Madonna - biography, information, personal life. Madonna: biography of the famous singer Young Madonna

Madonna is the queen of pop music and one of the most expensive brands, famous singer, songwriter and music producer. Madonna's songs and videos set the tone and direction of both American and world music industry. The performer’s work often finds itself at the center of scandals; she is not afraid to touch upon hot topics social injustice, racial and sexual oppression.

Childhood and youth

The singer's real name is Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone. She was born under the zodiac sign Leo on August 16, 1958 in the American state of Michigan. She spent her childhood surrounded by five brothers and sisters. Her mother died when Madonna was 5 years old, and her stepmother cared only about her own children. It was precisely this “competition” from childhood, as the singer would later tell, that gave birth to her dream of becoming famous throughout the world.


9 years later, Madonna Ciccone performed at school competition talents, where she shocked all the teachers. For the number where the girl sang from the stage in a top and shorts, decorated with paints, her father put her under house arrest.

After school, Madonna entered the University of Michigan with the hope of becoming an outstanding ballerina; at that time she did not even think about music. She did not become a successful dancer, and soon the girl realized that she needed to leave the province to pursue her dream.

Madonna moved to New York, where for a very long time she worked only for food, living in a crime-ridden area. In 1979, she auditioned to be a backup dancer for a famous touring performer. Professionals noticed good potential in her and decided to make Madonna a dancing singer.


Full creative biography The pop diva began in 1983 with the recording of Madonna's debut album, which reached number 8 on the Billboard 200 chart. The second disc, Like a Virgin, instantly reached the top of the prestigious US charts, which made Madonna famous throughout the world. In 1985, Madonna released her famous video for the hit Material Girl.


Following this, a series of successful releases by the artist began, including the album True Blue, the single Live to Tell, and the video clip for the composition La Isla Bonita, written in the genre of Latin American pop music.

In 1998, “the greatest pop masterpiece of the 90s” was released, as the album was called music magazine Rolling Stone, - the album Ray of Light, the single from which, called Frozen, becomes a record leading position in the prestigious charts.

In 2000, Madonna released her next studio album, called Music. In it, the singer used a vocoder for the first time. The album took first place in the top ratings of the USA and Great Britain.

In 2003, Madonna made her debut as a writer with the children's picture book English Roses, which topped The New York Times bestseller list.

The singer's fame as a children's writer was overshadowed by a scandal. At the MTV ceremony, a famous incident occurred - a kiss with, after which Madonna was reproached for promoting lesbianism. The singer justified the kiss with a stage image: the artist performed in the groom's suit, and Britney Spears in the bride's dresses.

In 2005, with the release of the single Hung Up, the singer was also awarded the title of queen of the dance floor. This is facilitated by the performer’s incendiary performances and music videos.

The pop diva used her ability to shock the public throughout her entire creative career. The singer appeared at concerts and in videos in Indian attire, in the form of a crucified and even crying clown. In 2017, Madonna allowed herself a provocative speech at the Women's March protest with words of insult directed at her. Each such appearance of a star ended in a scandal or dissatisfied comments from religious, public or political organizations.


Madonna's acting career was less successful than her singing career. Nevertheless, Madonna's filmography includes about 20 films, many of which, however, were completely destroyed by critics.

The singer first appeared on the big screen in her youth. In 1990, the premiere of the documentary film “In Bed with Madonna” about behind the scenes life stars.

In 1996, Madonna performed main role controversial wife of the President of Argentina Eva Peron in the film adaptation of the musical “Evita”. The film received positive reviews from film critics and the author of the original musical. The film also won an Oscar for the song You Must Love Me, which Madonna performed especially for the film.

In 2004, a second one appeared documentary about Madonna I’m Going to Tell You a Secret. Latest project her career was marked by the film “Swept Away,” which received disastrous criticism, which is why it was not even released into theaters.

Personal life

Madonna's personal life is worthy of attention. Having settled in New York, the 20-year-old dancer entered into a relationship with famous producer John Benitez. Later, Madonna began an affair with the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat.

