Introducing older preschoolers to painting. Introducing senior children to portrait painting and fine arts

Valentina Khurtova
Summary of a lesson on introducing children to fine arts"Visiting the paintings" in senior group



V senior group"IN visiting the paintings»


Khurtova Valentina Borisovna

MBDOU No. 18 "Alyonushka"


Task: learn children distinguish between genres of painting (landscape, portrait, still life, their characteristic features, compose a descriptive story characterizing the chosen picture.

Preliminary work: memorizing a poem by the poet A. Kushner "ABOUT paintings» ; examination of reproductions of different genres paintings; writing stories based on paintings.

Material: easels, reproductions (landscapes, portraits, still lifes); attributes of a guide (pointer, butterfly, beads, glasses, signs - names of genres.

Game situation: children are offered a tour of the hall art gallery .

Progress of the lesson.

Children, today we will go to the museum and take a tour of the hall art gallery. Look how many different ones there are here paintings by great artists. Do you know who artists are? They need talent, ability, and also hard work. And if you don’t have patience and skill, then it can turn out like in a poem "Artist".

Our Seryozhka as an artist

A blunder and a blunder - he’s always in a hurry.

Painted rain in the window,

It turned out to be a beard.

The sun is thick like soap

Chicken has 3 legs

The tank looks like a crocodile

And at home for irons.

There's a cat on a jug without a handle,

Elephant on the bed box,

And Seryozhka himself cannot,

Who and what is here, make out.

Wondering where

Tail on a camel's neck

And the lion’s horned head is somewhere on the side?

Well, we are not surprised,

There's a simple answer to everything:

No patience - no skill,

No skill - no use!

But wait, it seems to me that someone has already visited our museum. I remember exactly that I was preparing for your arrival and posted paintings artists by genre. I think I guessed who it could be. Pinocchio! He really likes to look paintings, plans to become an artist himself, but is still poorly versed in the genres of painting. Oh, this Pinocchio! In order to continue the journey, you need to restore order among paintings. Can you help me? Then sit back and get to work.

How many of you know the genres of painting? How can you define a genre? paintings? If on picture a person is drawn - this is a portrait, nature-landscape, objects, fruits, flowers - still life. Our Pinocchio also needs to be taught to distinguish between genres

What's the best way to do this? For example, using a poem by A. Kushner "ABOUT paintings» . And with his help we will put up signs.

If you see on the picture shows a river,

Or spruce and white frost, or garden and clouds,

Or a snowy plain, or a field and a hut.

Necessarily the painting is called landscape.

If you see on picture of a cup of coffee on the table,

Or the sea in a large decanter, or a rose in crystal,

Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a cake,

Or all the objects at once, which means it’s a still life.

If you see on picture someone is looking at you

Or a prince in a cape ancient, or like a steeplejack,

A pilot, or a ballerina, or Kolka is your neighbor,

Necessarily the painting is called a portrait.

Well, now everything is in order and you can start the tour. But the trouble is, Pinocchio himself wanted to tell you about these paintings- become a tour guide. Yes, apparently he was delayed somewhere.

Would any of you agree to be a tour guide? A child dresses up as a tour guide (glasses, bow tie, beads, pointer) and tells a story about one of the genre acquaintances paintings; starting my story:

Look at this picture: or

Please note...

Stories children about artists and their works. (1-3 stories).

At the end, the teacher thanks and praises children for interesting stories O paintings.

Our museum is closing.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fiction in the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale” Summary of the lesson on familiarization with fiction in the older group. Theme "Visiting a fairy tale" Purpose: to introduce the greatest.

Summary of a lesson on introducing children to the properties of water in the first junior group “Water visiting the children” Program content: 1. Introduce children to the properties of water (water can be hot, cold, warm, clean, dirty) 2. Develop.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Vodyanoy visiting children” Lesson notes. Middle group. Topic: “Vodyanoy visiting children” (Acquaintance with the outside world) Program content: Introduce.

A circle for introducing children of senior preschool age to folk arts and crafts Kruzhkovaya work-methodological development. “Organization of work in decorative and applied arts” METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT – circle.

Lapbook for introducing children to folk decorative arts - applied arts“Folk Crafts of Russia” Age target: senior preschool.

Moral and patriotic education of preschool children through familiarization with the fine arts Homeland. Fatherland. Fatherland. Father's land. This is what people call the land on which they were born, and there is nothing more precious to a person than the Motherland and beauty.

