“Why do you see an alien in a dream? If you see an Alien in a dream, what does it mean? I dreamed about aliens - detailed interpretations from dream books

The fantastic nature of dreams is usually inspired by watching thematic films and scientific television programs. When you dream of an alien, but the person did not watch any films about aliens the day before, there is no doubt about the importance of what you dreamed about. Dream books will help you decipher such dreams.

Meaning according to different dream books

The interpretation of the dream depends on various details and actions of the dreamer:

  1. Fedotova’s dream book says that a dream with aliens means an amazing event that will not take long to happen. Don't be afraid to let change into your life, at least this time it will be for the better.
  2. According to Miller's dream book, dreaming of aliens means profit and increased earnings. If you've been waiting for a promotion at work for a long time, it's time to act - luck is on your side. The dream is also interpreted as receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery. Any actions aimed at increasing wealth are doomed to success.
  3. According to Vanga’s dream book, if the dreamer ends up with aliens, this means meeting enemies in a friendly atmosphere. Perhaps old conflicts have faded away, and former enemies can become good friends.
  4. Freud interpreted such a dream as the emergence of new relationships of an intimate nature. The dreamer is ready to experiment in sex and improve his skills.
  5. A modern dream book says that aliens appearing in a dream herald the beginning creative period, which will bring many discoveries and various intellectual finds. Get creative, it's time to reveal all your talents.
  6. The 21st century dream book explains such dreams as a quick acquaintance with a person who will have a strong influence on life. No matter how influential new friend, try to make decisions with your own mind.

According to Miller, aliens dream of increased profits

Interpretation of dreams with aliens for men and women

The interpretation of night dreams about space aliens largely depends on the gender of the dreamer:

  1. For a woman to see a flying saucer in the distance in a dream - to risky but pleasant love adventures. Take everything from life, but know when to stop. Set boundaries for yourself and never cross them.
  2. For girls, such dreams promise a successful marriage. If a young lady is in a relationship, very soon they will go out new level, both partners are ready for the next step. A dream in which the dreamer was kidnapped by aliens speaks of a new love.
  3. For a pregnant woman to see an alien creature emerging from her womb is a sign of fears about the upcoming birth. Don’t stress yourself out in vain, your worries are unfounded, listen to what the doctors say - and everything will go well.
  4. For men similar dreams portend honor and success in all matters. The time has come to act, stop sitting and dreaming. You have enough strength to successfully complete all plans.

Alien actions in dreams

Dreaming of sex with an alien speaks of the dreamer’s subconscious desire for something new. It's not necessarily about sexual intercourse; perhaps you just need to take a walk in places you haven't been before. Go to the forest, go fishing, take a walk in the rain.

Seeing a spaceship in a dream means achieving goals.

An alien invasion is a dream of good luck. Soon events will happen in the dreamer's life that will make him believe in incredible things and good miracles.

Why do you dream of an alien attack?

Dreaming of an alien attack means danger. If the dreamer was going on a business trip or trip, it is better to postpone such plans. Any unusual situation for the dreamer (rock climbing, surfing - anything that is new) can be fatal.

Interpretations on the nature of how aliens attacked Earth:

  1. The quiet invasion of aliens into the consciousness of people without the extermination of the human species is a dream of problems and pressure that the dreamer will not be able to resist. Sometimes you need to accept the situation as it is, without struggle or resistance.
  2. A vivid dream in which aliens started a war using weapons is a sign of tough checks at work and in your personal life. In any case, you need to be mentally prepared. If the dreamer has nothing to hide, there is no need to worry; otherwise, look for an escape route.

Dreaming about an alien invasion means meeting a person who will bring a lot of vivid emotions into the dreamer’s life. This stranger is a gift from fate; it is important not to miss the moment and enjoy what is happening to the fullest.

Dreaming of an alien attack means danger

What if you dream about being abducted by aliens?

A dream about being abducted by aliens speaks of an upcoming adventure. If you remember the reason for the abduction, the dream can be interpreted more accurately:

  • for the sake of experiments - the dreamer should take care of his health;
  • for ransom - in reality you need to obey to an influential person from the environment, this will help improve the standard of living;
  • for the sake of friendship - a faithful and reliable friend will soon appear.

Communication with space guests

Conducting a dialogue with aliens in a dream means a new interesting acquaintance. It may lead to romantic relationships, and maybe give you a wonderful new friend. Both options are good, the main thing is to recognize the spark in a person in time.

The interpretation of the dream also depends on how the communication took place:

  1. If the dreamer makes contact with aliens, and they try to somehow talk to him, the person will soon find himself in an unfamiliar environment. He will encounter misunderstandings, will look for other approaches, will explore other ways to explain his thoughts. It will not be easy for the dreamer, but after overcoming obstacles, he will become wiser.
  2. According to interpretation esoteric dream book, if the dreamer hears the voices of aliens in his head, realizing that they communicate using telepathy, he has psychic abilities. But having a gift and being able to use it are not the same thing. Soon a situation will arise in life that will force you to accept knowledge from a teacher.
  3. Is an alien trying to tell you something, but you don’t understand? Such a dream speaks of the dreamer’s subconscious closeness from others. You need to get rid of such a barrier, otherwise it may cause plans to fail.
  4. The dreamer understands alien speech or communicates via telepathy with aliens - such a dream means that all endeavors will be successful. Now is the time to turn your plans and fantasies into reality; they will help you gain recognition and authority.
  5. When you dream that aliens are making contact, and you are resisting this in every possible way, you seriously need to rethink your life and understand your deep emotional experiences. No matter how things go, depression will not help. Understand yourself, perhaps those around you are to blame for this condition, and you should change your social circle.
  6. Coming into contact with aliens in a dream means complications in relationships with family and friends. Try to pay more attention to your friends and family.

Spaceship in a dream

If the dreamer saw a flying saucer in the sky, such a dream speaks of a successful period in his life. Everything you undertake will certainly succeed.

The meaning of the dream depending on the details:

  1. A bizarre flying saucer dreams of receiving false news and rumors. Don't believe everything they tell you. Important information that concerns you or your loved ones, it is better to check several times, otherwise there is a risk of mistaking a lie for the truth.
  2. Not last value has and emotional coloring sleep. If the dream is pleasant, a friendly flying saucer hovers over the dreamer's head, this means that he has paranormal abilities. A negative emotional coloring indicates a sharp and unexpected change in life.
  3. A flying saucer crashes in a dream - the collapse of plans. If at the same time people attack a fallen UFO, due to the unprofessionalism of colleagues, the dreamer will have to change his place of work.

Was it a terrible dream?

Scary aliens dream of problems due to enemies

Seeing aliens in a dream means changes in life. Remember what emotions you experienced at the same time:

  1. The stop was gloomy - aliens mean the dreamer's wisdom, which he acquired thanks to his own skills.
  2. If in a dream aliens came in peace, the dreamer has few close, sincere friends. Perhaps it's time to change your lifestyle and social circle.
  3. An alien seen in a dream does not cause fear, but seems friendly and cute - good sign. The dreamer is surrounded by true friends who will always help and support. In any situation, you will have a strong shoulder nearby.
  4. If the alien you dreamed of was scary and evil, be on your guard. Such a dream warns of possible problems because of ill-wishers. Always be collected, rational and attentive to the people around you, especially at work.

Alien guests in a dream embody dreams of the best, but also convey the dreamer’s inner state. Some dreams of this nature may occur after watching science fiction. Amateurs and ufologists can also often have dreams or fears about meeting their brothers in mind.

If you saw aliens in a dream, then you probably real world you watch too many science fiction films or are seriously interested in ufology. If you haven’t noticed either one or the other, then the dream book will tell you why this unusual dream is happening.

Spiritual meaning

The dream about aliens has a double interpretation. On the one hand, it embodies your dreams of the best, on the other, it conveys your inner state. If you dreamed of a flying saucer in the sky, then very non-trivial knowledge will soon be revealed to you.

The dream book believes that the aliens who appeared in a dark and gloomy dream symbolize our world, mired in unbelief and anger. And aliens appear in it as a sign of future changes. According to the dream book, alien guests symbolize the highest wisdom.

