Does Vitaly Savchenko have a girlfriend? Vitaly Savchenko: “for me, the “dancing” project is an adventure. "You can't see the world linearly"

"You can't see the world linearly"

– Vitaly, in the questionnaire for the project you wrote that it is an adventure for you. Why is that?

– Like everything in life, I tried not to attach too much seriousness to the “DANCE” project. Although, to be honest, it didn’t always work out. I have this philosophy: everything that comes, I easily accept and let go. I am grateful to all the events and people I have met for giving me experience, impetus, and lessons. The “scenery” changes, and I move on without clinging to the past. Of course, I’m being clever now, and I’m not always able to perceive reality this way... But I’m trying! You cannot live by one thing or see the world linearly. There are a lot of interesting things around. I know from my previous experience that if I took the project too seriously, the result would be worse.

– I read that you do not strive to constantly work in any one group and dance only where it is interesting. Describe the team you would like to stay with?

– Now I understand that this is even bad. I guess I'm running away from myself. If I’m in a group for a long time, I don’t like a lot of things, and I start to get nervous. In addition, I am quite emotional and hot-tempered. Another reason is that I constantly want new knowledge and sensations.

If I feel that I am no longer inspired by people or that I have nothing to learn from them, I immediately leave.

Ideal team? Hmm... The one where I would be the soloist (Smiles). It is important that there are talented people there with whom I would think in the same direction. So that you can learn, exchange experiences, engage in creativity and not think about money. After all, there are a lot interesting work, which, unfortunately, is not paid...

"I know how to be alone"

– I know that you have your own fan club. The guys, inspired by your performances, start dancing or strive to grow in their own direction. Is it important for you to inspire someone?

– To be honest, I’m not sure that this is so. It's nice that people pay so much attention. They give me gifts with their own hands, they tell me a lot kind words. But that's not my goal. Like many artists, mine is a little selfish: I want to go on stage and receive the love of the audience. And in return, give them your energy.

You can dance cool in the hall too. If a person likes it, I'll say "well done", but my goal is to be on stage.

– Who inspires you?

– First of all, my incredibly talented friends. Just after the project I began to value friendship more. They are also associated with art - dancers, choreographers. To be honest, I even envy their genius.

Secondly, great artists, for example, Lyudmila Gurchenko. For the last couple of years, she seems to be walking invisibly next to me, in the sense that I watch a lot of her interviews and films in which she starred.

The fact is that at the beginning of the project I had strong pressures in front of the camera. The director asked me: “Which artist do you like?” I named Gurchenko. He asked to characterize her. I answered: “Confident, with a good sense of humor, direct, sincere.” Then he gave advice: “Try not to imitate her, but to adopt all these traits that you named.” Since then, I began to actively study her work, working on myself.

Thirdly, my mother inspires me. We have very a good relationship, but since childhood it turned out that I’m always trying to educate her. It was only recently that I realized how incredible she is. She does everything in life with love, she is very purposeful, kind and sometimes even naive, like a child.

– Probably, you will also look for a soul mate who is similar to your mother? There is such a belief...

– I never had such a goal. I believe in love for the world, life, people, but I don’t believe in what is called relationships. I've seen enough when they betray each other, and then continue to live together. This, of course, is everyone's business. And maybe I think so because I haven’t met my person yet. Recently I heard the phrase: “If you can be alone, then you can be with someone.”

I can be alone. Perhaps life will give me a surprise in the form of a soul mate.

“Life is a constant learning experience”

– Don’t be afraid to speak directly, boldly express your thoughts, don’t think about what they will say about you. I always worry if they don’t approve or judge me, I want to please everyone. So, this is exactly what you need to be free from and live without regard to other people’s opinions! Maybe, of course, I have become arrogant... But now I set myself this task. A recent incident. I look at the photos after the next concert and think: “This is cool, I turned out with a new hairstyle!” And in the comments, someone will definitely write: “freak.” This is also freedom of expression, of course. But it’s terribly annoying that people don’t look further. The same was true about the hairstyle with which I came to the project. Remember? Straight blonde bangs. Many said: “under the potty.” Who cares, let a person express himself.

Therefore, I try not to criticize people myself, and with both hands for any freedoms.

