Soaked Antonovka apples: a recipe for an old Russian snack. Soaked apples: homemade recipes

One of the most common and affordable types of fruit on the shelves of domestic stores and markets. They come in completely different tastes and sizes, and the dishes that are prepared from them are worthy of a separate cookbook. After all, the tasty and juicy fruit can not only be eaten raw, but also made into all kinds of jams, pies, baked in the oven, dried and much more. One of the most original recipes preparations for this fruit are soaked apples - interesting dish, the features of which we will consider in this article.

The composition of apples prepared in this way may vary significantly. It depends on many factors such as:

  • Variety and degree of maturity of the fruit.
  • Growing and storage conditions.
  • Duration of storage.
  • Method of preparation.
But they all have components characteristic of this dish:
  • high content of sugars (primarily fructose);
  • organic acids (malic, citric);
  • tannins, nitrogenous and pectic substances;
  • a varied vitamin complex: A, C, E, PP, P and B vitamins.

Despite such a rich composition, their calorie content is only 47 kcal per 100 g of product. This allows them to be included in various diets.

Did you know?Pickled apples became especially popular during the time of Peter I, who established the Garden Office. She was engaged in the import of new varieties of apples and increasing the volume of cultivation of existing ones.

There are many ways to process fruits and vegetables for long-term storage, and each method takes away some useful properties raw product. But soaked apples are considered one of the most good ways preparations of this fruit, because in the process they preserve large number useful qualities fresh fruits and acquire new equally important properties:

  • normalize the intestinal microflora, saturating the body with lactobacilli;
  • enrich the body with calcium, reduce the fragility of inert tissues;
  • improve the condition of hair and teeth;
  • increase the level of tissue elasticity;
  • provide positive influence on the functioning of the hormonal system;
  • the presence of ascorbic acid in the composition (in soaked apples ah, there is more of it than in fresh ones) strengthens the functioning of the immune system.

We can say that such winter preparations affect many systems of the human body, providing a general strengthening effect and saturating the body with energy.

Duration of the soaking process

The soaking process will require some patience, because, on average, it takes 40-50 days (not counting preparatory work). But if all the rules are followed, such a delicacy can be stored for a long time, until the next harvest.

There are a huge variety of this fruit available on the market and in stores. But not all of them are suitable for soaking. The most suitable are late varieties (autumn or autumn-winter). The fruits must be ripe and firm. Some gourmets prefer to take slightly underripe ones, but this is a matter of taste. The best variety counts .

But the following varieties are also suitable:

  • "Slav";
  • "Titovka";
  • "Bottle";

Important! The absence of any defects on the fruit is very important, because one spoiled apple can spoil all the others.

It is better to choose fruits of approximately the same size, so they will be ready in one time.

The preparatory stage is very important, because the final result directly depends on this stage.

Before soaking, it is advisable for the fruit to rest for 15-20 days (especially if the varieties are harder, for example, Antonovka or Slavyanka). A product prepared from properly aged fruits is uniformly soaked in brine, juicy, soft, has a rich, refreshing taste and golden color. After the fruits have matured, they must be thoroughly washed with running water.

There is no need to pick off the stalks, but it is better to clean the leaves. Leaves, branches, straw and all possible additives must be cleared of excess debris and washed.

Washing cans with soda

When urinating in jars, it is worth remembering that the containers must first be cleaned. Be sure to wash with baking soda. The use of any chemical detergents is strictly not recommended. After the jar is thoroughly washed and there are no traces of soda left on it, it must be sterilized or scalded with boiling water.

Storage conditions

The first stage of storage (immediately after preparation) lasts about 1 week. During this time, the soaked fruits should be stored at room temperature.

After harvesting, they must be moved to a cool place (preferably a basement or cellar), where they should stand for 30-45 days (depending on the type of fruit). They should be stored in the same room all winter.

Important! It is advisable not to freeze soaked apples. Although it is believed that they do not lose their beneficial qualities, their structure and appearance deteriorate significantly when frozen.

Very fast and convenient way, since every housewife has jars in her arsenal, and the finished product is convenient to store, because such dishes do not take up much space in the house.


