Library events about in Kaverina. Scenario of the literary excursion “The Path of Childhood” (based on the works of V.A. Kaverin). page “It seems that I was a bright boy”


This year marks the 115th anniversary of his birth Soviet writer, playwright and screenwriter, winner of the Stalin Prize of the second degree, Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin. Veniamin Kaverin is the author of about two dozen novels and stories, he wrote stories, fairy tales, dramatic works, essays and literary articles.
In honor of this event, the State Budgetary Institution “Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library” established interregional campaign to promote reading “Fight and search, find - and not give up!”, Anyone could participate in it. Children's library-branch No. 3 decided to become a participant.
WITH 10 to 19 April took place within its walls literary cruise “Dream! Read! Travel". The library subscription was issued book exhibition “Always Open Books”(12+). The librarians decorated a thematic shelf on which the writer’s works were presented, as well as encyclopedias about travel and sea adventures. The guys got acquainted with the writer’s work, and also shared their impressions of the books they read. Participated in the event 67 Human.

If I had not had my Pskov youth, I would not have written a single line.

V. Kaverin

The connection between a person and his place of residence is mysterious, but obvious.

P. Weil, “Genius loci.”

On April 21, 2015, a ceremonial meeting of the literary and patriotic club “Two Captains” was held, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the naming of the Pskov Regional Children’s Library after the writer V. A. Kaverin and the 20th anniversary of the opening of the monument to the heroes of Kaverin’s novel “Two Captains”.

The meeting brought together club members, friends and partners of the library: sailors, writers, poets, local historians, teachers, and youth.

The meeting began with the laying of flowers at the monument to the Two Captains, and the meeting itself became an evening of memories and summing up the results of jointly implemented projects.

The participants recalled numerous meetings with young members of the club, bright events, the long-term activities of the club, and the museum of the novel “Two Captains”.

The library has become a center of attraction for students of Kaverin’s work and a vibrant regional and all-Russian brand of Pskov. This is precisely what is connected with the holding of the All-Russian Kaverin Readings in Pskov, timed to coincide with the writer’s anniversaries. Writers, literary critics, local historians, teachers, librarians and readers take part in them. Participants in the readings explore the perception of Kaverin’s work by new generations of Russian readers, and also discuss the problems of the book and reading in general.

Library specialists have written and published many literary and local history manuals, which included new unique information, and made many presentations at venues Russian libraries and museums.

Over its history, the “Two Captains” teenage club has gathered hundreds and hundreds of children for meetings.

Visitors to the museum of the novel “Two Captains” were residents not only of Russia, but also from near and far abroad.

You can often hear your own saying on the street: “We need to go to Kaverinka.” On the eve of successfully passing the exam, students have a tradition of shaking hands with the bronze Sanya Grigoriev, who, together with Captain Tatarinov - another hero of the novel “Two Captains” - meets them at the entrance to the library. Swiftly moving forward towards a goal that is completely clear to him, Sanya Grigoriev and the romantic, sublime, raised on a pedestal Captain Tatarinov, very similar to the famous explorer of the North O. Schmidt, greet residents and guests of the city, readers of the library every day.

The name of the library - it happened! But first things first.

Since 1984, the children's library has corresponded with Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin. We received books and pages of manuscripts as gifts. In 1986, V. Kaverin came to Pskov for the 200th anniversary of school No. 1, the former men's gymnasium where he studied. This was the writer's last visit to the city of his childhood and youth. Then, during a visit to the library, he left a note in the book of honorary visitors: “I am sincerely glad that I was able to visit your library. At first glance, it is clear that it is run wisely, and it is not for nothing that the children and teenagers of my hometown love and appreciate it.” .

After the death of the writer, communication with his relatives continued, from whom we received as a gift Veniamin Aleksandrovich’s personal belongings, books, and objects surrounding V.A. Kaverina in last years. As a result, a huge amount of material was accumulated - letters, books, documents, memorial items of the writer.

In 1990, by order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Pskov Regional Children's Library was named after V.A. Kaverina.

In 1995, a sculptural composition of the literary characters of the book “Two Captains” was installed in front of the library building.

In 1996, the literary and patriotic club “Two Captains” began operating in the library. It brought together children and teenagers of our city, adults of a wide variety of professions. Among them: submariners, paratroopers, border guards, search engines, pilots, environmentalists, historians, architects, literary scholars, poets, artists. The meetings are opened by the bell, and initiation into club membership takes place in full accordance with the maritime regulations. Whatever the topic of the meeting, it is always an enriching communication. The history of the meetings was recorded in the "Watch Log".

In 1997, during the Kaverin Readings (an important library project), a memorial plaque was unveiled on the site of the house where Kaverin was born (not far from the library).

The Museum of the Novel “Two Captains” opened its doors in 2002; its creators set themselves the task of captivating and interesting children and adults in books, reading, and the history of their native city. The exhibits tell about the provincial Pskov and the family in which Kaverin grew up, about the history of the creation of the novel itself and the development of the Far North, about modern Russian aviation and the navy. The thematic blocks of the museum allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of different historical periods of our country that are relevant to the narrative. And in the center of the exhibition is a mast on which flutters a sail with the well-known motto: “Fight and search, find and not give up!”, against which excursionists love to take pictures.

The museum has unique specimens with their own amazing stories.

For example, visitors see a fragment of a stove from the site of the English polar explorer F. Jackson, which was on Cape Flora of the Northbrook Island of Franz Josef Land (expedition 1894-1897). It was the navigator Klimov who strove for this parking lot in the novel!

A real vertebra of a real whale (huge!) was found in the permafrost by a glaciologist (ice researcher) - it delights young visitors and makes them want to touch it.

The first volume of “Two Captains”, published in 1941, before getting into the museum, lay for 68 years in the cockpit of a Soviet Il-2 aircraft shot down near Demyansk (Novgorod region). Before his last flight, the deputy commander of the 2nd squadron of the 568th attack air regiment, Lieutenant Mikhail Gavrilov, read this particular book. Moreover, it was possible to reconstruct with a high degree of probability the day of the pilot’s last flight: April 30, 1942.

The inclusion of the library in the Golden Chronicle of Glorious Deeds for the 1100th anniversary of Pskov for the creation of the Museum of the Novel and the patriotic education of the younger generation (2003) became public recognition of its importance.

In 2014, in the reading room of the library, where the first and many subsequent meetings of the “Two Captains” club took place, a memorial plaque was unveiled to the founders of the literary and patriotic club “Two Captains”, and this is: poet, writer, publicist Stanislav Aleksandrovich Zolottsev, director of the regional children's library Alla Alekseevna Mikheeva, deputy director of the Pskov pedagogical complex Leonid Nikolaevich Trifonov.

The name Kaverin provided the library with the opportunity for many, many creative solutions. Library, museum, research center - our work is built along these vectors.

As soon as you enter our library, you open a living entrance to the provincial Pskov: on the walls of the ancient building there are several paintings - images of the city of the early twentieth century (written by the artist V. Lysyuk with vintage postcards), this is what the city was like during Kaverin’s childhood and youth. Next, visitors come face to face with a large portrait of the writer at the age when he began working on his future famous book(artist L. Davidenkova). Another picture is of a young writer in a circle of fellow writers - the “Serapion Brothers” (the name of the literary community). Pskov artist A. Shershnev painted a graphic portrait of V. Kaverin, which became “ business card» Kaverinsky readings.

The library focuses on the personality and work of the writer Kaverin, his study and promotion. This is confirmed by a variety of mass exhibition work. Readings are being held Mind games, competitions, quizzes

Kaverin readings received the status of All-Russian readings and are held in Pskov every 5 years, on the occasion of the writer’s anniversaries.

Chronology of Kaverin readings:

1987, Regional Literary Readings dedicated to the work of V.A. were held for the first time. Kaverina. They were dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the countryman writer.

1989, the year of the writer’s death, the First Kaverin Readings were held in memory of V.A. Kaverin.

1992, II Kaverin Readings, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the writer’s birth.