Perhaps emptiness and darkness have settled in the soul of the sleeping person, and this does not allow him to understand that miracles lie within a person and it is not worth waiting for them to come from the outside. If you managed to come into contact with alien guests, and you felt joy, then you have remarkable paranormal abilities.

In this light, it is quite easy to determine why aliens are dreamed of - they personify that part of your inner Ego that you cannot or do not want to acknowledge.

Grounded value

Why else do you have a dream about aliens? The dream book also has more down-to-earth interpretations on this matter. If aliens came to you in your night dreams, then in reality you will meet very influential people.

Women may dream of aliens on the eve of a risky, but very pleasant love adventure. Another interpretation of the dream book promises a successful marriage for young ladies. But only if they saw alien visitors on a flying saucer from afar.

If the dreamer came into contact with aliens, then such a dream promises complications in relationships with loved ones and foreshadows a vicious relationship. The appearance of aliens also symbolizes misunderstanding on the part of others.


Action in a dream is of particular importance. So, if you have been kidnapped by aliens, then a very dubious adventure awaits you. If you dreamed that you were not only kidnapped, but also taken far from home, then the dream book advises you to take care of the safety of yourself and your family.

Good and evil

Be sure to remember whether you dreamed of good or evil guests from other planets. For example, why do you dream that aggressive visitors came to you? This is a clear warning about ill-wishers and enemies who are too determined.

But good aliens represent friends who will certainly help in difficult situation. Sometimes the dream book recommends taking visitors literally and waiting for uninvited guests in your home.

Feelings and emotions

If in a dream you experienced joy and satisfaction, then in reality you will experience serious profits, a pleasant find or meeting. But anxiety, worry and even horror warn of difficult times filled with contradictions, doubts and worries.

Did you dream that cheerful and friendly aliens came in your dream? Dream Interpretation believes this great sign, promising creative growth and good luck.

Why do you dream that the aliens were not scary, but extremely serious? Most likely, you think like an advanced person who easily operates with advanced concepts.


  • I dreamed of aliens outside my window, they called me, they wanted me to go with them, there were about 5 of them, and they called me unevenly in chorus. Not to say that they are friendly or evil. Not clear. But when I saw them, I was terribly scared and shouted that “I don’t want it, I don’t need it.” She asked me to be pinched so that I would wake up. I was pinched. I woke up in a dream, and the dream continued about another story. Why would this be???

  • I dreamed about aliens and we destroyed their base. As such, they do not appear, but they can, at the same time, send some kind of spirits or control consciousness. Some may be immune to them. I had it. I remember that city residents fled away from their bases, and we stole some kind of device against them, which would have helped 100%, but then the dream ends.

  • I dreamed that in the yard I saw 3 aliens coming towards me and each had a gun, but I was not alone, there were some girls and guys with me, they also had weapons. Some kind of firefight started, but in the dream I knew that the aliens were good and they were coming for me, so I asked the girl and this guy to leave and said that I would come soon. When they left, these aliens approached me. I was very happy, it felt like I was waiting for them, especially one. The two on the sides stood and did nothing, and the middle one began to hug and kiss me, in a dream I felt great happiness, it was as if my beloved had returned, in short, I left with him, and I woke up.

  • I dreamed that a saucer was flying in the sky and it was circling over my house, I even tried to photograph it, but then, when I was sleeping at night, I heard footsteps on the roof, like someone walking on the roof (on the ceiling). I woke up, I saw dad walking around the house, saying that he couldn’t sleep because of strange sounds, then he said that aliens were walking on the roof and calling us, dad came closer to the canvases and said we won’t come out then they calmed down when I went out in the morning I looked for more beautiful ones on the street, but I couldn’t find them. This is the dream I had!

  • I dreamed that aliens made contact and warned about the nearest boundaries of the galactic war between good and evil and showed how you can travel in time. And they woke me up without knowing the secret of the movement. He was so banal that there was nothing complicated about it! A recent dream was that they invited me onto their ship and took me to their desert planet, I saw their books with hieroglyphs, I didn’t hear them clear language, I didn’t understand what they were saying, but by speech and facial expressions I spoke to them on a subconscious level through telepathy, the dreams were so realistic that it seemed like it was not a dream. I remember dreams once every six months, but these are not at all like usual.

  • I dreamed that I woke up three hundred years later from a sound sleep. In a dream, I was happy that people began to live together with aliens. As a result, they moved me into a hostel and gave me the farthest room with an old alien. In the dream I understood that I would have to wait for “sea weather”. And as a result, I was disappointed.

  • I dreamed that I lived on their planet, I don’t know how I got there, but I understand that I live in their society and they are extremely kind to me. I saw from the inside their social structure, their way of life, and they were very similar to people, only a little taller and thinner or something. The dream ended with me liking one alien girl and we had sex, I felt everything like it was real. Then she seemed shy and ran away. I’ll tell you briefly, I was surprised by their transport, how they moved, we were all the time in some kind of building, like metal and glass, you can’t go out onto the planet itself, there’s no atmosphere there, and I lived in my own separate apartment, sort of on the second floor.

    In short, I don’t have a very bad dream, but still... I dream that it’s as if I’m sitting at a friend’s house. From the street we heard people screaming, and naturally, by inertia, we ran out, and a plate of rather small sizes froze in the sky, I decided to take a video. She took it and quickly ran into the house. And when I wanted to show everyone who was there, the video simply wasn’t on the phone and it took a long time to duplicate. Then this picture, I go out onto the balcony, and the plate is right above the house. And I see the light is directed at me and I seem to lose consciousness. I woke up. An ordinary room with light shades, sofas everywhere white. My mother and sister are also wearing them. I looked at them in surprise, and they were smiling or something... then I saw a woman coming towards me and an alien next to me. I closed my eyes in fear, and my mother whispered that I should be careful with them. I. came up to me and I extended my hand to him so that he could say hello too. But you can’t call it a greeting, he opened his fingers in the middle and put them on my palm, and that woman turned out to be his wife and she did the same. Moreover, most of the aliens took the form of a human. But that woman, she was a person and married I. and even gave birth to a child from I. I had already gotten used to it, walked everywhere, and then I saw very handsome guy. He said a lot of nice words to me, offered to kiss, but I refused... but he said that he would wait. And I said that I forgot something at home and I urgently need to return. Everyone agreed and I quickly found myself at home, after which I found something (which I don’t remember). And my thoughts called for them to pick me up and I again found myself on board the ship.

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    I was still in 3rd or 4th grade at the time, and I had a dream that aliens flew to school on a plate. I remember that dream vaguely 20 years later, but I also remember that it was incredibly real. I left it for a long time after that. And to my mother I was trying to prove that all this was real. And about half a year ago I had a dream, as if I was standing near my house and the sky was lit up with multi-colored lights. There were no aircraft visible, but in their place there were many huge multi-colored clouds, emitting light, descending to land. The fear was not human, I remember it now. And I even heard people screaming. It was an incredible and very creepy sight. The second dream was not inferior in reality to the first. I didn’t tell anyone about him. It’s something like this)

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    I dreamed about night, summer. I'm standing with strangers and look into the sky. We see a flying saucer approaching us in the dark. Several aliens that look like people come out of it. We calmly look at them without any fear. One of them walks between us and examines us carefully. Looking for someone. Seeing me, he confidently approaches me, saying that here he is, he has found who he was looking for. He comes up to me and says that soon I should receive some object from someone and then give it to them. They will come back for him in the future. Like, I have to meet them again anyway. The dream ends and I wake up.

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    I had a very strange dream. For three days now I have not been able to forget this dream. At first I see very handsome mountain landscape, the city is peaceful, calm and people, then suddenly darkness comes. And then the light appears again and the world has become so beautiful, bright. Millions from the sky different sizes UFOs, aliens, technology, various animals unfamiliar to us. But there was no fear, there was a hint from somewhere that we would all live together on earth in harmony. Our world has changed beyond recognition. It was like reality...

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    I dreamed of an alien invasion. As if everyone was going to bed in the evening, a saucer was flying over the street... I didn’t pay attention at first, but then it flew by again and hovered at the end of the street. I went outside to see what was happening and then the asphalt began to rise, as if the flood had passed. and so smoothly, as if he was coming to life. I ran home, and there was a portal into my house!!! I touch it and my hand goes into emptiness, out of fear I ran into the street and house music was already going on there...

