Ukrainian art of the 19th century. Contemporary Ukrainian artists

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A portal dedicated to one of the most famous Ukrainian artists, whose works are popular not only in Ukraine, but are also in museums and private collections in many countries around the world. Her paintings cannot be confused with any others, they are so charming and unique. Chubby, rosy-cheeked and snub-nosed children will not leave anyone indifferent, and, at a minimum, will make you smile. On this site you can independently evaluate the works of Eugenia Gapchinska and look at booklets with her paintings.

If you are a fan of the abstract art style, then you will certainly like the works of this Ukrainian artist. Visit the website, go to the menu “Creativity” – “Painting” and enjoy modern art. But a talented person is talented in everything, right? So don’t miss the opportunity to look at other types of art in which the author succeeded, and these are wall painting, painting of walls, facades and pools, design of objects and premises, graphics and sculpture.

You can view the works of the world famous Kyiv modernist artist Peter Lebedynets on this portal. The "About the Author" menu item will give you general idea about the artist himself, his awards, public museums and private collections around the world where his paintings are located. The “Gallery” item contains the author’s works of art in the modernist style, under which information such as title, material, type of paint, canvas size and year of painting are indicated.

See works of contemporary Ukrainian artists on this portal. Here are works presented in the most different techniques: oil and watercolor painting, icon painting, lacquer miniature, artistic embroidery, batik, graphics and even photography. If you are an artist, then, following certain design rules, you can submit an application and place several of your paintings or your familiar authors among the guest pages of the site. In the site directory you can go to other useful art resources.

There are a lot of people living in Ukraine talented artists, whose work is truly worthy of attention. One of these authors is Andrey Kulagin, whose website we invite you to visit. The artist paints oil paintings in the styles of realism and surrealism, and can also boast of good graphic works. Besides fine arts, you can read Andrey’s articles on the topic of cultural studies, which he posts on his portal, and read the author’s biography.

Do you want to get acquainted with the works of modern Ukrainian painters? Visit this portal! It is a large-scale gallery of paintings with clear and convenient site navigation. Here you can search for artists by country. The search results are sorted by user rating on the site, by city of residence, alphabetically, or by the date of registration of the artist - you choose which method is more convenient for you in order to quickly find the author you are interested in.

If you are interested modern painting oil, then you will probably be interested in looking at the paintings of this Ukrainian artist who works in unique technology picturesque mosaic. Dmitry's paintings are in collections in different European countries. Using the links in the left menu of the site you can see all the information you are interested in. For convenience, all works are sorted into different headings in accordance with the topic. The author's biography and contact information can be found there.

Ukraine has long been famous for its artists. Taras Shevchenko, Ilya Repin, Kazimir Malevich... - list outstanding masters brushes and palettes can go on for a long time. Who is the pride of Russian fine art today? Here is a list of the 10 highest paid (read: most talented) contemporary Ukrainian artists.

1. Anatoly Krivolap

Today he is one of the most successful and best-selling Ukrainian artists. Fans and collectors are acquiring his works at an incredible rate (some already have more than 50 works). Krivolap's paintings are sold at crazy prices at the world's leading auctions and are exhibited in almost all Ukrainian museums.

Anatoly Krivolap was always worried about the question of how to paint a picture with pure colors and so that they match perfectly. He has been working on this problem since the 1970s. Incredible warm sunsets, mysterious silhouettes of people and animals, houses and shadows of trees - all this miraculously appeared from under his brush.

Since the 1990s, Krivolap has become one of the most expensive Ukrainian artists. The last successfully sold work is “Night. Horse" ($124,343) - entered the TOP 10 most expensive daily lots by Phillips de Pury & Co. Prices for his works are rising every year, and experts say that in five years his paintings could cost about half a million dollars.

A. Krivolap. From the series "Ukrainian motive"

A. Krivolap. "Horse. Evening"

A. Krivolan. "Horse. Night"

2. Alexander Roitburd

Alexander Roitburd participated in more than a hundred exhibitions and art projects. His works are presented in Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in art museums Ukraine, Russia, USA, Slovenia, in many public and private collections. In addition, Roitburd has participated in the Venice Biennale and Documenta. The most famous works: "Geisha" ($20,641), "Goodbye Caravaggio" ($97,179) and "Flight into Egypt" ($57,700).

