What does the prefix von mean in German surnames? German surnames for men and women. List of beautiful and famous German surnames with translation

So, my first post that is not a copy-paste from a magazine on Pokeliga. And it was thanks to which my blog appeared (as written about in the first blog post).

It all started when one day my friend Zoana, who, like me, is fond of writing fan fiction, asked me: what do the prefixes to the surnames of some characters in this or that work mean? I was also interested in the question, but at first I didn’t really want to delve into it. However, literally a day later I asked myself a question: why do some characters have more than one or two names? The answer to my friend’s question did not give any results, and I finally decided to go online and puzzle myself with these two questions, simultaneously writing down the results of the “research” for her and other interested acquaintances.

Also, in fairness, I will point out that a considerable part of the information presented here was gleaned from the Internet, and together with my own thoughts, it turned out to be something like a mini-abstract.

Number of names

I decided to start with “my” question - why some characters have one or two names, and some have three, four or more (the longest one I came across was in a story about two Chinese boys, where the poor one was simply called Chong, and the rich man’s name took up a line probably five).

I turned to Mr. Google, and he told me that the tradition of several names today takes place mainly in English-speaking and Catholic countries.

The most obvious is the UK 'naming' system, presented in many books. According to it, according to statistics, all English children traditionally receive two names at birth - a personal name (first name), and a middle name (second name). Currently, the middle name plays the role of an additional distinctive feature, especially for persons who bear widely common first and last names.

The custom of giving a child a middle name, as I found out there, goes back to the tradition of assigning several personal names to a newborn. It is known that, historically, a person’s name had a special meaning, as a rule, indicating the life purpose of the child, and was also associated with the name of God (or another Supreme Patron), on whose patronage and protection the parents counted...

Digressing - at this point I stumbled a little and giggled a little at the thought that if someone cannot find the meaning of their life, then perhaps they need to study their name in more detail and act based on it? Or (seriously), on the contrary, you can give your next character a name that will clearly or covertly indicate his purpose (which, by the way, is what some famous authors did, giving the heroes of their works meaningful names and/or surnames).

In addition, as I read when I interrupted my thoughts, one’s importance in society could depend on one’s name. Thus, often, if the name did not contain the idea of ​​patronage, the bearer was considered to be of low pedigree or insignificant and was not respected.

Several names, as a rule, were given to an important person recognized to perform several glorious deeds - as many as he has names. For example, the emperor, king, prince and other representatives of the nobility could have several names. Depending on the nobility and number of titles full form the name could be a long chain of names and exalting epithets. For royalty, the main lifetime name was the so-called “throne name,” which officially replaced the name received by the heir to the throne at birth or baptism. In addition, a similar tradition is observed in the Roman Catholic Church, when the elected Pope chooses a name by which he will be known from that moment on.

Of course, the church system of names and denominations is much broader, and can be considered in much more detail (which is just the system “worldly name - church name”), but I am not strong in this and will not go into deep detail.

It should also be noted that the church is traditionally the custodian of such customs. For example, a custom, partially preserved in the already mentioned Catholic Church, when a person often has three names: from birth, from baptism in childhood and from confirmation for entry into the world with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

By the way, at this same stage there was once an additional – “nominal” – social stratification. The problem was that, historically, each extra name had to be paid to the church at one time.

However, poor people managed to get around this “restriction” - partly thanks to this, there is French name, uniting the patronage of all saints - Toussaint.

Of course, for the sake of fairness, I would recall in this regard the saying “seven nannies have a child without an eye”... It’s not for me to decide, of course, although a good story could come out about the fate of a character with that name, whose patrons could not agree on joint patronage. Or maybe there are even such people - I haven’t read many works in my life.

Continuing the story, it is worth noting that middle names can also indicate the type of activity or fate of the person bearing them.

Both personal names and geographical names can be used as middle names, common nouns etc. The middle name can be significant “generic” - when a child is called a name that the closest relatives did not have, but which appears from time to time in the family, foreshadowing a particular role for the person. The name can be “family”: when children are named “in honor” of one of the relatives. Any direct association of a name with an already known bearer certainly connects the beneficiary with the one after whom he or she was named. Although the coincidences and similarities here are, of course, unpredictable. And, often, the more tragic the dissimilarity is perceived in the end. In addition, the surnames of the people in whose honor they are assigned are often used as middle names.

There is no law limiting the number of middle names (or at least I haven’t found any mention of it), but more than four additional middle names, as a rule, are not assigned. However, traditions and rules are often created in order to break them. In fictional worlds, the “legislator” is generally the author, and everything written lies on his conscience.

As an example of several names for a person from real world one can recall the fairly famous professor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.

Another illustrative - but fictitious - example is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Joanne Rowling - Harry Potter series).

In addition, I recently learned an interesting fact that in some countries the “gender” of the middle name does not matter. That is, a female name can also be used as the middle name of a man (male character). This happens, as I understand, all from the same fact of naming in honor of the highest patron (patroness in in this case). I haven’t seen any examples to the contrary (or I don’t remember), but logically, there can also be women with average “masculine” names.

