I dreamed of large potatoes. Potato stocks in the cellar. Why do you dream about large potatoes?

Potatoes are one of the most popular root vegetables in the human diet. The unpretentious appearance hides a pleasant taste. In the same way, an unsightly vegetable is revealed in dreams - foreshadowing interesting incidents and exciting emotions.

  • The dream “potato” foretells favorable changes in life, joyful emotions and prosperity.
  • Why with potatoes? Successful execution of a task that does not require any effort. Everything will happen, of course.
  • The dream “garden with potatoes” warns of a difficult situation in which you will need the help of loved ones.
  • Why do you dream about large potatoes? Grandiose improvements in fate; An unexpected event will suddenly change the course of your life, pleasant meetings and acquaintances await you.
  • Why do you dream about small potatoes? Sad events that will bring several sad moments and make you shed tears due to the difficulties encountered.
  • Why do you dream about young potatoes? The vision promises a pleasant surprise that will bring joy and a smile of tenderness.
  • Why do you dream about green potatoes? A warning about a dubious business in which you will be involved. It will not bring benefits, but will greatly worsen your situation.
  • Why do you dream about rotten potatoes? A harbinger of difficult events that will significantly worsen the state of your affairs. You need to learn to cope with obstacles on your way so that success accompanies you.
  • Why do you dream washed potatoes? Upcoming events will force you to change your point of view on many things.
  • Dirty potatoes in a dream predict the onset of a difficult stage in life. To get through it without serious losses, you need to take care of creating a reserve in advance.
  • The dream “potatoes are blooming” tells about your secret dreams that you hide from everyone.
  • Why do you dream about potatoes in a bucket? Feel free to realize your ideas; the vision foretells their successful execution, which will bring you benefits. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about potatoes in the ground? You have the wrong idea about the people around you. Don't judge superficially.
  • Why do you dream of potatoes in bags? Your options will be severely limited, and you will have to get out of a difficult situation with few resources.
  • Why do you dream about potatoes in nets? The vision predicts getting a promotion, or changing jobs to much better conditions.
  • Why do you dream of scattered potatoes? Heavy atmosphere in the house. Conflicts and quarrels over trifles.
  • Why do you dream about a cellar with potatoes? Symbolizes a secret that you carefully hide.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of potatoes? Hard work will bring good income, your efforts will be generously rewarded.
  • Why do you dream of potatoes with sprouts? Your efforts will not bring results, and the energy spent will be wasted.
  • Why do you dream of planting potatoes? Get a lucrative offer: the matter will be difficult, but will bring significant results.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes in the ground means health problems for a loved one.
  • Why plant potatoes on a grave in a dream? Your future is lost in the darkness, and it is impossible to realize what the future promises.
  • What does the dream mean: planting potatoes with the deceased? An outsider will provide assistance in stabilizing your financial situation.
  • Why do you dream about picking potatoes in a dream? Your work zeal will be appreciated and you will be rewarded with a salary increase or promotion.
  • In a dream, picking potatoes in the garden - upcoming events will allow you to visit distant relatives, or receive news from them.
  • Digging potatoes in a dream: why do you dream? There is a difficult, monotonous task ahead that requires significant effort.
  • What does it mean: digging large potatoes in a dream? Any, even the most risky business, will be crowned with success.
  • Dream Interpretation: Digging potatoes in a dream with your hands is a difficult and persistent path to increasing your well-being. Nothing will come easy - you will have to make a huge effort.
  • To see in a dream: digging up potatoes with the deceased - regrets and longing for the departed will come to you. The dream tries to warn and give a hint about what will happen soon.
  • The dream of “digging potatoes out of the ground with your parents” means reconciliation with relatives with whom you have been at loggerheads for a long time.
  • Why do you dream of eating potatoes? You will receive a significant one-time income supplement: winnings, gifts, bonuses.
  • The dream of “picking potatoes” predicts good events that will bring peace and joy.
  • Why do you dream of selling potatoes? You will be able to remove annoying annoying people from your social circle.
  • Why potatoes in a dream? You will have to go against your inner beliefs.
  • In a dream, buy small potatoes - ill-thought-out little things will ruin the whole thing.
  • Dream Interpretation: peeling boiled potatoes in a dream means the need to act to avoid losses.
  • Why dream of peeling raw potatoes? You have to change your opinion about someone close to you in better side.
  • Why do you dream about boiled potatoes? Calm times will come in your home, harmony and peace will reign in relationships.
  • Why do you dream about raw potatoes? A business that you doubt will succeed and generate income.
  • Why do you dream of frying potatoes? The changes will affect the work sphere: it is possible to get a new job, change the team, or get a profitable deal.
  • Why do you dream of fried potatoes? Income will increase, profitable acquaintances will occur that will help strengthen your position in society.
  • The dream "pies with potatoes" tells you that you need to take care of your inner world and external form.
  • Potato tops in a dream predict the onset of calm and serene days; enjoyment of relaxation and harmony.
  • The dream “he gave grandma a bucket of potatoes” promises a comfortable life and the opportunity to do good deeds.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Why do you dream about potatoes? The dream tells you that getting good supplies and creating additional resources will require hard work and perseverance.
  • Why do you dream of growing potatoes? To discover hidden information, you will need to work hard and search more carefully.
  • Why dream of digging up potatoes? A business that can bring profit will be unpleasant, but will give you a good source of income.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes with a dead person? Sadness and blues. The vision warns of alarming events that will soon occur and gives a hint on how to behave in the current situation.
  • Why do you dream about big potatoes? Portends further prosperity.
  • Why do you dream of seeing rotten potatoes? You have to go through hard times, marked by losses and waste.

Jewish dream book

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • If you dream about potatoes, what does it mean? Replenish your household supplies and increase your income.
  • “I dreamed that I was digging potatoes” - you have to work hard for little reward.
  • Why do you dream about eating potatoes and meat? Be careful with the choice of foods, the vision talks about intestinal disease.
  • Why dream of peeling potatoes in a dream? Liberation from the yoke of a bad person; escape from violence.
  • Why dream of frying potatoes in a frying pan? Expect a visit from an unpleasant person. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about a potato field? You will earn a generous reward for your efforts.
  • Selling potatoes in a dream - avoid visiting people who bother you.

Noble dream book of Grishina

  • Why do you dream about digging potatoes? You have fruitless work ahead of you, which will take up a significant part of your time.
  • Why do you dream about cooking potatoes? Expect the arrival of people who disgust or bore you.
  • Why do you dream about potatoes in bags, a lot? Get a sudden source of profit and improve your financial situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: selling potatoes means liberation from oppressive emotions and the object that causes them.

