Who is called good? What is evil like? What is the meaning of the golden rule. Historical facts regarding the rule in question

money circulation itself made it possible - 1
leads to the conclusion that
Lotto is held in the assets of central banks precisely as a treasure, and not as a reserve of money. Treasures are a concept that deforms the economic role of money. “Good” money should function as a reserve asset, not as a treasure. The formation of treasures under conditions of gold circulation removes money from circulation. The formation of reserves is something other than the accumulation of gold. The reserve is unstable and consumptive in nature. Treasure is characterized by “frozenness”, insignificant variability and an insignificant consumption role. Is gold, then, the embodiment of material wealth in general in our time?
In the capitalist world, a significant amount of gold is hoarded by economically underdeveloped countries. For example, in India, according to a five-thousand-year-old tradition, a father must touch a newborn child with an object made of gold, and the same tradition instructs the deceased to put at least a small piece of yellow metal into the mouth. Gold here is considered synonymous with prosperity, and therefore, for example, a newlywed in India is not only decorated with gold items, but even a circle of the precious metal is glued to her face. Of course, such outfits are not worn every day, and not every bride is showered with golden rain at a wedding, but tradition still does its job. This is probably one of the main reasons for the shocking paradox that, in one of the least economically developed countries in the world, perhaps largest reserves gold. Not state-owned, amounting to about 2\"20 tons, but private, hoarding, estimated by experts at 10 thousand tons. Moreover, this is gold of a very high standard, mainly 22 and even 24 carats (i.e. 916th and 1000- This metal is soft and jewelry made from it is easily deformed, however, this does not upset rich Indian women. They simply give the jewelry to a jeweler for alteration in a new manner, especially since human labor here is much cheaper than the processed metal.
For thousands of years, people in India have become accustomed to exchanging all the wealth of their lives for gold. And although a decree has been issued here obliging gold to be handed over to the state if there is more than 4 kg of it, this order is practically not followed. Due to this increased demand, the price of gold in this country is higher than on the world market, especially since supplies are mainly smuggled from Dubai.
Since ancient times, it has been customary to accumulate gold in the countries of the Middle East. True, the Koran prohibits women from wearing gold, but does not prevent it from depositing in any quantities in men. Some nations, on the contrary, have a custom according to which, during a divorce, a wife can take with her only what she is wearing. Naturally, this greatly contributes to the demand from the fair half of the population for products made of yellow metal.
And in our time, such an archaic demand is not last influence to increase prices in the London and Zurich markets. It not only causes a chain reaction of hoarding in developed capitalist countries, but also stirs up storms on currency exchanges, where from time to time there are rumors that oil-producing countries want to replace the dollar as the unit of account for oil with gold. Head of the Currency Agency Saudi Arabia (central bank countries) A. Abdullatif even had to specifically reassure his Western partners, declaring that gold does not play any role in the investment portfolio of his country, and in the portfolios of other OPEC member countries its role is secondary. True, these assurances did not dispel all fears. However, due to the secrecy of auxiliary operations, usually carried out through a whole chain of intermediaries, it is hardly possible to say anything for sure. Therefore, if some experts (J. Sinclair from the USA) argue that the demand for gold during the “gold rush” of the early 80s came mainly from oil-producing countries, then others (H.-I. Schreiber from Germany) believe that that the “oil sheikhs” acquired relatively little of the yellow metal.
It is appropriate to mention here that such a demand, if it really occurred, is associated not so much with the process of circulation of money, but with the fact that gold has become an important part, an essential element of the “recycling of petrodollars.” After all, on the one hand, inflation absorbed a significant share of foreign exchange

Increase in the amount of accounts of the Russian Shch. Increase in value
for oil imports, billion dollars “+22 gold reserves, billion dollars.

