All-Russian competition of museums of educational institutions. Regulations of the competition “School Museum: New Opportunities. Purpose and objectives of the Competition


about the City Competition " School Museum: new opportunities"for the 2018–2019 academic year

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting the Competition “School Museum: New Opportunities” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

1.2. The organizer of the Competition is the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Additional vocational education(advanced training) of specialists from the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education (hereinafter referred to as the City Methodological Center of the Moscow Department of Education).

1.3. The Competition events are aimed at implementing the objectives of the development of the education system, formulated in Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation», State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012–2018) “Development of education in the city of Moscow (" Metropolitan education")" (as amended by the Moscow Government Decree dated March 28, 2017 No. 134-PP).

2. Purpose and objectives of the Competition

2.1. Target: search for new approaches to socialization and the process of formation Russian identity the younger generation through museum pedagogy using the sociocultural resources of Moscow and museums educational organizations.

2.2. Tasks:

Using the museum and educational environment as a resource of cultural and creative development students, patriotic education of the younger generation;

Identification of innovative methods of school museum directors and dissemination of their work experience; support pedagogical initiatives for promotion museum culture by stimulating the participation of students in educational and general cultural activities;

Popularization of the activities of a museum of an educational organization as a space for education and upbringing, creation of multimedia projects for the museum educational environment.


Heads of school museums, teachers, students of Moscow organizations (directions 1, 4) can take part in the competition.

Thematic areas of the Competition, conditions of participation

Direction 1. “Museum postcard”: postcard in JPEG format dedicated to the museum of the educational organization, its history, museum exhibition, museum exhibit, museum events and promotions (form of participation – remote).

The terms of participation: Participants post postcards made in any technique (photo, drawing, collage, etc.) on the website of the educational organization in the “School Museum” section, with a brief annotation (number of postcards from 1 to 5 pieces).

Links to competition materials indicating the thematic area and authors of the works are posted in the system. Works submitted in the “Museum Postcard” direction undergo an examination in absentia with points assigned in accordance with the criteria, based on the results of which the winners and runners-up of the Competition are determined.

Direction 2. “Museum ABC”: rules for visiting, behavior and organizing activities of students in the school museum (form of participation - remote).

The terms of participation: participants develop and post competition materials on the website of the educational organization in the “School Museum” section, made in any of the proposed formats: instructions, comics, photo albums, presentations, videos, cartoons, indicating the thematic direction of the Competition and the authors of the works. Participants of the Competition post links to materials in the system. Works submitted in the “Museum ABC” direction undergo an examination in absentia with points assigned in accordance with the criteria, based on the results of which the winners and runners-up of the Competition are determined.

Direction 3. “Museum volunteering”: description of the forms and methods of implementing (organizing) volunteer activities in the museum of an educational organization, volunteer training programs, projects for creating a volunteer club (center) (form of participation - remote).

The terms of participation: Participants post competition materials (presentations, texts) on the website of the educational organization in the “School Museum” section, indicating the thematic area of ​​the Competition and the authors of the works. Participants of the Competition post links to materials in the system.

Works submitted in the direction of “Museum Volunteering” undergo an examination in absentia with points assigned in accordance with the criteria, based on the results of which the winners and runners-up of the Competition are determined.

Direction 4. “Museum mosaic”: creation and presentation of a mini-exhibition, the exhibits of which are associated with “ small homeland» students, exhibits with “personal history”, etc. (form of participation – remote).

The terms of participation: Participants develop and post competition materials on the website of the educational organization in the “School Museum” section, made in any of the proposed formats: text material, photo albums, presentations indicating the thematic direction of the Competition and the authors of the works. Participants of the Competition post links to materials in the system.

Works submitted in the direction of “Museum Mosaic” undergo a correspondence examination with points assigned in accordance with the criteria, based on the results of which the winners and runners-up of the Competition are determined.

Direction 5. “Museum game”: Board games, museum lotto, museum “puzzles”, reconstruction games, etc. (form of participation – remote – face-to-face).

The terms of participation: participants post on the website of the educational organization in the “School Museum” section a description of the game with a photo or presentation, indicating the thematic direction of the Competition and the authors of the works. Participants of the Competition post links to materials in the system.

Works submitted in the “Museum Game” direction undergo an examination in absentia with points assigned in accordance with the criteria, based on the results of which the nominees for the Competition are determined. After the full-time defense and demonstration of works, the expert community determines the winners of the Competition from among the nominees. No more than 10 minutes are allotted to defend the work. Originality is welcome.