Women's dream book

  • Why does a woman dream about potatoes? Career advancement, unexpected recognition and success.
  • Seeing big potatoes in a dream - for a woman, the vision prophesies the successful implementation of a complex undertaking, followed by gratitude from management.
  • A pregnant woman dreams of potatoes - foretells a difficult but successful birth.
  • Why dream of digging large potatoes? The vision predicts a happy outcome to a problem that has tormented you for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging potatoes with a shovel - your zeal will be noticed by your superiors; an offer for a more profitable occupation. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: Digging potatoes with your hands - you can achieve what you want only with perseverance, nothing will come easy.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of “digging potatoes with parents” - restoration of relationships with a relative who offended you.
  • Digging potatoes on a grave in a cemetery - the dream book interprets it as sad memories that will come to you from the past. At the same time, the vision is a hint on how to behave in the future. (see and)
  • Why do you dream about dirty potatoes? Empty experiences and activities that do not bring results.
  • Why do you dream of sprouted potatoes? The business you have planned will be very profitable and will bring you success.
  • Why do you dream about potatoes in the garden? Well-groomed and level beds predict the successful implementation of plans, without effort or worry on your part.
  • Why do you dream of planting potatoes in the ground? The vision indicates the need for painstaking and difficult work to obtain the expected result.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes in a dream with your husband means a long and happy life together.
  • Why dream of digging up rotten potatoes from the ground? You will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.
  • Why do you dream about potato tops? The solution to your problem is hidden deep, you need to dig out the details to get answers.
  • Why do you dream of blooming potatoes? Sudden receipt of money: this could be a win, an inheritance or a gift.
  • Why do you dream about weeding potatoes? Be careful when keeping your secrets; someone is seriously intent on taking them over.
  • Why dream of collecting potatoes in a bucket? Strengthening your financial position. There is work ahead aimed at your personal enrichment.
  • Why do you dream of hilling potatoes? A favorable time for investing money in reliable projects or depositing it in a bank.
  • Why do you dream of large potatoes on the ground? You are mistaken in your assessment of one of your loved ones or acquaintances.
  • Why do you dream about red potatoes? Happiness in romantic relationships, building a strong love connection.
  • Why dream of digging, collecting potatoes with your life partner? The dream predicts a marriage unclouded by troubles and sorrows.
  • Why do you dream about digging large potatoes with your hands? A signal that you are too overtired and on edge - you urgently need a break.
  • Why do you dream about picking potatoes? This is a good time for professional realization; all paths are open to you.
  • Why do you dream of sorting through potatoes? You will need to do some nasty, but important work for you.
  • Why dream of stealing potatoes? The dream talks about your envy of wealthier individuals.
  • Why do you dream about large potatoes in a bag? A promise to improve your financial situation. Receive a sudden win, or the return of a long-forgotten debt.
  • Why do you dream about baked potatoes? You will lose hope of improving your fate; attacks of blues and melancholy.
  • Why do you dream about jacket potatoes? Meeting with a close friend.
  • Why do you dream of peeling boiled potatoes? Wait for guests or news that will bring long-awaited joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: peeling potatoes - do not be afraid to defend your interests and express your opinion.
  • What do you dream about: potatoes? Do not trust unfamiliar personalities; there comes a time when they will try to deceive you.
  • Why do you dream about mashed potatoes? Pleasant and joyful worries about preparing a serious holiday.
  • Why does a woman dream of fried potatoes? You will have a good time with close friends and get a lot of positive impressions.
  • Why do you dream of potatoes with mushrooms? The party will turn out to be more expensive than you originally planned.
  • Why do you dream of baking potatoes with chicken? Get a financial injection from an outside source.
  • Why do you dream about dumplings with potatoes? Noticeable improvement in money matters.
  • Why do you dream about potato pies? Subconscious dissatisfaction with one's shape. You probably need to pay attention to yourself by playing sports.
  • Why do you dream of boiling potatoes? We will have to solve problems related to financial side affairs.
  • Why do you dream about raw potatoes in their skins? Monotonous hard activity with minimal reward.
  • Why dream of buying potatoes in a dream? A feeling of respect and recognition of your merits from others.
  • Why do you dream about peeling potatoes? The vision talks about the scarcity of your gray everyday life, you are caught up in monotony, and you are moving with the flow, making no attempt to change your existence to an optimal one.
  • Why dream of cutting potatoes into strips? In reality, complete a bland and boring project.
  • Why dream of washing potatoes - you have to reconsider your opinion on a very important issue.
  • Dream Interpretation: Weeding potatoes is a difficult choice between friendly and family relationships.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about potatoes: profit on the farm, reward.
  • Why do you dream of boiled potatoes - the arrival of long-awaited guests.
  • Why do you dream of planting potatoes? You will have to work hard to get results.
  • Why do you dream of a lot of potatoes on the ground? You will not know your needs, you will be in a calm and unburdened state.
  • Why do you dream of picking large potatoes? A harbinger of your improvement financial opportunities, you can replenish your reserves by creating an emergency fund.
  • Why do you dream about peeled potatoes? You will have to defend your position, but by gathering resources, you will do it.
  • Why dream of peeling potatoes that have been boiled “in their jackets”? Portends poverty, decreased income.
  • Why do you dream of fried potatoes? Fulfilling a small, modest dream, but it will please you and give you strength for further activities.
  • Why do you dream about choosing potatoes? A comfortable existence, unclouded by search and persistent attempts to earn money.

Ukrainian dream book
Why do you dream about potatoes? Multiple meetings with people I haven’t seen for a long time.
Why dream of digging potatoes in the garden? Expect good events.
Ivanov’s newest dream book

  • Why do you dream of boiled potatoes in their jackets? A boring pastime.
  • Why do you dream about buying potatoes? Receive unexpected income; random money.
  • Why dream of digging big potatoes? The dream foreshadows illness.
  • Dream: potato tops mean that everything will turn out the way you wanted.

Spring dream book

Summer dream book

  • Dreaming of “digging potatoes” means a good harvest awaits you; abundance of reserves.
  • Why do you dream about planting potatoes? A bad sign, promising debts and waste.
  • Dream: buying potatoes with sprouts is a purchase that will help you start your own business.

Autumn dream book
Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about digging potatoes? Your plans will fail.
Why do you dream of planting potatoes in the garden? You have to save money to implement your own plans.
French dream book

  • Why do you dream of potatoes in bags? Stable financial condition, without obvious losses or fantastic profits.
  • Why do you dream of picking potatoes in a field? You have to work for a long time to ensure your existence.
  • Dream Interpretation: Stealing potatoes means you will find yourself in an awkward situation.
  • Why do you dream about potatoes with sprouts? Many small worries that cause annoyance nevertheless require solutions.
  • Why do you dream about peeled potatoes? A harbinger of an illness that will suddenly strike you.
  • Why do you dream of buying potatoes in a store? You can achieve a lot without putting much effort into it.

Loff's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream of clean, large potatoes? Contentment and well-fed times await you ahead, not overshadowed by poverty and grief.
  • The interpretation of dreams “small potatoes” sounds like difficulties that will bring great disappointment in life and many troubles.
  • Why do you dream about a vegetable garden with potatoes? Don’t tell others about your ideas; there are people next to you who will use your work without a twinge of conscience.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes in someone else's field? Free labor awaits you for the sake of someone else's enrichment.
  • What does it mean when you dream of peeled potatoes? Changes for the better are just around the corner. Incidents that will favorably affect your destiny.
  • Why do you dream of rotten potatoes in your hands? Your hopes for improving your income will not come true. We'll have to start all over again.
  • Boiled potatoes in a dream are a good omen that positive changes await you.
  • Why do you dream of burnt potatoes? Unfortunate incidents that will give you several unpleasant experiences.
  • Dream: weeding potatoes predicts dissatisfaction with the current situation, events will go contrary to the expected scenario.

Solomon's Dream Book
Why do you dream about the potato harvest? Sad events that bring tears.
Modern dream book

Lunar dream book
Dream: eating potatoes portends disappointment.
Why do you dream about digging potatoes? Difficult, monotonous work with no hope of decent remuneration.
Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • What does a potato mean in a dream? The promise of change for the better.
  • The dream book interprets rotten potatoes as sad news.
  • Dream: jacket potatoes - to come friendly party, which will bring a lot of warm emotions.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes in a field? Joyful events in fate that will give you pleasant memories for a long time.
  • Why do you dream about other people digging up potatoes? Your loved ones will begin to show care and attention to you.
  • The dream interpretation “eating boiled potatoes, dill” is an interesting date that evokes joyful emotions.
  • Dream: frying potatoes in a frying pan is a sign of an upcoming wedding.
  • Seeing fried potatoes in a dream means that one of your relatives or friends is about to get married.
  • Why do you dream of planted potatoes? The beginning of an interesting enterprise awaits you, which promises good dividends in the future.
  • Why dream of planting potatoes in the ground that you watched from the side? Financial success is waiting for one of your relatives.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Vanga’s dream book interprets “potatoes” as positive events that will happen at this stage of life.
  • Vanga's dream book "potatoes" also sounds like new job prospects.
  • Eating potatoes in a dream means waiting for your wallet to be replenished.
  • Why do you dream of planting potatoes? The future seems bright and prosperous.
  • Dream: cooking potatoes is interpreted as a solution to financial difficulties, paying off debts.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of rotten potatoes? You should not hope for the successful implementation of your plans.
  • Why do you dream about potatoes in the cellar? You will face further difficulties on your way.
  • Blooming potatoes - a dream prophesies good news.
  • Dream: potatoes are growing - you will experience an inexplicable feeling of excitement from upcoming incidents.
  • In a dream, picking potatoes from the ground - you will get a higher-paying job.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

