Duet Artik&Asti: We are just friends

Asti first came to Moscow in 2013 after an unexpected call from Artik, who simply recognized Anya’s phone number and invited the future star to come and try to work. It’s interesting that Anya and Artem were brought together by the current lead singer of the group “Mushrooms”, who had previously called Asti and warned that Artik would call her now.

Anya already knew her future colleague back then, but only from the compositions she listened to herself. Of course, she knew that Artem already had a lot of recorded songs under his belt and she didn’t even think that he would offer to create a duet and move to the capital.

Then Anna was even scared, since for her it was a new, big, unfamiliar city.

“I was used to living in my pink little world, I was absolutely comfortable there, but at some point, I felt that this was a definite step forward, this was something interesting in life. I felt with my feminine intuition that something was waiting for me... something big and special. When my friend and I were talking about Moscow, she told me that as soon as I take my first step in this city, I will understand whether Moscow accepts me or not. And when I took the first step, I immediately felt an incredible surge of energy, I felt the metropolis."

Asti gained fame as a singer after the song was released into rotation in November 2011 "My Last Hope".

“Back then I couldn’t even think that my career would be somehow connected with show business, because I lived ordinary life ordinary person in a small town and one day my phone rang, it was Artik. It happened so unexpectedly, I then nervously walked around the room in circles. He looked for me for a very long time, found out my number, through unknown acquaintances, through the 10th generation he found me. By the way, I still don’t know the details of these stories, Artik will be able to explain how he did it (laughs). But if he needs something, it seems to me that he will get it out of the ground."

The singer says.

It is worth noting that at concerts Anya always sings to minus, that is, live.

On at the moment Asti is completely absorbed in her work. The voice of this girl is recognizable not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in many foreign cities and countries around the world.

In addition, Asti successfully shoots for magazines and runs her own beauty salon.

Over the course of several years, the duet Artik&Asti has become one of the most played on the radio.

The guys are very often invited to big concerts, their tracks take leading positions in the best radio and television charts.

In November 2017, Artik and Asti received 4 figurines at once famous award"Golden Gramophone"

Singer Asti: personal life

Very little is known about the personal life of singer Asti. But despite this, as of 2015, it was known that Asti (Anna) was dating a young man.

In the photo: Asti with her lover

Anya communicated well with her boyfriend’s mother, as evidenced by the photographs on the blog.

"Every family loves in its own way. Each love is unique. When you give love, you always receive a hundred times more love in return)) Only mine is not enough"- writes Anya.

True, since mid-2017, not a single photo in the company of this man has appeared on Asti’s Instagram.

In February 2018, on Love Radio, Anna Asti admitted that she had experienced a painful breakup. To the question of the show hosts “Does Asti have a boyfriend now?”, Anna answered, laughing "Almost".

Singer Asti: own business

In addition to working on stage, Anna Dzyuba, singer Asti, is actively involved in other types of business.

On April 7, 2016, Asti became the face of her own beauty salon (as Asti herself calls it a “bureau”) of beauty. The bureau operates successfully to this day @beautybureau_by_asti, making girls even more stunning.

The photo was taken on the opening day of the Beauty Bureau.

On October 20, 2017, Asti launched her own lingerie line together with the boutique @all_in_love_atelier.

Singer Asti: important dates

On October 28, 2017, Artik and Asti went on a big tour of Russia in support of the album "Number 1".

As part of this tour, the duo visited and gave concerts in 13 cities of our vast homeland:

Singer Asti: quotes, personal thoughts

Quite often, Asti publishes thoughts, quotes from books, personal observations and reflections on love and life on her blog. Many of these entries motivate, some make you think, be happy or sad. Below are the most cited posts from Asti’s personal Instagram:

When it's unbearably hard for you, don't give up, it's yours thorny path to success. Now I’m working on the collection myself, looking for fabrics, threads, buttons, ribbons, supervising the sewing of models, at the same time we are preparing for a very important concert, it’s always right official start new tour and as a report on the work done for us. I just started working on my concert costume this morning. also a salon, my brainchild, my soul, my @beautybureau_by_asti and the Universe still throws me all sorts of tests)) I know, it’s like an exam, and I will pass it. but the main thing is that I don’t give up, we will break through.