As an example, I only remember Ostap-Suleiman -Bertha Maria-Bender Bey (Ostap Bender, yeah)

On my own behalf, I will add the fact that nothing, in principle, prevents the author of a particular work from coming up with and justifying his own naming system.

For example: “in the world of Randomia, the number four is considered especially sacred and, in order for the child to be happy and successful, parents try to give him four names: the first is personal, the second is after his father or grandfather, the third is in honor of the patron saint and the fourth is in honor of one of great warriors (for boys) or diplomats (for girls) of the state.”

The example was invented absolutely right away, and your fictional tradition can be much more thoughtful and interesting.

I'll move on to the second question.

Family prefixes

A question that my friend Zoana puzzled me with, and that I once asked myself, although I was too lazy to find out what it was all about.

To begin with, the definition of " Family consoles– in some world nominal formulas, components and integral parts of the surname.

Sometimes they indicate aristocratic origin, but not always. Usually written separately from the main family word, but sometimes they can merge with it.”

At the same time, as I found out for myself from reading, family prefixes differ from country to country and can have different meanings.

I will also note that in this part of the article there was much more copy-paste and excerpts, since this issue has a much closer connection with history and languages, and my non-core education on the topic is unlikely to be enough for a retelling in a more free style.


Fitz - "son anyone", distorted fr. Fils de(eg: Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick) .


Ter- ter [տեր], in the ancient Armenian original tearn (Armenian տեարն), “lord”, “lord”, “master”. For example: Ter-Petrosyan.

This prefix can have two generally similar meanings and mean:

1) The title of the highest Armenian aristocracy, similar to the British lord. This title was usually placed before or after the family name, for example tern Andzewats or Artzruneats ter, and most often referred to nahapet (Head of a clan or leader of a tribe in ancient Armenia), tanuter (In ancient Armenia, the head of an aristocratic family, patriarch) or gaherets iskhan (In I X-XI centuries chapter noble family, corresponding to earlier nahapet and tanuter) of this genus. The same title was used when addressing a person from the highest aristocracy.

2) After the Christianization of Armenia, this title also began to be used by the highest clergy Armenian Church. In contrast to the original designation of an aristocrat, the title “ter” in church use began to be added to the surnames of clergy. In such a combination, “ter” is similar to the church “father”, “lord” and is not an indicator of the noble origin of the bearer of the surname. Nowadays it is present in the surnames of those who had a priest in their male ancestors. The word “ter” itself is still used today when addressing an Armenian priest or when mentioning him (akin to the more familiar to our ears “[holy] father”).


Background(For example: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Tsu(For example: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg)

Basically a family prefix "background", as it turned out, is a sign noble origin. It expresses the idea of ​​land ownership of representatives of the ancient nobility, for example, “Duke von Württemberg”, “Ernst August von Hanover”. But there are also exceptions. In northern Germany, many "commoners" are called "von", which simply indicates their place of residence/origin. Also, granted nobles, originally of burgher origin, who were elevated by the sovereign to the dignity of nobility with the presentation of a copy of the charter of nobility (Adelbrief) and the grant of a coat of arms (Wappen), were given the family prefix “von” and Mr. Müller turned into Mr. Von Müller.

Unlike the "background" predicate "tsu" necessarily included a relation to a certain inherited land holding, mainly a medieval castle - for example, "Prince von und zu Liechtenstein" (Liechtenstein = principality and family castle).

Currently, aristocratic titles have become parts of compound surnames in Germany. Such surnames often include the preposition particle “von”, “von der”, “von dem” (translated as “from”), less often “zu” (translated as “in”) or a mixed variant “von und zu”.

It is generally believed that "von" indicates the place of origin of the surname (family), while "zu" means that the territory is still in the possession of the clan.

With the particle " und“No matter how much I read, I still didn’t fully understand it. Although, as far as I understand, it simply plays the role of a link, denoting either a mixture of family prefixes, or the unification of surnames in general. Although perhaps it’s just my lack of knowledge of the language that’s holding me back.


Ben- - son (presumably following the example of the English Fitz) (for example: David Ben-Gurion)


ABOUT- means "grandson"

Poppy- means "son"

That is, both prefixes in Irish surnames usually indicate their origin. Regarding the spelling of the prefix “Mak”, I read that in most cases in Russian it is written with a hyphen, but there are exceptions. For example, it is generally accepted continuous writing such surnames as MacDonald, McDowell, Macbeth, etc. General rule however, it does not exist, and the spelling is individual in each case.


In the case of Spain, the situation is even more complicated, since, based on what I have read, Spaniards usually have two surnames: paternal and maternal. Moreover, the father's surname ( apellido paterno) is placed before the mother ( apellido materno); so, when officially addressed, only the father's surname is used (although there are exceptions).

A similar system exists in Portugal, with the difference that in a double surname, the first is the mother’s surname, and the second is the father’s.

