Sergei Trofimov biography personal life. Where does Trofim live? The path was thorny

Sergey Trofimov – artist Russian stage, performer of musical compositions in the style of chanson, rock, and art songs.

The musician's creative career began as a composer. His songs written for Russian stars variety shows became popular hits. Having become famous in musical circles, the artist appeared on stage under the pseudonym Trofim.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born on November 4, 1966 in Moscow. The marriage of the parents of Galina Fedorovna and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich was early; due to inexperience, the young people were unable to maintain the relationship and divorced 3 years after the birth of their son. The mother took full responsibility for raising the child. In addition to primary school, the boy was sent to music school, where Sergei achieved good results.

In 1973, Trofimov became a choir member of the Moscow State Chapel at the Gnessin School. After receiving a diploma of secondary education, Sergei enters the Institute of Culture, and then the Moscow State Conservatory, majoring in theory and composition. As a university student, Sergei participates in the XII World Festival of Youth and Students, which took place in 1985 in the capital of the USSR, where he receives a diploma.


At 21, Trofimov begins creative career, writing and performing songs in the style of rock ballads. Sergei becomes a member of the rock band "Eroplan". Sergei Trofimov also tried himself as a restaurant musician, but the difficult financial situation of his family forced him to make this choice. An important role in creative biography Sergei was played by his work as a regent in one of the churches in Moscow, where the singer got a job in 1991.

While in obedience in church, Sergei was thinking about leaving the world, but his spiritual father advised young man write songs. In 1992, Sergei begins work on songs for the album “My Boy”.

The singer's concert activity began in 1994. First, Trofimov became the author of musical compositions for the disc “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul.” For solo work, Sergei chooses the creative pseudonym Trofim. The singer’s first albums “Aristocracy of the Garbage Part 1” and “Aristocracy of the Garbage Part 2” were produced by Stepan Razin. The titles of the songs of the first concert programs sound topical for the era of the early 90s: “Herbalife”, “TV News”, “UFO”, “Foreign Car”.

Sergey Trofimov - "Foreign Car"

In the late 90s, Trofim, who was beginning to gain popularity, immediately appeared with 4 discs: “With good morning", "Oh, I wish I could live", "The aristocracy of the garbage dump part 3", "Devaluation". Besides solo projects, Sergey creates music and poetry for other performers: Svetlana Almazova, Karolina, Alla Gorbacheva, . In 1999, Trofimov worked on the music for the film “Night Crossroads”. The artist, recognized by the public, becomes a rival of another chansonnier on the “Musical Ring” program, which took place at the end of 1999.

Mikhail Krug and Sergei Trofimov at the Musical Ring

Sergei Trofimov is not afraid to demonstrate his own civic position. In 2000, the singer gives concerts for soldiers fighting in Chechnya. A year later, the artist’s poetry collection is published, and Sergei is invited to become a member of the Russian Writers’ Union. Trofimov fully realized himself in the poetic field: in 2005 the author received the literary prize named after, a year later he published a poetry collection “240 pages”.

Sergey Trofimov - "Wind in the Head"

The beginning of the 2000s was the time to sum up the first results. Sergei records the collections “Favorites”, “ Best songs", "Trofim". New albums “On the very edge” and “War and Peace” appear. The song “Bullfinches” brings Trofimov the first “Chanson of the Year” award. The discs “I Miss You”, “Wind in My Head”, “Dedication to St. Petersburg” are becoming very popular. The best works The musical compositions “Long-Range”, “I Miss You”, “Have Pity on Me, Have Pity” are considered to be from this period. Videos are being shot for the hits “Wind in the Head”, “Just Like That”, “Pigeons”.

Sergey Trofimov - "City of Sochi" ("And you are standing on the shore in a blue dress")

In 2004, another event took place in the singer’s life. Sergey Trofimov became the founder and leader annual festival“Sergey Trofimov gathers friends”, which is held in the city of Navashino Nizhny Novgorod region. The festival stage is still a starting point for young performers who lack funds for their own PR.