2002, IV Kaverin Readings, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the writer’s birth

Philologists and researchers of V.A. Kaverin’s work took part in the IV Kaverin Readings; their speeches were subsequently published in the anniversary collection and are available for reading in the book of Reading materials “Fight and seek, find and not give up!”

2007, V All-Russian Kaverin Readings.

2012 VI All-Russian Kaverin Readings: “Unmercenaries: the contribution of the intelligentsia to the development of Russian culture at the beginning of the 20th century using the example of provincial Pskov.” They were dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the writer V.A. Kaverin, whose childhood and youth were spent in Pskov, and the 10th anniversary of the museum of the novel “Two Captains”.

The program of the literary and local history conference included reports and messages in two blocks:

  • “The life and work of V.A. Kaverin”
  • "Enchanted by Pskov"

On the second day, participants and everyone else were offered excursion routes around Pskov, thematically related to the Readings program. There was also a literary evening dedicated to creativity poet, writer, translator, author of the anthem of Pskov S.A. Zolotsev, who was at the origins of the creation of the literary and patriotic club “Two Captains” in the library and was its co-chairman for many years.

On the third day, a celebration was held to honor the winners of the regional children's literary and artistic project “The Postman's Bag”.

During the Readings, the museum of the novel “Two Captains” held open days. Both permanent and new exhibitions were presented to visitors.

A representative of the Kaverin family, the guardian of literary heritage V.A. Kaverina, the writer’s granddaughter - T.V. Berdikova (Moscow).

As a result of the Readings, a collection of materials was published containing articles about new aspects of the writer’s life and work.

The “Postman’s Bag” library project has become widely known in the Pskov region and far beyond its borders.

The postman's bag is a museum exhibit that gave the name to the project, a kind of archive of the best creative works.

Among the goals of the project are the formation of motivation for creativity and the creation of conditions for the development and realization of the creative potential of children and adolescents. Every year the library offers a new topic for reflection and creativity. Themes are related to books, love of the motherland, respect for the past, life in modern world. The “Family Heirloom” competition brought together literary and artistic works dedicated to the history of memorable items kept in the family for many generations. “Pskov Around the World” showed how many amazing places there are in the Pskov region, popular and not the most popular, but dearly loved by those who live there. “It’s interesting to live in the world” - here the guys talked about their hobbies, including reading, music, dancing, traveling, sports. “Favorite childhood book” - literary works contained stories about books thematically related to the plot of “Two Captains”: about truth and untruth, betrayal and selflessness, friendly support and the courage not to give in to difficulties. The competition “In the Name of the Hero...” was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, and touching stories about little-known pages of people’s struggle against fascism and independence in our cities and villages appeared in the postman’s bag.

The newest competition “Letter to a Peer” was announced quite recently, we are waiting for essays in the form of letters to a real or imaginary peer, in which participants will talk about themselves, their lives, hobbies, friends, favorite books, films, music, etc. and sketches postage stamp with image characteristics small homeland of the senders.

One of the important functions of the Kaverin Library is the study and updating of the writer’s literary heritage. Our first publication - “Captains live among us” - is about the city of childhood famous author and the heroes of his works. Then the collection “Kaverin. Life and art" - new information on this topic. The illustrated brochure “Kaverinsky Pskov” became a gift for Pskov residents and guests of Pskov; with it you can walk around the city and look for legendary literary places. It turns out to be simultaneously a journey through the pages of the novel and through the streets of Pskov.

2012 marked the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the famous polar expeditions, led by captains Rusanov, Brusilov, and Sedov. The history of these travels formed the basis literary journey the hero of V. Kaverin’s novel “Two Captains” - Captain Tatarinov (“Holy Mary”). At this time, the idea arose of creating the Kaverin Dictionary - a kind of commentary on the book “Two Captains. At the same time, work was underway on the publication “Northern Saga,” the materials of which included information about Arctic expeditions, love stories of polar captains, as well as new materials for librarians trying to get today’s children interested in reading this unique novel.

For a number of years, the museum has been a practice base for students of the Pskov Faculty of Philology. state university. Based on museum materials, funds and information resources of the library, philology students conducted literary-historical research that is already in demand by our readers.

In the 2015 anniversary year, the library developed a program of interactive events for middle and high school students, “Born from Ensk.” The ongoing events: literary marathon, flash mob, competitions and exhibitions will give participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of V.A.’s books. Kaverina. The series “Reading Kaverin’s Tales” is addressed to children younger age. The literary marathon will collect videos of participants of different ages, capturing them while reading their favorite works by Kaverin. The photo competition “Next to the Two Captains” will give you the opportunity to get in touch with cultural environment city ​​and show the geography of places from where its many guests come to our city.

Of course, in the digital age it is impossible to do without a presence in the virtual space. An electronic resource “Two Captains” has been created on the library’s website, where you can find detailed information in numerous thematic sections.

In the year of two anniversaries, we received greetings from friends of the library, partners and colleagues. The city library congratulated us military glory Polyarny (Murmansk region).

“Our libraries are connected not only by painstaking work and introduction to the wonderful world of books, but also by the name of the wonderful writer Veniamin Kaverin.

For the Polar residents, Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin is not just a Russian, a Soviet classic. His novel “Two Captains” is a favorite book of many generations.

The image of one of the two main characters of the novel - Captain Tatarinov - makes us recall a historical analogy - the captain of the Arctic expedition Georgy Lvovich Brusilov. The expedition on the schooner "St. Maria" in the book actually repeats the travel dates and route of the legendary motor-sailing schooner "St. Anna", which in August 1912 left the Kislaya Bay harbor of Alexandrovsk (now Polyarny).

And the path to the goal of its two captains - the sailor-researcher Nikolai Tatarinov, and the military pilot Sani Grigoriev - ran through our city.

It is to the Arctic that they both owe their discoveries and fame. Like the brave heroes of the polar explorers, like the courageous defenders of the northern land, everyone who fought and did not give up.

In Polyarny I wrote the second part of my famous novel“Two Captains” Veniamin Kaverin.

We honor the memory of the writer, who became a fellow countryman, a friend, and a page in the chronicle of the city’s history for the Polar residents. Our main city square is named "Two Captains".

And since 2004, the library system of Polyarny has been holding Kaverin readings. Residents of Polyarny, the region and the region demonstrate their abilities, surprise with their talents, and delight with their creativity. Each time, the theme of the competition is determined by significant events related to the history of the glorious city of Polyarny, the Northern Fleet, and the Kola Arctic. We continue the writer’s tradition of seeing the beautiful, new and so mysterious in the northern land.

And today, collecting material bit by bit, communicating with witnesses of significant events in the life of the city, analyzing and researching, young Polar residents continue to write the chronicle of the city of military glory.

We are so far from you, friends, and so close. We are close to the desire to carry through the hearts of generations the names of the wonderful writers of the 20th century, because the works created by them now have the power of a document - a direct participant in events.

And we believe that the material evidence of history, no matter how distant in time it may seem, is also an argument for educating the younger generation in glorious traditions. We wish you that the flow of inquisitive readers does not dry out in the halls of your library, good health, prosperity, further creative success and public recognition!

The name of the writer has become a cultural resource of the library, which we develop, supporting the cultural continuity of generations, preserving the memory of the past and preserving its best traditions. Kaverin glorified Pskov by the very fact of life in our city and by his works, we pay tribute to his memory and sincerely hope that such work is noticed and appreciated by the people of Pskov. Our personal library is greatly inspired by the grateful reviews of the writer’s descendants:

“My father, Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin, always said that he was lucky. In fact, he was not always lucky. But every year it becomes more and more obvious that in one respect he was truly lucky - he was born in Pskov, a wonderful city where he is appreciated and remembered. Nikolai Kaverin. 2002

“With a feeling of deepest gratitude from our entire family scattered around the world to the custodians of the name of our father, grandfather, great-grandfather.” Tatyana Berdikova (eldest of granddaughters), Moscow. year 2012.

Tatyana Alekseevna Stepanova, head of the support sector

regional libraries for working with children and youth

Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth named after. V.A. Kaverina

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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The writer's real name is Zilber. Born on April 6 (19), 1902, in the family of the bandmaster of the 96th Omsk Infantry Regiment, Abel Abramovich Zilber, and his wife, née Hana Girshevna (Anna Grigorievna) Desson, the owner of music stores.