Returning to the Spanish system: sometimes the paternal and maternal surnames are separated by an “and” (for example: Francisco de Goya y Lucientes)

Further, in some localities there is a tradition of adding to the surname the name of the locality where the bearer of this surname was born or where his ancestors come from. The particle “de” used in these cases, unlike in France, is not an indicator of noble origin, but is only an indicator of the place of origin (and, indirectly, the antiquity of origin, since we know that places sometimes tend to change names for one reason or another ).

In addition, when married, Spanish women do not change their surname, but simply add the husband’s surname to “apellido paterno”: for example, Laura Riario Martinez, having married a man with the surname Marquez, can sign Laura Riario de Marquez or Laura Riario, Señora Marquez, where is the particle "de" separates the surname before marriage from the surname after marriage

The “revelry of naming” is limited by the fact that, according to Spanish law, a person can have no more than two names and two surnames recorded in his documents.

Although, of course, any author, creating his own story and guided by the Spanish naming model for his characters, can simply ignore this law, coupled with the above-mentioned tradition of middle names. Remember such entertainment as double names? What about the tradition of double surnames in some languages ​​(Russian, for example)? Have you read the above information about the number of names? Yes? Four double names, two double surnames – can you imagine it already?

You can also come up with your own naming tradition, as I wrote above. In general, if you are not afraid that your character will look too extravagant, you have a unique opportunity to reward him or her with a family name design for at least half a page.


In Italian, historically the prefixes meant the following:

De/Di- belonging to a surname, family, for example: De Filippo means “one of the Filippo family”,

Yes- belonging to the place of origin: Da Vinci - “Leonardo from Vinci”, where Vinci meant the name of a city or locality. Subsequently, Yes and De became simply part of the surname and now do not mean anything. It is not necessarily an aristocratic origin.


Wang- a particle that sometimes forms a prefix to Dutch surnames derived from the name of a locality; often it is written together with the surname itself. Corresponding in grammatical meaning to the German “von” » and French "de" » . Often found as van de, van der and van den. It still means “from”. However, if in German "von" means noble origin (with the exceptions mentioned), then in the Dutch naming system the simple prefix "van" has no relation to nobility. Noble is the double prefix van...tot (for example, Baron van Vorst tot Vorst).

The meaning of other common prefixes such as van den, van der– see above


French prefixes, for me personally, are the most famous and indicative

In France, surname prefixes, as mentioned earlier, denote noble origin. Translated into Russian, the prefixes mean genitive, “from” or “…skiy”. For example, Cesar de Vendôme- Duke of Vendôme or Vendôme.

The most common prefixes:

If the surname begins with a consonant



If the surname begins with a vowel



In addition, there are a number of different family name prefixes, the origin of which, unfortunately, I was not able to find out.

Below are just a few of them.

  • Le(?)
  • Yes, do, shower (Portugal, Brazil)
  • La (Italy)

So, as I eventually found out, the traditions of naming and “collecting” surnames are quite extensive and varied, and most likely I only looked at the tip of the iceberg. And even more extensive and varied (and, often, no less interesting) can be the author’s derivatives of these systems.

However, in conclusion, I’ll add: before you raise your hands over the keyboard in anticipation, think about it: does your character really need a half-page name? In itself, a long character name is an unoriginal idea and, if there is nothing behind it other than the author’s “wish”, quite stupid.

In today's episode of the program we will talk about what the prefix “von” means before German surnames, whether the title of nobility exists in Germany today and what privileges it gives to its owner.

For lovers of long-distance reception next issue DH rubrics.

So, your letters.

Hello, dear employees of Deutsche Welle! Regular listener Svetlana Zagreshchenko writes to you.

First of all, I want to thank you for sending me the German textbooks. This is truly a great help in learning the language.

I recently came to Germany under the au-pair program and now I live with a German family and am learning German, as well as getting to know Germany. Thanks to your radio, I learn a lot about Germany and am always aware of current events, and now I have the opportunity to see everything with my own eyes.

And here is a letter from the city of Lebedin, Sumy region from Oleg Karpenko:

Hello. Dear editors of Deutsche Welle. Karpenko Oleg Nikolaevich writes to you. I've been listening to your programs for a long time. They help me a lot in my work. I work as a German language teacher. My students also like your programs. With their help, children learn new material better. They really like the idea of ​​Eh, they really want to know what happens next. And thanks to the “Additional German Lesson” program, students will learn a lot of new things about Germany. Thank you for your “Wave”! I wish you to continue to work with the same enthusiasm and that you have more listeners every day!

Many thanks to you and your students, Oleg! We wish you success in learning German!

Leonid Matyupatenko from the Moldavian city of Chisinau is our regular radio listener, this is what he writes:

I am 41 years old. I am a doctor of economics. I am interested in management and marketing. I have been listening to your programs with interest for twenty years now. On the air, I recognize your program by the voices of your announcers and program hosts. I especially like your programs about classical music on Mondays, the only pity is that the duration of the program only 15 minutes. “The Reading Room” is a good program, and, of course, “The Market and the People.”

