An essay based on Korolenko’s story “In Bad Society.” The plan and characters of the main characters. “Bad society” and “dark personalities” in the story by V.G. Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon Children of the Dungeon analysis

“In a Bad Society” is a story by Russian-Ukrainian writer Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko.

Theme of the story

The main characters of the work:

  • boy Vasya - he is also a storyteller;
  • Vasya's father is a rich judge;
  • Pan Tyburtsy Drab - a poor man from a “bad society”;
  • the boy Valek and the girl Marusya are the children of the master.

In the city of Knyazh-gorodok, beggars and poor people live in an old ruined castle. One day a split occurs among these people. The servant of the local count allows Catholics, former servants or descendants of the count's former servants to remain in the castle, calling them "decent society", and expels all other beggars. They constitute "bad society"; these people have to live in the dungeon of the local chapel.

Vasya is a boy from a rich family, deprived of his father’s attention. Out of curiosity, he ends up in a dungeon and there he meets Valek and Marusya, as well as their father, the master.

Friendship begins between the children; Vasya feels very sorry for poor people. Soon Marusya begins to get sick due to constant stay in the dungeon, as well as due to constant hunger. Vasya gives her his sister’s doll. The father, having learned about his son’s friendship with “bad society,” forbids the boy to communicate with them and locks him at home.

Soon Pan Drab himself comes to them and reports that Marusya has died. Vasya's father shows compassion and allows his son to say goodbye to the girl. After her death, Pan and Valek disappear from the city.

Having matured, Vasya and his sister Sonya still visit Marusya’s grave; sometimes their father visits her with them.

The main ideas of the story “In Bad Society”

The main idea of ​​the story is that labeling people is wrong. Pan Tyburtsy, his children and entourage are called “bad society” only because of their poverty, although in fact these people did nothing wrong. They are honest, kind, responsible and caring towards their family and friends.

This story is also about goodness. You always need to be kind, and it doesn’t matter who is in front of you - a rich man or a poor man. This is what Vasya did in the story. He supported the master’s children as best he could, and in return received unforgettable life lessons: he learned to be compassionate, to help his neighbor; he learned what true friendship is and that poverty is not evil or a vice.

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In our lives we meet many people who act “like everyone else,” “as is customary.” There are other people - there are very few of them, and meetings with them are precious - meetings with people who act as the voice of their conscience tells them, never deviating from their moral principles. From the example of the lives of such people, we learn how to live. So amazing person, the “moral genius” of Russian literature was Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, who created works that to this day remain permanent textbooks of morality; more than one generation of children has grown up on them.

When reading a work of art, we try to understand the main thing that the author wanted to convey to us. Writers introduce us to the world of human relationships, try to awaken good and sincere feelings, interest and respect, careful attitude to a person.

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, possessing a unique literary talent, managed to penetrate the hiding places human soul and show that the greatest gift, given to a person, is a sensitive heart, capable of perceiving the state of other people, understanding them, penetrating into their inner world, sympathize with them, share their joy and sorrow. The writer himself possessed such a gift - a sensitive heart. His worldview is based on compassion, empathy, and the feeling of someone else’s pain as his own.

“In Bad Society” is one of Korolenko’s crowning works. The action takes place in an environment where only very loving heart can reveal glimpses of human consciousness - in a gathering of thieves, beggars and various crazy people, sheltered in the ruins of an old castle in one of the Volyn towns. Society is truly “bad”. The author resisted the temptation to make his outcasts protestants against social untruth, “humiliated and insulted,” although he could have done this very easily, having at his creative disposal the colorful figure of Pan Tyburtsy, with his subtle wit and literary education. All the gentlemen “from the castle” steal, drink, extort, and, however, the son of “Mr. Judge,” having accidentally become close to “bad society,” did not take anything bad out of it, because he immediately met high examples of love and devotion. Tyburtsy really did something ugly in the past, and in the present he continues to steal and teach his son the same, but he loves his little daughter, slowly melting into the dungeon, madly. And such is the power of any true feeling that everything bad in the life of a “bad society” bounces off the boy, only the pity of the whole society for Marusa is conveyed to him, and all the energy of his proud nature is directed towards making the sad existence of this girl as easy as possible.

Hypothesis: “it’s better to have a piece of a human heart in your chest instead of a cold stone”

Purpose of the work: to find evidence in favor of the fact that Vasya changed under the influence of meeting new friends and chose the path of good, and also to find out what moral lessons we can learn by observing the hero’s relationships with representatives of “bad society.”

To achieve our goals and confirm the hypothesis, we put forward the following tasks:

1. Analytical reading of V.G. Korolenko’s story “In a Bad Society.”

2. Compilation of characteristics of the main character and analysis of his behavior in various life circumstances.

3. Identifying the changes that happened to Vasya after meeting new friends.

4. Studying literature on the topic.

5. Generalization and systematization of the material.

1. The story of V.G. Korolenko “In Bad Society”

analytical story korolenko hero

The story is told on behalf of the boy Vasya. He is the son of a judge. The judge is perhaps the only representative of the law in a small town, a “shtetl” located in the southwest Russian Empire. From the very first pages of the story, the image of the city attracts attention.

“Sleepy, moldy ponds”, “gray fences”, “blind-sighted huts sunk into the ground” - all this creates the image of a town living a petty life in which there are no bright feelings and events.