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    I dreamed that I was a guy and my parents were different. My father was an earthling, and my mother was an alien. And I could be in the form of a human or be converted into an alien. And I found a base where people were crossed with aliens. They were in incubators with liquid, tied up and they didn’t control themselves. They killed and ate people. But they didn’t touch me and didn’t know why. And I told them that I was like them and could restrain myself. And then I told them that. taught

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    I dreamed that I landed on a small bed, I came out of there with fear, I closed my eyes, I open my eyes, there’s this grit, come with me, I need to go out with the land to negotiate, I said my parents will argue, I won’t go, he looked at my husband, he was snoring as usual, he didn’t even wake up , looking desperate, he flew away and never returned. he was long, narrow, square-headed, kind.

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    everything was like in real life... I saw him near my house, at first it was something incomprehensible and inexplicable, but then he took on the appearance of a man and began to approach me. an incredible feeling of fear and horror penetrated to the very bones, I decided to run away... but he knew where I was running and knew where I could be found... well, in general, just a scribe, it was scary to even open my eyes

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    I dreamed that I was sunbathing and comets began to fall on the field... And then, out of nowhere, military helicopters flew in and soldiers came running... We immediately ran to take cover and saw the metro nearby... We ran there. And in the passage the aliens began to attack us and torture us. But what? I didn’t understand why)))

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    A huge plate hung over the city, it was so scary. Aliens are huge. First of all, for some reason, they cut off the balconies from the houses, leaving bare canopies. They freely looked into the windows at the 4th-5th floor level. It was so scary, you just don’t know where to hide, hide in which crevice...

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    and I dreamed that I was visiting, we went to bed, and I stayed with a friend... They have a wardrobe on legs... And little aliens crawled out from under it and ran around the room, but you could only see them through a photo...

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    in a dream I dreamed that I was talking to an alien :) she told me that she was flying somewhere in the other direction and how they got hit and how they ended up on earth. And I felt so sorry for her.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of an Alien in a dream according to 13 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Alien” symbol from 13 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

A young woman has such a dream- promises an adventurous adventure with the knight of her heart. The dream warns: You mean nothing to this person.

If you are visiting aliens- you will be forced to hospitably welcome ill-wishers into your home. Perhaps show interest in some current issues.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Alien - the need to accept and love all sides of your personality. The need to take other people's opinions into account.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did the Alien dream in a dream?

If you saw an alien in a dream- this means that soon you will meet a person who can have a great influence on your future life.

Communicate with him in a dream- warning: you may make a mistake that will cause a quarrel with a friend or person close to you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Alien - dreams of a dream about the best.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Alien - to pipe dreams.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing an alien in a dream- to misunderstanding of you by others.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see an Alien in a dream?

This is a sign that upcoming events will unfold in the most unpredictable way, so it simply makes no sense to predict anything here.

Aggressive alien- warns that your enemies are becoming more active in their machinations; friendly - friends who you can count on in any case will help you.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dreaming with Alien Guests- may portend the onset of some amazing events.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of an alien- this means that your subconscious is anticipating some amazing event.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Aliens with a pure spiritual point of view- these are none other than the same unmaterialized or materialized Lucifags in the form of aliens from other planets.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of the dream: Alien according to the dream book?

Seeing an alien (if you know in a dream that “he” is from another planet)- to successful finds, discoveries, creative success.

Talk to an alien- new knowledge; having connections means taking you on a risky venture, but success is guaranteed. Physical contact is noisy recognition, fame, possible mention in the media.

Video: Why do you dream about an Alien?



Did you dream about an Alien, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of an Alien in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dreamed of a green alien with long slippery fingers that tried to catch me. But in the dream I was able to hide from him by jumping into the pool from a great height. What does it mean?

    Very warm winter, a lot of snow. Evening, along the street where I lived from birth to 20 years old, the lanterns are burning very beautifully. A huge alien spaceship is hovering above the city maternity hospital, I know that it has been hanging like that for several months and nothing has happened. I look for my ex-boyfriend, I don’t see .But the other one, much prettier, gives me all sorts of attention and care for me. I really like it, it seems like there was intimacy, but I don’t remember it. The feeling is amazing. The ship began to hum and crackle and I ran to the high-rise building. Then I decided to go down to the floor below. I saw the stairs and how I locked a very hopeless door. Having two girls of my own, I hug, protecting other people’s little boys. I don’t see my own children. Everything is buzzing, they attacked the house next to us, then ours, but they didn’t come to us. The feeling of anxiety goes away, but not completely

    Night, in the dark sky they glow like bombs, but they seem to be made of paper, or flammable, they fly down around me and burn, next to them there are many creatures of alien origin, these creatures twist their faces, scream and aim these burning torch-bombs at me . I saw that above my house where I live with my family, lit objects of unknown origin are flying from the sky and flying around us, they light up and fall next to the house from all sides. No one sees them except me, I’m trying to save the children and get them out of the house into the street but they resisted, in the end I saved everyone, we ran across the road to relatives and seemed to hide there

    Summer. I'm walking in an open green dress... something like a fashion show. I go into a huge one luxury house. The inside of the house is fantastically beautiful: everything is white and in some places there are red ribbons. And the most interesting thing is that there are many tables in this house and prisoners sit at them. We showed dresses for them. I walked ahead all the time and always climbed the wide stairs, then I left this house and learned about my victory. Then we were given the 2nd test... you know, there used to be such a toy: inside there is water, rings, two keys and pins on which these rings are thrown... So, whoever throws the most rings onto the pins wins. I cast all the way to the top...and I show the jury that I'm finished. And everyone is looking at the sky without taking their eyes off... I looked, and in the clear blue sky... bodies resembling jellyfish floated beautifully... shimmered different colors.. and in the end I won and went home. This is such a dream.
    Thank you in advance for the transcript.

    I just wake up in a dream, I see another area from the window, a huge spaceship lands there and from there small saucers fly across all areas, also near my house, all the people are hiding and so are we.

    It wasn't much light outside, but it was very early. I opened my eyes and saw two tall transparent entities (without eyes, ears, etc.), only a rain-colored shell, wanting to enter our room with my daughter (I usually close the door to the room, but for the last 2 days I’ve kept it ajar so that air can get in) . I'm not sure if I saw them in a dream. I saw them when I opened my eyes. At the same time, she got scared and said loudly to the whole room, so that you could hear that it wasn’t in a dream: “Why did you come?” (and in my voice I could hear that I subconsciously knew them and there was a little bewilderment, like, what are you doing here?...). And she covered herself with a blanket, and quickly closed her eyes, to think that it was a dream, and to quickly fall asleep, because... the fear was present. Such a dream. When I woke up, my lower abdomen hurt. I'm actually pregnant early. I can't understand why they came.

    I started flying and jerking my legs and saw a girl who was also flying, but soon when we were flying we saw destroyed buildings, we flew a little more and saw a flying saucer, she was destroying everything in her path, I got scared and flew up and she also flew with me, then I flew far away far away and saw that the flying saucer began to catch up with us, I landed and began to run away on my own without flying, but when I wanted to take off, I couldn’t do it, I was afraid that the flying saucer would catch up with me, and then the dream changed abruptly, I saw how that girl was lying in the hospital with something about her happened and everyone thought that I did it, her dad was a hired killer and decided to kill me, I quickly ran home, but after 1 hour he knocked on my door, I quickly opened the window and jumped from the 4th floor to the 3rd to my aunt and waited with her until the morning, but I didn’t understand where my mom and sister went when I jumped down, he broke down the door and was looking for me, my dream ended, I woke up

    I dreamed that I was an FBI agent and I was assigned to dig up some fragments of stones. I dug up but saw large aliens there and hid. Then when I went out they captured people as slaves. I tried to kill the main one, but he threw branches at me. When he I thought of taking something more serious, he took fragments of glass from a bottle and threw them in the eyes, but only hit two near the eyes and I ran away. I saw an old woman and her husband. I told them I will save you and told them my nickname so that they would remember me. Later Lina from DOTA 2 hit me and the dream ended. P.S. The dream was lucid

    Hello! I had a very strange dream. I woke up 3 times, and every time I fell asleep, I dreamed of a continuation. Everything was like in reality, when I woke up during breaks, I was very scared and could not understand whether it was true or not. I dreamed I saw an invasion of aliens, many large co-space dishes, the alien creatures were evil and killed everyone. People ran away in panic in all directions, and I watched from the window as it happened. The dream was very real. Please tell me what this could mean? Did I dream about it? from Saturday to Sunday.

