Seeing raw potatoes in a dream. Where was the potato when you saw it in your dream? Why do you dream about small potatoes?

Why do you dream about large potatoes? The interpretation can be either positive or negative. Just remember all the small details of the dream, then you will definitely be able to figure out what the universe has prepared for you.

The more details you remember, the more accurate the prediction will be. What did the potato tubers look like, what color were they?

  1. Pink tubers - expect a lot of pleasant excitement and troubles. White root vegetables in a dream symbolize stability in financial matters.
  2. Dig up clean potatoes - any undertaking will bring success. On the contrary, if you dreamed of tubers in dirty lumps, the business you started will fail.
  3. Rotten - symbolizes hard times. Also, such a dream plot can be a harbinger of large financial expenses, which will only bring disappointment.
  4. Washed root vegetables - don’t give up on something you don’t like, it will certainly turn out to be successful and bring joy.
  5. Young potatoes - expect a pleasant gift.
  6. Immature - you will be forced to become a participant in a dubious business. Unfortunately, it will bring nothing but problems.
  7. Sprouted potatoes - your work is in vain, you will waste your energy in vain. A complex matter will still not budge.
  8. Burnt - promises unpleasant experiences.
  9. Blooming - you will soon receive a gift, an inheritance.
  10. Purified - you should be vigilant. There is a risk of becoming a victim of attackers.

Location: in the ground, in a bucket, in nets, in the cellar

The interpretation of a dream may take on a different emotional color depending on what and where you saw potatoes in the dream:

  • in the grid - a quick climb up career ladder or change of workplace;
  • in the ground - you should not build an opinion about people solely on the outer shell, without taking into account the state of their soul. Sometimes a person who is beautiful on the outside can be rotten on the inside;
  • Why do you dream of large potatoes in the garden? Potatoes that are grown with love on your own land foreshadow good news from distant relatives;
  • in tightly tied bags - the dream warns: you will be forced to look for a way out of a difficult situation;
  • in the basement - interpreters advise not to waste money on trifles; it is better to save the amount for difficult times;
  • If you saw potatoes on someone’s grave, stop thoughtlessly wasting your earnings.

What does it mean to see raw, cooked, fried potatoes?

To see raw, freshly dug potatoes in a dream - you will soon find a new source of finance. Let the profit be small at first, but soon everything will fall into place, money will flow into your pocket like a stormy stream.

Fried potatoes, emitting an attractive aroma, are a symbol foreshadowing a serious event that requires good moral preparation. Another interpretation foreshadows new, enjoyable meetings. But if you watch how potatoes are fried, such a plot, on the contrary, promises a meeting with a nasty person who will cling to you like a bath leaf.

A dream about boiled potatoes foretells that relationships with family and close people will improve. In some dream books, the interpretation is different - the imminent appearance of distant relatives on the doorstep. Potatoes cooked “in their jackets” promise a similar meaning. Fried potatoes with mushrooms are a symbol of the fact that a lot will be spent on the appointed party more money than planned.

A puree of delicious root vegetables that the dreamer eats in large volumes, portends a successful deal. Cooking this dish in your dream means hoping to climb the career ladder. Eating potato pies - such a night vision signals that it is time to deal with your inner world.

Peeling potatoes with a sharp knife means your opinion about the person in your inner circle will soon change.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

According to dream interpreter Miller, why do you dream of large potatoes? Large root vegetables in night dreams foreshadow big changes in the surrounding environment. If in a dream you saw the process of digging up, planting large root crops, and also preparing dishes from them, positive ones will soon appear. life changes. They may appear as:

  • promotion at work;
  • obtaining high profits;
  • imminent marriage;
  • obtaining a new promising position.

In the dream book there is only one negative interpretation associated with dreams of potatoes - to see rotten large tubers. Such a dream foreshadows poor physical condition and failed plans.

What does large potatoes mean - interpretation according to Vanga

The famous witch, clairvoyant Vanga explains the dream of large potatoes, like an approaching desired phenomenon. Did you dream that you were eating, digging up or planting potato root crops? The meanings of such plots are approximately the same - wishes will soon come true, the financial situation will stabilize, and great prospects will appear. If the fruit turns out to be foulbrood, the dreamer should prepare for an unfavorable period.

If you dreamed of large potatoes - Modern dream book

In this dream book, large potatoes dream of great joy, comradely, sincere relationships with relatives and friends. You will also enjoy your work.

