The history of the Armenian Church. What is the religion in Armenia? Official religion: Armenia

The Christian world is so secularized that European peoples, which were once a stronghold of evangelical values, are called post-Christian civilization. The secularity of society makes it possible to embody the most phantasmagoric aspirations. New moral values Europeans are in conflict with what religion preaches. Armenia is one of the few examples of fidelity to thousand-year-old ethnocultural traditions. In this state, at the highest legislative level, it is evidenced that the centuries-old spiritual experience of the people is a national treasure.

What is the official religion in Armenia?

More than 95% of the country's three million population are members of the Armenian Apostolic Church. This Christian community is one of the oldest in the world. Orthodox theologians classify the Transcaucasian community of believers among five other, so-called anti-Chalcedonian communities. The established theological definition does not provide a comprehensive answer to the question of what religion is in Armenia.

The Orthodox call the Armenians monophysites - recognizing in Christ one physical essence; Armenian Orthodox theologians accuse them of the opposite. These dogmatic subtleties are understandable only to theologians. Upon closer examination, it turns out that the mutual accusations are wrong. Official name communities of believers in Armenia - “One Holy Ecumenical Apostolic Orthodox Armenian Church.”

The first Christian state in the world

A whole decade before the adoption of the Edict of Milan by the Great, in 301, King Trdat III broke ties with paganism and proclaimed Christianity state religion. During a time of terrible persecution of the followers of Jesus throughout the Roman Empire, the ruler took a decisive and unexpected step. This was preceded by turbulent events in Transcaucasia.

Emperor Diocletian officially proclaims Trdat king of Armenia, which was part of the Roman province of Cappadocia. In 287, through mediation, he returned to his homeland and assumed the throne. Being a pagan, Trdat begins to zealously fulfill the command to begin the persecution of Christians. 40 Christian girls are brutally executed sharp turn in the fate of the king and his subjects.

Great educator of the Armenian people

The baptism of an entire people occurred thanks to educational activities Saint Gregory. He was a descendant of the noble Arksaid family. For his confession of faith, Gregory suffered many torments. Through the prayers of Saint Trdat, he was punished with mental illness for torturing Christian women. Gregory forced the tyrant to repent. After this, the king was healed. Having believed in Christ, he was baptized along with his courtiers.

In Caesarea, the main city of Cappadocia, in 302, Gregory was elevated to the rank of bishop. After returning to Armenia, he begins to baptize the people, build churches and schools for preachers. In the capital of King Trdat III, by revelation from above, the saint founded a temple, which was later named Etchmiadzin. On behalf of the enlightener, the Armenian Church is called Gregorian.

Centuries of struggle

Christianity, as the official religion of Armenia, became an irritant to the rulers of neighboring Persia. Iran took decisive action to eradicate the new faith and introduce Zoroastrianism. This was greatly facilitated by pro-Persian landowners. From 337 to 345, Shapur II, having executed tens of thousands of Christians in Persia itself, made a series of devastating campaigns in Transcaucasia.

Shahinshah Yazdegerd II, wanting to strengthen his position in Transcaucasia, sent an ultimatum in 448. The Council of clergy and laity assembled in Artashat gave the answer that the Armenians recognize the secular power of the Persian ruler, but religion should remain inviolable. With this resolution, Armenia rejected the proposal to accept an alien faith. The uprising began. In 451, the largest battle in the history of the country took place on the Avarayr field. Although the defenders lost the battle, the persecution was stopped. After this, for another thirty years Armenia fought for its faith, until in 484 a peace treaty was concluded with Persia, according to which the Armenians were allowed to freely practice Christianity.

Administrative structure of the Armenian Apostolic Church

Until 451, the Armenian Apostolic Church represented one of the local communities of the united Christian Church. However, due to an incorrect assessment of the decisions of the fourth, a misunderstanding arose. In 506, the Armenian Church officially separated from the Byzantine Church, which significantly influenced the history of the state, its political and social activities.

The main religion of Armenia is practiced on five continents by more than 9 million believers. The spiritual head is the patriarch-catalicos, whose title indicates that he is the spiritual leader of the Nation both in Armenia itself and of Armenians scattered throughout the world.