I would really like to hear about events in Moldova and Transnistria in particular in your programs, in the news at least sometimes. Agree, you rarely talk about Moldova, and the region is quite interesting. Wish you all the best. We are interested and need your programs.

Vladimir Gudzenko from the Moscow region writes:

I always listen to your programs with great pleasure. And in the library computer room, having gained access to the Internet, every time the first thing I do is try to get to your virtual page. It’s very pleasing that the texts of your programs can sometimes be read there even before they are aired!

German history, international politics, the cultural life of modern Germany - these are just some of the topics that interest me and are covered in your programs. I am also very interested in the German media's coverage of events taking place in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union. Very interesting, in particular, are the messages from your Moscow correspondent Anatoly Dotsenko...

And Igor Disumabaev from Tashkent thanks for the materials received - printouts of the texts of the desired programs, asks to send the next ones, wishes us not to get sick and work.. Thank you, Igor, we will try!

The following letter from Kyiv from Sergei Satsyk (I hope I pronounce it correctly):

I really like the Deutsche Welle programs that lately became especially good. Most of all I like the program “Culture Today”. Special attention I was drawn to the program about the Bayreuth Wagner Festival, which interested me in a new look at classical German music.

Another resident of Kyiv, N. Guseletova, shares the same opinion (unfortunately, you did not write your name in full). Thank you for your interest in Deutsche Welle programs.

We received the following letter by email. Eleonora Dobrinevskaya from Belarus writes to us in German. We translated it for our listeners:

I'm delighted, hello! Yours new page on the Internet - upper class! I want to say that I am delighted that Germany said “no” to the war in Iraq! I wish Germany a happy future and always be a strong country.

Our radio listener from the Russian city of Rtishchev Bondarev K. (unfortunately, I don’t know your full name) writes:

I started listening to you recently, but I am convinced that you are the best radio station. The only thing I don't like is the timing of your broadcast. Why don't you go on air during the day from 12 to 18? That would be great! I really like the program “Pages of History”. I especially love the programs: “Mailbox”, “COOL”, “Weekend”.

Angelina Badaeva from Moscow thanks for the German lessons, which she finds very interesting and educational:

When I first tuned in to Deutsche Welle, I was very happy, and when I found out that there were also German lessons, I immediately programmed the Wave’s broadcast frequency, and now it turns on automatically. Additional lessons are interesting because you can get to know better the habits of the Germans, their culture, get acquainted with their manner of behavior, etc. I like it since childhood German and the Germans in general, I am amazed by their neatness, politeness, and friendliness. They are wonderful role models!

Vasily Ivanovich Kuts from the city of Zhitomir once served in the GDR in an aviation division near Berlin and has been listening to our programs for more than 15 years. Vasily Ivanovich addressed us with the following question:

“Are there any noble titles left in Germany, for example, Baron von Straube, and what does the prefix “von” mean? I asked Elizabeth Wiebe to answer this question.

Nobility in Germany

First, about the meaning of the word “background”. This is, in the grammatical sense, an ordinary preposition indicating a starting point in space or a starting geographical point. Der Zug von Berlin – (train from Berlin). Der König von Schweden (King of Sweden), der Präsident von Russland (President of Russia). When combined with a surname, von means a title of nobility.

It seems to me that the title of nobility in our time does not play any role. Legally, it is part of the name, just like the Doctor of Science degree. But if you compare, Dr. Mayer means high professional qualifications. When applying for a job, a doctor will be given preference over a non-doctor. What does the prefix “background” do? If von so-and-so has not achieved anything in life, then a noble title will not improve his position in society. An example is our Cologne street musician Klaus der Geiger - Klaus the violinist. He is of noble blood. He has a vagabond lifestyle. Almost homeless.

Yes, you are right. People of noble origin in Germany can be found in any profession. The nobles no longer have privileges. They were abolished more than eighty years ago, after the First World War. Then the Constitution of the country stated that all people are equal from birth. Before this, for many centuries the nobles were a privileged class. In the 16th century, under Kaiser Charles the Fifth, in addition to the family aristocracy, nobility appeared, granted a charter from the king or the Kaiser. Among the ancient hereditary families, such nobility was considered unreal, second-class. And since 1919 in Germany, the title of nobility cannot be granted.

But can you buy this noble console for yourself? Sometimes something like this appears in the press.

- Buying does not mean that you pay someone and receive a certificate. A man who wants to become a nobleman must find someone who will adopt him, that is, he will live under the name of his adoptive father, albeit a noble one, but someone else’s. Adopting an adult is a complex procedure, and the nobility is false, even if everything is legally correct.

I think this is rare.

- Yes, it happens much more often that representatives of ancient aristocratic families do not advertise their high origins. For example, a prominent politician from the Free Democratic Liberal Party, Hermann Otto Solms, is actually Prince zu Solms-Hohensolms-Lich. The real name of the scholar-historian Dominik Lieven is Dominik Prince von Lieven, but “prince” and “von,” his graduate students say, Professor Lieven calls “unmodern nonsense (unzeitgemäßer Unfug).” Another representative of this genus, a biologist, insists that he be named Alexander Prince von Lieven.

