Included in the Viagra group. All participants (soloists) of the group "VIA Gra"

Thu, 17/04/2014 - 14:21

Since January 1, 2013 the hottest women's team under the provocative name " VIA Gra" broke up. Over the years of its existence on the Russian pop scene, the hottest group has changed many lineups. Among the members of the group, only the attractiveness of the girls who join it has remained unchanged. Let's remember all the members of the group and rank their sexuality.

Alena Vinnitskaya

Years in the group


Who was

She started writing poetry at the age of 5, and as a child she started a serious business - she made dolls with her own hands, and then sold tickets to relatives for puppet shows. Musical career I started in my teens - after listening to the group “Kino”, I learned to play the guitar, sing my own songs and make rock in the full sense. Immediately before joining VIA Gra, she sewed handbags, worked as a secretary in an insurance company, and was a VJ and radio host. First musical group, created by Vinnitskaya, was called equally savory and romantic - “The Last Unicorn”. (6 points)

Role in the team

Vinnitskaya was the very first participant of VIA Gra, to which producer Dmitry Kostyuk chose two more girls at the casting - Yulia and Marina. However, with this composition, the project remained on paper, Yulia and Marina were left out, and Nadezhda Granovskaya was paired with Alena. This is where the legend actually begins. Alena was responsible for the vocal parts, Nadezhda was nice to watch - the classic division of labor in music production. The first album, “Attempt No. 5,” which seems from the perspective of 2014 to be a pure classic, is entirely the responsibility of this duo. Although it is generally accepted that Brezhneva, Sedokova and Granovskaya are the golden cast of “VIA Gra”, we would venture to argue: the pop singer was first given battle by these women and precisely on this album, there is not a single insignificant thing here, all the songs are like pearls in Cleopatra’s box - on selection! (7 points)

Who now

Already 11 years have passed since Vinnitskaya, who calls herself the only glam pop-rock performer in Ukraine, has nothing to do with the sex band that made her famous. And it’s worth saying that the artist’s solo career is developing very successfully: 8 albums, not bad (compared to the work of Anna Sedokova, absolutely gorgeous) singles, participation in the soundtrack to “The Hunt for Piranha”, not a single stain on her reputation, nothing to be ashamed of. IN lately Vinnitskaya has expanded in breadth: she creates a capsule collection for the Gwen Stefani brand, calls on Ukrainians to unite (while quoting Akhmatova: “But we lie down in it and become it, that’s why we call this land ours”), cancels tours in Crimea and participates in various charity programs. (6 points)

Sex factor

It is extremely rare to be naked so that the average man has time to check out all the charms, but certain conclusions can be drawn from what he sees. She knows how to present herself beautifully, but even if you crack it, Granovskaya clearly has a better situation with her data. Advocates of bodily purity may be confused by the tattoo on Alena’s shoulder, on the other hand, for some it is an extra positive argument. (6 points)

Nadezhda Granovskaya

Years in the group

2000–2002, 2002–2006, 2009–2011

Who was

A hot thing from the Ukrainian village of Zbruchovka, who in her youth sent her nude photographs to Konstantin Meladze and, naturally, passed the casting. We are all people, and who wouldn’t take it? Having moved to Kyiv, at first I only communicated with producers and Alena Vinnitskaya. Meladze Sr. would later call her Mowgli in female guise, since she could not really express herself in either Russian or Ukrainian at that time; she spoke Surzhik. (3 points)

Role in the team

Producer Kostyuk called Nadezhda Meikher “the main Viagra”, paying tribute to her seductive habit, Konstantin Meladze gave new surname Granovskaya for a successful combination with the name of the project - and it was she who was destined to eventually become the de facto face of the group, its mascot and long-liver. She is a three-time soloist of VIA Gra, although after each departure she said that this was for good. In total, Granovskaya, who spent about eight years on the Kyiv pop plantation, eventually outlived Vinnitskaya, Sedokova and other girls up to Bushmina. The situation for such a cynical conveyor of girls' souls as VIA Gra is truly unique: as they say, from Ilyich to Ilyich without a heart attack or paralysis. (10 points)

Who now

The author of the collection of intimate poems “Momentary Attraction” (“And in a pause over personal admiration, you won’t notice my departure; I look in the mirror with contempt and think what a freak you are...”) recently starred in a Ukrainian romantic comedy, and continues to participate in the transformation show “One to One”, where she gets used to the images of Gurchenko, Leontiev and prepares for a solo career - this will be, according to the artist, something “with retro motifs, in the spirit of the 60s and with elements of Italy.” (3 points)

Sex factor

One fact that immediately puts everything in its place: she has been wearing a bra since she was nine years old. (8 points)

Tatyana Naynik

Years in the group


Who was

A native of St. Petersburg, a model and a graduate of a dog training school, who at one time dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. As a child, she did rhythmic gymnastics and ballet, was thin and considered herself an ugly duckling. I got into the modeling business with the help of dear grandmother, who noticed an announcement about a beauty contest and sent her granddaughter there into show business - again thanks to photographs sent to Konstantin Meladze. Naynik claims that she was invited to the team twice: the first time she did not go, considering the name vulgar and the songs incomprehensible. (4 points)

Role in the team

Against the general background, Naynik seems to be an artist of the second row - this is a figure completely lost among her companions. She only had the chance to stay in the zone of special male attention for six months: they hired Tatyana to replace Granovskaya, who had gone on maternity leave, and when she wanted to return, the replacement was asked to reel in her fishing rods. As part of the group, busty Daphne appeared in the videos for “Stop! Stop! Stop!" and “Good Morning, Dad!”, and in addition, she took part in the deluxe edition of the album “Attempt No. 5”. You can’t accomplish much in six months, of course, but in any case this cannot be called a full-fledged contribution to the development of VIA Gra. (4 points)

Who now

Immediately after VIA Gra, she spent a long time recovering her nerves with a psychotherapist and still complains about the bloody regime of the Georgian tyrant Meladze. In moments of peace of mind, she managed to finish her pedagogical education in St. Petersburg, and now she produces and at the same time sings in the girl group Maybe. He puts all his time, money and soul into this project. (3 points)

Sex factor

Tatyana has a lot of passion, but in six months you can try it out by eye and feel her curves Russian men They hardly made it in time. The producers of the group probably liked the hairy-eyed dark woman (otherwise why the hell would they have hired her), but after filming for Maxim magazine they claimed that she was the only one in the group that had to be photoshopped. (5 points)