  • Why do you dream about large potatoes? Success in business and prosperity in the home.
  • Seeing a lot of potatoes in a dream is good luck for a long time to come.
  • Why do you dream about planting potatoes? You will start a good enterprise that brings goodness.
  • Why do you dream about digging potatoes? You will have to do hard physical labor.
  • Why dream of digging up large potatoes? Difficult activities will receive worthwhile rewards.
  • Stealing potatoes - a dream prophesies the need to explain your unreasonable actions.
  • Seeing boiled potatoes in a dream means you will receive a lucrative offer for a new job.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about eating potatoes? You will be subject to bouts of melancholy.
  • Fry potatoes in a dream unusual recipe– you will achieve success where others have retreated.
  • Why do you dream of collecting potatoes and sorting them? You will receive financial rewards for your hard work.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Dream: a lot of potatoes, promises profit.
  • Seeing potatoes in bags in a dream means you don’t have to think about where to get money, a stable financial situation awaits you.
  • Why do you dream about planting potatoes? You will begin a glorious activity.
  • Digging potatoes in a dream - why do you dream? Get the income you've been waiting for.
  • Dream: digging large potatoes - prophesies the arrival of a large sum of money, which you did not dare to count on.
  • Peeling potatoes in a dream is a fruitless effort that will not bring results.
  • Peeled potatoes in a dream are interpreted as the likelihood that a person who is making attempts on your property will renounce them.
  • Dream Interpretation: a stranger peeling potatoes in a dream - such a vision suggests that you will want to appropriate someone else’s thing.
  • Dream: cutting potatoes - expresses your dissatisfaction with current events.
  • Dream: fried potatoes foretell the coming of loved ones to visit.
  • Why do you dream about potatoes and mashed potatoes? Be careful with your health - vision predicts the development of the disease.
  • Washing potatoes in a dream - the prediction predicts that you will have to suffer losses as a result of your honesty. But this will not upset you much, because it will be fair.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation of Karatov

  • Why do you dream about eating potatoes? The upcoming event does not have the importance that you attach to it.
  • Why dream of peeling potatoes in a dream? A negative impression of an individual will be misleading.
  • In a dream you were digging potatoes - predicts a new sexual partner.

Dream Interpretation of Lagutina

  • To see in a dream: planting potatoes - your wishes will definitely come true.
  • Why do you dream about digging potatoes? Success and luck will become your faithful companions.
  • Seeing rotten potatoes in a dream means good changes in fate.
  • Dream interpretation: boiled potatoes promise a positive result in your search.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating potatoes means concluding a profitable deal.
  • Dream Interpretation: sprouted potatoes - something will happen soon that will give you a surprise.

Dream Interpretation of Vasiliev
Why do you dream about potatoes in a dream? Hard work will receive decent pay.
Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

  • Why do you dream of young potatoes - the upcoming event will greatly disappoint you.
  • To dream of peeling potatoes - your hostility towards a person will dissipate when you are able to get to know him better.
  • Why dream of digging large potatoes? A change of intimate partner is coming.

Generalized dream book

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurov

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

  • A dream about potatoes predicts waste and loss of valuable things.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating potatoes fried in lard - there are evil rumors about you behind your back.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes in a dream means worries lie ahead.
  • The interpretation of the dream “digging potatoes” sounds like a warning about a serious illness.
  • In a dream, to see potatoes in the cellar - do not trust strangers, and carefully watch what you say.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing potatoes in a dream means rapid career growth.
  • The meaning of the dream “rotten potatoes” has a negative interpretation and predicts the fall of sorrows and troubles on the dreamer.
  • The dream book interprets boiling potatoes as a visit from distant relatives.
  • What does it mean to dig potatoes in a dream? Problems in the work sphere - loss of bonus or reprimand.

Russian dream book
Dream: digging potatoes from the ground predicts a surprise.
Dream: planting potatoes - tells that you are accompanied by luck, and with the right organization, you will achieve the success of your planned idea.
Lewis's Dream Book
Digging potatoes in a dream - the vision personifies the dreamer’s laziness and his reluctance to do work.
Eastern dream book
Dream: big potatoes - warns of the futility of hopes and aspirations, what is happening does not make sense.
Dream book for lovers

Universal dream book

  • Seeing potatoes in a dream: what does it mean? The dream foretells prosperity.
  • Seeing a bunch of potatoes in a dream means you can improve your living conditions and strengthen your position with the help of perseverance and constant readiness for long work.
  • Seeing potatoes in a field in a dream - a vision warns of an insidious disease.
  • Potato sprouts in a dream predict a phenomenon that will bring good luck in business.
  • The dream “potato tops, earth” means fate favors you, the success of your planned enterprise.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see large potatoes - fate will provide you with a wide field of opportunities to realize your ideas. Don't be afraid to take a chance, you can change everything for the better.
  • What does it mean to see potatoes in a dream, “small”? You will have to go through a rather unpleasant period of life, marked by small losses and tears due to difficulties.
  • Dream: Digging potatoes is interpreted as meaningless work, exhausting energy, but not bringing results and satisfaction.
  • In a dream, picking up potatoes and getting dirty means envious people will spread idle fiction about you, unfairly accusing you of something you didn’t do.
  • In a dream, digging potatoes with your hands “forum” means difficult worries that you will have to solve.
  • Digging potatoes in a dream with a tractor - bureaucratic obstacles will disappear, things will go much faster and better.
  • In a dream, digging potatoes with a shovel - the vision prophesies success, provided that the tubers were large. Small ones promise dissatisfaction and empty hopes.
  • Getting ready to dig potatoes with your wife in a dream is a strong family union that no misfortune can destroy.
  • In a dream, digging potatoes with a deceased person is an attempt to help you cope with upcoming trials, to give a hint.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging up potatoes with the help of a horse - you will try to get rid of some of the responsibilities by transferring them to a colleague with whom you are on friendly terms.
  • Dream Interpretation: picking potatoes in a dream in a garden - you will be lucky in all matters. Receive happy news from your beloved relatives and pay them a visit.
  • What does it mean to collect potatoes in a field in a dream? Be prepared for the fact that they will try to blame the team’s failure on you. Don’t give in to manipulation and stand up for what’s right.
  • Dream: collecting potatoes in a bucket - initially, the opportunity to get a promotion may not seem very interesting to you due to the increasing amount of work, but later you will understand that this is what you need.
  • Dream: collecting potatoes in a bag - do not think long about the tempting agreement offered, otherwise you will later reproach yourself for missing such a chance.
  • Potatoes in the basement, in a dream, talks about what to get big income you will have to complete tasks that others refuse, in the hope of earning the attention of your superiors.
  • Dream: planting potatoes with a dead person - warns that you should not be too suspicious and give the opportunity to a stranger help you.
  • The dream of planting and digging up potatoes with the dead on the grave represents the uncertainty of the future. The slightest wrong step can turn into a big disaster.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes in the ground in a dream - a vision is advised to monitor the health of loved ones, some of them are at risk of a serious illness.
  • Planting potatoes in a house in a dream predicts the fulfillment of a secret desire associated with a major acquisition.
  • The dream of “peeling potatoes” has a positive meaning, predicting a change in opinion about a person for the better.
  • For a woman, peeling potatoes in a dream means that the person she is going on a date with will make a lasting impression on her.
  • Dream interpretation: peeling potatoes with a knife in a dream means that you will have to argue your position on an important issue.
  • A dead man peels potatoes in a dream - why? An unexpected turn in fate, a change of mood.
  • Dream: steal potatoes - you will receive complaints about your behavior and actions - try to behave tactfully so as not to give rise to a wave of indignation.
  • Scattering potatoes in a dream is interpreted as a chance to change your destiny. You shouldn’t go with the flow; it will be much more productive to take control of affairs into your own hands.
  • Watering potatoes in a dream means receiving material profit under a will or as a gift.
  • Dream Interpretation: cutting potatoes in a dream - in reality you will need to perform a monotonous task.
  • If you dreamed that you ran out of potatoes, you need to worry about your financial reserves.
  • Buying bags of potatoes - the vision is interpreted as a symbol of showing respectful feelings from employees and personal environment.
  • Dream: buying potatoes - a small quantity predicts the failure of your plans.
  • Why dream of washing potatoes in a dream? Purchase an additional financing option.
  • To see raw potatoes in a dream: such a phenomenon predicts the acquisition of income from an enterprise that you have no longer counted on.
  • Baked potatoes in a dream predict an unexpected receipt of funds.
  • Dream: mashed potatoes - you will be involved in organizing and arranging a solemn holiday.
  • Dream: dumplings with potatoes predict positive changes in business sphere, you will receive a tempting and profitable offer, which is not recommended to refuse.
  • Dream: pie with potatoes - a dream talks about your dissatisfaction with yourself. You don't like the appearance and the negative emotions that overwhelm you.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Seeing potatoes in a dream symbolizes bodily strength and financial status.
  • Seeing dug up potatoes in the garden in a dream - do not be afraid to talk about your merits; excessive modesty is not appropriate here.
  • Dream: planting potatoes in the ground - postpone your plans until a more opportune moment.
  • To see “peeling potatoes” in a dream means that you will win a difficult struggle and complete a very difficult task.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's dream book interprets “potatoes” as the path to future success and recognition.
  • Miller's dream book interprets digging potatoes as a sign of the development of back diseases.
  • Miller's dream book, peeling potatoes, predicts a change in opinion about the people around you to a more positive one.
  • Miller's dream book interprets young potatoes as disappointment in a seemingly lucrative offer.
  • Dream interpretation: collecting large potatoes in bags - they will offer you an excellent financial position.
  • Dream Interpretation: Eating raw potatoes means you will suddenly get sick.
  • Dream interpretation: peeled potatoes - sudden painful phenomena.
  • Dream Interpretation: fried potatoes are unpretentious life requests that do not burden you, since you are always surrounded by a lot of friends and fun.
  • Mashed potatoes - the interpretation according to the dream book sounds like this: a profitable enterprise is planned.
  • Dream: planting potatoes - the vision tells that dreams will come true if they are supported by actions.
  • Buy very large potatoes in a dream - you will be forced to go against your moral principles.
  • What does it mean to sell potatoes in a dream? Get rid of minor and annoying worries.
  • Rotten potatoes in a dream predict the onset of difficult times, overshadowed by painful events and troubles.