Elena Ivanovna Zadoya
Abstract of the GCD for introducing preschoolers to fine arts in the senior group (Landscape artist I. I. Shishkin)


1)Introduce children with such a genre of painting as landscape.

2) Learn to perceive the content of a landscape painting, understand the beauty of nature, which depicted by the artist.

3) Develop imagination, fantasy; make children want to look at pictures about nature.

4) Expand children’s knowledge about creativity landscape artist I. AND Shishkina.

4) Educate children artistic taste , the ability to highlight shades of colors as a means of expressiveness.


Vocabulary enrichment- pine forest, dense, gloomy.

Vocabulary activation - dark, impenetrable, deaf, clumsy, funny, cute, clumsy bears, sparse, palmate, openwork crown.


Showing, explaining, talking, reminding, repeating, playing technique, artistic word , physical training, encouragement, evaluation of actions.


Screen, projector, computer, slides - reproduction of a painting by I. I. Shishkina"Morning in a pine forest", portrait-reproduction of I. I. Shishkina, audio recording ( musical accompaniment during creative work, blanks using monotype technique.


Examination of illustrations, paintings about nature, excursion to a grove, park, reading river. n. fairy tales "The Frog Princess", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear", organization of an exhibition of paintings and reproductions by I. I. Shishkina-“Rye”, “Pine Forest”, “Ship Grove”, “Before the Storm”.

Move (NOD)


Imagine, children, that we are now in the forest. Turn around yourself and turn into trees. Show how tall the trees are in the forest. (children raise their hands up)

A warm breeze blew and the leaves rustled. (children move their fingers quickly)

A cold wind blew and the pine trees swayed. (children shake and wave their arms)

The wind has died down; neither leaves nor branches are moving anymore. (children relax)

The wind blew again. (children tense again and wave their arms, then relax again)

Guys, what a amazing world surrounds us, this is the natural world. They help us to be able to see its beauty artists. Are you already familiar with artists who illustrated fairy tales, and there are others who help us see the beauty of nature in the picture. The pictures they paint are called landscapes, and landscape artists.

As they call it artist who paints landscapes (suggested answers landscape artist)

And the pictures he paints (landscapes)

Here in Russia lived a wonderful artist I. AND Shishkin. He loved to draw the forest.

Look at his portrait. A strong, broad-shouldered man with a beard, somewhat reminiscent of a mighty tree. People called him that - “Forest Hero”, “King of the Forest”

I. I have Shishkina's painting, which many people know. It's called "Morning in a Pine Forest."

Guys, look carefully at the names of the trees I drew. artist(pine trees)

What is the name of a forest in which only pine trees grow? (pine forest)

That's right, a pine forest. Look at the trees. How can you describe them - what they are like? (tall, powerful, slender, fat, etc.)

What kind of crown does a pine tree have? (rare, palmate, openwork)

What do you think is the main color in the forest? (green)

Is it the same green uses artist when he draws a forest (its different shades)

What time of day do you think it is? shown in the painting, Why (Morning, because the sun had just risen and illuminated the tops of the trees)

Who do you see in the center of the picture? (mother bear with cubs)

Look and tell me what the cubs are doing (children talk about what the cubs are doing)

We don't see artist, we don’t hear his voice, but how he told us about the beauty of the forest (brush, paints)

So with what artist we met(I. I Shishkin)

What is the name of the picture we looked at? ("Morning in a pine forest")

How can you call in one word what shown in the painting(scenery)

Yes guys, now we know that the picture in which nature is depicted, is called a landscape, and artist who painted him as a landscape painter.


Hands raised and shook

These are the trees in the forest

Elbows bent, hands shaken,

The wind blows away the dew.

Hands to the sides

Let's wave gently -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll also show you how they sit down.

The wings were folded back.

Now guys, each of you will become landscape artist.

Children go to their work stations and complete the task using a non-traditional technique - monotype.

Guys, what time of year is it now? (golden autumn)

So let's let's depict in his paintings - golden autumn.

At the end of the children’s activities, the works are hung up and everyone admires them, shares their impressions, and chooses their favorites.

You turned out to be wonderful landscape painters!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated educational activity for introducing older preschoolers to art “Who and how creates drawings in books” Goals: to consolidate children’s understanding of book graphics, about the work of illustrators: Y. Vasnetsov, E. Charushin, E. Rachev, V. Suteev.