Direction 6. “Museum finds”: non-traditional forms of work in the museum: theatrical performances, master classes, exhibitions and fairs, leisure activities, virtual tour of the educational organization and its museum; excursion-reconstruction, author's excursion with elements of personal stories, creative visual projects (lapbooks) using exhibits from the museum of an educational organization, etc. (form of participation - remote - full-time).

The terms of participation: Participants post competition materials on the website of the educational organization in the “School Museum” section, made in any of the proposed formats: text material, photo albums, presentations indicating the thematic direction of the Competition and the authors of the works. Participants of the Competition post links to materials in the system.

Works submitted in the direction of “Museum Finds” undergo an examination in absentia with points assigned in accordance with the criteria, based on the results of which the nominees for the Competition are determined. After the full-time defense and demonstration of works, the expert community determines the winners of the Competition from among the nominees. No more than 10 minutes are allotted to defend the work. Originality is welcome.

Direction 7. “The connecting thread of time: lesson (lesson) in the museum of an educational organization”(form of participation – remote – face-to-face).

The terms of participation: participants post on the website of the educational organization in the “School Museum” section methodological developments for classes (no more than two authors) using museum resources, indicating the thematic direction of the Competition and the authors of the works in accordance with the specified categories.

Works submitted in the direction of “The Thread that Connects Time: A Lesson (Lesson) in a Museum of an Educational Organization” undergo a correspondence examination with scoring in accordance with the criteria, based on the results of which the nominees for the Competition are determined. After the full-time defense (demonstration) of the work, experts determine the winner(s) and prize-winners in the Competition category who received maximum amount points. Full-time defense of work in the direction ( methodological developments) will be conducted in the form of a master class with a demonstration of a museum lesson (~ 10 min.). The lesson designer is presented in Appendix 1.

Direction 8. “History of the past in future technologies”: concept and video presentation of an environmental museum (video presentation) describing a future model for using innovative technological capabilities to create an interactive, convenient, accessible and effective museum environment (form of participation - remote).

The terms of participation: participants develop and post competitive materials on the website of the educational organization in the “School Museum” section, indicating the thematic area of ​​the Competition and the authors of the works. Participants of the Competition post links to materials in the system.

Works submitted in the direction of “History of the past in future technologies” undergo an correspondence examination with points assigned in accordance with the criteria, based on the results of which the winners and runners-up of the Competition are determined. (Appendix 2).

3. Timing, procedure and organization of the Competition

4. Timing of competitive events

the date of the



October 2018

Registration of participants of the Competition ( thematic areas 1–8) in the system


1–3 and 8)

Consultations with methodologists on the design of competition materials. Training seminars, webinars

November 2018

Examination of materials, determination of winners (thematic areas 1–3)


Placement of competition materials on the website of the educational organization and in personal accounts (in the system) (thematic area 4)

Selection of the best competitive works based on the results of expert discussion and determination of winners and prize-winners of the competition (thematic area 8)

December 2018

Examination of materials, determination of winners (thematic area 4)


Placement of competition materials on the website of the educational organization and in personal accounts (in the system) (thematic area 5)

January 2019

Examination of materials, determination of nominees (thematic area 5)


Placement of competitive materials (thematic areas) on the website of the educational organization and in personal accounts (in the system)

February 2019

Examination of materials, determination of nominees (thematic areas 6–7)


Master classes of participants (winners) of the City Competition “School Museum: New Opportunities” (thematic areas 5–6), determination of winners and prize-winners

March 2019

Master classes of participants (winners) of the City Competition “School Museum: New Opportunities” (thematic area 7), determination of winners and prize-winners


April 2019

Summing up the results of the Competition, summarizing and presenting best teaching experience


5. Criteria for evaluating the works (performances) of participants

The maximum score for each criterion is 10 points, the final score cannot exceed 50 points.

5.1. Criteria for evaluating work in direction 1 “Museum postcard”:

– compliance with the theme of the Competition: the postcard(s) must be about the museum of the educational organization, about its exhibits, exhibitions, about the people who create the museum, about visitors, about museum activities and so on.;
– artistry and originality: the postcard should attract attention with its artistic design (composition, color, etc.) and originality;
– information content;
- image quality;
– accessibility of perception artistic design author.

5.2. Criteria for assessing work in direction 2 “Museum ABC”:

5.3. Criteria for evaluating work in direction 3 “Museum volunteering”:

– motivation: presentation (description) of the practice (methods, methods) of attracting, retaining and motivating students as museum volunteers;
– reality: description of diversity real forms volunteer activities in the museum of an educational organization;
– competencies: description of ways to form fundamental competencies and personal qualities a student participating in volunteer activities;
– prospects: availability of a training program for museum volunteers, plans for the future, opportunities;
– reflection: a description of ways to record the “successes and failures” of volunteers that contribute to the development of reflective skills; an objective assessment by the museum director (museum teacher) of his own activities in the development of the volunteer movement.

