Artik and Asti which one of them. Asti and Artik talked about their personal, behind-the-scenes life. Asti's personal life

When deciding matters of the heart, it can be useful to resort to the experience of others. After all, someone’s relationship has already gone through stages that are just ahead of you. We decided to talk about concepts such as love and betrayal with Artik and Anya from the ARTIK & ASTI group in order to hear two opinions at once - male and female.

Artik about responsibility in relationships

Living together this is a very serious step. If people decide to live together, it is the same as if they decided to get married. For a very long time, some people call themselves simply “a guy and a girl,” although they live together and lead a common life. I don't think this is very correct.

Some people need to take a closer look at each other however, it is better not to delay this. I know for sure that if I invite a girl to live with me, then I will already consider her my wife.

It's difficult to say why people cheat and why they forgive cheaters. I know for sure that I would not forgive the betrayal of my beloved woman. Regarding male infidelity, you need to ask the ladies, but it seems to me that if a man cheats, he puts an end to the relationship.

Male infidelity can be dictated by instincts After all, you can go and cheat on your wife with some other woman, but at the same time love your spouse, and never remember about that other one again. This doesn’t sound very good, but perhaps men can cheat to satisfy some of their desires, and still love with all their hearts.

I'm completely against it so that people disperse after the first problems appear. And I also believe that a lot depends on the woman here, because she is the core of the family, she is the one who can preserve the hearth. Today, women cease to understand how important their role is in the family, and therefore they are not afraid for the relationship and do not strive to preserve it.

A man must make efforts to save his family but the woman still plays a huge, perhaps even primary role in this.

Anya about why it is important to always be frank

They say love lasts three years In any case, it turned out something like this for me. Only it’s not love that lives for three years, but passion and magic. Then everything gets better, returns to normal, and you get used to it, although this space is no longer there.

Love is always a lot of work between two people, because if you live with each other, spend a lot of time together, the problems do not become fewer; on the contrary, there are more and more skeletons in the closets and you have to either fight or put up with them.

In any case, accept and cope together. The main thing is to trust each other and open up to the maximum.

If you have a worthwhile, albeit slightly faded, relationship any steps leading to saving them are always justified and necessary. At least you will know that you did everything in your power. If, despite this, you separated, then, as they say, it was not fate.

I don’t believe that love passes or dies, it develops into mutual respect and understanding. But if, after all, there is nothing left, we must remember: any person deserves the right to be loved and experience such a magical feeling as love. For example, for me, as a girl, loving is even more important than being loved. Therefore, if you don’t feel it, run and look for your happiness.

At the same time, a woman who cheated on her man most likely does not love him, I don’t know a single one loving woman, which would change. After all, we love not only with all our heart or soul, we love with everything we have. A man does things for the sake of love, and a woman does things because she loves.

A team consisting of a young man and a pretty girl is a successful combination for advancement in the music industry. Especially when she is beautiful and talented, and he is a famous rapper with experience working with artists.

Such a duet is Artik & Asti - young people look great together, and their songs are heard not only in Ukraine and Russia, but also abroad. Each artist went through their own path before creating a successful joint career.

A special genre of music original performance and non-standard motives will not leave listeners indifferent.

Group history and composition

The biography of the future popular producer, singer and composer Artem Umrikhin began in Soviet era: December 9, 1985. The boy's childhood was like most children of that time: he went to school, played football and listened to music on a tape recorder in the evenings.

One day, a friend gave Artyom a cassette with tracks, which then really “roared”. After listening to the songs of this group, the young man “fell ill” with rap: he began to compose his own short compositions and record them on a tape recorder.

After graduating from school, Umrikhin and his friends created the group “Karats”, which immediately began performing in local clubs and quickly gained popularity. After a year, the participants decided to conquer the capital of Ukraine and went to Kyiv. The first collection “Platinum Music” became popular in the country and neighboring countries. The group received an offer for cooperation from Dmitry Klimashenko, and the work continued successfully.

