Review of Bunin's work 'Mr. from San Francisco'. Extracurricular reading lesson on prose by I.A. Bunin of the emigrant period (stories "The Saint", "Name Day", "Scarabs", "Music", "The Blind")

Review of Bunin's story " Cold autumn" from the cycle " Dark alleys" Ivan Bunin wrote this cycle in exile when he was seventy years old. Despite the fact that Bunin spent a long time in exile, the writer did not lose the sharpness of the Russian language. This can be seen in this series of stories. All the stories are dedicated to love, only in each of them the author showed different faces love. In this cycle there is love, both as carnal attraction and as sublime feeling. Compositionally, the story “Cold Autumn” is divided into two parts. Before and after the death of the main character's lover. The line dividing the story and the heroine’s life into two parts is drawn very clearly and clearly. The heroine talks about her past in such a way that it seems to the reader that all events are happening at the present moment. This illusion arises due to the fact that the author describes everything in such small detail that a whole picture appears before the reader’s eyes, having shape, color and sound. The story “Cold Autumn,” in my opinion, can be called historical, although the story in this story has been changed. In the first part of the story, events develop rapidly, reaching the climax of the story. On the fifteenth of June the crown prince was killed; on Peter's Day at dinner he was announced as the groom main character, and on July 19, Germany declared war... In my opinion, it was no coincidence that the author put an ellipsis in this place. He is announced as the groom and immediately the reader’s mind imagines an idyll of a happy family life, but in the next phrase war is declared. And all dreams and hopes collapse in an instant. Then the author focuses on the farewell party. He was called to the front. In September he comes to say goodbye before leaving. This evening the father of the bride pronounces the phrase: “Surprisingly early and cold autumn!” This phrase is pronounced as a statement of fact. At the end of the story, the heroine will say that that cold autumn, that autumn evening is all she had in her life. This evening is described in great detail, every action of the characters is described. That evening the main characters went for a walk in the garden, and this walk is the culmination of the story and the heroine’s life. Before walking in the hallway, the main character's groom recalls Fet's poems: What a cold autumn! Put on your shawl and hood... But the hero does not start this poem from the beginning. He remembers the beginning of the poem a little later. Look - between the blackening pines It’s as if a fire is rising... The heroes of the story by the word fire mean the rising of the moon, but for us readers of this day, it is clear that the fire symbolizes global and personal catastrophe. World catastrophe is World War, and for Russia, crashes continue after the war. In the seventeenth year there is a revolution.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a famous Russian writer and poet of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. A special place in his work is occupied by the description native nature, the beauty of the Russian region, its catchiness, brightness, on the one hand, and modesty, sadness, on the other. Bunin conveyed this wonderful storm of emotions in his story “ Antonov apples”.

This work is one of the most lyrical and poetic works Bunin, which has an indefinite genre. If you evaluate the work by its volume, then it is a story, but on the other hand, it is an essay, since there is an absence of a chain of events, which is typical for a story. There is a different opinion about the genre of this work: many consider “Antonov Apples” to be a prose poem, due to its inherent lyricism.

Early creativity Bunin is associated with poems about love for the motherland, but later the poet was more attracted to the prose genre. The story “Antonov Apples”, written under the impression of a trip to his brother’s estate, became just such a work. The story was written around the late 1890s. Its first publication dates back to 1900.

The title of the story “Antonov Apples” symbolizes a bygone Russia, noble estates that have sunk into the past, and liberties village life, peace and regularity, beauty and patriarchy. “Apples”, in in this case- a symbol through which the hero is immersed in memories of his past life.

The author describes autumn in the village with undisguised admiration, giving not only landscape but also portrait sketches, thereby revealing the theme of nature and the image of the Russian peasant. Against the background of these themes, the writer compares the lifestyle of a nobleman with the lifestyle of a rich, peasant life using the example of his aunt’s estate. There was still a feeling in her house serfdom. For example, in the way the men took off their hats in front of the gentlemen. What follows is a description of the interior of the estate, rich in details - blue and purple glass in the windows, old mahogany furniture, mirrors in twisted frames.

“The fading spirit of the landowners” is supported only by hunting. The author recalls the “rite” of hunting in the house of his brother-in-law Arseny Semyonovich. A particularly pleasant vacation when “you happened to oversleep the hunt.” Thus, the author reveals the theme of collapsing noble nests. But at the same time, the author admires the lifestyle of the “petty” nobility, their daily routine, habits.

