iPhone 5 won't accept charge. This cable or accessory is not certified: the cause of the problem and solutions

With the release of iOS 7, all users of the new iPhones that use the proprietary Lightning charging connector experienced certain problems when using non-original chargers and cables. This is due, first of all, to the design of the connector itself, which contains several microcircuits, one of which is responsible for checking the chip located in each Lightning wire for originality.

Cable certification identification is provided by software processes built into iOS. At the same time, it is worth noting that verification mechanisms are regularly updated and it very often happens that iPhone stopped charging after updating the software version. But it also happens that the phone stops accepting charge even when using certified accessories.

What to do if your iPhone stops charging

If there are a few tricks that can fix this:

  • A temporary solution to the situation if the iPhone is not charging with a non-original cable can be to turn off and then turn on the phone with the Lightning cable connected. In this case, there is a chance that the iPhone will start charging.
  • Another option is to do the following: Unplug the power adapter, turn your iPhone into airplane mode, and then reconnect the Lightning cable to the device. If your phone starts charging, you can turn off airplane mode.

If the iPhone still won't charge, there is a possibility of hardware problems.

Let's look at the main options.

Lightning connector is clogged

This is the simplest and most easily solved option. Very often, during operation, dirt and dust particles get into the connector, which over time roll off and disrupt the contact between the connector and the wire. In this case, the iPhone may either stop charging, or the charging process will occur incorrectly - for example, the phone can only charge in a certain position of the wire.

To solve this problem, you need to clean the charger connector, which can be done either independently (but this must be done extremely carefully so as not to damage the contact group of the connector) or at a service center. In a service center, cleaning the Lightning connector is done using compressed air, special reagents and lint, which allows for the highest quality cleaning.

Malfunction of the lower cable / damage to the connector

If the iPhone stops charging, the reason for this may be a malfunction of the lower cable with the charger connector. This occurs due to mechanical damage, oxidation of the cable contacts on the board or connector contacts after moisture, or a microcrack on the cable. In any of these cases, the cable assembly with the charger connector is replaced. In our service center, replacing the bottom cable of an iPhone with a charger connector costs from 1,500 rubles (depending on the iPhone model) and is usually completed within an hour from the moment of contact.

Battery fault

Very often, the reason that the iPhone does not charge is a malfunction of the battery, which may lose capacity during operation or begin to polymerize due to exposure external factors or terms of use.

The first signs that the battery will soon need to be replaced are a decrease in the time battery life, turning off the phone with an incorrect charge indication (iPhone can turn off at 20-30% of the displayed battery charge). In the future, if such problems persist long enough, the battery may stop charging and will need to be replaced.

Charge controller malfunction

The charge controller is a chip on the board that is responsible for the correct operation of the iPhone's power circuits. Most often, incorrect operation of the controller can be caused by the use of low-quality accessories used to charge the device, or a power surge in the network during charging. This problem can occur on any generation of iPhone, but most often problems with the charge controller occur on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s.

In such cases, complex board repairs are required at the component level: in most cases, this is solved by replacing the charge controller chip. Please note that such operations can only be performed efficiently if you have specialized equipment, and the technician must have extensive experience in carrying out complex board repairs. Otherwise, there is a possibility of making things even worse - it is not uncommon for people to turn to the specialists of our service center who have already received unqualified service elsewhere.

Almost every user has encountered breakdowns of mobile equipment. It’s good when faults are detected immediately - there is a chance to return the equipment under warranty. But most breakdowns are discovered later. One of the most common problems is related to the battery charge. Owners of Apple devices are wondering why the iPhone is not charging, although just recently everything was fine?

Checking the charger

If your iPhone 4S (or any other iPhone) is not charging, you should immediately check that the charger is working properly. To do this, you need to find another iPhone and connect the problematic charger to it. A successful start of battery charging indicates that everything is in order with the charger. This means that the problem is with the smartphone itself - it needs to be taken to a service center, where it will be examined by repair specialists.

Don't have another charger? Then you can connect the current charger to another iPhone and check its serviceability. If another smartphone is charging, then the problem is with your smartphone - it is quite possible that it needs repair.

