Dream Interpretation: bullet wound in the chest. “Why do you dream about a bullet? If you see a Bullet in a dream, what does it mean?

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Why do you dream about Bullet in a dream according to 11 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Bullet” symbol from 11 online dream books. If you haven't found necessary interpretation on this page, use the search form for all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Typically, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious is sending you this allegorical signal- recommends paying attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and wounds you- this is a clear sign that you found yourself, unwittingly, in the thick of things.

If the wound bleeds heavily- you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask them to clarify the situation.

If there is no blood at all- you must act independently and not trust anyone.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a person- V real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive.

I was resting in a cafe or restaurant with friends, they were standing on the street with the boys, they went into one door of the cafe and I went into another door next to it and opened the Kokimito keys, the bunch was small. or of another nationality, a man looked at me and walked in and said to someone inappropriately and held his ego, I come in here, a tall man pushed the gun at me for seconds 2 3 shoots, I feel this pain as if it were alive, I fall and wheeze

I work as an operator in a gaming hall, and I dream that they are attacking me, stealing money from my cash register, a boy was stealing and with him a guy who was pointing a gun at me. I start running to pick up the money and they start shooting at me and I run, run, dodge bullets and still they hit me and I fall, when I woke up I saw a bullet in my palm and my jacket was covered in blood, my security took the money, we called the police and they found the robbers

I dream that I am high, high on the top of a mountain and looking at amazingly beautiful nature(there are 2 more girls with me) then they jump from the cliff, and I follow them, but we don’t crash, but fly low above the ground. One girl turned around and was surprised that I flew because... I thought that I wouldn’t dare to jump, and the second one replied that she knew that everything would work out for me. Another nuance - in a dream it’s like young witches

I dreamed that they shot at me (and I was at home and the shot was silent and as if the person was shooting exactly where he intended! In the dream there was a mother and something like a father, first they shot in the back, where the belt is, then somewhere else, and then in the groin (to the side) and all this will not heal at once! One will heal and the shot, mom cried.

I'm walking down the street to meet my ex-friend takes out a pistol and shoots me 2 times, one bullet hits left hand and a black dot remains, the second one hits the chest. the dream is interrupted.

The action took place on a field similar to a football stadium.
The dream seems to be black and white.
I dreamed that I killed another person who was hiding from my bullets, I hit him with a good aimed shot (it seemed like it was an AK-47), but it was like a game.
A moment later, I was lying down in a dream and was actually dodging his bullets (whom I killed). At first I was hiding behind some kind of stone boulder, which was smaller and narrower than my shoulders and did not provide me with good cover and I had to roll from side to side and Not a single bullet hit me, although they fired a lot and the bullets flew nearby, as if the whistle from the bullets could be heard. After a while, also under fire, I “decided” to run away... I ran behind some kind of cover - it was safe. There was a man there, I couldn’t see him, he didn’t seem to say anything, he just saw me run in. It was scary. In all this time, they didn’t seem to hit me. It was the day before yesterday. Thank you.

I was shot three times. either for a bet, or it was a game. I was wounded in the stomach, leg and somewhere close to the neck. The first time I was defending someone, I fell, got up, and then, as if they were playing a game, they hit me 2 more times.

it was dark, I left the building with someone and got into a shootout, one might even say in an ambush. Because as soon as they came out they started shooting at us, they first hit me in the stomach. I hid behind the car, but someone came up and shot in the head, but I remained alive and there was no blood. Then somehow I ended up in someone’s apartment. I waited for an ambulance for a very long time. Finally, when the ambulance arrived, they said that they couldn’t do anything and that they had to take me to the hospital. And they wanted to give me a painkiller injection.....but I woke up)))

Thank you)))

I fell asleep during the day after work, I dreamed that I saw a bullet flying at me, I managed to turn around and run, but I fell and felt the bullet in my back, it hurt a little, but it was tolerable. A man whom I knew in a dream, but never saw in reality, takes out a bullet from my back, there was no blood, then I woke up

I don't remember exactly. but I dreamed that a girl, if I’m not mistaken, I knew her and fired from a pistol. I fell and died, but as soon as I left I got up and went to my friends for help. blood came out of my head, but I didn’t die and my stomach didn’t hurt. and I dreamed of a friend’s dog, Kabuta, was also in a state of flux, but I don’t remember anything else.

I seem to be running away from the cops, they shoot me with a weapon, they hit me in the shoulder, but I didn’t feel any pain, then I hear conversations to comb everything around, he’s wounded and won’t go far, and then I wake up. But what’s strange is that we have been looking for a child in orphanages for many years in a row, but to no avail! So the first part of my dream disappeared almost immediately after I woke up, but information 12 Orphanage the city of Moscow was imprinted in my memory from the first part of the dream, and after I received this information this chase with shooting began!