It happens that you don’t even notice anything anymore, little things are no longer so pleasing that you can talk about something more... until at some point the sun begins to come out... A new day is coming. No matter how you die - breathe, leave yesterday’s shadow, get yourself out from under the blanket: you can’t moan and cry anymore - there’s very little time. Look, the sun is rising again, throwing a ray to you without looking. Day follows night in any situation - the Sun does not betray anyone in the world. (Source: Katarina Sultanova. Plane coming soon.)

Of course, there will be people who will say: you can only believe what you see. I will ask these people this question: “Why do you pay your electricity bills?” We do not see electricity, but we use it and do not deny its existence. If you have any doubts that it exists, just stick your finger into the socket, and I guarantee that your doubts will be instantly dispelled. Trust your feelings. Believe in the power of heaven. Believe in a happy future, in success and in Love. Believe in the best. We don't always see - but we feel. (Source: Agni Yoga. Banner of Peace)

So I have a couple of questions for you, my dear subscribers. How can you, without knowing a person, without knowing his character, actions, without seeing him even once in his life, openly write such nasty things as you write? About hypocrisy, meanness, and a whole bunch of other things... Maybe you have some kind of special measuring device that strangers does it directly calculate all these qualities? Does the world just not know about this device? Well, you don’t like someone, but should you keep your opinion to yourself, or do you think that because of your wonderful opinions, I will leave my friend and say that we won’t be friends because someone doesn’t like her there? So sometimes you behave strangely, honestly) it only surprises me how envious and evil people are. I had a different opinion about my subscribers, I think well about the majority, but these few amaze me. And even more amazing are those who “like” such comments and also like them. Everyone to the block. I'm not evil, I'm fair. And here is some advice for the future - if you are not sure of the information, and do not know for sure the situation, person, or some story, or problem, remain silent and do not poke your nose into places where you are not competent, otherwise you risk appearing and being known as a stupid person with a worthless opinion. Judge not and you will not be judged. Smack everyone.

Pleasure, luxury - this is what you call happiness, but I think that not wanting anything is the bliss of the gods, and therefore needing only a little is an approach to this highest happiness. ©Socrates

Your eyes are amazing. The first time I saw them, I immediately drowned, I couldn’t sleep peacefully for 4 nights, I could only imagine them. It’s as if they started talking to me before we even said a word. And then, looking at them, I thought: if you want to see bottomless happiness, look here. And this is how it happens: I just saw your eyes, and I immediately want to touch you) and that’s it... with an invisible thread, now something ties my thoughts to you. It’s strange, but when you meet your person, then nothing seems so strange. It’s as if all the puzzles fit together into a picture. It’s as if I’ve known you all my life, or in the past you were definitely very close to me. Only inside, something treacherously jumps up and down with goosebumps all the time, and makes me think that I saw you then for the first time. And somehow it’s no longer so scary to make mistakes, it’s not so scary to learn to forgive again.) What are you like... I immediately want to breathe. And I, you know, have long forgotten the air saturated with such life. With such a desire to learn and no longer be afraid. Sparks are flying from you from all sides, just go and catch them. ...I knew even then that I would never forget those magnetic eyes of yours. (c) Mine

I feel that a recharge or reboot has begun, I’m cultivating willpower, which means) there are a lot of ideas in my head, a lot of thoughts, a positive attitude, progress and internal growth!) I realized that in my free time I want to travel more, not like on tour, but to have fun, watch different countries, visit beautiful cities, but not for work) I will try to do everything in time and make my desires come true)

This is so necessary for our wounded (and healthy) hearts since childhood - the feeling that we are understood by loved ones. (

Anna Dzyuba (stage name Asti) - Ukrainian talented singer, consisting of the duet Artik & Asti.

