Thematic plan "acquaintance with folk culture and traditions" middle group. Calendar planning in the preparatory group on the topic “Folk culture and traditions” (week 2) Topic of the month: folk culture and traditions

Sedova Olga
Planning educational activities for the week “Folk culture and traditions”


Group __ middle group ___

Subject:. Folk culture and traditions.

Target: continue to introduce children to folk traditions and customs, With folk arts and crafts (Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel). Expand ideas about folk toys(matryoshka dolls, Gorodets, Bogorodskaya, spillikins). Introduce national decorative and applied arts.

Final event Sports leisure "Hike to spring forest» _ Date of the final event_03/18/2016_

Responsible for conducting the final events:

Day weeks

Integration mode


tey joint activity


children's activities general image. institutions).


Individual Educational


in critical moments

Monday 14.03.2016 Morning breakfast, games Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. -aesthetic development, physical development Morning hymn. Conversation: "Russian folk toy» Target: introduce children to Russians folk toys, show them and tell about them. Round dance game: “A goat walked through the forest”. Target: introduce children to a new round dance game.

With Nastya T and Mark, strengthen the ability to cut out a circle or square with scissors. Di "Find out the pattern". Target: fixing elements of Dymkovo and Gorodets painting.

Working in a corner of nature Target: fostering a desire to help elders. Independent gaming activity. Plot-role-playing games: "Mothers and Daughters"

Target: The game teaches relationships in the family.

Consultations for parents. At the request of parents




Games, preparing for a walk

Walkphysical education for the birds. Target: Teach to recognize birds by appearance, introduce folk signs associated with birds. Outdoor game "Cat and Mouse".

Target: Discuss with the children the tactics of the players’ actions, teach them to act in concert. Develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

Kirill and Zakhar should be trained in accuracy. Play the game of hitting the target. Solution situations: “The paints have disappeared – what can I use to paint the dishes?”. Target: arouse children's interest in thinking.

Labor is to clear the area of ​​branches. Target: cultivate the ability to work together. Independent motor activity of children in the area

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bedtime KGN. Reading a fairy tale of the children's choice.

Evening children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. work Gymnastics after sleep. Exhibition books: "Russians folk tales» . Target: to interest children in new books, instilling a love of reading.

S/r game "Fair". Target: learn to convey the atmosphere of street fair trade.

Individual work on drawing elements of Gorodets painting (berries, curls)

With Milana, Zhenya, Kirill.

Di “Whose souvenir?”. Target: deepen knowledge about some species folk arts and crafts. Arouse interest in talent craftsmen

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games, illustrations of birds. Independent gaming. Target

Walk. Search engine activity“What has changed on the street?”

Target: To develop children's powers of observation, the ability to concentrate, and to learn how to navigate the territory kindergarten, in space

Day weeks


Regions Joint activity adults and children, taking into account integration

educational regions Organization of a development environment for independent

children's activities(activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents, social partners (theaters, sports, art schools, general images. institutions).


Individual Educational


in critical moments

03/15/2016 Morning: games, duty, individual work, errands, morning exercises, group exercise classes,

breakfast, games

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic development. -aesthetic development, physical development Morning hymn. Conversation on proverbs: “The master is pleased - the master is happy”, “Many guests - a lot of news”. Target: Learn new words with children. words and give understanding and meaning.

Di “Where is this bird from?”. Target: remember the names of birds and where birds live. Exercise children in the ability to lay out sample from counting sticks. Target: development of fine motor skills. Zhenya, Nastya S., Milana. Theater game "These wise Russian fairy tales". Target: remember what kind of fairy tales there are.

Set of illustrations by

topic, d/i, independent

gaming activities in

employment centers.

"Mosaic" Make a pattern - development of fine motor skills

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Consultation Weekend route "Spring Walk"




Games, preparing for a walk

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education- health work Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic. -aesthetic development, physical development Observation "Windy weather".

Target: Invite children to determine the strength of the wind using one of the methods known to them, characterize the wind (strong, moderate, gusty, cold, write a story based on the results of observation about what happens in windy weather (the wind quickly drives the clouds across the sky, people raise their collars.).

Outdoor game "Geese-geese".

Target: Teach children to act on a signal, develop attention, develop the ability to act in accordance with the rules Train Milana and Zhenya to navigate in place Situational conversation "Why is the snow melting outside" Target: enrich children's knowledge about spring and teach children to think and answer questions. Work on site depending on the situation. Target: cultivate a desire to be careful about cleanliness environment. Independent gaming activities on site.

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bedtime KGN. Reading liters "Nikita Kozhemyaka".

Evening: will improve your health. and hardened. procedures, CGN, afternoon snack, games, self. children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. Job

Gymnastics after sleep. Walking on gymnastic paths. Listening to a play “How a man played the harmonica”. Target: introduce children to the play, tell and show what it is. Di "Make a pattern". Target: fixing the elements of the painting.

Remember and consolidate the seasons, the time of day with Kirill, Zhenya, Sveta. Situational conversation "What Happens in Spring" Target: encourage children to think and compose stories. Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games, illustrations of birds. Independent gaming activities in employment centers. Target: cultivate friendly relationships between children.




Walk. Observation of changes occurring with ice in spring. Target: Invite children to identify changes that occurred with ice at the beginning of spring.

Outdoor game "Mice and Cat".Target: Teach children to run on their toes, monitor their posture, and follow safety rules

Day weeks


Regions Joint activity adults and children, taking into account integration

educational regions Organization of a development environment for independent

children's activities(activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents, social partners (theaters, sports, art schools, general images. institutions).


Individual Educational


in critical moments

03/16/2016 Morning: games, duty, individual work, errands, morning exercises, group exercise classes,

breakfast, games

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic development. -aesthetic development, physical development Morning hymn. Conversation on the topic

"What's happened folk toy Target: introduce the concept, show them the toy. Didactic game "Make no mistake".

Target: Teach children to distinguish objects by the material from which they are made, to identify and correctly name such properties How: hard, soft, rough, flexible, hard, etc. Learning poems about spring.

Target: Learn subgr. children children expressively convey the content of the work, correlate the pictures of nature described in the poem with observed phenomena.

Plot- role play "Mail". Plot "Post Office".

Target: To develop in children the ability to implement and develop a plot, to help enrich the plot of the game, and to include it in other plot lines.

Working in a corner of nature: water indoor plants. Wipe off the dust. Target: fostering a desire to help elders

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Consultations at the request of parents



activity Physical. k-ra

By plan physical education teacher k-re

Games, preparing for a walk

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education- health work Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic. -aesthetic development, physical development Observation of trees in early spring.

Target: Activate in children’s speech concepts related to the names of trees growing on the site and their structure. Invite the children to look at the trees, make sure that visible changes not observed yet. Outdoor game "Higher than your feet off the ground".

Target: Introduce the children to the rules of the game, discuss how the players and the driver should act. Game exercise "Knock down the pins".

Tasks. Teach children to correctly perform the basic movements of the exercise (take the starting position, swing and throw the bat from the side and from the shoulder, develop mobility of the joints of the hands. Encourage children. "The first thawed patches".

Target: Invite children to examine the thawed patches, note the condition of the soil, lead children to understand that the soil is saturated with moisture, absorbs water and then gives it to plants. Work on the site - clean the feeders from debris, feed the birds. Target: fostering a caring attitude towards birds. Independent motor activity of children in the area. Outdoor games for children of their choice.

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bedtime KGN. Reading a tale of children's choice

Evening: will improve your health. and hardened. procedures, CGN, afternoon snack, games, self. children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. work Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along massage paths. Suteev V Reading a fairy tale "One, two, together" Target: introduce a new work by Suteev V. Didactic game "Strike the Tambourine". Target:Teach children to use signs and symbols to indicate various characteristics sound, determine the sound strength using a model made up of strips of different lengths. Didactic game "Guess what we're up to".

Target: Development of Prokhor, Milana, Sveta of coherent speech, logical thinking, attention.

Conversation “Bread is the head of everything”.

Target: Invite children to talk about what they know about growing bread, making bakery products, find out why it is necessary to treat bread with care. Attributes for s/r games, material for manual labor. Independent gaming activity children in employment centers. "Building a spaceship".