Sergei Trofimov celebrated the 10th anniversary of his artistic activity with two concerts at the Kremlin Palace. The singer’s friends, stage colleagues, and others also took part in the solo performances, which were sold out. In the same year, the album “Nostalgia” appeared, which included the tracks “Spring Blues”, “Summer”, “20 Years”, “Motherland”. Two years later, the disc “Next Stop” appears with the hits “Moscow Song”, “City of Sochi”, for which the musician receives the “Golden Gramophone” award.

Sergei Trofimov on radio "Chanson"

Since 2009, 4 collections by Sergei Trofimov have been published in a row: “I live in Russia”, “Everything is unimportant”, “Sorokopyatochka”, “Aty-Bati”, which includes the hits “Don’t Leave Me”, “We Will Live”, “Formula” happiness”, “I’m used to smiling at people”, “To my friend”. The song “5000 Miles” was written after returning from a tour of America. In 2011, Trofimov received the title of Honored Artist of Russia, and in 2012 he celebrated his 45th anniversary at the Kremlin Palace with two concerts.

Sergey Trofimov – “Don’t leave me”

On April 21, the hero of the day held a solo performance, and on April 22, a group concert of the artist’s friends took place, at which fans heard Russian pop stars. Videos of the anniversary performances are posted on the YouTube channel. In 2014, the performer presented fans with a new disc, “Black and White,” which included songs written in the style of romantic rock ballads.

At the same time, with the participation of Sergei Trofimov as a jury member, the first season of the TV show “Three Chords” started on Channel One. Along with the bard, other chanson stars also became judges of the television project.

Denis Maidanov and Sergei Trofimov - "Wife"

In 2016, Trofimov released another album, “Nightingales.” The artist was gladly accepted into major cities Russia with an anniversary concert program, which included hits of past years and new releases.

At the beginning of 2017, the premiere of the hit “Wife” took place, which Sergei Trofimov performed in a duet with at the “Russian Radio Stars” concert. The performance was broadcast on Channel One. Together with the participant television show“Factor A”, which TV viewers know under the pseudonym Victoria Che, Sergei performed the song “Motherland”.

Victoria Cherentsova and Sergei Trofimov - "Motherland"

At the end of January, the singer pleased fans with the new single “I Have You.” His daughter Elizaveta is not far behind Sergei. On March 8, the performer presented the song “Mom’s Lipstick” performed by Liza Trofimova. In 2017, the artist’s album “In the Middle” was released, which included the tracks “Nightingales”, “Enemy of the People”. Today this is the 17th work in the singer’s solo discography. In support of the disc, Sergei Trofimov went on a tour of Russian cities.

Musical compositions Sergei Trofimov has been repeatedly used in documentaries and feature films. Trofim’s songs can be heard in the television films “Truckers”, “Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness”, “Fighter”, “Alexandrovsky Garden”, “Montecristo”, “I Believe”, “Loot”. In 2009, Sergei tried himself as a dramatic actor and was offered a role in the film Platinum-2.

Personal life

Sergei Trofimov was married twice. The artist’s first wife was a girl named Natalya. The young couple got married barely crossing the threshold of their 20th birthday. In 1988, the Trofimovs had a daughter, Anna. But life with Natalya did not work out, so Sergei attempted to get a divorce. After several years of separation, he got back together with his wife, but not for long. The artist at that time became interested in Yulia Meshina, who then left him for.

At the beginning of 2003, Sergei met the artist at one of the concerts dance group, Anastasia Nikishina. The girl fell in love with the musician at first sight, Sergei reciprocated her feelings. Soon Anastasia realized that she was pregnant and decided to keep the child. When their son Ivan turned 1.5 years old, his parents got married.

In 2008, Sergei and Anastasia had a daughter, Lisa. Now the family lives in the Moscow region, in own home. For the sake of her husband and children, Nastya left her career and takes care of the house. Fans of the singer in November 2016 could see the Trofimovs in a program about their personal life “About Love,” which was broadcast on Channel One.

