Tatar surnames. Which Russian surnames are actually Tatar Surnames in the Tatar language

Tatar surnames

A lot of interesting things can be told about the history of the origin of Tatar surnames, their origin and meaning, as well as the peculiarities of spelling. Initially, having a surname was an honorable prerogative of members of the nobility. Only in the twentieth century did all other Tatar clans receive this right. Until this moment, the Tatars placed clan-tribal relations at the forefront. The custom of knowing one’s family, one’s ancestors by name up to the seventh generation, was made a sacred duty and instilled from a young age.

The Tatars represent a very large ethnic group, distinguished by a rich and distinctive culture. But historically conditioned assimilation with the Slavic people still left its mark. The result was the formation of a fairly large part of Tatar surnames, formed by adding Russian endings: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in”. For example: Bashirov, Busaev, Yunusov, Yuldashev, Sharkhimullin, Abaidullin, Turgenev, Safin. According to statistics, Tatar surnames ending in “-ev”, “-ov” are three times larger than surnames ending in “-in”.

Traditionally, Tatar surnames are formed from the male names of paternal ancestors. The majority of Tatar surnames are formed on the basis of male personal names. Only a small proportion of surnames come from professions. For example, Urmancheev (forester), Arakcheev (vodka merchant) and others. This type of surname formation is common to many nationalities.

A distinctive national feature of the Tatars is the form of formation of Tatar names. The full version of the Tatar name, like that of many other nationalities, consists of a first name, patronymic and surname, but since ancient times it has been customary to add a gender prefix to the patronymic of Tatars: “uly” (son) or “kyzy” (daughter).

The peculiarities of Tatar surnames also include the custom of their writing. The Tatars have two variants of spelling surnames: official - with endings (Sayfutdinov, Sharifullin, Saitov) and “everyday”, most widely used without adding an ending, only the name is written (instead of the surname Tukaev, Tukai is written). This method, by the way, is characteristic of Tatar literature.

There are countless Tatar surnames
Each of them has a zest
If the last name makes sense, look for it
There are many nuances you can learn

This page of our website discusses Tatar surnames. We will learn about the history and origin of Tatar surnames, discuss their meanings and distribution.
Origin of Tatar surnames

Studying ethnic composition population of Russia, you can notice that a significant part of the inhabitants of our country are Tatars. And this is no coincidence; the history of the Russian state has developed in such a way that at the moment representatives of many nations and nationalities live on its territory. And one of the most numerous ethnic groups are Tatar peoples. And, despite the fact that for decades and centuries there has been a mixture of nations and nationalities, the Tatars were able to preserve their national language, their culture and traditions. Tatar surnames refer specifically to such national characteristics and traditions.

The origin of Tatar surnames goes back centuries, when, like other nations, the richest and most noble representatives of the Tatar family were the first to acquire surnames. And only by the 20th century the rest of the people Tatar origin got last names. Until this moment, that is, while there were no surnames, the kinship relations of the Tatars were determined by their tribal affiliation. WITH early years every representative of the Tatar people remembered the names of their paternal ancestors. At the same time, the generally accepted norm was to know your family up to seven generations.
Features of Tatar surnames

There is a significant difference between well-known Tatar surnames, given names and the complete formula for the formation of Tatar names. Turns out, complete formula Tatar naming consists of the first name, patronymic and surname. At the same time, patronymics among the ancient Tatars were formed from the naming of the father, to which “uly” (son) or “kyzy” (daughter) was added. Over time, these traditions in the formation of Tatar patronymics and surnames mixed with Russian traditions of word formation. As a result, at the moment it can be considered that the vast majority of Tatar surnames were formed as derivatives from the names of male ancestors. At the same time, to form a surname, Russian endings were added to the male name: “-ov”, “-ev”, “-in”. These are, for example, the following Tatar surnames: Bashirov, Busaev, Yunusov, Yuldashev, Sharkhimullin, Abaidullin, Turgenev, Safin. This list of Tatar surnames can be quite large, since it was male names that were the main source for the formation of Tatar surnames. If we talk about the meaning that these surnames have, then it is obvious that it will repeat the meaning of the naming from which a specific surname is derived.

According to statistical data, the number of Tatar surnames with endings “-ev”, “-ov” exceeds Tatar surnames with the ending “-in” by approximately three times.
Writing Tatar surnames

There are two spelling options for Tatar surnames. One of these options eliminates the added endings, using only the name itself (for example, instead of the surname Tukaev, Tukay is spelled). This option is widely used in Tatar literature, but is not official. In official documents and common practice in Russia, a variant of Tatar surnames with endings is used: Sayfutdinov, Sharifullin, Saitov, etc.
Other Tatar surnames

Also, the origin of some Tatar surnames was associated with professions. This type of surname exists among almost all nations, and Tatar surnames in this sense are no exception. Examples of surnames whose origin is related to professions may include the following surnames: Urmancheev (forester), Arakcheev (vodka merchant) and others.

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Tatar surnames. The meaning of Tatar surnames

ABASHEVS. In the nobility since 1615. From Abash Ulan - the governor of the Kazan Khan, who in 1499 switched to Russian service. In 1540, the Abashevs Alyosha, Chulok, Bashmak were mentioned as residents of Tver, in 1608 Abashev Avtal Cheremisin was noted in the Cheboksary district, the surname comes from the Tatar aba "uncle from the paternal line", abas "uncle". Subsequently, famous scientists, military men, doctors.

ABDULOV. A common surname from the Muslim name Abdullah “Servant of God; Servant of Allah.” Widely used by Kazan residents; for example, the Kazan king Abdul-Letif was captured in 1502 and Kashira was allocated to him as an inheritance. Subsequently, the Abdulovs - famous surname nobles, scientists, artists, etc.

ABDULOV. Landowners since the 18th century; perhaps from the Turkic-Mongolian avdil “changeable person.” In this regard, see the name of the Golden Horde king Avdul, known in the 1360s.

AGDAVLETOVS. Nobles since the 17th century. From the Golden Horde, cf.: Turkic-Arabic. Akdavlet "white wealth"

AGISHEVA. Nobles since the 17th century. From Agish Alexei Kaliteevsky from Kazan, mentioned in Pskov in 1550; in the first half of the 16th century, Agish Gryaznoy was ambassador to Turkey and Crimea; in 1667, Agish Fedor was a messenger to England and Holland.

ADASHEVS. Nobles from the 16th century. From Prince Adash, who was transferred from Kazan to Poshekhonye in the middle of the 15th century. In 1510, Grigory Ivanovich Adash-Olgov was mentioned in Kostroma, from whom, according to S.B. Veselovsky, the Adashevs came. In the first half and mid-16th century centuries, the Adashevs were active military men and diplomats of Ivan IV, executed by him in 1561 and 1563, respectively. They had estates in the vicinity of Kolomna and Pereyaslavl. The Turkic-Tatar adash means “compatriot”, “comrade”. Known under 1382, Adash was the ambassador of Tokhtamysh in Rus'.

AZANCHEVS. Nobles since the 18th century. Judging by the surname, Volga-Tatar origin, cf. Tatar-Muslim azanchi, that is, "muezzin".

AZANCHEEVSKIES. Nobles from the 18th century, through the Polish-gentry, from the Azanchi (see 7). Composers, revolutionaries. .

AIPOVY. From Ismail Aipov from Kazan, granted nobility in 1557.

AIDAROVS. Servicemen: Aidarov Uraz, nobleman since 1578, estate in Kolomna; Aidarov Mina Saltanovich - since 1579, estate in Ryazhsk. Perhaps from Aidar, a Bulgaro-Horde prince who switched to Russian service in 1430. Aydar is a typically Bulgaro-Muslim name meaning “happily in possession of power.” Engineers, scientists, and military personnel are known from the Russified environment of the Aidarovs.

ITEMIROVY. Servicemen with mid-17th century century: Ivan Aytemirov - clerk in Moscow in 1660, in Verkhoturye in 1661-1662; Vasily Aytemirov - in 1696 ambassador to Poland, in 1696-1700 - clerk of the Siberian Order

AKISHEVS. Served from the middle of the 17th century: Gryaznoy Akishev - clerk in Moscow in 1637, clerk in 1648. See also Agishevs. The surname is transparently Turkic-Tatar - from Akish, Agish.

In the middle of the 15th century, the Aksakovs gave the village of Aksakov on the river. Klyazma, at the end of the 15th century “settled in Novgorod”. These Aksakovs are from Ivan Aksak, great-great-grandson of Yuri Grunk, thousand-year-old Ivan Kalita. According to the Velvet Book, Ivan Fedorov, nicknamed “Oksak,” was the son of Velyamin, who left the Horde. The Aksakovs were in Lithuania, where they appeared at the end of the 14th century. Aksakovs are writers, publicists, scientists. Related to the Vorontsovs and Velyaminovs. From the Turkic-Tatar aksak, oksak "lame".

AKCHURINS. Mishar-Mordovian Prince Adash in the 15th century, the ancestor of the Murzas and Akchurin nobles. In the XVII - XVIII centuries- famous officials, diplomats, military men. The surname is from the Turkic-Bulgar ak chur, “white hero.”

ALABERDIEVS. From Alaberdiev, baptized in 1600 under the name Yakov, and placed in Novgorod. From the Volga Tatar alla birde "God gave."

ALABINS. Nobles since 1636. In the 16th-18th centuries they had estates near Ryazan (for example, the village of Alabino in Kamensky Stan - Veselovsky 1974, p. 11). According to N.A. Baskakov, from Tatar-Bashkir. alaba "awarded", "granted". Subsequently, scientists, military men, and the famous Samara governor.

ALABYSHEVS. A very old surname. Prince of Yaroslavl Fedor Fedorovich Ala-bysh was mentioned in 1428. According to N.A. Baskakov, the surname comes from the Tatar ala bash “motley head”.

ALAEVS. In the 16th and early 17th centuries, several service people with this surname are mentioned. According to N.A. Baskakov, of Turkic-Tatar origin: Alai-Chelyshev, Alai-Lvov, Alai-Mikhalkov, received an estate near Peryaslavl in 4574.

ALALYKINS. Ivan An-baev, son of Alalykin, in 1528, “according to the charters of the sovereigns,” had estates. In 1572, Alalykin Temir, already in Russian service, captured Murza Diveya, a relative of the Crimean king Devlet-Girey, for which he received estates in the area of ​​Suzdadi and Kostroma. The mentioned names and surnames Alalykin, Temir are clearly of Turkic-Tatar origin.

ALACHEVS. Mentioned in Moscow as nobles since 1640. They came from among the Kazan Tatars around the middle of the 16th century. The surname comes from the Bulgaro-Tatar word “alacha” - motley.

ALASHEEVS. Nobles from the middle of the 16th century: Alasheev Yakov Timofeevich, newly baptized. Estates in the vicinity of Kashira, where people from Kazan usually settled. The surname is from the Turkic-Tatar alash "horse".

ALEEVS. Mentioned as nobles at the end of the 16th century as people from the Meshcheryaks, i.e. Tatar-Mishars: Vladimir Nagaev, son of Aleev, was recorded in 1580 among a dozen Meshcheryans, children of boyars, as was Koverya Nikitich Aleev in Meshchera and Kasimov under 1590. N.A. Baskakov considers them to be from the Turkic environment.

DAMAZOVS. As the OGDR testifies, the surname comes from the Duma clerk Almaz Ivanov’s son, a Kazan native, named Erofey at baptism, who was allocated a local salary in 1638. In 1653 he was the Duma clerk and printer for Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Among the Volga Tatars, the name Almaz - Almas roughly corresponds to the concept of “will not touch”, “will not take”. In this sense, it is close to the word olemas, which could form a similar surname Alemasov.

ALPAROVS. From the Bulgaro-Tatar alt ir - ar, which - along with the spread of a similar surname among the Kazan Tatars - may indicate the Turkic-Bulgar origin of its Russian version.

ALTYKULACHEVICHY. In 1371, the boyar Sofoniy Altykulachevich was known, who entered the Russian service from the Volga Tatars and was baptized. The Turkic-Tatar basis of the surname is clear: alty kul “six slaves” or “six hands”.

ALTYSHEVS. Nobles since the 18th century. From Abdrein Useinov Altyshev, a Kazan native who took part in the Persian campaign of Peter I in 1722, and then often visited embassies in Persia and Crimea.

ALYMOVS. Nobles since 1623. From Alymov Ivan Oblyaz, who in the first half of the 16th century owned lands near Ryazan and Aleksin. Alim - Alym and Oblyaz are names of Turkic origin. Alymovs in the XIX - XX centuries. - scientists, military men, statesmen.