Tasks. Teach children to distribute responsibilities in the game, act together, and play with buildings.




Walk. Watching snowfall. Target: Invite the children to look at the snowflakes, choose from those proposed by the teacher the most suitable ones to characterize the observed phenomenon expressions: falls in caps, knocks down, sweeps, pours, etc.

Day weeks


Regions Joint activity adults and children, taking into account integration

educational regions Organization of a development environment for independent

children's activities(activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents, social partners (theaters, sports, art schools, general images. institutions).


Individual Educational


in critical moments

Thursday 03/17/2016 Morning: games, duty, individual work, errands, morning exercises, group exercise classes,

breakfast, games

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic development. -aesthetic development, physical development Morning exercises. Conversation Matryoshkas love different clothes"

Target: To introduce children to the perception of decorative and applied arts through the means of music and drawing, to introduce them to the appearance and features of painting of a Polkhov-Maidan matryoshka, to teach how to paint a blank matryoshka in the style of Polkhov-Maidan painting, to develop aesthetic perception and imagination; Introducing children to sayings about spring.

Target: Teach children to understand the meaning of sayings by considering the situations in which they are used. Subgr of children

Situation. talk "Grandma's Hands".

Target: Teach children to respect older people, cultivate kindness, support children’s desire to help their grandmother, discuss what the children can do Jointly activity Board games according to children's interests. Games in the play corner.

Coloring coloring pages "My profession".. Role-playing games "My profession" Target: Using an indirect method of guidance, lead children to self-creation game plans, learn to combine different plots in a single action, take on two or more roles

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Consultation. "Caution Spring"



activity Drawing

By plan music director

Games, preparing for a walk

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education- health work Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic. -aesthetic development, physical development Observation "The first signs of spring".Target: To introduce children to the characteristic signs of spring, teaches them to identify changes associated with the sun (shines brighter, warms more, daylight hours lengthen).

P/n "The Bird and the Cat".

Target: Teach children to jump on two legs, jump over obstacles, walk and run, coordinate the movements of their arms and legs. "Throwing balls into a basket".

Target: Teach children to throw objects at a horizontal target. Subgr children Role-playing game "Chauffeurs". Plot "Long Flight".

Target: Encourage children to independently develop the role and follow through, use various attributes, build role interaction.

Labor on site Repair of boxes for storing games, equipment, toys.

Target: Introduce children to a new work operation, discuss its purpose and importance, teach them how to interact in work, and perform it carefully.

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before bedtime KGN. Blaginina E. "Mom's Day"

Evening: will improve your health. and hardened. procedures, CGN, afternoon snack, games, self. children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. work Gymnastics of awakening. Target: help prevent flat feet when walking on massage paths Circle "Young ecologist" Subject: "Animals of hot countries". Target: give an initial idea of ​​the desert, plants. Articulation gymnastics. Exercise "Song of the Locomotive" .Target: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children Zhenya, Kirill, Arina. "Passengers in public transport» .

Target: Introduce children to the rules of behavior in public transport related to entering and exiting transport, with variety of polite words, used in a similar situation. Independent games of children with external material.

"Beauty salon". Plot "Manicure"

Target: To develop in children the ability to apply their knowledge and personal experience in the game, to develop role-playing actions, to implement deputy village games.




Walk. "Beautiful Spring".Target: Summarize and supplement children’s knowledge about spring, continue to introduce children to the signs of spring and seasonal changes in nature. P/i "The Crows and the Little Dog".Target: Introduce children to the rules of the game, teach them to perform actions in accordance with the signal.

Day weeks


Regions Joint activity adults and children, taking into account integration

educational regions Organization of a development environment for independent

children's activities(activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents, social partners (theaters, sports, art schools, general images. institutions).


Individual Educational


in critical moments

Friday 18.03.2016 Morning: games, duty, individual work, errands, morning exercises, group exercise classes,

breakfast, games

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic development. -aesthetic development, physical development Morning exercises. Conversation with children " "Which folk What is your favorite toy? Target: remember and consider what there are folk toys.

"Wonderful bag" Target: develop coherent speech and fine motor skills hands (Lida, Milana, Varvara.) Guessing riddles about spring.

Target: teach children, when solving a riddle, to motivate their answer (this allows you to judge how children are able to compare the description with a real object or phenomenon. Education table manners. Practical exercise "Legs are friends".

Target: Teach children to sit correctly at the table, monitor their posture, independently check the correct body position (back straight, legs bent at right angles ( "friends").

Labor in the classroom. Target: cultivate the ability to cook workplace to classes. Independent gaming activities in employment centers.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.



activity Physical skill

By plan physical education teacher

Cognitive development

Games, preparing for a walk

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education- health work Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic. -aesthetic development, physical development Weather observation.

Target: Invite children, based on the teacher’s questions, to characterize the state of the weather, teach them to correctly use concepts that reflect weather conditions, and record observations in the weather calendar. P/n "Hunters and Hares".Target:Help children improve their ability to jump on two legs moving forward, train children in throwing a ball Individual work on the development of physical activity with Nastya T, Zakhar (jumping up from a place)

Situational conversation

Conversation Reading sayings about spring.

Target: Teach children to understand the content of sayings, proverbs, explain their meaning, choose according to the description of the situation that can be characterized by one or another proverb or saying, explain their choice Labor activity. Cleaning the site. Target: To form in children a conscious attitude towards order, the desire to establish and maintain order in the area, the ability to distribute responsibilities, select

Return from a walk, CGN, lunch, work before bed CGN Reading fairy tales of the children's choice.

Evening: will improve your health. and hardened. procedures, CGN, afternoon snack, games, self. children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. work Gymnastics of awakening. Entertaining nesting dolls"

Target: introduce children to small folklore forms: riddles, counting rhymes, jokes, proverbs, proverbs, fairy tales, enrich children's vocabulary by concepts: joke-proverb, to develop the ability to give a complete answer to a question. Di "Gnomes with bags".

Target: Teach children to correlate real objects with their substitutes in size, use speech constructions of assumption, articulatory gymnastics. Exercise "Let's warm our palms".

Target: Develop articulatory breathing in children, teach them to form a warm air stream by pronouncing a sound "X", develop lifting of the back of the tongue. Role-playing game "Salon".

Target: Promote further development game plot, creative processing and use by children personal experience and knowledge, teach how to select attributes for the game. Attributes for s/r games, material for manual labor. Independent gaming activity children in employment centers.




Walk. Bird watching. Target:Convert children's attention to changes in the behavior of birds, offer to feed them crumbs, talk about appearance and bird behavior. P/n "By the Bear in the Forest".

Target: Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text, correctly perform basic movements when running and walking, and maintain posture. Encourage activity, teach to focus on the actions of comrades.

Since ancient times, Russia has been famous for its craftsmen - blacksmiths, potters, artists, etc. Masters make wonderful toys, paint wonderful dishes, make clothes and sing at the same time folk songs. You can tell children about such people and their work as part of their acquaintance with Russian folk crafts. According to the “From Birth to School” program, children are introduced to such crafts as pottery, wood carving and making folk toys, blacksmithing and, of course, different types of painting of dishes and toys. From Gzhel and Khokhloma paintings the teacher will introduce the children in more detail a little later, and in early November, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, a week is planned aimed at introducing children to the life and work of Russian people, expanding knowledge about folk toy and Russian folk art. Poems on the topic of the week, the content of an excursion to a Russian hut, stories about applied arts for children you will find in the appendix to the plan “ Thematic week"Folk crafts of Russia".

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, conversations are planned about the professions of potter, blacksmith, organization story games“Family of artisans from Gorodets”, “Fair”, etc., which will expand children’s knowledge about the work of Russian people. Children go back in time to the past of toys, learn about the decoration of a Russian hut and the meaning of the words “hospitality and cordiality.”

Cognitive development

Solving problems cognitive development an adult organizes observations in nature, preparation of leaves for the herbarium, viewing of the presentation “Skopin Ceramics” and experiments to identify the properties of clay.

