sublime, strong and strong mutual love to allow the egoistic instinct - jealousy. Their love itself excluded everything mundane, vulgar, banal; the heroes did not love for themselves, did not cherish their own love, but gave their souls to each other.
Such love is eternal, but not understood by society, sacrificial, but does not bring happiness, can be given to not many and only once in a lifetime. Because such love is highest manifestation Human. And a person is born only once.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born on August 26, 1870 in the provincial town of Narovchat. The writer's father, Ivan Ivanovich Kuprin, a minor official, served as a clerk for a local peace intermediary. After the death of his father, the mother was forced to send her son to an orphan school. In 1880, Kuprin passed the entrance exams to the Second Moscow Military Gymnasium, which two years later was transformed into a cadet corps. A ten-year-old boy at this time was faced with injustice, elevated to law. Already, while at the cadet school, Kuprin first appeared in print. The first thing that catches your eye when you read Kuprin’s works of the 1890s is their disparity. She explains it as weak common culture and insufficient knowledge of life.

Talents, like people, can be good and evil, cheerful and sad, bright and dark. When I think about Kuprin, I immediately want to say good talent. All the writer’s works are imbued with this infinite kindness or, in his own words, love “for all living things - a tree, a dog, water, earth, man, sky.” Kuprin lived in a different time than we do, he knew a completely different world, much of which is irretrievably gone. He openly defended the weak, sang holy love and selfless friendship, he taught to be better, more beautiful, more noble even in the most difficult everyday circumstances. And it doesn’t matter that today there are no cadets, no volunteers, no wandering artists, no policemen, no scribes in the treasury chamber and private attorneys. After all, honesty and lies, courage and cowardice, nobility and baseness still wage an irreconcilable struggle among themselves. And here Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin will remain our good mentor and senior friend. K. G. Paustovsky wrote about Kuprin:

“Kuprin’s love for people appears as a clear subtext in almost all his stories and stories, despite the diversity of their themes and plots”

The story Olesya was written by Kuprin in 1898. Kuprin spent 1897 in Polesie, Rivne district, where he served as estate manager. Observations of the unique life of local peasants, the impression of meeting majestic nature gave Kuprin rich material for creativity. It was here that the series of so-called “Polesie stories” was conceived.

This story is the embodiment of the writer’s dream about a wonderful person, about a free and healthy life in fusion with nature. Among the eternal forests, permeated with light, fragrant with lilies of the valley and honey, the author finds the heroine of his story. The story of the short, but beautiful in its sincerity and completeness of love between Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich is covered in romance. The romantic intonation is discernible already at the very beginning behind the outwardly calm description of the life and customs of the Polesie peasants, the well-being of Ivan Timofeevich in an unusual environment in a remote village. Then the hero of the story listens to Ermola’s stories about “witches” and about a sorceress living nearby.

Ivan Timofeevich could not help but find the “Fairytale Hut” lost in the swamps, where Manuilikha and the beautiful Olesya lived.

Olesya grew up in constant persecution, moving from one place to another, and was always haunted by the fame of a witch. She even had to move from the village in which they lived and go to the thicket of the forest, to the swamps, away from the villages.

And then in life a big and strong love. At her first meetings with Ivan Timofeevich, she does not feel anything, but then her feelings begin to grow. Olesya is trying to extinguish the love that has just arisen in her. But as soon as they were separated for two weeks, she realized that you couldn’t order your heart. When she met her beloved, she said: “Separation is to love what the wind is to fire: it extinguishes little love, and fans the big one even stronger.” The heroine gives herself entirely to love, she loves sincerely and tenderly. For her sake, the girl was not afraid to go to church, having sacrificed her principles, she was not afraid of the consequences. Olesya sacrifices herself to love.

Olesya, who has the gift of providence, feels the inevitability of the tragic end of her short happiness. She knows that their happiness in the stuffy, cramped city, which Ivan Timofeevich could not renounce, is impossible. But all the more humanly valuable is her self-denial, her attempt to try on her way of life with what is alien to her.

Olesya abandons her lover and leaves, leaving only beads as a souvenir.

In love, selfless and honest, the character of the heroes of the story is revealed most fully. Having grown up in the forests, close to nature, Olesya does not know calculation and cunning, selfishness is alien to her - everything that poisons relationships between people in the “civilized world”. Natural, simple and sublime love Olesya makes Ivan Timofeevich forget for a while the prejudices of his environment, awakens in his soul all the best, bright, humane. And that’s why it’s so bitter for him to lose Olesya.

The spring awakening of nature and the birth of love coincide because these people live the same life with nature and obey its laws. They are happy as long as they maintain this unity.

In my opinion, Alexander Ivanovich depicted in his story the perfect girl, but if at least some of us sometimes tried to be like Olesya, then, probably, many would live better. Only a person who grew up in harmony with nature, far from civilization, is capable of deep feelings.

From the story I read, I discovered that no matter who the person is, for example, a hereditary witch or a simple worker, each of us has the right to respect, love and life, because it is not his fault that he was born and raised this way. This story showed me that there is true love in the world, which cannot be spoiled by anything. And it seems to me that everyone who reads this story will understand this.


Love in the story

A.I. Kuprin "Olesya"


student of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3

8 A class

Purtova Nadezhda

Head: Orlova T.P.



Participant information:

FULL NAME: Purtova Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Home address: Buryatia, Severobaykalsk city, st. 40 years of Victory, 25, index 671702

Telephone: 89021644581

Name of educational institution: Municipal educational institution"Average Comprehensive school No. 3"

Class: 8 A

Job title: Love in the story by A.I. Kuprin "Olesya"

Competition nomination:"Behind the Book Pages"