But what to do if your iPhone won't charge? Then we take our wallet and go to the nearest mobile phone store or Apple store to buy a new charger. No less the right decision will check the integrity of the charger cable– it is quite possible that this is where the problem lies (buying a new cable will cost less than buying a new charger). You can get the cable for testing from your friends or acquaintances.

You can also use a computer with iTunes to check the integrity of the cable - if the cable is intact, iTunes will detect the connected device.

When buying a charger, give preference to original accessories - thanks to this you will get rid of problems with charging the battery. In addition, the service life of original accessories is disproportionately longer.

Checking the battery

We already know what to do if the iPhone 5s does not charge (as well as any other iPhone) - you need to check the charger and do not forget to check the cable. What should you do if your iPhone is not charging, but shows that it is charging? Possible reasons malfunction occurs:

  • The battery life is exhausted;
  • The charger is broken;
  • The charge control circuit has failed.

If the iPhone shows charging, but does not charge, then the problem may be due to the exhaustion of the battery life. The charging diagram shows that the charge is in progress, but the battery cannot replenish the supply of electricity. What to do? Try turning off your smartphone and charging it overnight - there is a chance that the battery will slightly restore its properties. If there is no improvement, contact service center to replace the battery.

As we remember, original iPhone smartphones use non-removable batteries - they are replaced at service centers.

iPhone 6s won't charge even though the charging indicator indicates otherwise? Try using a known-good charger - it is quite possible that your charger is faulty and cannot provide normal charging current. If another charger does not help, you should contact the service center.

Other repair methods

Has your iPhone stopped charging even though everything was fine just yesterday? In some cases, the problem is solved by resetting the smartphone to factory settings.- the whole point is some kind of malfunction in the on-board software. If this approach does not help, and the iPhone still does not charge (or pretends not to charge), try restoring via DFU mode - sometimes this helps.

If there are no changes, contact your nearest service center - the fault lies in the system board of your iPhone.

IN modern world The telephone is an integral part of life and movement. Being in society, we always need to keep in touch and use applications that make our lives easier. But what should you do if you put your phone on charge in the evening, and in the morning you find it almost completely discharged, and the battery joyfully shows lightning? In this article we will try to m Please help me solve this problem and tell you what could have caused it.

Most often the problem is caused by the failure of one of the elements of the chain. If the charger you are using has been with you for quite some time, then the alleged error could have arisen precisely because of it. But it’s not always possible to see the root of the problem right away, so let’s try to figure it out step by step and determine what caused the problem that your phone shows charging, but does not charge.

What could have caused the problem?

The problem of improper charging of your device can be caused by mechanical impacts, falls, freezing or moisture, or the effects of time. If your phone still shows lightning, but after a while you notice that its battery status percentage has not been replenished, then this bad sign. What could be the reason that the lightning is on, the power is on, but your iPhone 4 is not charging?


  • Problem with the USB cable. Perhaps you recently purchased a cable because the new one has already changed or you borrowed it from a friend. This wire may not fit your model or may be poorly made.
  • Power supply failure.If you are not using an original power supply, then this could be a direct problem of a malfunction of the charger. Also, a problem with the power supply could be caused by a fall of the power supply itself, since inside each unit there is a microcircuit responsible for the correct supply of charge to your device.
  • Dirty connector.If you carry your phone in the pocket of your jacket or bag, then some foreign objects may have gotten into the connector, which could cause the charge to not be supplied correctly.
  • Damage to the charging connector.When dropped, the parts inside the phone are easily deformed. Since all internal soldering in any modern smartphone is practically a piece of jewelry, so some kind of small element could get damaged and cause of this nature.
  • Failure of the power controller. A problem of this nature is a matter of time and environmental influences.
  • Battery wear.This reason also applies to those that arise after a certain period and in in this case Nothing depends on us.
  • Software failure.

How to solve the problem?

Before turning to a specialist for help, let's try to solve the problem at home. First, you need to find which element has failed - the power supply, smartphone or cable?

How to check the cable?