But he, like many favorites, soon turned out to be uninteresting to her. But one of the most famous star marriages - between the famous Madonna and the actor - lasted 4 years. The actor was even nicknamed Mr. Madonna.

After the divorce, the singer began a series of short-term affairs, and none of them were successful. High-profile romances with, and then with lead singer Anthony Kiedis, were also only stories under a bright sign. Madonna's first child was the result of an affair with Latino Carlos Leon, who worked as a fitness trainer: in 1996, Madonna gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon. Soon after the birth of her daughter, the singer broke up with Carlos.

A record-breaking relationship for a celebrity - longer than 8 years - lasted with the British production director. In 2000, the couple had a son, Rocco. After her wedding to Ritchie, the baronet's stepson, Madonna joined the ranks of the British aristocracy. Soon after this, the singer accepted British citizenship.

In addition to raising two natural children, Madonna adopted adopted children - Mercy James and David Banda. In 2008, the singer announced a divorce from her husband. Madonna's latest passion is her own ballet dancer Brahim Zaibat. They say he even proposed to the queen of the pop scene.

Since 2017, the artist has lived permanently in Lisbon. Here her adopted son David Banda attends football school.

In February 2017, Madonna gave birth to 4-year-old twin girls from Malawi named Stella and Esther. Reception " Instagram» singers. She posts photos and videos of girls playing with other children.

A photo of Madonna without makeup caused a stir among fans. Fans were upset to see that the singer was still aging. At the same time, she keeps herself in shape, plays sports and tries to keep her weight within 55 kg, as can be judged by the pictures of the artist in a swimsuit. The singer's figure is close to the popular beauty standard 90-60-90 with a height of 158 cm.

Madonna now

Now the discography of the queen of pop music continues to be replenished with new works, and the route tour schedule- new geographical names.

Madonna actively shocked the public in her youth. Now the star is no less outspoken and still remains in the field of view of music lovers and the media. What she was like at the beginning of her career and what she is doing now, you will find out from the article.

Madonna in her youth

In her youth, Madonna Louise Ciccone was fond of ballet and believed that dance would be her future.

With this dream in 1978, she moved to New York and achieved a place in the Pearl Lang troupe, but she did not perform in the first roles.

There was a catastrophic lack of money for living, and future star I was looking for additional income.

So she got to the casting for a backup dancer for Patrick Hernandez, where the girl was noticed by French producers and decided to make her a singer.

She said goodbye to the Lang troupe, but Madonna did not like the disco and pop repertoire offered by the French, and she returned to New York with nothing.

Thanks to her boyfriend Dan Gilroy, Madonna learned to play guitar and drums.

For some time, the singer played in Dan's band Breakfast Club, and then founded her own team: first it was Madonna And The Sky, and then the Emmy group.

Soon the singer dropped the surname Ciccone, becoming simply Madonna, left the group and in 1983 released her debut album, named after herself.

A year later, at the MTV awards, the singer presented her hit Like a Virgin and shocked the audience for the first time: having broken her heel, the singer decided not to get up and finished the song while lying on the stage.

In 1985, Madonna, whose songs were adored by young people, starred in the film Desperately Seeking Susan and went on a concert tour, causing a wave of worship among girls who began to dress like herself and her character in the film.

From 1986 to 1989, Madonna was married and divorced from actor Sean Penn, and also received the threat of excommunication for the provocative video clip for the song Like a Prayer.

Madonna liked the image of a sinner, but listeners began to treat her with coolness, which led to a softening of the image.

About the fact that she is not just a shocking diva, but also talented singer, the author, recalled the ballad You"ll See, which instantly became a hit.

The singer’s film career also improved. In 1996, her role in the film “Evita” brought her a Golden Globe.

Madonna now

At the beginning of the 2000s, Madonna decided to try something new and wrote a children's book, English Roses, which quickly became a bestseller.

In 2012, Madonna took the director’s chair and presented her debut film “WE. We believe in love."

In 2017, the diva celebrated her 59th birthday and once again proved that it is too early to write her off.

She starred in a candid black and white photo shoot for the presentation of her own cosmetics line MDNA Skin.

