Maxim Galkin biography of him. “She died in the Holy Land”: Maxim Galkin remembered his mother and showed archival photos

Today Maxim Galkin is one of the most popular and sought-after artists Russian stage. That's why interesting facts from it are so interesting to different people.

One of his main advantages can be called the presence of a subtle intellectual and extraordinary charisma. Currently, the artist is considered the king of parody, as well as a very talented showman.

So, in front of you short biography Galkina.

Maxim Galkin

Biography of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Aleksandrovich Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region. His father, Alexander Alexandrovich, rose to the rank of colonel general and at one time headed the armored department of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation.

Later he worked as a State Duma deputy. Maxim Galkin’s mother, Natalya Grigorievna, is an associate professor of physical and mathematical sciences. She once worked at the Institute of Earthquake Forecast Theory of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Their family often moved to and sometimes countries. Little Maxim began his schooling in Odessa and graduated in.

Childhood and youth

From childhood, Maxim showed excellent artistic abilities. At school, he participated in almost all performances, playing the most difficult roles.

Maxim Galkin in 2003

As a sixth-grader, he managed to organize his first concert. On it he showed the audience puppet show. An interesting fact is that he voiced absolutely all the characters without outside help.

Galkin also liked to amuse his classmates by imitating voices school teachers or director. It was then that Maxim encountered the genre of parody for the first time in his biography.

Once in an interview, he admitted that as a teenager he liked G. Khazanov, who often parodied various political figures, including Gorbachev.

Galkin's parents did everything possible to ensure that their son developed his talents. Under their strict guidance, he began to visit the art studio, where he showed a keen interest in. Birds especially fascinated him.

After graduating from school, Maxim Galkin entered the Faculty of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

There he mastered several foreign languages, which were very useful to him in his extraordinary biography.

In 1998, Maxim continued his graduate studies, writing a dissertation on the topic “The relationship between the stylistic systems of original and translated texts.”

Parodies and show business

The creative development of Maxim Galkin took place within the walls of the student theater. Then he performed on different stages of the city, performing magnificent parodies of Russian and foreign politicians.

His talent was highly appreciated by the head of the Moscow state theater B. Brunov, who invited the promising artist to work with him.

Already in the early 2000s, the whole country knew about Galkin. He was presented with various awards, and in 2001 he became the host of the super popular TV game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.”

Soon, he becomes a participant in the festival " Slavic Bazaar", speaking to the public with his own program. Since this moment in his biography, the artist has been actively touring cities and abroad.

Another proof extraordinary talent Galkina became an appeal famous comedian M. Zadornov, who named Maxim his successor.

The satirist worked closely with Galkin for a year and a half, giving joint concerts with him. It is interesting to note that Maxim worked without a producer, and never in his life financed his performances on television.

In his speeches, Galkin incredibly accurately imitated the voices of politicians and cultural figures such as Gaidar, Lukashenko, Chernomyrdin, Aguzarova and others.

Having reached certain heights in this field, he wanted to try himself in the role musical artist. This idea played an important role in his biography.

Ultimately, Maxim sang the song “Be or Don’t Be” in a duet with Alla Pugacheva herself, which immediately became popular. Later he will continue to collaborate with the diva, and both of them will be successful.

In parallel with this, Galkin works as a presenter in different projects. His close friends are N. Baskov and.

In 2015, he became a participant in the television project “Exactly the Same,” where he managed to reach the finals and share the victory with E. Dyatlov.

Maxim Galkin starred in the children's humorous film magazine "Yeralash", as well as in many musicals.

Maxim Galkin today

If previously a talented artist was completely immersed in work, today he has to reconsider his priorities. With the advent of his family, he began to pay more attention to his wife and children.

In the spring of 2016, Galkin headed the new humorous television project “MaximMaxim”, which, by the way, was filmed in his castle. During this time he visited huge amount various celebrities.

At the end of the same year, Galkin headed the children's talent show “Best of All,” which quickly found itself at the top of the ratings.

In general, the biography of Maxim Galkin is interesting in that almost all of his endeavors were crowned, which clearly speaks of him.

In 2017, Galkin performed the anniversary program “25 Years on Stage,” where he showed his best performances. It also featured famous stars stage.

Galkin was repeatedly invited to various programs and concerts as a jury member. Everywhere he appeared, a very warm welcome and recognition from the public awaited him.

Personal life of Galkin

At the beginning of its creative activity, Maxim was constantly in sight of everyone. However, when he married Alla Pugacheva, attention to his person became even greater.