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His father Alexander Zilber was the bandmaster of the Omsk infantry regiment. Alexander Zilber was a man with extraordinary musical abilities; he spent a lot of time in the barracks, rehearsing army marches with soldiers' orchestras. On Sundays, a brass band under his direction played for the public in the Summer Garden on an open-air stage. The father delved little into the children's lives, and the family's financial situation was not easy. Most of the worries lay on the shoulders of the mother, who had a much greater influence on the destinies of her talented children. Anna Grigorievna was a highly educated woman, she graduated from the Moscow Conservatory as a piano major and passed on all her intelligence, energy and breadth of interests to her children. Anna Grigorievna gave music lessons, organized concerts for Pskov residents, and at her invitation they came to Pskov famous musicians, singers and dramatic artists

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Remembering myself in early childhood, Benjamin wrote: “I was amazed by everything - the change of day and night, and walking on my feet, while it was much more convenient to crawl on all fours, and closing my eyes, which magically cut me off visible world. The frequency of meals amazed me - three or even four times a day? And so all your life? With a feeling of deep surprise, I got used to my existence - it’s not for nothing that in childhood photographs my eyes are always wide open and my eyebrows are raised.”

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In 1912, Kaverin entered the Pskov gymnasium, where he studied for 6 years. He later recalled: “I was not good at arithmetic. I entered first grade twice: I failed because of arithmetic. The third time I passed the preparatory class exams well. Was glad. We lived then on Sergievskaya Street. I went out onto the balcony in uniform to show the city that I was a high school student.” The years of study at the gymnasium left a bright mark on Veniamin’s life; in all events of his student’s life he was an active and direct participant, and in 1917 he became a member democratic society(abbreviated as DOU)..

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The writer considered the winter of 1918, when German troops occupied Pskov, to be the border separating childhood and youth: “The Germans seemed to have slammed the door behind my childhood.” Books occupied the most important place in Benjamin’s life from the moment he learned to read. Reading amazed the boy with the ability to escape into another world and into another life. Veniamin Aleksandrovich recalled the role reading played in the life of Pskov youth at the beginning of the 20th century in the essay “Interlocutor. Notes on reading

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In 1919, Veniamin Zilber and his brother Lev left Pskov to study in Moscow. He took with him a modest wardrobe, a notebook with poems, two tragedies and the manuscript of the first story. In Moscow, Veniamin graduated from high school and entered Moscow University, but on the advice of Tynyanov, in 1920 he transferred to Petrograd University, at the same time entering the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at the Faculty of Arabic Studies.

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The pseudonym “Kaverin” was taken by the writer in honor of a hussar, a friend of the young Pushkin (introduced by him under his own name in “Eugene Onegin”). It’s already dark: he gets into the sled. “Fall, fall!” - there was a scream; His beaver collar is silvered with frosty dust. He rushed to Talon: he was sure that Kaverin was waiting for him there. He entered: and there was a cork in the ceiling, A current of comet wine splashed, Before him there was bloody roast-beef, And truffles, a luxury youth, French cuisine best color, And the Strasburg pie is imperishable Between the living Limburg cheese And the golden pineapple.

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In 1922, Veniamin Kaverin married the sister of his friend Yuri Tynyanov, Lydia, who later became a famous children's writer. In this happy and long-lasting marriage, Veniamin and Lydia had two children - Nikolai, who became a Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor and academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and daughter Natalya, who also became a professor and Doctor of Medical Sciences.

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In 1923, Kaverin published his first book, “Masters and Apprentices.” Adventurers and madmen, secret agents and card sharpers, medieval monks and alchemists, masters and burgomasters - whimsical fantasy world Kaverin’s early “desperately original” stories were populated by very bright personalities. “People play cards, and cards are played by people. Who will figure this out? Gorky called Kaverin “a most original writer” and advised him to take care of his talent: “This is a flower of original beauty, form, I am inclined to think that for the first time such a strange and intricate plant is blooming on the soil of Russian literature.”

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The novel “Fulfillment of Desires” was published in 1936, but the novel “Two Captains” really saved Kaverin, otherwise the writer could have shared the fate of his older brother, academician Lev Zilber, who was arrested three times and sent to camps.

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The novel “Two Captains” was rumored to have been liked by Stalin himself - and after the war the writer was awarded the Stalin Prize. The novel "Two Captains" became the most famous work Kaverina.

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During the Great Patriotic War, Veniamin Kaverin was a special front-line correspondent for Izvestia; in 1941, Leningrad front, in 1942-1943 - in the Northern Fleet. His impressions of the war were reflected in wartime stories and in post-war works - “Seven Evil Couples” and “The Science of Parting”, as well as in the second volume of “Two Captains”.

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In 1944, the second volume of the novel “Two Captains” was published, and in 1946 a decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks was issued on the magazines “Zvezda” and “Leningrad”. Mikhail Zoshchenko and Anna Akhmatova, whom Politburo member Zhdanov called a “scum” and “harlot” in his report, immediately found themselves isolated. Many “friends”, having met Zoshchenko on the street, crossed to the other side, but Zoshchenko and Kaverin had an old friendship and their relationship did not change after the Central Committee resolution.

