Duet Artik&Asti: We are just friends. Artik & Asti (Artik and Asti) - Biography, personal life, photos, songs

Anna Dzyuba (stage name Asti) - Ukrainian talented singer, consisting of the duet Artik & Asti.

Singer Asti: biography of a popular performer

Anna was born on June 24, 1990 in the city of Cherkassy, ​​Ukraine. The future celebrity spent his childhood there. The singer’s family still lives there to this day. Before plunging into the world of show business, the girl tried herself in several areas. She worked as a lawyer and was a makeup artist.

In interviews, she said more than once that in her life she never thought that stage and songs were her calling. But despite this, as a child Anna loved to sing and tried in every possible way to perform at various events. She was not afraid of the stage and felt quite confident on it. But this didn’t happen to seriously think about a singer’s career.

Path to success

The musical career of singer Asti began with meeting Artik; now he is the producer and author of their joint duet called Artik & Asti.

He searched for Anya for a long time, since he accidentally heard her voice on the Internet. One evening Artik called her and suggested that she try to record one song and see what happens. After a couple of recordings, they suddenly realized that they were “in tune”, and then it all began. Anna arrived in Moscow for the first time in 2013, at that time she was incredibly scared, because the city was large and unfamiliar and the people were so strangers. But the girl felt that changes were coming and, upon arriving in Moscow, she realized that the city had accepted her.

The singer gained popularity with the release of the composition and video for it in 2011, “My Last Hope,” which was shown on all channels and played on all radio broadcasts. The video for this song has collected about a million views on YouTube. Listeners instantly fell in love with the performer for her unusual deep and sensual voice.

Their duo released three albums, these are:

  • in 2013 “#ParadiseOneForTwo”;
  • in 2015 “Here and Now”;
  • in 2017 "number 1".

The singer's personal life

Singer Asti tries not to talk about her personal life, so we know little. But judging by photos from social networks, she is dating a young man and is very happy. In addition, Anya communicates well with her boyfriend’s mother, as evidenced by their pictures together. Singer Asti values ​​in men, first of all, a sense of humor, courage and understanding of how to behave with a beloved.


Every day Asti receives questions from fans about his style and appearance- hair styling, makeup, manicure and clothing. Therefore, the girl decided to open her own beauty salon to not only tell, but also show how to create a chic image.

On September 9, at the SATRAPEZO restaurant there was a party in honor of the opening of the singer Asti’s new salon, which was attended by celebrity guests such as Ella, Danya, Basil and Loya and others.

A team consisting of a young man and a pretty girl is a successful combination for advancement in the music industry. Especially when she is beautiful and talented, and he is a famous rapper with experience working with artists.

Such a duet is Artik & Asti - young people look great together, and their songs are heard not only in Ukraine and Russia, but also abroad. Each artist went through their own path before creating a successful joint career.

A special genre of music original performance and non-standard motives will not leave listeners indifferent.

Group history and composition

The biography of the future popular producer, singer and composer Artem Umrikhin began in Soviet era: December 9, 1985. The boy's childhood was like most children of that time: he went to school, played football and listened to music on a tape recorder in the evenings.

One day, a friend gave Artyom a cassette with tracks, which then really “roared”. After listening to the songs of this group, the young man “fell ill” with rap: he began to compose his own short compositions and record them on a tape recorder.

After graduating from school, Umrikhin and his friends created the group “Karats”, which immediately began performing in local clubs and quickly gained popularity. After a year, the participants decided to conquer the capital of Ukraine and went to Kyiv. The first collection “Platinum Music” became popular in the country and neighboring countries. The group received an offer for cooperation from Dmitry Klimashenko, and the work continued successfully.

Umrikhin, under the pseudonym Artik, found time for solo collaboration with other performers, which he did well. Among the artists with whom Artik worked: and, members of the group “ Hot chocolate"and the team.

In 2010, the guy decides to create his own music project. Thus began the search for a girl who would become a universal candidate for joint cooperation. The requirements were high: bright appearance, an original voice and the ability to dance, but Artyom’s ambitions were serious, he wanted to “blow up” the world of pop music.

After listening to several recordings of Anya Dziuba, Artik realized that this was exactly what he needed. And he asked Yuri Barnash to call the girl and offer cooperation.

Future star duet Artik& Asti was born on June 24, 1990 and grew up on the banks of the Dnieper. From her early childhood, the girl was interested in music, but her dreams of becoming a singer seemed illusory to her. Therefore, in order not to waste time after school, the girl immediately started working. She tried her hand at makeup artistry and worked as a legal assistant, but music continued to attract Anna.