The residence of the Armenian Patriarch since 1441 is located in. The jurisdiction of the Catholicos includes dioceses in all CIS countries, as well as in Europe, Iran, Egypt, North and Australia and Oceania, vicariates in India and Far East. The Armenian patriarchs in Istanbul (Constantinople), Jerusalem and the Great House of Cilicia (modern Kozan in Turkey) are canonically subordinate to the Etchmiadzin Catholicosate.

Features of the Armenian Church

The Armenian Church is an almost mono-ethnic religious community: the vast majority of believers are Armenians. The small Udin community in northern Azerbaijan and several thousand Azerbaijani Tats belong to this denomination. For the Bosha gypsies assimilated by Armenians, wandering in Transcaucasia and Syria, this is also their native religion. Armenia retains the Gregorian chronology of the church calendar.

The liturgical features are as follows:

  • Bread for communion is used, as in the Catholic tradition, unleavened, and wine is not dissolved in water.
  • The Liturgy is celebrated exclusively according to Sundays and under special circumstances.
  • The sacrament of unction is performed only on clergy, and immediately after death.

Divine services in Armenian churches are performed on ancient language Grabar, the priest delivers the sermon in modern Armenian. Armenians cross themselves from left to right. Only the son of a priest can become a priest.

Church and State

In accordance with the Constitution, Armenia is a secular state. There is no specific legislative act determining that Christianity is the state religion of Armenia. However, the spiritual and moral life of society cannot be imagined without the participation of the Church. Thus, Serzh Sargsyan considers interaction between the state and the church to be vital. In his speeches, he declares the need to preserve the relationship between secular and spiritual power both at the present historical stage and in the future.

Armenian legislation establishes certain restrictions on the freedom of activity of other religious denominations, thereby showing which religion is dominant in Armenia. The Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Freedom of Conscience,” adopted back in 1991, regulates the position of the Apostolic Church as a national religious association.

Other religions

The spiritual image of society is formed not only by orthodox religion. Armenia is home to 36 parishes of the Armenian Catholic Church community, which are called “Franks”. The Franks appeared in the 12th century along with the Crusaders. Under the influence of the Jesuits' preaching, a small community of Armenians accepted the jurisdiction of the Vatican. Over time, supported by missionaries of the Order, they united into the Armenian Catholic Church. The residence of the patriarch is located in Beirut.

The small communities of Kurds, Azerbaijanis and Persians living in Armenia profess Islam. In Yerevan itself in 1766 the famous


one of the oldest Christians. churches. Christianity began to spread in Armenia in the first centuries AD. e. In 301, King Tiridates III proclaimed Christianity as the state. religion, dissociating itself into religion. attitude from Sasanian Iran, which sought to subjugate Armenia. The spread of the new religion was associated with the name of the first Catholicos Gregory Partev, nicknamed in the Central Socialist Republic. Literary Enlightener. According to his name, Arm. the church received the name Gregorian In 303, the Etchmiadzin Cathedral (near Yerevan) was built, which became a religious building. the center of all Armenians and the seat of the head of A.-g. c. In the 4th century. A.-g. c. has become a strong economic and ideological. org. Having received from the royal power means. part of the property of the priests and large lands. awards, A.-g. c. exploited labor large number dependent peasants and artisans. The priests, in addition to other income, received an allotment from communal lands and were exempt from taxes. Armenian peasants were required to pay special payments. tax on the maintenance of the church - tithe. To strengthen ideological the impact on the masses was built means. number of churches and monasteries.

Strengthening A.-g. c. led to the fact that Catholicos Nerses (3rd quarter of the 4th century) tried to subordinate the royal power to his influence, but was met with decision. rebuff from King Papa (d. 374). With him the Arm. Catholicoses stopped going to Caesarea for approval; the king of Armenia began to approve them. At Dvinsky Church. cathedral 554 A.-g. ts., reflecting the desire of the feudal lords of Armenia to resist the aggression of Byzantine, finally separated from the Greek. church and became autocephalous. According to the creed of A.-g. c. became a follower of Monophysitism - a movement in Christianity, whose representatives claim that Christ did not have two natures - divine and human - as the Orthodox and Catholics preach. church, but only divine.

