Dream interpretation gunshot wound. Gunshot wound according to the dream book

Wound received from firearms, in a dream always symbolizes upcoming changes that will happen unexpectedly and very quickly. At the same time, the dream book warns that such a stormy series of events will not allow you to come to your senses, think and analyze what is happening, which is sometimes fraught with undesirable consequences.

In addition, it is also alarming that in night vision a bullet and a bullet are simultaneously present. This means that it is necessary to exercise increased caution and attentiveness while awake.

Interpretations from Miller

American psychotherapist Gustav Miller also became famous for compiling one of the most interesting detailed dream books. Here is what he writes in particular about what a gunshot wound to one or another part of the body may mean in a dream:

  • If the dreamer or a character nearby was wounded in the arm, then upon awakening you need to be prepared for the fact that your friends will not behave in the best possible way, will be unpleasantly surprised or disappointed.
  • According to the dream book, a leg hit by a bullet predicts a long journey, and the head promises remorse.
  • What to think if in a sleepy fantasy? It turns out that this is a sign that in reality there will be a separation from the current sexual partner and an imminent meeting with another object of passion.
  • And here is the bullet hole in night dream- a warning that those closest to you are capable of treachery and betrayal.
  • If the dreamed wound was accompanied by heavy blood loss, then, according to Miller, the sleeper will soon meet or be forced to communicate with relatives who live far away and rarely make themselves known.

Sometimes a gunshot serves as a harbinger that the dreamer will be in the thick of interesting events, which will favorably affect his fate.

Love and friendship

Freud offers a different interpretation for visions in which a bullet hits the stomach or chest. The famous Austrian is sure that such a dream occurs on the eve of a new love, which will be accompanied by doubts, violent emotions, and mental suffering. One way or another, the sleeping person will in reality have a very passionate admirer (fan). If a bullet is lodged in the stomach and the wound is bleeding heavily, then the novel will be very rich and vibrant.

In the dream book authored by Tsvetkov, there is an interpretation of the plot that a hand was wounded by a shot or a gun. It turns out that after such an incident in a dream you should not unconditionally trust to a stranger. What if you're injured? right hand, then even best friend! The problem is that the character you plan to rely on may not live up to your expectations or forget about an important matter.

Where will the road lead?

If in night vision you were wounded in the leg, then upon awakening you may have to prepare for a long journey. But if you don’t see the wound itself in a dream, but feel only pain, then the dream book gives a different comment: there will be a long series of trials on the way to the cherished goal.

You are too frivolous and arrogant, that’s what you dreamed of bullet wound to the head. But if while you were sleeping the wound healed, then the problem that worries you at the moment will be resolved in the most successful way for you, the dream book reassures.

Sometimes in the midnight slumber it's a warning from higher powers, hinting to the dreamer that his thoughts are unseemly, and such thoughts will not lead to anything good.

Everything is just beginning!

A dream that a person is killed by a gunshot cannot be considered as a negative omen. Oddly enough, this is a sign that the sleeper’s life is taking a sharp turn, and towards positive changes. Let's say, if before he was not distinguished by decency and decency, then from now on he will try to follow all the rules of society.

And if you dreamed that you were providing medical assistance to a wounded character, then in reality you will soon meet a person who will become a close friend.

What does it mean to see a vision in which old wounds have opened and begun to bleed? According to the dream book, you spend too much nerves and mental strength analyzing grievances and mistakes. Forgive the people who have harmed you, forget about the minor sins of your own and others. Enjoy life here and now, and then she will present a surprise, perhaps in the form of a new companion, lover.

You are armed and confident

Did you dream that you wounded or shot an enemy? This dream is a confirmation that you are ready to take responsibility for your actions, are in control of the situation and will be able to get out of a difficult situation, while providing support and help to other people.

A flying bullet in a dream gives the sleeper a reason to think about his own surroundings. If in night vision you are on the battlefield, you will probably find yourself in a situation in which events will develop so rapidly that you will be unable to prevent it.

Seeing a flying bullet and not getting injured, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a sign that you will easily be able to cope with your ill-wishers. This tiny charge symbolizes uncompromisingness and determination in a dream. However, overconfidence can lead to serious consequences.

At the same time, Miller’s dream book states that if a bullet hit the body and pierced it through, but the dreamer did not feel pain, then in reality he will experience violent fun and excess vital energy.

Troubles can be overcome

When, with such a turn of events, you don’t see blood in a dream, it means you need to act on your own, not trusting anyone. When you dream of a large loss of blood, you will need outside help.

Why dream of being shot by a bullet during combat, but getting out of the danger zone safely? According to the dream book, it will be possible to outplay your enemies.

To see in a dream how a bullet wounds you means: events are seething around you, and you, without wanting it, have found yourself drawn into it. Well, you will have to make plans taking into account changing circumstances. If a bullet pierces the body, but there is no pain, this promises joy, good mood. You will experience a surge of vital energy, you just need to use it correctly.

Dream Interpretation - Human Back

The back carries various negative meanings. Sometimes we see someone else’s back, this is a sign of separation. To feel someone behind one’s back is to be exposed to some danger. Including an attack from one’s own unconscious. To hide behind someone’s back is to experience fear, to seek power support. If someone's back interferes with your view, there is a possibility that your past is interfering with your life today. But if not noticing your back in a dream is very likely, then with regard to hair there is no such oversight. We always remember if we paid attention to something in a dream hair. Their appearance is usually associated with our thoughts. Combing hair in a dream means putting thoughts in order. Seeing disheveled hair means confusion in thoughts. Hair length also matters

If you see yourself or someone else's curvy long hair- this is the personification of yours or someone else’s spiritual strength, confidence. While a short haircut symbolizes limitation of thoughts and even superficial judgment. Sometimes hair is the personification of not only spiritual strength but also vital energy, health. Therefore, losing hair in a dream can mean loss of health or social status. The back in a dream indicates that something is happening secretly from you. Seeing someone else’s hunched back behind your back means worries, secret enemies. The lover’s back means separation, betrayal on his part.

What actions related to the bullet were performed in a dream?

Dreaming about how you were wounded by a bullet

If you dream about how you were wounded by a bullet in a duel, you will experience worries due to unexpected news. In fact, you risk becoming a participant in a dubious enterprise.

The resonance from the deed will make others indignant, causing loud scandal. However, if you did not experience pain during the dream, then everything will be fine - through your efforts, the consequences of rash actions will be neutralized.

Dodge a bullet in a dream

Dodging a bullet in a dream means you can deal with all enemies without difficulty. If enemies shoot and it is impossible to escape from the shells, this is a warning that the ill-wishers are well prepared and, perhaps, the blow inflicted in reality will be very painful.

Why do you dream about getting shot?

Taking a bullet and seeing your blood everywhere - according to Felomen’s dream book, you should ask for help and follow the advice of experienced people, contact your boss to find out all the details of an unpleasant situation brewing at work.

If there is no blood coming from the wound, you can act according to your own judgment, without involving outsiders in solving problems.

Run away from a bullet according to the dream book

Why do you dream of running away from a bullet? The plot can be interpreted in two ways. If you managed to escape, then all the risks will be justified, and you will achieve the desired well-being.

An unfavorable sign if you do get injured. In the near future, there is a possibility of encountering difficulties that will seem like a serious obstacle to achieving success. Despite all the seemingly insoluble problems, a way to overcome adversity will be found.

A dream in which I had to hide from bullets

If in a dream you realize the need to hide from bullets, it means you are gnawed by a feeling of self-doubt. Most likely, you do not see a clear solution to a difficult situation that you will have to face very soon. This can lead to rushing, and there will be no opportunity to think about actions.

Removing a bullet from the body according to the dream book

A dream where you had to remove a bullet from your body is interpreted as a favorable sign. Despite numerous failures in the past, victory over your ill-wishers awaits you.

You will have to work hard, drive away joyless thoughts. Optimistic moods will help you overcome difficulties, and over time you will understand that you yourself are the masters of your own.

Hold a lot of bullets in a dream

If you dream that you are holding a lot of bullets in your hand, you are ready to fight, defending your own ideals, you are not afraid of being rejected by others. If the weapon is loaded, most likely you will be able to defend your interests, but you will have to get involved in a major scandal or even a fight.