WITH youth Sergei is intensely involved in sports. The artist visits almost daily gym, therefore maintaining a fit, athletic figure. With a height of 168 cm, his weight does not exceed 73 kg.

The singer's children followed in their father's footsteps. Ivan enjoys playing the drum kit and is learning the guitar. He has his own studio where the young man hones his performing skills. The younger Elizabeth, in addition to vocal lessons in pop-jazz college"Consort", masters the piano. At the girl's disposal - modern instrument, an electronic white cabinet piano from Yamaha, which is in the house of Sergei and Anastasia.

Elizaveta Trofimova - "Children's New Wave"

And in 2018, the little artist made it to the final of the Children's New wave", which touched the father and the jury of the competition in the person of,. From the manager " Children's radio» Evgenia Kombarova Lisa received a special prize.

Sergey Trofimov now

In August 2018, Sergei Trofimov visited the studio of Yuri Nikolaev, TV presenter of the “Honest Word” program. The artist gave a detailed interview about his creative and family life. According to Sergei, relations with eldest daughter Anna, who experienced her parents' divorce at the age of 15, got better over time. The girl grew up and accepted new family father, younger brother and sister. Sergei also visited the “Fate of a Man” program on air. The film became the third work of Sergei Trofimov as a creator musical accompaniment to the movie.

Sergey Tromifov - “A little more” (premiere 2018)

At the end of the summer of 2018, filming of a new video for Sergei Trofimov began in Moscow, which the singer announced from his personal profile page on "Instagram". Judging by the photos and videos, his youngest daughter, Lisa, also appears in the video.

The musician also performed at a large-scale metropolitan event - the Moscow Sky air festival. The bard was accompanied on stage by the groups, “Affinage” and other groups and pop artists.


  • 1995 – “Aristocracy of the Garbage-1”
  • 1998 – News from the prickly distance"
  • 2000 – “I am born again”
  • 2000 – “War and Peace”
  • 2004 – “Wind in the Head”
  • 2005 – “Nostalgia”
  • 2009 – “I live in Russia”
  • 2010 – “Everything is not important”
  • 2011 – “Sorokapyatochka”
  • 2012 – “Aty-Bati”
  • 2014 – “Black and White”
  • 2017 – “In the Middle”

Personal life of singer Sergey Trofimov - now

Name: Sergey Trofimov Date of birth: November 4, 1966 Zodiac sign: Scorpion Place of birth: Moscow Occupation: performer, musician, poet

Weight: 73 kg Height: 170 cm

Find out everything about Sergei Trofimov website


Did you know that Sergei Trofimov performs only his own songs as a matter of principle?

Trofim's personal life did sharp turns and threw him from side to side - at one time he was even a church minister - he sang in the church choir, although at the same time he continued his career in show business. His career began in one of the Moscow restaurants - Sergei Trofimov went to work there in order to somehow improve his financial situation - when he was studying at the Institute of Culture and the Moscow State Conservatory, there was a catastrophic lack of money. But the restaurant period of his career ended quite quickly - he met the musicians of the Eroplan group and began working with them.

Trofim and Anastasia Nikishina - photo

Around the same time, in Trofim’s personal life he met Natalya Gerasimova, who later became his wife. This woman didn't play well good role in the life of Sergei Trofimov - their family life was difficult, scandals often arose between them. Once they even got divorced, but then got married again. Trofim had a daughter, Anya, but this did not save his relationship with his wife.

Later in Trofim’s personal life there was another acquaintance with a girl who completely changed his destiny. Anastasia Nikishina saw Sergei at a concert and immediately fell in love with him. After the performance, they were introduced by a mutual friend. Despite the fact that at that time Sergei was married and his daughter was growing up, he began dating Nastya, although their romance did not begin immediately - it was not easy for the singer to deceive his wife. Trofim assures that this was the first time in his life when he cheated on his wife.

After some time, Nastya told him that she was pregnant, and the chanson singer decided to rent an apartment to start living in it new life with Anastasia and their unborn child. He had a big conversation with Natalya, with whom he lived for fifteen years, not without loud scandal, but Trofim did not change decision taken and went to Nastya. A few months later he became the father of little Ivan.