– I also came across a lot of posts about thoughts that get in the way. How do you cleanse your mind?

– I read Osho’s books, listen to audio meditations. He talks about how to find harmony within yourself.

And one of his postulates says: “Theory is nothing.” I will honestly say that so far I have 80% theory and only 20% practice. IN Lately It’s hard for me to practice because I’m always in a group.

But this is also a lesson.

Life is a constant learning experience.

– What do you like to talk about in dance?

– I used to love to dance to philosophical songs, dramatic works. These genres are hard for me now. For example, on the project I had a “solo album” from this series. I was so tuned in to him that then I couldn’t get out of this state for a long time, it was very difficult. For some time I walked like a plant, without thoughts or desires.

Now I prefer the club format, sexy, catchy dances. You go on stage and exchange crazy energy with the audience...


Vitaly Savchenko is a finalist of the first season of the “DANCES” project, dancer, teacher of master classes.

Education: Graduated from the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

How I started dancing: when Vitaly was 6 years old, his mother sent him to a dance group.

Profession: choreographer modern choreography, artist.

Favorite expressions: Unfortunately or fortunately, the truth is simple - never return to the same places.

Text: Marina Chaika

Photo: official group project

Vitaly Savchenko is a talented dancer who, by the age of 22, has already achieved a lot: he took part in major dance projects, a 3D dance musical, and performed with famous artists, choreographed, gave master classes in Ukraine and Russia. He is equally good at contemporary music, jazz-funk and hip-hop. Vitalik is developing in all directions of modern choreography. Both as a dancer and as a choreographer. However, first things first.

Vitalik was born on November 2, 1992 in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. He started dancing at the age of 6. After school, he moved to Kyiv and entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts, majoring in choreography. It was then that Vitaly met Yulia Samoilenko, who was applying for the same specialty.

The first significant event in Savchenko’s dance career was participation in the 3D musical “Baron Munchausen” in 2010. He was barely 18 years old at the time. “Baron Munchausen” is perhaps the largest dance show in Ukraine. Tickets for the premiere sold out in a month. For four months, from Wednesday to Sunday, spectators came to watch a magnificent dance fairy tale from the genius of choreography Konstantin Tomilchenko. Each performance attracted sold-out crowds, and after it ended, queues lined up for the dancers' autographs.

Vitalik had cameo role in “Baron”, but even it testifies to his highest level already at the age of 18 - the selection of dancers was very careful, for several months they rehearsed daily, studied the classics - this is a huge school that contributed to Vitaly’s development as a high-class dancer.

And the main roles in the musical were played by Evgeny Karyakin, Natalya Ligai, Katya Bukhtiyarova, Sergey Zmeek, Artem Gordeev and others. Unfortunately, there is no video of “Baron Munchausen” on the Internet, so I will only share with you photographs.

A year later, many members of “Baron” came to the casting of the 4th season of the “Everybody Dance” project. Vitalik was among them. Then he had not yet even turned 19, but the talented guy was selected for the final - TOP-20. Vitalik’s partner on live broadcasts was Yulia Kudinova, a famous dancer from St. Petersburg, who also took part in “Dancing”, leaving the project at the “TOP-50” stage, after group choreography, which was staged by the participants themselves. Vitalik and Yulia lasted in the project for 4 broadcasts and left it, entering the TOP 14 best dancers of Ukraine in 2011.

At the first concert, Yulia and Vitalik danced swing, after which they were immediately nominated. Fortunately, the judges decided to leave the guys in the project.

In the second broadcast, Savchenko and Kudinova got hip-hop. Despite the fact that the couple’s performance was choreographed by a foreign choreographer, Yulia and Vitalik were again nominated. But, just like a week earlier, they managed to get away with it.

In the next, third broadcast, Vitaly Savchenko and Yulia Kudinova danced jazz. This was their most successful performance on the project, after which the participants even managed to avoid nomination.

But not for long. The fourth concert is rumba, and again a nomination. This time there is no chance of staying. The judges could not save the couple so many times. Vitalik Savchenko and Yulia Kudinova simultaneously left “Everybody Dance-4” at the TOP-14 stage. But this can be called an excellent achievement for Vitaly, because he was barely 19 years old! And Vasily Kozar, a very famous choreographer today, won in season 4, by the way.

