Customs and traditions in the regulation of social relations. Customs, their origin and meaning Examples are provided by customs and habit

Traditions, customs, and rituals exist in every family, which are very valuable for raising kind, decent people. For example, in the morning, when relatives wake up, they wish good morning each other, and wish for the night Good night.

The word family means a blood connection between relatives who are connected by everyday life, interconnection, and responsibility. They are always ready to help their relatives morally and financially, to come to the rescue, to support, to be happy, to be sad.

Family traditions are behavior patterns, principles established in the family, habits that the child will perform in further development and teach them to his children.

Family holidays and traditions in the family can allow:

  1. They influence the child’s development, stability, and help children recognize friends in their parents with whom they can have fun.
  2. They bring relatives closer together, allow them to spend time together and enjoy life.
  3. They help you become a full-fledged family in society and gain cultural enrichment.

A person living in a family where traditions and customs are present will be surrounded by affection and attention.

Let's look at what family traditions there are in a family, examples:

Name Peculiarity
Birthday, family holiday With the help of this custom, children and parents will have a lot of fun, good mood from communication with family.
Household chores, cleaning From a young age, a child gets used to order and feels like a full-fledged member of the family.
Children's games Thanks to developing games, the child begins to get used to it, love his parents, learn skills, and maintain trusting and warm relationships.
Family dinners The custom helps everyone present at home to unite at one table, receive guests, and discuss family problems of relatives and friends.
Family Council Blood relatives of the family hold meetings where various issues are discussed. Raising children, rewards, punishments.
Greetings, farewells Various words of praise, kisses, hugs, signs of attention to children from parents and relatives.
Days of remembrance and walks together They remember and commemorate departed relatives, days of relaxation in nature, trips to the circus, cinema, and shopping help fill their lives with variety.

Throughout their lives, people use established customs and rituals that are passed down from generation to generation. The rituals show the customs of the family, holidays, weddings, and various celebrations. With the help of rituals appeared national songs, dancing.

There are so many families in the world, so many traditions that can be fascinating and interesting:

  1. Overnight fishing trip. Spending the night in a tent and boiling fish soup over a fire will bring children many new experiences. positive emotions.
  2. Family cooking dinner. When preparing any dish, everyone is given a task. This will bring a lot of fun and joyful emotions.
  3. Birthdays. Waking up in the morning, a family member is told a clue that he is looking for a gift.
  4. Travel to the sea. Packing your bags together, going on vacation, sunbathing, swimming. This will unite, bring the family closer, and give wonderful impressions.
  5. Make your own gifts without any reason, to confess your love.
  6. Bake a pie with the whole family for kindergarten for any holiday, it will bring a lot of fun.
  7. Bedtime story. Not only mom can read, but dad and dad can take turns reading. Then wish the children pleasant dreams, embrace them and kiss them. Even small child will feel that he is surrounded by the care, attention, and love of his parents.
  8. Make scenes at home, performances, singing songs, reciting poems. A friendly family will be pleased with these events, especially children.
  9. Celebrate Christmas and New Year in new places so that the children will remember each year for a long time.

New traditions and customs

When new family, family traditions do not always coincide between spouses. One family holidays were noted in wide family circle, where all the relatives were present.

The bride, on the contrary, is in a close circle. Because of this, disagreements and quarrels may arise. To come to the right result, you can come up with new traditions and regulations in the family, if there is desire and consent.

To do this you need to follow the steps:

  • come up with a new one family tradition, where all family members will participate;
  • be the first to show interest in the undertaking;
  • you should not invent too many customs every day;
  • repeat the tradition several times to consolidate and remember.

Family traditions from different countries

Individual countries, as a rule, have their own statutes, orders, customs, and traditions. IN UK It is customary to raise children in strictness and to restrain emotions.

Looking from the outside, one can testify that they do not love their children. On the contrary, it’s customary for them to give like this parental love, which is different from upbringing in Russia.

IN Japan mother sitting with child in maternity leave until he reaches 6 years of age. She doesn’t yell at him, she indulges him, fulfills his whims. At school, on the contrary, children are brought up in strictness, taught to order. Several generations can live in the house.

IN Germany There is a custom to get married at a late age. It is customary to first make a career, after which by the age of 30 you are allowed to get married and have children.

IN Italy, all relatives, even distant ones, are considered one family. They often gather around a common table to discuss everyone's problems.

In France the mother pays more attention to her career. Having given birth to a child, he sits with him for a short period, then gives him to kindergarten for education, and she goes to work.

In Mexico, it is believed that it is not legal to legalize a relationship main reason to start a family. Often newlyweds live in a civil marriage without registering the relationship.

IN modern Russia There are family labor traditions that can be passed on from generation to generation. With their help, relatives get closer, preserving the family business. There are disadvantages to such customs. For some family members, family professions may be alien, incomprehensible, or uninteresting.

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Rite. Custom. Tradition. Ritual.