Umrikhin, under the pseudonym Artik, found time for solo collaboration with other performers, which he did well. Among the artists with whom Artik worked: and, members of the group “ Hot chocolate"and the team.

In 2010, the guy decides to create his own music project. Thus began the search for a girl who would become a universal candidate for joint cooperation. The requirements were high: bright appearance, an original voice and the ability to dance, but Artyom’s ambitions were serious, he wanted to “blow up” the world of pop music.

After listening to several recordings of Anya Dzyuba, Artik realized that this was exactly what he needed. And he asked Yuri Barnash to call the girl and offer cooperation.

Future star duet Artik& Asti was born on June 24, 1990 and grew up on the banks of the Dnieper. From her early childhood, the girl was interested in music, but her dreams of becoming a singer seemed illusory to her. Therefore, in order not to waste time after school, the girl immediately started working. She tried her hand at makeup artistry and worked as a legal assistant, but music continued to attract Anna.

In parallel with her work, the girl recorded songs and posted them on the Internet with the hope that someone would hear her voice and recognize her talent. The wait lasted until 2010, when late in the evening Anna received a call from a young man who introduced himself as Yuri Barnash.

Before that predetermining call, Anya knew who Artik was, but did not believe that this popular artist invites her to a joint project. Having overcome the fear of the unknown, the girl set off towards her dream.

Initially, the history of the group began under the name “Artik pres Asti”, but a little later the performers decided to shorten it to Artik & Asti.


In January 2012, the first joint video “Antistress” was released. High-quality and exciting music, an original performance, a video at the proper level - it is unknown why the first work did not cause great delight among the audience. Despite this, it received a decent number of views, and the guys continued to work.

Song “I won’t give it to anyone” by the group “Artik & Asti”

Talented and ambitious performers released their debut album in 2013 entitled “#ParadiseOneForTwo”. The title track “My Last Hope”, according to rotation data, gained 1.5 million views in a month - this is a real success.

After the release of the first album, the group began to be invited to recordings and tours, Anya-Asti was recognized on the streets and asked for autographs: fame literally fell on the girl. Naturally, Artik continued to go towards the goal, without stopping at the result obtained. He, as an experienced producer, understood that, besides him, in musical world There are still artists releasing quality music.

Song “I won’t give it up” by the groups “Artik & Asti” and “Marseille”

The next album, entitled “Here and Now,” was released in 2015 and was liked even more by listeners. The group received not only the attention of fans: Artik & Asti are winners of the Golden Gramophone awards and nominees for Best Promotion at Russian channel musicbox.

In 2017, Artik & Asti, together with the Marseille group, were nominated for the RU.TV award as “Best Duet”. The third collection, entitled “Number 1,” released in 2017, finally cemented the popularity of Artik and Asti.

Artik & Asti now

Now the team continues to delight fans with new hits and videos. One of the guys’ most popular recent creations is a video for the song “I Smell Only You,” filmed together with the singer. After publishing the video, the performer wrote on social networks that she was glad to collaborate with the talented duo.

The song “I smell only you” by the group “Artik & Asti” and Glucose

In March 2018, the band played in Omsk, in June Artik & Asti performed a large-scale concert in St. Petersburg, and July was marked by the performance of the song “Indivisible” at a concert music award"Heat".

As for the video for the track “Indivisible,” in August 2018 it surpassed the 30 million views mark. And recently, the duo published a video for the song “Angel” on the YouTube channel, which became popular in a matter of days.

Song “Indivisible” by the group “Artik & Asti”

The group has a common verified page and personal official accounts V social network "Instagram". Events and photo reports from concerts Artik group& Asti shares on a verified social network page

After conducting surveys of friends and reading hundreds of pages about them, we were still unable to sort out the juiciest ones. Their image moves and is driven into the ribbed sole. She is yin, he is yang. And there is no way to separate them. Who are they really? Artik&Asti plays a thousand roles in their composition. The beginning of the journey. Artik&Asti group explodes musical Olympus our show business and remains unnoticed. And only NightOut became available, what remains behind the scenes.