account of the rise in gold prices in 1979-1980. (from $200 to $650 per ounce)
accumulations of OPEC member countries, and on the other hand, the increase in the value of gold reserves of developed capitalist countries due to the increase in the price of the metal made it possible to fully compensate for losses from the increasing costs of oil imports, as can be seen in Fig. 3.
However, be that as it may, gold reserves in eastern countries quite large. But is it possible on this basis to recognize, say, India or the countries of the Middle East as the richest countries in the capitalist world? Hardly. Yes, no one seems to be making such attempts. At the same time, this is a completely logical conclusion from the statement that gold, even in modern conditions, is a monetary commodity.
In our opinion, gold, although it symbolizes social wealth to a certain extent, has already lost its monopoly on this function. Gold symbolizes wealth not in itself (otherwise why would Italy or Portugal need loans, having gold?), but only indirectly, through its connection with the credit money for which it is sold.
K. Marx noted that “as a material representative of universal wealth, money is realized only due to the fact that it is again thrown into circulation and disappears when exchanged for certain special types of wealth.” Since in modern conditions gold is no longer “rushed” into circulation, we can conclude that it itself has become, or rather, has again become a special type of wealth. The wealth of a nation is determined by the development of its productive forces. And since modern capitalist production is based on credit, then the money that represents the social materialization of wealth in general is credit money.
“The quality of the universal equivalent, historically assigned to gold,” argued Ya. A. Kronrod, “necessarily gave rise to and was inextricably combined with its other (gold as an equivalent) quality - the existence of abstract wealth.” Well, in this case, it is logical to admit that since gold has ceased to be a universal equivalent (both in exchange and in value), it is no longer the embodiment of the abstract wealth of nations.
Having ceased to perform the function of world money, gold ceded this role to credit money in the form of leading capitalist banks. However, we cannot assume that this ends the next evolutionary round. If in domestic markets the stage of development of money we are considering has apparently already ended (which, of course, does not mean the completion of the entire development process), then in international level For now, we can only talk about the completion of the demonetization of gold. As for the successor to gold in the function of world money, the final formation new form credit money capable of performing this function in accordance with objective requirements modern economy, has not finished yet.
As mentioned above, world money, adequate to the conditions of modern capitalism, is money that is supranational in nature. This in no way means that they can, or even less should be, signs issued by any body of management and systematic organization of the economic life of the capitalist world (a sort of “super-imperialist government”). World money will remain an element in any case market economy, and, consequently, their genesis. a new, modern form should be just an element of a more complex process - the process of integration of economic life.
Currently, this process is most clearly observed in the Western European segment of the market, where the prototype of a new form of world money - the ecus - already exists.
Disputes on certain issues related to the ECU do not stop, despite the fact that more than ten years have passed since the creation of this currency unit. This entire, to a large extent, purely theoretical discussion was sharply transferred into practical channels just on the day of the tenth anniversary of the European Monetary System - March 13, 1989. It was on this day that the end of the work of the J. Delors commission, which drew up the project of economic and monetary union within the EEC.
The project envisages the creation of a monetary union in three stages. The first stage, which began on July 1, 1990, aims to achieve closer economic integration. In particular, the currencies of all Community countries must be fully included in the EMU mechanism (at the beginning of 1990, only one Community member country, Great Britain, abstained in principle from full participation af EMU, although rising inflation and the prospects for the creation of a German monetary union uniting Germany and the GDR forced M. Thatcher to be less irreconcilable in discussing the prospect of Great Britain joining the EMU). The status of central bank governors should also be upgraded and they will have the formal right to submit their proposals directly to the EMU Council of Ministers. At the same stage, the creation of the European Reserve Fund is expected, serving as a kind of intermediate point on the way to European system central banks® (ESCB).
At the second stage, called the “transition period,” the role of collective decisions will increase, but ultimately the most important economic issues will still be resolved jointly with the competent authorities of the EEC member countries. The Community Council will issue rules on the financing of budget deficits, although they will not yet be binding on national governments. Finally, the ESCB will join the ranks of special bodies of the EEC; revision of exchange rates between the currencies of the Community countries will be used only in extreme cases.
After this, it will be possible to finally fix the indicated exchange rates, and also take up the practical solution of the issue of a single currency. This will mean the transition to the third, final stage of the process. The Community Council will acquire powers allowing it to completely eliminate budget deficits that threaten to disrupt economic stability, and the ESCB will have at its disposal the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the EMU and the right to intervene, if necessary, in the currencies of third countries 1.
No specific dates for the second and third stages were set, very prudently, as subsequent events confirmed. But according to experts, the first stage should last 6-7 years (i.e., until approximately 1997), after which the second stage should quite quickly move into the third (apparently by the beginning of the next millennium).
Since its publication, this project has been repeatedly discussed at various, including the highest, levels. And this is quite natural, since the idea of ​​​​creating a single currency for the EEC countries raises many pressing questions. First of all, they concern the nature of the relationship between the future European Central Bank, the issuer of such money, and the political authorities. Of particular interest is the problem of the relationship of the new currency with its national analogues: will there be parallel monetary circulation in the countries of the Community or will the “Western European currency” completely displace its predecessors?
True, after the Madrid meeting of heads of state and government of the EEC member countries, held in June 1989, J. Delors said that it was the draft of his commission that most fully took into account all possible options, since representatives of completely different points of view were involved in its work - "from neo-Keynesian to Ayatollah of monetarism." Nevertheless final opinion the prospect of creating a monetary union in the EEC has not yet been formed.
Be that as it may, we believe that the very idea of ​​monetary integration logically follows from the laws of the evolution of money as such. It is quite possible that the process of development of Western European monetary integration will not end with the creation of a new form of world money corresponding to modern conditions. However, this trend will inexorably manifest itself in different sectors of the world economy and will ultimately lead to the indicated result.

More on the topic: What is the meaning of golden treasures?:

  4. Functions of money in the system of economic relations. The function of money as a measure of value, circulation, a means of accumulation and savings, a means of payment. Function of world money

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The art of motivating colleagues, employees or associates is the foundation of everything you do as an entrepreneur, right? You want people to take action and be effective. But do you understand why users prefer a particular brand or company over others? And why do you choose this or that brand?

The answer is how you position your brand, or why you do what you do. The personality of a business—who you are, what you do, what your mission is—is what determines success, so you need to familiarize yourself with the principles outlined in Simon Sinek's book, Start with Why.

“Start with Why” is an opportunity to look into the soul of the target audience and yourself, a description of the reasons why people buy something and prefer one brand over another.

Thinking from within

When producing products and offering services, marketers and business owners focus on the wants and needs of their customers. Customers want a mousetrap, you invent a new and improved version of it, and that's why they should love you, right?

Sinek doesn't think so. His book says that clients are interested in who you are, what you represent, and why you do what you do. Your products and services - what you actually do - are only consequences of the reasons that force you to get out of bed every morning and start work.