    Hello, I had a dream in which aliens attacked the earth, I didn’t see them, but fireballs were falling from the sky, falling on the ground and destroying everything in their path. I woke up at 1:00 and then couldn’t sleep for a long time.

    Today I dreamed about aliens. I was in the village, sitting in the garden with my parents and relatives. Then everyone went home, but my mother and I stayed. It was already evening. It was slowly getting dark. and then from somewhere people from our village appeared in our garden. I look up at the sky, and I see something flashing and flying in the sky. Then it gets bigger and bigger. All the people were scared. Then I tell my mom that I’m scared and we have to leave. we take a couple of steps, and a FLYING SAUCER is visible behind the garden. A second later it breaks up into several small plates, and next to them stand a couple of “people in some kind of equipment” (it was clear that these were aliens). Then I remember that suddenly everything was lying in our garden. About 100 people. Some huge alien machines appeared, they seemed to copy the vegetables that grew at the end of the garden. Then they copied several people. One man (an alien) approached me and my mother, he was dressed in ordinary shabby clothes. I don’t remember exactly who started the conversation, but he said that they wouldn’t kill us, and they wouldn’t take us away either. I asked what planet are they from? he told me, but I don’t remember... something like “VIPI 1” I asked what she looks like? He showed me pictures that were in his pocket, like photographs. Ugly to be honest.. I asked how long should we lie down? he said that they won’t check us yet. In my opinion, these aliens are not bad :) Then my mother and I got up and began to move towards these cars, there were a couple more of these men, but the clothes were even stranger. The man in the raincoat, probably their leader, began pouring bitter water on me and my mother from some hose. then he started asking questions about which I no longer remember... a little further on it was clear that maybe a kilometer away there were a lot of these different plates, and they copied them... In fact, it was very scary IN THE BEGINNING, but in the end I realized that they were not scary and they won’t do anything bad if we behave well. I dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday. But I think I didn’t dream about it at night. and closer to the morning, that means Wednesday. What does it mean??

    I go up to the entrance, to the 2nd floor, I go up to my door... I look, and the lock on the door is not the same, but a rectangular lock, and the key to this lock is also iron, with waves on it... and also rectangular... I’m just starting to open it when a boy comes up to me in clothes, with a blue head, without ears... in my opinion, with black round eyes, and says:
    - Let me open it... (and takes out the same key) I jumped back sharply in fear... and said in response:
    - No, I myself!
    Suddenly, on the third floor I heard a voice:
    - Move aside, let her open it herself!
    It was the voice of a girl, I looked at her... she had black hair, gathered in 2 pigtails, she was an ordinary person, but in that dream, it seemed to me that this alien was her brother! Then this girl said:
    - It would be better if we moved to our own planet!
    I looked at my door...and the dream ended!

    I dreamed that I was gradually turning from a human into an unearthly creature. Brown color, with bat-like wings. Instead of clothes, a long cloak with a hood. The face is elongated like a dog's. I was being hunted, but I teleported away. and I liked my new identity. At first it was like a disease, or a virus, I don’t remember exactly.

    Well, it wasn’t like it was a dream. First, I starred with a blond girl, about 5-7 years old, who led me left hand along the white corridor, I even had the feeling that she looked like me in childhood. And then “they,” I don’t know who, appeared to my right and began applying electric shocks to my head, like electric shocks. I was shaking very painfully, I asked for some reason not to take my brains, I was worried about how I would play chess. This lasted for 5 minutes. And they also said that it could have been worse on the old man's day. I looked on the Internet as soon as I woke up, Old People’s Day is October 1st. Now I'm looking forward to tomorrow..

    On September 28 of this year I dreamed about them again, at first they said that I shouldn’t approach them at a distance of three to four meters, like so that I wouldn’t feel bad because of them big energy and we communicated with the two constantly, they told a lot about themselves and showed me, I saw so much and the sky was somehow strange, everything was in the drawings of some incomprehensible unusual ones, their ships were flying across the sky, but I was on the ground and saw a lot that was incomprehensible to me, it was so fascinatingly, these two told me a lot of things and showed me a lot of interesting and incomprehensible things, their clothes were silver, their costumes were strange, but when they left, I remember well how one shook my hand gently, he gave me his hand and gave him mine, I felt the tenderness of his hand we held for a moment, these two aliens were very tender towards me, they said that they want to understand life here on earth, to do what they want in a completely different way.

    I recently dreamed of an alien ship, it surfaced from the depths of a huge sea, aliens came out of it, about 100 people, they walked in the water to the shore and I also walked from the sea to the shore, they passed next to me without touching me, their clothes were a combination of brown and green .

    night, in my parents' yard my sister is running towards me, I tell her - what happened? I feel how difficult it is for me to move. I wake up screaming

    It was a young guy who said that he was an alien, he appeared and disappeared, leaving behind pleasant white sparkling traces, he told me if you can call me and I will come to the rescue, in general he also said that there are a lot of them on earth but we don't see

    My son and I were walking in the yard, it was summer, there were a lot of people, and then an extraterrestrial ship that looked like a soccer ball appeared overhead. And so it either becomes transparent or white and black like a ball. Then a lot of alien ships appeared in the form of the head of a robocop and they were hostile. All the people began to run away and I lost my son, when the people had already disappeared, I found him and we began to run away... and then I woke up

    My boyfriend came to me, there was no one at home. Because of overexcitation, we wanted to have sex, that is, as usually happens with all people. But we couldn’t, because at that moment my menstruation began. But then, nothing like that happened , we started watching the movie “Supernyan” in an embrace and laughed like horses neigh.

    I'm standing on a ravine with friends. Below I see a field of ripe wheat. The moon is shining on the stars. then a flying saucer appears in the sky, covered in lights. my friends ran away but I didn’t. I hear them shouting to me: “run away.” and I'm standing. After which a multi-colored speckled beam of light appeared from the plate and began to lift me onto the side of the plate. Being in this beam I felt very comfortable, it enveloped me. Then a flash bright light in my eyes and I'm already on board. Surrounded by three humanoids in purple spacesuits, I was silent for a while. and said to them in his thoughts: “Hello” and smiled. They also said hello to me and smiled, but there were no smiles on their faces, but I felt that they were also smiling, and all this was on a subconscious level. Then I became scared. The voice of don’t be afraid is heard again in the subconscious and I calmed down and shook their hands. After which I found myself in a room that looked like a cozy apartment with soft light carpets and cozy furniture. Again the voice: - this is for you, we want you to feel the way you people love it. Then everything became vague. Then the voices communicate with each other again. — I need to finish this work. the conversation was long. As I understand it, they collected information about behavior, character, and so on. And yes, they still didn’t want to bring me back, after which I remembered about my little daughter, and subconsciously tears flowed from my eyes. After that everything stopped. and I woke up

    Aliens, who looked like people in spacesuits, were looking for my friend. I and his family first left the house to the river, then we hid in a hangar, there were other people there. They found us, but they didn’t recognize him and asked everyone if they knew my friend, then I woke up.


    It was as if the end of the world had been predicted for us. On this day, so to speak, the last I was with my loved ones. And suddenly, I heard or read somewhere that something would come out of heaven onto our land. This last day was coming to an end, everyone didn’t believe in it, but I believed. And suddenly, at some time, I went up to the balcony and started looking out the window.. Suddenly the whole sky suddenly turned black, or dark blue, and a flying saucer suddenly appeared from the sky, it was all shining. And suddenly this plate flew right up to our balcony, and very close to the window. And I became scared, it seemed to me that the aliens seemed to be looking intently into my eyes, through the flying saucer, because the door opened, but they themselves did not come out. And then my mother screamed at me, lie down, hide. And then we lay down on the floor, but the flying saucer still did not fly off from our balcony. And then all my relatives believed me. And then at some time they flew away. And I immediately felt better, I thought it was all over. But then, somehow and for some reason, I went into the corridor, and suddenly I saw 2 eggs on the floor. These were alien eggs, one egg was whole, and the second was already cracked and inside it there was another egg, but only smaller. And for some reason it seemed to me that this egg was somehow dangerous. And then I woke up

    I flew to earth with aliens to pick up something, I had interesting instruments and I really liked it there and it was calm, I came to my sister, collected my things, took my daughter and my mother and I went back. When we were riding on the bus, I realized that they hypnotized the driver and he arrived exactly where the ship was. I had the idea that nothing was holding me on this earth, I didn’t have a husband and that’s why I could fly with my daughter with them The aliens allowed me to take my daughter with me. We said goodbye to my mother and flew away. The aliens were not scary and very friendly.