  • Antonovka apples - 10 kg.
  • Water - 5 l.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - Art. spoons.
  • , and cherries.

Cooking method

In order to get a tasty treat, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Rinse the fruit thoroughly with running water or in several different containers.
  • Cut clean fruits into pieces: large ones - into 6-8 parts, and smaller ones into 4 parts. If you have chosen a medium-sized variety, then it is quite possible to use whole fruits.
  • Prepared in advance glass jars cover with raspberry, currant and cherry leaves (previously thoroughly washed).
  • Place the chopped pulp (or whole fruits) into jars without compacting them.
  • Add salt and sugar to the water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then remove from the stove and set aside.
  • Fill the contents of the jars with hot brine until it reaches the neck.
  • Cover the containers with nylon lids and put them in the cold, where they will ferment for 2-3 weeks. You can store it, like other preparations, all winter.

Another quick and simple recipe for equally delicious apples.


  • Apples - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 2 l.
  • Rye flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • and currant leaves.

Cooking method

Preparation is carried out in several stages:

  • Well-washed fruits must be wiped dry.
  • Place half of the mint and currant leaves into glass jars prepared in advance (you can add other favorite herbs). It is also advisable to dry the various leaves with a towel after washing.
  • Place the fruit tightly, but without squeezing, into the jar.
  • Cover the top with the remaining herbs.
  • Mix salt, sugar and rye flour in water. Stir until everything is dissolved.
  • Fill the jars to the top (save the remaining brine in the refrigerator).
  • Place containers in a warm place for 3-7 days.
  • When the fruits have absorbed some of the liquid, add more brine.
  • Move to a cool place where the apples will be ready for 30-45 days.

This method will help you make a large number of blanks without much difficulty, without having special utensils, such as barrels.


  • Apples - 1 bucket.
  • Water - 1 bucket.
  • Salt - 9 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 9 tbsp. spoons
  • Raspberry and currant leaves.

Did you know? Such great gourmets as the French are very fond of national Russian cuisine - association farms"Paris Farmier" purchases various exotic products for them, including soaked apples.

Cooking method

The cooking technology is very simple:

  • Wash the fruits and leaves and lay them out to dry on a towel.
  • Line the bottom of a bucket (previously washed and scalded with boiling water) with raspberry and currant leaves.
  • Pack the fruits tightly with the stalk facing up (the space between the fruits can also be filled with leaves or your favorite aromatic herbs).
  • Bring water to a boil and dissolve salt and sugar in it.
  • Fill the bucket with brine - it should completely cover the contents.
  • Cover the bucket with gauze or a towel and put it in a cool place. It should stay there for 2-3 weeks.
  • As soon as the pulp has been salted (from time to time you need to take it out and taste it), the fruits can be placed in sterilized jars, filled with brine and, covered with lids, stored in the refrigerator. Or leave everything stored in a bucket in a cool and dark place.

Preparing soaked apples in a barrel

This recipe is considered classic and traditional. Its ingredients and preparation technology have been tested by many generations of housewives. It is the wooden container that creates unusual taste, which is difficult to repeat in other dishes.

How to wet apples

Apples with dense flesh and a sweet and sour taste are best for soaking - anise, antonovka or pepin.

Pickled apples

Usually the ripest fruits are chosen for soaking. If the apples are not quite ripe, they can be kept warm before soaking: for apples of autumn varieties, several days will be enough, and winter varieties should be kept for two to three weeks.

It is best to soak apples in wooden barrels or tubs with a volume of 10-20 liters. In the absence of wooden containers, you can use a glass container with thick walls of the same volume. The main thing is that it closes hermetically.

The tub or barrel must be soaked in water, then rinsed thoroughly cold water, and then scald with boiling water to remove all possible contaminants and prepare for long-term storage. Only after this is the barrel lined with scalded straw, rye or wheat. Straw not only prevents apples from damage, but also gives them an amber color and an incomparable aroma. Straw can be replaced with fresh cherry or currant leaves.

For a 15-20 liter tub you will need 5 kg Antonov apples, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup rye flour, 3 tbsp. l. heaped salt and 15 cherry and currant leaves. Instead of sugar, you can take 600 g of honey, and add a little lingonberry to the apples, about a handful. It will give them a pinkish color and a delicate aroma.

