Why do you dream about a dug hole? Deep hole according to the dream book. What does Yama's dream predict?

Dream book online Pit

Dreams are very disturbing if you dream about a hole. As a rule, these are gray or brown visions, leaving a painful and aching feeling of impending troubles. It is difficult to understand why a hole is dreamed of. Because such night dreams cannot be unambiguous. And only a deep analysis of the details will help you find out approximately what the subconscious is warning you about.

Many dream books agree on the interpretation that this is a bad omen. Financial difficulties and reputation problems are possible.

It is possible that in important issue, you will make the wrong decision. What you hid will become public knowledge.

If you dreamed of a hole

You can explain why you dream of a hole in a dream only by analyzing a lot of details of the dream and your own feelings. What you should pay attention to first:

  • where exactly the pit was located (in your own house or yard, in the garden, on the street or in an unfamiliar deserted place);
  • what were its dimensions in the dream, and whether the dreamer saw the bottom (a small hole or could it accommodate a whole house or city);
  • what it was filled with (an empty pit means a gap in relationships or financial debts, and a cesspool with sewage, on the contrary, means profit)

The main thing is inside

If you dreamed of a deep hole in your own yard, this is very bad sign. Most likely, in a difficult situation you will make the wrong decision and this will entail a series of troubles. The most unfortunate thing in this case is that for a long time you will be confident that you are right, and no one will be able to convince you otherwise. And only when nothing can be changed will you repent of your own deafness to other people's advice.


Looking into an empty hole - thinking about the situation that is developing in this moment in your life. The most interesting thing is that nothing special is happening now, but some sixth sense makes you carefully think about every step and every word you say - and for good reason.

If you dreamed of an empty pit

Seeing an empty pit is detrimental. This can be material, moral, or personal damage. Perhaps your business will suffer a loss or you will learn unpleasant information about someone close to you.

Falling and getting out of an empty pit means victory over various difficulties.

Your moral core is strong, which means you won’t mind any tests. Not finding the strength to get out is bad. Prolonged troubles will make you depressed, which will lead to physical illness. And only by going to a medical facility can you improve your health.

Carefully lowering a rope into a hole is a difficult task, on which you will spend much more money than you expected.

What it contains

That's what he says modern dream book: a hole whose bottom is filled with water means the state of your mental health. The deeper it is, the more difficult it is to maintain emotional balance. Possible depression, apathy, or vice versa, excessive aggressiveness or temper.

if you fell but got out of the hole

Get out of it - get out of a difficult situation, avoid debt or pay bills on time. If you dream that you are falling into a hole, but never reached the bottom, or you wake up from the feeling of falling, this is a bad omen. You will face difficulties that will unsettle you for a long time.

But clearly seeing its bottom and remembering what it was filled with is already not bad. The subconscious mind tells you how best to solve impending problems.

Animals or reptiles

Falling into a pit with animals in a dream is a very bad sign. You will have to face cruel and powerful people on whom your life will depend. further activities. Serious bureaucratic problems may arise during the execution of a transaction or real estate transactions.

if the pit was with snakes

Seeing that there are snakes in the pit is also not good. This means that a trap has been prepared for you for a long time and just a little more, and you will fall into it. You should not make any decisions at this time. The best way To avoid trouble - just hide and wait for a while.

A very large pit full of predators waiting for their prey - the situation is completely different from what you think. Be prepared to do a 180 degree turn in your decision.

By digging a hole in the ground to make a trap for large animals, you can legally eliminate a serious competitor who occupies a high position.

Going down there to get the loot can lead to serious cruelty, and an innocent person will suffer.


Seeing people in a pit in a dream means showing true cruelty and prejudice. Burying them or filling them with dirt means you are capable of committing a low act that will radically change the opinion of your loved ones about you.

If you saw a man in a hole

Fill the holes with dead people- try to hide your own sins. If you dreamed of a person in a hole with water, you need to take a closer look at your own “I”. It seems that for the sake of profit and money you are ready to sacrifice your own moral principles.

Watching a person dig holes for other people to bury them - you will witness someone's illegal act. Thus, you will be involved in a crime. Sooner or later the truth will come out, and then you will not be able to escape responsibility.