Where did you see the bullet in your dream

I dreamed of a bullet in my body

A bullet hit another person’s body - the dream speaks of your excessive worry about the successes or failures of your friends.

If you received a wound that does not cause pain - kindness and responsiveness will always be the main traits of your character. This is also evidence that no one can stop you from achieving your goals.

Why do you dream about a bullet in your leg?

A bullet stuck in the leg means a quarrel with good friends. The plot is definitely interpreted as negative, because after a serious clash of opinions there are always unpleasant consequences.

The meaning of the dream is softened if there was no blood. In this case, all relationships will be renewed, goodwill and trust will be restored.

Why do you dream of a bullet in your hand?

A bullet hit in the arm during a shootout, according to the dream book, promises unforeseen difficulties in the professional field. At first it may seem that all the troubles are easily overcome, but in the end it will take much more time to solve the problems than expected.

If in a dream a bullet hits your forehead

If a stray bullet hits the forehead, then the dream means a serious illness that will be difficult to cope with. If the shot is fired at close range, expect news that may initially frighten you terribly, but one way or another everything will be resolved favorably.

Teach a bullet to the head according to the dream book

Dreaming about being shot in the head is a sign of an upcoming dizzying career or a warning against rash actions towards friends.

Why do you dream of a bullet hitting the back of the head?

A bullet hitting the back of the head, according to the Felomena dream book, means that you are not letting go of the past for a moment, you are trying to solve past problems retroactively.

Thoughts that seem important can drag on, preventing you from living in the present day. As a result, life passes by and precious minutes are wasted.

Why do you dream about a bullet in your back?

In a dream you saw a bullet in someone's back - this is a warning about insincere people who can take advantage of the kindness of your relatives.

If you got a bullet in the back, then the desire to defend yourself is unjustified. In fact, you can relax, enjoying communication with others.

Getting two bullets in the back at once is advice not to be too gullible. There is the possibility of betrayal from those closest to you. It is possible that, following sad events, you will be disappointed by your loved one, whose sexual life will no longer bring the same satisfaction.

Bullet in the chest according to the dream book

Do you dream about being shot in the chest? This is a sign of impending failure on the love front. If yours was wounded, it will take a long time to recover from the failures you suffered, but it is precisely such experiences that make our lives bright and unique.

Why do you dream of a bullet in your mouth?

Do you dream about catching a bullet with your teeth and holding it in your mouth? The dream speaks of a frivolous behavior.

Another meaning of the symbol is that you may have to become a participant in a quarrel, from which only the desire to understand your interlocutor will help you get out. More likely, difficult situation you created with your rash actions.

dream book - belly

If you saw your belly in a dream, then in reality great prospects await you. Curb your ardor and get to work with renewed energy

Rest and entertainment now will only bring you harm. If you see your stomach wrinkled in a dream, be careful: you will be haunted by the slander of hypocritical friends. A swollen belly in a dream means trouble. True, you will successfully overcome them and will be quite satisfied with the results of your work. If you dreamed that blood was oozing from your stomach, then some misfortune may happen in the family

A dream in which a child has a stomach ache foretells that in reality you will be haunted by infectious diseases. If you dreamed that your stomach hurt, then your planned enterprise may fail. A belly without a navel means a shock from which it will be difficult to recover. For a woman, this dream can portend a serious illness. A person with a very large belly dreams of troubles associated with children. If a pregnant woman sees herself in a dream without a belly, then this portends her a normal pregnancy and a successful birth.

Why do you dream about being wounded in the stomach? Interpretation of a dream according to dream books

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about being wounded in the stomach?

A knife wound in the stomach means that real life you are waiting for the outcome of a situation on which the well-being of your family depends; gunshot - because of your frivolity you will be in a difficult situation.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about being wounded in the stomach?

Losing a companion, husband, lover (for female virgins), denunciation, intrigue, complaint (for males).

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

Seeing someone wounded in the stomach is bad luck; to see in yourself is wealth.

Freud's Dream Book

wound in the stomach according to the dream book

Looking at a wound (someone else’s) - you can become the culprit of love torment; see it in yourself - you will be oppressed by disappointment in the relationship.

Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about being wounded in the stomach?

Predicts the mind-blowing love adventure.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

interpretation of sleep wound in the stomach

You are afraid of the people you are close to (at home or at work).

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

being wounded in the stomach in a dream

Discord in a company, with friends.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

what does it mean to be wounded in the stomach in a dream?

To see - to protect yourself from loss, to be wounded - to get into trouble

Modern dream book

dreamed of being wounded in the stomach

You do things and make serious decisions not of your own free will.

Why do you dream about being wounded in the stomach?

If you are injured, an unpleasant outcome/turn in business is possible; if someone else is injured, you will be unfairly condemned and rejected by your friends.

People also dreamed about being wounded in the stomach

A dream from Saturday to Sunday does not foretell negative events, but shows whether hopes and dreams will come true.

Dream Interpretation - Leg

This is human resilience.
And if he sees that he is walking barefoot, then he will suffer burden, fatigue and suffering.
Limping in a dream means piety and fear of God.
Anyone who sees many legs will get rich if he is poor, get sick if he is rich, and successfully complete his journey if he is a traveler.
For a man, seeing his legs painted with tattoos means the loss of his family, and for a woman, it means the death of her husband.
He who loses one leg in a dream will lose half of his property in life, and both legs will lose all his property.
Raising and twisting your leg means doing something difficult.
They also say: see similar dream means to be a vicious person.
Seeing your shins as iron means prolongation of life.
A man who sees a woman's legs will soon marry.
If one sees in a dream that the skin on his legs has become rough and his legs themselves are swollen, he will acquire money through difficulties.
Breaking a bone in the leg in the area of ​​the shin or ankle means death, and in the heel means a desire to commit a dubious deed that will bring failure and regret.
Hairy feet are a sign of strong fanaticism in religion.
A patient who sees some liquid in his knees in a dream will soon die.

Romantic subtext

When interpreting such a dream, it is imperative to take into account the opinion of Freud’s dream book. Intimate subtext will help you find out exactly what the bullet is for in your dream.

For example, he interprets a wound in the head as difficulties in relationships. If in a dream you received a bullet in the back, then in reality you will probably be disappointed in your loved one, associated with the sexual side of life.

If you dreamed of a bullet in another person’s neck, then someone treats the dreamer with great sympathy. If a sleeping person has numerous wounds to the head and torso, then he will experience mental pain of unprecedented strength. If a wound in your leg cripples you in your night visions, then perhaps the same will happen in reality.

But this does not mean that a lot of problems will befall you in the morning. After all similar visions are only a warning. The dream book recommends being careful, following a routine, eating right and everything will be fine.

Dream Interpretation - Legs

Slender female legs that you dreamed of can take away the last signs of prudence from you. If you dreamed of ugly legs - avoid unprofitable activities and irritable friends. A wounded leg portends losses. If you saw yourself with a wooden leg in a dream, it means you will find yourself in a false position in front of your friends .If your legs were covered with ulcers in a dream, then the desire to help other people will significantly reduce your income. Reddened and swollen legs dream of troubles: possible shame and humiliation, separation from family, sudden changes in business. A dream that your legs are not working for you obey, portends poverty. If you dreamed that your leg was amputated, you may lose friends and lose good relationships with loved ones. Washing your feet in a dream - do not be surprised by human cunning, which will somewhat confuse your plans. A woman who dreamed that she had hairy legs, will command her husband in the future. A dream about one’s own legs foreshadows a desperate situation. This means that your life position should be asserted with greater will and energy.

You will be able to overcome obstacles

Dreaming of significant blood loss from a wound

According to the dream book, a bullet wound due to which no blood is visible is a serious sign. You should immediately start acting, don’t rely on anyone, don’t ask for advice. Then, according to dream interpreters, you will be able to cope with troubles and achieve what you want.

But losing a lot of blood is a dream, which should be interpreted the other way around. You need the help of friends and acquaintances.

Have you ever found yourself under bullets that wound you? The situation around you is becoming increasingly tense. Although you do not want to participate in this, you find yourself in the very center of events. You need to act according to how events will develop.

If you get injured, but feel no pain at all, you will be in high spirits; in the morning you can feel a surge of strength and causeless joy.