Singer Asti: biography of a popular performer

Anna was born on June 24, 1990 in the city of Cherkassy, ​​Ukraine. The future celebrity spent his childhood there. The singer’s family still lives there to this day. Before plunging into the world of show business, the girl tried herself in several areas. She worked as a lawyer and was a makeup artist.

In interviews, she said more than once that in her life she never thought that stage and songs were her calling. But despite this, as a child Anna loved to sing and tried in every possible way to perform at various events. She was not afraid of the stage and felt quite confident on it. But this didn’t happen to seriously think about a singer’s career.

Path to success

The musical career of singer Asti began with meeting Artik; now he is the producer and author of their joint duet called Artik & Asti.

He searched for Anya for a long time, since he accidentally heard her voice on the Internet. One evening Artik called her and suggested that she try to record one song and see what happens. After a couple of recordings, they suddenly realized that they were “in tune”, and then it all began. Anna arrived in Moscow for the first time in 2013, at that time she was incredibly scared, because the city was large and unfamiliar and the people were so strangers. But the girl felt that changes were coming and, upon arriving in Moscow, she realized that the city had accepted her.

The singer gained popularity with the release of the composition and video for it in 2011, “My Last Hope,” which was shown on all channels and played on all radio broadcasts. The video for this song has collected about a million views on YouTube. Listeners instantly fell in love with the performer for her unusual deep and sensual voice.

Their duo released three albums, these are:

  • in 2013 “#ParadiseOneForTwo”;
  • in 2015 “Here and Now”;
  • in 2017 "number 1".

The singer's personal life

Singer Asti tries not to talk about her personal life, so we know little. But judging by photos from social networks, she is dating a young man and is very happy. In addition, Anya communicates well with her boyfriend’s mother, as evidenced by their pictures together. Singer Asti values ​​in men, first of all, a sense of humor, courage and understanding of how to behave with a beloved.


Every day Asti receives questions from fans about his style and appearance- hair styling, makeup, manicure and clothing. Therefore, the girl decided to open her own beauty salon to not only tell, but also show how to create a chic image.

On September 9, at the SATRAPEZO restaurant there was a party in honor of the opening of the singer Asti’s new salon, which was attended by celebrity guests such as Ella, Danya, Basil and Loya and others.

A team consisting of a young man and a pretty girl is a successful combination for advancement in the music industry. Especially when she is beautiful and talented, and he is a famous rapper with experience working with artists.

Such a duet is Artik & Asti - young people look great together, and their songs are heard not only in Ukraine and Russia, but also abroad. Each artist went through their own path before creating a successful joint career.

A special genre of music original performance and non-standard motives will not leave listeners indifferent.

Group history and composition

The biography of the future popular producer, singer and composer Artem Umrikhin began in Soviet era: December 9, 1985. The boy's childhood was like most children of that time: he went to school, played football and listened to music on a tape recorder in the evenings.

One day, a friend gave Artyom a cassette with tracks, which then really “roared”. After listening to the songs of this group, the young man “fell ill” with rap: he began to compose his own short compositions and record them on a tape recorder.

After graduating from school, Umrikhin and his friends created the group “Karats”, which immediately began performing in local clubs and quickly gained popularity. After a year, the participants decided to conquer the capital of Ukraine and went to Kyiv. The first collection “Platinum Music” became popular in the country and neighboring countries. The group received an offer for cooperation from Dmitry Klimashenko, and the work continued successfully.

Umrikhin, under the pseudonym Artik, found time for solo collaboration with other performers, which he did well. Among the artists with whom Artik worked: and, members of the group “ Hot chocolate"and the team.