I dreamed of cooking a dish from large potato tubers - expect guaranteed good news about an increase wages. But luck in life will go away, and failure in business will take its place if you see spoiled, rotten potatoes in your night vision.

Why do you dream of large potatoes according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

Tsvetkov believed that seeing large potatoes in a dream and doing all sorts of things with them predicts important changes at this stage of life. In a dream, you saw a lot of potato tubers or some kind of potato dish - the dreamer will soon hear good news, will host a reception, and will be delighted by the unexpected business prospects.

Interpretation of the image according to Hasse's dream book

In some dream books, interpretations of night visions about large potatoes are not at all joyful. Dream interpreter Miss Hasse is no exception. Large tubers in night vision warn of impending difficulties in the workplace, possible delays in wages, an unexpected visit from ill-wishers, and deteriorating health. If in a dream you happened to see a lot of large potatoes in a dream, then this foreshadows great worries, dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with life.

Interpretation according to the Seasonal Dream Book

In the Seasonal Dream Book, events associated with large potato tubers are interpreted depending on the time of year:

  • Seeing potatoes in night vision in the spring is a negative symbol, promising illness, funerals or big problems.
  • During the summer season - good sign. In reality, expect quick revenue and good luck in your personal and work spheres.
  • In autumn, a vision warns of obstacles that the dreamer will not soon overcome.
  • Winter night dreams promise a calm, modest life.

Large potatoes in a dream - dream options

The interpretation of the dream depends on the form in which this root vegetable was dreamed about. Why do you dream of seeing large and small potatoes, picking, digging? We will find the answers below:

  • clean potatoes - to triumph, honors, public recognition, and also to promotion at work;
  • fried - such a plot foretells girls an imminent marriage/fun party with friends;
  • raw – success, improvement of financial capabilities;
  • dig, harvest - thanks to your hard work, all things will end successfully. On the contrary, rotten fruits mean sorrows and sorrows;
  • wash - thanks to hard work you will receive a good reward;
  • clean - the attitude towards a person who was previously unpleasant will change radically;
  • choosing a product on market stalls - expect a sudden prospect;
  • buy - friends or managers will reward you with their praise and respect;
  • why do you dream of large potatoes on the ground - expect a good financial payment, new acquaintances;
  • in the grid - don’t miss the chance, a new position will be offered;
  • in the bag - expect an unpleasant situation that will affect your physical or financial condition;
  • dirty, with stuck lumps of earth - haters will start rumors about you;
  • with small dots - take a closer look at those around you, there is an envious person hiding in a friendly circle;
  • I dreamed of a lot of tubers - you have things that need to be completed;
  • watching other people eat potato dishes - idyll will return to family relationships.

If, after waking up, the dream leaves an unpleasant feeling, then you need to tell it to the water. It is believed that water will take away all the negativity - the dream will not come true. This is what our forefathers always did, who treated the nightly messages of the universe with trepidation.

Plant, dig, collect potatoes

Did you happen to plant potatoes in a dream? The dream predicts fast execution the dreamer's wishes. If in the story someone helped plant a root crop, a similar situation will arise in reality - only the support of loved ones will help you overcome difficulties and achieve your goals.

Digging up tubers in night visions means any undertaking will bring success. You can safely take on the implementation of long-conceived plans, try yourself in new areas of activity, everything will work out!

Harvesting the potato harvest symbolizes that very soon the dreamer will receive a reward for the work done and efforts made. The stronger his efforts in reality, the more worthy the encouragement is expected.

I dreamed of black, rotten potatoes

Blackened root vegetables that a person dreams of often foreshadow the onset of serious problems at a certain period of life. The time has come for the reign of the “black stripe”. Such a prediction will give a person a chance to prepare in advance for a meeting with problems and complete all endeavors before it begins.

A negative symbol is to see rotten potatoes. The dream promises a woman or a man great expenses, because of which the dreamer will be greatly disappointed. In order not to encounter such unfavorable results, interpreters advise you to start saving and not waste money.

Peel, boil, fry root vegetables

  • Peeling potatoes in night vision - you will change your opinion about someone you know. It is difficult to say in advance in which direction it will change, but more often it changes for the better.
  • Boil potatoes with their skins (“in their jackets”) - expect unexpected guests. If the cooked dish has an appetizing appearance or will completely please the dreamer with his taste qualities, then a visit from friends/relatives will bring him only joyful feelings. And, accordingly, vice versa.
  • Potatoes, boiled in large pieces, shows the sleeper good proceeds from the outcome of the business, the success of which he always doubted.
  • Did you see fried potatoes with onions? Such a “delicious dream” is a warning - you should not trust unfamiliar personalities in reality. Your soul is too open, this can bring a lot of difficulties.