Before cooking, wash the wooden tub well with baking soda and scald with boiling water. Rinse the apples thoroughly. Place some cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of the tub. They are densely packed with a row of apples, and then another layer of leaves. Fill the entire tub to the top in this way, covering the top layer of apples with leaves.

Boil 10 liters of water in a saucepan, let cool slightly, add sugar (or honey), salt, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add rye flour, stir to avoid lumps, and then cool.

Fill the apples with brine, place a wooden circle on top, and press a heavy stone (previously washed) onto it. Place the tub of apples in a warm room (15-18°C) and leave for 12 - 14 days. Skim off the foam daily and add fresh brine if necessary. Make sure the apples are completely covered with liquid. This must be done in the first 5 - 6 days, apples absorb water well and the top layer may become bare. If fermentation proceeds normally, after 2 weeks move the apples to the cellar or cold basement. The room temperature should not rise above 4 - 6°C. At this time, the apples will ferment and become saturated with carbon dioxide.

In general, the urination process takes 30-40 days. Soaked apples are stored for quite a long time: in the basement at a temperature of 4-6 ° C, this period can last from autumn to spring. At home, if there is no basement, it is better to store apples in the refrigerator. Remember, the higher the storage temperature, the faster apples peroxide, become flabby and tasteless.


For 2 buckets of apples: 1 bucket of water 1 cup of sugar 1 tbsp. salt Dissolve sugar and salt in a bucket of cold, clean water; no need to boil anything. Prepare the apples - wash them, put them in any suitable container, at the bottom of which it is better, of course, to put rye straw. In the absence of one, you can make do, but this is an old Russian recipe, so it’s up to you... The straw and leaves must be clean, so they are scalded with hot water before laying. So, place the apples on top, sprinkling with washed currant leaves. Fill with the prepared filling; the apples will be ready in 3 weeks if they are ripe.

You can also pickle it in jars, see recipes in the comments.

Soaked Antonovka apples - recipe


Apples (Antonovka variety) - 1 bucket;

Sugar - 300-400 g;

Salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

Leaves and twigs of raspberries, currants, lemon balm and cherries.


To prepare soaked apples at home, it is best to use enamel dishes. Pour boiling water over it, place half of the leaves and twigs on the bottom, washed apples on top, and then the other half of the leaves and twigs.

To prepare the marinade, put some water on the fire, add sugar and salt and bring to a boil. Let it cool, dilute with cold boiled water and pour over the apples so that the marinade completely covers them. Place a weight on top and add marinade little by little over the next week as the apples absorb it.

Then put the dishes with apples in a cold place and keep them there for at least 1.5 months. Ready-made soaked apples can be a separate dish, or they can be an excellent filler for stuffed poultry or meat.

Recipe for soaked apples

In this recipe we will share a way to make soaked apples in a marinade with the addition of mint, which gives ready-made dish special piquancy.


Apples - 5 kg;

Cherry and black currant leaves;

Sprigs of mint;

Water - 10 l;

Honey - 250-300 g;

Salt - 150 g;

Malt or rye flour - 100 g.


Place some blackcurrant leaves on the bottom of the dish in which you will cook the apples, after washing them first. Place apples on top in two layers, cherry leaves on them, and then apples again. The next layer is mint leaves (there should be very few of them) and again apples. The last layer You can lay out a mixture of blackcurrant and cherry leaves, adding a couple of mint leaves to them. Cover it all, for example, with a plate, and place a weight on top.

Dissolve honey, salt and malt in warm boiled water. Let it cool and pour over the apples. Keep the container in a cool room for 6-7 days and make sure that the brine completely covers the fruit, adding more if necessary. After this, send the soaked apples to infuse in the cold for 4-6 weeks.

Soaked apples recipe with cabbage

How often in the fall the question arises: what else can be done with apples in order to stock them until next summer? Thousands of recipes suggest boiling them, stewing them, drying them... But in these cases they lose their vitamins and other useful substances. Even fruits stored fresh gradually lose their vitamins. One of the most wonderful ways to preserve the usefulness of apples is by urinating. On this page, read how to prepare soaked apples yourself. We offer several cooking recipes.