A. Roitburd, "Geisha"

A. Roitburd, "Self-portrait"

3. Oleg Tistol

Oleg Tistol is a key figure in the Ukrainian new wave" He represented Ukraine at the Sao Paulo Biennale (1994) and the 49th Venice Biennale (2001).

Oleg Tistol was the only one who managed to make Ukrainian national symbols interesting and understandable in the West: both native hryvnias (the “Ukrainian Money” project) and Crimean palm trees (the “U. Be. Ka” project). The most famous works: “Lamp” ($26,225), “Gurzuf” ($12,300) and “Stranger No. 17” ($20,000).

O. Tistol, "The Third Rome"

O. Tistol, "Roksolana"

O. Tistol, "Gurzuf"

4.Ilya Chichkan

Ilya Chichkan is one of the most famous, exhibited, highly paid Ukrainian artists. Works in different types fine arts: painting, photography, installation, video. He filmed rabbits after injecting them with LSD, photographed the mentally ill and mutant children, and drew A.S. as monkeys. Pushkin and the Pope. Once the artist was commissioned to paint a portrait of Joseph Kobzon. At first he refused, but then changed his mind. Having finished the work, Chichkan wrote the title on the back: “Kobzon oh...yy,” which the singer really liked.

Ilya Chichkan’s works have been exhibited in leading galleries and museums in Europe, the USA and South America, as well as at prestigious international forums and festivals contemporary art: Biennale in Sao Paulo (1996), Johannesburg (1997), Prague (2003), Belgrade (2004), at the European Biennale Manifesta (2004), as well as the Venice Biennale (2009). The most famous works: “From the Life of Insects” ($24,700) and “Heavyweight Curator” ($8146).

I. Chichkan, "Geisha"

I. Chichkan, "Pushkin"

Our “seven” is opened by Anatoly Krivolap. In October 2011, his work “Horse. Night" was sold for 124 thousand dollars at an auction in London.

"Horse. Night" by Anatoly Krivolap

Two years later it went under the hammer work “Horse. Evening" for 186 thousand dollars. Crookedfoot is called a master of non-figurative painting.

"Horse. Evening" by Anatoly Krivolap

The artist calls red his favorite color. And he claims to have found more than fifty variations of this shade!

“Red is a very strong color. It can be festive and tragic. The entire emotional palette is in this one color. I have always been interested in how colors can be used to convey what you are experiencing. The palette is just a set of shades, behind which there are real feelings or the lack thereof.”

Once Anatoly Krivolap burned about two thousand of his sketches. Here is how the artist himself tells about this story:

“In two days I burned about two thousand of my sketches. All of them are written on cardboard. You can’t even call them paintings; many remained unfinished. He deliberately painted on cardboard, knowing that no one would buy such works - galleries did not accept them, collectors were not interested in them. Only my Pole bought it. But I needed to train and grow. Now that I have become noticeable, I want only the best things to remain after me. Why sell the stages of your formation, such as half Crookedfoot? Then I decided to burn everything. He burned for two days, starting a fire in his own area. And my grandson brought me work in a wheelbarrow. Only a small part of those paintings remains. But when I have time, I’ll sleep them too.”

Ivan Marchuk - Ukrainian artist, which the British included in the list "100 geniuses of our time." His creative heritage includes more than 4,000 thousand paintings and more than 100 personal exhibitions.

The works of the Ukrainian artist were sold out for collections in different countries peace. Ivan Marchuk founded new style in art. He himself, jokingly, calls this style pleintanism - from the word “to weave”. His paintings seem to be created from balls of wonderful threads.

“Mystery is hard labor. I work 365 days a day and I can’t live without it. This is the award of share, karma, virok, adjective. And you’re not going anywhere. I want to bask on the beach, lie by the grass, hearing how tall it is, I want to marvel at how gloomy the sky floats, I want to be quiet, have fun, get together in company, without having to worry about going to school to learn something. And then I think: I still want to earn something myself. The thought is unbearable!

Odessa resident Alexander Roytburd became famous all over the world in 2009.

His painting “Farewell Caravaggio” was sold in London for $97,000.

He wrote this work under the influence of the theft of the "Kiss of Judas" from Odessa Museum Western and Eastern art. Roitburd's painting has two layers - the bottom layer is a copy of Caravaggio, the top layer is the author's abstraction.