    I often dream that aliens are coming to me to take me away. At the same time, they look and behave very friendly and I understand that they are not going to cause harm to me specifically.
    That night I had a dream in which I, my mother and several other people I didn’t know were on Mars for something. Coming to the surface, I saw that there was a lot of sand around, something similar to an embankment, there was a large bridge there. Everyone said that it was very hard to breathe and hot, but I didn’t think so. Having walked a little forward, I realized that I had wings, but they seemed not big enough, after a couple of moments when I was distracted, I noticed a shadow on some small purple creature, that my wings became more than 3 meters each, and I immediately flew. I flew for a very long time with my “friend” purple. I was very happy and understood that I was not here by chance. Then we all ended up in some kind of basement, right there on Mars, we were hiding. My mother told me to hide behind the wall, I realized that they had come to take someone away. They said that they would take 4 people, and for some reason I really wanted them to take me too. In the end, I was chosen too. They very carefully smiled and helped me get up. Then I saw that they brought a child in a small inflatable bathtub, he was lying in the water, he was alive and cheerful. It was kind of like a test. He touched me and began to say OUT LOUD what I THINK, I understood that I needed to think something good about him. He smiled. This didn't last long. Then he let me go. And the main old alien woman said: “You will come with us.” She said this very joyfully and smiled. I was also happy that I was leaving with them. I quickly put those 2 sweaters in a bag, and when I entered the room I saw 2 more aliens, sketches of twins, they were very beautiful, they looked at me and smiled. The main one, said that I should be captured (photographed) for her son. Because he was very interested in what I looked like. They said that I was the only one who passed this test and they knew that after a certain time I would appear. And that they are finally taking me away so that I can marry the Martian Prince, her son.

    The area is unfamiliar to me in a small way, I am watching the alien and am very afraid of being noticed, but he felt that I was watching him and telepathically conveyed to me so that I would not be afraid, that this was a gift to me and that I would not use it. Great love, kindness, freedom emanated from him, and he also said that now I’m not like everyone else and flew away. I watched for a long time as his ship moved away. Such positive feelings It was as if I had never experienced this before. The dream was very vivid, as if everything was happening in reality.

    April 24-25
    I'm walking around the city with my mom. Everything is in shades of brown (light) (although we live in the village) and we go into some building. Suddenly people on the street start shouting something and looking at the sky. I look out into the street (mom is still in the building near me but doesn’t go out into the street. She just asks “what’s there?”) through a huge open light brown door.. I see on a cloudless blue sky flying saucer (classic of the genre - round of some kind dark blue) and the same ones only in yellow. And they seem to be looking for something. Mom went outside after I said what’s in the sky. And this blue plate stopped above us, a hatch opened from which we could see a table like an operating room. And my mother began to be drawn there. Smoothly, not harshly. I grabbed her hands, but we were both pulled towards the plate, but some device tore me away from my mother by the head. Mom says, “Let me go, otherwise you’ll get hurt” (and at the same time I thought the same). I'm letting go. Everything disappears. And so I tell my brother what happened. Then the picture changes again (maybe I don’t remember something) - I’m standing at the edge of the village on the road. On one side there is some kind of low fence, the same as it once was (with two beams connected at the top and bottom), but on the right I don’t remember. There is a village behind and a field in front. I'm facing the field. There is almost no wind. I call my father to tell him what happened and slowly walk along the road towards the field. I tell my father - he is in disbelief, “how did this happen, etc.” As soon as I leave the village strong wind on the left (and the phone at the left ear). I'm returning to the village so I can hear better. I don’t remember what happened next or maybe I woke up.
    I'm 20. I live in the village. I love my mother very much and all my relatives too. I'm a girl. I study at the medical university. There is no guy. I rarely remember dreams very well and then I quickly (within an hour or so) forget them. This is the first time such a clear dream. Please tell me what this means.

    I dreamed that my husband was an Alien, that is, my husband and I want to get married, according to our religion, the first wedding had already passed, so he left me and flew away (allegedly), in the dream I understood that he wanted my energy and took it there to Xomos, then I found myself in some apartment with strange men, I found myself in another city and didn’t know what to do, then there’s a continuation, which means I’m meeting people, I’m afraid that everything will happen again,

    I don't remember the whole dream. I only remember a part of the dream.
    I was walking somewhere and saw that there was a group of adults standing, about 10-18 people, and everyone was dressed very representatively in suits, and when I was already walking around this group of people, I noticed that something green was sitting next to it. and no one sees it or pays attention. I came close and looked at him, and in my head it became clear for some reason that he was an alien and no one saw or noticed him. but he was also just in shock that I saw him. (but he didn’t have a huge head and huge eyes. He was just green and the ears were very elongated, the eyes were large but not huge. And there was some kind of intelligence in the shape of his face. I can’t describe it any other way. In his own way, he was handsome. .And here we are They looked at each other in shock, eye to eye, and I wasn’t scared, but it was very interesting and friendly. And I don’t remember the dream anymore. Only when I woke up in the morning, I felt like I had rested very well and had a very pleasant smile on my face. still.

    I found myself somewhere in the forest in a clearing along a power line, very close to the city and the nearest highway. I wasn’t alone, there were 1-2 other people with me - friends. It was night. There were no power line wires or their supports (or I don’t remember them). The sky was dark, but clear and starry. At some point, I looked at the sky and saw a star that stood out noticeably in brightness and size, which was almost at the zenith. We all looked at her, she seemed to blink several times (by that time it already seemed that she was giving green), and after that a thin continuous green beam flew out of it and walked over me, as if entering me or scanning me - I remember how the whole picture from the beam turned slightly green, as if shining into my eyes (it is possible that the beam also passed through the others, although it seemed that he acted individually and not across the area as a whole). There were no unpleasant sensations from the beam, although the fact itself was unexpected. After that, for some reason, my friends began to run away (without severe panic, but as if they were running from something unknown and incomprehensible to them, something that frightens them), although I personally had no fear. There was a feeling of some wariness, but this was more likely due to the unusualness of the situation and interest in what was happening, since the “scanning beam” is clearly not similar to natural phenomenon. I clearly had some interest. I also ran after him towards the city. Among the friends there was definitely a friend, Yulia, who is now in the last weeks of pregnancy (although in the dream I don’t remember that she looked like she was pregnant), and, most likely, her husband Denis (I remember her face for sure, but his is not there, but the feeling of being with us the third person was somewhere nearby all the time, and most likely it was Denis). In general, we ran away (albeit not far, only 100-200 meters, stopping in the forest, never reaching the nearest street) and the whole situation ended, but the dream did not stop. Immediately in the dream the thought came that this was either a dream or something else and that I needed to look in the dream book. I open some dream book (perhaps an electronic one on a tablet), I think that I need to look for “aliens” in it, and I am given an answer - very briefly, just a few words. I don’t remember the answer verbatim and I can’t interpret it as briefly, but the main meaning of what was written was something like this: “in order to avoid problems (although I don’t particularly remember the meaning of the word “problems”), you need to gather your strength” or “pull yourself together, and then everything it will be better (or “the way you want”), or like “if you want to move in the right direction and avoid trouble, then get yourself together and act without waiting for anything” (although “act yourself”, it seems to me, has already come to mind at the moment of thinking about the information received and trying to understand what was written in the dream book, which happened already in the process of waking up, since intense thinking made the brain wake up). Why, when thinking about the dream and what was happening there, I didn’t finally come to my senses, I don’t know, because the chance was good.

    at first I was at the dacha, my uncle and aunt were there, then I suddenly found myself in a room similar to a room, I looked like this Chinese son and I said that I needed to become a hair dryer, then I noticed someone in the window, white grayish, I went up to the window and there the alien waved his hand at me in a friendly manner with a smile

    At first it was like two aliens ( large sizes) walked around my house and they turned out to be pregnant (well, like they’re expecting offspring), but in fact it’s generally male... and then when I went outside I discovered that a shiny ship (plate) was flying across the sky, I tried to hide in the house, but they came in several alien creatures were saying something and looking at my home...