Well then. If such a name, such a surname. I think it sounds beautiful. And since you have inherited a noble surname from your ancestors, then wear it with honor, so that it is not shameful to pass it on to your children and grandchildren. Do the descendants of the last German Kaiser still live in Germany?

- Yes. This big family. Even a few families that don't get along very well. Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia recently made headlines due to the fact that he sold at auction 17 thousand items from the Kaiser's heritage: porcelain, silver. He needs the money to pay inheritance tax to the financial department. After the death of his grandfather, Georg (he was 26 years old) became the head of the House of Hohenzollern and the main heir. But he must pay a share of the inheritance to six relatives - uncles and aunts. By the way, the potential Kaiser is studying at the university and his fellow students simply call him Georg, and not “Highness.”

To summarize: the noble prefix in Germany is part of the surname, it does not give privileges, the title of nobility - unlike England - is no longer assigned to anyone. Nevertheless, the descendants of nobles are often rightfully proud of their ancestors and their surname. Thanks for the information, Elizabeth Wiebe.

Our radio listener from Kyiv, Afanasy Serebryansky, congratulates us on the 12th anniversary of the reunification of Germany and complains that we rarely answer him. Dear Afanasy, thank you very much for your congratulations! We get huge amount letters that Deutsche Welle employees try not to leave unanswered. But letters sometimes travel a very long way – in both directions. But Afanasy Serebryansky’s request to include in the program one of the songs performed by famous group“Backstreet boys” we gladly perform.

Dear radio listeners, please send us your reviews and suggestions to one of the Deutsche Welle addresses:

In Russia - 190 000, St. Petersburg, Main Post Office, PO Box 596, Deutsche Welle;

in Ukraine our address is “Deutsche Welle”, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street, building 25, 01901 Kyiv;

in Germany - Deutsche Welle, 50588, Cologne, Germany.

Write to us, we are always happy to hear from you!

In the world of Naruto, two years flew by unnoticed. Former newcomers joined the ranks of experienced shinobi at the rank of chunin and jonin. The main characters did not sit still - each became a student of one of the legendary Sannin - the three great ninjas of Konoha. The guy in orange continued his training with the wise but eccentric Jiraiya, gradually ascending to a new level of combat skill. Sakura became the assistant and confidant of the healer Tsunade, the new leader of the Leaf Village. Well, Sasuke, whose pride led to his expulsion from Konoha, entered into a temporary alliance with the sinister Orochimaru, and each believes that they are only using the other for the time being.

The brief respite ended, and events in once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoha, the seeds of old strife sown by the first Hokage are sprouting again. The mysterious Akatsuki leader has set in motion a plan for world domination. There is turmoil in the Sand Village and neighboring countries, old secrets are resurfacing everywhere, and it is clear that bills will have to be paid someday. The long-awaited continuation of the manga has breathed new life into the series and new hope into the hearts of countless fans!

© Hollow, World Art

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  • (33386)

    Yato - stray Japanese god in the form of a thin, blue-eyed young man in a tracksuit. In Shintoism, the power of a deity is determined by the number of believers, but our hero has no temple, no priests, all donations fit into a sake bottle. The guy in the neckerchief works as a handyman, painting advertisements on the walls, but things are going very badly. Even the tongue-in-cheek Mayu, who worked as a shinki—Yato’s Sacred Weapon—for many years, left her master. And without weapons, the younger god is no stronger than an ordinary mortal magician; he has to (what a shame!) hide from evil spirits. And who needs such a celestial being anyway?

    One day, a pretty high school girl, Hiyori Iki, threw herself under a truck to save some guy in black. It ended badly - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to “leave” her body and walk on the “other side.” Having met Yato there and recognizing the culprit of her troubles, Hiyori convinced the homeless god to heal her, for he himself admitted that no one can live long between worlds. But, having gotten to know each other better, Iki realized that the current Yato did not have enough strength to solve her problem. Well, you need to take matters into your own hands and personally guide the tramp on the right path: first, find a weapon for the unlucky one, then help him earn money, and then, you see, what happens. It’s not for nothing that they say: what a woman wants, God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33286)

    IN high school Suimei University of Arts has many dormitories, and there are apartment building"Sakura". While hostels have strict rules, everything is possible at Sakura, which is why its local nickname is “madhouse.” Since in art genius and madness are always somewhere nearby, the inhabitants of the “cherry orchard” are talented and interesting guys who are too far out of the “swamp”. Take, for example, the noisy Misaki, who sells her own anime to major studios, her friend and playboy screenwriter Jin, or the reclusive programmer Ryunosuke, who communicates with the world only via the Internet and telephone. Compared to them, the main character Sorata Kanda is a simpleton who ended up in a “psychiatric hospital” just for... loving cats!