Dying from injuries received - oddly enough, the vision does not have a negative message. This dream rather shows you that a certain stage of your life has been passed, and now you may well begin a new, better life.

It is believed that the dreamer acted incorrectly, but he will have the opportunity to correct everything.

Helping a wounded person means making new acquaintances, making friends. Seeing how old wounds have begun to bleed is a sign from higher powers that it is time to forgive people who have hurt you in the past.

Dream Interpretation - Chest

Nude female breast to see - to happiness and mutual love. A bra on a woman - to worry, beautiful breasts on a girl - to the fulfillment of desires. A man's naked breasts - for a woman, happiness. Someone else's naked breasts - to recognize one's shortcomings. To have large breasts is to honor, small ones - to hatred. Elastic or milky breasts - to joy and wealth. Hard breasts - to poverty. Saggy breasts - to troubles. Severed breasts - to treason. Having milk in the chest - for a man to wealth. Having female breasts - to good health and joy. Overgrown thick hair seeing breasts is a sign of honor. Seeing someone else's breasts is a sign of profit.

Be vigilant

Among the few symbols in the world of night dreams, dreams with cartridges and bullets are considered warnings. In some cases, they indicate the unprofitability of the business started, and in some they promise dangerous connections, from which the dreamer should refrain.

So, for example, Tsvetkov’s dream book believes that those who dream about scenes with shells risk getting involved in some kind of scam or will be offered participation in a dubious enterprise. Therefore, it is better for a person not to ignore a dream about ammunition.

In turn, dream interpreter Meneghetti believes that a pistol cartridge is a clear signal to action. People dream about it when it’s time to start moving towards their goal, because, as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone.

What ammunition (cartridges or bullets) are meant for in dreams is also explained by Vanga’s dream book. According to his version, holding such shells in your hands means a difficult situation from which the dreamer will be able to get out of it with his head held high. But counting bullet casings in a dream means hiding a secret. It is quite possible that in reality a person is trying to hide from his family and friends something shameful he has done in the past.

The general dream book associates bullets with disagreements that can arise between the dreamer and the people around him for no apparent reason. Therefore, the interpreter advises the person who sees such a plot to be careful in his statements and actions so as not to provoke a conflict.

But seeing a bullet explode in a dream means an unexpected turn of fate and new circumstances that will take the dreamer by surprise. Although such a symbol does not foretell a conflict, in reality it will not hurt a person to be on alert in the coming days.

Dream Interpretation - Body

Seeing the naked body of your wife is great happiness. A snake wraps itself around the body - the birth of a noble offspring. Wings grow on the body and you fly - great happiness. Sweat appears on the body - portends misfortune, evil. They are going to put stocks and shackles on the body - you will soon get sick. Continuous streams of water surround the body - portends a court case. The naked body of a man - portends good luck in fate. The naked body of his wife - portends great happiness. Insects crawling over a sick body - the disease passes. Eating the meat of your own dead body - separation. Your body is completely naked dreaming - great benefit. Traveling, separated from your body - recovery from an illness. Traveling, wandering, separated from your body - portends recovery from an illness. The light of lightning illuminates the body - there will be a happy event. Light from heaven illuminates your body - healing from an illness or illness. Light from heaven illuminates your body - healing of diseases or illnesses. Snow falls without touching your body - mourning for older family members. The sun and moon illuminate your body - you will receive an important position. Your body is stained with urine and feces - portends wealth. The body is burned and blood flows from it - great happiness. The body is bandaged, entangled with ropes - portends longevity and great happiness. The body is tied with ropes - great happiness, benefit. The body is too fat or too thin - both equally foreshadow misfortune. Your body is entangled in a net - a service situation, a government matter.

Weapons for battle

According to Miller's dream book, the cartridge serves as a harbinger of a situation in which the sleeper will have to confront circumstances in order to ward off danger. But, if you dreamed of a cartridge case, then this is rather a warning about the uselessness of the thing that you want to purchase in the coming days.

Another interpreter offers more expanded versions of interpretations for sleeping with ammunition. Thus, the Dream Book from A to Z builds its interpretations on the features of dreamed objects:

  • Blank cartridges, for example, indicate that in the real world the sleeper spends too much time and effort on implementing a business that is unlikely to meet his hopes.
  • The combat ones hint that now is not the right time to implement the dreamer’s plans.
  • Small-caliber ones symbolize the small profit that the sleeper can receive from the business he has started.

According to the same dream book, cartridges in a clip are the personification of the envy of others. Moreover, the object of their envy will be the real successes achieved by the sleeper. Thus, dreaming of a pistol with a full clip may well be evidence that very soon the dreamer will be lucky and his success will cause indignation among his ill-wishers.

If you are interested in what a patron dreams about, it wouldn’t hurt to look into another dream book. For example, in the Modern combined dream book. This source connects the projectile with a secret that the dreamer will learn in the near future. Moreover, if according to the plot you come across ammunition in a completely atypical place, then secret revealed will be a surprise for you.

For those who dreamed of loading a pistol or shotgun with cartridges, the Modern Combined Dream Interpreter recommends taking active steps to achieve their goal. But if you simply had to hold a loaded magazine in your hand without trying to use it for its intended purpose, it means that soon you will be lucky enough to watch how a tense situation is resolved.

If you look into Esoteric dream book, then the cartridges in it will be a hint of career growth. Thus, an empty gun casing may indicate a promotion, which will not in any way affect the dreamer’s financial situation. Well, holding bullets in your hands in a dream means in reality you will receive valuable data or practical advice from a more competent person.

As you can see, different dream books Ammunition seen in dreams is interpreted differently. Thus, the Wanderer’s interpreter offers a completely different explanation for the dreamed projectiles. According to it, if a person dreams of a cartridge, then it will symbolize the abilities and potential of the dreamer. It is quite possible that at the moment the person has not yet opened up, but he has everything ahead of him.

Flying bullet

It’s worth thinking about the people around you if you watched a bullet fly in a dream. Finding yourself on the battlefield promises a difficult situation in reality, the development of which you will not be able to influence in any way.

A flying bullet in itself is a symbol of confidence, strong will and determination. If in a dream you simply watch the flight without experiencing negative emotions, your efforts will soon bear fruit. The efforts were not in vain.

The bullet flew through your body without leaving a trace, moreover, there was not even pain - Life energy is now at its maximum, it’s time for wild fun, just don’t overdo it.

Gunshot wound interpretation of the dream book

A wound received from a firearm in a dream always symbolizes upcoming changes that will happen unexpectedly and very quickly. At the same time, the dream book warns that such a stormy series of events will not allow you to come to your senses, think and analyze what is happening, which is sometimes fraught with undesirable consequences.

In addition, it is also alarming that in night vision there is a bullet and blood at the same time

This means that it is necessary to exercise increased caution and attentiveness while awake.

Interpretations from Miller

American psychotherapist Gustav Miller also became famous for compiling one of the most interesting, detailed dream books. Here is what he writes in particular about what a gunshot wound to one or another part of the body may mean in a dream:

  • If the dreamer or the character nearby was wounded in the arm, then upon awakening you need to be prepared for the fact that your friends will not behave in the best way, will unpleasantly surprise you or disappoint you.
  • According to the dream book, a leg hit by a bullet predicts a long journey, and the head promises remorse.
  • What to think if your stomach is damaged in a sleepy fantasy? It turns out that this is a sign that in reality there will be a separation from the current sexual partner and an imminent meeting with another object of passion.
  • But a bullet hole in the back in a night dream is a warning that those closest to you are capable of treachery and betrayal.
  • If the dreamed wound was accompanied by heavy blood loss, then, according to Miller, the sleeper will soon meet or be forced to communicate with relatives who live far away and rarely make themselves known.

Sometimes a gunshot wound in a dream serves as a harbinger that the dreamer will find himself in the midst of interesting events that will have a positive impact on his fate.

Love and friendship

Freud offers a different interpretation for visions in which a bullet hits the stomach or chest. The famous Austrian is sure that such a dream occurs on the eve of a new love, which will be accompanied by doubts, violent emotions, and mental suffering. One way or another, the sleeping person will in reality have a very passionate admirer (fan). If a bullet is lodged in the stomach and the wound is bleeding heavily, then the novel will be very rich and vibrant.