ALYABYEVS. From Alexander Alyabyev, who entered Russian service in the 16th century; from Mikhail Olebey, who entered Russian service in 1500. Ali bey - senior bey. The descendants include military men, officials, including famous composer and contemporary of A.S. Pushkin - A.A. Alyabyev.

AMINES. Nobles in the 16th-16th centuries: the Aminevs Barsuk, Ruslan, Arslan, estates near Kostroma and Moscow. These Aminevs are from the messenger - Kilichei Amen, who served in 1349 with the Grand Duke Semyon the Proud. The second version is the tenth generation from the legendary Radsha - Ivan Yuryevich, nicknamed “Amen?” The Turkic origin is confirmed by the names: Amen, Ruslan, Arslan. The famous Turkic-Swedish surname “Aminof” is associated with them.

AMIROV is marked in 1847 by the year Amirov, as a Russified surname; first mentioned since 1529-30: Vasil Amirov - clerk of the Local Prikaz; Grigory Amirov - in 1620-21 - watchman of the palace villages of the Kazan district, like Yuri Amirov in 1617-19; Markel Amirov - clerk in 1622-1627 in Arzamas; Ivan Amirov - in 1638-1676 - a messenger to Denmark, Holland and Livonia. The origin of the surname is assumed to be Turkic-Arab. amir - emir "prince, general". The prevalence of surnames among Kazan Tatars also indicates the Kazan origin of the Russian surname.

ANICHKOVS. Origin from the Horde in the 14th century is assumed. The Anichkovs Blokha and Gleb were mentioned in 1495 in Novgorod. Arabic-Turkic anis - anich "friend". Subsequently, scientists, publicists, doctors, and military personnel.

APPAKOVS. The Crimean-Kazan Murza Appak switched to Russian service in 1519. The origin of the surname is possible from Kazan. Tatar ap-ak "completely white".

APRAXINES. From Andrei Ivanovich Apraks, the great-grandson of Solokkhmir, who passed from the Golden Horde to Olga Ryazan in 1371. In the XV-XVI centuries. Apraksin allocated estates near Ryazan. In 1610-1637 Fyodor Apraksin served as clerk of the Order of the Kazan Palace. In kinship with the boyars Khitrovs, Khanykovs, Kryukovs, Verdernikovs, he gives three versions of the Turkic origin of the nickname Apraksa: 1. “quiet”, “calm”; 2. “shaggy”, “toothless”; 3 "boast". In the history of Russia they are known as associates of Peter I, generals, and governors.

APSEITOVY. Most likely, they came from Kazan in the middle of the 16th century. Granted estates in 1667. The surname is from the Arabic-Turkic Abu Seit "father of the leader".

ARACCHEVS. From Arak-chey Evstafiev, a baptized Tatar who switched to Russian service in the mid-15th century and became clerk of Vasily II. Derived from Kazan Tatars. Arakychy nicknames are “moonshiner, drunkard.” IN THE 18th-19th centuries. temporary worker for Alexander I, count, estate near Tver.

ARAPOVS. He was promoted to the nobility in 1628. From Arap Begichev, placed in Ryazan in 1569. Later, in the 17th century, Khabar Arapov was known with an estate in Murom. Judging by their first and last names, as well as their location, they most likely came from Kazan. The descendants include military men and Penzyak writers.

ARDASHEVS. Nobles since the 17th century. From Ardash - a native of Kazan, an estate in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The descendants include relatives of the Ulyanovs, scientists.

ARSENYEVS. Nobles from the 16th century. From Arseny, the son of Oslan Murza, who came to Dmitry Donskoy. Upon baptism Arseny Lev Procopius. Estates in the Kostroma district. The descendants are friends of A.S. Pushkin.

ARTAKOVS. Nobles since the 17th century. Artykov Sulesh Semyonovich was noted as the Streltsy's head in 1573 in Novgorod. From Turkic artuk - artyk "extra".

ARTYUKHOV. Nobles since 1687. From artyk - artuk - artyuk.

ARKHAROVS. Nobles since 1617. From Arkharov Karaul Rudin and his son Saltan, who came out from near Kazan, were baptized in 1556 and received an estate near Kashira. The descendants include military men and scientists.

ASLANOVICHEVS. In the Polish gentry and nobility in 1763, one of them was then awarded the rank of Royal Secretary. From the Turkic-Tatar aslan - arslan.

ASMANOVS. Vasily Asmanov is the son of a boyar. Mentioned in Novgorod in the 15th century. Judging by the surname (the basis is the Turkic-Muslim Usman, Gosman “chiropper” - see: Gafurov, 1987, p. 197), a Turkic origin.

ATLASOVY. Nobles from the end of the 17th century, estates in the Ustyug region. Immigrants from Kazan to Ustyug. Atlasi is a typical Kazan Tatar surname. Atlasov Vladimir Vasilyevich in the 18th century - early 18th centuries - conqueror of Kamchatka.

AKHMATOVS. Nobles since 1582. Most likely, they came from Kazan, because... under 1554 Fyodor Nikulich Akhmatov was noted under Kashira. Akhmat is a typical Turkic-Tatar name. Even under 1283, the Besermian Akhmat is mentioned, who bought off the Baskas on the Kursk land. Akhmatovs in the 18th-19th centuries - military men, sailors, prosecutor of the Synod.

AKHMETOVS. Nobles since 1582, clerks in the 16th - 17th centuries, merchants and industrialists in the 18th-20th centuries. . The Arab-Muslim word is based on Ah-met - Ahmad - Akhmat "praised".

AKHMYLOVS. Nobles from the 16th century. Fyodor Akhmyl - mayor in Novgorod in 1332, and Andrei Semenovich Akhmylov in 1553 - in Ryazan. Judging by their placement in Novgorod and Ryazan, the Akhmylrvy are Bulgar-Kazan immigrants. Under 1318 and 1322 the Golden Horde ambassador Akhmyl to Rus' is known; perhaps a Bulgarian who knew Russian well. language

Probably everyone has heard the saying: “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar!” Russian and Tatar culture were in such close contact with each other that today we sometimes do not even suspect the Tatar origin of some Russian surnames.

How did Tatar surnames appear in Rus'?

Russian surnames of Tatar origin appeared, of course, during the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Then many Tatars served at the court of Ivan the Terrible and other Russian tsars. There were many mixed marriages between representatives of the Russian and Tatar nobility. As a result, anthroponymic experts count over 500 noble and noble families that were originally of Tatar origin. Among them are Aksakovs, Alyabyevs, Apraksins, Berdyaev, Bunins, Bukharins, Godunovs, Gorchakovs, Dashkov, Derzhavins, Ermolovs, Kadyshevs, Mashkovs, Naryshkin, Ogarev, Peshkovs, Radishchevs, Transchanes, Ryazanovs, Timiryazevs, Turgenevs, Ulanovs, Chaadeva, Chaadeva, Chaadevs Sheremetevs, Yusupovs and many others.

Examples of the origin of Russian surnames from the Tatars

Take, for example, the name Anichkov. Its ancestors came from the Horde. The first mention of them dates back to 1495. The Atlasovs' ancestors bore the common Tatar surname Atlasi. The Kozhevnikovs, according to one version, received this surname not at all from the profession of a tanner, but from family name, which included the word “khoja” (in Tatar “lord”). New surname representatives of this family were assigned after they entered the service of Ivan III.

The Karamzins descended from the Tatar Kara Murza (which literally means “Black Prince”). The surname itself has been known since the 16th century. At first, its representatives bore the surname Karamza, and then turned into the Karamzins. The most famous descendant of this family is the writer, poet and historian N.M. Karamzin.

Types of Tatar surnames in Russia

Most Tatar surnames come from the name borne by one of the male ancestors in the family. In ancient times, the surname was given by the father, but at the beginning of the 19th century both children and grandchildren bore the same surname. After the arrival of Soviet power, these surnames were enshrined in official documents and did not change.

Many surnames were given by profession. Thus, the surname Baksheev came from “bakshi” (scribe), Karaulov - from “karavyl” (guard), Beketov - from “beket” (the so-called teacher of the khan’s son), Tukhachevsky - from “tukhachi” (standard bearer).

The surname Suvorov, which we are accustomed to consider Russian, became known in the 15th century. It comes from the profession of a horseman (in Tatar - “suvor”). The first person to bear this surname was the serviceman Goryain Suvorov, who was mentioned in the chronicles for 1482. Subsequently, a legend was invented that the founder of the Suvorov family was a Swede named Suvore, who settled in Russia in 1622.

But the surname Tatishchev was assigned by Grand Duke Ivan III to Ivan Shah’s nephew, Prince Solomersky, who was something of an investigator and was distinguished by his ability to quickly identify thieves, who were called “tats” in Tatar.

But much more often, Tatar surnames were based on the distinctive qualities of their bearers. So, the ancestors of the Bazarovs received this nickname because they were born on market days. The brother-in-law (husband of his wife’s sister) was called “bazha” in Tatar, hence the surname Bazhanov. The Tatars called respected people “Veliamin”, and this is how the Russian surname Veliaminov was born, later changed to Velyaminov.

Proud people were called “Bulgaks”, hence the surname Bulgakov. Beloved and loving people were called “Dauds” or “Davuds”, later this was transformed into Davydovs.

The surname Zhdanov became widespread in Rus' in the 15th-17th centuries. Presumably it comes from the word “vijdan”, which in Tatar meant both passionate lovers and religious fanatics.

The surname Akchurin stands apart. In the Russian version, Tatar surnames usually end in -ov (-ev) or -in (-yn). But certain family names, derived from the names of the Tatar Murzas, were left unchanged even in documents: Enikei, Akchurin, Divey. In the surname Akchurin, “-in” is not a Russian ending, it is part of an ancient family name. One of the variants of its pronunciation is “ak-chura” - “white hero”. Among the representatives of the Akchurin family, whose ancestor is the Mishar-Mordovian prince Adash, who lived in the 15th century, there were famous officials, diplomats, and military men.

Of course, it is simply impossible to list all Russian surnames with Tatar roots. To do this, you need to know the etymology of each specific surname.

When choosing a name for a child, parents think about the beauty of its sound and its semantic meaning. A name is the most pleasant sound to the human ear. Often the choice is dictated by religious and national motives.

Russia is a great state with many nations. During the Soviet era, Tatarstan was part of the state.

Being citizens of one country, people moved to the outback and created families with other nationalities.

Today it is difficult to imagine how intertwined the roots of Russian and Tatar residents are.

No one is surprised when hearing their names and surnames - the Tatars remain a fraternal people, many of our citizens have Tatar roots, or are indigenous representatives of the nation.

The distinctive features of this nation are their speech and their names. The speech of the Tatars is similar to the chirping of birds, it is soft and melodic.

The pronunciation is slightly consonant with the Mari dialect. Tatar folk names and surnames are beautiful in their sound and carry a semantic load.

Every state has popular surnames. Somewhere they are given to every child in orphanage. In Russia it is Ivanov.

Russian Ivan is an already established stereotype, the image of a guy with a broad soul, not burdened with a sharp mind, but certainly smart. The surname was formed from the given name.

Other common Russian surnames:

  • Kuznetsov.
  • Smirnov.
  • Petrov.

Among Americans, such a stereotype is the surname Smith. The Tatars highlight a whole list of surnames that are more common among their people.

  • Abdulov.
  • Norbekov.
  • Chigarev.
  • Enaleev.
  • Akmanov.
  • Abubekyarov.
  • Basmanov.
  • Abashev.
  • Aliev.
  • Shalimov.

The surname Abdulov has been at the top of the list for more than one year. This is the most common Tatar surname.

List of beautiful male and female surnames with origin history

Popular surnames and their origins:

Surname Origin story
Abashev Originated in 1600. Means in translation: “uncle.” The bearers of the surname are noble people - doctors, teachers, pilots, military men
Abdulov Popular, translated: “servant of God.” Noble surname, the carriers were people of high rank
Bulgakov "Proud Man" The surname of the famous writer, legendary classic, is of Tatar origin. Originated in 1500
Norbekov The first Norbekovs appeared in 1560. Today it is a common surname
Golitsyn She is mistakenly considered Russian. She is Tatar, descended from the famous prince Mikhail Golitsyn
Davydov Belonged to people from the Golden Horde
Muratov Surname of Kazan nobles. Very popular today
Almazov "Won't touch you." From the clerk of Tsar Alexei. Glorious and beautiful surname, consonant with the name Almaz. Origin has nothing to do with the gemstone
Seliverstov Beautiful, occurred during the Great Horde

Beautiful female and male names, as well as their meanings

Let's look at the list of beautiful Tatar names.