Basic concepts and definitions.

They say that now recent years Russia is losing its traditions, its face, its identity. What has filled us is Western, overseas, foreign.

Is this so?

Yes, there is a justification for this statement. Indeed, now many foreign holidays are celebrated in Russia, for example -Halloween, carnival came to Russia from abroad. Yes, we take a lot from overseas and learn a lot from them. But to argue about the displacement of our culture, art, traditions... On the contrary, in recent years there has been an increased interest of people in the original Russian culture.

Renaissance folk traditions, rituals in our time are implemented in most cases - this is through the holding of mass folk festivals (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Trinity, Ivana Kupala, etc.) The main idea of ​​holding such events in our days is, first of all, revival national culture and instilling patriotism in every citizen of his country.

Nowadays, the scenario of folk holidays is based on re-enactments of ancient customs of rites and rituals.

Ritual - is a set of established customs, actions associated with religious ideas or everyday traditions. There is some kind of symbol.

Custom - a stereotypical way of behavior that is reproduced in a certain society and social group and is familiar to their members. Outdated customs are replaced in the process of historical development.

Ritual - a ritual ceremony, a historically established form of complex symbolic behavior. An ordered system of actions expresses certain social and cultural relationships.

Tradition – (transmission) - elements of social and cultural heritage transmitted in certain classes and social groups for a long time. Traditions are certain social institutions, values, ideas, and customs.

Ritualism is a spontaneous theatrical play action that is contained in many folk holidays, celebrations, festivities dedicated to the most important events a person's life and work activity.

Ritualism is a traditional, generally accepted game action that includes a number of characters, artistic images, aesthetic and emotional techniques. One of the forms of ritual is ritual, which can be part of a large ritual action or perform an independent function of a solemn official act.

Symbol - this is a sign for each ritual, there may be several of them. The symbol allows you to reflect some idea according to means expressive means

Everyone knows the ritual, it cannot be rehearsed, it must have a composition that has its own development.

The ritual action has a real basis, real heroes.

With the penetration of Christianity into Rus', new celebrations appeared, but preachers opposed them to pagan ones, because pagan ones were of a sensual nature, and Christianity turned them into spiritual traditions.


Tradition - to celebrate any holiday

Ritualism: - to rite, to decorate

Custom: Example – shaking hands, letting a cat into the house.

Ritual symbolism

Character classification

Used by a variety of images to reflect reality

    Verbal symbols . They are expressed in terms that have accumulated a generalizing meaning, i.e. these are pioneers, Komsomol members, circle members, etc.

    Sound symbols . Sounds that give rise to certain associations that carry meaning: a horn, a bell.

    Eternally subject symbols . Natural and artificial things having symbolic meaning or meaning: Christmas tree and toys. Pennant and tie eternal flame etc.

    Graphic symbols . These are symbols that are drawn or inscribed: an emblem, an icon. Coat of arms

    Ritual movement : parade formation, honor guard, religious procession

    Gestures carriers certain meaning: saluting, military salute, etc.

    Relics: rod, crown, etc.

    Symbol as a tool of orientation in a specific action : pennant, flag, cup, etc.

    Personification symbol – real personality

Human life consists of ritual actions that we perform out of habit - without thinking about their true meaning. Celebrating the New Year and birthday, wishing good morning and good night, rules of conduct - where did all this come from and what is it needed for? Who said that a black cat brings bad luck? free space Do you have to give way to older people in transport? Of course, the presence large quantity signs and rituals are associated with the presence of traditions and customs. How are these concepts different, or do they refer to the same habits?

Traditions is a complex of ritual actions that includes rituals, daily actions, and rules of behavior in society, passed down from generation to generation over a long period of time. The main difference of this phenomenon is its universality and territorial (national) connection. Traditions belong to no one; they can either be followed or ignored.

Customs is an action that is ingrained in the public consciousness and is repeated over and over again. These also include rules formed in a certain field of activity (sports, politics, economics). A custom can be legal, religious, cultural and, in certain cases, mandatory. For refusal to comply, social sanctions are provided (censure, ostracism, coercion).

Thus, custom and tradition are practically equivalent concepts, and highlighting the differences between them depends on the interpretation of the definitions. However, upon careful analysis, some features can be noticed. Thus, traditions are deep customs that have been formed over several generations and become part of the culture. At the same time, this in no way concerns the scope of concepts. Customs are broader, as they cover most of human life. Traditions can be both professional and family, which depends on the way of life relatively small group people.

Both customs and traditions are supported and approved by the broad public masses. This is a kind of outlet where every person can feel a connection with their ancestors and unity with loved ones. Thus, the tradition of greeting guests with bread and salt demonstrates the hospitality of the people. The custom of sitting before a long journey helps to collect your thoughts and rest a little.

It is worth noting that folk habits seriously impede the development of society and in a critical situation can turn out to be not only useless, but also harmful. Deep traditions testify to the culture of the people, their long life and development. Customs demonstrate respect for ancestors, the heritage that they passed on to their descendants.

