How to draw a snub nose with a pencil. How to beautifully draw a person's nose with a pencil. Let's start drawing the nose with simple markings

When people learn to draw, they initially try to reproduce the contours of an object, instead of its volume. This tendency is especially evident in portraits. But in drawing such parts of the face as the nose, it is very important to understand that this shape is three-dimensional, it is not just a contour. Of course there are different types drawing - linear, tonal... Therefore, the artist can draw a portrait with one line, without shading and without volume. However, at the learning stage, beginners need to learn that the nose, eyes, and lips are not a contour line, but a volumetric shape with chiaroscuro.

To do this, I drew a diagram that will help you understand the shape of the nose. If we simplify the drawing to geometric shapes, then the nose will look like a triangle. And this shape is convex, voluminous. That is, the nose will consist of three faces - two lateral and one central, which is called the dorsum of the nose. Depending on the direction of the light, one of these faces will be in the light, and the other two will be in shadow or partial shade. Keeping this in mind, you can quite easily “blind” volumetric form nose After the three edges are outlined, you need to draw the tip and wings of the nose (see what these names mean at the end of the article). To do this, you can outline three circles, since both the wings of the nose and the tip of the nose look like “balls”. After this, you can refine the drawing, moving away from geometry to real outlines.

In addition to the schematic image, I also completed a full step-by-step classic drawing of the nose. The illustration shows three main stages. On the first stage, construction is carried out. On the second, light shading of shadows is laid. At the third stage of drawing the nose, all the halftones and details are worked out. But whatever the stage of the drawing, the shading in the portrait needs to be “laid out” as if in brush strokes. Those. the strokes should form planes. In the second stage of my drawing, it is clear that these planes or faces are quite large and generalized. At the third stage, these planes become smaller, due to which the details are drawn in more detail. That is, the drawing is, as it were, “molded” with small planes or edges. It is similar to the work of a sculptor who uses his fingers to shape the clay into the desired shape. If you hatch too smoothly, the drawing will be less realistic and look like a plastic mask. Therefore, novice artists need to pay attention to this advice special attention, since this is rarely talked about, especially in educational drawing lessons on the Internet.

To learn how to draw a portrait, of course, it is not enough just to correctly convey the shape, sculpt the volume, etc. In a portrait you need to be able to reflect the character of a person. And character is reflected, among other things, in the individual shape of the nose. Yes Yes. Each person has their own unique nose. But this “variety of noses” can be divided into types. For example, a nose can be straight, hump-shaped, curved, etc. To visualize these features, I drew ten different types of noses. This drawing will help in conveying individual characteristics man in a portrait.

Well, at the end of this lesson, I’ll also list the main names in plastic anatomy nose, which can be traced according to the diagram below:

  • bridge of the nose;
  • bridge of the nose;
  • tip of the nose;
  • wings of the nose;
  • nostrils;
  • partition.

To draw a nose, it is not necessary to delve into its anatomical features. I suggest starting from simple geometric shapes, which are useful in drawing any complex and obscure shapes. And then gradually complicate these forms.

Drawing a nose using a simple shape

The average nose is symmetrical human face, located in its middle. And it can be schematically depicted in the form of such a trapezoidal shape.

This is such a figure, similar to a prism with an isosceles trapezoid at the base. The lines that form such a figure along the nose are not exact, they are arbitrary, but they will help to draw the nose symmetrically, find its size relative to the entire face, and catch the inclination of the nose.
As an example, I'll take this nose, located about three-quarters on the face.

That is, the trapezoidal shape in which the nose is placed also rotates three-quarters. I outline this shape along the most prominent points of the rounded surface of the nose.

What dimensions and inclinations should we estimate so that our nose corresponds to nature:
- the midline relative to which the nose is symmetrical, its slope and length

- dimensions of the front edge of the lower and upper trapezoid

- the width and inclination of the lower trapezoid, that is, how visible it is to us, how much the nose is turned up or down.

- width of the rear edge of the lower trapezoid

For this nose, this length coincides with the height of the nose from the tip to the forehead.
The directions highlighted in red practically coincide with each other (I will not mention the perspective, which slightly brings them together - that is, they are not strictly parallel, but slightly converge, but in this figure there is practically no such effect). That is, the direction of the nose coincides with the direction of the lips, eyes and face as a whole.