Soaked apples: tasty and healthy

What are the benefits of apples prepared by soaking? As we have already noted, they retain vitamins. In particular, vitamin C, which increases significantly with proper urination. The ascorbic acid they contain has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases immunity and the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses.

In addition to vitamin C, soaked fruits contain a large amount of calcium, which is especially important for nutrition in the winter season. Our body needs calcium to prevent osteoporosis and better absorb vitamin D. One soaked apple a day significantly reduces the risk of stroke.

Soaked fruits are also useful in that they improve appetite, help intestinal function, and promote the secretion of gastric juice. Pectin helps remove heavy metals from the body. Other beneficial substances preserved in such preparations help protect the body's cells from carcinogens, which significantly reduces the risk of cancer.

How they wet it before

Since ancient times, soaked apples have been prepared in the fall for the winter table. And they did it in special days By lunar calendar. It was believed that in accordance with the phase of the moon, all products acquire certain qualities. So the apple harvesting began after the Apple Savior.

For soaking, the most sour varieties were chosen: Antonovka, anise, Slavyanka and others. Medium-sized autumn or winter varieties were used. And the mystery began.

Preparing containers

First, they prepared the container in which the fruits would be soaked. Most often it was a large barrel. She was washed thoroughly. Various herbs with antiseptic properties were used for disinfection. For example, chamomile or nettle. The herbs were placed in a barrel and filled with hot water. In addition, the hot water caused the boards of the barrel to swell, and it stopped leaking. Then the inside of the barrel was thoroughly wiped and used to prepare fruit.

Bookmark products

Exactly products! Because in addition to apples, leaves and small twigs of fruit bushes were placed in the barrel. The leaves most often used were black currant and cherry leaves, which have a tanning effect and contain a large amount of vitamins. Sometimes added for taste bay leaf, peppercorns, mint sprigs and leaves.

They were laid in layers: apples alternated with leaves. It is important that the fruits lie tightly and evenly.

Filling with brine

For brine, we used sprouted and dried barley grains and brewed them. Salt and sugar were added to the broth. It is possible to replace sugar with honey.

The prepared brine was poured into the apples in a barrel. Then a wooden circle was placed on top and pressed down with a heavy stone. Gradually, the water goes into the fruits; it will have to be added for several days. Add regular raw water. Sometimes you will have to remove the oppression and remove the mold.


The barrel is left in the cellar, or in another cool place. The apples need to sit for a month. Only then will they acquire “that same” taste!

Homemade soaked apples

Of course, a barrel in our time is not a very suitable container for preparation. But how to prepare pickled apples at home? The most important thing is that we need to prepare the fruits so that they retain their beneficial properties.

To prevent the formation of harmful microorganisms in the prepared fruits, salt and sugar are used. Additionally, as flavoring and vitamin supplements, we take the leaves of the plant that we have on hand: currants, cherries, mint, marigolds and any others. To add spiciness, bitterness, and unusual notes, we use dill, bay leaf, coriander, horseradish root, etc.

All additives used except taste qualities, contain essential oils, have preservative qualities, and also contain phytoncides. Learn the same way to cook charlotte with apples. And now we offer a recipe for soaked apples at home.

Let's prepare the products:

  • apples 10 kilograms, rinsed well;
  • leaves of fruit trees, for example, currants, cherries, rinse;
  • 10 liters of boiled water;
  • 150 grams of salt;
  • 200 grams of sugar, you can add about 100 grams of honey;
  • 200 grams of rye flour.

Cook the brine: add one liter of boiling water to the malt (if you take rye flour, then you need to dilute it with cold water and then pour boiling water). Mix the malt with the rest of the water. Pour salt, sugar into the brine, add honey if desired. Boil everything. Cool.

Place the apples and leaves in layers in a container. It is better to place fruits with their stems facing up.

We install pressure on the laid fruits. Carefully pour cooled brine on top. Place the container in a cool place. After three to four weeks, delicious pickled apples are ready.

Now you can put them with brine in glass jars and store them in a cool place.