Despite this, Bunin condemns the Russian nobility: the way of life of the landowners, telling about the withering of noble estates, as well as about the disappeared poetry of the ancient Russian life - “noble and peasant”, the way of life on which Russia stood for centuries. At the same time, the writer admires the beauty of Russian nature, which is depicted by the author in dynamics, in the subtle rendering of colors and the author’s moods. Bunin glorifies the attractive aspects of landowner life: the closeness of peasants and nobles, the fusion of human life and nature. The author regrets the passing of landowners, the prosaic present, where the smell of Antonov apples is fading...

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    • Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - greatest writer turn of XIX-XX centuries He entered literature as a poet and created wonderful poetic works. 1895 ...The first story “To the End of the World” is published. Encouraged by the praise of critics, Bunin begins to study literary creativity. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a laureate of various awards, including laureate Nobel Prize in literature 1933. In 1944, the writer creates one of the most wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and highest […]
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    • Many stories by I.A. are devoted to the theme of love. Bunina. In his portrayal, love is a formidable force that can turn a person’s whole life upside down and bring him great happiness or great sorrow. Such a love story is shown by him in the story “Caucasus”. The hero and heroine have a secret affair. They must hide from everyone because the heroine is married. She is afraid of her husband, who, it seems to her, suspects something. But, despite this, the heroes are happy together and dream of a daring escape together to the sea, to the Caucasian coast. AND […]
    • “All love is great happiness, even if it is not shared” - this phrase contains the pathos of Bunin’s depiction of love. In almost all works on this topic, the outcome is tragic. It was precisely because love was “stolen” that it was not complete and led to tragedy. Bunin reflects that the happiness of one can lead to the tragedy of another. Bunin's approach to describing this feeling is somewhat different: the love in his stories is more frank, naked, and sometimes even rude, filled with unquenchable passion. Problem […]
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    • The story “Mr. from San Francisco” is the result of the writer’s thoughts on the meaning of human existence, the existence of civilization, and the fate of Russia during the First World War. The story appeared in print in 1915, when a worldwide catastrophe was already taking place. The plot and poetics of the story Bunin describes the last month of the life of a wealthy American businessman, who arranged a long and “pleasure” trip to Europe for his family. Europe was to be followed by the Middle East and […]
    • The story “Clean Monday” is part of Bunin’s series of stories “Dark Alleys”. This cycle was the last in the author’s life and took eight years of creativity. The cycle was created during the Second World War. The world was collapsing, and the great Russian writer Bunin wrote about love, about the eternal, about the only force capable of preserving life in its highest purpose. The cross-cutting theme of the cycle is love in all its many faces, the merging of the souls of two unique, inimitable worlds, the souls of lovers. The story “Clean Monday” […]
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  • The story “Clean Monday” is included in the collection by I.A. Bunin "Dark Alleys". The writer said that in the stories in this collection he sought to depict the “dark alleys of love.” In general, love and death are two main themes in the works of I. A. Bunin.
    “Clean Monday” is also dedicated to the theme of love. It describes the unlit, mysterious and mysterious manifestations of this wonderful feeling. It should be noted that it was this story that Bunin himself, in his declining years, considered the best of what he had written.
    The genre of this work is short story. In the dictionary literary terms the following definition of a story is given: “a small form of epic prose literature" The genre of the story is very close to the story. Its main difference is that the story presents one episode from the life of the heroes. In this episode, the character's character is fully and multifacetedly revealed. I.A. Bunin’s skill lies in the fact that he highlights the hero’s personality and his life story in just two or three pages of text.
    The plot of the story “Clean Monday” is based on the unhappy love of the main character, which determined his whole life. Distinctive feature many works by I.A. Bunin - absence happy love. Even the most prosperous story often ends tragically for this writer.
    The narration is told in the first person, so the feelings and experiences of the narrator are deeply revealed. We are immersed in his spiritual world, in his strong, all-consuming feeling. The strength of the hero’s love is visible even in the way he describes the appearance of his beloved: “The fluff on her upper lip was covered in frost, the amber of her cheeks turned slightly pink, the blackness of the paradise completely merged with the pupil - I could not take my rapturous eyes off her face.”
    Main character is having a very hard time tragic ending his relationship with the heroine. This is confirmed by the following passage: “I spent a long time drinking myself in the dirtiest taverns, sinking more and more in every possible way... Then I began to recover - indifferently, hopelessly.” Judging by these two quotes, the hero is a very sensitive and emotional person, capable of deep feelings. Bunin avoids direct assessments, but allows one to judge this by the state of the hero’s soul, by skillfully selected external details, and light hints.
    In this story, the author contrasts antiquity with modernity. The text mentions the names of temples, monasteries, icons, and quotes from prayers. Along with this, Bunin talks about the most famous restaurants of the early 20th century, and about books by modern authors. So, for example, the heroine cannot finish reading “Fire Angel”. Here the author's irony and skepticism towards new literary trends. Modernity, according to Bunin, is not endowed with the spirituality of antiquity.
    We look at the heroine of the story through the eyes of the narrator who is in love with her. Already at the very beginning of the work, her portrait appears before us: “She had some kind of Indian, Persian beauty: a dark-amber face, magnificent and somewhat ominous hair in its thickness, softly shining like black sable fur, black like velvet coal , eyes". Through the mouth of the protagonist, a description of the heroine’s restless soul, her search for the meaning of life, worries and doubts are conveyed. As a result, the image of a “spiritual wanderer” is revealed to us in its entirety.
    The climax of the story is the decision of the hero’s beloved to go to a monastery. This unexpected plot twist allows us to understand the undecided soul of the heroine.
    Very great value has the title of the story. On the one hand, it is very specific: Clean Monday is the first day of Lent, when the heroine announces her decision to leave worldly life. On this day, the relationship between the two lovers ended and the hero’s life ended. On the other hand, the title of the story is symbolic. It is believed that on Clean Monday the soul is cleansed from everything vain and sinful. Moreover, not only the heroine, who chose monastic hermitage, changes in the story. Her act prompts the hero to introspection, forces him to change and cleanse himself.
    “Clean Monday” was written by the author during the years of his Parisian emigration. However, Russian reality shines through in literally every line. This is evidenced by landscape sketches: “The evening was peaceful, sunny, with frost on the trees, on the bloody brick walls of the monastery jackdaws, like nuns, chattered in silence, the chimes played sadly every now and then in the bell tower. Creaking in silence through the snow, we entered the gate... the sun had just set, it was still quite light, branches in the frost had long been drawn on the golden enamel of the sunset like gray coral, and the unquenchable lamps scattered over the graves were mysteriously glowing around with calm lights.”
    Only a deeply Russian person could write so poignantly, keeping the image of the Motherland in his yearning heart.
    "Clean Monday" was written 60 years ago. For the history of the country - a whole era... What attracts us, modern readers, to this story? If you read thoughtfully, you can find answers to eternal philosophical questions: how to love and be loved, what is the meaning of life, what is true values? Bunin was indifferent to everyday everyday life and transitory things. He is unshakably focused on the sublime and beautiful, expressed in concrete human destiny. According to P. B. Struve, “... the main feature of Bunin’s talent is the unusually bright and powerful fusion of lyrical talent with visual and epic talent.”