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State budgetary professional educational institution
Pskov region
"Pskov College professional technologies and service"
Scenario of the literary excursion “On the Path of Childhood...”
students of groups PR10-15
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Antonova Elizaveta
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“We all come from childhood...” - many of us have heard this phrase more than once from the famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. However, hardly anyone has thought about the importance of childhood in our lives. We all want to grow up! A lot of time must pass for a person to understand that childhood is not just a carefree time, it is an important time in everyone’s life.
To such an understanding already in mature years Our fellow countryman, writer and screenwriter Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin also came (portrait from the album). The real name of Veniamin Alexandrovich is Zilber. The pseudonym “Kaverin” was taken by the writer in honor of a hussar, a friend of the young Pushkin (introduced by him under his own name in “Eugene Onegin”). V.A. Kaverin, 17 years of whose life were spent in Pskov, almost all of his literary heroes"settled" on ancient land. As he himself admitted, “every line I wrote is somehow connected with Pskov. In the panorama of Pskov I see myself as if in a mirror. If I had not had my Pskov youth, I would not have written a single line.”
We are located on Sovetskaya Street near the main post office. Previously, this street was called Velikolutskaya, and the building that stood on the site of the modern post office belonged to Semyon Khmelinsky. It was in that building in 1902 that our fellow countryman, the famous writer Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin, was born. The building has not survived to this day. It was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. But we can see it in old photographs taken by V. Kaverin’s contemporaries (photos from the -12763569913500299656569913500 album).
Veniamin Kaverin was born into a family of musicians. First they lived in Zapskovye, where the regiment was stationed, then in the house of Baroness Medem on Sergievskaya Street (now Oktyabrsky Prospekt), not far from the governor’s house, and as their financial situation worsened, they moved to Gogolevskaya Street, to the house of honorary citizen Babaev (these houses have not survived) . The family was large, complex, “unfriendly,” as the writer later noted, and remarkable in its own way, noticeable in a small provincial town. Father - Abel Abramovich Zilber - a man with extraordinary musical abilities; Devoted to the army, he spent whole days in the barracks, rehearsing army marches with soldiers' orchestras. On Sundays, a brass band played for the public in the Summer Garden on an open-air stage. Constantly busy, the father delved little into the lives of his children and into the financial situation of the family, which was not easy. These concerns lay on the shoulders of the mother, who had a much greater influence on the fate of her talented children. Anna Grigorievna was a highly educated woman, she graduated from the Moscow Conservatory as a piano major and passed on all her intelligence, energy and breadth of interests to her children. Anna Grigorievna gave music lessons and organized concerts for Pskov residents. At her invitation, famous musicians, singers, and dramatic artists came to Pskov. In the evenings after the concerts, when 12-15 people sat at the table, the family discussed the next event in cultural life cities, argued, lived for a long time with these impressions. All children were musically gifted.
In 1919, Veniamin Zilber and his brother Lev left Pskov to study in Moscow. He took with him a modest wardrobe, a notebook with poems, two tragedies and the manuscript of the first story. In Moscow, Veniamin graduated from high school and entered Moscow University, but on the advice of Tynyanov, in 1920 he transferred to Petrograd University, at the same time entering the Institute of Oriental Languages.
Despite the fact that Kaverin spent most of his life in St. Petersburg, his soul always visited Pskov, his yard and places familiar from childhood. In difficult moments of his life, he recalled those carefree, dreamy moments that the writer spent in his beloved city. Concept autobiographical novel“Illuminated Windows” prompted Kaverin to revisit his beloved city after a long separation. The writer noted significant external changes, but through them the dear features of the city he knew from childhood still appeared through them: “And before I wrote about Pskov - in stories, in the novel “Two Captains.” But, starting to write this book, I went back to my hometown and only now recognized it, as one recognizes the half-forgotten features of an old friend after a long separation. He has changed. Both the new and the old have gotten better. Tarred black boards stretch over the fortress walls, cone-shaped cones cover the towers, lattice gates made of logs one and a half girth lock the outposts. Restorers boldly used wood - a painting without wood Ancient Rus' not full. Impressions of formidable confidence are mixed with a sense of authenticity, incomprehensible sadness with admiration for the proportionality of proportions. Pskov’s taste did not change in the matter of war either.”
Today we will have the opportunity to look at Pskov with different eyes. Through the eyes of a man who spent his childhood here, within the walls of this city, who left a special mark on the writer’s fate.
2. Lenin Square.
We are located on Lenin Square. Imagine that this monument, beautiful buildings, and square are not here... Isn’t it hard to imagine this? We see this every day, and everything is familiar to us. This square was just as familiar and significant to V.A. Kaverin. The writer often mentions it in “Two Captains” and describes it in detail in the story “The End of the Khaza”: “A bridge was thrown across the river. That hour, behind the bridge, a square began - in the fall, careless children drowned there; behind the square there were pot-bellied iron rows, ancient buildings with stone awnings along the facade, behind the iron rows there was again a square where glass shops were once crowded.” In Kaverin’s works this square is called Bazarnaya. Previously, it really had that name (photo from the album).
In ancient Pskov there was a Trade Square, extending south of the Dovmontov city. Due to the proximity of the Kremlin, as well as the mouth of the Pskova River, which flows into the Velikaya River, this particular site seemed to our distant ancestors the most suitable for establishing the main city market, because There was a water trade route here.
On Trade Square, the leaders of the uprisings of the urban poor, Timofey Kudekusha, Gavrila Demidov and others, spoke to the people.
In pre-revolutionary times, Torgovaya, or Market Square, remained the main place of city trade. In April 1919, the Pskov Provincial Executive Committee renamed Bazarnaya Square to Sovetskaya.
288226513716000571513716000And only after the end of the war, as a result of reconstruction, the square completely changed its appearance. The shopping arcades were removed, and builders erected a new cinema, “October,” here. By decision of April 10, 1963, the City Executive Committee renamed Sovetskaya Square to Lenin Square.
It is no coincidence that the market square appears so often in Kaverin’s works. It was here that the life of the Pskov residents was concentrated.
Market Square, and now Lenin Square, adjoins, as we know, the “heart” of Pskov - the Kremlin. This place occupies a special place in Kaverin’s works. Repeatedly, the author describes places familiar to us at moments that are significant for the characters. One of these moments is when the heroes of the novel “Two Captains” take an oath, which will become the life motto not only of the heroes, but also of many young people who fell in love with this book.

291782548196500-99060413385003. Cathedral Garden.

We are entering, so to speak, the “heart” of Pskov – the Kremlin. The walls of the fortress are immediately visible. If you go deeper into history, you will find out that the fortress was built to protect the city.
The territory of 215 hectares was fenced by 4 belts of stone fortifications with a length of 9 km. The fortress was attacked more than once, but, as you can see, it was perfectly preserved, and all because the people who built this wall had a special secret. Walls and towers were built from limestone using lime mortar. The secret was that the lime itself was slaked for many years in special pits, and a small amount of sand was added to the finished solution. In modern construction, cement is the binding solution. Often two parallel walls were built, and the space between them was filled with construction waste, and in cross-section the wall turned out to be three-layered. This method was called "backfilling".
We approached the Cathedral Garden, which Kaverin mentioned in his works, and each time in a new way (photo from the album). Now it is difficult to imagine that there was once a garden in this place, but during Kaverin’s childhood it was a favorite place: “We sat in the Cathedral Garden. On the other side of the river we could see our yard and very small houses.” This is how Kaverin describes the Cathedral Garden in the novel “Two Captains”. Years will pass, and the perception of your favorite childhood place will become a little different: “The moon was shining through the small crooked window. Light decorations stood along the walls, as if going down the steps into the garden, where thin shadows of leaves and branches lay along the alleys. This was the garden where Sasha and I walked sedately in red fezzes (for some reason, children then wore red Turkish fezzes). But now this garden seemed mysterious and unfamiliar to me. The jasmine bushes seemed to be circling above the ground. In the alleys, on the silvery shell of the stage, lay the shadows of small leaves and branches.” Many years later, the garden is perceived by the writer differently. This is a mysterious, unfamiliar garden, which nevertheless keeps the secrets of childhood.
671830281749500 We all know the famous phrase: “Fight and search, find and not give up.” It is the Cathedral Garden that will become the site of the oath of Sanya Grigoriev and Petka Skovorodnikov from the novel “Two Captains”, who decided to escape to Moscow. Here is this oath: “Whoever breaks this word of honor will not receive mercy until he counts how much sand there is in the sea, how many trees are in the forest, how many raindrops fall from the sky. If he wants to go forward, send him back; if he wants to go to the left, send him to the right. As I hit the ground with my hat, so thunder will strike the one who breaks this word of honor. Fight and seek, find and not give up.”
4. Confluence of two rivers.

The place where we are now is called “iron” by V.A. Kaverin in his work “Open Book” (photo from the album): “We were now on the “iron” - that was the name of the highest place on the embankment, here the Tape went around it at an angle. From the “iron” Pustynka was visible, and I looked at the dome of the monastery church, now sparkling, now darkening when the clouds stopped between it and the sun.” Why do you think? (Answers) Indeed, part of the protruding fortress wall, like an iron, “cuts” water surface. Obviously, like the heroes of the novel, Kaverin himself admired this place as a child, which could tame children’s curiosity and instill “adult” hope. In “Consecrated Windows” another name for this place will appear - lattice. Their arrangement was necessary to protect the river and the city (photo from the album): “As a boy, I did not notice all the beauty of these gardens on the mountains, sloping streets, high embankments, diverging at an angle from the Grids - this is still the name of the place where the two rivers confluence: Peshinki and Quiet..."
The names of the rivers in the work are also noteworthy: Peshinka and Quiet. It is symbolic that Kaverin gives such names to the Great River and Pskov, which flows into it. Why do you think Quiet and Sandy? (answers from excursion participants). In our opinion, the Great is called Quiet, because... even in inclement weather it remains “calm”; we will not see stormy waves on it. By calling Pskova a Grain of Sand, Kaverin, it seems to us, is not so much indicating its small size as expressing a reverent attitude towards it. In the novel “Open Book,” the writer calls Pskova Braid, apparently hinting at its elegance and beauty.
Indeed, in clear and sunny weather this place is simply mesmerizing. Ducks huddle on the banks of the river, and the sky is reflected in the water, the sun warms up, and you can enjoy this landscape forever. Now we can understand why Kaverin often talks about this place. What does a person need in childhood? Of course, your own place where you can dream, admire nature and just be alone.
5. Embankment of the Velikaya River.