Another leader of contemporary Ukrainian art is Viktor Sidorenko. One of his paintings, “Untitled” from the series Reflection into the unknown, was sold at a British auction for $32,800. Viktor Sidorenko’s works are characterized as bright and expressive. He is a candidate of art history and professor at the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts, as well as the founder of the Institute of Contemporary Art.

The artist’s sphere of creative interests includes the specific realities of our time: problems of memory, the legacy of post-totalitarian regimes, issues of personal identification in the modern increasingly complex world, human prospects in the new globalization model of life.

Tiberiy Silvashi – leader of the Ukrainian school of abstractionists. His paintings are in museums in Munich, Vienna, New Jersey, Kyiv, Uzhgorod, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, as well as in private collections in Europe and the USA.

“I have a lot of readers. Our dads are in front of us. Father's love is a headache for creativity. If I only thought about becoming an artist and borrowed all sorts of books from libraries, then Tetyana Yablonska was everything to me. I never suspected that I would read into it. We learned both professional skills and specialties from these hands. Diligence, from morning until evening, work in the mine, love and drink. The process will begin until the rest of my days. Until now I love Rembrandt. I respect him as one of the most important stages of light mysticism. If Velazquez’s “Portrait of the Infantie Margarita” had not been produced in Kiev, my creative path would have been known very differently.”

- a fan of bright realistic painting. The artist writes his works about the world around him - about what is understandable and close to everyone. In 2009, at the auction of Phillips de Pury & Company, his “Battleship” was bought for 35 thousand dollars.

annually holds more than a dozen new exhibitions in Ukraine, Russia, France, Belgium, England, the Netherlands and other countries. Has several of its own galleries. Her works are kept in European museums and private collections of connoisseurs and artists.

Gapchinska’s popularity is also evidenced by the fact that many artists paint copies of her paintings or paintings “like Gapchinska.” The price of her paintings ranges from 10 to 40 thousand dollars.

Sergey Vasilkovsky(1854-1917) - one of the leading Ukrainian artists late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. He was born onKharkov region in the family of a clerk. He received his initial creative skills from his parents and grandfather. His father revealed to him the beauty and expressiveness of calligraphy, his mother - love for folk songs and folklore, and his grandfather, a descendant of a Cossack family, instilled in his grandson an interest in ancient Ukrainian customs and traditions.

The environment and surroundings contributed to the fact that Sergei began to manifest creative nature: He was fond of music, sang and drew. The boy received more thorough knowledge of drawing at the Second Kharkov Gymnasium from the gymnasium drawing teacher Dmitry Bezperchy, a student of Karl Bryullov himself. He did various sketches, and even drew caricatures of his teachers, for which he apparently got into trouble.Since his parents, people of old views and traditions, saw the future well-being of their son in public service, then at the insistence of his father, young Sergei entered the Kharkov Veterinary School. After two years of studying at the school, he left it and went to work as a clerical employee in the Kharkov Treasury. This unloved activity weighed heavily on the creative personality, and Sergei told his father that he was leaving his job and leaving for St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts. To which the father replied: if he leaves his position, then let him know that he does not have a father, since he will no longer consider him a son. Despite a letter with a “curse” from his father, 22-year-old Sergei left his government position and in 1876 entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.Vasilkovsky will study at the academy for nine years. First he visits general classes, and then moves to the landscape workshop of academicians Mikhail Klodt and Vladimir Orlovsky. He had little money and, feeling the need, was forced to earn a living: either working as a “retoucher” in light painting, or copying drawings for sale.

Despite financial difficulties, his studies at the academy went quite successfully, and after three years Sergei Ivanovich received a small silver medal for a landscape sketch from life, and after another two years, a second small silver medal.

His great artistic talent progressed more and more in the subsequent years of his studies.

In 1883, all summer, Sergei Ivanovich worked a lot in Ukraine, drawing original landscape sketches, full of creative inspiration and youthful romance: “Spring in Ukraine”, “In Summer”, “Stone Beam”, “On the Outskirts” and others, with the intention of representing them to compete for a gold medal at an academic exhibition.

Next year, for the painting “Morning” Vasilkovsky receives a small gold medal. And a year later, for completing the diploma work of art“On the Donets”, is awarded a large gold medal, and receives the right to travel abroad as a pensioner of the academy.