    Therefore, Chihiro-sensei, the head of the hostel, instructed Sorata, as the only sane guest, to meet his cousin Mashiro, who transfers to their school from distant Britain. The fragile blonde seemed like a real bright angel to Kanda. True, at a party with new neighbors, the guest behaved stiffly and said little, but the newly minted admirer attributed everything to understandable stress and fatigue from the road. Only real stress awaited Sorata in the morning when he went to wake up Mashiro. The hero realized with horror that his new friend - great artist absolutely out of this world, that is, she’s not even able to dress herself! And the insidious Chihiro is right there - from now on, Kanda will forever look after her sister, because the guy has already practiced on cats!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33566)

    In the 21st century, the world community finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it to a new level. Those who are able to use magic after completing the ninth grade in Japan are now welcome in magic schools - but only if applicants pass the exam. The quota for admission to the First School (Hachioji, Tokyo) is 200 students, the best hundred are enrolled in the first department, the rest are in the reserve, in the second, and teachers are assigned only to the first hundred, “Flowers”. The rest, the “Weeds,” learn on their own. At the same time, there is always an atmosphere of discrimination in the school, because even the forms of both departments are different.
    Shiba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born 11 months apart, making them the same year in school. Upon entering the First School, the sister finds herself among the Flowers, and the brother among the Weeds: despite excellent theoretical knowledge, practical part it's not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an exemplary sister, as well as their new friends - Chiba Erika, Saijo Leonhart (or just Leo) and Shibata Mizuki - at the school of magic, quantum physics, the Tournament of Nine Schools and much more...

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

  • (29554)

    The "Seven Deadly Sins", once great warriors revered by the British. But one day, they are accused of trying to overthrow the monarchs and murder a warrior from the Holy Knights. Subsequently, the Holy Knights stage a coup d'état and seize power into their own hands. And the “Seven Deadly Sins”, now outcasts, scattered throughout the kingdom, in all directions. Princess Elizabeth was able to escape from the castle. She decides to go in search of Meliodas, the leader of the Seven Sins. Now all seven must unite again to prove their innocence and avenge their expulsion.

  • (28372)

    2021 An unknown virus "Gastrea" came to earth and destroyed almost all of humanity in a matter of days. But this is not just a virus like some kind of Ebola or Plague. He doesn't kill a person. Gastrea is an intelligent infection that rearranges DNA, turning the host into a terrible monster.
    The war began and eventually 10 years passed. People have found a way to isolate themselves from the infection. The only thing that Gastrea cannot tolerate is a special metal - Varanium. It was from this that people built huge monoliths and surrounded Tokyo with them. It seemed that now the few survivors could live behind the monoliths in peace, but alas, the threat has not gone away. Gastrea is still waiting for the right moment to infiltrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. There is no hope. The extermination of people is only a matter of time. But the terrible virus also had another effect. There are those who are already born with this virus in their blood. These children, the "Cursed Children" (Exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus is many times slower than in the body ordinary person. Only they can resist the creatures of “Gastrea” and humanity has nothing more to count on. Will our heroes be able to save the remaining living people and find a cure for the terrifying virus? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (27481)

    The story in Steins,Gate takes place a year after the events of Chaos,Head.
    The game's intense story takes place partly in the realistically recreated Akahibara district, a famous otaku shopping destination in Tokyo. The plot is as follows: a group of friends installs a device in Akihibara to send text messages to the past. A mysterious organization called SERN is interested in the experiments of the game's heroes, which is also engaged in its own research in the field of time travel. And now friends have to make enormous efforts to avoid being captured by SERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added Episode 23β, which serves as an alternate ending and lead-up to the sequel in SG0.
  • (26756)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and many more from around the world suddenly found themselves locked in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Legend of the Ancients. On the one hand, gamers were transported to new world physically, the illusion of reality turned out to be almost flawless. On the other hand, the “victims” retained their previous avatars and acquired skills, user interface and leveling system, and death in the game only led to resurrection in the cathedral of the nearest large city. Realizing that there was no great goal, and no one named the price for exit, the players began to flock together - some to live and rule according to the law of the jungle, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Shiroe and Naotsugu, in the world a student and a clerk, in the game - a cunning magician and a powerful warrior, have known each other for a long time from the legendary “Mad Tea Party” guild. Alas, those days are gone forever, but also in new reality you can meet old acquaintances and just good guys with whom you won’t be bored. And most importantly, “Legends” appeared in the world indigenous people, which considers aliens to be great and immortal heroes. Involuntarily you want to become a kind of knight Round Table slaying dragons and saving girls. Well, there are plenty of girls around, monsters and robbers too, and for relaxation there are cities like hospitable Akiba. The main thing is that you shouldn’t die in the game, it’s much more correct to live like a human being!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27826)

    The ghoul race has existed since time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mainly in their raw form. Lovers of human flesh are outwardly indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and tenacious - but there are few of them, so ghouls have developed strict rules for hunting and camouflage, and violators are punished themselves or quietly handed over to fighters against evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about ghouls, but as they say, they are used to it. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat; moreover, they view them as an ideal basis for creating super-soldiers. Experiments have been going on for a long time...