Speech development

Work continues to develop the ability to describe dishes, highlighting the features of painting on them, reading and retelling Russian folk tales. Speech development Contribute to the discussion of proverbs and sayings, as well as games with breathing simulators and learning myrils.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Senior preschoolers learn songs and round dances, listen folk music. Children weave floorboards, work as blacksmiths and decorate the Zhostovo tray, which contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Physical development

The teacher continues to introduce children to folk outdoor games, talks about the importance of the daily routine, and offers games for the development of oculomotor muscles, which has a positive effect on the physical development of children.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Didactic game “Who needs this?” Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about objects and their use in work processes.Conversation “Russia is famous for its craftsmen.” Goal: to introduce children to folk art, expand knowledge about adult labor.Finger game"Blacksmith". Goal: learn words.Opening of the mini-museum “Painted Miracles”. Goal: to continue introducing children to different types paintings: Gorodets, Zhostovo, Gzhel, etc.Physical exercise “Wonder Birds”. Goal: to develop coordination of movement and speech.
Conversation “What our grandmothers played with.” Goal: to tell children about folk toys.Game "Live Numbers". Goal: practice counting (forward and backward) within 10.Game "Which word got lost." Goal: to develop the ability to select words that are accurate in meaning.Games with glove theater. Goal: to develop children's imagination and theatrical abilities.P.i. “Tea, tea, help me out.” Goal: develop physical qualities. P.i. "Blind Man's Bluff." Goal: to please children.
2 p.d.The teacher's story about the work of a potter. Goal: to expand children's knowledge about the work of adults.Experiments with clay. Goal: to experimentally find out the properties of clay and determine why it is used in the manufacture of dishes.Reading Russian folk tales of children's choice. Goal: find out what fairy tales children like.Application “Round dance at the birch tree”. Goal: continue to teach children to work with scissors and fold paper like an accordion.Board game “What comes first - what comes next.” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the daily routine.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Excursion to the mini-museum “Russian Izba”. Goal: expand knowledge about the life of our ancestors, enrich the vocabulary.Game “Fold the pattern” (Nikitin cubes). Goal: to develop the ability to analyze a sample, spatial perception.Compilation of descriptive stories about Khokhloma dishes. Goal: learn to compose a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher.Round dance “Mother had twelve daughters.” Goal: to expand knowledge about Russian life through dances and songs.Problem situation “Come up with a new rule for an outdoor game.” Goal: expand ideas about outdoor games, develop attention.
One subgroup of children is sweeping the path in the area and collecting fallen leaves; the other is loosening sand in a sandbox. Goal: to cultivate diligence and the ability to work together.Aspen observation. Goal: to familiarize yourself with the tree - aspen, its structure, leaves.Independent games in the book corner. Goal: to form careful attitude to books.Excursion to the mini-museum “Different Spoons”. Goal: expand knowledge about methods of painting dishes.P.i. “Throw the bag.” Goal: to teach children to throw sandbags at a horizontal target, aiming with their right and left hands.

with children 1.5 – 3 years old

Program content:

1. Familiarize children with household items, their names, and purposes.

2. Development of the ability to distinguish household items in pictures, name them (washstand, stove, cast iron, grip, poker, samovar, rocker, bucket, trough, washboard, clay pot).

3. Familiarization with folk art using the example of folk toys.

Directly organized educational activities

“Cognition” is the development of sensory culture.

Didactic game "Matryoshka" - exercise in establishing the similarities and differences between objects (large - small).

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Reading Russian folk tale"Teremok". Introduce children to the genre of fairy tales, teach children to memorize individual words and expressions of characters and reproduce them;

/“Labor” - man-made world

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Examination of household items: (bench, stove, cradle). Clarification of methods of action with objects (grip, poker). Learn to answer questions in complete sentences rather than in one word.

“Artistic creativity” – modeling

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Modeling “Sweet Pie”; Use techniques to develop the ability to roll a lump of clay between your palms with straight movements, flatten the lump of clay, giving it the shape of a cake; encourage children to decorate sculpted objects using a stick with a sharpened end; strengthen the ability to carefully use clay.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

4. Expanding the idea of ​​​​a folk toy ( Dymkovo toy, matryoshka, etc.). Familiarization with folk crafts.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Reading the Russian folk tale "Bull - black barrel, white hooves." Introduce Russian folk tales. Learn to look at a picture and talk about what is depicted on it. Use techniques for teaching children to listen carefully and emotionally perceive a fairy tale. expressively convey its content using gestures and facial expressions.

“Cognition” - development of horizons / “Labor” - man-made world

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

A conversation about wool products and where wool comes from (goat, sheep); Goal: to develop the ability to focus attention on objects and phenomena of the subject-spatial development environment; make simple generalizations. Introduce materials and their properties.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Pattern on a circle." Learn to place the pattern along the edge of the circle, correctly alternating shapes in size - large and small; make a pattern in a certain sequence: at the top, bottom, right, left there are large circles, and small ones between them. Practice the ability to use paints carefully. Develop a sense of rhythm. Foster independence.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

“Oh, okay, okay, let’s bake pancakes.” Continue to improve the ability to roll a lump of clay between your palms with straight movements, flatten the lump of clay, giving it the shape of a cake. Encourage children to decorate sculpted objects using a stick with a sharpened end. Strengthen the ability to carefully use clay; Cultivate a desire to work.

“Artistic creativity” – applique / design

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Napkin". Learn to make a pattern on a square-shaped paper napkin from circles and squares, placing the circles in the corners of the square and in the middle, and the squares between them. Develop a sense of rhythm. Strengthen the ability to stick carefully. Foster independence.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Listening: “I walk with the loach” rus; nar; song; Russian folk dance melodies.

Singing: “Let’s go, son, to the village” Russian; folk melody; "White Geese" of muses; M; Kraseva.

For story games in the folklore hut “House” - bring in a cradle (cradle);

Illustrations of different nesting dolls;

Children's musical instruments;

Books of Russian folk tales, illustrations based on fairy tales;

Illustrations depicting ancient clothing;

Illustrations about work in the field, garden, hut, stable;

Exhibition: “Russian Hut”;

Sundresses, scarves;

Illustrations for fairy tales and nursery rhymes “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Geese-Swans”, “Bull - black barrel, white hooves” “Our goat”;

Cubes (put together a picture based on a Russian folk tale);

Folk toys, household items (wooden dishes, stove, pots);

Ready-made forms for decorating household items, outlining, appliqué;

Folk instruments: spoons, tambourines, whistles;

Illustrations for fairy tales “Masha and the Bear”, “Teremok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, etc.;

Visit exhibitions of folk crafts: folk arts and crafts;

Home reading of Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, jokes with a discussion of the character of the heroes, their actions, relationships with each other;

For home reading - proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes T; AND; Tarabarina, N;V; Elkina; Russian folk tales “Geese and Swans”, “The Fox and the Crane”, The Sly Fox”; about folk signs, holidays, folk cuisine;

Talk about “What clothes did our grandmothers’ grandmothers wear?”, ask to bring photographs of grandmothers and mothers in beautiful clothes;

Play Russian folk games with throwing and catching with children: “Who will throw the bag further”, “Get into the circle”, “Knock down the pin”, “Take care of the object”; with crawling and climbing:; “Head and Chicks”, “Mice in the Pantry”, “Rabbits”; with jumping: “On a level path”, “Catch a mosquito”, “Bubs and a cat”, “From bump to bump”; with running: “Birds and Chicks”, “Mice and the Cat”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Birds in Nests”; for orientation in space: “Find your place”, “Guess who is screaming and where.”