And against this background, the story of Vasya unfolds - an unfortunate child who suddenly became lonely and orphaned while his father was alive.

Vasya's mother died when he was six years old. From that time on, the boy felt constant loneliness. The father loved his mother too much when she was alive and did not notice the boy because of his happiness. After the death of his wife, the man's grief was so deep that he withdrew into himself. Vasya felt grief that his mother died; the horror of loneliness deepened, because the father turned away from his son “with annoyance and pain.” Everyone considered Vasya a tramp and a worthless boy, and his father also got used to this idea.

Why did the boy start wandering? The answer is simple.

The hero “did not receive greetings and affection” at home, but not only this forced him to leave the house in the morning: a thirst for knowledge, communication, and goodness lived in him. He could not come to terms with the musty life of the town: “It seemed to me that somewhere out there, in this big and unknown light, behind the old garden fence, I would find something; it seemed that I had to do something and could “to do something, but I just didn’t know what exactly.”

In search of this “something,” Vasya tried to disappear from home, a home without love, without participation. It is no coincidence that he compares himself to a “young wolf cub”, useless to anyone and only annoying those around him with his unhappy appearance and behavior. Perhaps Vasya’s only outlet was his little sister. But communication with her was also limited, because the nanny saw him as a threat and was afraid of his bad influence on the girl.

“Sister Sonya was four years old. I loved her passionately, and she repaid me with the same love; but the established view of me as an inveterate little robber erected a high wall between us. Every time I started playing with her, - in her noisy and playful way, the old nanny, always sleepy and always picking, with her eyes closed, chicken feathers for pillows, immediately woke up, quickly grabbed my Sonya and took her to her, throwing angry glances at me in such cases, she always reminded me of a disheveled one; mother hen, I compared myself to a predatory kite, and Sonya to a little chicken. I felt very sad and annoyed. It is no wonder that I soon stopped all attempts to occupy Sonya with my criminal games, and after a while I felt cramped in the house. in the kindergarten, where I did not meet anyone with greetings or affection, I began to wander."

How much pain, despair and melancholy there are in these words!

However, neither the feeling of loneliness nor the indifference of his father - nothing could drown out the boy’s thirst for knowledge of life, interest in the world around him, the desire to learn its secrets, until this led Vasya to the old chapel, among the ruins of which Vasya found sincere and devoted friends, learned how to - truly love and understand others.

Valek knew Vasya as the son of a judge, considered him a gentleman, touchy, and decided to teach him a lesson so that he would forever lose interest in the chapel. But Valek liked Vasya’s courage, determination, and willingness to accept open battle, and he did not raise his hand against Vasya. In turn, Vasya was delighted by Valek’s appearance in the chapel: after all, he was a living person, not a ghost. Although Vasya was ready to stand up for himself, at the first opportunity to avoid a fight he willingly unclenched his fists. Vasya immediately fell in love with the tall and reed-thin boy with thoughtful eyes and his little sister.

“I moved a little away from the wall and, according to the knightly rules of our bazaar, I also put my hands in my pockets. This was a sign that I was not afraid of the enemy and even partly hinted at my contempt for him.

We stood opposite each other and exchanged glances. After looking me up and down, the boy asked:

Why are you here?

“So,” I answered. “What do you care?” My opponent moved his shoulder as if intending to take his hand out of his pocket and hit me.

I didn't blink an eye.

I'll show you! - he threatened. I pushed my chest forward.

Well, hit... try!..

The moment was critical; character depended on him further relations. I waited, but my opponent, looking at me with the same searching gaze, did not move.

“I, brother, myself... too...” I said, but more peacefully.

Meanwhile, the girl, resting her small hands on the floor of the chapel, also tried to climb out of the hatch. She fell, got up again, and finally walked with unsteady steps towards the boy. Having come close, she grabbed him tightly and, pressing herself against him, looked at me with a surprised and partly frightened look.

This decided the outcome of the matter; It became quite clear that in this position the boy could not fight, and I, of course, was too generous to take advantage of his uncomfortable position."

Mutual sympathy grows when Vasya cordially invites them to his home, expresses sincere surprise at the impossibility of being friends and, most importantly, a firm intention to keep the secret revealed to him. Vasya likes Valek’s independence and the way the children treat each other: Marusya, approaching Valek, grabbed hold of him tightly and pressed herself close to his tenderness. Valek stood, stroking the girl’s blond head with his hand.

For Valek and Marusya, who felt rejected, friendship with Vasya was great joy life. Vasya not only constantly gave them delicacies that she had never seen, but, most importantly, he brought great excitement to their boring, joyless existence. Vasya was up to fun games, laughed loudly, told Marusa fairy tales.

The girl was very happy about Vasya and his gifts: her eyes lit up with a spark of delight; her pale face... flushed with blush, she laughed... For Valek, Vasya was the only comrade with whom he could talk, play, and make bird traps. He valued his friendship with Vasya so much that he was not afraid even of the anger of Tyburtius, who forbade him to initiate anyone into the secret of the dungeon.

Vasya also appreciated the friendship that arose. He really lacked friendly attention, spiritual closeness, and real friends in his life. At the first check, his comrades on the street turned out to be cowardly traitors who abandoned him without any help. Vasya, by nature, was a kind and faithful person. When he felt that he was needed, he responded to it with all his soul. Valek helped Vasya get to know his own father better. Vasya put into his friendship with Marusya that feeling of an older brother, that care that at home he was prevented from showing towards my own sister. It is still difficult for Vasya to understand why Marusya is so strikingly different from his sister Sonya in appearance and behavior, and Valek’s words: “The gray stone sucked the life out of her” do not bring clarity, only further aggravating the feeling of painful regret that Vasya experiences towards friends.