3139440413194500We are located on the embankment. Previously, it looked completely different: under people’s feet there were no paths, as there are now, but there was ordinary earth, sometimes with gravel. Moving along the embankment, we come to the place where in Kaverin’s time there was a pier, which the author speaks of in the work “Two Captains” (photo from the album): “He [father] was returning late from the pier: steamships now came every day and loaded not flax and bread, as before, but heavy boxes with cartridges and parts of guns” or “The pier is now on the other side, and on this there is a boulevard planted with linden trees, which have remained the favorite trees of our city. But on the day when I was carrying a pot of cabbage soup in a bundle and potatoes to my father, on the site of this boulevard there were booths built for workers; Along the fortress wall, grain bags and bags were stacked in pyramids; wide planks were thrown from the barges to the shore, and the loaders shouted: “Hey, watch out!” – wheelbarrows littered with goods rolled towards us. I remember the water at the pier with greasy mother-of-pearl stains, the worn-out pillars on which the piers were thrown, the mixed smell of fish, tar, and matting.”
292036538036500 6. Olginsky Bridge.

We walk a little further and approach the Olginsky Bridge, which also has its own history. The first mention of the bridge across the Velikaya in Pskov dates back to 1463, when a floating bridge was built. Kaverin mentions it in his work “Two Captains” (photo from the album): “But I seem to see this picture in front of me: quiet banks, a widening lunar road straight from me to the barges of the pontoon bridge and on the bridge two long shadows of running people.”
The writer often recalls the Great and its environs in his works. In the novel “Illuminated Windows,” alluring romantic pictures often appear: “On the Olginsky Bridge, the Great One is white below, frosty darkness descends from the sky, a star falls before he can make a wish. She asked: “Is it cold?” - and disappeared, as if melting in the milky light of gas lamps...” or “Soft shadows slid across the Great, dissolving in the approaching dusk. Behind the Olginsky Bridge the dark boats of fishermen stood motionless. The long rod suddenly cut out, describing a semicircle, and the knife fell with a slight splash.” And we move further along the embankment.
In 1983, V. Kaverin wrote the stories “The Riddle” and “The Solution,” later combined into the story “The Sixteenth Anniversary.” Their action takes place in the small town of Bartenev. The ancient monastery described in the story on the river bank is reminiscent of Mirozhsky.
The Pskov Spaso-Preobrazhensky Mirozhsky Monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in Russia, located on the left bank of the Velikaya River at the confluence of the small river Mirozhka. The name of the river comes from the word “mrezhi”, “network”, because Since ancient times there have been fishing near the monastery.
A little further away we can see the silhouette of the Pokrovskaya Tower, which is also a frequent “heroine” of Kaverin’s works.

7. Pokrovskaya Tower.

The Pokrovskaya Tower is the most powerful fortress tower in Pskov, one of the largest in Europe - the outer length in circumference is 90 m, five tiers. Built by Pskov masons at the end of the 15th – beginning of the 16th centuries, it was repeatedly updated in the 17th century. On September 8, 1581, during the six-month siege of Pskov by the Poles during the Livonian War, a fierce battle between the Pskovites and the troops of Stefan Batory broke out here. The fierce battle ended late at night: the Poles, holed up in the dilapidated Pokrovskaya Tower, surrendered. The Pskovites lost 863 people killed and 1,626 wounded when repelling the assault; Poles' losses were six times greater. Kaverin recalls this heroic defense of Pskov in the story “The End of Khazy”: “The civil war, which rumbled across Russia with machine guns from Baku to the Kola Peninsula, did not spare this city, built at the confluence of two rivers and surrounded stone wall, which Stefan Batory once hammered with stone cannonballs with great persistence.” It is noteworthy that the author mentions Pskov when talking about the events Civil War in Petrograd. This suggests that Pskov with its ancient history, with its legends and traditions, has always been in Kaverin’s heart. He was not just present in him as a memory, he filled the writer’s soul with a special state, a special feeling - a feeling of pride and admiration. It should be noted that the so-called “Batory Break” (photo from the album) appears more than once in Kaverin’s works. Perhaps it was here that young Benjamin, like the heroes of his novel “Two Captains,” plunged into the mysterious world of children’s fantasies: “I quickly ran along the shore to the Breach: brushwood for the fire was stacked here. Towers were visible in the distance - on one bank Pokrovskaya, on the other Spasskaya, in which, when the war began, a military leather warehouse was built. Petka Skovorodnikov assured that devils used to live in the Spasskaya Tower and that he himself saw how they moved beyond our shore - they crossed over, flooded the ferry and went to live in the Pokrovskaya Tower. He assured that the devils love to smoke and drink, that they are sharp-headed and that among them there are many lame, because they fell from the sky. They got divorced in the Pokrovskaya Tower and in good weather they go out to the river to steal tobacco, which the fishermen tie to their nets in order to bribe the waterman.”
V. Kaverin’s childhood memories were always associated not only with a carefree boy’s life, but also with the period of study at the Men’s Gymnasium.
8. School No. 1 named after. L.M. Pozemsky.

In 1912, Kaverin entered the Pskov Men's Gymnasium, where he studied for six years (photo from the album). In “Illuminated Windows” Kaverin admitted: “I was not good at arithmetic. I entered first grade twice: I failed because of arithmetic. The third time I passed the preparatory class exams well. Was glad. We lived then on Sergievskaya Street. I went out onto the balcony in uniform to show the city that I am a high school student.”
Kaverin entered second grade with a certificate of merit, which, unfortunately, has not been preserved. In his memoirs, V.A. Kaverin writes: “When we moved to third grade, the war began. The gymnasium changed noticeably during the war years.” During the First World War, the main headquarters of the Northern Front under the command of General A.N. Kuropatkin was located in the gymnasium building. Junior classes They studied secondarily at the Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium.
At the end of May 1916, a review took place on the parade ground near the Pogankin Chambers, after which the director of the gymnasium A.G. spoke. Gotalov and General Kuropatkin.
Let's look at Pskov in 1915 through the eyes of high school student Venya: “A twelve-year-old high school student walks through the city, raising the collar of his overcoat. It’s cold, the collar gently rubs my frozen ears. It's nice, but from time to time you still have to take off your gloves and rub your ears with your hands. There is no scarf, the father taught the children to walk like a military man, without a scarf. The house of the leader of the nobility on Kokhanovsky Boulevard: the nobility had its own leader, like the savages in the novels of Gustav Emar. Here is the Summer Garden, the house of the flower grower Gulyaev, and to the left is Zastennaya.”
-35687028384500284289528321000Now there is a memorial plaque hanging at school No. 1.
292036543180000-13970441960009. Pogankin chambers.

No less legendary than the Pokrovskaya Tower is the building where we are located. These are Pogankin's chambers (photo from the album). The building was built in the 1670s. Kaverin in his work “Two Captains” tells a story that still surrounds this place with a certain mystery: “The day before we agreed to go to the city museum. Sanya wanted to show us this museum, which Ensk was very proud of. It was located in the Pagankin Chambers - an old merchant building, about which Petya Skovorodnikov once said that it was filled with gold, and the merchant Pagankin himself was walled up in the basement and whoever entered the basement would be strangled. And indeed, the door to the basement was closed, and on it hung a huge lock, probably from the 12th century, but the windows were open, and through them the carters threw firewood into the basement.”
-270510461010263461546101010. Monument "Two Captains".
We are located near the building of the youth library, which bears the name of V. Kaverin. (photo from the album). Our route is crowned by a monument to two captains - Captain Tatarinov and Sanya Grigoriev, the main characters of the novel “Two Captains”. The writer was not destined to live to see the monument erected. Its opening took place in July 1995 and became a great holiday for Pskov residents. However, I was lucky enough to see the draft monument to the writer. Kaverin gave positive assessment the idea of ​​sculptors M. Belov and A. Ananyev.
Some may have a question: “Why is this monument located in Pskov? Why not in another city? The city of Ensk, photographically accurately described by V. Kaverin in the novel “Two Captains,” had a prototype. It was our city of Pskov - the city of childhood and youth of the author of the book. It is surprising that Kaverin remembers the smallest details of his childhood spent in Pskov. And this is no coincidence. It was Pskov that became for Kaverin a kind of pioneer of various aspects of life. The author himself spoke about this in the novel “Illuminated Windows”: “For the first time in my life, I spoke at meetings, defended fifth-grade civil rights, wrote poetry, endlessly wandered around the city and surrounding villages, rode boats on the Great, fell in love sincerely and for a long time.” . The word “for the first time” in this quote becomes key, since it is what gives childhood a taste of uniqueness. Like L.N. Tolstoy, Kaverin believed that childhood plays a major role in the development of personality. It is during these years that a person develops his own views on life, develops moral values, in a word, the foundation is laid that will become a reliable support in a person’s future life. The task of every person is to never forget about this wonderful and important time. This idea is heard in the epigraph to the novel “Illuminated Windows,” where V.A. Kaverin quotes the words of P. Picasso: “You have to spend a lot of time to finally become young.”
An excursion to the museum of the novel “Two Captains” will help us plunge into childhood and feel its significance in a person’s life. I would like to note that this is the only museum in Russia that is dedicated to one work. (Excursion to the museum)

Municipal educational institution

Podgorenskaya average comprehensive school №1

Voronezh region

Literary living room

Roman V. Kaverina

"Two Captains" - book

for all time.