  • Adeline.
  • Azalea.
  • Aziza.
  • Asia.
  • Dana.
  • Dilyara.
  • Take it.
  • Indira.
  • Karima.
  • Kamalia.
  • Latifa.
  • Laysan.
  • Nadira.
  • Rada.
  • Rumia.
  • Sabira.
  • Tulip.
  • Faiza.
  • Firaya.
  • Chulpan.
  • Elvira.
  • Emilia.
  • Yasir.


  • Alan.
  • Azamat.
  • Ainur.
  • Damir.
  • Dzhigan.
  • Zufar.
  • Ilgiz.
  • Ilshat.
  • Imar.
  • Marseilles.
  • Nazar.
  • Niyaz.
  • Ramil.
  • Rafail.
  • Rushan.
  • Said.
  • Talib.
  • Tahir.
  • Faiz.
  • Farid.
  • Chingiz.
  • Shakir.
  • Edgar.
  • Emil.
  • Justus.
  • Yamal.
  • Yakut.

By using these names you will give beauty to your children. Name - important component, a component of every person’s life.

Today, the state officially allows changing a name: a person just needs to write a corresponding application and choose a different name that will reflect his individuality.

If your name seems inappropriate, try changing it, check out the list above. Tatar names are very sonorous and pleasant to the ear.

List of Tatar composers and other famous people

The Tatars are an original and very strong-willed people. They are hard-working, stubborn, resourceful. They believe that this nation, akin to the Jews, knows how to make money. Tatars are rarely poor.

You are unlikely to meet Tatars among the homeless and beggars. The ability to make their own way is in their blood. There are many famous talented people among them.

List of famous Tatars:

  • Gabdulla Tukay is a great poet.
  • Marat Basharov - actor, presenter.
  • Musa Jalil - poet, politician of the USSR.
  • Actress, organizer of charity events, presenter - Chulpan Khamatova.
  • Mintimer Shaimiev is the first president of Tatarstan.
  • Rudolf Nureyev is a legend. The best dancer of all time, actor.
  • Renat Akchurin - academician, specialist in the field of vascular surgery.
  • Sergei Shakurov is a popular Russian actor with more than eighty roles.
  • Finalist of the “Star Factory”, former soloist of the “Factory” group Sati Casanova.
  • Marat Safin is a legendary tennis player of our time.
  • Zemfira Ramazanova. People know her as Zemfira, a rock singer. On Russian stage she is from the early 2000s. Author and performer, musician. One of the best in Russian rock.
  • Dina Garipova is the winner of the “Voice” project, participant of the Eurovision contest. She has a unique voice, is hardworking and artistic.

There are many Tatars among cultural and political figures. IN multinational state there is no division into nations - Russia initially did not belong only to Russians.

Not all modern nationalists know about this. Each nation is a separate faction with its own mentality, its own morals and religion.

The mixing of nations produces the strongest offspring. Scientists have confirmed this more than once.

The Tatar nation has made its contribution to the history of the state; many of its representatives still live in Russia today, working for the good of the country.

Tatar names are heard everywhere. When choosing a name for your child, pay attention to the lists above.

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1. ABASHEVS. In the nobility since 1615. From Abash Ulan - the governor of the Kazan Khan, who in 1499 switched to Russian service. In 1540, the Abashevs Alyosha, Chulok, Bashmak were mentioned as residents of Tver, in 1608 Abashev Avtal Cheremisin was noted in the Cheboksary district, the surname comes from the Tatar aba "uncle from the paternal line", abas "uncle". Subsequently, famous scientists, military men, doctors.

2. ABDULOVS. A common surname from the Muslim name Abdullah “Servant of God; Servant of Allah.” Widely used by Kazan residents; for example, the Kazan king Abdul-Letif was captured in 1502 and Kashira was allocated to him as an inheritance. Subsequently, the Abdulovs became a well-known family of nobles, scientists, artists, etc.

3. ABDULOVS. Landowners since the 18th century; perhaps from the Turkic-Mongolian avdil “changeable person.” In this regard, see the name of the Golden Horde king Avdul, known in the 1360s.

4. AGDAVLETOVS. Nobles since the 17th century. From the Golden Horde, cf.: Turkic-Arabic. Akdavlet "white wealth"

5. AGISHEVS. Nobles since the 17th century. From Agish Alexei Kaliteevsky from Kazan, mentioned in Pskov in 1550; in the first half of the 16th century, Agish Gryaznoy was ambassador to Turkey and Crimea; in 1667, Agish Fedor was a messenger to England and Holland.

6. ADASHEVS. Nobles from the 16th century. From Prince Adash, who was transferred from Kazan to Poshekhonye in the middle of the 15th century. In 1510, Grigory Ivanovich Adash-Olgov was mentioned in Kostroma, from whom, according to S.B. Veselovsky, the Adashevs came. In the first half and middle of the 16th century, the Adashevs were active military officers and diplomats of Ivan IV; they were executed by him in 1561 and 1563, respectively. They had estates in the vicinity of Kolomna and Pereyaslavl. The Turkic-Tatar adash means “compatriot”, “comrade”. Known under 1382, Adash was the ambassador of Tokhtamysh in Rus'.

7. AZANCHEEVS. Nobles since the 18th century. Judging by the surname, Volga-Tatar origin, cf. Tatar-Muslim azanchi, that is, "muezzin".

8. AZANCHEEVSKIES. Nobles from the 18th century, through the Polish-gentry, from the Azanchi (see 7). Composers, revolutionaries. .

9. AIPOVY. From Ismail Aipov from Kazan, granted nobility in 1557.

10. AIDAROVS. Servicemen: Aidarov Uraz, nobleman since 1578, estate in Kolomna; Aidarov Mina Saltanovich - since 1579, estate in Ryazhsk. Perhaps from Aidar, a Bulgaro-Horde prince who switched to Russian service in 1430. Aydar is a typically Bulgaro-Muslim name meaning “happily in possession of power.” Engineers, scientists, and military personnel are known from the Russified environment of the Aidarovs.

11. ITEMS. Served from the middle of the 17th century: Ivan Aitemirov - clerk in Moscow in 1660, in Verkhoturye in 1661-1662; Vasily Aytemirov - in 1696 ambassador to Poland, in 1696-1700 - clerk of the Siberian Order

12. AKISHEVS. Served from the middle of the 17th century: Gryaznoy Akishev - clerk in Moscow in 1637, clerk in 1648. See also Agishevs. The surname is transparently Turkic-Tatar - from Akish, Agish.

13. AKSAKOVS. In the middle of the 15th century, the Aksakovs gave the village of Aksakov on the river. Klyazma, at the end of the 15th century “settled in Novgorod”. These Aksakovs are from Ivan Aksak, great-great-grandson of Yuri Grunk, thousand-year-old Ivan Kalita. According to the Velvet Book, Ivan Fedorov, nicknamed “Oksak,” was the son of Velyamin, who left the Horde. The Aksakovs were in Lithuania, where they appeared at the end of the 14th century. Aksakovs are writers, publicists, scientists. Related to the Vorontsovs and Velyaminovs. From the Turkic-Tatar aksak, oksak "lame".

14. AKCHURINS. Mishar-Mordovian Prince Adash in the 15th century, the ancestor of the Murzas and Akchurin nobles. In the 17th - 18th centuries - famous officials, diplomats, and military personnel. The surname is from the Turkic-Bulgar ak chur, “white hero.”

15. ALABERDIEVS. From Alaberdiev, baptized in 1600 under the name Yakov, and placed in Novgorod. From the Volga Tatar alla birde "God gave."

16. ALABINS. Nobles since 1636. In the 16th-18th centuries they had estates near Ryazan (for example, the village of Alabino in Kamensky Stan - Veselovsky 1974, p. 11). According to N.A. Baskakov, from Tatar-Bashkir. alaba "awarded", "granted". Subsequently, scientists, military men, and the famous Samara governor.

17. ALABYSHEVS. A very old surname. Prince of Yaroslavl Fedor Fedorovich Ala-bysh was mentioned in 1428. According to N.A. Baskakov, the surname comes from the Tatar ala bash “motley head”.

18. ALAEVS. In the 16th and early 17th centuries, several service people with this surname are mentioned. According to N.A. Baskakov, of Turkic-Tatar origin: Alai-Chelyshev, Alai-Lvov, Alai-Mikhalkov, received an estate near Peryaslavl in 4574.

19. ALALYKINS. Ivan An-baev, son of Alalykin, in 1528, “according to the charters of the sovereigns,” had estates. In 1572, Alalykin Temir, already in Russian service, captured Murza Diveya, a relative of the Crimean king Devlet-Girey, for which he received estates in the area of ​​Suzdadi and Kostroma. The mentioned names and surnames Alalykin, Temir are clearly of Turkic-Tatar origin.

20. ALACHEVS. Mentioned in Moscow as nobles since 1640. They came from among the Kazan Tatars around the middle of the 16th century. The surname comes from the Bulgaro-Tatar word “alacha” - motley.

21. ALASHEEVS. Nobles from the middle of the 16th century: Alasheev Yakov Timofeevich, newly baptized. Estates in the vicinity of Kashira, where people from Kazan usually settled. The surname is from the Turkic-Tatar alash "horse".

22. ALEEVS. Mentioned as nobles at the end of the 16th century as people from the Meshcheryaks, i.e. Tatar-Mishars: Vladimir Nagaev, son of Aleev, was recorded in 1580 among a dozen Meshcheryans, children of boyars, as was Koverya Nikitich Aleev in Meshchera and Kasimov under 1590. N.A. Baskakov considers them to be from the Turkic environment.

23. DAMAZOVS. As the OGDR testifies, the surname comes from the Duma clerk Almaz Ivanov’s son, a Kazan native, named Erofey at baptism, who was allocated a local salary in 1638. In 1653 he was the Duma clerk and printer for Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Among the Volga Tatars, the name Almaz - Almas roughly corresponds to the concept of “will not touch”, “will not take”. In this sense, it is close to the word olemas, which could form a similar surname Alemasov.

24. ALPAROVS. From the Bulgaro-Tatar alt ir - ar, which - along with the spread of a similar surname among the Kazan Tatars - may indicate the Turkic-Bulgar origin of its Russian version.

25. ALTYKULACHEVICHY. In 1371, the boyar Sofoniy Altykulachevich was known, who entered the Russian service from the Volga Tatars and was baptized. The Turkic-Tatar basis of the surname is clear: alty kul “six slaves” or “six hands”.

26. ALTYSHEVS. Nobles since the 18th century. From Abdrein Useinov Altyshev, a Kazan native who took part in the Persian campaign of Peter I in 1722, and then often visited embassies in Persia and Crimea.

27. ALYMOVS. Nobles since 1623. From Alymov Ivan Oblyaz, who in the first half of the 16th century owned lands near Ryazan and Aleksin. Alim - Alym and Oblyaz are names of Turkic origin. Alymovs in the XIX - XX centuries. - scientists, military men, statesmen.

28. ALYABYEVS. From Alexander Alyabyev, who entered Russian service in the 16th century; from Mikhail Olebey, who entered Russian service in 1500. Ali bey - senior bey. The descendants are military men, officials, including the famous composer and contemporary of A.S. Pushkin - A.A. Alyabyev.

29. AMINES. Nobles in the 16th-16th centuries: the Aminevs Barsuk, Ruslan, Arslan, estates near Kostroma and Moscow. These Aminevs are from the messenger - Kilichei Amen, who served in 1349 with the Grand Duke Semyon the Proud. The second version is the tenth generation from the legendary Radsha - Ivan Yuryevich, nicknamed “Amen?” The Turkic origin is confirmed by the names: Amen, Ruslan, Arslan. The famous Turkic-Swedish surname “Aminof” is associated with them.

30. AMIROV marked in 1847 Amirov as a Russified surname; first mentioned since 1529-30: Vasil Amirov - clerk of the Local Prikaz; Grigory Amirov - in 1620-21 - watchman of the palace villages of the Kazan district, like Yuri Amirov in 1617-19; Markel Amirov - clerk in 1622-1627 in Arzamas; Ivan Amirov - in 1638-1676 - a messenger to Denmark, Holland and Livonia. The origin of the surname is assumed to be Turkic-Arab. amir - emir "prince, general". The prevalence of surnames among Kazan Tatars also indicates the Kazan origin of the Russian surname.

31. ANICHKOVS. Origin from the Horde in the 14th century is assumed. The Anichkovs Blokha and Gleb were mentioned in 1495 in Novgorod. Arabic-Turkic anis - anich "friend". Subsequently, scientists, publicists, doctors, and military personnel.

32. APPAKOVS. The Crimean-Kazan Murza Appak switched to Russian service in 1519. The origin of the surname is possible from Kazan. Tatar ap-ak "completely white".