Abstract "The world of animals in the art of Buryatia" on familiarization with fine arts Abstract “The world of animals in the art of Buryatia” on familiarization with fine arts, introducing children to the culture of the Buryat people.

Summary of educational activities for introducing art in the preparatory group “Folk Toys” Abstract of GCD No. 1 for familiarization with art in preparatory group Topic: " Folk toys» Completed by: Teacher of preschool educational institution no. 32.

Summary of educational activities for introducing children to the folk arts and crafts “Golden Khokhloma” in the middle group Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 60" Summary of GCD in middle group"Golden Khokhloma"

"Traditional holidays of the Buryats." Summary of a lesson on familiarization with fine arts Abstract " Traditional holidays Buryats" on familiarization with fine arts. In order to know the real soul of the people, it is necessary.

Summary of a lesson on introducing children to arts and crafts in the preparatory group Goal: to introduce children to decorative and applied arts. Objectives: - Educational: expand and consolidate children’s ideas about.

Topic: Bunny (examination of illustration by Yu. Vasnetsov)


Continue to cultivate interest in visual arts.

Develop auditory perception, attention, observation;

Improve verbal communication.

Continue to learn how to draw round and oval shapes, reinforce

Ability to hold a pencil correctly; develop a sense of color.

Cultivate a love for nature.

Materials and equipment:

Toy hare, bunny mask, illustration by Yu. Vasnetsov

“Zainka”, sheets of yellow paper with painted vases,

Sample drawing on the board, colored pencils in a box for each person


Preliminary work:

Examination of illustrations of “Ladushka” by Yu. Vasnetsov and “Who

Said “Meow” by V. Suteev.


Children enter the group and see a sad gray bunny sitting on the carpet. The children and the teacher are interested in what happened to the bunny and why he is so sad. The bunny replies that he quarreled with his friends the hares and does not know how to make peace with them now. The teacher offers to help the bunny.

Bunny, my kids and I know a game about you, would you like to see it? (Yes, I want to).

If desired, one of the children is chosen to play the role of a bunny, and the round dance game “Bunny” is played.

Bunny, come into the garden,

Gray, enter the garden.

Bunny, bunny, come into the garden,

Gray, gray, enter the garden!

Bunny, pick the color,

Gray, pick the color.

Bunny, bunny, pick the color,

Gray, gray, rip off the color!

Bunny, make your wreath,

Gray, make your wreath.

Bunny, bunny, your wreath,

Gray, gray wreath!

Bunny, dance,

Gray, dance.

Bunny, bunny, dance,

Gray, gray, dance!

During the round dance, the child chosen by the “bunny” performs movements corresponding to the words of the song. After the game, the teacher and the children ask the bunny if he liked the game. (yes, very much).

Then the teacher invites the bunny, together with the children, to look at Yu. Vasnetsov’s illustration “Zainka”.

Children, look at the picture. Where is the bunny? What is he doing? (dances). How did you guess? Show me how he dances? (children show)

Why is he so happy? What is he holding in his paws? (bouquet of flowers) And the flowers look like cabbage heads! The bunny loves cabbage very much. So he is happy!

Tell me, what is the bunny wearing? (smart red patterned boots, a jacket with red buttons and multi-colored trims).

What does the bunny have? (ears)

What kind of ears does he have?

What else does the bunny have?

What is drawn around the bunny? (blue flowers, all patterned and painted). There are also yellow berries growing on the green branches.

And the sun is so amazing! Tell us about it. (Yellow, round, with a belt of white dots, with many rays.)

What color is the whole page? (pink).

This is how artist Yuri Alekseevich Vasnetsov drew a song about a bunny in an interesting and elegant way.

After examination, a physical minute is carried out:

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws,

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny jumped and ran away.

After physical exercise, the teacher invites the children to draw a bouquet of flowers for the bunny and his friends. At the end of the drawing, the lesson is summed up. After the results, the bunny gives treats to the children and leaves with the children’s drawings.

Program content: bring children to understand that at all times the people glorified their defenders and were proud of them; develop a desire to speak out about what you see; arouse interest in the peculiarities of the clothing of warrior-heroes, in the presence of decor (the clothing protected the warrior and was beautiful); find means of expression that help determine the characters’ characters and their thoughts; .

Equipment: reproduction of the painting “Bogatyrs” by V. M. Vasnetsov, material for an application on the theme: “Let’s decorate the helmets of warriors.”

Progress of the lesson

Conversation with children about why the country needs warriors. As among ordinary people can you tell a warrior apart? What should every warrior be like to win?