This couple met back in 2001. After the diva divorced F. Kirkorov in 2005, she began to live with Galkin. They decided to legalize their relationship only in December 2011.

Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is 27 years older than Maxim Galkin

After their marriage, a lot of criticism appeared against the star couple. There were many who called the union of artists nothing more than PR, although the biographies of both hardly had any need for this.

Opinions have been repeatedly expressed that due to the large age difference, there can be no love between them. But time has put everything in its place.

Today on Maxim Galkin’s Instagram you can see many photographs of him with his wife and children. These photos in once again prove that the age of love is not a barrier.

In the fall of 2013, Maxim and Alla gave birth to twins with the help of a surrogate mother. Today the whole family lives in a huge castle in the village of Gryaz.

Castle of Galkin and Pugacheva

Galkin's income

According to experts, it took about 50 million dollars to build and equip the castle with Pugacheva. The artist's annual income is approximately $6 million.

Now you know all the basic facts from Galkin’s biography. If you liked this article, share it on social networks. If you like and at all, subscribe to the site It's always interesting with us!

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Maxim Galkin is one of the most popular Russian comedians. He appeared before the public in the late 90s of the last century and immediately won the hearts of a multimillion-dollar audience. Although 20 years have passed since then, our hero never tires of sharing new issues and information about changes in his life with fans.

The comedian never ceases to amaze the audience with his versatility and originality. He played in films, hosted television shows, participated in show programs, wrote articles for " Komsomolskaya Pravda", sang songs.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, the artist has become a TV presenter. His show programs are becoming consistently popular. Currently, the show program “Best of All” is airing on Channel One, in which children from all over the country share their talents, causing constant delight in Maxim Galkin.

The artist’s personal life is happy and measured. He lives with his wife and children, not paying any attention to rumors about his affairs on the side and his breakup with his wife.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maxim Galkin

From the first appearance of the popular comedian on the country's television screens, viewers became interested in all the information about him. Recently, the Kultura TV channel aired a program about the life and work of Maxim Galkin. Fans were able to find out all the information about this charismatic and attractive man. He talked about himself. Admirers of the comedian's talent were able to find out his height, weight, and age. How old is Maxim Galkin is a question that is asked by the public very often, but you can calculate a man’s age by knowing his date of birth.

It is known that the artist has already crossed the 40-year mark. He will soon turn 42 years old. With a height of 180 cm, he weighs about 70 kg.

Maxim Galkin, whose photos in his youth and now are collected by his fans, loves to play pranks. He often jokes about his friends, especially Nikolai Baskov. Close people are not offended by practical jokes; on the contrary, they laugh heartily.

Biography of Maxim Galkin

The biography of Maxim Galkin began in the mid-70s of the last century. He was born near the capital Soviet Union, but soon moves with his parents to Odessa. It is this city that our hero considers home. Father - Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin was a military man. Mother, Natalya Grigorievna Galkina, dealt with issues related to earthquakes. The pop star has an older brother, Dmitry, who was born into the family 12 years earlier than him.

At the age of 3, Maxim ended up in eastern Germany, as his father was transferred to the GDR on military business. But after 11 months the family returns to their homeland. It was here that the boy became a student at the school, met his friends, some of whom he still meets sometimes.

During his school years, the comedian was loved and popular. He was forgiven for any pranks because of his spontaneity and cheerfulness. Galkin was fond of drawing, he studied with teachers in art school Odessa.

At the age of 10, our hero moves to the Trans-Baikal Territory. He was immediately struck by the majestic and silent beauty of nature. In particular, he loved walking to the shore of Lake Baikal and looking at its vast expanse.

The boy loved to study. He enjoyed reading poetry and learning historical details about various events. Already at the age of 4, our hero appeared on stage. After that he played many roles. He liked to transform into various heroes. Galkin was not afraid to parody anyone; the subject of his jokes were teachers and the director, as well as students. The parodies were so realistic that they caused laughter in the audience. At the age of 13, after watching a number in which the brilliant master of humor Gennady Khazanov shone, the talented guy was not afraid to show even skits about the leaders of the country of that time. The applause after Galkin's appearance on the school stage invariably caused a storm of applause. Maxim repeatedly showed performances in which he alone acted for all the characters.

The young man thought for a long time about what to become. At first he was going to connect his life with zoology. But after a while he gave up on it when he saw what was inside the dove. Then Galkin became interested in construction. He built castles from blocks, thinking that in the future he could also easily do this with natural bricks. Then the show business star dreamed of becoming a traveler. He opened the map and looked at it, dreaming of visiting the farthest corners of the world.