In 2010, the guy decides to create his own music project. Thus began the search for a girl who would become a universal candidate for joint cooperation. The requirements were high: bright appearance, an original voice and the ability to dance, but Artyom’s ambitions were serious, he wanted to “blow up” the world of pop music.

After listening to several recordings of Anya Dziuba, Artik realized that this was exactly what he needed. And he asked Yuri Barnash to call the girl and offer cooperation.

Future star duet Artik& Asti was born on June 24, 1990 and grew up on the banks of the Dnieper. From an early age, the girl was interested in music, but her dreams of becoming a singer seemed illusory to her. Therefore, in order not to waste time after school, the girl immediately started working. She tried her hand at makeup artistry and worked as a legal assistant, but music continued to attract Anna.

In parallel with her work, the girl recorded songs and posted them on the Internet with the hope that someone would hear her voice and recognize her talent. The wait lasted until 2010, when late in the evening Anna received a call from a young man who introduced himself as Yuri Barnash.

Before that predetermining call, Anya knew who Artik was, but did not believe that this popular artist invites her to a joint project. Having overcome the fear of the unknown, the girl set off towards her dream.

Initially, the history of the group began under the name “Artik pres Asti”, but a little later the performers decided to shorten it to Artik & Asti.


In January 2012, the first joint video “Antistress” was released. High-quality and exciting music, an original performance, a video at the proper level - it is unknown why the first work did not cause great delight among the audience. Despite this, it received a decent number of views, and the guys continued to work.

Song “I won’t give it to anyone” by the group “Artik & Asti”

Talented and ambitious performers released their debut album in 2013 entitled “#ParadiseOneForTwo”. The title track “My Last Hope”, according to rotation data, gained 1.5 million views in a month - this is a real success.

After the release of the first album, the group began to be invited to recordings and tours, Anya-Asti was recognized on the streets and asked for autographs: fame literally fell on the girl. Naturally, Artik continued to go towards the goal, without stopping at the result obtained. He, as an experienced producer, understood that, besides him, in musical world There are also artists releasing quality music.

Song “I won’t give it up” by the groups “Artik & Asti” and “Marseille”

The next album, entitled “Here and Now,” was released in 2015 and was liked even more by listeners. The group received not only the attention of fans: Artik & Asti are winners of the Golden Gramophone awards and nominees for Best Promotion at Russian channel musicbox.

In 2017, Artik & Asti, together with the Marseille group, were nominated for the RU.TV award as “Best Duet”. The third collection, entitled “Number 1,” released in 2017, finally cemented the popularity of Artik and Asti.

Artik & Asti now

Now the team continues to delight fans with new hits and videos. One of the guys’ most popular recent creations is a video for the song “I Smell Only You,” filmed together with the singer. After publishing the video, the performer wrote on social networks that she was glad to collaborate with the talented duo.

The song “I smell only you” by the group “Artik & Asti” and Glucose

In March 2018, the band played in Omsk, in June Artik & Asti performed a large-scale concert in St. Petersburg, and July was marked by the performance of the song “Indivisible” at a concert music award"Heat".

As for the video for the track “Indivisible,” in August 2018 it surpassed the 30 million views mark. And recently, the duo published a video for the song “Angel” on the YouTube channel, which became popular in a matter of days.

Song “Indivisible” by the group “Artik & Asti”

The group has a common verified page and personal official accounts V social network "Instagram". The Artik & Asti group shares events and photo reports from concerts in a confirmed social network page

On September 22, the star editor of the Woman's Day website on Instagram will be the singer Asti, the beautiful half of the duet Artik & Asti.

Subscribe to the account and follow the site feed with your eyes popular singer. We promise exclusive footage from the big tour Artik group& Asti, which begins with a concert in Chelyabinsk and will be held in major cities our country this fall.

The day before, the editors of Woman's Day decided to talk to Anna. We combined Proust's legendary questionnaire and questions from psychologist Arthur Aron, answering frankly which young people fell in love, opening up to each other as much as possible. We want our stars to simply trust us and honestly share their opinions Today the vocalist of the group Artik & Asti Anna came under fire.