- Who is Artik? Who is Asti? With the name change, did life take a different direction?
Artik is practically my middle name. My real name is Artem. At first, my friends simply called me Art, an abbreviation of my name. Later this grew into Artik.
Asti: It's still the real us, Asti is just stage name. And my life completely changed because I achieved my cherished dream.

- Tell us about your musical start?
Artik: I started getting interested in music at the age of 11. Then for the first time I heard a neighbor’s guy recite the lyrics of the group Bachelor Party and I really liked it, and I began to get involved in rap music. Later I got a computer and the first thing I did was buy a program for writing music. This is how my first songs appeared.
Asti: I loved music since childhood, I sang at all possible events, I liked the audience, I liked the stage. But I could never imagine this as real, I didn’t think seriously about a career as a singer. So in one wonderful evening Artik called me and it all started from that moment. We tried to record a couple of test songs together and “sang along” so to speak.
Artik, when did the revaluation happen? musical creativity? Finding a female voice
Artik: I've always worked with female vocalists. I love you very much beautiful voices and melodic songs. A revaluation of creativity occurred in 2011, when I decided to create my own production project. That's how I found Asti.
- Asti, how did the capital greet you?
Asti: Amazing!) It was, of course, difficult at first to change my small world to the complete opposite. But if it's "yours", then everything works out at its best. I immediately felt the energy big city, which still inspires and energizes me.
- Asti, I know that your idol in pop music is Whitney Houston. Do you want to achieve such heights?
Asti: Of course! But I always look at life very realistically, and I believe that few people in the whole world can achieve such heights as she does. She is luxurious, unique and incredibly talented; such people are born with a special purpose.

- Which people inspire you in world show business?
Artik: Jay Z, Kanye West, Drake, Rihanna, Pharell, Beyonce and many others.
Asti: Oh, there are a lot of them! Well, for example: Beyonce, Jessie J, Sam Smith, Jessie ware, nicki minaj and many others)) these people inspire and serve as an example for me, not only because I like their songs, but also because they work hard on themselves, with their shows, and of course with their music. An artist is basically a “picture” and music, but in order for it to be interesting you need to put in a lot of effort.
- Artik, you combine so many roles (producer, composer), haven’t you thought about stopping at just one?
Artik: All these roles are very closely interconnected and do not interfere with each other, but rather complement each other. But as I get older, I delve deeper and deeper into producing.

- If you had not become artists, what profession would you have chosen?
Artik: I chose this profession as a child and have been pursuing it all my life. So I can't even imagine. My parents wanted me to be a lawyer. I have higher legal education, but I would not be able to work in this field.
Asti: I’m a very versatile person, I’m interested in everything!) I don’t know if I would become a flight attendant!
- You quickly rose to the Olympus of show business, what difficulties did you encounter?
Artik: Everyone has the same difficulties in our show business. Our radio stations and television channels do not like to support young performers and often judge very subjectively. But that's their right. People love our songs, and this is the most important thing.
- Have you ever had any doubts about “what mom would think and what dad would think”?
Artik: I don't do anything to make me doubt this!)
Asti: This is not doubt, but respect for parents. These words never leave me because I always remember those I love. But I quickly became independent and matured in relation to my actions and decisions, so very few people can influence them.
- With the advent of popularity, you lose your head and whims appear, are you susceptible to this?
Artik: We are all human. But most likely these are not whims, but simply new standards. This is normal for any developing person.
Asti: I won’t say that these are whims, perhaps I am becoming more demanding, but this does not always happen. As for the whims, you’d better ask my concert manager))) it seems to me that he sometimes wants to kill me for my temper. But this also only happens in moments of fatigue and difficult concert schedules, when nerves are at their limit, but I’m still the only girl in our team - everyone understands me.

