How to draw ordinary eyes step by step. How to learn to draw eyes, draw a realistic eye

Many people miss small but important details of the structure of the eye when presenting it schematically. For example, many people forget to draw the third eyelid in the corners of the eyes near the nose, or that the eyelid usually casts a shadow on the iris. If you want to learn how to draw, I recommend starting to draw from memory, rather than copying someone’s eye from a photograph, then you will consciously remember the basic principles.

First, mark a barely noticeable horizontal line on a piece of paper (later we will erase it), the entire drawing will be built from it, but during construction it serves as a guide.

Now we draw the outline of the eyes, which will also be the boundaries for the eyelids. Please note that the pupil in the human eye is not located exactly in the middle of the eye, but is shifted slightly upward. This is very important for creating a realistic look.

When the main boundaries are outlined, you can start shading. To do this, it is better to change the pencil and take one as soft as possible so that the shading is dense without pressure. Mark in advance a highlight on the iris that will slightly “overshadow” the pupil; there is no need to shade this area (erasing dense shading is a hassle!).

Have you shaded the pupil? Moving on to the iris, shade it with thin lines without going into the highlights. It should always remain the brightest part of your eye, this will give it a realistic "wetness". There is no need to try to draw everything perfectly at once, to draw out every line, you need to create the general appearance of the eye, outline how the light falls on it.

Let's move on to centuries. Apply shading not with sharp movements, but with long lines, following the smooth shape of the eyelids. This will immediately give them impressive volume. Do not press hard on the pencil, but rather use shading to shade all the shaded details.

This can be a thick napkin or a piece of clean fleecy cloth. But don't start shading with dark details like the pupil, it will get dirty and then mess up the whole drawing! First we shade the lightest parts, the sequence is as follows: the eyelid, the white of the eye, then the iris and only finally the pupil.

The eye turned out well, but may look a little pale. To “revive” it, you need to add a few details. Make a clearer and more pronounced contour of the iris, shade the outer and inner side eyelids, slightly darken the areas of the iris adjacent to the pupil and its outer circumference.

Just don’t make all the strokes the same, they should be of different lengths and thicknesses, then the look will sparkle with lively sparkles. Don't forget about the third eyelid. There is often glare in the corner of the eye. Just use an eraser to erase a small spot to create a highlight, but not as bright as on the iris.

Finally the eyelashes. We draw them only last, otherwise they will interfere with shading the eyelid! Real eyelashes are never straight, they are always slightly curved. We start drawing the eyelashes from the upper eyelid, draw slightly curved arches (the length of the eyelashes is different for each person, it all depends on your desire, but do not overdo it). Then we slightly thicken the base of each to give them thickness and volume. Don't forget to tilt your eyelashes according to the shape of your eyelids!

I have already said that eyes and lips are the most important parts that a beginning artist needs to be able to draw on a person’s face. We have already depicted, now I will tell you how to draw a person’s eyes step by step with a pencil for beginners. Besides the fact that this is just part of the face, you need to understand that for each shape you need to depict different eyes. You also need to understand that the fullness of the eye and its color rendition can help you express your mood and mind. In fact, the eyes are the most difficult to draw, since they are mainly used to determine big picture. Has great value the pupil, eyelashes and corners of the eye, we will pay attention to these points and draw a more or less standard eye; novice artists usually train using this drawing.

We draw with a regular pencil, but if we draw with colored paints, we will have to work even harder, since color rendering is a difficult moment in the picture. I provide you with a master class on step by step drawing human eyes.

We immediately draw the lower eyelid, two lines, an elongated horizontal one and a small semi-vertical one.

Now there are a lot of elements to draw. On both eyelids we immediately draw a few eyelashes; it’s very good if they are drawn casually, for naturalness. Above the right eyelid we draw a semi-arc to complete the eye. And the most important thing at this step is to mark the boundaries of the pupil, a vertical arc on the right and a vertical arc on the left. On the left we even draw a small bulge, it is needed to diversify the eye and the pupil in particular.

Then we need to draw the pupil. On the left we make another arc, and it looks like the letter B. We draw a circle and in it another circle, sketch the central one. We also sketch top part pupil. And in the very central part it leaves a miniature oval not sketched. The direction of the lines with which we sketch parts of the eye is very important; they should be directed in different directions. For example, in the center of the pupil it is vertical, and just above the lines look diagonally down to the right.

Lightly draw all the lines of the eye and use very thin lines to sketch out the empty part of the pupil.

Many aspiring artists strive most to draw human faces. This is understandable: the face is the most important aesthetic component of the body, and orders for portraits are received much more often than, say, for images of feet.

If you have already more or less studied general structure human head, the initial construction and basics of chiaroscuro, you can begin to master the details. The most expressive part of the face is, without a doubt, the eyes - it is these that we will learn to draw today.

So let's get started!

First sketch out the outline of your eye. Designate general shape, outline the tear duct and eyelid.

Then draw the outlines of the iris and pupil, then outline the outline of the highlights and lightly shade the iris, avoiding the intended highlights.

In the next step, shade the pupil (make it darker right away to separate it from the iris). Start drawing the veins on the iris, and also draw a falling shadow from the upper eyelid. Do not press too hard on the pencil so that you can gradually build up the tone in the right places.

Draw the veins on the iris more carefully, work out the shadows over upper eyelid, and also draw a shadow under the bottom one. Use a thin edge of the cut elastic around the eye: on this light line we will draw the eyelashes.