For centuries, there has been a struggle between different religions in Armenia. currents and directions, reflecting the class. and intraclass. struggle. In the 4th-5th centuries. in Armenia the heresies of Borborites and Messalians became widespread, in the 6th-9th centuries - the Paulicians, in the 9th - mid. 11th centuries - Tondrakians and others, whose followers are religious. the shell reflected the protest of the people. masses against feud. and religious oppression. Official church with government support the authorities brutally suppressed these movements. Since the 13th century. Catholic the church sought to spread its influence in Armenia, but to no avail.

After Armenia lost its statehood, A.-G.C. was in the Middle Ages the only centralized national organization; at the behest of foreign conquerors, it performed a number of functions of secular power. Catholicos, heading A.-g. ts., was the supreme judge, participated in the development of civil law. laws, convened a council - the highest council. organ of the secular and spiritual nobility of Armenia and was its chairman. Political events led to the fact that the center of A.-g. c. moved from Etchmiadzin to the cities of Dvin, Ani, Romkla, Sis. Since 1441, Etchmiadzin again became the residence of the head of Armenia. churches. In the 17th-18th centuries. The attraction of the Armenians towards Russia intensified, from which they hoped to receive help in the fight against the domination of the Turks. and Iran. conquerors. Reflecting these sentiments, Arm. Catholicos tried to establish relations with Russia. A prominent role in the development of Russian-Armenian. connections in the 2nd half. 18th century played by Archbishop Joseph of Argutinsky.

On Wed. century A.-g. c. played objectively famous role in the development of science and culture of Armenia. In schools at monasteries, along with religions. The subjects taught were rhetoric, grammar, philosophy, mathematics, and painting. Books and manuscripts were copied in monasteries. However, in general, the dominance of the church hampered the development of culture in Armenia. A.-g. C., like other religions, has always played a reactionary role. role, being in the hands of exploiters a means of spiritual oppression of Armenians. people. A.-g. c. was a powerful support for the feud. orders and feud. ideology, actively participated in the suppression of antifeudalism. cross. movements. After the annexation of Armenia to Russia (1828) Russian. the production confirmed the main privileges of A.-g. c. Later, with the growth of the revolution. movements in Armenia, arm. church for the sake of tsarism and Armenians. The bourgeoisie actively contributed to the suppression of the revolution. performances in Armenia. Like other churches, it was hostile to Vel. Oct. socialist revolution.

During the existence of the "independent" bourgeoisie. Arm. republics (1918-20) A.-g. c. actively supported counter-revolutionary, nationalist. Dashnak government. After the establishment of the Sov. authorities in Armenia separated the church from the state and the school from the church. As a result of the victory of socialism in the USSR, the growth of culture and welfare of the Sov. people, the majority of Armenians living in Armenia. The USSR became atheists. Currently time A.-g. c. abandoned its hostile position towards the Sov. authorities and participates in the struggle for peace.

Led by A.-g. c. standing Catholicos (since 1955 - Vazgen I). His residence is Etchmiadain, where there is a special spiritual (theological) educational institution, published monthly magazine. "Etchmiadzin". For communication between the state and A.-g. c. under the Council of Ministers of Armenia. The SSR created the Council for A.-G. Affairs. c. In religion in relation to A.-g. c. unites Armenians living in all countries of the world. The Etchmiadzin Catholicos is subordinate to the religion. in relation to the Cilician Catholicosate, the Patriarchates of Jerusalem and Constantinople, as well as diocesan administrations located abroad: in the USA (California and North America), in the South. America, in Europe (center - Paris), on Bl. and Wed. East (Iranian-Azerbaijani, Tehran, Isfahan, Iraqi and Egyptian), in the Far East (Indian-Far Eastern), in the Balkans (Romanian, Bulgarian and Greek).

Lit.: Ormanyan M., Arm. church, its history, teaching, management, internal. system, liturgy, literature, its present, trans. from French, M., 1913; Harutyunyan B. M., Large monastic farming in Armenia 17-18 centuries, Yerevan, 1940; East. Arm. people, part 1, Yerevan, 1951; Slanders of the history of the USSR, III-IX centuries, M., 1958, p. 167-228, 480-502.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukova. 1973-1982 .