Behind the epithets and comparisons that characterize Marusya, we feel emotional strength artistic word, we see Vasya’s excitement, his experiences. In the portrait of Marusya the most important emotional elements are easily revealed; a pale, tiny creature that resembled a dried flower that had grown without the rays of the sun; she walked... poorly, stepping uncertainly with crooked legs and staggering like a blade of grass; her hands were thin and transparent; the head swayed on the thin neck, like the head of a field bell; she almost never ran and laughed very rarely; her laughter sounded like the smallest silver bell; her dress was dirty and old; the movements of her thin hands were slow; the eyes stood out as a deep blue against the pale face.

Noteworthy is the narrator's touching tenderness, which shines through in every word he says about the girl, his sad admiration for her beauty (blond thick hair, turquoise eyes, long eyelashes), bitter regret about the joyless existence of the child.

Sonya was the complete opposite of Marusa. Comparing the appearance of Marusya and Sonya, who was round like a donut and elastic like a ball, ran briskly, laughed loudly, wore beautiful dresses, you come to the conclusion about the cruel injustice of the laws that reigned in life, dooming the innocent and defenseless to death.

The whole atmosphere of the dungeon made a painful impression on Vasya. He was not so much struck by the spectacle of the gloomy underground crypt as by the fact that people live in it, while everything testifies to the impossibility of human stay in the dungeon: the light that breaks through with difficulty, the walls made of stone, wide columns that close upward with a vaulted ceiling. But the saddest thing in this picture was Marusya, barely standing out against the background of the gray stone as a strange and small foggy speck that seemed about to blur and disappear. All this amazes Vasya; he clearly imagines how cruel, cold stones, closing in a tight embrace over the tiny figure of a girl, suck the life out of her. Having witnessed the unbearable living conditions of the poor girl, Vasya finally fully realizes the terrible meaning of Tyburtsy’s fatal phrase. But it seems to the boy that everything can still be corrected, changed for the better, if only he leaves the dungeon: “Let’s leave... let’s leave here... Take her away,” he persuades Valek.

After meeting Valek and Marusya, Vasya felt joy from a new friendship. He liked to talk with Valek and bring gifts to Marusa. But at night his heart sank with pain of regret when the boy thought about the gray stone that was sucking the life out of Marusya.

Vasya fell in love with Valek and Marusya, missed them when he could not come to their mountain. Not seeing his friends became a great deprivation for him.

When Valek told Vasya directly that they were beggars and had to steal in order not to die of hunger, Vasya went home and cried bitterly from a feeling of deep grief. His love for his friends did not diminish, but it was mixed with “a sharp stream of regret that reached the point of heartache.”

At first Vasya was afraid of Tyburtsiy, but after promising not to tell anyone about what he saw, Vasya saw a new person in Tyburtsiy: “He gave orders like the owner and head of the family, returning from work and giving orders to the household.” Vasya felt like a member of a poor but friendly family and stopped being afraid of Tyburtsy.

Under the influence of new friends, Vasya’s attitude towards his father also changed.

Let us recall the conversation between Valek and Vasya (chapter four), Tyburtsy’s statement about the judge (chapter seven).

The boy believed that his father did not love him and considered him bad. The words of Valek and Tyburtsiy that the judge - best man in the city, forced Vasya to look at his father in a new way.

Vasya’s character and his attitude towards life changed a lot after meeting Valek and Marusya. Vasya learned to be patient. When Marusya could not run and play, Vasya patiently sat next to her and brought flowers. The boy's character showed compassion and the ability to soften the pain of others. He felt the depth of social differences and realized that people do not always commit bad deeds(for example, they steal) because they want to. Vasya saw the complexity of life and began to think about the concepts of justice, fidelity and human love.

This rebirth of the hero is especially clearly visible in the chapter “Doll”

In the episode with the doll, Vasya appeared before us as a person full of kindness and compassion. He sacrificed his peace and well-being, brought suspicion upon himself so that his little friend could enjoy the toy - the first and last time in your life. Tyburtsy saw this boy’s kindness and himself came to the judge’s house at the moment when Vasya was feeling especially bad. He could not betray his comrades, and Tyburtsy, as a perceptive man, felt this. Vasya sacrificed his peace for the sake of Marusya, and Tyburtsy also sacrificed his secretive life on the mountain, although he understood that Vasya’s father was a judge: “He has eyes and a heart only as long as the law sleeps on its shelves...”

All the more significant are the words of Tyburtsy addressed to Vasya: “Maybe it’s good that your road runs through ours”?

If a child from a wealthy family learns from childhood that not everyone lives well, that there is poverty and grief, then he will learn to sympathize with these people and feel sorry for them.

Tyburtsy Drab was an unusual person in the small town of Knyazhye-Veno. No one knew where he came to the town from. In the first chapter, the author describes in detail the “appearance of Pan Tyburtsy”: “He was tall, his large facial features were roughly expressive. Short, slightly reddish hair stuck out apart; a low forehead, a slightly protruding lower jaw and strong facial mobility resembled something monkey-like; but the eyes, sparkling from under the overhanging eyebrows, looked stubbornly and gloomily, and sharp insight, energy and intelligence shone in them along with slyness.” The boy felt a constant deep sadness in the soul of this man.