33. APRAXINES. From Andrei Ivanovich Apraks, the great-grandson of Solokkhmir, who passed from the Golden Horde to Olga Ryazan in 1371. In the XV-XVI centuries. Apraksin allocated estates near Ryazan. In 1610-1637 Fyodor Apraksin served as clerk of the Order of the Kazan Palace. In kinship with the boyars Khitrovs, Khanykovs, Kryukovs, Verdernikovs, he gives three versions of the Turkic origin of the nickname Apraksa: 1. “quiet”, “calm”; 2. “shaggy”, “toothless”; 3 "boast". In the history of Russia they are known as associates of Peter I, generals, and governors.

34. APSEITOVY. Most likely, they came from Kazan in the middle of the 16th century. Granted estates in 1667. The surname is from the Arabic-Turkic Abu Seit "father of the leader".

35. ARACCHEEVS. From Arak-chey Evstafiev, a baptized Tatar who switched to Russian service in the mid-15th century and became clerk of Vasily II. Derived from Kazan Tatars. Arakychy nicknames are “moonshiner, drunkard.” IN THE 18th-19th centuries. temporary worker for Alexander I, count, estate near Tver.

36. ARAPOVS. He was promoted to the nobility in 1628. From Arap Begichev, placed in Ryazan in 1569. Later, in the 17th century, Khabar Arapov was known with an estate in Murom. Judging by their first and last names, as well as their location, they most likely came from Kazan. The descendants include military men and Penzyak writers.

37. ARDASHEVS. Nobles since the 17th century. From Ardash - a native of Kazan, an estate in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The descendants include relatives of the Ulyanovs, scientists.

38. ARSENYEVS. Nobles from the 16th century. From Arseny, the son of Oslan Murza, who came to Dmitry Donskoy. Upon baptism Arseny Lev Procopius. Estates in the Kostroma district. The descendants are friends of A.S. Pushkin.

39. ARTAKOVS. Nobles since the 17th century. Artykov Sulesh Semyonovich was noted as the Streltsy's head in 1573 in Novgorod. From Turkic artuk - artyk "extra".

40. ARTYUKHOV. Nobles since 1687. From artyk - artuk - artyuk.

41. ARKHAROVS. Nobles since 1617. From Arkharov Karaul Rudin and his son Saltan, who came out from near Kazan, were baptized in 1556 and received an estate near Kashira. The descendants include military men and scientists.

42. ASLANOVICHEVS. In the Polish gentry and nobility in 1763, one of them was then awarded the rank of Royal Secretary. From the Turkic-Tatar aslan - arslan.

43. ASMANOVS. Vasily Asmanov is the son of a boyar. Mentioned in Novgorod in the 15th century. Judging by the surname (the basis is the Turkic-Muslim Usman, Gosman “chiropper” - see: Gafurov, 1987, p. 197), a Turkic origin.

44. ATLASOVY. Nobles from the end of the 17th century, estates in the Ustyug region. Immigrants from Kazan to Ustyug. Atlasi is a typical Kazan Tatar surname. Atlasov Vladimir Vasilyevich in the 18th century - early 18th centuries - conqueror of Kamchatka.

45. AKHMATOVS. Nobles since 1582. Most likely, they came from Kazan, because... under 1554 Fyodor Nikulich Akhmatov was noted under Kashira. Akhmat is a typical Turkic-Tatar name. Even under 1283, the Besermian Akhmat is mentioned, who bought off the Baskas on the Kursk land. Akhmatovs in the 18th-19th centuries - military men, sailors, prosecutor of the Synod.

46. ​​AKHMETOVS. Nobles since 1582, clerks in the 16th - 17th centuries, merchants and industrialists in the 18th-20th centuries. . The Arab-Muslim word is based on Ah-met - Ahmad - Akhmat "praised".

47. AKHMYLOVS. Nobles from the 16th century. Fyodor Akhmyl - mayor in Novgorod in 1332, and Andrei Semenovich Akhmylov in 1553 - in Ryazan. Judging by their placement in Novgorod and Ryazan, the Akhmylrvy are Bulgar-Kazan immigrants. Under 1318 and 1322 the Golden Horde ambassador Akhmyl to Rus' is known; perhaps a Bulgarian who knew Russian well. language.

48. BABICHEVS. Specific princely family. From Baba Ivan Semyonovich, governor of Vytautas, who went to serve Vasily I and Vasily II. In the 16th century, the following are mentioned: in Moscow, Prince Kolyshka Babichev, in Kazan, under 1568, “the court of Prince Boris son of Babichev.” Related to the Beklemishevs and Polivanovs. According to N.A. Baskakov, from Bai bacha “son of a rich man.” Judging by the lands in the Ryazan region and the service in Kazan, they come from Kazan and, perhaps, even from Bulgar.

49. BAGININS. In the embassy order under 1698, Takhtarali Baginin was noted. Nobles since the 17th century. Bagi - Baki" is a personal name from the Arab-Turkic "eternal".

50. BAGRIMOVS. The OGDR reports that Bagrim left the Great Horde to visit Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich in 1425. In 1480, clerk Ivan Denisovich Bagrimov was celebrated in Kashin, in 1566 Yuri Borisovich Bagrimov in Dmitrov. Tatar surname from bagrim “my heart”, “darling”.

51. BAZANINS. Nobles since 1616. From the Turkic nickname bazan, bazlan "screamer".

52. BAZHANOVS. Nobles since the 17th century. From the Turkic-Tatar bazh "brother-in-law, husband of the wife's sister." Subsequently, architects and scientists.

53. BAZAROVS. Nobles from the end of the 16th century. Temir Bazarov in Yaroslavl was noted under 1568. Nickname for people born on market days.

54. BAIBAKOVS. Nobles since the 17th century. In the 17th century, clerk Ivan Prokopievich Baibakov was noted, and in 1646 he was ambassador to Holland. The surname is from the Arabic-Turkic bay bak "eternally rich." Subsequently, military personnel, scientists, public figures.

55. BAIKACHKAROVS. Nobles from the 16th century, estate in Rylsk. In 1533, the interpreter of Vasily III in Kazan, Fyodor Baikachkar, was mentioned. From Turkic-Tatar. nicknames bai kachkar "rich wolf".

56. BAIKOVS. Baybulat Baykov - Tatar serviceman in 1590 in Arzamas. From him, the Baykovs are landowners in Ryazan, Ryazhsk, where people from the Kazan-Mishar environment were usually located.

57. BAIKULOVS. Estates from the end of the 16th century near Ryazan. Baykulov Fedor Timofeevich was mentioned in 1597 in Ryazan. Judging by the location of the estate, he comes from the Kazan-Mishar environment. The nickname bai kul is Turkic "rich slave".

58. BAYMAKOVS, At the end of the 15th century, an estate in Novgorod. In 1554, Bakhtiyar Baymakov was the ambassador of Ivan IV. Surname and name are Turkic-Persian: baymak “hero”, bakhtiyar “happy”.

59. BAITERYAKOVS. Nobles since the 17th century. From Murza Bayteryak from Nogai, related to the Yusupovs. From the Kazan-Tatar nickname bai tiryak "family tree".

60. BAIQINGS. Tolmachi, Abdul are mentioned under 1564 in Moscow.

61. BAKAEVS. Among the nobles since 1593. From the proper name Bakiy, Baki "eternal". Baskakov suggests the transformation "Bakaev - Bakiev - Makiev - Makaev." The Bulgar origin of the name Baka is quite possible - Bakaev, for under 1370 the Bulgar prince Sultan Bakov's son is mentioned.

62. BAKAKINS. Nobles from the 16th century. From the palace clerk Ivan Mitrofanovich Bakak-Karacharov, who served in 1537-1549. Subsequently, residents of Kazan: Bakakin Yuri. Tatar nicknames: Bakaka - from bak “look”; karachi "looker". See Karacharovs.

63. BAKESHOVS. Bakesh - village of service Tatars, clerk in 1581, Wed. Turkic Bakish "scribe"

64. BAKIEVS. See Bakaevs.

65. BAKSHEEVS. In the middle of the 15th century, Baksha Vasily was mentioned, in 1473 Baksha Stepan Lazarev. In the XVI - XVII centuries. noblemen Baksheevs in the Ryazan region. Bakshey - "scribe". But maybe from baptism. Tatar, bakshe, bakchi "watchman". Subsequently - teachers, artist.

66. CORMORANTS. Nobles since 1552. Nickname from Turkic, cormorant "wild goose"; in the dialects of Simbirsk and Nizhny Novgorod provinces - “big head”, “block”.

67. BACLANOVSKIES. Opolonized form from Baklanov. .

68. BALAKIREVS. Old noble family. The Balakirevs are mentioned at the end of the 14th century among the Turkic-speaking army of Mansur - Kiyat, son of Mamai, together with the Glinskys in Lithuania, then Prince. Iv.Iv.Balakir was noted in 1510 with landholdings in Kashira, Kolomna and Arzamas in the 16th - 17th centuries. . In 1579, Pronya Balakirev was in the service of Ivan IV). Subsequently, an old noble family settled in the Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan regions. From this surname famous composer M.A. Balakirev.

69. BALASHEVS. Nobles from 1741 - 1751. The surname, according to N.A. Baskakov, comes from a Turkic-Tatar ball with an affectionate suffix.

70. RAMS. From Murza Zhdan, nicknamed Baran, who left the Crimea in the 1430s - 1460s to serve the Grand Duke. Vasily Vasilyevich Temny, surname from the nickname ram of Turkic-Tatar origin. It is quite possible that the Bulgar origin comes from the tribal name ram - baradzh. Subsequently - military personnel, scientists, diplomats.

71. BARANOVSKY. Polonized form from Baranov. From the Polish - Lithuanian Tatars. Colonel Mustafa Baranowski was the last defender of Warsaw in 1774. Subsequently - scientists, economists, inventors of OS, 1987, p. 1363)

72. BARANCHEVS. Of the baptized Kazan residents: Vasily Barancheev in 1521, stationed in Vereya; Peter and Ivan Semyonovich Barancheev were stationed in Uglich in 1622. In the “Velvet Book”, among the Barancheevs, people from Crimea are also listed.

73. LAMB. Nobles from the 16th century. From Ivan Ivanovich Barash and his sons Adash, Nedash and Ketleche, who left for Rus' in the 15th century. Nickname from Turkic-Persians. lamb "servant, cleaner". From the upper service class. Ivan Alexandrovich Barbasha is mentioned from the end of the 15th century until 1535-36. Suzdal Prince Vasily Ivanovich Baraboshin was in the oprichnina in 1565 - 1572. Surname from Turko-Bulg. the words bar bashi "have a head."

75. BARSUKOVS. Nobles from the 16th - 17th centuries. From Jacob the Badger, son of Aminev, who entered Rus' at the beginning of the 15th century and received a place near Kostroma. In the XVI - XVII centuries. The Barsukovs were stationed in Meshchera and Arzamas, judging by what they came from among the Mishars: Semyon Barsuk - the son of Ivan Klementievich Aminev; Ulyan Barsukov Aminev was a servant of the spiritual charter of 1564 Nikita Yakovlevich Aminev. The surname is from the nickname Borsuk, derived from the Turkic-Bulg. leopard. The Barykovs went to the Grand Duke in the 15th century. Ivan Mikhailovich to Tver from Lithuania. Nickname from Kipch. baryk "thin, thin" or from Barak - the name of the Polovtsian khan Barak, which means "shaggy dog".

77. BASKAKOVS. Nobles since 1598 with estates in Smolensk, Kaluga and Tula provinces. There are several versions of origin: 1. From Baskak Amragan, about mid-XIII century, former governor in Vladimir (by nickname - the title "emir", possibly of Bulgarian origin; 2. From the Baskaks Ibrahim from the Tatars; 3. From various servicemen, descendants of the Baskaks in Rus' in the 15th - 16th centuries, for example, the Baskaks Albych, Budar , Kudash, Tutai and others. Subsequently - military men, scientists, for example, N.A. Baskakov.

78. BASMANOVS. Nobles from the 16th century. From Daniil Basman, first mentioned in 1514 and subsequently an active participant in the campaigns against Kazan. The surname is from the Kazan-Tatar nickname basma "seal, sign".

79. BASTANOVS. Nobles from 1564, lands near Novgorod, indicating an ancient exit. In 1499, Adash and Bustman Bastanovs were mentioned, in 1565 Yanaklych, Tetmesh, Tutman Bastanovs were mentioned, including Tetmesh was a guardsman in 1571, and Tutman was a messenger to Lithuania in 1575. The names also indicate their “ancient” origin from the Turkic-Persian bastan: Adash, Bustman, Tetmesh, Tutman, Yanaklych.