Once you have decided on this simple form, you can begin to refine the details.
There may be a hump on the upper edge, the nose can narrow and widen along this upper edge, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the bone in the nose. The place where the bone passes into cartilage may be quite clearly expressed, or may not be expressed at all.

The wings of the nose usually cause the most difficulty for students. We make sure that both wings, both above and below, are at the same level, and most importantly, we follow the nature: how the wings are rounded, what size they are, how visible the far wing is, or maybe it is not visible at all.

Under the wings of the nose there are nasal passages in the form of two holes. They are located symmetrically relative to the middle line and also at the same level. The nasal passage under the far wing may not be visible depending on how far the head is turned and how much it is obscured by the tip of the nose.

I outline the tip of the nose.

The sides of the nose blend smoothly into the cheeks.

We cover the nose with tone using shading

I cover the nose with tone using classic shading, which I apply according to the shape of the nose.
I start with the brightest and most contrasting place - with the falling shadow under the nose. Do not immediately apply the darkest areas with the full force of the pencil; when other elements are covered with tone, you can thicken them a little more if necessary.

The wings of the nose are characteristically rounded; I apply the stroke in the direction in which they are rounded. I leave the reflex.

Where the nose smoothly meets the cheeks, I also smoothly stretch the stroke from the side to the cheek.
The tip of the nose is rounded, I kind of round the stroke from one side of the tip to the other.

When creating a portrait, it is important to accurately depict all facial features. The nose occupies a central position on the face, so it immediately attracts all attention to itself. With all the variety of shapes and sizes, there are several rules that will help to depict it correctly.

Before you start drawing, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the nose and its components. The narrowest place of the nose is in the area of ​​the nasal bone, that is, in the bridge of the nose. The nasal bone of an adult is distinguished by the presence of a convexity, sometimes quite noticeable (hump). Children do not have such a bulge. The widest part is where the wings are located. If you look closely at the shape, you will notice that any nose is a bit like a pear. Pay attention to the differences in the structure of the nose in men and women, in adults and children. More often men's noses more massive, and women's - softer. Women's facial features, and therefore their noses, are smoother, often with pronounced roundness due to the presence of a larger amount of subcutaneous fat compared to men. The shape of the wings of a child’s nose is practically no different from the nose of an adult. But the child’s nasal bone is just beginning to form, so children’s noses are not only smaller, but also noticeably shorter and slightly curved upward, that is, they snub.

The nose of an adult necessarily belongs to one of three shapes: snub, straight or hump. It is important to remember that the tip of the snub nose is directed upward and located above the wings. If you are drawing a straight nose, place the tip and nostrils in line with the wings. When drawing a nose with a hump, you should pay attention that its tip is below the wings.

We start drawing the nose from the reference lines. On a piece of paper, draw a circle, which in the future will turn into a tip. From the circle, draw two parallel lines upward. At the bottom of the circle, mark two wings and future nostrils. Now draw a horizontal line, separating about a third of the circle - this is the location of the future brightest area at the tip of the nose. We lower the vertical lines to the line of the nostrils, bringing them together a little at the base of the circle. Try not to draw these lines with a lot of pressure, as later extra lines We'll do the laundry.

Now let's start shading. This will add volume to your drawing. It is advisable to apply the strokes as close to each other as possible, at the same angle. After applying the first hatch, carefully erase the auxiliary lines using an eraser. There is no need to remove them completely, just try to soften them as much as possible. Proceed to the second stage of shading, draw the line of the nostrils, make contrasting shadows.

It is much easier to depict a person’s nose from the side, in profile. To do this, you need to start the drawing with the same circle indicating the tip as in the previous method. Now place the second circle indicating the future wing. For a snub nose, the second circle should be slightly lower than the first, for a straight nose - on the same line, for a nose with a hump - above the base of the circle. Select the parts of the circles that represent the tip of the nose and the wing. Draw a loop for the nostril and extend the tip of the nose to the bridge of the nose.

Let's start shading. We do it in several stages. It is advisable to use pencils of different hardness to give different richness to the strokes. If you want to add softness to the image, use a piece of soft cloth and gently rub the strokes to obtain some haze.