    Mr. from San Francisco I.A. Bunin Beginning 20 at a time very rich for Russia with events such as revolutions and wars. Already then Bunin was called one of the best masters words in Russia. He writes works such as Chang's Dreams, Light Breathing, The Grammar of Love. In 1915, Bunin wrote, perhaps, one of his most striking works, The Mister from San Francisco. The story was originally called Death in Capri. Bunin connected his idea with the story of the German writer Thomas Mann, Death in Venice, but even more with the memories of the unexpected death of an American who came to Capri. However, as Ivan Alekseevich himself admitted, he invented San Francisco and everything else while living on the estate of his cousin in the Yeletsky district of the Oryol province.

    The story begins on the ship Atlantis. The main character is a gentleman from San Francisco. Bunin does not give him a name. This is explained by the fact that no one remembered him, that there are many like him. The gentleman goes to the Old World for two whole years, with his wife and daughter, solely for the sake of entertainment. He has a planned route, money, desires. He feels and behaves like a master in all respects.

    But is this really so? No. Over his fifty-eight years, he has never learned to live, love, feel, enjoy life, so no matter how hard he tries, he visits all cultural and entertainment activities, so he doesn’t get any pleasure. It’s pleasant here, but boring, like snow-lit museums or cold, wax-smelling churches, in which everywhere there is the same majestic entrance, closed with a heavy leather curtain, and inside there is a huge emptiness, silence. So is the gentleman himself. on the outside he is elegant, well-groomed, handsome, but on the inside he is empty, soulless. For him there is no family, joys or troubles, or the woman he loves.