Anna Sedokova

Years in the group


Who was

In the case of Sedokova, her life path before joining the group is practically no different from her companions: she loves music since childhood, a diligent student at school, straight A's, her mother is not overjoyed. In later life, working as a model, TV presenter and VJ - Anna seemed to have decided to try all types of vacancies from the “Arts and Entertainment” section of recruiting sites. Even as a child, I firmly knew that I would grow up and certainly become an artist - and so it happened. (7 points)

Role in the team

I got into the group only the second time, without first passing the selection for minors. It’s hard to imagine the history of the team without the red-haired Sedokova - this meeting seemed to be organized in heaven, everything came together in the most correct way. Largely thanks to Sedokova, that same lineup with Granovskaya and Brezhneva was recognized as the strongest, golden, diamond and sexiest in the entire history of the project. To understand exactly what contribution Sedokova made, just listen to a couple of songs at random from the album “Stop! Removed,” which is celebrating its anniversary today, talents will be revealed wide open, take away those who are ready. (9 points)

Who now

The author of the book “The Art of Seduction” has a charming Twitter and a breathtaking Instagram, lives in Los Angeles, participates in Russian and Ukrainian TV shows, releases his own clothing line, records some songs and shoots some videos. She was married twice - to football player Belkevich and the main character of the show “The Bachelor” Maxim Chernyavsky. In musical terms, alas, everything is extremely deplorable: the only more or less memorable composition can be called the duet with Misha Krupin “Unsafe”, but otherwise it is inferior to almost all of its comrades in the group, who have gone on a solo binge. However, Anna herself is optimistic and encourages her ill-wishers on the microblog: “I (as you think) am just a stupid girl with boobs, that’s why I got a red medal in school and a red diploma in music, higher education, several business projects that bring pleasure and income, a team of 20 people who loves me very much.” (5 points)

Sex factor

Anna Vladimirovna is not just the most vigorous woman among those who have ever exposed body parts in public, she, as they said in the legendary film, is sex itself. The virgin goddess has rounded features in all the grandeur of brilliant nakedness. At the same time, the singer is proud that all her filming took place in a bra and underwear - nowhere, nowhere will you see a completely naked Sedokova, dammit, sadly. (9 points)

Vera Brezhneva

Years in the group


Who was

Another story from the category of “invested in children from childhood and received a star at the end.” Gymnastics, karate, handball, music school, participation in school competitions and performances - development was comprehensive, Vera tried to succeed in everything. The “Miss Dnepropetrovsk” competition changed the situation in life - during the selections there, the producers of “VIA Gra” noticed the beauty, and as a result she took the place of Alena Vinnitskaya. (5 points)

Role in the team

Along with Granovskaya and Sedokova, she was the main creator of the group’s success and a member of its golden lineup. It is she who is considered to be a typical “Viagra”, which turns men on with half a turn with one flutter of her eyelashes: back then, in 2003, she gave a heart for a long memory, flew down like an autumn leaf. And there was no person who would tell her “Stop! Stop! Stop!". Over the 4 years of Vera’s presence in the group, the entire classical repertoire was created: something that no normal corporate party or bachelorette party could do without. From “Kill My Girlfriend” to “False, But Stay” through “Biology” and “Diamonds”. (7 points)

Who now

Not a career, but a wonderful miracle that everyone will envy: a huge dose of hits already in the debut album, one of best songs new Russia“Love will save the world,” a super-successful sentimental duet with Dan Balan, honor and respect from listeners and critics, advertising contracts, leadership in all kinds of tops and ratings. The bar was set very high after leaving the group, and it will be more and more difficult to meet it. The initial application was too strong, but it’s all the more interesting to jump through your own exploits. (9 points)

Sex factor

Repeatedly admitted herself sexy woman Russia, the most stylish actress and beauty icon. Art must penetrate deeply into life, therefore it is not surprising that the “Sexy Bambina” praised by Vera for Russian-speaking citizens is herself. Presumably, a very high percentage of sighted people officially support Vera, without fearing the devil, God, or Soviet power. (8 points)

Svetlana Loboda

Years in the group


Who was

A music school, a circus academy, the first Ukrainian musical about Miklouho-Maclay “Equator” - by all indications, the traditional story of gradual entry into show business with an understanding of one’s own prospects in childhood is being hatched here. And Svetlana’s family is simple: her father works at a factory, her mother is an energy supplier, her grandmother is an opera singer, and her grandfather is a KGB officer who developed a plan to overthrow the dictator Batista in the Cuban jungle. “VIA Gra” was not the first serious experience in Loboda’s career - before that she sang as part of the “Cappuccino” trio and the self-created group “Ketch”. Loboda can be called the most prepared artist at the time of joining VIA Gra - take it and mold it without extra expenses. (7 points)

Role in the team

Now Svetlana is rarely remembered in the context of the group - she did not last so long as VIA Gra, only 4 months. In such a period of time you won’t be able to expand, you won’t be able to show off your product, you won’t even be able to make a loud scandal. So it turns out that all that can be presented in the face of eternity is the clip “Biology” and the filming of the musical “Sorochinskaya Fair”, where Valery Meladze was a devil, and the parodist Galtsev was a priest. (2 points)

Who now

Just as quickly as she was ready to immediately jump into the VIA Gra lineup, she just as quickly freed herself from her previous shackles and recorded her first solo single - less than a month has passed! Svetlana walked to real successes, for which even Lady Gaga would not be ashamed, long and hard, while simultaneously doing ordinary things: she participated in Eurovision 2009, organized social events and fought against domestic violence, trained children on the Ukrainian show “The Voice” , released her own clothing line. There were many worthy songs, but one was truly stellar - “40 degrees” released in 2012. Absolutely bomb level, jewelry precision and hand-crafted piece. Only Brezhneva can beat this; the others have nothing in their repertoire to beat. (8 points)

Sex factor

The habit is outstanding, prominent, raking hands will clearly appreciate the scale and volume. But somehow everything about Svetlana is too much - sometimes it’s scary. It was as if a golem had been brought to life by using random lines from a women's glossy magazine instead of magical formulas. (4 points)

Albina Dzhanabaeva

Years in the group


Who was

As a child, I wanted to become a doctor and one day I put a couple of drops of cologne in the nose of one boy, my first love, for a runny nose. Without music school And there was no need for a music school either. Having moved to Moscow at the age of 17, she studied at Gnesinka and acted in commercials and films. Albina joined the famous team straight from Korea - she was pulled out of the musical about Snow White, in which she performed main role, and in Korean. (5 points)