Developing situations: examination of albums of folk art (Dymkovo and Bogorodskaya toys, matryoshka dolls);

Game situation “Matryoshka dolls came to visit us.” Engage children in conversation while looking at objects. Teach children to distinguish and name essential details and parts of objects. Teach children to write short stories;

Examination of illustrations for fairy tales and nursery rhymes “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Geese-Swans”, “Bull - black barrel, white hooves” “Our goat”;

Games, jokes; folk games with dance moves; children's musical instruments folk melodies for organizing games: matching the text and hand movements “Finger-boy”; dramatization games “Let’s wash the doll”;

Coloring household items, tracing along the contour;

Application using ready-made forms;

Making a pattern on a strip is for the development of perception;

Games for matching text and hand movements “Finger-boy”; dramatization games “Let’s wash the doll”; buildings from cubes “Oven”, “Hut”, “Well”;

Expand ideas about folk toys (Dymkovo toy, etc.); Introduce folk crafts; Continue to introduce oral folk art; Use folklore when organizing all types of children's activities;

Games in the mummers corner;

Introducing a washbasin from a folk hut;

Games with folk wooden, rag, clay toys;

Folk outdoor games (round dances “Zainka” and “Cockerel”);

Listening and singing along to folk songs;

Didactic game “Dress Mashenka’s sundress”;

Learning the nursery rhyme “A tari, tari, tari”;

Buildings from cubes “Oven”, “Hut”, “Well”. Goal: to teach how to place bricks and plates vertically, placing them close to each other. Encourage children to create design options by adding other details;

Games with building material“Let’s Arrange the Furniture” Goal: continue to teach children how to play with buildings, uniting them according to the plot. After playing, teach the child to carefully put the parts in a box. Didactic game “Who is hiding?” (guessing riddles about pets).

Hygiene procedures

Using nursery rhymes “I’ll braid my hair, I’ll braid my Russian hair...”, “I’m scratching, scratching my little hairs...”,

When dressing: “Let’s buy felt boots for my son...”, when washing: “Bathhouse” (Yu; Sash), “The geese-swans were flying...”

Before going to bed, listening to “Liu-liu, bai” Russian; nar; lullaby

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner

Russians folk nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, riddles about vegetables and fruits;

Situational conversations about the benefits of cereals and milk.



Outdoor games: with running: “Birds and Chicks”, “Mice and the Cat”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Birds in Nests”; game with singing “Bunny come out”; with the “Burners” run,



Looking at pictures of folk crafts;

Didactic games with matryoshka dolls and Bogorodsk toys;

Laying out parts on a sheet of paper different shapes, sizes, colors in a certain sequence according to the algorithm, creating simple images of objects;



Outdoor games:“Mice and the Cat”, “Bunny”, “Carousels”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Mice in the Pantry”


Individual work on movement development:

Independent activities of children:

Sample plan of educational work

with middle school children

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions”

Program content:

1. Development of the need and desire of children to learn about the creativity of folk culture, the perception of beautiful household items, works of folk, arts and crafts and fine arts.

2. Familiarization with household items, their names, purpose.

3. Familiarization with various species decorative arts(products made of wood, clay, paper, cardboard, sewing, embroidery, weaving).

Directly organized educational activities

“Cognition” - development of horizons

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Didactic game “How the hut was built.” Continue to develop the ability to identify and name construction parts. Develop the ability to analyze a building sample.

"Labor" - a man-made world

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Apron decoration." Learn to draw a pattern on a square-shaped paper napkin from circles and squares, placing the circles in the corners of the square and in the middle, and the squares between them. Develop a sense of rhythm. Strengthen the ability to draw accurately. Foster independence.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Wonderful little shoes." Continue to introduce children to works of oral folk art through reading Russian folk tales and learning nursery rhymes. Teach children to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to see the relationship between the content and the title of the work.

“Artistic creativity” - drawing

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Handkerchief decoration. (Based on Dymkovo painting) Teach: highlight a pattern element (straight lines, intersecting lines, dots and strokes); Cover the sheet evenly, using continuous lines (vertical and horizontal), and place strokes, dots and other elements in the resulting cells. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition, color.

"Artistic creativity" - modeling

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

“Plasticine painting” (Dymkovo). Introduce children to some methods of making and painting clay toys. Involve in folk art. Nurture the creative spirit. Teach to rejoice in the success of your work and the work of other children.

“Artistic creativity” – design

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Construction of “Turret”, “House”. Goal: to teach children to create their own combinations from existing parts, to find a certain aspect of the building in them. Continue to develop the ability to identify and name construction parts. Develop the ability to analyze a building sample.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Listening: “The Shepherd Boy”; Russian folk dance melodies.

Singing: “Where was Ivanushka”, “Kisonka - Murysonka” Russian; folk songs.

Pictures, illustrations about ancient household items;

Illustrations for enriching and creating mood, individual musical performance, exercises, crafts, chants, movement, plastic, dance sketches;

Illustrations for the fairy tales “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”;

Ready-made forms from paper, cardboard of household items, for tracing along the contour of drawing a pattern

Waste material for making the “Podvorye” model

Forms for laying out a pattern on flannelgraph

Painting by E; Rachev “Fox with a rolling pin”

Illustrations for the fairy tales “Khavroshechka”, “Little Fox - Sister and the Gray Wolf”;

Matryoshka toys and albums of samples of matryoshka paintings

Coloring household items, tracing along the contour

For independent games-experiments with water, clay, wood, sand;

A doll in a folk costume, examining a doll in a folk costume

To carry out educational activities in the family on the topic, recommend that parents:

Review of books, discussion;

Examination of objects on the theme “Russian hut”,

Outdoor games with children: running; “At the Bear in the Forest”, “Bird and Cat”, “Horses”, “Homeless Hare”, “Traps”;

Visit the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts;

Draw an illustration with your child on the topic “My favorite fairy tale”;

Look at the photo album “National Costumes” at home;

Tell your child about folk crafts (knitting, embroidery, weaving, etc.)

Joint educational activities on the topic at special moments:


Experimental activities with the properties of wood and clay;

Developing situations: looking at albums, looking at a doll in folk costume, pictures, illustrations of ancient household items, illustrations of “Heroes of Rus'”;

Examination of folk crafts (knitting, embroidery, weaving, etc.);

Examination of illustrations for the fairy tales “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Turnip”;

Using ready-made forms from paper, cardboard of household items to trace the contour of the pattern;

Production of the “Compound” model;

Laying out a pattern on a flannelgraph;

Introduction to folk instruments: rattle and pipe;

Painting by E;Rachev “Fox with a rolling pin”;

Matryoshka toys and albums of samples of matryoshka painting;

Organization of outdoor games;

Looking at toys, illustrations, talking about them;

Hygiene procedures

Using nursery rhymes, sayings, riddles; “Sunshine, bell”, when washing, dressing for a walk;

Situational conversations about washing facilities (washbasin, basin with water);

Introduce fables and funny folklore - teasers; tongue twisters; "Barabek", "Sack";

Nursery rhyme for combing hair “Grow, braid, to the waist”

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner


Observation: use folk songs, chants “Sunny, turn around!” “Rain, rain, more!”

Outdoor games: games – round dances: “Three Merry Brothers”, “Vegetable Garden”, “Wind”, Russian folk games: “Geese-Swans”, “Wolf in the Ditch”, “Wolf and Sheep”, “Crows and Sparrows”, “Snake”, “Hares in the Garden”, “Bees and Swallows”, “Cat and Mouse”, “At the Bear in the Forest”, etc.

Work: Collect sticks, pebbles, dry grass, leaves to make a “Compound” model

Individual work on movement development:

Independent activities of children:


Experimenting with water, clay;

Examination of pictures depicting items of ancient clothing and utensils;

Problem situations “How can we wash ourselves if there is no running water”;

Imaginative games of imitation, organization of game situations using toys, finger and puppet theater characters;

Viewing CDs with folk tales;

Learning sayings and proverbs, reading nursery rhymes;

Examination of objects of decorative art, illustrations, paintings;

Reading riddles and poems about the Dymkovo toy;

Using counting rhymes in the game “They were sitting on the golden porch...” “The cuckoo walked past the net...”;

Russian folk tales “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” (arranged by O. Kapitsa), “The Zhikharka”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Winter Hut of the Animals”, “Sister Fox and the Wolf”, “Wonderful little paws”;

Game situations “Visiting Grandma Matryona.” Enrich children's active vocabulary. Intensify the use of names of clothes and their parts in speech.



Outdoor games:"Mice and the Cat"; with running “By the bear in the forest” (learning); with jumping “Fox in the hen house” (learning); with throwing “Who will throw the bag further”; with lasagna “The Mother Hen and the Chicks”; Folk outdoor game “The gray bunny washes itself”;


Individual work on movement development:

Independent activities of children:

Sample plan of educational work

with older children

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions”

Program content:

1. Development and enrichment of children’s needs and desires for knowledge of the creativity of folk culture; perception of nature, beautiful household items, works of folk, decorative, applied and fine art; reading fiction; hearings musical works

2. Familiarize children with the relationship between natural phenomena and folk signs, with methods of dealing with household objects and their functions.