I was wounded by the enemy, but he was taken prisoner. At first, I wrapped the wound myself with a bandage, which bled slightly, after I brought the prisoner to the prisoner, the doctors patched me up and the blood stopped flowing. Afterwards, in the battle, my machine gun jammed, but someone helped me and I destroyed 4 more enemies to death

Some elderly man got into the house and stole some papers, I started to chase him, grabbed him, but he shot me in the hand seven times from a pistol of some small caliber

At first I was near the kindergarten, a friend went there to get someone, then he runs out and says to me:
-(friend) run
- (I) Why, what happened, from whom?
- (friend) Do you see that robot from him!
Well, we ran, he disappeared somewhere, I ran further and hid, then he appeared again and the robot was catching up with us... Then we seemed to hide from him and I saw a chariot, the horse had a fuse in its mouth, I immediately realized that there was a bomb, and that , who was driving the chariot, a man with a cigar, was going to set it on fire, then a massacre began there, we ran further along the hay, and there was a horse in the hay, but not dead, as if it was also hiding, but it felt us running away and here they found us, and when we ran away they shot in my back, in part of my kidney. Some people ran out, most of them were girls, they called an ambulance, it arrived in a second, as if it was around the corner, then a doctor came out and put me on the hood like the cops do, he touched my wound, the feeling was not pleasant at all, and he said that an open wound would live and they put food in front of me, before that they seemed to put it on everyone, because there was a feeling that it was their tradition or something)

I dreamed that I was saving children from some men, then there was shooting and they hit me” as I remember right now, 2 bullets in left side chest” there is no blood, only 2 holes. I called an ambulance, but before I woke up it didn’t arrive, then I sat at the same table with these guys, eating and talking nicely, then I went into the room and woke up

there was something like that I was in some detachment of children prepared to kill the enemy (even you were there), then I stood on the bank of the Kama with some woman and you, stood with my back to the bushes. It was very it was cloudy and the Kama had almost no banks, they shot at me from behind, and the bullet hit me between the shoulder blades, after which I fell, rolled down the concrete slabs, fell into the water and began to choke, but survived

I had a dream that my brother shot me in the back once with a pistol, then I tried to find a pistol to take revenge - but another brother dissuaded me from doing this. Then an acquaintance (whom I had not seen for 7 years) shot at me with an AK assault rifle and hit me in the back 4 times. Afterwards my brother (who shot first) helped me take out these bullets. The bullets looked strange, not like normal ones.

I dreamed that I was hit by a bullet from a pistol that a man was holding and he fired and hit me in the leg. But there was little blood, then I ran to the hospital and saw the mother of my guy friend and told him not to tell him. Then they started pulling it out for me and I didn’t feel anything.

I don’t remember how, the bullet wound ended up in my stomach on the right side.
There was heavy bleeding, scarlet blood flowed out, I tried to press the wound with my hand. (This helped)
Afterwards, the goal was to find a hospital, because I was sure that the bullet was in me and did not slip through.
I found a hospital (I don’t know where it is, but this is not the first time I’ve seen it, I definitely know that it was there)
I dream of friends, acquaintances, for some reason I walk around the city and see acquaintances and all this with a hole in the right side. Sorry for the joke if it is out of place.
Then again in the hospital they inject me with some kind of drug, supposedly anesthesia, it does not work and this anesthesia is reintroduced. It works, I fall asleep.
Then I wake up in a dream from anesthesia and everything is fine, no wounds... nothing
I don't remember anything else.

I was in a room with large panoramic windows. They shot at me from the street, they hit me in the right foot and slightly grazed my head. I hid in a corner until the shooting stopped. then she left, but the rest of the dream haunted me and every now and then I ran away from someone again

We were moving with my parents, I looked out the window and we were having something like training shots and a large black round flew over my window and shot 3 times and hit my hand, the bullets cut my hand and flew past

I saw planes in the sky. American The bombing began. I tried to run away and sneak. A man with a machine gun ran out towards me. He shot me in the shoulder. I close my eyes and think to myself. This is my death. Then I get up. I run. There is no blood from the wound. I'm meeting a friend. She bandages my wound. Then I run around with my wound and show it to everyone.

A month ago I had a dream that I was seriously wounded, four wounds in the torso and in the legs, but the bullets never reached me and there was no blood. And today, from October 8 to October 9 (from Thursday to Friday), I dreamed of a continuation of this dream. I’m sitting and thinking, I need to somehow get these bullets out, otherwise it will become more rotten... I lift my T-shirt and the tips of the bullets are already sticking out, I pulled them out without pain and blood with my own hands, but the bullets were large.

In the dream, there were three bullets in my body, they stuck out straight like a ruler, starting from the lower abdomen and above, there was no blood. I was very afraid that I would die, and they took me to the hospital. Vraya pulled out one bullet, it was small, and gave me some kind of cream, said that everything would be fine with me and that I would apply the cream to the rest of the wounds and they would come out of the wounds on their own.

Hello! I dreamed today that my friends and I were in difficult situation, and we were being “hunted”! The enemies (whose faces I had not seen before, that is, unfamiliar ones) were defeated, one of whom I shot right in the heart! He ended up in our room in an almost abandoned building, asking not to kill him, but I still pulled the trigger and killed him! At the same time, I clearly see how I loaded the bullet, held it in my hands, how it stood in the pistol, and then fired! Feelings of regret about what I had done did not leave me for a long time!