Recipe for soaked apples Antonovka

It is the Antonovka variety that is ideal for soaking. The process of preparing soaked Antonovka looks like this:

  1. We select apples that are fully ripe, medium-sized, without wormholes, and not cracked.
  2. Wash and dry them thoroughly.
  3. Place some prepared currant or cherry leaves on the bottom of an enamel or glass container.
  4. We place a layer of fruits on the leaves, then leaves again. You can alternate cherry and currant leaves.
  5. The last layer should be leaves and spices.
  6. Place a plate or lid of a suitable diameter and apply slight pressure.
  7. Prepare the brine. For 10 liters of water we take salt (150 grams), honey (250 grams) or sugar (150 grams), malt (100 grams) or rye flour (150 grams).
  8. All components are dissolved in warm water, cooled and poured into a container with apples. At the same time, we do not remove the oppression.
  9. Fermentation should continue for a week at a temperature of +15-18 degrees. Needs topping up from time to time clean water so that the fruits are constantly covered with brine.
  10. After the fermentation process, the container is placed in a cold place. Readiness is checked after a month and a half.

How to cook soaked apples with cabbage

Pickled apples with cabbage are considered a real delicacy.

We will need:

  • An enamel saucepan or large glass jars (preferably five-liter jars, as they have a wide neck).
  • Wooden circle or plate.
  • Gauze or cotton cloth.
  • Oppression: stone, jar or plastic bottle with water.

All this needs to be washed and rinsed with boiling water.


  • White cabbage of late varieties - about 10 kilograms.
  • Small, sour apples - 6 kilograms.
  1. Peel the cabbage from dried outer leaves and stalks. If the heads of cabbage are large, cut them in half or into 4 pieces.
  2. Finely chop some of the cabbage.
  3. Mix shredded cabbage with 200 grams of salt.
  4. Wash the apples.
  5. Mix cabbage and fruits, sprinkle with shredded cabbage and salt.
  6. Boil the brine. For 10 liters of water, 400 grams of salt and 10 tablespoons of sugar. Add your favorite spices and herbs. Boil, then cool everything.
  7. Fill the contents of the dish with brine. Place cabbage leaves, gauze or cloth, a wooden circle and a bend on top.
  8. Store for 3-5 days at room temperature, adding clean water. Pierce with a wooden rolling pin and stir lightly. Remove mold
  9. Then store in a cool room at a temperature of +5-10 degrees.

Bon appetit.

Every housewife wants to preserve a rich harvest of apples. There are many recipes for how to do this: make jam, dry it, or simply store it in the basement. However, in all these cases, the fruit loses most of its benefits. Most best way preserve Antonovka apples - soaking.

Soaked Antonovka apples - basic principles of preparation

Even our distant ancestors soaked apples for the winter. For this we used sour fruits: Slavyanka, anise and of course Antonovka.

The first step is to prepare the container in which the fruit will be soaked. It’s better, of course, if it’s a barrel, but if you don’t have one, you can use glass jars or an enamel pan. The container is washed thoroughly. Then pour boiling water over it and dry it.

In addition to apples, twigs and leaves of fruit trees or berry bushes, as well as spices, are used for soaking.

Select medium-sized apples. Fruits should not have damage or wormholes. The apples are washed and begin to be placed in containers, topped with leaves and spices.

The brine is prepared according to the recipe. It mainly contains sugar, spices and salt. In some cases, sugar is replaced with honey.

The resulting brine is poured over the apples. A wooden circle is placed on top and pressed down with a stone or other weight.

Gradually, the brine will be absorbed into the fruit, so you will need to add boiled water after a few days.

The barrel is kept in the cellar for a month. After this time, the fruit can be eaten.

Recipe 1. Soaked Antonovka apples


filtered water - five liters;

fresh apples Antonovka;

sugar – 200 g;

currant and cherry leaves;

salt – 40 g.

Cooking method

1. The apples must be of such a size that they fit freely into the jar. Wash glass containers and sterilize over steam. Dry.

2. Pour the required amount of water into the pan, add sugar and salt. Cook from the moment of boiling for five minutes. After this, remove it from the heat and cool the marinade.