In the dream book authored by Tsvetkov, there is an interpretation of the plot that a hand was wounded by a shot from a pistol or shotgun. It turns out that after such an incident in a dream you should not unconditionally trust a stranger

And if your right hand is injured, then even your best friend! The problem is that the character you plan to rely on may not live up to your expectations or forget about an important matter.

Where will the road lead?

If in night vision you were wounded in the leg, then upon awakening you may have to prepare for a long journey. But if you don’t see the wound itself in a dream, but feel only pain, then the dream book gives a different comment: there will be a long series of trials on the way to the cherished goal.

You are too frivolous and arrogant, that’s what you dreamed of getting shot in the head. But if while you were sleeping the wound healed, then the problem that is troubling you at the moment will be resolved in the most successful way for you, the dream book is encouraging.

Sometimes a wounded head in a midnight slumber is a warning from higher powers, hinting to the dreamer that his thoughts are unseemly, and such thoughts will not lead to anything good.

Everything is just beginning!

A dream that a person is killed by a gunshot cannot be considered as a negative omen. Oddly enough, this is a sign that the sleeper’s life is taking a sharp turn, and towards positive changes. Let's say, if before he was not distinguished by decency and decency, then from now on he will try to follow all the rules of society.

And if you dreamed that you were providing medical assistance to a wounded character, then in reality you will soon meet a person who will become a close friend.

What does it mean to see a vision in which old wounds have opened and begun to bleed? According to the dream book, you spend too much nerves and mental strength analyzing grievances and mistakes. Forgive the people who have harmed you, forget about the minor sins of your own and others. Enjoy life here and now, and then she will present a surprise, perhaps in the form of a new companion, lover.

You are armed and confident

Did you dream that you wounded an enemy with a gun or pistol? This dream is a confirmation that you are ready to take responsibility for your actions, are in control of the situation and will be able to get out of a difficult situation, while providing support and help to other people.

Basic meaning

I dreamed of a gunshot wound

In a dream, were you wounded by a firearm? Just yesterday your business was going perfectly, but today it will stall out of the blue. You may not even be able to immediately understand what the reason is. The main thing that dream interpreters point out is that you will have to take a wait-and-see approach.

Opinions of interpreters

Any dreamer who believes in predictions first turns to dream interpreters. Probably, each such person has his own favorite and trusted source that predicts his future.

Interpreter from “A” to “Z”

According to this dream book, getting shot in the chest means that you will suddenly fall in love. Your feelings will be associated with worries, perhaps love will be unrequited.

Seeing a wounded head in a dream

Modern interpreter

A dream about being wounded in the head suggests that you will act inappropriately. The people around you and you yourself will no longer understand you.

Someone aimed at your forehead, but the bullet did not penetrate your skull, but bounced off - do something stupid, this will happen because of your stubbornness. The dream book says that you will have a chance to correct the situation, but you will have to spend a lot of effort and time on this.

Catching a bullet with your hand, holding it in your palm - fate will give you an incredible chance.

Shot in the back means that real life you will be deceived, betrayed, used for your own selfish purposes.

Esoteric interpreter

A bullet in a dream does not always have a negative meaning. What does he think? this dream book, the bullet is a symbol of the determination of a sleeping person; the dreamer knows what he wants and goes headlong towards his goal.

Seeing in a dream how a bullet went right through

Dreaming of two bullets means happiness in marriage. Both husband and wife will achieve success and love and appreciate each other.

But even in this interpreter there is not the most positive prediction. If a bullet is stuck in your body, then there will be obstacles on the way that you simply will not be able to overcome, you will have to come to terms with the inevitable.

Dying from a wound means your mistakes cannot be corrected; you will have to pay for them.

But if the bullet misses, then you know what you want, it’s simply impossible to stop you. Every failure or obstacle only makes you stronger, and your desire to succeed only increases.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

If you dreamed of a flying bullet, then you should be extremely careful. Now you are not in the most favorable environment, it is worth taking a closer look at all the details.

Hiding from shelling - you already understand that you are in danger in reality, and you are taking all possible precautions. .

Hiding from shelling in a dream

Getting wounded and not having time to run away or hide is a vision that indicates that you acted too late.

What else did the famous esotericist say about dreams about gunshot wounds:

  • to see a wound bleeding is a big trouble associated with the actions of relatives;
  • wound in the heart - unrequited feelings;
  • head wound – loss of ability to think sensibly, loss of orientation;
  • another person’s head is wounded - those around you will no longer understand you, you will encounter the indifference or short-sightedness of some people;
  • shot in the leg - the dreamer will need the help of strangers;
  • a bullet in the shoulder is a vision that shows that you cannot rely on others, you have to decide everything on your own;
  • hand injury - friends will refuse you at the last minute, you will be disappointed.

Interpreter of Gustav Miller

Dreaming of a wound in the leg

Miller paid attention to the place of injury:

  • in your hand - you will be disappointed in your friends, they will betray you or act contrary to your opinion;
  • wounded in the leg - you will go on a long journey, however, Miller did not undertake to say that it would be difficult or unpleasant for you;
  • in your head - you have often committed rash acts, offended people with your words, and now your conscience will reproach you for this;
  • a wound in the stomach - you will have a lover, mistress, or you will even create a couple with another person;
  • in the back - you will face betrayal.

Gustav Miller believed that if you were wounded in a dream, but managed to bandage your wound, then great luck awaits you ahead, which will concern your business or affairs at work.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about being wounded?

Interpretation of sleep Wound in the dream book: Dream Interpretation Sonan‎

Wound in a dreamIn case the person who is wounded dies in his sleep– in real life, expect a streak of failures and bad luck.

Someone hurt you in a dream– disappointments are possible ahead, the source of which will be people close to you. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings - an insidious betrayal awaits you. A likely motive will be the envy of those people towards whom you have a good attitude.

To see such a dream for lovers- to a speedy separation or big quarrels.

In a dream, you bandaged a stranger’s wound - unfamiliar people will help you in a difficult life situation.

If in a dream you saw many wounded people in a hospital, you may soon receive news of the death of a loved one or loved one.

If you managed to save a wounded person or animal in a dream, then in reality you have a chance to emerge victorious in a fight with competitors and ill-wishers.

If in a dream you dreamed of being wounded, for example, in the stomach or any other part of your body, then such a dream foreshadows that you need to wait for the decision of a very important matter, and the future well-being of the whole family depends on this decision. . If in a dream you yourself injured someone, then you should be more polite and courteous when communicating with loved ones

Your carelessness and imprudence in communication can cause deep emotional wounds to people dear to you. . If in a dream you yourself injured someone, then you should be more polite and courteous when communicating with loved ones

Your carelessness and carelessness in communication can cause deep emotional wounds to people dear to you.

If in a dream you yourself injured someone, then you should be more polite and courteous when communicating with loved ones. Your carelessness and carelessness in communication can cause deep emotional wounds to people dear to you.

If you fight with knives, it means that unexpected things await you ahead. happy events.

If you meet a wounded soldier in a dream, then this promises you anxiety and worry for loved ones, troubles and an unexpected incident in reality.

If you are wounded by a sword, you will be struck down by unrequited love, cruelty beautiful woman.

If you dreamed of being wounded in the abdomen, it means you have to make a vital decision, complex issues, which will concern the interests of your family.

If you are wounded by a bow arrow or a bullet, then know that your expectations are in vain.

If this person dies in a dream, then difficult times are coming in your destiny.

Life will flow in a completely different direction than you planned.

Sometimes, dreams about injuries are harbingers of pleasant events.

When a wounded person dies in your arms- the dream suggests that you have forgotten something very important.

Getting wounded multiple times to a stranger- to joy and benefit.

They couldn’t keep a promise they made to themselves or to someone they knew.

A gunshot wound you have received may indicate significant changes in your professional activity.

Bullet wounds in dreams– you will spend a long time looking for a way out of difficult life situations that you will fall into because of your frivolous attitude towards some aspects of your life.

Wound in your dream– usually a negative image. Can warn you of impending troubles in material sphere, in the field of relationships.

A wounded dog dreams of material difficulties, problems in business and trade, and large debts.

Hurt someone yourself in a dream- a sign that your luck in real life will soon be very short-lived, so don’t turn your nose up.

Seeing yourself wounded in a dream- to sorrows and tears, to sorrows and hardships.