Portrait is one of the most complex tasks in drawing. But the nose is the simplest part of the face, since it is the only static and practically motionless organ. Therefore, it is better to start training with him.

When drawing a human face, it is very important to correctly and proportionately depict all its parts: eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, ears. The integral perception of the future portrait depends on this skill. The nose is the most important part of the face. Often it is drawn disproportionately long or short, sometimes thick, sometimes thin. But there are certain rules step by step drawing this part of the human face. You need to learn how to draw it correctly in profile and full face, that is, from the side and straight on. Do you want to learn how to draw a nose step by step using a simple pencil, then follow our tips.

Method 1. Here we will draw the nose—the “straight” view. First you need to draw auxiliary lines. They are shown in blue. These lines are constructed in such a way that their shape resembles a flower vase. Top part The lines are narrowed, then widen downwards and connect there in the form of an angle.

Then, limiting ourselves to these lines, we will draw the features of the nose itself. In the middle, we begin to draw one side of the nose from the bridge of the nose with a small hump; at the bottom there is a slight expansion where we have the tip of the nose, from which the nostrils extend. On the other hand, there is also an expansion.

In the third picture we make two features above the bridge of the nose, which usually turn into the brow ridges. And at the bottom we frame the tip of the nose on both sides with widened nostrils.

Then we will show shadows on the bridge of the nose on both sides with strokes. At the bottom we will use another line to mark the tip of the nose. Then we erase the auxiliary lines, leaving only the main features of the drawing. The result is a nose from the front.

Method 2. Here you need to draw the nose from the side. To begin with, as usual, we make lines to help our future drawing. These are the blue lines. They are drawn using a ruler. Next, we begin to outline them, making the outline of the nose: the line of the nose with a hump, the tip of the nose and a small line under it. The third picture shows that you also need to make a small line above and a curl indicating the nostril.

Then, using the helper lines, we use strokes to show the features of the nose, make shadow areas and also add a curl line at the bottom, where the nostril is. Erase all unnecessary lines. We leave the actual drawing of the nose, which should be the final result.

A simple diagram will help you quickly and easily draw a nose, eyes, lips in a matter of minutes!

Many beginning artists, when drawing something, rely on their “eye” and the accuracy of the lines. But, in practice, they are faced with the problem that the drawing begins to “move”, despite the fact that it “seems to” correctly show the bend of a particular line.

And where do you start drawing a nose?

Off the line? Or are you looking for a simple geometric shape?

Here is the simplest diagram, which is the easiest way to start drawing a nose

There is a back, sides and a bottom plane. Then everything becomes much easier! Draw wings, nostrils; add the characteristics of a specific person and you're done!

If a rotation or angle is needed, accordingly, change the direction of the entire figure and then complete the details

And so with every detail of the face - you generalize, finding the simplest form; clarify, breathe life!

Read more... How to draw a nose, ears, eyes, lips, hair

look at my upcoming speeches on the Internet, which will take place:

September 18 at 20.00 at the Academy of Painting online we will draw noses from different angles; if we have time, we will touch on the “ears”;

September 19 at 19.00 on the Masaa project (entrance to the webinar room) we will study eye drawing schemes; Let's work on creating an expressive, lively look;

September 20 at 21.00 on the project “Secrets of the Masters” (register) - you will find out How to convey the volume, structure, liveliness of hair in male and female portraits.

September 21 at 20.00 - I will conduct my online Master Class, where we will “assemble all the puzzles” and work on the image as a whole. In addition, I will make an ANNOUNCEMENT of training programs at the School of Portrait!

For all Master Classes you will need:

a) sample photographs:

save it to your computer and print it in A4 format, b/w

b) materials:

  • on the first online MK - pencil, charcoal ( charcoal pencil), album sheets and erasers;
  • on the second online MK - you can also use coal (pencil); for the more “advanced” - let’s paint with a dry brush: oil paint “gas soot”, fluted bristle brush No. 35-50; watercolor paper, erasers, napkins;
  • on the third online MK - we use the same materials as on the previous two.

Once you have a simple algorithm, you can always “build” a nose, lips, eyes, etc.:

  • any complexity;
  • from any photograph;
  • regardless of lighting, rotation and angle

Put yourself a “reminder” in your phone, computer and

get ready to take part in the live broadcast

at Master Classes: September 18, 19, 20 and 21!