80. BATASHOVS. Nobles since 1622, lands near Kostroma, where people from Kazan usually settled. Related to the Adashevs, since Stepan Adash was recorded as the son of Fyodor Batash at the beginning of the 16th century. Nickname from the Turkic bot "camel". Subsequently - large breeders and officials.

81. BATURINS. From Murza Batur, who left the Horde at the beginning of the 15th century to Prince Fyodor Olgovich of Ryazan. In the baptism of Methodius, the descendants were boyars and among the Romanovs. Related to the Leontievs, Petrovo-Solovovs. From the Turkic-Bulgar batyr, batur "hero". Subsequently - scientists, warriors, educators.

82. BAKHMETYEVS, who left in the first half of the 15th century to serve the Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich the Dark, together with the brothers Kasim and Yakub, Aslam Bakhmet is indicated in kinship with the princes of Meshchersky. Oslam, As-lam - from the Turkic-Bulgarian arslan "lion"; Bakhmet - from the Turkic-Muslim Muham-mad or from the Turkic "Bai Ahmed". Most likely, they come from the Bulgaro-Burtass environment. Subsequently - scientists, revolutionaries, there is also a friend of N.G. Chernyshevsky OS, 1987, p. 115).

83. BAKHTEYAROVS. From Prince Bakhteyar and his sons Divey, Enalei and Chelibey, who received estates in the district of Rostov-Yaroslavl in the 16th century. In baptism they became princes Priimkov. Other Bakhteyars are also known: Aslan Bakhteyar - ambassador to Poland at the beginning of the 16th century; Enalei Bakhteyarov - a writer in the 17th century, one of the Siberian pioneers. The surname is from the Turkic-Persian bakhet ir “happy husband”.

84. BACHMANOVS. Nobles from the 16th century with estates in the vicinity of Ryazan and Novgorod. Mikhail Bachmanov - elder of the Trinity Monastery in 1490. The surname, perhaps, comes from the nickname "Bachman", which was worn by one of the leaders of the anti-Mongol uprising in the Volga region in 1238 - 40.

85. BASHEVS. From Stepan Bashev, who was the head of the lip in 1603. The surname is from the Tatar word bash "head".

86. BASHKINS. According to N.I. Kostomarov: “judging by the surname, of Tatar origin” - see Bashevs.

87. BASHMAKOVS. Nobles since 1662. From Daniel to you. Shoe-

Velyamina, mentioned in 1447 along with his sons, whose names were Abash, Tashlyk, Hebluk. All names are Turkic-Tatar nicknames.

88. BAYUSHEVS. Nobles since 1613 with estates in the Alatyr district of the Simbirsk province. From Bayush Razgildeev. Bayush is derived from the Tatars, bai "to get rich."

89. BEGICHEVS. From the Kazan Murza Begich, taken prisoner by the Russians in 1445. Alferiy Davidovich Begichev received estates near Kashira in 1587; later the estates of Arap Begichev were noted near Kolomna, Ryazan, Arzamas. The descendants include scientists and sailors.

90. RUNNING NEW. From Begunov Warrior Ivanovich from Meshchera, mentioned under 1590. In the 17th century they were moved to the construction of the Zakamsky Line.

91. BEKETOVS. Nobles since 1621. The surname is from the Turkic, nicknamed beket “educator of the khan’s son.” Subsequently - scientists and military personnel.

92. BEKLEMISHEVS. Princes-nobles since the 15th century. Descendants of the Tatar princes Shirinsky-Meshchersky. Back in 1472, Peter Fedorovich and

Semyon Beklemishevs are mentioned as Moscow governors. In the second half of the 14th century, Fyodor Elizarovich Beklemish-Bersen, and at the turn of the 15th - 16th centuries. Bersen-Beklemishev Ivan Nikitich is a repeated ambassador to Lithuania, Crimea and Poland. Sources characterize him as “a very proud person.” His father Nikita Beklemishev was an ambassador to Kazan. The age of the Beklemishevs' entry into Russian service is evidenced by the names "Beklemishev strelnitsa" of the Moscow Kremlin, the village of Beklemishevs in the Moscow and Pereyaslav districts. The surname is from the Turkic beklemish “guarding, locking.” The descendants include famous writers, scientists, artists, etc.

93. BEKLESHEVS. Registered as children of boyars and nobles since 1619. From Beklesh, the son of Muhammad Bulgarin, who spread Islam in Meshchera in the 13th century and then converted to Orthodoxy. At the turn of the XV - XVI centuries. Ivan Timofeevich Beklyashev-Zagryazhsky is known. The surname is from the Turkic-Bulgarian beklyavshe “locker, head of the guard post.” Subsequently - associates of Peter I, military men, sailors, senators, governors.

94. BEKORYUKOVS. Nobles since 1543. The surname is from the Turkic nickname bukeryak "humpbacked".

95. BELEUTOVS. Nobles from the 16th century, but in the 18th century the main family died out and continued in the Odintsov-Beleutovs. The basis of the family is from Alexander Beleut, who went into the service of Dmitry Donskoy and was sent as ambassador to the Horde in 1384. Alexander Beleut, one of the first Moscow boyars, was considered the eighth tribe of the Kasozh prince Rededi. Surname from Turkic. beleut, troublemaker "restless".

96. BELYAKOVS. From the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars, who moved to Lithuania at the end of the 14th century and preserved the Turkic ethnicity until the end of the 18th century. Yusuf Belyak - general, one of the last defenders of Warsaw in 1794.

97. BERDIBEKOVS. From those who left at the end of the 16th century for Lithuania together with the son of Mamai Mansur-Kiyat from the Tatars of the northern regions of the Golden Horde. Surname from Turko-Bulgar. birdie beck "gifted beck" .

98. BERDYAEVS. Nobles since 1598, lands near Smolensk

Skom and Pereyaslavl. Surname from Turkic. nicknames birdie "gifted" . Subsequently - scientists, philosophers OS, 1987, p. 130).

99. BERKUTOVS. Nobles since the 17th century. From Murza Berkut, a Kadom Misharin who converted to Christianity at the end of the 16th century. Berkutovs are a common name of the 16th-17th centuries. . Derived from the Tatar berkut "golden eagle; bird of prey" or.

100. BERSENEVS. Nobles from the 16th century. Known: Bersenev Ivan - a serviceman in 1568 in Kazan, Bersenev Peter - clerk of the Foreign Order in 1686 - 1689. The founder of the family, Ivan Nikitich Bersen-Beklemishev, was a Duma nobleman during the reign of Vasily III. The surname is from the Tatar word berSen "rose hip", but perhaps also from ber sin, i.e. "you are alone." In connection with the Beklemishevs, they may come from the Bulgarianized Burtas. Named after the Bersenevs, the villages of Bersenevki in Moscow and Pereyaslavl districts, Bersenevskaya embankment in Moscow.

101. BIBIKOVS. Nobles from the 16th century. From the great-grandson of Zhidimirov, a Tatar, who left the Blue Horde to Grand Duke Mikhail Yarosyaevich. Zhidimir's son Dmitry was in 1314 the father-in-law of Prince Fyodor Mikhailovich, and the great-grandson Fyodor Mi-kulich, nicknamed Bibik (Turkic, bai bek "rich gentleman" - became the founder of the Bibikov family. They belonged to noble Tver families, from among which were David Bibik - ambassador to Pskov in 1464, estates in Arzamas; Ivan Bibikov - repeated ambassador to Crimea in the 16th century. Subsequently - statesmen, military men, scientists.

102. BIZYAEVS. Nobles since the 17th century. From Kirey Bizyaev, a gunner, a native of Kazan, an estate in Lebedyan near Kursk. Kirey and Bizyai are Turkic names.

103. BIMIRZINS. From Bi-Mirza - Russian ambassador in 1554

1556 in Nogai, including to Yusuf. Surname from Turkic. Bai-murza "rich gentleman".

104. BIREVES. Arap, Istoma and Zamyatna Birev - from the Tatars baptized in 1556, estates in the 16th - 17th centuries. near Kashira and Kolomna. The surname is from the Tatars, bir "give!" Biryuy

One of the governors of Batu under 1240

105. BIRKINS. From Ivan Mikhailovich Birk, who left at the beginning. XV century in the service of Prince Fyodor Olgovich Ryazansky. In 1560, 1565, Pyotr Grigorievich Birkin was known, who owned estates near Ryazan, and in the 16th - 17th centuries. a number of service Birkins: Rodion Petrovich - ambassador in 1587 to Iveria; Vasily Vasilyevich - steward of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Surname from the Turkic-Mongolian birke, berke

"strong, mighty" According to N.A. Baskakov, they are associated with the Bai-churins - Bachurins, who received nobility in 1685 and transformed into the Bi-churins - Michurins with estates in the Tambov province. The surname is from the Bulgaro-Tatar bai chura "rich hero".

107. FLEAS. From Ivan Blokha from the Great Horde, who switched to Russian service at the beginning of the 15th century. In 1495, Ivan Ivanovich Blokha - Anichkov was noted in Novgorod. Subsequently - scientists, revolutionaries, athletes.

108. BOGDANOVS. Nobles from the 16th century.

Two lines of Turkic-Tatar origin: 1) From Touzak, son of Bogdanov, recorded as a nobleman in 1580, and Ishim Bogdanov, who was a messenger to Crimea in 1568. From Bogdan, son of the Kadom Murza Yan Glych, son of Bedish, who passed over in the 2nd half of the 16th century into Russian service. In the 60s of the 16th century, the inhabitants of Kazan are celebrated - the Bogdanovs Ivan Baba, Vasily, one of whom was a centurion of archers. Subsequently - prominent scientists, philosophers, artists.

109. BOGDANOVSKIES. From the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars. In the 16th-16th centuries. Mirza Bogdanov and his sons Nazykh and Nazim are known, who were elevated to the rank of nobility after the Battle of Berestov in 1651, and then promoted to the Russian nobility.

110. BULGARIAN. The nobles since 1786 assume their exit from Danube Bulgaria, which is contradicted by the presence of a crescent moon in the family coat of arms - a typical Muslim sign; therefore, these are most likely immigrants from Volga Bulgaria. In this regard, the name “Bulgarian volost” near Kostroma is interesting.

111. BOLTS. From Mikhail Bolt, the son of Murza Kutlu-bug from the Greater Horde, who switched to Russian service in the 14th century. In 1496 they were already nobles. Andrei Boltin, nicknamed Alai, was killed near Kazan in 1548, Akhmat Fedorov Boltin was mentioned in 1556, and Ondrei Ivanov Boltin was noted as a serviceman in Kazan in 1568. At the end of the 15th century, Bolta was indicated as a relative of the Taneyevs (see). From the 16th - 17th centuries. The Boltins had estates in the Nizhny Novgorod region, including the famous Pushkin Boldino. Among the descendants are known the conquerors of Siberia, scientists, and relatives of the Pushkins.

112. BORISOVS. Nobles from 1612, came from the gentry of Poland and Lithuania, where they obviously came from the Muslim - Turkic world, as evidenced by the presence of two crescents in the coat of arms. They knew Kazan well - Tatar language, like, for example, Borisov Nikita Vasilyevich, who in 1568 was a okolnichy in Kazan and served as a copyist of the Kazan trade in the Tatar language.

113. BORKOVSKY. Nobles since 1674, immigrants from Poland, where they obviously came from the Turkic world, as evidenced by their surname, which comes from Turkic. burek "hat", as N.A. Baskakov believes.

114. BOROVITIKOVS. Nobles from the 16th - 17th centuries. with estates near Novgorod, from Prince Vasily Dmitrievich Borovitik, who came from Meshchera at the end of the 15th century.

115. BUZOVLEVS. From Chestigay Buzovlya from the Tatars. In the middle of the 15th century, the “outskirts” of the Buzovlevs were already mentioned. Since 1649 nobles. The surname is from the Tatar-Mishar nickname buzavly “having a calf.”

116. BUKRYABOV. From the Lithuanian messenger to Moscow in 1658, Ulan Bukryab. Surname from Turkic. bükre "hunchbacked".

117. BULATOV. Already in the 16th - 17th centuries. had lands near Kashira and Ryazan in places where the lands of people from Kazan were usually concentrated; the date of entry into the nobility was 1741. The surname comes from the Turkic damask steel - steel. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. General Governor of Siberia, Decembrists, scientists, military men. Immigrants with his son Mamai Mansur-Kiyat to Lithuania at the end of the 14th century. In 1408, some of them in Svidrigaila’s retinue went to Russian service, where they received lands near Novgorod and Moscow. In the 15th century they were known as boyars; in 1481 they were named governor of Novgorod.