Seeing a gunshot wound in a dream may indicate that you will soon need to find a way out of a difficult situation in which you find yourself due to your frivolous behavior. such an injury can portend huge changes in professional activity.

If you see a wound that you are treating with medication and bandaging, then this dream predicts the help of others in difficult times.

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Interactive online dream book. Interpreter of dreams and visions. Find out what your dream was about.

Gunshot wound according to the dream book

A gunshot wound in a dream indicates turbulent upcoming events

A quick change of activities will not allow you to concentrate on an important matter. To understand why you dream of blood, a bullet and a weapon at the same time, you should remember the smallest details of the dream

What does Miller's dream book say?

Seeing or receiving a gunshot wound yourself:

  • in the hand - to disappointment in friends;
  • in step - to a long road;
  • in the head - to remorse;
  • in the stomach - to a change of partner in the love field;
  • in the back - to the betrayal of loved ones.

If you dreamed of a gunshot with blood, be prepared to meet relatives whom you have not seen for a long time. The interpretation of sleep is not limited to unpleasant moments. A gunshot wound is dreamed of by those who are about to get into the thick of events, sometimes very interesting and leading to positive changes.

Long-awaited love

A missed shot in the stomach or chest means sudden love and mental suffering. Freud's dream book warns of the appearance of a passionate admirer. A gunshot in the stomach with blood and pain - a whirlwind love affair that will bring a lot of new sensations and a sharp surge of feelings.

I dreamed that I happened to get a bullet in the arm, especially in the right one - do not rush to trust your best friend with an important matter. Tsvetkov's dream book warns - a friend can let you down at the very most important point and not doing the job on time, or brushing it off altogether.

Be vigilant

Seeing a gunshot wound in the leg in a dream means a long journey, unexpected flights. Pain radiating to the leg is dreamed of by people who have a long way to go before reaching their goal.

Those who received a bullet in the head in a dream will have to regret frivolous decisions. Healing a wound in time means great luck and a fair outcome. A shot in the head is dreamed of by those who have ceased to be careful and become overly carried away by unseemly thoughts.

The impetus for decisive action

Death doesn't always mean trouble. On the contrary, dream books talk about the rebirth of feelings and a new, qualitative turn in life. If before this you were going the wrong way, then you will finally have a chance to correct your previous misdeeds and start over with a clean slate.

Helping a person with a gunshot in a dream means making new friends. I dreamed that the wounds began to bleed - forget about old experiences, it’s time to forgive the offender, let go of the pain and accept new love.

To injure someone - to seize the initiative

If you dreamed that you inflicted a gunshot wound on an enemy, this is good sign. Just like seeing yourself in a duel, shooting at your opponent. The dream suggests that you are fully prepared to take responsibility for upcoming events. Dream books say: you can get out of trouble yourself, and get your friends and loved ones out of them.

I hope everything turns out that way, good article.

Impact location

If a bullet hits the body, then you need to remember where exactly. This nuance will give a more accurate decoding of what this dream means. If you dreamed that there was a splinter in your body and it was bleeding heavily, then in reality you will need the help and support of others.

If you were wounded in the back, then you should expect betrayal or unexpected difficulties in a matter that seemed ideal.

In general, it’s quite easy to understand why you dream about a bullet. The main thing is to know the basic interpretation of this subject. The dream book deciphers it as a symbol of change, news, illness, and random mistakes.

In this regard, it is not surprising that the dream book interprets a bullet that hits directly in the heart as problems on the love front, and a wound in the chest as a sign of future emotional experiences.

Seeing weapons in a dream

For a man, this is a sign to stop. He was too carried away by delving into the souls of loved ones. Suspecting your family and friends of betrayal is not only ugly, but also wrong, because all fears are ultimately in vain.

For a woman, a weapon means excessive temper and emotionality. It's time to remember your femininity and become a soft, gentle cat, otherwise you may lose your loved one.

Even the type of weapon that the dreamer is holding in his hands matters:

  • Walter - promises a new romantic interest;
  • Mauser portends financial well-being;
  • But Colt is obviously a failed business, which it is better not to meddle with.

Why do you dream about Bullets? Interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

What does sleeping from Thursday to Friday mean?

Newest dream book

Loading weapons with bullets- to a very serious conflict with the person you fear; buying a bullet is a warning dream: thieves are interested in your apartment.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal - it recommends that you pay attention to what is happening around you. . If in a dream a bullet hits you and wounds you, this is a clear sign that you, without meaning to, find yourself in the thick of things

If in a dream a bullet hits you and wounds you- this is a clear sign that you found yourself, unwittingly, in the thick of things.

If the wound bleeds heavily- you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask them to clarify the situation.

If there is no blood at all- you must act independently and not trust anyone.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a person- in real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall is a sign of impending trouble

You probably lost sight of something very important; in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to correct the matter.

Modern dream book

This means that in life you will find fun and a good mood, a surge of vital energy, think about how best to use it.

A dream in which you were caught in a war zone under fire from bullets- indicates that your success will depend on your ability to neutralize your opponents.

Dream book of the 21st century

Hearing the whistle of bullets in a dream- means that in reality you will not have the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

A dream in which you were hit by an enemy bullet- dreams of unexpected and very bad news.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A bullet in a dream is a sign of determination and uncompromisingness. Be careful: the dream suggests that your uncompromising attitude may lead to undesirable consequences.

A bullet wound is evidence that in pursuit of your goal you risk making a serious or even irreparable mistake.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Seeing a bullet means receiving sad news from a loved one; give cause for gossip by your behavior.

Loading weapons with bullets- engage in dubious business.

If you were hit by a bullet in a dream- in reality you will learn very bad news.

Be afraid of flying bullets, listen to their whistle- to the inevitability of a difficult conversation with someone.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you were caught in a hail of bullets while in a war zone- portends that your success will depend on your ability to neutralize your opponents.

If in a dream you felt that a bullet had pierced your body, but you did not feel pain- therefore, in a dream you will come to a cheerful mood and feel such an excess of vital energy in yourself that in one breath you will wash all the dishes and wash all the dirty laundry that has accumulated.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

See bullets flying over you- evil consequences; cast bullets - do not get carried away with dangerous things; to be wounded is an illness; caught in the house - you are in danger; playing with a bullet means fear, surprise.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bullet - successful activity; convincing arguments, reasons; aggressive impulses, speed.

Esoteric dream book

A flying bullet - expect a blow, a painful injection.

Seen in bandoliers, horns and weapon parts- be careful, prepare for a blow aimed at you.

Do, take a leak if someone- you will strike if you - the revenge you have planned or a blow for someone can turn into a real tragedy.

Online dream book

Why do you dream about a bullet? This story- indicates that you are behaving in such a way that you are giving rise to gossip.

If you charged them, there is a risk that the success of your business will be doubtful.

Bullets that hit you but don't hurt you- symbolize that nothing can disturb your positive attitude.

If they whistle as they pass near you- this suggests that you may enter into unpleasant discussions.

The enemy wounded you with a bullet- this means that you will be upset by unpleasant news.

A bullet seen in a dream- symbolizes your desire to achieve what you want at any cost, self-confidence.

If she hurt you- you risk being drawn into some kind of adventure or high-profile event, which you will be far from delighted with.

Video: Why do you dream about Bullet?