Simon suggests thinking “from the inside,” that is, clearly understanding and articulating the reasons for your work, rather than thinking “from the outside,” trying to connect the results of work with the wants and needs of customers. People don't buy Apple computers because no one else makes them. good technique, but because Apple is loud about the goals of its work.

What Apple would say if they were a regular brand:

We make great computers. They are beautiful and easy to use. Want to buy?

What Apple is really saying:

Whatever we do, we challenge the status quo. We think differently. We challenge by creating easy-to-use, great-design products—and we just happen to make great computers. Want to buy?

Apple simply presents the information in order: this message begins with “why”—that is, a mission, meaning, or belief that has nothing to do with what exactly they do. What they make (from computers to small electronics) is no longer a reason to buy, but merely serves as a tangible manifestation of their “mission.”

Companies use material objects and benefits to prove that their brand, product or idea is better than others. The “from the inside” approach makes the “why” the reason for the purchase and the “what” only serves as visible evidence of belief. Apple's competitors are companies that only have products but no mission, which is why they lose.

What is a golden circle?

Every company on the planet knows what it is doing, otherwise it can't be called a business. Understand how you stand out from the crowd and how you are better than your competitors - for example, your offer or USP may be truly unique.

Very few people can clearly answer questions about why they do what they do—for example, “What is your mission? What is the meaning of your work? What do you believe in sincerely and fervently?” Can you answer without thinking?

Most businessmen think, act, and communicate from the outside, and when they talk about their business, they answer the question “what.”

But marketers and business leaders who start with “why” sell with passion and lead their people, instilling in customers and employees a sense of belonging, meaningful work, and important work. This feeling is not associated with external incentive or material gain, but can be much more effective.

Instead of a conclusion

*"With the help of GOLD... you can extract the souls from purgatory and populate heaven with them..." Christopher Columbus *After the death of Mahatma Gandhi there is no one to talk to..."
Russian President Vladimir Putin*Putin will step down as president in 2008, but retain his influence on political life... . He will never be president of Russia again. The “Golden Path” awaits him.

Predictions of the Nepalese Oracle

Columbus discovered not only America. The main discovery of Christopher Columbus is in his words: “ Using GOLD You can not only do anything in this world with its help you can extract souls from purgatory and populate heaven with them...”, In a letter to King Ferdinand, the man who discovered America, pointed to main secret Creator, lost with the destruction of the Library of Alexandria.

And only now, in the era of nanotechnology and rapid progress in the treatment of cancer using GOLD and other platinum group metals (with high spin moment), the most progressive part of humanity begins to understand: Why did the Mayan Indians laugh at us when humanity made GOLD - a currency of exchange in trading operations!

Owners of Russian oil capital have been transferring capital into gold mining production so urgently in the last year that one might think that they have gained access to the secrets of the Golden Water (Torah, Mei-Zahav), the House of Gold, the Brotherhood of the Golden Rosicrucians, to the secret of the “light-forming white gold powder” , protected by the Great White Brotherhood, and the golden statue of George Washington, standing in the meeting room of the New York Freemason Center. Or, moreover, they gained access to the secrets of levitation and the immaculate conception.

But no, for now the “transfer of hands” from the oil business to the gold business is just a reflection of the understanding that:

Firstly, the price of oil “fights back” through an increase in the price of gold and, accordingly, through a decrease in the gold content in the American currency, the dollar. And since, according to the calculations of American experts, the US economy is growing positively with rising oil prices and, moreover, America is “psychologically ready” for oil prices of up to $150 per barrel, the price of gold may well continue to rise only for this reason.

Secondly, gold becomes a good investment as the gold content of the dollar decreases, leading to its inflation.

Thirdly, discoveries related to the new properties of atomic gold, primarily in the treatment of cancer, in achieving physical longevity, the development of phenomenal memory abilities to remember huge amounts of information, as well as discoveries in the field of practical use of gold-containing medicines and cosmetics lead to a sharp increase in demand for gold (!) due to the expansion of its use in the production of goods and services of the best quality, using the highest technologies. In the coming years, this component of gold demand will grow sharply!

The golden style in interiors is just a reflection of the growing demand for “Gold-containing goods and services.” As well as the fact that, for example, in the Carven restaurant (near the White House on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment) “the crown of the chefs’ efforts is considered to be risotto with porcini mushrooms, decorated with GOLDEN foil, which can be eaten mixed with rice. Gold foil was, at one time, the signature style of the menu for wealthy passengers on Concorde airliners. In Indian cuisine, dessert dishes are covered with the finest gold food foil. In 2005, “golden” drinking water appeared on sale (in a glass “container” in the shape of the Eiffel Tower), which contains colloidal gold. The American company ABC Dispensing Technologies, the manufacturer of the new product, stated that this is the world's first drinking water that contains gold.

The essence is basically the same: or "Food with Gold", or "Food in Gold", or "Food on Golden Dishes", which is generally known from ancient times.

In ancient Egypt it was believed that It is necessary to feed not only the material body of a person, but also his luminous body (soul) and therefore the Egyptian priests had access to such a delicacy as “White Bread” - a powder made from gold that elevated the soul and spirit, bringing it closer to grace and a heavenly state. Egyptian kings ingested white manna made of gold starting around 2180 BC. Laurence Gardner, royal historian of the European Royal Council, writes about this /1/.