Role in the team

Tatyana Kotova, after leaving the group, stated that Albina was in a privileged position there because of her connection with Valery Meladze. As a matter of fact, all of Dzhanabaeva’s activities as part of VIA Gra for millions of housewives passed precisely under this sign - they took her because of Valera, they say, but she would never have made it into life. She started out as a backing vocalist, then became a full-fledged replacement for Svetlana Loboda, and made her debut in a new status in the video for “The World I Didn’t Know About Before You.” (6 points)

Who now

At the moment, she is an actress, solo singer, TV presenter, who starred with Kirill Serebrennikov, independent person with your own point of view on current events. Dzhanabaeva worked in the group for about eight years until its official closure in January 2013 - only Nadezhda Granovskaya has comparable experience. (5 points)

Sex factor

As the yellow headlines say, which contain only the naked truth, before VIA Gra, Dzhanabaeva did not have a nose, chest or figure. In this form, even the status of the beloved woman of pop mechanic Meladze Jr. would not help him get into the group - such are the cruel laws of effective show business. In her current state, Albina Borisovna is quite willing, but her soul does not begin to sing at the sight of her. (6 points)

Christina Kotz-Gottlieb

Years in the group


Who was

Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, a model from a family of Volga Germans, a regular participant in Ukrainian beauty contests, “Miss Donbass 2003”, a person of flexible views and the same body. The short-lived “Viagrafia” experience became for Christina just a stunning flash of life path, but didn’t really affect anything. (5 points)

Role in the team

She lasted in the group for about 3 months - this is the shortest shift in the entire long history of the sexploitation band. Even Loboda, who was going to win a red convertible on a bet when she reached six months of experience, worked longer than Kots-Gottlieb - 4 months! They hired the German after Granovskaya left and the contract was signed for 5 years, but after the release of the video for the song “Deceive, but stay,” she was turned away. As Christina herself says, the producers simply stopped answering her phone calls. Dmitry Kostyuk would later state that the singer was blown away after the first concert and she began asking for five-figure sums: “I want to get paid like Britney Spears.” (1 point)

Who now

After leaving the group, she rarely appeared in public; information about her future fate is extremely scarce. In 2009, she represented Ukraine in the finals of Miss Universe 2009; at the beginning of this year, the media blockade was interrupted by the release of her debut single “Trust Your Heart”. (2 points)

Sex factor

Hair below my butt, legs from my ears, a model background - I was torn out of life by cramped, inevitable beauty. Here the picture is clear, Odessa is red: magazines with Christina on the cover should be sold under the counter in limited quantities at Soyuzpechat kiosks. (6 points)

Olga Koryagina

Years in the group


Who was

“Miss Black Sea Region 2001” had never been involved in singing before participating in “VIA Gra”. Born in the Ukrainian city of Nikolaev, she was as far from musical affairs as the Decembrists were from the people, worked as a model for fashion shows and photo sessions. (3 points)

Role in the team

She competed for the place of Nadezhda Granovskaya with the blonde Christina Kots-Gottlieb, after a long casting, she lost to her and, upset, went home. But Christina was never able to fully enjoy the success: after two months, the producers kicked out the proud daughter of a coal magnate and accepted the brunette Koryagina into the team. Olga, by the way, also turned out to be too temporary a phenomenon: she managed to star in the videos of “L. M. L." and “The Flower and the Knife”, and then left the group for the standard female reason - she became pregnant. It was she who was then paid the largest maternity benefits in the history of VIA Gra - $10,000. (3 points)

Who now

Fashion designer, boutique owner and author of evening dresses for finalists of Ukrainian beauty contests. She now performs on stage under the name Olga Romanovskaya, and solo career just launched last fall. Although Max Fadeev was going to take it on six years ago, give her songs written by his brother’s wife (singer Monokini) and thus blow up the music market. Didn't take it, didn't blow it up. And it didn’t work out for Olga herself either. (4 points)

Sex factor

Olga’s size, of course, is completely fine - the man will gasp, the child will grunt. She looks like Parker Posey or a grown-up version of singer Elvira T - this, albeit a small one, is a plus; The sight of Olga does not take your breath away - this is a minus. (5 points)

Meseda Bagaudinova

Years in the group


Who was

Born in Grozny, grew up in Kislovodsk, studied in Rostov-on-Don, performed at corporate events in the Rostov Central Internal Affairs Directorate as part of local group"Dreams" In short, Mrs. Bagaudinova had serious musical experience even before joining VIA Gra. (5 points)

Role in the team

The return of Granovskaya first knocked Tatyana Naynik out of the saddle, then Meseda Bagaudinova. However, the year and a half that Meseda spent in Viagra status is a very good period for the soloists of the second half of the 2000s. Meseda herself at one time came to replace Olga Koryagina, who had gone on maternity leave, and successfully closed the gap of the little black participant in the team. In her presence, VIA Gra recorded the brilliant “Kisses”, “Emancipation” and several songs of a less catchy nature. If Meseda was destined in heaven to sing “The higher the love, the lower the kisses,” together with Dzhanabaeva, and to disgrace herself no longer with any reasonable activity, then it is worth recognizing that the mission has been accomplished. (5 points)

Who now

Working in the group became a stage in Meseda’s life and allowed her to launch a solo project immediately after her dismissal. The new songs of the Avar Angelina Jolie did not bring any success, but she does not despair and believes that she has exactly the same chance to shoot as Brezhneva had in her time. Indeed, all that remains is to find an author who will write a bomb on the level of “Love will save the world” as quickly as possible. As Vadim Baykov sang in a similar situation: “I don’t have a hit, this place is vacant.” (3 points)

Sex factor

Eastern roughness, sweet curves - Meseda is capable of bringing anyone to the fall. Breathing heavily from passion, I undress, rustling. (6 points)

Tatyana Kotova

Years in the group


Who was

According to the diploma, she is an economist and anti-crisis manager, in fact, she is “Miss Russia 2006” from a miner’s family, who has participated in beauty contests since childhood (the first title was “Miss Autumn 98” at the age of thirteen). Unlike her group companions, she never considered herself an ugly duckling, and even in school years signing autographs for excited boys. (4 points)

Role in the team

In March 2008, she replaced Vera Brezhneva and immediately got involved in the shooting of the video “I’m not afraid.” Next were “Emancipation”, “Antigeisha” and “Crazy” - not the last things in the work of “VIA Gra”. The passionate blonde Kotova looked next to the partners who were on her watch not like a lost sheep, but extremely dignified, which is why she spent two whole years. Even if it was impossible to see her singing even the word “mu” on the screen, you also need to be able to perform decorative and applied functions well. She left the group because of the desire to fully realize her creative abilities. (3 points)