Extracurricular activity summary

VIII class

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Lakhina Yulia Petrovna

Municipal educational institution Podgorenskaya secondary school No. 1

Podgorensky municipal district

Voronezh region

P.g.t. Podgorensky



    Expand students' understanding of art world V. Kaverin on the material of the novel “Two Captains”.
    To form students’ ideas about meaning human life, its values.
    Education of honor and duty.


Reading good books reveals to us

hidden in our own soul



Progress of the lesson.

    Org moment.
    Teacher's opening speech.

Application. Presentation. Slide 2.

Dear Guys! There are a great many books in the world: scientific and artistic, Russian and foreign, ancient and modern, interesting, educational, bright, memorable...
In our age of high technology and universal computerization, no matter what, none of us can do without reading. The great thinker D. Diderot once said: “People stop thinking when they stop reading.” It's surprising, but a chance encounter with a good book can change a person's destiny forever. After all, a book contains the best part of a person: his soul, and therefore a book is the same necessity for people as bread, sleep, air and the sun. One cannot but agree with Charles Piermont, who argued that reading good books reveals to us the thoughts hidden in our own souls. These words, guys, will become the epigraph to our conversation today about one wonderful book and the amazing Russian writer who created this unique work. Of course, you guessed that we are talking about Veniamin Kaverin’s novel “Two Captains”. Guys, in preparation for our meeting today, I re-read this novel again and was again excited and happy about meeting the book. I really want this one good book became a discovery for you too, made you stop and look around, look at yourself from the outside: how do I grow and live on earth? What is happening to me? The time has come, dear friends, to pose such questions and answer them. In today's lesson we will learn this, and we will also develop our reading taste and ability to understand the writer. III. A word about Veniamin Kaverin.

Application. Slide 3.

Guys, let's take a closer look at the writer Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin. Here is his portrait. Notice how tenderly and wisely the eyes shine on this serious, concentrated face, how kindness and attention emanate from the entire appearance of this amazing person. Veniamin Kaverin’s life motto was the words: “Be honest, don’t pretend, try to tell the truth and remain yourself in the most difficult circumstances.” It is these life principles the writer treasured and was guided by them all his life. Student's message about the biography of V. Kaverin.

Kaverin Veniamin Aleksandrovich (1902 - 1989), prose writer.

Born on April 6, 1902 in Pskov in the family of a musician. In 1912 he entered the Pskov gymnasium. “My older brother’s friend Yu. Tynyanov, later a famous writer, was my first literary teacher, who instilled in me an ardent love for Russian literature,” Kaverin will write. As a sixteen-year-old boy, he came to Moscow and in 1919 graduated from high school here. Wrote poetry. In 1920 he transferred from Moscow University to Petrograd University, simultaneously entering the Institute of Oriental Languages, and graduated from both. He remained at the university in graduate school, where he was engaged in scientific work for six years and defended his dissertation in 1929. In 1921, together with M. Zoshchenko, N. Tikhonov, Vs. Ivanov was the organizer literary group"Serapion's Brothers" It was first published in the almanac of this group in 1922 (the story “Chronicle of the city of Leipzig for the year 18...”). In the same decade, he wrote short stories and novellas (“Masters and Apprentices” (1923), “The Suit of Diamonds” (1927), “The End of Khaza” (1926), a story about the life of scientists “The Scandalist, or Evenings on Vasilievsky Island” (1929 ). I decided to become a professional writer, finally dedicating myself to literary creativity In 1934 - 36 he wrote his first novel, “The Fulfillment of Desires,” in which he set the task not only of conveying his knowledge of life, but also of developing his own literary style. It worked, the novel was a success. The most popular work Kaverin became a novel for young people - “Two Captains”, the first volume of which was completed in 1938. The outbreak of the Patriotic War stopped work on the second volume. During the war, Kaverin wrote front-line correspondence, military essays, and stories. At his request, he was sent to the Northern Fleet. It was there, communicating daily with pilots and submariners, that I realized in which direction the work on the second volume of “Two Captains” would go. In 1944, the second volume of the novel was published. In 1949 - 56 he worked on the trilogy "Open Book", about the formation and development of microbiology in the country, about the goals of science, about the character of a scientist. The book gained popularity among the reader. In 1962, Kaverin published the story “Seven Evil Pairs,” which tells about the first days of the war. In the same year, the story "Slanting Rain" was written. In the 1970s he created a book of memoirs, “In an Old House,” as well as a trilogy, “Illuminated Windows,” and in the 1980s, “Drawing” and “Evening Day.” V. Kaverin died on May 2, 1989.

Application. Slide 4.

Teacher: No matter who or what Kaverin writes about, he talks about what fascinates him and what he knows well. Friendship - main topic, throughout the writer’s life, she meant too much to him. " Lost time“It’s not a failed job or an unfulfilled desire, but years when you don’t see friends.” Books by V. Kaverin (on slide 4).
IV. "Two Captains" is a book for all times." Book exhibition.

Application. Slide 5.

You have read one of the best works by V. Kaverin. The novel “Two Captains” is a sublime and romantic story about the love of young people, in which, like a drop of water, a great story is reflected great country. It intertwines love and hatred, heroism and betrayal, romance and faith in justice. “Fight and search, find and don’t give up!” - under this motto, the orphan boy Sanya Grigoriev, having overcome all difficulties, finds his place in life.
Student message about the book “Two Captains.”
The first volume of V. Kaverin's novel "Two Captains" was first published in 1938, the second volume was published in 1944. The book was published several hundred times; has been translated into more than 10 foreign languages; children and adults read it. In 1946, Kaverin was awarded the USSR State Prize for the book “Two Captains”. The plot of the book is based on real events. The story of Sanya Grigoriev reproduces in detail the biography of Mikhail Lobashev, later a famous geneticist and professor at Leningrad University. V. Kaverin met him in the middle30s, and this meeting prompted the writer to create a book. “Even such extraordinary details as the muteness of little Sanya were not invented by me,” the author admitted. Another prototype of the main character was the military fighter pilot Samuil Klebanov, who died heroically in 1943. It was he who initiated the writer into the secrets of flying skill. The image of Captain Tatarinov brings to mind several historical analogies at once. In 1912, three Russian polar expeditions set sail: one, to the ship "St. Foka", headed by Georgy Sedov; the second - Georgy Brusilov on the schooner "St. Anna", and the third, on the boat "Hercules", was led by Vladimir Rusanov. All three ended tragically: their leaders died, and only St. Phocas returned from the voyage. The expedition on the schooner "St. Maria" in the novel actually repeats the travel dates and route of the "St. Anna", but the appearance, character and views of Captain Tatarinov make him similar to Georgy Sedov.The words “Struggle and seek, find and never give up” are a quote from a poem by the English poet Alfred Tennyson. They are carved on the grave of polar explorer Robert Scott, who died in 1912 during his return journey from the South Pole. V. Leafing through the pages of a great book...

Application. Slide 6.