    Hello. I often have dreams. I look to the sky. And suddenly I see geometric shapes. I understand that these are UFO lights. And they begin to attack the earth. If earlier their attack was unexpected, now in these dreams, when I see these figures, I immediately understand that an attack and bombing are inevitable, and I try to hide. Dreams are very clear and always remembered... The dream happened yesterday.

    I dreamed that I worked in a children's camp and the parents of one of the children were aliens. How it turned out later. It’s as if my colleague and I are standing on the deck of a boat and we see a flying saucer flying from the sky straight into the water... At first we are surprised by what is happening, that we see a flying saucer at all, and then one of those in the flying saucer floats up right below us. And only then do we realize that this is one of the parents of a child in our camp. But these were people who looked exactly the same as us, that is, there was no this type of humanoid or anything unusual... only that they arrived on a flying saucer...
    Then somehow I was talking to cats... that is, they didn’t answer me, but I talked to them like people...
    Well, in the end we had either a game, or really a battle, where we had to confront each other... that is, our squad in the camp and, as I understand it, the team of these other people... and as if I knew karate... In general, that's all somehow chaotic..but that’s how it was))))
    Thanks in advance.

    I had already had this dream before, but a very long time ago. This time it was a little different, the events were changed and in the dream I remembered that I had already had this dream. Only with the help of this was I able to protect myself from them, remembering that I I did last time.
    I was with friends, we went up the stairs. A large room. And suddenly the sign “turn over the table” appears, as if it were some kind of game. Well, we don’t think straight away. And aliens appear. I quickly turn over the computer desk in the very corner of the room and I’m hiding, suddenly I remember that I’ve already had this dream, and that I need to turn over the table near the door passage, then the aliens will be confused and won’t notice us. But it was too late to run and do that. A friend asked me to hide, but she said it wasn’t enough and places and she left. Soon the aliens came in. I don’t remember what happened to my friends, one of them came up to me and that’s it. Suddenly the dream started all over again and I already remembered that I had to do everything correctly. Then I woke up

    Now you will think that I am this one, but at first I dreamed of a fight, then I woke up (but no) and it seemed like an alien to me, like a house standing in the hallway, I get up, I think it’s a dream, I’m scared and I started hitting myself in the neck, he walked very slowly, I screamed like the light quickly turned on, quickly Katya stood up and turned on the light for me, now I’m lying with the light)

    I’m 14 years old. My name is Masha. I had a dream today 01/23/16 in a dream a plate followed me and I was hiding from it in places unfamiliar to me, at first it appeared near railway, I melted near the rails and this plate hovered in the sky like a star, I couldn’t do anything out of fear, an aunt I knew intercepted me and dragged me into a house that stood nearby, and the plate carved out where we were hiding and started shooting at the house, voices were heard from the plate, and in general it suddenly appeared and pointed at me, this saucer did not look ordinary, not like we are used to imagining a flying saucer, it was silver-white in color, with large recesses for weapons, or they were cans of paints, I didn’t look too closely, In general, when they started shooting from a saucer at the house in which we were hiding, I ran out in a direction unfamiliar to me, jumped over the barriers 3 times, and hid in the flowers of the residents’ gardens, but they found me there too, and soon I stood up and out of anger she shouted at the plate: “I’m already tired of it! Why are you only flying after me?! What do you want from me??!!” after which I heard the answer: “we will come tomorrow...” and then she disappeared, and after her there were large clusters of stars or something shiny in the sky, they were lined up. Then I asked a local boy to give me a lantern, and I somehow I got home.. I hope you can explain to me if this means something, or if it’s just my wild imagination (I don’t watch scary movies)

    Four human-like creatures in a state of levitation, hovered 2 meters from the ground.. They were wearing silver-colored cloaks and Asian women’s faces with elongated eyes, and from their side lumps of dirty snow flew at me.. and they hit me and fell past me onto the grass. When it stopped behind them, clouds opened in the sky and the sun shone into my eyes.

    I find myself in an apartment at night, sometimes only with my sister, sometimes with my parents, and suddenly some large ship hangs in the sky and many other small beetle-like ships, or in their place there were ball lightnings, in all my dreams they perform the same task, fly around a high-rise building and it’s like something or someone they search, often look into our window and watch closely, and ball lightning, and when I dream of ball lightning, they fly into the apartment and one flies up to my sister, I lower it to the floor and the ball passes through my chest, but I remain alive, all such dreams end with the fact that they find nothing fly away

    I dreamed that my husband and I were traveling, we were carried along the river to a waterfall, we were rescued and we found ourselves in the house of our rescuers. We go out into the yard in the evening and see as if a star is falling, then it becomes light and we see a huge flying saucer that lands not far from us. We begin to feel anxious because we understand that they are coming towards us. They look very serious and hostile, they need help and in an orderly tone they say what needs to be done, after which one of the aliens came up to me and put his hand on my head, it was very unpleasant, as if a current was passing through my head, and asked a question: "What do you want to know?" I answered that I would like to know if my husband would love me even more. The alien said that he would, in September and next September, then he took my husband aside, and then I saw him in a wet T-shirt and did not have time to ask what question he asked .

    dark night, my friend and I are fooling around - “fighting” in the yard of my house. in the sky among the stars I notice a flying saucer that hovers over the roof of a neighboring house at an altitude of 100 meters, it can be seen very clearly, it is covered in lights that glow. then it flies to the side, then hovers again over the roof of the house, then disappears

    I fought with aliens all night, ran away from them while saving my child, when I met them, I killed them, my husband’s goddaughter helped me with this, she tried to make sure that my son did not see this. The invasion of aliens began when my son was in kindergarten, when I came to pick him up, the teachers were hiding the children, the kindergarten was partially destroyed, and in some places there were remains of torn to pieces, apparently, the kindergarten employees. Having hidden the children, the teacher and I killed several foreigners. (and all of them different shapes, colors, size and method of absorbing people) then foreigners. killed the educator. Having made sure that other people's children were securely hidden, I began to meet the parents and give them their children from the hiding place (during this period, the struggle and hide-and-seek with the foreigners continued) having distributed all the children, my son and I went home to the daughter (the action takes place in some village - where we supposedly came to visit, and for those around us, aliens killing people is a common thing!) She enlightened me a little about their types, subspecies, how they differ in whom to kill, etc. showed how to use them aircraft(reminiscent of those of the fixies) and the fact that this only happens in their village, but lately they are more cruel and expand the area of ​​​​attacks, I took my son and tried to get out into the city, the godfather accompanied us, we killed them without counting, then the thought occurred to me that this was all nonsense! and I woke up!

    I and several other people saved some people from aliens, these people seemed to have died, but they were still alive and young, some experiments were performed on them, there were also some mutants, I talked with these aliens, they looked like people, they showed us something, they showed us something and this something had the feel and color of wet sand, it could be given any shape, previously it was a child or something and the people we saved were great they knew him, then we freed these people, they took this something and began to learn to live in modern world

    I dreamed that some kind of crime happened (I don’t remember which one, in my opinion it was related to thefts), and I tried to solve this crime. I also dreamed that I was the center of attention, I was famous among friends, acquaintances and classmates. Everyone admired me and were surprised that I was able to achieve my goal. (I don’t know what exactly I achieved in the dream). And I also dreamed that I seemed to have killed an alien. And this alien was somehow connected with the crime that I was trying to solve. I don’t remember exactly: I killed him, or he killed someone, but this alien was very smart, and for a while it seemed to me that I was this alien. I could look at completely different things and see what connected them, and it seemed to me that I was some kind of mentalist. I felt like I knew absolutely everything in the world.
    That seems to be all.

    kidnapped me from the car and found myself on a green golf course and there were three aliens standing around, I got scared and began to be baptized in front of them and they disappeared and I saw the whistle of a flying
    plates distant from me

    They arrived on a round ship (saucers) and said they would pick me up in a few days. They were very friendly and we became friends with them. I had a friend with me and naturally she knew about everything. A few days later I went down the slide (in the summer) and remembered (on the slide, almost at the very bottom, there were 4 sticks installed, like obstacles, but the slide was so designed that it was possible not to go through them) as soon as I remembered this, I understood that as soon as I overcome them, they will come after me (I had no feeling of fear). So I rolled to the end and they arrived. All the people who were there fled... There were two of them, they got out of the ship and met me... Then the dream ended.