To go down into pits and get people out of them - you are ready to sacrifice yourself and your own position in society for the sake of the truth. If you are very scared to go down, but you overcome your fear and still do it and help people get out of the hole, you will be able to overcome the vicious character traits in yourself and, thanks to this, you will achieve a lot in life.

Opinion of different dream books

As a rule, all popular sources today say that holes seen in a dream are an unfavorable sign.

If it is huge, filled with dirt or muddy water and placed in your yard - this means you can expect difficulties in material sphere. Health problems due to nervousness cannot be ruled out.

Difficulties, says Miller's dream book

if you crossed a hole on a bridge

This is what this dream book says: a hole that you come across on the road means a test. If you were able to jump over it or cross the bridge, it means you can cope with it and not tarnish your own reputation. But if you couldn’t do this, that’s a bad sign. To fall into it and be able to get out means a protracted period of difficulties and troubles in life.

Veles's long-standing misery

Having already had the opportunity to dig a deep hole, I had to prepare myself for a difficult period of inconsistency. The darkness of Veles is hidden from any mandrivkas and households.

For people who live on the earth and whose main income comes from plantings, such a dream means unfavorable weather conditions and the presence of uneasy comas. For those who are engaged in the pursuit of thinness, such a dream prophesies mass destruction, pestilence.

A deep hole, like a muddy building, means the death of one of its inhabitants.

If you fall into a hole, you will get sick, unless you manage to get out of it, the illness will not be serious.

Hidden complexes, says Freud

Digging holes in the ground in a dream means unknowingly multiplying own complexes in the sexual sphere. If you happen to go down into them, you will find yourself in an awkward situation when, as it seemed to you, the person stepped on a favorite blister, although in fact, nothing of the kind was on his mind.

  • To climb into a deep hole and find a person there is to drive yourself into a corner with complexes. Only a qualified specialist will help you get out of this situation.
  • Burying holes or throwing dirt is an attempt to hide your shameful sexual experience. And it's not about intimate relationships before marriage. You may have had sexual experience with someone else's spouse.
  • If you manage to get out of a hole in a dream, it means that you have to solve an intimate problem that may soon arise in your life with your partner. And here the most important thing is not to try to brush it off or hush it up, but to talk to him frankly, and if necessary, seek the help of a specialist.
  • Bury or fill with clay - you will be able to resist the temptation of betrayal.
  • Going down, hoping to find a treasure in a deep hole - you will plunge headlong into a new acquaintance, which will very quickly develop into whirlwind romance, and then into a serious relationship.

Dream "Pit" - ambiguous dream, which is interpreted differently based on what you did in the dream and what the hole was like in your dream. A lot depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw a hole in a dream: positive or negative. All this and much more will help you find correct interpretation your sleep. Everything is collected here famous dream books and answers are given to the most common questions that may arise after the dream “The Pit”.

  • Dream Interpretation: a hole in a dream means that in life there is a risk of ending up in a hole of debt. In reality, large debts, serious dangers or troubles may await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging a hole for someone or digging a grave in a dream means that you are preparing cruel revenge or misfortune for some person in life.

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: a hole in the ground indicates that in reality you will encounter some dangerous situation in your life.

Summer dream book

Dream Interpretation: seeing a hole in a dream foretells the emergence of some dirty and unpleasant story about you.

Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation: a deep hole in a dream - in real life there is a risk of falling into some kind of trap that was built especially for you by your enemy.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: falling into a hole - a great danger, fear or serious misfortune may happen to you in real life. The interpretation of the dream interprets death to the dreamer.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging a hole means that a business or grave is unprofitable for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling into a hole means death or failure will happen in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting out of a hole is interpreted by the fact that in your life you will be able to get out of some kind of trouble and will live. If you remain in the hole and are unable to get out of it, then you will die.