In parallel with her work, the girl recorded songs and posted them on the Internet with the hope that someone would hear her voice and recognize her talent. The wait lasted until 2010, when late in the evening Anna received a call from a young man who introduced himself as Yuri Barnash.

Before that predetermining call, Anya knew who Artik was, but did not believe that this popular artist invites her to a joint project. Having overcome the fear of the unknown, the girl set off towards her dream.

Initially, the history of the group began under the name “Artik pres Asti”, but a little later the performers decided to shorten it to Artik & Asti.


In January 2012, the first joint video “Antistress” was released. High-quality and exciting music, an original performance, a video at the proper level - it is unknown why the first work did not cause great delight among the audience. Despite this, it received a decent number of views, and the guys continued to work.

Song “I won’t give it to anyone” by the group “Artik & Asti”

Talented and ambitious performers released their debut album in 2013 entitled “#ParadiseOneForTwo”. The title track “My Last Hope”, according to rotation data, gained 1.5 million views in a month - this is a real success.

After the release of the first album, the group began to be invited to recordings and tours, Anya-Asti was recognized on the streets and asked for autographs: fame literally fell on the girl. Naturally, Artik continued to go towards the goal, without stopping at the result obtained. He, as an experienced producer, understood that, besides him, in musical world There are still artists releasing quality music.

Song “I won’t give it up” by the groups “Artik & Asti” and “Marseille”

The next album, entitled “Here and Now,” was released in 2015 and was liked even more by listeners. The group received not only the attention of fans: Artik & Asti are winners of the Golden Gramophone awards and nominees for Best Promotion at Russian channel musicbox.

In 2017, Artik & Asti, together with the Marseille group, were nominated for the RU.TV award as “Best Duet”. The third collection, entitled “Number 1,” released in 2017, finally cemented the popularity of Artik and Asti.

Artik & Asti now

Now the team continues to delight fans with new hits and videos. One of the guys’ most popular recent creations is a video for the song “I Smell Only You,” filmed together with the singer. After publishing the video, the performer wrote on social networks that she was glad to collaborate with the talented duo.

The song “I smell only you” by the group “Artik & Asti” and Glucose

In March 2018, the band played in Omsk, in June Artik & Asti performed a large-scale concert in St. Petersburg, and July was marked by the performance of the song “Indivisible” at a concert music award"Heat".

As for the video for the track “Indivisible,” in August 2018 it surpassed the 30 million views mark. And recently on the YouTube channel the duo published a video for the song “Angel”, which became popular in a matter of days.

Song “Indivisible” by the group “Artik & Asti”

The group has a common verified page and personal official accounts V social network "Instagram". The Artik & Asti group shares events and photo reports from concerts in a confirmed social network page

The group “Artik & Asti” was founded in 2010 by Artyom, who is both a performer and producer of the group. Having decided to create a musical project, the young man began looking for a vocalist. I found Anna Dzyuba on the Internet, where I heard her recordings of songs, and invited her to collaborate.

Artik before fame

Umrikhin Artyom Igorevich (pseudonym - Artik) was born in Zaporozhye. As a child, he was an ordinary boy who loved to play football with his friends in the yard and listen to music on a cassette recorder. I loved listening to the songs of the group “Malchishnik”, thanks to which I became interested in hip-hop music from the age of 11.

Gradually, the young man began to write his own musical compositions (songs). In 1997, Artyom recorded his first musical works, performed with them in clubs. In 2003, he became the founder of the successful hip-hop project “Carats”.

It was then that Artyom got the pseudonym Artik, and he and the group moved to live in Kyiv. In 2004, the first collection of the group “Platinum Music” was released, which became very popular among wide range listeners.

Artyom collaborates and writes music for such performers as:, Yulia Savicheva, DJ Smash, Dima Bilan. He is the founder of the music company: Self made music.

Asti before she became famous

Anna Dziuba (pseudonym – Asti) was born in Cherkassy in musical family. The girl has an older sister. WITH early childhood Anna began to get involved in music and dream of the stage and career as a singer. She loved to sing and dance. The girl grew up as an active and artistic child, but obedient. Her favorite singers as a child were Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey, the cassettes of which she listened to endlessly. Participated in all school events. She recorded her first songs as a teenager.

After graduating from school, the girl, believing that you can break into show business only with money, goes to work as a makeup artist, and later as a legal assistant in a law firm. At the same time, Anna recorded her songs and posted them on the Internet.