Educator (V.). The people needed defenders at all times. They just looked a little different. Do you want to see the warriors who were in Rus' many years ago?

The teacher hangs a reproduction of V. Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs”.

IN. Three warriors came down from the high hills and stopped in the middle of a flat field - three heroes. In the middle, on a black (raven) horse, is Ilya Muromets. He shielded himself from the sun with his palm to see better, and peered into the distance with a keen, sharp gaze. On a white horse - Dobrynya Nikitich. He also looks intensely into the distance. They don't just look, they see something in the distance. Even the damask sword was half pulled out of its sheath. What do you think they might have seen? What could have worried them so much? (Children's answers.)

What can you say about the third hero? How is he different from others? Looking into the face of Ilya Muromets, we can say that he is strong, calm, Dobrynya Nikitich is brave and hot, and Alyosha Popovich is young, gentle, he seems to be thinking about his own things. He can not only fight, but also sing songs and play the harp. Take a closer look and you will find his harp.

Children, how many of you know the names of the warriors’ clothes and their weapons?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher notes that the hero has a helmet on his head, and metal chain mail protects his chest. Weapons - spear, heavy club, shield, sword, bow and arrows. It is necessary to pay attention to decorative ornaments made by chasing, forging, inlay precious stones. All this decorates the warriors and their horses. The horses also matched the heroes: the strong black horse of Ilya Muromets, the white horse ready to race, and the calm, even submissive, golden horse of Alyosha Popovich.

IN. In the depiction of heroes, artist Viktor Vasnetsov used a lot of red and golden colors. This is no coincidence, because red is the color of victory and joy. How did the artist manage to convey the shine of metal? (He did not paint the chain mail with one color, but left light highlights, and the result was the shine of metal chain mail.)

What do you think, is the Motherland behind the heroes or ahead? The artist really wanted us to guess, and depicted the sky as white and pink.

What's the most vulnerable thing in the picture? Find the youngest Christmas tree. A Christmas tree that grew earlier than others. What do you think the Christmas trees are worried about at this moment? What do they say to each other? (Empathy technique.) But the Christmas trees are worrying in vain, strong legs the horses will receive them. Another minute - and the horses with the heroes will rush to where the warriors were peering so carefully: is there an enemy in sight, are they offending anyone?

Let's come up with a story about what awaits the heroes ahead.

After this, the teacher invites the children to decorate the silhouette shapes of the helmets with “precious stones”, using bright colored paper. Background for this artistic activity An old Russian one can serve folk song about a Russian warrior.

Examination of a reproduction of the painting by V. A. Serov “Girl with Peaches”

Program content: develop figurative language skills in portraiture and a sense of beauty; stimulate the desire for analysis work of art, to understanding the means artistic expression portrait.

Equipment: portrait of V. A. Serov, reproductions of paintings “Girl with Peaches” », “Girl illuminated by the sun”, “Portrait of Mika Morozov”.

Progress of the lesson

IN. Portrait artists create portraits in their paintings famous people: generals, composers, poets, artists, etc. But the artist Valentin Serov is very short time painted a portrait of a girl, and this portrait became his best work, which delights people even today. Do you want to admire it?

The teacher shows a reproduction of the painting “Girl with Peaches.”

IN. What immediately caught your attention? You don’t know anything about this girl, but let’s try to figure out what the artist wanted to tell us about her? He wanted us to feel the joy of life that he felt when he painted the picture. What gives us a joyful mood? (From the abundance of light and warmth, summer sunny day outside the window, from the girl’s calm, sweet face, her light smile, from the ripe velvety peaches on the table.) If color is a means of conveying mood, then what shades did the artist use to convey joy with color?

What color can we say is olive yellow? Find him. Pale pink? Find shades in the picture pink color(lightest and darkest). I’ll tell you a secret that the artist spent most of his time searching for the right shades to convey the elegance of the girl’s blouse. A black bow with a red flower stands out in contrast.

Why did the artist need a bluish-gray, lilac-gray color here? (To convey the shadow.)

Who will find the most traces of the shadow? Where do you see traces of the sun?

We guess that there are trees outside the window, maybe this is a garden. But we already know: to paint a river, sky, trees, artists take not only green, blue paint. What did the artist want to show by using such light colors outside the window? (Sunlit day.)

You're probably wondering how the girl ended up here. Her name is Vera Mamontova. She is with her parents at the dacha. She really likes it here. She looks at the artist with her dark, calm eyes. Maybe she’s even a little embarrassed because the artist painted a blush on her cheeks.