It was this phenomenon, along with other secrets, that Columbus spoke about when he mentioned the ability of GOLD (gold powder) to pull a soul out of Hell and send it to Paradise. The accompanying effect was that of extraordinary lightness and weightlessness. In my opinion, we could also be talking about levitation, since the legends of the Hyperboreans (Northern Russia in ancient times) also mention that the ability to fly (more precisely, anti-gravity) arose after taking secret potions.

The secret of the “light-forming white gold powder” was deliberately destroyed, but the legends remained. However, modern scientists have already discovered a powder (of gold origin) with similar properties, which is a natural superconductor with a zero magnetic field, deflecting both north and south magnetic poles, having the ability to levitate and retain any amount of light and energy. The superconductivity of this "exotic matter" has been hailed by University of Illinois scientists as "the most remarkable physical property in the Universe"

Hence the interest in the ancient traditions of the priests, spurred by the latest discoveries of new properties of GOLD nanoparticles. And these discoveries are, in fact, rediscoveries advanced science that was understood or at least known to residents ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Israeli clergy.

But this is still a PREAMBLE.

The fact is that today in modern elites there is an awareness of the sacred meaning of GOLD, but there is no knowledge of this sacred meaning itself.

The actions of the elites reflect respect for the effects of rejuvenation and healing that GOLD actually provides, but, at the moment, there is no understanding of the MECHANISM of action of GOLD. Luminaries, first of all, of medical science, as well as physicists, observe incredible therapeutic success with the use of gold nanoparticles, but more often this effect is of a side nature, and is not the result of an experimental test of some single harmonious concept. At the moment, the explanation of the MECHANISM is discrete. With glimpses.

That’s why we are now (despite what’s happening in the world of science!) trading GOLD, hoarding GOLD, locking it in chests and bank vaults, while God gave us GOLD not for this at all... GOLD is the elixir of life and immortality, and we We traded and trade in “Immortality and Divinity.”

GOLD points to the path to Paradise. Just don’t read Columbus’s words in such a way that by paying God a considerable number of ounces of gold, we can bribe him and replace a ticket to Hell with a ticket to Heaven. You cannot buy the way to heaven through the mediation of church ministers with gold... We are talking about something else...

We are talking about exactly what is the secret of the Golden Age, the Golden Water, the Golden Path, which was predicted for Vladimir Putin; a secret, perhaps known to the Indian Mahatma dynasty (a spiritual-theocratic dynasty that ruled India for many years), and also, of course, known to the ancient Greek philosophers (Plato and others), who are often called pagans.

So, since new discoveries confirm ancient legends, let’s summarize what is known about gold powder and gold nanoparticles, starting from the times of Ancient Egypt to the latest discoveries of modern scientists.

Ancient Egypt. Egyptian hierophants

IN Ancient Egypt“light-forming white gold powder” was known, which cleansed a person’s soul, had a positive effect on his energy and gave a feeling of lightness, and even according to legend, in exceptional cases, allowed the soul to leave the body and then return back to it. Purification of the human soul led to physical longevity. Thus, this “White Bread” made it possible to get closer to some image of the “Ideal Man”. All the leading priests and alchemists of that period, right up to Doctor Paracelsus, spoke about one thing: The main task is not to obtain tons of gold by transmuting metals, but to obtain the “Ideal Man” /5/. Accordingly, the task was to obtain medicines (exotic food) in order to lead a person along the so-called Golden Path (along the path of perfection), and make him Ideal, painless, harmonious, kind, moral, sincere, pure, immortal Soul.

The essence and meaning of the “gold powder” is well explained by the story of Moses and the Israelites on Mount Horeb in Sinai, where Moses was upset to discover that his brother Aaron had collected gold rings from the Israelites and forged them into a golden calf as an idol for worship. As a result, Moses took the golden calf and set him on fire, then ground into powder and fed the Israelis.

North of modern Russia. Shamans

Shamans knew unique medicinal properties chilly. Znobit is a very rare breed containing insoluble complex salts of GOLD, which to date have not been able to be reproduced artificially. The most popular is the meteorite hypothesis of the origin of znobita. Having disintegrated in the atmosphere, its small (about 0.1 mm) shiny crystals scattered over the eternal ice, forming a spot of an elongated elliptical shape; subsequently its shape was disrupted by the drift of ice floes. Tribes subarctic regions of Northeast Russia have mined znobit throughout its recorded history. The powder melted from the ice, dried and was separated from the sand grains by sticking to the fingers; over the hands of the breadwinner, the shamans performed a special cleansing ritual using horsetails and bone meal. A supply of znobita was kept at the shaman's bedside; it was used in the treatment of a series of diseases, to poison enemies (in large doses). Altai shamans also knew about the fever. And even Doctor Paracelsus traveled to the territory modern Russia, talked a lot with shamans. Along with other things, he was interested in issues of radioactivity (radioactive minerals in the Arctic regions).

As we see, the very method of extracting znobit indicates that the shamans, according to their experience, already knew magnetic properties small gold salt crystals. And using “hand magnetism” (weak magnetic fields) they “fished out” golden grains of sand from Eternal ice. IN in this case we are talking, as in the legends about Egypt, about the healing and magnetic properties of powder made of gold particles. However, this powder, like “White Bread,” does not seem to be obtained only by simple mechanical crushing of gold.