In high school future star became interested in languages. He decided to become a translator. Having received the certificate, Galkin becomes a student at the Russian State University for the Humanities. IN student years Maxim improves his knowledge of English and German languages, comprehends the subtleties and charms of Spanish, French and Czech linguistic cultures. Currently, at his concert performances, the pop star amazes the audience with his pronunciation and knowledge of the history of various countries.

After receiving a diploma, a talented young man attends graduate school, but does not complete his studies. He was carried away by other passions, for which he abandoned his studies. The guy writes a science fiction novel, but he never managed to finish it.

Galkin began performing his own numbers, and he gained fans. His performance schedule was scheduled several months in advance. First he appears together with one of the masters of humor, whom he considers his stage father and teacher, Mikhail Zadornov. For the first time, the artist performed solo at the Vitebsk festival “Slavic Bazaar”.

Since 2002, the star began hosting the TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” At the same time, Galkin performed in various programs, showing numbers that caused laughter among a multimillion-dollar television audience. For example, he appeared in one of the seasons of the show program “One to One”, becoming the winner of the project. At the same time, the man hosted various television shows.

A talented comedian begins performing with Diva Russian stage Alla Pugacheva. He sang several songs that immediately became hits. The audience loved “To Be or Not to Be”, “Cafe” and others. After that, he performed several songs solo and recorded a solo music album.

In addition, the artist played in several films. For example, the audience fell in love with his adventurer in “Chasing Two Hares” Alesey Chizhov. Galkin starred in several episodes of the popular children's humor magazine"Jumble." In 2015, he appeared in two diverse roles in the television series “Kings Can Do Anything.”

From 2012 to 2014, our hero wrote several articles for Komsomolskaya Pravda, in which he shared his thoughts on a variety of issues.

Currently, Maxim Galkin is actively touring, hosting TV shows on Channel One “Best of All”, “Older of All”. The comedian recently celebrated his 20th anniversary of creative activity. The concert was shown on the main television channel.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin

Currently, no one separates Maxim Galkin’s personal life from the fate of his wife Alla Pugacheva, with whom he officially married in 2011. In November 2017, the couple got married in a church. At the celebration there were only relatives and friends, including their children - twins Lisa and Harry.

The pop star talks quite frankly about his personal life. He talks with humor about his feelings and his chosen ones.

For the first time, the young man fell in love with his classmate, who for several years sat with Maxim at the same desk. The girl's name was Ksyusha. After the Galkin family moved to the capital, the relationship ended. But for several years there was a pen pal friendship between the young people. But then everything stopped, as the girl moved to the center of the Russian Federation without telling her address to the guy.

Family of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin's family often moved from place to place. His father served in the Army, in the armored forces. The man retired with the rank of Colonel General. Was a deputy State Duma Russian Federation. He passed away at the beginning of the new millennium. His grave is located in one of the capital's cemeteries.

Our hero's mother long time was the main woman in the fate of Maxim Galkin. The woman was doing mathematics, making predictions about when there would be cataclysms in one or another part of the country. After her death, her wife moved permanently to Israel, where she died soon.

The humor star has an older brother, Dmitry, who was a hereditary military man. After retirement, he became a businessman and producer. The man is married and has three children, the youngest of whom was baptized by his younger brother Maxim Galkin.

Children of Maxim Galkin

The children of Maxim Galkin were born on a fine September day in 2013. During the entire period, none of the outsiders had any idea about this event. The artist and his wife did not tell anyone about the imminent addition to their family, for fear of jinxing it. After the birth of Lisa and Harry, even the Diva’s daughter and her family were in a kind of stupor, not knowing how to react to this event.

The comedian loves his son and daughter; he often talks about all their achievements on his Instagram page.

For several years, Maxim Galkin has been hosting the “Best of All” show program, in which children from all over the country and neighboring countries share their talent with the public. Our hero never ceases to be amazed at how the children different ages they read poetry, sing songs, dance, take care of animals, and share their knowledge about space. Sometimes a man makes fun of the heroes of the show, but they emerge victorious from the most unexpected situations.

Son of Maxim Galkin - Harry Galkin

The boy was born second. He is a few minutes younger than his sister Lisa, with whom he does not part even for a day. The baby was named after an English prince, whose mother was the famous Princess Diana. The father himself is very proud of his son and hopes that he will become famous.