List of used literature:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Contemporary issues, 1913
  • Fromm E. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to Understanding Dreams, fairy tales and myths. Per. from English - Angarsk: JSC “Format”, 1994.
  • Exegesis of Dreams: European Chronicles of Dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.

In a dream, you can see yourself in a wide variety of roles. You can be both happy and sad. You can please yourself and those around you. You can make them very upset.

Why do you dream about potatoes? How to interpret similar dream?

Why do you dream about potatoes - basic interpretation

If you dreamed of potatoes, don’t forget to relax and make far-reaching plans for the future; most likely, minor difficulties and even troubles await you if you see small potato tubers.

In order to interpret a dream in its entirety, it is important to take a closer look at its clues and details, in them, often, The most important dream symbols are hidden:

Where did the potatoes come from in your dream?

Have you cooked potatoes;

Have you eaten potatoes?

Have you been in a dream yourself?

Were you happy or nervous?

If in a dream you see huge sacks of potatoes placed in your house, be prepared for household chores and difficulties. They will not be fleeting and may last for a long time. If in a dream you are sorting through sacks of potatoes, you will be looking for ways out of a difficult situation. life situation.

But it won’t be so easy, because many things, even your social circle, will interfere with you building your life. You will be more and more immersed in troubles and worries - this will allow others to look at you from a different side. So that they do not become disappointed in you, do not make promises, do not take on obligations that you cannot fulfill.

If this has already happened and you have not fulfilled your obligations, do not be upset, but pull yourself together and actively engage in your new ideas. Do not pay attention to the advice if in a dream you see potatoes that have scattered on the ground, and you walk on them barefoot.

Such a dream suggests that the solution to all problems is right in front of you, but do you see it, or do you continue to follow your imaginary beliefs and continue to make mistakes? To prevent mistakes in your life from becoming chronic, try to analyze your past experiences and don’t let anyone spoil your reputation. After such a dream, she may well suffer.

If you are sorting through potatoes in a dream, you will think a lot and act a lot. Perhaps your actions will be related to something that you previously did not want to do. It is important to take a closer look at the dream. If in a dream you joyfully and cheerfully sort through potatoes, in reality you will also joyfully solve the issues that have fallen on you, you will not consider them problems, but simply allow complex and controversial situations to be resolved.

Also, such a dream may portend you a solution to those issues that you previously considered unimportant and easily resolved. The dream book warns that this may soon change. If in a dream you cry because there are too many potatoes, try not to solve all the problems in one day, otherwise you will be very tired and will cry in reality, but from moral pain, because you are left alone with the problems.

A dream in which you see potatoes scattering from a bag on the floor means that you clearly haven’t completed some task. You still have to resolve an important, fundamental issue; you will have to do everything all over again, because initially you made mistakes and they will be pointed out to you.

This may indicate that soon your secrets will be revealed and all your shortcomings will become known to your superiors. If you quickly collect potatoes that have scattered, you will quickly resolve all controversial and problematic issues in reality. If you simply do nothing, then in reality you will let the situation take its course.

A dream in which you are digging up potatoes means that you will come up with difficulties for yourself, you will come up with problems for yourself. You will fight them yourself. If in a dream, while you were digging potatoes, sweat appeared on your forehead - in reality you will be too nervous about the actions of another, stranger.

If in a dream it started to rain while you were digging potatoes, you will not have time to foresee a quarrel and frustration. They will fall on your head. A dream in which you see someone peeling potatoes speaks of the possibility that very unpleasant things will be learned about you. You yourself are to blame for this situation, because you have secrets, you have your own hidden desires and actions.

A dream in which you cook potatoes speaks of new opportunities. If you eat ready-made potatoes, you will be able to enjoy the results of your work and will be very pleased with it. A dream in which you fry potatoes and they burn - you will delay resolving the issue and will not be able to do anything later. The time for resolving issues will pass.

A dream in which you see potatoes being cooked in a restaurant speaks of working in a large team. If you like the cooking process itself and the taste of potatoes, you can work with anyone. You will like everything about the process and the result itself. This can be a very fruitful time for your development.