Dream theme: Weapons, General

Dream Interpretation - Legs

Seeing your legs beautiful and slender in a dream means that good luck in business, a pleasant and successful road awaits you.
Looking at both legs in a dream means that you will think about your relationship with some person.
Wounds, ulcers or broken legs in a dream foreshadow misfortunes, obstacles in business and failure of plans

Getting your feet dirty in a dream is a sign of a careless mistake that will end in shame for you, which will not be easy for you to survive.
Seeing the calves of your legs in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business

A dream in which you saw that the calves of your legs are hard predicts that you will stand firmly on your feet.
If you dream that you are scraping someone’s legs until they bleed, then bad news awaits you about the troubles of loved ones who need your support and consolation.
If you dream that your legs are on fire, then you should postpone your planned trip, even if it is very important to you. Sometimes such a dream predicts failure in business.
A dream in which you saw yourself putting your feet into a fire foretells you that only by intervening in some kind of squabble can you put an end to it.
Making any deft movements with your legs in a dream is a sign that your business will succeed thanks to your quick wits, ingenuity and ability to make the right contacts.
If you dream that you have become disabled and lost your legs, then expect great failures, hardships, and misfortunes. The same thing means a dream in which your legs do not obey you.
If you dream that one of your legs has been taken away, then you will be separated from a loved one or a partner whom you valued.
Spraining your leg in a dream is a sign that you will soon have so much trouble that headaches will begin.
Admiring children's feet in a dream is a sign of consolation and pleasure. Sometimes such a dream predicts making a small profit.
Having many legs in a dream is a sign that profit in trade or a profitable trip awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts leg disease, colds or swelling.
Having a wooden leg in a dream is a harbinger of deception.
Seeing or having crooked legs in a dream is a sign of damage due to a risky business.
Seeing or having thin legs in a dream means that some business is too tough for you and you better give it up.
Seeing your feet dirty in a dream means trouble and shame.
Washing your feet in a dream is a sign that you are about to travel. Wash your feet in a pond with clean and clear water- a sign of happiness and good luck. Sometimes such a dream predicts a slight cold (especially if the water was cold).
If you dream that someone is washing your feet and rubbing them with aromatic substances, then great success, pleasure and prosperity await you.
Washing someone's feet or kissing them in a dream means that you will have to repent of what you have done and come to terms with the circumstances.
Having hard calluses on your feet in a dream is a sign that, despite the obstacles, you will achieve your goal.
If you dream that someone bit your leg, then grief, disappointment and trouble await you. A dream in which you felt that someone was tickling your feet or heels warns you of cunning flatterers.
Limping in a dream is a sign of dishonor, loss and humiliation.
A dream in which you saw that a legless man is threatening you or chasing you portends great difficulties and obstacles in business.
If you dream that one leg is stuck and you cannot pull it out, then expect obstacles in business.
If in a dream you were able to free your leg and continue the work you started, then success awaits you, no matter what.
To dream that you have a hole in your heel means: expect trouble. The situation will become even worse if the wound on the heel bleeds or the leg hurts. However, if you pulled out some foreign object from it, then your affairs will improve.
If you dream that your legs hurt due to gout, then expect obstacles in getting money.
There is an opinion that if in a dream your right leg hurts from gout, then the dream portends good luck for you, and if it is your left leg, then the dream portends the opposite.
If in a dream you see your legs (feet) with your shoes off (naked), then a love adventure awaits you.
Seeing other people's feet naked in a dream is a harbinger monetary losses.
Wounded feet in a dream predict losses and failures.

Hidden numerology meaning

9 mm is the most common bullet caliber, if you didn’t know this, then your subconscious can control everything. This is a kind of signal to stop and look at what is happening around you.

If you dream of a bullet, then in real life you need to go on the offensive. You may have found yourself involved in something you didn't want to be involved in. To figure everything out, actively use the help of numerology.

It is better to hold important meetings and negotiations now on the 9th and 27th, and it is better not to trust the intermediate link - on the 18th. On the 18th you can be easily misled; you should not trust the information received on this day.

Dream Interpretation - Wounded Kitten

Hello, perhaps the kitten means something broken inside you. Some feelings. You decide to fix it. Perhaps it is about the vulnerable side, about the child inside you that you want to save. This may be opposed by the more mature side of you. Later, the “child” will occupy all the space of your soul. He will be healed by defeating your mature one, passionate nature(cat - female passion, female essence).

Front paws can mean inability to act, a difficult situation in which further forward movement is difficult or impossible.

Or a kitten is some kind of person in need of help. At first you (the cat) will be angry with him, but then you will accept him. However, it can harm you. A cat can also mean another person, such as a friend.

Or this person will take up all the space in your life, and you will have to change your social circle or get rid of some traits of your character. It is also possible that you will meet a person who will relieve you of loneliness.

A more correct option, it seems to me, is this: the fact that you took a kitten (that is, a stray) into your home means that you integrated it into yourself, accepted its qualities and way of life. If you quit your job, then it may indicate that you yourself are becoming “homeless” - that is, you are changing the way of your life, depriving yourself of your usual environment. Broken paws then mean uncertainty in life, instability. Then the cat is a mature nature, accustomed to feeling independent - that is, a person who knows that he has a job and money, and is self-confident.

At first you will be afraid of change, then you will accept it (changed color). Then, perhaps, new abilities will open up for you or new opportunities will appear (easily jumps and runs). Tabby kitten - a situation with positive and negative sides. You may be able to find some benefit in your situation. And you may even forget about your independence (the cat has disappeared) and start a new life.

On the other hand, you may be able to take a new look at the world, but this situation will still bother you (look for a cat - that is, independence - work). The kitten jumps and runs briskly - you may also take action (look for work). You may feel a little dependent.

Do you have relatives who can help you? Perhaps you should be a “kitten” for now until your inner “cat” returns?

Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Bullets are dreamed of as a sign of uncompromisingness and determination. Why do you dream about a bullet wound in the shoulder?

, such a dream is filled interesting moments, firstly, and this has been verified, before the arrival of guests, when with such a turn of events you don’t see blood in a dream, it means you need to act on your own, not trusting anyone. when you dream of a large blood loss, you will need outside help.

Get ready: there's trouble ahead.

A dream in which you saw a bullet wound in the shoulder area suggests the opposite: you have no one to rely on and will have to do everything yourself. Sometimes a gunshot wound in a dream serves as a harbinger that the dreamer will find himself in the midst of interesting events that will have a positive impact on his fate.

If a bullet that hits you in the forehead bounces off, you will commit a monstrous stupidity due to your own stubbornness. However, it is possible that you can still get out of this situation, but it will be extremely difficult.


Interpretation of the dream Wound in the dream book: Sonan Dream Book. A bullet wound in a dream is often interpreted by the dream book as an unfavorable sign. It indicates future difficulties, troubles, complications out of the blue. The omen relates to the sphere of both professional and personal relationships. But sometimes even such a vision can carry a positive message. Details will help you understand why you dream about it.

American psychotherapist Gustav Miller also became famous for compiling one of the most interesting, detailed dream books. This is what he writes in particular about what a gunshot wound to one or another part of the body might mean in a dream.

A bullet in the heart dreams of unhappy love.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book Why do you dream of a bullet wound in the shoulder

Getting a gunshot wound to the head means loss of common sense.

Imagine that the bullets you bought are toy bullets. If you are caught in a firefight in a dream, imagine that bullets are flying past you.

To dream that you have bony shoulders is a sign that you will have to endure many trials in life. Gunshot wound interpretation of the dream book. Wounding in a dream - If a person who is wounded dies in a dream - in real life, expect a streak of failures and bad luck. Someone hurt you in a dream - there may be disappointments ahead, the source of which will be people close to you. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings - an insidious betrayal awaits you. A likely motive will be the envy of those people towards whom you have a good attitude. Seeing such a dream for lovers means a speedy separation or big quarrels. In a dream, you bandaged a stranger’s wound - unfamiliar people will help you in a difficult life situation. If in your dream you saw many wounded people in the hospital, you may soon receive news of the death of a loved one. If you managed to save a wounded person or animal in a dream, then in reality you have a chance to emerge victorious in a fight with competitors and ill-wishers. If in a dream you dreamed of being wounded, for example, in the stomach or any other part of your body, then such a dream foreshadows that you need to wait for the decision of a very important matter, and the future well-being of the whole family depends on this decision. If in a dream you yourself injured someone, then you should be more polite and courteous when communicating with loved ones. Your carelessness and carelessness in communication can cause deep emotional wounds to people dear to you. If you fight with knives, it means that unexpected happy events await you ahead. If you meet a wounded soldier in a dream, then this promises you anxiety and worry for loved ones, troubles and an unexpected incident in reality. If you are wounded by a sword, you will be struck down by unrequited love, the cruelty of a beautiful woman. If you dreamed of being wounded in the abdomen, it means you have to resolve vital, complex issues that will concern the interests of your family. If you are wounded by a bow arrow or a bullet, then know that your expectations are in vain. If this person dies in a dream, then difficult times are coming in your destiny. Life will flow in a completely different direction than you planned. Sometimes, dreams about injuries are harbingers of pleasant events. When a wounded person dies in your arms, the dream suggests that you have forgotten something very important. Repeatedly injuring a stranger by you is a joy and benefit. They couldn’t keep a promise they made to themselves or to someone they knew. A gunshot wound you have received may indicate a significant change in your professional life. Bullet wounds in dreams - you will spend a long time looking for a way out of difficult life situations that you will find yourself in because of your frivolous attitude towards some aspects of your life. Being wounded in your dream is usually a negative image. It can warn you of impending troubles in the material sphere and in the sphere of relationships. A wounded dog dreams of material difficulties, problems in business and trade, and large debts. Injuring someone yourself in a dream is a sign that your luck in real life will soon turn out to be very short-lived, so you shouldn’t turn your nose up. Seeing yourself wounded in a dream means sorrows and tears, sorrows and hardships. Seeing a gunshot wound in a dream may indicate that you will soon need to find a way out of a difficult situation in which you find yourself due to your frivolous behavior. such an injury can portend huge changes in professional activity. If you see a wound that you are treating with medication and bandaging, then this dream predicts the help of others in difficult times.