Sergei Trofimov with his family photo

Sergey Trofimov with his family - photo

Before this, Sergei and Nastya lived in a civil marriage, but after the birth of their son they decided to get married. This happened when my son was one and a half years old. Anastasia did not dare to let her husband go on tour for a long time, and if long creative trips lay ahead, she followed him, taking little son. Five years after Ivan was born, they also had a daughter, Lisa. Children play a huge role in Trofim’s personal life; he is not going to stop there and dreams of becoming a father of many children in the future.

Sergey Trofimov -Sergey Trofimov on Yandex

Singer Sergei Trofimov: personal life, photos, biography, wife

Creative biography of Trofim from Wikipedia

From 1973 to 1983: soloist of the Moscow State Boys' Choir at the Institute named after. Gnesins.

1985 - ? He studied at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and the Moscow State Conservatory (department of theory and composition).

1985: diploma winner of the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

1986: worked in a restaurant in Moscow.

1987-1991: concert activity as a rock bard, recorded the album “Such early spring"with the group "Eroplan" (album not released). First solo concerts.

1991-1993: served as a singer in the choir of one of the Moscow churches

1992-1993: album by singer Svetlana Vladimirskaya.

1993: Easter Vigil, Moscow.

1994: Musical performances began under the pseudonym “Trofim”, when Sergei wrote the song “That’s all, the sage said and sank into the water.”

1994 album “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul” performer Alexander Ivanov. Start of your own concert activity. Takes the creative pseudonym “Trofim”. The beginning of cooperation with the production center of Stepan Razin.

1995: singer Carolina’s album “Mom, everything’s okay”, Svetlana Almazova’s album “To the Ten”.

1996: singer Alla Gorbacheva’s album “The Voice”, at the same time Sergei works in pop music. The beginning of active solo performances in Russia.

1998: singer Carolina’s second album “Queen”, solo (but not original) album “News from a prickly distance”.

2000: performance in Russian cities, night clubs in Moscow; solo concert at the Palace of Culture. Gorky, took a trip to Chechnya, was deputy chairman of the Board of Trustees of the GUIN of Russia. The pseudonym “Trofim” faded into the background; Sergei Trofimov began to be written on posters

2001 member of the Russian Writers' Union, winner of the first prize "Chanson of the Year 2001" in the "Old Cafe" category.

2005: Laureate of the All-Russian literary prize named after Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov, established by the Military Art Studio of Writers.

2005 at the State Kremlin Palace 2 sold-out concerts took place dedicated to the 10th anniversary creative activity with the participation of famous pop singers(A. Rosenbaum, A. Marshall, V. Markin, T. Ovsienko, I. Ponarovskaya, Aziza, A. Ivanov and group “Rondo”, “ Inveterate scammers", "Cool & Jazzy", " Love stories", "Tootsie", etc.).

2006: release of the collection of poems “240 pages”, the third solo concert at the State Kremlin Palace with the program “Forty Forties”, held on April 1.

2007: Golden Gramophone award for the song “Moscow Song”.

2008: filming in the TV series “Platina-2”, Golden Gramophone award for the song “City of Sochi”.

2009: FSB Prize laureate (for best works literature and art about the activities of the Federal Security Service) for the performance of the composition “Who We Were for the Fatherland.”

2009: Golden Gramophone award for the song “City in Traffic Jams.”

2010: concerts in the USA. During the flight from the tour to the homeland, the song “5000 miles/America” was written (the public premiere of the song was on June 15, 2011 at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, St. Petersburg and on June 16, 2011 at the AZLK cultural center, Moscow).

2010: Golden Gramophone award for the song “Don’t Tell.”

2011: awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation”, concert tour in the USA.

2012: 2 sold-out concerts again took place at the State Kremlin Palace, this time dedicated to the artist’s 45th anniversary. April 21 - solo concert. April 22 – benefit performance with the participation of pop stars.

2014: Golden Gramophone award for the song “Internet”.