Directly organized educational activities


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Excursion to the Russian Izba Museum. Viewing the exhibitions “Antique and modern dishes”, “What a miracle it is to bake”. Development of children's needs and desires to learn about the creativity of folk culture; beautiful household items. Note the features of ancient and modern dishes.

“Cognition” - development of sensory culture, construction

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Architecture and design. Note the features of ancient buildings. Develop creative and design abilities, imagination, ingenuity. Exercise: in modeling and design, building circuits. Learn to independently find ways to complete tasks and complete them. Develop imaginative spatial thinking

“Cognition” development of horizons

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

A conversation about natural phenomena characteristic of October, folk customs and holidays (Pokrov, St. Sergius Day). Making riddles about autumn natural phenomena.

"Labor" - a man-made world

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Napkin. Crochet. Introduce children to the knitting technique - braid.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Conversation “Russian hut”: enrich children’s speech with nouns denoting objects in their everyday environment; Teach children to talk coherently and consistently about the subject in detailed and complete sentences;

"Reading fiction"

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

“Lullaby” Sasha Cherny. To introduce children to a new genre of folk art - a lullaby, to show the features and way of being in modern life;

“Artistic creativity” – decorative and applied arts/drawing

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Getting to know Gorodets painting; Teach: figuratively reflect impressions of the surrounding life in drawings; - use acquired techniques to convey phenomena in a drawing; Strengthen the ability to build a composition of a drawing; Practice drawing with simple graphite and colored pencils; Teach: highlight bright, folk color, pattern composition, strokes, dots, dashes; draw elements with a brush; Develop aesthetic perception, sense of color, sense of beauty.

"Artistic creativity" - modeling

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Dymkovo painting" Introduce children to some methods of making and painting clay toys. Involve in folk art. Nurture the creative spirit. Teach to rejoice in the success of your work and the work of other children.

“Artistic creativity” – artistic work

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

“A rug for dolls with elements of decorative painting.” Learn to make a pattern on a square, filling the middle and corners with elements; Learn to cut a strip in half after folding it, hold scissors correctly and use them correctly. Develop a sense of composition. Continue to teach children to use glue carefully. Cultivate a desire to work.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Listening and singing folk works.

Design an exhibition - “What kinds of books are there”;

Children's musical instruments, objects and equipment in the style of folk traditions for unfolding game plots based on musical works and folk art;

Attributes and elements of costumes for dramatization games based on the fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Zhikharka”;

Ready-made forms from paper, cardboard of household items, outlines (washstand, stove, cast iron, grip, poker, samovar, rocker, bucket, trough, washboard, clay pot);

Various types of constructors and construction plans for ancient houses and buildings;


Various natural materials for composing compositions;

Folk art items, illustrations, albums, photographs, painting samples, stencils;

Samovar for organizing a house game;

Exhibition of objects folk arts and folk toys;

Dymkovo toys, illustrations with their images, silhouettes for independent painting using various familiar techniques;

Household items painted in the style of Gorodets and Khokhloma painting, illustrations depicting them, silhouettes for independent painting using various familiar techniques.

To carry out educational activities in the family on the topic, recommend that parents:

Together with your child, draw a portrait of a healthy person. Talk about old recipes maintaining health;

Visit museums, exhibitions, art galleries with children;

Home reading of Russian folk tales with a discussion of the character of the heroes, their actions, relationships with each other;

Invite parents and their children to make crafts for an exhibition of folk art objects;

Acquaintance with the process of making dishes of ritual Russian cuisine;

Play: “Wand - Lifesaver”, “Rope”, “Dawn”, “Burners”;

Together with your child, make a model of the “Russian Compound”.

Joint educational activities on the topic at special moments:


Introduce and explain proverbs and sayings about national holidays, items of clothing and tools;

Enjoy an exhibition of portraits of Russian heroes;

Excursion to the “Russian Izba” museum on the topics “Ancient and modern dishes”, “What a miracle it is to bake”;

Listening and singing lullabies. Introduce the exhibition of folk applied art;

Learning nursery rhymes, sayings, sayings and proverbs, lullabies;

Developing situations: looking at albums on the topic of folk and applied art Getting to know Russian folk instrument- gusli;

Develop the ability to distinguish household items in pictures, name them (washstand, stove, cast iron, grab, poker, samovar, rocker, bucket, trough, washboard, clay pot...); Continue to acquaint children with folk traditions and customs, with folk arts and crafts;

Expand ideas about folk toys (matryoshka dolls - Gorodets, Bogorodskaya; spillikins);

Tell about the Russian hut and other buildings, their interior decoration, household items, clothing;

Drawing folk art objects using stencils;

Examination of illustrations, albums, photographs, painting samples,

Role-playing game “How to become Hercules”;

Collective work “Map of healthy products.”

Hygiene procedures

The use of Russian folk lullabies, nursery rhymes, and proverbs in special moments: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh,” “Know how to make mistakes, know how to correct yourself,” “Learning to read and write is always useful”; tongue twisters “Little chatterbox”, sayings, riddles about autumn and autumn clothes;

While washing, listening to the song “We know how to wash clean”;

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner



Outdoor games:“Owl”, “From bump to bump”, “Freeze”, “Children and the wolf”, “What we saw, we won’t say;”, “Fifteen”, “Geese-swans”, “Burners”, Bashkir folk gamesry“Arrow”, “Sticky Stumps”;

Buryat folk games“Needle, Thread and Knot”, “Wolf and Lambs”, “Looking for a Stick”;

Belarusian folk gamesry“Prela-burned”, “Ring”, “Frost”, “Vanyusha and the Swans”;

Kazakh folk game "Scarf and Knot";

Russian folk games “Paths”, “Traps in a circle”, “Podstenka”, “Lapta”, “Cockfight”; Finger games: « Swallow, quail”, “Will you buy a lamb?”

Work: collection of natural material for further use

Individual work on movement development:

Independent activities of children:


Constructive activities using various types designers and construction plans for ancient houses, buildings for dramatization games;

Examination of handicrafts; dramatization games based on the fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Zhikharka”; Examination of illustrations for the fairy tales “The Boasting Hare”, “Fear Has Big Eyes”, “Winged, Hairy and Oily Playing Children’s Musical Instruments Illustrations about the life of the Russian people;

Examination of pictures depicting household items from different countries;

Imaginative games of imitation, organization of game situations using toys, characters of finger and puppet theaters;

Didactic games on the topic;

Acquaintance with the exhibition of folk and applied art;

Acquaintance with the exhibition of portraits of Russian heroes.


Observation: Nicknames: “Rain, rain, have fun”, “Ladybug”

Outdoor games:“Cossacks-robbers”, “Potatoes”, “Flocks”, “Mice in the pantry”, “Planes”, “We are funny guys”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Burners”,

Work: collection of natural material

Individual work on movement development:

Independent activities of children:

Sample plan of educational work

with children of the preparatory group

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions”

Program content:

1. Introducing children to fairy tales, aphorisms, folk signs, heroic epic; give information about the ditty, its collection and composition.

2. Expanding ideas about the art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia.

Directly organized educational activities


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Conversation “Life and traditions of the Russian people.” Develop the ability to express your impressions in speech and make judgments. Continue to enrich children's speech with new words. Improve the ability to write stories about objects, accurately describing their qualities.

“Cognition” - development of horizons

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Conversation about the characteristic signs of October “October is a dirty man - he doesn’t like wheels or runners”; Teach: compose a story on an autumn theme, describe the surrounding nature; recognize the real signs of autumn in their poetic expression; understand and use words in a figurative sense.