If the wire you are using was not purchased, then it makes sense to suspect that the problem is related to it. If not, then carefully inspect the cable for visible defects. Any unnatural bends may indicate a malfunction and should not be proper operation device, in this case it will be necessary to replace the cable.

If you are trying to charge your phone from your home computer, then you simply may not have enough power to charge, that is, the charger may light up and charge, but not charge. Also, using a computer instead of a charging unit, try connecting the wire to a different USB connector.

If you don’t see any visible damage to the wire, then try using a different cable, for example, borrow it from a friend or use a test at a store.

How to check the power supply?

With the power supply the issue is a little more difficult. It may have been damaged by environmental factors such as falling or getting wet. If neither one nor the other was present, then the cause of the breakdown could be the use of a non-original cable and the microcircuit located inside the unit could burn out. You can check it only by using another block.

How to check a smartphone?

  • First of all, carefully inspect the connector for any foreign objects that could interfere with the correct operation of the charger. If these are not observed, then another option is to try charging the phone using another charger.
  • Use iTunes recovery. To do this, connect your phone to your PC, go to the program and click BackUp, and after recovery, the Restore button. This way you can easily restore even an iPhone 4.
  • Do a complete reboot of your smartphone. To do this, you need to hold down the On/Off and Home keys when the smartphone is turned on and wait until the display goes out and then the manufacturer's logo appears again (this process may take 30 seconds). And then try charging the device again.

What should I do if the problem is caused by a software failure or battery damage?

Battery removal is a matter of time. We advise you to seek the help of a service center so that they can determine that this is indeed what is causing the problem. If this is the case, then you will simply have the battery replaced with a new one under warranty, or if there are any defects, you will have to purchase a new one.

If the problem is caused by a software failure, then most likely it is an incorrect phone firmware, in which case you will also need to go to a service center.

The problem could also arise due to a breakdown of the charge controller, which is located inside the iPhone itself. If before this your iPhone 5s or 4s was discharged very quickly or got terribly hot, then these signs directly indicate a breakdown of this particular part of the phone. This breakdown can also be corrected at a service center.

The topic of this material can concern any iPhone owner. We will talk on the topic: “How to understand that the iPhone is charging?” and most often this question arises when starting to use a new device.

Despite the fact that the iPhone is considered very easy to use, there are quite a lot of nuances. But when you get to know them, you then realize how logical and simple everything is.

So let's figure it out, maybe everything is not as complicated as it seems.

Signs of iPhone Charging

So, you have an iPhone in your hands and you want to understand exactly what signs your smartphone should give when the charging process occurs.

In general, there are only two signs and each of them occurs in completely different situations: when the phone is turned on and when it is turned off.

So, you picked up your smartphone and connected the cable. First of all, you should hear a characteristic signal that charging has started (with sound on) or vibration (in silent mode).

After this, you may see a lightning bolt icon next to your battery indicator. While he is in active state, this means that the smartphone is still charging.

When your iPhone is completely turned off, things happen completely differently. Let's say you have a smartphone and you connected the charger.

If the device is completely discharged, there may be no signs at all for the first 15 minutes. This means there is no need to panic right away.

When the battery is slightly charged, an almost empty indicator with a red stripe appears, which indicates a low charge level of the device.

The phone may blink periodically and this is also normal. Then the battery is filled and when it reaches 100 percent, the indicator will be completely green.

Reasons if the iPhone does not charge

If any of the above goes wrong, then this means there are some problems. They are also solvable and there is a set of standard reasons why the iPhone may not charge.

I assure you one hundred percent that one of them concerns you specifically and you can find the answer in the following paragraphs.

Keeping your favorite devices clean is essential because when you carry your iPhone in the same pants pocket, dust and lint can get into all the holes.

Over time, this can create a problem and when you insert the cable, the phone will not become infected, or it will not do so consistently and will constantly come off.

If you have never cleaned the port, then this reason concerns you most of all. Just take a toothpick and very carefully clean the connector from dust.

Do not make much effort, because you can damage the contacts and then it will only get worse. At the end, carefully blow it out and try charging again.

If you use the cable for a long time, and the standard version out of the box usually does not last long, then this may be the reason.