What virtues do you value most?

Love for family, for friends, for loved ones. Responsibility for your actions and respect.

Qualities that you value most in a man?

A sense of humor, responsibility and, most importantly, the presence of understanding that you are a man and you need to behave correctly towards a woman. Now many men forget about this; I would like to see more responsibility. And also good manners: open the door for a girl, speak correctly, present it nicely in company. All these manners have disappeared somewhere. A man now doesn’t even know how to hug beautifully, everything has become vulgar, it has become like in distorting mirrors - a distorted view of relationships. I would like a man not to allow himself too much and to understand that in front of him is, after all, a normal girl, and not one of easy virtue.

Qualities that you value most in a woman?

Women's wisdom, sense of humor, sincerity in feelings and the ability to control oneself in the most difficult situations.

In your opinion, what is the greatest achievement of your life?

I think they are still ahead.

What is your most characteristic feature?

Smart, determined, soft, charming.

What is your main weakness?


If not yourself, then who would you like to be?

My mother, my family, my friends, I have many such people, and I value them very much.

Where would you like to live?

Where is my home, my work, where I feel cozy and comfortable, where I am happy.

What is your main feature?

Hard work.

What is your idea of ​​happiness?

I will be the happiest when I have children, because I desperately want children, but for now I am happy enough. I do what I love, what my soul requires. My loved ones are healthy, I have two little nephews. Great team, I meet some positive people all the time, interesting people. Isn't this happiness?

What do you consider to be your biggest misfortune?

When people get sick and nothing can be changed.

What vices do you feel most indulgent towards?


What do you disgust or hate?

To meanness and evil.

Given everyone in the world, who would you invite over for dinner?

Mom and my family.

Who are your favorite writers?

Mark Levy.

What is your favorite dish or drink?

There are many of them.

What is your current state of mind?

I'm happy.

What do you value most in your friends?

They are all different, but I love them all very much, these are my people, without whom it would be difficult for me to live.

What does friendship mean to you?

This is my support, support, hysteria and calm, my strength. My everything!

What ability would you like to have (if you were Superman)?

Go without sleep and feel good. I really want to get some sleep!

Before you make a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say?

No, I'm a fairly self-confident person.

When you're in last time did you sing alone?

I sing all the time!

What in your life do you feel most grateful for?

For everything that happens to me today.

What role do love and affection play in your life?

Love is everything, this is my life.

Their music has amazing melody, dance drive, and the incredible voice of the soloist. The duet Artik&Asti began with one call: an already famous author, composer, performer and producer called the then unknown singer.

— Artyom, Anna, tell us how your duet was formed: how did you meet and decide to work together?

Artik: Quite by accident, I came across a recording on the Internet in which Asti took part. And I really liked her voice. I was just looking for a vocalist to work with.

Asti: One evening my phone rang, I picked it up - Artik was calling! I recognized his voice on the phone because I was already familiar with his work. At first I couldn’t believe that he just called like that. Art suggested that I try to work together and said that he was going to the studio to write a song for me. And a couple of days later we met and recorded the song “Antistress”. From that moment we worked together, so to speak.

The Internet writes about Artyom that his passion for music began with the group “Malchishnik”. Anna, who or what pushed you to study music and vocals?

Asti: As long as I can remember, music has always been with me, and I sang from the very beginning early age. I spent my entire childhood in front of the mirror in some outfits, singing with a comb in my hand. My sister also had cassette tapes - Whitney Houston's "Body Guard" and Mariah Carey, one of the first albums with the song My All. I listened to these tapes to death, I didn’t know English, but I sang everything. And I still love Whitney Houston very much, it seems to me that best performer of all times and peoples. At the age of 17, I wrote my first song, and my friends posted it on the Internet under the name Anna Dzyuba. This was my first serious composition, and I realized that perhaps what I thought was my dream could become real.