See what "ARMENIAN-GREGORIAN CHURCH" is in other dictionaries:

    Christian Church, in the 5th century. separated from the Greek; the majority of Armenians belong to it. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Armenian Gregorian Church- one of the oldest Christians. churches. Christ began to spread. in Armenia in the first centuries AD. In 301, King Tiridates III proclaimed Christ in the state. religion, dissociating itself into religion. relation from Sasanian Iran, striving. subjugate Armenia... ... Ancient world. Encyclopedic Dictionary

    See Armenian Apostolic Church... Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - ... Wikipedia Wikipedia

    A special type of religion. organization, an association of followers of a particular religion based on a common belief and cult. Ch. distinctive features of Ts.: 1) the presence of a more or less developed dogmatic. and cult system; 2) hierarchical. character,… … Soviet historical encyclopedia

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Apostolic Church of Armenia ; Among Russian-speaking commentators, the name introduced in Tsarist Russia is widespread Armenian Gregorian Church however, this name is not used by itself Armenian Church) - one of the oldest Christian churches, which has a number of significant features in dogma and ritual, distinguishing it both from Byzantine Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. In 301, Greater Armenia became the first country to adopt Christianity as a state religion , which is associated with the names of Saint Gregory the Illuminator and the Armenian king Trdat III the Great.

AAC (Armenian Apostolic Church) recognizes only the first three Ecumenical Councils, because at the fourth (Chalcedon) her legates did not take part (there was no opportunity to come due to hostilities), and at this Council very important dogmas of Christian doctrine were formulated. The Armenians refused to accept the decisions of the Council only due to the absence of their representatives at it and de jure deviated into Meophysitism, which means that (de jure again) they are heretics for the Orthodox. In fact, none of the modern Armenian theologians (due to the decline of the school) will say exactly how they differ from the Orthodox - they agree with us in everything, but do not want to unite in Eucharistic communion - national pride is very strong - like “this is ours” and we are not like you." The Armenian rite is used in worship.The Armenian Church is Monophysites.Monophysitism is a Christological teaching, the essence of which is that in the Lord Jesus Christ there is only one nature, and not two, as it teaches Orthodox Church. Historically, it appeared as an extreme reaction to the heresy of Nestorianism and had not only dogmatic, but also political reasons. They are anathema. Catholic, Orthodox and Ancient Eastern Churches, including the Armenian, unlike all Protestant churches, believe in the Eucharist. If we present the faith purely theoretically, the differences between Catholicism, Byzantine-Slavic Orthodoxy and the Armenian Church are minimal, the commonality is, relatively speaking, 98 or 99 percent.The Armenian Church differs from the Orthodox Church in celebrating the Eucharist on unleavened bread, imposing the sign of the cross “from left to right,” calendar differences in the celebration of Epiphany, etc. holidays, the use of the organ in worship, the problem of " Holy Fire» etc.
Currently, there are six non-Chalcedonian churches (or seven, if the Armenian Etchmiadzin and Cilician Catholicosates are considered as two, de facto autocephalous churches). The ancient Eastern churches can be divided into three groups:

1) Syro-Jacobites, Copts and Malabarians (Malankara Church of India). This is the monophysitism of the Sevirian tradition, which is based on the theology of Sevirus of Antioch.

2) Armenians (Etchmiadzin and Cilician Catholics).

3) Ethiopians (Ethiopian and Eritrean churches).

ARMENIANS- the descendants of Togarmah, the grandson of Japheth, call themselves Hayki, after Hayki, who came from Babylon 2350 years before the birth of Christ.
From Armenia they subsequently scattered throughout all regions of the Greek Empire and, according to their characteristic spirit of enterprise, became members of European societies, retaining, however, their outward type, morals and religion.
Christianity, brought to Armenia by the Apostles Thomas, Thaddeus, Judas Jacob and Simon the Canaanite, was approved in the 4th century by Saint Gregory the “Illuminator”. During the IV Ecumenical Council, the Armenians separated from the Greek Church and, due to national enmity with the Greeks, became so separated from them that attempts to unite them with the Greek Church in the 12th century remained unsuccessful. But at the same time, many Armenians, under the name of Armenian Catholics, submitted to Rome.
The number of all Armenians extends to 5 million. Of these, up to 100 thousand are Armenian Catholics.
The head of the Armenian-Gregorian bears the title of Catholicos and is confirmed in his rank Russian Emperor and has a department in Etchmiadzin.
Armenian Catholics have their own Archbishops, supplied by the Pope

Head of the Armenian Church:His Holiness the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians (now Garegin II).