Try connecting another device and if the situation is the same, then one hundred percent your cable is faulty. Also, borrow the original cable for a while and if everything is fine, then the situation will continue as follows.

You can write a separate article on this topic, because it has already been discussed and will be discussed. But the whole point is that Apple accessories are quite expensive, they like to make money from it and there’s nothing they can do about it.

When the standard ones fail, people most often just buy the cheap Chinese version and don’t think about the consequences.

It is usually purchased on sites such as AliExpress or eBay for a very low cost. Based on own experience and research, there may be the following consequences:

  • the phone will discharge rather than charge;
  • you can burn your smartphone;
  • the battery deteriorates quickly;
  • It just doesn’t work or says that the accessory is not supported (more details here -).

Sometimes you get lucky and everything works like clockwork. It also happens that they can last long enough and everything will be fine. So it's kind of a lottery.

But you don’t have to overpay a lot of money for the original, because there are many manufacturers who also make high-quality accessories and they cost reasonable money.

Just make sure the box bears the appropriate labels from a certified manufacturer. The most standard icons are:

We feel free to buy if we see them on the box. When they are faked, it is easy to notice. It is best to buy from trusted places and at least a less well-known brand.

It's no secret that we quite often charge our iPhones directly from our laptop or regular computer. The probability of the cause lies in them is also very likely.

There are many different models, there are also many kinds of ports and so on. Therefore, if your phone charges from a regular outlet, but does not want to be charged from a laptop, you will have to charge it in the usual way or try installing drivers.

It happens that the current strength is not suitable and so on. This happens very rarely and I think this is definitely not your case. I just informed that such a situation exists.

There are no perfect gadgets, even if you pay a large amount When you spend money on an Apple device, you shouldn’t think that it will be just perfect and should work forever.

Over time or depending on the circumstances and style of iPhone use, the following problems may occur:

  • the phone gets very hot;
  • discharges quickly and the charge indicator is very unstable;
  • cannot be charged with any cable;
  • other.

The power controller is what can cause these problems, and if you are not sure what exactly is happening with your gadget, then just go to the service center, because you won’t be able to change it yourself.

Usually it's not worth it big money and after spending a small amount of money, your favorite iPhone will be back in service.


Hopefully now you are a little closer to your beloved iPhone and understand when it is charging. It would seem that everything is logical and simple, but sometimes it’s better to read it once and then know about it.

I think we have also figured out the causes of the problems a little and this information will be useful to you at least for the future. After all, many people face them.

The original iPhone cable has two significant drawbacks: it is very unreliable and very expensive. And, of course, no one wants to pay 1,590 rubles (yes, that’s how much a charging cable made at Apple factories costs) for a cable that a priori will not last long, and therefore many decide to buy a non-original charger.

And having saved a fair amount (prices for non-original cables start from 100 rubles!), the happy user returns home, but bad luck - when he connects his iPhone to a new cable, he realizes that the gadget is not charging and does not sync with iTunes, and a depressing message appears on his screen the inscription - “This cable or accessory is not certified...”. What to do in such a situation? Let's find out!

What can I say - for an ignorant user, this state of affairs is, to put it mildly, discouraging. There is a silent question in his eyes - “Well, how did my smartphone even know that I didn’t buy the charger for it in the App Store?!”

And, really, where from? Experts have different opinions on this matter. Some argue that the reason is a cunning mechanism built into iOS that recognizes the original wire by certain “beacons”, others that a special chip signaling authenticity is built into the charger itself. However, one way or another, the fact remains that Apple duly made sure that non-original cables do not work with the iPhone.

Not all non-original cables are equally non-original

However, here’s a paradox: on the Internet there are a lot of users who claim: “I bought a non-native wire and everything works!” In fact, there is no paradox, it’s just that according to the “law” Apple i-devices can be charged not only from cables made directly by the “Apple” giant - that is, original ones, but also from those made by partner manufacturers - the result is a non-original “part” , but has certification. These charging wires have a special marking - MFI (Made for iPhone).