Hello. I remember that they shot at me and shielded myself from the shot with my hand. The bullet hit the hand. Afterwards, a woman doctor pulled it out for me in the hospital. I remember I gave an anesthetic injection and then sewed up the wound.

in a dream I saw a showdown while passing by, a bullet hit me (in the forehead, I remained alive) and ran away from the people who started the showdown. In the end I ended up at home and there I wanted them to call me an ambulance, but my mother couldn’t tell my father this .meanwhile the wound on my forehead was getting deeper. I felt like they didn’t help me in the end

They shot at me with a TT pistol at close range from 10 meters. They shot at my heart, but I dodged and turned sideways. The bullet hit top part left hand. There was no blood. I pulled out the bullet myself and wanted to leave it as a talisman. There was no trace of the wound left. The wound healed. Tanks entered the city and the war in Donbass continued again.

I’m in some house with old friends and we’re having fun, some neighbor didn’t like how loud we were having fun and I just remember how he starts shooting through the walls, I start running and trying to hide, I see bullets flying through the walls, then I hide and start When I examine myself, I understand that I’m not in pain anywhere, but then a thought comes to my mind: out of shock, I might not notice the wound, and at that moment I discover a wound on my leg, there’s no blood! I begin to examine the wound and realize that the bullet is inside, I pull it out and there is no blood! But there, it seems to me, there are fragments of sneezes, I also pull them out, the wound gets bigger and then I begin to understand that I’m sleeping and glad that this is a dream and in fact I have nothing and I wake up

Hello! I will be immensely grateful) (I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday) There was a meeting of classmates, we were sitting in an old gray house, quite spacious. Then two strangers, a girl and a guy, appeared, they started shooting from the street, the shots were like a burst from a machine gun, although they had a pistol in their hands. Then I suddenly see everyone and myself in a shelter, in a pale yellow building, for some reason I went out to the door (the main entrance and exit of the building) and the bullets hit my neck and got stuck there (I just remember how I felt them with my hands) there was no blood, I tried to get them out, but it didn’t work. I woke up.

They shot me in the side, but I didn’t die, it didn’t even hurt, it just felt like there was something in my right side and it was a bullet, I could even get up and go anywhere, I just went to my older brother to ask “what do I need?” do” he replied “you don’t have any bullet, it just flew out from the other side,” but I felt that he was inside me... I don’t remember anything else

I dreamed that during the war a sniper shot at me, I saw flying bullets that were flying towards me, the bullets had a white trail, I dodged and thought that they flew past, but it turned out that two bullets were stuck in the back of my head, they were Brown There was no blood, I could even pull them out almost painlessly, but for some reason I didn’t do it. I also dreamed in this dream that I had a tooth filled.

I was standing on the porch, a man I didn’t know shot at me. He was wearing black glasses and a black tuxedo. The bullet left me with a red spot on the skin on my left side. Out of fear, I ran to another house, ran into some... then the apartment and screamed “Save, help, they want to kill me.” A woman came out of the room in a dark blue robe, with black hair and kicked me out. I stood in the entrance, looked where the man was, he drove by in a black jeep and looked around.

Hello, I dreamed that they were shooting at me as if there was a war, as if there were a lot of people, I didn’t see who was shooting, but I had bruises on my right leg and I knew that there were bullets there, and right hand where they usually put injections and IVs, there were also some abrasions and I started taking bullets out of my hand through the hole, but I didn’t feel any pain, not when shooting, not when pulling it out

I was with my management at a meeting and when we returned home I was wounded in both legs. the bullets went right through. Before the ambulance we stopped the bleeding, and during the examination the doctors opened the wounds and stuck their fingers in. I woke up from my own screams.

hello, the thing is that I saw a man come into the house and kill my parents, but I didn’t have time to hide, he found me, put a gun to my head, but I grabbed him by the knees and asked him to wait two minutes to catch my breath, and as soon as I approached the window, he shot me in the back

Hello, I dreamed about this - In the dream, I was covering my friend when bullets hit me in the back, but there was no pain. I carried my wounded friend to the hospital in my arms, put a sweater under my head, called the nurse and fell unconscious from loss of blood, regained consciousness in the hospital

I remember the dream in fragments, it was not particularly emotional, most of it. Me, my twin sister (which I don't actually have) and our parents were fighting some foreign government guys. In expensive suits, an earpiece and a transmitter from the ear, pistols... And our parents were something like Sherlock and Watson, they were very smart and solved crimes. And we are with them. In one of the fights, a guy shot at me when I stood with my back to him and watched my parents’ fight. I remember how I turned around, he was standing with a gun pointed at me, then I turned back and fell to the ground, on my stomach. I lie there for a while, covered in blood, and then I wake up.

I dreamed that I was shooting and killing people, but at some point I got tired of it, I lost all the cartridges and they shot at me, the bullet remained in me, but later it was pulled out, but the genitals were torn off.