What do you want to know about her? What would you ask her if you were in this room? What would you ask the artist Valentin Serov? (Show the stages of creating a portrait: pencil sketch, first color spots, detailed color elaboration.)

What would you call this painting? (After the children’s statements, the teacher names the author’s title.)

If children have not lost interest, you can present to their attention the paintings “Girl Illuminated by the Sun” and “Portrait of Mika Morozov”.

Show here the mood of the picture - a feeling of peace from sunlight and the warmth of wood, note the excellent transfer of character, inner world boy (“Portrait of Mika Morozov”).

Examination of reproductions of paintings by I. E. Repin “Dragonfly” and “Autumn Bouquet”

Program content: develop the ability to perceive the portrait genre; evoke a desire to unravel the artist’s intention, to determine the character and inner content of the person depicted in the portrait; show the power of such a means of expression as color; , a feeling of joy from the ability to “read a portrait.”

Equipment: reproductions of paintings by I. E. Repin “Dragonfly”, “Autumn Bouquet”, self-portraits of I. E. Repin in his youth and in recent years life.

Progress of the lesson

IN. Now you will see a painting that the artist I. E. Repin called “Dragonfly”. What do you think might be depicted on it? (The painting can be opened gradually, from top to bottom.) Maybe the artist confused something with the title? If not, then what did he mean by that name?

Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Verochka. She was the daughter of the artist I. E. Repin. She was a fast, joyful, light girl who enjoyed everything: a sunny day, warmth, red summer, fun activities. Oh, Verochka was such a fidget! She ran around all day, fluttering like a dragonfly. Now she jumped onto the perch, and the next moment she was no longer there, but one moment is enough for the artist to convey all this. Artists see more than we do, they know the secrets of colors and know how to reflect a lot in their paintings. Let's try to figure it out. What color is there the most in the picture? (Blue color is light, muted.) Do you know what color can sound like?

Bright, warm colors sound fun, joyful, loud. Cold - fresh, calm, cheerful; light, muted colors sound gentle and soft.

That's why there is so much blue in the painting. The artist emphasized his love and tenderness for his daughter.

We don't see the sun, but there is so much of it in the picture. Find him. The hat covers her face from the sun, but it sneaks in and caresses the girl’s cheek. We can even guess which direction the sun is shining from.

We are standing in front of the painting, but it seems to us that the girl is high up, and we seem to be looking up from below. Why do we think this way? (The artist placed the portrait against the sky. The earth is almost invisible, the tops of the blades of grass are visible. Our fidget seems to be floating in the air.)

What else tells us that Verochka is a restless person? (Folds on tights (stockings).

I wonder what she'll be like when she grows up? How do you imagine her? (Children's statements.)

Many years passed, and Vera grew up. And she became like this (the painting “Autumn Bouquet” is hanging). I. E. Repin painted a portrait of the adult Vera.

Can adult Vera be called a dragonfly? Why? What has she become? Choose your words.

If in the painting “Dragonfly” the light but cold blue color was warmed by the sun, then in the painting “Autumn Bouquet” there are many warm tones. Find traces of autumn. (Vera’s outfit complements the autumn color.) The picture echoes silence, calm and even sadness. Vera is looking straight at us. What do you think she wants to tell us? Or maybe she wants to give us this wonderful autumn bouquet?

When I. E. Repin painted a portrait of little Vera, he was young (showing a self-portrait). But Repin lived a very long life and painted his portrait in the last years of his life. Years change a person's face, but his love for art has not changed. Nothing was more valuable to him than painting.

If the children have not lost interest, you can display reproductions of other paintings by Repin and conduct didactic games“Find a painting on a palette”, “Find a painting using a diagram”, “Find a painting using a sketch”.


hclasses to familiarize children

with works of fine art

and visual arts

older children

Tema:The sea also has its own character

nEducator: Prokofieva G.E.

Objectives: Through works of fine art, music and artistic expression, to awaken in children a love for nature, the beauty of the world around them and interest in its various forms and phenomena. Explain to children that only by embarking on the path of knowledge, they will learn to unravel the secrets of nature, and paintings, artists, music and poetry help us in this.

Introduce the concept: seascape. Consider seascapes I. Aivazovsky “View of the Leander Tower”, “Ships on the Feodosia roadstead”, “ moonlit night"; I. Levitan “After the Rain”, “Fresh Wind”; Van Gogh's "Boats on the Shore at Sainte-Marie". Through these works, help children realize that each element has its own character and mood.