Let me draw your attention, before Moses crushed the GOLD, he gave it over to FIRE... and this is the KEY and CODE to future scientific discoveries, even if someone does not like the “fire worshipers” - the pagans. In this case, this is the first position I defend. At the same time, I am talking about FIRE as a natural “Anti-gravity”, because only the flame of fire rushes upward, towards gravity, while everything else tends to the ground. In these reflections on fire, the context of the Kabbalistic book “Esh Ha-Metzareph,” “The Purifying Fire,” is also important.

What is happening in the modern world

Modern planet

Japan Japanese scientists in 2003-2004 discovered GOLD “nanomagnets”. Their experiments showed that the magnetic properties of gold nanoparticles differ significantly from the properties of ordinary gold - they behave like ferromagnetic particles. Gold in its normal state is diamagnetic. Thus, Japanese scientists discovered what had long been known to shamans from the practice of extracting znobit. This is the magnetism that appears in small particles of gold /2/ America Oncologists from Arkansas proposed an interesting method for treating malignant tumors of the mammary glands (2003). In the method they developed, a key role is played by GOLD, which saturates cancer cells. Scientists have proposed saturating breast tumors with GOLD (for example, implanting thin gold strips under the skin of the breast), and then irradiating the breast with a low-energy laser. Gold reflects laser beams in such a way that their energy is scattered throughout cancer cells, destroying the latter / 4 / Russia The group of academician Philip Rutberg of the St. Petersburg Institute of Electrophysics and Electric Power Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences patented a system in the USA plasma water purification. It later turned out that plasma-treated water selectively affects cancer cells, leaving healthy ones intact. The reason for the unusual effect is that, due to the discharge, charged particles “fly off” from the electrodes. copper nanoparticles(size 2-10 nm). In June 2006, the project for plasma water purification of Tekhnosistema-ECO CJSC (Moscow) received the Grand Prix of the Competition Russian innovations, the general partner of which was the Shell concern in Russia. Germany Scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich proposed mixing medications with magnetic nanoparticles, or nanomagnetosols, in microdroplets of water, which are then directed to the affected areas using a magnetic field (2007).

The Scientific American magazine back in 1995 discussed the effect that ruthenium caused (high spin) when interacting with Human DNA. It was argued that if individual ruthenium atoms were placed at each end of a short strand of DNA such a chain actually becomes a superconductor. Today's science has established that monoatomic ruthenium resonates with DNA, dismantles short helices and reassembles them in the correct form. The cell recovers

I specifically presented those scientific achievements, which are important for understanding how discoveries in the field of nanotechnology allow today Reconstruct ancient knowledge , preserved, most often, in the form of legends and codes, and also bring together the positions of science and world religions.

Among the main ones, the following scientific vectors stand out::

  1. Magnetism of gold nanoparticles
  2. Magnetic nanoparticles as “carts” for targeted delivery of cancer drugs.
  3. Saturation of cancer cells with gold
  4. DNA “cure” with gold.
  5. Small volumes of gold, healing “vital structures” many times larger in volume and mass.
  6. Organic memory on gold nanoparticles
  7. Interaction of nanoparticles and water to obtain the “Living Water” effect

I will dwell in more detail on "Living Water", because from my point of view, the “entry” into the study of the problem through the “Living Water” allows humanity to begin the movement along the evolutionary path, based on the ancient wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus, Pythagoras, Plato, as predicted by E. Blavatsky, as is known, a student of the Mahatmas ( Great Brotherhood of Teachers of Humanity, Initiates)

IN folk wisdom For many centuries, “Living Water” has been understood as natural water. This is dew, melt water, water from mountain rivers and waterfalls, water from the depths (mineral, etc.). Such “Living Water”, of course, as in fairy tales, does not revive, but gives energy and mood. The main problem is that natural “Living Water” retains its properties for no more than a day, i.e. it is difficult to store, it “dies”.

In ancient times, Egyptian queens, in order to “revitalize” the water in the pools, forced their slaves to sleep around the perimeter of the pool. According to the hypothesis that I develop in this article, in a similar way they used human magnetic fields to magnetize water. This is also indicated by the fact that the students often asked to drink water from the Teacher’s bedside. Those. Water placed near the Teacher’s head during sleep not only came under the influence of the Teacher’s magnetism, but also “remembered” the information from his energy field. The previously known effects of “memorizing” information with enchanted water have also been confirmed by many scientific studies in recent years and do not give rise to debate.

In recent years, the “Living Water” brand has often been used in the “drinking water” business. Moreover, in cases where the matter is put on stream, most often, identify “Living Water” and “Magnetic Water”. There are many ways to magnetically treat water. The latest achievements include water purification with nanofilters.../6/. It can be assumed that it is the magnetism of nanoparticles in this case that provides temporary magnetization of water.

However, as I said above, there is a problem not only with obtaining “Living Magnetic Water”. There is a problem of preserving “Living Water”.

Let me quote: “And then the (silver) tree spoke: - Listen to me, young man! There is a jug at the bottom of the spring. Take it out and fill it with living water. Then break off one branch from me. On the way back you will dip the branch in living water, and sprinkle stones on the path... Maciej bent over the spring and saw at the bottom golden jug, took it out, scooped it up living water».