The son of Maxim Galkin, Harry Galkin, is a copy of the pop star. He captivates with his smile, as numerous subscribers to the comedian’s Instagram page can verify.

The boy is currently preparing to enter school. He learns to count to one hundred and reads well. Harry loves to design. He recently made a car from a construction set, which he shared star father with subscribers.

Daughter of Maxim Galkin - Elizaveta Galkina

The girl was born on September 18, 2013. Her parents decided to name her Elizabeth in honor of the English Queen Elizabeth II. The baby is striking in her resemblance to her mother, Alla Pugacheva. On the Internet you can often find pictures of the pop star as a child and her daughter.

The daughter of Maxim Galkin, Elizaveta Galkina, amazes with her musicality. She enjoys dancing, singing, learning the basics of playing the piano, and reading children's books. Currently, the girl is eager to go to school. She says that she will only study for straight A's. The popular comedian can often be seen on Instagram musical numbers performed by Lisa.

Maxim Galkin's wife - Alla Pugacheva

Long before meeting the popular comedian, she was a star. Her creativity amazed and drove her fans crazy. The singer was married several times, but never became happy. The only thing that kept her from going crazy, she said, was her beloved daughter and work.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the future spouses met for the first time. At that time she was the wife of Philip Kirkorov. Soon, the Diva left her husband, trying to find solace in music. It was at this time that she saw young guy, with whom she played in the musical “Chasing Two Hares,” and then sang several songs. Maxim fell seriously in love and declared his love. Neither he nor Alla could resist their feelings.

Soon they began to live in a civil marriage. Those around him believed that Galkin did not love the woman. He simply takes advantage of her popularity for selfish purposes.

In 2011, the lovers formalized their marriage. Maxim Galkin’s wife, Alla Pugacheva, ended her career. She started working at home. Soon, children appeared in the family, who were born to the couple by a surrogate mother. At the end of 2018, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin got married.

Currently, Diva takes care of the house, children and teaches music to talented children in her music center. A woman lives in perfect harmony with her husband, despite frequent appearances in mass media data on marital discord and divorce.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maxim Galkin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Maxim Galkin are being updated very actively. Here fans can find out about everything that happened in the life of the comedian.

Our hero's Wikipedia contains knowledge about the biography of the pop star. It says here where the boy was born and what he did during his school years. On the page you can find out who his parents were and whether he has a brother or sister. Wikipedia gives an idea about creative path artist. Fans can go to the page to find out what projects Maxim Galkin took part in and what he is currently doing.

The artist actively maintains a page on Instagram. Here he often posts photos and videos of his children, sharing their achievements with fans, his wife and close friends. The page contains many video clips from performances of the popular comedian Maxim Galkin over the years.

One of the most famous public figures in Russia is Maxim Galkin. Biography, year of birth, parents and cause of death are just part of what you will learn about this person.

There is hardly a person in Russia who is not familiar with the name Maxim Galkin. Many facts of his biography have long been known to the general public, but fans want to know as many interesting things as possible about the life of their favorite artist.

Parents of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in the Moscow region, in the city of Naro-Fominsk, in an ordinary Soviet family. It is difficult to name the parents of the future parodist creative people. Father, Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin, was a military man all his life, rising to the rank of colonel general. He was a strict but fair person; he did not drill his family.

Maxim's mother, Natalya Grigorievna Galkina (nee Pragina), devoted herself to education, studied physical and mathematical sciences and was an employee of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Because of military service father, the Galkin family was forced to frequently move from place to place. But this did not stop the mother from investing all her time and energy into raising her children and raising worthy, decent sons - Maxim and his older brother Dmitry. Since childhood, Natalya Grigorievna supported the future showman in all his aspirations and endeavors.

The third millennium for Maxim Galkin began with the hardest blows. In 2002, after a serious and long illness, his father passed away. Neither expensive medicines nor the best clinics in the world could help defeat this insidious disease. After suffering grief, the Galkin family became even more united and friendly. The sons supported their mother with all their might and tried not to leave her alone.

But nothing passes without a trace... The loss of her husband seriously affected Natalya Grigorievna’s health. A terrible disease struck her down too. The doctors were again powerless. In the spring of 2004, Natalya Grigorievna passed away. The diagnosis is the same - cancer... The death of the parents was an irreparable loss in the artist’s life, but it was necessary to live on, to live so that the mother and father would not be ashamed of their son!