Madonna is actively involved in charity work and visits various countries, helping children and the poor.

The singer's eldest children Lourdes and Rocco have already grown up. Now Madonna has turned her attention to her youngest pupils from Malawi - 12-year-old David and Mercy, as well as five-year-old twins Stella and Esther.

The star does not forget about parties: she regularly appears at presentations and parties. One of the singer’s recent high-profile appearances was the MDNA beauty presentation, at which the singer became friends with the icon of new times Kim Kardashian.

For those who expect something shocking from her, the performer and actress does not forget to give reasons for gossip. She is active on social networks and is not shy about bold photos on her Instagram page.

According to many followers, the star is not good at taking selfies, however, Madonna, whose photo they so zealously comment on, does not pay too much attention to other people’s opinions.

The singer also fuels interest in her personal life. She is currently dating 32-year-old Kevin Sampaio.

Not long ago, Madonna started a rumor that she was getting married by posting a photo in a white dress with an appropriate caption.

Madonna was and remains the queen of musical Olympus.

In addition to her singing talent, she has a rare talent to attract attention and benefit from any PR.

Do you like the singer’s work?

The famous singer Madonna amazes her fans not only with her beautiful voice, eccentric antics and unconditional talent. One of the singer’s striking advantages is her impeccable appearance. I suggest you learn a few secrets of the amazing beauty of the pop diva.

The famous singer Madonna amazes her fans not only with her beautiful voice, eccentric antics and unconditional talent. One of the singer’s striking advantages is her impeccable appearance. Madonna already firmly holds the honorary title of sex symbol for several generations. Teenagers, mothers, and ladies of Balzac's age imitate her. What can we say about men! Madonna excites the minds of men all over the world with just her appearance.

Madonna's age already crossed the fifty-year mark several years ago, while her figure and face indicate the opposite. Of course, time is merciless to everyone, regardless of status and popularity. The singer has not revealed the secret of eternal youth and beauty, although sometimes such thoughts still involuntarily enter the heads of fans when looking at the diva.

In fact, like any woman, Madonna has several secrets up her sleeve. personal care, hair and facial skin, which she generously shares with everyone. I invite you to learn a few secrets of the amazing beauty of the pop diva.

Secrets of caring for yourself, hair and facial skin from Madonna

It turns out that Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone inherited her attractive appearance. Her mother is from France and her father is from Italy. It is not surprising that such a merger could not result in something less beautiful.

The pop diva has gone through a difficult path in her career from a punk girl of the 80s to an exemplary caring mother of the 90s. At the same time, the singer’s popularity never fell. Madonna's habit of changing her image very often led to the well-established expression that characterizes her style - chameleon. Madonna's style instantly adapted to any changes in the fashion world. No celebrity has changed her appearance as often as she did.

Madonna was not only constantly “on the crest of the wave”, having tried all the fashionable new items in style and beauty. She often became a trendsetter herself, setting an example for all her fans and colleagues on stage.

A hairstyle from the disco era, long luxurious eyelashes with Swarovski crystals, bright makeup - these are just a few of the trends that are now found in many modern singers and actresses. But this image was first used by Madonna, who was rightfully awarded the title “Style Icon” by the British magazine ELLE several years ago.

She turned 50 years old a long time ago, but some 20-year-old girls might envy a figure like hers. What is her secret?


The fact is that Madonna devoted a lot of time to sports. In her youth, the pop diva constantly subjected herself to rigorous daily training. It was for this reason that she could withstand constant concert tours with endless dance numbers.

Many young ladies of our time forget about such an important method of caring for their body and spirit as sports. When you are young and beautiful, old age seems unimaginably far away. Why waste time on grueling workouts when your body already attracts hundreds of admiring and envious glances? This is why we have most women approaching old age with sagging skin, unkempt faces and hair.

Therefore, girls, remember that beauty requires sacrifice, and sport is not even such a terrible punishment. It cleanses not only the body of unnecessary fats and harmful substances, but also the head of bad, topical thoughts.

Even now, singer Madonna never ceases to take care of her body with the necessary care. Living in London, she devotes a lot of time to Pilates and yoga. And while in New York you can easily meet her jogging in Central Park.