Only today, after compiling and analyzing all scientific discoveries, we can say that this quote from the fairy tale about “Water of Life” contains precisely the Code of the Creator.

It turns out that in folk tales many centuries ago there was knowledge that GOLD is a diamagnetic material, repels an external magnetic field (in which it is close in its properties to superconductors), i.e. protects the liquid located in the “Golden Vessel” from the effects of external fields, without changing the magnetism of what is inside. Or rather, by preserving the magnetism of the “Living Water” inside the “Golden Vessel”.

Therefore, the second protected provision of this article can be formulated as follows: “A golden jug with “Living Water” inside and a “Silver Branch” - this is the formula of the “Ideal Man”

This is the formula of a Man who has the so-called “Light-Soul”(associated with superconductivity and high spin in the terminology of modern physics)

This is the formula of a newborn child: pure, innocent. Child, inner “Water of Living”, which from the point of view of modern scientific discoveries is called cluster. Under a microscope it looks like snowflakes. This water is found in all babies: human, tree shoots, foals. All babies are filled with cluster water, but it disappears very quickly and turns into structured water. And then, no less quickly, due to aging and loss of health, it begins to move into an unstructured state. At the University of Georgia, where this research is being conducted, it was discovered that every diseased cell in our body is surrounded by unstructured water. And healthy cells are surrounded by structured water. Natural water in rivers and lakes is also structured. Cancer cells are hydrophobic (dehydrated).

Based on the main principle: “Everything is created in the image and likeness of God,” we must conclude that the formula of an ideal living cell of the human body is identical to the formula of the Ideal man.

Thus, a living cell must have a “Light-Soul” or otherwise a “Golden Soul”. A cancer cell is a cell without a Soul. The task of treatment is to breathe the Soul into it.

It is known that cancer cells accumulate gold and the principle of cancer diagnosis is based on this. Those. Cancer cells, trying to survive on their own, draw in gold particles.

The human body is so perfect that it itself tries to put GOLD PATCHES on its “gold-containing human spacesuit” that received “holes.” A person is capable of GOLDEN regeneration - this is the third position I defend.

Unfortunately, through these “holes” vital energy “leaks” from the human body, and, you have to understand, cosmic radiation gets inside, killing more and more cells. We can conclude that this condition of “breaking the tightness of the human body by cancer cells” is especially dangerous for women. Because every month their body makes a “blank” of cells without a soul for a possible child. This is probably why in the treatment of cancer, in a number of countries that have advanced along this path, the formula “Kill a woman” acquires great importance. And in America, drug avoidance of these monthly risks is being promoted.

What I called “gold-containing human spacesuit” - this is a similarity to the “Golden Jug of Man”.

Ability to golden regeneration Man has preserved it from the times when he was perfection itself, and in history was called the man of the “Golden Age.”

Doctors have already realized that cancer cells “ask” to quench their thirst for gold (other high-spin metals) and, in principle, all the main cancer treatment regimens are based on this. However, there is a problem of overdose and toxicity. There is also a question about why every sixth patient has to refuse gold-containing drugs due to side effects /3/. All these questions will receive answers if we approach the study of the problem from the point of view of AL-chemistry (AL-gold), i.e. from the perspective of those initiated into the secrets of the House of Gold.

So, the cancer cell wants to become GOLD and be surrounded by “Living Water”. But the “Golden Jug of Man” received “holes” and the water in Man, once Living (structured), turns into unstructured.. In this case, the body, or at least the diseased cells, needs a constant source of “Living Water”.

“GOLDEN water” can be such a source, i.e. water containing gold nanomagnets and thereby maintaining its magnetism. From the point of view of magnetism, water containing nanoparticles of other metals present in the human body, in particular copper, is also suitable (perhaps to a lesser extent). Side effect selective effect of plasma water on cancer cells described above, confirms this conclusion. However, from my point of view, the high spin moment of the metal is also of fundamental importance.

Thus, all the latest discoveries in the field of medicine confirm the conclusion that HEALING a person is the body’s desire for the gold standard.

It is no coincidence that people call a kind and enlightened person the “Golden Man,” a person with a “Golden Soul.” They say about those who put their soul into the business: “Golden hands.” Those who receive the talent as an insight are called “Nuggets.” All this must be taken literally, just like the words of the geologists’ song: “Even in life, we know how to distinguish expensive ore from waste rock...”

The priests of Ancient Egypt and AL-chemists saw the universe in a similar way. They called the transformation of less noble metals into more noble ones, in particular, copper into gold, CURE. By analogy, the HEALING of a person was associated with their transformation into a noble person, into an ideal person, into a person with conscience, morality and intellect. All this was accompanied by a “healing of metals” also within the person himself. Alchemists also mention the reverse process of “disease of metals” during their “communication with less noble ones.”

In the most sacred stories, when CURE was associated with the use of “ White bread", the secrets of which were kept by the "Great White Brotherhood", the process itself was called THE DEIFICATION OF KINGS.

Luminous white powder, as a conductor on this path, was depicted in the form of a cone with a sphere at the bottom. The image resembles the shape of a torch, the shape of the fire of a burning candle. This divine candle is inside a person. Solar fire in Buddhism is identified with the “Lotus of the Heart”. And the Lotus with a cross is the sign of the Initiates.