As a poet and composer, Sergei Trofimov worked with Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Laima Vaikule, Lada Dance, Alexander Marshal, Karolina (albums “Mom, everything is okay” and “Queen”), the group “Rondo” (album “Sinful Soul” sadness” by Alexander Ivanov), Alla Gorbacheva (album “Voice”), Nikolai Noskov, Elena Panurova and other performers.

Official collections of Trofim's songs - Wikipedia
1996: Good morning! (collection album: new and best)
1999: Legends of Russian chanson
2000: Favorites
2001: Bullfinches. Best songs
2003: Along the very edge (+ video “I fight like a fish”)
2003: I Miss You (Compilation Album: New and Best)
2004: Trofim. MP3 collection. Part 1 and 2
2006: Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of creative activity (collection album)
2009: Collector's Edition. Best songs. Sergey Trofimov. MP3 collection
2010: Star Hit: Sergey Trofimov - Best songs
2011: Sergey Trofimov. Grand Collection. Part 1 and 2
2011: MK-Collection. Chanson Alley. Sergey Trofimov. Part 1 and 2
2011: God, what a trifle. Dedicated to the artist’s 45th anniversary
2011: Sergey Trofimov. Romances
2012: Aty-Bati (collection album: new and best)

View free photo biography and personal life of singer Sergei Trofimov website Everything about the singer Trofim is available on mobile phones online.

Sergey Trofimov (Trofim) composer, poet, musician, performer of his songs. Born on November 4, 1966 in Moscow.
From 1973 to 1983 he was a soloist of the Moscow State Boys' Choir at the Institute named after. Gnessins. He studied at the Moscow State Institute of Culture and the Moscow State Conservatory (department of theory and composition).
1985 Diploma winner at the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.
1986 worked in a restaurant in Moscow.
1987-1991 started concert activities as a rock bard.
1991-1993 served in the church (chanter choir clerk).
1992-1993 released an album by singer Svetlana Vladimirskaya.
1993 Easter all-night vigil, Moscow.
1994 beginning of touring activities under the pseudonym “Trofim”.
1994 released the album “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul” by performer Alexander Ivanov.
1995 released the album of singer Karolina “Mom, everything is okay”, the album of Svetlana Almazova “To the Ten”, as well as her own solo album"Aristocracy of the Garbage Part 1"
1996 released the solo album “The Aristocracy of the Garbage Part 2”, the album of singer Alla Gorbacheva “The Voice”
1997 solo album “Good Morning”
1998 singer Carolina’s second album “Queen”, her own solo album “Eh, I Would Live”
1999 released solo albums “The Aristocracy of the Garbage Part 3” and “Devaluation”, co-authored the music for the film “Night Crossroads” USA. On November 24, he participated in the “Music Ring” with Mikhail Krug
2000 solo albums “War and Peace” and “I am Born Again”, performances in Russian cities, nightclubs in Moscow; solo concert at the Palace of Culture. Gorky, took a trip to Chechnya, was deputy chairman of the board of trustees of the GUIN of Russia
2001 solo album “The Aristocracy of the Garbage Part 4”, member of the Union of Writers of Russia
awarded: medal for courage, medal for strengthening the military community.

Released the following CDs:

* Dumpster Aristocracy 1 1995
* Dumpster Aristocracy 2 1996
* Good morning! 1996
* Eh, I wish I could live... 1996
* Dumpster Aristocracy 3 1998
* News from the prickly distance 1998
* Legends of Russian chanson 1999
* I am born again 2000
* Favorites 2000
* War and Peace 2000
* For our ladies 2001
* Bullfinches: Best Songs 2001
* Dumpster Aristocracy 4 2001
* Bard-Vanguard 2002
* Along the very edge 2003
* I miss you 2003
* Trofim MP3 part 1 2004
* Wind in my head 2004
* Dedication to St. Petersburg 2004
* Nostalgia 2005
* Next Stop 2007
* I live in Russia 2009

Official website of Sergei Trofimov:

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Trofimov was born on November 4, 1966 in Moscow. Sergei was raised by his mother, a bibliographer: his father left the family early. From the age of six he sang in the choir. Children's choir was in demand by many theaters in Moscow, for example, together with the choir, Sergei visited the stage during the production of the opera “Carmen”.