Who now

She is on a protein diet, acts in utilitarian Russian films with titles like “What Men Do,” and began her solo career with the song “He” written by Irina Dubtsova in 2010. Four years passed, Tatyana did not stand still, other songs were performed, but you know exactly as much about them as about the mentioned composition “He”. (3 points)

Sex factor

Beautiful woman Tatyana, very beautiful. Consider that there was no one more beautiful than her at VIA Gra. Your camp is built like church candles, your gaze is a sword-piercing gaze. In general, no complaints, just admiration. (8 points)

Eva Bushmina

Years in the group


Who was

The shot sparrow is not one of the shy ones; Yana Shvets decided to connect her fate with music long before VIA Gra. A native of the Lugansk region had her own solo project Lucky, and participation in the Ukrainian “Star Factory-3” under the supervision of Konstantin Meladze, and dancing in the ballet The Best, and working as a TV presenter. However, in order to make a big statement about myself, it was necessary to slightly change the name and break into VIA Gra. By this time, childhood friend Nastya Kamenskikh had already made waves throughout the EurAsEC Customs Union along with Potap - Eva urgently needed to catch up to this level. (4 points)

Role in the team

Right while participating in the TV show “Star Factory. Super final." announced an early exit from the project and moved to VIA Gra, replacing Tatyana Kotova there. Things were approaching the end of the once glorious all-girl team, and Bushmina managed to participate in only three releases: “Get Out,” “A Day Without You” and “Hello, Mom!” It didn’t make any difference to the weather, but it didn’t spoil the overall performance either - given that the group existed in the mode of a fading sine wave, it would have been blasphemy to demand more. (5 points)

Who now

Less than two months after leaving the group, Bushmina presented a new song and herself as an independent pop unit. The most fashionable people of the new era were involved in the debut Ukrainian music: the author of the song “Myself” was singer Dmitry Monatik, and the sound producer was the lead singer of The Maneken project Evgeniy Filatov. In addition to promoting her own creativity, she participated in the show “Yak dvi krapli”, where she impersonated Rihanna and Christina Aguilera. (5 points)

Sex factor

Something at the level of Kate Hudson or even higher, that is, not for everyone. However, headlines like “Eva Bushmina flashed something” flash on the Internet quite often, which means that such amateurs definitely exist in nature, there is no doubt about it. (6 points)

Santa Dimopoulos

Years in the group


Who was

World fitness champion from a Greek-Assyrian-Ukrainian family, law school graduate, event manager, dance teacher, model and TV presenter. In short, a multi-talented personality with an outstanding appearance. And without VIA Gra it wouldn’t be lost, the basic parameters are too good. (7 points)

Role in the team

A graduate of the third season of the Ukrainian “Star Factory” came a year before the project was closed, replaced Nadezhda Granovskaya and took part only in the song “Hello, Mom!” (1 point)

Who now

She didn’t want to be either “one of” or “the little black one on the right” and left VIA Gra two months before the official closure of the group. At the moment, only one single “When We Move” has been released, which has not received any acclaim. special success(except for the status of “Ukrainian Nicole Scherzinger” in the comments to the clip posted on the Internet). So you have to kiss dolphins, get married for the third time and post erotic photos on Instagram, simultaneously quarreling with Anna Sedokova and sharing men with her. (2 points)

Sex factor

A dark and pumped-up athlete, a toned figure, elastic forms - Monsieur Meladze knew a lot about increments. Oriental flavor, as in the case of Meseda Bagaudinova, is a barrel organ! (7 points)

You can’t look at these women calmly: a real pill for the stronger sex. Alena, Nadya, Vera, Svetlana, Albina - the composition of the group has changed exactly 16 times in 16 years: not a single modern group can compete with these beauties, who brightly appeared and left the show just as brightly.

Let us remember how the VIA Gra team was formed and changed over all these years.

And it all started back in 1999, when producer Dmitry Kostyuk came up with the idea of ​​creating a super sexy female team. In 2000, the first composition of the VIA Gra group was presented, consisting of Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadezhda Granovskaya. Their first video for the song “My Attempt No. 5” became a real hit.

In 2002, Nadezhda Granovskaya was preparing to become a mother and therefore girls such as Anna Sedokova and Tatyana Naynik were invited to the team. This composition did not last long: from April to September 2002.

Already in November of this year, Nadezhda Granovskaya returned to the team, and the VIA Gra team looked like this: Alena Vinnitskaya, Anna Sedokova, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Tatyana Naynik.

But after a couple of months, Tatyana Naynik leaves the group, and the team consists of: Alena Vinnitskaya, Anna Sedokova and Nadezhda Granovskaya.

In January 2003, Alena Vinnitskaya decided to leave the team and start her own solo career. As a result of casting, Vera Brezhneva takes her place, and Anya Sedokova becomes the main soloist of the group. Thus, the 5th composition of the group, January 2003 - May 2004: Anna Sedokova, Nadezhda Granovskaya and Vera Brezhneva. Music critics call this line-up “golden” and the most stylish, sexy and successful in the entire history of the group. At this time the group released large number songs, shot many videos and was a leader in the number of rotations on TV and radio.

But in 2004, due to pregnancy, Anna Sedokova left the group, and she was replaced by Svetlana Loboda, who was not particularly accepted by fans. Despite this, the group’s 6th lineup: Nadezhda Granovskaya, Vera Brezhneva and Svetlana Loboda lasted from May 2004 to September 2004.

In the 7th lineup of the VIA Gra collective (September 2004 - January 2006), no less bright member Albina Dzhanabaeva appears instead of Svetlana Loboda.

Having worked in the team for several years, Nadezhda Granovskaya decides to leave the group, and in January 2006 VIA Gra performs with a new lineup: Vera Brezhneva, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Christina Kots-Gottlieb.

But three months later, Christina, by decision of the producer, leaves the group, and Olga Koryagina is taken in her place. And thus, from April 2006 to April 2007, we could see three beauties on TV screens: Vera Brezhneva, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Olga Koryagina.

In 2007, Olga Koryagina left. Olga's place was taken by a native of Grozny, Meseda Bagaudinova.

A few months later, blond Vera Brezhneva left the group, and the group performed throughout 2007-2008 with two soloists: Albina Dzhanabaeva and Meseda Bagaudinova.

In March 2008, the team was joined by the blond and busty Tatyana Kotova.

And again, fans could observe changes in the composition of the team in 2009. This is already the 13th line-up, in which Albina, Tatyana and Nadezhda Granovskaya shone, who again returned to the group, and Meseda Bagaudinova gave her place.