"Labor" - a man-made world

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Dolls are amulets. Make markings according to a template on paper when making toys. Make three-dimensional toys from fabric.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Conversation “Life and traditions of the Russian people”; Develop the ability to express your impressions in speech, express judgments; Continue to enrich children’s speech with new words; Improve the ability to write stories about objects, accurately describing their qualities;

"Reading fiction"

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Blue Stone" N; Kondratkovskaya. To introduce children to the genre of legends and tales, to teach them to highlight distinctive features genre, to cultivate interest in folk art ;

“Artistic creativity” - drawing

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

The art of Russian clay toys. (stencil) To develop the ability to notice the expressiveness of color. To consolidate knowledge about the features of painting Dymkovo and Filimonov toys. Practice searching color scheme, corresponding to the color of clay toys. Cultivate interest in folk toys

“Artistic creativity” – decorative and applied arts

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Decorative drawing on a square; Strengthen the ability to design a decorative composition on a square using elements of Khokhloma painting (grass, berries, curls); Practice painting with a brush in different ways (end, flat); Learn to use the Khokhloma color scheme; Develop aesthetic feelings, imagination; Foster initiative, independence, activity;

"Artistic creativity" - modeling

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

“Dymkovo ladies”; Strengthen the ability to sculpt based on folk toys, sculpt hollow shapes (a young lady's skirt), and observe the proportions of the figure. Develop the ability to correctly evaluate your own work and the work of your comrades.

“Artistic creativity” - application

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Collective application “Russian Village”; Strengthen the ability to design a composition. Develop aesthetic feelings and imagination. Develop the ability to work in a team. Foster initiative, independence, and activity.

“Artistic creativity” – design

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Crafts layouts, drawing up a plan map ancient city(villages). Goal: to develop the ability to see the structure of an object and analyze its main parts and their functional purpose. To develop interest in a variety of buildings and structures. Encourage the desire to convey their characteristics in constructive activities.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Introduction to Russian folk lyrical song. Develop curiosity, activity, interest in folk music, as a means of self-expression, improve singing skills, and perform creative tasks;

Hearing : "Kamarinskaya" muses; P. Tchaikovsky, collection “Chamomile Rus'” Singing: “Bells”, “Fipe” muses; E; Tilicheeva, sl; M;Dolinova.

Entertainment: Educational – themed evening “Traditions and Customs of the Russian People”.

Household items, folk crafts, folk games, toys;

Books and illustrations about the life of the Russian people;

Improvised shelving, exhibits for the game “Museum”,


Illustrations, reproductions, photographs, engravings;

Paintings depicting different dwellings of Russian people;

Materials for making applique or drawing “Kokoshnik” and construction sets, diagrams for building “Palaces”;

Dolls in folk costumes;

Illustrations for different sports;

Household items, folk crafts, folk games, toys;

Materials for making gifts for relatives;

Old household items for organizing s/r games;

Folk musical instruments;

Illustrations and cookbook “Russian Cuisine Dishes”;

Household items, folk arts and crafts, folk games, toys, old household items for organizing s/r games;

Exhibition of handicrafts and folk arts;

Coloring pages “Dymkovo toy”;

To carry out educational activities in the family on the topic, recommend that parents:

Tell about the national holiday of Intercession, based on the sayings: “October is cold, but you are full,” an October day melts quickly - you can’t tie it to the fence.”

Visit the regional museum of local lore with your children;

Play sports games; Develop interest in sports games and exercises (small towns, badminton, basketball, table tennis, hockey, football);

Visit an arts and crafts exhibition with your children and pay attention to the beauty of works of art;

Tell children about “Family Traditions”;

To make a model “Russian Village” for an exhibition of joint creative works children and parents

Towns. Throw the bats from the side, from the shoulder, taking the correct starting position. Know 4-5 figures. Knock out towns from half-kon and kon with the least number of bat throws;

Reading fairy tales “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”;

Visit historical places with children hometown(town, village, hamlet);

For “Russian Fair” entertainment, prepare any dish of Russian cuisine at home and design a page with a recipe for its preparation for a group cookbook;

Joint educational activities on the topic at special moments:


Experimentation in order to clarify the properties of objects in the manufacture of household items: clay, wool, birch bark, etc.;

Design of the collective work “Ay, yes Khokhloma!”; "Dymkovo miracle";

Performing application or drawing “Kokoshnik”;

Constructive activity with constructors, diagrams for building “Palaces”;

Developmental situations: making folk toys and other items;

Examination of illustrations, reproductions, photographs, engravings;

Reading the Russian folk tale “Seven Simeons - Seven Workers” (to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the role of a human worker);

Organization of outdoor games: Russian folk games “Loaf”, “Burn-Burn Clear”, “Stream”, competition games “Tug-of-War”, “Train”;

Educational conversations: “Architecture of an ancient and modern city (village)”, “ Fairy tale», « Folk signs"; Visiting museums;

On targeted walks along the streets of the city (village), introduce children to the architecture of ancient and modern cities, compare architectural structures and their differences;

Hygiene procedures

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner

Situational conversations about food culture in different countries



Outdoor games: Folk games; “Burn, burn clearly!”, “Lapta”;

With jumping; "Wolf in the Moat"; With throwing and catching; "Traps with a ball";

Work: collecting natural materials for crafts

Individual work on movement development:

Independent activities of children:


Examination of handicrafts;

Looking at pictures about the culture and traditions of different peoples;

Games, jokes; folk games with dance movements;

Imaginative games - imitations, organization of game situations using toys, finger theater and puppet theater characters;

Didactic games;


Observation: following seasonal changes using sayings

Outdoor games:“Keys”, “Paints”, “Towns”, “Grandmas”, “Condals”, “Traps in pairs”, “Spindle”, “Trap, take the ribbon”, “Owl”, “Whose link will gather sooner?”, “Who Would he rather roll the hoop to the flag?”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Two Frosts”, “Catch up with your pair”, “Paints”, “Burners”, “Kite and Hen”;


Individual work on movement development:

Independent activities of children:

Since ancient times, Russia has been famous for its craftsmen - blacksmiths, potters, artists, etc. Craftsmen make wonderful toys, paint wonderful dishes, make clothes and at the same time sing folk songs. You can tell children about such people and their work as part of their acquaintance with Russian folk crafts. According to the “From Birth to School” program, children are introduced to such crafts as pottery, wood carving and making folk toys, blacksmithing and, of course, different types of painting of dishes and toys. The teacher will introduce the children to Gzhel and Khokhloma paintings in more detail a little later, and in early November, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, a week is planned aimed at introducing children to the life and work of Russian people, expanding knowledge about folk toys and Russian folk art. Poems on the theme of the week, the content of an excursion to a Russian hut, stories about applied art for children can be found in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Folk Crafts of Russia”.

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, conversations are planned about the professions of a potter, blacksmith, organization of story games “Family of Craftsmen from Gorodets”, “Fair”, etc., which will expand children’s knowledge about the work of Russian people. Children go back in time to the past of toys, learn about the decoration of a Russian hut and the meaning of the words “hospitality and cordiality.”

Cognitive development

Solving the problems of cognitive development, the adult organizes observations in nature, preparation of leaves for the herbarium, viewing of the presentation “Skopin Ceramics” and experiments to identify the properties of clay.

Speech development

Work continues to develop the ability to describe dishes, highlighting the features of painting on them, reading and retelling Russian folk tales. Speech development is facilitated by discussion of proverbs and sayings, as well as games with breathing simulators and learning little puzzles.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Older preschoolers learn songs and round dances and listen to folk music. Children weave floorboards, work as blacksmiths and decorate the Zhostovo tray, which contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Physical development