At that time, this word did not mean elderly people, but talented young people who were sent to study abroad for many years, paying them a significant stipend (“pension”).

"Spring in Ukraine"

"On the Outskirts"


In March 1886 Vasilkovsky went on a retirement trip to Western Europe- France, England, Spain, Italy and Germany. When I worked and studied in France, I became close to the “Barbizonians,” whose work created a feeling of high spirits in the viewer and made them see poetry and real beauty in the surrounding nature.During his European tour, the Ukrainian artist creates delightful landscape works: “Morning in Besançon”, “Bois de Boulogne in winter”, “Partridge hunting in Normandy”, “Typical Breton manor”, ​​“View in the Pyrenees”, “After the rain (Spain) ", "Neighborhoods of San Sebastiano", " Winter evening in the Pyrenees" and others.

"Morning in Besançon"

After a business trip abroad, Sergei Ivanovich settled in Kharkov and, full of creative energy, undertook trips to his native Ukrainian villages and steppes.

With his artistic strokes of the brush, he creates delightful Ukrainian lyrical-epic landscapes: “Chumatsky Romodanovsky Way”, “Village Street”, “Sunset in Autumn”, “Winter Evening”, “Herd on the Outskirts of the Village”, “Mills” and many others .

"Chumatsky Romodanovsky Way"

"Village Street"


The Ukrainian realist artist also painted on historical topic, in which he glorified the glorious Ukrainian Cossacks: “Cossack Picket”, “Cossack on Reconnaissance”, “Watchmen of Zaporozhye Liberties” (“Cossacks in the Steppe”), “On Guard”, “Cossack Levada”, “Cossack Mountain”, “Cossack Field” ", "Cossack on patrol", "Cossack in the steppe. Warning signs", "Cossack and girl", "Campaign of the Cossacks" and large number others.

"Cossack picket"

Watchmen of Zaporozhye liberties"

"Cossack Levada"

Vasilkovsky’s creativity was not limited only to landscapes and historical paintings- he also worked in the genre portrait painting. Of a number of portraits, one of the most famous is the portrait of the Ukrainian Moses - Taras Shevchenko.The artist demonstrated high professional artistic skill in monumental genre- he painted the recognized masterpiece of Ukrainian modernism: the Poltava provincial zemstvo.

In total, during his 35-year creative careeryu activity Sergei Vasilkovsky created more than 3000 paintings. In addition, he is the author of the albums “From Ukrainian Antiquity” (1900) and “Motives of Ukrainian Ornaments” (1912), on which he worked together with another famous Ukrainian artist Mykola Samokish.

Born in 1975 in Kharkov, Ukraine. Received art education in Kharkovsky state college Arts, then continued his studies at the Kharkov State Academy of Art and Design, where he received a Master of Arts degree, studying under the guidance of Professor A. A. Khmelnitsky. Among other things, he studied the art of frescoes and mosaics.

Romantic impressionists. Mikhail and Inessa Garmash

Mikhail Garmash was born in 1969 in the small city of Lugansk in Ukraine, and began drawing at the age of three. At the age of six he began his education at the Lugansk Youth Creativity Center. Recognizing his natural talent, teachers began sending the artist's works to various exhibitions of the former Soviet Union.
Inessa Garmash, nee Kitaichik, was born in 1972 in the city of Lipetsk, Russia, and already in early childhood I became interested in drawing.

Talented Ukrainian artist. Igor Tuzhikov

Igor Tuzhikov Igor is a talented Ukrainian artist. Born in 1979, in Kharkov, Ukraine. In 2000 he graduated from the painting department of the Kharkov State Art School. In 2006, he graduated from the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, specializing in " easel painting",

Ukrainian artist. Maria Zelda

Maria Zelda is a contemporary Ukrainian artist, born in 1955 and raised in Ukraine, studied to be a pianist and, at the same time, shared her love between music and painting, calling them twin sisters. In the early 90s, Maria moved to Mexico, where she currently lives and works. Over the past 15 years, Maria has dedicated her creativity studying various painting and design methods.