I remember that we, a group of familiar people, went down on a raft along the river to some village to relax. But I found myself in the thick of military events. Everyone is resting and at this time I am going to capture enemy territory. I kill everyone, as a result my entire group is killed and I am left alone with a bunch of enemies. I’m going into the breach, I’m killing many people, they’re all running away from me. Then I heard that our people were coming to help and asking something, and I blurted out that I was left without ammunition. The opponents took advantage of this and came back and surrounded me, but they didn’t shoot and instead threw a grenade in my direction. I took it and threw it back, it exploded without hitting me. But when I returned from the battle, I found myself bandaged from a bullet wound, or rather several, as far as I understood the bursts of bullets, but I felt no pain and there was no blood. Then it turned out that my weapon was taken away, so I started looking for it. Those people that I used to be afraid of were now ghosts and now everyone was afraid of me. They obeyed me, they shied away from me. In the end, I found some strange pistol (a wide barrel with several small holes for bullets, it seemed like there were 3 holes). While I found him, a girl from her team comes out and wants to attack, I somehow know that she is an enemy. She starts to grab the barrel, but I immediately shoot. I wanted to leave her to suffer, but one person who loved her asked me to stop her suffering, I agreed and calmly finished her off, after which this guy thanked me. Afterwards I went to bed. And there was a moment when one couple in love asked me to help them be together, away from the girl’s mother. And when I went to sleep on the bed next to the couple, their mother was lying and I kicked her out to another bed (because everyone was afraid of me, she was without unnecessary words I obeyed and left). I couldn’t lie down, they started having sex, I looked at it all (with a tired look) and left.

I shoot a big dog (like a house) because it was attacking, and then it turns out it’s my old friend (guy)
everyone is angry with me, and I take the bullets out of him and stitch up the wounds
although he still wanted to kill us, but in order to save

I dreamed that my friend and I were eating in the fresh air
a car pulled up and a guy, some black guy with glasses started shooting at me, and the bullets were small
one hit my hand
everyone ran away, I pulled out the bullet myself
then I ran into the yard, told Lera that we’d meet at the store and go to Ranha, I climbed into someone’s car, started it and drove off, and I knew that I had no license at all, I drove along Krasnoarmeiskaya and stopped at the store, there was a sign parking is prohibited, I I moved the car, went into the store, Lera was not there, I sat there, I was bleeding, they examined my hand, I drove to Ranha, I arrived, parked the car and then I actually ended up in some kind of game, I was already dressed up, with a sword and a friend we ran around forest, first we came across people, they explained to us where we were and what we were doing, my friend and I started looking for a way out, we ran, we came across wolves, we seemed to have dealt with them, we move on, some abandoned castle, we went there, went down to crypt, there we were attacked by vampires, we ran away from them, it felt like it was always gloomy in this forest, again this man was hunting me and someone was with him

I dreamed that there was a deep cut in the area of ​​the right thigh from the knee to the groin, there were 3 bullets in the same leg, it was sewn up and you could clearly see how it stuck out, the other with a notch when hit, like the other in the groin area through... in this dream no one helped me and they just grinned, it was difficult to move and there was terrible pain... I had such a feeling that this was all in reality... in a dream, even my beloved turned away from me... and I saw them shooting at me from a distance... and who didn’t. here is my mail:

And so in a dream I got some girl’s phone number and I had to give it back, I followed her, she disappeared somewhere in the distance, then I saw a burning forest, approaching this fire I saw burnt military men, I walked past them and saw of his friend, he sat near some building with an intimidating look and told me to go upstairs, I didn’t leave him and we went up together, going into some room, he showed me his feet and he had 9 bullets in his feet on both legs he pulled them out, in this room there was also a little girl very beautiful with angelic eyes and she constantly walked near me and I understood that I had to protect her and the military turned out to be zombies and tried to enter our room and we did not let them in at the end of everything we left this room but I still didn’t give up the phone

I dream that the military has surrounded us. Among them are military personnel and terrorists. At the beginning I didn’t see them, I ran after someone and bullets started hitting me. I closed my eyes. The bullets hit my hands. I see on the left shoulder. Doesn't bleed. I don't feel pain. In this dream, all my nightmares were connected in the same way, and the wound didn’t get to me as much as some other moments. I clearly see the wound and the bullet (that is, the place in the body through which the bullet passed)

Hello! I dreamed that I was leaving some room, and they were shooting at me, they hit me in the shoulder blades and shoulder, I was on the verge of death, but I survived, I walked around with a bloody shirt, I gradually began to feel good, why would this

I'm sitting at the dacha. Suddenly they shoot at me (I don’t remember by whom and under what circumstances) and the bullet hits me in the chest, a couple of millimeters to the left of the heart. It doesn’t hurt me much, I can walk and there is no bleeding at all. But I understand that the bullet must be pulled out. I turn to my family for help, but no one takes this seriously, they say, “So I need to go to the hospital.”

I dreamed that someone shot me (I don’t remember who and under what circumstances) and the bullet hit me in the chest, a couple of millimeters to the right of the heart. It didn’t hurt much, I could walk, and there was no blood at all. I went to my family, but they didn’t take it seriously, they told me to go to the hospital. All this time I walked, looking for consolation and a person who could help me. And I found him. Some guy said he could pull the bullet out. I believed him, but in the end it turned out that he couldn’t do anything. It seems like he didn’t even really try. But I managed to eat a lot of sleeping pills, because I was very afraid of pain. And I tore off the top part of the bullet, which was at skin level, and the bullet was replaced with a small chip with a light bulb. And it was even worse than a bullet. I ran to my grandmother, and her guests arrived. The guests began to say something about me, and my grandmother said a very strange phrase: “Yes, it’s hard for her now. She has a broken main atrial bone.” Then I, it seems, went to the city myself, although I was afraid to fall asleep on the way.