    It’s flying like an airplane. I walk up to the door. There’s a husband and mother-in-law in the house. I’m not scared, I seem to go into the house, but then he drags me up by the hand, I want to say goodbye, I’m flying away, but either they don’t hear or I don’t have time. I wake up

    Why do you dream:
    I’m walking along the road with two men, and then one day they are washed away by the current and the water is slightly muddy,
    And aliens are chasing them; they are under water, they catch them and grab me by the leg. Why is this a dream???

    Hello! My name is Svetlana. I dreamed of sex with an alien mind. And I saw myself as if from the outside, but I felt everything very clearly. In a dream, I was flying and saw a mountain in the form of a flying saucer, I hovered in the air and looked. A large hatch opened for me, and I flew inside this mountain. I found myself in a cave and it was as if some forces were carrying me. It felt like someone was caressing my body, but I didn’t see anything. They put me inside the cave, but the light was shining on me. I felt someone’s great love and desire for me. I looked at the light and felt an orgasm approaching. It was a very unusual sensation, as if I had forgotten my human life and something very new and grandiose is starting for me

    We were sitting in the classroom doing homework, it was getting late, but no one was paying attention, and suddenly I noticed that my friend was secretly talking to the alien Mislen in an incomprehensible language. I was the only one who understood that she was also an alien and Ana wanted to quietly give us to the alien. And she succeeded. I see aliens in the guise of a man, but he has a wing behind him and he takes people apart while talking to him. He asks if they agreed on the parts of the body. You answer yes or no, he cuts off your arms, legs with a sword which is his hand. Horror takes over and you can’t do anything.

    I saw how in a dream the Preschelits invaded our land and decided to destroy our house. I am with my mother and my child in another house. And when the preschelits begins to kidnap people with his long tentacles. I run out and start killing him. Preshelits looks like a huge jellyfish. I seem to have saved one child, but I didn’t see him. But the second child was definitely saved by my daughter. And there is another child down. And it seems to be mine too. I saved all my relatives. And after I cut all the tentacles of the pre-slits, he falls to the ground and I finish off his body mercilessly.

    In the evening I asked in the shower to meet that person again, and in a dream the aliens wanted to find contact or a signal with me by sounds, and then someone stood over my head, as if in reality and was doing something, I didn’t like it and I wanted wake up, I woke up)) Why is this and I haven’t been sleeping much lately and have been studying a lot, maybe it’s overstrain that’s causing this????

    It was evening. I stood at the window in the kitchen and looked at the lights of the city, when suddenly I saw their ships, but not round, but closer to a square shape. Several ships were flying almost above the ground and illuminated it with a powerful stream of light and were clearly looking for something. One of them flew into my yard and, finding itself five meters from the window, began to illuminate everything and look for something. Suddenly it dawned on me: they are looking for me! And not only. They flew in to pick up all their children. I still didn’t understand what that meant. But after rummaging around the yard, this same ship flew a little closer to my window and visited right into it, then such a long iron grasping hand stuck out from its bottom (as in slot machines) and rushed towards me! I sat down in horror, but fortunately there was a window glass in her way, so she took some small object from the table standing on the balcony, and the ship flew away. But I was sure that they saw me and would return.
    Besides me, my brother and dad were in the room, but they didn’t seem to notice anything.
    Then follows a scene where my mother and I went somewhere (also in the evening, perhaps the next, but not exactly). We were already on our way home and got off at our bus stop. I suggested a path to the house through several courtyards of gray nine-story buildings. Here we go and I told her about what I saw (unfortunately, I don’t remember her reaction), I just remember that it’s incredibly scary that they could come back at any moment, but at the same time it’s incredibly interesting to find out why I’m one of their children.
    In general, the whole dream began the same way it ended - I was walking through the courtyards of these nine-story buildings. Only at the beginning of the dream I was alone, and at the end I was with my mother.

    I was in the hospital, sitting and waiting in line. And then there was a noise. And I saw an alien in the center of the corridor. At first, he spoke in Russian and said “you do not belong to this planet” and said ra in Latin de caelo - which means coming from the sky

    I dream almost every night of a flying saucer, after which I call my friends and run with them after this flying saucer, then suddenly I see that Ena landed on the roof and my friend helped me climb, but then she saw me and got angry, she was caught, after which she turned into a little girl after which I have a desire to stop other people and the same feeling arises outside of the dream, what could this mean.

    I saw a flying saucer in the sky and started showing it to my sister. There were several of them. I was already approaching the house and one of their bottoms was very close and I tried to take a picture of it. Then I saw them inside, I began to talk to them, not knowing whether they understood me or not. When I got almost to the house, I told them have a good trip. And when suddenly one of them turned to me and wanted to take her away, the other one told him not to, but he seemed to smile and said she helped me, I want to take her away, and tried to take her away. I was very scared, my sister held me and we went into the house. But I was still afraid that they would still be able to take me away like that. Then I noticed that with right side All my ribs were broken. I said that I didn’t feel anything, probably it was from shock. When I woke up, I held my ribs and mentally said that I didn’t want to see them and I wouldn’t go with them.

    I'm walking with a friend and 2 girls around the city. and it’s already dark, after midnight. and then a UFO begins to fly, luminous, of a strange shape.
    throughout the city there is a loss of power, communications, towers are broken
    The UFO begins to approach us, and we run away from it.
    it still catches up with us and takes us with it - to another planet
    I dream that we are already on another planet. some aliens are standing in front of us and saying that they want to cross a human with an alien
    I ask: “how to get home?” and they answer me: “you need to sleep with an alien”
    I look like this... it seems quite good (even though it’s all green)
    well I agreed
    she started making me feel good - and I woke up

    Long ago, as a child, I had a dream about how aliens came into our house and my parents were one of them, I was hiding in the closet and I looked completely different, I was overweight and my face was different, as a result the closet door opens and I wake up and scream

    There were some creatures and a large robot, the area was familiar to me except for one house in its place another house. There were many friends and relatives who were killed by certain creatures. I woke up in fear, I just had a dream

    It was like this, in a dream I and several guys were hiding from aliens, we found a house and hid there, then I started peeking out the window from behind the curtains and saw 3 women walking towards the house under the influence of aliens, I started hiding, then I woke up

    Anxiety about an alien attack. A long road to a country house. We began to pack our things, but in addition to the main family there were distant relatives. Brother and uncle rarely decided to take a shower. Everyone started getting dressed and went outside. After a few minutes of waiting, a blue ray of light picked us up. After which we find ourselves on a ship that looks like a sanatorium. I meet the conductor and we start a dialogue. The conductor tells me that I have to go to the cabin to leave my things. That’s what I do. I go out into the corridor and go out into the next wing of the ship. I see a friend from the sailing class, she invites me to her cabin. After which I return back and realize that I am lost. And after which I abruptly wake up.

    In a dream, I saw a UFO land under our house, that is, it was not immediately visible. I approached and through the gap I saw an alien from afar. I started to feel afraid. I was afraid for my family, I took one bag and theirs, and we left for relatives. But the fear did not leave me. Then I don’t remember how I received a letter from this alien, there was a list of what he needed. I tried to figure out if it was a prank, but no, it was real. Then I held my little brother in my arms and promised to save us. I came up with a plan to lure him out and kill him by hitting him on the head with an ax. Then I woke up

    I dreamed that I was somewhere on another planet, I accidentally met a girl, exactly the same in appearance as a person, but she is an alien, we had sex, she became pregnant, we are waiting for the birth of a child with her, and the feeling of love between each other does not leave even in reality , I am sure that she loves me very much, and I am in love.

    Aliens were in my room, it was as if I was playing with them, but then I realized that they were not people and ran away from them. Then I walked around wondering if they were offended (in the dream), I thought that they wanted to make friends with me, but I did the same to them, and I woke up in fear.

Sometimes we have very unusual visions. And many of us are trying to unravel their interpretation. Some of the most interesting and unusual visions are those in which the main characters are aliens. So, why do you dream about an alien?