Strengthen brush drawing skills in mixed media: gouache + watercolor; technique of drawing wide and short strokes.

To cultivate in children the ability to create their own “picture” with love, to convey the mood in it, using familiar means of expression: color, light, composition; the ability to match a picture to a piece of music listened to.

Target: teach children to depict the sea in different states: calm, gentle, raging, seething, fierce, etc.

Strengthen the skill of drawing with wide and short, light, quick strokes; the ability to select a color scheme that matches the created image.

Materials: illustrations with seascapes famous artists(see above); sheet of paper, gouache, watercolor, brush No. 6

Progress of the lesson: children enter, the teacher invites them to the exhibition (to the blackboard).

Teacher: An exhibition of famous marine painters opens today. Look at these pictures. How many of you guessed who the marine painters are?

That's right, a marine painter is an artist who depicts the sea. Please note that each marine artist sees and feels the sea in his own way, which is why their works are not similar to each other.

Please sit down and take a good look at each of them... Now listen musical riddles and try to unravel them: select the corresponding musical fragment for each picture.

(A fragment from “Three Miracles” by R-Korsakov is played. Children listen and determine that this is a raging sea, find the corresponding landscapes. Then listen to “Little Waves Play” - cassette, “The Magic of Nature”, determine the nature of the sea and show landscapes with a calm sea ).

Well done, you are very attentive. This means that we have already determined that the sea, like a person, can have its own mood, its own character. What might the mood be like? (Bad, good, joyful, sad, sad, etc.) And what can the character be? (Kind, affectionate, meek, fierce, nasty, terrible, etc.) What do you guys think, when by the sea good mood? (When the sun is shining, a light breeze blows). And when does it spoil by the sea? (When it blows strong wind, a storm begins - a storm, it's raining, thunderstorm, etc.). I suggest you play the game “The sea is agitated once...” (the game is familiar to children).

Try to depict the sea in different states, and I will guess what mood the sea is in.

Now, please sit down and listen to David Samoilov’s poem “Dream of the Sea.” It tells about Tsar Ivan, who never saw the sea.

But he had never seen the sea...

At night he dreamed of blue water,

White foam boiled over her,

And as if the steppe was breathing its expanse

And the sea sang, sang, sang,

How the dense forest sings at night.

And the birds I dreamed of were not steppe ones, -

Not forest -

Unseen, new, different -

Not a yellow-eyed owl,

Not a gray golden eagle,

And the blue-eyed sea birds,

White-winged geese are white.

And with beaks crooked like eagles.

This is how Tsar Ivan dreamed about the sea, he saw such wonderful dreams about the sea. Have you seen the sea? (Children who have been to the sea share their memories). It’s easier for you: you’ve seen it and can portray it. And if you haven’t seen it, don’t be upset: I’ll now turn on music with the sound of the sea, and you close your eyes and imagine your sea, gentle or raging. (Children close their eyes, listen to the sound of the sea and imagine it mentally).

Well, what did you come up with your own sea? What is it like? (several children describe). Now watch carefully, I will show you what techniques you can use when drawing the sea. This is a broad stroke, it is better for them to depict the distance of the sea; This is a short, light stroke, it is better for them to depict the middle part of the sea, mixing blue and green paints, and this is an infusion of color into color and a blur of blue-green color and yellow - the color of sand on the shore. And this is how the lambs are depicted - that’s what the crests of the waves are called, sea ​​foam. (teacher demonstration).

Do you understand everything, guys? Well, now, good luck, my dear marine painters, to the world of the sea you invented. Don’t forget to put part of your soul and love into the drawing and more vividly display the mood and character of your sea.

(The children draw, the teacher provides individual assistance in the form of advice for struggling children. While the children are drawing, the teacher removes the illustrations to make room for new exhibition- children's works).

All seascapes are hung up and viewed by children. The analysis is carried out in the form of a game “Exhibition Tour”. Children pretend to be a tour guide and describe the work.

The teacher suggests recalling works that describe sea species (A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”, the fairy tale “Sadko”, the tale of P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, etc. .).

Remember how Pyotr Ershov said in the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”:

The miracle whale began to stir;

It's like the hill has turned

The sea began to disturb

And throw from the jaws

Ships after ships

With sails and rowers.

A boat with sailors appears. Sailor boys “come out” of the boat and dance “Yablochko” - a sailor dance.