In a dream, I was running through the forest and at some point I realized that they were shooting at me, I tried to scream, but instead of screaming I only got a characteristic bear roar and I realized that in the dream I was a running bear. Everything doesn't last long. I've been having this dream for the second month in a row.

I dreamed that I was on a combat operation and was hiding from enemy bullets, but one of them wounded me. I called the doctor or he came himself, I don’t remember, I took a scalpel and pulled out the bullet, making a small cut on my leg. There was almost no blood. Fear of operating on myself too. Everything was calm. I got the bullet.

Bullets in a dream mean mortal danger.

If in a dream you hear the whistle of bullets, then you will soon learn alarming news.

Casting bullets in a dream means that you will provoke some kind of conflict or scandal, from which you yourself may suffer.

If you dream that you were wounded by a bullet, then great experiences or a serious illness await you.

A dream in which you saw that a bullet flew past means that you will miraculously be able to avoid danger in a risky business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Chest

If you dream of a man with bare chest, this indicates that you need another sexual partner.

If your chest is hairy, in reality you will have to prove your innocence in a matter to which you are indirectly related.

Bare breasts indicate your caring attitude towards one of your colleagues; you must carefully protect your reputation and not give any reason to suspect you of this.

Seeing a chest with a gaping wound in a dream foretells that some kind of trouble is threatening you.

Seeing your breasts means that in reality you will be disappointed in love because of many rivals.

If the breasts are white and full, good luck and happiness will soon visit you.

Solid female breasts- to a disadvantage, shrunken and wrinkled - a sign of marital fidelity.

Seeing a woman in a dream whose one of her breasts is cut off means treason; without breasts at all - to quarrels with your husband.

Baring your breasts in front of a man in a dream foreshadows yielding to persistent advances. If in a dream a man caresses your breasts, in reality you will commit an immoral act.

Interpretation of dreams from

Wound in a dream - In case the person who is wounded dies in his sleep- in real life, expect a streak of failures and bad luck.
Someone hurt you in a dream- disappointments are possible ahead, the source of which will be people close to you. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings - an insidious betrayal awaits you. A likely motive will be the envy of those people towards whom you have a good attitude.
To see such a dream for lovers- to a speedy separation or big quarrels.
In a dream you bandaged a wound to a stranger- people you don’t know will help you in difficult life situations.
If in a dream you saw many wounded people in a hospital, you may soon receive news of the death of a loved one or loved one.
If you managed to save a wounded person or animal in a dream, then in reality you have a chance to emerge victorious in a fight with competitors and ill-wishers.
If in a dream you dreamed of being wounded, for example, in the stomach or any other part of your body, then such a dream foreshadows that you need to wait for the decision of a very important matter, and the future well-being of the whole family depends on this decision.
If in a dream you yourself injured someone, then you should be more polite and courteous when communicating with loved ones. Your carelessness and imprudence in communication can cause deep emotional wounds to people dear to you.
If you fight with knives, it means that unexpected things await you ahead. happy events.
If you meet a wounded soldier in a dream, then this promises you anxiety and worry for loved ones, troubles and an unexpected incident in reality.
If you are wounded by a sword, you will be struck down by unrequited love, cruelty beautiful woman.
If you dreamed of being wounded in the abdomen, it means you have to make a vital decision, complex issues, which will concern the interests of your family.
If you are wounded by a bow arrow or a bullet, then know that your expectations are in vain.
If this person dies in a dream, then difficult times are coming in your destiny.
Life will flow in a completely different direction than you planned.
Sometimes, dreams about injuries are harbingers of pleasant events.
When a wounded person dies in your arms- the dream suggests that you have forgotten something very important.
Getting wounded multiple times to a stranger- to joy and benefit.
They couldn’t keep a promise they made to themselves or to someone they knew.
A gunshot wound you have received may indicate significant changes in your professional activity.
Bullet wounds in dreams- you will spend a long time looking for a way out of difficult life situations that you find yourself in because of your frivolous attitude towards some aspects of your life.
Wound in your dream- usually a negative image. Can warn you of impending troubles in material sphere, in the field of relationships.
A wounded dog dreams of material difficulties, problems in business and trade, and large debts.
Hurt someone yourself in a dream- a sign that your luck in real life will soon be very short-lived, so don’t turn your nose up.
Seeing yourself wounded in a dream- to sorrows and tears, to sorrows and hardships.
See in a dream gunshot wound may indicate that you will soon need to find a way out of difficult situation, in which you will find yourself because of your frivolous behavior. such an injury can portend huge changes in professional activity.
If you see a wound that you are treating with medication and bandaging, then this dream predicts the help of others in difficult times.

Bullets are dreamed of as a sign of uncompromisingness and determination. Why do you dream about a bullet wound in the shoulder?

, such a dream is filled interesting moments, firstly, and this has been verified, before the arrival of guests, when with such a turn of events you don’t see blood in a dream, it means you need to act on your own, not trusting anyone. when you dream of a large blood loss, you will need outside help.

Get ready: there's trouble ahead.