And now, attention, exclusive!

Quite by accident I found the rarest information while preparing this article. So, in 2011, Vitaly Savchenko also took part in the 3rd season of the project “Ukraine’s Got Talent” as part of the dance group House People. This team consisted of 3 guys (one of whom was Vitalik) and a girl - Pena!!! Yes, yes, the same Foam from DANCING on TNT! Moreover, I dug up for you a video of their performance + an interview in which Pena talks about how she sucked a pacifier until she was 3 years old))) Well, look!

After the project “Everybody Dance-4”, Vitaly Savchenko’s life begins to new stage— he actively gives master classes in many cities of Ukraine, during the break between which he continues to develop and improve in different styles, and also dances in show ballets of Ukrainian and Russian stage. Around this time, Vitaly met and worked with Miguel. And on December 10, 2012, Vitalik gave his first master class in Moscow, reaching a new level for himself - an international class choreographer. He is also actively invited to winter and summer dance camps.

Another important stage Vitaly Savchenko's dance career dates back to the spring of 2013. He and another dancer, Nikita Vasilenko, were selected as candidates for participation in the dance Eurovision 2013 from Ukraine. The guys spent a whole month preparing under the guidance of famous choreographer, Tatyana Denisova, after which one of them was chosen - Nikita Vasilenko, who performed at Eurovision. But even this nominal 2nd place for Vitaly is very expensive.

By the way, Tatyana Denisova loves and appreciates Vitaly very much as a dancer. And she has a diamond eye. She often invites him as her assistant to master classes. The last such performance was at the TOP-20 All-7 Dance selection. Vitalik, together with Yana Zayets, performed Denisova’s choreography to demonstrate to the project participants.

IN Last year Before the Dances, Vitaly developed and improved a lot as a choreographer. Here are some videos of his latest work.

Here Savchenko acts only as a performer:

For those who are interested in Vitalik’s personal life: for some time he dated Maria Kozlova, the winner of the 1st season of “Dancing Without Rules” on TNT, a participant in “Dancing”, who was only 1 step away from getting into the TOP-25.

Vitaly Savchenko took 2nd place in the 1st season of DANCE on TNT. He was just a little short of victory! After the project, Vitalik began a stormy and eventful life: master classes, performances, concerts as part of a tour.

I am sure that this talented dancer and choreographer will surprise us more than once with his new creative achievements!

P.S. And for those who haven’t read - my articles about the participants in the first season of DANCE on TNT.

Choreographer and dancer Vitaly Savchenko was born on November 2, 1992 in Dnepropetrovsk. From childhood he showed great mobility and grew up as an energetic child. Mom immediately realized that her son’s energy needed to be directed in the right direction, so she set about selecting a suitable section or circle. However, my son’s choice fell only on the modern choreography club. Vitaly Savchenko's wife still exists only in his imagination. He doesn’t want to rush into making a choice, because he takes such a serious step very seriously.

After graduating from school, Vitaly left hometown and left for Kyiv, where he became a student at the University of Culture. After graduating from university, the guy received the profession of choreographer of modern choreography. Already at the age of eighteen he managed to take part in famous production musical "Baron Munchausen", staged by Konstantin Tomilchenko. The premiere was a huge success with the audience, and the aspiring dancer gained his first fans.

In 2014, Vitaly took part in the talent show “Dancing”. Its organizers were looking for talented dancers not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. Unusual appearance at first it did not play into the hands of the talented guy, but over time no one doubted his prospects. He managed to go all the way and reach the very final, eventually taking an honorable second place.

The mentors of the “Dancing” project concluded that Vitaly is not only a bright, but also a versatile dancer. He has not limited himself to one style; he is constantly eager to experiment and look for something new. He is very creative person. As a dancer, he has such necessary qualities as plasticity, presence own style and mannerisms. Dancing takes the main place in his life, relegating everything else to the background. For a very long time he strived to do what he loved and finally found himself. Now the guy enjoys doing what he loves.

The personal life of Vitaly Savchenko now occupies a secondary position in the list of his priorities. Dancing comes first everywhere for him. He dated a girl named Maria for some time, but over time the couple broke up. The guy was not very upset about this and began to engage in work and creativity with even greater dedication.