3. Rinse the leaves of fruit trees and berry bushes and place them on the bottom of the prepared container. Fill the jar with apples, starting with the larger ones. Pour the chilled marinade over the fruit. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and leave in a dark place.

4. After a couple of days, foam will appear on the surface. It needs to be removed. If necessary, add marinade. The fruits must be completely covered with liquid.

5. Close the jars with plastic lids and place them in a cool place for a month. After this time, the apples can be eaten, but the fruit will only reach the full fruit in a couple of months.

Recipe 2. Soaked Antonovka apples with rye flour


ten kg of Antonovka apples;

rye flour – 200 g;

cherry and currant leaves;

sugar – 200 g;

boiled water - ten liters;

table salt – 150 g.

Cooking method

1. Select mature ones, not too mature ones. large apples without damage or wormholes. Wash them thoroughly and dry them.

2. Rinse the currant and cherry leaves. Wash enamel or glass containers and pour boiling water over them. Place the prepared leaves on the bottom. Place apples on top, then leaves again. Fill the container with apples, rearranging them with cherry and currant leaves. The last layer should be spices and leaves.

3. Pour salt, rye flour and sugar into a saucepan with warm water. Stir until the dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Cool.

4. Pour the brine over the apples. They must be completely immersed in the liquid. Cover the top with a plate and apply slight pressure. Leave the apples in a dark place for a week, periodically adding boiled water.

5. After the allotted time, place the container with Antonovka apples in the cellar and leave it there for a month and a half.

Recipe 3. Soaked Antonovka apples with prunes


filtered water – ten liters;

Antonovka apples – 20 kg;

salt – 50 g;

honey - half a kilogram;

bran - half a kilogram;

prunes - half a kilogram.

Cooking method

1. Wash and dry the apples. The fruits must be ripe without damage or signs of rot.

2. Pour the bran and prunes into a liter of boiling water and mix thoroughly so that not a single lump remains.

3. Dissolve salt and honey in nine liters of boiled water. Combine with bran mixture. Stir again.

4. Wash the apple barrel, pour boiling water over it and dry. Fill the container with apples and pour the honey marinade over them until the fruit is completely covered.

5. Place a pressure on top and leave the container in a cool place. Periodically remove the foam from the surface and add marinade. When the fermentation process stops, cover the container with a lid and put it in the cellar.

Recipe 4. Soaked Antonovka apples with cabbage


ten kilograms of late cabbage;

table salt – 600 g;

sugar - ten tablespoons;

six kilograms of Antonovka apples.

Cooking method

1. Free the heads of cabbage from the dried outer leaves. Cut them into four parts and cut out the stalk. Shred some of the cabbage into thin strips. Pour 200 g of salt into it and mix, lightly kneading it with your hands. Chop the rest of the cabbage into small pieces.

2. Wash and dry the apples. The fruits must not have any damage or signs of rot.

3. Wash the barrel or enamel pan, pour boiling water over it and dry. Place mixed fruits and cabbage in a container. Sprinkle each layer with shredded cabbage.

4. Place a saucepan with ten liters of water on the fire, add the remaining salt and sugar. You can add your favorite spices. As soon as the brine boils, remove it from the heat and cool.

5. Fill the contents of the container with chilled brine. Place cabbage leaves on top. Cover with gauze, cover with a wooden circle and apply pressure. Leave for five days at room temperature, periodically adding boiled water. Pierce with a wooden rolling pin and mix lightly. We remove mold.

6. Transfer the container to a cool place for storage.

Recipe 5. Soaked Antonovka apples with mustard


Antonovka apples;

table salt – 100 g;

assorted apple, cherry and currant leaves;

dry mustard – 75 g.

Cooking method

1. Dissolve mustard and salt in ten liters of water. Add granulated sugar to taste. Stir and place the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then remove the brine from the stove and cool.

2. Wash the container in which we will soak the apples thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and dry it. Place an assortment of fruit leaves and berries on the bottom.

3. Wash the apples under the tap and dry. Fill the container with fruit, pressing them tightly together. Place leaves between the layers. Fill the apples with brine. The liquid should completely cover the fruit.

4. Cover the contents of the container with a plate or wooden circle. We install pressure on top and leave it for a week. From time to time add boiled water and skim off the foam. Then we place the container in the cellar. You can eat apples after a month and a half.