Guys, I hope you enjoyed reading The Two Captains.You know, the undoubted sign of any good book is that you like it the more the more often a person turns to it. Let us today, my dears, look through the pages of this amazing book again, remember our favorite episodes, and experience the joy of communicating with our favorite characters. I suggest you break our memories into several parts, the names of which you see on the screen.1. So, "Old letters"... Student message. One day in the city of Ensk, on the river bank, a dead postman and a bag of letters were found. Aunt Dasha read one letter out loud to her neighbors every day. Sanya Grigoriev especially remembered the lines about long-distance polar expeditions... Sanya lives in Ensk with her parents and sister Sasha. By an absurd accident Sanin the father is accused of murder and arrested. Only little Sanya knows about the real killer, but due to muteness, from which the wonderful doctor Ivan Ivanovich will only later save him, he cannot do anything. The father dies in prison, after some time the mother gets married. The stepfather turns out to be a cruel and vile man who tortures both his children and his wife. After the death of her mother, Aunt Dasha and neighbor Skovorodnikov decide to send Sanya and her sister to an orphanage. Then Sanya and his friend Petya Skovorodnikov flee to Moscow, and from there to Turkestan. “Fight and seek, find and not give up” - this oath supports them on their journey. The boys get to Moscow on foot, but Petka’s uncle, whom they were counting on, has gone to the front. After three months of almost free work for speculators, they have to hide from inspection. Petka manages to escape, and Sanya ends up first in a distribution center for street children, and from there to a commune school. Sanya likes it at school: he reads and sculpts with clay, he makes new friends - Valka Zhukov and Romashka.2. Tatarinovs. Student message. One day, Sanya helps carry a bag to an unfamiliar old woman who lives in the apartment of the head of the school, Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov. Here Sanya meets Katya, a pretty, but somewhat prone to “wondering” girl with pigtails and dark, lively eyes. After some time, Sanya again finds herself in the familiar Tatarinov house... The Tatarinovs’ apartment becomes for Sanya “something like Ali Baba’s cave with its treasures, mysteries and dangers.” Nina Kapitonovna, whom Sanya helps with all the housework and who feeds him dinner, is a “treasure”; Marya Vasilievna, “neither a widow nor a husband’s wife,” who always wears a black dress and often plunges into melancholy, is a “mystery”; and the “danger” is Nikolai Antonovich, as it turns out, Katya’s cousin. Nikolai Antonovich’s favorite topic of stories is his cousin, that is, Marya Vasilievna’s husband, whom he “cared for all his life” and who “turned out to be ungrateful.” Nikolai Antonovich has long been in love with Marya Vasilievna, but while she is “merciless” towards him, her sympathy is rather aroused by the geography teacher Korablev who sometimes comes to visit. Although, when Korablev proposes to Marya Vasilievna, he is refused. On the same day, Nikolai Antonovich gathers the school council at home, where Korablev is sharply condemned. It was decided to limit the activities of the geography teacher - then he would be offended and leave. Sanya informs Korablev about everything he heard, but as a result, Nikolai Antonovich kicks Sanya out of the house. Offended Sanya, suspecting Korablev of betrayal, leaves the commune. After wandering around Moscow all day, he becomes completely ill and ends up in the hospital, where Doctor Ivan Ivanovich saves him again.3. Katya's father. Student message. Four years have passed - Sanya is seventeen years old. Goes to school theatrical performance, it is here that Sanya meets Katya again and reveals his secret to her: he has been preparing to become a pilot for a long time. Sanya finally learns from Katya the story of Captain Tatarinov. In June 1912, having stopped in Ensk to say goodbye to his family, he set out on the schooner “St. Mary” from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. The expedition did not return. Maria Vasilievna unsuccessfully sent a request for help to the tsar: it was believed that if Tatarinov died, it was through his own fault: he “carelessly handled government property.” The captain's family moved to Nikolai Antonovich. Sanya often meets with Katya: they go to the skating rink and the zoo together. At the school ball Sanya and Katya is left alone, but their conversation is interrupted by Romashka, who then reports everything to Nikolai Antonovich. Sanya is no longer accepted by the Tatarinovs, and Katya is sent to her aunt in Ensk. Sanya beats Romashka, it turns out that in the story with Korablev it was he who played fatal role. And yet Sanya repents of his action - with heavy feelings he leaves for Ensk. In his hometown, Sanya finds Aunt Dasha, old man Skovorodnikov, and his sister. Once again Sanya re-reads the old letters - and suddenly realizes that they directly relate to the expedition of Captain Tatarinov! With excitement, Sanya learns that none other than Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov discovered the Northern Land and named it in honor of his wife Marya Vasilievna, and that it was through the fault of Nikolai Antonovich, this “terrible man,” that most of the equipment turned out to be unusable. The lines in which Nikolai’s name is directly mentioned are blurred by water and are preserved only in Sanya’s memory, but Katya believes him. Sanya firmly and decisively denounces Nikolai Antonovich in front of Marya Vasilievna and even demands that she be the one to “bring charges.” Only then does Sanya realize that this conversation completely defeated Marya Vasilievna, convinced her of the decision to commit suicide, because Nikolai Antonovich was already her husband by that time... The doctors are unable to save Marya Vasilievna: she is dying. At the funeral, Sanya approaches Katya, but she turns away from him. Nikolai Antonovich managed to convince everyone that the letter was not about him at all, but about some “von Vyshimirsky” and that Sanya was guilty of the death of Marya Vasilievna. Sanya can only intensively prepare for admission to flight school, so that one day he can find Captain Tatarinov’s expedition and prove that he is right.4. The navigator's diary. Fight and search! Student message. Last time Having seen Katya, Sanya Grigoriev leaves to study in Leningrad. He studies in flight school and at the same time works at the factory. Finally, Sanya achieves an appointment to the North. In the city of the Arctic, he meets with Doctor Ivan Ivanovich, who shows him the diaries of the navigator of the “St. Mary” Ivan Klimov, who died in 1914 in Arkhangelsk. Patiently deciphering the notes, Sanya learns that captain Tatarinov, having sent people to search for land, himself remained on the ship. The navigator describes the hardships of the campaign and speaks of his captain with admiration and respect. Sanya understands that traces of the expedition must be looked for in the Land of Mary. From Valya Zhukov, Sanya learns about some Moscow news: Romashka has become “the closest person” in the Tatarinovs’ house and, it seems, is “going to marry Katya.” Sanya constantly thinks about Katya - he decides to go to Moscow. In the meantime, he and the doctor receive an assignment to fly to the remote camp of Vanokan, but find themselves in a snowstorm. Thanks to a forced landing, Sanya finds a hook from the schooner "St. Mary". Gradually, a coherent picture is being formed from the “shards” of the captain’s story.5. Find and don’t give up! Student message. In Moscow, Sanya plans to give a report on the expedition. But Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov interferes with him. Katya leaves the Tatarinovs' house. Now she is a geologist, the head of the expedition. Sanya returns to the North. Five years pass. Sanya and Katya, now Tatarinova-Grigorieva, live on Far East, then in Crimea, then in Moscow. Eventually they settle in Leningrad. Sanya takes part in the war in Spain, and then, when the Great Patriotic War begins, he leaves for the front. One day Katya meets Romashka again, and he tells her about how, while rescuing the wounded Sanya, he tried to get out of surrounded by Germans and how Sanya disappeared. Katya does not want to believe Romashka; in this difficult time she does not lose hope. And indeed Romashka is lying: in fact, he did not save, but abandoned the seriously wounded Sanya, taking away his weapons and documents. Sanya manages to get out: he is treated in a hospital, and from there he goes to Leningrad in search of Katya. Katya is not in Leningrad, but Sanya is invited to fly to the North, where battles are already taking place. Sanya, having never found Katya either in Moscow, where he simply missed her, or in Yaroslavl, thinks that she is in Novosibirsk. During the successful completion of one of the combat missions, Grigoriev’s crew makes an emergency landing not far from the place where, in Sanya’s opinion, they need to look for traces of Captain Tatarinov’s expedition. Sanya finds the captain's body, as well as his farewell letters and reports. And returning to Polyarny, Sanya also finds Katya at Dr. Pavlov’s. In the summer of 1944, Sanya and Katya spend their vacation in Moscow, where they see all their friends. Sanya needs to do two things: he gives testimony in the case of the convicted Romashov, and in Geographical Society His report about the expedition, about the discoveries of Captain Tatarinov, about who caused this expedition to die, is a great success. Nikolai Antonovich is expelled from the hall in disgrace. In Ensk, the family gathers around the table again. Old man Skovorodnikov in his speech unites Tatarinov and Sanya and says that “such captains move humanity and science forward.” VI. Captain Tatarinov.