Russian folk dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: falling into a hole represents a rather difficult and even difficult life situation, which is associated with a fall.
  • Dream Interpretation: Digging a hole with a shovel - at the moment you are not having a very good time in your life, because you are doing something that can greatly harm you in the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large hole into which you drop something means that you have missed some chance in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a pit in which animals are sitting? It says that you have started some business in your life and you will have to deal with people who are cruel in nature, and at the same time make a lot of effort to get along or at least somehow come to an agreement with these people.
  • Dream Interpretation: falling into a hole or descending into a rather deep hole means that you are planning to carry out some kind of business that will not actually bring you anything worthwhile in life.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • One proverb says, don’t dig a hole for another person, you will fall into it yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: a pit with water - on a subconscious level, some kind of your own and someone else’s bad action has become entrenched, which does not leave your thoughts. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: digging a hole in the ground - currently in yours real life not happening too much good period, so that you hope by chance and act as you intended, since now you are in the public eye and your actions can spoil your reputation.
  • Seeing a hole in a dream into which you drop something very valuable symbolizes that you will have to pay for all your unworthy actions with your own well-being and peace of mind.
  • deep hole with wild animals sitting in it, you may dream of the appearance of too calculating and even cruel people in your real life. (cm. )

Dream book for the whole family

If you dreamed of a hole, it means that in life there is a high probability of doing something bad. good deed. Most likely, this bad act will be known to the public, among whom will be your acquaintances and friends. After what you did, you can’t hope or expect that they will ever be able to forgive you, because this will never happen. Rather, on the contrary, your close people will condemn you and your actions, and they may turn away from you completely. And, therefore, you simply risk sailing through life in terrible loneliness, but in order to regain the affection of your loved ones and the people around you, you will need years of impeccable behavior, and during this entire time period you will need to show care and respond to any calls for help.

Erotic dream book

  • Falling into a hole in a dream symbolizes the emergence of casual sexual intimacy in your life. Men dream of such a dream, where he is digging a hole, to master a virgin in sexual fantasies.
  • If in a dream a woman digs a hole on her own, this is a sign that she is concerned about her own sexual fantasies, for example, the fact that she is persuading her friend to have physical intimacy.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A hole in the ground dreams of appearing in your own life danger.

Freud's Dream Book

  • The dream “pit” means that, even despite all your many efforts in life, what is secret will soon be revealed and become apparent. And you can suffer greatly due to the truth being revealed and made public. At the moment of explanation, the first thing that comes to mind is betrayal or infidelity to your spouse. But the interpretation of such a dream says that infidelity or betrayal is not necessary here. This dream may imply your past and long-forgotten experience of same-sex love, for example, which explains your shame and the fact that you hid this secret about yourself very much and even too much.
  • If you fell into a hole in a dream, in reality you are on the verge of a not very good and even some kind of immoral act. It may well be that in your life you will meet a person who will become attractive to you, and you will want to move on to informal communication with him. At this moment, only one “but” can stop you - this is your spouse and your responsibilities to him.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting out of a hole or jumping over it in a dream means that there is some kind of problem in your own intimate life with your partner, but it’s just too difficult for you to start discussing this issue. Accordingly, every time you reach a peak difficult moment, you try to distract yourself and not attach any importance to it, as if nothing bothers you and everything is actually in perfect order. Jumping over such a problem is like jumping over a hole.
  • Sitting in a hole - the dream book interprets such a dream as the fact that there is a certain sadistic principle in you, because of which you so want to dominate and possess your partner in bed. And this is normal, if, of course, your partner agrees to obey.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: pulling out of a hole or getting out of it indicates that you will be able to get out of a certain grief in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cesspool into which you fall in a dream means that in reality you can get into big trouble.
  • Dream Interpretation: a hole in a cemetery into which you deliberately throw or fall something means that one of your relatives will soon die. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a hole with mud is a fear, a hole usually means death in a dream. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: grave pit - is usually considered a very bad dream and in life such a dream foreshadows the appearance of some kind of misfortune. (see)

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: a hole on the road usually means death. (cm. )

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Dream Interpretation: a hole in the house is usually interpreted as the occurrence of a specific accident in life. (cm. )

French dream book

Dream interpretation: a dug hole into which you fall can promise you unforgettable love. If you cross or jump over a hole in a dream, this can be considered a harbinger that in reality you will have some small clashes with an official representative.

Big dream book

Dream Interpretation: digging holes in a dream promises the emergence of some kind of fear in real life.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed of a huge hole, this portends mortal danger for you.