Home dream book

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “potato” good option portends luck in all endeavors.
  • Dream Interpretation: “online” potatoes in bad value predicts back diseases.
  • Seeing sprouted potatoes in a dream means you are waiting for love.

Slavic dream book

  • Dream: potato tubers symbolize the reward for long and hard work. Anyone who has been able to do a good job will not know the need and will make good supplies.
  • Dream interpretation: large potatoes are a special success in business affairs.
  • Dream interpretation: peeling potatoes predicts receiving cash.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging potatoes in a dream means getting results from your worries.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing potatoes in bags means creating reserves, saving in case of difficult times.
  • Dream Interpretation: Digging large potatoes means you will earn good money.
  • Dream Interpretation: small potatoes - need will overtake you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of potatoes - create reserves, a very good income.
  • Dream: blooming potatoes - by starting a business now, in the near future you will be able to receive income from it.
  • Dream Interpretation: raw potatoes warn that your business is unfinished; you have not fully accepted what is owed to you.
  • Dream interpretation: shangi with potatoes - a well-equipped household.

Collection of dream books

Islamic dream book

  • The Islamic dream book interprets “potatoes” as living in contentment and luxury.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of rotten potatoes - wealth came through dishonest methods.
  • Dream book of healer Akulina
  • Dream Interpretation: Seeing potatoes is interpreted as a chance to find a suitable position.
  • Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes - fulfillment of desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: Digging potatoes is a complex physical action that is incompatible with creative nature.
  • Dream Interpretation: why you dream of cooking potatoes - your future fate will depend on the upcoming negotiations.
  • Dream interpretation: there are potatoes, tubers - apparently unpromising things actually conceal a lot of possibilities.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “jacket potatoes” - do not refuse proposals from government officials, it can turn out to be extremely interesting.
  • Dream interpretation: potatoes blooming - an unexpected surprise.

Star dream book
Dreaming of potatoes predicts small profits as a result of a lot of work.
Dream Interpretation: large potatoes, eating them clean means illness.
Dream Interpretation of Phoebe
Dream Interpretation: choose potatoes - get the desired position.
General dream book

Most often, potatoes in dreams symbolize work activity and success in the work sphere. If the vision shows a good harvest with strong, beautiful tubers, it means you should expect an improvement in your financial situation, replenishment of stocks and resources. If the potatoes are small or rotten, it means a difficult stage awaits. We can definitely say that seeing potatoes in a dream means you need to prepare for hard work.

One of the frequent and common dreams is a dream in which potatoes are involved in some way. In dreams, certain points should be noted. So, for example, why dream of large potatoes? The meaning for this type of vegetable can be interpreted in several ways.

To sum it up in one word, potatoes (regardless of size) usually symbolize that you are about to go through difficult times. If we consider individually the various moments with the participation of persons and the actions taking place with potatoes, then we can identify several of the most frequent and important fragments encountered in dreams.

For example, if a woman dreams that she eats large boiled potatoes, then this dream will mean a promotion up the career ladder, and that her efforts will be noticed not only by her work colleagues, but also by her superiors.

If you plant potatoes in a field or in your garden, then in this case you should also take into account what size it was. Since the potato itself is a good plant. Therefore, if you plant a large fruit, then in reality this person will be given the beginning of good luck, and what kind of luck it will be depends on the person.

It can also be noted that if a person has planted large potatoes, then he has every chance of having his wish come true. Planting a big luck means it will need to be protected and cared for so it can reproduce and grow.

Harvesting (digging) a potato crop portends future successes. If in a dream the harvest was rich, then in life you will reap the fruits of success and material well-being. To see in a dream how all large potatoes are covered with small sores, then this dream speaks of human envy.

If you dig potatoes in a dream, in your garden, where all family members are involved, then the household members will be accompanied by luck for a long time in starting their business.

To see a lot of potatoes in a large field in a dream means that this person will have a great time in some entertainment event, and will get a lot of pleasant impressions from this.

If you had a dream in which a person prepares various dishes from potatoes, and the tubers are of significant size, then in reality, in the near future, he will receive peace of mind and peace of mind.

Also of no small importance is a dream in which a person saw dirty potatoes, the dirt from which he carefully tried to wash. Such a dream foreshadows gossip and disagreements with others. And if the potatoes were rotten, then this dream suggests that quite difficult days are ahead. In a word, the white streak of life has ended and the black one has begun.

Using dream books to interpret dreams, it is necessary to more accurately designate each moment, and then clarify the meaning. If it is not pleasant, then you should not be upset, but it is better to be patient and wait for the moment when a bright streak of life comes again.

Potatoes according to the dream book

The taste of potatoes is familiar to probably every person. Often seeing this vegetable in a dream is a good sign. The dream book believes that the tuber is a sign of impending changes and various exciting events. But what this plot means in a dream is not always explained so positively.

Eat potatoes

If in a dream a woman feasts on potatoes, then in the foreseeable future she will professional activity will be effective: an increase in salary or a rise up the career ladder is coming.

The lunar dream book warns: digging and eating potatoes in night dreams means unfavorable work and subsequent dissatisfaction.

Eating potatoes in a dream means that in reality you may have stomach problems.

Interpreter Simon Kananita believes that seeing root vegetables in a dream or eating them means profit, as well as a good harvest for gardeners.

Do the cooking

If you dream that you are preparing dishes from potatoes, you will soon receive an offer for a suitable and well-paid job.

Cooking food with potatoes in a dream means an unpleasant and unexpected visit. If the dreamed vegetable is too small, then there are moments in your life with which you are unhappy.

Plant tubers

Planting it in the ground means receiving an interesting offer, both marriage and work. If the dreamed potato is rotten, then soon your comfortable existence will come to an end. It's better to enjoy life and relax while you still have time.


The universal dream book says that digging and collecting potatoes in a dream means thankless work and painstaking work. Such a dream can warn of illness and subsequent health problems.

Did you dream that you were digging up tubers? This is a symbol of success and wealth. And if in a dream you are planting, then you can count on your dreams coming true and your wishes being fulfilled.

Shereminskaya also explains why a similar plot is dreamed of. Shereminskaya's dream book believes that digging potatoes is good sign, promising a favorable development of events.

If you dreamed that you were digging potatoes out of the ground, it means that in reality you will have a thankless job, your work will not bring success, and your efforts will be in vain.

Spoiled potatoes

The 21st Century Dream Book warns: spoiled or rotten potatoes indicate that the joys and pleasures of your life have been exhausted, and the future does not bode well for anything pleasant.

Peel off the skin

Peeling means being able to free yourself from violence or abuse.

Aesop also gives a description of why such dreams occur. The fortuneteller believes that peeling potatoes symbolizes a change in your opinion about a person. Most likely, your opinion will change for the better after some significant event.

Various interpretations

The Eastern dream book believes that potatoes can predict difficult times, which you will be able to survive. Problems will not be as terrible as imagined, and grief will not be able to shake your peace of mind.

Azar interprets such a dream a little differently. He believes that dreams of potatoes mean making a profit.