Tyburtsy told Vasya that once upon a time he had “some kind of clash with the law... that is, you know, an unexpected quarrel... oh, lad, it was very major quarrel!" We can conclude that Tyburtsy unintentionally violated the law, and now he and his children (his wife, apparently died) found themselves outside the law, without documents, without the right to residence and without means of livelihood. He feels like "an old toothless beast in his last lair", does not have the opportunity and means to start new life, although it is clear that he is an educated man and he does not like such a life.

Tyburcy and his children find shelter in an old castle on the island, but Janusz, a former servant of the count, together with other servants and descendants of servants, drives strangers out of their “family nest.” The exiles settle in the dungeons of the old chapel in the cemetery. To feed themselves, they engage in petty theft in the city.

Despite the fact that he has to steal, Tyburtsy acutely feels injustice. He respects Vasya's father, who does not make a difference between the poor and the rich and does not sell his conscience for money. Tyburtsy respects the friendship that began between Vasya, Valek and Marusya, and at a critical moment he comes to Vasya’s aid. He finds the right words to convince the judge of the purity of Vasya’s intentions. With the help of this man, the father looks at his son in a new way and begins to understand him.

“He quickly came up to me and put a heavy hand on my shoulder”;

“- Let the boy go,” Tyburtsy repeated, and his wide palm lovingly stroked my bowed head “;

“I again felt someone’s hand on my head and shuddered. It was my father’s hand, gently stroking my hair.”

With the help of Tyburtsy’s selfless act, the judge saw not the image of the tramp-son to which he was accustomed, but true soul your child:

“I raised my eyes questioningly to my father. Now another person stood in front of me, but in this particular person I found something familiar, which I had searched in vain in him before. He looked at me with his usual thoughtful look, but now in this look there was a shade of surprise and, as it were, a question. It seemed that the storm that had just swept over both of us had dissipated the heavy fog hanging over my father’s soul, and my father only now began to recognize in me the familiar features of his own son.”

Tyburtsy understands that the judge, as a representative of the law, will have to arrest him when he finds out where he is hiding. In order not to put the judge in a false position, Tyburtsy and Valek disappear from the town after Marusya’s death.

Friendship with disadvantaged children helped Vasya’s best inclinations and kindness to emerge, restored good relations with his father, played main role in choosing a life position


Vasya lives according to the laws of his heart, and he responds to the heartfelt sympathy, warmth and attention of those who are called “bad society.” However social status these people are not protected from him spiritual qualities: sincerity, simplicity, kindness, striving for justice. It is here, in “bad society,” that Vasya finds true friends and goes through the school of true humanism.

The story of a boy's friendship with the children of the dungeon is the story of his inner rebirth. After the death of his mother, Vasya’s life home has become difficult. The boy moved away from everyone, became isolated, “grew like a wild tree in a field.” His life changed completely after meeting Valek and Marusya. Love, responsiveness, compassion, and the ability to be caring awakened in the child’s soul. Vasya learned for the first time what hunger is, how hard it is to live without your own home, how scary it is when you are despised.

He did not condemn his friends for stealing. The boy realized that this was the only way for them not to die of hunger. Thanks to Valek, Vasya changed his opinion about his father and became proud of him. And the story with the doll not only showed everything best qualities boy, but also helped to break down the barrier between him and his father.

It is no coincidence that Tyburtsy remarked: “Maybe it’s good that your road runs through ours.” Vasya also realized how much his acquaintance with the children of the dungeon had given him. That’s why he hasn’t forgotten Marusya and constantly visits her grave.

The story by V.G. Korolenko is a lesson in mercy and love for people. The author tells readers: “Look around! Help those who are having a hard time! And then our world will become a better place.”

Vasya and Sonya came to Marusya’s grave, because for them the image of Marusya became a symbol of love and human suffering. Maybe they made a vow to always remember little Marusa, about human grief and help this grief wherever it occurs, by their deeds to change the world for the better.

The story by V. G. Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon” teaches each of us to put ourselves in the place of another person, to see the world through the eyes of other people, to understand it the same way as they do. You must be able to sympathize with a person, sympathize with him, and be tolerant towards other people.

In conclusion, I want to quote the wonderful words of the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy: “Charity consists not so much in material benefits as in spiritual support. Spiritual support consists, first of all, in non-judgment of one’s neighbor and respect for his human dignity.”


1. Byaly G.A. "V.G.Korolenko". - M., 1999

2. Korolenko V.G. "Stories and Essays". - M., 1998

3. Fortunatov N.M. "V.G.Korolenko". - Gorky, 1996

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The role of “bad society” in the life of Vasya, the hero of V. G. Korolenko’s story “Children of the Dungeon”

Vasya - main character the story of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon”. We see the events taking place in the work through the eyes of this boy. He says about his life: “I grew up like a wild tree in a field - no one surrounded me with special care, but no one constrained my freedom.” Already from these lines it is clear that the hero was lonely. Vasya's mother died, and he was survived by his father and younger sister. The boy had a tender, warm relationship with his sister, but there was an “insurmountable wall” between him and his father. With particular tragedy, Korolenko describes how Vasya suffers from this. To avoid the “horror of loneliness”, the hero is almost never at home, and hopes to find “something” that will change his life.