Georgian Orthodox Church (officially: Georgian Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church; cargo. — autocephalous local Orthodox Church, having sixth place in Slavic diptychs local Churches and the ninth in the diptychs of ancient Eastern patriarchates. One of the oldest Christian churches in the world . Jurisdiction extends to the territory of Georgia and to all Georgians, wherever they reside. According to legend, based on an ancient Georgian manuscript, Georgia is the apostolic lot of the Mother of God. In 337, through the works of Saint Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Christianity became the state religion of Georgia. The church organization was located within the Antiochian Church (Syrian).
In 451, together with the Armenian Church, it did not accept the decisions of the Council of Chalcedon and in 467, under King Vakhtang I, it became independent from Antioch, acquiring the status of an autocephalous Church. with center in Mtskheta (residence of the Supreme Catholicos). In 607 the Church accepted the decisions of Chalcedon, breaking with the Armenians.

In 301, Armenia became the first country to adopt Christianity as a state religion. For many centuries there has been no church unity between us, but this does not interfere with the existence of good neighborly relations. At the meeting held on March 12 with the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Russia O.E. Yesayan, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill noted: “Our relations go back centuries... The closeness of our spiritual ideals, the common moral and spiritual value system in which our peoples live are a fundamental component of our relations.”

Readers of our portal often ask the question: “What is the difference between Orthodoxy and Armenian Christianity”?

Archpriest Oleg Davydenkov,d Doctor of Theology, Head of the Department of Eastern Christian Philology and Eastern Churches of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Theological University answers questions from the portal “Orthodoxy and the World” about the pre-Chalcedonian churches, one of which is Armenian Church.

– Father Oleg, before talking about the Armenian direction of Monophysitism, tell us about what Monophysitism is and how it arose?

– Monophysitism is a Christological teaching, the essence of which is that in the Lord Jesus Christ there is only one nature, and not two, as the Orthodox Church teaches. Historically, it appeared as an extreme reaction to the heresy of Nestorianism and had not only dogmatic, but also political reasons.

Orthodox Church confesses in Christ one person (hypostasis) and two natures - divine and human. Nestorianism teaches about two persons, two hypostases and two natures. M onophysites but they fell to the opposite extreme: in Christ they recognize one person, one hypostasis and one nature. From a canonical point of view, the difference between the Orthodox Church and the Monophysite churches is that the latter do not recognize the Ecumenical Councils, starting with the IVth Council of Chalcedon, which adopted the definition of faith (oros) about two natures in Christ, which converge into one person and into one hypostasis .

The name “Monophysites” was given by Orthodox Christians to the opponents of Chalcedon (they call themselves Orthodox). Systematically, the Monophysite Christological doctrine was formed in the 6th century, thanks primarily to the works of Sevirus of Antioch (+ 538).

Modern non-Chalcedonians are trying to modify their teaching, claiming that their fathers are unfairly accused of Monophysitism, since they anathematized Eutychus 1, but this is a change in style that does not affect the essence of the Monophysit doctrine. The works of their modern theologians indicate that there are no fundamental changes in their doctrine, no significant differences between the Monophysite Christology of the 6th century. and there is no modern one. Back in the 6th century. the doctrine of the “single complex nature of Christ” appears, composed of divinity and humanity and possessing the properties of both natures. However, this does not imply the recognition of two perfect natures in Christ - the divine nature and the human nature. In addition, monophysitism is almost always accompanied by a monophilite and mono-energist position, i.e. the teaching that in Christ there is only one will and one action, one source of activity, which is the deity, and humanity turns out to be its passive instrument.

– Is the Armenian direction of Monophysitism different from its other types?

- Yes, it’s different. Currently, there are six non-Chalcedonian churches (or seven, if the Armenian Etchmiadzin and Cilician Catholicosates are considered as two, de facto autocephalous churches). The ancient Eastern churches can be divided into three groups:

1) Syro-Jacobites, Copts and Malabarians (Malankara Church of India). This is the monophysitism of the Sevirian tradition, which is based on the theology of Sevirus of Antioch.