Stolyarova Irina. Genre painting

Stolyarova Irina Sergeevna, a talented contemporary artist, was born in 1982, in the city of Zhitomir, Ukraine. She began professional training in fine arts at the age of 7 years. She graduated from the Faculty of Art and Graphics of the K.D. Ushinsky University in Odessa (she defended her diploma with honors at the Department of Painting). Since 2010, member of the Union of Agricultural Affairs.

Contemporary artists of Ukraine. Irene Cheri

Irene Sheri was born in 1968, in the city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Ukraine. Her rich and varied heredity probably makes her one of the most bright examples a new generation of intercultural artists emerging from "Europe without borders". Her blood consists of a “mixture” of Bulgarian and French. She was born and raised in the Ukrainian city of Odessa, where people mix freely different cultures, which makes Odessa one of the most colorful, vibrant and multinational cities in the world. She studied at the St. Petersburg Art Academy. Her works are in many private collections and presented in galleries in many countries around the world: France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Russia and the USA.

New mythology. Vlad Safronov

Over the years, Vlad Safronov created his own art world, which he calls "New Mythology". Whatever the artist paints: animals, people, cities or abstract compositions, the subjects of his paintings are always wonderful and evoke rave reviews from viewers and critics. Vlad has his own, unique style, which gives the figures and objects in his paintings a strange mixture of archaic and modern... His unique painting method includes several types of classical oil painting, as well as modern materials from which the artist creates a basis, combining , they give birth to works of fine art that make Vlad Safronov a famous artist.

Impressionism, with elements of expression. Nelina Trubach-Moshnikova

"Like light, like a line, like rain, like a color, like a woman, like... What else can be said when so much has already been said? But I want to say...:"
I was born in Belarus, graduated in 1982 art school in Minsk, the workshop of Professor A.K. Glebov and now I live and work in Yalta, Crimea. I find it extremely interesting to be able to see colors and lines that hide something obvious. She mainly works in oil on canvas or mixed media.

Pencil drawings. Denis Chernov

Denis Chernov is a talented Ukrainian artist, born in 1978 in Sambir, Lviv region, Ukraine. After graduating from the Kharkov Art School, in 1998, he remained in Kharkov, where he currently lives and works. He also studied at the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts.

Contemporary artists of Ukraine. Denis Chernov

Contemporary Ukrainian artist Denis Chernov was born in the city of Sambir, Lviv region of Ukraine. He received his education first at the Kharkov Art School, which he graduated in 1998, then, in 2004, at the Kharkov State Academy of Design and Arts (department of graphics). He regularly participates in art exhibitions, both in Ukraine and abroad. Most of Denis Chernov's works are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Italy, England, Spain, Greece, France, USA, Canada and Japan. Some works were sold at auction by the famous auction house"Christie".

The beauty of a woman. Andrey Kartashov

Andrey Kartashov is a talented Ukrainian artist. Born in Uzhgorod, Ukraine, in 1974. In 1990 he entered art school applied arts Uzhgorod. In 1994 he took part in an art event at an open-air

Ukrainian muralist. Kirilenko Ivan

Kirilenko Ivan Mikhailovich is a talented Ukrainian muralist. Born in 1983 in the city of Khotin, Chernivtsi region in Ukraine. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Received higher education, having graduated from Chernivtsi National University. Yu. F

As long as I breathe, I hope. Konstantin Shiptya

Konstantin Shyptia is a talented Ukrainian artist.

Konstantin about himself: “I was born and live in Ukraine. I graduated from a children’s specialized art school. In my paintings I want to show eternal themes: Crazy love and burning hatred, melancholy of loneliness and wild joy, fleeting grief and unbridled joy.

Contemporary artists of Ukraine. Alexey Slyusar

Contemporary artist Alexey Slyusar was born in 1961 in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, then another republic of the Soviet Union. Like most children, I started drawing in my early childhood, but unlike many, after some time I did not give up my hobby. Received art education in high school art school hometown, which he graduated in 1979, and then entered the Dnipropetrovsk Institute at the Faculty of Architecture. For some time after his studies, he worked as an architect, interior designer, sculptor and decorator.

City landscapes. Dmitry Danish

Dmitry Danish, a contemporary Ukrainian artist, known for his works in the impressionist style, was born in 1966, in Kharkov, Ukraine. He started drawing in early childhood and even then dreamed of becoming an artist. His mother, an artist herself, was the first person to notice Dmitry’s talent and began to develop her son’s talent with all her might.