A gunshot wound, a bullet wound, what does a bullet mean in a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book.

Buying bullets means you may make a mistake that will cost you dearly in the future. Hear bullets whistling - expect unpleasant news. Why dream of being shot by a bullet during combat, but getting out of the danger zone safely? According to the dream book, it will be possible to outplay your enemies.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Wounding? Running away from bullets in a dream is a good sign, at least because the sleeper will understand that he is in danger and will try to avoid it.

Some symbols mean the following:

Freud offers a different interpretation for visions in which a bullet hits the stomach or chest. The famous Austrian is sure that such a dream occurs on the eve of a new love, which will be accompanied by doubts, violent emotions, and mental suffering. One way or another, the sleeping person will in reality have a very passionate admirer (fan). If a bullet is lodged in the stomach and the wound is bleeding heavily, then the novel will be very rich and vibrant.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Bullets - Seeing them flying over you means evil consequences; cast bullets - don’t get carried away with dangerous things; being wounded by a bullet is a disease; got into the house - you are in danger; playing with her is frightening, unexpected.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A bullet in a dream is a sign of determination and uncompromisingness. Be careful: the dream suggests that your uncompromising attitude may lead to undesirable consequences.

A bullet wound is evidence that in pursuit of your goal you risk making a serious or even irreparable mistake.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Loading a weapon with bullets means a very serious conflict with the person you fear; buying a bullet is a warning dream: thieves are interested in your apartment.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you are caught in a hail of bullets while in a combat zone foretells that your success will depend on your ability to neutralize your opponents.

If in a dream you felt that a bullet had pierced your body, but at the same time you did not feel pain, it means that in a dream you will be in a cheerful mood and feel such an excess of vital energy that in one breath you will wash all the dishes and wash everything accumulated dirty laundry.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Seeing bullets flying over you means evil consequences; cast bullets - do not get carried away with dangerous things; to be wounded is an illness; caught in the house - you are in danger; playing with a bullet means fear, surprise.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Esoteric dream book

A flying bullet - expect a blow, a painful injection.

See it in the bandoleer, horn and in the parts of the weapon - be careful, prepare for a blow aimed at you.

Do, cast if someone - you will strike, if you - the revenge you have planned or a blow for someone can turn into a real tragedy.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

to see is a reason for gossip;

inserting into a weapon is a dubious matter.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Modern dream book

If in a dream you felt that a bullet had pierced your body, but at the same time you did not feel pain, it means that in life you will have fun and a good mood, a surge of vital energy, think about how best to use it.

A dream in which you find yourself in a combat zone under fire from bullets indicates that your success will depend on your ability to neutralize your opponents.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bullet - successful activity; convincing arguments, reasons; aggressive impulses, speed.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Bullets - Unpleasant news. Imagine bullets flying past you.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does Bullet mean in a dream? 1. Seeing a bullet in a dream means being aware of your own aggression and desire to hurt someone. If they shoot at the dreamer, he is warned of danger. If the dreamer shoots at someone, he is aware of someone's vulnerability. Feeling the hit of an arrow, like Cupid's arrow, in a dream means the need to be loved - the union of masculine and feminine. 2. There is a need to understand what ammunition is available to the dreamer in terms of resources that must be used. 3. The bullet signifies the need to control sexual satiation.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a Bullet - Finding a bullet means important news.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Online dream book

Why do you dream about a bullet? This plot suggests that you are behaving in such a way that you are giving rise to gossip.

If you charged them, there is a risk that the success of your business will be doubtful.

Bullets that hit you but do not cause pain symbolize that nothing can disturb your positive attitude.

If they whistle while passing near you, this indicates that you may have unpleasant discussions.

The enemy wounded you with a bullet - this indicates that unpleasant news will upset you.

A bullet seen in a dream symbolizes your desire to achieve what you want at any cost, confidence in your own abilities.

If it hurts you, you run the risk of being drawn into some kind of adventure or high-profile event, which you will be far from delighted with.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Seeing a bullet means receiving sad news from a loved one; give cause for gossip by your behavior.

Loading a weapon with bullets means doing a dubious business.

If you were hit by a bullet in a dream, in reality you will learn very bad news.

Being afraid of flying bullets and listening to their whistle means the inevitability of a difficult conversation with someone.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Dream book of the 21st century

Hearing the whistle of bullets in a dream means that in reality you will not have the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

A dream in which you were hit by an enemy bullet is a dream of unexpected and very bad news.

Why do you dream about a bullet?

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal - it recommends that you pay attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and wounds you, this is a clear sign that you, without meaning to, find yourself in the thick of things.

If the wound is bleeding heavily, you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask him to clarify the situation.

If there is no blood at all, you must act independently and not trust anyone.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a person, in real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall is a sign of impending trouble. You probably lost sight of something very important; in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to correct the matter.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dreamer’s life, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. Dreaming with a sweetheart emotional coloring promises good changes, unpleasant dream - exhaustion of strength. The fulfillment of sleep should be expected before lunch.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a bullet in a dream has an almost prophetic meaning. This may be a signal from the body about the onset of a disease or a warning about impending changes. Additional details will help you figure out what such a dream means.

Meaningful symbol

A flying bullet in a dream gives the sleeper a reason to think about his own surroundings. If in night vision you are on the battlefield, you will probably find yourself in a situation in which events will develop so rapidly that you will be unable to prevent it.

Seeing a flying bullet and not getting injured, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a sign that you will easily be able to cope with your ill-wishers. This tiny charge symbolizes uncompromisingness and determination in a dream. However, overconfidence can lead to serious consequences.

At the same time, Miller’s dream book states that if a bullet hit the body and pierced it through, but the dreamer did not feel pain, then in reality he will experience violent fun and an excess of vital energy.

Impact location

If a bullet hits the body, then you need to remember where exactly. This nuance will give a more accurate decoding of what this dream means. If you dreamed that there was a splinter in your body and it was bleeding heavily, then in reality you will need the help and support of others.

If you were wounded in the back, then you should expect betrayal or unexpected difficulties in a matter that seemed ideal.

In general, it’s quite easy to understand why you dream about a bullet. The main thing is to know the basic interpretation of this subject. The dream book deciphers it as a symbol of change, news, illness, and random mistakes.

In this regard, it is not surprising that the dream book interprets a bullet that hits directly in the heart as problems on the love front, and a wound in the chest as a sign of future emotional experiences.

Sign of diseases and injuries

At the same time, the dream book interprets a direct hit in the forehead in two ways. On the one hand, this can mean a serious illness, on the other hand, news that will literally blow your mind.

Such dreams are often dreamed before any illness or injury, and the dream will tell which part of the body will be affected. If you dreamed that a bullet was sitting in your stomach, then the dreamer can expect problems with internal organs, hit in the back - to an exacerbation of old radiculitis, etc.

Dream and life

They will help you figure out what the dream means and life circumstances. This is how the dream book interprets a bullet in the head as a thought that has been haunting for a long time. If in a dream you see a wound in your forehead, then you should expect painful news or even a blow.

If you dreamed that you were wounded in the stomach in the liver area, then some person is not allowing you to live in peace. If on the eve of a hike, vacation or trip you dreamed of a bullet in your leg, then probably for some reason this event will fail or will not be very successful.