In general, finding that person who is ready to be with him all his life is quite difficult. After all, not every girl will agree to take second place and tolerate the fact that her man will always give priority to work. Girls need a lot of attention and serious relationship and family require even greater dedication. Vitaly is not ready for this yet.

As for plans for the future, for now the choreographer does not plan to start serious romances or start a family. He wants to achieve maximum success in the creative field, and only then think about family. After all family relationships can interfere with the development of his career, taking up more time and requiring a certain amount of attention and dedication. Nevertheless, the guy does not exclude the possibility that when the time comes, he feels that he is ripe to create a new unit of society, then he will certainly meet on his way the only one who will accept him for who he is and will be there all his life.

Vitaly Savchenko is a dancer, choreographer, finalist of the 1st season of the TNT channel choreographic show and participant in the “Battle of the Seasons” project. It doesn't work in dance group, and performs as an independent dancer. Today Vitaly gives master classes and participates in dance festivals, appears as a jury or invited guest.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Igorevich Savchenko was born in Dnepropetrovsk on November 2, 1992. The boy grew up active and energetic, so his mother decided to channel the excess energy in the right direction. Vitaly began attending sections and clubs, but settled only on modern choreography.

Vitaly Savchenko and Anna Tikhaya - Indian dance

According to professional mentors, Savchenko is a universal dancer who does not limit himself at all dance styles and loves to experiment, and therefore working with such a guy is especially interesting. His plasticity, unique manner and style make him stand out from the crowd.

In the spring of 2015, after the completion of the project, a tour of dancers around Russian cities was organized. The main participants of the 1st season of the show went on tour. In addition to Savchenko, they were Slava, Yulia Samoilenko, Anna Tikhaya, Ilya Klenin and others. The tour was called “The First Club Concert” and took place in 15 cities across the country. Alexey Korolev acted as the host of the concerts. The event took place in Moscow on March 20, 2015.

In 2016, the “Dancing” project announced a special series of episodes called “Battle of the Seasons.” Of the 49 participants in seasons 1 and 2, the jury selected 20 people. Again the teams of Miguel and Yegor Druzhinin competed in the show.

Vitaly Savchenko and Elena Golovan - “Dissimilar”, Quest Pistols Show

Vitaly Savchenko qualified for new competition and again ended up with Miguel. On the same team with Savchenko were Miguel’s wards from seasons 1 and 2: familiar dancers Anna Tikhaya, Alisa Dotsenko, Anton Panufnik and contestants from season 2, .

At the fifth competition concert, Vitaly himself prepared the choreography of the number together with Miguel, and Savchenko came up with the ninth performance entirely on his own.

First place in the “Battle of the Seasons” was taken by Anton Panufnik, second place by Druzhinin’s team. Vitaly Savchenko left the project after the ninth competitive concert and did not make it to the finals, which was a real shock for the fans.

Vitaly Savchenko is a brilliant dancer who, despite his small age, managed to really achieve a lot. Now his face is familiar to almost all residents of Russia and even abroad. After all, at the age of 25, the guy has already taken part in several large-scale dance shows, bright musicals, collaborated with real celebrities, and also organized master classes and even performed choreographic performances.

Vitaly prefers to develop in literally all existing directions of choreography: he is excellent at hip-hop, waltz, swing, and other styles. According to viewers, it was Vitaly Savchenko who became the most talented and charismatic participant in the dance project “Dancing”, which was broadcast on TNT.

The future dancer was born on November 1, 1992 in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk. From an early age the boy showed excessive energy, mobility and activity. His mom didn't know where to send this a large number of energy, so I sent him to various classes and clubs. So at the age of 6 the boy found himself in dance school, where he really liked it. Despite his versatility, Vitaly gave his preference to dancing. Very soon, Savchenko first appeared on stage as a member of a pop dance group.

After graduating high school, the young man went to the capital of Ukraine and entered the choreographic department of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts. By the way, Vitalik graduated from the university with honors. It is noteworthy that it was at this time that the future choreographer met Yulia Samoilenko, who entered the same educational institution.