After the death of his mother, Vasya wanted to find the love that she did not have time to give him in his father’s heart. However, the father seemed to him a “gloomy man” who does not love his son and considers him a “spoiled boy.” But in his story, Korolenko shows us how Vasya learns to understand other people, how he learns the bitter truth of life and how, finally, this “insurmountable wall” between him and his father collapses.

Korolenko built the story on contrasts. Vasya was the “son of respectable parents,” but his friends were children from “bad society” - Valek and Marusya. This acquaintance changed both the hero and his life. Vasya learned that there are children who have no home and who have to steal in order not to die of hunger. Describing the hero’s inner experiences, the author shows how at first Vasya was surprised at what he saw in the “bad society”, and then he was tormented by pity and compassion for the poor: “I didn’t yet know what hunger was, but when last words girls, something turned in my chest...”

Vasya became very attached to Valek and Marusa. They are still just children, and they really wanted to have fun and play from the heart. Comparing Marusya with his sister Sonya, Vasya sadly noted that Sonya “... ran so briskly... laughed so loudly,” and Marusya “... almost never ran and laughed very rarely...”.

Meeting Valek, Marusya and their father Tyburtsy helped Vasya look at life from a different perspective. He learned that there are people who have nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep, and he was especially struck by a gray stone that takes away the strength of a little girl.

Vasya’s father is a judge, and we see that the boy himself, in his thoughts, is trying to judge the actions of people from “bad society.” But this “contempt” was drowned out by compassion and pity, and the desire to help. This is evidenced by the chapter “Doll”, which can be called culminating.

People from the “bad society” helped Vasya to recognize and understand his father, to find “something dear” in him. Reading the story, we see that Vasya and his father always loved each other, but Tyburtsy and his children helped them express this love. The hero acquired such qualities as compassion, the desire to help people, kindness, courage, and honesty. But the “bad society” helped not only Vasya, but also his father: he also looked at his son in a new way.

At the end of the story, Korolenko describes how Vasya and Sonya, together with their father, pronounced vows at Marusya’s grave. I think the main one is the vow to help people and forgive them. Together with the guys, I experienced all the events described in the story. I really liked this book.

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Analysis of the chapter “Doll”. Lesson of kindness and mercy


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  • contribute to understanding the concepts of “humanism”, “mercy”
  1. teach partial analysis work of art through the study of text, paintings by Russian artists, creative works children; improve the skill of expressive reading, the ability to express one’s thoughts orally and in writing;

  2. develop integrative qualities of thinking and artistic perception, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, draw conclusions, develop the emotional and moral sphere of students;

3.develop the ability to empathize; improve communication culture.


  • textbook ed. V.Ya. Korovina;
  • handouts (crosswords), cards
  • projector

A lesson in the integrated application of knowledge and methods of activity.

Problematic text analysis.

Organizational stage

2 min

Logical UUD:

independently creating ways to solve problems

creative and exploratory nature, updating knowledge

Regulatory control systems: goal setting, control

Cognitive UUD: information search

Communication UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

universal UUD

summing up a concept, deriving consequences

10 min

Personal UUD : moral and ethical orientation

Cognitive UUD

(Logical universal actions):

analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential,


selection of bases and criteria for comparison

Logical UUD: analysis, synthesis, building cause-and-effect relationships

Communication UUD:

expressing thoughts, listening to your interlocutor, working in a team

7 min

Personal UUD:

Moral and ethical orientation, assessment

digestible content (based on social and

personal values), providing personal

moral choice.

10 min

Regulatory UUD: goal setting

Logical universal actions:

selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation,

Cognitive UUD:

search and selection of information, structuring knowledge, semantic reading

Communication UUD:

expressing thoughts, listening to your interlocutor, working in a team

Communication UUD:

expressing thoughts

L personal UUD: moral and ethical orientation

5 min

Regulatory UUD

Grade (highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and

what else needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of learning)

Cognitive UUD

The action of posing and solving problems

Analysis of the chapter “Doll”. A lesson in kindness and mercy.

…it’s better to have a piece of a human heart in your chest instead of a cold stone.

V. Korolenko

1.Teacher's word

Indirect motivation (“Look at your desk – is everything ready for the lesson?”).

Please smile at each other.

2.Checking homework.

Solve the crossword puzzle based on the content of the story in pairs. Having solved it, you will read vertically what is encrypted in it keyword, which is the topic of the lesson and which clearly characterizes Vasya’s attitude towards rejected children.

Students read the keyword humanism.

So did you solve the crossword puzzle?

Guys, what do you think we will talk about today? (about humanism in the story)

Let's look up the definition of the word "humanism" in the dictionary.

Humanism - humanity, humanity, love for humanity, respect for human dignity.

Setting a goal.

- What does it mean to love a person?

And the question should be answered on the basis of what?

Choose synonyms for this word (slide)




What words did these words originally come from?

(find a word pair:

feel - sympathize,

suffer - sympathize)

How do you understand the meaning of the word

" suffer"? (to experience pain)

Which of the characters in Korolenko’s story suffers?

(Marusya, Vlek, Tyburtsy)

Write your answer in your notebook in a complete sentence.

What is the difference between words in a word-formation chain? What does the prefix co- mean?