Romantic subtext

When interpreting such a dream, it is imperative to take into account the opinion of Freud’s dream book. Intimate subtext will help you find out exactly what the bullet is for in your dream.

For example, he interprets a wound in the head as difficulties in relationships. If in a dream you received a bullet in the back, then in reality you will probably be disappointed in your loved one, associated with the sexual side of life.

If you dreamed of a bullet in another person’s neck, then someone treats the dreamer with great sympathy. If a sleeping person has numerous wounds to the head and torso, then he will experience mental pain of unprecedented strength. If a wound in your leg cripples you in your night visions, then perhaps the same will happen in reality.

But this does not mean that a lot of problems will befall you in the morning. After all, such visions are only a warning. The dream book recommends being careful, following a routine, eating right and everything will be fine.



Numerological Dream Interpretation

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal - it recommends that you pay attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and wounds you- this is a clear sign that you found yourself, unwittingly, in the thick of things.

If the wound bleeds heavily- you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask them to clarify the situation.

If there is no blood at all- you must act independently and not trust anyone.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a person- in real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall- this is a sign of impending trouble. You probably lost sight of something very important; in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to correct the matter.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Bullet in a dream- a sign of determination and uncompromisingness. Be careful: the dream suggests that your uncompromising attitude may lead to undesirable consequences.

Bullet wound- evidence that in pursuit of your goal you risk making a serious or even irreparable mistake.

Modern combined dream book

This means that in life you will find fun and a good mood, a surge of vital energy, think about how best to use it.

A dream in which you were caught in a war zone under fire from bullets- indicates that your success will depend on your ability to neutralize your opponents.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Loading weapons with bullets- to a very serious conflict with the person you fear; buy a bullet- a warning dream: thieves are interested in your apartment.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you were caught in a hail of bullets while in a war zone- portends that your success will depend on your ability to neutralize your opponents.

If in a dream you felt that a bullet had pierced your body, but you did not feel pain- therefore, in a dream you will come to a cheerful mood and feel such an excess of vital energy in yourself that in one breath you will wash all the dishes and wash all the dirty laundry that has accumulated.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

See bullets flying over you- evil consequences; cast bullets- do not get carried away with dangerous things; be wounded- disease; got into the house- You are in danger; play with a bullet- fright, surprise.

Dream book of the 21st century

Hearing the whistle of bullets in a dream- means that in reality you will not have the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

A dream in which you were hit by an enemy bullet- dreams of unexpected and very bad news.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

See the bullet- receive sad news from a loved one; give cause for gossip by your behavior.

Loading weapons with bullets- engage in dubious business.

If you were hit by a bullet in a dream- in reality you will learn very bad news.

Be afraid of flying bullets, listen to their whistle- to the inevitability of a difficult conversation with someone.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bullet- successful activity; convincing arguments, reasons; aggressive impulses, speed.

Esoteric dream book

Bullet flying- wait for a blow, a painful injection.

Seen in bandoliers, horns and weapon parts- be careful, prepare for a blow aimed at you.

Do, take a leak if someone- you will strike, if you- the revenge or blow you have planned for someone can turn into a real tragedy.


Bullet in the stomach

Dream Interpretation Bullet in the Belly had a dream, why do you dream about a Bullet in the stomach? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bullet in your stomach in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bullets

Bullets in a dream mean mortal danger. If in a dream you hear the whistle of bullets, then you will soon learn alarming news. Casting bullets in a dream means that you will provoke some kind of conflict or scandal, from which you yourself may suffer. If you dream that you were wounded by a bullet, then great experiences or a serious illness await you. A dream in which you saw that a bullet flew past means that you will miraculously be able to avoid danger in a risky business.

Dream Interpretation - Bullet and the number nine

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams. You may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal and recommends that you pay attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and injures you, then this is a clear sign that you have found yourself, unwittingly, in the thick of things. If the wound is bleeding heavily, then you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask him to clarify the situation. If there is no blood at all, then you must act independently and not trust anyone.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a person, then in real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive. To understand what you are involved in, act actively, make appointments for the 27th and 9th, and all the information you received on the 18th will most likely turn out to be false.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall is a sign of impending trouble. You probably lost sight of something very important; in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to correct the matter.

Dream Interpretation - Bullets

Buying bullets - you can make a mistake that will cost you dearly in the future. Hear bullets whistling - expect unpleasant news.

Imagine that the bullets you bought are toy bullets. If you are caught in a firefight in a dream, imagine that bullets are flying past you.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dreaming about your belly encourages you to think about your life and well-being. Seeing a stomach with wounds in a dream means losses and damages. If you dream that your belly has become larger and fuller than usual, then your condition will increase in proportion to the size of your belly in the dream. And vice versa: if you see that your stomach has retracted and fallen, then such a dream predicts that you will lose your fortune as a result of some accident. If you dream that your stomach is swollen but empty inside, then your wealth will melt away like smoke. And your friends will consider you rich, not knowing that your fortune has depleted. The more your belly swells, the poorer you will become. If you dream that your stomach is grumbling from hunger, then you will have to work hard to have a condition corresponding to the size of your stomach. Abdominal pain is a sign of trouble. According to other versions, such a dream foreshadows health and increased prosperity, which will correspond to the strength of the pain that you feel in the dream. To see your stomach ripped open and with your insides turned out in a dream means that shame, ruin and the imminent death of you or your loved ones await you. Seeing a bare stomach in a dream is a sign of loss and betrayal of loved ones. Such a dream warns you not to be too gullible. See interpretation: yes.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Seeing a bare stomach in a dream foretells fleeting anxieties. An overly fat belly indicates the possibility of making big profits. A thin, inverted stomach means a lack of time, a lot of things to do and constant worry. Seeing a belly button on your stomach in a dream foretells a new life venture or romance novel. Pain in the navel - to losses associated with parents or homeland.

Seeing your stomach beautiful, flat and tanned in a dream - such a dream promises you the fulfillment of your plans, for which, however, you will need to mobilize all your strength and set yourself up for serious work. Seeing your belly ugly swollen, like a pregnant woman's, predicts an unhappy set of circumstances throughout the coming day.

If your stomach in a dream seems saggy or incredibly thin, then in reality you will be bitterly disappointed about a disagreement with friends who will avoid close communication with you. Seeing your stomach, on which disgusting insects crawl, means humiliating and thankless work awaits you in reality.

If you see your stomach cut open and blood flowing from it, this portends sad events and illness of loved ones. Seeing your stomach and other insides in an open belly is a sign of poor health, while feeling unbearable pain means prosperity in all matters and love. Indigestion in a dream warns against making any kind of travel or travel in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Seeing a man with a bare and big belly means wealth and profit.

The woman has children.

To gain weight, to have a paunch - everything good: merits, income, etc.

Having a very large belly means indigestion, illness, annoyance, a lot of worries / sometimes unexpected profits.

Seeing your belly grow before your eyes is an honor for a man, and heavy thoughts for a woman.

Stroking your belly means everything is good.

Losing weight is a big expense.

Having a thin belly means everything bad: lack, poverty, dissatisfaction, being unloved, experiencing the ill will of people.

Having a cut stomach means property losses.

They put something in your cut stomach - the return of prosperity, unexpected wealth.

The stomach hurts in a dream - an accident/trouble due to impermanence.

Seeing heaviness in your stomach means stomach disease.

To have a fantastically huge, incredible belly - to plunge into sensual life, to wallow in it.

To have a transparent belly means that household secrets will become the subject of gossip; you are overly concentrating your attention on money.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

If you saw your belly in a dream, then in reality great prospects await you. Curb your ardor and get to work with renewed energy. Rest and entertainment now will only bring you harm.

If you see your stomach wrinkled in a dream, be careful: you will be haunted by the slander of hypocritical friends.

A swollen belly dreams of trouble. True, you will successfully overcome them and will be quite satisfied with the results of your work.

If you dreamed that blood was oozing from your stomach, then some misfortune may happen in the family. A dream in which a child’s stomach hurts foretells that in reality you will be haunted by infectious diseases.

If you dreamed that your stomach hurts, then your planned enterprise may fail. A belly without a navel means a shock from which it will be difficult to recover. For a woman, this dream may portend a serious illness.

A person with a very large belly dreams of troubles associated with children.