Jewish dream book of Azar

In this dream book, a dream in which you see a hole promises death in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Apostle Simon the Canaanite

The interpretation of the dream in which the hole appeared is as follows: mortal danger.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you dreamed of a trench hole, or you are digging a hole under a post or tree, it means that in life you are aggravating your problems too much and, as a result, you begin to engage in self-digging. You constantly ask yourself questions that you simply cannot solve. You should put all your problems aside.
  • If you fall into a hole in a dream, it means that in life you are not doing your own thing, because of which you are in danger of collapse. And the more terrible the fall into the pit, the more noticeable this collapse will be.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Hasse

In this dream book, the appearance of a hole in a dream is interpreted as the appearance of a large mortal danger in life.

Miller's Dream Book

  • The interpretation of a dream in which a hole appeared in this dream book implies the appearance of some kind of warning. This means that in reality you should be as attentive as possible. If you had a dream in which you are looking into a very deep hole, in life you will take unwise risks in some of your business transactions. If a girl had such a dream, in life she is simply worried about her fiancé.
  • If in a dream you fall into a hole, expect deep sadness or misfortune to appear in life. If you fall into a hole in a dream and immediately wake up, this means that in real life you will be saved from trouble.
  • If you dreamed that you were going down into a hole in a dream, it means that in reality you are subconsciously risking your happiness and health in order to achieve some great success.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • Empty pit in a dream symbol dark night souls. That is, it is time to wake up. You should try to look at yourself from above.
  • Dream Interpretation: standing on the edge of a hole - it’s time to think about changing the direction in which you are currently moving in life.

Dream Interpretation Maya

  • A good meaning of a dream in which you fall into a hole means that in the very near future information will reach you, thanks to which you will learn how you can improve your financial situation. Plant a flower in a flowerbed, chest or in a pot and take care of the plant, immediately after this flower blooms, you will get rich.
  • Bad value a dream in which you fall into a hole indicates that one of the people around you very much wants to get rid of you. And in order to protect yourself, you need to drop a few drops of your blood on the roots of the nearest tree that grows near your house.

Russian dream book

  • Seeing a hole in a dream means danger appears in life. You need to be very careful.
  • If you dig a hole yourself in a dream, it means that in life you create for yourself unnecessary problems. Therefore, standing on the threshold of adopting some special important decision you need to weigh everything and think carefully before deciding to take a certain step.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

  • Digging a grave hole in a dream means prosperity and marriage.
  • Seeing a dug hole in the yard in a dream means danger, death or illness.
  • Falling into a hole means difficult life circumstances.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

  • Seeing a hole on the road means a bad society will appear in your life.
  • To have a dream in which you are sitting in a hole means that you will find yourself in a very difficult situation.

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • Seeing a ditch or hole in front of the gate foretells that some of the important things in your life will not work out.

Eastern women's dream book

  • If in a dream you see a hole in front of you, be careful.
  • Falling into a hole in a dream means that you will be in mortal danger.

Danilova's erotic dream book

  • Falling into a hole in a dream is a sign of the appearance of a random sexual relationship in life.
  • A man who falls into a hole or drips into it in a dream sees in his fantasies the possession of a virgin.
  • A woman digging a hole in a dream is concerned about her sexual fantasies in life.


To sum up all of the above, I would like to say once again that a hole in a dream usually means bad things. But, like any rule, there are exceptions here too. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

To dig a very deep hole and not know how to get out of it - you have to realize the error of your actions;

Walking through the forest and falling into a pit with animals - you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own negligence;

Dropping something into a hole and not finding it means sudden enrichment;

For a woman, looking into a hole and not seeing the bottom means sadness and loneliness;

For a man, this dream is an acquaintance with the right person, receiving advantageous offer, new perspectives;

Seeing a pit with garbage means receiving important news by mail or through a messenger, messenger, or stranger;

Filling a hole with earth means you have to do something that will change the opinions of others about you.

Also see Ditch, Dig, Cliff, Forest.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Seeing Yama in a dream

There is a high probability of committing, to put it mildly, an ugly act. And for sure it will become an asset large number people, among whom there will be many of your friends and acquaintances. You should not count on them to understand and forgive you, this will not happen. More likely, on the contrary, they will judge you and, perhaps, even turn away completely.