Recipe 6. Soaked Antonovka apples with mint, basil and honey


currant leaves - two handfuls;

drinking water – ten liters;

basil - a large bunch;

flower honey – half a kilogram;

mint - a large bunch;

table salt – 170 grams;

rye flour – 150 grams.

Cooking method

1. Boil and cool water until warm. Add salt, honey and flour to it. Stir until all ingredients are dissolved. Leave the brine until it cools completely.

2. Place currant leaves in a single layer on the bottom of a clean glass, wooden or ceramic container.

3. Select small apples. Wash them and dry them. Rinse the basil and mint and place on a paper towel.

4. Place apples in a container, arranging each layer with mint, currant leaves and basil. The last layer should be greens. Cover the fruit with a plate and place a weight on it.

5. Carefully fill the contents with brine and let sit for a month. If necessary, add boiled water. Foam from the surface must be removed. Then place the container for storage in the cellar.

Recipe 7. Spicy soaked Antonovka apples


Antonovka apples – kilogram;

drinking water – one and a half liters;

cherry and currant leaves - 10 pcs.;

cinnamon – 3 g;

honey – 100 g;

five buds of cloves;

table salt – 7 g;

mustard seeds – 4 g.

Cooking method

1. Wash the fruits and leaves and dry them.

2. Sterilize clean jars over steam and place apples in them, topping them with cherry and currant leaves. Sprinkle mustard seeds on top.

3. Dissolve salt in hot water, add cloves and cinnamon. When the brine becomes warm, add honey and stir until it has completely dissolved. Pour the resulting brine over the apples in the jars and close them with plastic lids.

4. Let it sit for a week, then put it in the cellar for storage.

  • Leave freshly picked apples to sit for a couple of weeks and only then wet them.
  • Apples should not have any damage or signs of rot or wormholes.
  • Do not use fallen apples to urinate.
  • Be sure to pour boiling water over the container in which you will soak the apples.
  • Place apples with the stems facing up. This way they will be better saturated with the marinade and will begin to ferment faster.
  • Make sure that the apples are always covered with marinade.

It's always nice to crunch on apples, whether in summer or winter. However, a large harvest is not so easy to preserve for a long time. In this case, recipes for soaked apples come to the rescue. The process of preparing such homemade treats will not require much effort when all containers and ingredients are prepared correctly. You can soak fruits in jars or barrels, make them with sugar or horseradish, add honey or mustard and other products.

How to prepare apples for soaking

The process of soaking apples and other fruits or berries involves converting the fructose from them into lactic acid and alcohol. The catalyst for this transformation is yeast and lactic acid bacteria. The result is that same sour-sweet “pickled” taste. Not all apples are suitable for cooking. They must meet the following criteria:

  • medium same size;
  • hardness and density;
  • sour taste;
  • plucked from a tree rather than falling to the ground;
  • without red blush (for summer varieties).

Advice. You can’t wet recently picked apples - let them rest. Thus, the starch in their composition will turn into sugar.

Recipe for soaked apples in a barrel

Fruits and vegetables have been soaked and fermented in wooden barrels since ancient times. In this case, it is important to select and prepare the container correctly. Oak is best suited for these purposes, but other wood materials are also acceptable. The optimal capacity is 30 kg or more. Preparation is carried out as follows:

  1. Soak the barrel and wash it with hot water.
  2. Rinse with soda solution: 20 g per 1 bucket of hot water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the container again.
  4. Dry.
  5. For disinfection purposes, fumigate with sulfur.

Traditionally, soaked apples are cooked in a barrel

Before laying out the fruit and during the process, the bottom and walls must be lined with a thin layer of straw. It will protect the fruits from mechanical damage and give them a pleasant smell, taste and golden hue. Rye or wheat are best. Straw is needed from a new harvest, without mold and unpleasant odor. It should be cleared of weeds, washed, scalded with boiling water and dried.

Advice. Instead of straw, a blackcurrant leaf processed in the same way will do.