A dream in which you saw a bullet wound in the shoulder area suggests the opposite: you have no one to rely on and will have to do everything yourself. Sometimes a gunshot wound in a dream is a harbinger that the dreamer will be in the thick of interesting events, which will favorably affect his fate.

If a bullet that hits you in the forehead bounces off, you will commit a monstrous stupidity due to your own stubbornness. However, it is possible that you can still get out of this situation, but it will be extremely difficult.


Interpretation of the dream Wound in the dream book: Sonan Dream Book. A bullet wound in a dream is often interpreted by the dream book as an unfavorable sign. It indicates future difficulties, troubles, complications out of the blue. The omen relates to the sphere of both professional and personal relationships. But sometimes even such a vision can carry a positive message. Details will help you understand why you dream about it.

American psychotherapist Gustav Miller also became famous for compiling one of the most interesting detailed dream books. This is what he writes in particular about what a gunshot wound to one or another part of the body might mean in a dream.

A bullet in the heart dreams of unhappy love.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book Why do you dream of a bullet wound in the shoulder

Getting a gunshot wound to the head means loss of common sense.

Imagine that the bullets you bought are toy bullets. If you are caught in a firefight in a dream, imagine that bullets are flying past you.

To dream that you have bony shoulders is a sign that you will have to endure many trials in life. Gunshot wound interpretation of the dream book. Wounding in a dream - If a person who is wounded dies in a dream - in real life, expect a streak of failures and bad luck. Someone hurt you in a dream - there may be disappointments ahead, the source of which will be people close to you. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings - an insidious betrayal awaits you. A likely motive will be the envy of those people towards whom you have a good attitude. Seeing such a dream for lovers means a speedy separation or big quarrels. In a dream, you bandaged a stranger’s wound - unfamiliar people will help you in a difficult life situation. If in your dream you saw many wounded people in a hospital, you may soon receive news of the death of a loved one. If you managed to save a wounded person or animal in a dream, then in reality you have a chance to emerge victorious in a fight with competitors and ill-wishers. If in a dream you dreamed of being wounded, for example, in the stomach or any other part of your body, then such a dream foreshadows that you need to wait for the decision of a very important matter, and the future well-being of the whole family depends on this decision. If in a dream you yourself injured someone, then you should be more polite and courteous when communicating with loved ones. Your carelessness and imprudence in communication can cause deep emotional wounds to people dear to you. If you fight with knives, it means that unexpected happy events await you ahead. If you meet a wounded soldier in a dream, then this promises you anxiety and worry for loved ones, troubles and an unexpected incident in reality. If you are wounded by a sword, you will be struck down by unrequited love, the cruelty of a beautiful woman. If you dreamed of being wounded in the abdomen, it means you have to resolve vital, complex issues that will concern the interests of your family. If you are wounded by a bow arrow or a bullet, then know that your expectations are in vain. If this person dies in a dream, then difficult times are coming in your destiny. Life will flow in a completely different direction than you planned. Sometimes, dreams about injuries are harbingers of pleasant events. When a wounded person dies in your arms, the dream suggests that you have forgotten something very important. Repeatedly injuring a stranger by you is a joy and benefit. They couldn’t keep a promise they made to themselves or to someone they knew. A gunshot wound you have received may indicate a significant change in your professional life. Bullet wounds in dreams - you will spend a long time looking for a way out of difficult life situations that you will find yourself in because of your frivolous attitude towards some aspects of your life. Being wounded in your dream is usually a negative image. It can warn you of impending troubles in the material sphere and in the sphere of relationships. A wounded dog dreams of material difficulties, problems in business and trade, and large debts. Injuring someone yourself in a dream is a sign that your luck in real life will soon turn out to be very short-lived, so you shouldn’t turn your nose up. Seeing yourself wounded in a dream means sorrows and tears, sorrows and hardships. Seeing a gunshot wound in a dream may indicate that you will soon need to find a way out of a difficult situation in which you find yourself due to your frivolous behavior. such an injury can portend huge changes in professional activity. If you see a wound that you are treating with medication and bandaging, then this dream predicts the help of others in difficult times.

A gunshot wound, a bullet wound, what does a bullet mean in a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book.

Buying bullets means you may make a mistake that will cost you dearly in the future. Hear bullets whistling - expect unpleasant news. Why dream of being shot by a bullet during combat, but getting out of the danger zone safely? According to the dream book, it will be possible to outplay your enemies.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Wounding? Running away from bullets in a dream is a good sign, at least because the sleeper will understand that he is in danger and will try to avoid it.

Some symbols mean the following:

Freud offers a different interpretation for visions in which a bullet hits the stomach or chest. The famous Austrian is sure that such a dream occurs on the eve of a new love, which will be accompanied by doubts, violent emotions, and mental suffering. One way or another, the sleeping person will in reality have a very passionate admirer (fan). If a bullet is lodged in the stomach and the wound is bleeding heavily, then the novel will be very rich and vibrant.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a bullet in a dream has an almost prophetic meaning. This may be a signal from the body about the onset of a disease or a warning about impending changes. Additional details will help you understand why such a dream is happening.

Meaningful symbol

A flying bullet in a dream gives the sleeper a reason to think about his own surroundings. If in night vision you are on the battlefield, you will probably find yourself in a situation in which events will develop so rapidly that you will be unable to prevent it.