In March 2010, Tatyana Kotova left the team, and the producers quickly found a young finalist of the Star Factory project, Eva Bushmina, to replace her. From March 2010 to November 2011, the VIA Gra team performed as follows: Nadezhda Granovskaya (Meikher), Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina.

At the end of 2011, due to her second pregnancy, Nadezhda Meikher left the group again and was replaced by a burning brunette, Santa Dimopoulos. Therefore, the 15th team members are: Albina Dzhanabaeva, Eva Bushmina and Santa Dimopoulos.

And again changes: in 2012 Dimopoulos left the team, and from October VIA Gra became a duet that lasted exactly one year.

Today new line-up VIA Gra has been replenished with completely new faces: Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Erica Herceg and Misha Romanova.

Ukrainian pop trio “VIA Gra” is the brightest music project 2000s, the success of which could not be surpassed by any female group that subsequently appeared in the domestic show business.

History of creation

The idea of ​​creating the group belongs to the Ukrainian businessman, owner of the Biz-TV music channel, Dmitry Kostyuk. Inspired by the success of the Spice Girls, he invited composer Konstantin Meladze, well known for his creative union with his brother Valery, to launch his own women's project.

The first participant was Alena Vinnitskaya, who then worked as a presenter at Biz-TV. They picked up two more girls for her and filmed a test clip. But the result did not impress the producers, and they continued to search for new participants.

During a tour in Zhitomir, Valery Meladze met Nadezhda Granovskaya and recommended his brother to pay attention to her. The girl was approved immediately after the first viewing, and work began to boil. Initially, the group was supposed to be called “Silver”, but, looking at the sexy Nadya, the producers decided to call the group “VIA Gra”.

Another version says that the name of the group is made up of the names of the first line-up. “VI” is the first letters of the surname “Vinnitskaya”, “A” is from “Alena”, “Gra” is from Granovskaya. "Gra" can also mean "Voice, Joy, Artistry."

The main stages of creativity

In the summer of 2000, a video was shot for the song “Attempt No. 5,” which created an incredible sensation. Having recorded six more songs and filmed a video for the song “Hug Me,” the producers and band began touring.

VIA Gra – Attempt No. 5

On December 20, 2000, the first concert of the newly formed group took place in Dnepropetrovsk, which was a resounding success. Girls began to be invited to television and radio, and their performances were invariably accompanied by an enthusiastic reaction from the public. In the fall of 2001, the group's first album, Attempt No. 5, was released and a contract was signed with Sony Music to record five more. Alena and Nadya starred in the New Year's musical for the Inter channel with the participation of leading show business stars, which further added to their popularity.

At the peak of success, Nadezhda unexpectedly found out that she was pregnant and decided to leave the group. This event came as a complete surprise to Kostyuk and Meladze. They urgently began to look for a similar participant, and soon Granovskaya’s place was taken by St. Petersburg model Tatyana Naynik. She lacked Nadya’s charisma and vocal abilities, so it was decided to strengthen the lineup with the young and charming Anya Sedokova, who had in a wonderful voice and a luxurious figure. The public favorably accepted the video for the song “Stop. Stop. Stop" with new soloists, and the group successfully continued its existence.

However, six months later, Granovskaya, having barely recovered from giving birth, came to Meladze and tearfully asked to take her back. For some time they performed as a foursome, but later Naynik took up a solo career.

VIA Gra - Stop! Stop! Stop!

Soon it was Alena Vinnitskaya’s turn to leave the group. The girl was much older than the other participants and felt uncomfortable. And the singer’s husband, musician Sergei Bolshoi, was not happy with her participation in ViaGra.

Alena quickly found a replacement in the person of Dneprodzerzhinsk resident Vera Galushko, who was ready to do anything to escape poverty. In record time, the girl turned from a simple provincial girl into a luxurious, sexy beauty, capable of turning the head of any man. Vera came up with Brezhnev's sonorous pseudonym and shot a video with her participation for the song “Don't leave me, beloved,” which became an undisputed hit in 2003.

In the same year, the group’s second album “Stop! Filmed”, in support of which a grandiose tour was organized. The success of the album exceeded all the producers' expectations, and it was decided to go global. Having released the English version of the album “Stop! Stop! Stop!”, the group went on a tour of the countries of the East (Japan, China, Thailand, Hong Kong), which was a resounding success.

The group entered the Western market under the name “Nu Virgos” (which means “Naked Virgins”) in order to avoid lawsuits from the manufacturer of the drug “Viagra”.

Satisfied producers were already making plans to conquer Europe and America, when in April 2004 Sedokova unexpectedly announced her pregnancy and left the group a month later. Her departure cost the producers several tens of millions of dollars. A casting was urgently announced, and Anya’s place was soon taken by the wayward Svetlana Loboda, who was never able to find a common language with either the participants or the producers.

Four months later, the girl left the group, and she was replaced by Valery Meladze’s protégé Albina Dzhanabaeva (as it turned out later, his mother illegitimate son Bones). The girl was much inferior to the other participants in appearance and notorious sex appeal, but, having enlisted the support of Valery, she began to restore order in the group.

VIA Gra – Biology

In 2005, serious problems began in the team. His popularity sharply declined with Sedakova’s departure, and soon Vera and Nadya asked to be released. Konstantin Meladze did not interfere with them, and he himself was already thinking about closing the project.

Kostyuk still managed to persuade his colleague to continue working, and soon a real leapfrog of participants began. Over the next seven years, six soloists changed: Granovskaya was replaced first by Christina Kots-Gottlieb, then by Olga Koryagina, and finally by Meseda Bagaudinova. They were looking for a girl to replace Brezhneva for almost a year, all this time “VIA Gra” was a duet. Finally, in March 2008, singer Tatyana Kotova joined the group, then Granovskaya returned to the group to replace the departed Bagaudinova. In March 2010, Kotova’s place was taken by Eva Bushmina, and a year and a half later, Nadezhda, who again expressed a desire to leave the group, was replaced by Santa Dimopoulos.

After a year of being in the team, Santa got married. "VIA Gra" again turned into a duet. At the end of 2012, the group's producer announced the closure of the project. But, as it turned out, the news was a carefully planned PR campaign. Meladze, who by that time had already parted ways with Kostyuk, decided to recruit a completely new team. To do this, he organized the television show “I Want to Meladze,” in which former participants became mentors and jury members.

Winners of the show “I want to go to VIA Gro”

Three girls reached the finals - Misha Romanova, Erica Herceg and Nastya Kozhevnikova, who became the new “VIA Groy”. At first, the girls loudly announced themselves with the songs “Truce” and “I have someone else,” but over time, interest in them faded. They never managed to repeat the phenomenal success of the “golden” line-up of ViaGra, which shone on the stage in the mid-2000s.