In addition to training, the singer adheres to a strict diet that includes only healthy foods and drinks. She predominantly consumes vegetarian food that does not contain sugar, meat or dairy products.

Nutrition is another basis for a healthy body, a clean face and a spectacular figure. Before you eat countless donuts, pizza, fast food and drink sugary carbonated drinks, think about the fact that this will not only damage your digestive system, but also entail a lot of other terrible consequences. Acne on the face is a consequence of fatty foods, “ears” on the legs, excess fat deposits, a large load on the liver, a depressed and tired state... The list goes on for a long time. All these are consequences of poor nutrition.

The singer gave an interesting interview on this topic:


- There are many versions of why a person ages. Which one do you share?

It seems to me that the endocrine theory of aging is correct; its author is our compatriot Vladimir Dilman. We begin to get sick and grow old when, with age, all the glands begin to work with reduced activity and there is a drop in the production of important hormones... A century ago, the average life expectancy was 49 years, and today in civilized countries it is 80. Thanks to the advances of medicine, we reach the age of ill health and live in a state of illness for a significant part of life. We began to live to see the main disease - deficiency of sex hormones.

- So you think that if our body receives a sufficient amount of hormones, old age can be abolished?

Yes. A decrease in the production of sex hormones is a key aspect of aging. Our life is divided into two periods. The first is that there are plenty of sex hormones; the body can easily and simply cope with most diseases. The second is that after the onset of a deficiency of sex hormones, when the diseases become progressive, they become irreversible. Things must be called by their proper names: menopause in women and androgen deficiency in men is an unnatural condition. And any pathological condition must be treated. If the lack of sex hormones is eliminated in time, how many problems can be avoided! Prevent osteoporosis (if the diagnosis is made, alas, treatment is too late), prevent the development of diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer's disease...


- How then can we explain that diabetes, stroke, and heart attack have become younger today?

Very young people become obese, which leads to a decrease in the production of sex hormones. Overweight men and women develop hormonal deficiency early and age prematurely. But many women approach adulthood without experiencing any problems. If today a 45-year-old woman has no complaints about her health, then in 10 years her illnesses will catch up with her.

Some people feel a lack of estrogen, others lack testosterone or vitamin D. Outwardly, this is visible even to the naked eye. Estrogens are hormones responsible for beauty, so a woman with a deficiency of them develops wrinkles early. And her peer with a lack of testosterone gains weight, loses social activity, and decreases sexuality. She is still beautiful, but she does not want to take advantage of her attractiveness.

Here is the story of my patient. Her fate is very common for Russia: at the age of 38, her reproductive organs were removed, but doctors did not prescribe HRT because she did not complain about anything. The years passed. The family broke up, the husband left for another woman. Nevertheless, she takes care of herself and does yoga. At 42, I finally prescribe her HRT, but she again ends up with other doctors who simply intimidate her: “Look how beautiful you are, you will still be fine, but hormones will cause obesity and cancer.”

At that time, she still had a lot of testosterone, so she did not gain weight and did not suffer from hot flashes. But very soon a moment came when testosterone began to decline, and the woman’s libido disappeared. Then she came back to me again. A total of five years of inactivity. Old age has come to the woman, she has no desire to visit, she does not need sex. Wrinkles appeared on the back, cellulite on the hips, the skin on the arms sagged - there are signs of a lack of testosterone.


- When should hormone replacement therapy be prescribed?

As soon as a deficiency appears, because every day, month, year lived without hormones deals an irreversible blow. Atherosclerosis, which has started, cannot be stopped. HRT prescribed late will slow down the progression, but it does not guarantee cure of the disease. This is a 21st century concept - preventive medicine. In the world, they have learned not only to identify and compensate for the deficiency of sex hormones and vitamin D, but also to prevent it - to take the necessary steps in advance.