118. BULGAKOVS The surname of the first, like the others, is from the Turkic-Tatar bulgak “proud man”. From Ivan Ivanovich Shay - Bulgak, a family of the khan, who entered the service at the beginning of the 15th century for Olga Ryazansky and the sons of Golitsa. In the XV - XVI centuries. already had boyar rank and villages, including those near Moscow. In 1566 - 1568, the boyars Peter and Grigory Andreevich Bulgakov were governors in Kazan and had local villages in the vicinity of Kazan, including Kulmametovo and others. From Matvey Bulgakov, who left the Horde at the beginning of the 15th century to the Ryazan prince Fyodor Vasilyevich and was, together with his brother Denisy, in his service.

From among the Bulgakovs, who thus had different, but Turkic origin, famous writers, scientists, warriors, philosophers, and metropolitans came out.

119. BULGARINS. Nobles since 1596, estates in the vicinity of Kostroma, where people from the Kazan environment were usually located. Here, in Novotorzhok district, was the Bolgarskaya Guba or volost. Under the same surname (for example, Thaddeus Bulgarin - writer of the first half of the 19th century century) there were also people from among the Polish Tatars.

120. BUNINS. From Bunin Prokuda Mikhailovich, whose grandfather, who came from the Horde to the Ryazan princes, received land in the Ryazhsky district. According to other sources, under 1445, the Ryazan resident Bunko is mentioned in the service of Grand Duke Vasily. From among the Bunins - famous scientists, statesmen, writers, including the laureate Nobel Prize I.A.Bunin.

121. BURNASHEVS. Nobles since 1668. Burnash - from the Tatar word burnash "bully, bachelor", a common Turkic name, preserved among the Russified Tatars - see Burnash Girey, Crimean Khan in 1512, Burnash Obezyaninov - mentioned under 1561 in Kolomna, Burnash Elychev - Cossack ataman in 1567 year, Burnash Gagarin. Subsequently - famous scientists, agronomists, writers, etc.

122. BUSURMANOVS. Nobles from the end of the 16th century. Known: under 1587, peasant Fyodor Busurman from Arzamas; under 1619, Prince Ivan Yuryevich Busurman-Meshchersky. The surname comes from the word infidel, busurman, that is, Muslim; people from among the ancestors of the Mishars.

123. BUTURLINS. Nobles and counts from the ancient family of the legendary Radsha "from the Germans", who left in the 13th century to Alexander Nevsky, dispute this legendary statement and believe that it was Musa from the mysterious Radsha family who left the Horde in the first quarter of the 15th century, whose great-grandson Ivan Buturlya laid the foundations the well-known boyar family of the Buturlins with estates mainly in the Nizhny Novgorod region. N.A. Baskakov believes that the Buturlins left the Horde to visit Ivan Kalita in 1337, and their surname is derived from the Turkic buturlya “restless person.” Subsequently - military men, governors, related to the Musins ​​- Pushkins.

124. BUKHARINS. Nobles since 1564. From Timofey Grigoryevich Bukhara - Naumov, mentioned at the end of the 15th century and his descendants, clerk Ishuk Bukharin and Evtikhiy Ivanov, son of Bukharin. N.A. Baskakov has no doubt about the Turkic origin of the family. Subsequently - scientists, statesmen and politicians.

125. VALISHEVS. Nobles from the turn of the 16th - 17th centuries. The coat of arms contains an image of a crescent and six-pointed stars - Muslim symbols. They had estates in the Novgorod region. The surname is from the Turkic Vali, “friend close to Allah.”

126. VELYAMINOVS. From Velyamin-Protasius, who came from the Horde and was Dmitry Donskoy’s thousand-year-old, it is assumed that his ancestor was Yakup the Blind. Several more names of Turkic origin are mentioned in the family - at the turn of the 15th - 16th centuries. Ivan Shadra-Velyaminov and his brother Ivan Oblyaz-Velyaminov. In 1646, the son of the boyar Velyaminov Kuzma was noted in Kazan. The surname is from the Turkic-Arabic name Veliamin, “a friend close to Allah.” Some suggest a relationship through the legendary Horde native Chet with Godunov, Saburov and others.

127. VELYAMINOV-ZER-NOVY. The OGDR notes: “In 1330, Prince Cheta left the Horde, named Zachary after baptism. Prince Cheta had a grandson, Dmitry Alexandrovich, nicknamed Zerno. The son of this Dmitry Zerno, Ivan Dmitrievich, had children Ivan Godun, from whom the Godunovs descended, and Fyodor Sabur, from this came the Saburovs. The grandson of Dmitry Zerno, Andrei Konstantinovich, nicknamed Glaz, had a son, Velyamin, and from him came the Velyaminovs - the Zernovs." This evidence, supported by a number of researchers, was sharply criticized back in the 30s by S.B. Veselovsky, who pointed out a number of chronological inconsistencies, revealing that Alexander Zerno, the son of Zachary, was killed back in 1304, i.e. 26 years before his father arrived in Rus'. At the same time, the presence of the stem "Veliamin" of Turkic origin in the surname forces us to believe that the founder of the Velyaminov surname, the Zernovs, is also a Turkic origin.

128. VERDERNIKOVS. Nobles who descended their family from Solokkhmir from the Great Horde, who entered Rus' in 1371. The Turkic name of the founder of the Verdernikov family is Kudash Apraksin. In the XV - XVI centuries. Ryazan boyars with lands in the Ryazan region, and then boyars under the Grand Dukes and Tsars Vasily III and Ivan IV. They were related to the Apraksins and Khitrovs (see).

129. VISLOUKHOVY. A noble boyar family related to the Saburovs, it is reported that the founder of the family, Semyon Visloukh, was the grandson of Fyodor Sabur, grandson of Dmitry Zerno, whose grandfather, the legendary Prince Cheta, left the Golden Horde to serve the Grand Duke Ivan Dmitrievich. In the 15th century, the Visloukhovs were already boyars in the Novgorod land, and in the 16th century they actively participated as governors in the Livonian War. The connection with the Saburovs, who have a surname from the Turkic nickname sabur - Arabic-Turkic “patient”, makes one think about the Turkic origin of the Visloukhovs.

130. VYSHINSKY. From the Polish - Lithuanian Tatars, who back in the 17th century bore the title of princes of Yushinsky, polonized in Vyshinsky. Among the nobles since 1591. Based on the sign - tamga, which appears in the family coat of arms in the form of a vertically directed arrow, most likely they come from the Oguz-Bashkir clan of Sakhir.

131. GARSHINS. From Murza Garsha or Gorsha, a native of the Horde under Ivan III. In the XVII - XIX centuries. a seedy noble family, the most prominent representative of which was the famous Russian writer Garshin Vsevolod Mikhailovich. The Turkic origin of the ancestors is also evidenced by the surname Garshin, which comes from the Turkic-Persian garsha, Curonian “brave ruler, hero.”

132. GIREEVS. From the Gireys - descendants of the Golden Horde Khan Tokhtamysh. In Russian service, obviously, already from the end of the 15th century, if not earlier, so KDK in 1526 was mentioned as the Moscow nobleman Vasily Mikhailovich Gireev, and in 1570 Andrei and Yuri Vasilyevich Gireev. They owned the villages of Gireevo-Gubkine and Novogireevo near Moscow. The surname most likely comes from the Turkic girey, kirei “black ram”. See Kireevs.

133. GLINSKY. Princes. There are two versions of their Turkic-Horde origin, but both are traced to Prince Mamai, defeated in 1380 by Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo Field. According to the first version, the family descends from the son of Mamai

Mansur-Kiyat, who settled in the Dnieper region after 1380 and founded the cities of Glinsk and Poltava here, and from the first city the family received the name Glinsky. According to the second version, the family descends from Lekhsad, the son of Mansuksan, the son of Mamai, who entered the service of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt and received Glinsk and Poltava as an inheritance. As A.A. Zimin suggests, the Glinskys, Mikhail Lvovich and his brother Ivan Lvovich, nicknamed Mamai, left the Principality of Lithuania for Rus' in 1508 and received the Moscow region villages of Yaroslavets, Medyn, Borovesk here as “feeders”. Thus, the Glinskys found themselves in the category of “service princes” and had an appanage system of land tenure. In the 16th century, the Glinskys were the most prominent figures in the history of the Russian nobility: Ivan Lvovich was ambassador to Crimea, and soon became the governor of Kyiv. Mikhail Glinsky, whose niece Elena Glinskaya married Grand Duke Vasily III, was the initiator of the campaigns against Smolensk and Kazan, an active participant in the Glinsky conspiracy, died in 1536 in captivity. In the middle of the 16th century, the Glinskys, Mikhail Vasilyevich and Vasily Prokopyevich, were active participants in the conquest of Kazan, and the latter was even the governor of Kazan in 1562. Subsequently - scientists and military personnel. The surname belongs to relatively late immigrants from Poland, who received Russian nobility in 1775. According to N.A. Baskakov, the surname is from the Turkic-Bulgar nickname gogul, kogul “blue bird”. But, according to S. Veselovsky, there were also earlier names - see Job Gogol, a peasant in Novgorod, mentioned in 1459; Gogolevo is one of the camps of the Moscow district in the 16th - 17th centuries.

135. GODUNOVS. One of the controversial names. The official pedigree, available in two versions, states that the Godunovs are descendants of Prince Cheta, who left the Golden Horde in 1330 to Ivan Kalita, and relatives of the Saburovs, or that the Godunovs are from Ivan Godun of the Golden Horde formulated this in a generalized form, suggesting that the Godunovs from Ivan Godun, son of Ivan Zerno, son of Dmitry Zerno, a Kostroma resident from the 14th century, grandson of Prince Chet, who left the Golden Horde for Russian service. This opinion was opposed negatively by S. Veselovsky and especially sharply, although without providing any evidence, by R. G. Skrynnikov, who somewhat arrogantly wrote: “The ancestors of the Godunovs were neither Tatars nor slaves.” It should be noted that S. Veselovsky, as an objective researcher, still admitted the possibility of the Turkic origin of the Godunovs and even cited the name of one of the possible ancestors of the Godunovs - Asan Godun, who lived in the 14th century. According to N.A. Baskakov, the surname Godunov is associated with the Turkic nickname godun, gudun “stupid, reckless person.” The name Asan - Hasan testifies in favor of the Turkic origin. IN Russian history The most famous is Boris Godunov, the Russian Tsar at the turn of the 16th-17th centuries, the brother of the wife of the previous Tsar Fyodor Ioanovich.

136. GOLENISHCHEVS - KUTUZOVS. Also a controversial surname, because the official pedigree states that the ancestor, the hero Gavrila, joined Alexander Nevsky “from the Germans.” From this great-great-grandson of this Gavrila Fyodor Alexandrovich Kutuz came the Kutuzovs, and from his son Kutuz Anania Alexandrovich, nicknamed Vasily Golenishche, the Golenishchevs. The united clan received the surname Golenishchev-Kutuzov. The daughter of Andrei Mikhailovich Golenishchev - Kutuzov was married to the last Kazan king, who received the name Simeon Bikbulatovich in baptism, is skeptical about this pedigree and, together with A.A. Zimin, believes that the Golenishchev family

Kutuzov has a later origin, not associated with either the “Germans” or the Horde. They believe that the founder of the Kutuzov family, Fyodor Kutuz, lived in the last quarter of the 14th - first quarter of the 15th centuries; the founder of the Golenishchev family - Vasily Golenishche, son of Anania, brother of Fyodor Kutuz, grandson of the Novgorodian Proksha - lived in the second half of the 15th century. N.A. Baskakov admits the Turkic origin of the Kutuzov surname from the Turkic nickname kutuz, koutur “mad; hot-tempered.” It is possible and very ancient origin a family from the Bulgars who fled to Alexander Nevsky in the 30s and 40s of the 13th century from the Mongol invasion.

137. GOLITSYNS. Also a controversial surname with several versions of the genealogy: 1) from Golitsa, nicknamed Bulgak, great-grandson of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas, son of Gediminas, from Prince Bulgakov Golitsa, who languished in Polish-Lithuanian captivity from 1514 to 1552 from Prince Mikhail Ivanovich Golitsa Kurakin, who died in 1558 from the son of Ivan Bulgak, Mikhail Golitsa, grandson of Patrikaya Narimontovich, son of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas; related to the Khovanskys and Koretskys. In all four versions there are names associated with Turkic nicknames - see Bulgak, Ediman, Nariman, Kuraka, therefore, following N.A. Baskakov, it is quite possible to assume the Turkic origin of the Golitsyns, perhaps even from the Bulgars, who fled from the Mongol invasion first in Lithuania, and then went to Rus'. Active life descendants, dating back to the 17th - 18th centuries, was often associated with the Volga region and Kazan. Golitsyn Boris Aleksandrovich in 1683 - 1713 headed the Kazan order, i.e. was actually the ruler of the Volga region; Golitsyn Vasily Vasilievich participated in the events of 1610 - 1613, was one of the contenders for Russian throne; later - princes, senators, scientists, military OS, 1987, p. 317).