Draw eyelashes - and the drawing will immediately take on a completely different look. The upper eyelashes cross, forming “triangles”. The lower eyelashes are usually much thinner, shorter and sparser than the upper ones. It would also be useful to work out the texture of the iris in more detail: apply dark spots and strokes, and gently erase tiny light areas.

It remains to work on the details. Strengthen all dark places: the pupil, the contour of the iris (its upper border is in the shadow, therefore darker), the lower border of the upper eyelashes. The shadows above the upper and lower eyelids also need to be made a little darker. Pay attention to the highlights: they should be as light as possible. Add volume to the eyeball by slightly enhancing the shadows and highlights.

This lesson will show you how to draw eyes step by step with a pencil.

I actually really love drawing eyes, I just love this part human face, because for everyone they are completely different and reflect our character, our mood and intentions. At first, when I was just learning to draw and was a very, very beginner, drawing eyes seemed to me something incredibly difficult and unattainable. However, when I read the tutorials that explained the whole essence of drawing an eye, it became much easier for me. So in this tutorial I want to show how you can draw beautiful eyes step by step, and it will be very easy! In addition to the eyes above, we will end up with an eye like this:

First, let's draw one eye, and then two at once, so that you can understand how to draw them evenly and correctly.

So, let's start learning how to draw the first eye, carefully read all the descriptions and repeat after me. If you don’t succeed the first time, there’s no reason to be upset, it’s just training.

The first thing we need to do is determine the size of the eye, its length. Let's draw a line like this - it should be slightly inclined. At the edges I limit this line with two short strokes. Note that the first lines should be very, very light and thin, and you should have an eraser at the ready if you decide to draw the eye with a pencil.

Draw smooth lines from the edges of the segment. We should get a shape that resembles an almond. Let's round off the protruding corner with a small line - look, it's already starting to resemble a real human eye, albeit drawn.

By the way, when you draw a person's eyes, it is very important that you have an example. Place a small mirror in front of you or open a photo of eyes - drawn or real. Examine carefully - see that the lower eyelid is not flat, but how you stick out? That is why I add another line below, with eyelashes growing along its lower border. Now we draw the iris and pupil - they are slightly hidden by the upper eyelid, but not always.

Next, arm yourself with an eraser and erase everything extra lines- the upper part of the iris, as well as those strokes that we left at the very beginning. Now we need to draw a fold at the top, as well as very small folds at the bottom and near the corner of the eye. note that appearance These folds can vary depending on what kind of eyes you draw - for example, in Asians these folds are almost invisible.

Our eye is almost done, now I draw the eyebrow on top and add eyelashes.

Now you know how to draw an eye step by step with a pencil, but that's not all. I need to add a little volume to the eye - I paint over the pupil and also add shading to the white of the eye.

The next step is to add shadows to the drawn eye - along the edges of the folds, but it all depends on the lighting. I also draw on the eyebrow hairs to make it look natural.

This is the drawing of the eye we came up with step by step. You can practice with a pencil, and then try to color your eyes with paints or colored pencils.

Did it work? It's time to send a photo of your drawn eye in the comments and try to draw two eyes with me at once.

The distance between the eyes is equal to the length of the eye, so we draw a straight line and divide it into three parts. It should look like this.

Add these slanted lines.

Focusing on the drawn base, we draw the shape of future eyes. We draw the lines one by one - first the upper lines of both eyes, then the lower ones, then we finish drawing the tear line - this way you will get symmetrical eyes. And, of course, we look at the basis.

Now we take turns drawing both the pupils and the iris of the eye. If you are afraid to draw crookedly or askew, first put one dot on each eye, see if everything is even, and then draw circles so that the dots are exactly in the middle.

Erase the extra lines outside the eye border and draw the upper folds on both eyes.

Add corner and bottom folds.

Next, I erase all those extra lines in the eye drawing. I draw the eyebrows a little higher, and add the bridge of the nose between the eyes so that the picture looks natural. When I drew these eyes, I looked at a photo of a celebrity's eyes, you can do the same or look at my drawing.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul of any character. Therefore, by correctly depicting the eyes, you can not only convey the mood, but also the character of the hero. With just the eyes you can make both a negative and a positive character.

We recently studied with you, and we made this lesson in addition to the lesson "". The naturalness of the image depends on how you depict the eyes in a portrait. Therefore, if you are a beginner artist, we advise you to first figure out how to draw eyes with a pencil, and then start drawing the entire portrait.

It is very important to be able to draw a classic female eye without unnecessary emotions. Once you learn how to display such a drawing, you will be able to draw more serious expressions. The superhero's eye is always on alert! It's wide open and has a lot of glare. This is the eye of the interested character. Shadows and highlights will add volume and realism to any eye. Their correct location can save even a not entirely successful drawing.
The eye, drawn by the artist’s hand, makes a colossal impression. And all because of the correct anatomy. All internal tissues and muscles of the eye are drawn correctly. It is very important to be able to draw not only eyes looking straight ahead, but also at a certain angle. For example, when looking up, the pupil reaches its maximum position, and the iris rolls behind the upper eyelid.
Wide open eyes inherent in a child or a young naive girl. With the help of such eyes, create the right image.
A frown is characteristic of capricious and daring heroines, or those who are overly self-confident. Therefore, try not to overdo it if you want to add just a little menacingness.
A difficult viewing angle is always a challenge, because the crystal of the eye requires volume, which is quite difficult to depict.
The eye in profile has a rather interesting appearance. As you can see, first you need to draw it yourself eyeball, and only then surround it with centuries. Don't try to press your eyelids too tightly.
The view from below is quite exciting. It is important here not to overdo it long eyelashes and curved lines. Don't forget to distort the crystal a little.