- How do you manage to go into the shadows, because you are in plain sight, everyone is probably pointing fingers?
Artik: So far we've been lucky with this. Very large number people know our songs, but don’t know us by sight, because... We are a relatively new team.
Asti: Come on, we don’t live in a zoo)) sometimes people recognize us, sometimes they don’t, and so far I’m very happy about this, because I can have fun when I live an ordinary life.
- The phrase “we are just friends” implies a deep subtext. And no one believes in this friendship, why?
Why doesn't anyone believe? Everyone believes and knows!
Asti: Because people want to believe that everything is not so simple. We don’t see any subtext in this, others are looking, to each his own.
- What’s between you?
Artik: First of all, friendly relations. But of course we are united by work!
Asti: We are not only friends, but also partners. And in general, Art is like an older brother to me. I often consult with him and always take into account his opinion, he has done a lot for me, and I will always be grateful for that.
- Your personal life is under seven seals. Open the curtain.
Artik: There is no curtain! There’s just nothing to tell!)
Asti: That's why it's personal, to remain so. When I have some special news, I will definitely share it with you.
- Asti, you are getting smaller every day. The pursuit of immeasurable model parameters?
No way! I love beautiful shapes, I love to eat. Of course, it is necessary to look after your figure, but I am for health, and not for exhaustion for the sake of losing weight. It’s just that sometimes there are moments when I lose weight on my own, without grueling diets. I, like any girl, naturally like it. Slimness always suits you.
- “Here and now” - when is the release of your exciting product?
Artik: On January 20, the album has already appeared on iTunes, and the most ardent admirers of our work can already pre-order and be the first to hear our creation! The full release is scheduled for February 13th!
- How are they arranged for you? life priorities: music, family, money, personal relationships?
Artik: Of course, family is the most important thing in life! You cannot separate priorities between work and family! These are completely different things! And this is completely normal when a person has both work and family!
Asti: No matter how it sounds, nothing and no one can give me more pleasure than music. Then family and personal relationships, for which there is catastrophically not enough strength or time... And already last place borrow money, it can’t buy happiness.
- Everyone is called a star and has the right to shine, don’t you agree?
Artik: we are all free people!
Asti: Well, if everyone didn’t mark themselves with a star, then yes.
- Would you be able to formulate the ideology that Artik propagates and grow?
Artik: We promote love!
Asti: We promote love and kindness, sincerity and feelings.

Artik is a producer and hip-hop artist, known for joint work with Dima Bilan, Quest Pistols and T-Killah. Laureate of the Golden Gramophone - as the author of the music for the composition Let Go of Dzhigan and Yulia Savicheva. Owner of his own company Self Made Music. In 2011, Artik was in search of a new project as a producer - this is how he met the aspiring vocalist Asti. It was decided to start... Read all

Artik is a producer and hip-hop artist, known for his collaborations with Dima Bilan, Quest Pistols and T-Killah. Laureate of the Golden Gramophone - as the author of the music for the composition Let Go of Dzhigan and Yulia Savicheva. Owner of his own company Self Made Music. In 2011, Artik was in search of a new project as a producer - this is how he met the aspiring vocalist Asti. It was decided to start their own project as a creative couple.

Asti has been studying vocals since childhood, inspired by the recordings of Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Rihanna: the girl rehearsed for hours, dancing in front of a mirror with an improvised deodorant microphone. Partially music education I received it from my parents: my father played drums professionally, and my mother gave me guitar lessons. The collaboration with Artik began with a call - according to Asti, her frantic energy was complemented by his calmness and regularity. The duo's songs are about sincere and pure feelings, romance and love.

The first track by Artik & Asti, My Last Hope, received recognition on YouTube, gaining 1,000,000 views, and Cloud’s radio single entered the TOP-100 chart of the best domestic compositions.