Which of the heroes of the story has compassion and to whom? (Vasya)

Why did you decide this? What episodes shows this from?

Write it down in your notebook.

Another synonym for kindness


A kind person takes someone else's illness to heart.

A kind word reaches the heart.

Pity comes with tears, and kindness comes with calluses.

Everyone is busy - he wants good for himself

Choose a proverb about goodness that fits the theme of our story and write it in your notebook (on your own)

Check with explanation

Guys, there is another synonym: mercy

Read the definition that Tolstoy gave to this word? Do you agree with him?

sweet heart

Charity consists not so much in material benefits as in spiritual support. Spiritual support consists, first of all, in non-judgment of one's neighbor and respect for his human dignity.

L.N. Tolstoy

What do the concepts have in common? (they are united by the fact that these are human feelings based on love for a person)

Physical education minute.

The class raises its hands - it’s “ONE”.

The head turned - it was “TWO”.

Hands down, look forward - this is “THREE”.

Arms to the sides wider - turned to “FOUR”.

Pressing them to your shoulders with force is “FIVE.”

All the guys sit down quietly - this is “SIX”.

3. Updating knowledge (work in pairs)

Comparative characteristics of heroines.

Let's remember our two heroines: Marusya and Sonya.



What does Marusya look like? And Sonya? Highlight your keywords.

In order to better understand our heroines, let's turn to the next chapter.

4. Analysis of the chapter “Doll”

I brought my daughter's favorite toy. Why?

What is the doll a symbol of? (message from Ksenia Safronova)

What new do we learn about the girls from the chapter “Doll”?

(Marusya felt worse again. She looked at all our tricks in order to keep her busy with indifference with her large, darkened and motionless eyes, and we had not heard her laugh for a long time. I began to carry my toys into the dungeon, but they only entertained the girl for a short time.)

Read the passage.

How did Sonya’s position differ from Marusya’s?

What toys could surround Sonya?

Sonya had a large doll, with a brightly painted face and luxurious flaxen hair, a gift from her late mother. I put my faith in this doll high hopes and therefore, calling my sister to a side alley in the garden, I asked her to be given to me for a while. I asked her so convincingly about this, so vividly described to her the poor sick girl who never had her own toys, that Sonya, who at first only hugged the doll to herself, gave it to me and promised to play with other toys for two or three days. without mentioning anything about the doll.

Why didn't Marusya have toys?

Highlight key words-epithets in the doll description.

What impression did the doll make on Marusya? How did she play with the doll?

The effect of this elegant earthenware young lady on our patient exceeded all my expectations. Marusya, who had faded like a flower in autumn, seemed to suddenly come to life again. She hugged me so tightly, laughed so loudly, talking with her new friend... The little doll performed almost a miracle: Marusya, who had not left her bed for a long time, began to walk, leading her blond daughter behind her, and at times even ran, as before slapping the floor with weak legs.

How did Vasya pay for his actions?

Why, despite the troubles that Vasya nevertheless foresaw, did he bring Marusya’s doll? Any similarities with Sonya?

(he had compassion for Marusya, felt sorry for her)

Compare your observations with the words of the epigraph: “... it is better to have a piece of a human heart in your chest instead of a cold stone.” (V. G. Korolenko.)

5. Drawing up a table.

In the last lesson we filled out a table about the “gray stone”. What is the opposite of gray stone? What concepts are associated with the concept of “human heart”. Fill out the second column of the table. Slide

Conclusion . If all people lived according to the laws of the human heart, and acted as their conscience tells them, then there would be no “gray stones” “sucking the life” out of people living in slums.

6. Reflection.

So what does it mean to love a person? (sacrifice something for him, sympathize, sympathize)(to feel sorry for a person, to help him in difficult circumstances, to support, to sympathize)

Guys, I asked you to bring you your favorite toys. Show them to me.

Look: our Sonya has a lot of toys, but Marusya doesn’t have them. Who can give Marusa their favorite toy?


Each student is asked to fill out a card and mark themselves.

2.Were you active in class?

3.What new did you learn in the lesson?


1st option - retell the chapter “Doll” from the perspective of any hero: Marusya, Sonya, Vasya

2 var. – miniature essay “Which of the heroes do I sympathize with”

3 options - draw an illustration

Write down the topic and epigraph in your notebook.

Work in pairs

Working with a dictionary

Write down the keyword and synonyms for it in a notebook.

Write down the answer to the question

Write down the answer to the question

Choose a proverb

Key words in the description of the appearance of two girls are written down in a notebook

analyze a fragment of text and write down epithets in a notebook

Answer questions, work with text

Fill out the table

From Slavic mythology

So the Slavs had a “Grace” doll

The Slavs made the doll and gave it as a gift with the words: “Don’t be sad, don’t be discouraged, don’t give up.” Doll for the blues; wishes for prosperity, well-being, satiety and healthy children -. This doll is made for well-being and people ask it for as many benefits as they need. “The Giver of Good” never gives up on doing good deeds; she helps us understand what is good for us and see it for ourselves in a changing world.

In Japan, they celebrate Girls' Day, or the Doll Festival (Hina Matsuri). In houses where there are girls, exhibitions of richly dressed dolls are organized, they are decorated with peach flowers.