5.4. Criteria for assessing work in direction 4 “Museum mosaic”:

– author’s approach;
– originality;
– accounting age characteristics students during the organization of a mini-exposition;

– active use museum items.

5.5. Criteria for assessing work in direction 5 “Museum play”:

– originality;
– availability of instructions describing the rules of the game and its configuration;
– manufacturability ( available rules games, the possibility of replication, development of alternative options);
– compliance of players with the declared age category;
– the presence of educational functions of the game.

5.6. Criteria for evaluating work in direction 6 “Museum finds”:

– the feasibility of choosing forms of museum activity;
– taking into account the age characteristics of the audience;
– quality of the presented material, design;
– originality;
- author's approach.

5.7. Criteria for assessing work in direction 7 “The connecting thread of time: lesson (lesson) in the museum of an educational organization”:

– pedagogical feasibility of selecting content, means, methods and forms of work when conducting classes in the museum;
– novelty and relevance of the presented materials;
– taking into account the age characteristics of students;

– compliance of the presented material with the structure of the museum lesson constructor (see Appendix 1).

5.7.1. Master class evaluation criteria:

– the presence of goals and objectives, the degree of their implementation;
– implementation of a system-activity approach;
– the predominance of student activity over the teacher’s activity;
– level of visualization and technological effectiveness of the lesson;
– active use of museum objects;
– culture of public speaking (reasoning, logic, consistency of presentation).

The Organizing Committee provides multimedia equipment for the master class. Demonstration of the project on the authors’ equipment is allowed.

Technical assistance is provided during the lesson demonstration.

The time provided for demonstrating the master class is 15 minutes, of which 5 minutes are allocated for answering questions from experts. 9 minutes after the start of the performance, the competitor will be warned that there is one minute left before the end of the master class.

Persons accompanying the competition participant may be present at the master class demonstration, but no more than two people for each participant. Only the contestants presenting the master class can answer the experts’ questions. Questions can only be of a clarifying nature.

After completing the master classes, all experts fill out assessment protocols. In accordance with the completed protocols, the Organizing Committee identifies the winners of the Competition.

5.8. Criteria for evaluation competition work in direction 8 “History of the past in future technologies”.

– correspondence to the theme of the direction;
– description of the prospects for the development of the concept and the possibilities of its practical implementation in an educational organization;
– variety of forms of organizing students’ activities;
– creativity, innovativeness of content and relevance of the material;
– availability of results and conclusions that correspond to the set goal.

6. Summing up the results of the Competition

6.1. The status of a participant in the Competition is determined separately for each area.

6.2. The results of the Competition are published on the website of the City Methodological Center without indicating personal data, as well as in personal account participant.

6.3. The results of the Competition are final, there is no provision for appeal.

Materials submitted to the Competition are not reviewed.

6.4. Participants of the Competition receive an electronic certificate of participation.

6.5. In each nomination, winners and prize-winners of the Competition are determined.

6.6. Certificates of participants, diplomas of prize-winners and winners are posted in the personal electronic accounts of Competition participants.

7. Organizing Committee of the Competition

7.1. To organize and conduct the Competition, a city Organizing Committee of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) is created.

7.2. The Organizing Committee of the Competition consists of the management and methodologists of the GBOU City Methodological Center of DogM and performs the following functions:

– forms the composition of experts and organizes their work;
– carries out preparation, conduct and general management of the Competition;
– determines the system of incentives and rewards for participants.

September 25 to 29, 2017 in Moscow at the Federal Center for Children and Youth Tourism and Local History was held All-Russian competition museums of educational organizations of the Russian Federation.

148 people took part in the competition, including 106 schoolchildren and 42 managers. A total of 16 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were represented.

The competition was held in the following sections:

  • "Museums of the history of the children's movement and the history of education";
  • “Military-historical. Historical Museums";
  • "Complex Museums";
  • “Tour guide of a museum of an educational organization. Senior group";
  • “Tour guide of a museum of an educational organization. Junior group";
  • "Tour guide to cultural and cultural sites" natural heritage».

The “Teachers Section” was also presented.