Professional activities

The group recorded their first song at a Kyiv music studio and it was called “Antistress”. But the composition turned out to be unnoticeable. But thanks to the second song “My Last Hope” the group becomes famous not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. Their video for this song on YouTube received several million views in a short period.

The group has released three albums over the eight years of its existence: album 1, “Paradise for Two,” was released on October 1, 2013; album 2, “Here and Now,” was released on February 10, 2015, which included 12 songs. The album became one of the most popular in Russia and took ninth place as the best-selling album in Russia. Album 3 – “Number 1” (April 21, 2017).

During the existence of the group, about 20 videos were recorded for songs from different albums. One of the brightest clips is the video for the song “You Can Do Anything” (February 16, 2016). The main performers in the video were dancer Aykhan Shinzhin and actress. The videography was directed by Rina Kasyura.

Interesting notes:

During its existence, the group has toured a lot not only in Russia and Ukraine, but also in European countries. From 2014 to 2018, the group “Artik & Asti” was nominated for various awards, among which there were many victories in various categories:

  • In 2015, they became winners in the category “Best Pop Project” (Annual Music Award);
  • 2016 – “Radio Takeoff” (Top Hit Music Awords);
  • 2017 – “Group of the Year” (Russian Music Box);
  • 2018 – “Best Pop Group” (Muz-TV) and Group of the Year” (Fashion People Awords).

The group supports the “I AM NEEDED” Children’s Development Center foundation and social project"Beauty stylist: transformation." There is a friendly, almost family atmosphere in the team. Artyom and Anna have a relationship like brother and sister. They almost never quarrel and always support each other in everything.

Artyom is the only person for Anna whom she always listens to first. The group is constantly dense tour schedule, their popularity and demand is growing every day.

They take part in all major concerts and successfully tour around the world. Their compositions most often occupy leading places in all music charts.

Personal life and interesting facts

Artyom (Artik) is married and has a son. Is versatile creative personality. Often attends High Fashion Week in Moscow. He likes designer Bella Potemkina. Prefers Alaya Couture brand.

Artyom met his wife Ramina on the Internet through friends. She lived in Riga at that time, the girl has gypsy roots. Before the wedding, they communicated for two years. Before her marriage, Ramina worked as a makeup artist, stylist and hairdresser on film sets.

In 2016, in the city of Vienna, in a romantic setting, the artist proposed to his girlfriend. In the fall of 2016 they got married. On 10/09/2017 in Miami, in an elite clinic, a son was born into the family, who was named Ethan. The best vacation for an artist are traveling to other countries. For his wife, Artyom wrote a frank song “Give me your word.” Today Artyom manages to combine family life with active creative activity groups.

Anna (Asti) is in a relationship with a young man. But he prefers to hide his personal relationships. Believes that happiness loves silence. Today, the girl does not plan to start a family, she is completely absorbed in her career.

In addition to participating in the group, Anna is developing and organizing her own beauty salon in Moscow. The girl is also in demand as a model in various fashion magazines. Her height is 175 cm, weight – 55 kg. Anna gets in shape through stretching, tsoga and meditation.

The singer launched her own clothing line – “Selfmade by Asti”. She is a cat person. The artist is proud of such personal qualities as determination, openness and kindness. Anna's motto is: "It is better to burn out than to fade away." Asti is a very emotional girl and wants everything from life at once. Appreciates every moment lived in life.

On October 9th, the RED club hosted a big solo concert popular dance group Artik & Asti.
It is worth noting that the group earned its popularity with the release of the single “My Last Hope.” The video for this composition on YOUTUBE has received more than 1 million views in just a few months! But the real triumph was the single “Clouds (One Paradise for Two).”
And indeed, that evening at the Red club you could “fly beyond the blue clouds” from amazing music and 1.5 hours of live performance by the sweet-voiced vocalist Asti, the talented sound producer, author and composer Artik, and the charismatic drummer The Kidd and no less brilliant DJ - DJ Loyza. The expression of the audience merged with the energy of the songs and dance show. About one and a half thousand people, jam-packed all 3 floors of the RED club, sang along with their favorite artists to their sensational hits from the albums “Here and Now” and “Paradise for Two”.