The apples should be placed tightly in the container with the stems facing up. At the end, the top layer of fruit also needs to be covered with straw, and then with a napkin, a pressure circle and pressed down with a heavy object. After this you need to lubricate the edge of the barrel vegetable oil and pour in the brine. It is prepared like this: for every 10 kg of apples, take 5 liters of cold boiled water, add 80 g of salt and about 150-200 g of sugar.

Options for soaked apples with spices in a barrel

To give apples additional flavor, you can add honey (sometimes it completely or partially replaces sugar), as well as spices:

  • mustard;

Recipes for brine with malt are quite popular:

  1. Add 50 g of malt to 0.5 liters of water.
  2. Boil the broth for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Mix with brine (enough for 5 liters).

Advice. Also, instead of malt, rye flour is used. Stir 75 g with a small amount of water and add the mixture to the already boiling broth. There should be 4 times more boiling water.

Apples in a barrel need care. Remove mold and foam, wash the wheel and weight weekly with hot water. Urination occurs within 1.5 - 2 months. If everything is done correctly, the apples will turn pink or slightly golden and acquire the desired taste.

Recipe for soaked apples in jars

The basic principles of soaking in barrels are also available to residents of apartment buildings who cannot keep wooden 30-kilogram containers with straw on their balconies. In this case, you can use ceramics or glass of a much smaller size. Simplified recipes will also work. Most popular among modern methods– soaking with honey, mustard, horseradish, etc.

Pickled apples in a jar

The simplest version of soaked apples in jars involves brine with sugar and salt. For 5 liters of water you will need 60 g of both:

  1. Carefully sort and wash the apples.
  2. Pack them tightly into the jar.
  3. Fill with brine.
  4. Seal with a plastic lid. After 1.5 months. you will get sour apples.

Ways to soak apples with honey

Honey is often combined with mint in recipes. In this case, the straw is replaced by scalded and dried blackcurrant and/or cherry leaves. The recipe is suitable for containers of different types:

  1. Prepare the brine: dissolve 100-150 g of honey, 75 g of salt, 50 g of malt or 75 g of rye flour in 5 liters of warm water. When the mixture has cooled, stir it thoroughly.
  2. Place a thin layer of currant leaf on the bottom of the jar.
  3. Place 2 rows of apples close to each other.
  4. Cover them with a layer of cherry leaf and place two more rows of apples on top.
  5. The next one is a thin layer of mint, and on top of that are apples again.
  6. Cover the top row of apples with assorted leaves and a couple of mint sprigs.
  7. Close it in a circle and press it down with something heavy.
  8. Carefully, without removing the load, pour brine into the container. The circle must be completely immersed in liquid throughout the soaking process.

Advice. The optimal temperature for successfully soaking apples is +15…+18°C. The preparation time for this and other “jar” recipes is 4-6 weeks.

Recipe for pickled apples with mustard and other spices

For mustard soaked apples, the brine is prepared as follows: add 0.5 tbsp to 5 liters of warm water. sugar, 50 g salt, 1.5 tbsp. l. mustard. The filling is boiled and allowed to cool. The recipe for pickled apples with rowan is piquant and unique in its own way.

Pickled apples with spices

The brine for it is prepared with honey: dissolve 1250 g of honey (or sugar), 25 g of salt in 5 liters of warm water, cool the mixture - this is enough for about 10 kg of apples. Place ripe, whole and washed rowan berries, separated from the branches, evenly into a container mixed with apples. Cover with a lid or gauze, a circle and a weight.

Attention! Rowan is a winter berry. Therefore, according to this recipe, apples are soaked in the cold.

The recipe for soaked apples in Polish involves the use of horseradish to give the fruit a special taste. To 5 liters of warm water you need to add 75 g of salt, sugar and rye flour. Before pouring, the brine needs to be cooled, and the layers of apples should be layered with horseradish leaves (according to the recipe, grape leaves are also allowed). The finished container with fruit should be kept in a warm room for a couple of days, then transferred to a place with a temperature of no more than 12°C.

If everything works out for you, and you like the process and the result of soaking, then next time you can experiment. For example, change the composition of the brine or the proportions of ingredients. This way you can achieve the perfect taste based on your family's preferences.

Apples for the winter in a jar: video

Pickled apples: photo