Seeing a flying bullet and not getting injured, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a sign that you will easily be able to cope with your ill-wishers. This tiny charge symbolizes uncompromisingness and determination in a dream. However, overconfidence can lead to serious consequences.

At the same time, Miller’s dream book states that if a bullet hit the body and pierced it through, but the dreamer did not feel pain, then in reality he will experience violent fun and excess vital energy.

Impact location

If a bullet hits the body, then you need to remember where exactly. This nuance will give a more accurate decoding of what this dream means. If you dreamed that there was a splinter in your body and it was bleeding heavily, then in reality you will need the help and support of others.

If you were wounded in the back, then you should expect betrayal or unexpected difficulties in a matter that seemed ideal.

In general, it’s quite easy to understand why you dream about a bullet. The main thing is to know the basic interpretation of this subject. The dream book deciphers it as a symbol of change, news, illness, and random mistakes.

In this regard, it is not surprising that the dream book interprets a bullet that hits directly in the heart as problems on the love front, and a wound in the chest as a sign of future emotional experiences.

Sign of diseases and injuries

At the same time, the dream book interprets a direct hit in the forehead in two ways. On the one hand, this can mean a serious illness, on the other hand, news that will literally blow your mind.

Such dreams are often dreamed before any illness or injury, and the dream will tell which part of the body will be affected. If you dreamed that a bullet was sitting in your stomach, then the dreamer can expect problems with internal organs, hit in the back - to an exacerbation of old radiculitis, etc.

Dream and life

They will help you figure out what the dream means and life circumstances. This is how the dream book interprets a bullet in the head as a thought that has been haunting for a long time. If in a dream you see a wound in your forehead, then you should expect painful news or even a blow.

If you dreamed that you were wounded in the stomach in the liver area, then some person is not allowing you to live in peace. If on the eve of a hike, vacation or trip you dreamed of a bullet in your leg, then probably for some reason this event will fail or will not be very successful.

Romantic subtext

When interpreting such a dream, it is imperative to take into account the opinion of Freud’s dream book. Intimate subtext will help you find out exactly what the bullet is for in your dream.

For example, he interprets a wound in the head as difficulties in relationships. If in a dream you received a bullet in the back, then in reality you will probably be disappointed in your loved one, associated with the sexual side of life.

If you dreamed of a bullet in another person’s neck, then someone treats the dreamer with great sympathy. If a sleeping person has numerous wounds to the head and torso, then he will experience mental pain of unprecedented strength. If a wound in your leg cripples you in your night visions, then perhaps the same will happen in reality.

But this does not mean that a lot of problems will befall you in the morning. After all similar visions are only a warning. The dream book recommends being careful, following a routine, eating right and everything will be fine.



Numerological Dream Interpretation

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal - it recommends that you pay attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and wounds you- this is a clear sign that you found yourself, unwittingly, in the thick of things.

If the wound bleeds heavily- you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask them to clarify the situation.

If there is no blood at all- you must act independently and not trust anyone.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a person- in real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall- this is a sign of impending trouble. You probably lost sight of something very important; in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to correct the matter.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Bullet in a dream- a sign of determination and uncompromisingness. Be careful: the dream suggests that your uncompromising attitude may lead to undesirable consequences.

Bullet wound- evidence that in pursuit of your goal you risk making a serious or even irreparable mistake.

Modern combined dream book

This means that you will have fun in life and good mood, a surge of vital energy, think about how best to use it.

A dream in which you were caught in a war zone under fire from bullets- indicates that your success will depend on your ability to neutralize your opponents.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Loading weapons with bullets- to a very serious conflict with the person you fear; buy a bullet- a warning dream: thieves are interested in your apartment.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you were caught in a hail of bullets while in a war zone- portends that your success will depend on your ability to neutralize your opponents.

If in a dream you felt that a bullet had pierced your body, but you did not feel pain- therefore, in a dream you will come to a cheerful mood and feel such an excess of vital energy in yourself that in one breath you will wash all the dishes and wash all the dirty laundry that has accumulated.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

See bullets flying over you- evil consequences; cast bullets- do not get carried away with dangerous things; be wounded- disease; got into the house- You are in danger; play with a bullet- fright, surprise.

Dream book of the 21st century

Hearing the whistle of bullets in a dream- means that in reality you will not have the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

A dream in which you were hit by an enemy bullet- dreams of unexpected and very bad news.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

See the bullet- receive sad news from a loved one; give cause for gossip by your behavior.

Loading weapons with bullets- engage in dubious business.

If you were hit by a bullet in a dream- in reality you will learn very bad news.

Be afraid of flying bullets, listen to their whistle- to the inevitability of a difficult conversation with someone.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Bullet- successful activity; convincing arguments, reasons; aggressive impulses, speed.

Esoteric dream book

Bullet flying- wait for a blow, a painful injection.

Seen in bandoliers, horns and weapon parts- be careful, prepare for a blow aimed at you.

Do, take a leak if someone- you will strike, If you- the revenge or blow you have planned for someone can turn into a real tragedy.