The teacher continues to introduce children to folk outdoor games, talks about the importance of the daily routine, and offers games for the development of oculomotor muscles, which has a positive effect on the physical development of children.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Didactic game “Who needs this?” Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about objects and their use in work processes.Conversation “Russia is famous for its craftsmen.” Goal: to introduce children to folk art, to expand knowledge about the work of adults.Finger game "Blacksmith". Goal: learn words.Opening of the mini-museum “Painted Miracles”. Goal: to continue acquainting children with different types of paintings: Gorodets, Zhostovo, Gzhel, etc.Physical exercise “Wonder Birds”. Goal: to develop coordination of movement and speech.
Conversation “What our grandmothers played with.” Goal: to tell children about folk toys.Game "Live Numbers". Goal: practice counting (forward and backward) within 10.Game "Which word got lost." Goal: to develop the ability to select words that are accurate in meaning.Games with glove theater. Goal: to develop children's imagination and theatrical abilities.P.i. “Tea, tea, help me out.” Goal: develop physical qualities. P.i. "Blind Man's Bluff." Goal: to please children.
2 p.d.The teacher's story about the work of a potter. Goal: to expand children's knowledge about the work of adults.Experiments with clay. Goal: to experimentally find out the properties of clay and determine why it is used in the manufacture of dishes.Reading Russian folk tales of children's choice. Goal: find out what fairy tales children like.Application “Round dance at the birch tree”. Goal: continue to teach children to work with scissors and fold paper like an accordion.Board game “What comes first - what comes next.” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the daily routine.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Excursion to the mini-museum “Russian Izba”. Goal: expand knowledge about the life of our ancestors, enrich the vocabulary.Game “Fold the pattern” (Nikitin cubes). Goal: to develop the ability to analyze a sample, spatial perception.Compilation of descriptive stories about Khokhloma dishes. Goal: learn to compose a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher.Round dance “Mother had twelve daughters.” Goal: to expand knowledge about Russian life through dances and songs.Problem situation “Come up with a new rule for an outdoor game.” Goal: expand ideas about outdoor games, develop attention.
One subgroup of children is sweeping the path in the area and collecting fallen leaves; the other is loosening sand in a sandbox. Goal: to cultivate diligence and the ability to work together.Aspen observation. Goal: to familiarize yourself with the tree - aspen, its structure, leaves.Independent games in the book corner. Goal: to develop a caring attitude towards books.Excursion to the mini-museum “Different Spoons”. Goal: expand knowledge about methods of painting dishes.P.i. “Throw the bag.” Goal: to teach children to throw sandbags at a horizontal target, aiming with their right and left hands.