It is believed that the festival of dolls arose from ancient custom, when on this day people cut out figures from paper, wrote their age on them and drowned them in a river or stream. It was believed that in this way a person could free himself from everything bad that had accumulated in him over the year. In ancient times, a shaman performed a ritual of transferring evil and misfortune from a child to a doll, which was then thrown into the nearest river, while they prayed that the dolls would accept all the troubles that could befall the girls. Now this custom has remained in the distant past, and the doll festival has become one of the most beautiful holidays per year.

1. The feeling that Vasya experiences when looking at Marusya. (Sadness.)

2. Position of Vasya’s father. (Judge.)

3. The most beautiful building in Knyazh-gorodok. (Jail.)

4. What brightened it up last days dying Marusya? (Doll.)

5. The place where Vasya met Valek and Marusya. (Chapel.)

6. The feeling that Vasya experiences in his home. (Loneliness.)

7. The place where Valek and Marusya lived. (Dungeon.)

8.The tree that grew in front of the entrance to the dungeon. (Bird cherry.)

1. The feeling that Vasya experiences when looking at Marusya. (Sadness.)

2. Position of Vasya’s father. (Judge.)

3. The most beautiful building in Knyazh-gorodok. (Jail.)

4.What brightened up the last days of dying Marusya? (Doll.)

5. The place where Vasya met Valek and Marusya. (Chapel.)

6. The feeling that Vasya experiences in his home. (Loneliness.)

7. The place where Valek and Marusya lived. (Dungeon.)

8.The tree that grew in front of the entrance to the dungeon. (Bird cherry.)

1.Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

2.Were you active in class?

3.What new did you learn in the lesson?

4.What difficulties did you encounter?

1.Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

2.Were you active in class?

3.What new did you learn in the lesson?

4.What difficulties did you encounter?

1.Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

2.Were you active in class?

3.What new did you learn in the lesson?

4.What difficulties did you encounter?

1.Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

2.Were you active in class?

3.What new did you learn in the lesson?

4.What difficulties did you encounter?

1.Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

2.Were you active in class?

3.What new did you learn in the lesson?

4.What difficulties did you encounter?

1.Are you satisfied with how the lesson went?

2.Were you active in class?

3.What new did you learn in the lesson?

4.What difficulties did you encounter?

Tasks for "3":
1. Name the heroes of the story “Children of the Dungeon.”
2. What do others think about Vasya, and what is he really like?
3. How did Vasya meet his future friends?
4. Why did Valek and Marusya rejoice at every visit of Vasya?
Why did the children's friendship grow and become stronger?
5. Who is Tyburtsy Drab? What impression did you have of him?
Tasks for "4":
1. What part is in portrait characteristics Was Valek especially attracted to Vasya?
2. Highlight a description of Marusya’s appearance in chapters 4-5. What epithets, evaluative words, comparisons does the author use in them?
3. What does Vasya experience when he learns that his new friends are beggars and thieves?
4. How does the story with the doll characterize Vasya?
5..Why can’t Valek and Marusya be called “bad company” for Vasya?
6. What changes occurred in Vasya’s mind under the influence of meeting new friends?
Tasks for "5":
1. Why did Vasya, watching Marusya, involuntarily begin to compare her with his sister Sonya?
2. What impression did the dungeon environment make on Vasya?
3. Why didn’t Vasya understand the meaning of Valek’s mysterious words: “The gray stone sucked the life out of her?”
How do you understand the words about the “gray stones” that “sucked the life” out of Marusya? Write down the words that you associate with this concept?
4. What moral lessons does Vasya receive? Write down the words that you associate with the concept of “human heart.” Compare your observations with the words of the epigraph.
5. How do you understand the words of Mr. Tyburtsy: “It’s good that your road ran through ours”? Prove with text that Vasya’s life has changed.


It was a pale, tiny creature, reminiscent of a flower that grew without the rays of the sun. Despite her four years, she still walked poorly, walking unsteadily with crooked legs and staggering like a blade of grass; her hands were thin and transparent; the head swayed on the thin neck, like the head of a field bell; the eyes sometimes looked so unchildishly sad, and the smile reminded me so much of my mother in recent days, when she used to sit opposite open window and the wind moved her blond hair, which made me feel sad, and tears came to my eyes.

Sonya Sonya was as round as a donut and as elastic as a ball. She ran so briskly when she got excited, she laughed so loudly, she always wore such beautiful dresses, and every day the maid wove a scarlet ribbon into her dark braids.

What does Marusya look like? And Sonya? Highlight your keywords.

What are the differences in the characteristics of the two girls?

Highlight the key epithet in the image of Marusya?

Why was Marusya sad?

Who else was sad? Why do you think?


It was a pale, tiny creature, reminiscent of a flower that grew without the rays of the sun. Despite her four years, she still walked poorly, walking unsteadily with crooked legs and staggering like a blade of grass; her hands were thin and transparent; the head swayed on the thin neck, like the head of a field bell; her eyes sometimes looked so unchildishly sad, and her smile reminded me so much of my mother in recent days, when she used to sit opposite the open window and the wind moved her blond hair, that I myself felt sad, and tears came to my eyes.

Sonya Sonya was as round as a donut and as elastic as a ball. She ran so briskly when she got excited, she laughed so loudly, she always wore such beautiful dresses, and every day the maid wove a scarlet ribbon into her dark braids.

What does Marusya look like? And Sonya? Highlight your keywords.

What are the differences in the characteristics of the two girls?

Highlight the key epithet in the image of Marusya?