138. GORCHAKOVS. Princes, nobles since 1439, Descend from the grandson of Prince Mstislav Karachevsky Gorchak, to whom the city of Karachev was granted. Prince Pyotr Ivanovich Gorchakov in 1570 was recorded among the children of the boyars, suggesting the Turkic origin of both the names Karachev and Gorchak.

139. GORYAINOVS. Nobles from the middle of the 16th century. From Egup Yakovlevich Goryain, whose father came from Kazan to Rus'.

140. READY. The OGDR records: “The surname Gotovtsevs comes from Murza Atmet, who went to Grand Prince Vasily Vasilyevich the Dark, who accepted the Greek-Russian faith and was named Peter at baptism, who had a son Andrei, nicknamed Gotovets; the descendants descended from him took the name Gotovtsevs.” The Velvet Book additionally notes that the Gotovtsevs are “from the Tatars.” In 1511, Urak Andreevich Gotovtsev was recorded in Moscow, which once again confirms the Turkic origin of this family.

141. DAVIDOVS. The family of Davyd, the son of Murza Minchak Kasaevich, who came from the Golden Horde to Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich and took the name Simeon at baptism. Since 1500 they already had estates, including in the 17th - 20th centuries. in Nizhny Novgorod and Simbirsk provinces. Related to the Uvarovs, Zlobins, and Orinkins. Last name and first name Davyd -Davud ~ Daoud is an Arabized and Turkicized form of the Hebrew name David, which means “beloved, loving.” The descendants include warriors, Decembrists, diplomats, academics, etc.

141. DASHKOVS. 2 families: 1) from Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Dashko of Smolensk at the beginning of the 15th century came the Dashkov princes, small landowners. In 1560, Prince Andrei Dmitrievich Dashkov described Kostroma; 2) - from Murza Dashek from the Horde and his son Mikhail Alekseevich, who left the Horde to Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich at the turn of the 14th - 15th centuries. . Dashek, who took the name Daniel in baptism, died in Moscow in 1408, leaving a son, Mikhail, nicknamed Ziyalo. From this family came the Dashkov nobles. The nickname “Dashek,” according to N.A. Baskakov, is of Turkic-Oguz origin from dashyk “arrogant,” but it may also come from tashak, tashakly “courageous.” The nickname Ziyalo comes from the Persian-Turkic “radiance of Ali”. From both families, but mainly from the second, came the nobles who actively participated in all the aggressive campaigns of Rus' against Kazan, the Baltic states in the 16th - 17th centuries, governors in many cities, ambassadors and diplomats, scientists, including the first and only female president Russian Academy Science Ekaterina Dashkova.

143. DEVLEGAROVS. From Devlegarov Mamkey, a service Tatar, a village of service Tatars in the middle of the 16th century, ambassador to Nogai in 1560. Judging by the surname common among the Mishar Tatars, the Devlegarov family is of Mishar origin. The surname is from a nickname consisting of two parts: Persian-Muslim. devlet "happiness", "wealth" and the Persian-Turkic girey "strong", "mighty".

144. DEDENEVS. From. Duden, who with Thermos and relatives of Sergei of Radonezh moved in 1330 to the Moscow Principality. In the 15th century, Duden's descendants had the princely title and at the end of the 16th century they already bore the surname Dedenev. The Turkic origin is confirmed by the prevalence of this name among the Horde - see: Duden - Horde ambassador to Moscow in 1292. The Dudenevs received nobility in 1624, the surname from the ancient Turkic grandfather "father".

145. GRANDFATHERS. From Kurbat Dedyulin, a service man noted in Kazan in 1566. Most likely, he is a native of Kazan with the same surname based on his grandfather’s nickname.

146. POWERS. From the State of Alexei, the son of Dmitry Narbek, the son of Murza Abrahim - Ibrahim, who came out of the Great Horde to serve the Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich, the relationship of the Derzhavins with the Narbekovs and Tyeglevs is also noted. The year 1481 marks the trading man Derzhavin Filya. The descendants include the great Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin, born in 1743 near Kazan.

147. DOLGOVO - SABUROVS. The OGDR reports: “The Dolgov-Saburov family comes from Atun Murza Andanovich, who went to the noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky from the Great Horde, who was named Boris at baptism and was a boyar under the Grand Duke. This Boris had a great-grandson Fyodor Matveevich Sabur, whose descendants are Dolgovo - Saburovs." The Turkic-Horde origin of the family is evidenced by the surnames and names coming from the nicknames: Atun - from the ancient Turkic aidun “light, radiance”; Andan - from the Turkic-Persian andamli "slender"; Sabur ~ Sabyr - from the Arabic-Muslim sabur “long-suffering”, one of the epithets of Allah. In 1538, the city clerk Dolgovo-Saburov Ivan Shemyaka was mentioned in Yaroslavl. Judging by the "" names and time of departure, the Dolgovo-Saburovs may have been refugees from the Bulgars during the Mongol invasion.

148. DUVANOVS. Nobles in the Ryazan lands since the 16th century. From Duvan, who emerged from the Great Horde in the 15th century to the Ryazan princes. The surname is from the Turkic nickname duvan “Maidan, open place, Cossack gathering for sharing the spoils.” Related to the Temiryazovs and Turmashevs (see).

149. DULOVS. From Murza Dulo, who came from the Horde to Prince Ivan Danilovich Shakhovsky in the middle of the 15th century. The surname may be from the Old Bulgarian "Dulo" - one of the two royal Bulgarian families.

150. DUNILOVS. A noble family from Dunila from the Tatars. In the middle of the 15th century, Peter Eremeev Dunilo - Bakhmetyev was noted, which - along with evidence of the relationship of the Dunilovs with the Bakhmetyevs - once again confirms their Turkic origin.

151. DURASOVS. Nobles from the 17th century, estate in Arzamas district. From Kirinbey Ilyich Durasov, who switched to Russian service in 1545 from the Kazan Tatars. The name Kirinbey comes from the Tatar nickname kyryn bey “devious, outlying gentleman,” and Durasov, perhaps, from the Arab-Turkic durr, durr “pearl, pearl.”

152. EDIGEEVS. Nobles from the 16th century, related to the Postnikovs. Edigei ~ Edigei - Idigei - Bulgaro-Tatar Murza, who ruled at the turn of the 14th - 15th centuries. to all Deshti Kipchak. After the murder of Edigei in 1420, numerous of his relatives, persecuted by the Horde, went into Russian service. One of the Edigeevs already in the middle of the 15th century was a patrimonial owner with the village of Edigeevo in Pereyaslavsky district near Grand Duchess Maria Yaroslavna.

153. ELGOZINS. Nobles since the 17th century. From Ivan Elgozin, mentioned as a serving Tatar with estates in the Arzamas district under 1578. The surname most likely comes from a double Turkic nickname: el ~ il “region, possession, tribe” and gozya ~ Khoja ~ huzha “lord, owner,” that is, “owner of the country, owner of the tribe.”

154. YELCHINS - YELTSINS. Nobles from the turn of the 16th - 17th centuries. From Yelch from the Horde. Yelchin Ivan is mentioned as a clerk in Moscow under 1609. The surname is from the Turkic nickname elchi "messenger". The transition of the surname Elchin to the surname Yeltsin is possible. It is reported that “The ancestor of the Elchaninov family, Alendrok, went to Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich from Poland. The descendants of this Alendrok, the Elchaninovs... were granted estates from the sovereigns in 1476.” Apparently, Alendrok Elchaninov was from the Volga Turks, who first left no later than the turn of the 14th - 15th centuries. to Poland, but soon, without even losing their Turkic surname, they switched to Russian service. According to N.A. Baskakov, the name Alendrok is from the Turkic nickname alyndyrk “forehead, mask”, and the surname is also from the Turkic nickname yelchy “messenger, herald”.

156. ELYCHEVS. From a Kazan Tatar who switched to Russian service after 1552. He or his relative Elychev Burkash, with the rank of Cossack ataman, traveled to Siberia and China in 1567 and described his journey.

157. ENAKLYCHEVS. From the Kazanians or Mishars, who switched to Russian service no later than the middle of the 16th century, since already at the beginning of the 17th century they were known with Orthodox names, for example, Boris Grigorievich Enaklychev-Chelishchev. The surname is from the two-part Turkic nickname ena ~ yana “new, new” + klych “saber”, that is, “new saber”.

158. ENALEEVS. A common Kazan-Mishar surname. The Russian surname comes from the Kazan Murza Enalei, who went over to the Russian side before the capture of Kazan and in 1582 received a royal salary. They had possessions in Kolomna, like their relatives the Bakhtiyarovs.

159. EPANCHA-BEZZUBOVY. From Semyon Semyonovich Epanchin - Bezzubts, grandson of Konstantin Aleksandrovich Bezzubts and great-grandson of Alexander Bezzubts - the founder of the Sheremetyevs. They owned estates in Kolomensky district. Semyon Epanchin-Bezzubets was a governor in the Kazan campaigns in 1541 - 1544, his daughter was married to Ivan Kurbsky, and later - landowners in the Arzamas district. The first part of the surname is from the Turkic nickname epancha ~ yapunche "cape, cloak, burka".

160. EPANCHINS. From Semyon Epancha, nicknamed Zamyatna, great-great-grandson of the legendary Mare. In the scribe book of 1578, the estate of Ulan Epanchin is recorded in Kolomna district. The first and last name, based on Turkic nicknames, leaves no doubt about the Turkic origin of both families of the Epanchins.

161. EPISHEVS. From Kirinbey Epish, who switched to Russian service and was stationed in Tver in 1540. There is also another mention of Epish Kitai Ivanovich. The surname and names are based on Turkic nicknames: Epish - maybe from the Turkic yapish ~ yabysh “attach yourself”; Kirinbey - “devious prince, hit”; China - Bashkir-Kipchak tribal name Kytai ~ Katai.

162. YERMOLINS. From the Turkic nickname er “husband, hero” and molla “scientist, teacher”. In the second half of the 15th century, the builder and scientist Vasily Dmitrievich Ermolin was known in Moscow, who built a number of churches in the Moscow Kremlin and participated in the writing of the Ermolin Chronicle. If this is a descendant of a native of the Turkic environment, as clearly evidenced by his surname, then - judging by the Orthodox name and patronymic - the exit of his ancestors should have taken place somewhere at the turn of the 14th - 15th centuries.

163. YERMOLOVS. The OGDR reports: “The ancestor of the Ermolov family Arslan Murza Ermola, and at baptism named Ioan... in 7014 (1506) went to Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich from the Golden Horde. The great-grandson of this Arslan Trosti Ivanov son Ermolov was written in 7119 (1611) in Moscow in the boyar book." The surname of the first ancestor is undoubtedly of Turkic origin. Subsequently - generals, scientists, artists, including: Ermolov Alexander Petrovich - Russian general, hero of the war of 1812, conqueror of the Caucasus; Ermolova Maria Nikolaevna - famous Russian actress OS, 1987, p. 438).

164. ZHDANOVS. The ancestor of the Zhdanovs is traced back to the great-grandson of Oslan Murza from the Golden Horde, who went to Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy at the end of the 14th century. In the XV - XVII centuries. nicknames Zhdan, Zhdanovs were very common in Rus': Zhdan Veshnyakov - Pskov landowner in 1551, Zhdan Kvashnin in 1575, Zhdan Ermila Semyonovich Velyaminov - exiled in 1605 to Sviyazhsk, Zhdan Ignatiev - Kazan with shops under 1568, the nickname Zhdan can be from the Turkic-Persian vijdan "religious fanatic, passionate lover."

165. ZHEMAILOVS. Nobles from the 16th century. From Zhem from the Tatars. The Zhemailovs (including Zhemailov Timofey Alexandrovich, mentioned in 1556) had estates in Kashira and Kolomna,

Where the servicemen from the Kazan exit were usually located. The surname may be from the Muslim nickname Juma, i.e. "born on Friday"

166. ZAGOSKINS. Nobles from the 16th century. According to the official pedigree, the Zagoskins descend from Zakhar Zagosko from the Golden Horde. In the biography of the Zagoskins, placed in the RBS, it is reported that the Zagoskins descend from Shevkan Zagora, who came out of the Golden Horde to Ivan III in 1472, was baptized Alexander Anbulatovich and received the village of Ramzai in the Penza province as his estate. S. Veselovsky, without providing any evidence, considers this information a legend. Surnames and names associated by their origin with Turkic-Muslim nicknames (Zakhar ~ Zagor ~ Zagir "winner" Shevkan ~ Shevkat "powerful" - Gafurov 1987, pp. 146, 209 - 210) strengthen the Turkic version of the origin of the Zagoskin family. Subsequently, scientists, writers, and travelers were known from the Zagoskin family.