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Friends, the life story of Kaverin’s heroes and the history of the entire country flew before our eyes. In my opinion, it is impossible not to dwell in more detail on the image of a man who did not spare his own life in the name of the Motherland. This is a real hero, Captain Tatarinov. Student message. Kaverin didn’t just come up with the hero of his work, captain
Tatarinova. He took advantage of the history of two brave conquerors of the ExtremeNorth. One of them was Sedov. From another he took the factual history of himtrips. It was Brusilov. The drift of "St. Mary" is absolutely accuraterepeats the drift of Brusilov’s “Saint Anna”. So, how did Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov grow up? He was a boy born into a poor fishing family on the shores of the Azov Sea. In his youth, he worked as a sailor on oil tankers between Batumi and Novorossiysk. Then he passed the exam to become a “naval ensign” and served in the Hydrographic Directorate, enduring the arrogant non-recognition of the officers with proud indifference. Tatarinov read a lot and took notes in the margins of books. He argued with the great traveler Nansen. Either the captain “completely agreed” or “completely disagreed” with him. He reproached him for the fact that, without reaching the Pole, somefour hundred kilometers, Nansen turned towards the ground. Brilliant idea: “The ice itselfwill solve its problem” was written there. On a piece of yellowed paper,dropped out of Nansen’s book, it was written in the hand of Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov:“Amundsen wishes at all costs to leave to Norway the honor of discoveringNorth Pole, and we will go this year and prove to the whole world thatRussians are capable of this feat.” He wanted, like Nansen, to pass through,further north with drifting ice, and then reach the Pole on dogs. In mid-June 1912, the schooner “St. Mary” left St. Petersburgto Vladivostok. At first the ship followed the planned course, but in the Kara Sea"St. Mary" froze and slowly began to move north along with the polarice. Thus, willy-nilly, the captain had to refuseThe initial intention was to go to Vladivostok along the coast of Siberia. "Butevery cloud has a silver lining! A completely different thought now occupies me,” he wrote inletter to my wife. There was ice even in the cabins, and every morning we had to cut it outwith an axe. It was a very difficult journey, but all the people held up welland would probably have accomplished the task if the equipment had not been delayed, and if the equipment had not been so bad. The team owed all its failures to the betrayal of Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov. Of the sixty dogs that he sold to the team in Arkhangelsk, most had to be shot on Novaya Zemlya. “We took a risk, we knew that we were taking a risk, but we did not expect such a blow,” wrote Tatarinov. “The main failure - a mistake for which we have to pay every day, every minute - is that I entrusted the equipment of the expedition to Nikolai ... » Among farewell letters captain turned out to be a map of the filmed area andbusiness papers. One of them was a copy of the obligation according to whichthe captain renounces any remuneration in advance, all fishingthe booty upon returning to the “Mainland” belongs to Nikolai AntonovichTatarinov, the captain is responsible with all his property to Tatarinov inin case of loss of the vessel. But despite the difficulties, he managed to draw conclusions from his observationsand the formulas proposed by him allow us to subtract speed and directionice movements in any area of ​​the Arctic Ocean. It seemsalmost incredible if we remember that the relatively short drift"St. Mary" passed through places that, it would seem, do not provide data forsuch broad results. The captain was left alone, all his comrades were killed, he could no longerwalk, was freezing while walking, at rest stops, couldn’t even warm up while eating, frozelegs. “I'm afraid that we're finished, and I don't even have hope that you someday you will read these lines. We can't walk anymore, we're freezing as we go,at rest stops, even while eating, there’s no way to warm up,” we read his lines. Tatarinov understood that it would soon be his turn, but he was not at all afraid of death, because he did more than he could to stay alive. His story ended not in defeat and unknown death, but in victory.At the end of the war, making a report at the Geographical Society, Sanya Grigorievreported that the facts that were established by the captain's expeditionTatarinov, have not lost their significance. Thus, based on the study of driftscientists hypothesized the existence of an unknown island between the 78th and 80th parallels, and this island was discovered in 1935. Constant drift setNansen, was confirmed by the journey of Captain Tatarinov, and the formulascomparative movements of ice and wind represent a huge contribution toRussian science. Photographic films of the expedition, lying in the ground nearthirty years old. On them he appears to us - A tall man in a fur hat, in furboots, tied under the knees with straps. He stands, stubbornly bowinghead, leaning on a gun, and a dead bear, folding its paws like a kitten,lies at his feet. This was a strong, fearless soul! Everyone stood up when he appeared on the screen, and such silence, suchsolemn silence reigned in the hall that no one dared even breathe,let alone say a word. “...It’s bitter for me to think about all the things that I could have done,If only they hadn’t helped me, but at least they hadn’t interfered with me. One consolation is thatthrough my labors new vast lands were discovered and annexed to Russia...” -We read the lines written by the brave captain. He named the earthhis wife, Marya Vasilievna. Teacher: Courageous and clear character, purity of thought, clarity of purpose - all this reveals a man of great soul. And Captain Tatarinov was buried like a hero. Ships entering the Yenisei Gulf see his grave from afar. They pass by her withflags are at half-staff, and funeral salutes are fired from cannons. The grave is built of white stone, and it sparkles dazzlingly under the rays of the never-setting polar sun. Carved at the height of human growth the following words: “Here lies the body of Captain I.L. Tatarinov, who made one of the most courageous journeys and died on the way back from the Severnaya Zemlya he discovered in June 1915. Fight and search, find and don’t give up!” That is why all the heroes of the story consider I.L. Tatarinov is a hero. Becausethat he was a fearless person, fought against death and, despite everything.achieved his goal.
VII. Sanya Grigoriev. Guys, after everything that has been said about the life and feat of the second captain from Kaverin’s book, Sanya Grigoriev, the best addition to the characterization of this image will be the song “Captains of Our Own Destiny.”

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    Take care of your honor from a young age.
- Guys, what work of Russian literature does the epigraph refer to: “Take care of honor from a young age”? - Yes, of course, this is Pushkin’s story “ Captain's daughter" What do these two works have in common? What unites the main characters A.S. Pushkin and V.A. Kaverin? - Let’s try to draw parallels between the heroes of the works and find a correspondence between the images in Pushkin’s story and in “Two Captains” by V. Kaverin.

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- Reflecting on the actions that the heroes of the works commit, we constantly return to the word “honor”. V.I.Dal in " Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" defines the word "honor" as "the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience." - Is honor a purely noble quality or is it a universal concept? Prove your idea based on the novel “Two Captains.” IX. Museum of the Great Book.

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This rarely happens. But if it happens, then this is evidence of nationwide love and gratitude. I'm talking about the monument to the heroes of V. Kaverin's novel “Two Captains”. The monument was erected in 1995 in Pskov, the writer’s hometown. And a museum of this book has been created in the Pskov Regional Library...

X. "Nord-Ost"

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On October 19, 2001, the premiere of the musical “Nord-Ost,” based on Kaverin’s “Two Captains,” took place in Moscow. This musical proved by its own example that not only on Broadway, but also in Moscow you can play a play for years, drawing full houses every day. It was customary for the whole family to come to “Nord-Ost”: people of different generations find this performance important and interesting for themselves. Until now, no one in our country has repeated such success: in Moscow, over the course of 15 months, the musical was shown 411 times. In 2003, Nord-Ost received the Golden Mask theater award.

XI. Afterword...

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Reading text from a slide.

Guys, I hope you enjoyed our meeting with the novel “Two Captains”. And most importantly, I really want to hope that the book did not leave any of you indifferent...