You risk staying in all alone and, in order to regain the trust of others, you will need to spend years of an impeccable life, all this time showing concern for others and responding to the slightest call for help (however, as should have been done from the very beginning).

By the way, if you have several dreams during one night, then only the one you dreamed first will come true. Sleep in the morning, in general, can not be counted, because at this time it is not the person’s subconscious that is working, but the deep memory that “gives” you various images.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

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Dream about Yama

If in a dream you fall into a hole, it means that your affairs are unimportant and need awaits you. For a woman in love, this dream means that alienation has entered the heart of her lover. Falling into a hole in a dream is a prediction that you are in danger of misfortune, loss: perhaps your beloved will turn out to be an untrustworthy person or you will be hurt by the treachery of an old friend. For a farmer, this dream foreshadows a bad harvest, rainy weather, and livestock illnesses. After such a dream, a merchant should expect heavy losses, the sailor faces terrible storms. However, he will return home safe and sound.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does Yama mean in a dream?

Your dream promises you unforgettable love. Jumping over a pit or crossing a bridge over it is a harbinger of a small skirmish with an official.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Meaning of Yama dreams

Pit (trench) - Digging under something (tree, pole) - you are delving too deeply into some problems, perhaps doing self-digging. Seeing - you are asking questions that you cannot solve. Put them aside for later, until better times. To fall into the Self - you have taken on something other than your own business; you are in danger of collapse, the more noticeable the more terrible the fall, especially if you woke up from this dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Yama

Pit - crawling out of a hole in a dream - getting out of grief, out of trouble. Falling into a hole means falling into trouble. If you dream of a hole and something - you throw it there or fall inadvertently, then someone in your family will die. Pit - fear. Pit - to death. "if you dream about a hole, then it is very bad dream: expect some misfortune."

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What Yama predicts in a dream

Yama - personifies the complex, difficult situation and is associated with falling. Digging a hole in a dream means you are going through an unlucky period of time, as you are doing something that could harm you later. Dropping something into a hole in a dream means a missed chance. If you see a pit and animals sitting in it in a dream, you have started a business in which you have to deal with people who are tough in character and will have to make considerable efforts to get along with them. Descending into a deep hole on a rope means you have started something that will not bring you anything good.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

What does it mean to see Yama in a dream?

Pit - Seeing a pit in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent, and you will suffer for hiding the truth for so long. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind with such an explanation is betrayal, infidelity towards your marriage partner. However, this is not necessary. It may well be that once upon a time you had the experience of same-sex love, but then you were ashamed of what happened and did not tell anyone about it. So, the hole you saw in a dream symbolizes that everything will “crawl out” out.

If in a dream you fall into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some action that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. Maybe you met someone you really liked and would like to move on to more informal forms of communication? There is only one big “but” stopping you - your responsibilities to your spouse. Jumping over a hole - you and your partner have some kind of problem in your intimate life, but it seems difficult for you to discuss it.

Thus, every time you reach a “difficult place”, you try to pretend that nothing “like that” is happening, that everything is as if everything is fine. You jump over a problem as if over a hole you dreamed about. - If you dream that someone is sitting in a hole, it means that you have some kind of sadistic beginning, you want to possess and dominate in bed. Well, that's great if your partner likes to be submissive.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What does Yama's dream predict?

Falling into a hole in a dream is a sign of a casual sexual relationship. If a man dreams that he is digging a hole, the dream suggests that in his sexual fantasies he is possessing a virgin. A woman is digging a hole in a dream - she is worried about her own sexual fantasies about how she induces her friend to have physical intimacy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Meaning of the dream Yama

You will die, big trouble, fear, danger; digging is a grave, an unprofitable business; fall into a hole - trouble will happen, failure, death; if you pass, the matter will end in nothing; if you fall into a hole and get out, you will live, you will get out of trouble; If you don't get out, you'll die.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

See Yama in a dream

Falling into a hole means becoming a victim of slander. Digging a hole means causing confusion among others with your behavior. To stand and look into a hole is to face the problem of choosing: to act honestly and lose part of your income, or not to care about the opinions of others. Filling the hole means putting an end to the lie.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

Yama dream prediction

There is a proverb: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself!” Perhaps the “pit” symbol appeared in your dream due to the fact that the daily assessment of other people’s or your own actions was entrenched in your subconscious.