Carier start

The first significant event in Vitaly’s choreographic career took place in 2010. Having barely reached adulthood, future choreographer Vitaly Savchenko received a role in a 3D musical called "Baron Munchausen", which is still considered the largest dance project in Ukraine.

The performance received enormous success and recognition from thousands of spectators who lined up in long lines after each performance to receive the coveted autographs of the artists. Directed musical productions famous choreographer Konstantin Tomilchenko. For Savchenko, this performance became a real school, which contributed to the guy’s development as a high-class dancer.

Choreographic career

Just a year later, Vitaly Savchenko got to the casting fourth season famous Ukrainian show"Everybody dance". The guy made it into the top twenty dancers together with the famous dancer from St. Petersburg Yulia Kudinova, who later became his partner on this project. Having made it to the TOP 14 of the best Ukrainian dancers, the couple left the project due to a failed rumba.

Taking part in the project, Savchenko’s talent did not escape the attention of the popular Russian choreographer Tatyana Denisova, who invited the guy to take the place of an assistant in the staging of the “Everybody Dance” gala concerts. After finishing work on the project in Ukraine, Vitalik went with Denisova to Germany, where he was her assistant in choreographic productions.

In the same year, promising dancer Vitaly Savchenko appeared on the rating show “Ukraine’s Got Talent”. The guy came to the third season of this project as part of a dance group.

Going international

At the end of the Ukrainian dance project, an important stage in Vitaly’s life began - during this period, the choreographer began organizing his first master classes in numerous cities of Ukraine. Meanwhile, the guy also managed to improve his personal professional skills and take part in show ballets of Ukrainian and Russian stars. Another significant event this year for Savchenko was meeting Miguel. And in December 2012, Vitalik demonstrated his first master class in the Russian capital, thus reaching the international level.

Vitaly Savchenko in "Dancing" on TNT

In 2014, the TNT channel began organizing a new dance project. Professional choreographers and producers of the show have traveled not only all over Russia, but also near abroad in search of new talents. Among tens of thousands of applicants for participation in the show, the jury selected exclusively the best dancers. Among them was the brilliant dancer of Ukrainian origin Vitaly Savchenko. At first, the guy seemed uninteresting to the producers because of his extravagant appearance, but already with his first movements on the dance floor, the situation changed dramatically, and the young dancer won the trust of the jury.

Participation in this show brought Vitaly universal love, recognition and fame. From the very first days, the brilliant dancer won the hearts of the audience thanks to his charm, the highest professionalism and the ability to selflessly experiment.

Having joined Miguel’s team, Vitaly Savchenko from Ukraine showed the audience throughout the entire project highest level dance training and extraordinary charisma. As a result, the guy made it to the finals, taking second place. After filming of the show was completed, all the dancers, among whom, of course, was Vitaly, went on tour throughout Russia and neighboring countries.

In 2016, Vitaly Savchenko again appeared on the “Dancing” show, but now it was “Battle of the Seasons,” where the guy was able to once again demonstrate his skills and ability to experiment. The audience and choreographers remembered Savchenko for his unique manner of performance, unique style and incredible plasticity.

Personal life

Of course, Vitaly Savchenko’s personal life became interesting to viewers exactly at the moment the guy first appeared on the show. For some time, the dancer dated the winner of the first season of the “Dancing Without Rules” project, Maria Kozlova. The girl also participated in the “Dancing” project, but did not even reach the semi-finals. True, the relationship was short-lived, and the couple soon broke up.

Now, unfortunately, love relationship in the guy's life have faded into the background for him. After all, after “Dancing” on TNT, a busy stage began in the dancer’s life: constant performances, tours, master classes and choreographic performances.

Vitaly Savchenko today

Now the guy devotes his time entirely to building a successful career. An already accomplished choreographer, he choreographs for pop stars, takes part in the filming of music videos and commercials, and organizes tours. Among other things, Vitalik does not stop working on master classes, attracting an increasing number of celebrities, and also participates in charity events. By the way, Savchenko dances exclusively solo, avoiding creating a dance group.

In May 2017, Vitalik acted as a jury at the interregional Barnaul dance festival called “Sunny Ball”. In addition, Savchenko told the press about his upcoming plans to participate in the new season of the “Dancing” project, which will begin this year. True, this time the guy will take the place of a choreographer.