After school, Sergei entered the Moscow Conservatory.

The songs of the aspiring singer did not fall into the format of the official Soviet stage at all: Trofim began singing in restaurants and giving underground concerts. Together with the Eroplan group, he planned to release an album, but due to the events of 1991, the plans were never implemented.

The “Troubled” time, from 91 to 93, Sergei waited outside the church walls - he served as a choirboy in the church, but gradually life took its toll - he felt that he was capable of more, that he had something to say to the public and the country.

In 1994, the stage image of “Trofim” appeared for the first time - a simpleton buffoon, a shirtless guy, looking with irony at the chaos reigning all around. The mask of a “man of the people” for a long time became for Sergei the main way to convey his feelings, express his attitude towards surrounding reality. One of the main songs of this period was.

In the 90s, Sergei wrote for the stars of the Russian stage: his songs were performed by Svetlana Almazova. However, he does not forget about “Trofim”: this period is reflected in the song, and several albums have the same name.

He begins to give solo concerts, gradually gaining fame: in 1999, Trofim competed at “ Musical ring"with myself.

In 2000, a turning point came - the pseudonym “Trofim” disappeared from the posters, it was replaced by the real name and surname: “Sergei Trofimov”. This year, Sergei went with concerts to Chechnya, where the war was going on, for which he was awarded the medal “For Courage”.

His work has also changed significantly: songs or - this is not at all the Trofim that the country has already come to know and love. The songs became more thoughtful, and the signature humor practically disappeared.

In the 2000s, Sergei Trofimov was an indispensable participant music festivals, official concert teams, laureate music awards, including many awards security forces. For the song, Sergei received the FSB Prize, and he was awarded several Golden Gramophones.

In 2011, Trofim was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation,” and the following year Sergei became a confidant of the President of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Trofimov (singer)

Trofim. Real name - Sergey Vyacheslavovich Trofimov. Born on November 4, 1966 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian singer, musician, composer, songwriter, actor. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2011).

Father - Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Trofimov.

Mother - Galina Fedorovna Trofimova (nee Gordeeva).

Sergei's parents divorced three years after his birth. Then he was raised by his mother; his father did not take part in his son’s fate. They later met when Sergei Trofimov was about 40 years old - his father responded through social networks and offered to talk. Sergei invited him to his concert, after which they had a conversation. However, communication did not work out; they realized that they were strangers to each other.

Sergei owes his career to his mother, who was the first to draw attention to her son’s musical talents. WITH early years began to study music and vocals.

In 1973-1983 he was a soloist of the Moscow State Boys' Choir at the Institute. Gnesins.

At the age of 13, Sergei received serious injury during the game "Zarnitsa" - fell from a great height. His hands were especially badly injured; he walked in a cast for a long time. Later, in order to restore the function of his hands, he took up strength sports.

But the main thing in his life was music. After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture. He also studied at the Moscow State Conservatory at the department of theory and composition.

In 1985 he became a diploma winner at the XII World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow.

In 1986 he worked in one of the restaurants in Moscow. In 1987 he began his concert activities as a rock bard. Recorded the album “Such Early Spring” with the group “Eroplan”. In the late 1980s, his first solo concerts took place.

In 1991-1993 he served as a singer in the choir of one of the Moscow churches. According to Trofimov, in those years he was even planning to go to a monastery. He recalled: “I didn’t want to be a bandit, nor did I want to steal. Art was in complete prostration. I was baptized - I wanted to become closer to Russia, to its traditions... My spiritual mentor, Father Nikolai, he is now a monk on Valaam, said that you can’t be a monk, if something new is constantly born in your soul. And I, indeed, wrote something all the time, composed music, lyrics “God gave you talent, which means you must realize it, create and thus serve people. This is your destiny." He determined my choice - I firmly decided to become a singer."

In 1992-1993 he released the singer's album.