The Leningrad region was represented by 2 districts:

  • Municipal educational institution "Ropshinskaya School" of Lomonosovsky district, School Museum "Ropsha - Our Little Rus'", head of the museum Markina Galina Vladimirovna;
  • Municipal educational institution "Kuznechenskaya Secondary School" of the Priozersky district, School Museum of Municipal Educational Institution "Kuznechenskaya Secondary School", head of the museum Ivan Vladimirovich Chernyuk.

According to the results of the final competition, the School Museum “Ropsha - Our Little Rus'” became the winner among 13 declared complex museums. The museum was represented by Anna Nesterova, Ksenia Moshkova, Alexander Krasnobaev, Sergey Bagdasaryan. And the School Museum of the Municipal Educational Institution “Kuznechenskaya Secondary School” became a winner, taking 3rd place in the “Historical Museums” section. Presented by the museum: Fedor Chernyuk.

In the section “Tour guide of the museum of educational organization ( senior group)” the winner was a student of the School Museum “Ropsha - Our Little Rus'” Anna Nesterova, ahead of 40 guides in her nomination.

In the section “Tour guide of museums of educational organization ( junior group)" Sergey Bagdasaryan, a student of the School Museum "Ropsha - Our Little Rus'", also took 3rd place.

In the section “Tour guide to cultural and natural heritage sites,” 3rd place was taken by another student of the School Museum “Ropsha - Our Little Rus',” Alexander Krasnobaev.

The judges highly appreciated the home video about the work of the School Museum of the Kuznechenskaya Secondary School, presented by a student of this museum, Chernyuk Fedor, together with the director.

The guys showed good results at the erudite competition, which was also part of the 5-day competition program.

The competition program also included a sightseeing tour of Moscow, to Patriot Park and the Polytechnic Museum of School No. 439 with a unique interactive exhibition.

Thus, as a result of persistent struggle and hard work, the guys took top places in almost all declared nominations, worthily defending the honor of their districts and the Leningrad region as a whole.

From September 25 to 30, 2017, the Final of the All-Russian competition of museums of educational organizations and the competition of young guides of educational institutions was held in Moscow. In Sevastopol, regional competitions were organized by the Center for Tourism, Local History, Sports and Excursions (director Yu.A. Negrebetsky) by employees of N. Kuklenko. A., Ruban L.V., Shik N.V.

This year, the winners of the city competition of young guides of museums of educational institutions of Sevastopol took part in the Final of the All-Russian competition: Polina Tyushlyaeva - young guide of the museum "Sports Glory of Sevastopol" secondary school No. 39 (Head Ivashchenko E.Yu.), Anastasia Kharaman - young guide of objects of cultural and natural heritage, a student of secondary school No. 61 (head Sandulyak E.V.) and Potapenko Valery - member of the Council of the museum “Heroes-Submariners” of secondary school No. 4 (the museum is the winner of the city competition for best museum among educational institutions. Sevastopol in the 2016-2017 academic year).

The delegation was headed by A.N. Yemets. - head of the museum “Heroes-Submariners” of secondary school No. 4. The children participated in the All-Russian competition for the first time.

Potapenko Vasily introduced those present to the work of the “Heroes-Submariners” museum, its history, forms of work, and concept. A ten-minute film about the life of the museum was prepared for the competition. Museum of Secondary School No. 4 “Heroes-Submariners” took 2nd place in the category “ Military history museums» educational organizations of the Russian Federation.

Young guides had to have a good command of museum terminology, be able to conduct a tour on a given topic, and present a home tour.

Nastya Kharaman presented the excursion “Mount Gasforta”, completed all the tasks perfectly and took 1st place in the category “Tour guide to cultural and natural heritage sites”, senior group. Nastya had to compete in a group of children 14-18 years old, since she turned 14 in March.

Tyushlyaeva Polina held virtual tour through the halls of the “Sports Glory of Sevastopol” museum, Secondary School No. 39. Polina spoke brightly and expressively about the history of this wonderful museum, its unique exhibits, and the numerous events that are held at the museum. In the “Historical Museums” category, Polina won the All-Russian competition (3rd place).

All participants received certificates and gifts. We also visited the military-historical center “Patriot” (today the museum’s collection includes more than 350 units of armored weapons and equipment from 14 countries, about 60 of them exist in a single copy).

We got acquainted with three museums of secondary school No. 1798. “Phoenix” in Moscow. The excursions around Moscow left a huge impression on the guys.

The successful debut of Sevastopol children at All-Russian competitions is a significant event for the entire region. A great contribution to the preparation and organization of the trip of the Sevastopol delegation was made by employees of the Sevastopol Center for Tourism, Local History, Sports and Excursions: Kuklenko N.A., Ruban L.V., Shik N.V.

See the Appendix for the report on participation in the competition.