Artik&Asti performed “Very, very”, “Half”, “So it was”, “Sweet Dream”, “More than love”, “I won’t give it to anyone”, “You can do everything”, “Fragments”, “Winter”, “Who I tell you”, “I Remember”, “A Hundred Reasons”, “One in a Million”, etc. The atmosphere of dance drive and positivity was present until the very end of the concert. Of course, because Artik&Asti’s songs occupy leading positions in the dance charts, are in active rotation on such radio stations as Dfm, Love Radio, Humor FM and many others, and almost all the tracks are hot dance hits that you can’t sit still to. The audience only had to cry during the song “My Last Hope,” but at the end of the concert Artik&Asti performed the song “Very, Very” as an encore, commenting on the fact that they love their listeners very much. And the fans did not go unnoticed by their idols - for a full half hour Artik&Asti, tired but happy, signed autographs after the concert. The Fashion-Concert team talked to the guys, and they answered our questions, which we specially prepared for them!

FC: How did you meet, and who came up with the idea to record songs together?

Asti: It’s all his fault (looks at Artik, laughs) Artik found me by chance, I was singing my songs on the Internet, he heard my voice, looked for me for a very long time, in the end he found me after the 10th generation, called me and simply said: “ Hello, my name is Artik, let’s write a track together!” I was shocked, I thought someone was joking, but after a couple of days I got over it, accepted it and came. And we recorded one of our first songs, “Anti-stress,” which was included in our first album, and I’m glad that everything is going well so far!

FC: Do you have your favorite song?

Asti: I love all our songs very much, although I myself prefer lyrical music, slow ones. Of our songs, I like “It Was So,” “You Can Do Anything,” “Hold Me Tight.” I absolutely love our song “I won’t give it to anyone.”

FC: Do you write the words and music for the songs yourself?

Artik: Yes, ourselves. Both words and music. It happens, of course, that friends help, but 90% of the time we write it ourselves.

FC: Who is your leader in your team and why?

Asti: Of course, the leader is Artik. He is a producer, he is a person to whom everyone listens: his advice is never superfluous. So far, it has never happened that Artik advised something, and he was told “so, in short, thank you.” We always listen to him, because we know that he will never wish or advise anything bad!

Artik: Yes, it's true (smiles).

FC: Asti meaning your name? Did you take this pseudonym because you love Asti Martini?

Asti: I love you, but that's not why. Actually my name is Anna Asti.

FC: What message do you want to convey to listeners with your songs?

Artik: Songs are vital, that’s why they are so popular, because every person can transfer them to their life, say “This song is about me!” These are songs about life, about love, about suffering, experiences, happy love and so on.

FC: Today you are performing together, do you still have ideas for a solo career?

Asti: I didn’t even think about it, because we don’t have a team, but a large creative family. For example, I can’t imagine my life, even in 5 years, without their support, a pat on the shoulder, without some kind of criticism. I believe that we are not just a group, a team, but we are truly a family! And the family, it is strong, it does not fall apart!

FC: It's already October. High Fashion Week in Moscow will begin soon. In April of this year you spoke at Volvo Fashion Week and supported designer Alla Kravchenko, are you going to attend anyone’s shows this year? By the way, Asti is wearing a gorgeous dress now, which designer came up with it?

Asti: This Sheri Hill dress is an American brand. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to support anyone this year, because we’re about to start a wonderful holiday season.

FC: What about touring?

Asti: Tomorrow we fly to Riga, then we fly off on vacation for 10 days, come back and tour around Germany, to Amsterdam, then again around Russia, then again Germany. We have a lot planned for several months in advance!

FC: Great! I would like to wish you new songs and further creative success! AND last question, which is probably what excites your fans the most! Is there only a creative tandem between you or a personal relationship?

Artik: Creative, friendly, brotherly!

Asti: Personal relationships: like brother and sister. Artik is like the older brother I always dreamed of! I can always call him and say: “Artik, I don’t know what to do!” He will always tell me where and what. I can even cry sometimes. He will always support me and tell me a word that will comfort me and help me!

FC: Thank you, the entire Fashion-Concert team wishes you a successful concert and even greater popularity and music awards!

We worked on the material.

Their music has amazing melody, dance drive, and the incredible voice of the soloist. The duet Artik&Asti began with one call: an already famous author, composer, performer and producer called the then unknown singer.

— Artyom, Anna, tell us how your duet was formed: how did you meet and decide to work together?

Artik: Quite by accident, I came across a recording on the Internet in which Asti took part. And I really liked her voice. I was just looking for a vocalist to work with.

Asti: One evening my phone rang, I picked it up - Artik was calling! I recognized his voice on the phone because I was already familiar with his work. At first I couldn’t believe that he just called like that. Art suggested that I try to work together and said that he was going to the studio to write a song for me. And a couple of days later we met and recorded the song “Antistress”. From that moment we worked together, so to speak.