Miller's dream book predicts all sorts of important incidents to the dreamer. These will be random and unexpected events that develop unpredictably, as well as fateful meetings with forgotten acquaintances from the past.

As it is written in the Ukrainian dream book, such a plot is a sign of new acquaintances. The root vegetable itself means troubles (both pleasant and not so pleasant). According to Ukrainians, if in a dream you brought a vegetable from a barn or dug it up in a field, this is a sign of illness.

A dream about a huge pile of root vegetables promises a good harvest, profit, a profitable business and high income.

Selling vegetables in a dream means getting rid of annoying guests or overstaying relatives.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Potatoes are a symbol of a rich harvest and prosperity. It was he who saved people from hunger in the cold winters. But in dreams, potatoes can have other meanings. We will find out which ones by reading the dream books.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Why do you dream about potatoes?

  • If in a dream you dream about eating potatoes, then this means your internal disharmony and depression. Try to get rid of these feelings as soon as possible.
  • If you dig potatoes in a dream, then this means your feeling of dissatisfaction with your current job and social status.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. What does a dream about potatoes mean?

  • If you dream about digging potatoes, this means that you are dissatisfied with your current job. If you don’t really hold on to your current place, then feel free to change it. You won't achieve more here.
  • If you dream about how you eat potatoes, then this means your big problems with health. It's nothing serious, so you don't have to worry too much. Everything will be resolved without your intervention.
  • If you dream about how you are cooking potatoes in the kitchen, then soon guests will come to you whom you would not particularly like to see. Prepare for this visit or do everything possible to avoid meeting these people face to face.
  • If in a dream you dug up a potato and there is one little thing there, then this means difficult times ahead. You will have to save on everything in order to survive until the next successful business.
  • If the potatoes in your dream are large, then your business will go uphill and your income will increase many times over. Take this moment to start new ambitious projects.
  • If in a dream you sell potatoes, then you will soon be able to get rid of annoying colleagues, noisy neighbors or guests who have been with you for a long time. Very soon peace and comfort will reign in your life again.

Miller's Dream Book. What does a dream with potatoes promise you?

  • If you dig potatoes in a dream, then this symbolizes your successful position in society. The dream book explains this by your successes and personality traits. Don't deviate from your chosen path, and you will be able to make a profit from your projects for a long time.
  • If in a dream you eat boiled potatoes with your hands, then your next business will bring enormous income. Try to choose the most promising project and start implementing it.
  • If in a dream you cook potatoes, then you will soon be able to find a job that will meet all your standards. Try not to miss the advertisement with this vacancy.
  • If in a dream you are planting potatoes, then this means the fulfillment of your desires. The larger the potatoes you plant, the more unusual and large wishes you will be able to fulfill.
  • If you dreamed of a potato harvest that was completely rotten, then this is a harbinger of your troubles and disappointments. A dark streak is coming in your life. Be prepared for this and try not to waste a lot of nerves during these events. This won't help you.

Freud's Dream Book. Why do you dream about potatoes?

  • If you see potatoes in a dream, then soon your business will go uphill. You will live in peace, without denying yourself anything.
  • If you dream about how you cook potatoes, then this promises you the arrival of distant relatives. Prepare well for their arrival and surprise them with delicious food and a warm welcome.
  • If you dream about how you are standing in a potato field and quickly digging potatoes, then this means big problems at work. You will have to work very hard to cope with everything.
  • Rotten tubers symbolize imminent troubles and misfortunes. Try to complete your tasks as quickly as possible before a dark streak in life begins.

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Potato

Digging or seeing potatoes in a dream promises success in matters of the heart.

Planting potatoes means your wishes will come true.

However, rotten potatoes do not bode well; they dream of loneliness and separation of lovers.

If you are collecting potatoes, then this dream foretells you getting rid of your enemies.

In our dream book you can find out not only what dreams about potatoes mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see potatoes in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Potatoes in a dream are good sign. Changes are approaching, as well as various exciting events. Upcoming meetings will not be beneficial, and the expenses incurred will be unjustified.

What were you doing in your dream? How were the potatoes cooked in your dream? Where was the potato when you saw it in your dream? What size were the potatoes in your dream? What did the potatoes look like in your dream?

What were you doing in your dream?

Stealing potatoes in a dream

Why dream of stealing potatoes? The appearance of your dissatisfaction with your own financial situation.

You are overcome by a feeling of envy towards more successful people. Try to overcome it within yourself negative feelings, they are destructive.

Hilling potatoes in a dream

I dreamed of hilling potatoes - you will be able to successfully complete the work you started. Luck will follow you everywhere.

Fortune will be with you not only in business, you can count on changes in your personal life, as well as in relationships with loved ones.

Why do you dream about picking potatoes?

Going through potatoes according to Felomena’s dream book means making a profit, income thanks to the hard physical work performed.

If there are financial problems, former acquaintances will be able to provide support. With their help you will find work and permanent income.

Buying potatoes in a dream

If you dream about buying potatoes, you should expect an interesting offer. It can be romantic in nature.

It is possible that you will be able to move up the career ladder or get a new highly paid position.

Digged potatoes Planted potatoes Collected potatoes Peeled potatoes

Dreaming of weeding potatoes

Dreaming of weeding potatoes is a favorable moment for the implementation of your plans. You can safely take on new projects or complete work on old ones.

How were the potatoes cooked in your dream?

Why do you dream about mashed potatoes?

A dream about mashed potatoes warns of the need to resolve a serious issue. Most likely, it will concern money.

Don't rush into the final decision; the choice will make a big difference. In financial matters, caution and avoidance of hasty conclusions are especially important.

Boiled potatoes Fried potatoes Raw potatoes

Where was the potato when you saw it in your dream?

Dreaming of a potato field

You see a potato field in a dream - in reality it is worth solving current issues more thoughtfully.

The solution may not be on the surface, so you will have to think hard to get to it.

I dreamed about potatoes in bags

Why do you dream of potatoes in bags? It is worth thinking about your own well-being. Excessive loads will make themselves felt in the form of overvoltage.

A constant feeling of fatigue can lead to stress, which causes multiple ailments. Take care of your health and do not take emergency measures.

Why do you dream about potatoes in the ground?

If you dreamed of potatoes in the ground, your judgment about someone you know may be completely wrong. Before putting forward theories or “hanging a label,” you should get to know the person better, this will help you get to know him better as a person.

Dreaming of potatoes in a bucket

Potatoes in a bucket are described in Felomena's dream book as success in love affairs, especially if the tubers are large in size and pink. small potatoes portends numerous pleasant troubles due to loved ones.

What size were the potatoes in your dream?

Large potatoes

Why do you dream about small potatoes?

Why do you dream about small potatoes? In reality you experience a lack of attention from your lover, although at the moment you desperately need it. Talk to your partner and everything can be worked out.

What did the potatoes look like in your dream?

Why do you dream about potatoes with sprouts?

If you dreamed of potatoes with sprouts, expect something to happen that could turn out to be good for you.

Fortune will be favorable to you, you will be able to achieve a lot by following your cherished dream. Stick to the plan, then everything will work out.

Dreamed of potato tubers

Felomena's dream book considers potato tubers as a symbol of significant changes in life. They can be both positive and sharply negative.

One way or another, they will change your usual existence, force you to rethink many values ​​and set priorities differently.

Dreaming of young potatoes

Dreaming of young potatoes is not the most pleasant sign. In reality, you will worry in vain. Try not to get nervous, especially without good reason.

All problems will be resolved positively, you will be happy with what you have achieved. Troubles will be temporary.

Seeing rotten potatoes in a dream

A dream about rotten potatoes is a harbinger of darkness and joylessness in life. All pleasures and pleasant moments will exhaust themselves, and there will be no more new ones in the future.

Life will do sharp turn, making you realize many things. It will be too late for some changes, but the situation will be partially corrected.

Why do you dream about a lot of potatoes?

If you see a lot of potatoes in a dream, you will receive a significant amount of money, profit or salary, but getting it will not be easy at all. A lot of potatoes on the ground is not the most favorable sign. Disagreements will begin in the family, which can become a conflict.

Dreamed of fresh potatoes

Why do you dream about fresh potatoes? The dream promises solid financial income. It is especially favorable for entrepreneurs - you will receive the long-awaited profit.

Potatoes are usually a harbinger of labor and profit. If you dreamed of potatoes, then you can expect success in your work or some advantageous offer. Also, potatoes in a dream can also indicate good yield of this product. Moreover, if you dream that the potatoes are bad, then the yield will be poor, and vice versa.