Interpretation according to the English dream book

Aliens are often a symbol of the stranger. And the reaction that a person experienced in a dream is often the same as the one that would have been in real life in a similar situation. This is a surprise. And if a person in a dream was so taken aback that he couldn’t even do anything, then this means missing out on some opportunities and prospects in real life.

What if the dreamer was kidnapped by aliens? Let's say they took a person to parallel universe. Then it's worth looking further. Perhaps such a vision indicates that in real life a person has lost control over his own life. She has probably been under the control of other, stronger and more powerful individuals for a long time. It is possible that the dreamer is even manipulated or treated like a toy or some kind of object.

Also, in order to correctly interpret the dream, it is important to remember the details of the meeting with the aliens. If guests from another Universe were welcoming and friendly, and space travel did not foretell trouble, then this is a sign that can be interpreted in different ways. Maybe this reflects a person’s subconscious desire to go somewhere and start new life. If everything was somehow too restless - to spiritual uncertainty. Most likely, a person does not know what to do with his life and wants to sort out this issue. So, it's time to do this.

Big dream book

This book of interpretations can also tell you why an alien is dreaming. Typically, such a vision warns a person: the upcoming planned events will unfold in the most unpredictable way. And no matter how hard he tries to predict and play it safe, something incomprehensible will still happen, because of which things can go downhill. The only thing the dreamer can do in this case is to prepare for the worst. And there, maybe everything will work out.

Why do you dream of an alien who behaves aggressively towards the sleeping person? This is also a warning. The dreamer definitely has enemies and ill-wishers who make a lot of effort to annoy him and ruin something. But friendly aliens are a good sign. He tells a person what he has in life good friends that you can rely on at any time.

Mythological dream book

Before telling you what this book of interpretations says about why an alien is dreaming, it is worth noting one nuance. Representatives of another civilization in a dream are a symbol higher intelligence. And if, in general, a person has normal impressions from the vision, then this means that soon he will have some kind of opportunity that is definitely worth using.

But if the aliens took the dreamer onto their ship and began conducting experiments on him, this is bad. Especially if the sleeper began to make attempts to escape and experienced strong fear, worry, horror and anxiety. Usually such a vision means that someone is exerting pressure on a person. negative influence. Or he himself suffers from his own imbalance and inconsistency.

According to Miller

This book of interpretations gives a very clear answer to the question of why aliens and spaceships are dreamed of. The alien symbolizes a person with whom the dreamer will soon meet and be fascinated by him. But with his very enviable abilities, the newly made acquaintance will behave quite modestly. If a sleeper tries to speak to a representative of an extraterrestrial civilization in a dream, then in real life one should expect dissatisfaction from loved ones and relatives. It can concern anything, but most likely it will affect the personal life of the sleeper. So, for example, if a vision came to a man who recently began a relationship with a girl, then there is a very high probability that his mother will begin to discuss this topic with him and persuade him to break up.

Why does a woman dream about aliens? This is a warning. In real life, she should take a closer look at who she is with. at the moment is in a relationship. It is possible that she became attached to this man, but he would like to leave and has been thinking for a long time how to do this. If in real life she suspected something similar, then the interpretation is most likely correct.

By the way, if a girl is kidnapped, then this means adventure. And not very pleasant. Most likely, they will unsettle her.

Modern dream book

How does this book of interpretations explain what dreams of alien invasion mean? If the dreamer communicated with them, this means the onset of unexpected and amazing events. Just watching from afar a guest from another Universe - to meaningful acquaintance. Soon a person will appear in a person’s life who will have an unexpectedly great influence on him. And if the dreamer even touched the alien, then he should be careful in reality. Usually such visions are harbingers of making mistakes, which are unlikely to be corrected later.

Seeing yourself standing opposite a stranger in complete silence is a sign of misunderstanding that the dreamer will have to face. But coming into contact with those who descended with the aliens means false rumors, gossip or implausible news.

Family dream book

Many people are afraid of alien invasion. And when they see something like this in a dream, they don’t know what it’s for. Did aliens attack Earth? By family dream book this portends unexpected meetings and new acquaintances. And if an unmarried woman dreams of this, it means that she will soon meet the person who will give her love. But watching the aliens come out of the ship means guests. Moreover, those whom the dreamer will be glad to see.


In principle, it is clear why aliens dream. A saucer (or, as they say, a UFO) is also sometimes dreamed of along with aliens. This is also a rather interesting topic, and one cannot help but mention it.

According to Medea's dream book, such a vision is the personification inner light and the discovery of unexpected knowledge. But Vanga’s book of interpretations says that if the dreamer remembers how he watched a spaceship descend to Earth, then this is to an empty soul. He is probably disappointed in life and in the people around him.

And if the plot of the dream was that a person was walking through some area and suddenly saw a UFO with aliens, then this is a sudden and pleasant discovery. And also - to creative success. And if he then even spoke to the guests of our Earth, then he would have gained new and very useful connections.

Seeing the crash of an alien ship means major disasters and trials that not only the dreamer, but also many people who surround him will have to experience. This is what a dream is for.

Seeing a UFO in the sky means an unexpected but pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance. If a young girl dreams of something like this, it means that soon a person will appear in her life for whom she will have a mutual feeling of love and affection.

Seeing something incomprehensible, unclear and already in a dream assuming that it is a UFO is a good sign. Usually after such visions some kind of joy occurs. By the way, according to Denise Lynn’s dream book, this same vision symbolizes the search for internal integration and higher intelligence.

It is also worth noting that the oval or round shape of a spaceship indicates integrity and completeness.

Women's dream book

This book of interpretations can also tell a lot about the aliens or their invasion. Being abducted by aliens means infidelity. More precisely, such a vision warns the girl against it. Because due to infidelity, she may lose her family.

Eastern women's dream book, a conversation with guests from another Universe symbolizes rumors and gossip. What if a girl is watching spaceship from afar, this is a miracle.

Alien Contact

If a person saw in a dream how he was visiting aliens, this bad sign. Usually it promises a meeting with ill-wishers, but the dreamer, despite his hostility, will have to show politeness.

According to the above-mentioned dream book by Denise Lynn, contact with an alien usually means the unknown, sometimes even associated with the enemy. But most often they are personified with the enemy. Perhaps there are sides in a person that seem alien to him. If this is the case, then there are two options. The first is to get rid of them. The second is to accept them. And the last one is the best. Because it is very important for everyone to love all aspects of their personality, even those that seem alien. This is the deep meaning that can sometimes be found in such a dreamed event as an alien invasion.

What do alien children mean?

Sometimes this comes to us in a dream. Dream books say little about that alien. So, it's worth figuring it out. A child in dream symbolism is a symbol of hope. And an alien means something unknown, supernatural, unusual, from the category of “too much.” From all this a logical conclusion is drawn: the alien’s child is a symbol of the fact that even the most seemingly unrealistic hopes can come true.

By the way, if a woman dreams that her child was stolen by aliens, then she should not be afraid. Such a vision only promises that in the near future a difficult period will come in her life and she cannot do without the help of family, friends and relatives. Perhaps the dreamer will even find herself at the center of some intrigue, gossip and rumors. But if the child cried and resisted at the time of the abduction, this means that the dreamer will have to solve someone else’s problems.

Other interpretations

Much has been said above about why aliens are seen in dreams. The dream book really helps to understand the interpretation. However, there are many other meanings to this vision, and some of them are worth mentioning.

If a person stands and very absent-mindedly, without interest, watches aliens or the landing of their ship, this means that it is time for him to change something in his life. Probably, the dreamer has long ceased to enjoy his life, and it’s time to saturate it with new events.

When you dream of an invasion of aliens and they want to destroy the Earth and at the same time all of humanity, and the dreamer begins to desperately fight it, but fails, this leads to serious problems in real life. But the consolation is that they will turn out to be solvable. And as a result, when a person copes with everything, he will be able to derive considerable benefit from everything that happened.


Well, if a person had such a dream, there is no need to worry. It is quite possible that he simply watched science fiction films. And as you know, if you think about something a lot, it tends to be reflected in the subconscious.

In general, when searching for an interpretation, it is still important to take into account your own feelings. If the dream left a positive impression, it means that everything will be fine and there is no need to worry.