And our doctors, overcome by hormonophobia, do not prescribe HRT to patients, because they do not have their own experience in using this therapy. And in Sweden, for example, in 2011, 87 percent of gynecologists of the appropriate age received HRT, which is why they prescribed it to more than half of the country’s women the same age. Fears pass when a person gains experience. How many of our doctors have tried hormones? Counting units. The result: today, like 15 years ago, less than 1 percent of Russian women receive HRT. Women are not aware of hormonal drugs.

- Probably, the rest go to a beauty salon to look youthful, and not to a clinic.

In fact, a good cosmetologist will tell you that age cannot be hidden with Botox alone. And cosmetologists, not gynecologists, remain leaders in prescribing HRT. Because as soon as sex hormones go away, all the procedures offered in salons stop helping. Believe me, Madonna looks so good not because she had plastic surgery. She receives hormonal therapy - estrogens, gestagens, testosterone, etc.

So watch and take care of your body like a temple and you will look as breathtaking as Madonna at 20 and at 50!

And lastly!

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Madonna in her youth passed thorny path to achieve success in your singing career. Thanks to her talent and perseverance, the girl achieved fame and recognition throughout the world. It is difficult to find a person who does not know the singer and does not sing her songs.

Girl's Trials

Madonna Louise Ciccone was born in the union of an Italian man and a French woman. She inherited her attractive appearance from her father, and her talent and character from her mother. The girl was born in large family and was the third after two older brothers. Then Madonna's mother gave birth to two more children.

During her sixth pregnancy, the woman was diagnosed with breast cancer. For treatment it was necessary to have an abortion. The mother refused and died two months after giving birth. The father did not remain alone for long and married the maid.

The family did not live poorly, but the stepmother deprived the girl and fed her semi-finished foods. Madonna never had good clothes. The girl was also mentally abused by two older brothers who were drug addicts.

Start of a career

The girl had a high intelligence, but decided to connect her life with dancing and singing. She went to New York to make her way in show business. Madonna worked very hard in her youth. She took on any proposals:

  • model for artists;
  • bar dancer;
  • singer in restaurants.

Often the girl had nothing to eat. She communicated with gay people. But Madonna confidently walked towards her dream.

The singer in her youth had a very wide circle communication, and finally her song fell into the right hands. From this moment it began creative career future world star.

The singer's appearance has always remained an ideal for many women. Nature gave her natural beauty and endowed her with neat facial features. Thanks to regular dancing classes, the singer has an ideal figure.

Madonna worked very hard in her youth; the difficult road to career growth. Many experts and journalists prove that the singer suffered several plastic surgery. Madonna herself denies this fact.

During her career, the singer changed her appearance many times by choosing her hairstyles. She dyed her hair in different colors. Madonna also often experimented with her image in terms of clothing. The singer could appear in public in revealing clothes, and then suddenly change her image and turn into a modest woman in a formal outfit.

Beauty secrets from Madonna

The singer is proud of her appearance and believes that only discipline and work can give a positive result in this case. Madonna experienced very heavy loads while practicing ballet. A photo from her youth can confirm that at that time she was physically strong, with an ideal figure.

Now the singer is actively involved in yoga. Therefore, the figure remains in perfect condition. Madonna also voices that she often goes on a special diet, which is designed personally for her. The celebrity does not tell anyone the secrets of such nutrition.

The singer associates her attractive appearance and good figure only with proper nutrition and active sports. The celebrity also advises not to hold grudges against others and to do more good deeds. Such a life position undoubtedly has a positive effect on a person’s energy, and therefore on his appearance.

Changes in appearance after childbirth

Madonna became a mother only at 38 years old. Pregnancy and childbirth noticeably affected the size and shape of the breasts. But with the help of the right underwear, a woman can correct all the nuances.

There is no doubt that the singer used cosmetic procedures to remove wrinkles and tighten skin. Now it is very difficult to find any flaw on her forehead. There is no doubt about the use of Botox.

Madonna also does not hide the fact that she periodically takes vitamin complexes. She doesn't have bad habits And especially not taking drugs. It's taboo for her after a bad experience with her brothers.

The singer, in her second marriage, adopted two black children. That's why she became a young mother again and keeps herself in order. Many people believe that Madonna has become much more attractive and sexier over the years. Photos in her youth and now confirm positive changes in the singer’s appearance.