A dream in which you begin to sell potatoes at the market promises you doubts both about the correctness of professional decisions and decisions in your personal life. You will get confused, and the solution to the problem will only be to wait out the problem period.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to Freud’s dream book?

Planting potatoes with your lover in a dream means arguing with him over a common cause. After such a dream, you will increasingly get the feeling that the quarrels will not end, but in fact, someone just has to give in to the other.

A dream in which you see many people trying to bargain on the price of potatoes in the market, but favorable price they sell it only to you - speaks of your need for communication and your ability to turn communication to your advantage.

A dream in which you see someone knocking on the window, and in the window you see a potato merchant who is beckoning you to buy his goods - you will be surrounded by the attention of a man who, in fact, will only think about himself. He will only think about getting new opportunities and new chances.

If you dream that you see someone being scattered, throwing potatoes, you will find yourself in dubious company where you will not be respected in reality. They won't listen to you. You will become a victim of gossip and intrigue that could have been avoided. The dream book advises you to avoid dubious acquaintances and offers. They can ruin your reputation.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about potatoes? If a pregnant woman peels potatoes in a dream, in reality she will defend her rights in society. She will want a lot and will be very tired. The dream book advises finding time to relax. Don’t start anything new or complicated right now.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

Planting potatoes is a sign of new beginnings that will require a lot of time and ore, but you will like the results. Peeling potatoes means finding out the truth, which will not be pleasant. Rotten potatoes - to unpleasant conversations around you, to lies and deception, to new illusions.

Worthy potatoes promise you problems due to loved one, which will foolishly harm you. You may not forgive the offense, because it will most likely happen again. A dream in which you see potatoes being fried promises you difficult work, which you cannot cope with without outside help. You can easily find this help.

Why do you dream about potatoes according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that white potatoes dreams of solving all everyday problems. Old, spoiled potatoes dream of difficulties in matters that should have been resolved on their own. And if you see that you are crushing rotten potatoes with your foot, you will try to solve them yourself, very quickly.

A dream in which you see someone throwing potatoes around portends you meeting a verbose person who is not responsible for his actions or words. He will promise a lot, but you will not see the result of his words. Disappointment will come very quickly.

In Aesop's dream book It is said that potato fields dream of a large amount of work. It is hard work that will lead you to new heights, to new results. You will look at everything again, you will again want to figure out how to get such a result in the future. But this is a matter of chance.

Accept new opportunities from life and be grateful, make plans, build new opportunities and achieve your goals without waiting for an opportunity - this is what the dream book advises. But what you do is up to you. The dream book only suggests and gives practical advice.

A dream about potatoes promises various accidents.

Planted potatoes - there will be intimacy with a new partner.

Digging potatoes in a dream means success is ahead; eating them means expect significant benefits.

Cooked potatoes - get a job Good work, planted potatoes - your wishes will come true.

But rotten potatoes foretell the end of your joys and pleasures.

If you ate potatoes in a dream, then an event awaits you that at first will seem important to you, but will soon disappoint you.

Peeled potatoes - you will change your opinion about a person from bad to good.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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Seeing Potatoes in a dream

A dream about potatoes is fraught with accidents of not the best nature.

Digging potatoes in a dream is a sign of future success. Eating potatoes in a dream means significant benefits. Cooking potatoes promises you a suitable job.

If you plant potatoes in a dream, it means. You can count on the fulfillment of your desires.

If you dream of rotten potatoes, it means that your joys and pleasures will come to an end and your future does not bode well.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Potato mean?

Potatoes - Seeing, eating - means prosperity. Cook, cook - for guests from afar. Digging, planting - you have to work hard.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

See Potato in a dream

If you plant potatoes in a dream, you can count on the fulfillment of your desires. Digging it is a sign of future success. Cooking potatoes means a new, good job. Eating it is a significant benefit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What do Potato dreams mean?

Indicates that happiness will not come to you on its own, and prosperity in your home can only be ensured by hard work and patience.

Potato Bush: Often a clue.

If in reality you are busy solving some issue, then the dream may mean that, just as a potato tuber is hidden underground, the solution you need can be found by digging a little deeper.

Buying, selling or planting potatoes in a dream: a sign that you are going to put effort into doing something that is not very attractive, but profitable.

If the potatoes are strong and beautiful: the dream promises prosperity.