    The main character Ken Kaneki faces a painful search for a new path, because he realized that people and ghouls are similar: it’s just that some literally eat each other, others figuratively. The truth of life is cruel, it cannot be changed, and the one who does not turn away is strong. And then somehow!

  • (26937)

    In the world of Hunter x Hunter, there is a class of people called Hunters who, using psychic powers and trained in all manner of fighting, explore the wild corners of the mostly civilized world. Main character, a young man named Gon (Gun), the son of the great Hunter himself. His father mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and now, having grown up, Gon (Gong) decides to follow in his footsteps. Along the way, he finds several companions: Leorio, an ambitious medical doctor whose goal is to get rich. Kurapika is the only survivor of his clan, whose goal is revenge. Killua is the heir to a family of assassins whose goal is training. Together they achieve their goal and become Hunters, but this is only the first step on their long journey... And ahead is the story of Killua and his family, the story of Kurapika’s revenge and of course training, new tasks and adventures! The series stopped with Kurapika's revenge... What awaits us next after all these years?

  • (26529)

    The action takes place in an alternate reality where the existence of demons has long been recognized; There is even an island in the Pacific Ocean - “Itogamijima”, where demons are full citizens and have equal rights with people. However, there are also human magicians who hunt them, in particular, vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Kojou for some unknown reason turned into a “purebred vampire”, the fourth in number. He begins to be followed by a young girl, Himeraki Yukina, or "blade shaman", who is supposed to monitor Akatsuki and kill him if he gets out of control.

  • (24823)

    The story tells of a young man named Saitama, who lives in a world ironically similar to ours. He is 25, bald and handsome, and, moreover, so strong that with one blow he can annihilate all dangers to humanity. He is looking for himself on the difficult path of life, simultaneously handing out slaps to monsters and villains.

  • (22680)

    Now you have to play the game. What kind of game it will be will be decided by roulette. The bet in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time go to Queen Decim, where they have to play a game. But in fact, what is happening to them here is the Heavenly Judgment.

  • In European countries, as in the rest of the world, a person’s identity has been identified for many centuries by his name. An example is the son of God Jesus himself, who was named Emmanuel at birth and then called Yeshua. The need to distinguish different people with the same name required explanatory additions. This is how the Savior began to be called Jesus of Nazareth.

    When did the Germans get surnames?

    German surnames arose according to the same principle as in other countries. Their formation among the peasantry of various lands continued until the 19th century, that is, it coincided in time with the completion of state construction. The formation of a united Germany required a clearer and more unambiguous definition of who is who.

    However, already in the 12th century, nobility existed on the territory of the current Federal Republic of Germany, and at the same time German surnames first appeared. As in other European countries, patronymics are not used for personal identification here. But at birth, a baby is usually given two names. You can address any person by adding a word indicating their gender. Women's German surnames are no different from men's, they just use the prefix “Frau” in front of them.

    Types of German surnames

    According to linguistic origin, German surnames can be divided into groups. The first and most common is formed from names, predominantly male. This is explained by the fact that the mass assignment of surnames occurred in a fairly short period (in historical sense) period, and there was simply no time for the manifestation of any sophisticated imagination.

    Surnames derived from given names

    The simplest of them are those in the creation of which they did not think for a long time, but simply formed them on behalf of their first owner. Some peasant's name was Walter, and his descendants received that surname. We also have Ivanovs, Sidorovs and Petrovs, and their origin is similar to the German Johannes, Peters or Hermanns. From the point of view of historical background, such popular German surnames say little, except that some ancient ancestor was called Peters.

    Profession as a morphological basis of a surname

    German surnames are somewhat less common, indicating the professional affiliation of their first owner, one might say, the ancestor. But the diversity of this group is much wider. The most famous surname in it is Müller, which means “miller” in translation. The English equivalent is Miller, and in Russia or Ukraine it is Melnik, Melnikov or Melnichenko.

    The famous composer Richard Wagner could assume that one of his ancestors was engaged in freight transportation on his own cart, the ancestor of the storyteller Hoffmann owned his own farm yard, and the great-grandfather of the pianist Richter was a judge. The Schneiders and Schroeders once did tailoring, and the Singers loved to sing. There are other interesting German male surnames. The list continues with Fischer (fisherman), Becker (baker), Bauer (peasant), Weber (weaver), Zimmerman (carpenter), Schmidt (blacksmith) and many others.

    Once upon a time during the war there was a Gauleiter Koch, the same one who was blown up by underground partisans. Translated, his surname means “cook.” Yes, he made some porridge...