167. ZAGRYAZHSKIES. Nobles since the 15th century. According to the pedigree, descent from Anton Zagryazh, son of Isakhar, brother-in-law of the Horde king, who left the Golden Horde to serve Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. Since the second half of the 15th century, the Zagryazhsky estates in the Bezhetsk Pyatina have been mentioned, and among the names there are also Turkic nicknames - Ashikhta, Beklyash, Kurbat. The Zagryazhskys were active nobles in the 15th - 17th centuries, especially under Boris Godunov. So, in 1537, G.D. Zagryazhsky, who was in the embassy service, brought Ivan III a treaty document on the entry of Novgorod into Muscovite Rus'. The Turkic origin of the family is confirmed by the surnames and names: Isakhar - from the Turkic izagor "angry", Zagryazh - Zagir - Zahir, Beklyash, Kurbat.

168. Zekeevs. In 1626, the townsman Nikita Zekeev was mentioned in Rzhev. His Orthodox name - Nikita, is combined with a fairly typical Turkic surname with the Russified family suffix Zeki (Zaki) - “ev”. The surname is from the Turkic-Arabic-Muslim nickname Zaki "shrewd".

169. ZENBULATOVS. In the OGDR it is written: “The ancestor of the Zenbulatov family, Ivan Oteshev, son of the Zenbulatovs, was granted an estate for his services and for his seat in Moscow in 7096? (1588). Later, in 1656 - 1665, a clerk of the zemstvo order, Afanasy Zenbulatov, with an estate in Kaluga, was mentioned. N.A. Baskakov names and surnames have Turkic-Muslim nicknames: Oteshev - Utesh, Otysh “gift, achievement, success”; Zenbulatov-Dzhanbulatov - Steel. Zenbulatov most likely came from the Mishar Tatars, among whom this surname is still common.

170. VICIOUS. Official genealogies report that the Zlobins descend from the Zloba son of Minchak Kasaev, who left the Great Horde to join the Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich. If this is so, then the Zlobins turn out to be related to the Davydovs, Orinkins, and Uvarovs. S.B. Veselovsky in one of his early works, pointing out that Ivan Ivanovich Zloba was already a governor in the second half of the 15th century, doubts the Horde-Turkic exit of the Zlobins. In one of his later works he cites the Turkic names of the Zlobins and no longer expresses doubts about their Turkic affiliation. N.A. Baskakov, although he does not consider the Zlobins as Turkic immigrants, gives the etymology of almost all Turkic-Arab nicknames in the surname of the Zlobin family. Thus, he traces the name Minchak to the Turkic nickname munjak ~ munchak " gem, necklace", although it is also possible to interpret this name as a Minsk person - a person belonging to the Min tribe, which was one of the famous Kipchak-Bashkir formations. He considers the name Kasai to be his own male name from kous ai, i.e. “curved crescent”. Considering the surname of the Karandeevs, he etymologizes the name Karandey from the Turkic-Tatar word karyndy “pot-bellied”, and the name Kurbat from the Turkic-Arabic nickname Karabat “short”. Subsequently, writers, scientists, builders, etc. were known under the surname of the Zlobins.

171. SNAKES. The official pedigree notes that the Zmeevs descend from Fyodor Vasilyevich Zmey, the grandson of Beklemish, who entered the service of Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich. Zmeevs - The Zmeevs are mentioned among the residents in Kazan: Fedor Zmeev under 1568, Mikhail and Stepan Zmeev under 1646. In addition to the Beklemishevs, whose Turkic origin there is no doubt, the Torusovs are also mentioned as related to the Zmeevs.

172. TEETH. The official pedigree says that the Zubovs descend from Amragat, the governor of Vladimir, who was baptized in 1237. The nickname Amragat is most likely a corruption of Amir Gata or Amir Gataullah - Arabic-Sulm. "ruler by the grace of God" Since in 1237 the city of Vladimir was taken by the Mongols only on New Year's Eve, Amir Gata was hardly a Mongol governor; most likely, this was one of the prominent Bulgar feudal lords who fled to Rus' from the Mongol invasion. From the second half of XV - first half XVI centuries Among the Zubovs, princes, counts and nobles begin to stand out.

173. ZYUZINS. Quite common in the 15th - 16th centuries. the surname is of Turkic origin, most likely from the nickname syuji ~ syuzle “having a voice.” Even at the turn of the XV - XVI centuries. Bakhtiyar Zyuzin is celebrated in Tver. In the middle and second half of the 16th century, several Zyuzins were mentioned in Kazan: so, under 1568, the old Kazan tenant Zyuzin Bulgak lived in Kazan; son of the boyar Zyuzin Vasily. The Kazan state elected nobleman was the Kazan resident Zyuzin Belyanitsa Lavrentievich, baptized in the second half of the 16th century. The signatures under his charter were approved in 1598 by Tsar Boris Godunov and confirmed in 1613 by Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.

174. JEVLEVES. The surname Ievlev comes from the Turkic nickname iyevle “bent, stooped.” They were given nobility in 1614 for their service and the siege of Moscow. Maybe these were immigrants from Kazan during its conquest.

175. IZDEMIROVY. Service people in the 17th century. In the embassy order under 1689, the interpreters from the Tatar Izdemirs are noted. The surname most likely comes from a somewhat distorted Tatar nickname Uzdamir ~ Uztemir “iron heart, persistent, courageous man.”

176. IZMAILOVS. Prominent boyars and nobles already in the 15th - 16th centuries. From Izmail, nephew of Prince Solokkhmirsky, who entered the service of Grand Duke Olga Igorevich of Ryazan in 1427 - 1456. At the court of the Ryazan princes, Shaban Izmail was a falconer. In 1494, Ivan Ivanovich Izmailov, nicknamed Inka, was the governor of the Ryazan princes. His relatives of the same time are also mentioned - Kudash, Kharamza. In the middle and second half of the 17th century, the Izmailovs were already noted as Moscow okolnichy and governors. They owned the village of Izmailovo near Moscow, which was soon purchased royal family for a country residence. Many names associated with the early Izmailovs - Izmail, Solykh Emir, Shaban, Kudash, Kharamza - are of Turkic origin. Subsequently, the Izmailov family became statesmen, scientists, writers, and military men.

177. ISENEVS. Service Tatars - Isenev Baygildey, a village of service Tatars, participated in the Russian embassy to Azov in 1592; Isenchyura, serving Tatar, messenger to Nogai in 1578. All names and surnames associated with these messages are Turkic. The nickname chyura was typical for the Volga Bulgars, so it is possible that some Isenevs came out of the Bulgar environment.

178. ISUPOVY. Their ancestors came to Rus' from the Golden Horde back in the time of Dmitry Donskoy as Murza relatives of the Arsenyevs and Zhdanovs. But there could be later exits with the same nicknames. So, under 1568, the Kazan resident Isupka, a paid interpreter, was mentioned, and even earlier, under 1530, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Isup - Samarin, under 1556 in Kashira Osip Ivanovich Isupov. The surname of the Isupovs is from the Turkicized nickname Isup ~ Yusup ~ Yusuf from the Hebrew Joseph “increased”.

179. HEELS. As nobles they were granted estates in 1628. According to N.A. Baskakov, the surname comes from the Turkic nickname heel - cap + bast "receptacle".

180. KADISHEVS. Nobles from the end of the 16th century, but in Russian service back in the first half of the 16th century. From Kadysh, the Kazan Murza, who went to Rus' in the first quarter of the 16th century and repeatedly visited embassies in Crimea. The sources also note: Cossack Temish Kadyshev in 1533, Timofey Kadyshev in Tula in 1587, Ivan Mikhailovich Kadyshev in Arzamas in 1613.

181. KAZARINOV. Nobles from the 16th century. In 1531-32, Mikhail Kazarin, the son of Alexei Vasilyevich Burun, one of the sons of Vasily Glebovich Sorokoumov, was a bed-boy. Surname Kozarin ~ Kazarin and Burun from the Turkic nicknames Kozare ~ Khazars with the suffix ov, turned into Kazarinov. The surname Burun may be from the Turkic nickname Burun "nose". In the XVIII - XIX centuries. landowners in the Chistopol district of the Kazan province.

182. KAIREVS. In 1588 - 1613, Islam Vasilyevich Kairev lived in Nizhny Novgorod, from whom the Kairevs - Kairovs could have descended. Islam is a very common name among the Volga Tatars. The basis of the surname Kairev is etymologically unclear, it is possible that it can be traced back to Arabic - Muslim name Kabir "great".

183. KAISAROVS. Nobles since 1628. The origin of the family goes back to the 15th century to Vasily Semenovich Kaysar-Komak, mentioned in 1499. In 1568, the mayor of Kazan was Stepan Kaisarov. And subsequently, the Kaisarovs - nobles and commoners - were mainly from the Ryazan and Kazan provinces, where people from the Turkic-speaking environment were usually located. The surname is associated with the Turkicized - Muslimized - Arabized form of Qaysar = Latin-Byzantine Caesar through the form Caesar. The etymology of the nickname "komaka" is not entirely clear; perhaps it is a somewhat distorted form of konak ~ kunak "guest".

184. KALITINS. Nobles since 1693. The first to be introduced to this status was Savva Ivanov’s son Kalitin. The surname Kalitin comes from the Turkic colitis ~ kalta “bag, wallet”.

185. KAMAEVS. From Prince Kamai of Kazan, who fled in 1550 before the final assault on Kazan to Ivan IV. After the capture of Kazan, he was baptized and received the name Smileney in Christianity. Subsequently, several more people with this surname are mentioned: Kamay - a Murza serviceman in 1646; Kamai Koslivtsev, placed in Nizhny Novgorod in 1609. Prince Kamai had an estate outside of Kazan; there is still the village of Prince Kamaevo here, where nearby there is a settlement of the 15th - 16th centuries, mistakenly taken by R.G. Fakhrutdinov for the place of the so-called Old, or “Iski” Kazan. In fact, this was the residence of the renegade prince. The etymology of the nickname "Kamai" is not entirely clear. Perhaps it comes from the Turkic-Bulgar word kamau “to capture” or from the Turkic-Mongolian word kom “shaman”.

186. KAMYNINS - KOMYNINS. The OGDR reports that “The Komynin family descends from a Murza named Bugandal Komynin who left for Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich from the Golden Horde to Moscow, and was named after baptism Daniil, whose descendant Ivan Bogdanov’s son was a regimental and siege commander, plenipotentiary ambassador and governor.” .. were granted grants from the sovereigns in 7064 (1556) and other years with estates and ranks." Fyodor Kamynin was noted as a scribe in Kolomna in 1557. Lukyan Ivanovich Komynin in the 18th century was the chief prosecutor and organizer of the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Justice. According to N. A. Baskakov, the surname Komynin comes from the Turkic-Mongolian word komyn “man”, and the name Bugandul from the Mongolian buhindalt “gloomy”

187. KANCHEEVS. Nobles since 1556, when Kancheev, a serviceman from a Turkic background, Warrior Kutlukov received land near Kashira. Later, his descendants received estates in the Ryazan district. The surname Koncheyev comes from the Turkic word kenche “last child,” but perhaps also from the Turkic koch ~ kosh “nomadic camp”; Kutlukov also comes from the Turkic nickname kutlug “happiness”.

188. KARAGADYMOVS - TAPTYKOVS. In the middle of the 16th century, Timofey Taptykov was recorded as a nobleman Karagadymov in the Ryazan district. The genealogy of the Taptykov family records the origin of the latter as a result of Taptyk’s exit from the Golden Horde to Grand Duke Olga Ryazansky, “the surname Taptykov is also characteristic of modern Kazan Tatars, among whom it is widespread. Its basis is the Tatar word taptyk “born, found.”

189. KARAMZINS. The official genealogy notes the origin of the surname from a Tatar Murza named Kara Murza. In the 16th century, his descendants already bore the surname Karamzin, for example, Vasily Karpovich Karamzin in 1534 near Kostroma, Fyodor Karamzin in 1600 in Nizhny Novgorod district. Granted estates, i.e. promoted to nobles in 1606. The etymology of the nickname of the surname Karamza - Karamurza is quite transparent: kara “black”, murza ~ mirza “lord, prince”. The descendants include the great N.M. Karamzin - writer, poet, historian.

190. KARAMYSHEVS. Nobles since 1546. The surname is undoubtedly from the Turkic korumush ~ karamysh “protected, I protect”