This is the Golden Path, the path of perfection. Because the illuminating Divine cosmos approaches only those who, on the path of perfection (healing), have kindled within themselves inner light. “I know God,” the Slavs said about this. And just like the Egyptians gave great value cleansing fire.

Since the secret of "White Bread" was lost, few people have been able to walk the Golden Path of Perfection. At first, legends about the sacred meaning of GOLD were preserved, but no one knew the mechanism of healing with GOLD. The rulers tried to surround themselves with a “golden shell”: golden walls, golden thrones, golden crowns, golden jewelry, but the soul was still mortal. Although all this had a positive effect on the health of the body.

But, by and large, just like don’t put IRON into GOLD, it won’t become GOLD. In reality, the elites lost over time divine meaning. But I wanted divinity. Therefore, there were also exotic cases when people “drank gold”, “ate gold”, covered their bodies with gold, but did not become gold from this, but only died.

At the same time, there was a decrease magical power GOLD, which was also associated with cosmic processes. But in the 21st century, the power of the sun's GOLD begins to return to this metal again, so say those who know the stars well, and this marks the “Golden Age” and the anticipation of the appearance of the “Golden Man”.

It is no coincidence, knowing about the advent of the “Golden Age”. Nostradamus addressed a warning to our generation not to repeat the mistakes of “gold consumption” without restoring sacred meaning"GOLDEN CURE".

So, as shown above, scientific discoveries give us clues to the recovery of the secrets of the metallurgical union of the Enlightened Masters of Thutmose III. But even a complete reconstruction of this knowledge will not allow us to discover the secret of immortality unless we abandon the rational, pragmatic approach of chemists and recognize that the main component of the “chemical experience” is the Light-Soul of the priest or AL-chemist. In a language understandable to science - the state and strength of the energy of their field, which is built up with the help of high thoughts, good thoughts, rituals, prayer (sound vibrations), and cleansing fire. High Soul continues to improve during this “MUTUAL HEALING”. because Not only the metal, but also the AL-chemist himself comes under the influence (influence) of the divine Cosmos.

Egyptian priests and AL-chemists, obtaining powder for the deification of the pharaohs, themselves became, to some extent, DIVITS.

But the “Royal knowledge” that they possessed was called unofficial, divine.

There are predictions that in the coming years there will be a separation of the entire human community, depending on the state of the “Light-Soul” (the integrity of its “Golden Jug”). And therefore, inventions in the field of nanotechnology and “luminous gold powders” are extremely necessary for those who want to remain at the top of this separation, if they are not very confident in their kindness, morality and inner light.

Just as a noble metal attached to the end of a DNA strand heals the entire chain, so too does a good metal happy man walking the path of perfection, “heals” his environment. As they say, save yourself and thousands around you will be saved.

But there's a lot more impact than just kind person has the Ruler of the country. During the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, it was noted that if the ruler was sick, then the entire population was sick. If the ruler is healthy and cheerful, then his mood is transmitted to the citizens of his country. It is for this reason that Plato, in his dialogues “Politician”, “State”, “Laws” advocated enlightened king.

Plato characterized government like royal art, the main thing for which is the presence of true Royal knowledge and the ability to manage people. If rulers have such data, then it will no longer matter whether they rule according to laws or without them, whether they are poor or rich, and it also does not matter what kind of public administration system operates in the country: monarchy, aristocracy or democracy.

However, everything said in this article shows us that Royal knowledge is knowledge acquired on the Golden Path of perfection.

And therefore we must admit that supreme goal citizens is the GOLDEN RULER at the head of the country.

And this EVIL RULER will be shown to us by the doors opening only for him to the “Divine Library of ROYAL KNOWLEDGE.”

It turns out that the very achievements in the field of nanotechnology showed us what kind of ruler Russia needs and how to solve the problem of 2008.

In today's images, we in Russia need GOLDEN PUTIN and a highly moral partner of Vladimir Putin, the potential choice of which, at the image level, was made by the President himself

And in this GOLDEN PAIR, they will have to solve the problems that are approaching us, which will arise when today's “Financial Status Quo” explodes with “GOLDEN DISCOVERIES OF THE GOLDEN AGE”.

Natalya Yaroslavova (II-AO No. 106563)

*This article uses scientific research materials from my son Yaroslav in the field modern methods purification of drinking water and “reconstruction” of its qualities, which makes him an actual co-author of this work in its scientific (not political) component. Yaroslav Godunin (III-FR No. 304654)

Of all the one hundred and eighteen elements on the periodic table, gold is the only one that humanity has always used as a currency. Read on to find out more interesting facts about this amazing metal...

When we want to describe a person's kindness and generosity, we say that he has a "heart of gold." This expression compares gold to something good, and is one of many examples where this precious metal is used as a synonym for greatness.

As you know, the winners Olympic Games receive gold medals (although they are mostly made of silver and plated with only one percent gold), Oscar statuettes are also gold-plated - as are the Grammy, Golden Globe and Nobel Prize medals.

But why do we love and value gold higher than hundreds of other metals on earth? Throughout history that we can trace, gold has been considered something that is very honorable to possess. This “passion for gold” is a feature of the entire world, not just any one culture, which proves that gold was highly valued long before the development of civilizations.