The quality of products marked with this honorary sign is controlled personally by Apple. And, by the way, from each manufacturer working under the MFI program, Apple receives, so to speak, a “tax.” This fact leads to the fact that MFI chargers are more expensive than those that do not have such markings, but still not as expensive as the original ones. The average price for a non-original certified cable is 500 rubles.

Where can I buy an MFI cable for iPhone? In general, in any good electronics store. Ask a consultant and they will help you.

What to do if the iPhone does not charge using a non-original cable?

However, back to our problem, the cable has already been purchased and refuses to charge our iPhone or synchronize it with the PC. What to do? Good news! Users have come up with several “cheats” to all seeing eye Apple. We'll tell you about them all.

By the way, as you know, the original Lightning is distinguished by its ability to work with a smartphone, no matter which side it is inserted (this feature is implemented according to the circuit, a special switch is installed in the cable chip), however, the non-native Lightning may not have this option (the Chinese simply forget to take into account the above-mentioned switch in the circuit ), and therefore in order for the wire to start charging, perhaps it just needs to be inserted the other way.

"Close, close"

In some situations, in order for a non-original cable to start charging, it is enough to do the following:

1 Connect iPhone to charger or PC - depends on the task - charging or synchronization. 2 When a notification window appears about the impossibility of working with the cable, click on the “button” in it - “Close”. 3 Now you need to unlock the device - the notification will appear again - tap “Close” again and disconnect the wire from the iPhone (do not block it!), and immediately connect it again.

Surprisingly, quite often this strange instruction helps. Are you one of those lucky ones? Then let's try the next method.

Turn off and on

This tricky method for working an iPhone with a non-original cable is as follows:

  • Turn off the device.
  • We connect it to a power outlet (if we want to synchronize with iTunes, we connect it to the PC).
  • We turn on the smartphone and... it's charging!

By the way, if you now pull out the wire and insert it back, charging/communication with the PC will stop; to resume it, the iPhone will have to be turned off again.

Airplane mode

Some users, however, claim that there is no need to turn the smartphone on and off in vain; you can fool it simply by activating the airplane mode. Moreover, sometimes it’s enough to just turn it on, connect the smartphone to the charger, and when, as they say, the process starts, you can turn it off, but more often, you need to keep the airplane mode active the whole time it’s charging.

What are the dangers of using an iPhone with non-original cables?

Unfortunately, the fact that non-original cables do not charge the iPhone or do not sync to iTunes is not the main danger they pose. Hundred-ruble Chinese wires are not made according to standards, and therefore the proper balance of voltages and currents may not be maintained, resulting in best case scenario— The iPhone will take longer to charge and/or discharge faster; in the worst case, the power controller will fail, which will entail very expensive repairs. For the fifth iPhone, such a repair will cost, for example, $100, and this is not a situation where you can fix the device yourself.

However, we will not advise buying the original wire for 1590 rubles. You don’t have to pay a lot of money for the original, but buying a Chinese cable for 100 rubles for such an expensive gadget like an iPhone, risking its “health”, is simply ridiculous, you’ll agree. What do we recommend? Stick to the golden mean and purchase a certified cable - reasonable price and quality assurance.

Why doesn't my iPhone charge using the original cable?

And finally, let's look at another very interesting question. Sometimes discouraged users ask, “Why did my iPhone refuse to charge from the original cable, displaying the message “This cable is not certified?” The answer is actually simple. Sometimes this happens if the cable is damaged or its contacts are clogged.

Lightning cables, which were first introduced with the iPhone 5, are especially susceptible to this problem. The charging cable for the 4S and earlier models still had a more reliable design. So if your iPhone 5 does not charge using the original cable (or, in general, any other model), try using cotton swab and alcohol to clean it. If it doesn't help, you'll have to buy a new one. Luckily, you already know how to choose the right one.

Let's summarize

So, if the iPhone does not charge using a purchased non-original charger, this problem can be fixed. However, you need to understand that using a non-native cable can have dire consequences. On the other hand, buying an original wire is not very economical. Our solution - a certified cable with MFI marking - is not expensive and is guaranteed to be of high quality! By the way, do you understand that MFI cables are also counterfeited? So, of course, you should only buy them from reliable sellers!