Bullet in the stomach

Dream Interpretation Bullet in the Belly dreamed of why in a dream there is a Bullet in the stomach? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bullet in your stomach in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bullets

Bullets in a dream mean mortal danger. If in a dream you hear the whistle of bullets, then you will soon learn alarming news. Casting bullets in a dream means that you will provoke some kind of conflict or scandal, from which you yourself may suffer. If you dream that you were wounded by a bullet, then great experiences or a serious illness await you. A dream in which you saw that a bullet flew past means that you will miraculously be able to avoid danger in a risky business.

Dream Interpretation - Bullet and the number nine

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams. You may not think about it, but your subconscious mind sends you this allegorical signal and recommends that you pay attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and injures you, then this is a clear sign that you have found yourself, unwittingly, in the thick of things. If the wound is bleeding heavily, then you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask him to clarify the situation. If there is no blood at all, then you must act independently and not trust anyone.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a person, then in real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive. To understand what you are involved in, act actively, make appointments for the 27th and 9th, and all the information you received on the 18th will most likely turn out to be false.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall is a sign of impending trouble. You probably lost sight of something very important; in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to correct the matter.

Dream Interpretation - Bullets

Buying bullets - you can make a mistake that will cost you dearly in the future. Hear bullets whistling - expect unpleasant news.

Imagine that the bullets you bought are toy bullets. If you are caught in a firefight in a dream, imagine that bullets are flying past you.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Dreaming about your belly encourages you to think about your life and well-being. Seeing a stomach with wounds in a dream means losses and losses. If you dream that your belly has become larger and fuller than usual, then your condition will increase in proportion to the size of your belly in the dream. And vice versa: if you see that your stomach has retracted and fallen, then such a dream predicts that you will lose your fortune as a result of some accident. If you dream that your stomach is swollen but empty inside, then your wealth will melt away like smoke. And your friends will consider you rich, not knowing that your fortune has depleted. The more your belly swells, the poorer you will become. If you dream that your stomach is grumbling from hunger, then you will have to work hard to have a state corresponding to the size of your stomach. Abdominal pain is a sign of trouble. According to other versions, such a dream foreshadows health and increased prosperity, which will correspond to the strength of the pain that you feel in the dream. To see your stomach ripped open and with your insides turned out in a dream means that shame, ruin and the imminent death of you or your loved ones await you. Seeing a naked belly in a dream is a sign of loss and betrayal of loved ones. Such a dream warns you not to be too gullible. See interpretation: yes.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Seeing a bare stomach in a dream foretells fleeting anxieties. An overly fat belly indicates the possibility of making big profits. A thin, inverted stomach means a lack of time, a lot of things to do and constant worry. Seeing a belly button on your stomach in a dream foretells a new life venture or love story. Pain in the navel - to losses associated with parents or homeland.

Seeing your stomach beautiful, flat and tanned in a dream - such a dream promises you the fulfillment of your plans, for which, however, you will need to mobilize all your strength and set yourself up for serious work. Seeing your belly ugly swollen, like a pregnant woman's, predicts an unhappy set of circumstances throughout the coming day.

If your stomach in a dream seems saggy or incredibly thin, then in reality you will be bitterly disappointed about a disagreement with friends who will avoid close communication with you. Seeing your stomach, on which disgusting insects crawl, means humiliating and thankless work awaits you in reality.

If you see your stomach cut open and blood flowing from it, this portends sad events and illness of loved ones. Seeing your stomach and other insides in an open belly is a sign of poor health, while feeling unbearable pain means prosperity in all matters and love. Indigestion in a dream warns against making any kind of travel or traveling in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Seeing a man with a bare and big belly means wealth and profit.

The woman has children.

To gain weight, to have a paunch - everything good: merits, income, etc.

Having a very large belly means indigestion, illness, annoyance, a lot of worries / sometimes unexpected profits.

Seeing your belly grow before your eyes is an honor for a man, and heavy thoughts for a woman.

Stroking your belly means everything is good.

Losing weight is a big expense.

Having a thin belly means everything bad: lack, poverty, dissatisfaction, being unloved, experiencing the ill will of people.

Having a cut stomach means property losses.

They put something in your cut stomach - the return of prosperity, unexpected wealth.

The stomach hurts in a dream - an accident/trouble due to impermanence.

Seeing heaviness in your stomach means stomach disease.

To have a fantastically huge, incredible belly - to plunge into sensual life, to wallow in it.

To have a transparent belly means that household secrets will become the subject of gossip; you are overly concentrating your attention on money.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

If you saw your belly in a dream, then in reality great prospects await you. Curb your ardor and get to work with renewed energy. Rest and entertainment now will only bring you harm.

If you see your stomach wrinkled in a dream, be careful: you will be haunted by the slander of hypocritical friends.

A swollen belly dreams of trouble. True, you will successfully overcome them and will be quite satisfied with the results of your work.

If you dreamed that blood was oozing from your stomach, then some misfortune may happen in the family. A dream in which a child’s stomach hurts foretells that in reality you will be haunted by infectious diseases.

If you dreamed that your stomach hurts, then your planned enterprise may fail. A belly without a navel means a shock from which it will be difficult to recover. For a woman, this dream may portend a serious illness.

A person with a very large belly dreams of troubles associated with children.