Rotten potatoes are a sign of loss and damage.

Interpretation of dreams from

Potatoes are the most familiar and even native product for us. It is on the tables of the most modest and poor families, and on the menus of expensive restaurants. It is associated with satiety, home and family, but what does a potato mean in a dream and does it mean anything at all? Dream books say yes.

Moreover, potatoes in a dream are a wonderful sign that almost always means something good! To find out more precisely what potatoes mean in dreams, you need to remember various little things and nuances. For example, what you dreamed about, where, what you did. The interpreter describes many different options:

  • I dreamed about large or, on the contrary, very small potatoes.
  • Fresh or rotten.
  • Fried, boiled or raw.
  • Planting potatoes in a dream, digging them yourself, or collecting tubers from the ground.
  • Eat it, peel it or cook it.
  • Buy or sell.

This is a general, incomplete list, which already shows us that the usual tubers in a dream are not such a simple symbol. There are a lot of meanings, and let's find out why you dream about potatoes.

Appearance of tubers

The first thing you need to remember and interpret is what she was like. Its properties and appearance will say a lot.

1. Potatoes themselves, as the dream book describes, are a very favorable sign. He hints that in reality many happy accidents await you and luck will begin to smile. Even where it seems nothing good can happen, something pleasant will definitely happen. And luck will begin to surprise you unexpectedly!

2. If you dream about rotten or old potatoes, it means that you will have to give up something familiar, since it has already outlived itself. Something - either an activity, or a person, or some kind of habit - must leave your life, and for future happiness you need to take this step, get rid of the old one.

3. Let's see why you dream of big, large potatoes? This is a symbol of great success, and major benefits await you from some project. You will be much richer and happier!

4. Small tubers are a symbol of small, but still money. New sources of profit or some additional funds will appear. And it depends on you whether they will increase!

5. To see potatoes in a dream, of which there were a lot, entire scatterings, is a symbol of a large harvest, literally or figuratively. Prosperity and a full cup in the house - this is what is to come soon!

What do potato dishes mean? It is most common to see potato dishes on the table, in the kitchen, and not in dreams. Fried potatoes, mashed potatoes or other dishes are not only loved by many, but can also indicate a future from the world of dreams.

As the dream book says, boiled or jacket potatoes are for guests. Maybe they will come unexpectedly, or maybe it will be long-awaited meeting. You have to set a magnificent table to please your dear guests!

I wonder why I dream fried potatoes, which many people love so much? It brings you a pleasant omen and portends wealth. The house will be full, and your family will not be in need. You will be able to achieve great prosperity.

As the dream book describes, the potatoes that you happened to eat in your dreams are to great benefit and profit. It doesn’t matter whether the potato was boiled, fried or mashed - it is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

If the potato you had to eat was tasteless, raw or even rotten, there is a lot of work ahead. It may not be the easiest or most enjoyable, but if you show hard work and diligence, try and don’t give up, you will eventually achieve very good results.


If you had to dig hard in your dreams, collect tubers from the garden or peel potatoes, this also matters. Let's see what the interpreters say.

So, why dream of digging potatoes - a simple, prosaic action that many have encountered? This is a good sign; digging potatoes in a dream means that in reality you will become the owner of great luck and achieve success in some business.

Planting potatoes is also a great symbol. Your wishes will come true in reality, you can safely count on it! The period will soon come when dreams will come true.

Collecting tubers is a symbol of good fruits from labor and effort. It’s not for nothing that you work so hard and spend time on work; soon the time will come to enjoy the result. And, believe me, he will very pleasantly surprise you. So don't give up!

And peeling potatoes in a dream is a symbol that you are full of strength. You have great potential, and now is the ideal time to realize it. And vice versa - now it is simply contraindicated to do nothing, rest and be lazy! If you start putting effort into something, it will bring great results and rich rewards.

A potato dish is a wonderful symbol; it portends great success in the work field. A fruitful and interesting job, or maybe a promotion or some special achievements.

Let's see what dreams mean about the potatoes you sold in your dreams. The dream book promises that you will soon get rid of any troubles, troubles and sorrows. A very bright, favorable period awaits you.

On the contrary, buying it is a symbol that you will receive something valuable. Maybe a gift or some necessary thing, or maybe something intangible.

You dreamed of such a simple, but pleasant and valuable symbol. Believe in the kindest interpretations, and everything will come true.