You managed to make a breakthrough in your career, literally shoot. Why/who do you think made this happen? Is there some luck in this or is it all just work and more work?

Artik: Everything is important here, nothing is unimportant. Of course, this is work, and chance, and luck. We didn’t just “shoot”, we worked towards it. We worked, wrote songs, toured. And before television and radio companies paid attention to us, listeners fell in love with us, for which we are eternally grateful to them.

-?What is happening in your creative life now?

Artik: Recently released new clip to the song “I am yours.” Concerts are taking place as part of the big tour #You can do everything in Russian cities. And in October we had a big solo concert in Moscow, at Izvestia Hall. We have also started recording a new album, so don’t miss the premiere!

Every year new talented artists appear in show business, but few stay. Why do you think this happens?

Artik: We just do what we and the audience like. And since our album became triple platinum at the end of 2015, it means we are on the right track.

Asti: We always do everything from the heart and soul and are always happy if our efforts, our work and our creativity are in demand and liked by the audience.

-?Does it happen that you quarrel?

Artik: We have no disputes or quarrels, and, accordingly, no reasons for them either. (smiles).

Asti: Artik is a producer! Who will argue with the producer? (laughs).

We get along well, from the first minutes we understand each other without words. Artik is the only person in my life whom I listen to. I don’t even listen to my parents; no one can advise me. And I listen to Artik, we are friends, work partners, he is like an older brother to me. And I'm fine.

-? Anna, you recently opened a “Beauty Bureau” - how did this idea come about?

Asti: I am a creative person, I always want to develop, I want something new. As a child, probably almost every girl played “hospital” or did everyone’s hair and makeup. I'm no exception. Now our games have become more real. That’s why I decided to open a “Beauty Bureau”.

I have four wonderful hair stylists, whose services I have used myself for several years. Presented new technology hair coloring with oils, the latest trends in care, haircuts and styling. Hair retains shine, silky, dense structure for several months. And of course, cosmetology services, manicures and pedicures will be provided. The basis of our work will be the quality of services. Nowadays in Moscow you don’t always find the “right” and “your” master, even for such a small thing as cutting your hair, for example. You ask to shorten it by 2 cm, they cut it by 6, you ask for one color - they make another, and then you sit and cry.

I myself suffered with such problems for a very long time until I gathered everyone good craftsmen in one place, in my “Beauty Bureau”. This is a team that knows their business and easily understands what the client wants and how to help him further emphasize his beauty. All my friends have been asking about my hairdresser for the last couple of years, admiring the color of my hair and its shine. Who would know what happened to them two years ago... And now my hair is the merit of my hairdresser, who is on my team.

Anna, there are some “tricks” own secrets that help you look good? And what are you doing to support good shape— diets, fitness?

Asti: I don’t go on diets, I do fitness only if I really want to. Yoga, meditation and stretching help me. I do stretching in the gym, and before bed I take warm shower, I turn off the sound on my phone and just immerse myself in an atmosphere of peace and quiet. The main thing here is to find balance in yourself, and for this you need to rest, relax. For me, the main thing is to get enough sleep, then I have the mood and strength.

-?Are there plans for a vacation?

Artik: In the summer we worked, performed, recorded new songs, and prepared for a tour around the country. We rest in winter. For example, last winter we visited Thailand. I like to relax in Israel, there is a special atmosphere and energy there. I also often visit Vienna, I have friends there, and I visit them periodically.

-? Well last question— when can we expect you to give a concert in Tula?

Artik: Tula - very beautiful city, have been there more than once and always enjoyed it! We hope to be there soon!


Artik & Asti: Artyom Umrikhin and Anna Asti.

The group was created in 2010.

The first song is “Anti-stress”.

The second album “Here and Now” became one of the most popular in Russia in 2015.

Hits of Artik & Asti: “I won’t give it to anyone”, “Half”, “You can do everything”, etc.