Why do women dream about potatoes? If a woman plants potatoes in a dream, then success will soon await her, but only after she makes significant efforts.

Expect success, but don't relax. Try to do everything possible for your well-being.

If in a dream a woman peels a potato, then she risks being ashamed or humiliated, and completely undeservedly. Beware of deceitful people in the near future.

Rotten potatoes in a dream indicate that a man needs to be very careful and not overdo it in his efforts. This could turn out to be a complete failure for him. Eating potatoes in a dream means great success or profit.

To dream of potatoes that are already cooked means that you are already very prosperous and happy. You need to pay attention specifically to your current happiness and not chase after more.

If a child dreams of potatoes, then he will be healthy and successful in the near future.

Dream Interpretation Rotten Potatoes

Why do you dream about Rotten Potatoes in a dream according to the dream book?

Rotten potatoes - you will have to face difficulties at this stage of life, solve some old problems.

Big potatoes

Dream interpretation Big potatoes dreamed of why you dream about Big Potatoes? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Big Potatoes in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Dreams about potatoes usually mean obtaining your daily bread through honest, hard work. Therefore, planting, harvesting or preparing potatoes for food in a dream means profit that you will spend on your daily needs. Giving away, selling or seeing potatoes rotten is a sign of losses, debts and unwise spending of money. Selling potatoes sometimes means getting rid of unpleasant visitors. Eating potatoes in a dream predicts that you will try to use your funds to develop your business and generate additional profit. Frying potatoes in a dream means marriage. Seeing a lot of potatoes in a dream means big profits earned with blood and sweat. Seeing small potatoes in a dream is a sign of life in need; Seeing large means good income.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Potatoes - if you dream about potatoes, you will see a lot of people. Potatoes are a hassle. Digging potatoes is good, eating them will make you sick. If you dream that you were taking potatoes from a barn or digging in a field, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

To the harvest or to tears.

Boiling potatoes is a pleasure.

Digging potatoes is a sign of fun.

Eating potatoes means a date.

Frying potatoes with a friend means marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Eating potatoes in a dream foreshadows an event that will seem important to you at first, but will soon disappoint you. Peeling potatoes means changing your opinion about a person from bad to good. Planting or digging potatoes means intimacy with a new partner.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Digging potatoes in a dream promises success in matters of the heart.

Planting potatoes means your wishes will come true. However, rotten potatoes do not bode well; they dream of loneliness and separation of lovers.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

If in a dream you are planting potatoes, it means that in reality you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way and can count on the successful implementation of your plans. Digging up potatoes means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

Peeling potatoes in a dream means that in reality you will avoid coercion, having managed to stand up for yourself in such a way that you will be taken into account. Boiling potatoes means an unpleasant visit, frying them means pleasure and a quick marriage.

Eating potato dishes in a dream foretells a date with friends after hours. Small potatoes in a dream foreshadows insufficient attention to you from a loved one exactly when you especially need it. Large and blemish-free potatoes mean good income and additional cash flow. Rotten potatoes foreshadow the onset of a dark streak in life, which can drag on for a long time.

Selling potatoes in a dream means compromising with your conscience; buying them means you will receive a high honor. Carrying heavy bags of potatoes in a dream means overexertion, fatigue and illness during an epidemic. colds.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Planting potatoes or digging (if the harvest is good, there are a lot of potatoes and they look good) is a dream that marks the fulfillment of desires and success in endeavors.

Rotten potatoes are a collapse of hope.

Peel potatoes - you will change your opinion about someone and begin to think better about him.

Eating potatoes means a harvest, profit, a date, and sometimes just for everyday affairs.

Cooking - for pleasure, frying - for a wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

If you dreamed that you were cooking or eating potatoes, then luck will accompany any of your endeavors. To make this time last longer, peel the potato, stitch it with white thread and bury it.

If you dreamed that you were planting potatoes, then very soon you will have back problems. To avoid them, tie a woolen thread around your back and do not remove it for a week.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Digging potatoes - long-awaited success is just around the corner.

There is a profitable business, profitable businesses and projects.

Planting potatoes in a dream - all your plans will come true.

A dream about potatoes promises various accidents.

Planted potatoes - there will be intimacy with a new partner.

Digging potatoes in a dream means success is ahead; eating them means expect significant benefits.

Cooked potatoes - get a job good job, planted potatoes - your wishes will come true.

But rotten potatoes foretell the end of your joys and pleasures.

If you ate potatoes in a dream, then an event awaits you that at first will seem important to you, but will soon disappoint you.

Peeled potatoes - you will change your opinion about a person from bad to good.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Seeing Potatoes in a dream

A dream about potatoes is fraught with accidents of not the best nature.

Digging potatoes in a dream is a sign of future success. Eating potatoes in a dream means significant benefits. Cooking potatoes promises you a suitable job.

If you plant potatoes in a dream, it means. You can count on the fulfillment of your desires.

If you dream of rotten potatoes, it means that your joys and pleasures will come to an end and your future does not bode well.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Potato mean?

Potatoes - Seeing, eating - means prosperity. Cook, cook - for guests from afar. Digging, planting - you have to work hard.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Seeing Potatoes in a dream

If you plant potatoes in a dream, you can count on the fulfillment of your desires. Digging it is a sign of future success. Cooking potatoes means a new, good job. Eating it is a significant benefit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What do Potato dreams mean?

Indicates that happiness will not come to you on its own, and only hard work and patience can provide prosperity in your home.

Potato Bush: Often a clue.

If in reality you are busy solving some issue, then the dream may mean that, just as a potato tuber is hidden underground, the solution you need can be found by digging a little deeper.

Buying, selling or planting potatoes in a dream: a sign that you are going to put effort into doing something that is not very attractive, but profitable.

If the potatoes are strong and beautiful: the dream promises prosperity.

Rotten potatoes are a sign of loss and damage.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article on the topic: “dream book why large potatoes are dreamed of” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

There are probably no people who have never in their life tasted potatoes or seen what they look like. But why do you dream about this root vegetable, and even large sizes, not everyone knows, dream books are sure. If you dreamed that you were eating large potatoes or performing some other manipulations with them in a dream, then remember all sorts of details - this will help you not to make a mistake in interpreting the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller, considering potatoes to be “second bread,” gives in his dream book the following explanation of why large potatoes are dreamed of: global changes in life await you.

At the same time, he recommends paying attention to how appetizing the root vegetable looked in a dream. Thus, beautiful smooth tubers symbolize wealth, prosperity and good luck. But damaged or dirty ones promise poverty and illness.

Digging crops in a dream means physical labor

Did you dream that you were digging potatoes? This is a signal that the work will require significant effort from you. However, if at the same time you see in a dream that you are digging smooth large potatoes out of the ground, then you can be sure that the reward for your work will be very significant, Pastor Loff’s dream book pleases.

But, deciphering why you dream that you are digging potatoes, which, as a result, turned out to be not too large or large, but spoiled, then you should not expect significant returns from the work, the same interpreter upsets.

Potato abundance on the table as a symbol of health

The dreamer who dreamed of a lot of boiled large potatoes can boast of excellent health and excellent well-being; the Slavic dream book inspires positivity with its interpretation.

It’s also great to see a lot of potato dishes in a dream - they symbolize increased vitality and mood. And if you dreamed that you were cooking jacket potatoes with your own hands, peeling them and treating them to someone close to you, then this means that soon this person will greatly please you in reality.

Buying or selling is a sign of joy and prosperity

Vanga's dream book considers a dream in which you are buying large potatoes as the approach and fulfillment of long-held desires and plans. And if in a dream you sell vegetables, offering customers large, appetizing fruits, then this means that you will come to the rescue of one of your friends, and this step of yours will not go unnoticed.

Why do you dream that you are laying out root vegetables, including potatoes, on a huge display case? According to the Eastern interpreter, large size vegetables in a dream is a sign of incredible luck of the dreamer.

Minor defects on the fruit

But, according to the version various dream books, as indicated by some defects on seemingly even large potatoes:

  • wormy - to deception by a loved one;
  • with foulbrood - you will not be completely honest with your loved ones;
  • cut - someone will hurt or insult you;
  • partially frozen - you are affected by the cold that has settled in your relationship with a friend;
  • shrunken - you shouldn’t talk about your plans.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about large potatoes?

Dream interpretation large potatoes

Potatoes are one of the most common vegetables that people eat. It is not surprising that she often visits us in night visions. Why do you dream about it and what does it mean? this symbol?