Collaborations with other artists

  • “I didn’t understand” – VIA Gra ft. Verka Serduchka
  • “Ocean and Three Rivers” – VIA Gra ft. Valery Meladze
  • “There is no more attraction” – VIA Gra ft. Valery Meladze
  • “There is nothing worse” - VIA Gra ft. TNMK
  • “I don’t want a man” – VIA Gra ft. TNMK
  • “I got another one” – VIA Gra ft. Vakhtang
  • “Oxygen” – VIA Gra ft. Mot

VIA Gra and Mot – Oxygen


After Meladze’s decision to reform the group and recruit new participants in the TV show, a black cat ran between the group’s producers. They could not agree on the rights to the brand. Dmitry Kostyuk decided to open his own project with the same name, since in Russia the rights to the name belonged to him, and in Ukraine the VIA Gra brand was registered with Meladze. As a result, Kostyuk recruited a new cast, which included Dasha Medovaya, Dasha Rostova and Aina Wilber. In 2015, the group ceased to exist, as Rospatent prematurely stopped the protection of Kostyuk’s trademark.


  • Attempt No. 5 (2001)
  • Stop! Cut! (2003)
  • Stop! Stop! Stop! (2003)
  • Biology (2003)
  • L.M.L. (2007)

Group "VIA Gra" now

Personnel turnover has not spared the updated version of VIA Gra. On March 24, 2018, the group performed with a renewed lineup: Misha Romanova’s place was taken by no one famous singer from St. Petersburg Olga Meganskaya. The replacement became known 2 days before the concert. The previous soloist left the band for personal reasons.

In September 2018, Anastasia Kozhevnikova left the group - her 5-year contract with Meladze expired, and shortly before that she married a businessman, who after the wedding decided to help Nastya with producing a solo project. She was replaced by a graduate " New factory stars" Ulyana Sinetskaya. The group with its new lineup continues to tour and receive standing ovations from the audience.

8 November 2010, 13:54

Starter composition of the group, the very one from which it all began became two Ukrainian girls, Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadezhda Granovskaya. The story of their arrival in the group turned out to be different. Alena, at that time working for the Ukrainian television company Biz-TV, was invited to participate in the group by Dmitry Kostyuk himself. Another producer was Konstantin Meladze. It was he, together with Dmitry, who was lucky enough to open Nadezhda for the group. The starting point that persuaded him to decide to accept Nadezhda into the team was her amateur photo shoot.

There are several versions about why the group was named that way. On the one hand, VIA is an abbreviation that stands for “Vocal-Instrumental Ensemble”, and “Gra” is translated from Ukrainian as “game”. On the other hand, many believe that the name is a derivative of the surnames of the vocalists, in which “VI” is the beginning of the surname “Vinnitskaya”, “A” is the first letter of Alena’s name, and “Gra” is, accordingly, the beginning of the surname of Alena’s partner in group, Nadezhda Granovskaya. There is also a version that “Gra” stands for “Voice, Joy, Artistry.” But the real reason was that all sorts of decodings somehow formed the word “VIA Gra”, which has the same name as pills that increase sexual potency in men, which was fully facilitated by the external image and sex appeal of the vocalists. In 2002, the VIA Gra group was shocked by some changes. Started new stage in its evolutionary development. The structure was changed - from a duet the team turned into a trio. It all started with the fact that Nadezhda Granovskaya was preparing to become a mother, and accordingly, it was necessary to put an end to her busy touring activities for a while. In order to make up for the temporary loss of Nadezhda, a casting was urgently announced. The producers decided to increase the number of participants to three people, which was successfully done. An ex-TV presenter was invited to the group Anna Sedokova, worked on the O-TV and " New channel", as well as a model from St. Petersburg - Tatyana Naynik. Without allowing the updates to “take root,” the group continued “right off the bat.” A magnificent video was shot for the song “Stop! Stop! Stop!". He showed that the group was moving in the right direction and the fact that Anna Sedokova was in the group was extremely beneficial. On September 12, 2002, filming of the video for the song “Good Morning, Dad!” ended. This event was marked by the return to duty of Nadezhda Granovskaya, who less than a month ago gave birth to a son, who was named Igor. Some time after filming the video, Tatyana leaves the group. Golden composition In 2003 there were changes again. Alena Vinnitskaya decided to start her own solo career. Accordingly, again casting, painful elections, as a result of which one gets into the group Vera Brezhneva. The next “era” is being formed, a line-up that is often called the golden line-up among fans of the group. Indeed, such a definition in relation to Vera, Anna and Nadezhda is quite reasonable. This year is becoming very fruitful in terms of the team’s creativity. At the beginning, a video clip for the song “Don’t leave me, darling!” is shot. This is followed by the release of the group's second album, Stop! Removed!
In 2004, Anna Sedokova left the group. They urgently look for a replacement for her, who is found in the person of Svetlana Loboda, but the replacement turned out to be a little unequal, despite the fact that on June 4, 2004, VIA Gra won the Muz-TV 2004 award, a video clip for the song “Biology” was shot. . Still, Svetlana is “not accepted” by fans who immediately draw analogies between her and Anna Sedokova.
Despite this, slight dissatisfaction with Svetlana grew and the decision was made to break up with her. Currently, Svetlana is engaged in a solo career.
They take Loboda's place Albina Dzhanabaeva, who worked for a long time as backing vocals for Valery Meladze and joined the group on his recommendation. And everyone would just like to breathe easy, but suddenly Nadya Granovskaya leaves. 2005 And the group is urgently looking for a replacement. In a hurry they take Christina Kotz-Gottlieb. Albina becomes the center - as the strongest vocalist. The group looks like this:
Christina also didn’t “get used to it.” I had to urgently hire a girl who was Meladze’s backup dancer. The girl is modest and diligent. Her name is Olga Koryagina.