Childhood years

Maxim Galkin’s childhood, according to him, was very bright and happy. The family gave the boy everything to achieve success in the future. Maxim’s creative inclinations began to manifest themselves in his early years. He took an active part in all matinees in kindergarten and school events, attended art studio. One day, Galkin even discovered his talent as an author and decided to write a horror book, “The Power of Darkness.” But the novel was never completed.

Our hero developed a passion for the parody genre at the age of 13. Gennady Khazanov played a key role in this. After watching his act “Wolves and Sheep,” where Khazanov brilliantly portrayed General Secretary Gorbachev, Galkin decided to try himself in this role. Maxim began to parody friends, family, and celebrities, and he was very successful at it.


You can't have too much talent, but you can have too many talents. These words of Maria Ebner-Eschenbach can be safely attributed to Maxim Galkin. In 1993, he successfully passed the exams and entered the Russian State University for the Humanities at the Faculty of Linguistics, from which he successfully graduated in 1998. Then he decides to continue studying and enters graduate school, but due to a conflict with his supervisor he is forced to leave in 2009.

In April 1994, Galkin made his debut as an artist in performances of the Moscow Student Theater State University. In June of the same year, he takes part in performances at the Variety Theater, where he brilliantly portrays our famous politicians in a program to search for new talents. It was in those years that the young parodist was noticed by Mikhail Zadornov. The satirical writer appreciates Galkin's talent and becomes his patron.

In 2001, Channel One aired mind game"Who wants to become a millionaire?" Having successfully passed the casting, Maxim Galkin becomes its host. Already from the first broadcasts, he arouses genuine interest among television viewers. Exactly “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” exalts young artist to the Olympus of glory. This is followed by work in the projects “Star Ice” and “Dancing with the Stars.” Galkin also acts as a presenter, but on the Rossiya-1 TV channel.

Personal life

2001 became a very fruitful year for Maxim Galkin. Television career was going uphill, popularity was gaining momentum, success was undoubted. Then he meets the Diva of our stage. Despite the fact that at this time Pugacheva was still married to Philip Kirkorov, she could not resist the charisma of the young successful parodist. Maxim courted Alla Borisovna for a long time and beautifully, presented her with expensive gifts, and, as a result, charmed the Diva with his incomparable sense of humor and insatiable thirst for life. For a long time, Alla and Maxim did not advertise their relationship and hid from prying eyes. I didn’t want gossip, gossip and talking behind my back. And only in 2005, when Pugacheva and Kirkorov officially divorced, the whole country learned about the love of Alla Borisovna and Maxim Galkin - the couple began to live together.

10 years later, at the end of December 2011, having thoroughly tested their feelings over time, the lovers finally got married. The wedding took place without unnecessary pomp and glamor, in the circle of those closest to us. Among the famous guests present were: Kristina Orbakaite, Vladimir Vinokur, Nikolai Baskov, Mikhail Prokhorov.

Despite the young age of the Diva, Maxim and Alla really wanted children together. Doctors dissuaded Pugacheva from in vitro fertilization, and she decided to resort to the help of a surrogate mother. On September 18, 2013, Alla Borisovna and Maxim Galkin became the happy parents of twins Lisa and Harry.

Today, young parents live in the village of Gryazi, in a huge luxurious castle. They devote all their time to raising their son and daughter. The time has come to fully enjoy life, in which both Maxim and Alla have seen a lot of grief and difficulties. May all troubles and adversity bypass their family in the future, and may luck be a constant companion.

This was the famous Maxim Galkin, his biography, year of birth, information about his parents and the cause of their death. Share in the comments, do you like the work of this artist?

Celebrity biography – Maxim Galkin

Russian pop star, unique parodist and comedian, actor, singer and host of various show programs.


On June 18, 1976, a boy was born in the Moscow region, who was named Maxim, then no one could have thought that he would grow up famous person. Maxim’s mother worked at a geophysical research institute, his father was a military man, rose to the rank of colonel general, and served in the armored forces. Early childhood the boy passed in Germany. When he was 7 years old, the family moved to the USSR again, receiving an appointment to the city of Odessa. At the same time, my father received the rank of major general Soviet Army. Here Maxim went to school and completed 3 grades, while simultaneously studying in the studio fine arts. This was followed by the family moving to Buryatia, where the boy studied for another 2 years in Ulan-Ude. The family settled in a military town. Just 100 km from them was Lake Baikal, where they often visited. Soon everyone returned to Moscow, and Maxim’s parents divorced, he remained to live with his mother.