Why do you dream about potatoes? Potatoes seen in dreams often symbolize prosperity, prosperity, harvest, and health. But it all depends, of course, on what kind of potatoes were in the dream: large or small, fried or raw, rotten or beautiful, and what you did with the tubers.

Variants of “potato” dreams can be as follows:

  • In a dream you saw potato tubers lying on the ground.
  • You dreamed of a large good potatoes in a bucket.
  • Potatoes in the basement, cellar.
  • You were digging or collecting potatoes in a dream.
  • You had to plant it in your sleep.
  • I dreamed of bad, rotten potatoes.
  • Cook or eat potato dishes.

Potatoes in a dream - why would that be?

Suppose you had a “potato” dream, but you yourself did nothing in it. Remember what the potato was like and where it was found - this will help you correctly understand the dream.

1. Large potatoes, seen in a dream, marks big changes, unexpected events, proposals and meetings - everything that will change your life in better side. New events await you and new life, don't miss this opportunity!

2. A dream in which the potatoes were rotten, spoiled, black, warns that the period of carefree joys and burning through life may soon come to an end. You will have to learn about the difficulties without which life cannot exist and learn to cope with them.

3.Seeing beautiful, round potatoes in a bucket in your dreams is a wonderful sign. Feel free to expect success in the near future in the business you have chosen (or intend to choose); it will bring you prosperity and satisfaction. Looks like you've found your thing!

4. Seeing potato stocks in the cellar in night dreams - interesting sign. As a rule, potatoes hidden in the cellar symbolize your secrets, and perhaps greed and tight-fistedness. You want to hide something, to hide something, but be careful.

5. If in a dream you took potatoes out of the cellar or basement, this may warn of illnesses and illnesses. Take more care than usual about your own health so as not to undermine it.

6. A dream in which potatoes lie on the ground promises you meeting new people and, as a result, new events in social sphere of your life. Be active and open to new things, expect pleasant gifts from fate!

7. Boiled potatoes, seen in dreams, promise wealth and well-being in the home, a warm family hearth, a quiet life without the fear of ending up in poverty.

8. Fried, rosy potatoes seen on the table - also rich life, delicious food, pleasures. Just don’t go too far, everything needs moderation!

9. Seeing a large pile of potatoes in your dreams promises profit from hard work, a generous harvest, good fruits. It’s not in vain that you work, your reward will come soon!

10. But small tubers dream of tears and unpleasant events. Be prepared for a short period of sadness and melancholy.

What should I do with it?

According to dream books, potatoes can promise wealth, poverty, tears, and happiness. To choose the correct interpretation, remember carefully what you did with the tubers: did you have to plant or dig them, fry or treat them, buy or trade them?

This is important for correct interpretation sleep, because you can do a lot of things with potatoes, and even more so in your dreams.

1. Planting potatoes is a painstaking task, but useful and brings a rich harvest. Therefore, know: if you happen to plant potato tubers in your dreams, in reality you will soon receive a very interesting, attractive offer.

It can concern both personal life (marriage, creating a couple), and work, business... You can expect anything, but this proposal can change your destiny for the better, so be bold!

2. A dream in which the potatoes have already yielded a harvest and you have to dig and collect them, foreshadows a large amount of thankless, hard work.

  • If digging in a dream is difficult, but the harvest is small and the tubers are small, the same will happen in reality: you will struggle long and hard, but to no avail.
  • But if in the end you dig a big harvest, work hard and know that there will be a result, even if it comes with hard work.

3. If you ate potatoes (fried, baked, boiled) in a dream, expect a salary increase, bonus, winning or other way of receiving money. It will be unexpected and very joyful for you!

4. But if the potatoes you ate in a dream were raw, this portends profit from a business in which you did not fully believe.

If you happen to see in your night dreams how you are selling potatoes at the market, this, according to interpreters, means that you will soon get rid of unpleasant, annoying people in your environment.

If you are bothered by relatives or guests, a clingy admirer or unpleasant acquaintances, you will soon be freed from their oppressive society and breathe a sigh of relief.

6. Dreams in which you peel potatoes mean that you will soon change your own opinion about someone from your environment. Most likely, opinions will change for the better. It’s not without reason that they say that appearances are deceiving – you have to see for yourself. Don't rush to conclusions!

7. If you cook potatoes in your dreams (fry them, make soup or mash them) - wait new job, promotions or interesting business offers. Career will go up! Author: Vasilina Serova