2) Armenians (Etchmiadzin and Cilician Catholics).

3) Ethiopians (Ethiopian and Eritrean churches).

The Armenian Church in the past differed from other non-Chalcedonian churches; even Sevier of Antioch itself was anathematized by the Armenians in the 6th century. at one of the Dvina Councils as an insufficiently consistent Monophysite. On the theology of the Armenian Church significant influence provided aphthartodocetism (the doctrine of the incorruptibility of the body of Jesus Christ from the moment of the Incarnation). The appearance of this radical Monophysite teaching is associated with the name of Julian of Halicarnassus, one of Sevier’s main opponents within the Monophysite camp.

At present, all Monophysites, as the theological dialogue shows, come out from more or less the same dogmatic positions: this is a Christology close to the Christology of Sevier.

Speaking about the Armenians, it should be noted that the consciousness of the modern Armenian Church is characterized by pronounced adogmatism. While other non-Chalcedonian churches show considerable interest in their theological heritage and are open to Christological discussion, the Armenians, on the contrary, have little interest in their own Christological tradition. Currently, interest in the history of Armenian Christological thought is rather shown by some Armenians who consciously converted from the Armenian Gregorian Church to Orthodoxy, both in Armenia itself and in Russia.

Is there currently a theological dialogue with the Pre-Chalcedonian churches?

- It is being carried out with varying success. The result of such a dialogue between Orthodox Christians and the Ancient Eastern (Pre-Chalcedonian) churches was the so-called Chambesian agreements. One of the main documents is the Chambesian Agreement of 1993, which contains an agreed text of Christological teaching, and also contains a mechanism for restoring communication between the “two families” of Churches through the ratification of agreements by the synods of these Churches.

The Christological teaching of these agreements aims to find a compromise between the Orthodox and Ancient Eastern churches on the basis of a theological position that could be characterized as “moderate monophysitism”. They contain ambiguous theological formulas that admit of a Monophysite interpretation. Therefore, the reaction in the Orthodox world to them is not clear: four Orthodox Churches accepted them, some accepted them with reservations, and some were fundamentally against these agreements.

The Russian Orthodox Church also recognized that these agreements are insufficient to restore Eucharistic communion, since they contain ambiguities in Christological teaching. Continued work is required to resolve unclear interpretations. For example, the teaching of the Agreements about wills and actions in Christ can be understood both diphysitely (Orthodox) and monophysitely. It all depends on how the reader understands the relationship between will and hypostasis. Is the will considered as a property of nature, as in Orthodox theology, or is it assimilated into hypostasis, which is characteristic of Monophysitism? The Second Agreed Statement of 1990, which underpins the 1993 Chambesian Accords, does not answer this question.

With the Armenians today, a dogmatic dialogue is hardly possible at all, due to their lack of interest in problems of a dogmatic nature. After in the mid-90s. It became clear that the dialogue with the non-Chalcedonians had reached a dead end, the Russian Orthodox Church began two-way dialogues - not with all the non-Chalcedonian Churches together, but with each one separately. As a result, three directions for bilateral dialogues were identified: 1) with the Syro-Jacobites, Copts and the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, who agreed to conduct dialogue only in this composition; 2) the Etchmiadzin Catholicosate and 3) with the Ethiopian Church (this direction has not been developed). The dialogue with the Etchmiadzin Catholicosate did not touch upon dogmatic issues. The Armenian side is ready to discuss issues of social service, pastoral practice, various problems of social and church life, but shows no interest in discussing dogmatic issues.

– How are Monophysites accepted into the Orthodox Church today?

- Through repentance. Priests are accepted in their existing rank. This is an ancient practice; this is how non-Chalcedonites were received in the era of the Ecumenical Councils.

Alexander Filippov spoke with Archpriest Oleg Davydenkov.

Are Armenians Catholics or Orthodox? or who?

  1. Heretics - because Monophysites. They did not accept the resolutions of the Holy Council of Chalcedon and went into schism. Raskolniki. But Christians, as well as Copts, are also Monophysites.
  2. We have our own faith.
    Armenian Apostolic Church. (In short, most are Gregorian, but with slightly different customs)
    THE ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH, one of the oldest Christian churches, adheres to the Monophysite direction of Christianity (See Classification of religions).