Little Maxim with mom and dad

From childhood, one could observe artistic talent in the boy. He was involved in a wide variety of school productions and played there with pleasure. And, already studying in middle school, he began to get involved in parody. Among his peers, he actively portrayed friends, classmates and teachers.

As a sixth grade student, he decided to organize his first evening, dedicated to creativity, it was a puppet show, in which Maxim portrayed in different voices their heroes.

In 1993, the young man graduated from the Moscow gymnasium. The Russian State University for the Humanities was chosen for further education. He graduated from higher education in 1998 at the Faculty of Linguistics. Then he decided to continue his studies by entering graduate school, and even began writing a dissertation, but in 2009 he decided to leave graduate school.
He has perfectly studied and speaks 6 languages ​​fluently: Czech, French, Spanish, German, English, Church Slavonic.

The beginning of a creative journey

Even during his studies, Maxim Galkin became interested in learning languages, quite successfully, but at the same time creative ideas they didn't leave him. His first performance for the general public took place back in 1994, for which the stage of the Moscow State University Student Theater was chosen, the parody number was called “Fountains of Love for Your Neighbor.”

Next, the aspiring artist was invited to take part in a performance at the Variety Theater with a parody number. Parodies were invented for popular politicians such as Yeltsin, Putin, Zhirinovsky. There were several such speeches, and young man noted artistic director Boris Brunov. Talent is difficult to hide, so Galkin was invited to work at the Variety Theater, they were ready to accept him into the cast. Successful performances began, after which Galkin was offered a tour of Russian cities with the star of Russian parodists, Mikhail Zadornov. The tour lasted about a year and a half.

Galkin loves the stage, and the stage loves him!

Returning from tour, Maxim Galkin became popular and recognizable, he could be seen more and more often on TV screens, we can say that this was the beginning of a successful career. And already in 2001, the young actor received such awards as “Golden Ostap” and “Triumph”. In the same year he held his first solo concert, took place at the Slavic Bazaar festival, which was held in Vitebsk.

The same year was successful for building a successful career on television as a presenter. He was invited to host a quiz show, which became quite popular, “Oh, Lucky Man.” The program began airing under the new name “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Maxim worked as the permanent host of this popular quiz until 2008.

From 2001 to 2008, Maxim Galkin hosted the TV quiz show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” on the first channel

Since 2008, Galkin was invited to the role of co-host of the popular show “Two Stars”; he led the project together with Alla Pugacheva.

This was followed by participation in such projects as “Dancing with the Stars” and “Starry Ice”, and later the project “New Year’s Parade of Stars” appeared on the air. In 2008, he hosted this program together with Nikolai Baskov, and a year later he became a co-host with Alla Pugacheva, and in 2011 he hosted it together with Vladimir Zelensky. Subsequently, Maxim Galkin led many more projects that became popular, recognizable and loved.

Maxim Galkin’s film career also turned out well. In 2001, he made his debut in the issue of the humorous magazine “Yeralash”.

Afterwards, the successful parodist was invited to shoot in the film “Bless the Woman” and in the popular musical “Chasing Two Hares,” where he also starred with Alla Pugacheva in the lead roles.

Personal life

She became the wife of Maxim Galkin most popular singer Russia Alla Pugacheva. They met and began their relationship in 2001. Since 2005, the couple began to live in a civil marriage, and only in 2011 the relationship was formalized and the wedding took place. Despite the impressive age difference (Maxim is 27 years younger than Alla), the couple is happy and even decided on surrogacy. In 2013 star couple decided to give birth to two children: a girl, Lisa, and a boy, Harry. The young father tries to pay more attention to his family and raising his children.

Maxim and Alla

He was a late child: his mother gave birth to him at the age of 35, and his father was then 41 years old. In the early 2000s, the showman and his older brother Dmitry lost both parents. Yesterday, the TV presenter shared archival photographs of his mother with fans and talked about last meeting with Natalya Grigorievna:

“Mom passed away exactly 14 years ago, on April 9, 2004. On April 7, between tours, I visited her in Israel, where she was undergoing treatment. The deterioration came suddenly. They say when and where you leave matters, I don’t know... but then everything coincided.

Mom died in the Holy Land during the week of the most important Jewish holiday, Passover, in Good Friday, before the onset of Shabbat, on the eve of Orthodox and Catholic Easter, which were on the same Sunday that year. My brother and I flew to Israel when I went Holy Fire and took my mother to Russia on Sunday bright holiday Easter. Thank you, mommy, for everything! Take care of your moms, my beloved subscribers!” Maxim addressed his fans.