In 1994 he began performing under the pseudonym “Trofim”. In the same year, he released the album “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul,” performed by Alexander Ivanov. His collaboration also began with the production center of Stepan Razin.

In 1995, with his participation, the albums of singer Carolina “Mom, everything is okay” and Svetlana Almazova “To the Ten” were released. The next year he worked on the album of singer Alla Gorbacheva “The Voice”.

During the second Chechen war often spoke to Russian soldiers. In 2001, he was awarded the medals “For Courage” and “For Strengthening the Military Community.”

He also performed in prison. He was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the GUIN of Russia.

In 2001 he became a member of the Russian Writers' Union.

In 2003, he received his first “Chanson of the Year” award for the song “Wind in the Head.”

In 2004, he participated in the television game Fort Boyard with team captain Natalia Zabuzova and Tatyana Alexandrova.

In 2005 he became a laureate of the All-Russian Literary Prize named after Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov, established by the Military Art Studio of Writers.

In 2005, concerts were held at the State Kremlin Palace dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Sergei Trofimov’s creative activity with the participation of such famous pop performers as Alexander Ivanov and the group “Rondo”, the groups “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, “Cool & Jazzy”, “Love Stories” ", "Tootsie", etc.

In 2009, he played the role of Major Antonov in the series “Platina-2”, and was also awarded the “Golden Gramophone” award for the song “City of Sochi”.

Trofim - Snegiri

Trofim - City of Sochi

Trofim - Moscow song

In 2009, he won the FSB Prize (for the best works of literature and art about the activities of the Federal Security Service) for his performance of the composition “Who We Were for the Fatherland.”

In 2009 he was awarded the Golden Gramophone award for the song “City in Traffic Jams”.

As a poet and composer, Sergei Trofimov worked with many famous performers- Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Laima Vaikule, Lada Dance, Alexander Marshal, Karolina (albums “Mom, everything is okay” and “Queen”), group “Rondo” (album “The Sorrow of a Sinful Soul” by Alexander Ivanov), Alla Gorbacheva (album “Voice”), Nikolai Noskov, Elena Panurova and others.

In 2011, for his services in the field of art, the singer was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist Russian Federation.

He was a member of the jury of the first season of the TV show “Three Chords” on Channel One.

Sergei Trofimov’s compositions have been repeatedly performed in films - “Truckers”, “Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness”, “Fighter”, “Alexandrovsky Garden”, “Montecristo”, “I Believe”, “Loot”.

In 2018 he wrote music for lyrical comedy"Crimean Bridge. Made with love! " director

Multiple winner of the Chanson of the Year and Golden Gramophone awards. Awards were given to his songs “My Dream”, “Former Podesaul” (duet with Denis Maidanov, Alexander Marshal and Oleg Gazmanov), “City Romance”, “Ship”, “Wife” (duet with Denis Maidanov).

In 2019 he won the “Chanson of the Year” award for the composition “Yadrena-Matryona”.

Social and political position of Sergei Trofimov

Awarded a medal"For service to the Fatherland" III degree - February 16, 2006 by decision of the commission of the National Charitable Foundation"Eternal Glory to the Heroes", the National Committee of Knights of the Russian Imperial Orders and the National Defense Fund "Parade".

He has the Order of the Veteran's Cross, II degree - awarded on November 2, 2006 by Resolution No. 4 of the Board of the United Group of Special Services Veterans "VIMPEL".

Also awarded the Order of “Service to Art” - February 23, 2007 Charitable Social Movement « Good People Mira”, for tireless long-term service to art, for the revival of high spiritual ideals in the souls of his listeners.

Winner of the second prize of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the best works of literature and art about the activities of organs federal service Security - December 23, 2009 for the performance of the composition “Who We Were for the Fatherland.”

In 2012, he was a proxy in the Russian presidential elections.

In 2014, Sergei Trofimov signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the policies of Russian President Putin in Ukraine and Crimea.

Sergei Trofimov's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Sergei Trofimov:

Was married twice.

First wife - Natalya. I met her in a cafe where I was giving a concert. In 1988, their daughter Anna was born.