Artik pres. Asti – My last hope03:24/* */In September 2013, the debut of the album #RayOneForTwo took place, which was followed by active tours throughout the country and neighboring countries.

Tell us how your duet came together?

Artik: I have long had the idea of ​​creating my own production project. Before that, I simply collaborated with many performers, they attracted me as a sound producer. And then one day I felt that I was ready to develop further and found Asti!)

Asti: one evening my phone rang, I picked it up - Artik was calling! I recognized his voice on the phone because I was previously familiar with his work. At first I couldn’t believe that he just called like that. Art suggested that I try to work together a little, he said that he was going to the studio to write a song for me. And a couple of days later we met and recorded the song “ANTISTRESS”. From that moment we worked together, so to speak.

2. Why is the group called artik&asti?

Asti: Artik has been performing under this name for a long time, and we came up with a pseudonym for me.


Artik: because my name is Artik, and her name is Asti!

3.Artik, you have already worked with many artists, with whom did you remember working with the most?

Artik: Everyone is very cool to work with. I work exclusively with those with whom I share musical views and whose work I enjoy. Dzhigan, Ivan Dorn, Zhenya Milkovsky (group Nervy), DJ SMASH, Anna Sedokova, L "One and many others. I think these names themselves speak about their professionalism.

4. Who is your muse, inspiration when writing songs?

Artik: This is not a specific person or thing. This is everything that surrounds me in general.

5. Have you ever toured Europe or America?

Artik: We have quite a lot of performances in Europe, especially in Germany. Although for now only for the Russian-speaking public. But I think that in the near future we will do something in English, then perhaps new horizons will open up.

Asti: In general, we are planning a lot of things, and we have been performing in Europe for a long time already, we have frequent tours in Germany, we have already visited Latvia, Austria, and Lithuania, and in general many cities abroad outside of Europe.

6. You have toured many cities. Where did you like it the most?

Artik: Not a lot of words! Everywhere is beautiful in its own way. Russia is a very beautiful country, with crazy nature. If we take cities specifically, my favorites are Vladivostok, St. Petersburg, Kazan.

Asti: Every city is beautiful in its own way. For example, I really love touring Haifa (Israel), Vilnius, I remember this city very well for its venue and the energy of the people, at some point I even got goosebumps), and our first most singing city, Samara.

7. Do you consider your duet successful?

Artik: Success is a relative concept. I believe that in music the concept of whether an artist is successful or not depends on the number of concerts and the reaction of people at the concerts. I can say this for last year we had about 150 concerts. I think this is a success!

Asti: Why not? We have done a lot in a year, we are known throughout Russia and in many places even abroad. Moreover, I know that this is just the beginning. Yes, for my two-year-old age, our project is definitely successful

8. Your album “Here and Now” was recently released. What kind of album is this, and why this particular title?

Artik: This is our second full-length album. Firstly, there is a song in the album with the same name, and secondly, with this title I wanted to say that if you want something in this life, then do not put it off until later, but do it “Here and now”!

9.What are you working on now? What new can your fans expect?

Artik: In the near future we will be promoting our album, as well as a tour in support of it! And of course - new videos, new songs. And everything goes in a circle!

Asti: We are currently working on new program and are planning a tour in support of the new album.

10. Besides music, what else are you interested in?

Artik: I love to travel. This is my hobby, you might say.

Asti: I like to cook, read books. I love privacy.

11. Do you like to travel? Which country do you remember most? Why?

Artik: All countries and cities are beautiful in their own way. I love Vienna very much. This is the city I visit most often. It's very beautiful and calm there.

Asti: Yes, of course! Moreover, due to my work, I travel a lot. Most of all I remember Austria, the city of Vienna. We arrived there before Christmas, I have never felt such a magical atmosphere. There is beautiful architecture and very nice people.

12. Who or what is your greatest temptation? Why?