And so it would seem... Everything is fine. We are working. Not so! New Olga Koryagina is leaving the ViaGra team. Married Albina and Vera worked as a duet for a short time and the producers found the perfect Mesedou.
All of these above-mentioned changes in composition overwhelmed Vera Brezhnev and she left the team. Meseda and Albina perform beautifully as a duet... In March 2008, the producers take on a new soloist - the winner of the Miss Russia 2006 contest. Tatyana Kotova. In January 2009, there was a change in the team. Meseda Bagaudinova had to part with the group due to the fact that the soloist of the first line-up of the group and the main old-timer of the group, Nadezhda Meikher, returned to the group. On March 22, 2010, Tatyana Kotova finally left the group of her own free will. The producers of the group invited the finalist of the Ukrainian project “Star Factory 3” to replace Tatyana - Eva Bushmina.
Now the soloists of the VIA Gra group are Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina. During the entire period of performances, many participants passed through the project and all of them eventually connected their later life with show business. Alena Vinnitskaya successfully made her solo career in Ukraine. Tatyana Naynik producer and member of the trio Maybe. Anna Sedokova and Svetlana Loboda They are actively trying to promote themselves solo in Russia and Ukraine. Christina Kotz-Gottlieb is engaged in modeling business. Olga Romanovskaya (Koryagina) shot a video for the song “Lullaby” and after the birth of the child, big stage she never returned, but she opened her own boutique in Odessa. Left the group in August 2007 Vera Brezhneva decided to try her hand at television and hosted the program “Magic 10”, and later made a successful solo career. Meseda Bagaudinova plans to do a solo project. Tatyana Kotova Immediately after leaving the team, she began filming in one of the new Russian TV series and released the solo song “On.” The author of the lyrics and composer of all the group's songs is Konstantin Meladze. He, together with Dmitry Kostyuk, plays a producing role. Updated 08/11/10 15:09: Ex-soloist of the group “VIA Gra” Olga Romanovskaya exposed herself at the anniversary concert


Over more than a decade of existence, the group changed its composition, but did not change its idea. And it was to create something fundamentally new.

One can, of course, argue whether the idea of ​​collecting women's group of girls with a fantastically sexy appearance. Anyway, first appearance "VIA Gra" did not go unnoticed, popularity grew every day, and now no one doubts the success of the idea. A group with such a plan was simply doomed to success: the male half of the audience cannot help but admire the plasticity of the perfect women's bodies, well, the female half has someone to look up to.

Attempt number two or number five?

Dmitry Kostyuk, the group's producer, wanted to put together a women's group, the participants of which should have a stunning sexy appearance to demonstrate outrageous performances and, as KVN members like to joke, if these conditions are met, no one will pay attention to their vocal abilities. After the first casting, three girls were selected. We recorded the first song and even started filming a video. But the team’s coordinated work did not work out and the composition was disbanded. But the idea did not leave the producers.

After some time, “attempt number two” took place. This time the choice was made of two vocalists. They became and. Alena at that time worked at the television company Biz-TV, where Dmitry Kostyuk noticed her and invited her to participate in the team. When he and the second producer of the group, Konstantin Meladze, received a photo shoot of Nadezhda, they invited her to the casting, which confirmed that the girl met all the requirements. To "VIA Gra" By the way, Granovskaya had no vocal experience.

The group received the name, which, as it turned out, means not only an allusion to a well-known drug. Although many believe that this is not an allusion, but the meaning of the name, because the group’s performance has no less effect on the male half of humanity than a well-known medical drug.

In fact, there are several versions explaining the name of the group. One of them: VIA is an abbreviation for “vocal-instrumental ensemble”, and “gra” is translated from Ukrainian as “game”. According to another version, the name is the initial letters of the vocalists’ surnames: “VI” - from “Vinnitskaya”, and “Gra” - from “Granovskaya”. Another version: “Gra” is the first letters of the words “Voice, Joy, Artistry.” Latest version, most likely, far-fetched. The external image of sexy vocalists is more likely associated with pills that improve sexual potency in men. Probably everyone can decipher the name as they like.

First steps and immediate success

Nadya and Alena (2000)

So, the group was formed, the name was invented. The debut of the first video for the song “Attempt No. 5” took place on the Biz-TV channel in 2000. This date is considered the beginning creative activity team. The clip created a certain sensation, the group was not only noticed, they started talking about it as a new bright phenomenon on the domestic pop scene. A successful song with a corresponding video clip became an excellent application and even, in some way, the “calling card” of the group. Thus, with the song “Attempt No. 5”, on the second attempt the group hit the top of various music charts. The song was liked not only by listeners, but was also noticed music critics and producers. At the end of the year, the group received several music awards for this song alone: ​​“Stopudovy Hit”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Golden Firebird”, and the video was awarded the “Golden Weight” award.

The debut video became the starting point on the path to popularity. Moreover, this song is still popular; the group regularly performs it during concert performances, reminding the audience of how it all began. The successful debut was followed by months of hard work. Following “Attempt No. 5,” the composition “Meet My Mom” was released. The filming of the video, however, was not completed. The plot of the video for the song “Hug Me” is in many ways similar to the plot of the unfinished video; the directors even used some fragments of the video for the song “Meet My Mom.”

The path to the top

Tatyana, Alena, Anna (2002)

For a whole year the group worked hard on their repertoire, and by the end of 2000 seven songs had already been recorded. And in December the debut first concert took place. The band's fame grew every day. More and more often - welcome guests at various television shows, they are bombarded with offers to participate in national concerts. Two more videos delight fans - “I won’t come back” and “Bomb”. Each new song, album, video, appearance in a television program or on the pages of magazines (photographs of the group are carried out by “Playboy”, “Maxim”, “7 Days”) - contributes to the growing popularity of the group, which successfully tours throughout the country. The same time was marked by another event - the group was invited to take part in the filming of the musical.

The trio of Brezhnev, Granovskaya and Sedokova is often called the “golden lineup” by fans, because in this composition the group was more productive than ever. A video for the song “Don’t leave me, darling!” was released, followed by the second album, “Stop! Removed! In the summer, the video “Kill My Girlfriend” appears.

Having conquered the domestic stage, she is ready to show herself to the countries of Europe and Asia. The English-language video “Stop! Stop! Stop!”, as well as the band’s English-language album of the same name. The first release took place in Japan, where she performed in the capital with great success. And already in the fall of the same year the album “Biology” was released. Valery Meladze recorded together with "VIA Groy" compositions “Ocean and Three Rivers” and “There is No More Attraction”.

Diamond composition "VIA Gra"

Svetlana, Nadezhda, Vera (2004)

Quite unexpectedly, in May 2004, Anna Sedokova shocked not only fans, but also producers - she left the group due to her pregnancy. Producers are urgently looking for a replacement for Sedokova, this time the choice fell on Svetlana Loboda. Svetlana is a sexy and attractive girl, the owner of an unusual jazz voice with a range of 2.5 octaves. But for some reason the fans “didn’t accept” the replacement.

2004 was awarded the Muz-TV 2004 award. In the same year, the pan-European release of the album “Stop! Stop! Stop! The vocalists took part in the filming of another musical “Sorochinskaya Fair”. It should be noted that this musical gave birth to one of the group’s hits, “Oh, the clear water spoke.”