    Members of this church are usually called Armenian Gregorians. Last title is due to the fact that the founder of the Armenian Apostolic Church is considered to be Gregory the Illuminator (c. 240-332), who converted King Tiridates III of Armenia to Christianity in 301 (according to legend, the first Christians appeared in Armenia already in 34, after the Apostle Thaddeus visited this country, however reliable information about Armenian Christians dates back to the 2nd century). A

    Armenia became the first country in the world where Christianity was declared the state religion. At the beginning of the 5th century. monk Mesrop Mashtots, together with Catholicos Sahak, translated the Bible into Armenian (apparently from Old Syriac). The independent Armenian Gregorian Church, which rejected the decisions of the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, has existed since 506.

    The doctrine of the Armenian Apostolic Church is similar to the doctrine of other Monophysite churches. Armenian Gregorians accept the decisions of the first three ecumenical councils, but do not recognize the decisions of the subsequent ones.

  3. I don’t know who all Armenians consider themselves to be? I consider myself Orthodox!
  4. The Orthodox and Catholic churches do not accept them as Christians.
    Gregorian faith is different from Christian faith
  5. The most correct answer was from the one who wrote about the fact that the majority of Armenians belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church, there are Armenians and Orthodox, there are also Catholics. I, myself, am an Armenian Catholic, baptized in the Catholic Church (and my parents and grandparents, and further up the tree, were all Catholics), as well as Orthodox Armenians, baptized in Orthodox churches. Both Catholics and Orthodox are CHRISTIANS!)
  6. Armenians have their own CATHOLICOS... So draw a conclusion WHO they are
  7. After the new invasion of their country by the Persians in 428 and the inclusion of Armenia into the Persian region, the Supreme Patriarch Isaac the Great (378-439) made efforts to create external resistance to the occupation of foreigners, strengthening the spirit and self-awareness of the Armenians with the help church reforms. Protection was especially shown through Mesrob Mashtots, who created the Armenian alphabet of 36 letters, and thus laid the foundation for the development of Armenian philology.
    Mesrob, the creator of the national language of the Armenians, later became the Catholicos (patriarch) of Armenia. He translated the Holy Scriptures and the Fathers of the Church, mainly from the Greek and Syriac originals. Mesrob died in 440, 11 years before the IV Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon, which contained a creed that established a division in the relationship between the Armenian Church and the Orthodox Church.
    Due to the enslavement of Armenia by the Persians 42, the isolation and influence of Syrian bishops. For reasons beyond their control, they could not come to the IV Ecumenical Council and they were not even informed on time for the same reasons, and they either became stubborn, or due to human weakness they were simply offended that they accepted the dogmas without their presence. Most likely, the politics behind the scenes is not God’s will, Satan restrained it.
    Syria and Palestine at that time were a hotbed of all sorts of heresies. Muhammad did not master the teachings, but picked up fragmentary knowledge from all the rumors of heresies and it turned out that he came out of the Old Testament with suggestions from the outside.
    Armenians are an ancient long-suffering people, but the mentality in last times was influenced by Islamo-Arab influences.
    It is quite possible that they will re-realize the fact of the dogma and the union with the Orthodox Church; the contradictions were papal, which was rejected by the Orthodox Church in the 12th century (including Rus', which was baptized much later than Armenia in 988). Katolox - in the meaning of primate.
  8. ...they are Orthodox of a special kind...they have their own rules in their faith....
  9. Armenians in their absolute majority profess monophysical Christianity and belong to the Armenian Apostolic Church (A.A.C.). There are Catholics among the Armenians. In Russia and Georgia there are Orthodox Christians, and evangelists have appeared in Armenia. More than 1 million hidden Armenians profess Islam live in Turkey, some of whom are recent years returns to Christianity. In the northeast of Turkey there lives a large group of Hemshil Armenians who converted to Islam in the 16th century, but they consider themselves Armenians. According to the census conducted by the Hemshil initiative group, more than 3 million Hemshil Armenians were counted in Turkey.
  10. we are Catholics
  11. Armenian Church - AAC (Armenian Apostolic Church) - Armenians Monophysites Apostles. but there are more than 1 million Catholic Armenians and more than 1.2 million Orthodox Christians. Data is inaccurate.