Digging a hole is not the best time to do as you intended, because you are in plain sight, and your action may slightly tarnish your reputation.

If in a dream you dropped something valuable into a hole, then this dream symbolically tells you that you will pay for unworthy actions with your own peace of mind and well-being.

Seeing a pit with animals sitting in it in a dream means you will have to deal with people who are very calculating and tough in character, and you will have to make considerable efforts to get along with them.

Descending into a deep hole on a rope - you are interfering in a matter that will not bring you anything good, the most reasonable thing at the moment is to stop and do nothing.

If you dreamed that you could not get out of a deep hole, then this means that someone from your environment will try to ruin your life, and he will succeed. You need to fight for your position, because you can correct the situation if you show activity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Seeing Yama in a dream

Digging a hole in a dream - expect troubles at work. Being at the bottom of a large and deep hole foreshadows an unfortunate breakdown in a seemingly clearly and smoothly running system.

Finding gold and jewelry in a hole is a sign of good luck and prosperity.

A dream where you are pushed into a bottomless pit and you fly there in pitch darkness is a harbinger of a tragic event with close and well-known people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What do Yama dreams mean?

“to find yourself in a hole, or in a debt hole” is trouble, danger, debts.

“to dig a hole (grave) for someone” to prepare trouble for someone, to take revenge.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

What does Yama mean in a dream?

One of the worst omens. Falling into a hole in a dream predicts sudden death from an accident.

If you dreamed that you fell into a hole, imagine that your friends quickly pulled you out of it, and together you filled the hole with earth.

If someone you know falls into a hole, this person faces death. If you see a hole in a dream and go around it, you will be able to avoid death, but a great loss awaits you. Digging a hole - you will have bitter troubles associated with the funeral. If someone else digs a hole - betrayal loved one will be a blow to you, as a result of which you may become dangerously ill.

Such dreams are very difficult to process. The best way to practice them is to present the dream situation in a comic form. For example, if you (or someone else) falls into a hole, imagine that it is not a hole, but a gutter that is full of manure (see Manure, Excrement). If you see that they are digging a hole, do as the famous aphorism advises: if they are digging a hole for you, do not interfere. Once finished, make a pool!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of Yama dreams

If you saw a hole in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent. You will suffer for hiding the truth for so long.

If in a dream you fall into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some action that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality.

Jumped over a hole in a dream - you and your partner have some kind of problem in your intimate life, but you will refuse to discuss it.

Interpretation of dreams from

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Yama in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Yama?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does Yama mean?

The pit represents a difficult, difficult situation and is associated with fall. If you dreamed that in a dream you were digging a hole - in real life you are going through an unlucky period, since you are doing something that can harm you later. Dropping something into a hole symbolizes a missed chance. Seeing a pit and animals sitting in it means that you have to deal with people of tough character and make considerable efforts to get along with them. If you yourself go down into the pit, then this is a sign that you have started a business that will not bring you anything good; for more details, if you dream about the Pit, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Yama, interpretation of the dream:

A warning about a fall or a trap, this is how this dream in which Yama is dreamed is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Yama in a dream?

Grief, fear. Digging a hole is honest, hard and unprofitable work, but if you find sparkling valuables at the same time, it means a favorable turn in fate. Voids in the walls of the pit are unlucky. If water fills the dug hole, the course of affairs, despite all your efforts, will be uncontrollable and will not depend on you, this is how the dream in which the Pit is dreamed is deciphered.