The Internet writes about Artyom that his passion for music began with the group “Malchishnik”. Anna, who or what pushed you to study music and vocals?

Asti: As long as I can remember, music has always been with me, and I have been singing since early age. I spent my entire childhood in front of the mirror in some outfits, singing with a comb in my hand. My sister also had cassette tapes - Whitney Houston's "Body Guard" and Mariah Carey, one of the first albums with the song My All. I listened to these tapes to death, I didn’t know English, but I sang everything. And I still love Whitney Houston very much, it seems to me that best performer of all times and peoples. At the age of 17, I wrote my first song, and my friends posted it on the Internet under the name Anna Dzyuba. This was my first serious composition, and I realized that perhaps what I considered my dream could become real.

You managed to make a breakthrough in your career, literally shoot. Why/who do you think made this happen? Is there some luck in this or is it all just work and more work?

Artik: Everything is important here, nothing is unimportant. Of course, this is work, and chance, and luck. We didn’t just “shoot”, we worked towards it. We worked, wrote songs, toured. And before television and radio companies paid attention to us, listeners fell in love with us, for which we are eternally grateful to them.

-?What is happening in your creative life now?

Artik: Recently released new clip to the song “I am yours.” Concerts are taking place as part of the big tour #You can do everything in Russian cities. And in October we had a big solo concert in Moscow, at Izvestia Hall. We have also started recording a new album, so don’t miss the premiere!

Every year new talented artists appear in show business, but few stay. Why do you think this happens?

Artik: We just do what we and the audience like. And since our album became triple platinum at the end of 2015, it means we are on the right track.

Asti: We always do everything from the heart and soul and are always happy if our efforts, our work and our creativity are in demand and liked by the audience.

-?Does it happen that you quarrel?

Artik: We have no disputes or quarrels, and, accordingly, no reasons for them either. (smiles).

Asti: Artik is a producer! Who will argue with the producer? (laughs).

We get along well, from the first minutes we understand each other without words. Artik is the only person in my life whom I listen to. I don’t even listen to my parents; no one can advise me. And I listen to Artik, we are friends, work partners, he is like an older brother to me. And I'm fine.

-? Anna, you recently opened a “Beauty Bureau” - how did this idea come about?

Asti: I am a creative person, I always want to develop, I want something new. As a child, probably almost every girl played “hospital” or did everyone’s hair and makeup. I'm no exception. Now our games have become more real. That’s why I decided to open a “Beauty Bureau”.

I have four wonderful hair stylists, whose services I have used myself for several years. Presented new technology hair coloring with oils, the latest trends in care, haircuts and styling. Hair retains shine, silky, dense structure for several months. And of course, cosmetology services, manicures and pedicures will be provided. The basis of our work will be the quality of services. Now in Moscow you don’t always find the “right” and “your” master, even for such a small thing as cutting your hair, for example. You ask to shorten it by 2 cm, they cut it by 6, you ask for one color - they make another, and then you sit and cry.

I myself suffered with such problems for a very long time until I gathered everyone good craftsmen in one place, in my “Beauty Bureau”. This is a team that knows their business and easily understands what the client wants and how to help him further emphasize his beauty. All my friends have been asking about my hairdresser for the last couple of years, admiring the color of my hair and its shine. Who would know what happened to them two years ago... And now my hair is the merit of my hairdresser, who is on my team.

Anna, there are some “tricks” own secrets that help you look good? And what are you doing to support good shape— diets, fitness?

Asti: I don’t go on diets, I do fitness only if I really want to. Yoga, meditation and stretching help me. I do stretching in the gym, and before bed I take warm shower, I turn off the sound on my phone and just immerse myself in an atmosphere of peace and quiet. The main thing here is to find balance in yourself, and for this you need to rest, relax. For me, the main thing is to get enough sleep, then I have the mood and strength.

-?Are there plans for a vacation?

Artik: In the summer we worked, performed, recorded new songs, and prepared for a tour around the country. We rest in winter. For example, last winter we visited Thailand. I like to relax in Israel, there is a special atmosphere and energy there. I also often visit Vienna, I have friends there, and I visit them periodically.

-?Well, the last question - when can we expect you to give a concert in Tula?

Artik: Tula - very beautiful city, have been there more than once and always enjoyed it! We hope to be there soon!


Artik & Asti: Artyom Umrikhin and Anna Asti.

The group was created in 2010.

The first song is “Anti-stress”.

The second album “Here and Now” became one of the most popular in Russia in 2015.

Hits of Artik & Asti: “I won’t give it to anyone”, “Half”, “You can do everything”, etc.