Why see potatoes in a dream?

If you dream about potatoes, then, as a rule, this means the onset of difficult times. This interpretation is suitable for those dreams when you were unable to remember what kind of fruit you saw, large or small.

If you delve into the essence of the dream about large potatoes, then the dream book believes that it is a dream about the fulfillment of the dreamer’s desires, about the general improvement of his affairs.

Your actions with potatoes in a dream

When considering large potatoes, it is important to clarify your actions. After all, it can be planted, dug, collected, boiled, fried.

Why do you dream about digging potatoes?

If you dreamed of large potatoes

  • Tsvetkova's dream book believes that digging potatoes means that a thankless job awaits you, which will take a lot of effort and time, but will not bring any income. The dream book of Simon Kananita and the Great Dream Book share the same opinion.
  • According to the Culinary Interpreter, digging potatoes means intimacy with a new acquaintance.
  • The 21st century dream book promises fun if you had to dig potatoes in a dream.
  • Digging it out of the ground means success will accompany you, don’t miss your chance.
  • It is advisable, at the moment when you dig up the root crop, to pay attention to the tubers that remain in the ground. If they are rotten, the dream book promises short-term success, which will turn into a complete fiasco.
  • If in a dream you dig up large tubers with a shovel, then you will be offered participation in a rather dubious and risky enterprise.
  • Digging large potatoes with other devices means receiving money, profit from investments that were made in the distant past.

Why pick potatoes in a dream?

  • Some dream books believe that harvesting potatoes means you will soon get sick.
  • Collecting rotten potatoes means the beginning of uncertainty in life, sorrows and sorrows.
  • Not only to see, but also to collect large fruits - you will be able to fully enjoy the fruits of your labors.
  • Collecting potatoes in a bucket means you will do something that will significantly improve your financial situation.

Why do you dream of cooking food from large root vegetables?

  • Seeing how large root vegetables are covered with minor damage means that among your close friends there are those who envy you.
  • If a vegetable is covered in soil and you are trying to wash it off, there are negative rumors about you.
  • Cooking, frying, stewing large potatoes - there will be peace and tranquility in your soul.

According to Grishina’s dream book, a large raw potato that you need to cook means expect an annoying and unpleasant person to visit you. When you have easily dealt with this matter, you can quickly get rid of it.

Location of root vegetables

If the potatoes were in a bag, then you will soon find yourself in a critical situation related to finances, and maybe health.

Why look at potatoes in the ground - judge people incorrectly, your opinion is often wrong.

If the root crops are in nets, you will have a chance to move to a higher position.

In your dream the potatoes are in the cellar, then you are carefully keeping some secret. Moreover, the larger the root crops, the larger the mystery.

Dream Interpretation

Large potatoes

Dream Interpretation Potatoes large dreamed of why you dream about large potatoes? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see large Potatoes in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

“Dream Interpretation of large Potatoes dreamed of why large Potatoes are dreamed of in a dream”

Dream interpretation large Potatoes

Why do you dream about large Potatoes in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream about large potatoes, you will be able to achieve success, as well as improve your financial situation.

The dream foretells prosperity and success. Collect large potatoes - get pleasure from the work done.

Where did you see large potatoes in your dream?

I dreamed of large potatoes in the ground ▼

A dream about large potatoes in the ground is auspicious symbol. The future awaits you material well-being, success in business and making a profit.

Dreaming of large potatoes in the garden ▼

Seeing large potatoes in the garden in a dream means you will be able to fulfill your plans. On the love front, success and happiness are expected, a pleasant acquaintance that can develop into a whirlwind romance.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream about a large Potato, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about large Potatoes in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

My wife and I suddenly found ourselves in the USA. I am privately surprised and pleased that, at least in my declining years, I ended up on the American continent and can, as a geologist, evaluate previous knowledge about it. Everything is very picturesque, fields, meadows. Suddenly we come to some kind of ranch with a large plot of land and a huge warehouse. Let's go. This is a potato warehouse. Potatoes - a sea and very good quality. My wife really wanted to take a basket of potatoes for her own planting (for cultivation on our site). I try my best to dissuade you, but it’s no use. She takes and hides these potatoes somewhere. Someone noticed this and reported it to the mistress of this estate. That one (a woman about 35-45 years old) appears, not alone, but accompanied by several people, and accuses us of theft, saying that we are Russians, and that’s all we are capable of. that stealing and messing around. In the end, her anger gives way to mercy and we safely disappear from this warehouse.

I found a lot of large potatoes in liquid clay and was glad that I wouldn’t have to dig it, but would just pick it up with my hands.

I saw in a dream that my husband was giving his ex-wife large potatoes (3 pieces) in cellophane and a blueberry,

Hello! I dreamed that I was walking and saw my friend digging potatoes, and there were a lot of them lying around, I let her help, there was no shovel and I dug them with my hands and collected them in a basket

my late grandmother brought me a net with large potatoes and laid it on the ground in front of me The dream was short, I didn’t remember anything else

I got out of the new car and under my feet there were large potatoes everywhere with my head half in the ground and my husband and his nephew were driving

In the old house, the floors are open and there are very large potatoes lying dug up all over the room. I collect them and think about where I will sleep. I decided that I would sleep with my mother in the next room (my mother is no longer alive). Why is this?

I dreamed of a large potato. It was lying on the ground. It was clean. I took it in my hand and it barely fit. I don’t remember anything else. The alarm clock woke me up.

I had a dream that I was buying potatoes that were not very beautiful at first, but then they offered me a large one. After paying, I received 3 rubles in change in old money. but the bill is wrinkled. I smoothed it out, I don’t remember

I see potatoes dug up and so large. I thought that if you put it in a bucket, you’ll get three buckets of 12 each, and I tell my husband that I saw another one this large on the side of the road. but I'm not digging yet

I came to visit my colleague and saw large potato tubers dug up in the garden. I looked and was stunned!

Hello! My dream: I see potato bushes. The potatoes are so large that almost all of them are on the outside. I am amazed at how large and smooth he is. I tell someone, let’s collect buckets. The earth is not contaminated... But when I woke up, I got scared and decided that it was a bad dream. but I didn’t dig it. I saw it as if here it was - take it. What to think?

Hello! I saw how in my kitchen there was a bathtub with large potatoes, and it was covered with a bag on top

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  • Tsvetkova


  • Why do you dream of large potatoes?

    People have always wanted to know what awaits them in the future. To do this, they used fortune telling, omens and deciphered dreams. In order for the interpretation to be as accurate and truthful as possible, you need to try to remember the main details, for example, if it concerns a dream about large potatoes, then consider what you did with it, what it looked like, etc. It is also important to try to remember the emotions you experienced.

    Why do you dream of large potatoes?

    Many dream books agree that such night vision warns of the coming of difficult times. For the fair sex, eating large boiled potatoes means you can soon expect advancement up the career ladder. If the dreamer plants large potatoes in the garden, this is a favorable sign indicating good luck in the near future. Another dream like this means that you can count on the fulfillment cherished dream and the opening of tempting prospects. In one of the dream books, such a plot promises serious material profit, but for this you will have to work hard. A dream where you had to dig large potatoes promises success in all your endeavors. Soon you can count on receiving profits and other benefits for previously done business or investments. Another dream book contains more negative information, according to which if you were digging tubers with a shovel, it means that you will soon take part in a risky business.

    If large potatoes were covered with minor damage, this is a symbol of the presence of envious people in the immediate environment. Night vision, where the dreamer prepares various dishes from large root vegetables, prophesies peace of mind and peace. If you are trying to wash root vegetables from numerous dirt, this is an indication that you will soon have to deal with gossip and various omissions with the people around you. Seeing rotten large potatoes means you should prepare for difficulties; in general, a “black” streak is coming. Seeing large raw potatoes in a dream is a good sign, promising good news. In another dream book, such a plot indicates that in reality you will have to work in vain or expect financial problems. If the tubers were peeled, it means that a situation will soon happen that will force you to change your opinion about a loved one. I had to peel the potatoes - this is a good sign, indicating that in the end it will be possible to get rid of negative influence from the outside.

    Night vision where the potatoes were in bags foreshadows the onset of a critical situation, which may cause the development of some kind of disease. If there are sprouts on large tubers, this is a good symbol indicating that the business you are interested in at the moment does it, will give good results. Moreover, the significance of success depends on the length of the sprouts. Some dream books indicate that large potatoes in a dream

    is a harbinger of positive changes in material sphere. A dream that featured large tubers boiled in their skins can be taken as a recommendation that you should not make hasty decisions regarding new proposals. The thing is that even unpromising activities can ultimately yield good results.