Nadezhda, Albina, Vera

The group maintained its popularity and was active on stage and in the studio. But dissatisfaction with Svetlana grew, conflicts arose between the vocalists, and as a result, the decision was made to part with Loboda. Instead, they took Albina Dzhanabaeva, who had already worked for a long time with Valery Meladze as a backing vocalist. Fans nicknamed this lineup “diamond” after the release of the video for the song “Diamonds.” Everyone loved the composition due to its lightness and jazz motif. Diamond composition recorded working together with the popular Ukrainian rap team “TNMK”, “There is nothing worse than being like everyone else.”

In 2006, two vocalists at once, Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya, announced their desire to leave the group. Brezhneva wanted to start a solo career, and Granovskaya decided to try something new. This statement caused confusion among the group's fans and took producers Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk by surprise.

Creative crisis or another line-up change

The departure of two soloists at once did not bode well. The producers had two options: close the project or try to find a replacement. Moreover, both options had their weaknesses. What it means to close a well-promoted, extremely popular project is not worth explaining. But finding vocalists for the well-coordinated work of the team is also not an easy task. Fans have almost come to terms with the collapse of the team. Although rumors that the “farewell” to the group was only a successful PR move, they warmed the hope that the girls would still please with new songs and tours. But no one knew whether it would be a completely new line-up or whether some of the old ones would remain.

Christina Kots-Gottlieb joined the group instead of Granovskaya. With the new lineup, the group released a new lyrical song, “Deceive, but Stay,” in which many listeners saw a parallel with the current events in the team. But the new format did not last long, the relationship between the soloists did not work out right away, and instead of Christina, the producers invited Olga Koryagina.

It seemed that the appearance of a new soloist would allow us to continue working calmly, and all the problems would be behind us. It looks as if the group had no plans to stop. continued to delight her fans with new releases and give concerts. In May 2006 there was a big solo concert in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the team.

Meseda and Albina (2007)

Despite the confusion in the lineup, she recorded new songs: “L. M. L.”, which became a hit in the summer of 2006, “Bomb”, released in September, “Flower and Knife”, released in November. Moreover, the songs were recorded in two languages ​​- Russian and English, which predetermined the release of the second English-language album, the name of which coincided with the title of the song “L. M.L." This song by that time was already a real hit and was heard in all music programs, taking first place in musical tops and chats. However, the second English-language album was not successful. According to the already established tradition, the group starred in the New Year's musical of Channel One, with the Russian version of the song “It’s raining man”.

Duet, trio, duet again

Meseda, Tatyana, Albina (2008)

But here, for a reason already familiar to the group - pregnancy, Olga Koryagina leaves the team. The producers allow her to leave the team without fulfilling obligations, but also without the opportunity to return. And after Koryagina, Vera Brezhneva still leaves the group. The next casting brought Meseda Bagaudinova into the group. The duo recorded the songs “Kisses” and “I’m Not Afraid.” The video for the latter was filmed at a time when the producers decided to return the trio format to the team. In the new video for the song “I'm not afraid” fans "VIA Gra" we saw the new soloist of the project - Tatyana Kotova.

The next year for the group was more productive than 2007. New songs and new successes appeared. Already in the summer, at the Muz-TV Awards, they were named “Best Pop Group of the Year,” and their video for the song “Kisses” won in the “Best Video” category. In the fall, the team shot the video “American Wife” for the soundtrack to the film “Hipsters,” released a third collection of songs, “Emancipation,” participated in a creative evening with Konstantin Meladze, and, of course, in New Year’s concerts.

"Old love never rusts"

Tatyana, Nadezhda, Albina (2009)

Fans of the group are already accustomed to the fact that every year there are changes in the composition of the group. 2009 was no exception, but the change in composition surprised everyone - Nadezhda Granovskaya returned to the group. In this regard, Meseda Bagaudinova had to leave; there was no place for two brunettes on the same team. The girls immediately went on tour around Europe and North America with the program “My emancipation”, and Meseda Bagaudinova was still on many posters.

A presentation of a new song called “Antigeisha” took place on “Russian Radio”. At the end of the video filmed for this composition, the group's lead singers played real anti-geishas: no chic outfits, no voluminous hairstyles - an unexpected image for the group. at the Russian Movie Awards 2009 they were presented with an award for best actor and received an award for best soundtrack - “American Wife”, and 2009 - the group received a Golden Gramophone statuette for the song “Antigeisha”.

In mid-March 2010, Tatyana Kotova left the group “for certain reasons.” Her place was taken by Eva Bushmina (Yana Shvets). The premiere of the new trio was the song “Get Out!” But already in 2011 it was announced that Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya was leaving the group, and Santa Dimopoulos would take her place.

The end of VIA Gra or the beginning of modern history?

Eva, Nadezhda, Albina (2010)

Since September 2012, the group again became a duet, consisting of Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina. And again rumors are swirling that the group is now really on the verge of collapse. Konstantin Meladze officially confirmed that Santa left the team due to “professional unsuitability.” He also stated that the group will soon record a new song and shoot a new video with a new lead singer. Who it will be is not yet known.

Thus, over the eleven years of its existence, the composition of the group changed more than ten times. And everything looks like this is not the last, or even the penultimate composition "VIA Gra". But one thing can be said with confidence: the group is a phenomenon in many respects. They have achieved enormous popularity, won many awards, and are still ready to conquer new heights, able to amaze and amaze with their songs. IN creative plans there are still a lot of plans and ideas, but for now we can safely say that it continues to successfully win the hearts of viewers and even listeners.

Santa, Eva, Albina (2011)


Song "Don't leave me, darling!" became one of the most significant singles in the group's history. It stayed on the charts for almost 7 months, becoming a mega-hit in 2003.

The “Emancipation” video is the most expensive that Alan Badoev has made in his entire directorial career. Newfangled erotic video went well "VIA Gre" almost $120,000 – “women’s emancipation” is expensive!

Abroad, the group cannot use its name due to the threat of a lawsuit from the manufacturer of the drug of the same name, so it performs under the name NU VIRGOS.

Eva and Albina (2012)

Almost all ex-soloists "VIA Gra" After leaving the group, they continued their career in show business. Vera Brezhneva can rightfully be considered the most successful. The song “Love will save the world” brought the singer unprecedented fame, and at the moment its popularity is even higher than the popularity of the group itself. Following Vera is Svetlana Loboda, a participant. Svetlana is already mega-popular in Ukraine and is now trying to break through to the top of Olympus in Russia. Alena Vinnitskaya is not far behind Vera and Svetlana, followed by Ana Sedokova.

Updated: November 25, 2017 by: Elena