Conclusions website

  1. Scope of the concept. Custom is a broader phenomenon than tradition. It's very easy to follow specific examples. Customs can be folk, tribal, territorial, and traditions can be family, personal, professional.
  2. Level. If custom is just a habit that is repeated automatically, then tradition is a direction of activity that is more complex and multifaceted.
  3. Rooting in consciousness. Custom, as a rule, is shorter lasting than tradition. This is due to the depth of assimilation of this habit. Passing from generation to generation, a custom becomes a tradition.
  4. Directionality. Respect for traditions to a greater extent aimed at informing the masses. A custom is, first of all, an active action that pursues a specific goal, initially a practical one.

Customs and mores are a set of norms and stereotypes of the regulatory nature of people's lives.

They are the ones who make them up. These concepts differ (differ) from each other according to the following characteristics.

What's happenedcustoms - definition and categories

  • Their action extends mainly to the practical and behavioral aspects of life; in exceptional cases, customs can affect the intellectual or even figurative spheres. Although there is, of course, a hidden relationship between them.

Customs - concept and definition

  • In terms of their sphere of existence, they are mostly associated with private life, since his behavioral stereotypes and social “masks” both in public life and in activities that extend beyond the circle of family or close family relationships are mainly regulated by the norms of the corresponding subcultures.
  • For life support, for example - home medicine, home improvement, interior design, preferences for cuisine, clothing, etc.
  • To the way of life, for example - standards of upbringing, the position of women, roles and functions in the family, attitude towards parents, acceptable sources of income, etc.
  • To the external norms of relations and communications, an example is neighborhood, hospitality, obligations in relations with distant or close relatives, the permissible limit of external freedom, etc.
  • For rituals and ceremonies, for example - holidays, births, funerals, weddings, etc.

The transmission or transfer of the experience of customs rests on the mechanism of tradition and is actually the very thing that is implemented not by state institutions, but within the framework of the everyday existence of people.

Customs are present as an effective social mechanism in various “post-” societies at the level of private regulation. Of course, the effectiveness of their influence is stronger for the more rooted classes. Thus, in marginal groups their effectiveness is weaker.

The concept of custom is intertwined and often confused with the concept of morals.

What are morals - concept and features

The concept also refers to regulatory instruments, but unlike customs, it is aimed not so much at the behavioral practice of people, but at its moral component, i.e. ordinary level

Morals - concept

  • Images of worldview
  • Value orientations
  • Morals
  • Relationship rules, etc.

Morals refer to the everyday presentation of the foundations of morality of an entire nation.

It is difficult to systematize them by type. As the academician noted, they are organic precisely because of their internal order, which is subconscious in nature.

  • On the one hand, they are the most mobile features of culture (just like fashion)
  • On the other hand, morals are naturally very strictly divided according to the corresponding status and social criteria.

The stability of various morals is explained by the very subject of the corresponding moral attitude. Thus, traditionally stable standards of marriage (fidelity, chastity, etc.) easily coexist with the changing customs of hospitality (foreigner, heterodox, etc.).

Our presentation

Morals are also distinguished by less social responsibility than customs. They characterize, rather, an assessment of the admissibility and acceptability of various manifestations or forms of relationships, behavior in individual episodes and situations. Of course, the characteristics of morals depend on and are related to those prevailing at the moment in history:

  • Development of worldview (rationalistic, religious, mythological)
  • The degree to which traditions or their atavistic manifestations are rooted in the people.
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IN modern world a person quite often has to face different situations with some unwritten order of behavior. This situation is often called a custom. However, the term itself is quite ambiguous and complex.

The emergence of customs

So what is custom? The extremely important role of the customs of peoples different countries world played in the development of the entire human society. They arose in the “pre-literate period.” Then they were the main regulator of community life. At that time, people did not always realize the rational connection between their actions and results, so in order to survive they needed to learn correct algorithm actions. Subsequently, this algorithm was transformed, due to which certain norms of behavior emerged that have survived to this day. Such ancient customs exist in every country. They are honored, respected and respected.

Development of the significance of customs

As society developed and writing appeared, customs retained their regulatory functions. For many centuries, there was complete equality between written law and the so-called “customary law”, which was laid down by the traditions of ancestors and transmitted orally. This “customary law” could complement the written texts of laws, but could also contradict them. Therefore, very often an established custom easily became a source for supplementing written legislation. Thus, Russian customs formed the basis for writing a medieval collection of laws called “Russian Truth”.

The importance of customs in modern life

Today, customs still play an important role in modern society. Ancient customs have been preserved in everyday life people are absolutely in different types and areas of activity. For example, wearing folk costumes or celebrating traditional holidays.

Even in the realm of politics one can find customs. So in some countries, if certain circumstances arise, a politician is obliged to leave his post, even if this is not specified in the legislation. It was customs that formed modern orders in society and relationships between people.