Ditches are a serious danger, an obstacle. Child: cheerful, neat - to contentment; dirty - to troubles; if the child plays alone - independence from the opinions of others; crying baby- to disappointment, deterioration of health. Taking your sick child in your arms means suffering and sadness. Seeing yourself as a child (or young) is a dangerous disease, a threat to life.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream and what does it mean to see Yama in a dream:

If you dream of a hole, then this is evidence that the secret will soon become apparent. Perhaps this will be your betrayal, which your partner found out about. But maybe we are talking about a sexual experience of same-sex love that you are afraid to remember, think about your behavior in this situation. Don't be embarrassed. Everyone has their own skeleton in their closet. If you dreamed that in a dream you fell into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some act that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. It is likely that you have finally met the prince of your dreams, but you are already bound by family ties. Decide for yourself what to do in this situation. You wouldn't have to regret it later! - Jumping over a hole in a dream means having some kind of problem in your intimate life that you are not able to discuss. Every time you come to this difficult question, you immediately try to pass it by in silence or move on to another topic, that is, “jump over the hole.” Think about it. After all, avoiding a problem is not a solution - Problems - If you dreamed that someone was sitting in a hole, then in reality you tend to enjoy sadistic methods in bed. This is only good if your partner likes to obey

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Yama in a dream?

If there is a hole in front of you, be careful; falling into a hole means you are in mortal danger

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Pit according to the dream book?

If you saw a hole in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent. You will suffer for hiding the truth for so long. If you dreamed that in a dream you fell into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some act that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. Jumped over a hole in a dream - you and your partner have some kind of problem in your intimate life, but you will refuse to discuss it.

Summer Dream Interpreter

A dirty story comes to light, unsightly from all sides, discrediting you.

Ravine - Seeing a deep ravine means a grave.

Fall into a hole (hole). - Fall into a deep hole to the grave.

Digging a hole - Don’t interfere in other people’s lives, let them figure it out themselves. so that you don't find yourself guilty.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

There will be a danger to life, as the dream book says about this dream.

Digging a hole - you will bring upon yourself some trouble.

Why dream of digging a hole - letting it get too close dangerous person: for a sick person such a dream means death.

Ravine - Seeing a deep ravine filled with water means the end of life.

Dig a hole (hole). - To a dead person from strangers.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Towards death.

Why do you dream about the Funnel - looking into the funnel - being in danger through stupidity.

Dreamed/dreamed of Digging a hole (dig, hole). - If you dreamed that you were digging a hole or a cellar in a dream, you are going to put a pig on someone.

Ravine. To danger.

Dig a hole (hole). To illness.

Anchor points:

What does a dream about pits promise?

The pit dream brings instability into your life. A hole dug in the ground says that the future will not be cloudless; one dug in the sand suggests that the path to a dream is long and tedious. Filled clean water a hole is a harbinger of change, it is important that the water is clean, which means there will be changes in better side and vice versa, dirty water predicts a period of failure and misfortune. Garbage pit is a symbol of important news that affects your future. Dug up and then filled up means that in real life you have found a solution to the problems and are ready to fight further. The hole that was dug for the grave foreshadows precarious prosperity. A hole dug for a well warns of danger. Seeing a pothole in the middle of the road means behaving unworthily. If she was in front of the door, gate, gate - to trouble. A huge pit into which your home falls predicts misfortune. A dream where you fell into a hole is a warning that you overestimate your strength. Seeing another person in a pit is a dream that speaks of the threat of intrigue and slander. An orchestra pit in a dream turns into problems in reality due to your incompetence. A very deep one warns you that you can alienate your loved ones and acquaintances with a vile act.

What did you do with the hole in your dream?

Digging a shallow hole means you are spending too much time on details, think about the main thing. If you dug a very deep hole, then you will be disappointed, you will search for the meaning of life. Cover it with earth, bury it - you know exactly what you want and will not give up on what you want. Falling into a hole - a dream suggests that you will have to change the type of activity not of your will. To get out of it - you will be able to overcome difficulties; a dream in which you could not get out is a bad sign, unfortunately. Dropping something into a hole means that your behavior, which is not always ethical, will bring you problems. Material troubles are predicted by a dream where you tried to go down into a hole. To jump over it means to find yourself in a situation where you will have to sacrifice your interests. If a board was thrown across the hole, bridge, then a person will appear in your life who can help you achieve your goal, but he will require certain services from you. Standing on the edge of a hole and looking deep into it means a crossroads - you are faced with a choice between moneyless decency and rich meanness.