    A night vision where you saw a huge pile of large potatoes predicts a big profit or someone will offer a profitable business. If you had to collect large potatoes in a dream, this is a good symbol, indicating that you will soon be able to enjoy the success of your labors. A dream where you bought big potatoes promises a profitable business. The dream in which the dreamer was selling a vegetable has the same interpretation.

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    Why do you dream about large potatoes?

    Why do you dream of large potatoes? In a dream, an image can carry positive or negative information. The main thing is to remember all the details of the dream plot in order to find out exactly what fate has prepared.

    Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

    According to Miller's dream interpreter, large fruits in a dream indicate big changes in the environment. If a person dreamed of the process of planting or digging up a root crop, as well as cooking food from it, then in the near future they expect good changes. They can be associated with a promotion, profit, a new promising job, or marriage. According to Miller's dream book, only spoiled large potatoes promise something bad regarding illness and failure in business.

    What does large potatoes mean - interpretation according to Vanga

    The famous seer interprets large potatoes in a dream as the approach of a long-awaited event. Why do you dream that you are dripping it, planting it or eating it? The interpretation of the dream is almost identical - great prospects, improvement of the financial situation, fulfillment of desires. If the root crop turns out to be rotten, then an unfavorable period awaits the person.

    If you dreamed of large potatoes - Modern dream book

    By Modern dream book large potatoes in a dream - to great joy, satisfaction from work, friendly and trusting relationships with friends and family.

    Unexpected news about a salary increase is guaranteed if you dreamed that you were preparing a dish of large potatoes. The negative meaning of a vegetable can be traced only in the case of rotten potatoes seen in a dream. At the same time, the streak of luck will be replaced by failure in business.

    Why do you dream of large potatoes according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

    According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, large potatoes and all manipulations with them in a dream signify important events at this stage of life.

    A person will receive good news, meet guests, learn about an unexpected prospect in business if he dreamed of a lot of potatoes or some dish prepared from such a vegetable.

    Why do you dream of cooking dishes from large potatoes? This is the only option that has a negative connotation.

    Interpretation of the image according to Hasse's dream book

    Did you dream about large potatoes? According to Hasse's dream book, this is not a good sign. It can warn of upcoming difficulties at work, delayed salaries, unexpected visits from enemies, and health problems. If a person happens to see a lot of potatoes in a dream, then this means great trouble, indignation, and dissatisfaction with life.

    Interpretation according to the Seasonal Dream Book

    The seasonal dream book interprets events related to large potatoes in a dream according to each season.

    If you dreamed about a product in the spring, then there could be illnesses, funerals or big troubles. In the summer, the image will be a good sign, foreshadowing quick profits and good luck, both at work and in your personal life.

    Why do you dream about potatoes in the fall? She will warn about difficulties that a person will not overcome soon. A winter dream warns of a calm and moderate life.

    Large potatoes in a dream - dream options

    • digging and collecting - success in business, achieved with great difficulty;
    • potatoes on the ground - large cash flow, new acquaintances;
    • pure - to victory, promotion, honor and recognition;
    • raw - a symbol of success, improvement of financial situation;
    • fried - for girls a quick marriage or fun with friends;
    • collecting rotten - to sadness and grief;
    • potatoes in a bag - a critical situation with health or finances will soon occur;
    • in the grid - there will be a chance to get a new position;
    • With small dots- there is an envious person among friends;
    • dirty root vegetable - bad rumors;
    • a large number of potatoes - unfinished business;
    • to see other people eating potatoes - the idyll in family relationships will be restored;
    • washing is hard, long work that will eventually bear fruit;
    • to sell - you will have to give up something in the name of good;
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  • Dreams about potatoes usually mean obtaining your daily bread through honest, hard work. Therefore, planting, harvesting or preparing potatoes for food in a dream means profit that you will spend on your daily needs.

    Giving away, selling or seeing potatoes rotten is a sign of losses, debts and unwise spending of money. Selling potatoes sometimes means getting rid of unpleasant visitors.

    Eating potatoes in a dream predicts that you will try to use your funds to develop your business and generate additional profit. Frying potatoes in a dream means marriage.

    Seeing a lot of potatoes in a dream means big profits earned with blood and sweat.

    Seeing small potatoes in a dream is a sign of life in need; Seeing large means good income.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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    Seeing Potatoes in a dream

    Such a dream is fraught with accidents of not the best nature;
    digging potatoes is a sign of future success;
    eating potatoes is a significant benefit;
    cooking is a job that suits you;
    planting - fulfillment of desires;
    rotten potatoes - your joys and pleasures will come to an end, your future does not bode well.
    Also see Cooking.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

    Seeing Potatoes in a dream

    Digging - having a thankless job; eating - slight stomach upset; liberate - free from violence; cook - an unpleasant visit; to see a lot - good income or good fortune; seeing small is a disadvantage; sell - get rid of guests

    Interpretation of dreams from Hasse's Dream Interpretation

    Meaning of dreams Potato

    Potatoes - see or eat - harvest, profit - dig - have a thankless job - eat - slight stomach upset - peel - free from violence - cook - unpleasant visit - see a lot - good income or harvest - see small - disadvantage - sell - get rid of guests.

    Interpretation of dreams from Kananita's Dream Book

    What does Potato mean in a dream?

    Potatoes - if you dream about potatoes, you will see a lot of people. Potatoes are a hassle. Digging potatoes is good, eating them will make you sick. If you dream that you were taking potatoes from a barn or digging in a field, you will get sick.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

    Meaning of dream Potato

    Eating potatoes in a dream foreshadows an event that will seem important to you at first, but will soon disappoint you. Peeling potatoes means changing your opinion about a person from bad to good. Planting or digging potatoes means intimacy with a new partner.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

    What does Potato predict in a dream?

    Dreams before various events. For example, if a woman eats potatoes in a dream, then soon her professional activities will bring tangible results, which will be expressed either in an increase in salary or in promotion up the career ladder. She plants potatoes - an interesting offer awaits her in the near future, if not marriage, then high paying job. And if the potatoes are rotten, then you won’t have long to rejoice. So seize the moment and enjoy life.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

    What does it mean to see Potatoes in a dream?

    Digging potatoes in a dream promises success in matters of the heart.

    Planting potatoes means your wishes will come true. However, rotten potatoes do not bode well; they dream of loneliness and separation of lovers.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

    Interpretation of sleep Potato

    If in a dream you are planting potatoes, it means that in reality you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way and can count on the successful implementation of your plans. Digging up potatoes means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

    Peeling potatoes in a dream means that in reality you will avoid coercion, having managed to stand up for yourself in such a way that you will be taken into account. Boiling potatoes means an unpleasant visit, frying them means pleasure and a quick marriage.

    Eating potato dishes in a dream foretells a date with friends after hours. Small potatoes in a dream foreshadows insufficient attention to you from a loved one exactly when you especially need it. Large and blemish-free potatoes mean good income and additional cash flow. Rotten potatoes foreshadow the onset of a dark streak in life, which can drag on for a long time.

    Selling potatoes in a dream means compromising with your conscience; buying them means you will receive a high honor. Carrying heavy sacks of potatoes in a dream means overexertion, fatigue and illness during a cold epidemic.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

    See Potatoes in a dream

    Find a suitable job.

    Imagine that you are preparing some very tasty dish from potatoes. For example, fry potatoes with mushrooms.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    Potato dream prediction

    To the harvest or to tears.

    Boiling potatoes is a pleasure.

    Digging potatoes is a sign of fun.

    Eating potatoes means a date.

    Frying potatoes with a friend means marriage.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

    Why do you dream about Potatoes?

    Planting potatoes or digging (if the harvest is good, there are a lot of potatoes and they look good) is a dream that marks the fulfillment of desires and success in endeavors.

    Rotten potatoes are a collapse of hope.

    Peel potatoes - you will change your opinion about someone and begin to think better about him.

    Eating potatoes means a harvest, profit, a date, and sometimes just for everyday affairs.

    Cooking - for pleasure, frying - for a wedding.

    Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

    What does the dream Potato mean?

    Boiling potatoes is a pleasure.

    Yes - a date with a friend.

    Digging is a pleasure.

    Well, you see! And you keep whining: “It’s hard! I won’t dig!”

    Interpretation of dreams from