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions.” Day of the week Date Direct educational activity Educational activity in special moments Monday 02/06/201 7 Artistic creativity. Drawing Let's decorate the Dymkovo duck Continue introducing children to the Dymkovo toy. Learn to highlight painting elements and apply them to a duck cut out of paper. Cause joy from the resulting result; from the brightness and beauty of Dymkovo painting (Komarova T. S No. 44 p. 58) Motor activity. (L.I.Penzulaeva p. 31. No. 13) Teach children to maintain stable balance when walking on increased support; practice vigorous pushing off the floor and soft landing on bent legs in the Morning Morning exercises (February complex No. 1) Game situation “How the cat went to visit.” Getting to know the custom of going on a visit with gifts. Encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks: after playing, put away toys and building materials, put dolls in order. Russian folk game "Loaf". Purpose of the game: to create a sense of belonging and a positive psychological microclimate of the group; identifying likes and dislikes in the group. Situational communication: “If a cat goes into the garden, the whole people will be alarmed.” Introducing jokes and songs about pets. P/game “Mice and Cat”. To teach children to follow the rules in the game Walk 1 “Observing icicles.” Objectives: to introduce various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water states in the environment. Labor: Clearing paths from snow. Goal: learn to work together, help each other. P.I. “Don’t miss the ball.” Goals: learn to pass the ball without dropping or stopping; cultivate friendliness. "Birds and Chicks." Goal: learn to run without bumping into each other, quickly find your place. Individually with Matvey and Eva jumping up from a place. Goal: Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative. Attributes for the game. Cubes, Lego constructor, for building a house. Involving families in educational activities Place the article “Folk wisdom says” (proverbs) in the parents’ corner. Shovels, buckets, sleds. S. Marshak’s fairy tale “Ryaba the Hen and ten jumps moving forward. ducklings." Pictures of ducklings and chicks. Wooden construction set and poster “Dymkovo Patterns” Sleds, shovels, molds to develop jumping ability, combine strength with speed. Evening: Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics. Reading S. Marshak’s fairy tale “Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings.” Strengthen the ability to listen carefully and understand what you read. Examination of illustrations for S. Marshak’s book “Ryaba Hen and Ten Ducklings.” Reinforce the distinctive characteristics of chicks and ducklings. Construction game "Let's build a barn for ducklings." Learn to build a building according to a model, using additional materials according to your plan. Examination of the poster “Dymkovo Patterns”. Learn to identify and name individual elements of a pattern and their color. Walk 2 Cognitive research activity. Observing the strength of the wind. Game activity: Word game “Pinch.” Develop the ability to conduct verbal dialogue during the game, a sense of humor; foster friendly relationships between children. Outdoor game “Geese and swans”. To develop children’s physical activity, the ability to play together, and to conduct playful dialogue. Day of the week Date Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments Tuesday 02/07/17 Artistic creativity. Design. Continue getting acquainted with folk culture. Arouse interest in the design of a Russian stove with a stove bench. Clarify the idea of ​​the structure (stove, chimney, stove bench, fire chamber) and purpose (heating the house, cooking). Create a problematic situation - propose to construct a pipe, turn it into a stove and play with it by adding fire and smoke (from paper napkins or scraps). For the image of the cooking chamber, suggest a new Morning. Morning exercises (February complex No. 1) Work on gender education. Didactic game “Polite words”. To instill in children a culture of behavior and politeness; respect for each other, desire to help each other. Russian folk outdoor game "Carousel". Development of general motor skills and attention. To develop children's activity in physical activity, the ability to communicate calmly, without shouting. Finger gymnastics “Cockerel, cockerel.” D/game “What are the shapes?” To develop children's ability to distinguish geometric shapes. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills. Situational communication: “Our hostess.” Target. Introducing a new joke. Show how to use basic household items Walk 1 “Signs of winter.” Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the time of year; repeat the signs of winter. Labor: Clearing paths from snow on the site, cleaning Creation/organization of a subject-spatial development environment for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative Book corner: Books for reading and looking at: introducing illustrations on various folk crafts Take-out materials Children’s rakes, cubes for outdoor games, toys for playing with snow, dolls dressed for the weather. Involving families in educational activities Talk with parents about the well-being of their children. Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents. detail - arch. Learn to analyze a building and identify structure-forming elements. Develop perception, spatial thinking, creative imagination. Cultivate a sustainable interest in designing and acting out buildings based on Russian folk tales. (I.A. Lykova p. 60) Music (according to the music director’s plan) of snow on the veranda. Goal: learn to shovel snow using shovels to a certain place. P.I. “Hares”. Purpose: to strengthen the skills of pushing off when jumping on two legs. "Jump - turn around." Goal: to teach how to quickly perform actions on a signal from the teacher. “Horses”. Goal: to develop speed and endurance. Independent play activities of children with external materials. Games with snow - keep children in a cheerful mood, develop imagination and fine motor skills. Sliding downhill will encourage a caring attitude towards your health. Evening: Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics. Reading of Z. Alexandrova’s poem “Delicious porridge.” Introduce children to a literary work. Develop the ability to answer teacher questions full sentence. Introduce the folk proverb “Shchi and porridge are our food.” DI. “Assemble a samovar from parts.” Purpose: to teach how to assemble a whole image from parts; consolidate children's knowledge about the samovar, develop attentiveness, memory, and the ability to work according to a model. Learning the nursery rhyme “Grow your braid to your waist.” Introduce children to the work, talk about how this nursery rhyme was used by our ancestors. Develop memory, create a positive attitude. (girls). Walk Observing clouds: consolidate knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena, what clouds are in the sky (fluffy, white), what do they look like? – promote the development of imagination. Outdoor game “Run for the ball” Purpose: Subject pictures of a samovar and furniture, mosaic wooden constructor to teach to act according to the teacher’s text. Day of the week Date Wednesday 02/08/17 Direct educational activities of FEMP Continue to teach how to compare two equal groups of objects using the method of application, to denote the results of comparison in words many, equally, as many. (I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina p. 26. No. 1.) Physical development. Exercise balance - walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head, hands on your belt. Jumping on two legs. (L.I. Penzulaeva p. 33 No. 14 sr. gr.) Educational activities in special moments Morning. Morning exercises (February, complex No. 1) Conversation: “What is a folk toy?” Purpose: to introduce the concept of “folk toy”. Finger game “We will blow on our palms...” Purpose: to develop speech and fine motor skills of the hands. Situational communication: “My favorite fairy tales” Goal: Develop dialogical speech; attention, visual perception, memory, thinking. To consolidate knowledge about Russian folk tales and their heroes. D/i “Let’s set the table for tea.” Goal: introduce the names of utensils into the dictionary, learn to find the named objects among others. C\r game “Visit Grandma Varvarushka for pancakes.” Purpose: To introduce household items in the hut, their purpose and meaning; Activate cognitive activity, expanding vocabulary . Develop interest in objects of the man-made world of the past, caring for them. Walk 1: Cloud watching. Goal: to develop the ability to see the beauty of the sky; develop observation, curiosity, creative imagination. Sayings and proverbs: February is strong with a blizzard, and March - Creation/organization of PPRS for independent activities of children and support of children's initiative Introducing into the iso-corner a collection of toys and household items made of wood: nesting dolls, rattles, boxes, items made of carved wood. Involving families in educational activities Recommend parents to draw an illustration with their child on the topic “My favorite fairy tale” Riddle. I looked up in the morning - the mountains rose into the sky! These mountains don’t stand, But they fly, fly, fly... (Clouds). drop; February blows away the winter, and March breaks it. Labor: Clearing the area and paths of snow and debris. Goal: to cultivate diligence and the desire to complete the work started. P\i "Two frosts". Goal: to teach clearly, pronounce the text in the game, follow the rules of the game. Ind. work with Vanya, Yana, Lena: Improving running technique (naturalness, lightness, energetic push-off). Goal: to develop coordination of movements. Evening: Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics. Reading the Russian folk tale "Teremok". Goal: teach listening, continue to introduce the work of the Russian people. S\r Game: “Like a cat went to visit.” Target. Getting to know the custom of going on a visit with gifts. Retelling the fairy tale “Kolobok” Goal: to develop the ability to retell a story by answering the teacher’s questions. Construction games with the constructor “Building a house for a matryoshka doll.” Goal: to teach children to create their own combinations from existing parts, to find a certain aspect of the building in them. Walk 2 Observe the footpath. Goal: to develop knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road, traffic rules. D/i “What first, what then?” Goal: to develop logical thinking, imagination, continue to teach how to answer in complete sentences. Labor: Clearing the area of ​​snow. Goal: to cultivate the desire of the Shovel. molds for making snow, sleds. Create conditions for s/r play. Constructor for building a house for Matryoshka. Book of fairy tales. Molds for making snow, sleds. Shoulder blades. collectively improve your area. P/n “We are funny guys.” Goal: increase motor activity, act quickly on a signal from the teacher. Ind. work with Milana, Kolya, Nikita: Development of movements. Goal: to consolidate the ability to move with an extended step. Independent activities: games with shovels and buckets, skiing. Day of the week Date Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments Thursday 09.02. 2017 Cognitive development (The world around us). Goal: to develop in children interest and respect for Russian folk culture. Continue to introduce children to the customs of the Russian people. Expand children's understanding of the purpose of a Russian stove. Introduce children to the samovar, its external Morning. Morning exercises (February complex No. 1) D/i: “Make a picture” teach children to collect simple pictures, select details according to shape and image; develop attention, observation, visual imaginative thinking, perseverance and fine motor skills of the fingers. Round dance game “How our girlfriends went.” Teach children to dramatize folk song, perform game actions; introduce children to the culture of the Russian people, instill love and interest in it. Exercise “Paired pictures” Objectives: To train children in comparing objects depicted in the picture, in finding similarities and in collecting identical images; form speech, develop the ability to follow the rules of the game, cultivate concentration, attention Creation/organization of a subject-spatial development environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative Illustrations, pictures. Involving families in educational activities Recommend home reading of Russian folk tales with a discussion of the character of the characters, their actions, and relationships with each other. Talk with children about sources of danger at home and on the street. type (lid, spout, tap), purpose. Expand children's horizons. Music (according to the music director's plan) Walk 1 Observation of birds at feeders. Labor activity . Feeding the birds. Foster a desire to take care of feathered friends. Didactic game “Say the opposite”. Expand children's vocabulary with antonyms. The game is a competition “Who is the most accurate.” Teach children to swing and throw, to throw a cone at a distance; develop coordination of movement, mobility of hand joints, eye. Outdoor game "Kite". Develop the ability to ask and answer questions; exercise children in running; instill interest in folk games. Evening: Gradual rise. Awakening gymnastics. The plot-role-playing game “Housewives”. To develop in children the ability to jointly develop a game, to coordinate their own plans with the plans of their peers; develop children's dialogical speech, consolidate the variety and expressiveness of role-playing actions. Construction We are building a fairytale house. To update children’s ideas about fairy tale structures; teach children to use acquired skills to create a new type of buildings and decorate them; develop children's imagination, imagination, and creative abilities. Exhibition of books: “Russian folk tales”. Look at the exhibition with your children, determine the name of the fairy tales from the covers; develop attention and thinking; cultivate interest in oral folk art. Walk 2 Observing seasonal changes. to form concepts about natural phenomena (frost, frost, waning day, staying night); consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not warm). Shovels, buckets, molds for playing with snow, flags, pine cones, bird food. Help children choose objects and attributes for the game. Prepare the necessary material for constructive activities. Prepare an exhibition of books. Shovels, buckets, molds for playing with snow. P/games: “Birds in nests”, “Find your house” to teach walking and running, scattered, without bumping into each other; to teach them to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, to help each other. Day of the week Date Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments Friday 10.02. 2017 Speech development. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Hare". Introduce children to the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”, help them understand the meaning of the work (small daring, but brave). (V.V.Gerbova No. 1 p. 53) Physical development. Goal: Practice throwing the ball over the net, developing eye and dexterity; in maintaining stable balance when walking and running on a reduced support area. (L.I. Penzulaeva No. 15 p. 33.) Morning. Morning exercises (February complex No. 1). Conversation on the topic “Who, how and from what creates clothing items.” Tell children about the work of representatives of various professions involved in the production of clothing (weavers, seamstresses, designers, fashion designers and others); compare modern clothes with folk costume our ancestors; develop respect for people of different professions. Teacher's story: “What toys did grandparents play with” (examination of illustrations). “Game with nesting dolls” to develop the skills and abilities of saying your name, talking about yourself in the first person; express your needs and interests in speech; Hearing R.N. songs: “Oh, you canopy”, “The moon is shining”, “Oh, I got up early” Walk 1. Observation of the snow Objectives: to introduce natural phenomenon- snow; show the diversity of water conditions in the environment. Outdoor games “Mice in the pantry”. Goals: learn to run easily without bumping into each other; Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment for children’s independent activities and support for children’s initiative. Attributes for play. Pictures depicting Russian folk costume. Involving families in educational activities Individual conversations and consultations. Illustrations of toys Sleds, ice cubes, shovels. Bird food. move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement. “Get into the circle.” Goals: - improve the ability to handle objects Indno with Milana and Nastya “Obstacle Course”. Goals: learn to coordinate movements with each other; develop the eye. Evening: Gradual rise. Awakening gymnastics. Reading the fairy tale “The Fox with a Rolling Pin” Getting acquainted with household items – a rolling pin. HBT. Washing Games toys. Reception: I don’t recognize the toys, they have changed and are dusty. They need to be washed. Practical activity: I will wash and you will wipe. Conversation along the way: Which toys have become touchable? (wet) What are you doing? (wiping) What kind of steel? (dry) Organizing an exhibition of folk items. Expand children's understanding of the objects used by their ancestors. Walk 2 Observing the movement of cars and people during icy conditions. Goal: Review the basic rules for crossing a street without a traffic light. Labor: Clearing snow from paths, benches to cultivate a desire to help adults in clearing the area of ​​snow. P\i "Homeless Hare" run quickly, navigate in space. “Hunters and deer” coordinate their movements with each other. “Hit the target” to develop your eye. Independent activities: sliding downhill, playing with snow. Ind. work: Throwing at a target to consolidate the ability to take the correct starting position when throwing Organize an exhibition of folk items. upside down Ice, ice - Upward flight. Where there is a stream of cars - There is not a square, but a skating rink. Those who do not ride, but slide - Because they slow down. Ice, ice - This means bare ice. Don't go out anywhere - It's better to stay at home and look out the window! Sleds, ice skates, shovels.