Noble metal received modern name thanks to its color. English word"gold" comes from the Old English "geolu" meaning yellow(kinship with it can be traced in the word “yellow”.

Radiant Dawn

The word aurum, which represents gold in the periodic table, has a rather poetic origin. In the periodic table, gold is represented as Au. This symbol comes from the old Latin name for gold - aurum, which translates as "radiant dawn" or "light of the sunrise."

5000 BC

Archaeological research shows that around 5000 BC, gold and copper became the first metals discovered by man.

The first wave of the gold rush

The first recorded discovery of gold in the United States was a seventeen-foot nugget discovered in Cabearus County, North Carolina. The first American gold rush began after more gold was discovered at Little Meadow Creek in the same state in 1803.

Interesting properties of gold

Gold is surprisingly resistant to high temperatures. it melts at a temperature of 1,064.43° Celsius and is capable of conducting heat and electricity. Also, gold never rusts.

Seeds in carats

Today, karats are used to measure the purity of gold. Initially, the word carat meant a unit of mass of carob seeds, which ancient traders used to pay.

Purity of gold

The purest gold is considered to be 24-karat. 18 karat gold is seventy-five percent pure, 14 karat gold is fifty-eight and a half pure, and 10 karat gold is forty-one percent pure. The remainder of the metal is usually silver, but it may also be platinum, copper, palladium, zinc, nickel, iron, cadmium, or an alloy of several of these metals.

From history to big sport

Among the athletes there are also lovers of history and precious metals. The name of the football team, The San Francisco 49ers, refers to the California gold seekers who arrived in San Francisco in 1849 during the Gold Rush.

The largest reserve of gold

The most extensive reserves of gold are located on the minus fifth floor of the Federal Reserve Bank warehouse in New York. Twenty-five percent of the world's total gold reserves (540,000 gold bars) are stored there. Most of them are owned by foreign governments.

Gold with you

In one of the hotels in Abu Dhabi you can buy gold from a gold machine. The world's first gold slot machine appeared in May 2010. It is located in a luxury hotel in Abu Dhabi and is itself plated with the purest 24-karat gold.

The heaviest ingot

The heaviest gold bar in the world weighs 250 kilograms.

Gold from the past

Given gold's extreme rarity and extremely high value, most gold ever discovered in history is still in circulation today. This means that about seventy percent of the current gold was found in the last hundred years. Perhaps your earrings are made from gold mined during the gold rush of the early twentieth century

Gold and alchemy

One of the main goals of alchemists was to transform base metals into gold. The Greeks and Jews began practicing alchemy in 300 BC. Experiments in turning common metals into gold reached their peak during the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

Flesh of the Gods

In Ancient Egypt, gold was perceived as the skin or flesh of the gods - in particular, the Egyptian sun god Ra. Therefore, gold was not available to anyone except the pharaohs, and only later did the clergy and other members of the royal court gain access to it. The rooms in which the royal sarcophagi were kept were known as the “houses of gold.”

Mine gold

In 1511, King Ferdinand of Spain uttered the immortal phrase: “Mine gold, if possible, humanely, but by all means, mine gold.” The instructions of King Ferdinand were followed by many - both during his life and after

Edible metal

Gold is edible in small portions. In several Asian countries, gold is used to flavor fruits, jelly snacks, coffee and tea. Beginning in the sixteenth century, Europeans placed golden leaves in bottles of liqueur (the most famous “golden” drinks are Danziger Goldwasser and Goldschläger). Gold particles are also found in the most expensive burger in the world.

Bretton Woods system

Gold was used as a standard for many currencies. After World War II, the Bretton Woods system was introduced in the United States, under which the price of gold was $35 per troy ounce (888.671 mg). This system was abolished in 1971 - when to cover everyone paper bills There was no more gold.

The rarest precious metal

Have you ever wondered why gold is so expensive? Gold is so hard to find that the world produces more steel in an hour than gold has appeared in all of history.

Unavailable gold

Despite the rarity of gold, it is believed that more than ninety-nine percent of all gold on Earth is still stored in the center of the planet.

Golden plasticine

Real pure gold is so soft that you can mold something from it with your bare hands, like plasticine.

Precious Blood

The human body contains about 0.2 milligrams of gold, mostly in the blood.

Treasure at the bottom of the ocean

A total of ten billion tons of gold have been found in the world's oceans. This means that per cubic mile sea ​​water accounts for twenty-five tons of precious metal.

fifty miles of gold

The most expensive fabrics can be sewn from gold. Gold is such a malleable metal that it can be used to create sewing threads. One ounce of gold could be stretched over fifty miles.

Alien supplies

Gold may well exist not only on our planet. Gold has been discovered on all continents of our planet. Many scientists believe that it may well be found on Mars, Mercury and Venus.

Gold from meteorites

Perhaps without the ancient meteor shower, we would never have known about gold. And this version really makes sense, considering that almost all the gold that we have on Earth, according to astrophysicists, appeared on our planet thanks to meteorites that attacked the Earth more than two hundred million years after its origin.

For many millennia, gold has driven people crazy: they killed for it, they died for it, they fought for it. There is no widespread gold rush these days, as most deposits have already been discovered, but in some countries you can still find gold miners who make their living solely by searching for the precious metal. Of course, the love for gold does not dry out among ordinary people either: gold has always been and will be synonymous with a luxurious life, wealth and power.