At some point, Trofimov divorced Natalya, having become carried away by Yulia Meshina, but she then left him for an actor. Trofimov married Natalya for the second time. However, family life never worked out.

The second wife is Anastasia Nikishina, a former artist of a dance group. They met at a Trofim concert in 2001. Anastasia recalled: “I fell in love with Seryozha right from the first song. And what a joy it was when I was introduced - and he asked for my phone number! Butterflies fluttered in my stomach!” At that moment, the singer was still married, which he admitted to his new passion. “But I didn’t... don’t care! Because from the very beginning there was an amazing feeling that he was my soulmate. Whether he leaves his wife or not, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is Seryozha - he’s with me, and that I have him Yes!” said Anastasia.

The couple had a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Elizaveta.

Trofimov's children followed in his footsteps. Ivan enjoys playing the drum kit and mastering the guitar; he has his own studio.

Daughter Elizabeth studied vocals at the Consort pop-jazz college from an early age and mastered the piano. In 2018, Lisa became a member of the “Children’s New Wave”, where she sang the song “Wonderful Country” by the group “Bravo”. She received a special prize from the head of Children's Radio, Evgeniy Kombarov.

Elizaveta Trofimova - Wonderful Country

Filmography of Sergei Trofimov:

Sergei Trofimov's vocals in films:

2009 - Platinum-2
2012 - I believe - song “I’m used to smiling at people”
2015 - Divorce at will- song "Don't leave me"
2015 - White Arrow. Retribution - song "Outside the Law"

Sergei Trofimov's works in cinema as a composer:

2003 - Happy New Year, happy new happiness!
2011 - Lucky Pashka
2018 - Crimean Bridge. Made with love! (The Crimean Bridge. Made With Love!)

Discography of Sergei Trofimov:

1995 - Aristocracy of Garbage-1
1996 - Aristocracy of Garbage-2
1996 - Oh, I wish I could live
1998 - Aristocracy of the Garbage-3: Devaluation
1998 - News from the prickly distance (folk songs)
2000 - I am born again
2000 - War and Peace
2001 - Aristocracy of Garbage-4: Basic Instinct
2002 - Bard-Vanguard
2004 - Wind in my head
2005 - Nostalgia
2007 - Next Stop
2009 - I live in Russia
2010 - Everything doesn’t matter
2011 - Sorokapyatochka
2014 - Black and White (B/W)
2017 - In the Middle

Singles by Sergei Trofimov:

2014 - Internet
2016 - Former podesaul (feat. Denis Maidanov, Oleg Gazmanov, Alexander Marshal)
2017 - I have you
2017 - Wife (feat. Denis Maidanov)
2017 - At sea
2018 - A little more
2018 - Yadryona-Matryona
2019 - Malibu

Video clips of Sergei Trofimov:

1995 - I fight like a fish
2000 - Eh, I wish someone would lend me a loan
2002 - Bullfinches
2003 - I miss you
2003 - Just like that
2003 - Wind in my head
2004 - Pigeons
2004 - Alyoshka
2008 - Smart girl
2010 - Kingdom of God
2011 - Don't Tell
2012 - Observations during a walk
2015 - Don't leave me
2018 - Yadrena-Matryona

Famous songs of Sergei Trofimov:

"The Aristocracy of the Dumpster"
"Ah, these nights"
"Gods, my Gods"
"I fight like a fish"
"Nothing matters"
"Spring Blues"
"Wind in the Head"
"City in traffic jams"
"City of Sochi"
“I feel so good now...”
"Lullaby for Russia"
"Corporate party"
"Red, black, zero"
"Moscow Song"
"On the Edge"
"Don't leave me"
"Don't tell"
"Song about Lenin"
"The Pepsi-Cola Generation"
"Just like that"
"Good morning"
“Today in my city...”
"You are my light (but I don't trust you)"
"Don't be afraid"
"Clever girl"
“Oh, I wish someone would lend me a loan”
"I live in Russia"
"I'm used to smiling at people"
"I miss you"
"I'm already tired."