    Surnames as a description of appearance and character

    Some male and possibly female German surnames are derived from the appearance or character of their first owner. For example, the word “lange” means “long” in translation, and it can be assumed that its original founder was tall, for which he received such a nickname. Klein (little) is his complete opposite. Krause means “curly”; such an attractive feature of the hair of some Frau who lived a couple of centuries ago can be inherited. Fuchs' ancestors were most likely as cunning as foxes. The ancestors of Weiss, Brown or Schwartz were, respectively, blonde, brown-haired or brunette. The Hartmans were distinguished by excellent health and strength.

    Slavic origin of German surnames

    The German lands in the east always bordered on and this created conditions for the mutual penetration of cultures. Well-known German surnames with the endings “-itz”, “-ov”, “-of”, “-ek”, “-ke” or “-ski” have a distinct Russian or Polish origin.

    Lützow, Disterhoff, Dennitz, Modrow, Janke, Radecki and many others have long become familiar, and their total share is a fifth of total number German surnames. In Germany they are perceived as one of their own.

    The same applies to the ending “-er”, which comes from the word “yar”, meaning a person in the Old Slavic language. A painter, a carpenter, a fisherman, a baker are obvious examples of such cases.

    During the period of Germanization, many similar surnames were simply translated into German, choosing the appropriate roots or replacing the ending with “-er”, and now nothing reminds of the Slavic origin of their owners (Smolyar - Smoler, Sokolov - Sokol - Falk).

    Background Barons

    There are very beautiful German surnames, consisting of two parts: the main and a prefix, usually “von” or “der”. They contain information not only about unique appearance features, but also about famous historical events, in which the owners of these nicknames took part, sometimes actively. Therefore, descendants are proud of such names and often remember their ancestors when they want to emphasize their own birth. Walter von der Vogelweid - it sounds! Or von Richthoffen, pilot and "Red Baron".

    However, it is not only past glory that causes such complications in writing. The origin of German surnames can be much more prosaic and talk about the area in which the person was born. What, for example, does Dietrich von Bern mean? Everything is clear: his ancestors came from the capital of Switzerland.

    German surnames of Russian people

    Germans have lived in Russia since pre-Petrine times, populating entire areas called “settlements” according to ethnic principles. However, then all Europeans were called that way, but under the great reformer emperor the influx of immigrants from German lands was encouraged in every possible way. The process gained momentum during the reign of Catherine the Great.

    German colonists settled in the Volga region (Saratov and Tsaritsin provinces), as well as in New Russia. A large number of Lutherans later converted to Orthodoxy and assimilated, but they retained their German surnames. For the most part, they are the same as those worn by settlers who came to the Russian Empire during the 16th-18th centuries, with the exception of those cases when the clerks who prepared the documents made clerical errors and mistakes.

    Surnames considered Jewish

    Rubinstein, Hoffman, Aizenstein, Weisberg, Rosenthal and many other names of citizens Russian Empire, the USSR and post-Soviet countries are mistakenly considered Jewish by many. This is wrong. However, there is some truth in this statement.

    The fact is that Russia, starting from the end of the 17th century, became a country where every enterprising and hard-working person could find their place in life. There was enough work for everyone, new cities were built at an accelerated pace, especially in Novorossiya, conquered from Ottoman Empire. It was then that Nikolaev, Ovidiopol, Kherson and, of course, the pearl of the south of Russia - Odessa - appeared on the map.

    Extremely favorable economic conditions were created for foreigners coming to the country, as well as for its own citizens who wished to develop new lands, and political stability, supported by the military power of the regional leader, guaranteed that this situation would last for a long time.

    Currently, Lustdorf (Jolly Village) has become one of the Odessa suburbs, and then it was a German colony, the main occupation of whose residents was agriculture, mainly viticulture. They also knew how to brew beer here.

    Jews, famous for their business savvy, trading spirit and craft skills, also did not remain indifferent to the call of the Russian Empress Catherine. In addition, musicians, artists and other artists of this nationality came from Germany. Most of them had German surnames, and they spoke Yiddish, which in essence is one of the dialects of the German language.

    At that time there was a “Pale of Settlement”, which, however, outlined a fairly large and not the worst part of the empire. In addition to the Black Sea region, Jews chose many areas of the current Kyiv region, Bessarabia and other fertile lands, building small towns. It is also important that living outside the Pale of Settlement was mandatory only for those Jews who remained faithful to Judaism. Having converted to Orthodoxy, everyone could settle in any part of the vast country.

    Thus, immigrants from Germany of two nationalities became bearers of German surnames.

    Unusual German surnames

    In addition to the indicated groups of German surnames, derived from professions, hair color, and appearance features, there is one more, rare, but wonderful. And she talks about the glorious qualities of character, good disposition and fun for which the ancestors of the person bearing this name were famous. An example is Alisa Freundlich, who worthily confirms the reputation of her ancestors. “Kind”, “friendly” - this is how this German surname is translated.

    Or Neumann. " New man" - isn't it beautiful? How great it is to delight those around you, and yourself, every day with freshness and novelty!

    Or economic Wirtz. Or Luther with pure thoughts and an open heart. Or Jung is young, regardless of the number of years he has lived.

    Such interesting German surnames, the list of which can be continued endlessly!