Why was Marusya sad?

Who else was sad? Why do you think?


Outline summary the work “In Bad Society” is impossible in a few simple sentences.

And why all? Because this work, which looks like a story, in essence “pulls” on a full-fledged story.

On the pages of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko’s masterpiece, the reader will meet more than a dozen heroes and follow their fate, rich in twists and turns, over the course of a couple of months.

“In a Bad Society” by V. G. Korolenko - the history of creation

Many schoolchildren are interested in the question, how many pages are there in a work? The volume is small, only 70 pages.

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko (1853-1921)

Vladimir Korolenko wrote the text “In Bad Society” while in exile in Yakutia (1881 – 1884). The writer finalized the book already in St. Petersburg, in 1885, while in a pre-trial detention center.

The opus, the genre of which was defined as a story, was published in the same year in the magazine “Russian Thought”.

The story was reprinted many times, and after several years it was changed and released under the title “Children of the Dungeon.” Today, the story, the meaning of the title and the theme of which - the hard life of the poor and disadvantaged - is recognized as the pinnacle of the writer’s work.

The main characters and their characteristics

The main character of the work is the boy Vasily. The child lives with his father in the South-Western region, in the town of Knyazhye-Veno.

The city, which was mainly inhabited by Poles and Jews, is described by the author so naturalistically that it is easy to recognize it as exactly the end of the 19th century.

The boy's mother died when the boy was only six. The father is bogged down with work. His profession is a judge, he is a respected and rich man. Immersed in work from grief, the father did not spoil the child with attention and care.

The boy could freely leave the house unaccompanied, so he often walked aimlessly around the city, keen on discovering its secrets and mysteries.

One of the city's mysteries is an old castle on a hill among ponds. Once this majestic structure was the residence of a real count, but now it is abandoned and gave shelter only to a group of beggars.

A conflict flares up between the inhabitants of the ruins; some of the beggars are thrown onto the street. The “winners” remain to live in the castle. This is old Janusz, who once served the count, a group of Catholics and several other former servants.

Expelled from the count's residence, the poor fellows "moved" to a basement not far from the abandoned chapel.

The head of this group of beggars calls himself Pan Tyburtsy. Pan is a mysterious and ambiguous person. Almost nothing is known about his past.

Some of his fellow sufferers consider him a wizard, others - an exiled impoverished nobleman.

Tyburtsy sheltered two orphans, Valka and his sister Marusya. Vasya meets both groups of beggars. Janusz invites the boy to visit, but the child is more interested in Marusya and Valk.

The old intelligent servant Janusz, with whom Vasya nevertheless maintains a relationship, reproaches the boy for his friendship with “bad society,” which he considers the second group of beggars to be.

Vasily thinks a lot about his unfortunate father, remembers his mother, and reflects on how he became close to his sister Sonya after the death of his parent.

Vasya and his friends head to the chapel to see Marusya and Valk. Children start to be afraid mysterious place and they scatter in all directions without reaching him. Vasily enters an abandoned building alone and meets with Valk and Marusya. The orphans are glad to see the guest and invite him to come more often, but keep the meetings secret from the strict Master Tyburtsy, who is their adoptive father.

The main character comes to new friends as often as he can. At some point, Vasya notices that Marusya is feeling worse and worse. The girl's adoptive father is sure that her life is being sucked away by the gray stone. This is understandable; life in damp dungeons is unsafe for children.

Vasily sees how Valek is forced to steal a bun to bring it to his hungry, sick sister. The main character condemns the homeless boy for his wrong action, but his pity is stronger than his sense of justice.

The child is very sorry for Marusya, who is stricken with illness. Arriving home, Vasya cries.

Vasily completely accidentally encounters Pan Tyburtsy. The boy is a little scared, but the man and child very quickly find common language and become friends. The old servant Janusz from the castle complains to the judge about “bad society.”

Chapters 8 - 9

Marusya's health is deteriorating. Vasily often visits new friends.

In order to somehow please the sick girl, Vasya asks his sister to give him the doll. She gives it away without asking her father’s permission. Upon discovering the loss, the parent becomes angry.

Vasily cannot take the toy from the sick girl; she is delirious, clutching the doll to herself as a symbol of last hope. Vasya's father locks him at home.

After some time, the story with the doll ends. The toy is brought to Vasya’s house by... Pan Tyburtsy. The man says that Marusya gave her soul to God and tells Vasily’s father about the friendship of their children. Dad lets Vasya say goodbye to Marusya.

Tyburtsy and Valek leave the town. A little later, almost all the other tramps disappear. Vasya and his family come to his friend’s grave. Having matured, Vasily and Sonya pronounce vows over Marusya’s grave and leave their hometown.

Analysis of the work “In Bad Society”

Schoolchildren study this strong, lyrical and very sad classic in the fifth grade, but the story can be just as interesting and useful for adults.

Korolenko incredibly reliably described such a rare phenomenon as true, strong, absolutely selfless friendship. Quotes from the story of Vasya and the “children of the dungeon” will not leave anyone indifferent.


After finishing reading a book, schoolchildren and students often write reviews or leave short notes on reader's diary. It is worth noting the following main idea: at the end of the story, the main character Vasily began to have a completely different attitude not only towards his father, but also towards himself.

Having drawn conclusions from everything that happened, the boy learned to sympathize with the grief of others, to be loving, understanding and responsive.