How did character and appearance influence the singer’s career?

Now it can be argued that the trials that Madonna experienced in her youth undoubtedly benefited her. She was able to strengthen her character and learned to achieve her goals through hard work and determination.

Appearance played a significant role in career development. Madonna for many years remains a sex symbol on the world stage. Her figure is admired not only by men, but also by women. She looks great on stage and in video clips.

With changes in appearance, Madonna causes a storm of discussion and thus attracts attention. This is one of the points of promotion and raising interest in your person.

Of course, appearance plays a huge role in a singer’s career. But human qualities and character traits still remain in first place in any situation. Madonna has always been kind and sympathetic to people with health problems. She often participates in charity events and makes huge contributions to various foundations.

Her adoption of African children once again proves that through her actions the singer is trying to make the world a better and kinder place. Her fans admire her and try to emulate her good deeds. This way people around you become a little kinder. This is another calling of the singer, according to her. Madonna gets no less pleasure from this than from performing on stage.

Undoubtedly, the years take their toll. But how surprising it is to think that our favorite movie idols are also aging. It would seem that they will always remain the same as in their youth. This is partly true, they will always remain young for us. And maybe even somewhere we will have photos of stars in their youth.
Well, let's see how the years have transformed our celebrities and compare them in their youth and now.

via izifunny

1 Madonna

Yes, despite the fact that Madonna is no longer a girl, she still has some kind of sparkle.

via izismile

2 Clint Eastwood

Unfortunately, Clint Eastwood will no longer play the gunslinger Roland from The Dark Tower. Although writer Stephen King was inspired by the film image of Clint Eastwood to create Roland of Gilead.

via AcidCow

3 Pamela Anderson

Uh, what? How's Pamela? Nooo...

via izismile

4 Bono

Yes, the years have taken their toll on old Bono.

via Damn Cool Pictures

5 Oprah Winfrey

I know what you're thinking! No, we didn't mix up the photos. Yes, age certainly suits Oprah.

via theCHIVE

6 Arnold Schwarzenegger

Unfortunately, unlike Oprah, Arnie does not age.

7 Sylvester Stallone

Unlike Arnie, Stallone not only did not lose his shape, but, on the contrary, was well preserved.

via Viracool

8 Goldie Hawn

I immediately remember the nostalgic films with Goldie Hawn “Overboard”, “Cactus Flower”.

via theBERRY

9 Pierce Brosnan

He is James Bond and he is like Irish whiskey, which does not spoil over time.

via Sliptalk

10 Axl Rose

No, no, dude. This is not cool! Not cool at all!

via Laffaday Pics

11 Dolly Parton

This country song factory is also ageless.

via Looney Palace

12 Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise, over time, instead of wrinkles, only strange things appear in his head.

via Humor Dump

13 Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson can no longer play maniacs and psychopaths. But he is well suited for the role of a sweet old man.

via Much Viral…So Wow

14 Lindsay Lohan

Perhaps the youngest participant in our article. How did she manage to get so bad, you ask? It's all a diet of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

via eBaum's World

15 Joe Pesci

Do you also want to watch all the parts of Home Alone?

via izismile

16 Liza Minnelli

Piva and Oscar-winning actress.

via piXimus

17 George Clooney

Well, George realized a long time ago that age suits him. Therefore, he did not paint over his gray hair, but rather flaunted it.

via Addicted2Plastic

18 Geena Davis

One of the cutest actresses of the 80s and 90s era. Played in many cult films. And you also confuse her with Andie MacDowell from Groundhog Day?

via CrushCelebs

19 Nicole Kidman

Well, he doesn’t want to grow old and that’s it! How capricious!

ia Damn Cool Pictures

20 Alec Baldwin

Another whiskey man, years old are nothing to him.

via Students Metro

21 Kirstie Alley

I think the woman on the right ate the one on the left. Also a once legendary actress from the 90s era. Managed to appear in many good films. But the years take their toll.

Yes, time takes its toll, but we will remember these celebrities as they were in their youth.


Good Day photos of celebrities in their youth and now