    There are no surprises or surprises in his life, everything is measured, planned out in minutes, hours and seconds. And he pretends to be happy. The love couple who were paid to pretend and play love for good money on one ship or another is very symbolic. Throughout the entire story, it can be seen that Bunin uses mainly black, white, red, gold colors in describing the lives of rich people.

    This is no coincidence. After all, these were the colors that royalty dressed in. For example, a red robe with gold embroidered lilies and black and white ermine. Mr. San Francisco is one of the many passengers big ship Atlantis, a huge hotel with all the amenities, a night bar, oriental baths, with his own newspaper on top of which all the cream of society are having fun and having fun, including the gentleman from San Francisco himself. All this happens in the middle of the ocean, symbolizing an endlessly flowing life, unpredictable in its turns.

    He was terrible, but they didn’t think about him, the siren on the forecastle howled with frantic anger every minute, but few of those dining heard the siren, and did not drown out the sounds of the beautiful orchestra. The siren is a symbol of world chaos, the music of calm harmony. The gentleman arrives in Naples, and nature itself begins to interfere with his plans: the sun deceived, the rain sowed, something terrible happened everywhere.

    But nothing shakes the gentleman, and he and his family go to Capri. And there, as expected, everyone treats him like a master. He is placed in the most luxurious hotel, the most beautiful and skillful maid, the most prominent of the lackeys is assigned. He gets all the very best, but only as long as he is able to pay. And so he dies, dies, only having begun to live. But death does not fit into the image of a rich hotel at all.

    If it weren’t for the German in the reading room, the hotel would have quickly and deftly managed to hush up this terrible incident, instantly, in reverse, they would have sped away by the legs and head of the gentleman from San Francisco to far away and not a single soul of the guests would have known what he had done. The gentleman dies in the smallest, worst, dampest and coldest room. The story ends in the same place where Atlantis began. Here everyone is still having fun, dancing and having fun, only our gentleman from San Francisco is not there, he is not returning home in first class, now he is hidden from human eyes in the belly of the ship in the hold, he lies in a tarred coffin.

    A vision of the Devil appears, observing a ship, multi-tiered, multi-pipe, created by the pride of the New Man with an old heart.

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    The writer’s world is so sensitive, tangible, attentive, and audible that pressing problems come to the surface and forgotten details come to light. Bunin’s short text is just full of the hero’s impressions and the range of sounds. The work of the creator is a monologue in which the writer sets out a moment from his childhood. Bunin appears before the readers both as a participant in a certain event, and at the same time as an observer who sees himself after so many years have passed.

    As is known, Bunin completed the composition of this work abroad. During this period of time he became very homesick. Accordingly, the work “Name Day” fully reflected the atmosphere of the prevailing disorder in the writer’s soul. Despite the fact that there is a holiday around, there are name days, the author cannot bring himself to rejoice, because longing and bitterness for his homeland are taking their toll. Mood on holiday for the hero it is something that brings horror and anxiety. While on his name day, he realizes that he is outside of life, cut off from the time of the present, moving with inexorable speed. There is a feeling of falling into a dark and not letting go of antiquity, downtroddenness. The hero experiences emotional mood swings, the stream of consciousness changes, the character’s worldview is no longer the same as it was before. He understands that alienation from this present kills the desire to live. And this, absolutely certainly, should not arise in a person’s consciousness!

    What is the ending of the story? In bitterness and longing for their native places and lands. The fact is that time inexorably takes its toll, and it is impossible to return everything back to its place. However, the memories are in full swing, leaving sharp wounds on the heart! Bunin talks about this: that being cut off from your homeland not only breaks you physically, but also cripples you spiritually!

    With his monologue, the author was able to describe his own experiences during the period of separation from places that were warm for him. This text provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in inner world Ivan Bunin, to realize how strongly the writer was attached to his native land! A work written while abroad unusually touches all the strings of the soul! This is the talent of the creator: with his own in simple words forever sink into the heart, forcing you to rethink own life!

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    • I woke up from some knocking. Opening my eyes, I realized that the sun had not risen yet, and decided to try to fall asleep again. But all my attempts were in vain. In addition, the knocking did not give rest.